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-Bail! $tnnrfrrr journal. THE SOUL DIROE. Then said Jean-. w ill • ■ also go away’-John 6: (57. The organ played sweet music White on an Easter day. All healths s fW*m the altar The heedless went awi > ; And down the broad aish owdiug, They seemed a funeral train, That were hurrying their spirits To the music ot that strain. A? I listened t > that organ And saw them crow d along, I thought I heard two voices .Speaking strangely, tint not strong. Andohe. it whispered sadly •■Will ye also go away But the other stwike nwnft't'Otr Hal the soul dirge, hear it play. Hear the son! dirge ! li ar the soul dirge It was dread to hear it play. While the tarnishing went crowding Kfom the l<read of life away. They were bidden, they were hidden To their ¥ itiler’- festal board, Bui they all with gleeful faces “Turned their barks upon the Lord. You had thought the Church a prison IUd you seen bow they did pour With giddy, giddy fees From the con -“'rated door. There was angel'* food all ready, But the bidden where were they ? O’er the highway and the hedges. Ere the soul dirge censed to play. Oh. the softl dirge, how it Echoed The emptied able? along As the open street grew crowded With the full outc.oming throng. And then again the voices— “Ha! the soul dirge, l*enr il play !”. And the p«n«ifa, fHUifcivv whisper “Will ye al-,o go away?’ Few, few were they that lingered To sup w Ui Josua there. And yet. for all *vh » ?pur«. d him, There was plenty and to spare. And now the food of angels Wmb uncovered tD my -ifrtit. Ah! glorious w;i- !he altar And the chalice glittered bright. Then came the hymn Trisagion Ami rapt me up on- lugh Mlth gels and archangel*, To 1 ind ami magnify— I seemed to feast in H a van And downward wafted then, Wiln angels chanting round me Good will and peace ! > men. I may not tell llie rapture Of a b iujiuct so divine; Ho! ever; one t!iat thirtieth Lot them t iste t ».* bread and wine. II *ar .the bride and spirit saying - “Will ye also go away ?” Or go poor soul forever? * 0,1! the soul dii-jte, it |.lay! AllTIini Cl.EVKI.AND CoX. WEED FAMILY Favorite Sewing Machines! Warranted to #1«> all kinds id work th t can In done practically ou an other mo- bine in the world. Na Extra BLOWING “ ruIT tl,eiln up ! TK£Ia arrj i ATI N IS ESTABLISHED ! Alley work easier and ! br than any other machine. MAKE GI T LITTLE XOISE ! Don’t fail tail to m • them hi fiflfe purchasing. ,;o o> iia8 Tin: I. Everybody Iuiowh iIoiiom. _ tJu-juoe‘2j New Finn I WILLIAflSOX & GBEtXWOOD, {to \f. (!. Jtrool x,) DHAI-Ktts IV STOVES! Furnasos nd Hardware, At; i:\ivs Ft hi ** Rirltmoiul’s Celebrated Portable Ran^o!” RK’HMOMVS II IVEINU DOME COAX. 0E'XTXT.I>j-A.C33 ! AUo, oil tue iu "-l approved Moved in the market. JOBBIXG PROMPT/. V A TTl'XDBn TO. Kerosene Lamps and 1.interns repaired. O. WIf.LlAMSON, (HAS. (iHF.KWVOt>l> Late Wyman A William n. I.;.'<•«>! Farmington Mapr-Im (jreeut SJar«jalns nt ::x' WELLS’ % mmvzs rooms, i Water Of net, Augusta, Mo. A LARGE A "OKT'MKv f nf NEW AND .SEC-I os|) H \\|) Fur nitur©, Widen u ni be i \ • v lu tv rate/* lor cash. We ai-1*1 'ej* the heet stoek 01 Wahl tit Cn’iffs anti Collins, And COMMON « OFF’V- <<f ;,;i kind- and tin* be-t trnuiji iu- vrtii^V v. to order,and have la! tj audt l an as.- a um u: <>t HOE SB OF ALL KINDS, All af vrlboti wtH |>c »old a.- low a it any establish* ineut In tin* Mate. C. K. & II. V. WKT.l.S titr 0. a A. A. NtUHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. \LL work In their line >' «* pr-and in a Rood, vvorkui iiil'Ue - 'hi or job. Paiti'alar am ution j• • i*! !•» c ‘ * «*t’ /-late roolV, c«n urmia* w*Uni-, ri llur . A Order-Teft at \ p i.ouldV M.*’ve Spire, fh>t door above Railroad tin Ip <«; »'m»hv :<t;,-nd»*'l to. ]IW\'U\ o. \1( ll'H.s, ALItL r V. Nl( liOLS. A turn-in. .Tun \ i ALL KIXDA ifr .KIBBINU AND ^paii-ing Vd*on<> at laprk-lm Williamson & Greenwood’,. S. W. HUHTIH9T0N & CO., WbalcHuU) Dealers In GENTS’ mm GOODS! 100 Hater rireet, H4 Devonshire St., BOSTON, MASS. ft. R. ffnnftii2t«»j, N. L. Punt Inert on, Beni. Ifuitlinxtou, < ha*. H. Nason, hktfeb-lv Plated Spo ,na and Forks! FOR s.\LK IIV V>mr4i MAI.L A III! At 1’IUWk HARDWARE! ♦V^SO^lAilbON i GUEEXWOOD’S Bi. T. HKIi^BOI-D’S THE GREAT DIURETIC. The Proprietor trat.? that hi? ISeinctlle?.from the Met or til. it I,cm* a Ivvittoctl, nik> uol becImmm! <M ’ IVttwilt Mrilit ini c. IIki.mhomi’.' Ft.riti KXTttAcr Brcttr iF a Preparation. The proper name i> ttiven. ami It in the moni active which can be a, i.le: il i.- ns n < tirel.y all me.In al w m k>. •. r Ml h ilineant-s a- hi the 1'iopne iec. Il in pleanlinl in it- tunic ami dor. tree U»in all injnrioic propertier. ami in taken iw A.liiltnami rhiMivn. Il i* Tonic, I liurctic, IMoml runlymg mmI Invigorating. Kiifeoble*! ami tlolicaU' <on-titu j ,.i:- ,»f iioth sexes Will tfinl it far more strengtn t-jiing than »nv of the preparations of hark or non. e \K a.- -I Propel lie.- contained in I »Npt i»i?aloi> ,,f t!m- T'nlted State-, of which the following is a correct copy. IH'f'Hr —Tt« of]or is -trong diffusive. aiUl ome what :u -matte, it- t a.-te is bitterish, ami analogous to that of mint tt i- given oh icily in nl W.e l finely Organ.-. oiah hinv.;.. < hi'1*"'4* 4 J* I m il of the Bltuhl- ', mm-tml irritAtem <-i the ttl uh .Icr ami 1' ref lira. di-ra-t- of Hie l'fo-t »«• (.1 tnl. ami lletention or the tin■.mtinem *• of l ' in.- t- -m a ) in?. ,,f tone in tie’ pn- MOoiie* a * '• m • - * \ o n tl :• m. , It ha- ..No been rt.nim-^g-l « 1 !> i < hro»ie Kheumatisic < utau^iV MToctn-is ami j l»uop->. IJ, - TESTXMOM1. Clue of Cr.w ee 9F Five Years’ Standing— STONE] ASSED AN1> TO UK SEEN. s wannaii, T^iui ; May 14,18E0. ! Dl\ II T. llEEMROLD, j I'1 \i:Sm: We! introduced your "t biid Lxtraet i r.iwl]’ii”ln tiii? country about right mouth*.-.go. and iiar.ev to state that it i» inerting with universal t v.u- \Ve wi.-h to inform you ol on.* m-lame 'mnoiig mam where your **Huchn ha? ''*>rked a.'iiil. A’ in "ill* eoiintw named .1 It r.s ' f !| h id been mitiering about, live year* With grav . | \ooiit -i\ week- ago he bought ol ns one bot ' lie oj* rour * tirtthii/* and before he was through . with om- hottle he |.a-*cd a gravel that weigh* right grain*, which we now have on exhibition in om d' ug *toiv. il<* *ay* hr never will he w ithout tin1 ‘•Unclin’’ in hi* home nguiu. X our preparation? are gaining f.ivm- every day Very respect.'illy, ) yours A.c., KCCLKS & ftlNKI.k, Druggist*. _ j CLTtE OF BLADDER AND KlDifF.T AFFECTION OF WIND Hi ADDING— STONE T ASKED AND TO J1E SEEN. AVr.?ri’OUT, Conn, Sept. 5, 1818). i H. T. llEEMEfiED, Ks«|. MEUtSit;: I ommcnced taking xt>itr ‘ Kxtrnet of Hiiehu" ahoui two week* iu‘*e tor anaffection ol tile M idder and k'dm \ -. I have -iiflored !»y spell* very much f.ira few <1 .\ p i*t. Bid y»• terday re luT'cnme through the vilV-t of \ >ur “Uin hu.” \ • tone p‘i?ued mv bladder about the *i/e of a hr rtf e :>-,i and I now feel >«*rfeetly well and entirely five from tie- pain that I have Mifl'ered with “so hard." I .'ifiidiiiti1 my rui " tn your medicine entirely, and would recommend all person* similarly affected to hv it I have great faith in it? urat've power?. 1 Your? triilv, THOMAS J. BKNNKTT. lM KI.IIS TO | U< V. WILLIAM < ni .sWKLL, Westport, Conn. T Ul.i'WMA. I)ruggi*t, Westport. C -*4 ' H. It. WIIKKLK1L e*.| . We.*ti> * g Conn t; UltAhLKYlHU.e.M \Ve>D;-'G Conn. * Dr W U ^ *,un' ,, u. >>i >>ON, Wholesale Druggist New J | ,-oik City. ’ And many others if in estuary. i • (T in; ok Kii)\n wi> L: vfu Affection' ok j J'ATIl s i ■'I. V EN I \ -KKIIIT TEAKS OF AGE. THANKS TO MIL JILLMliOLD. < •:k vi; D. I’a., March 31. isr.u. Ki>:iok< osmopeite: i desire, a-an unsolicited j trimitc t*» tin- :•» rif *« <1 H. ImhoM’- Hinhii. and lor the benefit of (fume siiuilarijr Hillicted as myscjf, to •,;y Hi,.i i.iii'iTun-nltiug many eminent phy.-irian.-, I ai> 1 li ving marly aM die be-1 adv ei ti>ed remedies, : in the *v-a in hope of finding relief from aggrivated kidney m l lil.oMer diseases, from which i have • uQ ue I i-\•<•--! .-i\ lor many year,-, good fortune linally -tigg.led l<» me Helmbold’.- Ihiehu. wlheh 1 ommeiced u-i: g with lit!If faith, and no apparent beiiefi. ; d it - u It - foi ab nil a month. At the ex pi v at ion of that time, how e \ er. I t ln> tight I eofnmene.od 1 to cxperiem e -light rein f. vvlii. h encouraged »m* to per-fvere in i(- u-e. an I n *w, at the expiration ol tour months, although l am an infirm old man, i Ue uty T*4 years of age, ami i >u equeutly medieino •utinof he*expected l • favorably afleet me as they i otherwise would. I have found Mich tin-peak.iId*• j relief and liennanent i»cm I t from Mr. Helmbold’s I valuiildf di-eovery, that I feel I ought to mibllcly recovd tin* fact :c an acknowledgement to him and : a valuable si!^gesfi»m to tin public. Your- i pcettullv, 1). M. LAUEN. Mr. Laron refoi to the following gentlemen. Col. DAN. KICK. Dirard. 1’a. I (Tl VS. sTOW, es<|., (drard, I*a., Editor Cosmo j polite. . EOI{t,K 11. ( 1'TLEIL (drard. l’a., Attorney. ! c I. HINDS, (drard. I* t Utorney. C inr D. \V. ill IT IHN.-dN, (Jiiard, l’a,, Attorney, j DA VTL) DM N. (drard, V’a., Merchant. ; DAN ID E. DAY. (drard, l’a., Merchant. | ( l KO( K\N El.!., (.drard, I’a.. Merchant, j li. C. ELY, (drard, I’a . Druggist. I _ , \ I’LltM.tM.: T ( I HK OK (i If VVEL OF TWELVE 11: vut; KtiNPiMr-oroSE Pas3LI> AN!) TO IiE .SKI N. . Ucknkipk, Conn., Dec. 1"», 18fif). j Pit. JJki.mboLU-—Pear bir1 It N with much ! 11lea.-lire that I write you upon facia respecting my -elf I do not know h.truly how to express my sell. 1 1 have been tor the last ten or twnlve veals the grejilc t sufferer man , ouM be nmi live; lutt morn • melime- than others. The complaint was the Kidn • ” and I’d.elder ” I have been sometimes from twelve to fourteen hours, and wanted tom ,ke W at- i every minute, hut could ml. Have consult* ■ d ;o tu. - I tli in .Mas^aelnectts and this Stale, , and taken pill,-. I may say. by the quart, also liq j uor» d medi.’im s, but found no reliel from any. and got w <>r-r the la t six months. I was so that I*could -• rin , |\ gelahoul. J < oulq tjot iv t night or day. It would soon hare been “all up’* with me if I had not -ion yum ,nh ei M-iym-nt ui “The Berkshire Courier*’hYad.-d •Kidnc. I iend it throng) and thought I would try .1 1 purchased a bottle, hut, mind you. had .iot‘m:n li i.dth in it. Why should I. u hen J had been trying mi many things and cor i me so iiiiii'Ii ? Well I b. v n t -king it, and before I had ' taken the lit i bottle 1 b it had ; 1 ml I finished It and got another. I»;. Mn I to.ik half of the second 1 till got worst ippareiiliy j. When I walked it -f'-'im d a,; u my light DulUey \v;u falling from iU , pl.iee. 'ini I felt reallv !• ,d 1 felt so. before J had ‘ iini bed the -second* Unit l h»d made up uiy injndlt was of no use try lug any more ml all this time the Tairhu” was if :ng it- work, but 1 did not know it. so I guve it up and wmt to Hartford on turdav to see one ot the he t do- tors in the city. , lie s.dd it W;is the neekof the bladder, and I should | hurt t<* ujuHirgo uii o[*eratn»u. lie gave me med* laiir. and 1 went home quite downhearted On -Sunday I wa- tirfTlTde to go to church I hail not t iKen any ofliis in Indue, hut on my return conliu in ;] u-ii g tin • Bttehtt,” mid In the allernoon I had , desire to make wider, hilt could not. About one h on all r this | tried again, with the same result; ! hut the next lime i Look tin- vessel it was tin* same as turning a lancet and stopping it off again. It w s to r.o three times, and the third time there was "iKtioi . * a me through the passage and stunk ag mi -i Mm ids? of the vessel. I iMUiiuiuod it, and it :!ngi.e-i .lone <o gravel you ever saw, cov • re«t • vet with little prices which colletcd together. It h>'.kft tin. color of a mini turtle, and i- as hard as a that Xi. you s the Bui hu" wa/» doing its work although I wa- b ■ ling so badly. 1 procured all ot ncr bottle thinking Mu or might be some more be hoid. hut'-Mwo* lb it h’t-t passed. which t* eight v • ei. ago i t >tpei;ty. I have been us well as ever I v> as in my Lie l imn- Me -Louie recallvly-Wfapped and tlio. c who toiva eu it in this place ate Mlr l" ih,‘d- • muoV telly op all, hut this i*M true «|oiy < t ins • . e. strut you ,.i o n, t"orne to make s lie It use • my name i s lliink proper. I am pretlv well known iu Berkshire; also in Connecticut. The ad '-• me Why iu»t publish more t • l he bpringfl ld lU puhli« an is a wide-spread paper. II miv on* wish* - to -ce this wonder, limy cau do I e.ailii w r.u* all day., hm think I leave said enough this time, o l remain vuurevcr well wither I PW A UP 1. IloW u;p, Paper M ket Burnside. Hartford Co., Conn, * lit Ft.US TO Pr. vi \f'K Burnside, CVmii. p‘ Wlilt:ITT, North Dec Mass. Pt. HOLKI M. North Lee, Mass. Pr. A PA Mb. Sfoskhi idge. Mass. . | Hr. St'dT'i'. Vvvth MnadibHer, (nun. Hr. .1 \(jl L> Buckland l.’ornors, Conn., Pr. BL UWOIII). Hartford, Gunn. *“ >» . ical* d me f<-r the diaettae. DU. in a physician of over SO years expend,. , and a graduate of lie- dell, r-omaii Mnheal ( oltegr. and of the I’uiversity of Medicine ami Surgery ot lMnl mlelphiu.' Mr. It. T. IIfi.mrold—T»i-:.vr Sin: In regard to the question asked me as to mv opinion about Hu* rhu, I would any I have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years. I do not think there i- any flrnn or preparation of it ! have not used, or known to be lifted, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would lie indicated. | Ion a,, aware, a- well-ns my-elf. that it has l>< »u extensively employed in the various d,-e.i-. - ot the bladder and kidney-, and the reputation il has ac quired, in my judgment, is warranted by the tarts, j I have seen and used, as before stated. < vi ryjonn of Itu.'hu—tli»‘ powdered leave-, tincture, fluid ex tracts—and I am not eongni/.ant of anv preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years , xperiem e ought, 1 think, to give me the right to judge of its merits : and. without prejudice or par- . tiality. I give your- precedence o\er ail other I value your Bwhu for its effects on patients. I have cured with it. and seen cured with it. more diseases of the bladder and kidnev than I have ever seen cured w ith any other Hiiehu or any other proprietary compound of whatever name. Respect fully ' ours, Jfce. CjiKO. II KEYMOR, M. I>. August 11, 18115. ltu Wood st.. Pittsburg, Penn. A CASE OF TWENTY YRAILS’ STAXMNO. Pim.Ai*ri.rnia. Penu dune-*"). 1SC7. II. T. IlKi.MHOLO, DruggPt- l»K\K 'in; I have been u sufferer lY*i upward* of twcnh year- "ill' gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which lime I have used virion* medicinal preparation-, nml lieen uudcr the lrts*duient ol the iimst eminent physician.-. experiencing but little relief. H iring -ecu your preparation* exteii.-ivdy ad vertised I eon-tilted my family physical! in regard lo using your Eqtraet Buchu. , I 11 i<l tins because 1 had used a'l klfijLs "t tid\er li-ed reined ie- and had found them w^M^n".• :*'"1 some quite injurious; in faet.J de-pans, pf ever gilting "ell. and determined to use no remedies hereafter unle-s l knew V ingredient-. It tliis that prompted me to i^'^our *t:medv. A - > «*u advertised that it \va * composed <f bin bu. oulub and juniper berries. it occurred to tin* alnl my phys ician as an excellent eoud»inatii*n; and with hi- ad vice, alter ;ui (,\ iniai.itiwii of the art; le and cmi .-iilting aganl-wltii die drnguist. I concluded to try it. I commeneod louse it about eight mouth* ago, at which time 1 va* ion Hue* l to my room. From tlic first bottle I was astonished at the ben elhial effect, and after using it three weeks wn> jddc to walkout. I felt much like writing to y..u a lull statement of my case at the time, hut thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer, and see it it would effect a perfect cure, knowing :lt t. it would l»c ol greater value to von and none sati factory t" me. 1 ain now able to report that a cure is effected, alter using the remedy for live months. I have not used any now for three months, and led as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any nip leasant ta<to and odor, n nice tonic and invigm ;.t <rof the system. I do not mean to ho without it whenever occasion mav veuuiro its use bn such affection-. M. McCOKMIC. Should any doubt Mr. M •Connie's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wm, lllOLKK. cx-(b vernor of Pennsylvania. Hon. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Philadelphia. llon.J.C. KNOX, Philadelphia. Hon. J. s. BLACK, Philadelphia. Hon. I) R POUTER, c.\-»invornor of Pennsylvania Hon. ELLIS LEMS, Philadelphia. . Hon. R. C. HIRER, Philadelphia. Hon. <i. AY. AYOOOAYARD Philadelphia. Hon. AV A i****41 KR, Philadelphia JOHN liiOLKI.d livUuvi iiior of California.* lion. E. BANKS. Washington, I>. C. And many other* if necessary. ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR" WOULD BE GIVEN FOR A BOTTLE IF NECESSARY. I Rahway, N. l. Dee.2,18fi9. II. T. Hi I Miu>r.i», EsQ.,—Dfak Si it: I take gnat ploiisuue in -ciuling you a certificate, in addition t<. the many you have received lioin -u fiering human ity. I '.iii scarcely find language sufiVicidiv strong to express my heartfeir gi ulili. aiion at the woudei till cure your •’Bucliii” has elici ted. U'*r lour > ear I have suffered bey n I description. All my friends (with uiy scil M'uiu t Cue conclusion that my ease was incurable A «i unt placed your advertise ment in my hand*. 1 eomineiiced takihgyour ‘Bu cliu ’’ I followed the direction*, and to my utter astonishment hefbre 1 had t. ken seven bottles ol your valuable medicine (I would give glob a bottle, il l could not get it at any other price; I am entirely cured. I most earnestly recommend it to ell those *utiering tVoin disease. I have told many persons to take your valuable medicine, and tlu-y are doing so with great success. Any information my fellow* citizens may require will be freely given by the subscriber ut his residence. No. 7" Mutou axe.’ New Jersey. II. M. Y REE MAN, Councilman Third Ward, city of Rahway. I Rahway, V.J . Dec. 2,180». We. the undersigned, are well acquainted with II. M Y lvcman of Rahway. and kno.v tl, i he has been a long time * tutoring, in the worst possible form, lor the past foiiryv.ii>. and that tie ha-Imvu entirely cured by til. use of IlclmboM’s Buchu." J. W. SAN V G E, ex-May or. KK.YXK I, A Jt.Yl*. riv-ljeut of Council WM. lilt HARDS. Clei k of Council. PETER A. BANTA, Councilman. W. J. BROWN, Councilman. J. S. S. Mi.LH K, Councilman. LEWIS Il« »FF. Councilman. J. B. STRIKER. Merchant. (’ity II w i. M.won’s Office, { Rahway. N J., De<*. A. |.m;si. \ This will certify that I am personally acquainted with II. M Freeman, and am cognizant of the tart an set forth in the ubove statement, aud the several person* whose signatures are thoreuiito attached are well known to me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Railway X J. \ V. $. Yl»f.. I\STITfTE, i Corner of Fitlh-ave. and <eventv-.-i.\th Pi., .* Central Park. ) ! (A HOME AND SCHOOL FOK THE SONS OK DECEASED SOLDIKUS.) 1 M{. II. T. IIelmkoi.d: Two bottles only of the package of your valuable Bu<dui presented to the i Institute have been used by the children, and w >th perfect stucesH. In the ease of our little l’eutennnt A. .1., Iiis pride is no longei mortdied. and In- i- five Ironi the d uly mowing anathemas of the » hamln r* maid M ho has ullage of his bedding. 1 feel that a Lmovlcdgc of the result of our use of your ilmiiu \\ itli the elilldren tinder our charge may save many a superintendent and matron of boarding-schools ; ami asylums a great amount of annoyance; and many a poor child, suffering more from wcakiies? than from habit, may be spaicd puni-hment that i (not knowing it as a weaklier- instead of a had habit) mo.-t nnjusrly inflicted upon them Thank i iug you on behalf o| the chiltlrei). and hoping others may he alike benefited. I am rcspccthillv yours, COL. lol'Nii, General mip’t mid*l>irector. June 1*», lHM. i — G UK at Sait Lvkk city, j l tali. .Ian 28, lsx. \ Mr II. T. Ils.i.MEOLi»—I>kau Silt: Your commu nication re<iuc-ting our term- for advertising was duly received, but IY**iii a prejudice I had formed against advertising * cures for -ecivt diseases.” n was left uuniiswi led. Inning an nccideplul con versation in a drug store the othei evening, my mind was changed on the character of vour Ihichu. It vv as then higlily n eonummh d ho- oilier disea-c by two physicians present. F.uclored please Hud oiir rates oi' advortisiiig. Vour-, Ac. T B II sTEMIOrsK. ' Editor and Proprietor' oi'1 >aiiy and Semi-Weekly Telegraph. HELMBOLTVS EXTRACT IHTCIHT, established upward of eighteen years, prepared by II. T. II ELM BOLD, Oruggiftt, No. 6114 Broadw ay, New York, and No. 101 South Tenth St., Philadelphia. Penn. Price £1 25 per bottle, or six bottles for 50, delivered to any address. Sold by lh uggi»ts : everywhere.. .. None are genuine unless done up in steel en graved wrapper, with fac aimilo of my Chemical j Warehouse, and feigned I lyii Jt. t. IiCliIUoLT).' SHigu&ta Directory. ('hiirih^ #HtTUODO.X COM. BK< • \TloN A L.—Granite C h. >Lnt< between Hi iil-re.iti.i Oak- L P.-tJUigbii n ,f.,rre»idencc No. 0 state itwt. Morning servnV 1<> :;o A. M. Allerumiu service 2.30 I*. M. FlilWl' JJAPTIST,—C*»nu-r Wintlirop anil lYrham .1 Bicker, pastor; je-i.k uce Chestnut Mr* cl. Morning -ervine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 1 . M livening 7 I*. M. rjJCK BAPTI^T.-^-stntc Ft met. north M J.nage. < | \ Penney, pl-IoV. ! • i-leU-c suiltim i -tfeet. Morning sol \ ice In..a* A. M. A ft*.* mown 2.30 1 . '1. livening 7 1*. M• .. .MHTIIol»l-T K!’l>( < > 1 * A L.—Green street, ea-t oi Male 11 .Martin, pastor; residence at the par vonaa-c. n. \t d-.or f*> the church. Morning-or vice 10.30 A M. Afternoon 2.»w P. M. LvcniuK 7 P M PKOTMsl ANT LI’lM oPAL,—State M , between Oak and Wiuti.vop. Bcv. Mr. Ipjahn. rector. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Honing >em*T 7 P. M CNI VP Its \ T .1ST. -( or. ’Wintlirop and >ii!iir • r -t-. < II Moor. p. pm : residence Winthvop 'Meet, below orchard. Morning Fen ice 10.30 A. M. school service at 12 \. M. Lventag mt \ Ice al 7 I'. M CM | Mil AN.—< urner Oak and state Ms. le-v. Mr. Ci.on. pastor; morning 10 .»** A. M. Sabbath s-’bvol -vn i- <* il.i P. >1; Preaching -< rrj. e iu » veiling r.t 7 o’clock CATHOLIC. M.-.h -l.. north **f Bridge I? v. Mr. O’Brien, prie -t; re-idetne near the eh lire h The Congregational. 1 ir.-t Ikiptit Will 11.! pTi-1 and M.tlmdi-t Chur<h< In-id s.-e-al eon tVrenee meetings ill their \ e-tries every W edaesday evening, at hnlt-pa-t -even o’clock. v. it. c. v. Booms in Ikii h*\ P,lock. W ater Stri ct. Begnlar pr. \ er nn-eting- -* < i \ M.vnd; y evening. Id u aoiis e.\ei - i-e- every Sujiilay afternoon at 4 o’cioek. ft.m>ni> open to all. n so ii ic BKTIII.K1IFM No. F and A M. Muled meetings th>t Monday of «»**h month. )»<**• * a I meeting ew • \ Monday evening. 1 . A. ( row ell. Mi -ler. «». W d I pi*. Secretary. \ \ v. I 'I A ! No ill 1 A \ M btotocl I mooting- 111'-1 Tno i \ of e:a h month. " ■ ml meeting- ovoi \ Tm nay i veiling W.lFWood hun . >1 -i-tvr. F. F lli/dnun. M"i'i t".i.v Tl!lMTV I OMMANJiLKM No. 7. Knicnl »‘ "» I lair. Muted mi Fnd y on or be I n o the lull me. n «>1 d' • h monll A l> Knitrat. I minent i ( niam..i;'ier. A. I. Mu ih. Ueemdo. KM KOVVf. Midi ( ifM’I KH -Moot* i ;,l I••!!. M- . 'I (••.nviirritioii!* Thin- l.iv on j ..r I I'tVtri Hie lull .It 'J' e:: ll lniHiUl. li. r. ITU h Oi l -*. VI.PHA mlMTI.-IK'ii »t H.llw.11. 'in. r torl\ Convocations. Juuuiuy, April, July, Oe I.Jh'v; \\ , Inu.-duJ Ml'-.'ClIJl# lull 1BIM.I1, 1). ( arg.ll, TUriiv nitttWMi* Mugler. Temperance. j SAHATTI* I.nln.l No. Is ol' Coon TliMi i.aks. j Mi-I I- CUTV In--‘1:0 «' ui’lg :it I>:il i'1 II. II. I'HANK I,IN DIVISION -i IN 8 OS’ nJjH’EIU N( E ! —Meet, at JLiurl.y Hal) v\ eiy Thiuxlay «*vimop at 7 o'clock. t Post Office. j At (.1 >TA IMsT OFFK 1.. I wiier ol O; k and i \V: ter .-hvets. ormi: Ih n*k-From 7.30 A 1 M . to l» M. Sunday B to H» A. M. I .I..UIO- A Hi. knoll. Postmi.-tor. Oeorgt* II. Far rington. Chief Clerk. I A < eivii null Departure Y 1/-tH* ••—Western. leaves ’ u’iki M : elo o- I'* .;o A. >1 : ive- 3.3d 1’. M. F:i>torn ami Northern, leavo- 3.43 1’. M.;clo.-es -.u I’. M .: :.n i\ e- l’>* F* A M lUll -.-t and W. v. leave LOO I*. M.; doses 3.30 1* i M : arrive* li‘.3U A. ,M I; • klnnd isi.d Way loaves 8.30 A M.| '-loses 8.1. \ M.: : n ive- & no A' M. 1 Wiuthvop. le: vo- A. M.; closes 7.45 A '* l arrive - h.nO I*. M. _ \« . .1,, . . i Faimingtou and May. leaves 7..'“’ '• " ; i,,,iiV:rr-'‘I: < A M : elotes ! *■ ’ irl"vi •■■'■'i1 I.IAU \ il. I ..JO. >1 ..-I: J ' 1 , . V v ml Fi \ ives r5e»daj i dav and Saturday . ! I vory naming a train leave- Aiigu-l ■ :i! I .i..ui A." M.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at d.ut I M- _ IPallotorll Dircrtorij. 1WLIOWELL POST OFFICE. WKSTFBN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excel led, at 3.2' 7 52 P. M Cl- scs at It) 45 A M. and $ r. M. KASTKKN MAIL arriv - l.t.h , Sundays e\ov|'tcd, at 11 L V M. CW*es Ht 3 15 P M. UT( 11 FI I LD MAIL arriv« Tuesdays, Thursdays aii 8; turday*. at 10 oYH-k A. M. Closes Sunday Tues <11vs ;ti d Thursdays, at b V. M OFb h i ■ i> u. Sunday *-\r. f’t« d. from 8 o'clock A M.,t S P. M. Ojktj Saturdays until h 30 I*. M. 1/ Box Bouts aud P-wtage on'papers, periodicals, &c nay aide uu.ut-rly in advance. K. KCWVLLL, P M Ilalh w. 11, May 3, 18G9. CHUPCHFS. | South Parish Congregational Church, comer of Secom ! Hid tf . stnut Sir i*, i'j• i‘iti Temple. Ii* v. I has 0 Mi <h i.LVt I*: si »r , r* §i i'-i «5e on ( b'*>n;uf St. Ilornint service, 10-30; Aft-rm.'h aervice, J 15. first Baptist Church, corner of In ion and Frank lit streetn. Kw. A. It. Crank, Pastor; residence oi, Mi.ldh St., between Winthr p ami Lincoln. Morning service 10-30; Afternoon *r|-\ ire. *2-15 Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street,beta en Un ion .mi Central. It- v. t ali b Fi i.|.Kn, Pastor; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, | 10 30 ; Afternoon so \ iot .3 15 ; First UuivrrsjilUt Church, Sr.-end Street. (.- r. -T Union} ! St. Matthias F.pi*e< pul Church. Central str**ti. Rev, S Leonard K. Storks, IE ctor: residence form r of Second and Lincoln StrtMi- Morning service, lu 30i nfy.Ti.ooji st*rt ice. 2 '*0. Free Baptist Church. Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. M. C. A. j Regular meetings of the Young >1 's t .ristian Aisnci ) ation of Hath well, lire Ki Td in thf- Vestiv <-t tin Eapfis Cl urch ewry M-nd. \ ev* -mug, d-run.-i ring el 7f. o', lock A cordial i r. t-ti>< n is .-Mended t Jl, h<-th ladies ?ta< ST ntb-tm-ti, t.. at*, nd th«—• nv-et ??•■_> of the-Associn’inu. Pray* r meetings, conducted t\ tm-mK rs of the Assort ali* ii, art- belli ev. ry Snnd »>•>.! l*— In Burns’Schoollmu-e, at 7 o’clock. In SchoollioUM- at Fr*- .rti’t Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o'clock In Loudon Hill S' hoolhou-e. at 7 o’ch-ck. In the W ild.-r Scboolhouse, Manchest' r. at 7 o'clock. At l.itclittwM N' «'L at. 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FOWLES, Ihv-i.hnt. 11. S OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. K- iim-hcc Lodge. No 5, F. and A. M. Stated f’omn.u nlitaMo.-'S W.-d- • -day , on • r preceding the full moon. JAMES ATKINS, Jr , W. M. J E. M K, S**c'y Jeru.'.-ii- ii’ K. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations Thurtt dav .ai in l*Hofe n,r lull of tli moon. B. F WUiMIUl.P. F J PAY. 3-c'y A:pl i C um.l KeguJur meetings Wednesday succeed ing he full oi tie imam, quarterly. DAVID CAROILL, T. M. F. J. DAY. It ch Trinity C« u tnamlery. Meetings at Augusta on i-b Frid-iv on or before the lull nioou of each month. A. it. KNDillT. E. C. A E SMITH, It c’r. TFMP£R£2KiX. Vision Ton:j»K- < ' lionor and Tftnpefanct*. No. 3. Reg alar n:ouui.■*. o\. rj Tu-.siiuy ••v«nin^. J.V.n l.i.KU.M T !?1 N TKNNFY. AV. U. Koiiis*’!t oaucil, -Vo 4. K yular n»< t tiuy> «-u 'ho firs and third I*. Ti> evohintrs ol each Uumtlu J. J. JUNKS, <’. of t’ V. i l.'t NT. R. of r Sheridan L«*l*rr, No. ’J93, I. 0. t»f 0. T. Koyular meet iny* ov• i \ v :r.rd vovrniujr. P. g. RuYD. vr. f* T F A. A. IIF.ATII. R S. liiTiil Iiii|iroviiin*iit in | Artificial leetli. 7) If. SNELL INSERTS Teeth on RVRftliw by a nevr prove s, It; which the plate is made-its thin a* a metal It ! lift so; at the same limo the plate it flexible, and let j liable t«» break. Tlii> mode Insures likewise the certainty of ; ! perfect tU. i H iving purchased the or-'timin' rltjht to use till i mode in Kennelx «• v«nnit\ . i -fiall ho haj py t . slmv it- peculiar advantages t»* any one who nee d ? urti llcial teeth. 00 Winthrop Street. Aimu-ta, dan. ‘isth, ls7o, t*2i»ian-»w »Su.>\v<i (■KO. K. BRH'KETT, II. II., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ai «a *TA, mi:. < Hlice over IfnnlN <’rv* ->toiv. Wist Knd of tin Kennebec Bridge. 4# U^idciu'von >|'ii!i^sficft. iny‘20V,8 Allen, Small & Co, MAt IJIAIHTN, Ami Mumitiieturci'H of Steam lOiiuines, Cireular Saw 31 ills, Clap board 1*1 liters, Shatlim;, Pulleys, Mill Work, and all kinds of JOBBITiTG 11'MiflUy done in u first-i liiss Mitiliine tf'i-p. Alt Improved Excelsior Machines j which cut© two B«>lU at a time Uf rytijldy a.- mn BOA It 19 l*M\r.ItS cori t :nfly on hail'd. Vo. 1 Journal Kloek, - - Mater Street i:m_ AICISTA, >11-:. ■-ja-iTo BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. i T or o. n Is. st l T r n n Is b 2 thi: it. vc i: to nuv rrciaoH, Eugene, Solo Ijontlicr, And all kinds of common T 11 A V K LL I X C; T 11 LT X IC s! Also, Ladies' ami deni.' I'ltAVKl.l.IMi & MIolTlNi. BAu>, is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Itijrht riai.c to hov m ill- II.VltN'i: — K~>. and |rct the ccli l.rate I DESN MAltNkHS. m a! ■■uiii/ro> a TiiCMiiTs, I*r, miMi siisur. Tim Cheap*-! place to hue WIMP-. CYRUYIOM ll-v Itljf-MIN. W.WKITS. 'I !!CI V, ,T,V>, !I\I. I TI US Xf . is at HAMILTON It TURNER'S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business, rieusurt*. Teiiinitth', Triirkini;. Cnrilns A Exi»i esslnp. M>mnlhctured f m CiOOI* <>\1\ -T<d K. and liy the hc-l o| workmen. . ,Ve wonld remind the pnhli • llnd • or II cm— took nlJLtl I r 'ndun s offer* 1 at the last State tair foui i» mitnher. At-oth. flt-i tn-mdino at the tat.- Sew K.mdand f'atr. , end,oner- arc d h n am d f I . II m,--, arc Maelmie -l-lclrd-w, would mtitt , linn, and the pnhlic ecu II- , - - -i: and ey ana,,- I -r- N rk of ' Vena, l hchad iced in II, i- City..and we n II ••ohrtnee then, It,-I we make the he-1 HAND si I H UM> uoik <,, U had for the same amount ... y -cl if we dm ' .. h/nd wh. ,- "-!•.••• <nn uiaki it d -In il notice. - n 1-1, of t.eld i; h Or.. - - Sir,-, Covered, and Japanned w * SON ' our-ale-room. SO. Hi MUMMY aTHEET. HENRY DUNN A SON. For Su 1 c- hy XXrr jitiltoix cfc Turner. 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tlllob-tt OPPOSITE DEERING & HOLWAY S. . Bitters ! Bitters ! 'oM. S3 33 3KT 33 TSU^X* * S3 CELKIIHATGD • JAUNDICE BITTERS! atm: the shiest nan: eou Liver Complaint, Jaundk e, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., Xo which all persons are more or less subject in Spj.ino and Si mmeh. THEY ARE FCRELY VEGETABLE! Nnd composed ot miihi ol the best l\0O I S and IJLLI»S in tin* vvoild. Try Them. They are Warranted to do as Reromuieaded ! Price, SO Cents per Bottle. ! TEEi’AinH) AND SOLD ONLY I!Y Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, : : AUGUSTA, ME. HARDWARE ! P i* ices At o il ii c oil * | From tlii« ai.i. (.onus i\ Tin: i.i.m: or HARD WAR ) J am III OX and SI ICICI., 1 &<*.., &c\, w ill be sold at Prices Defying Competition ! Goods Marked Clear Down! laa Water Street, A.MOS \V ! Augusta. April 1, 1*70. 1 1,1 | LADIES! CALL AMI SEE ! MISS TURNER’S NEW STOCK OF ii i liixjcj! y: M|s< Tt'KNEU 1m- -rcnml Hie iisslr timer of MU* Kalin, h (lorimirly i.t -M. 1*. Soulo’i*,) ami li t Is confident that She Can Suit All, Both in Xlegard to Tasto and I'rieo. 44* Remember the riace, Under Meonian Mall, (Up-Stairs,) ■ And ilireetlv opposite the jf'ony llou.-e. tiUupi-lt&uiul7 MISS V. TI'KMUJ. Feather Dusters i Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT j JOHNSON BROTHERS. m A Laundry in Augtisla. fj'lll' li.M' opened a LAT'V'DKl idler, l r«*idepe.e nu Capitol street. in Augusta, where , she would he happy to serve all iu Washing & Ironing! Tho work will he <Mn* in the bett style, uml | At Reduced Prices ! JIBS, S. A KOW'JI I!. C'ApiMl s»t*vel Augn*tn, April ?rt87fr 4 soaps : Genuine Imported Soaps, , OF ALL KINDS, at JOHNSON EKClKEIiS. Hi; l us, MEDICINES, CHE ASL> I1’ a 11 c y Goods, VEKV LOW roll (.'AMIT \ « f AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opp< cite POST O^flCB. MANHOOD, lifttfa tuition. VMKIiK At t>-\A on the Cause and ( nr*» ot l*u no tin «• 1 *('(*liii(f, Miow ing how health is lost and hoxv regain* > I It give.*- a clear Synopfi* <d Hie ImppiiilUcEl to AJ AEl.iAoL, the tu.ilim iil ol Nl.l. voi s .uni hnsmi. iMAWim. sin.n.nv. A«\, and the remedie.- therefor.—the lesidt.** oj tueiitx years*' t-uceesi-l'nl practice. •‘There i> no member of m *i( ty hy whom this book w iji Lot l*e (bund.UNt'fril. w.h«rihci . uch l-cityp hold* the lei t i ll ol l\d nt. I'rocti tor. m CJorgy* f.t'i ''Ve Vwltral Toiut f.'D-W/r. “ ‘M vnl!(I**1 J in ixpcrh nee and Reputation ol 1 »r. Curt n the ties In.cut of tin «li.**eii#ch Ml forth in thi** little pnmj hlet i? the path i.tV guarantee, and \\. II fie-ei vt for the work it** immense eircu 1. ticii."—/ aily J <nit*. Sent I y in. il on receipt of .'*0 ewut*. Addro*» the Author, Id:. (. i i.iih, ii Chapmtm ►tnut, IW8 ton, umrir-'et d-.m ARfcO, HCDGKILS & GO., MAXUFACTUKEHS OF ORGAKS AND ffiEICIEGKS! Water st., Gardiner, Me. MR.J.T.PATTEliSOX (IF TraveJlin*' Apretit. niHvJ-tf FARMING TOOLS! _ . _ AT. ... IITFFf.I.UH(l.r *' UKFFVrWWOD1* A. %\ MORS*!. PHOTOGRAPHER Water Street, Hallowed, Maine. ro Ambroty pes ami Card Photographs taken In tin best dvle. Picture* copied to any *i/.e. \l bumo and Ei'uiuvn constantly, on hand und for sab*. Iy23 HENRY HEIMS, ;\o. lOrt Sudbury Street, - - Itottton, M vnCF Ujl l KEIt Of BILLIARD TABLES wrm tin: \rrox hthi<<; rt N.w an I 'mm iiii.MLvad Tahlcft always on hnnd nnd lor ;,l the lowest pin r. t..i\y me a rail iipt*2 H I wllAlAHTH, Agejit 1C 1 I’ ll * s . ' Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONI. of the best remedies for t oughs, CoK!®, t roup, ItronchirtK, and nil affections of tlio Throat and l.njig*. tor Milt by JOHNSON BROTHERS, 1*< s| Offil'S. illKHslil. ]?!«>, The Hally kennelier .l«i»iriiaC Established Jan. 1, 1870, .\olU*t*lS l>.V illO I'lVHH. Th^lr.-t mimlivi of t$e Dui,t Ki;v n j,rr.r .joi it N.M. \\ a - i-Micd l'l olh the JoUUntl ofl i r « s‘>itlir day It i- nmiil the I/e and -lyle of ; 1 nui" ■> nt a - the n.wial Ihilly l.ixiHlative.lMnp;l,andInfv tioiri'.'i lia a 1 .*| pcaran < will cdnpait . oiably, we think. Wiith ih** other 'lain, d'iM.i I: . »u - MpnCil 1»> the |>iiblirdmi ■* t(» ».-r«uu il daily t broil* Il (In \» af. hat w - leal they u ill llmi their elite! pi i-o V.l*i! li < iiyht to he a |>; y iny <-m*. eon*ideih*;r the 1':. !•! it will o. < upy . to prove a lotduir one. It cost-, n douU I uwHie) to a papei tiiva-c Uim .-.and a latv prompt pay b i' -.ih-rrfpt;on TT-4 and a jrood lv amount "l a • I v«- its.- i pal rowapv at lie t i ;.i -. a' ■ ■ nee. ivy te make a paper *clt- n tain it i*nd prevent f - helt'.jr it *ortc> of t mbrr.t- - 1 nieni hi it propiuloi?. \Vi; lender Mii? new etm date for ) iihia i ?r'*i »e otir withe* lor il.-Ilnan « : I Min err.— M'tin? SUiudw'il. i I'm 1 >.v11 i Ki *• su i * J«»i itNAL ina«k* It* Ih t 1 a | ip. n..i e la-1 Satuidcy . Ili-nv.iv neat pubii . -'Ii. ent. pri-intr - - 1‘nnf/^r TFTkr/. t i 1 VI f 1 lil.'MIl.i .h'l A.-NAJ, - \\ till the in imiua niei.t - t t! ■ Yew Year, vve re.ixedth. I r-t number of ltd in n p. per. indtilihed ; t Anemia, ’ y so: _ ue. < nu n A N. *h It i- a I:p if .-even « "1 tm.n p per. haml-onulv printed, and tin rrphtn* tkm o| il pnhi. her- h- a ufti< i.-nt> I in.I it will he I. V • ’ i IV 1 - } ii"- 1 . ( "t At lit If III I. Ill: I) vil.i Kl i I I a Jni vi.wa-i--m d lan narv l-t. and i to bo « permanent fin-tit nth‘if. U i-a well an; u d. ;:io} h; i de» o.t ly: pm.ted -beet, , «md we have ooilmiht it will r«*rclvf*’. n.-Tt de>eW( .-, n 1 be.;d Mtppoii tvmo the p< oph- of AwKU-t.i. llal ; low ell an I i ■ al'1 iioi■ r <7 (,'nft, . IMIi.i Ki;nm i!iv>f?i:\i.. V*. have H < elvrd I 41te hi -t ini ltd pyts ->1 the in vv dttik -4.. *; i;... I no sv • j ermfinn*r7v e *■ hi. lied ..t the <t.' . d.l Tthe fMtrl p: . - bur pub;- ;I1 ..! the weekly •htutinl, I .M. -I - mr -II. . « *u ell A \:: It J.J pi I an. < j , lie; F ..lid hit !i« Ike. audit- t'Joi- W 11 «.« le-- nmke il .. proul .•*•(-( ve. live pi*'] .1* —*/ ft '‘**t 1'■ . \\v eim^v.j: el.: ■ . ur ji n-niU «t ihv l,t • | .lei P-At ri • :i »! . f; ’'.rahle : iopi» e-tiiaT. v t\d‘eh j their new da h; k t u i*.m-i. It fijrf-enrod on tile j i •: .1 . I ; ; . ;T; l ; ijif-' l. * ! . J e. ,1.- eidolon* i V. ell til'd a t • 1 - bow >t evr*;. Ifdf ef ^fflt.ierited itr i ial a. :i.t;• ..t . i - - 11} to i u*>m e ib- < i tin' <-u« • I re-- 'V. • e-» lie pnhli. will appreciate the el toil.- ol' ih.' puid.-her- i - Mtvf tinm. and libeiaHy j mi ?•;>.: -‘ J )■: i.-e — JJi-im I’nrratT. , Tin Iuuy Kr vpi v(. ,|,.r u made ripj-e.ii ai - e v « v. 1 «*♦-»*- •• y h i> h well ji. p».r l tie.i d v-heel <t tw eli!' - :.-kf roiuutu.*. I eti i*tii- <. Vs* i i>f. way v eil « s i■ i. 1; r- » ;<» - fij |*1\ * v ».f tv FdrFi Ai ^urt hJirlellloi al 'JixlJHie '\,4Ui M opMjtni | yj- ulr- i t -i eii'd ’• fi.-m l! lpiw.ll <«. rd im r. nml the «th^r ro-ithhorin?-t*»w «-» »n n> biff (on foil, lei • 1 rU{ l »*; t. iu . er : " .n ,W.‘ il wbvlUi-.n l rj :' fiouhl iK»t hi* evowned w ilii abundant .-tie 1 i.nrrtt* i I! 1 I * A 11 1 ht'Mih -ll Hall. it-.p p« :•! a oi - • 11 i i i:. v . It I - • -le; It M-d IH*VlfcY f • ; I'd : 11 He. * e«l —/ »+*-*>, ,,th A*h*+t*H‘li I ’ih* bvrl i.nmbe* “I the-i' t. v lv !.> m;i> • .#« >t t; 1 • A t . h - !•»•:.• r.‘e» He* T:. • wl<- wi I. lore CeiveTlte. rlie-t nml tid)e*i lUlornml u ii tk*«tu d I -tie . el Ih. lAXi.-.lattm;, ,-huuJij i-id.fvriLa 1 *. • * I — / ■■'IjkJrt Sr < fir. 1 1 i.VtlA lit-. • halt J|| IfNAli We h.. ve IX eeivt d •: • I of fhiet ptlpri I \. »S •’ . I • It : » It* penn; cent »nd beinir the > fe f » t i r. it W dl bea coin} end <f the d<i y ! th< I * lali-te, \ InrVde ret «-i fx f* y'ti^ j i h-1 i t Vi ? f< i ) :. -.ita t.e. Mllltlite I'khl'i. it l\iji jui nitb vftl } and lull c! -of f ?.• «|-t. -f.-nvt nfion- . t all k.m;- ; fu r.-mo t - of ih • hem !.■ ti re, ta in* k i • ve r.-mn :f le. lie., id y| I. I IlCal a-I., lb |d A^iiellltlHU. ..uvl al '‘her i*?tt-. i i I i i * * i e - f rflrfra- to tin sfifC • o v ri i no lit Ibis- i.takiux it-« !l u-elul ».* a Vciy wide elicit • • l !.,.(»-! t \l» I aiil.x ever .11 p.. 11 - < • f tin -tat. It will Ih a nil; t !<• and ffr; iahi-tdi w a rd , lo j'lihl • .-I. pi | el .; ml fl e lil.-t I Ult.b* 1 i.1 ‘>LH l-lv.’> ib. t if will I . » . i with ad> lity. i rd wftn tl.hi'l ifv t*. the I ' .neipl* - ..| Ibt* pMt> in vvho-t r l ere -1 I it ) r - J a hi h. . I. It > «l flit; rUf f»I fit. l».iil> Ux* kl.'T. doll inti.— Th> Seri.b., I'rtfiiiu />d * 1‘Ui.Y hL'MIH'JOl'IAAl.. i In aitveftloel: • lit ot th - ue\\ daily tij j^ar.- wi Mir mlurii' to-day. It jrtve- the letrf-latire j-ioeredlnffv of rneh day vety li.liy . < "i.uni- leJepi.pnii di.-|-nb In-v the blmi i-uil y mi eoinim i ■ i; I ti. tt-.M lit n in New Yoi l*;>i,d Jloe ton.and j*. th every rti| e> ta Hr.-1-< la.-.- dud? pa per. 'INiiue $i jm i year, or lor the lejri-Uttiyre re- e l; , f tell i ■ ' < U'jtu ll< i 'hi 1>V1M Kl'\'>l’|V -Je|-|;.'.t\l 'Me i r.b IJ 1 ifjllJJ pro|.rii t.*is hi tire Kern* tire .Jouni. !. . • rt« d the li i-1 nnnilK) o( t f »;ri« n daily li. 1 t It i.- hard* • ly » \e« i.u d. id ly i «.I. . I. ( lit., and d* - • I \ t ?■ at j l»m u7 tht l<*k -1; lure it i-« penally \*l le.— .V a■« > tt J.*t tt r 1 ri 1 • I ul belief Id the h I V' I I M .1* I » V A! 1’Qlllf I iiii'ii' i '1 tl.i ;r d;.»Iy ] . i ei with tht V w It ; ir- a r ixid lookii •. -h« et i. t • ti - tij t m-i b tie tollin' er -e-rhni No thrin- vvetkly will I t pul* ppl i d.— J;ru< i.tlt in / r/jut .//.* N I w-t a t ! 1..M tV.iiI tin NiU Vi ;.r v,r Mr' sTfftr ml i y the D.Ut V hr* n i , t • .)< t t * m ) id l -I.eil by *-j ! 7t«r. Ottlli Nii.-h. It 1 11 Ai I d * ./* • it' I ui; 11« • i - will a 11 a i. -■ i • I. and • dit«*hal « "iidm l w illrhf w the mine ability tt hh h ha-if iv». n td the \M < kly .ll Ill'll; I J ft J its. J.Ot'tiOn' Tm’DMn Ki "I H .Im i:.na1 ha.-t ea• hod p* ami i-fully nj to the -h'.hdaid of < nr 4-\j eet; t ' li ty popi.| h id ap| i ram e r-nenl. at'I it# t<n«*r : l.iti .lip ii ■ it ill ti at mu Id U <U ,-irvd VV« ho) e if w in l.e lileii dy p. Uui.i/i d. aim.! Mbit* hum I e..| It of the Mate do their duty*.— /'• /« V,7/r. a t Inn it It - i le 1 i Ir l n Ultlbel el t lie JdllM lil.v.MI l< Joldi >• vi. | n r j 11;. n.aik> it- r.j ) . nrai * *• «»n satm*!; y, 'ImdM. It i- a hi id oiiiw la i '. imi u)» ;n ; wiyle I that line- o red it to it* » ntej jai.-ing pubimhi l-. / * I ■t/ntri't/ Ihintrrtil. W ill; the new year, eame* the IbviM Kt.NNi.l i.« | d‘ i < ' • I ll i - nd t i at | : | i t aid v i * li« uld l th .k it be a b. I Ot su M ih tie pee) iw ok ihe h* ui i - ■ - t., i him , /,, iHt Jt in i t i, i h vim liii.Miii .lon;'Ai V e bhve rf-eehed the Hr-1 nt.Ji l>er vl the tlady n-rUvii 1-y tl;i i uLh*h i < r ot i! i Kei ' T i Journal. TI i- l i t to’l*e I,,i tin L« pi i. tni. • i i\. hi.Li.* to 1 * a l * m i n* l t b#Jly | i. bi . t!i a rj b, it i- no rea-. i* by ll e 1. i^m :t n ; i u tottie* i.jiuli < li*j 11 it j l* i,t tbi rj.) ital , - • • Id l t fiord i.| j • i: b ♦»;*.«.-1 < m oady . o • n though f! . lailn-ad ti. Mr do Vvinir Iholoti |: | fhv ■ ill ll tt hour- ll. 4.: I be joe*-. 'I be .1*00 ! a I i- « l.aidr ■ no »|f, el \all ULnittilh lu w ; abd u*Jre« I* 5 i.y, and A', e tn. I w ill be a rin < e . — J ifj< sf Jouf• ! tod. ! I 111 NKV\ h.vtM We have n i • ivi d tie 13i>r nuinbor ot till I * Ml \ h I a V J I t ' .]< M * * l . It 1 * » i- i«I tlu; IiC. i iookw.u i)aii\ i.i,| et* \» 1 i> it < on e» !• - til'l l; , T l.i 5 e i lo 1« ; *1.|| \\ | • • 1.1 b a - I . >1 t , jy should mix -till at out e . on theii-lto » *'>• i- Tin pri- e ol riiL.-vrii/lioii i> ^7 J»wi' y ear, ^ - < tttois .■1fh*rrti*t*r. Tub I 'All V K1 JviM i» vi maiMift ‘In w to *he | eldii la,-1 S; tut day , ami i* ut d* ib.od to he ti |m i aitriii tit iii-Titnt ion. It it.-sin »o; a liber:.1 *n| - ! j olt ill ti l la i in b . V. lhy. not only C o 1 .-I - - if a of the I.i ^i-T. lim . of W l.f -1 'flnlt'; ;tw;ll . b o M il lei oit., but peim .nonUy.- hult rviiit [ N I'.WMr v font a i. 1 lie JVvit v IvFKMT.vt .Ini nS'Af. 1 ln.Mty ilo aybeai. tyoi M.tprduy um« i.inK latt# li t| i- |>fmted m !ii t-rale -tyle. and manifi-t- a prc at • li al i I ebU »| : ;m iij it? liiM.asix Dh Hi >W a»'«*,ind tom l'i that it 1 a ,! 1 h-1 •! ttl r < I i I 4 l .• ill tie eitr wl.o toeiive tin r if^ir- fiotn a • airier «t » d It o < h'v k. llor j3 a peal teliYt nkbe*'. M d • be th; ' hf-uld hoaj )o'( tdati d hv iini i (i l ie - tUtnUner I i or it r. ' % ■ A l «.I >'l a ])A1I V .i» I i: \ .\l . (• rj 1 l 114 ill* lis ■ a) | iMi.i i'ii hot s^lTMrUv . vow i.trlh j iii.truj ■ (nil < J n . ltti . i i.i v i.J) i jj.i vl vi.j ii.i. tl .A An . pi: t.'t I n tliii n m(• t< > a in Ii it : ii p I'm 11.«* | ; llolmpo 1-f J1 I loro In> if.l pi I ft. I. Alip' 111. "in < i n lo (In- < i>t« i l • Im:.—7 < UubU'ir.l '/'* ityti j h. \N C h:> vi* 11 # i \ (it 11. €* III tV o'‘or til v» il u i ' i H I r ii I Li 1»aiia ivi j. * I I.M .Jut t;vii. I nl lil.v'l l \ 1 j M; - - t ~ Dm on A "V: )' - Aupiola. w ha ll ]- liriv: 1l« .i< it- a i-i in .i.nt i.;iil> pul i >'• ii *it oil I 1 • I 1 •. .1 P | lll.l >J,*o ».|4v i.lilIMt U’l N-HM’li "I Iho i l.i pi;J; tu.i*, a- lieJiUiojo ll m aU UU.-1 -ii.i caj\» . i n-i'f.luf. n i-i j i r. v< 11 n.J no i | #v»» pMi.m I ; »i i iiitm..l ainl iiiit-i ellam-our rt j.u.Mf, «i- wt il.c Jo int 1.1 ll pu r.« 1 1.1 Vn. M 1- l ovi- i o iiouhi ll Will ho ► 4.1'ly « orulm ti <1 fnnl wi.-h it rfiilv-ti r.tial I'J.'i-rkimu/ (iw.iti♦. 111 firs 111 ii ii 11 .<r of tin* Ihin Ki vs- m f •' .Ti rr*. n Al. nimle itf* ajjianiuo iwu saluniny. Itifiory r in !i\ pot i i (-.ijont J i won nt. ’I ho lfr*-t i in-hi l of tin I' am v Kvvvfi i r .hi j;. : n a i j.jouitl} mi < 0 ilw ; j-j.i-i. lam o .on tuluiua}, llio M in I ll i-‘ 1 : i ' « li i lilt, pit i ) in a ■ t-t.' Inin i 4m** nvilii In iln • iitoi prb-injr luh-liillcrt-. -</rf< nl J.’ryisti /'. I A Nkm Inin Mw ivuti'. M ritvr ivotlp' r>\n.v Kinmi’k Ji it'ai. a giiUly runi, wiUijlM 1 ami Mn»it • i i <-ai inpr prior. pul.Ii,-toil h\ jVe-.-i*H. h| i'iipm-. < >wi n A- V: ll at A npusta, tlio l mf-rifl *>1 tin Oh! (Wo. Ivl) hi iuji.Li i n: 1; U4 mb, £7 ;i Vonr in j.ih n< o. MV In \ o it \( fit I . ] j.frc n i/i <1 i/\ mu i(i | ul.hoar liioa«l^. muIwo ihHk it will l o t« ii.p lIn* lii A ami onli daih i.-nucl at tj.i tapi I -I — Mttfhias l nivn. ISM.I. KIMlXIJfc* I'iisliivnil/lr Iliiir liiissiii# IImhis, Opio uro Parrott A IfvndlUh'V*?. IViiter street, : AwhMii, Me. Sh.-Tvmp. >lniM)'i»oiupr, iiip. ( nil rp. t‘»* nrinp, Ac., ji il i n.o | :,ij.ii-m.«1 -‘.ivlo of Hu- f it. thofa nliii mtevt i-i jirin ttx opi i jrrriVl i-miftip- T :r* ilhv- .ai.ii ( Uiliiioi.'p h;,ii m* All kii^boj llaii M ' ik r* niaclt? Yo oiOefTnThduu'bTfctyib. IjltiiTtl-ly