Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1870. NO. 247 JUttittkc Journal. Published on Water Street, Toot of Court, AUGUSTA. MAINE. nr SPKAlil'E, OH EX A NASH. ’puiljj $enncl)cc |onuuil Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives reports of the Markets,ami has carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of farming, home and misccilam <>us read ing with a full compilation of Mate new s. Terms, $7 per annum in advance- $* il payment « not made within the year. Single copies 1 cents, to be had at the bookstores and at tin- «olive. Advertisements one im h in lemdh. three in sertions or less. $1.00; 23 cts. forever. MihM-qmaP insertion. Longer ad vertiscaifuts. or those Insert' I lor any considerable length of time, will be i'i-< » <. at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cmt. additional. Amusement Notices, $2 pa -qu.w< per w» e!.. aalerhtu iinuu'bcc Joiunul, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest !oli-> paper In the state, containing news, political articles, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms $2 per annum in ad can- e. Transient Advertisements, $1.50 per inch im first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, $2 00 per inch for llr^t week; 5u cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, hi reading columns, 2o ceni.° per line for first insertion ; 10 cent* per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisement* to be paid for in advance. Pm Mines ail (Meals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET AX9 EVICT ARTICLES! Physicians' & Apolhecaries’ Goods Pure Sperm. Lard, Kerewce and \iaUfoot Oils. Charles K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER ORAN1TE HAt.L,) Das on hand a Large Solectcd Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND KELLS AT The Lowest Market Stales ! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS Farlritlge'i Drus Stor,, Wit-r Street, rororr Harl.t Sijusr t ljan701y Prairie Weed Balsam! SOLD BY' J uly30-f3tcod L. II. TITCOMB, Apothecary. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Mr. A. F. Morse has just returned fVom Boston with a very large and desirable assortment ol Stereoscopic Views, which will be sold at Boston prices. He also makes and keeps constantly on hand Views of Hallowell and Vicinity. Any views which his customers may want whirl are not in his selection, will be ordered immediate iv. He has a great variety ol PICTL’KE FKA.MKS ou hand. All orders for framing done with neatness and despatch. Pictures of every style, made cheap. The Public are invited to call at his rooms on Water St., corner I'nion St., Hallowell. and ex amine his stock. 1 jnly-ttt FIRST CLASS EATING HOUSE! 11HE subscriber would inform the travelling pub lic that he has opened A First (lass Ealing House, - AT - NO.- 1S> W A T1 It S T It E E T Gardiner, Maine, Formerly known os Somes' Saloon. The rooms have all been refurnished in the best possible manner. The Ladies’ Koom, up stairs, is large and elegantly arranged. Meals will be fur nished at all hours.. Table Boarder* Arcoiinnodal«‘d By the week at reasonable rates. And by strict attention to business, the Prop ie tor Hopes to merit a liberal share of the public patronage. b. *V. VISING. Gardiner, July 10,1870. Nim-julylD PLUMBING ! r.MIE Subscriber begs Icaro to inform the citizens X ol Augusta and vicinity that lie is |ire|iured to do all kinds of numbing work at the slim-test no tice. Those about to have water introduced into tlu-ir buildings will do well to call on him before going elsewhere. „ 9XU ATTOX. Corner Bridge und \\ ater Streets., Satisfaction guaranteed. Wtl Sliootiii" Tackle. W. W~ LON|G, SUCCESSOR TO M. I. EL AND, C3-TJ 1ST SMITH And Dealer In Shooting Tackle of Every Variety lliflea and Shot Guns made to order and war ranted. Old Shot Guns riiumed out smooth and | made to Hhoot thick and strong. Also, Ammunition ol' the nicest quality. Repairing done Neatly and Promptly. UUiHtlng Powder. The best quality and largest stock ever kept in this market. For sale at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied in any quantity or quality at dis count. ljau-ly James W. Bradbury, Jr., U. S. COMMISSIONER, Office with Bradbury & Bradbury, WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA SOtti ft Harnesses anil Harness Quails ! ; Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, Saddles, Bi'ldlrs, 'Wlilps, Curry-comks, j UruislicH, Cards, .A.11 kinds of Xntcforing, K1100 Boots and TrottinR Boots. { kinl i:v« i ) iltitiK prrtainliiK i<> a wt ll rcgnlalrd Siablf COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Coni/ House.) 143 Wilin' Mrrri, Augusta. Don't pay two profits on your Trunks, but buy at the only place in Augusta where they are manufactured And sold at Manufacturer’s Prices, AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trunk Factory! or tho ” HIG THUNK.” HAYING engaged a First-class Workman on Sole Leather Work, we are now prepared to furnish Sole I^euthcr Tnuiks of the lie>t C^iuility. The onl\ pi.ire in Maine where a first-class trunk is made. C ALL AND EXAMINE. \(). l Ktigenie, Saratoga. Monitor, Zink C’arj Trunks of ail cIhhm k, I.iulii s’ Drew*. Common Dress, \ AE1>E>. both sole leather and common. TkAVEELING A Ml< >I'1‘1 N« • BAGS >11A W E &TKAI*>—In fact « vcrything in tin* w ay of convenience to the travelling public. Collcr tfc Gardiner, J4:i Water Street, AICVSTA. nentlC-ttf FRANK KINSMAN'S DRUC STORE, Is the place to buy Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, and Apothe caries’ Goods generally. Give him a call at 142 Witter St., Augusta, MAINE, OPPOSITE MARSHALL WIIITHED’S Rki> Front Store. P.W. K1>SMAN. MANSI OX HOUSE, STATS. STREET, ! ! AUGUSTA, ME riMIIS House is provided with Bath Rooms, 1 I where Hot and Cold Baths can Ik* had at all ( Pag times. It has also a First-Class Billiard Hall, for AW Ouests only. Connected with the House is a large nfflE and comm<Hlious {Sample Romo, oil Water {Street Sy centrally located, where {Sample Agents can show T*) their go<hIs, free of Charge. The Proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage W> which the above House has enjoyed since its 0|h ii* Iff in?, takes pleasure in informing his patrons that ho Iff will run Free Carriages to and from the Cars ami mk Boats until further notice E, Connected with the above House is a Livery Sta STT ble. where goo»l teams can be had at reasonable ■ rates. W. >1. TIIAVKR, Proprietor. tl. P. Cochkank, Clerk. 1MC AG-E IE3 9 NEW PORTABLE RANGE! ! THE LATEST AND BEST. Combining tlic Advantagen ol* All Others! With lunny SEW und I’ATESTEI) Fenturoi*. BEAXTTIPUXi X3NT UESIGIM ! PEH.PECT X3ST OPERATION ! CAIiIj ANTE SEE XT 1 Every Range Warranted in Every Particular ! ! For Sale by A. I*. GOULD, One Door North Hail road Itridxe, AEttESTA. Also for sale tine Nownnd Improved “PEEUEESH" t ook (Stove, For Coal and Wood—The Best Stove in the Market. The “CJolden Engle Furnace," For Coal, constantly for sale. ang*5-ttf EDWARB ROWSE, 124 TTSTcttoir Street, AMKItll'AK AM) MM % ”, IP Z IXT 33 iZ 3E3 ‘N7V ELR.Y, -and (iorham's Sterling SSilvei" Ware. AHENT FOR THE WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, Anil I,Minis &. Morris' IVrfrriril Spedatles. Special attention paid to the Repairing of all kinds of Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances Applied and Accurately Adjusted to Temperature and Position. i im* I t!:« n hy 'J ? • tt 1 ■>it. _ BOS W O B T B ES OFFEltl.\(> Grreat Inducements TO BUYERS OF WOOLLEN GOODS, Heady Made Clothing, SHIRTS, RAWERS, AM) EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Furnisliing Groods. -00 My StoclL is tJio IjAUGEST over offerocl in tills City ! Large Bales and Small Profits! Those wishing Garments MADE TO 01tDEH will finJ it for tluir interest to call. Cutting Done at Short ITctice. It. T. BOSWORTH. 174 Water Street, Augusta. _ Kt»i>ti7-ttr ___ _ MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, liis Stock embraces a line liue ol American and Swiss Watches, ill gold and silver case, including the celebrated National or Klgm Watch, Walllnim, Tremont, li<>r qiiin, itonnett, Pnrdeaiix, Jacot, Ac., m both i.a* dies' and gentlemen's sizes. 3Piiio Gold Jowciry, Solid Ciold Leonituii Vest and Nock Chains, STERLING .V COIN SILVER HOODS, FINE ELATED WAKE. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CIALCKS Oi' ALL KIXDS, including the celebrated ITHACA < W.FNDAU all of which \s ill be bold at the Lowest Price** anti Warranted. Particular attention given to renaii ingall kinds <*| Fine W atche*. ( hronoinelor Balance* ;ij»|>li**«I and adjiiblvd to tempi rat lire and position t l.ianTU-ll (ii:0. E. BURKETT, M. i)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, AI IJISTA, AIK. Office over Hunt’s Cap Store, West End of the Kennebec Bridge. •g-Residence on Spring Street. myJONW 0. C. WHITEHOUSE & CO., -DEALERS IN - Foreit/n and Domestic I I a And C?ai*i>eting-s. NO. 17a W.VT’I'R WTRl'.ET, AUGUSTA, Mk. o. c. WuiTKiiorsE, Daniel Wiiitkhol’se. tumyit-tf HARDWARE! At WILLIAMSON Jfc GREENWOOD’S. First Letter Foundry In New England. Commenced in 1817. Boston Type Foundry Always noted for its Hard ami Touyh Metal, And its huge varieties ol BOOK AND JOB TYPE, And lately lor ii. unrivalled I\ewK|)iiper l’’’ u com. Eleetrotypiug Done in ail its Branches. Address orders to J. A. ST, JOHN, Agent, 55 Water Street. ----- Boston SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. Long experience and the utmoi-t care are neccs sary to ensure good metal, even with a knowledge of the best combinations—therefore, the safest way is to buy of the oldest established Foundry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Faces (body, two-line, and dis play) are of our own cutting, and the best made, as a glance at the papers we lit out w ill prove. BOOK FACES. Our special Specimen of Book Pages shows grea variety, adapted to all kinds of work, including our ItevivedUld Styles, the most perfect embodiments of the letter • of the last century yet presented. 4Atr J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olliee on Wintlii'op Street, Fas of State Street.—Opposite Court IIou«e. AuR.r)f*2Awtl Picture Frames I CHROMOS, BRACKETS, ALBUMS! tV u«« In Large Variety. Picture Frames of any size made to order at short notice at Hemlccs Photograph Rooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta, tjune2-tf GENERAL Insurance Agency. GraniSe Bled, still side Martel Si AUGUSTA, ME. CAl'ITAL HEPKKSICNTEL>, Ove r $123,000,000.00 • M Life taratce Coups, Hartford Conn., Chaiteretl 1811*. Charter Perpetual. Losses pa id in 51 years, $27,000,000.00. As«et«, July 1, 1*70, 93,711,37*.OO. ./Etna Life Insurance Gomp’y : Hartford, Conn., i Asm'H, Jnnuarjkl. 1s70, over SI 1,000,000.00. i it lists over 45,000 members, | AM. An Annual Income of over Six Millions of Dollars ! Traveler’s Insurance Comp’y, Hartford, Conn., IA1 o itu«.l Accident. CASH ASSETS S1.457.719.C4, Jan. 1, 1670. PnANIIXilKT Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Assets, January 1, 1870, $2,825,783.03. City Fire Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN. Roger Williams Ins. Company, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Merchants’ Insurance Co nip’). PROVIDENCE, R. I. Atlantic Fire Insurance Co’y., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Eastern Insurance Company, BANGOR, M . Marine Rislts Effected on reasonable terms in Reliable Companies. septlSMU' NATURE’S M s ' 3 i i * B' <1 ! 8 •a ► \ * A ta m y *3 H ! 0 (Contains no LAC SULPHUK-No SUCAR OF LEAD No LITHARCE No NITRATE OF SILVER, And in entirely free from the Poisoncu3 and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the tinost fabric—perfectly Safe, Clean and lClii— dent—desideratum* i.oag sought tor and found at last ! It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy appearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restore* it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headache*, cures all Humors, Cutaneous Kruplions and unnat ural lleat. As a Dressing for the llair it is thr best artirlr in thr ntarkrt. Dll. <■. SMITH, Pateutoe, Groton Junction. Mass. Prepared only by PKOCTOU UKOTlIKltS Gloucester, Mass. The Centime is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Natukk’s Hair Ukstorativi:, and take no other. Send to PHOCTOK KUOS. for Treatise on the Hair. Sent free. scpt2b-tAw3m CONY HOUSE, IIM TMx iS S TKM£M£ T, AUG UHTA, 3IAI IN E. 'i'llis new Hotel afl’otds accommodations supeii I. or to any other in the city to the travelling com inanity, being located in tlui CENTRE OF BUSINESS. and very near the Depot. Connected with and adjacent to the House are commodious and convenient StxPLE Itoo.n» ! where Commercial Travellers can show their goods ! tree of charge. The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Tuknku, late of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. C'ouuected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable ! (i. A. & II. CONY, Proprietors HJau&wi-tl' gUscdtamj. JOSH HILLINGS ON HOTELS. Hotels are houses ov refuge, homes for he vagrants, the married man's retreat, ind the bachelor's fireside. The) are kept in nil sorts ov ways, sum hi the European plan, and menny ov them hi no plan at all. A good landlord iz like a good step iinther, he know- hiz bigness and means 0 do Ids duly. lie know-how to rub hiz hands with ov when a traveler draws nigh, he knows low to smile, lie knows ) ure wife’s fath r when he waz living, and ynre wife’s ir.-t husband, but he don't speak about tint. lie kan tell whether it will rain to-nior •ow or sot; lie hears jure complaints with 1 tear in his eye, he blows up the servants it Mire suggestion, and stands around red !v with a shirt collar on as stiff as broken ■hina. A man maybe a good Supream Couit fudge, and at the same time he a miser ible landlord. Most even body thinks he kan keep a lotel (and they kan), but this aekounts or the great number of hotels that air kept m the Mime principle that a Justissov the I’eaee offiss iz kept in a country during a -i.\ days’ jury trial for killing sumboddy’s yello dorg. A hotel wont keep itself and keep the landlord too, and ever kure a traveler from the habit of profane swearing. 1 hav had this experiment tried on mo several times, and it alwus makes me swear wuss. It i- too often the kase that landlords go into the bizziness ov hash as ministers go into the professhun, with the very best ov motives, but the poorest kind ov prospects. I don’t know of any bizziness more tlat icrsuin than the tavern bizziness; there lon’t seem to be annythiug to do but to stand in front ov the register with a pen aeliind the ear and see that the guests eu :er the house, then yank a bell-rope six or -even times, and then tell John to sho the gentleman to97(j, and then take four dol lars and fifty cents next morning from the poor devil ov a traveler and letliim went. This seems to lie the whole thing (and it iz the whole tiling) in most cases. You will diskover the followingdeskrip shun, a mild one, ov about it hotels out of 10 between the Atlautick and Pacifiek l (shuns akrost the United States in a straight line: i in i luuiu ji j«i iuui »» im.iic.Ti, vj j iwi r inches, parallelogramly. It being court week (es usual) all the 'ood rooms are employed bj' the lawyers md Judges. Yourc room is on the uttermost floer. The carpet is ingrain—ingraned with the lust, kerosene ile and ink-spots ot four 'enerashuns. There iz two pegs in the room to hitch •oats onto; one ov them broke oph and die other pulled out and missing. The buro has three legs and one brick. The glass to the buro swings on two pivots which have lost their grip. Thare is one towel on the rgck, thin, but wet. The rain water in the pitcher cum out ov the well. The soap iz az luff to wear az a whet stone. The soap is scented with cinnamon ile, md variegated with spots. Thare iz three chairs, cane scoters, one z a rocker, and all three iz busted. Thare iz a match box, empty. Thare iz no kurtin to the window, and bare don't want to ho any; yn kant see jut, and who kan see in ? The bell rope iz cum oph about six inch es this side ov the ceiling. The bed iz a modern slat bottom, with two mattresses, one cotton, and one husk, and both harder, and about az thick az a sea biskit. ^ u enter the bed side ways and kan feel every slat at once, az easy az you could tin- ribs of a grid-iron. The bed iz inhabited. Yu sleep some but roll over a good deal. Tor breakfast you have a gong, and rhy coffee too kold to melt butter; tried pota toes which resemble the chips that a two ineli auger makes in its journey through :tll oak log. Dread soiled, beef steak about az thick i/, a blister plaster, and as tough az a bound's ear. Table covered with plates, a few scared to death pickles on one ov them, and 6 fly endorsed crackers on the other. A pewterinktunieiistor with three bottles in it, one without any pepper in it, one without any mustard," and one with two inches ot drowned flies, and sum vinegar in it. yu earnestly, tittil wants to know if yu want another cup ov coffee. Yu .-ay “No mom, I thank yu,’’ and push back yure chair. Yu liavn’t cat enuff to pay for picking yure teeth. 1 am about az self-consented as it will do for man to be and not crack open, but i never yet consaited that i could keep a ho tel ; 1 had rather be a highwayman than to be sum laudloards i have visited with. Thare are hotels that are a joy upon earth, whare a man pays hiz billaz cheer fully az he did the parson who married him; whare yu han't find the landlord un less yu hunt in the kitchen; whare servants glide around like angels ov mercy; whare the beds lit a man's back like the leathers ou a goose, and whare the vittles taste just az lho yure wife or yure mother had fried them. Thezc kind ov hotels ought tew be bilt on wheels and travel around the country; they are just az phull ov real comfort az a thanksgiving pudding, but alas ! they are az unplenty az double-yoked eggs. Retaliation.—There was once a brisk rivalry at Westerly, R. I., between the missionary of the C hristian association and an advertiser of patent medicines. The former painted in large letters on a fence, “What shall l do to bo saved?” and thd latter put under it, “I'sc -'s German Bitters 1” But the missionary retaliated by printing under “Use -’s German Bit ters,” the text, • • Prepare to meet thy God!”