Newspaper Page Text
J);u(]r Jiniiifkc $ountal LOYrE AND AGE. 1 played with you mid cowslips growing, When I was six and you were four; When garlands weaving, flower-balls throwing. Were pleasure? soon to please no more. Thro’groves and meads, o'er grass ami heather, With little playmates, to and fro, We wandered band in hand together ; But that was sixty years ago. You grew a lovely, roseate maiden, And still our early love was strong ; Still with no rare our days were laden, They glided joyously nb>gg. And 1 did love you very dearly— How dearly, words want power to show . 1 thought your heart was touched as nearly ; But that was fifty years ago. Then other lovers came around you ; Your beauty grew from year to year ; And many a splendid circle found you The centre of its glittering sphere. I saw yon then, first vows forsaking, On rank and wealth your hand bestow ; O. then I thought my heart was breaking ; But that was forty years ago. And l lived on to wed another ; No cause she gave me to complain ; And when I heard you were a mother, I did not wish the children mine. My own young flock, in fair progression, Made up a pleasant Christmas row, My Joy in them was past expression ; But that was twenty years ago. You grew a matron, plump and comely, You dwelt in fashion’s brightest blaze ; My earthly lot was lar more homely, But I, too, had my festal days. No merrier eyes have ever glistened Around the hearthstone’s wintcry glow, Than when my youngest child was christened ; But that was twenty years ago. Time passed. My eldest girl was married, And now I am a grandsire gray; One pet of four years old I’ve carried Among the wild-flowered meads to play, In our fields of childish pleasure. When* now, as then, the cow-slips blow, She fills her basket’s ample measure— And this is not ten years ago. But though first love’s Impassioned blindness Has passed away in colder night, I still have thought of you with kindness, And shall until our last good night. The ever rolling, silent hours Will bring a time we shall not know, When our young days of gathering flow ers Will be an hundred years ago. Imam unm bamki T rustecs : W. F. HALLE IT. BCSSELE E ATON, O. C. WH1TEHOCSE. LEASE EBAY, OB BI N WILLIAMSON. Deposits received at the counter of the Freemans National Bank. 1 he net earnings of the Bank are divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as security. J. L. ADAMS, Treasurer April 8th. 1870. loti' Pure Drugs & Chemicals FOR SALE At the Lowest Bates ! TOILET AIITICLES, FRENCH, ENGLISH, & DOMESTIC SOAPS, CAMPHOR ICE, Dentifrices, English Cold (ream, Coudray’s Cosmetique and Pomade, Boy Rum, German and Domestic Cologne, Hair Oils, Dressings, Restorers and Dyes, Perfumery, Sachet Bags, Toilet Powders, Moth and Freckle Lotions, Camelia Balm, Laird’s Bloom of Youth, Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, Barnes’ Mag nolia Water. Shaving Cream and Soaps, Shaving Brushes, Razor Strops, Nail Files and Cleaners. Tweezers, Hand Mirrors, Dressing Cases, • TUFF BOXEH. iroxr, tortoise shell, <f noxx Dressing and Pocket Combs, FINE COMBS, Nail, Tooth, Hair, Hat, and Clothes nnusiiEs : Thermometer*!, Work Boxes, PORTE MONNAIES, Pocket and Bill Books ! Feather Duster., PAINT A WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SPONGES & CHAMOIS SKINS! Cigar Case., Cigars mid Tobacco, Humphrey’s Homeopathic Specifics, Welcome's and Fitch's Remedies, and all the popular Patent Metlieinex, Pure, Drugs, Chemical. A Family Medicine, Trcsh Pressed Horba NEATS* FOOT, Lard, Sperm, Olive, and Kerosene OILS. tfcc.. cfce. 43-Call and examine, and you will find PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Physician's Prescriptions carefully eumpiiunded from pure Medicine, at all hour, of the day and night. As. C. DANA, Bai l. CillT t ill A 1‘OTIIECAIIl, Successor to J. P. Dekhing, No. 7 Union Block, Water Street, Augusta, Me. __ ly!7 nn||<T With till- nt.iky, filthy UUn I dangerous Hair 1’repurn fioiih, but use .’Vatuit-’i Hair lies 1 or « t A v» , which it perfectly clean and transparent, and en tirely free from all dan ' germ!* drugs. It will i><j*ilivt‘ly restore Gray llair, prevents the Hair from lulling oh. w ill cause DC ‘t to grow when prema UL. luvely io*t. removes dand ruff and keens the head in a perfectly healthy con dition. 'l i\ a bottle and be *i tbflea that it Is the greatest discovery of the age. PKGGTKK BJUOb., Gloucester. Mass., Sole Agents for the Patentee. All the Maine Druggists _ POISONED UNFAILING EYE PRESERVE?. Our Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, are gaining steadily and certainly a repu tation unsurpassed. IT IN A FACT, That they render impaired sight dear and distinct, strengthen and preserve the Eves, and are very easy and pleasant to wear, ami EA>T MANY YE AH© WITHOUT CHANGE, so that in the end they are the CHEAPEST AS WEEE AS THE BEST. Nvric*. Nr. E ROW*B. Jeweller. Augusta, Me . 10 our sole Agent In this place. WEEMFLor HO Pfcl>Ll£Jte. LAZflAUS A MORRIS, Hartford, Conn Augusta Dirrrtorij. Churches. ORTHODOX COM.HKOATIpN Al. r'' |L’ State »t., between Bridge and Oak. J.t. pastor; residence No. 9 Mate street. I service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon service 2 .to F M. I KDWT 'liAPTlsT,—Corner Winthrop and Perhnm sts. .1. Ricker, pastor; residence Chestnut street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 1 • M. Evening 7 P.M. FREE BAPTIST,—Mate street, north ol Bridge. J c K. Pennev, pastor; residence summerstreet, i Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 1 . ! M Evening 7 P. M METHODIST EPISCOPAL,—Green street, cast or Mate. E Martin, pastor; residence at the par sonage, next door to the church. Morning ser vice10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 P. M. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL,—State at., between Oak and Winthrop. Rev. Mr. Upjohn, rector. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Evening service i I*. M. UNIV ERSALIST,—Cor. Winthrop and Summer sts. C. R. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School service at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P. M UNITARIAN,—Corner Half and State sts. Rev. Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10 30 A. 31. Sabbath School service 2.15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock C ATHOLIC,—State st.. north of Bridge. Rev. Mr. O’Brien, priest; residence near the church. The Congregational, First Baptist, Free Mill Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in their vestries every " ednesday evening, at half-past seven o’clock. Y. H. C. A. Rooms in Darby Block. Water Street. Regular praver meetings every Monday evening. Religious exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o clock. Rooms open to all. Masonic BETHLEHEM LODGE, No. 35, F. and A. M. Stated meetings first Monday of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. Crowell. Master. J. W . Clapp. Secretary. ANGUsTA LODGE. No. 141, F. A A. 31. Stated meetings first Tuesday of each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W. H. Wood bun . Master.* E. F. Blackman, secretary. TRINITY COMMANDEUY, No. 7. Knights Tem plar. Stated meetings Friday on or before the full moon of each month. A. D. Knight, Eminent Commander. A. L. Smith, Recorder. .JERUSALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER--Meets at Hallowell. Stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. B. F. Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COUNCIL—Meets at Hallowell. Quar terly Convocations, January, April, July, Oc tober; Wednesday succeeding full moon. I). Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance. SA HAITIS LODGE, No. 78 of GOOD TEMPLARS. Meets every Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN DIVISION SON'S OF TEMPERANCE —Meets at Darby Hall every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Office. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak ami Water streets. Office Hours:—From 7.30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. Janies A. Bicknell, Postmaster. George If. Far rington. Chief < lei k. A rrival anti Departure of Mails .—Western, leaves 11.00 A. M.; closes 10.30 A. M.; arrives 3.30P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.45 A. M. Belfast and Wav, leaves 4.00 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M ; arrives 10.30 A. M. Rorkland and Wav, leaves 8.30 A. M.; closes 8.1 j A M.; arrives ft.Oo 1*. M. Wiuthrop, leaves 8.00 A. 31.; closes 7.45 A. 31.; arrives 6.00 P. 31. Farmington and Way, leaves 7.50 A. 31.; closes 7.45 A. 31.; arrives 2 (H) p. M. Freeport and Litchfield, leaves <>.00 A. M.j closes HOOP. M : arrives 10.30 A. M. Leaves Monday, Wednesday amt Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. ‘Every morning a train leaves Augusta at 5.30 A. 31.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8.00 P. 31. I&allotocll JDirrctori). HALLO WELL POST OJTICE. WESTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 3.27 and 7.52 I*. M. Closes at 10.46 A. M. and 8 I*. M. EASTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.10 A M. Closes at 3.15 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays, at 8 P. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A. M., to 8 P. M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 P. M. (j:/* Box Kents ami Postage on papers, periodicals, Ac , payable quarterly iu advance. E. ROWELL, P M Halloweli, May 3, 1869. CHURCHES. South Parish Congregational Church, comer of Second and Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Chas. U. McCcllt, Pastor, residence on Chestnut St. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 216. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. Rev. A. R. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle St., between Winthrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 2 15. Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street,between Un ion and Central. Rev. Caleb Fuller, Pastor; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, 10.30 ; Aftc*rnoon service, 2.16. First Universalist Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Leonard K. Stork*, Rector; residence corner of Second and Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon service, 2.7*0. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. mTc. A. Regular meetings of the Young Men’s Christian Associ ation of Halloweli, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 7J o’clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Associ ation, are held every Sunday evening— In Burns’ Schoolhouse, Farmingdale, at 7 o’clock. In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In l*»udon Hill Schoolhouse. at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Schoolhouse, Manchester, at 7 o’clock. At Litchfield Neck at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN F0WLES, President. II. 8. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennebec Lodge, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Commu nications Wednesday, on or preceding the full moon. JAMES ATKINS, Jr., W. M. J. K. NYE, Sec’y. Jerusalem R. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations, Thurs day on or before the full of the moon. it f. WARNER, II 1\ P. J. DAY, Sec’y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed • lug the bill of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. F. J. DAY, Rcc’r. Trinity Coinmaodery. Meetings at Augusta on the Friday on or before Lite full moon of each month. A. D. KNIGHT, K. C. A L. SMITH, Rec’r TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor and Temperance, No. 3. Reg ular ro vtiugs, every Tuesday evening. J. W. FULLER, W. U. T BEN TENNEY, W. R. Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday evenings of each month. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. C. HUNT, R. of C. Sheridan Lodge, No. 293, I. 0. of G. T. Regular meet ings every Saturday evening. P. 8. BOYD, W. 0. T F. A. A. HEATH, R. 8. Ureal Improvement In Artificial Teeth. I) l{. SNELL 1NSKUT8 Teeth on Hnim n by h new process, by . which the plate is made as thin as a metallic | base ; at the name time tin* plate Is flexible, and less I liable to break. This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect tit. Iluviug purchased the c.rclusire rinht to use this mode In Kennebec, county, I shall be nappy to show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs art! flcial teeth. 09 Winthrop Street. Augusta, Jan. 28th, 1870. t2tyJan-3wA3w6 firewater's Hotel, 8KOWHECAN, ME. '1'Ulsla rge and commodious Hofei is situated at X the head of the Falls on the Kennebec river, m the enterprising village of Kkowhegan, the terminus of the Portland & Kouneboo it. K. This Is one of the best arranged Hotels for family borders there is in the state, and a better place for -Summer resort, l unuot be found in Maine. The best of water, hoaiitifhl drives on the hanks of the river, fishing and sailing ponds in the vicinity, trout brook's, w here you can catch an abundance of the spotted brbok trout any day in the year. I*ri« e* 'or permanent or transient boarding are vwvv low, so our customers can afford to come often ami stav a good while. We also have a large airy stable to board horses for the guests thut wish to bring their teums with them. Also one of the best half-mile trotting parks in tlie State, i- connected with the House, free for the guests to train their horses or drive for pleasure, tlTjau-tf li, Proprietor. What Shall We Eat? ALL regular physicians will tell you that Bee and Pork is not so healthy to eat in spring and summer as good Fresh Fvii. The same can be ob tained at CTSHINCI 4 HOLMES’ MARKET, Near R. R. Bridge, Water SI., Where all ortler* will be promptly nttended to for FISH of all kinds in their season. CUSHING A HOLMKs, tmayltMf Water street, Augusta. H. T. HELMBOLD’S Coacentrated M Extract BachD, THE GREAT DIURETIC. The Proprietor trusts that his Remedies. fVomlhe fact of their being advertised, may not be classed as Patent Medicines. IIei.mhoi.iVb Fluid Extract Itrciiu is a Pharmaceutical Preparation. The proper name is given, and it is the most active which can be made; it is indorsed as a cure by all medical works, for such diseases as recommended by the Proprie tor. It is pleasant in its taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and is taken by Adults and Children. It is Tonic, Diuretic, Blood Purifying and Invigorating. Enfeebled and delicate constitu tions of both sexes will find it far more strength ening than any of the preparations of bark or iron. See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the United States, of which the following is a correct copy. BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, and some ( what aromatic, Its taste is bitterish, and analogous ! to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of , the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Ca tarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritatiou of the Blad derand Urethra, diseases of the Prostate Gland, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It lias also been recommended in Dyspepsia, i Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy. TESTIMONY . Curb of Gravel of Five Years* Standing— Stone tassed and to he seen. Savannah, Tenn., May 14, I860. Dr. II. T. Helm bold, Dear Sir : We introduced your ‘Fluid Extract Buchu” in this country about eight months ago, and are happv to state that it is meeting with universal favor. We wish to inform you of one instance (among many) where your •• Buchu” has worked w onders. A’man in our countv, named J. B. Es toll, had been suffering about five years with grav el. About six weeks ago he bought of us one bot tle of your “Buchu,” and before he was through with one brittle he passed a gravel that weighs eight grains, which we now have on exhibition in our drug store, lie says he never w ill be without the “Buchu” in his house again. Your preparations are gaining favor every dav. Vcrv respectfully, yours Ac., ECCLES & flINKLfc, Druggists. Cure of Bladder and Kidney Affection of LONG STANDING—STONE PASSED AND TO RE SEEN. Westport, Conn, sept. 3, lbflfl. II. T. IlELMROLD, Esq. DEAR Sir: I commenced taking your “Extract of Buchu” about two week* since for an affection of the bladder and kidneys. I have suffered by spells very much fora few days past. But yesterday re lief came through the effect of your “Buclni.” A stone passed mv bladder about the size of a large pea. and 1 now feel perfectly well and entirely free from the pain that 1 have suffered with “so hard.” I attribute my cure to your medicine entirely, and would recommend all persons similarly affected to try it. I have great faith in its eurative powers. ' Yours truly, THOM AS J. BENNETT. REFERS TO Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport, Conn. J. L. G. CANNON, Druggist, Westport, Conn. H. B. WHEELER, esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, esq., Westport, Conn. Dr. WAKE MAN, Reading, Conn. R. W. R. ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggist New York City. And many others if necessary. f Cure ok Kidnei and Liver Affection of a Patient Seventy-Eight years of Age. THANKS TO MR. HELMBOLD. Girard, Pa., March 31, 18»3i). Editor cosmofmtk: I desire, as an unsolicited tribute to the merits of Helnibold’s Buchu. and for the benefit of those similarly afflicted as myself, to say that after consulting many eminent physicians, and trying nearly nil the best advertised remedies, in the vain hope of llnding relief from aggrivated kidney and bladder diseases, from which 1 have suffered excessively for many years, good fortune finally suggested to me llelmhold’s Buchu, which I commenced using with little faith, and no apparent j beneficial results for about a month. At the expir- i ution of that time, however, I thought 1 commenced to experience slight relief, which encouraged me to persevere in its use, and now, at the expiration ol tour months, although I am an infirm old man, nearly 78 years of age. and consequently medicines cannot he expected to favorably affect me as they otherwise would, 1 have found such unspeakable relief and permanent, benefit from Mr. Helmbold’s valuable discovery, that 1 feel 1 ought to publicly record the fact, as' an acknowledgement to him anil a valuable suggestion to the public. Yours respectfully, D. M. LAREN. Mr. Laren refers to the following gentlemen. Col. DAN. RICE, Girard, Pa. CHAS. STOW, esq., Girard, Pa., Editor Cosmo polite. GEORGE H. CUTLER, Girard, Pa., Attorney. C. I. HINDS, Girard, I*a., Attorney. Cant. D. W. HUTCHINSON, Girard, Pa,, Attorney. DAVID OLIN, Girard, Pa., Merchant. DAVID E. DAY, Girard, Pa., Merchant. U F. ROCKWELL, Girard, Pa., Merchant. B. C. ELY, Girard, I’a., Druggist. A Permanent Cure of Gravel of twelve years standing—Stone passed AND TO RE SEEN. Burnside, Conn., Dec. 1">, 1800. Dr. Helmbold—Dear Sir: It Is with much pleasure that 1 write you upon facts respecting mv self. I do not know hardly how to express mysefl. 1 have been for the last ten or twelve years the greatest sufferer man could he and live; nut more sometimes than others. The complaint was the “Kidneys” and “Bladder.” i have been sometimes from twelve to fourteen hours, and wanted to make water every minute, hut could not. Have consult ed doctors, both in Massachusetts and this State, and taken pills, I may sav, by the quart, also liq uored medicines, but found no relict from any, and got worse the last six months. 1 was so that 1 could scarcely get about. 1 could not rest night or day. It would soon have been “all up” with me if I had not seen your advertisement in “The Berkshire Courier” headed "Kidneys.” 1 read it through and thought 1 would try it. 1 purchased a bottle, but, intiul yi»n( not much faith in it. Whv should 1. when I had been trying so many things and cost me j so much ? Well, 1 began taking it, and before 1 had taken the find bottle I felt had; but I finished it and | got another. By the time I took half of the second j I still got worse (apparently)• When 1 walked it I seemed as if my rigid kidney was falling from its j place, and 1 felt really bad I felt so, before 1 had finished tho second, that i had made up my mind it ! was of no use trying any more—and all this time the “Buchu” was doing its work, but I did not know it; so I gave it up and went to Hartford on Saturday to see one of the best doctors in the city. Ho said it was the neck of the bladder, and I should ; have to undergo an operation. He gave me mod-1 icine, and 1 went home quite downhearted. On Sunday I was unable to go to church. I had not taken any of his medicine, hut on my return coutin-1 ued using the “Buchu,” and in the afternoon 1 had | a desire to make water, but could not. \bout one ! hour alter this I tried again, with the same result; i 1 hut the next time 1 took the vessel it wan the same ' as turning a faucet and stopping it off again. It j was so for three times, and the third time there was I something came through tin* passage and struck ; against the side of the ves.-el. 1 examined it, and it is the ugliest stone or gravel vou ever suw, cov ered over with little peiecs which eolleted together. It looks the color of a mud turt le, and is us hard as a Hint. So you see the “Buchu” was doing its work although I was feeling so badly. 1 procured uu i other bottle thinking their might be some more be , hind, hut since that has passed, which is eight weeks ago last Sunday, I have been as well ns ever ' 1 was in iny life. I have the stone securely wrapped i und those who have seen it in this place are sur prised. 1 cannot tell you all, hut this is a true story of njy ease, and you are welcome to make such use ; of my name as you think proper. 1 mu pretty well known in Berkshire; also in Connecticut. The ad vertisement saved me. Why not publish more? The Springfield Republican is a wide-spread paper. If any one w ishes to see this wonder, they can do so. I could write all day, but think I have said enough this time, so 1 remain your ever well w isher EDWARD L. HOWARD, Paper Maker, Burnside. Hartford Co., Conn. REFERS TO Dr. MACK, Burnside, Conn. Dr. WRIGHT, North Lee, Mass. Dr. HOLKUM, North Leo, Mass. l)r. ADAMS, Stockbridge, Mass. Dr. SCOTT, North Manchester, Coun. Dr. JAQUKS, Buckland Corners, Conn. Dr. BEARS FORD. Hartford, Conn, i All of whom treated me for the disease. --- . m DR. KEY8KH m \ is a physician of over 30 years experience, ami a graduate of the Jeffersonian Medical ( allege. ami of the Cniversity of Medicine ami Surgery of Phil 1 adelphia. Mr. H. T. Helm hoi.iv—Dear sir: in regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Ku din. I would say 1 have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years. I do not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not used, or known to l>c used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has ac quired, in my judgment, is warranted by the fac ts. I have seen and used, us betore stated.'every form of Ihiehu—the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid ex tracts—and I am not congnizant of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. iVelve years* experience ought. I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits; and, w ithout prejudice or par tiality, I give yours precedence over all others. I value your Buchu for its effects on patients. I have cured with it. and seen cured w ith it, more diseases of the bladder ami kidneys than 1 have ever seen cured with any other Buchu or anv other proprietary compound of w hatever name. Respect fully yours, &r. GEO. II. KEYSER, M. I>. August 11, 1865. Mo Wood-st., Pittsburg, Penn. A CASE OF TWENTY YKAR.V STANDING. Philadelphia, Penn., June 25, is«7. 11. T. Helm hold, Druggist— Dear Sir: 1 have been a sufferer for upwards of twenty years with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, (luring w hich time 1 have used various’medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. flaring seen your preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted my family physical) in regard to using your Eqtract Buchu. i did this because I bad used all kinds of adver tised remedies and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever ; getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless 1 knew of the ingredients. It w as j this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was compo.-ed of buchu, cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phys- i ician as an excellent combination; and with his ad* J vice, alter an examination of the article and con- : suiting again with the drimgist. I concluded to try it I commenced to use it about eight months ago, ! at which time I vas confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished at the ben- I olleial effect, and alter using it three weeks was able to walk out. 1 felt much like writing to you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer, and see it it would effect a perfect cure, knowing that it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. 1 am now able’to report that a cure is* effected, after using the remedy for five months. 1 have not used any now for three mouths, and leel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of anv unpleasant taste j and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system. I do not mean to be w ithout it whenever occasion may require its use on such affections. M. MCCORMIC. Should any doubt Mr. MeC'onuie’s statement, he refers to the follow ing gentlemen : Hon. \Vm, BIGLER, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania, lion. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. KNOX. Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. BLACK, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. PORTER, ex-Govemorof Pennsylvania. Hon. ELLIS LEVIS, Philadelphia. Hon. II. C. GRIER, Philadelphia. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Philadelphia, lion. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. Hon. JOHN BIGLER. ex-Governor of California. Hon. E. BANKS, Washington, I). C. And many others if necessary. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD RE GIVEN FOR A BOTTLE IF NECESSARY. RAllw ay, X. J., Dec. 2, 1889. II. T. Helm bold, Esq.,—Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in sending you a certificate, in addition to the many you have received from suffering human ity. 1 can scarcely find language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification at the wonder- i fill cure your “Buchu” has effected. For four years I have suffered hey* nd description. All my friends ; (with myself) came lot he conclusion that my case was incurable. Accident placed your advertise- | incut in my hands. I commenced taking your “Bn- \ chu.” I followed the directions, and to* my utter astonishment before I had taken seven bottles ot your valuable medicine (I would give if 100 a bottle, | if I could not get it at any other price) I am entirely ; cured. 1 most earnestly recommend it to all those . suffering from disease. * I have told many persons j to take your valuable medicine, and they are doing i so with great success. Any Information my fellow citizens may Require will’be freely given by the subscriber at his residence. No. 78 Milton-ave..’New Jersey. II. M. FREEMAN, Councilman Third Ward, city of Rahway. | Rahway, N. .J., Dec. 2,1869. We, the undersigned, are well acquainted with II. M. Fre email of Rahway, and know that he has 1 been a long time suffering, in the worst possible form, for the oast four years, and that he has been entirely cured by the use of “ Helmbold’s Buchu.” J. W. SAVAGE, ex-May or. FRANK LA BAl', President of Council WM. RICHARDS, Clerk of Council. PETER A. BANT A, Councilman. W. J. BROWN, Councilman. J. S. S. MELICK, Councilman. LEWIS HOFF, Councilman. J. B. STRYKER, Merchant. City Hall, Mayor’s Office, | Rahway, N. J., Dec. 5,1869. J This will certify that 1 am personally acquainted with II. M. Freeman, and am cognizant of the facts as set forth in the above statement, and the several persons whose sign aturua are thereunto attached are well known to me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Rahway, X. J. N. Y. S. VOL. I.NSTIT! TE, i Corner of Fifth-uve. and Sevcntv--i\th si., / Central Park. J (A HOME AM) SCHOOL FOR THE SONS OF DECEASED SOLDIERS.) Dr. II. T. Helm hold : Two bottles only of the rkage of your valuable Buchu presented to the | titute have been used by the children, and with peri net success, in the case of our liillr iiciitoiiaul ; A. J., his pride is no longer mortified, and he is free j Iron) the daily morning anathemas of the chamber- j maid who has cha.'ge of his bedding. 1 feel flint a knowledge of the result of our use of your Buchu w ith the children under our charge may save many a superintendent and. matron ot boarding-schools and asylums a great*amount of annoyance; and many a’ poor child, suffering move from weakness than from habit, may be ipaied punishment that is (not knowing it as a weakness instead of a bad Imbit) most unjustly inflicted upon them. Thank ing you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benefited, I am respectfully yours, COL. YOUNG, General Sup’t and Director. June l«, 1866, Great Salt Lake City, J Utah, Jan 28,1868. I Mr. H. T. llEi.MHOLls— Dear Sir: Your commu nication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, but from a prejudice 1 bad formed against advertising “cures for secret diseases,” it was left unanswered. During an accidental con versation in u drug store the other evening, my mind was changed on the charaeter of vour Buchu. It was then highly n commended for other diseases by two physicians present. Kudosed please And our rates of advertising. Yours, Ac., T. B. 11. .nTKNHOUSE, Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Semi-W eekly Telegraph. I HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of eighteen years, prepared by II. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, No. 594 Broadway, New York, and No. 104 South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn. Price $1 *25 per bottle, or six bottles for , #0 50, delivered to any address. Sold by Druggists everywhere. None arc genuine unless done, up in steel en graved wrapper, with fao simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed lyl2 II. T. HKLMBOLD. Bitters ! Bitters ! CELEBRATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE THE SUREST CURE EOR Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., Tn whii'li all jii’iMHis are more or less subject in Sphinx; ami Si mmkii. THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE! Ami composed of some of the best ROOTS and 1IERRS in the world. Try Them. They are Warranted to do as Recommended ! Price, SO Cents por Bottle. PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY 1$Y Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME. Trunks ! Trunks ! THU PLACE TO HUY Froncll, Bugeno, Solo Xjoathcr, And all kinds of common TEAVELLIXG T H U X lv S ! Also, Ladies' and GenU* TUAN LLLING A CHOPPING RAW, If at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Right Place to Inn vour IIA lt\ES>K'i. and get tke celebrated Dt’NN HARNESS, in at mniLlO.I A TFRXER'S, 13* WATER STREET. The cheapest place to buy WHIP' CTBKYCOMBS, Bill SUES, BLANKETS, SlUCINGLKS, UAL TKItS, Ac., is st HAMILTON A TURNER’S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business, Pleasure, Teaming. Trucking, Carling A Expressing. Manufactured from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best ot workmen. 'Ve would remind the public that our Harness took nil the premiums offered at the la^t State rair four in number. Also the flrnt premium at the late New England Fair. A* our customers are daily informed that our Harnesses are Machine Stitched—we would invite them and the public generally to call and examine the largest stork of readv-mnde' Harnesses ever of fered in this city, and we will convince them that we make tin* best HAND STITCHED work t»> be had for the same amount of money, and if we don’t have on hand vshat i» wanted, can make it at snort notice. Samples of Hold Gilt! Oroide silver. Covered, and Japanned Trimmed Harness, may be seen at our salesroom, NO. 175 MIDDLE STREET. HENRY DUNN & SON. For Mule by Hamilton dJ Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tufeb-tf OPPOSITE DEERING & HOLWAY’S. SOAPS Z Genuine Imported Soaps, OF ALL KINDS, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CKKlVlIO.A-ILS, AND IF a ii c y Cl o o d s, VEKV LOW FOB CASH l AT -JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opposite POST OFFICE. MANHOOD, 154th Edition. V MEDICAL ESSAY on the Cau-e and Cure id Premature Decline, show ing how health is Just and how regained. It gives a clear Synopsis of the Impediments to Mahhiage, the treatment of Nek vot'8 and Physical Debility, Stkhility, Ac., and the remedies therefor,—the results of twenty years’successful practice. “There if» no member of noeiety by whom tin* book will not he found usclul, whether such person holds the relation of Parent, Preceptor, or Clergy - man."— I.widon Medical Timetand Gazette. “ Manhood.’ The experience and reputation ol Dr Curtis in the treatment of the diseases set forth in tills little pamphlet is the patient’s guarantee, and well deserves for the work its immense circu lation.”—Dmty Timet. Sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents. Address the Author, Dll. Cciilis, I t Chapman street, Itos ton, Mass. mar28-teo>13m ARNO, H0D6KINS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ORGANS AND MELOEEONS! Water st., Gardiner, Me. MR. *J. T. PATTER S( )N OF, '.Tm/velling- Agent. may4-tf FARMING TOOLS ! AT IV iJM.f.I.WSO.Y A (. tiFF.^'l• *0OIP.V HARDWARE ! rices it educed. From tills Dale, ALL HOODS 1.1 TIIK I.I1K OF iiinwi ]Mnriii uif III OX and STEEL, Ac., Ac., will be sold at Prices Defying Competition ! Goods Marked Clear Down! 1UU Water Street, AMOS WILDER. AiiKtioin. A pill 2, lr*iO. LADIES! CALL AND SEE MISS TURNER’S NEW STOCK OF MILLINERY l MISS TURNER has secured the assistance of Mish Kalloch, (formerly at M. 1*. Soule’s,) and feels confident that She Can Suit All, Both in Regard to Taato and Price. *4*- Remember the Place, Under Meonian Hall, (Up-Stairs,) And directly opposite the Cony llonse. f20apr-4tA3ml7 MISS V. TURNER. Feather Dusters! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. A Laundry In Augusta. rpilE subscriber hns opened a LAUNDRY at her 1 resideuco on Capitol street, ill Augustu, where she would lie happy to serve all iu Washing & Ironing!! The work will be done in the best style, and At Reduced Prices ! MRS. S. A. FOWLER Capitol Street Augu.stn. April 7, 1870J fHapr-Jm _ ■ Standard Periodicals for 1870. Republished by the Leonard Soott Publish ing Go., New York. Indispensable to all desirous of being well informed on the great subject* of the dag. 1. The Edinburgh Review. This ib the older* of the series. In its main tea tim> it still follow8 in the path marked out by Brougham. Jeffrey, Sydney Smith, ami Lord Hoi laud, it* original founders and first contributors. 2. The London Quarterly Review, which commences its 12bth volume with the January number, was set on foot ns a rival to the Kdin nuKUH. It resolutely maintains its opposition in polities, ami shows equal vigor in itn literary de partment. J 3. The Westminster Review has lust closed its 92d volume. In noint of literarv ability this Review is fast rising to a level w ith its competitor*. It ,* the of ,mlUieiU and re ligious liberalism. 1 4. The North British Review, now in its 51st volume, occupies a very high posh tion in periodical literature. Passing beyond the narrow formalism of schools and parties, it appeals to a wider ran ye of sympathies and a higher integ rity of conviction. 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine was commenced 52 years ago. Equaling the Quar terlies in its literary and scientific departments, it has w on a wide reputation for the narratives and sketches which enliven its pages. TAII.If# f OIl 1870. For any one of the Review s, $4.00 per annum. For any two of the Reviews, 7 uo *• For any three of the Reviews, 10.00 “ For all tour of the Reviews, < 12.00 “ For Blackwood’s Magazine. 4.go For Bla< kwood ami one Review. 7.00 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews, * 10 00 “ For Blackwood and three of the * Reviews, 13.00 “ Fqr Blackwood and the four Re views, 15 00 ‘ single Numbers of vl Review, $1. single Numbers of Blackwood, .'15 cents. The Kerirtrt are puhUthed quarterly ; Mllarkerood't .Heifetz in* it monthly. »•©# unset commence in Jauueery. CLUBS. \ di.-« “i ni “i In tidy per cent, will be allowed to Clubs 1 >f 1 T.i • »r m«M e persous, w hen the periodicals are sent to one tuhirt POSTAGE. The Postage on current subscription?-, to an part of the l nited states, i.~ tiro cents a number, to bo prepaid at the office of delivery. For back num bers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New Subscribers to any two of the above i*enod u*als for 1*70 will be entitled to receive one of the Four Reviews for New subscribers to all the five raav receive Blackwdbd or fwo of the Reviews for BACK NUMBERS. A. F. MORSE. PHOTOGRAPHER Water Street, Hallowell, Maine. Ambroftypesand turd Photograph* taken in the be *4 -tvh'. Pictures copied to any *ize. Al bums and Frames constantly on hand and for sale. 1 >‘23 RICH’S Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONK of the best remedies for Coughs, Colds, Croup. Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Opp. PoM OHire, iugnstu. He, WEED FAMILY Favorite Sewing .Machines! Warrented to do all kinds ot work that ean be dorte practically ou any other machine in the world. No Extra BLOWING Needed to Puff them up ! THEIR REPUTATION IS ESTABLISHED ! They work easier and faster than any other machine. MAKE BIT LITTLE NOISE ! Don’t fail fail to see them before purchasing. JONES HAS THEM. Everybody Knoww Jones. T1w-June24 ARNO, HODGKINS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Organs & Melodeons, One door north Cook’s Drug Store, (up ntaire, Water St., Gardiner, Me. '■'HEIR cases are made of solid Black Walnut X throughout; their keys are made of the finest grades of Ivory, with ivory fronts; they use the Munroe Patent Kood, which for evenness and purity of tone, C a 11 not 1> o W n rpassed. Their instruments • ontain all other improvements essential to First Class ln*frnmcnis. For full particulars call or address Alt AO, HODGKIN A CO., GARDINER, ME. 5 Oct. Portable Melodeons, (new) $00.00 6* Oct. Single Heod Organs, 75.00 5 Oct. Double “ “ 4 stops, 125.00 t21apr-3niou _ _ Arctic Refrigerators! SANFORD’S PATENT. Call and Sc«* Them. a. II*. jojtkm. May If., 1870. tlw DELL WINIOADS* Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott & Bradbury'., Kilter Street, : Augueta, Me. Shaving, Shampooing, lluir-I>re.*ing, Cutting, to oriua, Ac., in the most approved *tyle of the art. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La dle*’mid Children’, hair. All kind, of Ilair Work made In ol der in the latent at vie. IfnnTO-ly S. W. HUNTINGTON TcC Wholesale Dealer, la GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! 190 Water Street, AUGUSTA, MB. 84 Devonshire St., % BOSTON, MASS. H. W. Iluntlnglun, |- 1- Huntington, Benj. Huntington, t’ha.. H. Sa.on, Wlfeli-ly