ILoral atm £tatc Kctos. Auburn is to have a 8700 hearse. The population of ltcadScld is 1455—a loss of about 00 in ten years. Camp-nutting in Poland will open Tuesday, August 23d, and close on the 30th. Mr. William Jordan, of Thomaston. has in his garden a squash vine that grew two feet in forty-eight hours, and six feet in seven days. The Home Journal says Daniel Blake of Gardiner, who recently had his arm taken off, on account of cancer, is out and apparently cured. The contract for building the new county jail nt Alfred lias been awarded to G. M. Chase of Portland. Ilev. Sanford P. Smith of the Canton Tlieo* logical School, will preach in the Winlhrop Street L'niversalist Church to-morrow. C. P. Carter th lit . Milt -n T Emery of Fair Held to Mi-a Nellie A aM fluid of Ilartland 8th in.-t Janies A Hunter to Mist Emma E. A. Mack, both of Skowhegan Dirt). In Dexter. 7th inst., after a brief illness, Mrs. Julia P Mnith. wilool i> W. >> until, aged 31 years. In Dover, on Monday last. Mrs ilaunah S Dow. fornierlv o| Hampden, daughter oi the late Capt Beuj. Wheeler, one of the lir. t ccttlerauf Penobscot Co., aged F3 Tears. In Foxerolt. 10!li imt . Mrs Mary B Bragg, widow Of the late Jrreinhih Bragg, aged about r J year-, daughter ol Bei.j Bi own lorme. It ot Vassalbyio’ In Portland, loth ingt., Mrs. Atlanta V . \\ fe of Albert W. Colby, and daughter of the late Capt. Allred Bean, aged 30 year® and 7 months. Special Notice, OWING to the low water and other oh-tmetions in the ehutinel of the river, betw ecu Augusta and t.atdiner, the Meatner Ella will not oome above Gardiner until further notice. Leave Gardiner uti):l5 a.- usual. AuglOtf.B. F. MORSE. Agent DESIHABLF, RESIDENCE FOft SALE ! k T A l.MW PU1CF HOUSE AND LOT in this City. No 145 State Street. Apply to GEO. K. WEEKS. At the ollice of Messrs. Baker A Week-. Augusta, Aug. 11, 1870. if Wanted, Immediately! rixwo t, !o UlAMIlKll WuKiv. and JL Two for Laundry and Common Housework. Tl f hlglie-t wage*- paid for experienced hands. Good reference required —Apply nt the AUGUSTA HOUSE August a \n?. II. IS70. fU 1\L\I IlJt.n: KEH OUODN! FANCY k MILLINERY GOODS .Tu>t received, and for tale at the very lowest prices. Please give «s a call. Remember the place, Up tho broad stairs Into Meonlan Hall Building, Over Messrs. Fowlei, Hamlin & Smith’*. Vo will sell you cheap enough to pay you for the extra trou ble of walking up .-tails. T>R IOKN AI A14 I TV CJ , In the common n well a* the most fashionable styles, dime with neat nee* an«l despatch, at most reft*-unable rates. K. A MANSUR. N. M. ROCKWOOD. Wc keep a good variety of Hoop SKIRTS. and sell tin m at greatly lvdori d prices. We have a compe tent person employed to make to order and repair skirts. * aug0feod3t 20c. Initial Stationery. 20c. 24 SHEETS PAPER AND 24 ENVELOPES put up in a i.enL box, «// tor %0r., At Clapp & North's Kook Store, 155 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. aught if The Old Alleghanians Coming ! ! The X. Y. Tribune my9, ‘ They are, without e\. ception the best Quartette we ever heard.’’ JIKO.MAX HALL. Saturday Ev’g, Aug. 13. Vocalist* and Swik* liKLi, Rinokud, positively one occasion only. The Att.iti.iiA mans will be assisted by Mr.CJfto. S Week*, tenor rohusto. from the Church of the llolv Tiiuitv, N. Y ( it;, and Mr. Walter Fin ic buffo, late of the Rlching* Opera Troupe; Mi** ( IIiffkkt, tho wonderful contralto, and Mr. .1. M. Rot Intsio pro final o. (the originator of the Allcghanian*,) will positively appearu* advertised. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Notwithstanding the great expanse attending their concert here. Tickets will be only 115 eta. Balcony Seat* (Reserved) 15 eta. extra, tor sale now tn advance at Me*sr*. Clapp «V ; North’s Book Store, Meonian Hall building, l.w Water St. Concert commences at to o’clock, j Prof. J. M. Boulard, Director; D. ti Waldron, • Agent. augS-‘l vvAwlt Knickerbocker Mutual Lire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERA STL'S LYMAN • • • PRESIDENT riMIIS is one of the oldest, most reliable, and best X dividend paying companies In the country. ASSETS OVER $7,200,000 ! Liberal arrangement* will In* made with Agents, and they are wanted in all parts of the state. Apply «t AUGUSTA, ME., 130 Water Street* (up-stulr») t€> CHARLES WHITE, Manager lor Maine and New Hampshire. March 22,1^,0. 122mar-t For Sale! rpHE HOUSE AND FURNITURE on State Street X occupied by MRS. \VM. 11. WESTON. Apply to SAMUEL TITUOMB. augtsm When you want a Pound of Good Tea ! -TUT HIE CHINA TEA STORE,' WATER STREET, - - - AuguKtii. JuIy28-tAw-lm* BIO IT * m Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONE of the beet remedies for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lung*, for »aie by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Op|>. Post Oflico, An,n. V.'ERCE A ®ON. 1 s. W. huntTngton & CO., 190 Muter Street, AUGUSTA, JVC 23 . si Devonshire St.. BOSTON, 2YX ASS. 1 S. W. Huntington, ?. L. Huntington Keu|. II uuiingtou, thus. U. Nason. j ♦i.SlV-b-Iy HOTEL FOR SALE OR LEASE. Elegantly fi rnishcd throughout, being the onlv regular h«»t« ! in a flourishing city of *22.000 inhub;* | taut-, adjoining the city of Boston ; i>*J large rooms, 2-plemtid -11 it- rich papered parlor*; large and magnificent bar room, black w.dnut bar, fine pictures Freech plate miir.r- marble mantles, gas* and water. The finest furul-hed and finished liou.-e of l? size in the -late. Can be filled the year round The bar abme is a fortune A new budd ing belonging on the premises could be easily con* verted into a lager beer and eating saloon, and the basement of the hotel into u b rber shop and bath rooms, all of which would pay largely This is the best opening for a hotel-keeper’to be found in I tiie < oiintry. and is ottered on account of old age and feeble’honlth of the owner A farm would be taki'ii In part pavmout. For particular- or address ; apply to ’ E. IU< KNEI.L, auglOMw Chelsea. Mass. TO RAILROAD CONTR U TORS. Maine Central R. R. 1)l{i )PO>ALo will be received until 1*2 o’clock M. * on the2*>th of August in-t , for the performance i of the grading. masonry, bridging, and the laying of the track and b Hatting, according to the speci fications and plans t » be furnished at the Engineer’s office in Augusta, of the extension of the Maine < eutral Railroad between a point at or near Dan ville Junction and a (mint of junction w th the line ol the Portland A Kennebec Railroad in Cumber land or Falmouth, either upon the line bv way of 1 Gray Corner to Falmouth, "r by way of Royal’s ; River to Cumberland. Proposals’ will’be received for ‘•eclions, or the whole work on either line. Plan*, profiles and specification* may la* «een at the Engineei’f* office in Augusta on and ; f er the j ‘20th day of August current, where blanks tor pro posals may be had. • R. D. RICF. President. i nnfflOdd mm tag™ j 'llu- Kt uicdv < toe* not Minply re/r cage’s Catarrh Itemedv i* now ; >OLD 15Y 310'T niin.liM s IN ALL PARTS OK Tin: WORLD Price .M» cent- Sent bv mail, po tpntd. on receipt I eat-, or l**ur p.w kag«-s for tw o d<*ll in*. Beware ; of counter^ it* and uirthless imitation* See that 1 j my private stamp, which is a positive guarantee ol i I genuineness, i- upon the outside wrapper. He* I member that thi- private Stamp, is-ued by the Kn.teil M tc- G ivernmeiit expressly for stamping my medicines, has mv portrait, name ami address arid the words “l*. S Certificate of Gemmiencss’* , engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don’t be sw indled by traveler* and others representing themselves as Dr. Sage : I am the only man now living that has the knowledge ami right to manu facture the genuine Dr. Sage’.- Catarrh Remedy, and 1 never travel to sell tin- medicine. R V PIKKC K. M. D tlum-21 — pU seneea st . Buffalo. N Y. J. S. DUDLEY, Dealer in all kinds ol SEWING MACHINES All kinds of wing Machines neatly repaired an warranted to sew as well a* the day they were made. MACJUXES TO LET ! Bj- tIn- .Month or Work. .1. H. DIDLEY. Wntm-et.. AYt.l’sTA. MAINE, ftf-iunell 1 Door south ot Parrott & Bradbury's. FOR SALE. A LARGE and splendid ICE CIIEST, suitable I J\ for u-e in a large family. Store or Hotel. It in in perfect order, and will be sold.very low. Apply at this office. W Copartnership Notice. r|MIK copartnership herctoiore existing uuder the JL thin name of Lockk Mi.skuvi & Co., is thi* day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. C. H. Meserve retiring. The remaining partners having associated with them Mr. I’ll os. E. Twitchell, uuder the liriu name Locke, Twitched & Co., Will coutinue the general Dry Goods Jobbing and Commission Business, At Sos. 54 ifc 50 Middle Street, where the books of the late firm may be found. Office in Boston, 147 Devonshire Street. A gunta for the Pondicherry Mills Co., Shawls, Repellents, Cloaking*' Casaimeres. Pittsfield Pioneer Woolen Mills, Repellents and Cassimere*. Falmouth and Storm King, Repellents. Sebago Mills, Repellents. LOCKE, TWITCH ELL & CO. Portland. .Jul> 11,1*70. I&wlm-Julyl8 FARMING TOOLS! y AT I II iLisi.t.USiO.V y UHliTiMTHHlUS' BY TELEGRAPH; — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. | By the Western Union Line—Offices in Ilcndee’s Building opposite the Post Office, ami at the State House.) WAR IN EUROPE. THE ABDICATION OF NAPO LEON CALLED FOR. Troops Moving to the Front. A GREAT BATTLE! MOMENTARILY EXPECTED. Prussian Kindness to French Prisoners. THE CAPTURE OF STRASBOURG AN EASY MATTER. New York, Aug. 15. Cable despatches received this afternoon j show the popular clamor against Napoleon ’ to be increasing in intensity. His abdica- ! tion is ealled for. The riotous spirit in Marseilles, Toulouse | and Lyons is extending. Troops are moving forward to the front, l and France is one vast camp. Brcssells, Aug. 12. An address lias been sent by the Belgia n King and government to the Queen and peo ple of England, confirming the neutrality of Belgium. Antwerp, Aug. 11. Midnight—Aflvices from the sent of war state that a great battle is momentarily ex pected. Berlin, Aug. 12. A party of French wounded just in are be ing forwarded to Sparden. To-day 2205 Frenclt soldiers taken in Sat urday's battle arrived here. The Bavarian army has passed through the ' Vosges and bivouacked at Duuieringen, near 1 Saarlouis. Gen. Sheridan has left Berlin for the King's headquarters. The Queen announces that she will take | personal charge of the wounded of both na- . lions, and the treatment shall be identical. j The French prisoners as they pass through railroad stations receive nothing but kindness. The citizens and volunteers give them re freshments, cigars, etc., and the ladies enter the cars and going trorn man to man otfer them paper and pencil and volunteer to write to their friends for them. London, Aug. 12. 1 From the best information it appears that the garrison of Strasbourg consists of only one regiment on foot, and as many of the Na- 1 tional Guards. The supplies in the place are ! in proportion to the garrison; therefore geige is impossible, and the capture of the place : will be an easy matter. The 1st Prussian Corps d’armec is at Phil lieburg. The Berlin correspondent to the Times j wtites that England will join with Austria in ; the league proposed by Von Beust for guar- ; anteeing the belligerents against loss of terri tory. England's reason fur declining is that tile league could not save the North German Confederacy in ease Prussia should be dc- | feated. The f«ur hundred pounds in bullion shipped , from Bourtiy to London is on at count of the I abnormal condition of exchanges brought j about by the war. The Orange anniversary is passing quietly 1 at Enniskillen, where ticubic was feared. Londondery is quiet. The Times city article ascribes the reaction in stocks to the approach of the half monthly settlement, and to the absence of decisive news. The text of the Naturalization treaty with the United Stales was published here to-day. The nieces of the Empress have left Paris. Thh Echo asserts w ithout qualification that the Empress Eugenie and the Piince Imper ial are in lodging at St. .Jphn's Wood. The Weekly Register has the same report, which however, gives it with caution, so as not to place too much confidence in its correctness. ; The Examiner this weefessays that Nopoleon adopts a course most worthy of his name, and the gravity of his situation, raised from indo- j lent inilccision by a stunning blow, he attains to the greatness of the situation in the pres- | e nce of peril unspeakable to himself, his fam ily.anel to the proud nation which so lately re instated ljim w itli Kingly power. Laying aside conventionalities tie tells Prance of her dan ger and exhorts her to the rescue, not for his sake but ior her ow n. rams, Aug. iz. The Journals of Metz publish Marshal McMahon’s report to the Emperor. Tile re port says that the enemy in greatly superior numbers lagan the attack at 7 o’clock on Stiiurda) morning, the first attack having her n repulsed about noon. In the evening, they re-opened the contest, throwing for- j tvaid numerous sharp-shoothers, protected | by six guns in a commanding position. At \ four o’clock in the afternoon, McMahon was i forced to order a retreat, which was effected in good order, the enemy’s pursuit being without vigor, and by no means troublesome. The Marshal was able to send only a partial list of the killed and wounded. A despatch from Metz dated August 1 Ith* 8-13 P. M., says it has rained all day The army is centered arouud the place and is being recruited and reinforced. The retreat of McMahon and Failley has been accomplished in excellent order. Marshal Bazaine is engaged in visiting and inspecting the troops under his com mand. The report that the Prussians occupy Nancy is tulsc. The circular from the Minister of the In terior, requests the various department* to encourage the formation of companies of National gardes. Volunteers and francs tirenis arc to take the field at once. They will receive arms as soon as possible, but in the meantime tiiey should assemble at the chief towns of the department to organize and drill. They will lie paid one franc per day from the date ot enlistment. The Journal official says that the Ministers of Wur Hnd the Interior, on ussuming con trol of their departments, immediately took , the most energetic measures to insure effi ! ciency in the various branches of service, i'he Minister of War lias issued very strin rent orders in regard to provisioning the t artuy, and on the subject of quarter-masters j and ordnance stores. Advices from head-quarters represent that the best uiuleistanding exists between Mar shal Bazaine and other general*. Among the German prisoners taken at the beginning of the campaign, are members of the Landwchr, who were called into service six weeks ago. This prove* that Prussia ex pected war before it was declared, aDd that she was not taken by surprise, as her gov ernment represented the workmen in the factories at Lyons, threaten the German employers with violence, and trouble is ap prehended. Apprehensions that a famine would be ad ded to the horrors of war in consequence of the la'.e drought, have been dissipated. The Gaulois lias reports from eighty-one departments, which show that the wheat crops of 1870 will exceed the yearly average 40 per cent. FROM NEW YORK. New York, Aug. 12. Terrible Collision. < As the steamer Norwalk was rapidly i steaming from Covey Island to this city to niglit, w ith a thousand passengers on hoard, ' she collided with a sloop. The shock was extremely violent, shaking her from stem o stern, and causing a fearful panic among the passengers. Several were knocked into the i water, among them two children, who fed from their mothers arms. It is supposed that ut least eight lives were lost, but neither names or number can lie- as- i certained to-night. A tug bout hastened to the rescue hut picked up only two men. The Norwalk was found to be seriously damaged. Her wheelhouse was carried away, and a large hole made in her side, through which the water was pouring. The tug took her in tow and reached Atlantic dock, Brooklyn, just in time to discharge the passengers be- ; loro sin; sunk. The Price of Ice. Tile price of ice lias been advanced to $20 ; per ton, 33 per cent., and sales less than 25 ; cents worth to families is forbidden. The life saving benevolent association have ' presented a gold medal to Capit. Charles A. iioulette, Jr., of Boston, of the chip .Sur- I prise, for saving the life of Win. A. Joy, a I boy who fell pfrom aloft into the ocean ut | midnight, during a gale on Jan, 29th. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Aug. 12. Secretary Belknap disposes of the ease of alleged ill treatment of the colored cadet Smith at NV < st Boint, by ordering cadets Gilmore and Smith, who had been recom mended to he tried by Court Marshal, to be 1 reprimanded by the superintendent. It there * is any further cause tor complaints, the | offender will be dealt with in a summary manner. An official report from Fort Fettorman. j 5pv8 that the Souix arc all collecting for a ; grand council, ami they are all for pence, j Yellow Lagle, brother of Jted Cloud, was lately thrown from a mule and killed. _ FROM PORTLAND. Portland, Aug. 12. A large and influential meeting was held ; in City Hall this evening of republicans, who are in favor of Guv. Joshua L. Chamberlain ; for United States Senator, from this State, in j preference to Lot M. Morrill, lion. John , 11. Brown presided, and speeches were made by several prominent gentlemen, including 11. P. Crozier of X. Y. A committee was appointed to carry out the objects of the , meeting, and a resolution adopted expressive of the sentiments of those interested in the ! movement. FROM BOSTON. Boston, Aug. 12. | Dro Ailed. A your.g lady visiting Mr. Cyrus II. Cutler in Arlington, was drowned Thursday in Mys tic Pond, while bathing, in company with Mr. Cutter’s daughter. The body was recovered in about ten minutes, but all efforts to resus- I date her were unavailing. She was 22 years ! of age. The Races. Buffalo, X. Y., Aug. 12. Goldsmith Maid beat George Palmer to-day in three straight heats; time, 2-23 1 2. 2-21, 2-20. The I.uty beat George Wilkes; time. 2-25, 2-25, 2-20 1-4. The latter was a sub stitute for a double team race, Jessie Wales and Puratic having been drawn. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Money Market, New Yoke, Aug. 12 Gold closed I IS United States Sixes tc-onpou,; 1.-S1 11154 . “ •• 5-20*0 tsu-j, lilis • " 134. Ill’s : 11 ' l3i-\ UU ; “ ” ** 1305, Jail. A Julv, ItoJi •.i3i;. no i “ “ lsoe, llo>s | “ “ lU-40't>,CCOUl‘Oltrd, 103 New York stock Market. New York. Aug. 12. Mariposa. 5 do. p!U. • . Canton Co. 00 Cumberland Co. 3u I Western Cuioii Tel. Co. 3l>* i Quicksilver Miniug Co. 4 Pacific Mail, SO1* Boston Water Power, 15 t Boston, Hartford A Eric, • Adams Ex. Co. Gfc>* : Wells, Fargo A Co. 13s American Merchants Un. 42>< ! C. S. Ex. Co. U i N. Y. Central and Hudson Hiver b5>« do. scrip. 01 Harlem, 133 | Reading, Mich. Central, 1*7 Lake »h«*re and Michlgiih Southern '-'»H ' Illinois Central 131A* Cleveland A Pittsburg, lvfi\ Chicago A North Western, tj* I do. preferred, | Chicago A Rock island. • 111 I Mil. A St. Paul, | do. preferred, 77 Toledo, Wabash A Western. 50\ Toledo, Wabash A Western prefeircd "3 Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, 04 Terre Haute, do. pfd. -r,2 Alton. 117 do. prefd. Ohio ami Miss. 33 Erie, 22\ do. pfd. 42 New York Produce Market* New York, Aug 12. COTTON—sales 815 bales: mid. uplands B»V FLOCK—state 530*(175; round hoop Ohio035*705. western 530 * 700, southern 625*10.00, WHEA T—sales 0!,000 bu; So. 1 spring 120*120: No. 2 do. 12o* 13o; winter red and amber western, 1450150. CORN—new mixed western, j J old do. 1W in store. OATS—state 00*61; western 50 * 52. PORK—mess, 20 00; in line, 26.00. LARD—steam, 16; kettle, 17 BUTTER—Ohio. 20*20; state, 24136. Chicdao Produce Market. Chicago, Aug. 12. I rr.oru—.pring extras 6003650. WHEAT—No U>* COHN—No 3, 73. OATS—39 for No 3. I MESS POHK-59 00. HARLEY—116 for No.2. LA IUI-16. PLUMBING! rjiilE Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens X ol Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing work at the shortest no tice. Those about N* have water introduced ihlo their buildings will do well to call on him before going el sew hero. HR. STRATTON, Corner Bridge and Wafer Streets., Sat is fin tit") f/naranteed. liltf Printers Wanted. Constant employment and (food wages will bt paid to three or four good book printers, one good job printer, and several newspaper compositors. Ajiply Immediately at the Kjcs.vEIU-.c Jouunai. onice. ___ House For Sale, \XY one wishing to purchase a .now Fir*t*Chi©» DWELLING H(XI8K, located on one of the prin cipal ©trect# in the city, can hear oi one by culling at tin© office. ♦may 1441 A Child’* Silver ltattle Lost. ON Tuesday, 2d inet., somewhere in the vicinity of tho Statu House, a child’s SILVER R YTTLE The Under \\ill bo rewarded bv leaving the same at Mrs. morion’s. ttf-augS 19 State street. Augusta. LAWN VASES ! Wishing to close out our stock of I.nsvn and Gardrn Vaises, We offer them at REDUCED PRICES. J. D. PIERCE A *G\, aug5-ttf .Yo. 1fiO Water Street. WAR MAPS OF EUROPE. OHOWINU every City. Town, Village and Ham O let on tiie continent. Made from government surveys, and u>ed by the Marshals ol France and Generals of f*ru«*ia. it shows exactly w here the armies of Frau ex- au4 l'riisrta are now concentra ted. The seat of War yirtn in full, with portraits of the Emperor Napoleon and King william. Any live man can earn from $10 to 829 per day. Agents wanted in every town in the l nited .Slates. Retail price, nO cts. per copy. Liberal discount to agents. Address immediately. FRED A. WALDRON, augi-’-tw* Waterville, Maine. Fare Medicines and Ckmicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CllOIfli TOILET AX? fAXCT .UiTICLES! . Physicians' & Apothecaries’ Goods Pur< Spero, Lard, St-row iml VsaUfoot Oil,. Cliarks K. Pail ridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (CNDKR tiRAMTK HAT K.j Has on hand a Lar«e Selected Stock kopt fresh by constant additions, AXD £ KLLH AT The IiOn cst .Miii’ki t Kates! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE COOCS Pirtridjc', Pra" Store, Water Street, ceraer Parlet Squar t ljan7uly $7.00 PER DAY ! TO TI1E l .\ EMPLOYED ! IH3AX3 THIS, -AND CHEER UP ! T)Y sending ONE DOLLAR to the subscriber 1# you will receive by return mail, a receipt for making an article that will Sell In Every Household in the land. There nre no Agent* in New England. A broad Held is open to all who w ish to engage iu au Honorable and Profitable buxines* It can be manufactured at your homes, in your kit hens. The ingredients can be had ol an}- Druggist or Grocer. The expense i« SMALL, and the Profits I^argre. This is not one of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Address C. T. SOMES, Jniv2fi.f3m Gardiner, Maine. AUGUSTA AND BOOTHBAY! The EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY will niu their steamers Sasanoa and Spray, Two trip* dally between T>:*th and Boothbav, com mencing Tuesday, July 2 id. Leaving Bath at 8 A. M. and 3t$ P M. •• Booth bay at t> A 31. anil P- M. The morning bont from Bath will leave rn arrival of Hie tii’bt train troni Augusta and return lit ben eon lor paSbeugers to take the la6t train Lorn Bath. Through Tickets cuu be had at the Depot in Augusta. WM. W. MASON, ttf-july27 Agent at Bath. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! I WILL >ELL MY Stock of Hardware! CONSISTING OF Iron and Steel, Glass, \ails, CUTLERY, &c, &c„ Which has been recently replenished, together with the trade and good will of the store, AT A 23AXXOAXJXT ! To any one desiring to engage In the HARD WARE bueiOesb, thi» is an opportunity rarely offered. Terms Favorable. IQ!! WATER STREET. AMOS WILDER. Augusta. July I 1*70._Uf-junei ’ COMPOSITORS WANTED. rp\VO or three eompositors? can have employment X at the K fwseuhc Jouknal otllce at once. ♦ Iwjulyjl__ Female Compositor Wanted! Apply immediately ut the JOfRNAL OFFICE LADIES! CALL AND SEE MISS TURNER’S NT W STOCK OF . MILLIXHHX •' MISS Tl'RNKK Inis set*uret! the assistance ut ills* Kalluch, formerly at M. F■ Soule’s,) an.I feels conddeut that She Can Suit All, Both in Regard to Taste and Price. Remember the Place, Under Meonian Hall, (Up-Stairs,) And directly opposite the Cony House. t20apr-4t&.Jmi: MISS V. TURNER. 1H. 1,1. SinONUK' Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott A BrodbuvyV Water Street, ! Augu*t«, Me. Miaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing, Cutting, Col oring, Ac., in the moat approved style ot the mt Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La tiles’and Children’s nail*. All kinds of Hair Work made to order in the latest style. ljanTO-ly PIANO TUNING. wm-j r|HIK Subscriber woull inform the X citizens of Augusta and vicinity ■ ¥ m (l| that he will give personal . B.-Always on hand, Androscoggin Remnants OP BROWN COTTONS. Barton & Russell. June 13,1870. _rtf 3B R. U SH E S OK EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Prairie Weed Balsam! [ « HOLD IlY fulySO-tSteoU L II. TITCOMB. Apothecary. Copartnership Notice. 1 M'HE copartnership heretofore existing under the J 1 name of Ballard A Chase, was dissolved I July 3d, by mutual consent Mr. G. S. Ballard I will eoatlune the business at tbe old stand, where lire hoot.- of the late lirni >uay be found. All per i sons Indebted are requested to settle tbe same w ith out delay. G. S. BALLARD. JOHN W. CHASE. 1 Augusta, July SO, 1870. '\ln AredlOd Wanted I V House to rent on the west side of the river. Any one desiring to reut the same | lease ud* | dross “A,” this oftice. rtl’-julyJti Stereoscopic Views. VLARGE assortment of new and lieair/ Views just received. Mao tlie jini»c' stemincope. CT,API* A NUR'P ttl-jutyU* l.Yl Water f