Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1870. NO. 187. JUnutkc Jmmml. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA. MAINE. BY Sl'BUUE, OWEN <fc NASH. pailn Junnckr journal* Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news liy telegraph and mail, gives reports or the Markets, and has carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of forming, home and miscellaneous read ing with a full compilation of .State news. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; $8 11 payment r not made within the year. Single copies i cents, to he hud at the bookstores and al thin ollicc. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertions or less. $1.00; 2$ cts. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at favoyable term- to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusoinent Notices, $2 per square per week. (idli'i'Iilij iicnncbcc Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest tolio paper In the btate. containing news, political articles, agricultural and scientific matter, talcs, poetry, anecdote.-, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms $2 per annum in advance Transient Advertisements, $1 50 per inch for first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Spocial Notices, if 00 per inch for fivt week; SO cents per week fir each subsequent week. Business Notices, in rolnmna, 20 vents per line for first insertion; 10 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. Music in Glasses. rpi(E nubs**riber would inform hi-* friends and the I public of Augusta and vicinity, that he pro p.,-<- to teach Piano; also singing in classes. Classes on Piano to consist of six pupils each. Tin- HV-tem ha- many advantage-, and the expense is less than private lessons. Private lataon* given if preferred Would also invite the attention of the public to the H. F. MILLER PIW0S ! For sale nt his Music Room, North's Bloch, OPPOSITE CONY HOUSE. The use of these Pianos in many public institu tions an i tjcnool- has gained f«»r diem an enviable reputation, and throughout the country they arc becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured. Cla-ses arrangiHl on application at Music Uoom or Residence. 1*7 Winthroi* Siruet. , mf M. C. >11LLIKKN. Teacher of Music*. apr2!»*2m _ . Cutlery anti Plated Mare! A full assortment of Table and §mocket Caller9, *fbior» f f .l TMl.i ***, b e. Also Plated Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers. Goblets, Knives, Spoons, Forks and Castors of the best quality, at PIERCE'S CROCKERY STORE, No. l.Vi Water Street - - Augusta. mavV-ttf _ J. E. LAliU & CO., Millwrights and Machinists, and MAJtUFACTUKBlHt OF ! Ladd’s Excelsior Turbine Wheel. . CIltCTLAK AND CPltlUlIT BOARD SAWS Manufactured at Hie lowest cash prices. Planing and Sawing, In all its branches done in a workmanlike manner OliN lMK-tTAL B1IAI KITS, Of every description, fur niched on short notice. Shop on Water St-, Gardiner. Me. .! K Mhl'. t»pv.a;-3ra _" - lihANN. Picture Frames! CHROMOS, BRACKETS, ALBUMS! &r., Ac., Ac., In Large Variety. Picture Frame* of any »ize made to^prdcr at short notice at Menaces rituiograpn Rooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. tjune2*tf _ TlA \ M0«D. ir>Ui» Edition. 4 MEDICAL ESSAY on the Cause and Lure ot Premature Decline, showing how health is lost and how regained. It gives a clear Synopsis of the Impediments to MARRIAGE, the treatment ot Nku voi s and Physical Debility, .Sterility, &eM ami the remedies therefor,—the results ol twenty years* successful practice. 4. * “Then* is no member of society by whom tins book w ill unt be found uBeiiil, whetlu r such person holds the relation of Parent, Preceptor, or Clergy man”— London Medical Times and Gazette. • • M wiiuoiL* The experience and reputation ol I>r Curtis in the treatment of the diseases set forth “tZt’uXti “'ei.d of 50 cent, Add™, U“-ClUll8> “ '““'’"inl^IUm a f morse. PHOTOGRAPHER Water street, Hnllowell, Maine. 44* Ambrotypes and Card Photographs taken in the best stvle. Picyires copied to any size. Al bums anti Pramea,constantly on hand and for sale. lyw Stevens’ Condition Powders! I’or lloikcs, uiid Cuttle. rpiIE Best Powders ever discovered. All we nek A is one trial and people will be convinced. Price only 45cents per package. CJIAs. li. SIT.YENS Manut'a.tnver and Proprietor, 147 Bridge st., Hast For "safe* by 'a. C. DANA, 7 Union Block. An gusta. aim.*** BATH HOTEL, rty c. M- X*lumxuor, hath, me. Board, - - $1 l>er DaV’ flljan.lf Bitters ! . Bitters ! OH. BEWTIWETT’S C EL E15 RATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE T1IE SUREST CURE EOR Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all persons are more or less subject in Spring and Summer. THEY ARK ELY VEGETABLE! And composed of some of the best ROOTS and HERBS in the world. Try Them. They are Warranted to do as Recommended ! Price, 50 Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY BY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, : AUGUSTA, ME. HARNESSES 8> HARNESS GOODS Ol' every Description. WE ARE STILL MANUFACTURING ALL CLASSES OI HARNESSES, Vai-ying ill Price from $17.00 to $100.00 ! beYorii purdia-itijir, btttriiif.' tit miml that we keep n<- Ibtnitsses inaiuint'-tuml by other Units fur "hole tale trade but m mufacture all our goods and warrant them to give aati&faction. COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Cony House. 14& 41 it It? r Str<!t*t, Augusta. •PRTT3WKS. I Don’t pay two proflts on your Trunks, but buy at the only plane in Augusta " here they are manufactured AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trunls, Factory ! sign or tixo “ dig tuttwh:.” , We manufacture all out Trunks, and as our retail trade In Augusta nari neighboring tow", Is verv R^S3SfeSlffif33SSKi»SS5«fe’Sr^S Lmfb?st ‘•'.'■1Softadin'":m.l m!,'sTRAVELUxS ItXtiS. MIAWI. STRAPS, in the eily. ami I sell them at SPECIE PRICES, as Bemember the place, Sign of the “ Big Trunk," - 143 Water Street. ___ if 4 0i.rM’Bt 8C C.lKD/.VftH. Oinmnite 4 ontj Mlon%e, M l 11 1 James H. Leigh, PKALLK IN Foreign ami Domestic DRYGOODS ALSO, AGENT FOtt Wheeler & Wilson’s , Sowing Maeliincs ! | NKyiH.EM and all Tools adapted to the Ma chines, constantly on hand. Water St., Httllowell, Me. | tlapi'-tf ___ CUSHNOC HOUSE. i Corner and I Winttirop State Sts., A ucmsttt. Ale. T. B. K A LIARD, : : Proprietor. I Quests taisen to and from the Cars and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. ' fljwiidm Great B eduction -in tiie price? or - BOOTS fc SHOES! The subscriber, having a splendid stock of lJootH and Shoes Oil hand, will sell the same at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES ! The 6toek consists of the usual variety kept m a, store of the kind. LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN’S. MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturer*, and w ill he sold cheap, cheaper than the cheapest. nT . IX . Li o W , lOO WATER 8t.f Auftusta, 3Ie. N. b.—-Gentlemen's Calf Boots one dollar less than at uuy other store. jmay27-3iu WANTED! 1V\ltMEltS and Hunters having prime Mm* Skins ' on hand will ilnd a rash customer at uigneel market price by sending them to J. M. H'KLW ft CO., T f £ Trunlis ! TrunltB t TIIE PLACE TO BUY X’T'cncli. XjVigcno, Solo lacfttlioi*f And all kinds of common T R A V v: L Xj I N G T IX XJ 1ST K S! Also, Ladies’ and Gent.’ TRAVELLING A SHOPPING BAGS, is at HAMILTON & TURNER'S, 135 Water Street. The Bight Place to bin- your HARNESSES, and get the celebrated iru HAMILTON A TtitNEirs, s 1*5 HAILIt SlItttT. The cheapest place to bur WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES, HAL TEItS, AC., is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Rusinoss, Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking, Carling A Expressing. Manufactured from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best of workmen. •Ve would remind the public that our Harness took ail the premiums offered at the last ■ tale Fall four in number. Also the tirf-t premium nt the lute >>w England rn»r. 11 ilir:«r A« our customers are. dnilv‘informed that our Harne^e* are Machine *t,rr them and the public generally to call and examine the argpt stork id re i ll-nwle IJarne. ses ever lered in thi- rttv. and we w ill convince them Hint ive make the lie-t II \M> sT IT< " - ™ t( for the same amount of money, and if we don’t have on hand what is wanted. ran m.ike iit at sh it noli,a . Sample- of Gold Gilt. Or,lids Silver, Covered, and Japanned Tnmgel ; our salesroom, NO. 172 MIDDLE STREET. HENRY DUNN & SON. For ►sale l>y Hamilton Turner. 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tllfeb-tf OPPOSITE PEERING & HOLY/AY'S. A New Era iu Piano Fortes! UAS notv become an established fact, acknutv* ledged by Hie best judges of music iu all purl, ot the country, that the Mathushek Piano, Is bound to take the lead for Rich, Pure, and Powerful Tone! W hich speaks for itself m notes of triumph over all others. The lieason of this Great Superiority is apparent i<» all who carefully examine the pecu liar mechanism of these instruments iu Tlic Equalizing Stale. which distributes the tension of the strings upon all parts of the name, relieving the ihstniiiiehUrom , concentrated strain ill any one part; Unis securing much greater strength, durability, ami power ol keeping iu tune, The Greater Length of Strings. through all the treble and middle notes, the distri : tmtiou of strings upon the Linear nrldge, J which runs the whole length of the sounding board, I giving greatly Increased Power of Vibration throughout its entire length, producing a purer tone ami better accompaniment to the voice than any other instrument. All interested are invited to call on 0 1. C. IIOVEY, At too Water -Street, and examine for them selves, where the above named instruments can be seen aud heard, and will be kept lor sale. Also a lot of very fine toned VESTRY ORGANS & MEl.ODEONS ! i »i- ItEST IN THE 1.01 N I HV. 109 Water St„ I. C. HOVEY. | flOapr-tf _ j USERENNE’S PAIN KILLING HVLA-G-IC OIL. r-r “ IT 'WORKS LIKE * CHARM ."-ex Reader— „ , « , lii-nm Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Headache! Kenne’s Pain-killing Magic oil cures Tooth-che Retiue’s Pain-Killing Magi.’ <>.l <-ures Neuralgia! Keane’s Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Cholera Mor bus! Renin's Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Rheumatism! Keiine’s Pain-killing Magic Oil cures Skill diseases Some folks seem to be proud ot telling how ’ lame their shoulders are”—of "my crick iu the back’ —<>r "1 have got the Sciatica,”—and delight in bragging that "nothing can cure me !”—but when we get such "awful folks” to u-c KENNK'S PAlN-Kii.LlM. MAGIC Oik, faithfully, we not only cure their lameness and charm away their pains, but w e ac tually take all that kind ot "brag out of them ! and they frankly own up, and say, "It works like a charm !** s-dd by all Druggists. Merchants and Grocers. ^ It is put up in three sizes, aud called "Trial Size,’ "Medium Size.” and “barge Family Size” bottles. WM. HENNE, Sole Proprietor and Manutuc ttirer, Pittsfield, Mass. Wholesale and retail iu Augusta by_ Marshall I Whithed, Grocer. lySweow I Shooting Tackle. M . W . I. <» A a. SUCCESS OK TO I.. M. I. ELAND, GUN SMIT XX And Dealer in i Shooting Tackle of Every Variety. I Rifles and Shot Guns made to order and war ranted. Old Shot Guns rimmed out smooth and made to shoot thick and strong. Also, Ammunition ol the nicest quality. Itepairing done IVeAtly and Promptly. 13 In t*» t In if Powder. The best quality and largest stock ever kept m this market. For sale at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied in any quantity or quulity at dis count. _ IJm-ly W. L. HALL, M. D„ Physician A Snrgeon, GARDINER, MAINE. Uffioo, oyer PARSONS & HALEYS Dry Good, 1 'llnurs from !> to 14 A. M . and 4 to a F. M. „ „ \ Dll. G. K. JtnlCKKTI, j amruRta References, j DB- hill, i Aus flm-june2P _ A Free Gift to All ! HILL’S RHEIMATIC PILLS, To Rheumatic Neuralgia and Gout subjects a sample box of these Pill* will be given by F. W. Kins man, Water St., Augusta, aur for sale by all Apothecaries a1 25 cents per box; 5 boxes $1. 0. A, HILL, Proprietor PORTLAND MR. B1T1I TIBS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, I1UA8S At PLATED WARE, Cast Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, And every article pertaining to Plumbing kept con ’stuutiy on hand and for sale at H. R. STRATTON’S, Corner Bridge A Water Streets, Under Hunt's Hat Store. N. P.. Plumbing in all its branches done in a neat and thorough manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. t!2apr-tf___ OILS, ITKE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, and ESSENTIAL OILS ot all kinds, at I Johnson Brothers. MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, His Stock embraces a line line of American and Swiss Watches, ! in gold and silver case, including the celebrated National or Elgin Watcb, Waltham, Tremont.Bor ,111111. lluunctt. l’urdenux, Jacot, ic., in both La dies’and BunUeiuen’a sizes. jnfuo Gold «T owelry, Solid Gold Leonlton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING A COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KTXDS, including the celebrated ITHACA CALENDAR all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kind# ol Fim- \\ etches. Chronometer Balances applied ami aiUusted to temperature and position. fljan70-tt DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, df.ntal surgeon, ISO WATER HTUEET, AiiifiistU' - * Maine. I Makes the successful treatment of all diseases o( I the mouth and U'etli a specialty, employing all the I latest and host improvements in the method ol lul ling with gold an<1 all proper material. ileeipitu teeth permanently cured, and their deea>cd and broken down crowns tilled and built up to then original shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! tireat Improvement in the method of constructing and titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. 1)R. CHAMBERLAIN is inserting a largo num ber of sets of these teeth, which for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot be surpassed any where The plate will not start or drop down, and - is warranted to lit perfectly. All are united to call j ami examine hpeoiiueus oi teeth made ou red, pink 1 ami white rubber. FRESH GAS EVF.KY BAY. J tmayG it' GOVERNMENT OF MAINE 1 870. governor, Joshua L. Chamberlain, Brunswick council. gt District, Uranus 0. Brackett, Berwick. y !.l District, W'illiam Peering, Portland, ;<l District, William Rogers, Bath. ,th District, Ambrose 11. Abbot, China. itii District, Edward R. Spear, Rockland. itli District, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. tli District, D. K. Hobart, Dennysville. f executive officers. ?rankl!n M. Drew, Brunswick, secretary of State. f Jeorge O. Stacy, Kesar Falls, Deputy Secretary. j [1. M. Pi shun, Vassalbiro’, Clerk. . B. Murray, Jr., Pembroke. Adjutant General. 1 Augustus L. Smith, Augusta Clerk to Adjutant General. ' George N. Page, Norridgewock, State Pension Clerk In Adjutant General’s oflioe. i IV ill lain Caldwell, Augusta, State Treasurer. J Jylvatras Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer’s Clerk. i 1’arker P. Burleigh, Linneus, Land Agent. governor’s staff. { John M. Brown, Portland, Colonel, Assistant Inspector ( General. Ilugenc F. Sanger, SI. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geon General. Aids-de Camp, witk rank of Lieutenant Colonel. , Selden C««inor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathan Culler. I’rentiss M. Fogl-n*, Augusta, Messen*r to Gov. and Council benjamin F. Harris, Mochias, Supt. of Public Buildings , George L. Uoodale, Brunswick, Suite Assayer. L’yrus F. Brackett, Brunswick, State Assayer. Daniel Winslow, Westbrook, Inspector Gen. of Beef k Pork I David Fernald, Camden, Inspector General of Fish. I Jim. K. Dillingham, Oidtown, Agt. Penobscot Tribe Indians. Geo. F. Wadsworth, Eaatport, Agt. Paasamaqu’y Tribe In. 1 AIN rt W. Paine, Bangor. Insurance Examiner. Asa W. Wildes, Skowhegan, i Samuel H. Blake, Bangor, > Railroad Commissioners | Solomon T. Corscr, Portland, } SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Edward Kent, Bangor. Jonas Cutting, Bangor. Jonathan G Dickerson, Belfast} Charles VV. Walton, Portland. William G. Barrows, Brunswick. Charles Panforth, Gardiner. Rufus P. Tapley, Saco.f ATTORNEY GENERAL Thomas B. Reed, Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. Henry M. Harlow, M. D., Suiwrintendeni and Physician Bigelow T. Sanborn, M. P., Assistant Physician. TRUSTEES William B. Lapham, M. 1).. Woostock, President. Juhu T. Gilman, M. D., Portland. Dr. M*. R. Ludwig, Thomas ton. lion. Geo. A. Frost, Springvale. lion. A. G. Wakefield, Bangor. STATE PRISON Warren W. Rice, Warden. Llbridge Burton, Deputy Warden. INSPECTORS. William Wilson. Hon. Rufus Prince. STATE REFORM SCHOOL Hon. E. IV. Woodbury, SuperinteudentJ TRUSTEES. lion. Noah Woods, Bangor, President. W. K. Gould, Portland, Secretary. Hon. Nathan Dane, Alfred, Treasurer Hon. Jeremy W. porter, Str pg. Tobias Lord, Standish. STATE COLLEGE Of AGRICULTURE AND TIIK MECHANIC ARTS Trustee.*' Hon. Ahner Cobum, Skowhegan, President. Hon. Thomas S. Lang, Augusta. H mi. William P W ingate, Bangor Hon. Lyndon Oak, Garland. Rev. Samuel F. Dyke, Bath J. C. Madigan, Houlton. lion. Ishiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Orouo, Secretary. Executive Committee. Xfon. Wm. 1‘. Wingate, lion. Lyndon Uak, Hon. Thomas S. Lang. Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL. D.j llev. Arnory Battles; Hon. Thomas S. Lang. Faculty. Merritt C. Fernald A M., Acting President and Professor of Mathematics and Physics. gauiu-1 Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agriculture. . Stephen F Peckham, A. >!., Professor of Chemistry. Calvin Cutter, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy, Physiology and Hygene Corydon B. Likin, Instructor in Book-keeping. Captain Henry L. Sellers, Bangor, Instructor iu Military Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Samuel Wasson, Ellsworth, President. 1). H. Thing, Mt. Vernon, Vice President L. Goodalc, Saco, Secretary. M. C. Ferns Id; Orouo. ) S. 1*. Peckhanu Orono. | Umrles L. llamlen, Waterville. ;• Members at Large. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick. | George L. Goodale, Brunswick. I MEMBERS FROM COUNTIES. S th Scamman, for Cumberland County, Scarborough. U ild- - P. Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsham. M iiiiam Swett, Oxford County, South Paris. Levi L Lucas, Somerset County, St. Albans. Ira Doe. A «»rk County, Saw. Elijah B. Slack pule, Penobscot County, Keoduskeag. Samuel Wasson, Hancock County, Ellsworth. J. Vacuum P*i iain, Aroostook County, lloulton. Jeremiah R. N'.-rtov, Franklin County, Avon. L .ther Chamberlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson. Moses L. Wilder, Washington County, Pembroke Isaac Hobbs. Knox County. South II-»pe. Daniel H Thing Kennebec County, Mt. Vernon. George K. Brackett, Waldo County, Belfast. L. A. Gilbert, Androscoggin County, Last Turner. Calvin Chamberlain, (Suite Society,) Foxcroft. John B-*lge, Lincoln County, Jefferson. COMMON SCHOOLS Warren Johnson, Topsham, State Superintendent. Joseph F. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland COUNTY SUPERVISORS. Androscoggin, C B. Stetson, Lewiston. Aroostook, W. T. Sleeper, Sherman. Cumberland,,!. B. Webb, Gorham. Franklin, A. H. Abbott, Farmington. Hancock, W. H. Savary, Ellsworth. Kennel r-c, W. 11. Bigelow, Clinton. Knox. G. M. Hicks, Rockland. Lincoln, D. S. Glidden, Newcastle. Oxford, N. T. True, Bethel. Pen- bscot, S. A. Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, W. S. Kuovvltou, Monion Sagadahoc, D. F. Potter, Topsham. Somerset, A. U. Eaton, Norridgewoek Waldo, N. A. Luce, Freedom, Washington, W . J. Cnrthell, Calais. York, Si. K. Mabry, Limerick. MAINE LDI CATD».VAL ASSOCIATICN. President, J. H. Hanson, Waterville. Vice-president, C. C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. EXECUTIVE COM MITT kH J. II. Hanjon, Chairman, Waterville; C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. A. P. Stone, Portland. J. 8. Harrell, Lewiston. W. Johnson, Topsham. C C. Rounds, Farmington. J. P. Gross, Brunswick. G. T. Fletcher, Castine. J. B. Webb, Yarmouth. STATE LIBRARY. Joseph T. Woodward. Librarian. A. W. SCOTT, Would most respectfully inform the citizens of tin* place and vicinity that he has been duly licensed an ,Y U C T IONE E I( , And is prepared to attend to ALL KINDS OF AUCTION SALES \nd by giving strict attention to business ho I,opt© to receive a liberal share of public pall im age. _ References: s. Titoomb, Mayor; 11. IT. Cushman. President Granite Hank; Col. l>. Alden, P. A K. K. U.; II. 9. Osgood, Kaa. Ex. OtUce; Howard Owen, Kenne bec Journal; David Cargill, Ins. Agent. oi KK E—Meoulan Building, Water St., Augusta. ttfjune30. Crockery, China & Glass. PBICE8 BEDUCED I The prices of Crockery, China ami Glass Ware at Xo. loO II'ater Street, Vre marked down to meet the fall in Gold I mayd-ttt J. I>. PIERCE A SON. iUiscrUancous. ft HAT I DON’T KNOW ABOUT FARMING In Helling stock by live weight, it is a good plan to feed each one about three pails of water, and what other stuff can be got down’em just before driving on the scales. If the buyer has ever invested much money on ’Change, ho will know what “watered stock” means. In holding the plow, I always prefer to hold it in the house, seated in a rocking chair, with my family clustered around me. In planting hay, 1 always plant the long est I can find, as short hay bends a per son's back too much in cutting it. In the matter of wheat, 1 always raise it by the barrel, at a mill not faraway, as it saves buying seed, plowing, sowing, crad ling and threshing. I generally raise it on a note. In traveling through the country, I have often noticed that farmers do not sufficient ly regard the health of their animals. My barn is arranged on a plan of my own. ft is open on all sides, so that no creature may have to stand out in a storm because 1 am asleep or away. This also saves lum ber. All around the barn are benches on which any animal can sit down when tired of standing, or when waiting for some thing or other to turn up. The sheriff says my cattle always sell when my neighbors’ don't and he thinks it is all owing to my economy, and I do not doubt it. In subsoiling a piece of ground, I al ways “plant” a mortgage on it the win ter previous. It raises the biggest kind of a crop, especially when you let the inter est go behind. 1 hardly ever knew such a sowing that didn’t turn out full as well as the holder expected. In raising hogs 1 think that many farm ersare altogether too slack for their own in er ests. Now suppose that I want to raise a hog with the first club that comes handy, but this lias a tendency to make the animal discouraged and discontented. I have my own ideas about training horses. If 1 ever get hold of a horse in clined to run away, I always borrow a bug gy of some of mv neighbors, put him in it, turn him into a lot, and let him run. lie generally gets sick ol the fun by the time the buggy is gone, but if be don’t hitch him to any of the wheels that may bo left, and keep him traveling. The owner of the buggy always expresses astonishment at my system, but the evidence of its suc cess is there before him, and he cannot dis pute the pieces. If I ever get hold of a kicking cow I always let Mrs. Quad sit down first to milk, and 1 take my station near bj', to see what foot the animal kicks with and how hard she hits. My wife has a remarkably clear memory, ami after coming to, she can gen erally give me any little particulars which I failed to note owing to distance. I then get the cow into the stable, draw her up with a windlass, until she is just evenly balanced. Then I get a bag and fill it with bricks, hang it within easy kicking dis tance, and 1 stand off for developments, livery time she comes down she hits the bricks, and when she goes up, I have another thing to apply to her in front, and after she has gone through with this oscillation two or three times, she never kicks any worse, at least not until she looks around for bricks.—M. Quad, Detroit Press. Cure for Female Weakness! Circulars or further information sent on receipt of stamp, by addrosiug the manufacturer, Mrs. LE \l.\s BELCHER, Randolph, Mass. For sale by Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., 38 Hanover St., and Rutt Bros. & Bird, Hanover 8t., Boston, also by Mrs. Lewis Packard, Wiuthrop Me. A. C. DANA, So. 7 Cniou, LLock, WATER St., At <;i s i a. The follow ing testimonial is unsolicited, and is only one of hundreds w hich 1 could publish. Munroe, N. Y., June ‘il, 1809. Mrs. Belcher:—Nfe have received year box over a week ago, and may God speed you in the good w ork that you are doing; and if w e never meet on earth, may we meet in heaven. The medicine is helping me. * Yours, with respect, Web-On Mrs. >ETH M. STRONG. 0.1k (IROVE SEMINARY, VASS ALBORG’. r|MlE Fall Term of twelve weeks will commence J on Third day, the 23d of 8th month, under the charge of Richard M. Jones, A. Principal, and a iir&t-claos teacher as Assistant. Terms: Common English, .... $4.50 Higher “ ----- 5*00 Luinguages, ------ 6.00 I Special attention will be given to those studies | which form the basis of a thorough education. II mi.-ual facilities will be offered for the acquisi tion of Freucn and German, as the teacher has Studied both in Europe. Board in the boarding-house, $3.00 per week. A I limited number of rooms w ill be let to those who wi.U to board themselves. Both board#™ and oe cup.'iuts of room, to be under (ho persontu eare of tbe Principal. . , . .. „ ._, For further particulars apply to the l nueipal, DIluGO, K EN A Ell EC Co. Vassal boro’, 7th llo. loth. 5w-cow31 KENNEBEC SAVINGS BANK! Trustees: \V. F. IIA LI.ETT, HI'S SELL EATON, U. ( . WHITE llOl’SE, DEANE FRAY, OHULS WILLIAMSON. Deposits received at the counter of the Freemans National Dank. Ike net earnings of the Panic are divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as security. J. L. ADAMS, Treasurer j April Sth, 1870 13tf IN otice. THE co paitnenship heretofore exisuug between Maktin V Dow and I.kwis C. DtsTOK, uuder the linn of DOW ADU.NTOS, luu. this day been .ti-solved liv mutual consent, said Dow » ill pay ull liabilities agalM* said dna. and m authorized to collect all debts due to said ttrm. ^ L C. DVN'i'ON. i Augusta, July 7,18711 All; DOW continue, to do business at the old stand, where he is ready to serve hia Mends. He will furnish as good a TTinW-OlTT , as can be gotten up in the city. )uWU**w-*