Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. 1. . AUGUSTA, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1870. . NO. 209. Jitnittkt |imrnai. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. BY SPRAGUE. OWEN Ji NASH. JJailg Jttmtdrfr Journal* Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mall, gives reports of the Markets, and ha* carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of farming, home and miscellaneous read ing with a full compilation of State- news. Terms, #7 per annum in tuivance; #£ il payment s not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be tiad at the bookstores and at this office. Advortisemonts one inch in length, three in sertions or less, #1.00; 36 ets. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 35 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, #3 per square per week. -lennebcc Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest folio paper in the State, containing nows, politisal articles, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terras $■- per annum t»» advance. Transient Advertisements, *1.50 per iueh for first week; 35 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, #3 00 per inch foT first week, 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, In reading columns, SO cents per line for first Insertion; 10 cents per Une for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in Music in Glasses. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public of Augusta and vicinity, that he pro poses to teach Piano; also singing in classes. Classes on Piano to consist ot six pupils each. This svstem has many advantages, and the expense Is less'than private lessons. Private lessons given if preferred. Would also invite the attention ot the public to the H. F. MILLER PIAXOS ! For sale at his Music Room, North’s Block, OPPOSITE CONY HOUSE. The use of these Pianos in many public institu tions and schools has gained for them an enviable reputa.ion. and throughout the country they are becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured. Classes arranged on application at Music Room or Residence, 97 Winthrop street. . M. C. MILLIKEN, Teacher of Music. apr2bf2m___ Cutlery and Plated Ware! A full assortment of TmkU mini Pmeket Culler*, Selnmr, TftVf TB.1 »'W. St. Also Plated Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, Spoons, Forks and Castors of the best quality, at PIERCE’S CROCKERY STORE, Ko. 1199 9V»ter Street - - August*. mav2-ttf Picture Frames! CHR0M08, BRACKET8, ALBUMS! In Large Variety. Picture Frame* of any atzc maile to order at short notice at Hendee’s Photograph Rooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. tjune2-tf MANHOOD, 154th Edition. A MEDICAL ESSAY on the Cause and Cure o( Premature Decline, show ing how health is lost and how regained. It gives a clear Synopsis of tlm Impediments to Marriage, the treatment ot Ner vous and Physical Debility, Sterility, Ac., and the remedies therefor,—the results ot twenty years’ successful practice. ....... ’’There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found usetul, whether such person holds the relation of Parent, Preceptor, or Clergy man.”— lemdon Medical Time» and Gatelle. *' 'Manhood.' The experience and reputation ol Dr. Curtis in the treatment of the diseases set forth in this little pamphlet is the patient’s guarantee, and well deserves for the work its immense circu lation ”—ffciUy Timet. Sent by mail on receipt of SO oenls. Address the Author Du. Cl’RTis, H Chapman street. Hes ton, Mass. mai-SS-toodSm BATH HOTEl7 By O. M. Plummor, BATH, ME. Board, - - $1 per Day. flljan-ly ____ $7.00 PE It DAY ! TO THE UNEMPLOYED ! bead this; -AND CHEER UP ! By sending ONE DOLLAR to tho subscriber you will receive by return mail, a receipt for makiug an article that will Sell In Every Household in the land. There are no Agents in New England. A broad field is open to all who wish to engage in an Honorable and Profitable business. It can be manufactured at your homes, in your kitchens. The ingredients can he had of any Druggist or (trover. The expense is SMALL, ami the _ Pro fit* Large. This is not one of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Address C. T. SOMES, juiyso-t3m Gardiner Maine. ! Prairie Weed Balsam! SOLD BY )uly3(M3teod L. II. TITCOMU, Apothecary. Bitters ! Bitters ! Z>Xt. BEIVIVETT’S I CELEBRATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE THE SUREST CURE EOR i Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all persons are more or less subject in Spring and Summer. THEY ARE PURELY YEUETABLE! And composed of some of the Lest ROOTS and HERBS in the world. i Trv Them. Thev are Warranted to do as Recojiunended ! • • Price, SO Cents per Bottle. j PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY BY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME BOS W O B T ZE3I j IIAV1XCS REMOVED TO STORE NO. 174, (2 Doors south of Bridge street,) which has been expressly fitted up for his business, where will be found a VERY LARGE STOCK of SPRING WOOLLENS! Of* tlie Latest Fashions, WHICH Win, BE CUT AND MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE Very Latest Stylo r ALSO, WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, -AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. U. T. BOSWORTH. Augusta, Mar. 7th, 1S70. t7mar-tf James H. Leigh, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic DRYGOODS ALSO, AGENT FOE Wheeler & Wilson’s Sowlnc Maohluos 1 NEEDLES End all Touts adapted to the Ma chines, constantly on hand. Water hit., llullowell’, Me. tlaprtf CUSH NOC HOUSE. Corner and Winthrop j_ State Sts., Augusta, Me. T. B. BALLARD, : : Proprietor.' Quests taken to and from the Cars and Boats Free. H0R8ES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. Hlan7(mw____ _ OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR. OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, and ESSENTIAL OILS ot all kinds, at Johnson Brothers. ! Great B eduction -IX THE PRICES OF - BOOTS * SHOES! The subscriber, having a splendid stock of Hoots and Shoes on hauil, will sell the same at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES ! The stock consists of the usual variety kept in a store of tie; kind. LADIES' ami GENTLEMEN’S. HISSES' and CHILDREN’S BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and will be sold cheap, cneaper than the cheapest. J. H. LOW, lOrt WATER St., Auarusta, Me. N. B.—Gentlemen\* Calf Boots one dollar less than at any other store. imay27-3m WANTED! FARMERS and Hunters having prime Mina Skins on huud will And a cash customer at highest market price by sending them to J. II. WELU At CO., TUNING. Subscriber woul 1 inform the sens of Augustu and vicinity, ! will give personal attention to j __0 Pianos. Orders left at his res Idence, 07 Wtnthrop .Street, will receive prouip attention. M. ( . MILLIKEN, febtf-tf Teacher of Plano and Organ MOSES M. SWAN. Watchmaker and Jeweller, 6 bi X E z X ■ E < ■s W K > «. C" x H ► 3 A n His Stock embraces a tine line of American and Swiss Watches. in gold and silver cate, including the celebrated National or Elgin Watch, Waltham, Tremont. Bur min, Itonnett, Pardeaux, Jacot, Ac., in both La bets’and gentlemen’s sizes. Flno Gold J"owolry, Solid Gold Eeoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE PLATED WAKE. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KJMJS, including the celebrated ITIIACA < A LEND Alt all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds ol Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances applied and adjusted to temperature and position fljanTO-tf BATH TIBS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, BRASS «fc PLATED WARE, Cast Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, And every article pertaining to Plumbing kept con stantly on hand and for sale at H. R. STRATTON’S, L'orner Bridge & Water Streets, Under Hunt’s Hat Store. N. B. Plumbing iu all its branches done iu a neat uvi thorough manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. tl2apr-tf •_ DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Ut'N I ML- SUKUtUn, 150 WATER STREET, lugustu, - Maine. Makes the successful treatment of all diseases ol ;hc mouth and teeth a specialty, employing all the atest and beet improvements in the method of fili ng with gold and all proper material. I'h crated ;eeth permanently cured, and their decaved and broken down crowns tilled and built up to their original shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! lireat improvement in the method of constructing and titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR CHAMBERLAIN is inserting a large mini her of sets of these teeth, which for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot be surpassed any w here. The plate will not start or drop down, and is warranted to Ht perfectly. All are invited to call and examine specimens ot teeth made on red, pink and white rubber. FRESH GAS EVERY DAY. tmavG tf Pure Mimes and Chemicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET AM FASCI ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods Titrs Sperm. Lard. R.rMfiif and Sntifoot Oil,. Charles K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE HALL,) Has on hand a Large Solected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SKI. 1.8 AT The Lowest Market Kates ! FOR GENUINE AND RELIASLE GOODS Pirtridge’* Drug Store, Water Street, corner Warket Squar f tjanTOly Great Bargains at WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEC OND HAND Which will be sold Rt very low rales for cash. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Coffins, And COMMON COFFINS of all kind*, and the best trimming*, with Plate* engraved to order, and have Lately added an assortment ol ROBES OP ABB KINDS, All of which will be sold as low a* at any establish ment in the State. C. R. A H. V. WELLS. 22tf James W. Bradbury, Jr., U. S. COMMISSIONER, Office with Bradbury A Bradbury, WATER STREET, - - AEGTSTA. _20tt____ PLUMBING! milK Subscriber beg* leave to inform the citizens X ot Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kind* of Plumbing work at the shortest no tice. Those about to have water introduced into their buildings will do well to call on him before goiug elsewhere. II It. STRATTON, Corner Bridge and Water Streets., Satisfaction guaranteed, lOtf Cruelty to Horses Ami other animals, "VOT TO USE j.1 nwiC'Bi.BJV'H t.t It keeps off Flies; Cures Scratches and Sores; Destroys Vermin. Ac., Ac. So|fl by L. II. TITCOMB, Druggist, aug22-3teod West End Kennebec Bridge. Maine State Fair, 1870. NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS! NOTICE of the intention to enter Neat Stock, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, at the ap pro:.* hing Exhibition of the Maine dtate Agri cultural Society, to be held in Augusta, Sept. 20th-23d, should be forwarded to the undersigned by letter on on before Tuesday, September 0,18*0. 'hat proper arrangements may l»e made for their accommodation. Premium Lists forwarded to any address on ap plication. SAMUEL L. BOABDMAN, Augusta. Aug. 15,1870. Secretary. f3teodw3t S. F. Davenport, Agent for the sale of the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINES - AI.SO AGENT FOR TFIE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Hallow ell, Maine. Place of business has been removed to nearly opposite Western Union Telegraph Office. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ttf-jum-T What Shall We Eat ? 4 LL regular physicians will tell you that Bee XX and Pork is not &o healthy to eat in spring and summer as good Fresh Fi»h. The same can be ob tained at CtSHI>G JL HOLMES’ MARKET. Near R. R. Bridge, Water St., Where ali orders will be promptly attended to lor FISH of all kinds in their season. CUSHING A HOLMES. froayl6-tf Water street, Augusta. j Shooting Tackle. n . W . L o X G. SUCCESSOR TO L. M. LELAXV, GTJ 1ST SMITH And Dealer li» Shooting Tackle of Every Variety Rifles and Shot Guns made to order and war ranted. Old Shot Guns rimmed out smooth and l made to shoot thick and strong. Also, Ammunition ! of the nicest quality. Repairing done Gently and Promptly* lllnstlng Powder. The best quality and largest stock ever kept in this market. For sale at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied in any quantity or quality at dis ; count. ljun-ly School Books! I \\~E HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR I'AI.I. M erTI’I.I* OF .IFF KI.VBS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, Which we are selling on The Most Favorable Terras ! CLAPP & NORTH, HookM-ll.-i-* and Stationers, ISS Water St., Augusta, Me. augg.vttf____ HENRY HEIMS, Wo. 106 Sudbury Street, - - Iloston, MANUFACTURER OF BILLIARD TABLES WITH THE COMBINATION STRING CUSHION. New and Second-Hand Tables always on hand and for sale at the lowest prices. Give me a call laprtS-tim R. E. WILMART1I, Agent. WAR MAPS OF EUROPE. ojfOWiMj every City, Town, Village and Ham | ^ let on the continent. Made from government surveys, anil used by the Marshal*- ol France and Generals of Prussia. It shows exactly where the armies of France ami Prussia are now concentra ted. The .Seat of War given in fall, with portraits of the Emperor Napoleon and King William. Auy live man can earn from #10 to $30 per day. Ageuts wanted in every town in the United Slates. Retail price, 50 cts. per copy. Liberal discount to agents. Address immediately. _ „ Fred a. waldron, aug2-tUtt* Waterville, Maine. HENRY 0. & A. A. NICH0L8, MASONS AND SLATERS. ALL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner, by the day or Job. Particular attention paid to repairs of slate roofs, cementing cisterns, cellars, &c. Orders left at A. P. Gould’s Stove Store, first door above Railroad Bridge, promptly attended to. HKNKf O. NICHOLS, ALBERT A. NICHOLS. Augusta Jan. 1 18fi9. Copartnership Notice. rpHE copartnership heretofore existing under the X name of Bai.laud & Chase, was dissolved July 2d, by mutual consent. Mr. G. S. Ballard, i will continue the business at the old stand, where l the books of the late firm may be found. All per sons indebted are requested to settle the same w ith out delay. * ...... ! G. 8. BALLARD. JOHN W. CHASE. j Augusta, July 30, fB70. Wlw THEEYE._THEEYE. 1 nil. E. HEIGHT ha. discovered a now treatment fertile EVE and EAK, by which he is curing some of the worst caeca ol ! Illimtnoss and Deafness otter known, without in struments or pain. CANCERS! I Dtt. KVIGIIT’S new treatment for Cancers siiv uussos ail Others now in use. It cures without kn I'e, I plaster or pain, and heals without a scar. Every kind of disease treated w ith great success. Hu 3 ore of every kind eradicated from the system. Xo charge for consultation. Olfli.ot HO Hover Ht., Boston. juty'27-wliiu GALL AND SEE!! — THE — MAGEE ADVANCE COOK STOVE, GOLDEN CITY. Sheridan Farmers Cook, Rival Madelion, Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palace Range. Stevens' Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Priceless. And a large assortment of other Stoves both New and Hecond Hand, AT Wlllfiini&oii & Gri'onnood'N. CONY HOUSE, HVfV^fl &TKKET, j AUGUSTA, MAINE. tpiUS new Hotel Affords accommodations superi JL or to any other in the city to the travelling coin* munity, being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS. and very near the Depot. Connected with and adjacent to the House are commodious and convenient Sample Hwomm ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods tree of charge. The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Turner, lute of the Augusta House, w e hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! ii. A. A II. COM', Proprietors. *l4jan&w4-tf_ Hallowell House SECOND STREET, I HALLOWELL, : : MAINS* MK. J. B. IllLl. would respectfully Inform Ids friends and the public that he has opened the I above named house, and has fitted it up ns A First Class Hotel. This house is about two rods from the depot, and is within a few steps of the express office and the business street ol the city. In connection with the house there is a LIVERY TRANSIENT Stable. This house will be opened to the public on the Fourth of July. Thankful for the favors which he has received at liis former **bice of business in Lew iston. the subscriber guarantees to give complete satisfaction t<» the travelling public. J. B. HILL. Proprietor. ftf-julyl! STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Mr. A. F. Morse has just returned frfnn Boston with a very large and desirable assortment of Stereoscopic Views. which will be sold at Boston prices. He also makes and keeps constantly on hand Views of Hallowell and Vicinity. Any views which his customers may want whirl are not in his selection, will be ordered immediate ly. He has a great variety of PICTURE FRAMES on hand. All orders for framing done with neatness and despatch. Pictures of every style, made cheap. Tne Public are invited to call at his lvoms on Water St., corner Uuion St., Hallowell. and ex amine his stock. __ ljnly-ttf RICH’S Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONE of the best remedies for Coughs, Colds, Croup. Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Op|». Post,Office, Augusta, He. Feather Dustesr! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. KENNEBEC SAVINGS BANK! Trustees « W F. HALLETT, Ul SsKLI. EATON, O. ('. WHITKHOrsK. UEANK CHAV, OlilUN WILLIAMSON. Deposits received at the counter of the Freemans National Bank. rlhc net earnings of the Bank arc divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as security. J. L. ADAMS, Treasurer A mil 8th. 1870 15tf VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE, Double Glazed, or Glass-Coated. Sizes, 2 inches to 21 Inches insiUe diameter. FOR DRAINS AND SEWERS. CONTRACTORS and Corporations in want ol j Sewer Pipe, will find it to their advantage to examine our stock of ENGLISH and SCOT! II Butt joint and shoulder Pipe: the largo*1 and beat as sortment ever offered in thin country. For sale by JAMKS EUJIO.V D * CO. at Wharf 388 to 412 f ederal St., Boston. Proprietors of Boston Fire-Brick NN orks« importers and Dealers in Fire-C lay Goods. r july*2i-2m31 ! 20c. Initial Stationery. 20c. 24 SHEETS PAPER AND 34 ENVELOPES put up in a neat box, all #ar 30r., At Clapp & North's Book Store, j 155 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. aug9ttf iCure for Female Weakness! Circulars or further information sent on receipt ot ! btamp, by addreabiug the manufacturer, Mrs. LE XUS BELCHER, Randolph, Maas. For sale by ! Geo. C. Goodwin A Co., 38 Hanover St., and Rust j Bros. Bird. Hanover St., Boston, also by Mrs. Lew is Packard, Winthrop Me. ! A. C. DANA, Xu. 7 Union Block, WATER St., j At'OUST A. The following testimonial is unsolicited, and in j only one of hundreds which I could publish. Munroe, N. V., June 21, 18GP. ! Mr«. Belcher:—We have received your box over a w eek ago, and may God speed you in the good work that you are doing: anti if we never meet on earth, may we meet in heaven. The medicine is helping me. Yours, with respect, 9feb-4m Mrs. SETH M. STRONG. iUioccUany. CHAPTER IN YACHTING. Yachting has its unpleasant as well as agreeable experiences. A writer on board the yacht Atlantic relates his experience of a storm and lightning stroke, while the crait was lying at anchor in Whitestone bay. The last adventure, with which we close the voyage, was more appalling in its character, and fortunately a rare one in the experience of yachtsmen. The principal part of the day we had passed in listless dancing in a calm off Oldfield I.ight. At two o’clock a fresh south erly breeze sprung up and we joyfully sped on our way. Hundreds of sail were in sight which had been detained at the westward by the calm and the thick weather of the last few days, hut were now crowding fast on one another, as if it were a grand race. Our for tunate streak of wind covered only the south ern third of the Sound, and, as not unfre quently happens, other craft had the misery of seeing us hound along at eight knots an hour, while they were still shaking in a dead calm and drilling still » hen we left them hull down behind. Our run brought us by night fall, at the end of forty miles, to an anchor age in Whitesome Hay. All turned in but two of us, who remained to watch the storm then in progress at the westward. It seemed to span a third of the horizon, at too great a dis tance for the thunder to be heard except in the faintest mutterings, but the illumination was incessant and dazzling, while it seemed to be working northward along the course of Hudson river. Such storms we often find follow coastlines without touching the water, ami when they do their violence seems to be abated. In sueh places, however, aa Peconic Hay, which makes a fork of the eastern end ol Long Island, a storm will come up with the tide, divide and go around Shelter Island on both sides, and then retire with the ebb in the same fashion, leaving the land dry aa be About 11 o’clock the storm began to “lift,” ami we became aware that we must catch our portion us its tail swept aronnd to the east. Black as ink the cloud came thundering towards our bay, and the deck was cleared lor action. Kverything that would catch wind was removed, the lashings made more secure, cable paid out freely to the anchor, and nothing left but bare pole and spars to take the blast when it should come. And on it came, roaring over the waters, the black ness of darkness made more visible by the flashes of lightning, which revealed to as an on-coming wave crested white with foam. The water was in fact lifted before the blast and carried along like a roll of ocean suri into the death-like calm where we were awaiting the event, ready to do anything that the awful moment might call for, our princi pal anxiety being about drifting into other craft or on the shore. Nothing could be grander than the crisis. As quickly as a dead forest leaf is turned, over went our yawl, so quickly that the loose oars were caught beneath it; then our own vessel caught the weight of the blow as sud den as that of a trip-hammer, and keeled over on her beam with a tremor as If struggling with a monster come up out of the darkness. Seconds seemed minutes before she had time to pay off througli the water and swing around end for end and point into the blast, the one position of safety, when we could breathe freely under the sense of security. We were comfortable, head to the wind, the first fury aver nothing worse to blow, and the anchor true to its holding. It might rain a deluge, but we were quite at home witli water in any amount. But suddenly there came a crash as of ten thousand columbiads fired at once, or rather a crash that no words can describe, with a blinding daze as if we were enveloped in a seething furnace. To the curious in such mutters we can only say that nothing hut a personal experience could give any idea of the sensation. The order of subsequent impressions was as follows: A recovery of sense sufficient to know I was still alive and unhurt, with the conviction that if it had been otherwise there would have been no eonciousness of what had hap pened ; an anxiety for companions, and re joicing that no one of them was hurt; a feel ing as though the atmosphere was full of va por or smoke; a very strong, almost suffoca ting, odor of ozone, which soon penetrated and filled the cabin, that which is generally termed erroneously a sulphurous smell; and, lastly, the full eonciousness that lightning had struck very near us; as one persisted in saving, in the water a few feet from us. It was all over and we were safe at least. But when the rain held up and we began to stir around, a long fresh splinter of wood was tound in the cockpit This startling dis covery, along with others of the same kind in other places, showed that we had no timo to lose, lor the pieces were from the mast, and there was no telling but that the hull had been penetrated beneath the step, and we imgm ut* m’li luvii umii^ wuii wiucr. .\u anxious search from stem to stern revealed that the nmst, us far as we could reach, was intact; that an eyebolt on the sail had been, by some strung treak, broken otT, and that in two places on the hull at the water line splin ters two inches or more long had been gouged out of the sides just over two nail heads, with out, however, comnjunicating with the inte rior. In fact wo were still water-tight. What saved us from distraction? In the first flush of morning light we discovered the , topmast head all smashed, as with a down ward blow, and looking very much like a 1 demoralised brush-broom standing on end. About two feet below tbe head is & band of ■ copper, to which are attached five stays—two main shrouds, two back-stays, and a forestay carried down to tbe end of the bowsprit; these are all of galvanized iron-wire, and acted as so many lightning-rods to disperse the stroke and carry it harmlessly to the water. That which reached the bowsprit connected with the bobstay—an iron rod con noting with the stem at the water’s edge. The other connected with the chain-plates on the sides, which arc also of heavy strap-iron, but not reaching quite to the water, though we were very likely keeled over at the mo ment. It was beneath and a little to one side of these that the nail-heads spoken of seemed to have been started. The value of wire rig ging has been much debated. Our own ex perience has convinced us that it has not alone sufficient elasticity, and should always be mounted with heiuper lanyards. It can hard ly be so firmly spliced but that a sudden strain will part it, aside from the stiffhess which kills motion; but wire rigging haa saved in this case seven lives, and though the accident of a lightning’s stroke is of the rarest, a careful seaman could hardly wish to be without it. Having been once through such a scene, it is something to look back upon with wonder, with unfeigned thankfulness at the deliverance from peril, and with the hope «that the like we may never see again.