Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN A NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. I. AUGUSTA, ME., 1I!II)AV MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1870. NO. 221 licnncbcc JaunuiL Published oil Water, foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. B1 SFIUUIE, OWEN A NASH. Sail]) Juuucbcc Journal Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives reports of lie- Markets, and has carefully pre* pared political and local articled, and a generous amount of farming, home find miscellaneous read* ing with a full compilation of state new.'. Terms, *7 per annum in advance; *s it payment is not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be had at the bookstore* and at this office. Advertisements one inch in length, three in* scrtions or less, *1.00; 25 cts. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will he inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, *2 per square per week. Mcehl!] iiennebcc Journal, Published -every Wednesday morning, I-* the largest tolio paper in tho State, containing news, pditiual articles, agri uUuntl and scientific matter, t lies, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, 4c., 4c. Terms *2 per annum in advance Transient Advertisements, *1.50 per inch f«»r first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, * per inch fnr first week; 50 cents per week f->r e.v-li subsequent week. Business Notices, in columns, 20 cents per line for first insertion ; 10 cents per line for earli subsequent insertion. All transient advertisement* to be paid for in advance. _ Edward Rowse, 124 W A TE It S Tit E E T DEALER IN Hg Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE ! Agent tor the Waltham Watch C'oinp\v, And LAZARUS A MC.IRIS’ I*ei~fectetl Spectacles. tW special attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of FINE M ATCHES. Chronometer Rnlanccii applied and accurately adjusted to temperature Dosition and laochronism. me TAKE'* BV TRANSIT. tljanTO-tf ■ S. W. HUNTINGTON & CO., Wholesale Dealer, in GENTS’ FURNISHING GUODS 190 Water Street, AUGUSTA, Mil. S4 Devonshire St., BOSTON, M ASS. S. W. Huntington, S. L. Huntington Bon). Huntington, ( has. It. \a>on. HSfeb-ly FIRST CLASS EATING HOUSE! flMIE subscriber would inform the travelling pub* J. lie that Ik* lias opened A First Class Fating House, — AT XO. 1» WATER STREET Gardiner, Maine, formerly known a.> Somes' Saloon. The rooms have all been refurnished in the best possible manner. Tin* Ladies’ Hoorn, up stairs, is large and elegantly arranged. Meals will be fur nished at all hours. Table Boarders Accommodated By the week at reasonable rate.-. And by strict attention to business, the Prop ie tor hopes to merit a liberal share <>f the public patronage. D. ’V. VISING. Gardiner, July Ifl» t87ft. _ jtbi-Jnlyl9 PLUMBING ! rpilK Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizen* JL ot Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing work at the shortest no tice. Those about to have water introduced into their buildings will do well to call on him before going elsewhere. II It. STUATTon. Comer Bridge and Water streets., Satisfaction f/uaranteed. IKtf Fie Medicines aai Cliemals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods Cure Sperm, Lard, Kerosene anJ Neatsfoot Dili. Chillies K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE HAUL,) Has on hand a Large Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SELLS AT The liOnest Market IS ales ! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS Partrirt'M Drug Stor,, Wain Strnt, foran larkrt Kquar tlianlOly _ __ Prairie Weed Balsam! SOLD 1»Y July30-t3teod I.. II. TITCOMB, Apothecary. BOS “W O B/ T EC HAVING BEHOVED TO (2 Doors south of Bridge street,) which lias been expressly fitted up for his business, where will be found a VEItY LAKGE STOCK of SPRING WOOLLENS! Of*.the Latest Fashions, WHICH WILL. BE CUT AND MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE Very Latest Stylo. ALSO, WILL BE FOUND A LARCE STOCK OF Beatty Made Clothings -AND - Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. It. rT- BOSWOTfcTH. Augusta, Mar. 7th, 1^70. +7mar-tt Bitters ! Bitters ! r> 33.. Tsr isr tcs vr ^ CELEBRATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE THE SUREST CURE EOIi Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &e., To which all persons are more or less subject jn Sl’iUN'G and Si'mmek. THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE! \nd composed of some of the best HOOTS and HERBS in the world. Try Them. They are Warranted to do as Becommeuded ! Price, SO Cents per Bottle. PR K1‘A RED AND SOLD ONLY BY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, : AUGUSTA, ME. James H. Leigh, DEALER IN Forcigu and Domestic DRYGOODS ALSO, AGENT FOH Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Mncliiiics ! XEEm.ER and all Tools adapted to the Ma chiuo, coufctantly on hand. Water St., Hallowed, Tie. tlapr-tf CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner Wintfi rop , and State Sts., A nfrusta, Ale. T. B. BALLARD, : : Proprietor. Guests taken to and from the Cars and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tljaiAtMim ___ • OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, and ESSENTIAL OILS ot all kind?, at Johnson Brothers. Great Reduction -IN THE MUCKS OF - BOOTS * SHOES! The subscriber, having a splendid stock of Boots t»n<l Hlioes on haml, will eetl the same at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES ! The stock consists of the usual variety kept iu u store of the kind. LADIES' ami LEXTLEMEVS. KISSES' an«l CHILDKEVS BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and will be sold cheap, clwtper than the cheapest. JT . H . L. o w , lot) WATEH Ht., Auunela. Me. N. 15.—Gentlemen *3 Calf Boots one dollar less than at any other store. )inay97<3m wanted s I FARMERS and Hunters having prime Min* Skins on hand will Jlml a cuth customer at highest market price by sending them to J. II. WELL* a CO.. PIANO TUNING. UMIK Subscriber woul 1 inform the ■■EapaafiJI X citizens of Augusta and vicinity, 11 9 Til *u‘ Kive personal attention to 11*1 f * tuning Pianos. Orders left at his res idence, U7 Winttirop Street, will receive promp attention. M. C. MILL1KKN, fcl»H-tf Tkach kk ok V: \xo an :> Organ DR, A. H, CHAMBERLAIN, DENTAL SURGEON, ISO WATER KTIUaiT, Augusta, - - Maine. Makes the successful treatment of all diseases ol the* mouth ami teeth a specialty, employing all the latest and he.-t improvements iu the method of 1111 iug with gold and all proper material. Ulcerated teeth permanently cured, and their decayed anti broken down crowns tilled and built up to their original shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! Great improvement in the method of constructing and titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DU. CH A M BK It LA IN is inserting a large num ber of sets of these teeth, w hich for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot ne surpassed any w here. The plate will not start or drop down, and i- warranted to til perfectly. All are invited to call and examine specimens ul teeth made on red, pink and white rubber. FKE8II GAS EVERY WAY. tmavG tt Shooting Tackle. M. ffT’L«X«, SUCCESSOR TO /.. .)/. I. ELAND, a-TJISr SMITH And Dealer in Siioolins Tackle of Every Variety Kifleg and >1101 Guns made t«» order and war ranted. Old shot Guns rimmed out smooth and made to shoot thick and strong. Al- •. \minunition of the nicest quality. Repairing done Neatly and Promptly. Itlu^ting Powiler. The be.-t quality and largest .-rock ever kept tn tlti- market. For ault* at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied in any quantity or qualify at dis count. IJan-ly School Books ! »1- E HAVE .TEST RECEIVED OEU I'AT.T. *' vi rr/. j- of .ii.i. hi.vns of SCXIOOZj BOOKS, Which we :ir,* polling on The Most Favorable Terms ! CT.4FF A SOUTH, llookM-lU'i 'i nml Stationer*, (55 Water St., Augusta, Me. aug25-Uf WAR MAPS OF EUROPE. SHOWING every City, Town. Village un<l Ham Id on tlu» continent. Made from government surveys, and used 1 »s the Marshals ot France and Generals of Prussia* it shows exactly where the armies of France and Prussia are now concentra ted. The Seat of War given in /nil, with portraits of the Emperor Napoleon and King William. Any live man can earn from Sl'» to per day. Agents wanted in every town in the United States, lie tail price, 50 cts. per • op\ . Liberal discount to agents. Address immediately, FUEL A WA I.DIJON. aug.-f3\v* Waterville, Maine. S. F. Davenport, Agent for the sale of the celebrated SINGER - ALSO AGENT FOIt Till - L O R E N C E SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. Place of buxine*-.- has been removed to nearly opposite Western Unitn Telegraph Office. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ttf-june? W hat Shall W e Eat ? \LL regular physician^ will tell you that Pee and Pork is not so healthy to eat in spring and summer us good Fresh Fish. The same ean be ob tained at CTSIIIXG A HOLMES’ MARKET, Xear K. II. Bridge, Water SI., Where all orders w ill be promptly attended to for FISH of aU kinds in their season. CrSHIXti A HOl.MKs, imaylG-tf Water street, Aujtusta. 20c. Initial 8tation« ry. 20c. ‘24 SHEETS PAPER AND 24 ENVELOPES put up in a neat box. all tor 40r.. At Clapp & Xortli's ok Store, 155 Water Street, At «;esta, Maine. augOtif FOR SALE AT A BARCAIN ! 1 WILL BELL MY Stock of Hardware! C ONSISTING OF iron and Steel, Glass, \ails, CUTLERY, &c, &c., Which 1ms been recently replenished, together with the trade and good vv ill of the store, Alt a Z3AHGrAir>J 2 To any one desiring to engage in the HARD WARE business, this is an opportunity rarely offered. Terms Favorable. l!»;i WATER STREET. AMOS WILDER. Augusta, July 1 1870. ft f-J tineS Feather Dustesr! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. I AUGUSTA A>I> BOOTHBAY! The EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY will run their steamers Sasanoa and Spray, Two trips daily between Bath and Boothbay, com mencing Tuesday, July 2dd. Leaving Bath at t> A. M. and ;j'a P. M. " Boothbay at & A. M. and ii.'a 1*. M. : The morning boat from Bath w ill lea; e on arrival of the HrM train lmm Augusta, and return in sea son lor passengers to tuke the last train from Bath. Through Tiekets call be had at the Depot in Augusta " M. W. MASON, ttf-july27 A*.i:m at Bath. STEAM HR El L L A f CYPT. WILLIAM MITCHELL. ON and after Wednesday, Jum? 2*2d. the Steamci Ella will leave Augii-ta at « oYolock A. M , ever. .\K»ND\Y. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, I iallow ell, (iardiuer, Richmond, Bath, and Portland. Returning, will leave Portland for Augusta, and intermediate landings* on the Kennebec, every Tt EsDAY Mil Its DAY and SATURDAY, at , 7 A . M. Fares Reduced: on and after Monday. August 22. Augusta to Portland, 81.25 to Itatli .60 *• to Boothbay, .85 FROM VKilSTA to MAV YORK. Passengers by tins route will be ticketed through j to New York by the Meainc! - FRANCONIA and I »l RB i< >. whieh lea\ e Portland tor New York every Monday ami Thursday. Baggage trucked in Port land free of expense. Fare from Augusta to New York: Cabin jj5t3..r><j; meals extra; Deck passage, $■'>•'»<»• The Ella connect-- also at Bath, each trip, with the steamer .■spray for Boothbay. This boat w ill stop at any of the ice-houses on the rneron display of a white Mag a-a signal. For furlln r particulars apply t<* ttt-june’23 IE F. MoRSE. Augusta, Agent. F O R RO S TON ! Spring Arrangement TilK STKAMKU JL STAR of the EAST (u>MMEN< EI> her regular trips from the Ken- ! nebe -. TIH'KSDA V, M«> 1 -Mh, 1-7U, and will, i until further notiro, run as follow -: Leaving Gardiner every Monday and Thursday ! at 3 o’clock, Richmond at 4, and Bath at t> 1*. M. THE STEAMER t’LAIUO.X, . Will leave Auirnsta at 1*2 M.. Ilallowell at 1.4% l*. M., connecting with the above boat at Gardiner. For further particulars iiujuire of W. J. Tuck. Augusta: II Fuller A Son, Ilallowell; T. B. Grant. Gaidiner; J. T. Robinson, Richmond; J. E. Brown, Bath. Gardiner, April 11,1870. tlbapr Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Summer Arrangement. 1870. Passenger train leaves Augusta daily for Port land and Boston at »45, 11 V. M . and 3.15 P. M., ami will be due in Boston at 1 !•’>, s and 10 I*. M., Keturning, leave Boston at 7.3o A. M.aud 12 M . and Portland 7.10 A M . 12 45 and 5 15 P. M.. and. vv ill be due in \ ugu.-ta at I" A. M . .'1.30 and 8 P. 3! Augusta for Va-albon*'. W.iterville. Kendall’? Mills’. >ko\v began, Dexter, Bangor. , at 3.40 P. M. lieturning, will be duo in Augusta at 10.50 A. M. Augusta for Hallowell and Gardiner (dummy car) at 7.30, 11.30 A. Al„ 2.15, i> P. M. Keturning. will be due in Augusta at 7, 8.45 A. >1., 1.30, 5.30 P. ! M. Tltrough freight train* leave Bo- ton daily at t P. M . arriving in Augusta the following morning at | 8.45. . . I A Refrigerator cur is run on the through ln ight trains (both going and returning) earn ing fruit, ; meat. eggs, vegetables. Ac., in good order in the warmest weather. K. I.. LINt ()I,N. >uperintendent. J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON. _ Oflirt' on Winllii'op Street, Kas of State Street.-—opposite Court House. AuSSfS&wtr ISE REWES PAD KILLIAG MAGIC Olli. “It Works like a charm. Have you Headache? Cse Renne’s Magic Oil. Have you Tootharhe ? Cse Renne’s Magic Oil. Have you Neuralgia - Cse Renne’s Magic Oil. Have you Rheumatism? Cse Renne’s Magic Oil. Have you >«*re Threat? Cse Renne’s Magie. Oil. Have you Sciatica ? Cse Renne’s Magie. Oil. Have you a Bruise ? I »o Renne’s Magic Oil. Have vou Cramps? Cse Renne’s Magic. Oil. Have you Cholera Morbits ? 1st* IK line’s Magic Oil. Have Vou Lameness? Cse Reune’s Magic oil. This’ is the Best Family Reined) . to cure all kinds of Pam, v on ever tried. It is clean, safe and delicious to use, and if you use it faithfully, IT WILL DO Y< >C i .< X >D. Directions on each bottle. Buy it id" the Druggist or Merchant where you trade. If they have not got it on hand, they will send for it. at your request, and sell you Gkm*'ink Kksvk’k Pain-Kilmnu Muac Oil., at the manufaeturer’s lowest price at retail. it & ■ Sold by Druggists, Merchants and Grocers, li is put up in three sizes, and called “Trial size,” •‘Medium size." and “Large Kamilv size” bottles. WM. RENNE, Sole Proprietor and Manufac turer. PlTISl IFKll, M vss. Wholesale and retail in Augusta by Marshall Whithed Grocer. ly2tl-eo\v First Letter Foumlrj in New England. Commenced in 1817. Boston Type Foundry Always noted for its Hard and Tough Metal, And Us large varieties ot BOOK AND JOB TYPE, And lately for its unrivalled Ncwh 1» « p o r F ii ecu. ElectrotyplnK Done In nil Us Urn win's. Address orders to J. A. ST. JOHN, Agent, 55 Water Street..Boston SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. Long experience and the utmost care are neces sary to ensure good metal, even with a knowledge of the best combinations—therefore, the safest way is to buy of*the oldest established Foundry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Faces (body, two-line, and dis play) are of our own cutting, and the best made, as a glance at the papers we tit out will prove. BOOK PACES. Our special Specimen of Hook Pages shows grea variety, adapted to all kinds of work, including our Itevived Old Styles, the most perfect embodiments of the letters of the last century yet presented. 4Mf ami ^hctchcs. - -.- ■.— — i THE HISSING JIKOH. Ur hon Hr trlrd IlfHd-tcntrr U'Houleliiin. Of course I was on the .jury, (such was my invariable luck,) and that too at the busiest time of the whole year. They passed over twenty names till they came to mine, and then as the Yankees say, ‘T was walled in.” My experiences as a juror are unremark able, save for the unhappy fact of my be ing always called upon to serve on eases] insufferably dull and unendurably long. In the great tiro insurance record id VViilop vs. the Blue Blaze Company, which lasted twenty-one day, 1 was nothing less than foreman. The atmosphere of the court was akin to that of the Black Hole at Cal cutta, and we were well nigh worn out, when, in order to expedite business, 1 asked the plaintiff'.- counsel a simple question, involving a "Yes'' or “No.” To my in tense astonishment and flitter regret, this innocent query led to a legal argument which lasted three clear days, and drew upon my devoted head the hatred, ill-will and contempt of (1 may call them) my fellow prisoners. It may be as well to mention that I am j an Irishman, a burgess of one of the jiriu I cipel cities in Ireland. 1 am a loyal man , and the only two choruses I was ever I known to join are "God save the Queen,” and "Tor he’s a jolly good lellow.” I con sider that 1 live under a wise and benign Government, and although some of my countrymen are of a contrary opinion, yet when I put it to them, "What would be come of us without England?” they some how invariably fail to satisfy me; and were Food, Gratten and O'Connell to ad vocate repeal for inv especial conversion, I would say, with an honorable member of the house. "My judgment may be in lluenoed, but my vote—never!" In Mftreb, 1 mi‘,7, Feniauism culminated. The green Hag was unfurled at Tallaght, and dragged through the mud. For every man faithful to the cause, fifty were false; for every true man there were fifty traitors ; for every misguided fool there were fifty designing knaves. The ringleaders were captured and brought to trial. Now, to be on the panel at such a time was to say the least of it a ticklish posture of affairs. Never did a Sheriff or Sub sheriff receive so many invitations as those of tlm City of-. Mrs. Sub-sheriff was visited by the wives of tiie Grand Jury, and her babies smothered in bonbons. It i-., however but just to these worthy | officials, to state that they summoned us, ! one anil all, without the least partiality; and not a few of the jury, when they found themselves duly sworn, regretted their yel low or green-seal bottles, and the odorifer ous and trallopseious liquor which had gur gled down the throats of the officials in question. If my wife had not been in an annual condition, 1 should certainly have visited my foreign correspondents, but Matilda Jane’s situation forbade any at tempt at sequestration. Of course I was called upon to serve. 1 IIow devoutly 1 prayed that my well known loyal principles would evoke a chal lenge from the counsel for the prisoner! lSut no—1 had to walk over, while every other man called upon was either rapped up mi the part of the prisoner or on the part of the Crown. Certain unpleasant rumors had gone afloat, to the effect that no juryman's life would L>e worth a “penn’orth o pins" should the prisoner be found guilty. 1 was favored, on the morning of the trial, with a coffin drawn upon a very dirty piece of paper, my own name and date of decease engraven upon the lid. It was also industriously circulated, by gentlemen unqualified for the jury box, that the trials were likely to run oil many weeks, as the eminent counsel engaged for the defence j i were instructed to speak against time, j These pleasing rumors, in addition to the j fact that we were to be precluded from in- , j tercourse with the outer world until we | I arrived at a verdict, rendered the situation | anything but blissful. j “Sildesperandum" is one of those qtio | tations which, it adroitly applied, passes j the applicant as a classical scholar of the j tirst water. Ignorant men don't under j stand it; men of letters imagine there is { ' more from whence that came. At/ desper ! anduin, then, I was sworn in, and took j mv place, with eleven others, to try Pat rick O'Houlaliun. Head meunors. For in j asmuck as,” Ac. The Attorney-General opened the case j in a speech that lasted the entire day. j Half a dozen at least of the jury took fly I ing naps. Old Ckouzler can sleep with one eye respectfully fixed on the Judge, | the other intently planted in the direction j of the Bar. Young Slopmiss, of the firm | 1 of Slopmiss & Gudgeon, and Tompkins’ the feather merchant, retired into the re motest corner of the jury-box, and there —U tempora ! O mores!— proceeded to j play, as they facetiously termed it, three ! ! chalks for ten shillings—being spoil live between two, four tricks constituting a I i chalk. This operation required silence j and dexterity; but as they manipulated the “flats behind Mr. r.nmpwhi-tle—who j is as broad as he is long, and weighs | twenty stone before dinner—they enjoyed | their little game in comparative security ; ! one or the other starting up between the deals as the deal permitted, as if in cxcru I cutting anxiety to catch any labored sen tence the Attorney-General was pumping | out. 1 did a great deal of mental arithmetic ; —gave my boys professions and my girls ; fortunes—during the long hours the law officer of the Crown was endeavoring to impress upon me the enormity of the I crime of the prisoner at the bar. My ex : perience of being in the box is this. * The jury in criminal eases care very little for 1 citations from acts of Parliament, are averse to rpolouged intellectual efforts in the way of harangues; and I would sug gest since printing is now in so high a state of perfection, and so much in use, that a statement of the case lie printed and circulated among the jury immediate ly alter their entering the box. This would save time, and amuse the twelve I gentlemen in question. About four or five or six of us got to gether, and Iregan discussing the question astir where we were to dine, for we saw lire case bad not as yet got into swing. “The Blue bedgown,” said old Cliouz ler, our foreman; “ilrats the house for port “The Blaek Lion,” suggested Slopmiss; "tire Sheriff is mighty partial to their whiskey.” •‘Til bet two to one it's at the Crooked Fluke he'll locate vis,” interposed Tomp kins, “for it's so neat." ‘.Two to one?” said Slopmiss, amid a dead silence in the Court. “1 beg pardon,” cried Serjeant Biglob ; “perhaps 1 can set the respected member ot tire jury right.” AAV considered this rather an awkward matter for the reporters, so Tompkins said, innocently, “Oh, it doesn't matter.” The Judge here interposed, and in formed tire \\ retched Tompkins with great asperity that it mattered a great deal, and the sooner his mind was satisfied on the point, the better. “I assure you, my Lord, it doesn’t sig nify,” said Tompkins, meekly. “And I reiterate, Sir, for your inform tion, that the difference in numbers may cause an undue impression to weigh on your mind," retorted the Judge. “Quite so my Lord; 1 thank your Lord ship,” jerked the learned Sergeant. Tompkins was ready to sink with shame. The eyes of the whole Court j were upon h'm. If he declined to be en ! lightened, he br night down the Judge ! and Bar on iris devoted head; if heaceed ] ed, he should pro round some proposition !lo enable iris bei lg coached. Being a )oung man of a si rggish mind, and not | actuated by a rapid flow of ideas, he con i' sidered he was bound to inform the Court | of the actual state of the case, and ere any of us could prevent him, lie said: "The fact is, my Lord, 1 was only offer ing a Let of two to one where the jury were to get their dinner." A roar of laughter shook the Court, in which the .Judge, and even the prisoner, joined. The peal was again and again re peated, while the leading counsel for the prisoner very aptly quoted: "And wretches hang that jurymen may dine.” After Tompkins had received aeauteriz ing from the prisoner's counsel, and a cau tion from the Judge, the Attorney-General resumed his sing-song statement, quoting acts from all the Georges, reading copious extracts, and, in a word, fatiguing every body but himself: till at leng-n the Judge, looking at his watch, said : "Don’t you think this would be u convenient time to adjourn, Mr. Attorney?” .Sir. Attorney, being wound up, would have gone on till morning: but. deeming the hint significant, accepted the sugges tion, and bundling up his papers quitted the Court, which in a lew minutes was tenanted only by the Sub-Sheriff, the crier, three policemen, and our unhappy selves. 'I hr- Sub-Sheriff was a cross-grained, sour little man, with a great deal of vine gar mixed up with hilt; in his composition, lit- deemed his office far move important than that of the Judge, anti treated all jurymen with a severity savoring more of the slave driver than of the peaceful offi cial. His worst enemy never hinted at his packing a jury and his best friend, when serving, was treated with the same rigor as the most distant acquaintance. •‘Now, gentlemen,” said the Sub-Sheriff, “you will be locked up during the night, this lu-ing a criminal ease. I intend hav ing you conveyed by carts to the ‘Green Inti’ hotel, where every comfort has been provided for yon.” Here a timid juror hinted that it would be extremely desirable for him to see his wife, and pledged his honor to return, if necessary, by cockcrow. “Tut, tut. Sir; do you think I am a fool, Sir?” cried the Sub-Sheriff. “So ab surd a proposition never came under my observation. It’s very wrong. Sir, to make me such a proposition—excessively insulting.” The abashed offender became dumb, “Are yon ready to start, gentlemen ?” “Oh, perfectly,” is the unanimous reply. Then like a set of malefactors, we are inarched by fours between a file of police men to tic- yard, where carts are in wait ing to receive us. We are hustled in, the door hanged, and, with one of the force on the box, are driven rapidly to the “Green Inn” hotel. Here the Sub-Sheriff was assailed by the jury to u man ; "1 want to send home to my wife to let her know';” "1 will require a night-cap and night shirt;” “I must send for my casher to make arrangements to meet my Hills ;” I must have a feather-bed,” and many other demands of equally startl ing and imperative necessity. How this choleric little gentleman ever managed to quiet the twelve of us is still a mystery to me. That ho succeeded, how | ever, is a matter of history ; and we soon | recovered our equanimity, when we found i ourselves seated at dinner, with fowl at the top, roast beef at the bottom, a ham at the side, and better than all, a boiled I leg of mutton confronting the ham. Beer was permitted, and two tumblers ! of punch to each man. Now, as three of 1 the gentlemen present were total abstnn ers, and ;us two of them couldn't hear the i taste of punch, hut as all five were good | fellows, and demanded their allowance ! with a fierce determination, so as to throw the ten tumblers over the remaining seven jurors, things promised to go on very ! smoothly. There were two special constables told j off, to see that we held no communication j with the outer world. These worthy ofti ! ciais remained posted outside the door, but when opportunity afforded, cautiously peered in and counted the heads, so as to assure themselves tnat all was right, as ! they had been threatened with horrible consequences should any contretemps oo 1 cur. Crockery, China & Glass. IMtlCMKN IlKDrCEB ! The prise* ot Crockery, China an«t <Ila-» Ware a, * Jo. 159 Water Street, Arc marked Abwn to meet llw fall in Gold i mavWtl J. I>. P1KHCE A SON