Newspaper Page Text
Pail# jJmncbtc Journal. AUGUSTA. FfUDAT MORNING, An*. 5, 1870. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOU GOVERNOR, Sidney Parham, OF PA1U8. FOR REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS, 1st District—JOII \ LA VCII. 2d District—WILLI A M P. FRYE. 3d District—JAMES *>. BLAINE. 4th District—JOHN A. PETERS. 5th District—EUGENE HALE. For Stnnlom, Oxford • • - THOMAS P. CLEAVES, ’ OTIS HAYFORD, .Ik. Vork . . . JOHN B. NEALI.EY, ’ JOSEPH C. ROBERTS, JOSEPH HOBSON. For Slif i tfT, Oxford, - • • LORENZO D. STACY. York, • • - EDMUND BARREN. For County Attorney. Oxford, - - - ENOCH FOSTER, JR. York, - - - GEORGE G. YEATON. For Connty Commissioner, Oxford, - - ALBION P. GORDON. York, - - - ALBERT G. HUSSEY, CORNELIUS SWEETSER. For Connty Tren surer, Oxford, - • - FREDERIC E. SHAW. For Clerk or Conrts. York, • - - AMOS L. ALLEN. Republican fount) Convention. The Republican voters of Kennebec county arc requested to send delegates to a Convention to be held at Granite Hell, Auguste, Wednesday, August 1 Oth, At li o’clock A. M , lor the pt»n»o-e of nominating three c mdidate* for Senators, one County Cominii eioner, Coun.y Attorney, County Treasurer, Shenll and to transact all other bn.-inuse that may |jro|H*r lv com** before the Convention. * The oasis of representation will l>«* a* follows:, Each citv. town and plantation will be entitled to one delegate and an additional delegate lor every seventy-uve votes cast for Joshua L. < h aiuberhim ^ at the Gubernatorial election of 18*'»8. A traction of ( forty votes will be entitled to uu additional dele ? The cities, towns and plantations are entitled to tne following number of delegates: Albion, 3 Pittston, *» Augusta, It Readflcld, Belgrade, 4 Rome. Benton, 3 Sidney, 4 Chelsea, 2 Vassaiboro, J Clinton, 4 A icnna. China, .r» Waterville, P» Fanningdale, 3 Wayne, 3 Fayette, 3 We*t Gardiner, 4 Gardiner, 10 Wind-or, 3 Hallowell, *i Win-low, 4 Litchfield, 5 Wfimlirop, *; Mane he ter. 3 Clinton Gore. Monmouth. 6 Unity Plantation J >ft. Vernon, 4 Total 132. Wm H. LrnitY. Augusta. 1 L. T. UmmiiiV. Waterville. I Reput-lf J. I. Sn»l»I>vKl>. Gardiner. / Count Jo«El*H T \Vomi»waui» Mdncv i Cornua t e. Jewett, Ciintou J May 27, 1870. fSomerset County Republican Con- ntlon. The Republican voter-of s merset • .-unlyarc i c que-teJ to -end deleg tes to a Convention to be held at 4 obnrii Hall, f»kowhf}{HU, Thurs day, August 1 stIi. : t l’» oVl k A. M , for the purj*>*eo? nominating two candid .tes for Sena tors. County Attorney. County Treasurer, and one Com.ty Coiumissioner. ami to traa-.-o t all other business that may properly come before the ( on v- ntlon. The ba-i- of representation wall be « foli -ws, viz: Each town and plantation will Ik* en titled to one delegate and one additional delegate for everv fifty votes ca-t for Jnshu I. Chamber*! lain at the <iuberutttori.«l election 18 8. \ fr:ie. j lion of thirty voles w ill be entitled to .»u additional delegate. James Wright. ) Wn li \m Folsom ! Republican S. F. Bm >T, } < ouuty J wiks It rUHOOMIE j Committee. Horatio N. Page, J Lincoln County Republican Convention. The Republican voter- of Lincoln County arc renin- U*d to send delegate-, to a Couveution to be i held at the COURT HOUSE, AVISCASSET, on Thursday, Augttst 2Mb, 1870, at in o’. 1«>< W A M., lor the purpo-e oi nominating candidate* for'sen ator, Sheriff, County Attorney, li gb-ter of Probate. County Conunirt.-ioiier, County Treasurer, and to jransrtVt all other business that may properly come before the Convention. The basis of representation will be as follows: Kmdi town and plantation will be entitled to one delegate, and an additional delegate for every fifty voter, cast for the Republican cand <1 tic at the Gub ernatorial election of Is A majority fraction Will be entitled t-» an additional delegate. AM»KE\V LACY, Wimetsset, ] Jameh A. Hall, Hauiarittootta, I Republican saucklL. Mili.ek Waldoboro’, V County samHel J. Bond, Jefferson, I Commil tee. Horace Fossext, Bristol, J July 11, 1870. Republican County Conventions. Androscoggin* at Auburn August 21. Cumberland, at Portland August 17. Penobscot, at Bangor August 18. Piscataquis, at Dover Augu-t 21. Sagudaeoc, at Bath August 25. i Washington, at DennybvUle August 24. STILL INDUCING THE DEBT. The government still continues to reduce the public debt. Dining the last month it shows a reduction of several millions of dollars, and this beside paying all the cur rent expenses. This is most gratifying to all who desire to see*the debt wiped out and the credit of the government thorough ly established. Under the reduced rate ol taxation this rapid curtailment of the debt cannot continue, but the country w ill be satisfied with less reduction of the debt and greater freedom from taxation. What has been done toward paying off the debt is shown in the following; Public debt, decrease for July, $17,034,123 74 Public debt, tie* ica.-e bicce March. l«:o 09.004,001 17 Public debt, decrease during IVraut’tf Administration 130,138.784 01 Aver tire monthly decivaee for l*t* 7,201,231 90 Average monthly decrease for l#;u. 13,800,800 21 NOBODY WANTS IT. The nomination of the democratic party for governor is being passed around but nobody appears to bid for it. 'The Stand ard of yesterday published the following letter in which Mr. Kimball reiuses to lie the lictiiu. The letter was addressed to Gen. Philo Clark of Turner, in reply to one addressed by him to Mr. Kimball. I’oKTi.Axn. July 21). 1S7U. S/y /J ar Sir:—Vour kind fiver of tin- 27th came duly to hand and contents noted. I w ill say in reply, that the Cli.iinhcrlain move ment as far as I know, lias entirely subsided and I presume will not come before the Ban gor Convention, in any form To the next uueation I answer, most decidedly, no. My name must not he brought la-l'ore the Con vention in any way. (sen. Smith did the par tv a great favor to accept the nomination last year, under the circumstances, and if he de sire* it. lie is tairly and honestly entitled to a re-nomination tin* year; hut should lie decline to run again, then I uni most decidedly in favor ot Gen. Cliaa. W. Koherta, of Bangor, who will make us a gallant and popular candi date, and in my opinion do much to bring strength and harmony to our ranks. 1 therefore trust you and my other friend* will go to Bangor, determined that if G n. Smith declines, to place the gallant General Kobert* at the bead of our tick, t for the cam paign of 1K70- . 1 ours with esteem, C. P. Kimball THE TROUM.ES IX SO. CAliOLlX-i For several weeks past telegrams from North Carolina to the press of the country have shown a bad condition of aifaiis in that State. Indeed, at no time since the war has North Carolina been in a com pletely settled condition, and deeds ot vio lence have been alarmingly frequent.— Oilieers of the law have been murdered by concealed assassins, and peaceful citizens have been shot down at the thresholds ol their dwellings. The fact that all the vic tims of these assassinations were Republi cans was so significant as to force the be lief that the murders were for political purposes, and were done by order of sorai secret organization. The State government, through its de tectives, at last definitely ascertained tin fact of the existence of this organization, which calls itself the Constitutional Union Guard, or the Ku Klux Klan. In the coun ties of Jervis, Lenoir and Craven, the operations of the Ku Klux had been ex {tensive and bold, and many murders and ! outrages had been committed by them. The sheriff of the county of Jervis, while ! riding home in the night time was killed I by men ambushed by the side of the road. • Col. Shepard, a leading republican of Le noir county, while sitting at his door was killed by persons who fired at him from across the river. James Grant, a colored man who was a leader among his people, was also assassinated. Tiie detectives after working up these cases found suffi cient evidence to warrant the arrest of five men. Three of the five turned State's evidence and confessed that they belonged to the Ku Klux, and had participated in these murders by order of their superiors. They fully exposed the workings anil de signs of the organization, whose chief ob ject was to restore “a wbite man’s govern ment,” and “to accomplish, so far as pos sible, that which the rebellion failed to accomplish.” With all this evidence no jury could be found to convict the accused, lhead of the vengeance of the secret as sassins, and the presence of members <>t the organization, upon the jury, prevented justice being done. Other similar trials resulted in the same manner. So exten sive were the ramifications of the organi zation that no jury could be summoned which did not include members of the Ku Kbix Klan. More than this, in many of the counties a large proportion of the offi cers of the law were themselves members of this traitorous society. Such a state of affairs could not fail to work disorder. It did not. In the coun ties of Orange, Chatham, Alamance and Caswell the Ku Klux inaugurated a reign if terror. Bands of masked men roamed the country nights, hanging, shooting and whipping every republican who had made himself obnoxious to the Democracy by seal in opposing them. At la t so power 'd had the Ku Klux become that the civil luthorities were impotent to protect the •itizens ot these counties. The State gov ernment was forced to declare a portion if the State to he in a state of insurrection, mil to use the military arm to put down he traitors and to protect the life and iroperty of loyal citizens. This lias been j lone, and the Ku Klux have been over- ! powered and defeated ill their endeavors ! to carry the State for the democrats by in timuhuiug their opponents by murders and outrages. Ami ttiese arc uie •* irounies hi .vmn Carolina” of which so much is now being said, and of which so little is known at the North. And in conclusion it would be well for the decent and moderate men who have been acting with the Northern Democracy to consider whether they can as true men aid a party whose triumph in the North would put into power such vil lains in tint South. Every man in the South who is true to government is now acting with the Republican party. To this rule there is, there can be no exceptions. The “ Democratic” party of the South i> not the true Democratic patty. It bears the name but .hat is all. it is a parly composed equally of Whigs and Demo crats whose very intense principle is hatred ot the government, and whose only aim is to undo all that was done by the war. llow any Northern man, how any ex-soldier, how any true man can work for or even desire the success ot such a party is incomprehensible. Let every such man reflect upon his position. f Elections will be held this fall in all the States except Oregon, New Hampshire, C'onnectieu and Rhode Island. Sixteen States are to choose United Slates Sena tors, ami live have already done so. The Republican State Convention for Massachusetts has been called to meet in Worcester, Wednesday, October 5th, the repri sculatioli by delegates to be upon the same basis as last year. The Farmer who raises produce for a dis tant market is limited to a few articles, such as wheat, corn, rye, etc., which greatly ex haust the soil, while he who has a market near at hand can cultivate almost any pro duct for which Ids soil and climate are adapt ed, and can have a thorough rotation of crops, so necessary to preserve the vitality ot ids soil. _ Benjamin Willis, an older brother of the late Wdliam Willie of Portland, died in Brookline, Massachusetts, Thursday 28th ult. Four years ago hr was attacked with paraly sis. and though it did nut prove immediately fatal, it impaired his health so that he has never recovered it since. In 1H03 he went to Portland with his father, ami engaged in the dry goods business in which he was very suc cessful. Colby Pniversity has conferred the degree of JLL D. upon Kphraim Hunt of Boston, and the d» gree of Doctor ol Divinity upon Prof. E. C. Mitchell of Alton, Illinois, and the Kev. H. V. D.-xteruf Kcnneounk; all graduates of the college. The population of Farmington Village Cor poration is about 1300; there are 200 Pu nch Canadians. fa tutu: of the rorxosTEiis. The young democracy, led by Bion Bradbury, have met with failure in their attempt to establish a party of their own. Their defeat comes from a source where it might have been expected, but which it appears they were so sanguine oi success, as to overlook. The few sore-head republicans that endorsed the movement found themselves alone when the test came. Their name was not “Legion, nor, indeed, had it any potency against the republican organization in the State, which never stood firmer than at this day. « The New York Tribune publishes the fol lowing. Portland .Me., July tj. me immmr lain movement,” as the attempt nt a few in dividuals to get that gentleman to consent to be voted for against Mr. 1’erham was called has come to a sudden and rather disastrous end. A letter addressed to him. embodying the views I have already written you almut, although pressed hard in this community and in the Hast, failed to get a respectable number of signatures, and the abandonment of the scheme is now an : nounced. It is not believed that the Govern or would have become a party to the project in any ordinary event. This falls heavily on certain Republicans who hoped to float their own personal ventures upon the supposed ; ocean of the popularity of the movement, and whose little barks are now left bung on the roek of despair; while the snowy bearded and traditional Democracy, who were beaten off from making a nomination at the Convention,, by assurances that there would he new leaven in their loaf if they set it away till the August heats, are loud in their complainings, and ask with derisive bitterness “Where are the victories that you promised us?” And so the Convention at Bangor on the Kith prox imo will he substantially a funereal con course. and while it may not be of great can sequefice what they do, let me predict that Gen. Chas. W. Roberts will be nominated. , Ti e juveniles can go for him violently, be cause he is a soldier and is young : while tlu ancients had their hearts softened toward him because he opposed adjournment and de nounced the Chamberlain diversion. There may be a question whether; “Charley” would care about taking the! nomination under present circumstances. The honor of being shelved and embalm-1 ■ ed by the side of the defunct eandiates oi j the democratic party for the last fifteen; , years <• mnot be very alluring to his youth j tul imagination, and may cause some hes- , I Ration on his part to be led to the sacrifiev. i _ WAi: SPLINTERS. Tin' fight at Saarbruck was not much of a fight after all. It amounted to little; more than a skirmish, but afforded a ehitiii'e to praise tin* Prince Imperial for! his great courage in looking on at a safe distance. Sure the blood of Napoleon is in his veins. The German- in this country arc holding war .meeting!*, but except in speeches the, amount to but little. We venture to sa\ that the number who will return to the fatherland to fight will not make a great hole in the census. It is thought that Napoleon erred in not pushing promptly into Bavaria; he would thereby have neutralized the action of till Southern Germany. Such a movement is j impossible now, because it would expose Paris, The lower chamber of the Hungarian Diet has voted a supplementary credit of “five millions for defence, and has author ized the calling out of the next year's eon- j tingent when necessary. The Journal Official savs the govern-! meiit has decided that during the war no j person, of whatever nationality,' will be ; permitted to enter or leave France without ^ a passport. This, huweiVr, is not appli cable to the subjects of those States actual ly at war with France. They can only travel in the interior, with the special per mission of the Minister of the Interior. The Public says that the French govern ment has contracted for a cable between Calais and some point in Jutland, Den mark, in order that the operations of the Baltic fleet may he reported to and from the capital. The Loudon Post approves of Mr. Glad stone's polit v of pence, so long as Belgium remains untouched. It refers to old treaties between the United States and Prussia, and says the restrictions as to articles contraband of war will probably become a dead letter for the United States, j especially as England pays no attention to j them. The Berlin correspondent of the London i News says the Prussian plan of campaign [ consists in a simultaneous advance of the | whole army, without the reservt s, toward* the French frontier. The four main rail road.- leading from the Elbe to the Rhine I will then he altogether stopped tor private I traffic during the days destined to the con veyanre of troops. It is supposed that 1 i each of these railways cau convey 20,000. I soldiers a day. The locomotives and wagons returning next day, 20,000 again may be e in eyed on the -ante railway the third day. when they will have collected at the stations in tin* Ea-t, or will have been echeloned along the line. Thus the 240,(XH) men of th North German army, now in garrisons c a.-t of the Rhine, will be : on the banks of thatf river the fifth day after the commencement of the movement. The reserves will follow as they come in, 1 which, in Prussia, is very quickly. The Landwehr, this time, not destined to act j on the aggressive, will till tip the garri i oils. Thus the advance from the Rhine, which will be crossed at <'ologne, t’ob lentz and Mnyence by the permanent rail j way bridges, will be made with 30,000 i men complete, followed by 100,000, who j will gradually fall in with their cadres, j The advance will be concentric upon l'ar ! is, unhesitating and unceasing, until the j French arc met. Neither an attack from j the sea nor a French diversion in Southern j Germany will be heeded. The Mathias Union says that the house of Thouias Robb of Alexander was burned on | the 27tli ult. Mr. U. was absent and Ids wife and children in the field. Nothing was saved I hut a part of a barrel of flour. Mr. Robb has been infirm for several years, and is now un able to work; he has a wife and six smalt j children. Domestic NeVus. Examination at Orono. The annual examination of the classes of the Maine State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts was held at Orono on Wednes day. The Whig says the exercises were in teresting and the young men acquitted theti^ sclvcs well, 1 efleeting great credit on their in structors. At the close, remarks were mule by Gov. Chamberlain. Rev. Messrs Allen, Reed and Raker. The prize declamations of the Sophomore Class was held in the Metho dist church on Tuesday rvening. The speak ing was very good, anil the singing was excel lent. The first prize was awarded to Renj. K. Gould of Wntcrville; the second lo Oren S. Sargent of Milo. Two Barns Burnrd In Wells. On the night of the 28th ult.. the barn of Ellison Hill, on the Lower Road, in Wells, was consumed by fire. The contents of the barn—some four tons of hay and a carriage belonged to Christopher Littlefield ot Wells, whose loss is about $150. The barn was not valuable; no insurance; another suspected incendiarism. Also on the 31st ult., at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the barn of (’has. W. Boston, on the Lower Road, vritli all its contents, was laid in ashes. It contained up wards of 25 tons of hay, and was not insured. Careless use of matches is supposed t i be the cause. Loss about §800. Mormon* Among I s. It is stated tlmt there are four Mormon So cieties in Maine and three in Massachusetts. There are others in Rhode Island and i onnec tieut. and a general conference " ill he held in Boston this fall. The sect in New England discountenance polygamy and regard the Salt Rake Mormons as apostates front the true faith, calling themselves the Reorganized Church of the Litter Day Saints. The Soci ety in Boston was founded two years ago and slow I v increased to a membership of sixteen. The membership in Maine is not known. Bovlnrs In Fatal Conflict. The Portland Advertiser says that a curious case occur!ed in Fiycburg, on Wednesday last. Two cows came together on the hanks of the beautiful Saco. They hooked ami pushed ami twisted until tiny got their horns locked, when one of them wet over the hank and broke her neck, and of course dragged the other too. both going into the water, the living one only to be held down !>y the dead one till drowned. son* el Temperance Quarterly Meeting. Tile Gardiner Home Journal says that at tile quarterly session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance held in Bangor last week, there was a good attendance and a good spirit manifested. The members were well satisfied witli the nomination of Mr Pcrltam. i'lie report of the Grand Officers showed a gain from last quarter and a healthy state of the Order. Initiations tor the quarter had averaged nine to each division. The Chronicle says the new depot grounds at Farmington village were visited in a mys terious manner hu t Thursday night which our readers will remember was very dark. A large amount of earth was removed, some es timate it at fifty cariloads, and dug about a foot below the grade—seven or eight feet in depth. Mr. Clark's entire gang was employed two or three hours next morning carting away the pile thrown tip. Broken pieces of board, which had the appearance of having been un derground a long time, and parts of a skeleton are reported to have been found. The point of the excavation was formerly the cellar of an old tavern, all traces of which have long since passed away. Many are the conject ures, but no one can offer a probable solution of tliis curious proceeding. Patrick Conroy was drowned while bathing alone in t lie Presumpscot river, near the line of the Portland & Ogdensburg railroad, in Windham, Sunday last. Conroy came from Massachusetts the day before to work on the railroad, and it is supposed that he was acci dentally drowned, as his clothes wfe found on the hank. His body was recovered Mon day afternoon at o o'clock and buried Tues day at t'ne expense of the town. It is understood that Gen. Thom of the IT. S. Engineers, will presently have t* force ot men blow out the obstructions in Hurl Gate, between Bath and Boothbay, and so widen tlie channel that the strength of the curren1 will he lessened and tin passage made more secure. This will he done under the appro priation of $10,000, made by 'l e last Con gress. and the Times says it will lie nw< Iconic improvement to that much traveled thorough fare. Seaman are advised that in compliance with a recent act of Congress, and by order of the Secretary of the Treasury, hereafter Hos pital money will he collected at the rate of 10 cents per month, instead of 20 as hereto fore. The law takes effect from Aug. 1st. The Ellsworth American says the people of East Hass Harbor are building a large and commodious school house, to cost *2,200. It will be the largest and most stylish school house on the Island. There will he a hall in the second sto-y. t The Journal says Capt. Arthur Berry has improved and repaired iiis wharf at Gardiner, and dug out the channel sufficient to raise the wharf some four feet higher than it used to he—making it one of the best wharves in the city. The cooper shop of Pliinney & Jnckson on Brown's wharf. Portland, was burned Wed nesday evenings, loss $2500. A. W. SCOTT, Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this place ami vicinity that he has been duly licensed an v u c T ION e e it, And is prepared to attend to ALL KINDS OF AUCTION SALE: And by giving strict attention to business he hopes to* iv -cive a liberal shaie oipublic pat. on age. R K F K R K V C K » : S. Titeomb. M-ivor: It II. Cushnnn, President dranit** Hoik: Col. iv Alden, P. A K. R H ; II S Osgood. Khs K\. OHb-e; Howard Owen, Kenne bec Journal: Oavid Cargill, Ins. Agent. % OFFlt K—Meonlan Building, Water St., Augusta. ttf-JuneSO. < 7ou<rli Candy ! r i:\IH.\IU EtG*K < Ol Gil <\YI>\ cures >> < «-l <.I|N. I ()LU>, WHOOPING COUGH ami all Throat troubles. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. Mr SICA I, INSTRCM ENTS, ■F/inoy Groods, cAjo.. boi<1 l>y lanl-ly* W. WENDKNnUUli. RICHMOND PORTABLE RANCE Hanging Dome Furnace! \l WILLIAMSON A UKKKNWIMHVS. CONY HOUSE, BfMT* ft'ft 8TMEKET, AUGUSTA, MAINE. f ■'HI'* iii'w Hotel afloids accommodations superi 1 or to ;mv other in the city to the travelling com munity. hemic located in tile CENTRE OF BUSINESS, anil rcry near the f)ejn>t. Connected with and adjacent to the House are commodious and convenient N i vi ■» i, i: It 44 o n w ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods live of charge. The travelling public may he assured that no pain-will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Tl itMiK, late ol the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Connected w itb this House is a First Class Livery Stable! G. A. A' II. COSY, Proprietors. ‘ Wf BRUSHES OK EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. HENRY HEIMS, IVo. lOO Smlbury Street, - - Boston, M VNt'FACTl’ UKH OF BILLIARD TABLES WITH Tin: COM HI > A llos MTU l Mi CtsHION. New and Second-Hand Tables always unhand and foi said at the lowest prices. Give'me a call a piK. F. WILMAKTII. \gcut. Ihiwdoin College. riMIF first examination for admit--ion a\ ill be In Id 1 in A da ni' Hall on Frida} of Coiiimoiui incut Week .July lath, at S o’clock \ M. The e« m.d ex amination Will be held ill Adain> II:.II "11 tl c 111-t d:.v of the next term. Thursday, ^epteinhci 1-t, at S o’clock A. M. S VMFF.I. IIAKK13, Pividei-t. Brunswick June I Mb, 1S70 2n 2•'» IMIOUTANT FACI'S! For the Public. NEW EASTERN DEPOT FOR T1IK WORLD RKNOWNKD SINGER SEWMG MACHINES, Opposite tiie Post Office, AUGUSTA, - - MAINE. These Machines, by their simpb ity. durability, and the great range of woik the\ execute, have gained n reputation truly enviable. The fatuous of the MNGI'.K M vm r VCTl It in«, i .,',11‘asv has stimulated many other com* pans.-.- ti> put forth all their energies and talent- to produ a* i -ewing iaa*diiue that would eclipse or equal the >.ng*-»\ but in every ca-e they have sig naiiv tailed, a- i- plainly shown by the fuel, that of all tlie travelling agents—“runner- or drummers” —of other companies, mate hive the a--tiraiice to . claim more than an equ .Ltv w ith the Sing* r. even I upon any special class oi w ork. There are many sewing machines, now offered t<> the public, that have their good point.-, and arc of imii h as-i.-tance t" the housewife and the industri ous seamstress. Parties pureha-ing n sewing ma chine of sort. find the improvement on the old fashioned *wa\ of sewing 1 »\ hand so great and plea-big. that they are naturally, but erroneously, led to believe that they have the l.e-t, until the -pell is broken by the introduction of the Singer of lsTO into a neighbor’s family, which is sure, uy toe in* creased rapidity and ease w ith w hich it doe*, every kind of plain or fancy sewing, to awaken them t" a po-itive. although it may be silent acknowledge ment. of the painful truth that there are very many varieties of w ork that are easily executed upon the Singer, but that they must either be « on tent to do without, or exchange, at a heavy pecuniary sacri fice. their curvod-needled, frail-powered, uurelia ble-tensioiied, low-speeded or ravel-stitched ma chine for a Singer Xnr Family Machine. Various expedient- are resorted (<#• that the pub lic eye may be turned from the >ingcr for the pur pose* of introducing inferior machine.—viz. “The Button-Ibde I lodge.” "The Over-Seaming.” “The Double-Lock-Knot-Stitch.”‘‘Mastic Stitch,” Twist ed Loop," self- Vdjil-tingTen-ions,”" High Finish and Beautifully OVnrmeuted," "Slrught Needle,” "Miteh-Aliko-ondmth-Sidt"Medals from Fairs,” "Vertical Feed Bars’” "Noiseless Kunning," "Si lent Feed,” and last and worst of all the low-priced —"Family shuttle Machines.” Manx* of the-e points are desirable, (and the Singei excel!- all in each individual speciality) but the greatest use made of these special points, is by the retail agent w ho parades them before the inex perienced purchaser with such fluent and earnest style, as to entirely divert attention from the really important hearing’s of the case. While other inno cent local agents ignorantlv represent that the ma chine sold by them is capable of doing every varie tv of work, egual to the Singer, ami often do they, thus unconsciously swindle customer* who cannot affoid to squander their substance upon gilded follies and worthies* rattle-traps. Parties in que.-t of a Sewing Machine should look about them and 1 am what machine is most exten sively u-e l in families, tailor shops, shoe factories, ami earria.r factories. It in an acknowledged fact, iret /y admitted by tdl newtng machine dealera, that v it at' than two-thirdn of all the clothing worn iji thin country by both atcrea, whether custom made or ready made, in actually manufactured upon TflK >l.s<*KU Skvving M u him: These Machines are manufactured by one of the ol lc t. -1 rouge-t. and most enterprising Com pan ic- that has ever been engaged ill the business in the world Throughout their immense manufac tories, which are kept in constant operVioii "day and night,” none hut highly skilled mechanics are employed. Newly improved machinery is em ployed’ turning out c edi part finished to that me chanical • x letncss, that every one is a perfect du plicate of tin* other in -ize, weight and finish. All new inventions are carefully examined and tcslbd, and if approved, are adopted, regardless of ex pense, while the many impractical humbugs that are patented, are left to grace some new wonder and learn the purchaser w hen I*»o late. Ill t In* has "paid loo dear fur hir whistle ” It should be re numbered that the Singer Manufacturing Com pany lias never made a poor Machine—from the very first twenty-odd years ago. They never buy editorial m*ti* es, or expend funds in log-rolling” at Fail s to gain im dais or premiums. • They simply make their Machines as valuable as money and science can perfect them—place them in their Sales Booms, and leave tin* public to find out their virtues in their own w ay. By this straight forward course they are now manufacturing about four hundred ppr day, and at that rate, even, are unable to supply the demand. WIIAT IS THE NEW FAMILY SINGER OF IS70? It i*> the oencentrated result of twenty years ex perience in building Sewing Machines. It u-es very short -traight needles. It makes the Shuttle or Lock-Stitch alike upon i both side* of the work ll i- verv light running ai d has a silent teed. It i- very easily kept clean, and is always in order. . , , It is less diflb ult to understand and learn to operate than any other. . . . ll ha- the most simple ami easily adjusted ten sion ever invented. It is lea* liable to rust than any other. It is i-u,constructed that dust cuunot enter it or oil drop tv> »m It ... . , It wmk* equally well upon the finest Lace or heavle-t H»*a\ or < loth*. It will hem ruffling* of dress goods over seams without any preparation. . It is very high speeded, and requires very little power to keep in motion. . It will out-wear any other Family Machine ever "‘iMYill Hem, Bruit!. Fell, Coni, Tack, Ruffle, Em broider. Hind, Trim, &c. it ro ts $i*o delivered at your house, set to run ning and warranted. .. , Covers, Folding Tops, Cabinets, according to tin ish, $tfft to $i50. , The prices named above, are the cash prices at the Manufactory, hut knowing that the various cir cum.-tanc.- <>t 'all will not admit of the rigid L. o. I), principle, it has been decided to diycde the amount into monthly or in sonic cases weekly pay ment-, in such u manner as will best suit the con venience of the purchaser. This i.s done purely for the accommodation of the patron, as no extra charge is made lrom the regu lar cash prices. M „ e. _ No charge for instructions in operating the Slug or** upon any class of work. t ll. im mW.i- 111.' Place—Oppomte the Post Office. 1 at the Pain-v O.Is ttuil Picture Frame Store of S. | P. Pi.l'MMKIC. Water Street AukiihW. X ii—Supei ior quality ot Fwist, I breads, Nee iIIck, Oii, iin.l nil aorta »1 Sewing Machine t lulling" lor "ale at Manulm tiirit V price*. He Pleane cull ami examine. OPPOSITK Till: POST OH-lCt-j ( Augusta, Muiue. D&W-aieo.t June 15 BOS W O B T EC HAVING REMOVED TO (2 Doors where will be found a VERY LARGE STOCK of SPRING WOOLLENS! Of the LateNt FashionM, WHICH WILL BE CUT AND MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE Very Latest Stylo. ALSO, WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, -AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. K. T. BOS WORTH. Augusta, Mar. 7th, 1*70. t7mar-tf NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! NVE Have just received, and are now opening, One of (lie Largest and Best Assorted STOCKS of DRY GOODS! Ever Opened in Augusta. Splendid assortment of BLACK SILKS, of the best manufacture. PLAIN, PLAID & STRIPE SILKS IN GREAT VARIETY. IRISH AM) LYONS POPLINS In all Sliades. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK Organdie Muslins, Iron Bareges. Grenadines, Lenos, Pongees, Mohairs, Alpacns, French and American ( ambries, and an endless variety of common DRESS GOODS. White Goods, Woollens, Shawls, Toilet Quilts, C O T T OX G O ODS, & c . OUR USUAL FULL LINE OF Parasols, Sun tnibrellas, Fans, Hosiery, (dotes, FANCY ARTICLES, SMALL WARES, &c., All of which were bought lor CASH, and will be sold at the low est market rates. Fowler, Hamlen & Smith. ttf-junc 23 ighHallowell House i'rfivl SECOND STREET, II ALLOW ELL, : : MAINE. MR. .1. B. IIILL would respectfully inform his fiiends and the public that he ha-opened the above named house, and ha.- titled it lip us A First Class Hotel. This house Is about two rods from the depot, and is within a few -tep- of the express office and the business street ot the city. In connection with the house there Is a LIVERY «r TRAXSIEXT Stable. This holin' will lie opened to the public on the Fourth of July. Thankful for the favors which he has received at hi.-former place or business in T.ew iston, the subscriber guarantees to give complete satisfaction to the travelling public. J. B. HILL, Proprietor. ttf-julyli STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Mr. A. F. Morse j has just returned from BoHon with a very large aud desirable assortment »»1 Stereoscopic Views, w hich will be sold at Boeton prices. lie also makes ami keeps constantly on hand Views of Halloweli and Vicinity. Any views wheh his customers may want whirl ! arc not in his election, % ill he ordered immediate lv. He has a great variety of PICT! RE FRAME* I on hand. All order* f«»r framing done with nearness and d< - patch. Pictures of every style, made cheap. The J*ublie are invited to call at his rooms on Water *T.. corner I’niou St.. Halloweli. and ex amine his stoek. _Ijnly-ttf ALL KINDS Of JOBBING AND Repairing Done at i.,|irt-:iin Williamson * Greenwood's. 6. C. WHITEHOUSE & CO., -DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODSi And (^arpetinirs. ><>. 17a TVATKIt HTItKirr, AUGUSTA, Me. o. (;. wiitTi.iioi’HK, Daniel NViiitehol’se. tmay‘24-tf __ Buy the Best! EUREKA RANGE For Wood or Coal! For Economy, Durability, Beauty of Design and Finish, THIS It AS UK HAS SO KQVAI.! Perfect In Every Kespcct, Itbommends itself to every one in want of a I'iiKt ( ItiM t ook stove ! Sold in Augusta by WILLIAM H. WOODBURY. ■ Also some of the BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES ill the Market, and a variety of IIouse-Furnlshlng floods ! A few Doors south of Kail road Dredge. tllmardtw-ly MTEAMKK T CAPT. WILLIAM MITCHELL. r\ and after Wednesday. June 2*2d. the Steamer Ella will leave Augusta at ft o’colork A. M., even MONDAY. AN EDNEsDAY and FRIDAY, for Ilallowell, fiardiner, Richmond, Bath, and Portland. Returning, will leave Portland for Augusta, and intermediate landings on the Kennebec, every Tl EMlAl THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 7 A. M. Farem: AusHKla to Portland, $1.30 Ilallowell to “ 1.40 tiardiner to “ 1.25 Klehiuond to “ 1.00 Bath lo “ .75 FROM AlGlSTAto SEW YORK. Paaeeugers by this route will be ticketed through to New York t»v the Steamers FRANCONIA and I>1 It 11 .<>. which leave Portland for New Y'orkevery Monday aud Thursday. Baggage trucked in Port land free of expense. Fare from Augusta lo New York: Cabin, meal* extra; Deck passage, *:> '»n. The Ella connect* al*o at Rath, each trip, with the steamer Spray for Booth bay. This boat will stop at any of the ice-house® on the river on display of a white flag mm a signal. For further particulars apply to ttf-june&J B. F. MORSE. Augusta, Agent. PU It BOSTON ! Spring Arrangement! THK 8TFAMKR ■- - STAR of tie EAST, / 10MMEN< 'Eli her regular trips from the Keu \ nebec. TIH'RSDAY, Mav 15th, 1870, and will, until further notice, run as follow s : Leaving Gardiner every Monday nml Thursday at 3 o’clock, Richmond at 4, and Hath at 6 1*. M. THE STEAMER CLABIOJI, Will leave Augusta at 1*2 M., Hallowell at 1.45 P. M . connecting w ith the above boat at Gardiner. For further particulars inquire of 'V J. Tuck. Augusta; H. Fuller A Son, Hallov.ell; T. It Grant, Gntdiner; .J. T. Robinson, Richmond; ,7. E. Brown, Hath. Gardiner, April 11, 1870. flOapr Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Summer Arrangement, 1670. Passenger train leaves Augusta daily for Port land amt Boston at 5.45, 11 \. M., and 3 15 1. M., amt will he tine in lloston at 1.45. 8 and 10 11 . Returning, leave Boston at 7.30 A. M and 1- M.c and Portland 7 10 A. M . 1*2.45 and 5 15 1 • >* , and. will he due in Augusta at 10 A. M.,3.30 and 8 1 M Augusta for Vastalboro’, Waterville, Kendall a Mill-, Skowhegan, Dexter, llangor. &c., at 3 4U r. M. Returning, w ill be due iu Augusta at 10.50 A. 1 Ang.i-m for Hallowell ami Gnrrtlner (iw»/ •car) *1 7.110. II SO A M . 2.15 <. P. M. will be due ill Augusta at 7, 8.45 A. M., 1.40, 5.40 . Through freight train, leave lloston dail) at 4 1. I SI.. arriving in Augm-ta the following morning at K A Refrigerator ear is ran on the throngh freight trains (both going and returning) tarrying linit, lineal, eggs, veg» tables. &**•» ,u g°°lI order in the wannest weather.^ L|N(!OLN, Superintendent. OIL CLOTH CARPETING ! AT WllliUlllMOn A «-!’«»«»IMVOOirKG Crockery and Glass Ware, FOR SALE BY 1ULLAHD Si rilASK. Atiffi<*bi, April 4, 1870. tftapr-t Feather Dusters! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. a