Newspaper Page Text
Pally jlfnnrbfc lonrhot augv®t^' MONDAY MORNING, July 4, 18TP ^Iepmblican nominations. rOB GOVERNOR, Sidney Perham, OK PAIIIH. FOR REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS, 1st District—JOHN LA NCII. 2d District—WILLIAM I 3d District—JAM Lb G. J|kAINk. 4th District—JOHN A. 1 LTLRb. F«r Senator*, „ , . . THOMAS P CLEAVES, Oxford, oris nAVrOIlO, Jr For fflierilT, Oxford. - • ' LORENZO I). STACY. For County Attorney. Oxford. - • • ENOCH FOSTER. ,JB. For Connty Comnlniour, Oxford, • - • ALBION P. GORDON. For County Treasurer, Oxford, • - - FREDERIC E. SHAW. Republican County Convention. The Republican voter? of Kennebec county are requested te send delegates to n Convention to be held at Srutte Hall. A«i»U, Hediesdxj, Augual 10«h, at 11 o’clock A. M , Tor the purpose of nominating three candidates for .Senators, one Count) Commis sioner. Coun.y Attorney, County Treasurer, sheriff and to transact all other business that may proper ly come before the Convention. The basis of representation will be as follows . Each citv. town and plantation w ill he entitled to one delegate and an additional delegate for every seveoty-nve votes east for JO'luia L. Chamberlain at the Gubernatorial election of Its*. A fraction of forty votes will tie entitled to an additional dele ■%, cities, towns and plantations are entitled to tne following number of delegates: Albion, » PdWoB. J Augusta, 1* Headdcld, * Belgrade. ♦ »"™«. f Benton, * , J Chelsea, S Jassalboro’, Clinton, A J, *?"*’■„ in China, •' Waterville, 10 Farmingdale, 3 '>np' Fayette, 3 West Gardiner, 4 Gardiner, 10 Windsor, 3 Halhiwell, 8 W nslow, 4 Litchfield, s Winthrop, « Manche-ter, * CUntonGore 1 Monmouth, » Cnity Plantation, 1 Mt. Vernon, 4 Total 132. WM H. LIBRT. Augusta, 1 L. T. BiMiTHilV. W aterville. Itepnbhran J. L. srnnnuili. Gardiner, ,■ County JOSEPH T.WonfiWARO. Sidney I Committer. CUAKi.r.H Jewett, Clinton J May *7,1070. THE DEMOCRATIC PRESS OX THE DEMOCRATIC C0XVEXT10X. The editor of the Belfast Republican, who was a delegate, calls “the position in which the Democratic party of Maine finds itself at this time, with no nominee for Governor, and the convention adjourned to a future day,”—“anomalous." He confesses that he is “not able to pluck the heart out of the mystery." The editor of the Bangor Democrat, who was also a delegate, and one of the most efficient managers of the part'' presses himself as follow" - “The «; ludiciot‘°h appointed the tellers to make •Runt ed' tin- vote entirely lrom the friends of the adjournment with a single excep tion." Whiyfr is a suggestion that somebody was cheated. He continues : “This action of the Convention was hu initiating, indeed. It is not for us at present to speak of the prime motives of these men who inaugurated the move- j rnent, and who took advantage of the thin . representation from remote counties to ef-; feet a purpose which was attempted last' year in the State Convention in Xorembe ga Hall, but which w as so summaiily and overwhelmingly defeated. But good, great good, may yet grow out ot this action. The Convention in Norombega Hall, on the 16th of August, will be fully attended The delcirutcs will eive forth no uncertain sound in their selection ot a candidate and in their resolutions. They will stand by their organization. They will not grovel in the dust before Govern or Chamberlain, or any other Republican.” The Portland Argus, w ith a w ry face, acquiesces in the adjoui ninent, after ac knowledgeing the “infelicity” which oc curred, and deprecating the “heat of earn est w'ords." It is willing to forget the mortifying scenes, and hopes for better things. The Maine Democrat, published atSaco, is apparently disconcerted at the “lame and impotent conclusion” of the conven tion when it says: "By reference to official report of pro ceedings in another column it will be seen that the Democratic State Convention as sembled on Tuesday, not to nominate a candidate for Governor, but to adjourn to meet at Bangor, on Tuesday, August 16, with an exparte programme, and in the “spirit" of the call ol the State Committee as construed by persons in favor of tha adjournment. The programme was sus tained by the convention, as announced by considerable majority. We consider the vote no indication of the convention as to a candidate, or as to the supposed object of the resolution, as collateral ques tions, not the resolution, were discussed to so late an hour, that many felt that in anv event they should be unable to nom inate a candidate that day, and therefore voted to adjourn independent of any other consideration. This action may have been •’eminently wise,” but not being in the spirit of prophecy, we wait the develop ment of events. In the mean time let our friends take the “second thought” and try again.” The Boston Post strikes the key note of the adjournment scheme in the following sentences: “It is in view of the prudence neces sary in dealing with a strung, unscrupu lous, adroit adversary, that our triends in Maine have resolved to move with care, and to suffer no opportunity to achieve success to elude them, and we hope the same wariness will characterize our party movements in all sections. The first ob ject should be to gain the htltn, then a safe harbor can easily be attained and future voyages dirtcled for the benefit of all; iu a substantial craft, too, repaired with new timbers, leaks stopped, barnacles cleared off and all vermin expelled by thorough fumigation.’’ The italics, which are not the Post's, in dicate the grand object. As the Bangor Whig says, the Young Democracy may caroort and prance under the lash, but the old wheel horses will prove too heavy for them and refuse to budge the teuui ex cept along the beaten road. At Portland they were uot fairly in harness, many of the veteran stagers being out at pasture, but In August the whole herd will be cor rslcd, and pedigree will tell. Hon. Win. 1\ Frye, flic next member of Congress Frohl the Second District of Maine, is a native of Lewiston, and now about 38 years old. He graduated at Bow ijoin College in 1850, in the class of which Gen. O. O. Howard, Prof. C. C\ Everett of the Hartford Divinity School, and Prof. John S. Sewall of Brunswick, were mem bers. He adopted the profession of the law and stands at the head of the bar in his county. He was a member of the lower branch of the State Legislature in 1860, 1862 and 18<j7, Mayor of Lewiston in 1865 and 1866, and Attorney General of the State in 1868 and 1866. During all this time his professional business in the courts was constantly extending, and his reputa tion as as advocate increasing, while by common consent he was awarded the high honor of being one of the most eloquent and effective political speakers in the Suite, if not in New England. “Ftrhitmt repreieMli a printiplt."— Maine Standard of June 3d, 1S70. The Washington Star says : •‘Our information from Maine leads us to believe that the Republican party will make considerable gains in the September elections upon the standard Republican majority in the State. Hon- Sidney Perliam, the Republi can candidate for Governor, seems to be sup ported with great unanimity by the Republi can press of the State. Although but fitty-one years of age, lie lias been in public life near ly twenty years. In 1855 he was Speaker of the lower branch of the State Legislature, and was also a member of the Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses, in all of which he acquitted himselt with credit. The Democratic Convention.—“Jo nah” against “Jonah,” each endeavoring to throw the other overboard from the old salt river craft. “Xo candid man will deny that tllr lilW Hgulnst the Mile of int»sle«t Inif liquor* n tin ent'oreed with fur Kreiiter efficiency and ef fect under the ron**»bulttry law than It ever w u* before or NllICC. The result was that the rum wing of the party became restless and turbulent. The law and It* enforcement w u* Interferins- w 1th the bu*l ues* of rudlcul rumveller*, und mult in ip difficult the jfrut ticutlon of the appetite* ot ratlleal runidrlnker*, and the con j sequence was that enough of them bolted the party nominations, or stayed away from the j poll*, to reduce the usual radical majority to such an extent as to alarm the political lead ers.'’— Maine Standard. POLITICAL. Susan B. Anthony wants to know why the Democratic leaders can’t at least make believe they arc going to put a woman suffrage . r ..... ,u. nepuN. in their platform, just »>* cans, if nothing —ore \ , (vnifin Snv'h, Representative in (V-grcss from the 2d Iowa district, was rc „.»,iiinatcd last Tuesday, by acclamation, by the Republicans of his district. The Republican Convention of the Eleventh Congressional district of Indiana, last Tues day nominated Hon. Jasper Packard for re election. J. H. Wilbur, who was suspended from duty as Indian agent at Yokimo, Washington Ter ritory, under the act authorizing the Presi dent to appoint officers of the army to per form the duties, of Indian agents, has been reinstated, and will relieve Lieut. J. M. Smith, U. S. A. The Republican administration of New Hampshire lias, within the last year, reduced the public debt of that State about $383,000. The Republican Congressional Convention for the Fifth District of Indiana, met in In diana, met in Indianapolis, 23d ult., and nom inated Hon. John Coburn for re-flection by acclamation. The Republicans of Iowa w ill hold a State convention at De* Moines on the 17th of Au gust to nominate three candidates for Supreme Court judges, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Register of the Land Office, At torney General, and reporter of the Supreme Court. GENERAL NEWS. Cholera, yellow fever and small-pox are raging in the tropics. A fire covering 2,000 acres of territory oe curreu on Long Island last Saturday, caused by a spatk from a passing locomotive. J. C, Stanton, superintendent of the Alaba ma and Chattanooga railroad, has engaged fifteen hundred Chinese laborers to work on that road. The Special Assessors appointed to take the income tax have been discharged. A number of permanent Assistant Assessors will also he dismissed, as Commissioner Del ano has ordered that the revenue districts throughout the country be reorganized and the force reduced. The Fenian trials have been postponed un til the 12th of July. Harris Raney, residing near Somerville, Tenn., poisoned himself and three children last Saturday by giving them bed-bug poison, thinking it was whiskey. The children are dead. It is proposed to inaugurate a Universal Exhibition in Philadelphia on July 4, 1876, the centennial anniversary of our Indepen dence. The bell of Independence Hall, that once rang “liberty to all the land and to the inhabitants thereof—except the slaves— ought to be able to strike a new note that day. One hundred and fifty volumes of British Rolls Office Reports are in New York on their way to the Wisconsin Historical Library Rooms. At the request of the Legislature. Mr. Motley, the American Minister, secured these valuable volumes for the Library. They are large folios, extremely valuable, and only given to Public Libraries. It is believed that these, with the 52 volumes already in the Wisconsin Library, complete the set. An ice house owned by the Knickerbocker Ice Company, near Fort Miller, N. Y., con wining 2<J00 tons of ice, was burned on Thurs day. Suits to the amount of over $600,000 have been begun against George Opdylte, Thomas F. Durant, Elliot C. Cowden, Charles P. Kirkland and Augustus Schell, the bondsmen of Joshua F. Bailey, the defaulting internal revenue collector. The expedition, composed of students and professors of Cornell University, under charge of Professor Charles F. Hartt, the object of whivh is to conduct geological and zoological explorations in the Valley of the Amazon and on the coast of Brazil, left New York last week in the steamer North America. The ob servations of this party will, it is confidently anticipated, be of great importance to science at large. Pensylvania College at Gettysburgh gradu ated 18 students on Thursday. The State Normal School at Trenton, N. J., graduated 38 pupils Thursday. Williams College graduated 31 students, and conferred a lot of ornamental titles on Massachusetts men. Cornell University. Ithaca N. Y., gradua ted 22 students on Thursday, and gave Gold win Smith the title of Doctor of Letters. Gen Stewart L. Woodford of New York has offer ed to Cornell University a gold medal of the value of 8100 to the best orator every year. Josiuli Foster, uncle of William Edward Foster, and Patriarch of the Quakers, died in England, Wednesday. The corner stone of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture was laid at Hanover last week. Prince Pierre Bonaparte is said to be in San Francisco on his way to the Tahati Islands. Two colored regimen's of cavalry are now serving in Texas, aggregating two thousand men. In the 2d North Carolina District the as sessment for May, 1870, shows an increase of 58 per cent, over the same month in 1809. The friends of Horace Greeley and James Gordon Bennett are seriously alarmed with reference to their continued illness. Penchant, -Vt., dedicates a 810,000 monu ment to her 42 dead soldiers to-day. The increase in the internal revenue re ceipts, for the fourteen months ending with April, 1870, over the preceding fourteen months, is more than fifty millions of dollars. It is estimated that one thousand emigrants per day are settling in Minnesota. Spiritualists report a rapid increase of be lievers in their doctrines throughout the State ol Indiana. Frank Thorne is to receive $100,000 for his leap from Suspi nsion Bridge at Niagera Falls on the 13th of August nest. Ilia heirs are re ceiving congratulations. General Nathaniel Lyon, who fell at Wil son's Creek, at the head of his little army, in the first year of the war for the Union, lies buried at Eastford, Conn., his native place, without a stone to mark hi* John Chinaman is the current topic ot th» newspaper world. 'r‘“ opinions are various aiirt •’ ••“Ospiation vast moere is much fmtli and fury, nut also a fair average of good sense. The Central and Western Pacific Railroad Companies have consolidated under the title of the Central Pacific. Nearly three thousand persons have arrived at Long Branch within the past few days. Europe just now seems to be full of brigands and travel there is more dangerous than in Georgia. There are two Masonic lodges in Salt Lake City, both under the exclusive control of the “Gentiles.” In demolishing an old Episcopal church in Newtown, Ct., last week, a petrified cat was found under the floor near the pulpit. The teeth, claws, ears, legs, tail and in fact the whole animal, are perfect. The eat has prob ably been dead a hundred years. Michigan about a year ago established an Immigration Bureau and appointed agents in Germany. Already the good results of this policy are shown in the large number of in dustrious and frugal Germans who are making the State their home. y Indictments were found, the 24th ult., at Canandagua, against Gen. Starr, of Louis ville, Ky., Col. Thompson of Albany, and Capt. Mannix of Malone, N. Y., for partici pation in the Fenian raid. The trial which was to have begun at Canandagua, has been postponed until the 12th Inst., at the earnest solicitation of the counsel for the defendents. The last of the State street “irregularity” cases, in Boston, arising out of the financial operations of Mellau Ward & Co., of that city, was terminated, Wednesday, by the sentence of E. Porter Dyer, Jr., the cashier of the Newtonville Bank, to pay a fine of $30,000, and be imprisoned for six months. E. M. Holbrook Ex-Member of Congress, was assassinated at Idaho City, June 18. Some time ngo a memorial was presented to the United States Senate, asking that the good offices of the government might be ex t rcised to procure the release of Madnme Jaraeho, a second niece of General Pulaski, and her husband, who were banished to Sibe ria for participating in the Polish movement of 1860. The request was communicated to our minister at St. Petersburg, who, in reply, has informed the State Department that it has lieen granted on the condition that they leave for the United States. Uomrstic Netos. J. H. Gould of Bangor, son of Rev. J. B. Gould, U. S. Consul at Birmingham, Eng land, received the first prize in elocution at I Brown University on Saturday last. The ; Whig says Mr. Gould has been remarkably successful in winning prizes, having taken I more than any other man who has been at the University for many years. The Whig says four French Canadian boys sawed at l'almer & Johnson's mill last Wed I nesday, from five o’clock in the morning to J seven in the evening, the immense number of 75,500 laths. They challenge any four men on the Penobscot, or eight on the Ken j nebec to beat it. The Macliias Republican learns that it is contemplated to commence work on the Cus tom House in Macliias soon. Mr. J. Lowell Nash has been appointed by the Secretary of Treasury, Superintendent of the work. The Age says the infantry company lately raised in Belfast, was mustered in by Col. Varney, and the organization completed last week. They will receive their arms and ac coutrements immediately. Rev. Mr. Allen, of the Harpoot Mission, in Turkey, preached at the Congregational Church in Kocklaad, yesterday. Tie tilorlous f ourth. To-day is the anniversary of American in dependence. In this city tiiere will he no public observ ance of the day, other than a horse-trot. In Hallowcll the only thing on the pro gramme is a Strawberry Festival under the direction of the Cornet Band, in honor and aid of their new and handsome uniform. Neither does Gardiner have any celebration to-day, which prompts the Home Journal to remark that “the American Eagle might as well be a turkey buzzard for for all the honor done him in this section.” Skowliegan has the biggest observance of the day of any town in the State. The spec ial train from thii city leaves at half-past six o'clock, and starts on its return at ha'.f-past seven this evening. The people of Farmington will celebrate the day in an appropriate manner, the lodge of Good Templars in the village having made arrangements with their brethren of Wilton, Weld, East Dixfield, Jay, New Sharon. Starks, Livermore Falls, and all the lodges in that section, to be present on the occasion. Hon. Sidney Perham and lion. Wnt. 1’. Frye will address the people. At Phillips there will be some demonstration. Hon. A. 11. Abbott of Farmington is the ora tor of the day. New Vineyard will celebrate. Rev. A. C. Hayden will deliver the address. Wiscasset will celebrate quite extensively. Princeton is put down for a good time. Portland has apppropriated $2u0 for a sail ing regetta, to take place in the harbor. The citizens of Jefferson will celenrate. Gen. .1. A. Hull is the orator of the day. There will be a celebration at China v illagc. Addresses will be given by good speakers te siding in the vicinity. The East Wilton Dramatic Club will be the means of affording that town with a good cele bration. There will be an appropriate observance of the day at the National Military Asylum near this city. Lewiston will celebrate on quite an exten sive scale. Oxford Count) Convention. At the Oxford County Republican Conven tion, held last week, Mr. Isaac Cushman of Sumner, called the Convention to order and nominated Gen. Kimball of l’aris, Chairman, and .1. S. Wright, Secretary. Hon. ‘ * ' • c , , ..nmnated tor : Cleaves of Brownfield, *»' , „ „ , , „,ion, on motion ot E. the Senate bv aeei c p...ingtoo' a**,of Fryeburg. Otis Hay* wooJ, Jr., of Canton, was also nominated by a vote of C9 to 29 for James Irish of Hart forn. Albion I*. Gordon of Fryeburg, was nominated by a vote of 62, without opposi tion. L. 1). Stacy of Porter was nominated Sheriff, by a vote of 68 to 13 for S. T. Beale of Oxford, and 15 for H. A. Jewett of Water ford. F. E. Shaw of Paris, was nominated for Treasurer hy a vote of 85 to 10 for Free land Howe of Norway, and obe for Horatio i Austin. Enoch Foster, Jr., of Bethel was nominated County Attorney by acclamation. • ! on motion of J. T. Kimball of Bethel. The [ following County Committee was raised : G. j A. Wilson, Paris; N. B. Hubbard, Hiram; I Waldo Pettengill, Rumford; Jas. Irish, Wa ! terford ; Wm, Dodge, Welchville. _ The steamer Enterprise is to be taken off the route between Biddeiord and Boston, and is to run from Portland this season. The Union and Journal says the Stonington. from Connecticut, is to make two trips pe* week between Biddeford and Saco and Boston. She is a light draught steamer, of 172 feet keel, and finely adapted and fitted up for passen gers, as well as freight. She is expected in a few days. Parties are also negotiating for the purchase of the steamer Union, belonging in this Suite. She is a vessel of about HO feet keel. It is intended, if the Lnion is pur chased, to make daily trips to the Ferry and mouth of the river, and Sunday trips to the Fool. The Waterville Mail says two handsome wooden blocks of stores three stories high, have recently been built at West Waterville, one by Mr. C. F. Stevens, in which is the Fust Office, and one by Mr. E. E Crowell, probably the handsomest and best wooden building in that village. Mr. Guy T. Hubbard is build ing a nice house not far from his present resi dence. The Mail says the annual commencement of the Waterville Classical Institute, which m occurs on the 12th inst., promises to be a lit erary festival of marked interest. The grad uating class embraces talent and genius of high order, and its exercises cannot fail to give great interest. I’ortland Hand will fur nish the music, closing with a concert. The Sentinal says the Catholic society of Eastpurt have decided to erect a new church edillce on the site now occupied by them.— The idd church will be removed to the lot of Sirs. Short, adjoining, which lias been pur chased by the society. At the town meeting held in Faris, a short time since, a sum not exceeding $.1500 was raised and appropriated for the purchase of a pool farm. It is quite certain that the com mittee will conclude the purchase of the Woodbury farm. The Law term of the Supreme Judicial Court tor the Western district, composed of the Counties of York, Cumberland, Oxford. Franklin and Androscoggin, will commence at Portland, July 19. Hon. J. A. Buck of Orland has just import ed three sheep from Malaga, Spain, and pro poses not to shear them until the 4th of July. Those interested in sheep raising would do well to call and see them. The (Irani Division Sons of Temperance of Maine will hold its semi-annual Session in Bangor, with Bangor Division No. 14, on Wednesday, July 27th. Kev. Benson M. Frink formerly of the Central Church in Portland, was installed as j Pastor of the First Congregational Church in 1 Saco on Thursday last. The Fall Term of the Eastern State Nor mal School will commence August 24th in stead of August 17th, as stated in the Cata logue. D. Knowlton & Co., of Camden, have a contract to build scverul cars for the Belfast j Railroad. * J. 11. Gilbreth. Esq., of Kendall's Mills, has just sold a beautiful trotting stallion, coming two years old, sired by Gilbreth Knox and known as the “Geo. Furber colt,” to O. M. Shaw, E«q.. of Bangor, the former owner of the fast trotting stallion Gen. McClellan. Also to Waldo T. Pierce & Co., of Bangor, another of the Gilbreth Knox family called "Silver eye.” coming two years old, both black, and srfid to be very valuable and fast trotting colts. Two thousand dollars was offered by Mr. Pierce for "Knwt-them-all.” lie is a splen did black stallion coming three years old, and j of the Gilbreth Knox family. A similar offer was made by a Boston gentleman a few weeks ago. He is claimed to be quite a wonder amongst trotting colts. We copy the above from the Maine Farmer. Since the sales mentioned. Mr. Gilbreth has sold the promising young stallion, sired by his “Knox,” called “Lively Times,” to G .1 Shaw, of Burnham, of the firm of Chas. Shaw & Son, tanners, will known to be owners of valuable stock. From the sales this Spring1 from Mr. Gilbrcth’s stables, and those of farm ers in this vicinity, it will be noticed that Gilbreth Knox stock stands at the head, amongst first class horsemen. It will be re membered that this horse was awarded the two highest premiums of the New England Fair, 1809, being for the “fastest stallion,” and “the best stallion with progeny.” In one race last Fall he trotted three heats fa.<^r than 2.30. when only seven years old. and never fitted for fast trotting. 11 is best record of half mile, in a race last Fall, was 1.10J, and quarter mile at the rate of 2.18. It is said that his “May day” exhibition at Kendall's Mills, brought out some very valu able colts, threatening in due time, “they say,” to eclipse even their famous sire and grand sire, the two best horses in New England. So says the Waterville Mail. “Knox-them-all," at the Park in this city, is a most beautiful animal. The owner has said that he would not take $5000 for him. The Bangor Whig says Messrs. Going Hathorn & Son are making preparations to commence the erection of a steam mill fur the manufacture of orange and lemon boxes at C'armel, where their mill was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, June 19th. They have a large stock of lumber on hand, which they will proceed at once to work up as soon as the establishment can be put in running order. Messrs. T. E. Rogers & Co., of Dex ter. are building them a box-machine, which will weigh when completed about three tons. S. F. Davenport, , . rule or the celebrated Agent for SINGER si;wi\<; MtniiMis -ALSO AGENT FOR THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Kallowell, Maine. Place of budne.-* has been removed to nearly opposite Western Uni*n Telegraph office. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ttf-june7 J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AM) SUKGtON. AI’WI STA, ME. Residence on Green street, opposite the Metho dist Church tt««f Wltat Shall We Eat ? VLL regular physicians will tell you that Bee and Pork is uoi so healthy to eat in spring and summer as good Fresh Fish. The same can be ob tained at (TSIIIXG A HOLMES’ MARKET, Near K. It. Bridge, Wuler SI., Where al. orders will be promptly attended to for FISH of all kind* in their season. CUSHING A HOLMES, tnmylB-tf Water street, Augusta. Music in Glasses. f|MIE subscriber would inform his friends ami the 1 public of Augusta ami vicinity, that he pro pose* to teach Piano; also singing in classes. Classes on Piano to consist ol six pupils each. This system has many advantages, and the expense is less’than private lessons. Private lessons given if preferred. Would also invite the atteution of the public to the If. F. MILLER PIWOS ! For sale at hi* Music Room, North's Block, OPPOSITE CONY HOUSE. The use of these Pianos in many public institu tions and schools has gained for them an enviable reputation, and throughout the country they arc becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured. Classes arranged on application at Music Room or Residence, »7 Winthrop street. M. C\ MILLLKEN, Teacher of Music. apr2ttt2m House For Sale. ni NY one wishing to purchase a j\ new First-Clas* DWELLING HOUSE, located on one of the prin cipal streets in the city, can hear of one by calling at tbi* office, fmayi vii_ __ Cough Candy I ItrEXDEXBCBIi'R COU«II rAXIIV cure. >\ COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH ami all Throat troubles. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Fancy Goods, cfoo., »oid by lanl-lyt W. WENDENBUKO. CLAPP & NORTH, Successors to Edward Fenno, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, 155 Water Street, AucustAi Mo., HAVE Just received Urge addition, to tlieir a. HortmtMit of Mtscellaneoaft, Blank and School Book*, BIBLES, Testaments and rraytr Books ! belter, Note, and bill Paper, ENVELOPES, of all Sines and Styles INITIAL STATIONERY, BLANK FORMS of all Kinds, Slates and Sponges, PENCILS, PENS, AND PENHOLDERS ! INK AMI MUCILAGE, WAX, tor Wax Flowers I Also a tine assortment of FANCY GOODS, REVENUE STAMPS of all tiles. *19apr-eodA17tf Crockery, China & Glass. PMCE8 REDUCED I The price, of Crockery, China and Glass Ware at No. ISO Water Street, Are marked down to meet the fall in Gold muy2-tU J. D> FUiKCiC A SON. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! WE Have Jl’ST RECEIVED, AND ARE NOW OPENING, One of the Largest and Best Assorted STOCKS of DRY GOODS! Ever Opened in Augusta. Splendid assortment of BLACK SILKS, of the best manufacture. PLAIN, PLAID & STRIPE SILKS IN* GREAT VARIETY. IRISH AND LYONS POPLINS In all Shades. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Organdie Muslins, Iron Bareges, Grenadines, Lenos, Pongees, Mohairs, Alpacas, French and American ( ambries, and an endless variety of common DRESS GOODS. White Goods, Woollens, Shawls, Toilet Quilts, COTTON GOODS, &c. ""1T ~ OUR USUAL FULL LINE OF I’arftsois, Sun Imbrellas, Fans, Hosiery, Glgves, FANCY ARTICLES, SMALL WARES, &c., All of w hich were bought for CASH, and will be sold at the lowest market rates. Fowler, Hamlen & Smith. ttf-June23 ___ MANSION' HO USE, 1 STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME. r I Ml IS House It provided will Bath Booms, X where 11 t and Cold Baths can he had at all time*. It ha* also a First-Class Billiard Hall, for (iuests only. Connected with the House is a largo mid commodious Sample lloom, on Water Street centrally located, where Sample Agents can show their g«MHls. free of charge. The Proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage which the above House has enjoyed since ita open ing. take*, pleasure in Informing his j»atrons that he will run Free Carriage* to and from the Cars and Boat* until further notice _ Connected with the above House is a Livery 8ta c- bl**, where good teams ran be had at reasonable rats. W. M. Til AY FIR, Proprietor. O. P. CocBaagi. Clerk. BOS W O B T b: HAVING REMOVED TO (2 Doors south of Bridge street,) which has been expressly fitted up for his business, where w ill be found a VERY LARGE STOCK of SPRING WOOLLENS! Of the Latest Fashions, ! WHICH WVJL BE CUT AND MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE Very Ijatest Style.. ALSO, WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF Heady Made Clothing, -AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. It. T. BOS WORTH. Augusta, Mar. 7th, 1870. t7mar-tf rCONY HOUSE, IVVfTlilK STHKKT, AUGUSTA, MAINE. riims new Hotel affoid* accommodations that n< 1 other one does in the city to the travelling com munity. being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS, amt very near the Depot. The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. TURNER, late of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! G. A. A H. COSY, r/oprictori. *14Jan&w4-lf_ _ Choirs have long been awaiting its issue. The lew Anthem Book, THE SABBATH GUEST, By L. O. Emerson, and J. II. Morey. An otitirelv new collection of Anthems, Opening and Closing Pieces, Sentences, Choruses. &c. NOW Price $1 60. #15 00 per dozen. A sample copy sent post-paid to any address ou receipt ol price. OLIVeo A Pft C. H. DITSON A CO., 711 Broadway. Sow York. Pnre Medicines and Chemicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE T0II.ET AM PASCT ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods Pure Spurn, Lird, Etrowit and >•itafoot Oik. Cliarks K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE IIAI L.) Has on hand a Lartre Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, ADD BALL! AT The Lowest Market Rates ! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. Pirtridrt'i Prir Ku’rf, Witer Str,et. e,n*r lultt Sqair tij»n7my . Arctic Refrigerators! SANFORD’S PATENT. Call and See Them. tt. m. JO.VM. May 16,1670. 1lw New Goods! New Goods! Wc are now opening our stock of SUMMER Dress Goods Comprising all the NOVELTIES of the SEASON! We call special attention to our stock of BLACK SILKS! For Ladies’ Suits and Out side Garments. Also to our JAPANESE SII.KS. In Plain, Plaids, and Stripes. N. B.—Always on hand, Androscoggin Remnants OF BROWN COTTONS. Barton & Bussell. June 13, 1870. rtf WANTED. A Live, Energetic Man ! To take a (irneral Agency for the Empire Mutual Lire Insurance Co., For Kennebec County and vicinity. Address, THOMAS A HARRINGTON, 1*2 Gaboon Block, t3weod-Junr23» _Portland. Me. ARNO, HODGKINS & CO., MANUKACTrHKRS OK Organs & Melodeons, t)ne clour north Cook’s DKi’o Stoke, (up stairs, Water St., Gardiner, Me. fpiIEIK eases are made of solid Black Walnut 1 throughout; their keys are made ol'the finest giades of Ivory, with ivory fronts; they use tho Munroe Patent Reed, which for evenness and purity of tone, Cannot be Nurpaaacd. Their instruments contain all other improvement* essential to First Class For full particulars call or address AR.TO, HODGKin * CO., UARDINEK. ME. 5 Oot. Portable Melodeons, (new) *60.00 S Oot. Single Reed Orgsn*, 75.00 5 Oot. Double " “ 4 etope, 1*5.00 t21apr-3mos STOVES ANI) FURNACES At WILLIAMSON A GSEENWOOD’S.