Newspaper Page Text
ILoral anH State Ketos. The firm of Ballard & Chase has been dis solved, Mr. Chase retiring. Mr. Ballard will contkutc the business, and we trust will pros per highly, as be deserves. Mr. Chase, we understand, luu besom* connected with the firm of I’arrott & Bradbury, dealers in grain and coal, and we hope he will find his new business both pleasant and profitable. Ninleen car-loads of cattle sheep and lambs were shipped from Augusta yesterday. The former are not quite equal in quality to those shipped last week. Of the latter there are four car-loads; about double the number of last weak, and we should think of a better quality, as prices last week were a little lower. We hope this week will afford an ac tive market, higher prices, and quicker sales. Messrs. John H. Hartford, James A. Bicknel' and J. W. Clapp with their families, returned to their homes in this city Saturday after noon, from a fortnight's sojourn at Boothbay Harbor. Those of the party, who have been reported as being ill, are liow rapidly conva lescing. They were all highly pleased with their entertainment at the Weymouth House. HaUswslI Itrws. The office of the Saturday Gaaette has been removed to the South end of the Hallowell House Block. It now has a neat and com modious office. A new dry goods firm has just been formed in Hallowell,—that of E. J. Hersey and C. C. Huat, under the name of Hersey & Hunt, successors to E. J. Hersey & Co. Success to them. A letter lias been received by D. C. Knight of this city written by Frank VV. Call of Richmond, containing the details of th? sui cide of Walter W. Goff, master of the ship “Laurens,” while on the trip from San Fran cisco, to Coquimbo, Chili. C’apt. Guff shot himself through the bead, in his cabin, May 19th, while in lat. 27 I0J south, ion. 117, &9°. lie left a letter bidding an affectionate farewell to his officers and erew„and consign ing the ship to the care of his first mate, Frank W. Call. He also left a letter direc ted to his father, brother and the lady to whom he was engaged to be married. His friend live in New York. Mr. Call arrived safely with his ship at Coquimbo, June 11th, the day the letter from which we gather these facts was mailed. The “Laurens," is a Ken nebunk-bailt vessel, of S08 tons, and belongs principally to the lather of the deceased. IsUes 9*8111 by rslisa. We learn that on Saturday Mrs. Francis l’aul, of Boston who was visiting at the home of her , mother, Mrs. Jane Call, in Gardiner, died very suddenly at about noon. She had gen e for the purpose of making a call to the house o< j Mr. John Buker, where she was immediacy , taken with convulsions, and before medical j assistance could be obtained, expired in great agony. The circumstances seemed to war- j rant the summoning of a jury of inquest, and 1 W. H. Libby, Esq., of this city, attended, j who deemed an inquest unnecessary, as it was plainly apparent that the deceased h®d acci dently taken an over-dose of laudanum. Dr. C. Whitmore, who was present a few mo ments after death had occured, was likewise of the opinion that she had taken an over dose of the poison to which she was much ad dicted. She had been in Gardiner about six weeks; her health had been in an impaired : state since her arrival. Her age was twenty three years and eleven months. She leaves a husband in Boston. Itaple’s Doable Acting Tnrblae Water Wheel. This is an improvement on Water Wheels for which letters patent have lately been granted at Washington to Mr. J. H. Staples of Wells, Me. The patentee claims that in many imporiant particulars bit wheel possess es advantages over any other now in exist ence, particularly in regard to back voter, the quantity of voter required, liability to freezing up, Ac. He has already put several in operation to the entire satisfaction of those who ordered them; and has orders for, and is now putting in, more wheels for parties in Kennebunk and in the vicinity of Skowhe gan. As Maine is well supplied with water power, and is fast utilising it for manufactur ing purposes, in its various branches, Mr. Staples must reap a rich reward for his inven tion, and contribute to the general interests ot this and other states by its introduction. Candor. Malar dasalral Softool. There is to be established at some point in Maine a first elass Classical School within the patronage of the Congregationalists. A Com mittee consisting of Hon. J. B. Foster of T. H. Hayes, F.sq., of Portland, ana Rev. Dr. Thurston of Searsport, will soon visit the places whore propositions have already been made to furnish buildings or a aite for the School. They will be in llallow ell on Wednesday next accompanied by Rev. R. B. Howard of the Committee appointed by the State Conference to raise the funds to endow such an institution. It is proposed to raise 950,000 besides the buildings and a part of this amount has already been pledged by benevolent individuals. Any person not giv ing leas than 925,000 can give his name to the ec .tool. In a business or social point of view, such a school will benefit any community se curing it. It will inuktloss have a large number ot students and employ an able corps of instructors as i will commence with the sympathy and patronage of a large religious denomination. Any persons or localities wish lag to make proposals for the school are re quested to Correspond with lion. J. B. Fos ter ot Bangor, Chairman of Committee on lo cation. ' •* '* ■ ■ ;■ ■ — -- Tor the Journal. CrMiMJMM ,TA.0 1 My first is in snow but not in rain, My second ig in loss but not in gain; My third is hr hound but not in cat, My fourth is in mouse but not in rat; SfflttssKtar JO seventh is in winter but nut in cold, My eighth frin Silver but not in gold; My ninth fs in meadow but not in park, My tenth is in peacock but not in lark; My eleventh ia m knife bet net in spoon, Mr twcllth is is star bnt not in moon: u * My fourteenth it in sanity-but not in fool tag My fifteenth is in clover but not in hay, My sixteenth is in yes but not in nay*; My whole is the name of a socftfiy that is working fur our good tins day. The answer is solicited. 8 0 IT G For the Dlrlgo Bose Ball flab, Champions of the State of Matae. AIR—“Tramp, Tramp, Tramp .* Like some trawler from afar, Who beholds a long tpst star Shining down oore more upon his native land, So we hall this festat night1 And onr hearts are gay and light. As we moor our burka beside the welcome strand, i Cheer I hoys cheer 1 and swell thecborna. Glad WO had the happy day; For at last we hold the bat! and we'll sing and shout for that • Till tbo morning sun Shall drive the stars away. I Long and fierce the fight has been! But wo ventured boldly in: One by one onr rivals quailed before our blows; And ’twas not a lucky hit, But 'twas mueclp, nerve and grit Gave die vict'ry to the noble Klrlgos. Cheer' boys, cheer! Ac. Now the battle's work is done, yfew the victory is won. And onr banner Boots without a stain or scar' For the Pnssggaesa hoys Went without a bit of noise, And we dimmed the brightness of the Northern Star. Cheer! boys, cheer! Ac. Uoicr to our valianiciew ' To our Captain, brave and true, Who was ever found the foremost in the ran! May we in our fhturq^ife Be as earnest in the strife, Each determined that he’ll show himself a man. Cheer! boys, cheer! Ac. Though we’ve ’scaped from war's alarms, We null not lay down our arms, But will hold the palm of vict'ry while we may; For our name is “ Dirigo!" And thev Shall wot find us slow Still to tear! where we hare ever led the way. Cheer! boys, cheer! and swell the chorus; Glad we hail the hnppv day; For at last we hold the bat, and well sing and shout for that Till the morning sun shall drive the stars away ! It. S. W. I imperial Xotirrg. — NBVF.UMOJth cnn time*>;«•*«*,grifttv to«*ili powders] and to«>th-destroying chemical Hind* liud a placet on the toilets of sensible People't The IV.igrant and | preservative ><>zoi>ONT nos superseded them all. i •M’Ai lkim.’s Glue’* men*fa furniture, Toys, Crockery, nil ornamental Work. ftf Renne’* Pain-Killing Magi- Oil is the (rest thing | to use for frost bites, chilblains, burns, scalds, | bruises, contusions, and other pamful b oqblcs you ever tried. **It works like a (burnt * hold "> t ol ler. People have been bo humbugged with dirty; poiaonoub hair preparations, that they hail w ith de* j light the new article styled NatchlS Haik Re storative. Clear as crystal, and it does the work most effectually. Se* advertisement. fRarrirh. In Rockport, 24th ult , George A Barlow to Miss Anna Emery, both ot Camden. Dirt*. In Portland. 19th ult., Mrs Jane Florence, widow' of the late John Florence, tormerly id London, 1 England, aged 86 years. In Jefferson. 25th ult., Mrs. Charlotte, w ife of Dea. Win. Glnlden, aged 78 years and 11 mouths. ! At Livermore Fall-, 11th ult.. Freeman \V. Pen- i dleton, formerly of Hone, aged 34 year*. 11 months, j In Cniou, 1st ult., Franklin \V. Law, aged 53 years. In Hope, 21st ult.. John Payton, aged 8] years. j —1—————I ■!— 1 Copartnership Notice. THE copartnership heretofore existing under the name of Bali.akp A Chase, was dissolved July 2d, by mutual consent. Mr. G. S. Ballard will continue the business at the old stand, where the books of the late firm may be found. All per- j sons indebted are requested U> settle the -anie w ith-. out delay. G. S. BALLARD. JOHN W. ( HASE. I Augusta, July 30, 1870. w lu Afoaw-Uw WAR MAPS OF EUROPE. SHOWING every City, Town, Village and Ham let on the continent. Made from government surveys, and used by the Marshals of France and General* of Prussia*, it shows exactly where the armies of France aud Prussia are now' concentra ted. The iseat of War givtn in full, w ith portraits of the Emperor Napoleon and King Wdliam. Any live inau can earn from $10to $2o per day. Agents wanted in every town in the Caked Males. Retail price, 50 cts. per copy. Liberal discount to agents. Address immediately, FRED A. WALDRON, augf-tJw* Watery tile, Maine. VECETINE ! SOLD BY JulySM3teo<l L. H. TITCOMB, DruKBiat. Prairie Weed Balsam! • SOll> BT july30-*3tei'.l L. U. TITCOUB, Apothecary. Jr or the nriUiou I Wholesale and relail, at TITCOMB’S I)1!UG STORE._ Fine Oolong Teas ! At TITCOMB'N, WEST END KENNEBEC BKIIKIE. July3b-'Stood_: • $7.00 PER DAY ! TO THE l.YEMPLOYED ! nHAD THIS, -AND CHEEK UK ! By sending ONE DOLLAR to the subscriber you will receive by return mail, a receipt for making au article Licit will Sell In Every Household In the land. There are no Agents In New England. A broad Held it open to all who wish to engage In an Honorable and Profitable business. It ran be manufactured at your homes, in yoor kitchens The ingredients can lie had of any Droggistor tlrocer. The expense is SMALL, und the l'roflts I,nrsfo. This ia not o»e of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and lie convinced. Address C. T. SOMES, _>aiyHr-ftat_Gardiner, Maine. W anted ! AHou«p to rent on the west pide of the river. Any urn desiring to rent the »um»- i ie,.se ad dr* “A,” thin offlre _ rtf-july20 (!«>on ( OTTON WEAVERS wanted ^eSS%^9 at Newmarket, \ 11. Good Wages l Steady Kuployiucul Gives. Apply atlthe Coanting Room._' tSw.JnlyStt Female Compositor Wanted! Apply immediately at the __ JOURNAL OFFICE IV otic©. THE oo partnertldp heretofore existing between Mahtix A Dow n-id Lewis C. Di vion, umlv the tlrm of DOW * DENTON, has t. it dnr been dissolved by muluai consent. Said l>«w will pry ail liabilities against saul firm, aud id authonaea to ouUuct all debts, dm. to DaM Arm. ^ ^ L- C DUNTOK. 4n*mm, !*»•_ M11 DOW continues to do business at the old stand, where hois l, ally tu serve h*a lrieuda. He w ill luiBtih astpaxl a TUSUff-OUT at caa bb gotten up la the c*y. Juiyli-tSw.* I DR. J. W. OHANNING, THE Great Cancer & Humor Doctor HAS ARRIVED AT HAIXQWEEL, And taken rQomMMUkfce Haclow eu. Hot'fffe, w here no will remain until Al'ClsT stb. Dr.C. give® particiillff attention to the cure of CANC K K s, Swelled Neck, and Vile* in all forms, Catarrh, Tonsil® ► in the Throat, Liver C omplaints. \vhirh he cures w ithout paiu, and wllllOUl fcXJf UM' ih tin’ Klim*. I'n iw» may yiiu • nu ll Ot get a ay relief until you nave tried his 'medicine*, which will remove all Humors, such as Cancers, Scrofula, Abscesses. White Swelling Affections. Erysiindaa, Inflamrtiatorr* Chronic, Mecurial and Syphilitic Rheumatism; Fever Sore*, old and stub born Fleers, and Sores of all kinds cured, what ever may be the cause that produced them. Dr. C. Will give examinations and advice free on all diseases. ♦lvvd&w When you want a Pound of Good Tea ! -TKY THE CHINA TEA STORE, WATER STREET, - - - AuKUOtu. _ __ ) aliW- * Awlm* EATING HOUSE FOE SALE! The DKSHUABLE STAND occupied by thojuto LEVI EO YE, Is offered fox sale. It is in a good location, aud is at this time doing . A GOOD BUSINESS. July28-flw AUGUSTA A>*I> BOOTHBAY! rhe EAST hi* \ STEAMBOAT COMPANY will run their steamers Sasanoa and Spray, rwo trips daily between Bath and Boothbay, com mencing Tuesday, July 23d. heaving Hath at 8 A. M. and 3h P. M •• Boothbay at 8 A. M. and 3tf P. M. The morning bont from Bath will leave on arrival of the hi-! train from Augusta, and return in hen sou lor puasengere to take the last train from Bath. Through Tickets can be had at the Depot in Augusta 1VM. W, MASON. ttf-Jul}27 Auknt at Bath. ORGANS & MELODEONS ! Messrs. Arno, Hodgkins & l’oM ClAN confidently a--are the public oi their ability ' to furnish an In-trument unsurpassed in tone ind durability of finish, thorough workmanship, ind general excellence. Their cases are made ot *olid Black Walnut Their keys are made of the liuest grades of Ivory, with Ivon' fronts. They use :he Vunroe Patent Reed, which cannot be surpassed for EVENNESS and Pl’RITY of toms. To all who tnav favor them with their patronage, tfcev guaran :ee ENTIRE SATISFACTION and most respect fully urge all in want of a Musical Instrument to five them n call before purchasing elsewhere. To ■ uch we guarantee a FIRST ( LASS INSTRUMENT, it prices that defy competition. Remember the place AllNO, HODGKIN8 & CO., ! door North Cook’s l>rng Store, julyia-tfim Water St . GARDINER. ME. DULL SHIONDS Fashionablc Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Hater Street, : Augusta, Me. shaving. Shampooing, Hair-Dressing. Cutting, Col mug. Ac., in the most approved style of the art I’artfculur ultention paid to cutting and curling La. lies’and Children’s hair. All kinds of Hair Work uade to order in the latest style. lJanTO-ly nnW*T With the sticky, filthy yUll I dangerous llair Prepara tions, but use Aiature’a llair li e 11 o r n t i v v , which is perfectly clean and transparent, and en tirely free from all dan gerous drugs. It will pOfitiveiy restore Gray llair, prevents the Hair from falling off, will cause QP it to gro v when preraa y t turelylost, removes daud* ruff and keeps the head in a perfectly healthy con dition. Try a bottle and be satisfied that it is the greatest discovery of the age. PROCTER BROS., Gloucester, Mass.. Sole Agents for the Patentee. All the Maine Druggist* POISONED haYCan,ll»pfem Wanted to do Housework. V Capable girl. Apply at the office of the Ken nebec Journal, or at the residence of Mr. I'l.KAKWATEK, on Second Street, in Hallowed. tl\vjiU;SU__ FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! i tvill sell my Stock of Hardware! CONSISTING OK Iron and Steel, Glass, Nails, CUTLERY, &c, &c., Which has been recently replenished, together with the tnide and good w ill of.the store, AT A BARGAIN 2 To any one desiring to engage in the HARD* WARE business, this is an opportunity rarely offered. Terms Favorable, tea WATER STREET. AMOfe WILDER. Anpnuta, July 1 1870. ttf-june* Stereoscopic Views. V LARGE assortment of new and beautfhl Views just received. Also the improved ttinsHSM. CLAPP A NORTH, ttt-julyiy 1» Water Street. Knickerbocker Mutual Lire insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERASTU9 LYMAN - • - PRESIDENT r|MII8 ia oue of the oldest, most reliable, and beat X dividend paying companies in the country. A88ET8 OVER $7,200,000! Liberal arrangement*’ will be made with Agents, ami they an* wanted in all parts ol the State. Apply at AUGUSTA, HE*, 130 Water Htreef, (up^*talm> to ONARk.ES WHITC* Manager lor Maine and yew nihTf>lhtre. March 22. 1670 fejimn t W anted.! L A BO It F. ItK. M4NOKK, STONE-CUTTERS, AND MEN ON Repairs of Dam & flew Bulkhead, at Angutsta. Alao 10,000 Tons Bal!rii»t. Apvlvtn H. A. DsWlTT, Mrent, ttf-JuJr.T Augvuta, Mu. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — ( ! Daily Kennebec Journal. I | By the Western Union Line—Offices in Itendee’s j BuildiiiK opposite the Poet Offic*, and at the State j House.] I FROM GARDINER. | Death of the Oldest Mason in Maine. | (Special Dispatch to the Daily Kennebec Journal.] (lAKDINKK, AUg. 1. | Peter Vigoreaux, the oldest person in Farm ingdale and the oldest Mason in the State, died Saturday, 30th ult., after an illness of half an hour, at the advanced age of 92 years. He has been a member of the Brotherhood nearly half a century, having taken the degree of Master Mason in 1821, in Gardiner. In 1822 lie took the Chapter degrees in Hallo well, and in 1827 the Encampment degrees. Mr. Vigoreaux left EaureDt, France, sixty three years ago for this country, where he married, settling in the Kennebec Valley. Before leaving his native land he was master sailmaker in the French fleet, commanded by Jerome Bonaparte, which went to Martinique and St. Domingo. Mr. Vigoreaux was sta tioned on the Admiral's ship, a three-decker, and the largest battle ship at that time ever built in France. During the engagement that took place at St, Domingo between the French and English fleets Mr. V. was slightly wounded. Until within a few years his hair had not turned gray. Mr. Vigoreaux had not seen a day of severe sickness since stepping his foot on American soil. He will be buried to-day at three o’clTt P. M., by Maine Commandery No. 1, of which he has been a member for thirteen years. Bnrial of a Mason. Mr. John Kogers, formerly a teamster in the employ of Kichards * Co., paper manu facturers, and a member of Herinon Lodge No. 32 Free Masons, was buried Sunday with the usual masonic ceremonies at the house and grave. Sir. Kogers has been suffering with consumption for a year. He leaves no family. Centennial Anniversary of the Univcr* salist Society. The Centennial Anniversary of the Uni versalist Society was held here on Monday evening. Exercises: First, Usual introduc tory services. Second, Statement of the object of the meeting by the Secretary. He said the society had nearly incurred the debt of $7,000 in repairing their church, &c., but that they had reduced the debt to $2,500, and that they were^ there to cancel the church's indebtedness, and to raise something for the Murray fund. Third, Several speakers were present, of which Hon. E. F. Pillsbury of Augusta, and Mrs. M. A. Livermore of Boston, were the principals, both speaking very eloquent for the cause. The amount of the debt, $2,500, was raised betore the close ot the meeting. The church was very prettily decked with flowers, and was crowded with the members of the church, many of whom responded very generously. V. WAR IN EUROPE THE CAMPMIGN TO OPEN AT STRASBURG. A General Engagement CIobo at Hand. EVACUATION OF ROME BY THE FRENCH TROOPS. I Paris. Aug. 1. The Emperor on Saturday inspected the Second Carps, stationed at St. Aveid. Mar shal Bazaine commands that line keeping the Prussiads in cheek before Mayence and Cob lentz. The flower of the French Army. 280,000 strong, are concentrated between Forbach and Strasburg. It is expected that the campaign will open with a great movement, which will be made on the side of Strasburg in the direction of South Germany. The health and spirits of the French forces are reported good. Despatches state that the Emperor’s head quarters to-night are at St. Aveid, near the frontier. This indicates that a general en gagement is close at hand. The I’resse says that there has been no fighting on the Rhine, as rumored. The advance post of the Bavaria troops has fallen back upon the Santee river. Several Prussian scouting parties have lately crossed the Soar. Their movements were plainly seen hy the French, and it is thought that the Prussian force is not so great in that neighborhood as at first sup posed. The Journal Official to-day has informa tion going to show that the sympathy of the people of the Daunbian principalities, are heartily with France. Tile Publico says that the French govern ments have contracted for a cable between Calais and some point in Jutland. Den.nark, in order that the operations of the Baltic may be reported to and directed from the cap ital. The Presse thinks that the Prince of Wales now in Copenhagen, sympathizes with Den mark in her complaints against Prussia. The Emperor has thanked the railroad ] companies for the celerity and prudence with which they have transported troops to the frontier. A council of ministers will meet three times a week at St. Cloud, and the Empress will preside over the deliberations. The son of Adncl Kailer has asked per mission of the Emperor to enlist in a regi ment of Turcos. The French war department lias pre-emp torilv denied the request of Captain More of the British Navy, a id an attache oi Me British legation in Paris, to visit the navy yaid at Cherbourg, intimating that Ins object is to take notes of the fortifications, work I shops and fleets. Orders have been promulgated in Paris to the effhet that the enemy’s private property be respected in Germany. Then* is a bitter fei ling on the Bourse against tlie German bunkers. They ate ac cused of sending t pc cm to Prussia. .- .i - ■ i. .i j- . . ...--.. r. -- Berlin, Aug. 1. King William left for the fhmt at six o'clock last evening. Tin- Queen attended him to the railway station. Multitudes of people collected there, and flags and flower* were without number. Rrcssels, Aug. 1. Belgium is taking formidable steps for the i maintenance of her Dationalty. The Bel ! gium army of observation of the East has taken up a position on the great military high road, from Liege to Aix la Chapelle. London, Aug. 1. i At the Ministerial banquet on Saturday i night, Mr. Gladstone and Sec’y Cardwell de j clared that the army and navy of England ; were in an efficient condition for war, but the i government trusted in its ability to maintain ! an absolute neutrality. ■ The Puke of Augustinburg is serving as a [ general in the Bavarian army, and the Puke I of Nassau has accepted a position on tho | stall' of the Crown Prince of Prussia. Florence, Aug. 1. The negotiation* between Italy and France I for the withdrawal of the French troops from Italian soil has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. The Italian government has I guaranteed tha preservation of order in Home, and the French troops have evacuated the : city. i It is asserted that the Pope has been ad i vised by some to go to Malta, and by others i to remain in Home, and it seems that he has decided to stay. The Homan police seized a quantity of arms which were se creted in the city. Madrid, Aug. 1. Captain General Pc Kodas has asked for 14,000 reinforcements for Cuba. In view of this demand some of the Journals urge the government to consider seriously the condi tion of the Island. The French Cabinet made an explanation of the recent expressions regarding Spain to Senor Olozoga, which is considered satisfac tory. FROM PORTLAND. Portland, Aug. 1. Railroad Accident. A man named Charles B. Taylor, belonging in Norridgewock, was run over by the down train from Boston Saturday evening, at Oak Hill station, and died soon after. One leg was cut off near tile body and the other at the knee. He was standing on the platform talk I ing and by some means slipped and fell be ; neath the wheels, the train moving at a rapid I rate. FROM NEW YORK. New York, Aug. 1. The Nathnu Murder. It is ascertained this afternoon that the murderers of Mr. Nathan obtained $00,000 from the safe, which Mr. Nathan had placed j there the night before. Three wealthy Israelites of this city have i offered $10,000 if necessary, to bring the , murderers to punishment. There is another of the accusations in a ! Sunday paper against Washington Nathan as the murderer. FROM BOSTON. Boston, Aug. 1. Counterfeits in Circulation. Well executed counterfeit 10s on the First i National Bank, Poughkeepsie, are in cireula ! tion here. Drowned. Geo. Ralph, 21 years of age, belonging in Richmond, Canada, was drowned at Danvers last night while bathing. — FROM BANGOR. Bancor, Me., Aug. 1. Nad Accident. The wife of Lewis Bruckhoff of Clifton, fell through a stairway in their unfinished house on Sunday night, fracturing her Bkull ! and causing her death almost instantly. — Heavy Robbery. ; $30,000 Stolen from a Vault while the Cashiers Engaged at the Counter. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 1. The Banking House of John Handley and Co. was robbed of $J0,000 in currency this morning, hv parties entering the vault at the rear of the hank while accomplices engaged the attention of the Cashier at the counter. Negro Raid. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 1. 1 Two hundred armed negroes are marching on Grand Junction to release some of tlw 1 prisoners in Jail there. The Chief of Police ; in this city has been telegraphed to send as | sistance. Fear of French Cruisers. Oalakt, Quebec, Aug. I. Two outward bound Prussian Merchantmen | caino to anchor here to-day, fearing French : cruiser* in the neighborhood of Anticosti. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York .flour) Market. Sew York, Aug. I. Gold closed 121 >*. ' United States Sixes (coupons), 1881 113V i “ •• S-30’81803, 110V • “ “ 1884, 109?* « -‘ 1883. 109?* ! “ •• “ 1805, Jan. & July, 108?* •* “ ■* 1887. 108?* j “ “ “ 1808, 1091* “ “ 10-40’s, (coupons,', 110 New York Stock Market. Ne.v York. Aug. I. Mariposa. > J j do. pfd. 10 1 Canton Co. 82)* Cumberland Co. 30 Western Union Tel. Co. 34 onicksilver Mining Co. HV Paciilc Mail, 30J* Boston Water Power, 13 Boston. Hartford ft Erie, 31* Adams Ex. Co. B7 Wells, Fargo ft Co. 135* American Merchants Un. 43?* If. 8. Ex. Co. 43 N. Y. Central r.ud Hudson River 91‘* do. scrip,! 8U’i Harlem, 131 , Reading, 93V Mich. Central, 1*8 l.nkc 4hoie and Michigan Southern a!", Illinois Central 13U ! CleVelan I & Pittsburg, - 107 I Chicago A North Western, 83 | do. preferred! .*"?« I Chicago ft Rock Island, 1*4 1 Mil ftSt. Paul, y do. preferred, *"-• Toledo, Wabash ft Western. 18 Toledo, Wabash A Western prefei red .2 j Pittsburg ft Fort Wayue, -‘U Terre Haute, *} do. ptd. « | Alton, 1|SV do. prefd, I Ohio and Miss. 34V I Eric. 1 do. pfd. ** Chicago Produce Market. Chicao". Aug. 1. pr.orit—spring extras I WHEAT- No. x, lsoi*. i COHN—No I, 82V. 1 () VT4-4/V Ibr No. 2 'IK,4k POUK-DtA I IIA Ill.KY - 110 for No. 3. I LARD-W*. flew York Produce Market. New York, Aug. 1. COTTON—Hales SOB bales: mid. uplands 20. FLOL'R—state MO® 1.86; round hoop OhioftiftftTtO; western Mo 3 7 ft; sou them ftJOjfHfiu. WJH EAT—sales 36.000 bn; No. 1 spring 133# 146; No. 2 do. 126a 140; winter red ami amber western, lA6gt:*3. CORN—new mixed western, 953100; old do. 102 in store. OATS—state 62 4300; western 64#30. PORK—mess, 30.26; prime. 26.00. LAK1>—steam, 174 ; kettle, 17.V* » BUTTER—Ohio. 20^2^; state, 20033. To Whom It May Concern. THIS ii to forbid ail Hraom imrljormir or taunt* inn 1115 wife. Jam-. I. Iln«wi.i.i, alter this date, •.a I idiall pay no tk-hu other oontractinjf. .. E. II. Hus WE I, I.. Ilalloweil, July Sint, 1870. tlw-Julyil AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. ORGANIZED IN 1848. \ - TltVSTEKS : THOMAS I.AMHAUD. AKTEMAS I.IBBEY JAMES IV. SOUTH, WM. S. BADGER SAMUEL TJTt/OMB. Deposits received daily from 9 A. M. to 1. P. M., aod U'oni 24 to 4,4 P. M. Interest on deposits will eommenw* on the Jlrst day of the month, next mi weeding the day of de posit. The net earnings of the bank are divided among the depositors semi-annually (August 1 and Febru ary 1)—and if not ended for are put on interest like an original deposit, thus making compound interest semi-annually. Depositors can at any lime borrow money from the Bank on a pledge of tlieir Bank-book. Office la SAVIMA IIA .Mi DULDINCi, 174 WATER STREET. j ftf Junel4 WM. R. SMITH, Treasurer. Edward Rowse, 124 WATER STREET t DEALER IN 4© Watches, Jewelry, AND 8ILYEK WARE ! Agent for the Waltham lVnlch ('omp'y, Anil LAZARUS A MG KRIS’ I^erfected Spectacles. Special attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of FINE W ATCHES. Chronometer Ralancen applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and isochronism. TIME TAKE7* BY TRANSIT. f]jan70-tf Copartnership Notice. fJMIK copartnership heretofore existing under the X firm name of Lopkk, Mf.serve & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. C. H. Meserve retiring. The remaining partners having associated with them Mr. Thos. E. Twite hell, under the firm name Locke, Twitchcll & lo., Will continue the geueral Dry Goods Jobbing and Commission Business, At Nos. 6-i <fc 6<1 Middle Street, where the books of the lab' Ann may be found. Office in Boston, 147 Devonshire Street. Agents fbr the Pondicherry Mills Co., Shawls, Repellents, Cloakings. Casaimeres. Pittsfield Pioneer Woolen Mills, Repellents and Cassimeres. Falmouth and Storm King, Repellents. Sebago Mills, Repellents. LOCKE, TWTTCHELL A CO. Portland, July 14, 1«70. +Awlm-juJyl8 Fore Medicines and Ctaicais! Brushes, Conibs, Soaps and Perfumery; (’HOICK TOILET AM FA ACT ARTirLES! Physicians' & Apothecaries* Goods Ture Sperm, Lari, Kerweiie lud Ji.atstuot Oil., Charles K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE HAUL,) Has on hand a Large Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SELLS AT The Lowest Market Katei! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS Partridge's Druj Store. Water Street, eerier Bidet Squr tljan7uly NEW CANTATA. Charming Solos and Brilliant Choruses of Easy Execution. THE PICNIC; By J. R. THOMAS. Designed for Schools, Singing Classes and Social Gatherings, for Mixed Voioes, and also for Female Voices, with Sparkling Piano Accom paniment. The most Pleasing Cantata for Musical Festivals Published. Price in Boards, $1.00. Seat post-paid on receipt of price. OLIVER OITSON A CO., 277 Washington Street, Boston O. H. DITSON & CO., 711 Broadway New York. NOTICE. OFFICE OF T1IE AMERICAN WATm CO.,) WALTHAM, MASS., Nov., 1A<W. k f • ' *! 1 We have nppoiuted EDWARD ROWSE, 124 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, DUALS* in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, And SPECTACLES, oar «<*n!r* Agent for th* »*fty «pd vicipity of AUGUSTA, and intend W keep pi bis at al times such a ' fctuCl Ot HOLD AVD SILVER WATCHES, .l.m WV# TCWS .?IO PA’.lf e» wU» on add t him fu supply any d- ruand, either at Wholertale or Rotail, which may he made upon him, and AT RATES AS FAVORABLE aa are Oder d at our Sales Room* in Wow York or T3o«toa. imu ,v»uaucAN watch c<tmi'amv R. E. ROBBINS, Troas*r. J. S. DUDLEY, Dealer la »U kind, ol SEWING MACHINES AH kiuM~ of dr wtog Machines ueatly repaired oad warranted to new aa well a, the <lay th'.*y were made. MACHINES TO LET f, By the lloiitb or WSefc. •I. N. D I, i » T ■ T - v Water «*t„ ArOVdTA. I ftf-iunell 1 Door loath of Parrott A Rrxll.nrr’e. BILLIARD TABLE8 MANTtFACTritEP BT J. E. CAME & CO.* With PHELAN A COLLENDEIPS STANDARD AMERICAN CTSHIONS. These cnshMms hare proved superior to ail others, and are used hi all the principal hotels and club rooms in the country, and are the only cushions recognized by champion billiard players! Superior >t*:ond-hand Billiard Tablets suitable for summer houses, for sale cheap. Also New England Agents for the Hyatt Corfu*. Billiard Balls. J! E. CAME A CO., i-hi-junts 114 .Nudbury atreel* Boston. EATING BOISE! POTTER & BENNETT, fS»re*««rs t* w. S. ParkMb,) 110 Water Street, 1 Door South of Pott Office, Al tilMTA, nAIBB. LADIES’ ROOM up Stairs. ICE CREAMS and OYSTERS confitanllv on nand. Meal# served at all Hours. This Saloon being located within a few oteps of and directly opposite ihe Depot, is very convenient for the travelling, public. fUni-juneU) S. F. Davenport, Agent for the sale of the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINES -ALSO AGENT FOR THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. 1'lare of business bus been removed to nearly opposite AVer tern Unfan Telegraph Office. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ftf-june? Crockery, China & Glass. PHICE8 REDUCED 1 'flie prices of Crockery, China and Glass Ware at? No. In'.9 Watrr street, Are marked <iown*to meet the fall in Gold mayi-tft J. D. PtEBCK & SOX. New Goods z New Goods! We are now openihg our stock of SUM M.E R Dress Goods Comprising all the NOVELTIES of the SEASON t We call special attention to our stock of BLACK SILKS f For Ladies’ Suits and Out side Garments. ' Also to our * JAPANESE SILKS. In Plain, Plaids, and Stripes. N. B. -Always on hand, . Androscoggin Remnants OP BROWN COTTONS. Barton & Russell. Juno 13, 1S70. _ __ftf House For Sale. □ 4 NT one wishing to purchase a Anew First-Class DWELLING IIOfThE, located on one of the prin cipal street* in the city, can Lear of one by calling at this office. i may 14-tt FIRST CLASS EATING HOUSE! rnHL tubscriber would inform the travelling pub X lie that he has opened * A First Class Eating House, -AT — NO. ID WATER STREET Gardiner, Maine, formtrly known ns Smuts' Sntcon. The rooms have all hern refurnished in Ihc best possible manner. The l.adiee’ Hon in, up .tains, is large and elegantly arrauged. Meals will be fur nished at all *our». ! Table Boarders Accommodated By the week at reasonable rates. And by strk't attention to has lues*, the Pfoi' le tor hopes to merit a liberal share of theBUbUc patronage. D. W. vrxfNG. Gardiner, Jnlv M, 1*70. t3m-Jnlyl9 Monfy Cannot Bny It! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! ! by all the celebrated Optician *oi lh« World to bo The Most Porft>ct, Natural, Artiikial help to thu linmun ey«| ever known. from minute Cry.-tnl derive their name. ‘'Diamond,* eu account of their ' luudnes. anrl brilliancy 1 The bbolerif 1*U* ¥*rlnotj>lo * On which they are constructed bring- the cora or * centre of the fen* directly m front oft;te eye. fc. tinning a elenr nr.d tils' mot Ttaloa. as in the n« titfgj, I henlthv sight and pro euSnf ait ur-plttmanf aenao I lion*. MU* a* gHiitmv ng anti watering 01 eight, ! di taint ss, Ac., peeuliarfo art others In use. I They arc Me anted ut the Fmt.t Kuaet. ' ju frames of the be.t qualify, of aU nmwiala um4> for lhal purpose. ruLiit risisn aw disability C \S\fiT BE smBAVOiD. Ctnie'.-N'"n« genuine unless bearing thoir tr.L'io mark -t tu«ped on evry frame S A. Kl -.-1.I I. ./,«.,' r mil <tpC-asK, is .vds a -« jv 4»;;o*lrt, .Vgignt. from whom Ihcr sen only be obtuiutd. Thus* I goods are not supplied to I’tjtlUrs at aJiy prism I m»yl7-ly