EQUALIZER —OK— VACUUM CURE. OB, 0. T, NOBCBOSS, —AND— J. L. HUNT, WILL COMMENCE this mode of Treatment in AVGtIBTA—The Invention of Drs. John G. and George Hahkieib of Cincinnati— At Xo. 41, Perham Street, In Rear of Court House, Oh TUESDAY, October 4th, Hating bought the Right to the an me l«*r the city. This Mode pf Treatment, which i- being adopted by a large number of the Medical l'rofes sion, has become quite popular in'almost every state of tlie Union. It has been examined by thou sand, of Physicians, of all schools of medicine, and there has not been one dissenting voice to the correctness of the principle; all acknowledge that it fills a vacuum in the Science of Medicine. 1 lie sick and afflicted are demanding it everywhere. We have demonstrated the fact Unit Paralysis, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia. Gout, Consumption in its incipient stages, all Cancerous Affections, Dropsy, Varicose A eins, A\ eak Chfests, Narrow Chests, Asthma, Weak Lungs, Weak Backs, Weak, .Stiff and Shrunken Limbs, Curvature of the Spine, and other Spinal Affections, Sciatica, Hhcumatism of years standing. Spasms, Epilepsy, Palsy, St. Vitus' Dance, Derangement of the Mind, Prolapsus Uteri, Obstructed Menstruation, with all their concomitant diseases, Impotence, and all kimis of weakness or the Generative Organs, CAN BE CUBED. It brings a greater supply oi blood and nutrition to ail weak parts, thus creating new life and tone, and healtli and strength ill those parts. It breaks up Congestion and Inflammation by equalizing the circulation throughout every part of the system. The Senior Proprietor of the AuffUNtu Vacuum Cure, Dr. O. T. NOH.CHOSS. Is well known in this vicinity as a Skillful Physician. During (lie last Forty Years he practised medicine in Maine, chiefly in liangor and vicinity. Patient, can be assured that with Ids expe rience they will have thorough treatment.— He will have competent aid in his Associate. References of the highest character will be furnished to those desiring them. The Medical Faculty and the Afflicted, who have failed to be benefited by other modes of treatment are requested to eome and tost the VACUl M CUBK. Uflloe Hours9 to IS M.. and i to 0 1*. M. Town and County rights for sale. ortl-t.X w.'im Money Cannot Buy Jt ! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! ! TUG Dunosi) CiGAMNGN. Marvfactukeh by J. K. Seem eh & ('<>.. N. 1 ■ Which arenow offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticiansof Hie World to be Tlio Most Perfect, Natural, Artiflclal help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name. “Diamond,” on account ot then hardness and brilliancy. The Solontlllo Principle On which they are constructed brine* tin.. or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye. pro during a clear and dlf* inct vision, as in the natural, healthy Bight, and pro enting all unpleasant sensa tions, suen as glimine ng and wavering of sight, dirtiness, Ac., peculiar to all others in use. They are Mounted in the Finest Manner, In frames of the best quality, of all materials used for that purpose. THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution.—None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. S. A. RUSSELL, Jeweller and Opticiant is Salt Agent for Augusta, Maine, From whom they can only be obtained. These goods are not supplied to ’Pedlars at anv price. mav!7-lv _ The American Broiler (Pat. July21,1858, and October 19,18011.) THE FINEST CUEINAHY INVENTION OF THE AGE. Embodying in a plain and cheap utensil ALL THE PKINCIPLES IVV<*!.VEI» IN THE PtKEKCT ItttO I LINO OK .MEATS. Operates upon the essential natural principles fm broiling incuts to perfection; prevents tin «• -■ ape •*! nutriment bv evaporation, and retains all the rich luice* and delicate flavor—-which are nm-tly b*T in all other broiler*, or b\ the process of no im-. Broil* in Hum ho!/ tin- time required by any other, and cooks the meat perfectly uniform.h*a\• ing no burned or raw spot*. Doe* away with all smoke anif -mell «*f giva-e, requires no "preparation ot tire; and make- bridling, heretofore so vexatious, theqt u kfsi and v a-ii.-i as it in the HKALTHlhST of till Mutn.Anr hiokim. MEATS. Broil* equally well over coal «»r wood; answer for all sized stove or range opening- and i- equally fOOd for BKKFSTKAK, t’llH'KKN. IIAM, I tsil and OTSTKKS. It is not only (il'AK \NTEED to fulfill earli ar.d every every claim above set forth, but to any not satisfied alter trial, THE MONEY WILL BE KKJ-TNDED. WITH CHAIR.Ks BUT 11 W.H >. Dealers throughout the city and c.untry are ii vited to order on these term-, and famiiie- to te-i ii for themselves, with the certainty of it - eo ting then nothing, if not as represented. Each Broiler will have the authorized label at tached, with the T.ade Mark. ‘American Broiler, stamped thereon. RETAIL PRICE ONLY r».00. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Now for sale in Boston, by the how-, below numri ia half-dozen and dozen package-, who w ill be t< sponsible to the full extent ot the a oo\e guarauti • for all Broilers sold by them. FULLER, DANA & FITZ, HO forth Wrert, ROhTOY. for sale at retail in AUGUSTA, by A. P. Gould, Williamson A Greenwood. atptn-wtw H. T, HELMBOLFS CONCENTRATED Fluid Extract Buchu. T I1 E GP.EAT DIUEETIC. The Proprietor trusts that his Remedies, from the fact <5f being advertised, may not he classed as Pa tent Medicines. llK'Hr. in (‘no form or other,has been presented by every educated Physician for more than TWO HUNDRED YEARS. II. T. 1IELMBOLD claims a superior mode of extracting it.- virtue-. The experiments were made while engaged in the DRUU business in the city of Philadelphia, nineteen year* ago, prompted by t!;» alarming increase < t disease.- of the bladder, Kid neys, (davc! and Urinary Organs, evi»i gin both sexes. Thc-e diseases were jutly attracting r.s much attention as diseases of the Liver, or any other vital organs of the laxly, t pun the sound and healthy condition of these important organ*, the healthy and harmonious action of the nervous s\ -• tem and Liver, and consequently the happiness "t the entire human family, depends. That Ruchu should ai l upon both Liver and Kidneys, to pre pare it so that it would retain it- strength and active principle, was lu> aim. It mu.-t not be made, at housekeepers make tea. by boiling. It is a delicate Leaf, and its active principle would be destroyed by such a prove-s. It must be prepared in \ At UO and from the Long-leaf, Iresli and carefully se lected. Tin: SUPERIORITY «>F MY MODE OF PRE PARATION liElNli A« KNOW'Ll.DUF.D, I now ship ev. n to the point (CAPE OF (iUODIIoPK where the leaves are gathered, large quantities of MY FLUID i XTRA< f. IN FACT, THE AIM'D LE STANDS PRE EMI NENT, AND IS KNOW N IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. The first and most important object was to offer to the alllicted a remedy that was perfectly safe and could be taken by adults and children. Igm rant persons, who pay no attention to do.-e. diroc tion, or advice, might reason, “That it iflea*poon tul, taken occasionally, rcsi-iyiier. and wa- *ueecs.-lul in conducting the bii-tne where others find not been equally so Indore him I have been favorably impre- ed nn uli in- charac ter and enterprise.” Wll.UAM WKH.HTM W. Firm of Powers Ac w.-htman. Mauut o tutsn_: < In’iii'-t-, V-nth and Drown street-. Philadel phia, Nov. la, 1851. I pi*posc t » give evidence that this Remedy i not a patent medicine. The objection which gener ally lies against all discoveries and invention-in medicine is -publicity.” If somebody should d - cover a remedy to prolong life, or an infallible cure tor cholera or consumption, what a mon-ter would he he to withhold his knowledge I " c ha\T* Net hi learn from what chapter or ver-c in scripture ta qimtf. * that may not heal others of llicir fellow men of any disease.** Nor have we asked Pickwicks, affected prudes, or. in short, men who are posse-sed of eveiy kin-1 ,.f seu-e hut common m-u-c, and all kind-ol opm iitils but their own. The Du-dm is a good thing, l! 1ms hundreds of thousands ot living witnesses to atte-t its virtues and commend it. It is the preju dice of bigots and the envy of “Quack-.” • We offer the following cn idence j si:i: JOl’RNAL OF PHARMACY, i SKK RKMARK'S MAM DY DR. KPJIRIAM M- - j DOWKLL, A CKLKIIRATLD PHYSICIAN \ND MKMRKKoF Till; ROYAL COLI.KOK OFsCK i liKONS, IRKKAND, AND ITDLIslIKD in thk ■ TRANSACTIONS OF THK KIND AND QCKEVS .JOCRNAL. j sKL ML DM ()-( IHRl ROD AL 111 A DAY. 1TD L1M1KD P.Y RKNJ AMIN Tll.WKIS, FKLLOW 1 ol ROY ALl OLLKUKOF si. RM< »N<, LONDON. ! SKK PROF. DKWK-vV V ALl A DU. WORKS ON | tm; pr u rn i; of pin sic. | SKK RKM ARKS MADKiiY THK LATK CKLK ; RRATED DR. P1IYMCK, PHILADKLl’lllA. j And most of tin* late Standard Works on Me»li cine. : sKK Medical Propertied contained i.i Di-pen-.i taiy ot the Cuif 1 stales, ol which the following is : a cunvel cony : — DCCIIC — It- odor is -trong, diffusive, and m-iiic what c. mutu , it - i t te «• bitterish and analogous t.. that -d mint It i- given « nietly in compl.tint- <■; Ci uai \ Organ-, su ii a.- (.riv- l. < Tir«**«i« i t .j u rh of the li.adder, Morbid lmtation -•! t:ie Dladdi-r ami ITethra, di-eu-ea of the Pro-*trate : t>land, and Retention or the incontinence of I’riiie from a Ion* of lone in the parts concerned m it i n a nation. It has also been r< ‘.onlinetided in D\ - pen-ia, t hrouic Rheumatism, Cutaueou- A flee lion - 1 ami I >rop-v . TESTIMONY . Cure of Gravel of Five Years’ Standing—Stono Passed and to Bo Seen. s.vv\\n mi, I'» nn., May 14, lSb'.i. Dr. II. T. IIi i Miw»i I*, l»i mi Ml;: ANY introduced your Fluid lixtrart Du< hu” in tin - country a limit eight month - ago, and are happ\ to !.• thill il i meeting With UUIVei-al \V«• wi-h to inform you of one in-tame :ani"i.. main where \o»il* '• Duchu" ha* worked wonder- V nian in our founty. named .1 It. 1 1*11, had been suffering about live year* with gra\ cl. About -l \ \\ eek - ago In* bought of us one hot tie of y*iui' '* DtU'li it a** ml before h<* wa* through \vjlh ou. bottle lie j»as*ed a gravel that u eigh- eight grain- vilm li \u* new lone on exhibition in otu drug : I »if. He-..y* he lo ver will he without tin t "Dui'liu" m Id* home again. A our preparations are gaining favor every day Yerv ie*peetfully, '.om.- a Id < l.F.s A 111 \ K I.K. l>ruj. II. T. IIu.vr.oi.il, 1. i. Dkah Sib—I commenced t iking ) iur Kxtrno . of Duelio’* about two week- hiie e tor an ntfeelioi of the llladd. i : nd Kidnej-. 1 have suffered b) spells U'fv null'll for a few dn past: bill ve-ter i:..> relie! eatm- through to- eii. t of your ‘ Du hu A -'tone pa-*ed from my Madder about the ni/.e o I a large*)" a. and I now iecl jnteetly well, and en tirclv free from the pain that I have suffered with “so Hard.” I attribute my cure to your lned;.-,... entirelv, and would recommend all pcr.-on.- similar Iv affected to try if. I have great faith in ;! « a ; tlve powers. Your? truly, TllOs. J. ltKNNET i'. REFERS TO Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport, Conn. J. L. G. CANNON, Druggist. Westport, Cmm. II. B. WIIEELER, Esq., We&tport, Coim. BRADLEY IICLL, E-q . We tport. ( >nn. DR. WAKEMAN. Reading, C->nn. R. W'. R Id > i • York City. And many others if ne • ssary. Cure of Kidney and Bladder Affection of a Patient seventy-eight years of age. THANK-5 TO MR. II ELM BOLD. <. 11i .vI;i». l’a., Man h . d. 1 r**i!>. ElUTOU CosMOroLt 11-:—1 desire, as an unsolici ted tribute to the merits of Hi.i.Min *t.I*’s 1*1 (dll and for the benefit of those s milaily afflicted as j my.-elf, to say that after consulting many eminent ; pin ,-icians and trying nearly ail the he.-t a i \ ert «d remedies, in the vain hope of finding relict trom j aggravated kidne;. and bladder di-ea-cs. iicar- i of age, and consequently medicines » ;,i.uot lit- c\- ( peeled to favorably affect me as they otlierv, i.-c would, I have found such unspeakable relict and permanent benefit from Mr. Helmb«dd*s valuable discovery, that 1 feel 1 ought t > publicl . rc uni the fact, as an acknowledgment to him. and a valuable suggestion to the public. Youre respectfully. IK M. LA REN. Mr. Laren refers to th Colonel DAN UK E. Girard. I’a. CHARLES MOW, Esq., Girard, l'a.. Editor Co.- mopolite. GEORGE H. ( CIT.ER. Girard, I’a . At: unc\. ( I. HINDS, Girard, l’a.. \ttorncy. Capt. D. W. IICTt HINSON Girard, R . Ui - . DAVID OI.1N. Girard, l’a . Merchant. DAVID E. DAY. Girard, l'a.. Merchant. C. 1‘. ROCKWELL. Girard, l'a.. Mi-nhui: B. C. ELY, (.irul’d, l’a. l>ruggi.-I% DR. KEYSER I is a physician of over .’0 year- «-\j i , • • • au»l a I graduate ol th * dciV- r-* i Medic:.i ( , . ill the Cnivcr.-it) Ol Mcdi-dae and >.u. * r> v ! I'iat adelpliia. Mil. II. T. llhf—IM\J! mi:: !n regard t.. I he question asked me a* to my opinion a I. mt Hu rl, »i, I would .-ay 1 have u-tl and c»id the article m \ ar:<-n- I'oi m* P»r the past thirty >c i< . 1 do not think there is any form or prepa ration of it I h.i\ e i.ol u-rd. or known to 1 »«• used. to the \ anou* «p-ra-e. 1 where such medical patent won! i t»•* indicated. i ou are aware, as well a- iny-i It, that it ha* b. en : »■ \ten-ivelv employed in till i.«ri«*n- disease.- ot t... bladder and kidneys and the reputation it ha-ac , qnired. in my judgment, - waiTanle*! by the facts. 1 have seen and used. a* before .-lated. every torm j of Buehu—-the powdered h ave.-, tincture lluid ex tract.-—and lam not cogni/ant of an; preparation \ | Ot that plant at all equal to voiir-. Tuelu- 'ears’! , experience ought. 1 think, to give me the right 1 judge of its merits, ami. witiiout pri-juba *- «.i par- ( ! 1 value your Bin till i• ■ r it- cflci | "a p: ! | have cured with it. and seen cured with it. more | diseases of tin. bladder and kidn-y- tin.n I I:ave I ever seen cured Willi any other biirbu er any ".her i proprietaiy compound of whatever name. Respectfully Vour*, Ae . ca;<>. n. ki:y-i:i: m, i> I 11 > Woo > *?.. Pitt Pa. August U. I>A. A Case of Twenty Years’ Standing. PlHI. U»KI.J IM V. Pa dun - 1* 7. II. T. IlKI.Mr.OLI>. Driur-d-t—IM'.\Ii >nt: I have ; been a sufferer lor upward** of twenty year* with gravel, bladder and balmy a lie*dam.-..turing which time I have u-ed lamm- medimnal pr»-p.-rat i"ii ' am I been umler the treattneut of the most etiiincnt physician-, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparation* exlen.-iv**lv ad i verti.-ed I consulted m\ iaimly phy.-e an in r« gurd - p. u*ing your Kxtram L-uhii. I did tin* licaiiM- 1 had u-i d a’l kind- of a P er t ised remedies ami had Ion ml them w • : t bb- ■ - . .i%:‘ ■ some quite injurious; ui I'.u 1. I d>--paired oj ever j getting well, ami determined to u-e no reim-dio be rentier unless I knew < f the ingredient-. It wa i tliis that prompted me P» u.-e your remedy. A - you | advertised that it w a- eoinpo.-ed of Inn lilt, cubed* ! anti juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phys ! ui;, a - an i \i-elieiit com bin at ion ; ami with hi - ad j \ ice. ait« r an examination of the article and *•«>!, suiting again w it Ii the druirgi-t. I concluded to : \ ; it. 1 commenced to use it acout eight month* ago, at w hid) tun** 1 wa* < «»nlined to my room. f rom the lir*t bolth I wa a-Puu-hed at the l;cr: i eii.-i.il effect, and alter using it three w:-<-ks was I aide to walk out. 1 b it mm h like writing t" p.u ;; ; full statement of m> ca-e at the time, but thought j my improvement might only be temporaly, ami tberefore concluded t<» defer, ami *r it t; would I effect a perfect cure knowing then it would be ot greater value to you and more satisfactory to rtn*. i am now able to report that a mire is eth- led. ! after using the remedy for live month*. ! | have not used any now for three months, and i leel a* well in ail respects as I ever did. t our Iliichu being devoid of any unpleasant ta-tc ami o*b»r, a nice tonic and invigorator ot the - \ -1«*m J do not mean to be without it whenever • - u ! may require* it* use in such affections. M. MetuRMKK. should any doubt Mr. Met ormi k‘* -t ilt im-ut hi ! refer* to thu following gentlem* -u : II.in. W.u. Blcil.KR, cx-« .overn«-r of Penns\ 1«. ania. lion. TIIOM AS’B. KLOUKNCK, Phil adelphia, lion. J. (;. KNOX, Philadelphia, j Hon. J. >. BLACK. Philadelphia. Hon. 1>. K. PORTKU, ev-t P.vernorof Penn vlvania Hon. KLI.IS l.l.\ Is Philadelphia. Mon. R ( . ORIKR. ex-.Tu I P. /• d I it. ! Hon. Cl. \V. WOODWARD. Phi! h lphia. lion. \V. A. POliTKR, Philedelph..: Mon. JOHN P.UiLKIL i \-< .- v» rn- . of ( al.fornia. lion. K. I! YNh’S, Wa-hine’ m. I*, t . And many other- it necessary. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, IMabli'hed upward of Ml Year-, prepared h 11. rr. 11 i:t.m itord), at ms niii h d niKMK al u vKKiim srs, No. 594 Broadway, New York, AND No. 104 South Tenth Street, prm.\DKLPIIIA. I*A. nud: > SIX BOTTLES FOR $6.50, l> I! 81.25 PER BOTTLE. Iicllvo'rd to iinj Aildri,»t . Ph i delpliin. P.i. Priee *1 per bottle, or >i\ bottle.** h»r .f ■ i'1 , delivered to any addre->. .'■mid by all (Irugtfbt I everywhere. N(>\1. Alii: (.I NI 1M l N!.l>> DONi: I P IN Hleel • iiKraved wrapper^ with lae- iuiile of my ( lienih :d NV.ii'ehoiiM'. and -;vued II. T. IIELMROT.D. Iy33 Augusta Dirrctorn. Churches. *v\' <.<>M,i:i;t. \tional.—tir.-mito ch. . * • No p. .’or; h'-ulct! • • >’"• ' Stale s'.nit. Morning *. r \ i • •«* P*du A. -M. AIUtuuou bt-rvice 2.30 1*. M. Evening 7 I*. M. FiK>T l» vri’lsl .—Comer \Yintbr<*p and Pcrhnm d. lii< k* r. pasi. r; n -ideuce( hestnut treet. mi I - ’ 10 1 A. M. Afternoon 2.80 P. M. Iwt uiiig 7 P. M. Fi:i 1' KAl’TIST. ''■’ate street, north of P.ridge. ( F. IVim. y, |»:o't«»r; resilience Summer street. ■ inn o; Tve r i •. . » A. M. Afternoon 2 50 l\ M Evening 7 P. M. Ml-. 11101)1-i i: 1'Im <>FAL,—(liven street, east of Mali- E. Marlin, pa.-tor; residence at the par*, s. • - -ge. next doer t*» the chtnvh. Morning-er m . '. i a. .51. Atleriioou 2 20 I*. M. Evening i 7 I*. M. Pl{OTl->T\NT I Fl^COFAL,— State Ft., between | «', s . d iVimiiroj*. LYv. Mr. Ipjolin, rector. M..i)iih4 set \ i- •• I" lo A. .*1. Evening service 7 P. >1 l' \I\ FK> \ f.1ST.—-For. Wi: :hrop and Summer st-. | t K. Mot. j r. re-i leiice V\ inthrop sire*-t, j below Orchard. Morning service 10.30 M. Sui Imtli .'m-IioviI service ;.t 12 A. M. Evening ser- J \ ire at 7 i’. .M. I'MI AKIAN ( oiiiei n-i.k and State sis. Kev. I \ M. sabbath -• ho. i -crvii-e 2.1.3 1*. M. Preaching service in evening al 7 o’clock ( ATIloEP slat.- north of Fridge. Kev. Ml*. <» lb a n, prh -r. res id -ift-e near the church. The Congre.. itioiial. 1 ir-t Kapii-t. Five Wilt; l’.aph-t and Meldmii-t Churehc.- hold >oeial con* , 1'creiice iiic -i ings in their vi'stru-*. evi-ry Wd-dne-day evening.at hr.ll-i a-t seven oVIm k. v. n. c. \. lb tip- in I)-:rby l'.!<* k, Water Street. Kcgular : pr. vermei tii ' - < ver*. A!■ -1; i .\ evening. Ki liuion- ( e \* rei-es every Sunday afternoon al 4 o’clock.; lioouis open to all. .11 usonic I’.r/rni.FlIl M I.ODl.E, No. 35. r. ami A. M. ! Mated meeting- first Mo: day of ea« h month. | Special lu-ctin::- every Monday evening. F. A | < row. !*. ,n I a -11 r. -1. NY. • lapp. secretary. \\i,l s|A I.opi.K, \o Ul. I A A. >f. stated nu , : ?, tlrst Tm -■! iy each month. Speei d > Hu ei.cu- i-v ei-v 1 ... . iv evening W. II. Wood |.un. SI,i~11 r. 1.1 'HI." kin.in >e nvfnry. TLIMTN COMM A N DLL’ Y. No. 7. Knights Teni- j plur. si iteil ..tings i-1 id «y - n or b» fme the j I'u 11 V. D. Kfftglil. 1 i .miinauder. A I. smith, lb-cord. r. ,ii ot \ i.j.'i i; iyai. Aid n ( n \ pi i;u—Aba ts . at il.:|..w. II. s: co:,\.. -.-ft ion - Thursday on : (iv i.. ion li e full moou of ea«'h month. 11. F. i W.-n r. H Id csl. Al PI f A t«d M. 11.—bet s at Ib-Uo'vci'. <‘uar- . t, * i• ( Olivo,-at;..as. .lane,ary. Apr !, duly, i »-•- « I .! r W •... - I -\ s.n-.-c 1 ; : full mooli. D. i : er. TemiK’niiicr. S A P. \TTJs r.Oln.i:. No. 7- of b-ts at Dui by Iialle\ei \ Thursday evening at 7 o'. 1m k. Cost Office. Al'til ' I'A I’CI.T HKHI K .'.Tiler C Oak an-l Water ' 1 I1 " n -; From 7.30 A. M. C„ s f. M. SiiikI IV :■ to I" A. XI. •I.iii .-A. U..‘knell. I’.-tmueter. ... ru-e If. l-'.tr- | riugfoii. < iii< I «. iei k. I]'mi \ M.; 1*1.:,.I A. M.: a' r.v. - ,;. »•» F. M. * i .t ; - !■ ;■:,d Northern. I - * e- 8.15 P. M.; closes P.M.; i-rivc.- 45 A. M. I Jell' -t and Wav. 1. ■ v. - 4 .no P. M.: c!'*-e- 3. • 1 I*. M : ai n ves 10.3 » A. M. - - 15 A. M.; armes.vno P. M. \\ ;ul tit •*. l«.-a\s.nu A. M.: clo-es 7.45 A.M.. arrive- <‘• 1*. M. I- anum*. b**.» a*t 1 W ay. 1* v* • " \. M.: closes 7.15 A M ; . rrs\ e- 2 ■•* 1*. d . i l Lit l, l ves I 00 A. M : closes s<. p. M.; arrive- p« :.*' \. M. Leaves Monday. W e'ipcsdav and Frio.«y. Arrives Tuesday, Thin s dav and Saturday. Ev*. i \ tnoriiiiig a train leaves Augusta at r, :;o \M.; arrive- at Augusta, d.-iilv, at S.oi.i P. M. tiialloiadl Divrrtory. KAiLCWELL POST OiriCE. \\ : -TI'.llN M AIL arrive - Cv v. s-i .1 iys tvpted. at 3 27 •. .i 7 52 »’M. » loses 1*j 45 A M. and A i’. M. 1. V.'TI.b.\ M AIL an iv • - ,l.i, fcuiaia} » eXCepUrJ, at 11.id . K. M. «•.*-* at 5 15 ;* M. !.m lim.U> MAIL arriv e Tu—■ lay*'. T’.ik-!.:>*> nn 1 .-.nurd., .1 1U • \ i.icK A. M. Cioats suudai s, Tues d iy* a:; I Thnr-day?, at 9 ft. M. Of l I'.'h ep r. Moi.'-.y ex,-, pa d, fr- m 9 < \i -ck A. M , to > T. 'I. »)j u Saturdays until S...0 1’. M. I. x l. • - d T on p.ijs-r.-, p-. i dic.tb. Ac , p > ..i !e *.-j .r. :' v i:i itdvaat 17. KOWr.LL, P M j; • *.v \M .y3, I960. • CHURCHES. S ti»!i T.'i di r c tf'.nal Church,c-ra.-r of Second I i T'-liillt -:r. • -site Tempi'-. Lev. CltAS. ft. Mc(d ill i r. r - ' nc-e < a C.'a -tuut Si. Morning service. 10 80; Afo-rn •>:) service. 2 15. Tirst I-t.ij.tist ‘JLurch, corii.-r <-t L icon and Franklin sir . - U A. ll. Cr.AN'i;. I’astor ; r- si lence ou Mi Idle s. , !>.•(«• , Wh.throp and Liic/oln. Morning service, P.* . 1 ; A".- i' .' 'ti a’'-. 2 15. ii■■ di.-*. i:p -0"i-d Chart !i. Mi Ml** Street,l>etw.*en Fn i. ■ i: | C ::tr.-.!. It- v. C.u.kb Tcli.kh, Tastor; residence ■ t Pi- Pars' n nr**, npp -ite tie* Church. M*>rning service, pl . t) -. A .P ni>'t,i' *• I V ire. 2.15. 1 ir-t IhuV'-rsnli-i Church, Second Street, (cor. c-f Fnion) Tree T ip' -t bhurch, Ac.t»len.y Street, tietween SeCxind t and M.ddb. Y. M. C. A. lbv'ular me* tines of the Young Men’s Christian Associ ation of Hallow, ll, nri held in the Vestry <*f the Baptist th.urch t-v. ry Monday evening, commencing 7* o’clm-k v c-'rdia! iiiviUTa n is exn-udtd t" all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Pray, r uu > tings, conducted by meml*crs of the Assoc! ati i. ar- fa Id every Sunday evening— l :i i’.urn-* Schoolhou-. . Farmingdule. at 7 o’clock. ■ i ' • 1 • t ■ »ck In Loul"!i Hill School house, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Scho^house. Manchester,at 7 o’clock. Lr eod-’ 'l -etP -: Hous*.*, Wes> ft ir liner, 2 1-2. BLN.I A MIN FOWLES, President. 11. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennebec Lodge, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Cotnnu ii .-a i- D- Wedn. mI; v. on or j r.-ceding the full moon. .1 V.MI s ATKINS,’Ja., W. M. J. E. N YE, Sec’y. J. rvwat-m K. A. Ch ipter. Stated Convocations,Thurs d - v .) or Ih tore the toll of the moon. i:. T. W vUNI.It, H. P. F.DAY, Sec’y. Alpha ' until. K d.ir in.-etlngs, \v '-dnesday succeed - lug do- full of the moon, quarterly. I'WIIK’ \KaiLL. T. M. F. J. DAY. Rec’r. i Ht Aug ista on the Ti v < u or b -fore the full moou of each nioiii).. A. D. K.NIftHT. E. C. A L. SMITH, ID c’r TEMPERANCE. T Tempi*-of ff.e.'.r and Temperance, JJo. 3. Il-.r id r meetings, every Tu v evening. J. \\. FI'Ll Ell, W. C. T BLN TF.NNKY, W. R. K '• * ■ :...<*■ 1 — No. 1. R *'/ular in‘etiug.H On the first :»i ! t *.;r 1 Fri t »v * vm.mrs of each month. ,1. ,1. .IHM..-.'ft. of ('. C. C. IIFNT, R. of C. > i jo f. iv. . No. 2'»3, 1. 0. of Q. T. Regular meet ing i-v-rv S .turd, v ' Veiling. P S. BOYD, W. C. T. T. A. A. III ATIL R. S. a. n .\ VIMi returned to his old stand, next door to iin* .I*»u:'ii; I Itlii would inform h;> friend* and tli* public that he is ready to manufacture boots cV snorcs, oithi-i- or .'i:\vnn. REPAIRING! done eheajiff than at auv otlier shop on the Ken nebec. A. JAttlcfteUl. AttSII' t-i. Sect. 11, 1ST". t3m USE RENNES ['U\ KILLING MAGIC OIG. “It Work3 like a vliarm.” Have ymi II ‘adnelie ? I'sp IJcnne’s Magic Oil. Have \ mi l uolh i le v I e Renueb* Magic Oil 11 , \ i . >u n uralgia i I e Itenne’a Magic Oil. Have > on Khemu.it i- :u ? I e lb mu ’> Magic < til. 11 i\e vi»u > »n Tin •..! ? I c IbMiiie' Magic Oil. ►i ilave you >ei..t i- f-e Remit Magic Oil. Have you n llrnic:' i iilleniif'.- Mugie Oil. Have \ ou ('i\tin)* l -e I ten ne'- Magic Oil. Il,\,\mi( Imlera Morbus ' l e Ibmu’s Magic Oil. J[,.mil.-' ci.e : l'-e lb-Oile'< Magic Oil. i |ji- i • Mu lb family Remedy to cure all kinds 4.1 I ‘.mi. vou i ver l riel. Jt H i Ban. -ah an.I d lidon* to use, and if yon a faithfully. IT W ild. D<> YOB HOOD. I)ir,*ri' ui- oii.eia h buttle. Huy it of the Druggist i or Merchant when* you trade. If they have not got it '.ii hand. t.V-y w ill end for it at your request, and i w.-1 i y iui l.lsiiu RlANl’* I’ \ t s * KI l.I.i n* * M \i.IC on. at i !o- manufacturer’* lowest price at retail, j .-*..ld by Druggi-B. Mcivhaiit - and Hroccrs. I; i ■ put up in three i/a-, a ml called “Trial Si/e.’' ! “M. Im . " and “ Large Kamilv size” bottle*. WM. LtENN'B, side i’ropriet.'n* and Manufae i tun r IT! rspifel.li, .Mass. Whole ale aad retail in Augu-ta by Marshall I'. J -4 0H Prairie Weed Balsam! soi l* nY I JulyJO-fUteod I.. II. TITCOMH, 'Apothecary. _ • Groat Bargains at 3? WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Wntcr Street, Augusta, Me. A I. A RUE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEC OND HAND Furniture, Which will be sold at very low rates for cash. Wo also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Collins, And COMMON COFFINS of all kinds, and the best trimmings, with Plate* engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment ot ROBES OF ALJj KINDS, All of wbn h will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the State. c. u. & n. r. wKi.cs. 22tf BATH A>' I> BOOTHBAY! I'ii,.' LA >1 KBN nTKAMBOAT COMPANY’S MKAAlKUs Sasanoa and Spray. Fall A wan gem en f ! On and after MONDAY', September 19tb but one trip w.U be made each way daily, Mindnys , \. , pted. 1 a . ing Boothbay at s o’clock A. M.. Bath at d1* o’clock 1*. >1. WM. W. M \ sON W.em at Bath. K. Tlli’BPK, Agent at Bootlibay. . (k ( — '.’W STEAMKU E .Ij L A : CAPT. WILLI A ’I MITCH KLL. ON and ..Iter Wednesday, dune 22d. the Steainei Lila will leave \uyriistn at S oVoloek A M . li-m MONDAY. WIDNRDAY and FBI DAY . lor Hallow i ll, Cardincr, Bichmoud, Bath, and Port laud. Hemming, will leave Portland I'-r Yugusta, and intcruicdiaie landing* on the Kenuebei . every 1 l L>DA Y 1111 IPD.Vt and sATt PD A Y at 7 A. M. Fakes IHiu'cep : on and alter Monday. August 22. Augusta to Portland, $1.25 to itatli .till (o Boothbay. .$5 FROM UTI STA to MAY YORK. Pa-M ngt r- by tin* route will be ticketed through to New York i \ tlm .-learners KBAM <>NIA and Dl B1< it >, w no h leave Port la ml for New Y'orke\ cry Monday ami Thursday. Baggage trucked in Port land ft »"* of e\|‘« n*e. Fare from Augusta to New ; Yoik: Cabin t*a.:>o: meals extra; Reek passage. £.'• .'.0. The F.lla connect* al-o at Bath, each trip, with i the steamer >pra> fur Boothbav. i hi- l»-«.it w ill stop at any <■! the ice-houses on the rivet* on display ot a white flag a.- a signal. For further particular* appl\ to ttl-june2*» B F. M<>U-K. Augusta, \gent. FOR HOSTON ! Spring Arrangement ! (COMMENT El> her regular trip* from the Ken m l'. '-, nil li>DAY. May 15th. ]S70, and will, until further notice, run as follow*- ; 1.raving C.ndim-r every Monday and Thtir*day at 3 »A-!«'. k, Richmond at 4, and Bath at G P. M. THE >TEAMKi: ( LAKIO.Y, Will leave Augusta at li M.. Hallowell at 1 45 1*. M connecting u :tli tic above boat at iiardiner. For further particulars inquire of W. J. Tuck, Augusta; IE 1 ulb r A > »n, Hallowell; T. R. Drain. Daidiner: .1. T. Robin-on, Richmond, .1. E. Brown. Bath. iiardim Api il 11,1870. • ’ ">pr Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Summer Arrangement, 1870. l*a.**enger train leave* Augusta daily for Port lam) and Boston at .5.45. 11 A M.. and 5.15 P. M., and will be due in Boston at 1.45, r and 10 P. M. Keturnim:. leave Boston at 7 50 A M.and Pi M . and Portland 7.10 A M U 15 and 5.15 P M., and. will be due in Augu-ta at 1* > A M.. 5.»o ami .- P. M Augusta lor \ a.--a 1 boro*. Waterville, Kendall s Mills, Skowhegau, Dexter, Bangor. &e . ;d • P M. Returning, w ul be due in Augusta at To.50 A. M. Augusta for Hallowell .and iiardiner (dummy car) at 7 50, 1150 A. M .. J 15. op. M. lb turning, will be due in Augusta at 7, 8.45 A. M., 1.5U, 5.50 P. M. . Through freight trains leave Boston daily at 4 I*. M.. arriving in Augu.-la Che following morning at B.4'». A Refrigerator car i- run on the through freight trains (both going and returning) earning fruit, meat, eggs, vegetable.-. &<*., in good order in the wannest weather. 1. I.. I. I \ t • > I A Con > (III (.11' . ( WHOOPING COLGII anil nil Throat trouble*. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. Ml SICAL 1NSTKI MKNTS, Pnixcy Goods, tfcc., liy htnl-lj * W. WKNTiKNItrUG. C —I POTTER & BENNETT, successors to IV. S. Fnrbush,) 110 Water Street, 1 Door South of Post Office, Al'ClSTl, LADIES’ ROOM up Stairs. ICE (RE. AMS and OYSTERS eon stanfly on nand. MeaU served at all Hours, This Saloon being located w ithin a few step- of and directly oppo-ite Hie Depot, is very eouveiiient. for the travelling public. Mm-junelO Music in Classes. r |MIL subscriberwould inform his friends and the 1 public of Augusta and vicinity, that he pro poses to teach Piano; also singing in classes t lasses on Piano to consist ot six pupils each. This -ystem has many advantages, and the expense i- 1<" than private l< s.-uns. Private le.-sons given tl preferred. Would also invite the attention of the pubiie to liie !!. V. MILLER 1M.1X0S ! For sale at his Music Hoorn, North's Jtlock, OPPOSITE CONY HOUSE. Tli'c use of these Pianos in many public in titu tions and schools has gained Idr 'liem an enviable reputa ion. and throughout the country they are becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured. i>avini-nt-. Will t ike any ,-ei i.iid-liand in-ti illm-nt- ■ in . \i hang*1, " ill rent fn-trium-iii* and h i all n nt n.-iiii go towards the 1 • 11ri ha-e nt' tin-same m-any utlier instnitm-nt. "ill send in-I: uim-nt. tn any i.:i 11 iif tin- >tate mi trial, Kw full Iiallienl.il - I’m v 1 i-t l ie., send t" me fur a rn|n "t the Mutual Mnuil.T. win.-Ii Will 1- -lit free 11 - ah’, a* 1 -1 r* - - ■ giving in to tlio-e w lio w i li ;i nil e. handy rerj.it>; . ('ai.jui.tr. Addre 11. M. MANSUH, 3w37* Augu.-ta. Maine. ih:Mi Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms Opposite Parrott A IbadbuiV-, Water Street, : Augusta, Me. Shaving. Muunpooing, 11 :iir-1» . — i ngr. * utt’.nir, ( ol firing. Ae„ in the nio-t approved ► *> 1 ** "• the art* Particular attention paid to catling and < ailing la. dies’ami < luldren’a hair. Ail kinds of Hair Mori made to order in the latest fctyle. lian.o-ly J. S. DUDLEY, Dealer in all kinds of SEWING MACHINES All kinds of wing Mnnnne- neatly repaired an warranted to sew ; - w ell a - the day lliev were made. MKlllMS TO LET ! By lln’ Moiilli or IVci-k. .1. m. i> t- l» It I: A’ . Wilier -t , \l ul -H. .MAIM.. ttf-tlim ll 1 l'nor south id I’.-irmtt.V Iti-adtun v’s. OAK GROVE SEMI VARY. VASSAIillOliO'. rpnK Kail Term of twi lvi- wi-i-k- will rninmcm-t J. mi Third dav. tin- hid of sth moiilli. under the i-hargi- ol liiiduird M. Jones. A II. as 1’riueijial, and a lirst-i-lass leneher a- \ ssi-latit. Tehms : Common English, ... - 54 50 Higher “ 500 Languages,.. u.uu special attention w ill he given to thoae studies which form the luhis ol n thorough » dm dion. I nithiinl facililie* will he offered h*r the aequif-i lion of French and Herman, a- the teacher has -tndied both in Europe. Hoard in the boarding-house. ♦TOO per w eek. A limited number of room* will be let to tlio-e w liu w i-h to board themfeelvt *. Moth boarder- and oc cupant* of room- to be under the jirisomil tial'U <»l the Principal. , ...... For further particular* npplv to the 1 rmcipal, DlltlGO, khNM Iil ( < <>. Vaspalboro’, 7th Mo. loth. r»w-eow:U jcUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner and Winthrop fWgHg State Sts., Anousta, Alt', jT. 1». BALLARD, : : Proprietor. Guests '.alien to and from tho Cars and Boats Froo. HORSES AND CARRIAGES 'TO LET. r 1 iai.'«o am__ CALL AND SEE!! the — MAGEE ADVANCE COOK STOVE, | G O L 13 E 1ST C I i Y. Sheridan Farmers Cook, Rival Madelion, Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palace Range. Stevens* Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Priceless. And a large assortment of other Stove* both 7V«*w a111«1 Second Ilund, AT WllliiiiuMkii A 4«,’«*<*mvoo«r*. New Store! Confectionery & Fancy lake MAM! fa rroiiv, No. lOO Water {Street AUGUSTA, ! H-iii-itK mnw ho found x l.iirgo AsmuImi'iit of U i iti.sii .ji.inti f.i.vuiiv, embraiing tlio mum! kinds, and ninny., fir Stylet. m.-uli- ..Ill’ l’ui-1-.-t -Mink. < .III mill i-xaiiiim- nur gouilK at Nil- 100, a fttw doors below t.*i- l’u-l Ollivt PANi Y CAKE made to order, si-pti-ttr —< Fine Oolong Teas ! At TITCOMD’S, WEST END KENNEEiA iUIDGE. july30*t3tood DRUGS -AND 4 MEDICINES ! Johnson Brothers, opposite : : POST OFFICE, Arc prepared to furnish Customers A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TIIEIR L I N U 0 F 0 0 0 I) s, CONSISTING OF The Eest the Market affords. Till; JiKNT PLACE to hey vom Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Per fumery, Soaps, Brushes & Patent Medicines, of nil kinds at very low prices, is nt Johnson Brothers, ' opposite POST OFFIC E. CALL AND LOOK ! ' j -AT TIIE STOCK O IS' Sponges, Brushes, Dusters, , Soaps, &c., 1 t — AT 4 I Johnson Brut Iters, opposite 1‘0>T OFFICE. OILS - Pure Sperm. Castor, Neats Foot, Olive, Cod Liver, nml Essential Oils of ALL KINDS, -IT Johnson Brothers, opposite : : POST OFFICE. I ALL Till: Choicest Brands ! -AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. TOBACCOS - Fold Star. Natural Leal’. Navj, Fruit Cake, Nolacc, and r Bagiev’s Fiur Flit. Johnson Brothers, opposite POST OFFICIO. i Physicians, Country Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers, ■ Should not fail to call and examine our Stock and inquire our prices. Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ! Proprietors of Dr. Bennett’s Jaundice Bitters. Johnson Brothers, opposite - POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, - - Maine.