Newspaper Page Text
gaiJjr Jtfnnrbtr ftrariral AUGUSTA. FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 14.1870. GEN. ROBERT E. LEE. The death of General Robert E. Lee, announced in the papers, is the dec ease of the ablest man in a military point of view which the attempt to establish a Southern Confederacy developed among the rebels. The stubbornness and success with which he maintained his ground between Rich mond and Washington against all op posers until the final campaign of 18Go, are admitted by his opponents, and are evidence of military genius of a high order. Looking back upon the days when the Union army was baffled in all its efforts to reach Richmond, we sec no figure that rises up so prominently in opposition, or inspired so much fear and desire for his “taking off" throughout the North, as that of General Lee. While he stood before Richmond we almost came to believe that the city could not be taken, and when it did fall it was never questioned that he had made an able deience, the best which any one could make with the means at his command. General Lee was a native of Virginia, born of the best stock in the State, anil was educated by favor of the L nited States Government at West Point. In the Mexi can war he gained a high reputation for courage and intrepidity, and at the time oi the secession of Virginia was in command of the 2nd United States Cavalry Regi ment, stationed in Texas. He was, how ever, then temporarily in Washington, and on the next day after President Lincoln is sued his proclamation for the suppression of the Insurrection against the Government, he sent a letter to General Scott resiging his command in the army, and in a few days was appointed Commander-in-Chief, with the rank of Major General, of all the military forces of the State ot ^ irginia. In accepting this office in convention his remarks indicate the idea upon which he acted. “I devote myself," said he, “to the service of my native State, in whose behalf alone will I ever again draw my sword." It was the pernicious idea upon which secession was founded, that the State had a claim to his allegiance prior and superior to that of the general govern ment. On this rock General Lee sunk his fortunes. It is useless now to argue how he could have honestly seeu things in this light, and not as Anderson, Farragut and other southern men did. It remains as a matter of record that he drew liis sword against his country, against the govern ment which had nurtured and educated him, and for four years was the chief pil lar of the rebellion. The false teaching of the slaveholders, employed to sustain the institution of Slavery, made him a traitor and rebel and causeil him to put to use his splendid talents in an ignoble as well as lost cause. In personal appear ance he was a gentleman. His soldiers and officers were remarkably attached to him, and in this partly lay the secret of his strength. They obeyed him with alac rity and trusted in him implicitly. If the Confederacy had abler men within its lim its, it had none that made a larger mark or did so much to sustain secession as Lee. While he was thus the most powerful enemy the North had in the war, it is no ticeable that his name is not mentioned with so much bitterness among Union men and soldiers as the names of other promi nent rebels. He was not considered in human or barbarous, anil his success anil ability as a general gained him respect. But for his turning rebel the death of Robert E. Lee might have been lamented by the nation and gone down to posterity in honor. The nomination of Mr. John Quincy Adams by the democrats of Massachusetts as a candidate for Governor is not at all to the liking of those democrats led by the Boston Post, who a few weeks ago an nounced that he would not be a candidate, and bowed him off the stage. They will not shout the battle-cry of last year, "Liberty and Adams,” with so good a will as then, but the Young Democracy hold the reins and the elder brethren must sub mit. If the duplicate "of his illustrious grandfather” gets as many votes as in 1869, there will be much disappoint incut in one wing of the democracy in Massachusetts. From the returns it appears that General Schenck is defeated by a small majority, than whom the republicans could better have spared some other man. Also the independent candidate in the Second Dis trict of Pennsylvania is elected over Mc Neil, the regular. To offset these some democratic districts have been carried, but the result is not yet dear enough to al low a definite calculation to be made. Ap pearance* are that the republicans will be as strong in the next Congress as at pres ent, which is strong enough as everbody knows. POLITICAL. The New York World is urging the demo crat* to pay no attention to the recent laws to promote fair elections. There i* talk of nominating the lion. Hor ace Greeley for Congress in the Sixth New York District by the Republicans, against the Hon. S. S. Cox, the Democratic nominee and present incumbent. Such a nomination, ac cording to the Standard, would give life and enthusiasm to the contest in Xew York. The New York Nation makes one of the most effective political hits of the season, in saying that in their platform “the Democrats desire the establishment of a republic in Ire land on the model of that of Nc# York city, which is the first Irish republic ever estab lished, and possesses many novel government contrivance*.” An active canvas* is already going on in « for the United States Scnatorsliip in pis™ of Jacob M. Howard. iTIie legisla ture to be elected in November will eelect bis successor, and the qustion enters largely into the nominations for the body. Mr. Howard is a candidate for re-election, and he is op posed by Governor Blair, of Jackson county, and William Howard, who was a representa tire in Congress during the war. WAR SVLISTERS. The war enthusiasm among the German op eratic singers is intense. Lucca, whose hus band has been reported wounded and dead, passes her spare time in picking lint; Nie mann. the celebrated tenor, has joined the Knights of St. John ; while Beck, at the head of a party of musical confreres, boarded the refreshment trains going to the front, and went in person to dispense good cheer among the soldiers. A Wurtemburg officer writes to the Darm stadt Military Gazette:—“It is remarkable how the French mode of fighting has altered in this war. They employ cavalry, especial ly cuirassiers, for the attack, while the intan try generally awaits the attack in strong posi tions behind earthworks and rifle pits. This is the cause of the enormous Prussian losses, and of an order by the King that strong po sitions should never be assaulted in front. In the battle of Sedan the artillery did the most service. The Prussian losses are not very considerable, but the French much more so. Mitrailleuses were not so largely em ployed as at Woerth. Their effect at one thousand or twelvo hundred yards is often really fearful. It is remarkable tlint so many mounted officers tall. A correspondent says :—“Prominent among others Count Bismarck is to he seen riding, lie is a great rider. I have several times come across him mounted on a fine charger, and recognizable afar by his right royal appear ance. He goes along saluting everybody, from the peasant to the King, the picture of royalty in himself. Yonder he conics, walk ing his horse through the shady alleys of the garden. There is a general clearance of the way. “Present arms” is the cry that goes. On this occasion he is dressed in a military suit, in it a fine specimen of manhood, al though one is hardly reconciled to the great diplomat appearing in the toggery ot war. His weapon is the pen, and not the sword. There is every reason to believe that the three guiding minds of the Germans are Bismarck, Motke and the King.” The passion with which the French soldier respects his flag is vividly revealed in a story of Sedan. At the moment of capitulation, a captain, a lieutenant of Zouaves, and a brave sergeant, resolved that the flag which had been left in their keeping should not fall into the hands of the Prussians. So they took the emblem of France to pieces, one concealing the banner under his uniform, the other put ting the balls into his pocket, and the third keeping the eagle. After the capitulation, it was agreed that all the relics should be con fided to the care of the sergeant, who, being an Alsacian, could speak German. The brave sergeant then managed to escape from his captors, to don the guise of a peasant, and to obtain a basket, in which he placed the me morials of French glory. He then covered the precious relics with a mass of tobacco, which he had got from the willing peasants, and, thus guarded against detection, he man aged to pass through all the German lines, and to reach Paris. GENE UAL NEWS. The first frost of the season in North Caro lina was observed on Sunday morning. A man in AVayne county, Mississippi, is feeding his cow on juniper berries to get her to give gin and milk. Last Saturday and Sunday, a fleet of up wards of five hundred vessels were engaged in catching mackerel off the “Musical Beach,” in Manchester. The Bank of Holland has reduced its rate of discount to four per cent. A despatch from Hong Kong received via Bombay gives a report that the Chinese gov ernment declines to take any action providing against further outbreaks. The census-takers in some portions of the West have as funny experiences as those in the large cities in this section. In Ohio a family has been found where the first son was named Imprimis, the second Finis, and the three others Appendix, Addendum and Erra tum. Book men, perhaps. A Philadelphia woman earns her honest livelihood by fainting in front of large stores ami hotels, into which she is carried. A purse is made up for her, and she is sent home in a hack. The daughter of a runaway slave employed by Major Gilbert, of Troy, as a coachman many years ago, was married last month to Senator ltuby, colored, of Texas. It costs “something” to enlarge a newspa per which has a large circulation. In adding a fe»r inches to the size of his journal a Philadelphia publisher adds 820,000 to his yearly expenses for white paper. General LaMarmora is appointed Lieuten ant Governor of the Papal provinces. The laws of Italy are to be introduced and an am nesty proclaimed. The Georgia Senate passed a rosolution in viting President Grant to visit Atlanta during the State fair, and extending the hospitalities of the State to him during his visit. The suit which was mought, in Washing ton, in the name of Colonel Lafayette Baker, now dead, to recover the reward offered for the capture of the murderer of Mr. Lincoln, has been pronounced by the court to lie inva lid. One feature of the Western Texas Agri cultural Fair at San Antonio yesterday was a sixty mile ruee, to he made inside of three hours, on Texas horses and saddles. The feat was accomplished by a man named Cook, who rode sixty-one miles in two hours and fifty-six and a half minutes. The Fourth Auditor has passed the claims of the officers and seamen of the Cnited States styamer J)e Soto, w ho were engaged in the capture of the Leviathan during the rebellion. About 8«000 is to be distributed in prize money. An Indiana constable was sent to arrest a woman the other day. She seemed perfectly willing to go to jail, but desired the officer to hold the baby while she went into an adjoin ing room to dress. The soft-hearted official bar been waiting lor the return of his prisoner ever since. A telegram received from Florence says that a decree has been issued annexing the Roman provinces to the kingdom of Italy. The Pope preserves his dignity and the inviolability of his personal prerogatives as a sovereign. Laws are provided settling the independence territorially, and the spiritual authority of his Holiness. A despatch from Pekin, dated September 10, reports that “the people have destroyed the Catholic buildings in this city.” Thu Illinois University hns succumbed to its pecuniary embarrassments. The largest creditor, the Pennsylvania Synod, purchased the building for the amount of its claims, a little more than $3,000. and the Lutheran an nounces that a collegiate institute has been opened, under the name of St. Paul's College. The Second Comptroller has ruled that in mates of the national asylums for disabled soldiers need not make quarterly assignments of their pensions for the benefit of the asy lum, but that one assignment at the time of entrance into the institution is all that is necessary. The Roman Catholics of Newark, N. J.. propose to erect in that place a magnificent cathedral, to he the finest in the country. Father Duane, recently returned from Europe, has brought the plans for it, based on the largest and grandest churches on the conti nent. It is stated that it w ill require fifteen years to construct the edifice. Wilson, the murderer of the Warden of the Connecticut State Prison, seems determined to commit suicide, lie has taken no food or water lor a week. The birthday of Father Matthew, the Apos tle of Temperance, was celebrated at Cooper Institute with great enthusiasm. The Secretary of State has notified the Secretary of the Treasury that official infor mation has reached this country that the rinderpest has broken out in Germany. Sec ’ retary lioutwell has in consequence ordered collectors to allow no importation of neat cattle or hides from any foreign country ex cept Canada, without a certificate from the consul that the disease does not prevail at the port of shipment. the s weed is h colony. The Land Agent, Mr. Burleigh, publishes the following article which we find in the Bangor Whig, in reply to suggestions in some quarters that the State is doing more for the Swedes in Aroostook than for its own citi zens. In order to establish a first colony of tw en ty-five families, it was deemed necessary to render them some assistance, and to hold out some extra inducements to them, by felling a few trees and furnishing a shelter for them 'until they can have time sufficient to provide for themselves. This assistance has, I think, been very judiciously rendered under the di rection of the Governor and Council. This assistance is to be furnished for the first colony of twenty-five families only. All who join the colony hereafter will be required to purchase their lands upon the same terms and conditions as are prescribed in Chapter 5 of the ltevised Statutes. But in reality, these inducements offered by the State, to this little colony, which is intended to serve merely as a nuclein tor peopling a portion of the wild lands of the State, amount to but little more than those offered under existing laws, to citizens of this country; for this first colony must reside up on and improve their lots of only one hun dred acres each, for the term of five years be fore they are entitled to a deed or title of the lot assigned to them, and they must build their own roads; while all other persons can have a lot not exceeding two hundred acres each, and receive a valid title within four years by performing settling duties and “paying” as it is called, fifty cents per acre, in building roads for their own benefit. . In answer to the inquiry “why the citizens of Maine are not allowed the same privileges as are allowed the Swedes,” I would say that they are allowed precisely the same privileges, with the exception of the twenty-five families to which I have alluded. They could if they would do so, purchase the land, as I have al ready stated, at the nominal price of fifty cents per acre, payable in making roads in the township in which the land is situated. I he settler is not required to make any cash pay ment whatever. But still, strange as it may seem, these very liberal terms have not in duced our people to remain in the State and the last census shows a decrease in population, in nearly every part of the State, except in some of the manufacturing towns. In view of these facts, it seems to me that the present movement to induce an intelligent and industrious people like the Swedes, to im migrate to, and settle on the wild lands in the extreme Northerly portions of the State, is wise and judicious and one that will result in much benefit to the State. Domestic Ketos. The editor of "the Gardiner Home Journal attended the West Gardiner Town Show and Fair, which took place last Tuesday, and says that he was very agreeably surprised. Every nook and corner of the Town House, was improved to display the rich lot of vege tables, fruits and household manufactures on exhibition. The show of apples he never saw excelled, if equalled. There were 181 speci mens ; and there was no one man who showed over 17 varieties. Excellence rather than quantity seemed to be the rule with the ex hibitors. J. Emerson was awarded the highest praise for 17 varieties, and I-rank Wadsworth with 15 varieties came next. 1). Fuller had 0 varieties of fine fruit and Mrs. Currier 15. There were many other exhibi tors, all with excellent specimens. |Two gent lemen. whose names lie did not learn, exlii ted ripe chestnuts; and Mrs. Currier had ripe quinces, and one had some very nice peaches. The butter, cheese, preserves &c.< and the numberless specimens of ladies' handicraft, showed that the farmers' wives and daughters, though they may have more accomplishments than their grandmothers, by no means neglect the arts and habits that fit them for heads of households. The West i Gardiner folks claim that in the question of j stock—especially oxen—they beat the Litch field folks. At the annual convocation of Lebanon Royal Arch Chapter, held last Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected : William Grant, High l’riest; James M. rabee, King; George N. Johnson, Scribe; Martin Horn, Captain of the Host; William C. Palmer, Ptincipal Sojourner; George W. Colburn, Royal Arch Captain; David Dennist Secretary; S. R. Tibbets, Treasurer. The installation of these officers will take place Wednesday evening, Oct. 10th. as wo learn from the Home Journal. The Bath Daily Time* says Mr. Samuel Jordan, residing at Xew Meadows near the head of Great Island, discovered. Tuesday morning, on his marsh, the body of a man, which had been washed ashore at that place. It bad the appearance of having been in the water about two weeks or less and of having been a person of about forty years of age. The body was fully dressed excepting the feet which were naked. The face was badly bruised, and foul play was suspected. No one lias been missed from that locality and it is said that the location of the place where the body was discovered is such as to preclude the possibility of its having drifted in from the ocean. The proper authorities of Bruns u irk were notified and the body handed over to thorn for identification. The Whig says a farmer went to Bangor a day or two since to obtain barrels in which to preserve his cider, lie purchased a lot, and upon getting them home, proceeded to rinse them out. In one whiskey barrel, which lie purchased at a notorious shop, something rattled about which lie could not get out, so taking out the head, lie investigated, finding seventeen large plugs of tobacco, all soaked in whiskey, which had evidently been placed there to improve the flavor and “body" of the liquor! Think of that, vc whiskey drinkers! A shocking case oceasionedbv youthful de pravity took place at Canton, Mass., a tew days ago. A school teacher in feeble health, by the name of Miss Etta II. Barstow. was set upon by some of her scholars with stones, and in consequence of the violence used she died. The Coroner's jury have decided that though she wasdiscased. her death was accel erated by the attack of the hoys. Four of the hoys have been arrested and sent to the Reform School—punishment light enough for so grievous a crime. The Flsworth American says the tidiing schooner “I.izzie Lee" of Trenton, three years old. lias lind extraordinary good luck thus far. She is about t*0 tons measurement, and for the first and second years she brought home 1700 quintal of fish each year, and this year she has a fare of 1800 quintals. Capt. Stubbs of Bucksport lias had command of her for the three years. The Saco Independent learns that during last Friday night the house of Ira Andrews, of ISiddeford, was entered, and a gold watch stolen. Sunday morning between the hours of two and four, the house of Dr. John A. Berry, of Saco, was entered. The burglar entered the doctor's sleeping room, carried off his pants and vest, about forty dollars in money, and a gold watch. The Bowdoin College rcgettaat Brunswick appointed for Wednesday afternoon.was post poned to the first pleasant afternoon, on ac count of the storm. Six single shells arc entered from Portland and Bath, also three douhjc shells, one six-oared and one four oared boat. Three wherries are entered by students of Bowdoin College. One of the unfortunate men killed by the boiler explosion in Allen's saw-mill, at Low ell, Mass., Tuesday, was Augustus Crum mett. a young man nineteen years old. who went from Canaan, in this State, three weeks afii. He was assisting in loading a ear near by. and was hit with a piece of boiler, and died soon after. It is said the Portland & Ogdensburg Bail road will extend to Steep Falls in Baldwin, 28 miles from Portland, this fall. The rest of the road will be complete to Fryeburg, so as to lay the rails just as soon as the ground settles in the spring. I)r. Emerson from Belfast, who was on his way to Buffalo, to sec liis son, was robbed in a liquor shop in Boston last Tuesday of S1200 by a liquor dealer named Lambert, to whom the Doctor had imprudently exposed his mon ey. Lambert was arrested. Mr. Charles Lincoln, junior member of the firm of Lincoln, Chamberlain & Co.of Boston, fell into a vat of boiling lard at their work in Somerville on Monday, and was so scalded that death ensued in the evening. The Journal says Edwin E. Morse, formerly of Lewiston, has purchased the water power in West Gardiner, known as Cram’s Mill, and has commenced the manufacture of bed steads, etc. Orris S. Smith, of Jonesport. has recovered a verdict of §2.000, against the town of Addi son, for injuries sustained in his foot and ankle in consequence of a defect in the side walk in that town. The Home Journal says the Hemlock Ball, in Gardiner was a very pleasant affair. The hall was tastefully decorated, and everything was highly complimentary to those who had the matter in charge. The store of Messrs, B. P. Eaton & Co., at Green’s Landing, Deer Isle, was recently consumed by fire. The insurance had ex pired a short time before. .1. C. Wash & Co., of Addison, are build ing a schooner of about 200 tons. Four ves sels have already been launched here this season. Messrs. (’. A. & J. 1). White of Gardiner, are building a 10,000 ton ice-house. Piukhiuu k Small! y*7"ori-r> respectfully Inform their patrons and friends that thev’have removed to the Store in PEHI.EVS HEOC'k, formerly oeeupied by MA11K JOIINHON, w here they will keep constantly on hand BEEF, LAMB, PORK ! and Bin'll other goods ns are generally in a FIRST CLASS provision Storo 2 OF ALSO luIXPS. Thankful for past favors, they hone bv close at tention to business, to receive a liberal share ol patronage. Goods deliversl in any part of the City tree ot jcharge. Plnkham & Small. Hallowell, Oct. IS, WTO, oetW-Uf Come One, Come All ! And Buy your Groceries —OF— RICHARDS & HALL, Where you will Bud PRICES LOW ENOlCH to | suit you all. AT T1IEIK OEI> ITAMD, Ou lh'' sl*XXV SIDE of WATER STREET, \«. a, Granite Hall Block, j AUGTJSTA. octRJ-tlw EQUALIZER —OK— VACUUM CUKE. OB. G. T. NORCBOSS, —AND— •X. .Tj_ HUNT, ll'll.l. toMMKM E this mode of Treatment in m Al'firwTA-The Invention of Hus. Jolts i;. and UtoitoE II.tDFTEl.n of Cincinnati— .U \o. il, Perlium Street, In Roar of Court House, On TUESDAY, October 4tl», Having bought the Right to the* game for the city. ThN Mode of Treatment, which is being adopted bv a large number of t lie Medical Profes sion, has become quite popular iu almost every state of the Union. It has been examined by thou sands of Physicians, of all schools of medicine, and there has not been one dissenting voice to the correctness of the principle; all acknowledge that it tills a vacuum iu the Science of Medicine. The sick and atllicted are demanding it everywhere. We have demonstrated the fact that Paralysis. Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Gout, Consumption in its Incipient stages, all Cancerous Affections, Dropsy, Varicose Veins, Weak Chests, Narrow Chests, Asthma, Weak Lungs, Weak Hacks, W'eak, Stiff and Shrunkeu Limbs, Curvature of the Spine, and other Spinal Affectious, Sciatica, Rheumatism of years standing. Spasms, Epilepsy, Palsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Derangement of the Mind, Prolapsus Uteri, Obstructed Menstruation, with all their concomitant diseases, luipotency, and all kinds of weakness of the Generative Organs, CAN HE CURED. It brings a greater supply of blood and nutrition to all weak parts, thus creating new life and tone, and health and strength in those parts. It breaks up Congestion and Inflammation by equalising the circulation throughout every part of the system. The Senior Proprietor of the Augusta Vacuum Cure, Dr. C. T. Pirononoss, I- well known in this vicinity us a skillful Physician. During the last Forty Years he practised meilicine in Maine, chiefly in liangor ami vicinity. Patients can be assured that with his expe rience they will have thorough treatment.— lie will have competent aid in his Associate. References of the highest character will be furnished to those desiring them. The Medical Faculty and the Afflicted, who have failed to be benefited by other inodes of treatment are requested to come and test tire VACl l M CURE. Office Hours9 to 12 M., and 2 to « P. M. Town and County rights for sale. 0Ctl-tAw3m The Red Front. MARSHALL WHITHED WISHES to announce that on account of constantly increasing business, he has been compelled to liavc MORE ROOM, and lias leased and fitted up the large and commo dious Store formerly occupied by Messrs. Whitehouse & Gould, (Wholesale Grocers), now making it the LAnGEST Retail Grocery Store In the City. Please recollect that this extensive trade which has been built up by one who came to this city a stranger three years ago, is by selling Goods of EXTRA QUALITY, — And at — Bottom Prices ! This principle shall not now be changed, but more CLOSELY ADHERED TO ! ! Remember, the place to buy your Groceries, Crockery anil (.lass Ware is at IMCarsliAll Wliitliocl’w, No. 139, Water 8t„ opposite K. w. KINSMAN’S Ultra STOKE, And but a few doors North of the Old Stand. rJ'li«* .Sign of tin* lfl-lID I-'llO^fT. w ootll-ttf IIoime Wasted. rivHK Advertiser desires to lease a convenient 1 Tenement, near si ati street. Whoever lias such a tenement to lease will llnd a good tenant by ad dressing A. It-. AUgUSta Port IMIiee. OCla* It FOR SALE ! AVKKY PLEASANT SITUATION oil SWAN Street witli a trout on tile street of a hundred and llltv-tive feet by about eighty deep. The resi dence with its appurtenances and part ol the hit will he sold, or the w hole, comprising the Uarrnige-shop, to suit the purchaser. Apply to the suhsertner °u the premises. septl.Yf-Jw o. 1 llll.I.II s. WANTED! I? AKMKllSand Hunters having prime Mine Skins ; ini hanii w ill fin.I a rash customer at highest market price liy sewling them to .1. l(. WEIiMI A- CO., Crockery, China & Glass. PBIC10H IIKDTJCED ! The prices of Crockery, China anil Glass Ware at No. 1X9 Water Street, Arc* marked down to meet the i’all in Gold j. i>. PiEBCe a bos, STOVES AND FURNACES At WILLIAMSON A GREENWOOD’S. ,;;j UJ1W4 I'/AU-S-gst Trunlis ! Trunk.s2 THE PLACE TO HUY FrcucL, Eugono, Solo Xjoatlior, And ail kind* of common T Tt A V K L LING T Ft FT jNt Iv B ! ALo, Ladies’and Gent*’ TRAVELLING ,v SHOPPING BAGS, ia at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Wuter Street. The 1 tight Place to Inn vom- II VIINESSES, and get the eelebrated HUNS FI MtNESS, I* at HAMILTON A IT ilNLH'S, 13* WATER STREET. The cheapest place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUsHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES, HAL . TERS, Ac.. U at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business, Pleasure, Ti-aming, Tracking, Carling A- Expressing. Manufactured from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the bcftol workmen. 'Vc would remind the public that our Harm ** took all the premium* oflered at the last state Fall*— four in number. Also the flrnt premium at the late New England Fair. As our customers are daily iul'ormed that our Harnesses are Machine Stitched—we would inrite them ami the public generally to cull and examine the largest stoetpnf re:»dv*made Harnesses ever ot tered in this city, and we will convince them that we make tin* be>t HAND STITCHED work to be had for the same amount of money, and if we don’t have on hand what iH wanted, can make it at abort notice. Samples of Hold < • 111. Oroide silver, Covered, and Japanned Trimmed llariie&a, may be seen at our salesroom. NO. 172 MIDDLE STREET. HENBY DUNN & SON. For Hull* l»y Hamilton cfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE + 111V1.-U- OPPOSITE DEERINO & HOLWAYS. FRANK KINSMAN'S - DRUC STORE, Is the place to buy Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, and Apothe caries’ Goods generally. Give Jiim a eall at 142 Water St., Aayanta, maim:, OPPOSITE MARSHALL WIHTHEIVS Cheap Cash Stoke. F.W. K1NSMAIV. DRUG STORE -FOB SALE IS Brewer, - - opposite - - Bangor. I)H. I.OCKWOOD, on account of poor health, offers his DRUG STORE and DWELLING HOUSE for sale, in the best location in Brewer for DRUGS ami MEDICINES. An excellent opportunity fora Physician wishing to retire Bom practice. For particulars inquiry’ may he main, by RUti oi otherwise, of DB. J. 1>. LOCKWOOD, on the premises, .1 Outre Street, Brewer, Maine. »epM-ttaw-4w “Calais advertiser,” once a week-4 weeks, “lloulton Times,” onoe a week-4 weeks. “Lewiston Journal,” times u netk-4 neek« lui ly^piek“eWcop^a"nd ^ bill a, above, with pa pcr» containing advertisement. RICHMOND PORTABLE RANCEI -AND Hanging Dome Furnace! At WILLIAMSON' A GREENWOOD'S. Wanted Immediately! t GOOD GIRL TO DO IIOI'SE WORK. The A highest wages will *£,^;‘LES HKW1NS. Augusta, Sept. 17,ltffn. ttf State Stre. L New Goods! New Goods! >Ve are now opening our stock of summer Dress Goods Comprising all tl»o NOVELTIES of the SEASON! We call special attention to our stock of BLACK SILKS! For Ladies’ Suits and Out side Garments. Also to our JAPANESE SILKS, In Plain, Plaids, and Stripes N. B.-Alwayion hand, Androscoggin Remnants OF BROWN COTTONS. Barton & Russell. .111110 18, 1870. Ttl Cutlery and Plated Ware! A full assortment of Tablr «.«l forkrt Cmtlerg, Scluori TK.t TH.Ib’S, »'<■• \lso Plated Tea Sets, lee Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, Spoons, Folks and Castors ol the best quality, at PIERCE’S CROCKERY STORE, [Vo. l»tt Water Street - - Augusta. mayS-ttf $7.00 PEll DA Y ! TO THE UNEMPLOYED. HEAD TItlS, -AND CHEEK UK ! 1)Y sending ONE DOLLAR to the subscriber 1 > you will receive by return inuii, a receipt tor making an article Unit will Sell In Every Household in the land. There are no Agents in New England. A broad Held is open to all who wish to engage In Honorable and Profitable business. It can be manufactured at your homes, in your kitchens. The ingredients can be had ot any Druggist or Grocer. The expense is SMALL, ami the 1’i-oiltH Imrge. This is not one of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Address C. T. SOMES, julyJb-tsm Gardiner Maine. ORGANS & MELODEONS ! Messrs. Arno, Hodgkins & to., i Ci AN confidently assure the public of their ability / to furnish an' Instrument unsurpassed intone and durability of finish, thorough workmanship, and general excellence. Their eases are made ot solid Murk Walnut. Their keys are made of the fine.'L grades of Ivory, with Ivory fronts. They use the Munroe Patent Reed, whieh cannot be surpassed for EVENNESS and FERITY of tone. To all who mav favor them w ith their patronage, they guaran tee* ENTIRE SATISFACTION, and most respect fully urge all in want of a Musical Instrument to give them a call before purchasing elsew here. To such we guarantee a FIRST CLASS INSTRUMENT, at prices that defy competition. Remember the place ARNO, IIOIKiKINH «Xr CO., 1 door North Cook’s Drug Store, uly23-tGm Wnfcer St., OARDINER, ME. New Store! Confectionery & Fancy Cake MANI J’AC TORY, No. lOO Water Street AUGUSTA, 11 lI-IIEliF. mnv lie found a Farce Assortment ol. >V l ltMC'Sil .U.lOti t.l.ltnI.S, ’ embracing tlie usual kimls.nnd many .Tor Sli/lti, Hindi' from tin* Purest Slock. Cull uiul examine our goods at No. 100, a few doors below the Post Office FANCY CAKE made to order. scptSttf Brewster’s Hotel SKOWHECAN, ME. riMUft large and commodious Hotel is situated J. the head ol the Falls on the Kennebec river, the enterprising village of .Skowhegan, the termin f ol the Portland & Kennebec K. K. “ This Is one of the best arranged Hotels for fnmil borders there is in the State, and a better place for Summer resort, cannot be found in Maine. The best of water, beautiful drives on the banks of the river, llsbing and sailing ponds in the vicinity, trout brooks, where you can catch an abundance of the spotted brook trout any day in the year. Prices for permanent or transient hoarding are very low, so our customers can all'ord to come often ami stay a good while. We also have a large airy stable to board horses for the guests that wish to bring their teams with them. Also one of the best half-mile trotting parks in the State, is connected with the House, free foili th to train their horses or drive for pleasure b. B. BBEWSTEK, ProprUtw. *