Newspaper Page Text
ILocal anti State Netos. Capt. John Green has been appointed Keep er of Heron Light, Vinalhaven. The New Vineyard Agricultural Society will hold their annual Show and Fair at New Vineyard Mills, Oct. 3d and 4th. W. W. Thomas, Jr. has presented a silver cup to liis namesake, the first child born in New Sweden, whereupon the Sunrise com pares him to Bomulus and Queen Dido. The bridge across the Jepson stream on the line of the Portland & Rochester Railroad is new completed, and is said to be one of the best and most substantial pieces of work in the country. The Congregational Society of Camden have remodeled their church, making it very convenient and roomy us well as architect urally tasty. Mr. William Simpson is erecting and lias nearly completed a line new hotel ou the site of the old Frontier House in Calais. There are twenty-eight new buildings in process of • erection on the ruins of the fire. There will be a special meeting of the members of Bethlehem Lodge F. and A. M., tliis afternoon at one o’clock, in Masonic Hall, for the purpose of attending the funeral of their late brother, Capt. Archibald Clark. Richard Fawcett, formerly Division Engi neer on K. & L. R. R. lias been appointed to to take charge of a division on the Maine Central Railroad from Danville Junction. Ilis residence at present is at New Gloucester in this State. The Country Teachers' Institute at North Anson last week is spoken of as having been attended with great success. The conductor of the Institute was Prof. Allen, of Pennsyl vania, who was nssisted hy C. B. Stetson, of Lewiston, and the County Supervisor, Mr. A. if. Eaton. Last Tuesday afternoon while a number of men were at work caulking the schooner “Friendship,” up on the shore of the Penob scot. the vessel keeled over upon them. Fred A. Bragdon of Brewer, was unable to escape and one of hie legs was crushed to a jelly from foot to knee. The Chronicle says that last week the mas ter bridge builder, Clias. H. Davis, pro nounced the railroad bridge at Farmington ready for the trains. About 11 o'clock A. M., an engine and a platform car load with sleep ers went across. The bridge lias been pro nounced, by those capable of judging, to be one of the best structures of the kind in this country. The September term of the Supreme Ju dicialCourtof Knox County began in Rockland on Tuesday morning, Judge Barrows presid ing. The Rockland Free Press says the number of new entries is 23!), of which 113 were entered by llirani Bliss, Jr., of Wash ington. This is said to be the largest num ber of entries ever made by one lawyer in Knox County, or in old Lincoln, and prob ably the largest number of entries ever made by any individual lawyer in this .'State-, at any one* term. Under Granite Hall, corner of Market Square, is Partridge’s Drug Store, an institu tion worth visiting. Beside pure and reliable medicines, Mr. Partridge keeps the finest stock of Perfumery, Brushes, Pomades, Soaps, and all kinds of Toilet and Fancy Goods, of which he makes an elegant display. Pure spices, flavoring Extracts, California Wines, Plant Trellises, Pure Cream Tartar, Soda, and everything that a good druggist should keep. Make your pur cliase at Partridge's Drug Store. MoBlnatloM hi the Soveraor. Fob the State. Gustavus G. Cushman, Bangor, J. P. Q. George A. Phillips, Waterville, J. P. Q. George A. Lockwood, Oxford, To Solemn ize Marriages. Sargent Rich, Slandish, do do Joshua A. L. Rich, Tremont, do do James Maraik-n, Portland, do Androscoggin Co. Levi Coombs, Lisbon, Coroner. Cumberland Co. Edward W. Fox, Portland, J. P. Q. George E. Bird, Portland, J. P. IJ. Inez A. Blanchard. Portland, J. P. Q. FBANkl.IN Co. George II. Palmer, Kingfield. J. P. Q. Hancock Co. F. P. Spoflord, Deer Isle, Not. Pub. Kennebec Co. Washburn Benjamin, Gardiner, J. P. Q. Leonard B. Brown, Augusta, do Penobcot Co. F.dwin H. Nason, La Grange, J. P. Q George E. Chapin, E. Orrington, do Herbert Fuller, Bangor, do Washington Co. Samuel 1). Leavitt, Eastport. J. P. Q. The Fuaeral of Mr. Laflln. The funeral of the late John B. Laflin, whose life was taken by assassination, took place at the Methodist Episcopal church in Hallowell yesterday afternoon, the services beginning at 2 o’clock. The church was com pletely filled; business in the city was almost universally suspended, and a Sabbath si ill ness pervaded the streets. The services were begun by a beautiful and appropriate hymn sung by a quintette of voices. The pastor, the Rev. C. Fuller, then read the first ten verses ot the XXXVII l’salm, also the XXXIX Psalm and the XXII chapter of Revelations. Rev. Mr. Death, pastor of the Free Will Baptist church, then announced the 10»’>3d hymn, which was appro priately sung. The pastor then made a brief and affecting address, eminently suited to the occasion. At the close of his remarks, which were listened to intently by the large audi ence, a devout prayer was offered by Rev. A. R. Crane, pastor of the Baptist church, in which the unliappy man who committed the awful deed was ceminendcd to the infinite mercy of his Maker. At the close of the prayer an anthem was touchingly rendered by the choir. The bene diction was pronounced by Rev. Mr. Heath. The temperance society of which the de ceased was an active and honored member, attended on the occasion, clothed in regalia. The occasion was one of deep and universal sadness. For tin- effect produced by Fki.i.ow 's Com pound Stbupof Hypoi-hosi-hites in ] >iseasea of the Lungs the inventor is permitted to refer to the medical gentlemen in St. John, N. It., whose signatures are attached hereto : Wit. IIavard. M. 1). Edwin Bayard, M. I). Thomas Wai.ker, M. 1). John Berry man, M. I)., Ed. Hr. Johnstone, L.K.C.K., Ed. GeorgeKeator, M. 1). W. H. H a k in no. M.H.C.S. John Baxter, M. I). J. I). White, M. I). T. W. Caruitt, M. J). I, Aaron Alward, Mayor of the City of St. John,in the Province of New Brunswick, hav ing examined the letters of Drs. Earle, Addy, Clay, Jacobs and Chandler, and also the sig natures attached to the foregoing permit of reference, hereby certify that I believe them all genuine. I can also testify to the high therapeutical value of Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypo phosphites, and consider it deserving of atten tion by the profession generally. In testimony whereof I have ,-a-, hereunto set my hand and affix ( Great ) ed my Seal of Mayoralty at the ( Seal. j city of St. John this 6th day of --,-- February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-eight. AARON ALWARD, M. D., t&wlw Mayor of the City of St. John. i®~BI essed are they who seek relief from “Liver Complaint,” “ Billiousness,” severe lingering Coughs and Bronchitis, by using l)r. Pierce’s Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discov ery, for they shall he happy in knowing that the cure is complete. #1000 rew ard is offered by the proprietor for a medicine that will equal it in the cure of all the diseases for which it is recommended. For constipation of the bow els and as a blood purifier, for the cure of Pimples and Blotches on the face, Salt Uhcum, Erysipelas, and all skin and Scrofulous dis eases, this medicine is unequalled. Sold by druggists. +&wlw A Gentle Whisper to Mothers.—If un fortunately you have lost your own teeth by neglect or mismanagement, take care that your daughters do not suffer the same penalty from the same cause. See to it that they brush their teeth regularly and thoroughly with Sozodont, and thereby you will insure them sound and serviceable sets as long as they live. “Spalding's Glue.” handy and useful. codlw yk jRarrictJ In Goldsboro’, 17th inst., Charles II Colt to Mis* Olive Towle. In Lisbon, 17th inet .Charles S. Barbour of Gray, to Mis* Ella II. Atwood of Lisbon. In Buxton, 20th inst., Frank N. Davis of Boston, to Miss Ida II. Harmon of Buxton. Diet;. In New Gloucester, 17th iuet., Mrs. Sarah Tufts Bradbury, aged 84 years. In Durham, 13th inst., Mr. Clcmont J. Haskins, aged 58 years, fi months. Xotk e ! Messrs wasson, i'kim ivai. amt hoe BKOOK. a Committee of the Board of Trus tee* of the Maine Mate Agricultural Societyt duly appointed for that purpose, will be in ses’rion at Room, State House, on Wkunksday, Septem ber i8th, for the purpose of auditing un«i settling the bill* consequent upon holding the Static Fair of 1870. Parties having bills against the Society, are requested to present them at that time. Per order of Trustees. SAMUEL L. BOARDMAN, Augusta, sept. 23, 1870. uf Secretary. A Reliable Man C1 AN NOW SECURE THE AGE NLA for the / County of Kennebec, for one of the oldest and most reliable Lite Insurance Compauier—Pheruix Mutual Lift*, of Hartford, Conn. Established 1851. Purely Mutual. Rates lower than the majority of companies in United Mates. It is paying as large dividends as any company in the country. Nearly ull restrictions removed from its policies. .Vo extra rates for insuring Railroad Employees or Females. Its ratio of losses is lower than an\ other company of equal age. It insures on tin* All < <i*h, contribu tion plan, and also on half note plan, two distinct systems. There is no company in the country that is easier for Agents to work than the Old Phoenix, nor a com pany that oilers greater advantages to the insured. For particulars, Ac . apply to GEO. A. JONES, (ion. Agent, sept24-Mw Aw3w * Portland. Me. FOR SALE. IX>R SALE in Hallowed, about Thirty acres of 1 tillage and Sixty acres of wood land" and pas ture. For particulars inquire in Hallo well yf sepCW-fly THOMAS H. HUBBARD. Wallet Lost ! BETWEEN Augusta and the National Military Asylum, or in the streets of Augusta, Friday evening. Sept, ifith, a CALFSKIN M ALLET, con taining between fl* amj $23. The tinder will be, liberally rew arded by leaving the same at the store of ASA HEDGE, Augusta. septMklw* Sept, lb, 1870. For Sale! A HOUSE AND LOT with out-buildings, situa ted in a pleasant location near Pettengill’*Cor ner in Augusta. There i* an excellent Well of Water which never fails; al-o. several thrifty Apple trees and a nice gulden. I or lurtliei partic ular* enquire on the premise* of *ent22-i|f BENJ. RAY. ror Sale or to Rent ! MY STORE on Water street is fbr sale or to rent alter October 1st. M A RS HALL WHITII ED. sept22-tt«> Oetl Two Clerks Wanted ! 1.MTHER LADIES OR GENI I.EMI A Must be j good penmen, and accurate in figure*. Perma nent situation*. Address, in handn\ rititig of appli cant, P. Z., care of Box 17b, Augusta. *epC20- f2t Ilonujupatbic. R. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Officeai Water street, (upstairs) GAH1HAEH, ALU. Offlc* Hours from 1 to 4 P. M. J-Oapet BATH TIBS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, UIIAHH A ELATED WARE, Caul Iron Pipe*. Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Ami every article pel tabling to Plumbing kept con stantly on hand and for sale at H. R. STRATTON’S, Corner Bridge A Water Streets, Under Hunt's Hat Store. N. R. Plumbing in all its branches doue in a neat an I thorough manm r. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. fl2apr-tf ELI G. JONES, M. D~ KCXa:t;Tic Physician & Surgeon May be consulted on all forms of disease at his otUce in CHINA VILLAGE, ME. Graduate of "The Eclectic Medical College. Pa-.” mcmbei of the "Eclectic National Medical Asso ciation, also member of "The Maine Eclectic Med ical Society,” and graduate of the “Peuusylrauia Hospital” a't Philadelphia. Uperiat -Mention paid to Hnegerp. .Vld teifernt and Mtrain of llVaifa and Children. ha-All calls promptly attonded to night or day. BWttmtKCKS in Phii-aiiki.hiia : Prof. John Bu chanan. M. D.,*» No. Pith st.i l'rot. Joseph Sites, M. 1)., 802 N ■>. Olh st.; Prof, James Cochran, M. D., 614 Pluest.; Pruf. Wm. Clark, *1.1)., 6H Piue st, auglOwtiw I I Can be ronnultrd Rt the MANSION HOUSE, AUGUSTA, -ON DEAFNESS, Discharges from the Ear, Blindness, j And all diseases of the | EYE, Catarrh, Throat and. I.ung Diseases I Thursday, Friday & Saturday, September 29th and 30th, AND October 1st, 1870. Read the following Letters: Lowville, August 12,1870. It affords me great pleasure to r-tate, for the ben efit of the afflicted, that 1 have l>een acauainted with I>k. Lpjhthili. for some ten years,—that he is a regular educated Oerrnan Physician, and is ‘•killed in the treatment of the various forms in which Catarrh offer,tv the head, the ears, eyes and throat, having made the subject a specialty during that time. A member of my own family was relieved ot in cipient chronic deafness during his last visit to this place, in a few minutes, and without pain. F. DISCIIOFF, M. D. [Prom W. R. Smith, Ksq., ('ashler First Nat. Bank, Augusta, Maine.! I I)r. Lighthill—Dear Sir: Sonic* few years since, my son. Geo. R. Smith, was placed under your care, j for treatment, for a growing deafness, which threat ened the gradual and entire lo-s of hearing. When ever In- w as attacked w ith a slight cold, hi- hearing would become imperfect, and ai times quite alarm ing. Renewed attacks continued to increase the difficulty, and always led him in a worse condition. 1 take great pleasure in saving that your treatment entirely relieved him; he has since had no return of the difficulty, and I think him entirely restored. 1 am happy to give this unsolicited testimony to , your ekdl and success, so far a.- my son is concern ed, who I have no doubt, but for vour treatment, would have been entirely deprived of hearing. Respectfully vours. ’ WM. R. SMITH. septl7-t2wAwlw _ __ New Yorl Life Insurance Company. ORGANIZED IN 1841. Assets, : : 813,000,000. 1 The Dividends paid by this compar n and 1870 exceed those paid by any other c0mpany. Agents Wanted ! i | Address WILLIAM F. MOURILL, General Eastern Branch Office, scpt21-Mw Portland, Mnlnr. COUNTRY. THE EARTH CLOSET, Js ;t substitute for the water closet or common privy* and may be Used as a moveable commode, or by apparatus for tlxed closets. Prices, $'Jto $40, according to the kind required. Among its advan tages are: 1. Complete doodori/.ation from the moment of applying tin* earth. 2. ’The placing within reach of all, rich and poor, in town and iu the country, a simple meaua for pro viding, in the house, a comfortable private closet. One barrel of earth is sufficient for four mouths’ use by one person. Send for Circular. Closets for sale by KART1I O.OSET C’O., sept21-fly No. IS* Poaue St., Boston. Auction Sale ! ! September 20, 21, 22, 23. $G,000 Stock of mold! mrnmi VITTEL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE.— If im'ooata im lota to anil B’ltrchaarra. Sales to commence Tuesday, September 20tb, And continue day and evening till sold. KT*T orins made know n at time of salc.«*#3J 123 Water Street, opposite P. 0. AUGUSTA, >1K. G. W. Auctioneer. »eptl»-t5 Wanted, Immediately! rnWO GIRLS to do CHAMBER WORK, and X Two lor Laundry and Common Housework. The highest wage# paid for experienced hands. Good reference required.—Apply at the AUGUSTA HOUSE. AlignIda, Aug. II, 1H70. *tf James W. Bradbury, Jr., U. S. COMMISSIONER, Office with Bradbury A Bradbury, WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA. •JOU . —^r-." ■ — . SIMON JOHNSON, Livery Stable Keeper, OPPOSITE THE HALLOWELL HOUSE. Hallowell, - - Maine. BY TELEGRAPH —;ro the— j Daily Kennebec Journal. i ~ ~ r | lJy the Western L'nton Line—Ollices in Ifendee’i Buildingopi»<»r»te the Post Oflict, and at the State House. 1 ' WAR IN EUROPE. I — The Germans occupy Melun after a feeblo resistance. | THE PARIS & TROIGES RAII.ROAP (IT. The Garrison at Serres captured. TERRIBLE FAMINE IN THE PROV INCES OF ALSACE AND LORRAINE. Gen. I'lrioh, Commander at Stras bourg, wounded. THE BALLOONS IN PARIS STILL IN ACTIVE SERVICE. THE FRENCH ATTACK THE PRUSSIANS AND ARE DEFEATED. The Prussian Guns menace the Southern portion of Paris. ULRICH STRONGLY INCLINED TO SURRENDER. Rome completely occupied by the Italian troops. Berlin, Sept. 23. Intelligence just received from headquar ters of the Prussian army before Paris, states that tiie German troops occupied Melun, cap ital of the Department of the Seine et Marne to-day, after a feeble resistance of the French. The Prussians have cut the Paris and Troi ges Railway by this capture. Advices from Glau say the Prussian guns which have been planted on the heights at Seeux, four miles south of Paris, find ail ex cellent position for directing a heavy tire against the southern portion of the city. Here tiie Prussian cannon command the road lroin Paris. Not unlikely the gunners have already tried the range of their pieces, and have cleared away the obstructions from the South. London, Sept. 23. Tiie latest information (rom Paris states that tiie Prussians occupying Mantes sur Seine, 23 miles northwest of Paris, are en gaged in foraging upon the inhabitants of the country adjacent. Heavy requisitions are be ing constantly made upon the citizens for sup plies of all kinds. A great deal of suffering and des’itution is occasioned by the lawless acts of the soldiers. The garrison at Serres, midway between Versailles and Paris, consisting of 2,0000 Garde Mobiles, was captured by the Prussians tu-dav. The Mobiles met their foes with great determination at first, but were over whelmed by the superior force of the Prus sians and esmpelled to surrender. Information received through Prussian sources this evening states that a terrible fam ine is spreading among all classes in the prov inces of Alsace and Lorraine. The people have been so impoverished and stripped by forage and stragglers from both armies that nothing now remains, and the greatest stifler ing and misery ensues. The German Commissioners of Alsace and Lorraine have notified the French inhabi tants that all duties anil tiie import tariff are abolished in view of tiie probable annexation of these provinces to the Confederation, and for tiie purpose of trying to arrest the dread ful scourge of famine. A despatcli from Paris states that a com munication has been received from General Ulrich, Commandant at Strasburg, in which he states that he is suffering from a wound received during the late terrific bombardment of that city. Specie payments have been suspended at Havre. Topes, Sept. 23. Tiie baloons at Paris are still in active use, they enabling the military authorities to keep a sharp watch of the movements of the Prus sians. Another baloon from Bazaine's head quarters at Metz, has fallen within the terri tory controlled by the French. It contained 137 letters. From them it seems tiiat butch er's meat is very dear at Metz, and the army and citizens are eating horse flesh. IVar vessels are cruising about to prevont Garabaldi's escape to Franco. Private couriers just in from the vicinity of I’aris, report that a very severe battle oc curred yesterday at a point immediately south of the city. The French forces in heavy columns attacked the Prussians and pushed them into the woods, when the for mer wore hurled back and repulsed with great loss. The Prussians arc preparing to move on Orleans which has been evacuated by the French. Latest. London, Sept. 24. The fortiflcHtions at Vincennes have been abandoned by the French. Thu Prussian guns at Sreaucx now com mand the southern part of Paris. The railroad has been finished around the fortifications of Paris. The bombardment of Toul continues in cessantly and furiously. France tireurs at Thionville make constant sallies, and have inflicted much damage on the Prussians. Arrangements have been made at Lille, whereby the complete inundation of the sur rounding country may be effected in twelve hours. Nothing definite has been received from Paris. Large quantities of grain that had been collected around Paris, have recently been burned to prevent them falling into the hands of Prussians. The Prussians occupy Dourdan, It) miles south-west of Versailles. The road from Paris to Orleans is gorged with all sorts of vehicles, loaded with the eflects of Paris refugees. The siege of Metz has become a mere blockade. The safety of Tours is threatened, as the Uhlans are at Orleans and Blois. Notwithstanding the blockade of the Haltic ports, 44 ships have entered Swineinunde, since Sept. 2d. Palikao is with the Emperor at Wilhelm shohe. The Prussians in Eunctte No. 62, at Stras bourg, which was .abandoned by the French, became an object of terrible fire. Many German lives were lost, including that of Commander Quitsow. The Manchester Examiner says that Ul rich, the commander at Strasbourg, was strongly inclined to surrender, but the wound ed soldiers and citizens unanimously de- ' clined it. I Reports from France by way of Uerlin, say all discipline is vanishing at Paris. The soldiers are mutinous, and in some cases have shot officers. Flowknce, Sept. 29. Rome is now completely occupied by the Italian troops. The Pope has been per mitted to retain a guard composed of his late troops of Italian birth. All the rest of his army has been dismissed. The popular demonstrations of approval continue. It is thought that the plebiscite will take place Sunday. The prisoners taken by the Italians on the | capitulation of the Papal army, numbered i about 9.300, consisting of 4,900 Italians and i 4,500 foreigners. Toms, Sept. 23. Effective military measures have been tak en for the protection of Orleans and Tours. No news is received here from Paris, and the people and journals seem to accepts its absence as a matter of course. It is reported that the Prussians are with drawing their forces from other points to concentration around Paris. Their cavalry is in incessant motion. Numberless squads of Uhlans patrol the country for miles around the capital to cut off supplies, their main object being to cut off all communication; but Paris will surely hold out and proceed to hold elections for constituent assembly's, even under the sabres of Prussians. A corps of Spanish guerillas is forming at Toulon, to assist in the defence of the coun- j try. The siege of Montmedy is leisurely eon- 1 ducted by a force of 15,CSX) men, and there is little prospect of an early surrender, as the garrison is constantly receiving supplies in spite of the investment. The defence is sustained with extreme gal lantry, only a sprinkling of regular troops being among the garrison, which is mostly made up of stragglers from the recently de feated French army. Destructive Firo. — Loss $15,000. Tbov, X. Y., Sept. 23. Griffin, McCormick and Young's Knitting Mill at Sand Lake, was destroyed by incen- j diary fires this morning. Loss $15,000; par tially insured. FROM NEW YORK. • New York, Sept. 23. Destructive Fire. A gasoline tank in .1. W. Hatfield's drug store, Fordham, exploded last night, setting firo to and destroying the entire Mock, owned by John 1$. Hoskins. Loss $10,000. Base iiaii. The White Stockings beat the Erkfords to day, 21 to 8. FROM BELFAST. Belfast, Me.. Sept. 23. The last rail of the Moosehead Lake Rail road will he laid to-morrow, lion. N. G. Hichborn. late State Treasurer and President of the Penobscot Bay and River Railroad Co. was here to-day to arrange for constructing the road from Stockton to this city. FROM BANGOR. Basggr, Me., Sept. 23. Steamboat Accident. Steamer Alliance struck on a rock when going into her dock this afternoon, at dead low water, causing her to leak three hundred gallons per minute. The steamer's pumps with the assistance of one o£ the steam fire engines, freed her of water, of which there was two feet in the hold, and wrecking steam er Ralph Pass is along side keeping her free until to-morrow, when she will go on to the J railway. Most of her cargo has been dis charged uninjured, and all will probably be so. The water lias not lieen known to be so low for years. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. . New York Money Market. New York, Sept. -2:i. Gold closed 113),'. United States Sixes (coupons), 1881. 114 “ “ i-JU’lt 18(8, 113 • “ “ llHil, 111 V “ • •* 18BA, II* ‘ *• “ 18(2), Jan. & July, 110(4 “ 18(17. lie's “ “ “ 1808, 11014 “ “ 10-40's, (cuupoos), 10014 New York Stock Market. New YORK, Sept. 23. Mariposa. -VV do. pfd. 11V Canton Co. WM Cumberland Co. 30 Western Union Tel. Co. 34 V Quicksilver Milling Co. 5 V Pacific Mail, 42 V Boston Water Power, 1* ’» Boston, Hartford A Eric, 4** Adams Kx. Co. 65V Wells, Fargo A Co. 30 American Merchants Un. 40 U. 8. Ex. Co. 33 V N. Y. Central and Hudson River WS do. scrip, 87 V Harlem, 133 do. pfd Reading, 96 V Mich. Central, 119 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern 92V Illinois Central JWV Cleveland A Pittsburg, W&V Chicago A North Western. 81V do. preferred, 87V Chicago A Rock Island. 1154* Mil. A St. Paul, «3V do. preferred, 81V Toledo Wabash A Western, 51V Toledo, Wabash A Western preferred 73 Pittsburg A Fort Wayue, 93 Terre llaute, 24 V do. pki. Vi Alton, . 112 V do. prefd. Ohio and Miss. 32 V Erie, 92 V do. pfd. 44 New York Produce Market. Nkw York, Sept. 23. COTTON—sales 1558 bales: mid. nplandsflH. FLOUR—state 490*585; round hoop Ohio 540*630; western 490*635; southern 535*800. WHEAT—sales 87,<*00 bu ; No. 1 spring 128*128; No. 2 do. 113*117V ; winter4red and amber western, 134* Lift. CORN—new mixed western, 87*90; old do. 120 in store. OATH—state 54*56; western 52*54 PORK—mess, 25.00: prime, 24.50. LAK1>—steam, 15; kettle. 16V BUTTER—Ohio, 20*32; state, 26 *43. Chicago Produce Market. Chica.o, Sept. 23. FHOUtt—spring extra. 473 8750. WHEAT—No. i. 100t4. COKN-No.a,74K. OATS—SB>4 for No. 2. MESS POKK-2AM. UAKI.KY—1UV for No. 2. I.AK1J-15S,. First Letter Foundry In Sew England. Conuiionoad in 1817. Boston Type Foundry Always noted for its Hard fiiuf Tough Meta4f Ami it? largo varieties of BOOK AND JOB TYPE, Ami lately lor its unrivalled IV o w Npnper Fneen. Electro!}plug Done In all Its Branches. Address order? to J. A. ST. JOHN, Agent, 65 Water Street, ----- Boston SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. Long experience and the utmost care are ncces sary to ensure good metal, even with a know ledge of the best combinations—therefore, the safest way is to buy of the oldo&t established Foundry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Faces (body, two-line, and dis play) are of our ow n cutting, and tbc best made, as a glance at the papers we fit out w ill prove. BOOK FACES. Our special Specimen of Book Pages shows grea variety, adapted to all kinds of work, including our Revived Old Styles, the most perfect embodiments of the letters of the iast century yet presented. 45tf MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD rmumtD »r Tint Peabodf Ncdicnl Inmilutc! No. 4 BULFINCH ST., Boston, (Opposite Itevere House.) 1(0,000 COPIES SOLI) THE LAST YEAR. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, or SELF-PRESERVATION. A Medical oq the Cause and Cure of Exhausted Vitality, Prkmattbk Incline js Mas, Nee von and Physical Debility, Hypochondria, and all other diseases arising from the Errors of Youth, or the Indiscretions or Excesses of mature years. This is indeed a hook for every man. Price only One Dollar. * 285 pages, bound in cloth. DR. A. II. HAYES, Author. A Rook for Every Woman. Entitled SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN AND HER DISEASES; or. Woman treated op Physiologi cally and Pathologically, from Infancy to Old Age, with elegant Illustrative Engravings. Those are, beyond all comparis >u, the most extraordinary works on Physiology ever published. There is nothing whatever that the Married or Single of Either Sex can eith-r require or wish to know, but what is fully explained, and many matters of the iQoet important and interesting character are introduced, to which no allusion even can be found in any other works in our languoge. All the New Discoveries of the auth or, whose exjx-rience Is such as probably never before fell to the lot o .any man, are given n full. No p> rson should be without these valuable books. Valtablk Rooks. We have received the valuable med ical w<»rks of Dr. Allx-rt II. Hayes. These books are of actual merit, aud should find a place in every intelligent family. They are not the cheap order of abominable trash, published by im sjH>nsible parties, and purchased to gratify coarse tastes, but are written by a responsible professional gentleman of eminence, as a source of instruction <« vital matters, concerning which lamentable ign*jrance^xi*ts. Th«* important subjects presented an- treated with defWicy, ability and care, and, as an appendix, many useful pre scriptions for prevailing complaints are added—Coos Re publican, Lancaster, y. H-, Sep. 7, i860. Dr. Hayes Is one of the inn^t. learned and popular physi cians of the day, ami is entitled to the gratitude of our race for these invaluable productions. It seems to be his aim to induce men and women to avoid the cause of those diseases to which they are subject, ami he tells them just how and when to do it.—Warm in ft on Chronicle, Far- | mington, Mr., Sept. 15, lodfi. The extraordinary success of Dr. Hayes has aroused the envy of a set of pretenders to medical *kill, who purloin the matter, and even Chapter titles, from his works, and adver tise themselves falsely and absurdly as members of medical societies in London, Edinburgh, and Paris, which they never saw. But such trausparent tricks can never alienate from him the intelligent portion of the oommunity, who goon learn to distinguish between the scientific practitioner and the soulless aud brainless quaod. Price of SCIENCE OF LIFE, $1.00. PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN AND IIKR DISEASES, $2.00. In Turkey morocco, full gilt, $5.00. Postage paid. Either book sect by m ill oq receipt of price Address “The Peabody Medical Institute,” or Dr. HAYES, No. 4 Bulftuch street, Boston. N. B.—Dr. II. may be consulted instrictest confidence on all diseases requiring skill, secreey and experience. Is vii Sechest AN# Cbktaii Kjllib*. 1*30 CAUTI01T.—All genuine has the name “ Pkrutiabi Strut,” (not “Peruvian Bark,”) blown In the glass A 32-pago pamphlet soot free. J. P. DiXtKoea Proprietor, 36 Dey St., Now Tork. bold by all Druggists. MOSES W. FARR, General Tnnuranee Agent, LIFE AND FIKE. Capital Represented over 50 Millions. Including some of the oldest, most reliable, and popular Companies in New York aud Hartford. ovrirvi• \ at Hallowell. A. M. OtFICfc*. Ut .Ynguata. P. M. fitf Fancy Goods. M. Roberts Is rnnstantlv rf'-plvlng a Isrge assortment cf SPUING FANCY GOODS, Which be is selling at GOl ) PRICES. I have the largest stock of goods in town, and the ladies are respectfully invited to cull and examine. I have just received an invoice of LADIES FINE KID CiLOYES-Al! Colors! Which please examine* M. HUBERTS, Water st., opp. Morsel Photo graph Rooms. 106m Y D. NILES. Livery Stable Keeper, Corner of Unton anil Second Streets, HALLOWELL, ME. ^ Horses tunl Carriage to let on the most reaaonablo terms. K. H. HCTLER, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, and Notary Public. HALLOWELL, MAINE. OlUoo t/rnrufcj front | \ni> II. UU«S, Wholesale and Retail I>ealer in FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRV GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Lace Hoods, Embroideries, Car Jictiiift, «»e. A. G. STINCHFIELD, UUNM-LLOU AM) ATTORNKl AT LAW. Water - - - - Street, Hallo well, Maine. Prvpnrorl tcattcml to mattCT* 4i B.wRrtiptey. no'non omen or tub amerfoav watch co. > WALTHAM, MASS.. Nov.. 1388. ( We have appointed EDWARD ROWSE 124 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, DIALER IE Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, And SPECTACLES. oar gelling Agent f*»r the city sad vicinity at AUGUSTA and intend to keep in his possession At al timet such a gtoci of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, J9JYU IIVfTCII .VOfHAIKATf as will enable him to supply any demand, either at Wholesale or Retail, which may be made upon him, and AT RATES AS FAVORABLE as arc offered at oar Sales Rooms in Xew York or Boston. FOR AMERICAN WATCII COMPANY. R. E. ROBBINS, Treas’r. FRElTROlirsTTAXrsr Eight per cent, per annua in Gold. A perfectly safe investment. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE ISSUE OK SI,500,000 BY THE • * St. Joseph & Denver City R. R. Co., Issued In denominations of ^KX) and $500, Coupon or Registered, payable in 30 years, with Interest payable 15th August and 15th February, in New York, London, or Frankfort, free of tax. Secured by a mortgage only on a completed and highly prosperous road, at the rate of 813,503,79 per mile. Earning. in .excess of its inter est liabilities. This line being the Middle Route, is pronounced the SHORTEST and MOST NATURAL ONE FOR FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAFFIC ACROSS THE CONTINENT. ST. LOUIS & FORT KEARNEY SPANNED BY A RAILWAY, AND CONNECTING WITH THE UNION PACIFIC AT FORT REAR? NEY. Capital stock ot the Co. $10,000,000 Land Grant, pronounced . Value of $8,1X10,000 First Mortgage Bonds, 1,500,000 $19,600,000 The remaining portion of this Loan now for sale at 97 1-2 and accrued interest in currency. Can be had at the Company’s Agencies in New York or Boston; in New York, Tanner & Co., Bankers, No. 49 Wall St., or W. P. Converse & Co., No. 54 Pine St. In Boston, of E. Rollins Morse & Bro., No. 27 State Street. Pamphlets, Maps and all information can be obtained at either of the above named agencies. Tho attention of Capitalists and Invest ors Is particularly invited to these Securi ties. We are satisfied they are all that could be desired, and unhesitatingly re commend them. TANNER & CO., Fiscal Agents, 49 Wall Street, New York. W. P. CONVERSE & CO., Commercial Agents, 54 Pine Street, New York. 25w-tl Cure for Female Weakness! Circulars or further information sent on receipt of stamp, by addressing the manufacturer, Mrs. U£* Xr 8 llELCHKR, Randolph, Mass. For sale by Geo. C. Goodwin A Co., 38 Hanover St., and Rust Bros. A Bird, Hanover St., Boston, also by Mrs. t>nl v one of hundreds which 1 could publish. Monroe, N. V., June 91. 1869. Mrs. Belcher:—We have received your box over a week ago, aud may God speed you in the good work that you are doing; and if we never meet on earth, may we meet in heaven. The medicine ia helping me. Yours, with respect, 9feb-tim Mua. sETH M. STRONG. HENRY HEIMS, Mo. tOO Sudtrarjr Street, - - Boston, MAXI EACTI UER UF BILLIARD TABLES WITH TltE COMBINATION STRING CCSHION. New and Second-Hand Tables always on hand andfor sale at the lowest prices. Give me a call upiTNdhn K. K. VMI.MAUTU, Agent. Money Cannot Bny It f FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! ! jflRji THE DUsIlOND GLAAAKA. M ANUFACTl'KEI* BY J. K. SFENCEB A CO., N. Y. Which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticiiiiso/ the World to be The Moat JPcrfeot, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They arc ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name, •Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy. rri»e> Holenl lilo Principle On which they are constrncted brings the core or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye, pro ducing a clear and dis' inct vision, at in the uatural, healthr „igbt, and pro eating ail unpleasant sensa tions, such us glinuiie ng ami wavering of sight, dlisinees, Ac., peculiar to all others In use. They are Mounted in the Finest Manner, In frames of die best i|uality, of all materials used for that purpose. THAI* riyjSH CAM itAUAttlllTT CANNOT BE *l’*VASSEI>. Caution.—None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame, S. A. KOUtU-. y>n"flir on# <*>*(♦<■«. Sott Agent for Augutta, Uaint. from whom they coil only l>< obtained. Titrse goods are uot supplied to Pedlars at any price, uiayl'-lj