Newspaper Page Text
ILocal anli 3?tate Netos. The streets and roads are getting, dusty again and rain is much needed. We learn from the News that a Cattle Show and Fair will be held at Bridgton on Thurs day, Oct. 3 3th. Messrs. E. C. Allen & Co., have just given an order foradvertising “The People’s Litera ry Companion” in over two thousand Weekly and Daily papers. We understand that the best papers from Maine to California liavc been selected. Four tubular wells have been Runk upon the Fair grounds to obtain water for use during the Fair. Two of them have been tubed anil piped and water brought in abundance of a pure, soft quality. The deepest of these wells is 70 feet, and the shallowest 38 feet. If ' necessary more will he sunk so as to supply a plenty of pure water for all uses. Koine performed her part nobly on Monday , last, redeeming herself from a democratic majority and giving for the republican can- ! didate for representative to the legislature a clean majority of 23. This town has been generally democratic for |eight years, but the people tl ere have become sick of demoeratie majorities and mean to reverse them. Vcsterday morning nt half past ten o’clock, two little boys, sons of Mr. Amos Potter of flardiner, were in bathing in Mill stream in ; that place, and getting beyond their depth, aank and remained under water al*>ut five minutes- Their situation was discovered and they were rescued, and in a short timff were resuscitated under care of several of the physicians. We have received the first number of the j Bridgton Weekly News, a twenty-four col- j unn paper established at Bridgton by Maj. I II. A. Shorcy, formerly of the Bath Times and recently of the Blaine Temperance Advo cate. The copy before us suggests that the good town of Bridgton is to he congratulated. A local paper, such as the News promises to be, should be liberally supported by its citi zeus, and those of the surrounding towns. We wish Bro. Shores- the most satisfactory suc cess. A little past five o’clock yesterday after noon, as Miss Emma Woodbury o( this city, was crossing Water stre et, from the east side, just above the post office, she was run into and knocked down by a runaw ay horse and buggy belonging to City Marshal Farrington. | Miss Woodbury did not notice the approach ing team that was coming rapidly up street, j The first knowledge she h/td of any danger w as when she was suddenly struck. She was struck by one of the thills, knocked down, and falling between the thill and one of the wheel*, was dragged several rods. The horse fell and the buggy was smashed. Miss W. was taken into a store near by in an insensi ble condition, her face covered with blood, and it was (bought at the time that she might be family injured. On being taken to her : home on Winthrop street, and Drs. W. S. Hill | and Brickett called, it was found thatwitli the exception of some bad flesh wounds and bruises on the face and back, her injuries were not serious, and that she will speedily ; recover. Miss Woodbury is the acceptable teacher in the Grove street primary school. Dedlratlei la HallonrU. The dedication at the Univer-alist church in Hallowcll, which has been very much im proved the past summer, took place yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a large congre gation. The order of exercises consisted of in troductory anthem by thefhoir: invocation by Hev. Mr. Moor of Augusta; reading of select portions of scripture by Hev. J. O. Skinner of Waterville, and singing. The sermon was j preached by Hev. Mr. Moor of this city. His ■ text was the first and second verses of the 84th Psalm, “ How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts. My soul longclh, yea even fainteth for the courts of the living God."— The leading kleas were, God has endowed man with a religious nature, the result of which is seen in the various forms of worship, in the erection and consecration of churches, and even in the religious rites of the heathen. In these facts we find the hope of humanity. Rod is opposed to all wrong, and will continue to work upon the minds and hearts of all men until every form of wrong and wicked ness comes to an end. The; speaker closed by urging upon his hearers the idea which the new house of worship should symbolize—a re newed and earnest longing for the living God. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. J. M. l’aine of Gardiner, who we believe is to preach to the parish every Sabbath in the fore noon. A response by the choir followed the prayer, after which the declaration of dedica tion was made by Rev. Mr. Paine, the dedi catory anthem was sung, and Rev. J. O. Skin ner addressed the society somewhat in the line of the sentiment of the discourse. A dosing anthem was sung and the benediction wns pro nounced. BowBolaham Baptist Association Third Day. A profitable prayer meeting was holden in the early morning yesterday. At 8 o’clock commenced the regular daily session of the association. The committee on obitu aries reported the death of two members the past year. Rev. Wm. Wyman of Livermore, and Rev. Daniel Pierce of Greene. Reports on state of religion and Sunday Schools were presented, discussed and accepted. A series of resolutions on Y. M. C. A. was presented by the committee on that subject, heartily endorsed by several speakers and passed. The resolutions acknowledge, with devout gratitude to the great head of the church, the signal manifestations of llis saving grace through the labors of the Y. M. C. A.; that they have operated in localities that havo been neglected by the Christian church ; hail with delight the spirit of Christian union characterizing their labors; and regarding it as a valuable auxilary to the church. It was decided to authorize a committee to tak1 measures to secure a colporter to work with in the limits of the association. A vote cK thanks to the members of the church in Au gusta and other Christian friends for enter tainment and courtesies, to the choir, and to the railroad company, was passed. Tliet followed a prayer meeting of deep interer for half an hour, after which Rev. Mr Bart lett of Livermore Kails preached a sermon from llaggai 2:9, “And in this place I wilt give peace, saith the Lord ot host.” Th* closiug prayer was oflered by the Moderator, I?cv. Mr. Crane, a hymn was sung, and the association adjourned finally. The next annual meeting will be held in Bowdoinham. i The resolutions passed Wednesday evening take strong grounds in favor of foreign and home missions; recommend the Baptist Pub lication Society, and liberal contributions for benevolent objects; that ministerial educa tion is intimately connected with the welfare of our churches; maintaining an unequivocal position in the temperance reform; recom mending the dissemination of a pure religious literature; that the church engage heartily in all the various ways of doing good, and es pecially to pray and labor for the outpouring of the Spirit. The attendance on the association meet ings lias been large, the sessions very in teresting. and it is thought that the influence upon the church arid community will be salu tary. flrrmen's Reception. Bath, Sept. 13, 1870. Bunker Hill Hose Company, No. 2, now on a visit to our State, were received by steamer City of Bath, No. 1. with full ranks, and all the honorary members, accompanied by the Bath band, which discoursed most beautiful music; while the Hunker Hill hoys were ac companied by the old Boston Cornet band.— The 7J train came in on time, and was re-1 ceived by three or four thousand people, de-| termined to give the Bunker Hill hoys a hearty welcome, after which they fell in to line anil were escorted to the Sagadahoc House, ; where good supper was awaiting them. They j were welcomed by the Foreman of steamer City of Bath in beliulf of bis command and the citizens in general, which was responded to by the Foreman of Bunker Hill Hose Co. After supper they adjourned to the Engine bouse for a social lime, when story telling and music by the Boston Cornet Band was the order of the day. The licit sound we beard before going to sleep was the Cornet Band serenading some of the city officials. To-day they visit Cotton s al Harding's Station, where they were at last accounts, having a good time. They wind up to-day’s sports with a grand ball at Music Hall. To-morrow, Thursday, all the Fire Department turns out and goes to Lewiston, where they will be received by I all the Fire Department of Lewiston, and a grand ball in the evening at Auburn Hall.— 1 That they may enjoy themselves hugely is the wish of an old ex-fireman. Engineer Mc lionn of Charlestown is with the Bunker Hill boys. F. Softening of the Brain is becoming un comfortably prevalent. Statistics show that in ten years, 1856—66, 11,685 deaths were registered from this cause in England alone. This disease emanates from overtaxing the brain and not supplying substances to replace the waste. By the use of Fellows’ Com pound Shut of Hypopiiosphites the mate rial for thought is supplied, the mind made vigorous, and the body fortified against dis ease. dfwlw Going! Going! Gone! Faster than the auc tioneer’s hammer knocks down merchandise, neglect disposes of the teeth. Bid, therefore, for that prize of life, a perfect set, by brush ing them regularly with Sozodont. ‘'Spalding’s Glue," has now taken the place of all Cements and Mucilages. flweod imperial Notircs. THE DAILY JOIRYAL For the Fair! During the State Fair, besides our usual amount of reading, telegraph, political, domestic and local news, we shall give a Full Report of the Fair,: Describing the various articles on exhibition at the State House, ami ou the grouuds, ami giv ing an ac - count of the trotting, award of premiums, farmer.-’ discussions at the Court House, and all other mat ters of interest relating to the Fair. As our paper will be extensively circulated and read throughout the city and on the Fair grounds, it will be found a good advertising medium. Extra copies for sale by newsboys, a* this office, and at Fierce*®. SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. Dice. At Booth bay, 7th inst., of Typhoid lever, Mary Caroline, wife of J. K Phillips of skowhegau, and daughter of James Bell, Esq., of Skowbegan. BATH BOOTHBAY! The E A ST Kit N STEAMBOAT COMPANY’S STEAM EBS Sasanoa and Spraj. Fall Arrangement ! ; On and after MONDAY, September 19th but one trip will be made each way daily, Sundays excepted, Leaving Boothbay at K o'clock A. M., “ Bath at :i>» o’clock P. M. X, H.—No boat will be run from Boothbay on Saturday afternoon, the 17th Inst. W.M. \V. MASON, ActKNT at Bath. E. THORPE, Agent at Boothbay. EXHIBITION -AT STATE HOUSE. fPHK assignment of articles at the State House X will be as follows, ucarly : ltotun«la. Finn Arts. Carriages and Sleighs. Agricultural Room. Field Crops, Butter aud Cheese, Grains aud Seeds. Adjutant General’* Office. Musical Instruments. Room No* U. Bread, Sugar. Maple Syrup, Honey. Fruits, Jellies, Canned Fruits, Meats, Ac. Room A'o. £. Hoots and Vegetables. Wool, *Flax and Hops. Representative* Hall. Household Fabrics, Patents and Inventions, Sew ing Machines, Harnesses. Furniture, Wares and Cutlery. Boots and Shoes, Carpetings, Ac., Millin ery, Hats, Caps and Furs, Printing and Binding, i Miscellaneous. Nenate Chamber. I Needle Work ami Embroidery. Flowers. ! For location aud space, apply at the State House, 1 to John K. Hooper, Assistant Superintendent. Checks will be given to Exhibitors for articles en tered, which at the close of the Fair, must be re turned to the Assistant, having charge of the de partment where the article is exhibited. Exhibitor’s and “help” passes must be obtained from the Superintendent. SAMUEL WASSON, 8ui»eriiitcudent of Hall. Augusta, Sept. JO, 1870. _ sept 1ft _ A MEltl( A\ BROlLEKN, Table Cutlery, JTjl Plated Forks and Spoons, and Housekeeping Goods at VtTlllamion A Greenwood aua87-ttf STATE FAIR - - 1870. I To Exhibitors at the State House ! ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, September 15th, the Department id' Entries for the Fair at the STATE HOUSE, will be established there.— j Articles for exhibition will be received, and checks j given therefor. CHARLES IL OKUSKY and LUTHER LOUD ) Arc the entry clerka on duty. SAMUEL L. BOAHDMAN, Sept. 15,1870. ftf Secretary. For Sale. Avery pleasant situation on swan Street, with n front on the street of a hundred and fifty-five feet by about eighty deep. The resi dence with its appurtenances and part of the lot will be sold, or the whole, comprising the Carriage-shop, to suit the purchaser. Apply to the subscriber on the premises. sept 15 fiw G. PHILLIPS. A. LITTLEFIELD, UA VINO returned to his old stand, next door t° the Journal Block, would inform his friends and the public that he is ready to manufacture BOOTS SHOES, either PEGGED or SEWED. REPAIRING! done cheaper than at any other shop on the Ken nebec. A. Littlefield. Align-Xu, Sept 14. 1870. him AUCTION. Great Trade Sale ! 75 NEW CARRIAGES AT AUCTION, September 24th, at Portland, Me. The undersigned " ill commence a series of Full Trade Hale**, and offer 75 new carriage* at auction at their spacious ware-rooms in Portland, on Saturday, sept. 24. at 10 o'clock A. M. Theme carriage* embrace every style and kind made «»j used in this State, varying in price from 85 to SOO dollars. Many nf them our own make, of the most c hoic e and de*irablc* style*. We design to make these sales permanent, and every carriage offered, will be sold without reserve. Catalogues with lull descriptions will be ready Sept. 22. • C. P. KIMBALL & LARKIN. f>eptl5-bt Knickerbocker Mutual Lire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERASTUS LYMAN - * • PRESIDENT i f pills is one of the oldest, most reliable, and best 1 X dividend paying companies iu the country. i ASSETS OVEB $7,200,000! Liberal arrangement, will be made with Agents, J and they are wanted in all parts of the state. Apply at AUGUSTA, -ME., i:tu Water Street, (uiwstalrs) to ; CHARLES WHITE, Manager lor Maine ami New Hampshire. March 22, 1870. . LKinar-tf New Goods! New Goods ! ,Wc are now opening our stock of S U >1 >1 E It Dress Goods | Comprising all tiie NOVELTIES of the SEASON! We coll special attention to our stock of BLACK BILKS! For Ladies’ Suits and Out side Garments. Also to our JAPANESE SII.US. In Plain, Plaids, and Stripes N. B.—Always on hand, Androscoggin Remnants OF BltOWN COTTONS. Burton A Russell. June 13, 1870. Ttf GET THE BEST SEWING MACHINE ! -Which is it ? The Weed Improved for 18705! Why *o ? Because it will do auy and All Kliula of Work that can be done on any Machine in the World, as stitching, hem, fell, bind, braid, ruffle, tuck, quilt, hem stich, gather and sew on at the same time, performing a greater range of work than any other machine. It is more SIMPLE in it construction, easier KEPT IN ORDER, runs ♦ asier and FASTER than any other macbiue yet made, Maehiues Sold on Installments. Fully warranted to do all that is claimed for them, or may be returned and the money paid re funded. ( Han't fail to call anti see them before pur chasin'/, as it trill tare many unhappy moments.) Old Weed Machine Depot, III Water Street, GEO. W. JONES, Agent. Augusta, Aug. 31,1S70. T*tt' 0. C. WHITEHOUSE & CO., -DEALERS IN Foreign ttntl Domestic DRY GOODS! And Carpetings, 7VO. 17a WATKB STBJJET, AUGUSTA, Me. o. C. Whitkhouse, Daniel Wiiitehousk. fmay‘24*tf Wanted, Immediately! rilWO GIRLS to do CHAMBER WORK, and A Two for Laundry and Common Housrwork. The highest wages paid for experienced hands. Good reference required.—Apply at the AUGUSTA HOUSE. Augusta, Aug. 11, 1870._+tf RICH’S Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONE of the best remedies for Cough*, Cold*, Croup, Bronchitis, and all affection* of tho i Throat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Opp. Post Office, Augusta, Me. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. | By the Western Union Line—Offices in I Ion dee’s | Buildingopposite the I*«st Office,and atthe .State House.] WAR IN EUROPE. PRUSSIA REFUSES AN ARMISTICE. Preparation* to Entirely Surround Paris. T1IE SIEGE OF STIUSBURG. Encouraging advices from the Prus sian Advance. THE CROWN PRINCE STEADILY ADVANCING ON PARIS. Conimiuiiriition destroyed between Pam and Lyons. ALL THE BRIDGES AT PARIS DESTROYED. Tho Gates of Paris to bo Closed to morrow. ARREST OF A PRUSSIAN SPY. Hazaine reported Marching on Paris. London, Sept. 14. Midnight—It was stated this evening, semi officially, that Prussia has evidently refused to grant the armistice so energetically pro posed by the governments of Russia and Aus tria. It is however anticipated that when the Prussian troops are well before Paris, King William will consent to negotiations w ith this view. Intelligence from l’aris states that Prussian scouts have made their appearance in the im mediate vicinity of the villages of Jloissy. Vertgalent, Epiny and Chambrav. Arrangments have been made in Paris to entirely surround the city by w ater in three hours time. The dispatch of Gen. Plrich. the heroic Commandant at Strasburg, is as follows : StrAsmirbo. Sept. !*. “Affairs are in a deplorable condition, and are growing worse. The bombardment from the Prussians’ ad vanced works is incessant and frightful. 1 shall hold out to the end. (signed) Ui.richs, Commandant of city of Strasbourg.” Berlin, Sept. 15. Encouraging advices have been received from the extreme advanced quarters of the Prussian forces around Paris. Despatches from Melun, Capital of the de partment of Seineetmame, 27 miles S. S. E. of Paris, represent that the Crown Prince Frederick William is steadily advancing. London, Sept. 15. The communication between Paris and Ly ons has been destroyed, the Prussians having cut the wires and railroad at Monterean, six teen miles south-east of Meluc. Firing was heard at l’aris yesterday from the direction of Melun. The railroad service between Paris and Ly ons has been stopped, • All the bridges which can be reached will be destroyed to-night. Italian unity seems to be nearly accom plished. The sympathy of the people of Borne is al most entirely with Italy. A despatch has been received from Flor ence dated yesterday, announcing that the Papal garrison of Muntario had been cap tured. Lieut. Gen. Angelettis should now be before if not in Rome. Latest. Paris, Sept. 15. The French troops w hich recently crossed the Rhine into Berlin territory, will probably remain separate on German soil. Reinforcements have gone to them. Gen. Trochu in his order of the day to the Garde Nationale says: The result of the re view was very gratifying, and lie feels as sured that the defence of the city will be admirably sustained. l’aris is ready to sacrifice all, ia order to give time to France to organize for irresista ble defence. Last night the Prussians wer“ awakened by cannonade all along the ramparts. It was supposed that an attack had been made, and there was some excitement, which how ever was allayed, when the announcement was made that the Germans were only prac ticing. The shops of the city are mostly closed, and the masters and the employees alike, are drilling. The workmen and the National Garde have made another demonstration of regard to Minister Washburne and the U. S. government. Lord Lyons the British Minister, warns the English residents of Paris to leave the city now while they may. The Place de la Concorde is filled with the soldiery of the National Garde. A Prussian was discovered to day in a se cluded place, firing a rifle at one of the baloons which was being used on an out-look by the military authorities. He was prompt ly arrested. A great nuinberof French Tireurs are en camped at Montmartre. The Prussians to-day were camped at Croix, Aux Bois, Gaston, Glas and Fontaine, near the city ot Nageut Bur Seine. The Lilians appeared, but retreated, when it be came evident that the people meant to give them battle. It is reported that many large Beige guns ! of the Prussians are deeply embedded in the | canal of La Maine Au Itliein. The Prussians ! attempted to transport their guns by this canal, and the French suddenly let the water out of it. It is said this will delay the siege for considerable time. Fort Lyons has been completed, and many troops ure reaching there daily. The guns l are all in position. Advices from all parts of France say that large sums of money are being subscribed ! for the national defence, and large forces are being raised and equipped in all departments. A party of American volunteer# passed : through 'fours to-day coming to Paris. The conscripts of the regular army are drilling here daily. Accurate calculations place the number of the advancing Prussians at four hundred :thousand. To-morrow the Capital will be completely isolated. All the railways have been cut ex cept the lines runnii g west from the forest M ontmoreney. The Foreign Rouey is now burning and the other forests will be destroyed to-morrow. The gas connections will not he cut for a few days. Gen. Troelm published a proclamation to the troops to-day. Neaillv is full of supplies—water ami food. The gates of Paris will be closed to-mor row. There are now over six million pounds of gunpowder in Paris. Seventeen bridges over the Siene have been destroyed. No French fortress h»» yet been taken. Paris is grateful for American sympathy. All classes arc resolved to fight to the death. M. Thiers has received further instructions to treat for peace, and hopes are entertained for a successful result. The Council of Spanish Ministers have de cided to recall Olozaga from Paris lor having exceeded his instructions. Hot. 11.1.10X, Sept. 15. Sedan has been placed in a state of siege. The Mayor has been arrested and the popu lation expelled. The Prussians apprehend the approach of Hazaine, who is reported to have escaped from Metx, and even said to have reached Cariguan. Msumn. Sept. 15. Rivero is quite ill and his resignation is ex pected. Rodrigues will probably be appoint ed to succeed him. Special to N. Y. Herald: Roillon, Sept. 15, 10-50 P. M.—Part of Marshal Hazaine’s army has cut its way thro' the Prussians at Metz, and is now marching on Par s. Mejcdeesheim, (Sept. 15. The ri'j>ul>lic lias been proclaimed at Stras I nrg. A detacbnient of Gen. Keller's command dispersed a force of French riflemen near Col mar. on Wednesday. FROM MONTREAL. International Boat Race. The Tyne Crew Victorious. Montreal, Sept. 15. The International boat race took place tins afternoon. The weather was fine with a light breeze. The two crews started at 16 minutes past five. The Tyne crew were naked to the waist, and the St. Johns in fancy shirts. Ilotli dipped their oars simultaneous ly. but after a few sweeping strokes the Tyne took the lead. At one hundred yards the Tyne seemed to increase their lead, rowing well within themselves a magnificent stroke. At quarter of nine the St. Johns men drew upon them a little, but the Tyne crew put on tremendous spurt, the boat jumping out of the water at every stroke, and at a half mile was one length ahead. On turning the buoy the Tyne crew led them three lengths, and on the home stretch, rowing at an unparalleled pace and perfect precision, and won the race by six clear lengths. Time 41 minutes and ten seconds. The winners were received with the wildest enthusiasm. The people seemed to have ’gone mad with excitement. The Tyne crew rowed in the "Dustan on the Tyne.” a nice boat. 40 feet, 6 inches long, 17 1-2 inches wide, and weighing 90 pounds. The St. Johns crew rowed in the shell “James A. Harding,” 43 feet long, 18 3-4 inches wide and weighing 110 pounds. The Tyne stroke averaged 38 per minute, and the St. Johns 42. FROM CONCORD. Concord, N. II., Sept. 15. Fire in the Woods. A fire has been burning in the woods at Rattlesnake liill. about one and one-half miles north of the city, since Monday afternoon. At present over 200 acres have been burned, but it will probably not extend much further. The loss is considerable. FROM NEW YORK. New York, Sept. 15. Three of the crew of the steamer Bienville ! have died of yellow fever since her arrival j from Havana on Monday. President Grant drove from Long Branch | to Freehold, N. J.. yesterday, to attend an Agricultural Fair. FROM BOSTON. Boston, Sept. 15 Destructive Fire. A fi re in Weymouth yesterday destroyed the store of F. Bonny & Co., together with the dwelling houses owned by M. H. Reed, Wm. Field, and Thomas Kinkman. Loss. 812,000; partially insured. FROM BANGOR. Bangor, Sept. 15. The annual Fair of the Penobscot Agricul tural Society which closed to-day, has been the most successful ever held here. The at tendance has been very large, and that of to day much exceeded that of the two days pre ceding. The sweepstakes purse was competed for to-day by Wheelden’s "Right Bower,” Sulli ! van’s "Bully Brooks,” and Frank Berry's j "Lady Chapman,” The race, best three in five, was won by "Right Bower;” "Bully Brooks” second. Time, 2:30-37-35-38. In i the race for double teams was W. B. llay | ford’s "Lady Garland" and mate, and O. M. Shaw’s -'Only Sister” and “Harry Bond.” The former won in 2 :56 1-2, 2 :65, 2 :53. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Stock Market. New York, Sept. 15. Mariposa. 5* do. pfd. 10* Canton Co. til* Cumberland Co. 30 Weatern Union Tel. Co. 34* Quicksilver Mining Co. 4* Pacific Mail, 42* Boston Water Power, 12 Boston, Hartford A Erie, .3* ! Adams Ex. Co. to Wells, Fargo A Co. 40* American Merchants Un. 40* II. S. Ex. Co. 38* S. Y. Central and Hudson River W* do. scrip, 88* Harlem, 133* do. pfd. J34 Reading, 87 Mich. Ceutral, 118* Lake Shore and Michigan Southern iw* Illinois Central 136* Cleveland A Pittsburg, • 107 Chicago A North Western. 82* do. preferred, 88 Chicago A Rock Island. 1147* I Mil. A St. Paul, 63* do. preferred, 81 * Toledo, Wabash A Western. 52* Toledo, Wabash A Western profoi red 75 Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, to* Terre Huuto, 24 | do. pfd. 57* I Alton, 1127g do. prefd. Ill* I Ohio and Miss. 34* j Erie, i.1* i do. pfd. 47 New York Mohey' Market. New.York, Sept. 15. Gold closed 114*'. United States Sixes ('coupons), 18811 114V “ “ 5-20’s 1882, 112 V 4 44 “ 1884, 111* 4 4 4 “ 1M415, 112 4 *• 44 1885, .lan. A •Tuly,’ 110* 110* “ “ • “ 1888, 110* “ “ JO-IO*, (coupons), 100* New York Prodncc Market. New York, Sept. 15. COTTON—sole* 1.100 hales: mid. uplands IP*. FLOUR—state 4753500; round hoop OhiooJOflOlO; western 4753010; southern 5158800. WIIKAT-itales 14H,G0t) bu; No. 1 spring 1158lid; No. 2 do. 1053112; winter red and amber western, 1283130. COHN—new mixed western, 83384; old do. 120 in store. OATS—state 50354; western 48350 POKK—mesa, 20.25; prime. 25.00. LARD—steam. Id; kettle, 10*. BUTTER—Ohio, 20330;"state, 2Gg42. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Sept. 15. FLOUR—spring extras 4503.*50. WHEAT—No. 2, 101V CORN—No. 2, 83. OATS-315 tor No. 2. MESS PORK—2d 50. BARLEY—109 lor No. 2. LA Rl>—15*. HENRY 0. & A. A. NICHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. A LI. work in their line done promptly and in a jt\ good, workmanlike manner, by the day or job. Paiticular attention paid to repairs of slate roofs, cementing cisterns, cellars, Ac. Orders left at A. P. GouldV Stove Store, first door above Itailroad Bridge, promptly attended to. HENRY O. NICHOLS, ALBERT A. NICHOLS. Augusta Jan. I 1800. (rreat I JiU’^alns at WELLS’ FUBNJTUBE BOOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEC OND HAND Which will he sold at very low rates forCASU. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Coffins, And COMMON COFFINS of nil kinds, and the best trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment ot ROBES OF ALL KINDS, All of which will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the .state. C. R. A II. U. WELLS. 22 tf CONY HOUSE, II\tTKK STttKKT, AUGUSTA, MAINE. rpilIS new lintel afford* accommodation* superi L or to any other in the city to the travelling com uiunity, being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS, and rerif near the Vrpot. Connected w ith and ndjaceut to the House aiu commodious and convenient S A 91 P I. k Hoamn ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods free of charge. The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Turner, late of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. ..Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! G. A. Si II. COXY, Proprietort. *14janlw4-tf THE EYE. THE EYE. DR. E. K AT!■ IIT has discovered a new treatment for the KYE and EA It, by which he Is curing some of the worst cases of Blindness and Deafness ever known, without in struiuents or pain. CANCERS! Dr. Knk;ht*S new treatment f$r Cancers sur passes all others now in use. It cures without kn fe, plaster or pain, and heals without a scar. Every kind of disease treated w ith great success. II u 5 ors of every kind eradicated from the system. No charge for consultation., HO Dover Wtv XIoMton. ju\y‘27-w<*m Pure Drugs & Chemicals FOR SALE At the Lowest Bates ! TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH, ENGLISH, & DOMESTIC SOAPS, CAMPHOR ICE, Dentifrices, English Cold Cream, Coudray’s Cosmetique and Pomade, Bay Rum, German and Domestic Cologne, Hair Oils, Dressings, Restorers and Dyes, Perfumery, Sachet Bags, Toilet Powders, Motn and Freckle Lotions, Camclia Balm, Laird’s Bloom of Youth, Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, Barnes’ Mag nolia Water, Shaving Cream and Soaps, Shaving Brushes, Razor Strops, Nail Files and Cleaners, Tweezers. Hand Mirrors. Dressing Cases, PUFF BOXES, irony, tortoise shell, hors Dressing and Pocket Combs, FINE COMBS, Nail, Tooth, Hair, Hat, and Clothes bhusiies : [ Tlieriuoinetors, Work Boxes, ' PORTE MONNAIES, Pocket and Bill Books! Feather Dusters, l’AINT & WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SPONGES & CHAMOIS SKINS! Cigar Cases, Cigars and Tobacco, Humphrey's Homeopathic Specifics, Wellcome’* and Fitch’s Remedies, and all the popular Patent Medicine*, Pure, Drugs, Chemicals A Family Medicines, Frosth. ProMod Herbs NEATS’ FOOT, Lard, Sperm, Olire, and Kerosene OILS, cFo.. tfcc. W tall ami examine, and you will dnd PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded j from pure Medicines at all hours of the day and "'yht' A. €J. DANA, BaiotnsT xiu Apothecary, ■ Successor to J. 1*. hKKKiMJ, No. 7 Union Block, Water Street, Augusta, Me. . ly*7 MILLINERY ! I " Fall Fashions. The best display of Trimmed Hats & Bonnets Will be found DURING T1IE FAIR -AT Miss SOULE’S, 15 Water St. wlm*S8 CALL AND SEE!! - THE - MAGEE ADVANCE COOK 8T0VE, GOLDEN CITY. Sheridan Farmer* Cook, Rival M&delioft, Union, Hiohraond Portable Range, Palace Range, Stevens’ Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Pricelesn. And a large assortment of other Stove* both New and Wec-oncl Hand, AT WIIII»q»on A Cirernnood’i. Tew goodsT JUST RECEIVED, -A large lot of Trunks, Ladies' Shopping Bags, Gents’ Bags, Lap Rugs, Horse Blankets, Curry-Combs & Brushes. Also a large stock of WHIPS. Purchasers will please call and examine. Water street, Gardiner, 8PRAOUE & 8TUROIS. septO-ftf Cutlery and Hated Ware! A full assortment of Pakio and Pocket fnf/rry, Scittort Tf?.l Tff.1 , Iff. Also Plated Tea Setn, Ice Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, .Spoons, Fork* and Castors of tlie best quality, at PIERCE'S CROCKERY STOKE, No. lit# Water Strut - - Anguata, ninji-ftf New Store! Confectionery & Fancy Cake mam; fa ctohy, No. lOO Water Street AUGUSTA, YlTHERE may be found a Large Assortment ©f a'hk'sat .n.anai r ./.voiivx, embracing the usual kinds, and many JYetr Sifgiet, made from the Purest stock. Call and examine oar goods at No. UK), a few doors below the Post Office FANCY CAKE made to order. septS-ftf Music in Classes. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public of Augusta and vicinity, that be pro poses to teach Piano; also singing in classes. Classes on Piano to consist ©I six pupils each. This system has many advantages, and the expense is less than private lessons. Private lessons given if preferred. Would also invite the attention of the public to the H. F. MILLER PIAXOS ! For sale at his Music Room, Forth’s Block, OPPOSITE CONY HOUSE. The use of these Pianos in many public institu tions and schools has gained for them an enviable reputation, and throughout the country they are becoming the most popular4*ianos manufactured. Classes arranged on application at Music Room or Residence, #7 Winthrop street. M. C. MU.LIKEN, Teacher of Music. aprPJfim Cruelty to Horses Anil other animal*, XT OT TO I'SK Hf'MI.I.VA r.IJI0O£If It keeps off Flies; Cures Scratches ami Sores; JJet-troys Vermin. Ac., Ac. Sold by L. H. TITCOMB, Druggist, nug22-3teod West End Kennebec Bridge. LAWN VASES ! Wishing to close out our stock of Lawn nnd Garden lasts, We offer them at REDUCED PRICES. J. D. PIERCE Si. SOU, aug.Vftf glYo. lit® Water Street. HENRY HEIMS, rVo. lOO Hndbnry Street* - - Boston* MANUFACTURER OF BILLIARD TABLES WITH THE COMBINATION STRING CUSHION. New and Second-Hand Tables always on hand and for sale at the lowest prices. Give me a call apr28-fim U. K. W1LMART1I, Agent. OFFICE OF TUB AMERICAN WATCH CO. \ WALTHAM, MASS.. Nov., 1868. S W’c have appointed EDWARD ROWSE, 124 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, And SPECTACLES, our selling Agent for the city and vicinity of AUGUSTA and intend to keep in his possession at ai times such a stoct of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, llVITf lf .If O PA.H lf.1T* as will enable him to supply any demand, either at "Wholesale or .detail, which may be made upon him, and AT RATES AS FAVORABLE as are offered at our Sales Rooms in Now York or BOaton. FOB ARKRICAN WATCH COMPANY. JR. E. ROBBINS, Treas’r. THE LEADING CHURCH MUSIC BOOK Of the Season ! The Choral Tribute. By t. O. KMBRS03L The Beet Snored Music Book ever written by the author. Entirely new. Choirs and Congregation, are da lighted with it. Price $1.30; $13.30 per doaeu Sample copies sent post-paid ou reeelpt ef price. OLIVER DITSON A CO.. *77 Washington Street, Boatwn O. H. DITSON A CO.. Xew York.