Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN A NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM.' SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. . VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 24, 1870. NO. 228 Jinntfljtc Quintal, j Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, 1 AUGUSTA, MAINE. BY SPBAlilE, OWES ii SASH. Sailg Jinuubfc journal. I Is issued every morning, except Sundays. CoutiUut the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives reports of the Market®, aud has carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of farming, home ami miscellaneous read ing with a full compilation of State news. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; $8 it payment i 8 not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be had at the bookstores anti at this ollice. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertions or less. $1.00; 25 cts. for every subsequent i nsertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 3* per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. ‘aatcclilg JU'imcbec Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, la the largest folio paper in the State, containing news, political article*, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terras $2 per annum in wlvunce. Transient Advertisements, $1.50 per inch foi first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, t: 0« per inch for first week: 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, in read,tip columns, JO cents per line for ilrst insertion; 10 ceuts |»er lino for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in j advance. ' — ! FIRST CLASS EATING HOUSE! rpHE subscriber would inform the travelling pub- < J. lie that he has opened A First (lass Eating House, -AT- j NO. 19 WATER STREET Gardiner, Blaine, formerly known a.» Soviet' Saloon. The rooms hare all been refurnished in the best possible manner. The Ladies* K'mm, up stair*, is large and elegantly arranged. Meals will be fur nished at all hours. Tabic Boarders Accommodated My the ureek at reasonable rates. An«l by strict attention to business, the Prop ie tor hones to merit a liberal share of the public patronage. ^ Gardiner, .July 16. ltffO._^m-julylft_ PLUMBING! fT\|lB Subscriber beg.- leave to Inform I be citizens 1 ot .Vntustn nod rli inlty thnt he Is prepared to do all kind* of Plumbing w ork at the ^hortert no tice Those about to have water introduced into their buildings w ill do well to call ou him before going elsewhere. H ,> STRATTON, Corner Bridge dnd Water Streetb., Satisfaction pmarantertf. B'.tr Fare Medicines and Cbenticals! Brushes, Combs, Soups aud Perfumery; cuuick Toiui m mri miens: Physicians' & Apothecaries' (ioods Firs Sperm. Lard, Keroicae and \eatafoot Oils, Charles K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Squaro, (UNDER GRANITE HAUL,) Has on hand a Largo Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AMD BE LI.ft AT The Lowest Market Rates ! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS Partridge'* Prig Jtorr. Watrr Street, comet XarLet Sqmr flj»n70ly_ __ Prairie Weed Balsam! sold nr JulyHO-rateod hi II. rmJOMB, ApottiCOMT* STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Mr. A. ±\ Morse ha* just returned from Boston with a very large and desirable assortment of Stereoscopic Views, which will he sold at Boston prices. He also make* and keeps constantly on huud Views of Hallowell and Vicinity. Any viow. wbi' li bis custom.!» may want wtaiot are not in hi a .election, will bej?'l''ro;Unim<'d bvto ]y. He has a great variety of T*1CT( RE L ItANIhs i on hand. | All orders for framing done with neatness and despatch- Pictures of every style, made cheap. The Public are iuvited to call at Ins rooms on Water St., corner I’nion St., Hallowell. and ex amine his stock._Ijnly-ftf Shooting Tackle. m. wT“loko, SUCCESSOR TO L. M. L EL AND, QUN SMITH And Dealer In Shooting Tackle of Every Variety Kitten and Shot Guns made to order and war ranted. Old Shot Guns rimmed out smooth and made to shoot thick ami strong. Also, Ammunition of the nicest quullty. Repairing done Neatly and Promptly. 1 SLumtinv Powder. The best quality and largest stock ever kept in this market. For sale at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied In any . quantity or quality at dis count. Ijan-ly 20c. Initial Stationery. 20c. 34 SHEETS PAPEK ANI) 34 ENVELOPES * put up In a neat box, all tar 30r., At Clapp & North's ok Store, 158 Water Street, Alol.ta, Maine.']_ [amcattf Harnesses and Harness Goods ! Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Curry-cornhs, Brushes, Cards, i\.U hinds of Intcforlng, ICnoo Boots and 'I’x’Ottlixs Boots. And Everything pertaining to a well regulated Maltle COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Cony House.) 143 Water Street, Augusta. Don't pay two pm file on your Trunks, but buy at the only place iu Augusta where they are manufactureil And sold at Manufacturer’s Prices, AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trunk Factory! Sign of the “BIG TRUNK.” HAVING engaged a Fir-t i las- Workman on Sole Leather Work, we are now prepared to furnish Sole I^c-utlier rI'i*uiiKs of llio llewt Qunlity. The only place in Maine where a first-class trunk it* made. CALL AM) KXAMINE. No. 1 Eugrnir, Saratoga. Monitor, Zink C ar; Trunks of all classes, Ladles’ Drens, Common Drets, VALISES, both sole leather and common. TRAVELLING A SHOPPING BAGS SHAWL "TRAPS—-In fact evert thing in the way of convenience to the travelling public. Coller tfc Gardiner, 14!} Water Street. AUGUSTA. aeptlG-ftf_______ . Of AGEE’S NEW PORTABLE RANGE! ! THE LATEST AND BEST. Combining1 the Advantages of All Others I With many SEW and PATESTED Features. BEAUTIFUIi IN RESIGN • PERFECT IN OPERATION ! OAIili AND SEE XT ! Every Range Warranted in Every Particular!! For Sale by A. 1*. GOULD, One Door North Kail road Bridge, A l(. 1ST A. • _ Also for made the New anil I mproved C ook Stove, For Coal and Wood—1 he Best Stove m the Market. l^ie “Golden Kagli* Furnace,” For Coal, constantly for sale. ang*i>ttf James H. Leigh, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic DRYGOODS ALPO, AGENT FOB Whoeter Sl Wilson’s Sowing Maclaines S !\r.i:i»Li:s and all Tools adapted to the Ma chines, constantly ou hand. Water St., llallowell, Me. tlapr-tf CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner and Winter op State Sts., Anausta, Me. T. B. HaLLABD, : : Proprietor. Quests taken to and from tho Cars and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tltai.ifMim nCONY HOUSE, II\MTER STREET, AUGUSTA, MAINE. rpHIS new Hotel a fluids accommodations snperi L or to any other in the city to the travelling com muuity, being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS. and very near the Depot. Connected with and adjacent to the House arc commodious and convenient Kample HO(MI* ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods free of charge. . _ .. _ The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mr. Turner, iftt • of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share ol tne public patronage. ^Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! G. A. & H. CONY, Proprietor*. *14JanAw4-tf Maw. Institute of Technology. IJnthance Examination Thursday, septkm j rbk tv. ror C’atiilogiie,, iipply lo Pkoi'essor Kamuki., Boston, M»*a. MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, b* Urn t* H T. w H < £ »*; SC ► G A m. e X H ► > 2 H His Stock embraces a lino line ol| American mid Swiss Watches, in gold and silver case, including the celebrated National or Klgm Watch, Waltham, Tremont, Bor* .juin, Bonnett, Pardeaux, Jaeot, Ac., in both La* dies’ and gentlemen’s sites. Pino Gold Jowolry, Solid Gold Leoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STER LI Mi At COIN SILVER OOODS, FINE PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS or ALL KIXDS, including the celebrated ITI1 At A CALENDAR all of which will be sold at flic Lowest l*riccs, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds oi Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances.applied and adjured to temperature and position +l}an70*tf S. F. Davenport, Agent for the sale of the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINES -ALSO AO ENT FOR THE F I, O B ENCE SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. Place of business has been removed to nearly opposite Western I'uivn Telegraph Office. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ttfjunc7 Notice. 4 N ALTO SINGEU, possessing rapid reading and choir singing qualities, cun hear of a situa tion in a Choir by addressing l . C.. box 42, Augusta P.O. flW Augusta, Me., Sept. 17,1870. FOR SALE ! V GOOD SECOND HAND SAFE. Enquire of S. W. FAIRFIELD, Of Post Office box 761, Augusta. uepl-0-ttf For Sale. 1 VERY rLEA.SANT SITI ATION on SWAN Street, with a trout on the street of a hundred and tllty-tlve feet by about eighty deep. The resi dence With its appurtenances and part of the lot will be sold, or tin* whole, comprising tin Carriage-shop, o suit the purchaser. Apply to the subscriber ou the premises. septPHILLIPS. Why do People FUCHASE THEIR FISII at BIKEKS FISH .M ARKET I liuraiu-c llwy got what they call lor. Suppose they get poor tlsh?why, they don’t often ! but if they do their money is re funded. Fish, Lobsters, and Clams, Fresh and nice, delivered in any part of the city. J. N. lll KKH, (■urdftner. Gardiner, Sept. 15,1870. septl7-t3m Buy the Best! eureka"RANGE For Wood or Coal! For Economy, Durability, Beauty of Design and Finish, THIS RANGE HAS NO EQUAL! Perfect in Every Respect, It commends itself to every one In want of a First 4’lass Cook Stove ! Sold in Augusta by WILLIAM It. WOODBURY. Also some of the BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES in the Market, and a variety of House-Furnishing Goods ! A few Doors south of Railroad Bridge. tl2mar«fcw-ly SOMETHING NEW rpHE IIALL TREADLE to be attach to J. any Sewing Machine. Takes but very ttle strength to run. Always starts the right way; ut ;er backwards. No starting or stopping the machine with the hands. Call and see it in operation. sepD-ftf G. W. JONES, Agent. DENTISTRY ! IVevv Dental Itooins, HI NT'S BLOCK, next door North of Post Office, AKiil'ST.l, : : Tluine. \lr E beg to inform the public that we have estab yy lished this otlicc permanently for the practice of Dentistry in nil its branches, our long experi ence in both Boston and NVw ^ ork enables us to execute all operations in the best possible manner W o give our patron? the benefit ol all the latest and best improvements without extra charge. Our char ge? will be very moderate in all eases. Artificial Teeth inserted at the following greatly reduced prices for one m>>nth . Beautiful sots of Gum teeth $15 to $20. Temporary “ Plain “ $10 to $15. Partial sets in proportion. Teeth extracted witiiopt Pain. F. II. FAIJCS Al C O., Surgeou Oentlsts. sept 14-1 Knickerbocker Mutual Lire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERASTUS LYMAN • - - PRESIDENT 'Fills is one of the oldest, mo?t reliable, and bent X dividend paying c^npained in the country. ASSETS OVER $7,200,000 ! Liberal arrangements will be made with Agents, and they ure wanted in all parts of the State. Apply at AUCU STA, ME., 130 Water street, (up-stulrs) to CHARLES WHITE, Manager lor Maine and New Hampshire. March it, 1870. ttvimar-tf WANTED! BY an experienced teacher, a situation to teach the coming winter, where good wages arc paid, or as a??i?tant. Languages taught if desired. References given. Address r-cpM-Mw Box B, South China. A. LITTLEFIELD, HAVING returned to his old stand, next door to the Journal Block, would inform his friends and the public that he is ready to manufacture BOOTS & SHOES, eithor PEGGED or SEWED. REPAIRING! •lone cheaper than at any other shop on the Ken nebec. A. Littlefield. Augusta, Sept. 14, lffTO. t3m HE^RY O.~& a! a. NICHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. \LL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner, by the day or Job. Particular attention paid to repairs of slate roofs, cementing cisterns, cellars, «fce. Orders left at A. 1*. CSouldV Stove Store, flrPt door above Railroad Bridge, promptly attended to. HENRY O. M( HOES, ALBERT A. MCliOLS. Augusta Jan.l 1809. AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. ORGANIZED IN 1848. Deposits of any amount not less than one dollar, received daily from 9 A. M. to l 1'. At., and from 2 to4 , 1*. M. Interest on deposits at the rate of seven per eeut., will commence on the flr»t iloy of the month, next ,-ucoeeding the day of deposit, and is payable Feb ruary Land August 1. If not then ealfed for the amount is added to the original deposit and put on interest— thus making compound interest semi anually. Money loaned to depositors at any time, on a pledge of their Bank Book. Office In SAVINGS BANK BHLDING. 174 WATER STREET. pept8-tAwtf W. It. SMITH, Treasurer. (LAPP k NORTH, BOOKSELLERS, And Dealers in Staple and Fancy Stationery, Fancy GoocIn, Ac. 155 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. TECH DRY EARTH SYSTEM I For the Sewage of Towns, Factories, Hospitals, Prisons, Hotels and Private Houses. VMPLK experience has shown the Dry Earth System to be mpre efficient in preventing foul smells*, and far less co.-tlv in construction and re pairs than the Water Closet System ; ami that it is in all respects entirely satisfactory, whether lor the Sick Room or for constant use. The Earth Closet offers to all, in town and conn- I try, every benefit possessed by the Water Closet, at far less coat, with the additional advantages, that it is portable, and can be moved to the bedside in the ’ sickroom. It promises more in immunity from offensive ! odors, from infection in disease, and in the saving of fertilizers than has ever been accomplished by a single in\ ention. In the COMMODE, the apparatus and earth res- j ervoir are self-contained, and u movable pail takes j the place of the vault. Eor use in Bed Rooms, Hospital Wards, Infirm aries Ac., the Commode is invaluable. It is entire ly fro from those faint, deforesting tutors, common to portable water closets and night stools, and through it* admission one of the greatest miseries of human life, the foul smells of the sick room, and one ot the most frequent means of communicating infection, may he entirely prevented, for circulars ami full information, address L. W. GRAFTON, Agent Earth Closet Co., No. 7 Bridge’s Block, Augusta, Me. septfi-ftaw-wtf DI R IC O BUSINESS COLLEGE ! AUGUSTA, : : Maine. t'plIIS Institution will bc^opcn for the admission X of students September 5th, 1870. Business Course embraces all branches neces sary to a Comph tc Bu.-iuess Education. Students of all grades of Scholarship are admit ted. Terms less than at any other Business College in the country, offering equal facilities. Scholars may enter at any time. For full particulars, apply at the College, or address Waitt tC’ Webster, Augusta, Maine. 37-tr This Remedy does not simply relieve lor a short time, blit it produces perfect and permanent cures of the worst cases of ( tironic Nasal Catarrh, and / will pay f‘>00 reward for a due fhat J atunot curt. “Cold in the head” and Catarrhal Headache are cured with a few applications. If you have a dis charge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, stop ping up of the nose at times, partial loss of the sen-e of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull, have pain or pressure in the head, vou must rest assured that you have Catarrh. Thousands annually, without manifesting half the above symptoms terminate in Consumption and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or It ss understood by physicians. I will -end my pamphlet on Catarrh to any address free. Dr. .sage’s Catarrh Reinedv is now m)LD BY MUST druggists in all PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt 00 cents, or four packages for two dollars. Beware of counterfeits and worthless imitations. See that my private Stamp, which is a positive guarantee of genuineness, is upon the outride wrapper. Re member that this private Stamp, issued bv the United Mates (Government expressly for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, name and address and the won Is “U. s. Certificate of (Genuineness” engraved upon it, and neetl not be mistaken. Dp n’t be swindled by travelers and others representing themselves as‘Dr. Sage; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and right to manu facture the genuine Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. R. V PIERCE, M. D. tjnne21—eod&wSm 133 Seneca st.. Buffalo. N. Y. Crockery, China & Glass. PHIf’EH UEDrCED ! The prices of Crockery, China and Glass Ware at yo. 1 oi) Water Street, Are marked down to meet the fall in Gold’ tri J. D. PIERCE 4 SON. DRUG STORE -FOR SALE IN Brewer, • - opposite - • Bancor. I»R. LOCKWOOD, ou account of poor health, | offers his • DRUG STORE and DWELLING HOUSE for pale, in the best location in Brewer for DRUGS and MEDICINES. An excellent opportunity for a Physician w ishing to retire from practice. For particulars inquiry may be made, by letter or otherwise, of DIC. J. D. LOCKWOOD, on the premises, 4 Centre Street. Brewer, Mu Inc. septf-ftaw -4w I “Calais Advertiser,” once a week-4 weeks. { “Moulton Times,” once a week-4 weeks. “Lewiston .Journal,” times a week-4 weeks dai ly tV once a week-4 w weekly. UirPlease copy, and semi Dill as above, with pa ' pers containing advertisement._ THE EYE. THESYE. jnkK mi. K. »4 \ H.1IT has discovered a new 1 treatment for the KYKand KAH.lij which j he is coring some of the worst cases ol I Blindness and Deafness ever known, without in j strumeuts or pain. CAN GEES ! Dn. Knu.htN new ireatment for Cancers sur : passes all others now in use. It cures without kii fc, i plaster or pain, and heals without a sear. Kvery kind of disease treated with great suceess. Mu i 5 orw of every kind eradicated from the system. No j charge for consultatioo. OflloCf NO Dover Wt.. Mo.ston. July27*wdm Cjri*ea.t Bargains at WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Btreet, Augusta, Me. A I.AUGE ASSORTMENT OK NEW AND SEC OND HAND Which will be sold ut very low rates for cash. We also keep tiro best stock of Walnut Caskets and Coffins, And COMMON COKKINS of all kinds, and the best trimmings, with I’lates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment ot KOBES OP ALIr KINDS, All of which will be .old as low as at any establish ment in the State. C. R. A II. U. WELLS. I -hitf I j I_H GENERAL Insurance Agency, Cranite Block, sontb side Marlet Sq,: AUGUSTA, ME. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Over $00,000,000.00 S j Ilia Life lance Coin, Hartford Conn., Chattered 1819. Charter Perpetnal. Losses paid in 51 years, $27,000,000.00. Assets, July 1, 1870, 8ft,714,378.00. iEtna Life Insurance Comp’y, Hartford, Conn., Assets, January 1, 1870, over §14,000,000.00. It has over 13,000 members, AND An Annual Income of over Six Millions of Dollars! Traveler’s Insurance Comp'y, Hartford, Conn., JL.ilVi ami Accident. CASH ASSETS §1,457,719.C4, Jan. 1, 1870. FniAM-itrjiKr Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Assets, January 1, 1870, §2,825,783.68. City fire Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN. Huger Williams Ins. Company, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Merchants' Insurance Comp’y, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Atlantic Fire Insurance Co’y., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Eastern Insurance Company, BANGOR, ME. Marine Rlslta Effected on reasonable terms in Reliable Companies. aeptlO-ftf VMEKir.M BHOILERN, Table Cutlery, Plated Forks and Spoons, ami Housekeeping Louda at Williamson *v lirnuwiuid’i. umrsitif KKWIISKI SAV1XGS BAAk! Trustee* s IV F. HALI.ETT. HCS8ELL EATQN, O. C. WHITEItOUSE, DEANE PRAY, Oil HI N WILLIAMSON. Deposits received at the counter of the Freemans National Bank. The net earnings of the Bunk are divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as seonritj. J. L. ADAMS, Treasurer April 8tb, 1870 lotf MILLINERY ! fall Fashions. The bet*t display of Trimmed Hats & Bonnets Will be found DURING THE TA.III —AT— Miss SOULE’S, 15 Water St. THE BUBDETT CELESTE AND Combination Organs AHEAD OP ALL COMPETITORS ! lluing the most perfect instrument that musical ear listened to;—producing musical tones from the*o/T* eat awl most deltott# trhiaper to the deeh swelling tone of the pipe organ. Prices lor Cash, from ibS to $400. , —ALSO: — llaxelton Bros. Piano-Fortes. Marshall A Weudell Plano-Forte*. Superior instruments, at very low prices tor cash. And other Musical Merchandise of every dee-crip tiou, nt John C. Haynes & Co., No. :« COURT STREET, • - BOSTON, MASS Price Lists and Circulars sent ou application. lOly Lns«ll Female Sem nary, AT Atbl'RNDAI.E, MASS. Ten mile* weft of Bouton. Instruction thorough careful, complete. Advantages for Music, Paint' ing, French andCertnau, unsurpassed. Particular i attention naid to common and solid branches. I Teachers chosen with great care. Combines the advantages and comforts of a school and home. Number limited to 40. Neat year begins Septem ber Pith. Address 1 3m48 CHAS. W. CUSIUNti* pteUantj. KtK.IL ITEMS. Sulphur is highly recommended as a deodorisor. The Maine Farmer gives an ins unce of its effects in removing the offensive odor from a dairy house where a skunk had been killed. From carefully conducted experiments, by different persons, it has been ascer tained that one bushel of corn will make little over 10 1-2 pounds of pork, gross. A cultivator uses cut cornstalks as a mulch for his hills of strawberry plants, and finds advantage in it that the mulch ing material is free from seeds, and the strawberry plants in the spring send up the shoots through the cut stuff and the fruit is kept from the earth and the soil, and is cleaner. In the summer, old potatoes should be peeled and soaked in cold water several hours before they are cooked. This makes them nearly as dry and good a» when first dug in autumn. Old potatoes should be put in cold water, with a little salt in the pot. Boiling slowly—the slow er the better. If the water stops boiling, they are apt to tie watery. A correspon dent of the Country Gentleman weighed the hay that he had bought as a ton by al lowing 500 cubic feet, ond found it weigh ed only 1480 pounds. The hay was mostly timothy, with some clover and white daisy. I'bc hay was over a base ment, part two and part four feet deep, pressed with straw, but on pitching he found it was not as solid as he expected. An Australian farmer recommends that cows should be given twice a day one pound of maize siftings, two pounds of chaff, and a tablespoonful of salt, well dampened. He tried it two years ago, being short of keep, and his cows, which otherwise would have gone dry, doubled their milk and continued in milk all the writer, and were fat and sleek. The Essex Banner asserts that small quantities of sunflower seed, mixed with the food of a horse, will impart a flue glo-s to ids hair, while it is also a cure tor founder if given immediately after the ailment is discovered. In the latter ease about a pint of the, seed should be mingled with the otits or chopped feed, when a cure will be effected. A distinguished poulterer says: “It is a well known fact to owners of poultry that occasional use of onions, mixed and fed to poultry with their other food, is one of the best ways of keeping a yard of poultry in health. I am afraid it has not received the attention and use that its merits really demand. 1 am well satisfied that the use of this vegetable would prevent three fourths of the disease that a poultry yard is subject to.” Many families about tow ns and suburbs of cities, who have not pasture and con veniences for keeping a cow, might keep a milking-goat to great advantage; they are easily cared for, and not costly to keep; may be fed on the slops of the kitchen, if milked regularly twice a day, one will yield a sufficiency for a small family. Goat’s milk is very healthy, very nourishing, and is often prescribed for the sick during convalescence. -.onehenge, in his work on the horse, tl.'nks putting a lump of rock salt in the ranger for tne horse to lick, is the only safe and useful way of giving salt to horses. He thinks given in this way the 1 . se will thrive better for the season. He says that generally a pound of rock salt will last a horse nearly a month. He has not found that the use of salt increases the thirst except when at first given. A poor farmer cannot conceal the tact that he is a poor farmer. All his surround ings proclaim the verdict against him— his horses,cattle, wagons, harness, ploughs, fences—even wife and children bear silent but unmistakable evidence against him. On the other hand, all these things will testify favorably on behalf of the good farmer. Every passer-by can reaa the evidence pro and eon. This fact alone ought to stimulate every farmer to do his best, for the snke of his own chameter, as well as interest, tor he may rest assured that every passer-by will pronounce judg ment according to the evidence. AUCTION. Great Trade Hale ! 75 NEW CARRIAGES AT AI'CTIO!*, September 24th, at Portland, Me. The undersigned will commence a ecriee of Fall Trade 8alet», I and Offer 75 new carriage* at a action at their spacioua ware-room* in Portland, on Saturday, St‘ill al 1® o’clock A. M. These carriages embrace every style anti kind made or ueed in this state, varying in price from tt.l to HOO dollar*. Mauy of them our own make, of the most choice and desirable styles. We design to make these sale* i>*rcnanent, and every carriage offered, will be sold without reserve. (. dialogues with lull descriptions will be ready Kept. 22. C. P. KIMBALL ft LARKIN. septUMK Picture Frames! GHR0M08, BRACKET8, ALBUMS! Ac., Ac., Ac., In Large Variety. Picture Frames of any sue made to order at abort notice at Hendec’s Photograph Rooms,. Opposite Post Office, Augusta.