Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN A NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 1, 1870. NO. 208. • ‘ *. • e . r r J.Umubtt Jflaral. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. BY SPRAGUE, OWES k SASI^ JDailn Jttmtflirt Journal. Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph anil mail, gives reports of the Markets, and has carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous AtiKMint of farming, home and miscellaneous read lag with a full compilation of State new?. Terms, $7 per annum in advance. $6 ii payment 8 not made within the year. Single copie* 4 cent*, to he had at the bookstore* and ut thi® oilicc. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertion* or le*?. *l.uu; 25 cts. for every oubsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or tho»e inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at lavoruble terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. aftlecltln Jiennebcc Journal Published every Wednesday morning, 1, the largest tolio paper in the State, containing n-w*. political articles, agricultural and scientific mallei, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms $1 per annum m advance. Transient AdrertUomonta, *I.!W per incli foi first week, 23 cents per week lor each subsequent Insertion. Special Notices, oo per inch Tor first week; SO cents per week lor each subsequent week. Business Notices, in re columns. 30 cents per line Tor first insertion; lo cents per lino tor each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. Music in Glasses. rpiIK «uU»cril>er would inform hi* friend. nnd the 1 public of Vmru-ti mil vicinity, tint lie pro noses tu tca'-h Piano; »Uo singing in classes. (Misses on Piano to consist ol *ix pupils each. Tins system has many advantages, ami the expense is less than private lessons. Private les-ou* given if preferred. Would also invite the atteutiou ol the public to the II. F. MILLER PIANOS ! For sale at his • Music Room, North’s Block, OPPOSITE CONY HOUSE. Tlie use of these Pianos in many public institu tion mi schools has guincd for ’.hem an enviable i .ion, mnt throughout tlie country they arc i c ing the most popular Pianos manufactured. scs arranged on application at Music Itooin or idence, '.it Winthrop street. M. C. Mil.LIKEN. Teacher of Music, tiprglicjm__ Cutlery anti Plated Ware! A full assortment of Table aad JP mtkel Cattery, Stinors TK.t r#M»% be. Also PI ate* l Tea Sets, Ice Pitcher*, Goblets, Knives. Spoons. Fork* and Castors of the best quality, at PIEUfE’8 CK0CKEK1 STOKE, Jto. 150 Water Street - - Augusta. mayi-ttf Picture Frames! CHR0M08, BRACKETS, ALBUMS! &c., A'**., Ac., Iti Large Variety. picture Frame - of any size made to order at short notice at llendee’s Photograph Rooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. tjuneS-tf MANHOOD, 154111 Edition. VMKDICAL Essay on the Cause and Cure ol Premature Decline, showing how health is lost 21 ud how regained, il give* a clear >ynop&i* »Hlio Impediment* to Nl a it is i auk, the treatment of Ni;u voi's and Piiyhical Dbiiiuty, SrKim.irv, Ac., and the remedies therefor,—the results ol twenty year*’ successful practice. “There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found tiaclul, whether mi* ii person holds the relation of Parent. Preceptor, or Clergy man.”—-London Medical Times and Gazette. *“M v vii*»*ii».’ The experience and reputation ol Dr. Curtis in the treatment *»f the disease* *et forth in this little pamphlet is tlie patient’s guarantee, nml well deserves for the work its iuuneuse circu lation.”— IJailu Times. Seut by mail ou receipt of aO cents. Address the Author D«t. CCfttTIB, 11 Chapman street. Hes ton, Mass. marts-feodJi* BATH HOTEL, T»y o. JVX. riviiiiiiior, BATH. ME. Board, - - $1 per Day. nijim-ly_ _ _ $7.00 PER DAY ! TO THE UNEMPLOYED ! READ THIS, -AND CHEER UR ! By sending ONE DOLLAR to the subscriber you will reecire by return mail, a receipt lor making an article that will Sell In Every Household in the land. There are no Agents in New England. A broad Held is open to all who wish to engage iu an Honorable and Profitable business. It can be maniiiactnred at your homes, in your kitchens. The ingredients cun be bad ol any Druggist or Urocer. 1'hc expense ia SMALL, anil the T*rollte Tiorge. This is not one of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Address C. X. SOMES, juiyao-tsm Cardiner Maine. Prairie Weed Balsam! SOLD 11Y July30-t3teod L. U. TJTCOMB, Apothecary. Bitters ! Bitters ! X> R. BEIVIVETT’S [ • CELKHRATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE T1IE SUREST CURE EOR I Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all persons are more or less subject in Spring and Summer. { THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE! And compost'd of some of the best ROOTS and HERBS in the world. Trv Them. Thev are Warranted to do as Recommended ! • • Price, SO Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY BY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME. BOS W O B T BL HAVING REMOVED TO (2 Doors south of Bridge street,) whieli has been expressly fitted up for his business, where will be found a VJ2KV LAKGE STOCK of SPRING WOOLLENS! Of the Isatest Fashions, WHICH w:-L EE CUT AND MADE UI’ TO ORDER IN' THE Very Latest Stylo. ALSO, WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF i Ready Made Clothing, -AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. R. T. BOS WORTH. Augusta, Mar. 7th, 1 <470. t7mar-tl James H. Leigh, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic DRYGOODS ALSO, AO ENT FOIt Whoclcr & Wilson’s 0cwinf MacUincs ! A'KERLI'N nud all Tool* adapted to the Ma chine*, constantly on hand. Water St., llallowcll, Me. tlupr-if CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner ft ^ and Wintnrop ItS^I State Sts., .A xio-usta, AXe. T. B. liALLARD, : : Proprietor. Guests taken to and from the Cars nnd Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tl|iwii>-..m___• OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE. NEATS-FOOT, and KsSLNTlAL OILS ot all kiudtf, at Johnson Brothers. Great B eduction -IX THE 1'RlCEft 01 - BOOTS * SHOES! The euhacribev, having a pplendld stovh or Boots unci SSlioes on hand, will sell the saiue at the VERY LOWEST (ASH PRICES ! The Stock consists of the usual variety kept in a store of tliv* kind. BUIES' and UEXTI.KSIKX’S. JIISSIX' and CHILDHEK’S BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and will he m>1<1 cheap, cheaper than tile cheapest. J . B . 1. O VV' , lOO WATEIl Ht., Auguetu, Me. X. B.— Gentlemen'] Calf Boots one dollar less than at any other store. ; WANTED! IT* ABMEltS and Hunters having prime Mm* Skins on hand will dnd a cat ' customer at highest market price by sending them to J. li. WKIildl A CO.. PIANO TUNING. a-ss-. ilMlE Subscriber woull inform the S.1ZJl * citizens of Augusta and vicinity, li # f"|| that he will give pergonal attention to II • • f f tuning Pianos. Orders lelt at his res idence, 07 Winthrou Street, will receive prom]) attention. M. C. MIL LI KEN, febtf-tf Teacher oy Piano and organ HOSES H. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, H ' ► w n - g fc 5 s u > Watches I h—4 Ilin Stock embraces a line line of American and Swiss Watches, in gold and silver case, including tin* celebrated Nat ional or Elgin Watch, Wulthum, Treinont, lior* .(inn, llonnett, I'ardeaux, Jacot, &c., in both La die?*’ and gentlemen's sizes. Pino Grolcl «T owolry, Solid Hold Leoniton • I Vest and Neck Chains, ST ERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE I’l.ATEI) WAKE, SPECTACLES AND EYE BLASSES, -oPthe most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KJXDS, including the celebrated lTIIACA CALKXDAIt all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds ol Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances applied and adjusted to temperature and position tjjau70-ti‘ BATH TI BS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins. IlItAHS & PLATED WARE, C.„st Iron I*i|»e, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, And every article pertaining to Plumbing kept con stantly on hand and for sale at H. R. STRATTON’S, Corner Bridge A Waler Streets, Under Hunt’s Hat Store. v n. Plumbing in all its branches done in a neat a!. .” 'horongli manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. tl2apr-tf DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DF.NTAL SURGEON, 1*50 WATER STREET, Aiilfiisln, - - i»lalno. Make’ the .'iicce^sful treatment of all diseases ol tin* mouth and teeth a specialty, employing all the latest ami best improvements in the method of (ill* mg with gold and all proper material, d 1 erated teeth peimaneiitly eure I. and their deeaved and hioken do a n crowns tilled and built up to their oiigiual shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! Great improvement in .the method of constructing amt titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR (JllAMR&ilLAlS is inserting a large num ber of sets ot these teeth, whit h for beauty, dura hi lit v and adaptation, rantiot be any u here. The plate will not ’t «rt or drop <lo\\ n. and i’ warranted to tit perfectly. All are invited to rail aud examine specimen* ol teeth made on red, pink , ami \x liite rubber. Fit ESI! GAS EVERY DAY. tmavtt tf Pore MeiiciDEs aM Ctaicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET 1X9 FAXCl ARTICLES! I’livsicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods ■ Pure Sperm, lard. Irrosmt atd MaUfool Oil;. (Iiniics k. Partridge, DRUGGIST AM) APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE RAIL,) Has on hand a Larg;e Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SELLS AT The liftwext Jlnrlifl Ilatcs! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS Pirtri'lgM Drug StAre. Water Street. corner Market Squar t ljan70ly Great I5arg*alns at WELLS’ ^ FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. A LARGE ASSORT.'!ENT OF NEW ANI> SEC OND HAND Which will be sold at very low rates for CASH. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Collins, And COMMON COFFINS of nil kinds, and the best trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment ot ROBES OP ALL KINDS, All of which will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the State. C. R. & II. U. WELLS. 22tf James W. Bradbury, Jr., U. S. COMMISSIONER, Office with Bradbury A Bradbury, WATER STREET, - - Al'OCSTA. am i PLUMBING ! THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens ot Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared lo do ull kinds ot Plumbing work at the shorteot no tice. Tlio*e about to have water introduced into their buildings will do well lo call uu hiiu before goiug elsewhere. HR. STRATTON, Corner Bridge and Water Streets., Sati*factum ffuaratUttd. Wtf Cruelty to Horses And other animals, Not to ise //I f lM.V S € SO.U*. It keep* off Flies; Cures Scratches and Sore*; Destroy» Vermin. Ac., Ac. Sold by L. IT. TiTCOMIl, Druggist. aug*22*3teod West End Kennebec Bridge. Maine State Fair, 1870. NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS! NOTICE ot' the intention to enter Neat Stock, i It- ; »•-. >heep. 8wine and Poultry, at the ap proaching Exhibition of the Maine State Agri cultural Society, to he held in Augusta, Sept. 20th-23d, Should be forwarded to the nude reigned by letter on on before Tuesday, September 0,1810, hut proper arrangement* may be made for their accommodation. Premium List* forwarded to anv nddres* on ap plication. S A Ml/LL L. 110 Ait DM AN, Auguda, Aug. 15, l^To. Secretary. S. F. Davenport, Agent for the *alc of the celebrated SINGER s - ALSO AGENT TOIl THE SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. Place of business has been removed to nearly | opposite Western Union Telegraph Office. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ttf'june? What Shall We Kat? VI.T. regular physicians will tell you that Dee and Pork is not so healthy to eat in spring anil summer as good Fresh Fish. The same can be ob tained at Cl SUING «fc HOLMES’ MARKET, Kcar K. K. Bridge, Wilier St., Where all orders will be promptly attended to for of all kinds in their season. CUsHlXU it IIOLME9, fniaylG-tf Water street, Augusta. Shooting Tackle. I n. n . i. o x (■. SUCCESSOR TO 1. M. RELAT'D, QUN SMITH And Dealpr in Shooting Tackle of Every Variety Rifles and Shot Huns made to order and war ranted. Old shot (inns rimmed out smooth and made to -hoot thick and strong. Also, Ammunition ol the nicest quality. Repairing done Xently and Promptly. Illnstlng Powder. The be«t quality and largest stock ever kept in this market. Koranic at Factor} prices. Country healers supplied in any quantity or quality at dis count. ljan-ly School Books! \\-E HAVK .IlsT lilXKIVKDOl It FAI.I. U vr rri.,* os .iff ki.vos of SCIIOOH BOOKS, WhUh we ;i:v soiling on The Most Favorable Terms ! CUPP X IOKTHi Jlo»IiMi>ll«>i-N anil Sdirioners, 159 Water St., Augusta, Me. nug*25-tlf __ HENRY REIMS, 4\n. lOO Sn«llinry Street, - - Bouton, MANUFACTURER OF BILLIARD TABLES WITH TIIE COMBINATION STRING CUSHION. New and Second-Hand Tables always on hand and lot sale at the lowest pru t.-. Live me a rail |apiU8-biu It. K. W1LMART11, Agent. WAR MAPS OF EUROPE. SHOWING every City, Town. Village and Ham let on the continent. Math* from government surveys, and Used by the Marshals ol Fraiicy and Ueiierals t>f Prussia. It shows exactly where the armies of France and Prussia are now concentra ted. The >eat of War yiitn in full, with portraits of the Emperor Napoleon and King \\ illiam. Anv live man can earn from $10to $iu per day. Agents wanted in every town in the United Mates. Retail price. oU it-, per copy Liberal discount to agents. Address immediately. Fred a waldron. augi-t.lw* Waterville, Maine. HENRY 0. & A. A NICHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. \LL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner by the day or job. Paitieulav attention paid to repairs of slate roofs, cementing cisterns, cellars. Ac Orders left at A P. (build’s Stove store, first door above Railroad Bridge, promptly attended to. HENRY (>. MU HOLS, ALBERT A. MUllOLS. Augusta Jan. 1 1ST.0. Copartnership Notice. fPIIK copartnership heretofore cxi ting under the 1 name of Ballard A Chase, was dissolved July 2d, by uiutual couseut. Mr. G. ~s7Ballard will continue the business at the old stand, w here the hooks of the late linn may be found. Ail per ! sons indebted are requested to settle the same w itli ! out delay. . „ . ! G. S. BALLARD. JOHN W CHASE. Augusta, July 30, 1P70. wluAfciilod , THEEYE._THEEYE. pjt, E. KNIGHT has discovered a new treatment for the E^ K ami EAR, b* which he Is curing some of the worst cases ol I Blindness and Deafuess ever known, without in* ' struiueuts or pain. CANCERS ! ! Dr Kxioiit'8 new' treatment for Cancers sur passes all other* now in use. It cures without kn fe, plaster or pain, and heals without a sear Every Lind of disease treated with great success. 11 n J =ors of every kind eradicated from the system. No charge for consultation. OlUee, 80 Dover St.. Boston. July27-wOm CALL AND SEE!! — THE — MAGEE ADVANCE COOK STOVE, GOLDEN CITY. Sheridan Farmers Cook, Rival Madelion, | Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palace Range. Stevens’ Range, Stewt.rt Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Priceless. And a large assortment of other Stoves both New an«l Second Hand, AT WiilianiMon A Crrenn'OoiI'n. ^ CONY HOUSE, H'.lrKK STKKKT, AUGUSTA, MAINE. '■MILS new Hotel affoids accommodations superi I. or to any other in the city to the travelling coin munity, being located in the CENTRE or BUSINESS, and very near the Depot. Connected w ith and adjacent to the House are commodious and convenient StnPLE How.n* ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods Iree of charge. the travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the as fist mice of Mu. Turner, lute ol the Augusta House, we hope to merit a shore of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! (i. A. A II. COM, Troprietort. *14janAw4-tf_ ^jHallowell House SECOND STREET, HALLO WELL, : : MANE. _ MI! J. F. HILT, would respectfully inform his Fiends and the public that he has opened the above named house, ami has lltu-d it up as A First Class Hotel. This house is about two rods from the depot, ami if within a few steps of the express office uml the business street ol the city. In connection with the house there la a LIVERY «€ TRAXSIEXT Stable. This house will be opened to the public on the Fourth of July. Thankful for the favors which he has received at his former place of business in Lew ieton, the subscriber guarantees to give complete satisfaction to the travelling public. J. B. HILL, Proprietor. ttf-.»iil\~2 STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Mr. A. F. Morse ha? just returned from B<* ton with a very large! and desirable assortment oi Stereoscopic Views, wliic'i will be sold at Boston prices. He also makes ana keeps constantly on hand V:ews of Hallowell and Vicinity. Any views which his customers may want whirl are not in his rejection, will he ordered immediate ly. lie hasugreat variety of PICTL’HE FltAMES on hand. All older? for framing done wfth neatness and despatch. Picture?- of every style, made cheap. The Public an* invited to call lit hi? rooms on Water >t., corner I'uion M.. llallowell. and ex aiuine his stock. 1 iiiiy-Ttf 11 1 CH’ H Vegetable Cough Cordial! 4 AMI of the best remedies for Coughs, Cold?, \ / Croup. Bronchitis, and all affections of the lhroat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, 0|>|*. Post oili,'.-. AiiRnsli., me. Feather Dustesr! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. KENNEBEC SAVINGS BANK! Truatees: \V F. IIALLETT, IirS'ELI. EATON, O. C. WHITEIIOFSE. 1>EANE l-KAV, OKI! IN WII.I.IAMSON. Deposits received at (he counter of the Freemans \attonal Dank. Vic net earnings of the Hank are divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their BanL-bnk as security. J. L. ADAMS, Treasurer Annl 8th. 1870 1-Hf VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE, Double Glazed, or Glass-Coated. Sizes, 2 inches to 24 inches inside diameter. FOR DRAINS AND SEWERS. (10NTRACTOKS and Corporations in want ol >e\ver Pipe, will tlnd it to their advantage to examine our flock of LN(ILI'-II and SC ♦ > l( II l»ntt joint ami shoulder Pipe: the largest and best as oortment ever offered in tins country. For sale by J KlimtD *«O. at Wliarl is* to 412 Federal M . Boston. Proprietors ol' llaaton Flre-Brlek Morlji. Importer, and Healer. in FUe-t ay J.ood*. 1 20c. Initial Stationery. 20c. 24 SHEETS PAPER AND 24 ENVELOPES put up in a neat box, all tor '40c., At Clapp & North s Book Store, 155 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. augbttf _ Cure for Female Weakness! Circular* or further information sent on receipt of stamp. by addressiug the manufacturer, Mrs. LE M’S BELCHER, Randolph. Mass. For sale by Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., 38 Hanover St., aud Ru*t Bros. A Bird, Hanover St., Boston, also by Mr*. Lewi* Packard, Winthrop Me. A. C DANA, So. 7 Cnion Block, Water St., Augusta. The following testimonial U unsolicited, and is only one of hundred* which I could publish. Munroe, N. V.. June 21, 1809. Mrs. Belcher We have received your box over a week ago, and may G*mI speed you in the good work that you are doing; and if we never meet on earth, may we meet iu heaven. The medicine U helping me. Yours, with respect. 9fcb-6m Mua. SETH M. STRONG. gttefcUantj. SEPTEMBER. Some persons live long in a short time, while others live beyond the allotted three score years and ten, whose days appear to them as but a span. “How shot! the month has been!’’ exclaims one, whose mind has been fully occupied in works of benevolence, in revealing the mysteries of science, and observing the wonderful operations of nature about him. Such a mind lias had no heavy moments, but, buoyant and elaltic, lias risen from hour to hour into some unexplored regions of truth, pushing aside the annoyances in its way, and expanding with the healthful acquisi tions w hich are fitting it for the skies. “How long the week has been!” is the desponding utterance of another, whose time has been frittered away w ithout la bor, or the pursuit of any ennobling object which would impart to it life and vigor. All the works of the Creative Hand show unceasing activity. The sea recedes hut to return again : when it rests it rots; as in the expressive language of the “Ancieut Mariner— “The very deep did rot; O Christ I That eveu this should be ! Yea, slimy thing* did crawl with legs l pon the slimy sea.” Tho winds circle the globe, bearing nour ishment in their breath, and sustain life in all animated beings. Hirers run to the sea, and there, eliminated by the ever working sun, seek the skies again, and pour their rich treasures again and again upon the thirsty earth. So mustit be with man. The inactive mind sinks first into indifference and then to inanity. It has always seemed to us that “The Seasons.” coining each in their allotted time, atlbrd the clearest evidence of the consummated wisdom of the Creator. The wants of Hod's children, mental and physical, arc adapted to the seasons, and the seasons to them, else there would be no harmony in them. It was left lor man to notice the changing character of each season, and make a further division into months, whose peculiarities are as inter esting, if not as grand as those of the sea sons themselves. To the occupied mind, the months fleet past us so swiftly, that, though we never mistake them while they are present with us, yet the moment any one of them is gone by wo begin to blend the recollection of its features with those of the one which preceded it, or tiiat which has taken its place, and thus confuse them together until we know not “which is which.” And then, to mend the matter, when the whole ot them have danced their graceful round, hand in hand, before us, not being able to think of either separately, we unite them all together in one imagination, and call them the past year, as we gather flowers into a hunch, and call them a bouquet. “Now this should not be. Each oilo of the sweet sisterhood has features sufficient ly marked and distinct to entitle her to a place and a name ; and if we mistake these features, and attribute those of any one to any other, it is because we look at them with a cold and uninterested, and there fore an unobservant regard." In order to really enjoy the months, we must be strongly impressed with the pecu liarities of each—the weather, atmosphere phenomena, the coining in and going out of plants, animated life about us, in our domestic animals, in insect and bird-life, and the changing sounds which proceed from them at the different stages of their existence. We must “pay equal devotion to eacii in her turn; the blooming May and the blushing June disdain the vows of of these votaries who have not previously wept at the feet of the weeping April, or sighed in unison with the sail breath of March. And it is the same with all tho rest. They present a sweet emblem of the ideal of a happy and united family; to each member ot which the best proof you can oiler licit you are worthy of her love, is, that von have gained that of her sisters; and to whom the' best evidence you can give of being able to love either worthily, is, that you love all.” This should be the manner in w hich we should regard the months. They will pass rapidly, to be sure, but will instruct us as they pass of our own and their immortality,—iumortal, because ever renewed, and bearing tho seeds of their renewal within themselves. “These,as they change. Almighty Fath er, these are but the varied Hod! The roiling year is full of Thee."—*V. E. far mer. Money Cannot Buy It! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! ! the: diahokd clannem, MANUFACTURED BY J. E. Sl'EXCEB A CO., V Y. Which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by ail the celebrated Opticutnsof the World to bo Tlio Most Perfect, Natural, ArtiUcial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, front minute Crystal Pebble*, melted together, and , derive their name, "Diamond,” on account of their hurdness aud brilliancy. Tike HcleulUlo Principle uu which they are constructed bring* the core or centre ol the ten* in iron! of the eyo, pro ducing a clear and dir' met vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and pie anting all unpleasant sensa tions, such as glinime ug and wavering ofaight, dizziness. Ac., peculiar to all others In use. They are Mounted In the Finest Manner. In frames of the best nimbly, of all materials used for that purpose. rnEin Fixisn axd durabilitt CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution —None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped ou every frame. S. A. RUSSELL. Jetctller and Optician, is Sole Agent /Or Angutia, Maine, i From whom they can only be obtained. TUit goods are not supplied to Pedlars at any price, i inuyU-ly