Newspaper Page Text
Jlailj Jifimrbfr fournal. the parting op summer. BT MBS. HKMASS. Thou*rt bearing hence thy rosea Glad Summer; fare thee well I Thou’tt singing thy last melodies In every wood and dell; But ere the golden sunset Of thy latest lingering day, O! tell me o'er this checkered earth How bast thou passed away ? Brightly, sweet Summer! brightly Thine hours have floated by • To the joyous bird* of the woodland boughB— The rangers of the sky; And brightly midst the garden flowers, To the happy, murmuring bee. But how to human bosoms, With all their hopes and fears, And thoughts that make them eagle wing* To pierce the unborn years ? Sweet Snnimer! to the captive Thou bast (own in hunting dreams Of the woods with all their hopes and leaves And the blue rejoicing streams. To the wasted and the weary, Oa Hi* bed of sickness bound; In sweet, delirious fantasies, That ehaaged with every sound; To the sailor on the billows, In longings wild and vain For the gashing fonnts, and breezy hills, And the homes of earth again. And unto me. glad Summer! How hast thou flown to me ? My chainless footsteps naught have kept From thy haunts of song and glee. Thou bast flown in wayward visions, In memories of the dead— In shadows from a troubled heart (Per a sonny pathway shell; In brief and sudden strivings To fling a weight aside; 'Midst these thy melodies have ceased, And all thy roses died! • Bat O the* gentle Sommer! . KJ greet thy flowers once more, mlng jne again the buoyancy " yfherewjth my soul Ihould soar. to hail thy sunshine Willi song and spirit free; Or in 0 parer land than this, May our n^^ meeting be l FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! i WILL SELL MY Stock of Hardware! CONSISTING OF iron and Steel, Glass, Jails, CUTLERY, &c., &c., Which has been recently replenished, together with the trade and good will of the store, AT A. BAHGAXKT I • To anr one desiring to engage in the HARD WARE 'business. this is an opportunity rarely offered. Terms Favorable. 183 WATER STREET. AMOS WILDER. • AvjnuKA- Jolv 1 1970. Hf-jnneS WAR If APS OF EUROPE. O HOMING every City, Town. Village and Ham jj lev oi t'OOitoTut. M«u€ froa jfoTrrarDfni nrwTi. and ased by the Marshals ol France and General* of Prussia It shows exactly where the •men of France and Premia are new concentre Ml. fte Seal of War psren in >W1. with portraits at Ike Emperor Napoleon and King William. Any fcre man can earn frwn (ID to RW per day. Agents wasmefi in erery town in the United 'dates. Retail peer . St <t» per copy. Liberal discount to agents. A&irt*. tmsneii1 iTely FRED A- W ALDRON, u^k-rtu* WnnerrUle, Maine. Great B eduction -15 THE me L§ or - BOOTS * SHOES! TKe subscriber, having a splendid stock of Boots tmti Shoes on hand, will pell the same at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES ! The stock con-1st* of the nsual variety kept id a •tore of the kind. L.iDII^1 mm4 GE.fTLERi:V% IlNSEK' and (HlLDREAli BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturer*. aisJ will be sold cheap, cheaper than the cheapest. J . H . L O W , JOt) WATER Mt., Augusta, Me. N. B.—Gentlemen’s Calf Boots one dollar less than at any other store. :mayJ7-3m GRANITE STATE MILITARY & COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE REED’S FERRY, X. H , on Nashua ft Concord B.K; Rev. a. X. HOWELL, PRINCIPAL. Advantage-—Retired location, yet easy of access. No Saloon*. or places of idle resort; Full corps of teachers; Thorough instruction. Ac. Fuplls received at anv time. Send for Circular. *in30 AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. E. II. EDDY. SOX.TCITOII OF PATENTS, Xalc Agent of the U. 8. Patent Office, Washington, under the Act of 1837. No. 76 State Street, (opposite Kilby Street) BOSTON. AFTER an extensive practice of upwards of 20 rears, continuer- to secure Patents in the Uni ted States; klso fn Great Britain, France and other foreign eoantrie*. Caveats, Spec ideation*, Bonds, Assignments, and all papers or drawings for Pa tents. executed on reasonable terms with dispatch Researches made into American and Foreign works to determine the validity and utility of Patents of Inventions, and legal and other advice rendered on all matters touching the same. Copies of the claims ©f any patent furnished by remitting one dollar. Assignment* recorded in Washington. No Agency In the United States possesses superi or facnmes for obtaining Patents, or ascertaining the patentability of inventions. During eight months the subscriber, in the course ©f his large practice, made on twice rejected appli cations. sixteen apvealsi every one of which was de cided in his favor by the Commissioner of Patent*. ' T • ■ t i m oni ala. “I regard Ur. Eddy as one of the most capable tad successful practitioners with whom 1 have had official intercourse. CHARLES MASON, Commissioner of Patents.” “I have no hesitation in assuring inventor* that ; they cannot employ a man more competent and , trustworthy, and more capable of putting their ap plication* ti*a form to secure for them an early and favorable consideration at the J'ateut Office. EDMUND BURKE, Late Commissioner of Patents ” “Mr. R H Eddy has made for me THIRTEEN applications, tu all but ONE of which patents have boost granted, and that one is now pending. Such unmistakable proof of great latent end ability on his part leads me to recommend aU inventors to apply to him to procure their patents, as they mar be sure of having the most faithful attention bestowed on Cbtlr cases and at very reasonable charges. JOHN TAGHART.” Boston, Jau. 1,1870. I vf When you waul a Pound of Good Tea! -TKY THE CHINA TEA STORE, WATUffUIT, ... A.u«u«ta. nnuGS -AND MEDICINES ! Johnson Brothers, opposite : : POST OFFICE, Are prepared to ftirnish Customers A FULL ASSORTMENT OF THEIR LINE OF GOODS, CONSISTING OF The Best the Market affords. THE BENT PLACE TO BUT TOUR Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Per fumery, Soaps, Brushos & Patent Medicines, of all kinds at very low prices, is at Johnson Brothers, opposite POST OFFICE. CALL AND LOOK ! -AT THE STOCK OS’ Sponges, Brushes, Dusters, Soaps, &c., — AT — Johnson Brothers, opposite POST OFFICE. OILS. Pore Sperm, Castor, Neats Foot, Olive, Cod Liver, and E„ential Oil, of ALL KINDS, — at — Johnson Brothers, opposite : : POST OFFICE. Choicest Brands ! -AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. Gold Bar. .\alnrnl Graf, Xavy, Fruit Cake, Mol are, and Bagley’g Fine Cut. -at Johnson Brothers, oppooite POST OFFICE. Physicians, Country Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers, Should not fail to rail and examine our Stock and inquire our prices. Plnsiciaus’ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ! Proprietors of Dr. Dennett’s Jaundice Bitters. Johnson Brothers, opposite - POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, - - Maine. a AND | BOOTHBAY ! The EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY’S •STEAMERS Sasanoa and Spray. Fall Arrangement ! On and alter MONDAY. September 19th but oue trip will be made each way daily, Sundays excepted, Leaving Boothbay at 8 o’clock A. M., “ Bath at o’clock I*. M. WM. W. MASON, A (.km at Bath. E. THORPE, Agent at Boothbay. ( APT. WILLIAM MITCHELL. ON and after Wednesday, June *22d, the Steamer Ella will leave Augusta at 8 o’colock A. M., every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, for lialloweU, Gardiner, Richmond, Bath, and Portland. Returning, will leave Portland for Augusta, and intermediate landings ou the Kennebec, every TUESDAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 7 A. M. Fares Reduced : on and alter Mondat, August il. Augusta to Portland, $1.23 ‘7 to Bath .60 “ to Boothba?, .85 FROM AKiLSTA to YEW YORK. Passengers by this route will be ticketed through to New York by the Steamers FRANCONIA and IHRIGO, which leave Portland for New York every Monday and Thursday. Baggage trucked in Port land free of expense. Fare from Augusta to New Y'ork: Cabin $0.50; meals extra; Deck passage, $5.50. The Ella connects also at Bath, each trip, with the steamer Spray for Boothbay. This boat will stop at any of the ice-houses on the river on display of a white flag as a signal. For further particulars apply to ftf-june25 B. F. MORSE, Augusta, Agent. F Oil BOS TON! Spring Arrangement! TUE STEAM Lit STAR of tie EAST CtOMMENCED h*r reuulnr trips IY»m the Ken , nebec, THl'KSDAY, May 15th, 1870, ami wUl, until further notice, run as follows: Leaving: Gardiner ever)* Monday and Thursday at 3 o’clock, Richmond at 4, and Bath at ti P. M. TIIE STEAMER CL.ARIOIV, Will leave Augusta at 12 M., Ilallowell at 1.45 P. M., connecting with the above boat at Gardiner. For further particulars inquire of W. J. Tuck, Augusta: If. Fuller A Son, Hallowed; I T. B. Grant, Gardiner; J. T. Robinson, Richmond; j J. E. Brown, Bath. I Gardiner, April 11,1870. __+Ptapr ! Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Summer Arrangement, 1870. Passenger train leaves Augusta daily for Port j land and Boston at 5.45, 11 A. M.. and 3.15 P. M., , an<l will be due in Boston at 1.45, 8 and 10 P. M., j Returning, leave Boston at 7.30 A M. ami 12 M.,* 1 and Portland 7.10 A. M., 12 45 and 5.15 P. M., and. i will be due in Augusta at 10 A. M.,3.30 and 8 I*. M. Augusta for Vas*alboro\ Watervide, Kendall’s Mills. Skowhegan. Dexter, Bangor. Ac., at 3.40 P. M. Returning, will be duu in Augusta at 10.50 A. M. Augusta for Hallowed and Gardiner (dummy car) at 7.30, 11.30 A. M., 2 15, f> P. M. Returning, will be due in Augusta at 7, 8.45 A. M., 1.30, 5.30 P. M. Through freight trains leave Boston daily at 4 P. M . arriving in Augusta the following morning at 8.45. . A Refrigerator car is run on the through freight trains (both going and returning) carrying fruit, I meat, eggs, vegetables, Ac., iu good order in the ! wannest w eather. L. L. LINCOLN. Superintendent. DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DENTAL SURGEON, 130 WATER STREET, Augusta, - - Maine. Make* the successful treatment of all diseases ol the mouth and teeth a specialty, employing all the latest and best Improvements in the method of till ing with gold and all proper material, ricerated teeth permanently cured, and their decayed and broken down crowns tilled and built up to their original shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! Great Improvement in the method of constructing and titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR. CHAMBERLAIN is inserting a large nnm berofsetsof these teeth, which for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot ue surpassed any where. The plait w ill nut start or drop down, and Is warranted to lit perfectly. All are incited to call and examine specimens oi teeth made od red, pink and white rubber. FRESH GAS EVERY DAY. ♦mavfi tf_ School Books! IDE HAVE JL'ST RECEIVED OCR I'-VI.I. H srPFAV OF .Iff. N f.fBS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, Which we are stdling on The Most Favorable Terras ! CLAPP & 1NOKTII. Hookscllcrs and Stationer*, IBB Water St., Augusta, Me. aug2.Vftf_ PIANO TUNING. rpHE Subscriber wonl 1 inform the X citizen* of Augusta ami vicinity, Tn that he will give per tonal attention to "■ w * “ * tuning Piano*. Order* left at hi* re* idence. 07 tVliitlii ou Street, will receive promp Attention. M. C. Mil.I.1KEN, febft-tf Tkachkk ok Piano and Organ EATING HOUSE! POTTER & BENNETT, (Successors to W. 8. Furbusk.) 110 Water Street, I Door South of Post Office, Al'CilNTA, MAINE. LADIES’ ROOM up Stairs. ICE CREAMS and OYSTERS constantly on nand. Meal* served at all Hour*. This Saloon being located within a few steps of and directly opposite the Depot, is very convenient for the travelling public. *3m-junel0 y7>l T.T'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR. RENEWER. ib the best article ever known to Restore Gray Hair To ltM Orlglnul Youtlil'ul Color. It will prevent the Hnir from falling out.—Makes the Ilair smooth and glossy, and does not stain th« skin as others. Our Treatise on the Hair, SEAT FREE BT MAIL. B. r. HALL t, CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors Tor sale by all druggiata. twSS desirable RESIDENCE FOR SALE! AT a LOW PRICE. HOUSE AND LOT in this City, No 145 State Street. Apply to GKO. E. WEEKS, At the office of aMc»»rn. Baker A Weeks. Augu«ta, Aug. 11,1870. BATH HOTEL, By O. M. Plummer, BATH, 91K. Board, - - $1 per Day. fllian-lv Hallowell House _, SECOND STREET, HALLOWELL, : : MAINE. MU. J. II. HILL would respe«*llully inform Ids friends and the public that he hasoiieucd the above named house, and has fitted it up as A First Class Hotel. This house is about two rods from the depot, and is within a few steps of the express office and the business street of the city. In connection with the house there is a LIVERY cC* TRANSIENT Stable. This house will be opened to the public on the Fourth of July. Thankful for the favors which he has received at his former place of business in Lew iston, the subscriber guarantees to give complete satisfaction to the travelling public. J. B. HILL, Proprietor. ttf-julyS \T EW FFRNACKS SKT and old ones repair xl ed, amt Jobbing in sheet Iron, Copper and Tin promptly attended to at WILLIAMSON & GREENWOOD'S. 1 aug*27-tlf GET THE BEST SEWING MACHINE I — Which is it ? — The W eed Improved for 1870]! Why so ? Because it will do am- anil All Kinds of Work that can be done on any Machine in the World. Such as stitching, hem, fell, bind, braid, ruffle, tuck, quilt, hem Btich, gather and aew on at the same time, performing a greater range nt work than any other machine. It is more SIMl'I.K in it construction, easier KEPT IN ORDER, runs easier and FASTER than any other machine yet made. Machines Sold on Installments. Fully warranted to do all that is claimed for them, or may be returned and the money paid re funded. (I)on't (ail to call and see them Iwfore pur chasing. as it will save many unhappy moments.) Old Weed Machine Oepol, III Water Street, GEO. VV. JONES, Agent. Augusta, Attg.SI. 1870._t-tf 0. C. WHITEHOUSE & CO., - DEALERS IN - Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS 1 And Carpetings, 1VO. 173 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, Mr.. O. C. WniTF.nousE, Daniel Whiteiiofsk. tmav24*tf LAWN VASES!. Wishing to close out our stock of Lawn and Garden Vanes, We offer them at REDUCED PRICES. J. D. PIERCE & SOX* angfvttf |Xo. 150 Water Street. GALL AND SEE!! — THE — MAGEE ADVANCE COOK STOVE, GOLDEN CITY. Sheridan Fanners Cook, Rival Madelion, Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palace Range, Stevens’ Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Priceless. And a large assortment of other Stoves both Jfew and Second Hand, AT Williamson & Greenwood’s. SEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED, -A large lot of Tranks, Ladies' Shopping Bags, Gents’ Bags, Lap Rugs, Horse Blankets, Curry-Combs & Brushes. Also a large stock of WHIP’S. Purchasers will please call and examine. Water Street, Gardiner, SPRAGUE & STURGIS. septtf-ftf New Store! Confectionery & Fancy Cake MANUFACTORY, No. lOO Water Street AUGUSTA, \IfIlEKE mav lie found a Large Assortment of H f.i.vBiL.v, embracing the usual kinds, anil many JVrsr Slglet, made from tbe Purest stock. C all and examine our goods ut No. 1U0, a few doors below tbe Post OOloo FANCY OAKE made to order. sept-i-ftf Music in Glasses. rpHE aubaoriber would inform his friends and the X public of Augusta and vicinity, that he pro poses to teach Piano; also singing in classes Classes on Piano to consist ot six pupils each. Thin system has many advantages, and the expense is less than private lessons. Private lessons given if preferred. Would also invite the attention of the public to the H. F. MILLER P1A\0S ! For aula ut his Music Room, North’s Block, OPPOSITE COXY HOUSE. The use of these Pianos in many public institu tions and schools has gained for them an enviable reputation, and throughout the country they are becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured. Classes arranged on application ut Music Room or Residence, 97 Wlnthrop Street. M. C. MILLlnEN, Teacher of Music. apiWJm What Shall We Eat ? AI.L regular physicians Mill tell you that Bee and Pork is uoi so healthy to eat in spring and 8uniiiier as good Fresh Fish. The same cau be ob tained ut Cl'SHING & HOLMES’ MARKET, Near K. K. Bridge, Water St., Where ah orders w ill he promptly utteuued to for FIS H of all kinds in their season. CUSHINU A HOLMES, tmaylS-tr * Water street, Augusta. IMPORTANT FACTS! For the Public. NEW EASTERN DEPOT rOR THE WORLD RENOWNED. SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Opposite the Post Office, AUGUSTA, - - MAINE. These Machines, by their simplicity, durability, and the great range of work they execute, nave gained a reputation truly enviable. The famous successor the singer M knufacti k* ing Company has stimulated many other compan ies t<* put forth all their energies* and talents to produce a sewing machine that would eclipse or equal the singer, but in every ease they have sig nally tailed, as is plainly shown M' the tact, that of all the travelling agents—“ runners or drummers” —of other companies*, none have the assurance to claim mote than an equality with the Singer, even upon any special class of work. There’are many sewing machines, now offered to the public, that have their good points, and are of much assistance to the housewife and the industri ous seamstress. Parties purchasing a sewing ma chine of any sort, tind the improvement on the old fashioned way of sewing by hand so great and pleasing, that they are naturally, but erroneously, led to ladleve that they have the lies!. until the spell is broken by the introduction of the Sin get' of 1870 into a neighbor’s family, which is sure, by the in creased rapidity and ease with which it does every kind of plain or fancy sewing, to awaken them to a I»ositive. althomrh it mav be silent acknowledge ment of the painful truth that there are very many varieties of work that are easily executed upon the Singer, but that they must either be content to do without, or exchange, at a heavy pecuniary sacri fice. their curved-needled. frail-powered, unrelia ble-ten*ioned, low speeded or ravel-stitched ma chine for a Singer Sew Family Machine. Various expedient- are resorted to, that the pub lic eye may be turned from the Singer for the pur pose of introducing inferior machines—viz, “The Button-Hole Dodge,” “The Over-Seaming,” “The Double-Lock-Knot-Stitch, ’’“Elastic Stitch.” “Twist ed Loop,” “Self-Adjusting Tensions,” “ilingFinish ami Beautifully Ornamented,” “Straight Needle,” “Stitch-Alike-on-both-Sides,” “Medals from Fairs,” “Vertical Feed Bars,” “Noiseless Running,” “Silent Feed,” and last and worst of all, the low-priced— “Family Shuttle Machines.” Many of these points are desirable, (and the Singer excelis all in each individual speciality) but the greatest use made of these special points* is by the retail agent who parades them before the inex perienced purchaser with such lluent and earnest style, as to entirely divert attention from the really important bearings of the case. While other inno cent local agents ignorantly represent that the ma chine sold by them is capable of doing every varie ty of work, equal to the Singer, and often do they thus unconsciously swindle customers w ho cannot afford to squander their substance upon gilded follies and worthless rattle-traps. Parties in quest of a Sew ing Machine should look , about them and learn what machine is most exten sively used in families, tailor shops, shoe factories, and carriage factories. It is an acknowledged fact, , ireely admitted by all surma machine dealers, that , more than tiro-third# of all the clothing team in this I country by hath se.res. whether custom made or ready i made, is actually manufactured upon THE SINGER i sewing Machine ; These Machines are manufactured by one of the > oldest, strongest, and most enterprising Compaii r ies that has ever been engaged in the business in ! the world. Throughout their immense manufac i lories, w hich are kept in constant operation “day 1 and night,” none but highly skilled mechanics are * employed. Newly improved machinery is cm- \ I ployed turning out earn part finished to that me ‘ chanical exactness, that every one is a perfect dit- 1 ^ plicate of the other in sue. weight and unish. All j y new inventions an* carefully examined and tested. 1 t and if approved, are adopted, regardless of ex- i ► pense, while the many impractical humbug? that | are patented, are left to grace some new wonder , and learn the purchaser w hen too late, that he has 1 “paid too dear for his whistle.” It should be re , membered that the Singer Manufacturing Cora \ pany has never made a poor Machine—from the very first tw enty-odd years ago. They never buy editorial notices, or expend funds in “log-rolling” : at Fairs to gnin medals or premiums. \ They simply make their Machines as valuable as • money and science can perfect them—place them 4 in their Sales Rooms, and leave the public to find i out their virtues in their own way. By this straight ! forward course they are now ma*nmacturing about ; four hundred per day, and at that rate, even, are i unable to supply the demand. WHAT IS THE NEW FAMILY RINGER OP IR70? It Is the concentrated result of twenty years ex perience in building Sewing Machines. It uses very short straight needles. I It makes the Shuttle or Lock Stitch alike up*»n j ’ both sides of the work. It is very light running and has a silent feed. 1 It is very easily kept clean, and is always in [ order. } It is less difficult to understand and learn to \ operate than any other. It has the most simple and easily adjusted ten » sion ever invented. f It is less liable to rust than any other. ’ It is so constructed that dust cannot enter it or ! oil drop trorn it. . It works equally well upon the finest Lace or ; heaviest Beaver Cloths. It will hem ruffling* of dress goods over seams ’ without any preparation. It is very high-speeded, and requires very little power to keep in motion. It will out-wear any other Family Machine ever j made. It will Hem, Braid, Fell, Cord Tack, Ruffle, Em broider. Bind, Trim, &c. ; it costs $00 delivered at your house, 6et to run- j ning and warranted. Covers, Folding Tops, Cabinets, according to fin- t • ish, $05 to $250. - The prices named above, are the cash prices at : , the Manufactory, but knowing that the various cir- , ; eumstunces ot 'all will not admit of the rigid C. O. 1). principle, it has been decided to divide the amount into month 1 y or in some cases w eekly pay ments, in euch a manner as will best suit the con venience of the purchaser. This is done purely for the accommodation of the : natron, as no extra charge is made from the regu lar cash prices. • No charge for instructions in operating the Sing er’s upon any class of work. Remember the Place—Opposite the Post Office, j : at the Fancy Good* and Picture Frame Store of S. P. PLUAlNfEK, Water Street Augusta. ; N. B.—Superior quality of Twist, Threads, Nee-j | dies, oil, and all sorts or Sewing Machine Findings j | for sale at Manufacturers prices. 4C$“Please call and examine. ! OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, Augusta, Maine. auglSDAWtl AHMH||BEimiTL RjV| Engraving ^kj Mb forlhat . Gazette, Hallowell $7.00 1>EJ{ DA 1 ! TO THE INEMPLOYED. READ THIS, . -AND CHEER TJR ! T)Y sending ONE DOLLAR to the subscriber you will receive by return mail, a receipt for makiiig an article that will Sell In Every Household in the land. There an* no Agents in New England. A broad field is open to all who wish to engage in an Honorable and Profitable business. It can be manufactured at your homes, ! in your kitchens. The ingredients can be had of any l>ruggist or Grocer. The expense is SMALL, and the Prom* I^urge. This is not one of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Address C. T. SOMES, July>8-f3m Gardiner Maine. Cutlery and Plated Ware! A full assortment of Tabte and Socket Cattery, Ncitiora • Tlv.l TH.I !•«, tfe. Also Plated Tea Sets, Ice Pitcher**, Goblets, Knives, Spoons, Forks and Castors of the best quality, at PIEKOS'8 CROCKERY STOKE, i No. 1,10 Water .Street - - Augusta. PIANOS, MELOOEONS, Organs , Mil sic, etc. _ I HAVE Musical Instnumente from the several best Manufacturers of New England, and will tell them id the vary low est tlgures for cash, or pail cash dow n and the rest in Monthly or Quarterly payments. Will take any second-land instruments in exchange. Will rent instruments and let all rent paid go towards the purchase of the same or any ; other Instrument. Will send instrument- to any , part of the Male on trial. For full particulars, l'l iee , I,let, etc., send to me for a copy of the A«mtt«r. which will be sent free to any address, giving In to those w ho w ish a uice, baldly Perpetual Calendar. Address B. M. SCAN SUB, 3w37* Augusta, Maine. TrunliB! Trunks! the place to buy Froxtcb, 30X1*01X0, Solo Xioathor, Ami all kind* of common T K -A V ELLING TRUNKS! • Also, Ladies’and dents’ TRAVELLING A SHOPPING HAGS, Is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Right. Plnee to hnv ymir HARNESSES, ami get the celebrated DUNN HARNESS. U«t IIUIILT05 A TFHNEK’S, 135 W ATER STREET. The ohcnpvrt place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES, UAL TER8, At'., is at HAMILTON A TUKNEB’S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business, Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking, Carling A Expressing. Mann far tared from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best o| workmen. 'Ve would remind the public that <»ur Harness took all the premiums offered at the last State Fair four in number. Also the th>t premium at the late New England Fair. As our customers are daily informed Unit our Harnesses are Machine Stitched—wo would Invito them and the public generally to call and examine the largest stock of ready-made Harnesses ever of fered in this city, and we will convince them that we make the best HAND STITCHED work to be had for the same amount of money, arjd if we don’t have on hand what is wanted, can make it at short notice. Samples of Gold Gilt. Oroide Silver, Covered, and Japanned Trimmed Harness, may he seen at our salesroom, NO. 172 MIDDLE STREET. HEN 11Y DUNN & SON. For Halo !>y Hamilton cfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tllfeb-tf OPPOSITE DEERING & HOLWAY S. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. • A FACT M OUTH JiXO MIXG. t"> THE PEOPLE OF a LOIHTA, And all having business in Augusta please bear in mind that the place to buy PURE AND RELIABLE Drugs, Medicines, TOILET & FANCY ARTICLES, And APOTHECARIES' GOODS generally is at FRANK KINSMAN’S DRUG STORE, He has spared no pains in selecting Goods of the purest to bo found in the best markets of the United States, and the same are offered to the public at WHOLESALE OK RETAIL, nt “Prices llial Defy Competition.” He also continues to make all odd change IN GOLD AND SILVER. His motto Quick Sales, Small Profits, Pure and Reliable Goods! In hot weather FRANK’S STORE is the coolest place in the city, and tbe Ice Cold Sodi. drawn from the Famous Non-corrosive Arctic Fountain refreshes many weary souls. Temperance Devotees can drink and not violate their pledge. THE COLDEST AND THE BEST! THE COLDEST AND THE BB8T with rich and delicious FRUIT SYRUPS. JQp* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded from tbe purest Medicines at all hours of the day and night. REMEMBER THE NUMBER OF FRANK KINSMAN’S DRUG STORE, No. 142 Water Street, : Augusta, Maine. MANSION HOUSE, STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME r|^IIIS House is provided wilt Bath Rooms, X where Hot and Cold Baths can be had at all times. It has also a First-Class Billiard Hall, for <Juet)t* ouly. Connected with the House is a largo and commodious example Room, on Water hired centrally located, where Sample Agents can show their goods, free m charge. The Proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage which the above House has enjoyed since its open ing, takes pleasure in informing bis patrons that ho will run Free Carriages to and from the Cars and Boats until further notice Connected with the above House is a Livery Sta ble, where good teams can be had at reasonable rates. W. M. Til A Y KR, Proprietor. O. P. Cocbbamm* Clerk. • Fine Oolong Toes! At TITCOMXI’S, WEST END KENSElltic fi.ilDGE. july30-t3tcod Allen, Small & Co, aAl'IUXlNTS, And -Muiiufucturers ot Steam Engines, Circular Saw Mills, Clap* board Planers, Shafting, Pulleys, Mill W ork, and all kinds of JOBBING Usually (lone in a flrat-claas Machine Shop. Also improved Excelsior Machines, which cute two Bolts at a time as readily as one ZSOAHfa PLAXEHS constantly on hand. No. 1 Journal Block, - - Water Street, 6m AUGUSTA. ME. 5jan70 UNFAILING EYE PRESERVES. Our Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, are gaining steadily and certainly a repu tation unsurpassed. IT IN A FACT, That they render impaired sight clear and distinct, strengthen and preserve the Eye*, itud are very easy and pleasant to wear, and LAST MANY YEARS WITHOUT CHANGE, so that in the end they are the CHEAPEST AS WELL AS THE BEST. Notice. Mr. E. KOWSE, Jeweller, Augusta, Me., is our sole Agent iu this place. WE EMPLOY NO Pedlkkh. LAZRAUS Sl MORRIS, Hartford,Conn #E0. E. BR1CKETT. M. 0.. PHYSICIAN & SUEGEON, AITSl'BTA, ME. Office over Hunt’* Cap Store, West End of the Kennebec Bridge. AV Residence on Hfiiiliv Street. royHO’iiS Sawtelle & AYard, Dealers in Flour, Grain GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Stone and Earfliern Pottery. Also Agents for tlie Novelty Clothes Wringer. Utd Wringers of ail descriptions repaired with despatch and ■'•“»«« RPHOSZO SAWTKLLK. ANDREW I). WARD. Augusta, May 17, 1H70._3nr21 STOVES AND FURNACES At WILLIAMSON A GREENWOOD’S. Cough Candy ! ltrE\Di:ABI'B<i'S ((iron CANDY cures yy COUGHS, COLDS, WHOODING COUGH uml all Throat troubled. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Fancy Goods, tfcc., soul by lanl-ly* W. WTCSDESBVUG. RICHMOND PORTABLE RANCEI -asd Hanging Dome Furnace! At WILLIAMSON A GREEN WOOD'S. A Large and W«ll-aelect»d Anortnieiil ot Wallets, Bill & Pocket Books, iu Morocco anil Calf, for sale low by 1 mi TITCOM B A DORB. ORGANS & MELODEONS ! Messrs. Arno, Hodgkins & Co., Cl AN confidently assure the public of their ability / to furnish an'Instrument unsurpassed intone and durability of finish, thorough workmanship, and general excellence. Their cases an* made ot solid liluck Walnut. Their keys are made of the finest grade’s of Ivory, with Ivory fronts. They use the Munioe Patent Reed, which cannot l>e surpassed for EV KNXE8S and PARITY of tone. To all who mav favor them with their patronage, they guaran tee’ENTIRE SATISFACTION, and most respect fully urge all in want of a Musical Instrument to give them a call before purchasing elsew here. To such we guarantee a FIBST CLASS IN8TBIMENT, at prices that defy competition. Remember the place A1UVO, lIOJ>GXUN8 A CO., 1 door North Cook’s Drug Store, ulyift-ffiiii Water St., GARDINER, ME. For the million ! Wholesale and retail, at TITCOMB’S DRUG STORE. Brewster’s Hotel SKOWHEGAN, ME. 'PI1IS large and commodious Hotel is situated J. the head of the Falls on the Kennebec river, the enterprising village of Skowhegan, the termin ▼of the Portland A Kennebec R. R. This is one of the best arranged Hotels for fttmil borders there is in the State, and a better place for Summer resort, cannot be found in Maine. The best of water, beautiful drives on the banks of the river, fishing and.sailing ponds in the vicinity, trout brocks, where you can catch an abundance of the spotted brook trout any day in the year. Prices 'or permanent or transient boarding are very low, so our customers can afford to come often and stay a good while. We also have a large airy stable to board horses lortlieguei ts that wish to briug their teams with them. Also one of the best half mile trotting parks in the State, is connected with the House, free for tlic guests to train their horses or drive for pleasure flTjan-tt 8. B. BREWSTER, Proprietor.