Newspaper Page Text
!.. *. - —,",*J "' i j -o A ' ’" rsw-- -. vftflbiB ,1,1,1,- .... - . . , . --K „r —nr •>*» * .n« » ~w' ■ "■ « , »-• ' ' l» § ' . * •' - »F WIJ» f?r>? » I w * ■ i- f r -fj* # . i.s w * * 1 ™ > ** *.*« • •rfljFT j -¥<1 -q-p._... T.„: >—,_^ —■■ —--------- - -- -.. — ... •yr-rr-y ^TT,--—T-— rrtTH -.rH ■ .. «•-?..»UA* --''■■■■—•-■•'■- ' ■■ -— PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. r . _' _' * •' 5 _,__ -i ^ ‘ T—iT — —......"...• ^ --- “. ... '' vv '^rn VOL. 1. __ AUGUSTA, ME., WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 6, 1870. Nd. 153. _ - .. l_:_!_______—u-.-•—__ ___ AUGUSTA, MAINE. * BY SPRAWB, OWHN A NASH. .■ -.*_ . gailj JtMinf&tr JottriraL Is issued every mt>h»ifig, except Sundeys. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives reports of the Markets, and has carefully pre pared political and local articles, ami a generous amount eg farming. Mtte and miscellaneous read ng with a full compilation of stafenews. Terms, $7 per annum in advance i *8 il payment • not made within the year. Single copies 4 coats, to be had at the bookstores and at this office. Advertisements one Inch in length, three In sertions or less. *1.00; S3 cts. for every subsequent Insertion. LongeraiHcrtfsemeBts,ortliosotosertad for any CQneidyahle length of limd, will I* inserted Special Notices 23 per ceut. additional. Amusement Notioes, *2 per square per week, i oHfeMa Jjknncbft. Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, the largest lolio paper In the State, containing news, political articles. agricultuifcl and scientific matter,tales; poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., AO. Terms *2 per annum in advance Transient Advertisements, *1-20 per inch for first week; 2.2 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. . Special Notices, *2.00 per inch for first weak; SO cpnts per week for each subsequent week. Business Notioes, in reading columns, 20 cents per line for first insertion; 10 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient adve*ti«*nen» to be retd /or i* advance. * ™ * * BALLARD & CHASE, wnOUmACE A!»D RETAIL DEALERS IS TIM, » BRITANNIA. PHEMED and JAPl.WED WARES, IBOX WARE. GLASS HARE, Table and Paekft Gallery, Sadiron*, Brush**, Broome, and a Goneml Assort ment of Kitchen Furnishing GiKxls. GROPBIIB’ CANB, Stove and Furnace Pipe, GUTTERS, CONDUCTORS. Ac., made to order, and at the low cat rata*. , Job Workptetaptly attended to. e UNION BLOCK, Water St., AUGUSTA. May 20.186M._ Crockery and Glass Ware, fol SAT.K IlY BALLARD * UKASE. Augusta, April 4.1870. _J_t^pr-t "Sin MiklMci Ware! A full assortment of TmUe m»d Wrrkel Cnlfer*, Tfe.f TK.ti’M, ft. Also Plated Ten Sets, Ice Pitchers, Goblets, Kniv*<, Simon*, Porks ami «aa»oiajOf " OielSest-qaulny, nt Mo. KEANEB8C SAVIMfli BASK! Trustees: W. T. 11 ALI.ETT, RUSSELL. EATON, °. C. Depositsjrffehedpunter of the 7he rut earning* of the Bank are divided , every six months. Loans made to Depositois os Repenting their B«#-book as secwjty. J. £. ADAMS, Treasurer April 8th, 1870. l»tf MKR*,SnrK33fsSSI‘ * In Morocco and Calf, for sale low by IM TITCOMB & DORK. I 3D51AJ A » H* | S •§ • rf 3 .S S ? o at . O S ~ 2 a « o . 2® £ s <2 ' c b %5 o g O 1= 1 « a 8 * - sgs 5PS§»fe8«i ^ « ll g ri ° s g o b +» * S 63 m ® I 2 d *5 B * ■ o © & ” £ * 1 .9 ! 2 *» g S J3 ; sS^aogtH® ** .wpi a i * * § < ej a« 3 g # fe,§? g H *‘4 3 « r?-s o * S •= “ x a. ' S H* go s a ■§ (V s _ „ s % % ■£■11 P * I “ s ^ 4 a ss 3 £ S h4 <P. ■ to ® o < ^ O IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. A FACT HO Kill KNOWING. TO THE PEOPLE OF AUGUSTA, * £ % f ' And nil having butines* in August, please bear in mind that the place to buy PURE AND RELIABLE Drugs, Medicines, TOILET & FANCY ARTICLES, And APOTHECARIES’ GOODS generally is at FRMK klVOIAVS DRUG STORE, ,1D' HO ■ • - ’ ’ He has spared no pains in selecting Goods of the purest to be found in the best markets of the United States, and the samo arc ottered to the public at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at “Prices that Defy Competition.” He also continue* to make all odd change IN GOJ.D AND SILVER. His motto Quirk Sales, Snail Profits, Pure and Reliable Goods! In to* weather FRANK’S STORE'is the coolest place in the city, and the Ice Cold Soda drawn from the Famous Non-corrosive Arctic Fountain refreshes many weary souls. Temperance Devotee* can drink and not violate their pledge. THE COLDEST AHD THE BEST ! THE COLDEST AND THE BEST with rich and delicious FRUIT SYRUPS. Jgp* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded from the purest Medicine* at all hours of the day and night. •< ' REMEMBER TIIE NUMBER OF FRANK KINSMAN’S DRUG STORE, No. 142 Water Street, : Augusta, Maine. HARNESSES $ HARNESS GOODS Of' every Inscription. WE AKE STILL MANUFACTURING ALL CLASSES OF IIAmnESNKJt, TrA.ryitt|; ity IPrjlco from 017.00 to $100*00 1 llrK do not keep any man’s celebrated Harness, but having had nineteen year’s experience in nianu f v factoring every variety of Harness t*«*oda and the greater portion ot that timo tor the people of Augusta and vicinity we will let the quality ami worth of our goods rest upon their own merit. As we keep a linger number of workm- n and consequently a larger Moek and greater variety of manufactured work than niiv firm in our line in tills city, we invite all iu want of such goods to call before purrhashig, bearing in mind that we ke. p no Harnesses manuftictorrd by other firms for whole sale trade but manufacture all our goods and w arrant them to give anti* faction. COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Cony Moult) ' **' 143 Haler Street, Augusta. TRTJ1VBL Ufauw m Don’t pay two profits on your Trunks, hut wiy at the only place in Augusta where they are manufactured AT, COLLER A GARDINER’S TrunK Factory S ‘ Bia trumb:.” I Sign of tke “Big Tyunk,” - 143 Water Street O*r0tiie CwhV Htwif. fJSaprtf t CMJLJKJi 9 V.tHDM.'rmm. 1 1 Edward Rowse, 124 WATER STREET |J> DEALER IN HI) Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE ! * t| Agent tor the Waltham Watch Comp*)’, j And LAZARUS & MORRIS* Perfected Spectacles. Special attention paid to the repairing of all ktnda of FINE WATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and iaoebrooiam. TIME TARE ft BV TRANSIT. _♦Ijan70-tf_| Great Reduction -IN THE PRICES OF - BOOTS A SHOES! The subscriber, having a splendid stock of Hoots and Shoes on hand, will sell the same at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES ! The stock consists of the usual variety kept in a , store of the kind. I. A MEN* and OEVTIiEMEV’S, n IN*FAT and CHILDHEVS BOOTS and SHOES!' Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and will be sold cheap, cheaper titan the cheapest. .T . H. LOW, lOO WATER St.. AugUBta. Me. V B.—Gentlemen** Calf Boots one .dollar less ■ than at any other store*. ima\27-3m ! A New Era ia Piano Fortes! j HAS now become an established fact, acknow- j ledged by the best judges of music in alt parts \ of the country, that the Mathushek Piano, Is bound to take the lead for Rich, Pure, and Powerful Tone! Which speaks for itself m notes of triumph over all others. The Reason of this Great Superiority is apparent to all who carefully examine the pecu- i liar mechanism of these instruments in The Equalizing Scale. which distributes the tension of the strings \i)M)B all parts of the frame, relieving the instrument from ; concentrated strain in any one part, thus securing j much greater strength, durability, and power of keeping in tune, The Greater Length of String*, through all the treble and middle notes, the distri* j bution of strings upon the Linear Ilridge, which runs the whole length of the sounding board, giving greatly Increased Power of Vibration throughout its entire length, producing a purer tone and better accompaniment to the voice than any other instrument. « All interested are invited to call on 1. C. HOVEY, At 109 Water Street, *ml examine fur them selves, where the above named instruments can be seen and heard, and will be kept lor sale. Also a lot of rery fine tnruxt VESTRY ORGANS A MELODEONS! *S- BEST IN THE COUNTRY. 109 Water 6t, L C. HOVEY. flOaptstf __ 0. C. WHITEHOUSE & CO., -DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS i * And Carpetings, NO. 171) WATllIi STREET) AUGUSTA, Me. O. C. Whitehouse, Daniel Whitehouse. tmay24-tf _ James H. Leigh, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic DRYGOODS ALSO, AGENT FOR Wheeler A. Wilson's Sowing MaoUluos ! Nl-rmi.r.N nml all Tools adapted to the Ma chines, constantly on hand. Water St., Hallo well, Me. ♦lapr-tf ___ A Free Gift to Ait ! TT* ei.’b BHI I'MATK J'l 1»1LXS. To Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Gout subjects* a sample b«>\ of the-*- .J'illa will l*e given by W W. Kins man, Water St. * Augusta, and for sale by *11 Apothecaries at 25 rents per box; 5 boxes $1 .» 0. A. HILL, Proprietor f26inar-3m ' PORTLAND, ME. BATH HOTEL, J3y O. JVC. Plruoomer, BATH, HE. , Board, - - $1 per Day. flljan-ly CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner --A/a and Winttfrop mB'l State Sts., J\ uorasta, ]VXe. T. B. BALLARD, ; : Proprietor. ,_i 1 Guests takeh to And from the Chrs and Boats Free. H0R8E8 AND CARRIAGES TO LET. I fljauie rtm MOSES M. SWAN. ] American and Swiss Watches, in gold and silver i'n«o, including the celebrated .National or Elgin Watch, Waltham, Tretnont, Iior ouin, rhinnelt, Pardehux, Jncot, Ac., In both La dle’ and gentlemen*. sixes. Flue Gold Jewelry, Solid Gold Lconiton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING A COIN SILVER GOODS, FISE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE BLASSES, of the mo8t*approve<l kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KINDS, j including the celebrated ITHACA CALENDAR all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted* | Particular attention given to repairing all kinds o! i Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances applied and I adjusted to temperature and position. fljan70-tf J. M. Kimball dt Co., 303 & 301 Congress St., Portland, Me. OLD REPOSITORY. -ARE SKLUNCi - TOP BUGGIES for . *175 to *2u0 C A HR Y ALLtf from Ho to 2W PHAETONS from 175 to 200 Oonconl fctvle Wagon, WO to 150 i JUMP SEATS, 175 to 200 tmay26-lw BATH TIBH, COPPER BOILERS, i Water Closets, Wash Basins, ! RRAHH «& PLATED WARE, Cast Iron Pipe, Lead Fipef Sheet Lead! ! And ever}- article pertaining to Plumbing kept con t ’ Bluntly uu hand and for -ale at H. R. STRATTON’S, ■ Corner Bridge A Water Streets, Under Hunt’s Hat Store. I N. B. Plumbing in all its branches done in a neat ! and thorough neuter. , Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. fliapr-tf _ _ Q IL S, PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, and ESSENTIAL OILS ot all kind., at ! Johnson Brothers. Shooting Tackle. n. wTloso, SUCCESSOR TO L. -V. 1.ELAND, C3-TT3ST SMITH And Dealer in 1 Shootiiig Tackle of Every Variety. ! Rifles uml Shot Guns made to order and war ranted. Old Shot Gunn rimmed out smooth and | made to shoot thick and strong. Also, Ammunition j of the nieest quality. Repairing done Neatly and Promptly. lilnistliiK Powder. The best quality and largest stork ever kept in this market. For sale at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied in any quantity or quality at dis count. ljan-ly DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DENTAL SURGEON, 150 WATER STREET, f^tiffusta, - - Maine. Makes the successful treatment of all diseases of he mouth and teeth a specialty, employing all the atest and best improvements in the method of till ing with gold and all proper material. Ulcerated teeth permanently cured, and their decayed and broken down crowns tilled and built tip to their originul shupe and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! Great improvement in the method of constructing aud titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DK. CHAMHEKI.A1N in inserting n lame num ber of aeta of these teeth, which for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot he surpassed any Where. The plate will not start or drop down, and is warranted to lit perfectly. All are un ited to cull and examine specimens Of teeth made on red, pink and white rubber. FUEEH «AS EVEBY DAY. ttntyo tf WANTED! I^ARMERShnd Hunters haring prime Mina Akins 1 on hand will find a cash customer at highest ! market price by sending them to J. II. ULLLg 4k CO., USE RENNE’S FAIN KILLING MAGIC OIXa. U- “ IT WORKS LIKE A CHAM*."-ai rkaiakr— . ^ a . . Ken lie's Pain-Killing Magic oil cures Mbad achat Kcnne’s Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Toothache Renne’s Pain-Killing Magic Oil.cures Neuralgia. Renne’s Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Cholera Mar* I bus I .. _ t Kenne’s Pain-Killing Magic OH cures Rheumatism ? Ib imc h Pam-killing Magic Oil cures &kiu duwneo* Some folks seem to be proud prtelling how 'ilin6 their shoulders art”—of “my b.aek' —of “I have, got the Sciatica,”—*and delight in bragging that “nothing ran cure me !*—-but worn wr set such “awfbl folks” to us. KfcNNl- » I’Alh-JiAl.LlNt. M VGIC Oil., faithfidly, wo not only cure their lameness and charm away tbeir pains, but WO ac tually take all that kind ol "brag out of them!” and thov"frankly own ui* and say, “It works like • charm. . . _ . Sold by all Dnauwte Mutchouta and .roowe. It is nut up in three sues,and called "Trial Sim,” Mjlrdiiim sfie," and "Large Family SUe- bottles. TVM. J1EN.NE, Solo Proprietor aud Manufac turer. PiTTsriELb, Mass \t hob-sale and retail in Augusta, br Marshall Whltbed, Grocer. lyiTeow COVSfcKMKKT OF MAIKS, 1070. MnftNOB, Joshua L. Chambiihi.aix, Brunswick COUNCIL. lit District, Uranus O. Brackett, Berwick. 2d District, WiUiaxn Peering, Portland, 3d District, William Rogers, Bath. 4th Dtstrlc*, Ambrose !§'• Abbot, China. 5th Diitri«t, Edvard Iff FJicar, Rockland. 6th District, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. 7th District, D. K Hobart, Deanysville. RXKCUTIYK ovFicxas. Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick, Secretary of State. George O. Stacy, Kerar Falls, Deputy Secretary. H. M. Pithon, Vassalbora’, Clerk. B. B. Murray, Jr.,"Pembroke. Adjutant General. « Augustus L. Smith, Augusta Clerk to Adjutdnt General. George N. Page, N nrrUlgevrock, State Pension Clerk In Adjutant General’s office. W iiliani Caldwell, Augusta, State Treasurer. Sylvanus Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer's Clerk. Parker P. Burleigh, Libneus, Land Agdut. governor's staff. John M. Brown, Portland, Colonel, Assistant Inspector General. Eugene F. Banger, M. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geon General. JidM-de Camp, with rank of LUufnant Colon*L Be Idea Connor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathan Cutler. Preotfea M. Fogler, Augusta, Messen'r to Gov. bad Council. Benjamin F. Harris, Machias. Supt. of Public Buildings George L. Uoodale, Brunswick, State Assayer. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick, Bute Assayer. Daniel Winslow, Westbrook, Inspector Geu. of Beef k Pork. David Pernald, Camden, Inspector General of Fish. Geo. F. Dillingham, Old town, Agt. Penobscot Tribe Indians. Geo. F. Wadswortli, Eastport, Agt. Passamaqu*jr Tribe In. Albert W. Paine, Bangor, Insurance Examiner. Asa W. Wildes, Skowhegan, T Samuel II. Blake, Bangor, > Railroad Commissioners . Solomon T. Corser, Portland,) SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. ASSOCIATE JUSTU 8*. Edward Kent, Bangor, donas Cutting, Bangor. Jonathan G Dickerson, Belfast', Charles W. Walton, Portland. William G. Barrows, Brunswick. Charles Dan forth, Gardiner. Rufus P. Tup ley, Saco., ATTORNEY UKXBKAL Thomas B. Reed, Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. Henry M. Harlow, M. D., Superintendent and Physician Bigelow T. Sanborq, M. I)., Assistant Physician. TRUSTER!*} William B. Lapham, M. D., Woostock, President. John T. Gilman, M. D., Portland. Ib*. M. R. Ludwig, Thomaston. Hon. Geo. A. Frost, Spriugvalc. Hon. A. G. Wakefield, Bangor. STATE PRISON Warren W. Rice, Warden. Ell-ridge Burton, Deputy Warden. IX5PRCTORS. William Wilson, lion. Rufus Prince. STATE REFORM SCHOOL Hon. E. W. Woodbury, SujK-riutendentj TRUSTEES. j Hon. Noah Woods, Bangor, President. I W.R Gould, Portland, Secretary. | Iluq. Nathan Dane, Alfred, Treasurer. I!«n. Jeremy W. Porter, Strong. Tobias Lord, Staudish. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND THE MECHANIC ARTS Trustees} Hon. Abner Coburn, Skowbegan, President, lion. Thomas S. Lang, Augusta. Hon. William P Wingate, Bangor H n. Lyndou Oak, Garlaud. Rev. Samuel F. Dyke, Bath J. C. Madigau, Moulton. lion. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Orono, Secretary. Executive Committee. Hon. ffm. P. Wingate, Hou. Lyndon Oak, lion. Thomas S. Lang. Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL. D.j Rev. Amory Battles*, Hon. Thomas 3. Lang. Faculty. Merritt C. Fernald A. M., Acting President and Professor of Mathematics «n-l Physics. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agriculture. Stephen F Peck ham, A. M., Professor of Chemistry. Calvin Cutter, M, D., Lecturer on Anatomy, Physiology and Hygena Coryilon B. Lakin, Instructor in Book-keeping. Captain Henry K. Sellers, Bangor, Instructor iu Military Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Samuel Wasson, Ellsworth, President. D. H. Thing, Ml. Vernon, Vke President S. L. Good alt*. Saco, Secretary. M. C. Fernald, Orono. } S. P. Peckham* Orono. j Charles E. Hamlen, Watervllle. J Members at Large. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick. | George L. Good ale, Brunswick. I MEMBERS FROM COUNTIES. Beth Seamraan, for Cumberland County, Sear borough. Wildea P. Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsham. William Swett, Oxford County, South Paris. Lev i L. Lucas, Somerset County, St. Albans. Ira Doe. York County, Saco. * Elijah B. Stack pole, Penobscot County, Kenduskeag. Samuel Wasson, Hancock County, Ellsworth. J. Yumum Putnam, Aroostook County, Iloultou. Jeremiah R. Norton, Franklin County, Avon. Luther Chamberlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson. Moses L. Wilder, Washington County, Pembroke. Isaac Hobbs, Knox County, South Hope. Dauiel H. Thing Keunebec County, Mt. Vernon. "George E. Brackett, Waldo County, Belfast. Z. A- Gilbert. Androscoggin County, East Turuer. Calvin Chamberlain, (State Society0 Foxcroft John Bodge, Lincoln County, Jsflferson. COMMON SCHOOLS Warren Johnson, Topsham, State Superintendent. Joseph F. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland. • COUNTY SUPERVISOR#. Androscoggin, C B. Stetson, Lewiston. I Aroostook, W. T. Sleeper, Sherman. Cumberland, J. B. Webb, Gorham. Franklin, A. H. Abbott, Farmington. Hancock, W. H. Savary, Ellsworth. Kennebec, W. 12. Bigelow, Clinton. Kuox. G. M. Hicks. Rockland. Lincoln, D. S. Gliduen, Newcastle. Oxford, N. T. True, Bethel. Penobscot, S. A. Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, W. S. Knowlton, Monaon Sagadahoc, D. F. Potter, Tupsham. Somerset, A. 11. Eaton, Norrldgewoqk Waldo, N. A. Luce, Froed»m, Washington, W. J. Corthel), Calais. York, M. K. Mabry, Limerick. MAINE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. President, J. II. Hanson, YVatervilie. \ ice-president, C. C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary a*d Treasurer, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J 1J llanson, Chairman, Waterville* 0. B. Stetagn, Lewiston. A. P. Stone, Portland. J. S. Burrell, Lewiston. W. Johnson, Topsham, C C. Rounds, Farmington. J. P. Gross, Brunswick. G. T. Fletcher, Castine. J. B. Webb, Yarmouth. STATE LIBRARY. I Joseph T. Woodward, Librarian. A. P. COULD, -DEALER IN — STOVES, WON 4 CO/ll FURNACES, nKfiwrans, *«. l’u'tlrnfnr attention paid to setting HOT Ant Ft/IBtAGES. Also Agent for the new PEKMLNSS WOKING MOM, TUX XAMk'LE COOK, ami CMOS PORTABLE RANGE. STOVE REPAIRS, Pumps and Lead 1 ipe. Tin, Jiriltaania, and Toilet Max. »-T!N ROOFING, and all kinds of JOBBING promptly attended to. 1 JUo«r Ktrtlior Willr—4 lri4p, W»ter street, AugiuU. .j^L***! .n ....- ,aj, '. RICHMOND PORTABLE RAM Ml I —— AMD ; O; | Hanging Dome Furnace! [ At WILLIAMSON 4 GREEJTWOOD'6. =r■« i' ■ '-t—--——-=-*±:v' FtVS MIXkKKD MILES IP STAIRS. *r * “Heading at hah t *i«ctrlcity, lightning# and tlie telegraph, the other day," said Uncle Peter, "reminded nte of 4Wrfoui stor^ I once heard, when I was in ling* It seems there was a newspaper in the city of Glasgow, in Scotland, which etn- '* ployed a Lbndon correspondent. The cor respondent made it his duty to gather the news every day and send it to Glasgow every night by telegraph. He made an arrangement with ths op erator at a certain office, by which news was sent to Glasgow at a reduction by the year. One night he arrived at the .lower door at the fool of the stairs leading up into the telegraph office. The door was locked, and he could not open it. The telegraph office was way up to the top ot the building, id thesixth story. The operator had a bed there, to which he re tired promptly at three o’clock, and it was now half-past*two. ,, The operator up stairs yawned and looked at his watch. “Jinkins won’teoifte to night*” said he; “I may as well go to bed.”" And there was poor Jinkenswl the time pounding away on the doos at the loot of the long stairs, unable to get in. “What’s the row?" said a policeman coming along. “rm locked out, saiuJenkin*. Miiere news for my paper—a murder, three fires and a riot—and the door locked i« my face, and I can't get in. What will I do?” So the policeman began hanging the door, but Junes, the operator, up wi his office, was as unconscious ot the tumult . as if it had been in the moon. He was whistling to himself at«l yawning prodig iously. ‘Why don’t you go to some bother hof fiee?’’ asked the poliueruan. “No authority to use any other 1106,” said the correspondent. “Ah! I've got it!” he added, and before the policeman could • ask what it was, tlie excited Jinkins dash ed off down the street as if a mad dog was after him. Jinkins rushed breathlessly Into another telegraph office, six blocks off, “i say,” said he to the operator, “I’m in a fix. Got news to send off inside of half an hour, and the stupid operator at my office has gone to sleep, and I can’t get in—and—and—and—” “Well, that is a fix.” “Tell you what I want,” said Jinkins. endeavoring to catch his breath; “I want you to telegraph down to Glasgow, and ask the operator there to telegraph up Were to Jones, and bid him come down staim and let me in.” The operator roared with laughter at this, but went at once to his instrument, and began rattliug away at a great rate. This is the message he sent: “Glassgow. Wake Up Jones, Static* X. Tell him Jinkins *t the foot of the stairs, can't get in.” Jones was looking at his watch again, and concluded that ne had better put out the lights and go to his little bed-room across the way, when clatter, clatter, went his instrument. “There's Glassgow calling mq,” said Jones; and hurried to his Instrument and ticked off. “What’s wanting?” Hack came the answer: “Jinkins down stairs—door fast—let him in.” Off went Jones down stairs with a rush; aud at last the anxious Jinkins got up and sent off his news. “Mo you see how a man sent a message through a solid door, aud up four pair of stairs, four hundred miles around, and by way of Glasgow, and within twenty min utes. “Wasn't that four hundred miles up stairs ?” First Letter Foundry In Sew England Commenced in 1817. Boston Type Foundry Always noted for It* Hard and Tough Metal, And its, large varieties of BOOK AND JOtB TYPE, Ami lately lor its uaiiralivd Newspaper Faces, Electro!) ping Done In all Its Branches. Address orders to ; rbl'toH J. A, ST. JOHN, Agen t* 65 Water Street, . » • - non ton SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. 1-oiig experience and the utmost, care are neee, sary to ensure good metal, even wkh a know ledge of the best combinations—therefore, the safest way is to bay of the oldent established roaadry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Paces (body, ews Ban, and dta. play) are of oar awu catting, and the beat— dn, as a glance at the papers we At out wtMprooa* BOOK PACZ8. Onr sperlnl Specimen of Boole Tags* Plows gre* variety, ad.ipt.-d ta all ktads of wosfc, iabftnUng oa» Bevive.l Old Stilus, tips most parfmt amlmdlmeuM of the letters of the last century yet presented. «tr ? Crockery, China & Glass. PRICES REm CED! I T«s prices of Crockery, Chuja ami Glass Ware at j So. 139 Water Street, * , J Are marked doe u to incut the 1*11 in Gold 1 mayl-ttt J. D. rlEP'"