Newspaper Page Text
tf s, **-. VOL. 1. AUGUSTA. ME.. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 26.1870. NO. 203. . ]fitnn:tkt Journal. Published ou Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA. MAINE. BY SPKAUIE, OWEN k NASH. Ilailn iunncbcr journal. Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives report* of the Markets, and has carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of farming, home and miscellaneous lead ing with a full compilation of State news. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; £*<il payment s not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be bad at the bookstores and at this ollire. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertions or less. £1.00: *23 ets. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those Inserted for any considerable length <>l time, will be inserted at favorable term* to the advertiser. Special Notices 23 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, £2 per square per w eek. adicchtu Jicnncbct journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest folio paper in the Shite* containing n.*w-, political articles, agricultural and scientific m.atet, tales, poetry, aneciloteft, household recipes, markcte, Ac., Ac Terms £2 per annum in advance. Transient Advertisements, *1.30 per inch fo» first week; 23 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notice*, ti•<*> per inch for lint "tele; 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, in re ul.n;; column*. 10 cents per line for first insertlou ; 10 cents per line for eaeli subsequent imurUon. AH transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. Music in Classes. rpHK -subscriber u mild inform hi-iriond- and ibc I itiiblit* of Auiru-la and Windy- Ih't in 1"'> im«('s t. tc.i-h l’wno: al-» Miijniijr mcia >-<• ( biases oil Piano to ol 'i\ puyil" «-a« a. rill- -v-tfui h.i" many adtantuK* - a'1'* l,u‘ **XIM.“'‘C is less'th.iii private l*n\aU* if yrofernd. Would a I no invite the atu-niiou "I the yuhlie to the «■ r* nil imi in a van t ii, r. Tiiiiiirix • For sale at his Music lioom, Xor tit's Blot!:, OPPO&ITK CUNY Jlol -K. Then-oof these Piano- in many public in-tilu ti.m- ami -cl.I. ha- -tidlm.l lor them au euMiiblo n*nutation, and throughout the emintry* they aio be null'- the moat popular Pianos mamifaetiircd. < l is.,-, arranged on anyln ation at Mttaic Loom or Itealdeuee. t»7 Wlnthroi''ti^et. y. C. Ml I.Lin KN. J earlier ol Mu-ic. ayrinjiu __ .___ Cutlery and Plated Ware! A full a»»ortmeut of Takle «»4 fmeket Cnllrry. TB.t TMfti'B, Hr. Uso Plated Ten »i-. Ice Pitchers. Goblets, Kuivop. >y*oon-. Forks and Castors ot ihe best quality . at PIFKI E’8 « K®4 kFBY STOKE, Xo, nil Water Strut • - Augusti*. mayi-ttf _ _ Picture Frames! GHROMOS, BRACKETS, ALBUMS! In Large Variety. lecture Frame- of any size made to order at short notice at lien dee’s Photograph Rooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. tjune-.’lf 31W11001). 154111 Edition. VMKDK'AI. K-s\Y on the Can-c anil Our* id Pi,-in It arc Herdme. shon in-' hurt health i - lost ami how resumed. It gives a clear suiop-i- *d the linpcdimcnl- lo Makui .<■> . the In alumni ol \ „rs and Plivstcu. UeniUTY, smill-m, *Vc., unit the remedies therefor,—the results ol twenty years’ auccesstul practice. . , ‘'There is no member of society by whom this bouk will not be found tiselni, w lictlicr such person hi,Id- tiie relation of Parent. Preceptor, or Clergy man."—London Mediettl Time, and lia .elh . ■■ 'll CXIPJOIJ.' The oxpericuee ami reputation ol Dr. Curtis in the tventment of tile diseases set toriii in tiiis iiitie piimpniet is the patient’s guarantee, mid well de-erves fur the w ork its immense eireii i at iontUuln Time,. Sent by mail on receipt of ."Hi cents. Address the Author Du. trims, 11 Chapman street, lb-s toii, Mass. mnrtS-toodaiu BATH HOTEL, Tty O. 3Vt. IPlixmmor, HATH, Jill. Hoard, - - $1 P<r I)(UJ fi Ijan-ly __ $7.00 PE It PAY ! TO THE ISEMPLHYED ! nBAD THIS, — AM) CHEER UP ! T>Y sending ONE DOLLAK to the subscriber J> yon will remove by return mail, a receipt tor making an article that will Sell In Every Household in the land. There aw no Agents in New England. A broad held is open to all who wish to engage in uu Honorable and Profitable buMpeo*. It can be inanulactuwd at your home*, in your kit' heus. The ingredient* can be had <*1 any Druggist or tirocer. The expense is SMALL, ain’l the „ ProlltH I^arge. This i* not one of the humbugs of tin* day. but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Address C. T. SOMES, juty-MMSm Gardiner Maine. Prairie Weed Balsam! sold nr *|uly30-f3lcu.l L. U. T1TCOMB. Apothecary. Bitters ! Bitters : UR. BBJVJVETT’S CELEHBATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! AIlE THE SLUEST CLUE EOU Liver Complaint,. .Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, «/ Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all persons are more or less subject in SritiNO and Summer. THEY ABE li llELY VEGETABLE! Ami composed of some of the best HOOTS and HERBS in the world. Trv Them. They are W arranted to do as Recommended ! • • Price, SO Cents per Bottle. MIKPAHKI) AM) M)IJ) ONLY BY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME. HARNESSES §■ HARNESS GOODS Of every Description. WE AUK vril.I. .1 VNLK-U TURING Y I. L UI.ASsK- OK IIAHA'KSSKS, VAi'ylng t ii Price iroiii $17.00 to SjSXOO.OO ! n»| ,|.. norkcep any man'- . elel Milted Harm-- but hnvitiu li«.| niarinii vein'- . xi'. nenre in tnami lii.-turinic even Variety Harms- ...Kid. and the meat.-, f ■ni-.u ..i that i n lb.- |.ei.(.le ,.| Aiiau-1.1 and \ i. imt\ we will ..t'mliP and worth -I i-'.n.d- re-t uijou turn- ..w n mem MW* keep a larger number ol w.nkmeii and .quentfj a laiwr atoek and greater wiet.v nl !iiauufa« liirr‘l work than m»v litni in fttii line in tin- »'• f> . 111 x *T•' ;,!* ,H ";ui1 "I 'l,'. ‘‘ , before |.iiftin-wm, beai-inif in mind that we keep no liar.- innuutnetured t.y olin-i lirm.- tor -ale tra'h but m .nui.o lure all our gouds ami warrant thiin to give •*ati-ia* turn. C0LLER & GARDINER, (Opposite 'ony House. 113 VI i!tc?r MriMi, Augusta. Tiaarwrit s. Don’t pay two profits on your Trunks, but buy at the only place in Augusta w here they are manufactured AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trurilt Factory ! Sign of tlio “33IG TriUNK." w.. mro all on, Trunk- and as our retail tin.hi in Augusta nnd neighboring tow-us is vow O. we make them dci"-TiJe" wUhou, fctT To Xo ■""l ..i-VVVsVs 0.1 I \R ’KT \i.s of con -Die. and ko.-p const:,idly on In ml the Inrge-t :::,!:?Kh.,|~.k';Vladh.”";l..l ttitVTUAVKU IN.; »A<.,. *HAW1. KlBA.W the.:.,, and sell them at M’h. II l’Kl* l> #«• Ueuiemher the place, Sign of the “ Big Trunk,” - 143 Water Street. tf l Ul.l.t'.IC .V ( Oppusilt <•«>/ Monte. 1—H" “ . James H. Leigh, ItKVl.Kll is Foreign ami Domestic DRYGOODS Ah><>, AGJKM' KOIt Wheeler A Wilson’s Sewing Macliincs ! M.1IM1S ami all Tools adapted to the Ma chines, constantly on hand. Water Kt., Hallowelh Me. tlapr-tf CUSHNOC HOUSE. T. B. B/.IXABD, : : Broprirtor. Guests taKen to and from tiio Cars nnd Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. fljaiiKMan Great Reduction -in tub piucr.A of - BOOTS* SHOES! Tlio subscriber, haring a splendid stuck ul' 1 tools uud SSliooss (mi hand, will sell liio same sit tin* VERY LOWEST ( ASH PRICES ! The stock consists of the usual variety kept in a stoic of the loud. LADIES* and (lEATLEMEVS. HISSES* and (IIILDKEA'S BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and will be sold cheap, cheaper than the cheapest. .T . H . LO VV , 10(1 WATEH Ht., AxiifUHtu. Me. N. Jl.— (•eutlcmcu'a Calf Hoots one dollar less than at any other store. ;may27-3iu WANTED ! I’AliMKits an.I Hunters having prime Min skins 1 on hand will rind a cash customer at highest market price by sending them to j. ii. uia.i.* a co.. Trunii.s ! Trunk.s! tiii: plac i: to itrv Fz-ciicli, Eugene, Solo Xjciztlzez', And all Kilo!' of common. T ll A V E L L I X Ci T RUNKS! Alt>'0, J-adiffe’ ami Gent-’ TKAV KILLING cc MIOPP1NG HAGS, is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Riplit Place to buv vour IIAKNES'ES. itn.i pet tiie celebrated Otv\ I! \IINE". ont HAMILTON A TlHUlKSi, 135 WATER STREET. The cheapest place to buy WHIP'. CPPUytoMliS, lilll'ilEs, Ill.ANKETS, SUUPIN'til.ES, HAI. TER.', &C-, is at u A MILTON *. TURNER'S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business. Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking. Carling A expressing. Manufactured from tiOoi) OAK STOCK. and by the beM of workmen. 'Vr would remind the public that our Harm***' took all the premium* offered at the la~t Mate ran — four in uimiber. Also the lir-t premium at the late V-w Kurland Fair. . ... .. As our customers are daily informed that our Ilarnes.-r- are Machine ‘**titched—we would invite them and the public jn nei.illy’to call and evtmine tin1 larire>f stock of rcudv-nuide navnes*oy ever of fered in thi-city, and we will convince them that we make the he-t II \M) ''lilt lll.l> work to he had for the same amount of monev. and if we don't have on hand what is wanted, can make it at rdioil notice. ''ample* of liold t.ilt. Oroide silver. Covered, ami Japanned Trimmed II:trne~-iii\ he •at oui MiU-rouin. XU. 17- Mil.DLK STiiKKT. HENRY DUNN <t SON. For Hale l»y Hamilton tfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tnfab-tf OPPOSITE DEERING & HOLWAYS. A New Era in Piano Fortes! I I \s now become an established fact. a< know* J. 1 lodged b> the Ik -l judges oi music in all putts oi me country, that the Mathushek Piano, Is bound to take the lead for Rich, Pure, and Powerful Tone! Wnich .-peaks for itself in note- ol triumph over all other.-. The Reason ol* this Great Superiority i-apparent to all who ealcl.dly examine lue pecu liar mechanism of these m&truments in Tli«* Equalizing Scale. which distributes the tcu-ion of the strings upon all part- of the trame, relieving the instrument from concentrated strain in any one pari, thus securing much greater strength, durability, and power ol keeping in tune. The (heater Length of String*. through all the treble and middle notes, the distri Imiioti of strings upon the I^lnetir Ilrldge, which runs the whole length of the sounding hoard, giv ing great.y Increased Power cf Vibration throughout it* entire length, producing a purer tone and better accompaniment to the voice than auv other instrument. All interested are invited to call on i. c. HOVEY, \; 101I Water Street, and examine for them* .-clve-, win re tin* ahu\e named instruments can be seen and heard, ami will be kept tor -ale. Also a lot of vtry Hue ioiud VESTRY ORGANS A MELUDEONS! 4*- BEST IN THE COl M \i\ . 109 Water St., I. C. HOVEY. tlliapr-tf USERENNE’S PAIN KILLING MAGIC OIL. XJ- “ iT WORKS LIKE A CHARM, ".a REAPER— .. , , , Rennes Pain-Killing .Magic «hi cures Headache Kennc'- Pain-Killing Mafic » »il cure* Toofliacbe RenneV Ptfin-K illing Magic oil cures Neuralgia' Renne- Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Chidei a Mor bus ! Benue's Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Rheumatism. Renne*- Pain-Killing Magic ( »il cure- ^kin di-ea-c Some folk* seem to be proud of telling bow “lame their shoulders are”—of "uiy crick in the each —oi •I have got the Sciatica."— and delight in bragging that nolhing can cure me !”— but when we get such • awful folks" to u-c ri:nm: > pain-killing M \iili till., faithfully, we not only cure their lament-s and charm avvav their pains, but we to tuallv lake all that kind ol “brag out "I them and they*frankly own up, and say, “It works like a charm!” sold bv all Druggist-, Merchant* and (,r.*.»• *• |r i- put up in tiiire ( died * Trial ^i/.e,” “Medium '*i/c " and "Large I'amil} si/.e” bottle*. WM. RENNE, SoU* Proprietor and Muuuiac tnrer, Pil lMll i f. Mass. Wholesale and retail in Augusta hy_ Marshall W hi thed, Grocer. lyiTeow (irriil Improvement in Artificial Teeth. DJI. SNELL IN'* HUTS Teeth on Ri mu i: by a new process, by which the plate is made as thin a* a metallic base ; at the same time the plate is flexible, ami less liable to break. This mode insures likewise the certuinty of a perfect tit. ^ Having purchased the exclusive riant to use this mode in Kennebec county, 1 shall be happy l" show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs arti ilciai teeth. 69 Winthrop Street. Augusta, JiUi.iWth.lWO. t2ttlttu-3w&3wll W. L, HALL, M, D,, I’li.Vsiieiiin X' Surgeon, GARDINER, MAINE. Office, over PARSONS A HALEY’S Dry Hoods Store. Hours from 9 to 12 A. M.. and i to ♦> p. M. »» . ... S iDt. 1.. E. ItltlClvETT, l \ „ true til Belerenocs. j ,, ,, , Ai^u.U Uni-june2.T* A Free Gift to Alt ! UIM/N MATIC 1MIJ.N. To Rheumatic. Neuralgia and Hout subject a sample box of these Pills will be given l»> E. W. Kins MAN, Water St., Augusta, ami for sale hv all Apothecaries at 25 cents per box; 5 boxes g 1. 0. A. HILL, Proprietor j_tasnuur4m POKTLANP MB. HARDWARE! At WILLIAMSON A OUEENWOOD’S. BATH TIBS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, HHASy cv FLATKil WA11E, Cast Iron Pipe. Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, And every article j» rtaining t.> Plumbing kept con* stantly on hand and for tale ut H. R. STRATTON’S, Comer Iiri<i$re A Water Streets. Under Hunt's Hat Store. S. IS. riumbiUK in all its brandies dune in a nr. ' -iiorongh manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. tl-apr-tt' MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jev'dlcr, American and Swiss Watches, in gold anti -diver case, including the celebrated National or Klgin W atch, Waltham. TreniouL, Bor i"111111. Bonnett. Pardeaux. -lacot, \«-M in both La dies’ ami gentlemen’* si/es. Fi1]Lo Gold %T owolry, Solid fi«.id Leonid**! Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING A COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE PI.ATKO WAltE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kind*. CLOCKS OC ALL AS't JLSf including the celebrated ITHAC A < VLKNDAU all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices* mid Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kind* of Fine U .itches. < hronoinctcr Balance* applied and adjusted to temperature and position tljanTiHl DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DENTAL SURGEON, 1.10 WATER NTRKKT, AmciikIii, - - Jluine. Makes the successful treatment "fall disease* of the mouth and teeth a specialty, employing all tlm latest and bes*t improvements in the method of lin ing with gold and all proper material. I'lceralcd teeth permanently cured, and their decayed and broken down crowns filled and built up to their i original shape and beauty. Toothache lured Without Extracting! i■ rent improvement in the method of constructing and tilling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DU. CHAMBER!.AIN is inserting # huge mini her of sits ol these teeth.which for beauty, ilui i liiiitv and adaptation. cannot he surpassed “»>’ where. Tin- plain will not .cn or,hop down, and I. warrant,al to lit perfectly. Ml are lnvit.-d to . all and examine siiecimeus ol tooth made on rod, pmk ami white rubber. FRESH (as EVERY DAT. ♦innvotf _ ____ PIANO TUNING. , _ rpHK Sulieerlber wo ill I inform the IffnllMr 1 ciluein of Augpsta and vieinily, n®lll that In* will give fiereonat attention to (1*1 9 * tuning l'ianos. Orders lell at his re s I id,'tire. «» Bhitlirou Hirerl. «ill receive jiromp attention. M. C Mil.LIKEN, 1 luieidf Tkaoiiki: of am* okras 0. C. WHITEHOTJSE & CO., — DEALERS iv - Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS! ^Vntl Carpetings, NO. 17JJ WATDlt STIIKK1', AUGUSTA. Mr. O. C. Whitkhoi:se, Daniel Wiiit eiioi sl. fmay-i-ti' Stereoscopic Views. Vl.AllliK >rtlu.-ut of mw antf Wautful View, iu-t lvcPiveii. A Wo t(M> fmprovcil CLAPP .A NORTH, m-julvl!i I.Vi Water St reel. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! I WILL si:i,I. MV Stock of Hardware! < ONSISTINU OF Iron ami Mori. (Jlass, \ails. CUTLERY, &c. &c„ Which has been recently replnai-died, together with the truth* ami gt»o<l u ill of the store, AT A rJATlGrAIPJ ! To any one desiring I*) engage in tin* I1AKD W AUK business, this is an opportunity rarely offered. . Terms Favorable. iy;i WATER STREET, AMOS WILDKU. Augusta, July1 lS7ff. ♦tf-.inm*2 S. F. Davenport, Agent for the sab* of the celebrated SINGER S1AYIMJ Yl VI IilMOS -ALSO AGENT FOli THE FFORENC E SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. Place of bu.-ine-s has been removed to nearly 1 oppo-ite Western Uniwn Telegraph Oftlce. Machines Repaired, and Exchanged. ttf-luneT I-! POTTER & BENNETT, sucic'sors to TV. S. Furhush. 110 Water Street, 1 Door South of Post Office, Al’ftl'STA, JIA1AE. LADIES’ ROOM up Stairs. ■ (. E CREAM'S and oA nTEUScoustmitly on naml. I Mt al- »rn i d at all Hum- This •"aluon being I located within a lew steps of and directly opposite die Depot, i- \» n cunu-iiicut for the travelling | i public. f.lm-juneh) STEREOS0UFIG VIEWS. Mr. A. F. Morse [ has just returned irom Boston with a w ry large ! and desirable assortment of Stereoscopic Views. which will be sold at Boston prices. He also make? ! and keeps constantly ou hand Views of Hallowell and Vicinity. \ny \ iew - wlie h his cn-tomers may want whicl sire not in hi- selection, will l»c ordered immediate i ly He lia-a great \ ariety of PICTURE I KAMta i u*n hand. All orders for training done with neatness ami , de-patell Pictures of every st \ le. made cheap. The Public are invited to call at Ins rooms on Water M., corner Union m Hallow il and e.\ •mine hia -(>>< k i mi\ -if DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND Fancy Goo cl s, VEKY Mill FOB CASH! AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opposite DOST OFFICE. HO APH ! Genuine Imported Soaps, OF ALL KINDS, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. f Buy the Best! EUREKA RANGE .For Wood or Coal! For Economy, Durability, Beauty of Design und Finish, TiilS 'll A -V O' E HAS XO EQUAL! in Every Itempeot, It commend. its. lt' to every one iu Want of a I'ii-ht Cl as* Cook Stove ! | Sold in Augusta by WILLIAM II. WOODBl BY. Abo some of the BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES ; in the Market, ami a variety of Ilouno-Funilshliilt' Goods ! j *4 few Duort aoulh of Railroad Rndje. I tl'iinarAwly Ptettttamj. A PERILOUS ADVENTURE. The Newark Advertiser tells this start ling story of an adventure in that place: “St. Patrick's Cathedral has a steeple surmounted by a hall, on which is a cross. The top of the cross is two hundred and fifteen tectabove the surface ofthe gronnd, the height being but five feet short of that of Bunker Hill Monument. The ste.eple is ot wood, square at the base and taper ing to At point. Along each angle, from the base to the point, are nailed, at the distance of four feet apart, ornamental knobs of wood. “All ibis wood work, being weather beaten, in the course of time lots ; especi ally the nobs and the cross, which present many small angles; so that it becomes necessary to attend now and then to the repairing of these parts. To erect a stag ing for the purpose when a man of suf ficient daring and coolness might climb and do the work, would not be the most economical method. Such men are rare, but they are to he found. The price charg ’d for each ascent is usually about twenty live dollars. The risk does not consist merely in the danger of becoming giddy and demoralized while clinging in mid-air to the outside of a steeple, and while the neighbors and the passers-by are collect ing in grou ps below and gating upwards, w ith baled breath and trembling knees, at 1 he climber, lie must go up by clinging foot and hand to what he finds: and what lie must cling to am these very knobs, rotting and weakening in the weather, and finally to the cross, already decayed and almost ready to drop. The man who docs this sort of work iu Newark is Mr. Frank Jacobus. One day last month he was engaged to make an ascent of the cathedral steeple for the purpose of removing the old cross and replacing it wfrh a new one. Going up inside the steeple to the highest admis ~ i 111 * * point lie reached out from the nar row window and lelt one ot tlie knons to i lest its strength. Judging it to be strong I enough he swung himself out by it, and . scrambling up caught hold of the next I higher knob and re-tcd llis feet upon the : lower one. So far all right. He glanced around him am! then looked tip along the line ot knobs that reached far up to tlio , ball and the cross, making his hazardous way. It was something ot an experiment. Were the other knobs, too, strong enough? ( arelull v and quickly he scrambled up and tell of the knob next higher, it seemed to have siiilicient strength. He pulled up on it. It bore his weight, and up lie went. Gathering confidence, he made his tests and drew his conclusions rapidly. He went up more and more quickly, at last scarcely caring to try the strength of the knobs bclore trusting his weight to them. Already two-thirds of the steeple were climbed. A few more efforts and his hand would be clinging to the cross. ‘•lie reached forth to raise hitnself. A 'light scraping sound reaching his keen car. even in the breeze blowing strongly | about hi- ears. The knob had moved un | tier his pull—was giving way. A mist spread before bis eyes He felt himself tailing backward. With a convulsive effort 'that lamed bis back, he clutched at some | thing and brought himself forward again, and down lie slid, llis presence of utiud | had not on e left him. lie even tested the : knobs as he slid over them, to see where he might trust to stop himself with the mo mentum of his falling. Gradually lie even lessened the momentum. Then he fasu-u I ed lii> grip upon a knob. It held him, and | be was safe. The sigh that went up from | the observers in tlie street below almost reached his quickened ears, and it grew into a shout. He was not demoralized.— He might have come down and given up '[the job. Xot so. llis purpose to go up to the cross was not changed, llut he could : no longer trust himself to the knobs on I that angle of the steeple, lie must get across to the next augle. lie tried to reach, Imt the knob was just beyond his utmost stretch of foot or hand. ••Tlio observers below were looking on j in breathless suspense. They saw him go up higher, almost to the very spot whence lie had fallen, and then at last reach out I and swing himself across, lie was now 011 another anglci clinging to an untried i place and looking up the long line of us tested knobs. He went tip more carefully, 1 c — - rapivlv than before, trying every knob wt ll before trusting his weight to it. Soon he was at the ball. Grasping that, he slid himself up over it and sat himself | down on it, with his feet on either side of i i he cross. There lie waited awhile, though j he seemed still to be busy. Then raising ; himself to his feet, he stood beside the cross. With llis hand lie broke it piece meal, and threw the pieces down, aud they fell into fragments as they touched the stone walk. Then he descended, and in a lew minutes was on the ground again, to be surrounded by some oi the observers. House For Sale. VNY one wishing to purchase « new h ire»l-l Uo* UVVKLUMi not SB, located bn one of the mti* t-ii«il •Nii'eeU in the city, c.ui near oi uue liy calling at this office. ►lnayH-tlj DESIHABLK RESIDENCE FOR SALE ! V1 T V x.ow I'KICE. IIOI SE AND LOT in this City, No lli Stale street. Apply to GEO. E. WEEKS, At the office of Messrs. Raker Jt Weeks. liilMta, \11. l^Th. if Crockery, China & Glass. P1UCE8 HEDI Ciai : The prices ot Crockery, China and Class Ware at Aw. 159 Water Street, Are marked down to meet the tail in Cold WKf&m 4. I> yiEMC £ 4 SON. ALL klNDS OF JOBBING ANU Repairing l>one at ' !«prl-3m Williamson A Oreenwood'.