Newspaper Page Text
1 - . . - HI ^ ' 1^^mmmn\ ■ I Mill uiiipih 1 ■•*■ .J 1 ._' . ~ — ■". . . '• s ’ ■ ■ ■ r i ■ <' ••"■» * PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. 1. BAUGUSTA, ME., MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 26, 1870. NO. 229 |Umukt Journal. Published ou Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA, MAIN£. BV SPUAGIE, OWEN A NASH. pail]] Juniubfc Journal Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph uml mail, gives reports of the Markets, and lias carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of farming, home and miscellaneous read ing with a full compilation of state news. Terms, *7 per annum in advance *8 il payment l » not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to he had at the bookstore* and at this ofiice. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertions or less. *1.00; 25 cts. for every subsequent i nsertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at laVorablo terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, *2 per square per week. mht\\k taiu'bcc Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest lotto paper in the state, containing news, polftiual articles, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms *2 per annum in advance> Transient Advertisements, *1.50 per Inch for first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, *2.00 per inch for first week; 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, in rending columns, 20 cents per line for first insertion ; 10 cents per line lor each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid*for ill advance. __ FIRST CLASS EATING HOUSE! riMIK subscriber would inform the travelling pub J. lie that he has opened A First (lass Eating House, — AT >0. 11> WATI K STREET Gardiner, Maine, formerly known a.* Somes' Saloon, The rooms have all been refurnished in the best possible manner. The Ladles’ Room tip stairs, is large and elegantly arranged. Meals will be fur nished at all hours. Table Boarders ArtTOiiimoditlctl lly the week at reasonable rates. And by strict attention to business, the Prop ie tor hopes to merit u liberal ©hare of the public patronage. J>- TV. VISING. Gardiner, July Id, lk70._ Jin-july IP PLUMBING ! a MIL: Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens ot Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing work at the shortest no lice. Those about to have water introduced into their buildings will do well to call on him before going elsewhere. * 6 11 It. STRATTON. Corner Bridge and Water Streets., Satisfaction yuarunteti/. Wtt Pare Micines ant Chemicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET A\D FASCT ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries* Goods l*ur« S(i,roi, Lard, Kerosene and Tutsfoot Oils. Charles K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE 1IAI.L,) Has on hand a Large Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SELLS AT The LowcnI Market Kates*! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS Partridge's Drug Store, Water Street, eoroer SarLet Sqaar t IjanTOly _ Prairie Weed Balsam! sold itv julyjo t.Ueod L. II. TITCOMB. Ipothecary. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Mr. A. F. Morse has just returned from Boston with a very large ami desirable assortment of Stereoscopic Views, Which will he snhl at Boston prices, lie also makes ami Keeps constantly on baud Views of Hallowell and Vicinity. \ny views which hie cm turners may want whirl arr not in hi., selection, will lie ol hwctl immediate ly. He ha» a great variety of PICTURE FRAMES on hand. ... , All order* for framing done with neatness and despatch. Pictures of every style, made cheap. The Public are invited t» call at hi* rooms on Water >t., corner Union St., llallowcll. and ex amine his stock. _ljuly-ttt Shooting Tackle. n. W~ LOXG. SUCCESSOR TO L. M. I. EL AND, GFUIsr SMITH And Dealer in Shooting Tackle of Every Variety Rifles and Shot Gum* made to order and war ranted. Old shot Guns rimmed out smooth and made to ©hoot thick and strong. A Is-», Ammunition of the nicest quality. lie pairing done !Veatly and Promptly. IlliiMtlng Potvdor. The best quality and largest stock ever kept in this market. For sale at Factory price*. Country Dealers supplied In any quantity or quality at dis count. _lj'iu-ly_ 20c. Initial Stationery. 20c. 24 SHKETS PAPKR AND 24 KNVKLOPKS put up In a neat box, all lor £Or., At Clapp & Xortli's Book Store, 155 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. augOUf Harnesses and Harness floods ! Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Curry-coiiilis, Bruslu's, Cards, All ltinds of Intcforlng, Unco Boots and Trotting Boots. And II very tiling pertaining to a well regnlitted Stable COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Cony House.) 113 Water Street, Augusta. I ! Don’t pay two profits on your Trunks, but buy at the only place in Augusta where they are manufactured. And sold at Manufacturer’s Prices, AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augvista Trunli Factory! Sign of tlio “BIO THUNK.” HAVING engaged a Fii>t-cl.i!*-Workman on Sole Leather Work, we are now prepared to furnish I Sole I^eutlH‘1* TnmltH of flic* equality. The only place in Maine where a fli>t-cla>6 trunk is made. CALL AND EXAMINE. .\o. 1 Ftigenie, Saratoga, Monitor, /ink Car, Trunk* of all classes#, Ladles' Dress, | Common I)r«.»H. VAI.I>h>. both sole b ather and comium, I UAV KI.LINii A Mluri’lNG UACia SHAWL "THAI*:— In fact everything in the way of convenience to tin travelling public. Coller tfc Gardiner, 141 Water Street, AUGUSTA. SOptlQ-ttf____ JSJL AGEE’S NEW PORTABLE RANGE! ! THE LATEST AND BEST. Combining: the Advantages <>1' All Others! j W ith nnui.T .\UW anti PATKSTIilt I'eaftirtv,. BEAUTIFUL IIV DESIGN ! FEI1FECT IIV OPERATION ! CALL AND SEE IT ! Every Range Warranted in Every Particular! ! For Sale by A. l». GOUhl), One Door \orlh Railroad Riidgr, AI (R'STt. Also for sale tl»«* nn<l Improved "PEEULESS" < oolc Stove, For Coal and Wood—1 lie Best Move m the Market. The **t»olden Eagle Furnace,” For Coal, con. tantly for sale. angio-ttf James H. Leigh, DEVLEU IN Foreign ami Domestic DRYGOODS ALSO, AoKNT FOIL Wheeler Sl Wilson’s Sewing Macliincs ! M LltLKM and all Tool® adapted to the Ma chine®, constantly on hand. Water St.* llalloivell. Me. tlapr-tf CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner and Wintorop State Sts., .A uousta, Me. T. B. h/sBLABl), : : Proprietor. Quests tsicen to and from tho Cars and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. flJat/ilMxn CONY HOUSE, IWMTMiU S'M'KKKT, AUGUSTA, MAINE. rplIIS now Hotel affoids accommodations $u port L or to any other in the city to the travelling com luunity, being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS, and very near the Depot. Connected with and adjacent to the House are | commodious and convenient SA9IPI.K It O <» U N ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods i live of charge. . .. . The travelling.public may be assured that no i pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Tpknku, at- of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share ot the public patronage. ^Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! V. A. ii II. COST, 1 roprietors. AHJan&w4-tf Mass. Institute of Technology. 1 Entrance Examination TuritMUY, Seitkm \ BEK 4». Kor Cutalogues, apply to J’nol i nsou ' ami ei, Kneeland, Boftoii. Ma.o. «ep7-eoa»t HOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, American and Swiss Watches, in gold and Oliver case, including the celebrated National or Klgm Watch, Waltham, Tremont, Bor* .min, Bonnett. Pardeaux. Jaeot, Ac., in both La dies’and genUcni.-u’s sizes. Pino Gold J owolry, Solid Gold Leoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STKIIM.V; A. C'OlN SILVClt <iO()OS, riNF.' PI, \TED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS or ALL KIXDS, including the celebrated ITHACA t ALDNDAU | all of w hich will be Bold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. I Particular attention given to repairing all kinds ol i Fine Watches. Chronometer Balam eb applied and | ad lasted to temperature and position tljanTO-tf j S. F. Davenport, Agent for the sale of the celebrated SINGER I SEWING MACHINES -ALSO AGENT FOR TIIK FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. Place of bnwincsR has been removed to nearly opposite Western I’nivn Telegraph Ofllee. Machines Repaired and Exchanged. ttf-junc" .IVoticti. A N ALTO SINGER, possessing rapid reading 1JL and cln*ir singing qualities, can hear of a situa tion in a Choir by addressing L. C., box 42. Augusta l*. o. ’ riw j Augusta, Me., Sept. 17. Is70. For Sale. VYERY PI.EA'* A NT HIT! ATION on SWAN Street, with a lront on the street of a hundred and lilty-five feet by about eighty deep. The resi*1 deuee with it* appurtenances and part of the lot will be sold, or the whole, comprising the Carriage-shop, 1 o suit the purchaser. Apply to the subscriber on the premises. »eptl5-t*2w G. PHILLIPS. Why do People PERCH AS E THEIR KI-Il at BIKER'S FISH nAHKET ! Because they get what they rail for. suppose they get poor lis7i?wliy, thev don’t often ! but il they do their money is re funded. Fish, Lobsters, and ( lams. Fresh and nice, delivered in any part of the city J. S. BCKEIl, (■anlini i . Gardiner, Sept, la, 1870. septl7*t3in Buy the Best! EUREKA RANGE For Wood or Coal! For Economy, Durability, Beauty of Design and Finish, THIS RANGE HAS NO EQUAL! Perfect In Every llespect, It commends itself to every one In want of a First ('Iiism Cook Stove! Sold in Augusta bv WILLIAM H. WOODBl'RY. Also some of the BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES in the Market, and a variety of IIouse-Furnialiing Goodw ! A few Doors south of Railroad Bridge. tl2mar&w-ly SOMETHING NEW rrilE HILL TRLADLE to be attach to X any sewing Machine. Take** but very ttle *trength to run. Always start* the right way ; ... er backward**. No -t o ting or -topping the machine with the hands. C all and -ce d in operation. *epb-ni G. W. JONES, Agent. DENTISTRY ! New l>entnl Jtooms, HI NT'S BLOCK, next door North of l'o*t Oflice, AKJISTA, : : Maine. It r E beg to inform the public that we have c*tub I > li*htd this oflice permanently for the practice of Denti-trv in all it** branches Our long experi ence in b >tli Bo t.m and New York enables u- to execute all operation* In the best possible manner We give our patron- the beii&it oi all the latest ami be-t improvements without extra charge. Our char ge- will be very moderate in all eases. Artificial Teeth inserted at the following greatly re<htce<l jtriemfur one ui 'iith Beautiful sets of Gum teeth $15 to $20. Temporary “ Plain “ $10 to $15. Partial set* in proportion. Teeth kxtrai’ti h without Pain. F. II. FALLS 4 0.. Surgeon Dentists. septl4-t Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERAsTUS LYMAN • * - President ! r| ^ 111S i* one of the oldest, most reliable, and best X dividend paying companies in the country. ASSETS OVER $7,200,000 ! Liberal arrangement* will be made with Agents, and they are wanted in all part.- of the State. Apply at ALGLSTA, ME., 130 Water street, (up-stuirs) to CHARLES WHITE, Manager lor Maine and New llanip*hire. , March 22,1870. t22inar-tf WANTED! ~ BV an experienced teacher, a situation to teach the coming winter, \v here good wages are paid, or as assistant. Languages taught if desired. 1 References given. Address -< pt,,-/iw Box B, South China. A. LITTLEFIELD, HAVING returned to liis old stand, next door to 1 the Journal Block, would inform bis fra uds j and the public that he is ready to manufacture BOOTS W SHOES, either PEGGED or SEWED. REPAIRING ! done cheaper than at any other shop on the Ken ue bee. A. Littlefield. Augusta, Sept. 14,1870. Bin hehry o" & a. a nichols, MASONS AND SLATERS. \LLwork in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner by the day or job. Particular uttenliou paid to repair* of slate roofs, cementing cisterns, cellars, Ac. Order* left at A. P.Gould’s Move Store, first door above Bail road Bridge, promptly attended to. MEN BY O. NICHOLS, ALBERT A. NlCllOLS. Augusta Jan. 1 18/50. BOOKSELLERS, And Dealers in Staple and Fancy Stationery, Fancy Gouda, Ac. 155 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. kkWEBEl' SAYlMiS BA\k! TruatccH: \V r. IIAI.LETT, Kl'SSKLL EATON, O. C . WIIITEUHI’SE, liKANK PKAY, OK KIN WILLIAMSON. Deposits received at the counter of the Freemans National Hank. 2he net earnings of the Hank are divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as security, J. I,. ADAMS, Treasurer Aurll 8th. 1870 15tf VMIHHAA BBOILEBI, Table Cutlery, Plated Fork* and spoons, and Housekeeping Good* at tYlllianikUii «V Urecimood'i. aug27-ttf DRUG STORE -FOR SALE IN Brewer, - - opposite • ■ Bancor. DR. LOCKWOOD, on account of poor health, offers his DRUG STORE and DWELLING HOUSE for sale, in the best location in Brewer for DRUGS and ML DU INKS. An excellent opportunity for a Phvrdeian wishing to retire from practice. For particulars inquiry may be made, by letter or t otherw ise, of Bib J. D. LOCK WOOD, on the premises, 4 Centre Street, Brewer, Maine. sepW-ttaw -4\v *'< alnia Advertiser," once a week-4 weeks. “Moulton Times,” oucoph week-4 weeks. “Lew iston Journal,” .1 times a week-4 weeks dai ly A once a week-4 w weekly . 8n Please copy, and send bill as above, with pa per.- containing advertisement. first Letter foundry in New Ensluiui. Commenced in 1817. Boston Type Foundry Always noted for its Hard and Totif/h Metal, And its large varieties ot BOOK AND JOB TYPE, And lately tor its unrivalled IV c av s ]> st pe t* Facew. Kleetrotyplnj; Done in nil its Brauehe.>i. Address orders to J. A. ST. JOHN, Agent, 55 Water Street, .... - Boston SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. Long experienc#*and the utmost cure are necca sary to c us lire good metal, even with a knowledge ol' the be.-t combination*—therefore, the safest way is to buy of the oldest established Foundry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Faces (body, two-line, and dis play. are of our own cutting, and the best made, as a glance at the papers we lit out w ill prove. BOOK FACES. Our special Specimen of Book Pages how ? grea variety, adapted to all kind* of work, including our Revived Old Styles, tho most perfect embodiments of the letters of the lad century vet presented. 4f>t f PJOTICE OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN WATCH CO. ( W ALTHAM, MASS.. Nov.. IStJS. $ We h nve nppointrd EDWARD ROWSE 124 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, L)KA I fcH IX Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, And SPECTACLES. our selling Agent f'«r the city anti vicinity of AUGUSTA and intend to keep in his possession at al times such a stoct of GOLD AM) SILVER WATCHES, minii .u o i-fv-.wk.its as win enable him to supply any demand, either at i Wholesale or Ketail, which may be made upon him, and AT RATES AS FAVORABLE as are offered at our Sales Rooms in Now Yorls. or Boston. FUR AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY. R. E. ROBBINS, Treas’r. J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offii )1 on Wiiillirop Silrcet, has of State Street.—Opposite Court House. AurtottAwtf_ Picture Frames! CHROMOS, BRACKETS, ALBUMS! At*., Are., Ac., In Large Variety. Picture Frame* of any size made to order at short notice at llcndcc's Photograph Rooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. tjune2-tf ELI G. JONES, M. D.. EcurcTir Physician & Surgeon May be consulted on all forms of disense at ins office in CHINA VILLAGE, ME. Graduate of “The Kclectic Medical College, Pa.,” tnembci of the “Kclectic National Medical Asso ciation, also member of “The Maine Kclectic Med ical Society,” and graduate of the “Pennsylvania Hospital” at Philadelphia. Special .mention paid lo Surgery, ,Hid triferu, and IHueaue* of BV\»jm<m aud 4 kildreu. *g-All calls promptly attended to night or day. Kefekkntes in Pllll.ADELl’lllA: Prof. John Bu chanan. >1 1>.. -"27 No. 12th st.; Prof. Joseph Sites, M. 1 >.. 81W N >. tiih st.; Prof. James Cochran, M. 1)., 511 Pinest.; Prof. Win. Clark, M.D., 514 Pine st. auglOwtiw 1 OEMERAE Insurance Agency, Urauite Block, sonth side Market Sj, AUGUSTA, ME. _ CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Over $20,000,000.00 ! Ilia Life Insarance Company, Hartford Conn., Chattered 1819. Charter Perpetual. Losses paid in 51 years, $27,000,000.00. Assets, July 1, 1*70, $.1,744,.'178.00. , iEtna Life Insurance Comp’y, HartfordfConn., Assets, January 1, 1870, over S>11,000,000.00. It lnt» over 45,000 members, AND An Annual Income of over Six Millions of Dollars ! Traveler’s Insurance Comp'y, Hartford, Conn., Lile iiml Acciileut. I CASH ASSETS 81,457,710.04, Jan. 1, 1»70. j rnANICIallV lire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Assets, January 1, 1870, Si.8^3,780.08. City lire Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN. — Roger W illiams Ills. Company, RROVIDENCE, 11. I. _ ! Merchants' insurance Comp'y, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Atlantic Tire Insurance Co’y., BROOKLYN, N. Y. i Eastern Insurance Company, BANGOR, ME. Marine Risks Effected on reasonable terms in Reliable Companies. sept JO-ftf MILLINERY ! l^all Fashions. The be?t display of Trimmed llats & Hoimels Will be found DURING THIS FAIR -AT— Miss SOULE'S. IS Water St. in*\vl;{8_ HENRY HEIMS, No. lOO Sudbury Street, - - Bontou, MANUFACTURE It OK BILLIARD TABLES Wi HI i HE t()ilH|NA fiuS S i KING CUSHION. New and Second-Hand Tables always on hand j amiIbr sale ut the lowest prices. Give me j^call ai»rJv-'in K. h WILMAHTH, ^6Dl> AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. K. II. EDDY, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, Late Agent of the l . >. Patent Office, Washington, under the Act of 1837. .Vo. 70 State Street, {opposite Kilby Street) II OS TON, VFTEU an extensive practice of upwards of 20 years, continues to secure Patents in the I ni I led Mutes; also in Great Britain, France and other foreign countries. Caveats, specifications, Bonds, , Assignments, and all papers or drawings for Pa tent-. executed on reasonable terms with dispatch, j Researches made into American and Foreign works to determine the validity and utility of Patents of 1 Inventions, and legal and other advice rendered ou , ail matters touching the same. Copies of the claims of any patent furnished by remitting one dollar. Assignments recorded in Wu.-hiugtoii. No Agency in the United Mates possesses superi or facilities‘for obtaining Patent.-, or ascertaining the patentability of invention-. During eight months the subscriber. In the course of his large practice, lbade ou twice rejected appli cations. sixteen appeals- every one of w nidi was de cided in hi* /Vuw by the t ouiimt»»ioucr of Patents. Testimonials. ‘ I regard Mr. Eddy as one of tlie most capable and -ucecssfnl practitioner- w ith whom 1 have had official intercourse. < HAULER MASON, Commissioner of Patents.” “I have no hesitation m assuring inventors that they cannot employ a man more competent ami trustworthy, ami more capable of putting their ap plications m a form to secure for them an early and favorable cou-ideialiou at the Patent Office. EDMUND BURKE. Late Commissioner of Patents.” “Mr. R. II. Eddy has made for me THIRTEEN applications, in all but ONE of which patents have been granted, and that one is now pending. Such unmistakable proof of great talent and ability on ins j part leads me to recommend all inventors to applv to bim to procure their patents, as they may be sure ! of having the most faithful attention bestowed on their cases aud at very reasonable charges. JOHN TAUIIART.” Boston. .Tan. 1.1870._ lv2 FOR SALE. 1AOU SALE in Hallowell, uIkhu Thirty acres of tillage and sixty acres of wood bind ami pas ture. For particulars inquire in Hallowell of aeptaS-tly THOMAS H. HUBBARD. ittvscdlamt. HOW TO PROtTRE SLEEP. Let us suppose, then, a person to be in a particularly wakeful state, and that he lias tossed and tumbled about into the small hours of the morning without any feeling of somnolence. If he should now desire deep repose, the following proceed ing must tie adopted: He is to lie on his right side, with his head comfortably placed on a pillow, having the neck straight, so that respiration may he unim peded. Let him then close his lips slight ly and take a rather full respiration, breathing through the nostrils as much as possible. This last, however, is not abso lutely necessary, and some persons breat he habitually by the mouth. Having taken the full respiration, the lungs are to be left to their own action; that is, res piration is not to be interfered with. At tention must be fixed upon the respira tion. The person must imagine that ho sees the breath passing through bis nos trils in a continuous stream, and at the in stant that lie brings his mind to conceive this, apart from all other ideas, conscious ness leaves him and he falls asleep. Sometimes it happens that the method uucp uui ill uiiuu suititu. 11 nuuum uo persevered in. Let the person take in thirty or forty full respirations nnd pro ceed as before, hut he must by no means attempt to count the respiratory acts, for if he does, the mere counting will keep him awake. Even though he may not now succeed in procuring very sound sleep, he will at least fall into a state of pleasant repose. Such is the account, somewhat abridged, of this much valued “Art of procuring sound and refreshing sleep at will,” given by Mr. Binns in his “Anatomy of Sleep.” He, it seems, pur chased the secret troiu Mr. Gardner, and hints at his generosity in having made it public gratis. It is founded on the prin ciple that monotony, or the influence on the mind of a single idea, as we have al ready shown, induces slumber. The in ventor has for years suffered great agony with consequent sleeplessness, from an injury of his spine. In this sad condition, opium ami other sedatives were found rather to increase than to allay his (suffer ings. He was a contemplative man, and at length discovered the secret of “sub duing sleeplessness and commanding re pose by a simple effort of volition.” The plan is at all events safe and easy of ap plication, and any wakeful reader can test it on himself. John A. Fleming. SI MM ROOMS. Every woman is wise enough and care ful enough lo secure for her house-plants every bit of available sunshine during the cold winter months. Great care is taken to get a southern exposure for them. In deed, if one can secure, no other than a north window for her plants, she has too much love for these unconsious, auimate things to keep them at all. She would rather leave them out in the cold to die out right, than linger out a martyr exis tence in the shade. Folks need sunshine quite as much as plants do. Men and women who have a lair degree of strength and the use of their legs, can get out into the world and get a glimpse of the sunshine now and then, and if they choose to do so, let them live in rooms with a northern exposure ; but it it is possible, let us secure rooms into which every possible ray of sunshine that tails in winter may enter, for the little babies who are shut up in the house, in valids who cannot leave their rooms and aged people who are too infirm to get out doors. Let us reflect for a moment that these classes of persous, if kept in rooms with only north windows, will sutler just as much from the absence of sunshine as green, growing plants would do iu the rooms, and their suffering is of account in proportion as a human being is better than a geranium or a fuchsia. Every body knows how a bright, sunny day in winter gladdens every one who is situated so as to enjoy it. Let us make some sae rifices, if need be, in order to give the feeble ones their measure of sunshine.— Laics of Life. PRESERVING EGGS. A writer in the Rural gives several methods lor preserving eggs, as follows: We have tried several modes and never found any difficulty in keeping eggs any desired length of lime for culi nary purposes, seemingly as good and fresh as when first laid. Our principal mode has been that recommended by Mods. Charles Jacque, which from several years' experience, proved one of the best we ever tried; having succeeded in keep ing eggs nice for use from six to eight months after they were laid. He says: “The most certain and most lasting mode of preservation consists in covering the eggs in ajar filled with lime water, recent ly prepared, and keep them in a cool place. The lime water is prepared from quick lime or that which has been slacked but lately, by placing it in a quantity of water greater than would cover the eggs. The milk of lime which is thus formed is al lowed to stand several hours. The clear liquid which separates itself from the excess of lime used is the lime water, which is poured otf for use. Lime water not only prevents the evaporation, since the eggs are plunged in the liquid, but the alkali which it holds in solution closes the pore of the shell and prevents all fermen tation, either of the eggs or tho organic matter which the water might contain.” We have had good results also from packing eggs in very dry barrel salt, which nave kept for months in a well-pre served state. Our mode was to stand a box or stone jar in a cool place in the cel lar : put therein a layer ot salt, then one i of eggs, with the large ends downward, I taking care that the eggs did not touch one another; continue this practice until the jar or box is full; cover the box and let it stand without disturbing until the eggs are needed for use. We have packed ! eggs in this way in June and Julv, and found them in January and Fubruary per fectly tresh in looks and having no* stale ■ or musty taste when brought to the table.