Newspaper Page Text
Itoitg Jitnurkr fournal. ~ imrro treat itn clergyman On this point "Peregrine Pickle,” in the Hew Covenant, gives some advice. He M.TS: • •'Do not be afraid of doing too much fbr him. The best you can do is poor pay. If he had a conscientious apprecia tion of his duties, no mau can carry about with him higher views of life or more pressing anxieties or responsibilities. He, second only to the mother, must greet the little one, just commencing to travel this roadway of life, and set the little feet so that thev shall be enabled to travel aright, and escape the dangers which lurk on either hand, all along the journey. He must unite the young men and maidens, for good or evil, and send them out into the world to labor and to love together, or to struggle and to hate apait. When the household heaven clouds over and the rains fall into the home, he must stand by the bedside to encourage and console. And when, some morning, the doors are closed and the shutters are fastened; when a chair which has stood at the ta ble year in and year out, is moved back to the wall; when the old clock in the cor ner ticks no longer for one with whom time is at an end ; when he who was the strength and reliance of the home-nest lies sleeping in the upper chamber, white as the flowers about him, aud as silent as the pulseless darkness, and Shall cross the well worn threshold only once more, and forever, then lie must step in and say those words of sympathy and consolation which only he can say. * All life is in his hands, from the cradle to the grave, even though the rocking of that cradle may reach into second childhood, and tiie liie beyond here, which goes on in always in creasing but never ending cycles. There fore, I Oiink it will bo to the benefit of the church if you lift up his hands; and the lifting up of his hands will prove a bene diction to you.” . THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL, (Established in 1836.} Enlarged and Improved. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEW8PAPER. Not Excelled by »ny in the State. JL'ST Enlaiioed and Printed on n*w. Plain, and Handsom* Type! Haring rull Reports of Legislator proceeding*; CArrfully prepared Political Articles, Pacts and Sta tistics; Local, Domestic and Foreign Sews; Corres pondence; Tales, Poetrv, Agricultural and other MiaesUaneous Matter. >a lucres,, of Subscription Price—A Gaud Time ta Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journal. The Kensebec Journal is in the Forty-fourth year of it* age. libs* just been enlarged, and is now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, Its six* not being exceeded by that of any other paper in the Slate, and surpassed by but few in otner States. It will contain Garcmuy rreparea roimcai Article*. facts, .maum tics, Htwecbea and Extracts; Full Reports of the Prooeedmgs of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information in relation to mat ters pertaining to the State Govern ment; Leporte of the Doings of Congress ; Local and State News; Summaries of Do mestic and Foreign News; Reports of the Markets at Home and Abroad; well se lected Tales.Poetry, . Agricultural and other inter estiug and Useful Reading lor the Family: also Correspondence from Abroad and original upon subjects of Gen'l Interest. It has been enlarged from Twsaty-Elfht in Thirty-Mi Colsnu, in width, and proportionately increased in length, and is printed ou an Entire New Suit of Type, Making it one of tb« Handsomest and Most Readable, u well ns one of tbe CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. The price of subscription has not been 9 increased on account of enlargement. Vow is the Time to Subscribe! Terms : $2 00per annum In advance, $2.23 at the tnd of aix months, and 42.50 at the end of the year. Published every Wednesday. Dally Kennebec Journal, Will be issned every morning, (Sundays excepted,) on nnd after the first of January. Will give Full and Accurate Reports of the Proceedings of the Legislature from day to day; Reports or Im portant Hearing, liefore Committees; Abstracts of Discussion, in the Boards of Education and Agriculture; will have the Latest News by Tele graph tbe amine aa other dailies, and will also lave Editorials, Correspondence, Locals aud the ■anal Summaries of News, also tile most Import ant Speeches of the Session. The Discussions iu the Buard of Education w ill give New and Additional Importance to the Daily Jot;nsAL, as it will contain reports of them. Terms, 47.00 per year; 42.00 for the Session. 4W Members of the Legislature will do their con •titueaU and themselves a favor to interest them, selves iu getting subscribers to the above publica tions. Tns Daily keep* up that correspondence hot Venn the People and their Representatives, through their Legislative Reports, which Is neces sary and agreeable to both. Vo Tri-Weekly will be published. Those pei sous who desire a full report of the Legislative Proceed must subscribe for the Daily Journal. ■W Postmasters and Members of the Legislature aaSsetsed to lake subeeriptioua. gW The Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal am published at Augusta, Maine, by SPRAGUE. OWES k NASH. wtuu Khali We Eat ? ALL regular physicians will tell you that Bee and Pork Is not so healthy to eat Id spring and summer as good Fresh Fish. Tbe same can be ob tained at (TMIKG A MIRES* MARKET, tytur B. R. Bridge, Water II., Where all order* will be promptly attended to * for FISH e» nil hinds In their season. _ CUSH IMG A HOLMES, *•*»" . Water street. August*. august*JDtmtori?. Churches. ORTHODOX CONGREGATIONAL —Granite ( b. j SUte st., between Bridge»nd Oak. J. I Bingham, paator; re.idence No. » stale .traet. Morning Service 10.3# A. M. Afternoon service 3.30 P. M. FIRST PTiOT,-Comer Winthrop and Perham j «u. J Kicker, paator: residence t'heatnnt atijeet. Morning aervine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon tAO P. . M. Evening 7 P.M. . » rREE BAPTIST,—State street, north of Bridge. C F. Penney, pastor; residence Summer street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 3.30 P. M. Evening 7 P.M. . J METHODIST EPISCOPAL,—Green street, east of State. E. Martin, pastor; residence at the par sonage, next door to the church. Morning scr vice 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 P.M. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL,—State st., between Oak and Winthrop. lb *. Mr. Upjohn, rector. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Evening service 7 P. M UN I VERBALIST,—Cor. Winthrop and Summer sts. C. It. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School aervidb at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P. M. „ UNITARIAN,-Corner Oak aud State sti. Rev. Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10.30 A M. Sabbath School service 2.15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC,—SUte st., north of Bridge. Rev. Mr. O’Brien, priest; residence near the church. The Congregational, First Baptist, Free ill Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in their vestries every W ednesday evening, at half-past seven o’clock. Y. M. C. A. Rooms in Darby Block, Water Street. Regular prayer meetings every Monday evening. Religions exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to all. Masonic BETHLEHEM LODGE, No. 35, r. and A. M. Stated meetings first Monday of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. Crowell. Master J. » . Clapp, Secretary. ANGl'STA LODGE, No. HI, F A A. M. Stated meetings first Tuesday of each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W. H. Wood bury. Master. E. F. Blackman, secretary. TRINITY COMMANDKKY, No. 7, Knights Tem plar stated meetings Friday on or before the full moon of each month A. D. Knight, Eminent Commander. A I- Smith. Recorder JERUSALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER—Meets at Hallowell. Stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. B. F. Warner. High Priest. ALPHA COUNCIL—Meets at Hallowell. Quar terly Convocations, January. April, July, Oc tober: Wednesday succeeding full moon. D. Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance. 8ABATT19 LODGE, No. 78 of Good Tempcar*. Meets every Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE —Meets at Darhy Hall every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Post Office. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak and Water Greets. OFFICE HornsFrom 7-50 A. 31. to 8 P M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. James A. Bicknell, Postmaster. George II. Far rington. Chief Clerk. Arrival and Drparture o/Mailti—Western, leaves 11.00 A. M.; elosea 10 30 A. 31.: arrives 3 301*. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.43 P. M.; closes 3.30 P.31 ; arrives 10.45 A. M. Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. 31.; arrives 10.30 A. 31. Rockland and Way. leaves 8.30 A. M.; closes 8.15 A. 3L; arrives 5.00 1*. M. Winthrop, leaves 8.00 A. M.; closes 7 43 A. 31.; arrives ti.00 P. M. Eartningtou and May, leaves 7.50 A. M.; closes 7.45 A. M ; arrives 2.00 I*. M. Freeport and Litchfield, leaves fl.00 A. M.: closes 8 00 1*. 31.; arrives 10.30 A. 31. Leaves Monday, M'ednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. "Every morning a train leaves Augusta at 5.30 A. M.: arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8 00 I*. 31. ^allotoell ©itmorg. HALLOWELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN M AIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 3.27 and 7.32 I’. 31. Closes at 10.46 A. M. and 8 P. M. EASTERN 31 AIL arrives dally, Sundays eicepted, at 11.10 A. 31. Closes at 3.15 P- 31. LITCHFIELD -MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. 31. Closes 8undays, Tues days sad Thursdays, at 8 P. 51. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A. 31., te 8 P.M. Open Satnrdxys until 8.30 P. 31. 3ZP Box Renta and Poatage on paperm, periodicals, Ac , payable quarterly In advance. E. ROWELL, P M Hallowell, May 3,1889. CHURCHES. South Parish Congregational Church, corner of Second and Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Cass. G. McCclly, Pastor, residence on Chestnut St. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service. 2.15. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. Kev. A. K. Crass, Pastor} residence on Middle St., }>etween Winthrop and Lincoln. Moruiug service, 10.30 •, Afternoon service, 215 Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street,between Un ion and Central. Rev. Calks Fi ller, Pastor ; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 2 15. First Uutvcraaltst Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Lkhmard K. Storm, Rectar; residence corner of Becoud and Lincoln btrevts. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon serv ice, 2 30. Free Baptist Chttrch, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. M. C. A. Regular meetings of the Y<>ung Men's Christian Associ ation of liHlloweil, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist I Cburvli every Monday swelling, commencing at 7$ o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Assooi ation, are field every Sunday evening— In Burns’ Schoolhouse, Fanningdale, at 7 o'clock. In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In Loudon lliU Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Schoolhouse, Manchester, at 7 o'clock. At Litchfield Neck at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FOWLKS, President H. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennebec Lodge, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Commu nications Wednesday, on or preceding the full moon. JAMES ATKINS, Js., W. M. J. K. NYK, Sec’y. Jerusalem K. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations, Thurs day on or before the full of the moon. B. F. WARNER, II. P. F. J. DAY, Sec’y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. F. J. DAY. Rec’r. Trinity Commandery. Meetings at Augusta on the Friday on or before the full moon of each month. A. D. KNIGIIT, E. C. A L. SMITH, Rec’r. TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor and Temperance. No. 3. Reg ular meetings, every Tueaday erening. J W. ri'LLKR, W. 0. T BUN TENNEY, W R Kennebec Council. No. 4. Regular meetings on ths first and third Srrlav evenings of each month. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. C. HUNT, R. of C. Sheridan Lodge, No. 393, X. 0. of O. T. Regular meet ings every Saturday evening. P.8. BOYD, W. C. T E. A. A. XIEATI?, R. 8. Great lni|trovegnen( In Artificial Teeth. DU. SNELL INSERTS Teeth on UritiiKK hy a new process, by which the plate is made mh thin «« a metallic base; at the same time the plate is flexible, and leas liable to break This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect flt. Haring purchased the exclusive right to use this inode in Kennebec county, I shall be nappy to show its peculiar adrantuges to any one who needs artl icial teeth 69 Winthrop Street. AufftMls, J»n. ‘iSth, 1870. *'i9jnu-3wA3wS «E0. E. BRICKETT, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, A If; 1ST A, ME. Oftice orer Hunt’s Cap Store, West End of the Kennebec Bridge. W Residence on Spring Street. myttOW Allen, 8mall & Co, MAtHININTS, And M.nulluituren ol Mean, Eo*ine«, Circular Haw Mills, Clap Pulley., Mill Work, aad all kind, of rOBBZNO t'.uslly done in » flr»t-cl».» MacMn. 8bop. Alee Improved Excelsior Machines, which cuU two Bolts at a time as readily at one HOARD PLAN!ERA constantly on hand. He. I Journal Block, . . Water Street, _8m_AUGUSTA. ME. 5jan70 0» EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Bitters ! Bitters ! OR. BBJVIVETT’S celebrated JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE T1IE SUREST CURE EOK Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all persons are more or less subject in Spring anil Summer THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE! And composed of some of the best ROOTS and HERBS in the world. Try Them. They are Warranted to do as Recommended ! Price, BO Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY BY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME. E^ts'ukksX r-»-' D ■ 6 VAUSSSl Tru.nls.s ! TrunliS ! THE 1*1.A CM: TO BUY Pronoli, Bucenc, Solo Uoatlier, And all kinds of common TRAVELLING TRUNKS! Also, Ladles' and Gents’ TRAVELLING A SHOPPING BAGS, Is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Right Place to buy your HARNESSES, and get tfce celebrated DUNN nARNESS. is nt HAniLTON * TURNER’*, s »»* WATER STREET. The cheapest place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES, HAL TERS, Ac., is at HAMILTON A TURNER'S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business. Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking, Carting * Expressing. Manufactured from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best oi workmen. *Ve would remind the public that our Harness took all tlie premiums offered at the last State Pair four in number. Also the first premium at the late New England Fair. . ._«. As onr customers are dallv informed that our Harnesses are Machinei stitched-—we would invite them and the public generally to call and examine the larfrest rtoek of readv-i^e Harnesses fered in this city, and we will convince them that we make the best HAND STITCHED work to be had for the same amount of moner. and if we don’t have on hand what is wanted, can make it at short •notice. Sample" of Gold Gilt! Oroide Silver, Covered, and Japanned Trimmed Harncegjnay be seen at our salesroom, NO. 172 MIDDLE STREET. HENRY DUNN A SON. For Sale by Hamilton cfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tllfeb-tf OPPOSITE DEERING & HOLWAY’S. SOAPS ! Genuine Imported Soaps, OF ALL KINDS, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND Fancy Goods, VERY LOW FOR CASH ! AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opposite POST OFFICK. MAMIOOII, 154th Edition. A MEDICAL ESSAY on the < ause and Cure ol Premature Decline, showing how tiealth is lost and how regained. It gives a clear Synopsis of the Impediments to MaRHIADK, the treatment of NBK vous and Physical Debility, Stkkility, Ac., and the remedies therefor,—the results of twenty years' successful practice. •'There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whether such person holds the relation of Pnrent, Preceptor, or Clergy man."— lAmdon Mtdical Timm and Gazette. « ‘Manhood.’ The experience and reputation ol Dr. Curtis in the treatment of the diseases set forth in this little pamphlet is the patient’s guarantee, and well deserves for the work Its immense circu lation.”— Daily Timm. Sent by mall on receipt of 50 cents. Address the Author, DR. CL'BTis, 14 Chapman atreet, Bos ton, Mass. mar!J8-teod:tm ARNO, HODGKINS A CO., MANVTACTURERS OF ORGANS AND MELODEONS! Water at., Gardiner, Me. MR. J. T. PATTERSON or romvMJra, Travelling Agent. may4-tf FARMING TOOLS! AT IPIAUdldtl OJT «r CUMim HARDWARE ! Prices U educed. From this J>nto, ALL GOODS IX THE LISE OF HAEMUli l.J/il HAULS IBOy and STEEL, Ac., Ac., will be sold at Prices Defying Competition ! Goods Marked Clear Down! lUa Water Street, AMOS WILDER. Augusta, April 1,1870. 15tf_ LADIES I CALL AND SEE MISS TURNER’S NEW STOCK OK MILLINERY l X/flSS TURNER has secured the assistance of i.TI Miss Kaltoch, (formerly at M. P. Soule’a,) and feels couUdent that She Can Suit All, Both in Hogard to Taate and Prioe. W Remember the rtace, Under Heonian Hail, (Up-Staira,) And directly opposite the Conr liount. t20ai»r-4t&3ini7 J1I8S V. Tt’RNEK. Feather Dusters! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. A Laundry In Augusta. rpHE subaerlber has opened a LAUNDRY at her I residence on Capitol street, in Augusta, whare ■he would he happy to eerve all In Washing & Ironing’! The work will be done In the best style, and At Reduced Prices ! MRS. S. A. FOWLER. Capitoi tuvot Augusta, April 7,1870 tSapg-iw m Thin itciucuj uoe» not simply reitevs for a short time, but it produces perfect and permanent cures of the worst cases of Chrouic \'a«al Catarrh, and / u'Hl pay $600 reward for a cast that I cannot curt. ‘•Cold in the head” and Catarrhal Headache are cured with a few applications. If you have a dis charge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, stop- j ping up of the nose at times, partial loss of the j sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or i weak, feel dull, have pain or pressure in the head, you must rest assured that you have Catarrh. | Thousand* annually, without manifesting half the above svmptoins terminate in Consumption and j end in the grave. No disease is so common, more I deceptive or less understood by physicians. J will i send my pamphlet on Catarrh to any address free, i Dr. Sage’.- Catarrh Itemedv is now SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Price 60 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt 60 cents, or four packages for two dollars. Beware of counterfeits and xcorthlrss imitations. See that my private Stamp, which is a positive guarantee <>! genuineness is upon the outside wrapper Re- ■ member that this private stamp, issued by the United States Government expressly for -tamping j my medicines, has my portrait, name and address j 1 and the words “U. d. Certificate of Genuineness’*) I engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don’t be swindled by travelers and others representing ; 1 themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now , living that has the knowledge and right to manu facture the genuine I>r. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, and I never travel to sell thi- medicine. H V FIERCE, M. IV tjunoil—eodAwSm 1:13 Seneca st., Buffalo, N Y. SAnHOOD and womanhood^ PUBLISHED BT THE Penbotly Nlrdirtil Institute! No. 4 BULFINCH ST., Boston, (Opposite Revere House.) 100,000 COPIES SOLD THE LAST YEAR THE SCIENCE OF IIFK,or SELF-PRESERVATION A Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline in Man, Nervous and Physical Debility, Hypochondria, and all other diseases arising from the Errors ok Youth, or the Indiscretions or Excesses of mature years. This is indeed a book for every man. Price only One Dollar. 385 pages, bound in cloth. DR. A. H. HAYES, Author. A Rook for Every Woman. Entitled SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN AND HER DISEASES i or. Woman treated or Physiologi cally and Pathologically, from Infancy to Old Auk, with elegant Illc.stratiyk Engravings. These are, beyond all comparison, the most extraordinary works on Physiology ever published. There Is nothing whatever that the Married or Single of Either Sex can either require or wish to know, but what is fully explained, and many (natters of the most important and interesting character are Introduced, to which no allusion even can be found in any other works in our language. All the New Discoveries of the author, whose experience is such as probably never before fell U> the lot of any man, are given in fulL No person should be without these valuable bocks. Valuable Books. We have received the valuable med ical works of Dr. Albert U. Hayes. These books are of actual merit, and should find a place in every intelligent family. They are not the cheap order of abominable trash, published by irresponsible parties, and purchased to gratify coarse tastes, but are written by a responsible professional gentleman of eminence, as a source of instruction on vital matters, concerning which lamentable ignorance exists The important subjects presented are treated with delicacy, ability aud care, and, as an appendix, many useful pre scriptions for prevailing complaints are added—Coos Re publican, Lancaster, If. H., Stp. 7, 1869. Dr. Hates is one of the m'»st learned and popular physi cians of the day, and is entitled to the gratitude of our race for these iuvaluable productions. It seems to N* his aim to induce men aud women to avoid the cause of those diseases to which they are subject, and he tells them just how and when to do it.—Farmington Chronicle, Far mington, Afe., Sept. 15, lt69. The extraordinary success of Dr. Hayes has amused the envy of a set of pretenders to medical skill, who purloin the , matter, and even chapter titles, from his works, and artv*r j ti*» themselves fal* ly aad absurdly as members of medical ! societies in London, Diinburgh, and Paris, which they never saw. But such transput tuck* can nef* r alienate from him the intelligent portion f the oonununUy. who soon learn to distinguish between the scientific practitioner and the soulhas and brainless quacd. Price of SCIENCE OF LIFE, $1.00. PHYSIOLOOY OF WOMAN AND HER DISEASES, $3.00. lu Turkey morocco, full gilt, $5.00. Postage paid. Either book sent by mail on receipt of price Address “The Pkamopt Medical Institute,” or Da HAYES, No. 4 Bulfloch street, Boston. N. B.—Dr. II. may be consulted instrictest confidence on all diseases requiring skill, secresy and experience. In violable SkuRESY AND CERTAIN RELIEF. Ij30 i »tion.i; but it loosans aad rtaansea the lungs, and allart irritation, thua removing the cause of the complaint. SETH W. FOWLE A SON, Proprietor*. Boston. 8o!d by druggists and dealers In medicines generally. Tins BURDETT CELESTE AND Combination Organs ATTF.An OP AliL COMPETITORS ! Being the most perfect instrument that musical ear I listened toproducing musical tone- from the sc ft ! at and most delicate whisper to the de«*h swelling ! tone of the pipe organ. I Prices lor Cash, from $*h9 to $400. — ALSO: — llnzelton Bros. Piano-Forte*. Manthall 6t Wend* 11 Piano-Forte*. I Superior Instruments, at very low prices lor c»r-h. And other Musical Merchandise of every descrip tion, at John G. Haynes & Co., No 33 COCUT STREET. • - BOSTON. MASS. Price Lists And Circulars sent on application. lOly AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. R. H. EDDY, I SOLICITOR OR1 PATKN'I’S, Late Agent of the 17. S. Patent Office. Washington, uuder the Act of 1837. No. 78 State Street,(opposite Kilby Street) BOSTON. A FTER an extensive practice of upwards of 20 j\_ years, continues to secure Patents in the Uni ted States; also in Great Britain, France and other foreign countries. Caveats, Specifications, Bonds, Assignments, and all papers or drawings lor Pa tents, executed on reasonable terms with dispatch Researches made into American and Foreign works to determiue the validity and utility of Patents of Inveutions, and legal and other advice reudered on all matters touching the same. Copies of the claims of any patent famished by remitting one dollar. Assignments recorded in Washington. No Agency in the United .States possesses superi or facilities for obtaining Patents, or ascertaining the patentability of inventions. During eight months the subscriber, in the course of his large practice, made on twice rejected appli i cations, surteen appeals; every one of which was de cided in his favor l>y the Commissioner of Patents. Testimonials. “I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the most capable and successful practitioners with whom I have had official intercourse. CHARLES MASON, Commissioner of Patents.” “I have no hesitation m assuring inventors that they cannot emplov a man more competent and trustworthy, and more capable of putting their ap plications in a form to secure for them an early and favorable consideration at the Patent Office. EDMUND BURKE, Late Commissioner of Patents.” *‘Mr. R. II. Ei>I>y has made for me THIRTEEN applications, in all but ONE of which patents have been granted, and that one is now pending. Such unmistakable proof of great talent and ability on his part leads me to recommend all Inventors to apply to him to procure their patents, as they may be sure of having the most faithful attention bestowed on their cases and at very reasonable charges. JOHN TAGHART.” Boston, Jan. 1.1870. Iv2 ALL klNDiTOF JOBBING AND repairing Done at I»pr4-Sm Williamson ft Greenwood's. ~ Plated Spoons and Forks ! FOR SALK BY t5apr-tf BALLARD & CHASE* HARDWARE r At WILLIAMSON 4 G ".KENWOOD’S PACIFIC MAIL 8TEAM8HIP CO.’S TIIROrftll I,INF. TO CAUFOBRU, CHINA AND JAPAN. Touching at Morioan port*, and carrying V. S. Matt Fare* Hrrally Rcdacad. tKeamahipa on the Atlantic ALASKA, ARIZONA, 1IENRY CHAUNCY, SEW YORK, OCEAN gi EKN. NORTHERN LIGHT' OBTA RICA. Connecting on in* r»- i ciflc with the COLORADO, CONSTITUTION, GOLDEN CITY, SACRAMENTO, GOLDEN AGE, MONTANA, One of the above large and splendid steamships will leave Pier No. 42, North River, foot of Canal Street, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the Sth and 21st oi every month, (except when those duys full on Sun day, and then on the proceeding Saturday,) for AS PINWALL, connecting, via Panamu Railway, with one of the Company's steamships from Panama for san Francisco; toueidng at manzanili.o. Departures of 21st connect at Panama w ith Steam ers for SOCTII I’ VCIFIC and CENTRAL AMERI CAN PORTS. Those of the 6th touch at MA/.AN "ko? JAPAN and CHINA, steamer CHINA leaves San Francisco, August let, lsiO. One Hundred Pounds Baggage allowed each adult. **- Baggage-matters accompany baggage tbrough.aud attend to ladies and children without male protectors Baggage received on the dock the dav before, sailing, from steamboats, railroads auu passengers wlio prefer to send down early. An experienced surgeon oil bourd. Medicines slid attendance free. , ,_ For freight, passage tickets, or turther informa tion, apply at the Company's ticket odjee, on wharf. Foot OF CANAL STREET, NORTH RIVER. NEW ) OKK. „ „„ . li-19 F. R. BABY, Agent. Money Cannot Buy It! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! ! THE DIAHOAD CLAMEfi, Mahufacturei* ur J. E Spexcek A Co., N Y. Which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticiansof the World to be TUo Most Perfect, Natural ArtWeial help to the bumau eye ever known. Tliev are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name. “Diamond,” on account of lliclr i hardness and brilliancy. The £*olenttflo Principle On which thev are constructed brings the core or i centre of the lens directly ill front of the eve, pro- I during a clear and tils' inct vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and pre cnting all unpleasaut sensa tions, such as glimme ng and w avering of sight, dizziness. Ac., peculiar to all others In use. They are Mounted in the Finest Manner. In frames of the best quality, of all materials used for that purpose. thkir FISISH Attn DURABILITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution.—None genuine unless hearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. ' 8. A. RUSSELL, JetcflUr amt Optician, it Solt Agtnt /or Augusta, Muint, From whom they can only be obtained. These good* are not supplied to Pedlars at any price. mayl7-ly NOTICE.” OFFICE OF TIIE AMERICAN WATCH CO., 1 WALTHAM, MASS., Nov., 1SW. ( We have appointed EDWARD ROWSE, 124 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, DEALER II Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, And SPECTACLES, our selling Agent f**r the city and vicinity of AUGUSTA, and intend to keep tn his poaaeaaion at &1 times such a •tocl of GOLD AM) SILVER WATCHES, ^.ro IfV* TCBM .ft © Plf.lf IPATI, as will enable him to supply any demand, either-at Wholesale or Retail, which may be made upon him, and AT RATES AS FAVORABLE as are offered at our Sales Rooms in BTew Tork. or Doston. FOR AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY. R. E. ROBBINS, Treas’r. i_ _ _ PLUMBING! THE Subscriber begs leave ti> inform the cltixens of Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing work at the shortest no tice. Those about to have water introduced iuto their buildings will do well to call on him before going elsewhere. _. HR. STRATTON Corner Bridge and Water Streets., Satisfaction guaranteed. lGti I URUl.ES. 0. P. KIMBALL & LARKIN, 'V ARE.ROOM8, Cmmgre•• ICenter mf Frrhlr,, .nJi.rK. ELEGANT CARRIAGES — AND — HOAX) WA.OOJMS I We are now completing our stock for the Spring and Summer of 1870, and offer in the newest designs and of the mofd thorough construction, a variety of elegant CABRIOLETS, VICTORIAS, COUPES, PHAETONS, Pony Phaetons, Top and Open Buggies, Jump Seats, Carryalls, Sun •hades, Ac., EXCLUSIVELY the production of our well-known Preble st. Factories. We have made great reductions in prices, and will sell lower than any concern in the United States that sells tlrst class carriages,— Prices uniform to ull. Every carriage we make is equal in every respect to those built to the order of our most valued customers. We also keep a large assortment of LOW-PRICED CARRIAGES, built expressly for us in Philadelphia. New Haven and Mass., for sale at the very lowest rates. Express, tiro errs, and Business Wagsm constantly on hand. Remember—all persons dealing with us will get precisely what they bar gainfor. We make a specialty ot CHILDREN'S CA If BI AGES ! Keep a great variety for sale Wholesale and Retail —’very low. Correspondence solicited. _3ml9 __ Ilrewster’s Hotel, SKOWHEGAN, ME. rriHIS large and commodiou. Hotel 1b situated at I tlie head of the Falls on the Kennebec river, In the enterprising village of Skowhegan, the terminus of llte Portland A Kennebec R. R. - This Is one of the best arranged Hotels tor tomtJr borders there is in the State, and a better place tor Summer resort, cannot be found in Maine. The best of water, beautiful drives on the banks of the river, fishing and sailing ponds in the vicinity, trout bcatike, where you cut catch an abundance of the spotted brook trout any day in the year. Prices tor permanent or transient boarding are veiy low, so our customers can afford to come often *W.o*have atarge airy atable tohoard homes lor the guerts that wish to bring their teams with them. Also one of the best half-mile trotting perk* In the State, la connected with the House, free UK the gtmsts to kainthejr Standard Periodicals for 1870. Btpublished by tb« Leonard 800H Publish ing Oo., Hew York. Jndupmtablt to all detirovt if bring wtU inform'd on the grtat lubjtctt of tht dag. 1. The Edinburgh Review. Thi» is the oldeil of tho eerie*. Iu it* m«in fea ture* It *till follow* in the path marked out bv Brougham, JelTrev, Sydney Smith, and Lord Hol land, it* original founder* and flr»t contributor*. 3. The London Quarterly Renew, which commences It* UWh volume with the January number, wa* aet ou foot a* a rival to the tdin bukoh. It resolutely maintain* it* opposition In politic*, and *bow'i equal vigor in it* literaiy ae partment. 3. The Westminster Beriew has Just cloH«d its Wd volume. In point of literary ability this Review is fast rising to a level with its competitors. It is the ad vacate of political and re ligious liberalism. 4. The North British Beriew, now iu its 51st volume, occupies a very high posi tion in periodical literature. Passing bevond the narrow formalism of schools and parties, it appeals to a wider range of sympathies and a higher integ rity of conviction. 5. Blaokwood’e Edinburgh Magamine was commenced 33 vcara ago. Equaling the Quar terlies in its literary and scientific department*, it has won a w ide reputation for the uarrutivea and aketchea which enliven its p^ca. r«B isto. For any one of the Kevlevra, $4.00 per annum. For any tw o of the Review*. 7.00 “ For any three of the Uevievra, 10.00 44 For all lour of the Reviews, 13 00 44 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 44 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood aud any two of the Reviews. 10.00 44 For Blackwood and three of the lieviewa, 13.00 44 For Blackwood and the four Re view*, 13.00 * Single Numbers of a Review, $1. Single Numbers of Blackwood, 33 cent#. The Itrrinri are pnkiitked eaarfrrlf / Bimekeeeeei'e .Vet gee time it mnnlklf. t*ef aaaea remmtemee 1m Jmmmmrp. CLUBS. A discount of lieentu yrr cent, will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons, when the periodicals are sent O. one adiler**. POSTAGE. The Postage on current subscription*, 10 an part of the United States, is tiro rente a number, to be prepaid at the nflrr of delivery. For back num bers the postage ia double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New Subscribers to any two of the above period icals for 1370 win be rutitled to receive one of the Four Reviews for lBt®. New Subscribers to all the five may receive Blackwood or two of tho Reviews for wop. BACK NUMBERS. A. F. MORSE. PHOTOGRAPHER Water Street. Hallewell. Maine. 49* Amhgotypes and Card Photographs taken in the best style’. Pictures copied to any sixe. Al bums and Frames constantly on hand and for sale. lyM a IO H ’8 Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONE of the best remedies for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Opp. Post Olcf, Wf, WEED FAMILY Favorite Sewing Machines! Warranted to do all kind, of work that can ba don* practically on any other machine in the world. No Extra BLOWING Needed to Puff them upl THEIR REPUTATION IS ESTABLISHED ! They work easier and faster than any other machine. MAKE BUT LITTLE KOISE ! Don’t fail fail to ace them before purchasing. JOSES HAS THEM. Everybody Knows Jones. tlw-Juneit Great BurgalnH at WELLS’ FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, He. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW ANI> SEC OND HAND Furniture, Which will be sold at very low rates for cash. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Coffins, And COMMON COFFINS of ail kinds, and the host trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment ot ROBES OF ALL KINDS, ! All of which will be sold as low as at any establish* ; men! in tlx; State. C. R. A H. U. WELLS. I 2-tf _ HESrTD. & A. A. NICHOtS, MASONS AND SLATERS. ALL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner, by the day or Job. Paitfcnlar attention paid to repair* of slate roof*, cementing cisterns, cellars, Ac. h Ordcrsleft at A. P. Gould's Store Store, first Boor .bore Railroad Bridge, pramjjUy ALBERT A. NICHOLS. Augusta, Jan. 1 1SGH._ DELL siaowbs’ Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Water Street, > Augusta, Me. Sharing, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing, Cutting, Cn oring, Ae., in the most approred style of the art. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La i dies’and Children’s natr. AU kinds of Hair work ! mafie to enter In the latest style.lJanTMy S. W. HUNTINGTON & CO., Wholesale Dealer* la GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! 190 Water Street, AUaUMTA, MM. 84 Devonshire St.,