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a oral anti State "^ctus. “In a moment,’’ ilitto with five minutes. AVe would call attention to the advertise ment of >^fs. Hodges in anotin r column. Cider is now cheaper than water has heon during the drouth—ten cents a gallon. The receipts of the Maine Missionary So ciety during the month of October were fcSUl.SO, and a loan of 8100'). The Governor’s proclamation for ThunU giving appears in our columns. Bring on the gobblers and old hens. “Gracious! Goodness! Mercy!" exclama tion* delicately insinuating delight, ahum or pleasure. The formation of female societies for active Christian and benevolent worh, is urged in many places. Board at reduced rates is living obtained at our hoarding houses for female teachers who ■» ill attend the county Institut •• “It’s only a question of time," as the 5 irk poeket said when he “went thr >u::h” an indi vidual for his watch. An immense cog wheel came Gy freight train yesterday for the Messrs. Sprague. It is to be used in connection with the shafting from the big water wheel. The court yesterday was occupied all d iv In the examination of witnesses in ti. a lion N o. 191, Plimpton vs. the Executors of II. II, Gardiner, for flowing the plaintiff's mill. The plaintiff's testimony is not yet out. Those railway ears that were recently rushing on down the broad wav. have recent ly experienced a change, and are n-i-.v e in verted to the narrow gauge doctrine. We hope they will run well. In 182(1 lottery enterprises were quite com mon in Augusta, and some ot' our citizens were engaged in them who would now almost blush to own it. That branch ol hu.-ine - i o l rumselling appear to have been peri ; , i - gitimate in those early days. The Western I'niort Co. have o, en> la n.-.v ti legraph oltice at the east end of the Kerne - bee bridge, lor the convenience of thusi liv ing on that side of the liver. Mr. Worthier-, the superintendent of the bridge, i- til- oper.i tor. Bernard Smith, the fortune toiler, was 1 - fore the municipal court ye steal iy tor b: utiu caness. Found guilty and sent ti jail f r thirty days. James Murphy, for a- ault and battery, sent to jail. M. C. (i.iri.iml, for drunkenness, was allowed the privilege ot boarding three days iu tli^ stone mansion i n tlie hill, at the county's expinse. The Hallowell Cornet Band give n m > t excellent and successful promenade concert: t City Hall on Monday evening, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the I! ml. ' of the first citizens of the place were in at tendance, and dancing was kept up until about three o'clock yesterday morning. The fine music furnished by the band was e: loved by all present. A correspondent of the l’rc.-s writes licit l&tjge speculations are going on in "e.:y i■ ■;-." in Augusta, parties buying at wholesale, an 1 retailing at a large advance to parties who are going to build. That's a fact, all but the “large advance.” Mechanic- with small means are making safe and sure investments in real estate on which to erect houses. Mo t available house lots arc now obtained at aonable prices. City Marshal Farrington yesterday n r. in d intelligence from Warden Kire of the State Prison that William Willis escaped from prison last Friday morning. Willis is about 80 years old, ."> feet 7J incites in height, quite ftout, red hair, grey eyes, sandy moustaciie, (lightly freckled, thin in flesh, and sure eye . H( was committed to prison for horse-steal ing and had but a few months longer to si rv, . A picture has been sent to the city mar shal which does not give a n rv flattering r. feaentation of the escaped convict. Our citizens were aroused the other eve ning at eight o’clock by the cry of Are, occas ioned by the ringing of the town bill, Lvcry thing became quiet and nil excitement sub tided when it became known timt there was no firg, but that the usually punctual bell ringer was altogether too punctual on this occasion, having looked at bis watch when Upside down and mistaken the characters representing the figure eight for those stand ing for the figure nine, and rushed for the bell rope to inform his sleepy fellow citizen* that it was time to go to bed. Tiny didn t see it. Major 1*. C. Bradford, woolen manufac turer of Winthrop, and II. 11. Dickey, K-ij . a manufacturer of Lewiston have just re turned from a tour of observation in the Aroostook country. Of course they visit d New Sweden and were astonished at the im provements which have been made in six months, in converting a primeval forest into a well populated town. They purchased of the Swedes rustic chairs, and other pro ducts of their ingenuity and skill, which will be matters of interest at home. Tie* Sunrise says these gentlemen were led to regard upper Aroostook as the best portion of Maine, pud time is only needed to make it. ▼astly rich and opulent. They say that a railroad to Presque Isle is only a question of time. At the annual communication of Bethlehem Lodge!', and A. M., held at Masonic Hal! in this city, ou Monday evening, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year : George 1*. Haskell, IV. M. John W. Ilowe, S. \V. J. W. Clapp, J. W. O. C. Whitehouse, Treas. O. B. Quinby, Sec. K. F. Beales, J. W. Bussell, K. Curtis Stevens, John KUis, F. K. Johnson, J T. A. Chick, 1’. II. Dolliver, , Howard Owen, Silas \V. Wyman, M. H. Harlow, Installation of officers elect, S. 1). J. 1) s. s. J. s. Finance Com mittee. Chaplain. Marshal. Tyler. and those ap pointed, will take place at Masonic Hall on Monday evening Nov. Hist. Members of Augusta Lodge, and visiting masons are cor dially invited. One Burns, with a notorious femalo named Margie Jenkins, anil a young man named Smith with his unmarried 1 uly companion Nord, were arrested on Monday at Springer’s hotel on the east side of the river, tinder cir cumstances which indicated criminal inter course, and brought before 1 lie municipal court. Both pirties plead guilty, and were ordered to ii i.l bonds. Burns and Jenkins o taimd bonds, ami were set at liberty, hut Smith au.l Nord failing to do so, were com tted* The Lewiston Journal says that Coroner Littleli.hl lull an inquest Saturday afternoon >n the 1> >dy of < )iiv er Jordan, killed by the ru: ning off* i f the train near Empire Station. ! ''.a jury i\’ I d a verdict that the said Jor dan came to bis death by having his mck broken : and that the accid nt was not caused y Moy care ! ---ness of the employes of the I read. Tie train was running from Bundle .Junction up to the gravel pit near Mechanic | Balls. The engine w is ahead of the train, j hut backing. Next cairn* the saloon car, and ! liter that the Hat cars. The engine wa« ! thrown across the* track, tie* saloon car being i idled comjilvh !y upon it. The flat c ars were not thro a n off. Jordan was a laborer, and lioul 1 have • ■■ n in the s si >on car instead of >n the engine. The engineer, John A. Sin clair, was badly briiLi i about the face and 1 on bis anna and b* . .. i 1 li:• 1 one of bis fingers broken. The Ik's *s s iys i'n it on S.itui day atternoon two carpent rs ra::i I Atsgmtus Dyer and a Mr. Ilyl i- were preciu kited t*» tin* ground, a d.* t im e of some twenty-five fci t, iy reason of a srafluldiisg giving away on which they wi-:V ttandii •: while engig.d i:i putting up a water gutter on the ell i f tin* two and a half story house in J>roc. • s of erection on Sp;i:ig street, ia Bnrtl iml, and owned ly V/. il. Stephenson, K*q. By -r e night at a portion of the scub d ling as he tell, t1 u*» hivu! t r tin fill and ew.1 with g injury. Hylcr e.iruck on Ins si. Jiddcr ; i.d. it i- f.-aerd injured his -pine ami >vt lr« d intmmti injusie . II • i> now a gre at >i:ff r-. Tilt* r;fi, . -ns o! S !;ow li ran a <• ay:? 11 i»it -e ‘er <•. i woolen fictury at that i ; A <i i/ m *tiny has keen 0 i *! : ■. t i > • l" . • 1 1 VC ’!' y t<» tUi\C im:l-'!rv t » •-v ;v i,.e object. Mr. Archi I»:ii l Linn, \ 1' II .rtl.sml "lake- a proposition that it' th ‘town will build i ill and put in one wt of machinery, he* w ill pat in. at 1. ast I three rune, i in tli • mid. pay the town six p.r j cent on the inv- »umnt ami ^'curo the fin.i ... ; | t-. rm <.C y ar. V.’hilc* . iyi d at targe t tiiooiii.-' Tort ! liij i y, Minnesota, Octoh- r i>ih, Mr. John Oslo.n was ace a h nialy and fatally shot hy 1 111- hjv tker Ai t rt. fi ho (A w : nut 'hir:y \ : - of • at. 1 a native of I' Ii.i r. Me*, i. • w .1^ :i in*, i.i u* of the JOth Mass., Keai uvnt. Sine-** tin* he Intel Im n a cleik in tli • Mo- i m! 1) ;»irtimv.t at \V,.m inyton and at tl •• West. IT i uves a wife an 1 two voting children. .1 1 ir.owii-tru A youth was around the othe r uk_bt in iMniaml, w ith a cracked truitar , and a croaky nice* sin.dn-:: **1*1111110 in my li ilc h. d/’ V vmdjvr was finally opened .mill * vuii::.: mm informed if he didn’t **du*t” t *v w >ul 1 *,S: in 1 him on his little lie cl.- ii • Mr. M. N. Stanley li es re lilted tlie **(. iiase 11 • >: 1 >. '* at porter \ i hiye and open* the same on Tin 'd. y. o.h in.*u A pul.lit house is very much iii.'1'' d in thi* locality, and the landlord i- Ic. • p t at s;*t 1 willing to • rr* 1 his eucst.- in ,m icceptaide manner. Mcs-m. Staples & Son are huildinjjat I\*rt 1 and an iron lighthouse* for a harbor on t ape Cod. It ; to he L'<> fi-et in diameter at the bare, 4 1 feet tall and tV.N off an im li to every foot in altitude. Tile* dwe li ny ho'i-e « f, limes 1’. Bnr-d 1, of (ireene, w t ally counMuiK .1 1-v fire S <t urtlay tnornin . Lu*s about SlOh'o. In sun d It w - "b The eonti iiu:i up Sunday for the* Vouny Mi n*> Christian A -i in IVt !a:. 1 amount, d to H-d'h If you want a pevtcct fitting shirt call at Huntington':- ami I avc your tnenaurc. 100 Water Sr. Huntington & Co., Hive a splendid line of gloves and at \ cry low price*. 100 Water St. Look I < i\ , reader, wo do not wish to tidi you that Com* umpd-m can Ik* cured when the lungs urc hat’ cm .sum. d, 1 or that Hr. Won derful, or . oy othv ri liow, lias discovered a remedy that will make men itvo forever, anil leave death to play for want of work. No, votf have heard enough of and we do not wonder t :.:t you i:ave by this time be come disgusted with it. Hat when we tell ! you that Hr. Safe's Chitarrit Ilomtdy will i positively cure tire wor.-t n • - ot Catarrh, I we only assert that which thousands can I testify to. Tiy it and you will he convinced. I Sent by mail lor mm.v cents. Address U. V. Pierce* M. D.. 1. t Sepeca street. Buffalo, \ N. V. Sold by druggists. novS-f&wlir What i> Vitality?—Some philosophers | call it Animal Magnutism, some Nervous Tuna*, others, Caloric, hut by w hatever name it may 1 . called, the thin# meant is the main j spring of existence, it is the principle we iu | Ire! it, and wnicli may be nourished by proper ! attention to lire requirenn nt< of the hotly and I the avoidance of excesse.*; it is wasted or ! destroyed by over-taxing the mind with study ; or anxiety and intemperate indulgences, iu j deed, it requires an expenditure of vitality for every thought or action equal to the mag ! nitude of the thought or action. When the j body and the brain are well balanced, the ; stomach is capable of restoring the waste; , hut when the brain is large in proper;ion, the stomach is incapable ot supplying it; in other words, the expenditure U too large lor the income. IK ie lies the cause ot su much suf , lering trom diseases ot the Heart, Liver, Stomach and Lungs, and Pi i.lows’Compound I JSvulp of ilvFOfiio* run ts is the only pre I paration known width imparts this vitality ! uircctly, and consequently the power to over \ come disease. nov8-f&wlw ! [From G. F. J. Colburn, Doctor of Dental u rgt ry, New a rk, N. J. ] Th * popular dentriiice known as Sozodont, j besides i*cing a very pleasant addition to the 1 toilet, contains ingredients, that, it used ac cording to the dirtetions, wilt prove ot the greatest utility to the health of the mouth and ’ teeth. 4 Spauldino’s Glue,” with brush, ready | for use. novfi-feodlw j Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is * for sale by F. W. Kinsman. fiw Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophos pliatcs may be found at Frank Kinsman’s drug store. fnovt-lw I!"niu,,» Pain-Killing Magic Oil is a v» ry valuable compound for rheimnti-m, and every kind of pain, • i - ii * * in tin* lace and jaws, neuralgia! spinal irrita li in, headache, and lameness, bruises, contusions and sprains. liuvtM&wlW PARKS HOUSE. ON EUROPEAN PLAN. 1st Washington St., Huston. <.'tod - ingle rooms, 7.'* cents and £1 u day. Rill of fare the lowe-t of any hotel in the city. tfjrPartie.s coming to Ro-tm, will find the Park.'* II<m<e the centrally )«»*ated. <|uiet. and order ly Iiimi-i1 in the city. liO V M'oN A CO . octiJ-feod-thu PltOft’lilHTOJtS. IHarrirtt. In this city. 7th in-t by R \ . C. !\ Penney,\V. P. R ’.i'o.i to < Hive R. Cun. l.i A I mtu. <riM*rgrta.20tli nit., by Rev < ,\V 1 •. . ol M. PhdlipX- < liun li. ( oaii - R. I.ov.ed, of Oreenli Id. .M,te.. to Annie el,n -t daughter of Janies O. Allen, of Ailaiti.;. In this ' ty. Hh in-t , at the re - idem-e of her miii, Asi II. ihi.irdman. .Mr-. Pliileiu.i 1,’uI. v n - of the Id- Cnai I- > P. Ro.iiilni • n. i\»» jm.-i i\ . i Ner ridgowoek, aged Mj year-. Winter Opening! AFcs. Eioclg'eps Will •»;. .» on Thursday and Friday, X-n. KbV si, A Now r.ntl Select Stock of Winter Millinery — AND— PANCM (. OO I) *•* . /• ?/*Oyt n d.oy ami cv< wing. • No. *>, AortJPrt ISlock, AI <*f ST.V, 'Se. O X o Cushing & Holmes \i:i; if win TV i* Fresii ^'y s((‘r A ;:ii i, Ml . :t »• • *1 ;i i t; 1 f 11 • :u ! i cu «-■: ■ in -11 -i tii * (:*y. j t ' \ Coutim;)iU(c of t *»t; utnt", A l Olhc ■ t i . I.. . ii1 -. • l . . , Best Fresh Fish and Oysters, t. vre i s i.i t man- < r. - \ L>o Smoh r. - - ’ • re V • r v < • ; .• I*.I M Y>T ( i.A" llie I :.-ii Mnrki t i:i i.'n city hv»e they run l*<- • •• ; •' N i ■ ! i DIVJ I .III * ' I ■' i . c*j'Jiir;G & iioIiT.ies, V ! I K. It. II.. U \ I ' ! > I i.! I I . A l «.l i A. m>\ *-*:T bootc a aoflMS, !#;•: u.iti: - i*1- *' Beef, Folk, Veal. 3!uUon. Poultry, Tripe, Sausages, ' 3Pl’OXr:f SSiOMSf, ci’O.. (li’anile Block, li-i Yv’iUcr Blrcot, A 5 C. i , 'i' ». OMVFIS Gol Ll». .John ( \i»AMS. A*, • C.i-h i»:t:*l iV.r ( our. try !’i lu-i W *1. Wool skins, il des, A •. BATH HOTEL, Hy O. I’lmii mor, 55 A 'ii' 5iS . .'*111. iiottnl. - - $1 ]>cr Ml ian-lv TO THE TRADE. ItEDt'CTNOA'S E\ YVc Mlinll offer our ltutire Stock of 1'1.\E UOOL1AS, for ::o tin)-. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES to close orrc Fall and Winter We have n il 1 it parts of bale- "r ::!l ilie h -L i'oiiizm\ coATnt.s, TimOTS, CASTORS, i;lysi \ < in.\t mu, \s, i:\iilASil \VORST2-:i> mA«0\ALS, A.V. AI-o, all tin* popular American t?o ds in % t M!:t I 1528 m C&SSIME8ES. make a '•■pecially AVe have closed out the entire importation of l;ov K i IA( KKUo Celebrated b l it IS.U i\ liKAVLUS, lor Fine Cloak Trade. Wo have u I-'ull Line of Herminghaus's 5G-:nch Satin do Chines, A- well as all1 Enr;lhh Lasting^. V ii —’A e have the I n : -i as ■ rtment of VKI. It I. ’ll.l. AN fs. |;K WlJt.s ami Low l’un i. ( \ * "I M LltLs, fur 1 n \ Goods Trad* s.ol any house in Horton. ft. PRES2V, 115 ^mumr Street, Huston. n o v 8 •! 21 w 1 w I3ou*t* foi* ill.' ! VMCK TWO-nTOKY IIOt-K wilii ! anil si a Ma. convenient f ir one or two mmiht -. bcinq; the premises funnel ly occupied hy .John I*. Auki r loo, cui ner of Stale ami I.aurel streets, the fourth Imiif'e North the Catholie church. Foquire of M. W. FARli. Insurance A Rent. I>arl y Flock. Oct. 27, 1870. ftf Angu-ta. A j t per Moutlii The best polling lin k vOJw ever Agents who sell our m u work, 1‘l. U A UO.lIi: TALK \.\I> Ml.lUt t I. COM MO A SI .\si:, I h;i\ c no '-ompetition. There never was a book pub lished like it. Any body can sell it. Fvery boby wants n. Many agents are now making from $.'*u0 to $ mU per month ■wiling this wonderful book. 21 page Deseriptivo Cirenlar sent free on applicalion. NN e want Rood live a -tents; men who ean fully aj - preeiate tin* merits of tin* work, and the Lot that it j meet.-a uni verbal want. Am i.t -■ u in> de ire to do ; pmd a* w ell as make money .Address \\ i,i.i.s & Coins. 4 <2 Broome si., New York; or, i 11. I{. STl*IUils,27 seollay's Huild'g, Boston, Mass. oet l.Vt&w-lw LOST. VSETTUR I'l l*, about four mouths old; o a yellow and white eol »r; an- wci> to the name . ” ■ *’ unto to me of • l>on." Whoever will return tl wdl be suitable rewarded. WAT. n. WOrtDBriiV. Augusta, \ot. 7,1870 Mw BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. rios keyujixn. I.urgt* I?ej5«l»Sieaii Chains £» mosJ eases. liETTiiNS TIiO.M SIXTEEN STATES. New Vorl New Yoik, Kov, 8. Returns from 50 se::t tei mg districts of the State outside tin* c ity show Democratic gains of upwards ot 1 too. In 12 wards ilotlinan gets 11*7, Woodford. !»!>; Ud void, Huffman, 521, Woodford, Id'.). Tin* li /ur- ind'eate u total vote ot peril; ps lio.ouo, and a majority tor Hoffman of over 40.000 A f« w returns indicate t o re-elec tion of Oakley Hall for Mayor, though In* runs tar behind Huffman. ilie Democratic (i n •> a I Committee in I5rookiy u n p u ts that King t ’minty g ive !2, 000 majority for llolliuan, ami Cell. Slocum had vOud mnloritv in 3d district o\.*r 11. l>. i.ubiioan. . n. . o n W » • *der. Regular it l;m. Ri, ii. . t e-ch i ii d to ( uiJiiiT'' by an overwhelming majority in 12th district, ai;d Jos. M. Warren, Democrat, in 15th d - tint, 1 y 2,500 majority. Syracuse city gives I)*, nr,is Met. dependent. i majority, and tie. is the state* of Vwte ot some id' t!i i hie.'. Hots, an i ring giv*. n irthv, In-' 1 jliowing ; ■ principal c) > v. • . Rockport, llingfiauip t ti--: ; la.'2, I1C2, 1120, 1. Ithicn il d.-or Svracu Aul u;! It 12 ID. I2;.d. 11 ini. 1*22. i\es Woodford 1>3 majority. Sinoca county, complete, gives Hodman 520 majority, and Schenctady coun t v • '. In >ionr*u* i minty, Lcpublicaj) ( oiinfy ticket 11« < t< .1 by the u 11.*»I majority ot' 15*>U. in the <' onares.-iona 1 I)i-1ri< t, Free . < - • . tid by 2500 1 : iority. Ym- ne/riv unar.L;ni;US against i!jt* funding • ii 1. Unundn county. < • . . . F .*• Woodford 2 uou in t • »i: \. a iJvi.MMT.-iiir gain < f 70). T*. ive i<»• j»i.' : • u .V " y;n« n eh ef»-d, m l ! )!■ i!. ];. i- ; n. tor < *«. in 23d ; t: i■ t. will have over 2300 majority. In V.'ayne county, K« [ i. ii< in Suit** ti ke: 1 Inis looo rsi iiorit s. ( ,. V . \ PoteJlkiC pHc. < ompl. ft . gives I Woodford :*.*»:*and Hoffman 1520. Le i u! id- a ’••.tn ot' 21 2. i Tvov. complete, with one Ward t•> hear 1 tV> :i. ::ivi-s 11•.:iinnn 1 l>3 majority. Warren. 1). luorcrut l r Comm >*•. has al out 2700 ma Iji.ii'v in the c; y. Democrats concede :•> Re public. n> tin* he v. ..11» Congiv>-i«2«ai Disti ict. Jui'i r.'eii county gives 1500 Republican mn j .!"• ity. IlornelLvillc* gives II< IVnan 00 majority, a j gu.n of 130 over 170*. Rochester mtiipl te gin* II..Oman -{ Woodford 104*. a Dt in. gain nt52s. 1.‘ inerts . in l a d:-t. 1500 ntajoi ity t .r Comm :•$. Mr. Williams. Derm, is elected tor C’on I ••re.* in the* .".••ill district by 500 majority, i Tip Ih-nioerut* i hit ail live ot' their A>*em | hly men and the Democratic (’minty ticket in * looted. l*ti‘M i nn •'] to gives Hoffman 2035 and V . dt'nrd 2 *71. a Republican gain ot' 410 j Roberts. Rep.. majority tor Congress will i reach 1 700. N. V. 9. 2* A. M. This city complete gives | Hoffman *3.780. Woodford 33 070 Jlntfmu ds ! majority is 50.101. Hail for Mayor has ; • 5,031, and ltd with 41.271. There are two j wards to hear from. Ledwith carries only } one ward thus far, the 10th. The Tammany candidates to (’undress are undoubtedly elected, .James Brooks claiming 5000 majori ty in the Mil district, over Wilkes and Wads worth. The democrats also carry the l>t, 1 2d and oil Congressional districts. Without • louiit the Democrats elect Carroll in the 16th ! Congressional district, and the Republicans j lb indie in the 10th. The city has been per * lectly quiet and orderly all the evening. .Massachusetts. Boston, Nov. £. A very full vote was thrown at the State election to-day. The re" >n!t in Boston f»ot* up for (»ov Claflin 10, O40, Adams 9720, Phillij s 1-00. Last year Claflin had 8272. Adams 11,030, Chamberlain 497. Chelsea gives Clafiin 1004. Adams 357. Phillips, 231. Last year, Claflin 911, Adam* 4OS, Chamberlain 52. Charlestown — Claflin 1040, Adams 1350, j Phillips 1*2. Lust year, Clallin 1793, Adams I 1491, Chamber! iin 159. Fitchburg—Clallin 033, Adams 343, l’hil j lip*. 12*. Last year, Clallin 031, Adams 2*9. i Worcester — Claflin, 2400, Adams 1554. > Phillips, 407. La.-t year, Claflin 1737, Ad am- 924, Chamberlin 393. Lynn—Clallin 971, Adams 00$, Phillips. 1388. Last year, Clallin 1253, Adams 500. Chamberlin 1030. I i :iin11ri»iut — i i.inm _ 11 .mams ua i. 11111 1 lips J'ksO. Last year, Clatlin 11,73, Adams UIIO. Chamberlit. 41. | New Bedford—Clatiln MIS, Adams 793. Phillips 3*0. Lot vcar, Clatlin 1390. Adams aii7. ( liamhcrlin 17,!. Thirty-six towns, nut including tlic nbovo, font nil tor Clatlin 10,707,, Adams 0223, l'iiil lips 2932. Tim same towns last year gave Clatlin 8*23, Adams 7,111.",, Chamberlin 1770. 11 1*. M. election returns are coming in very slow ly. 192 districts outside the city show a Dim. gain of 11)01. Seneca Co. com plete, gives llolToian 320 majority. Five wards in this city thus far reported show a Deni, loss of 2101 from the last Presidential lecction. Returns from ICS cities and towns give Clatlin 11.IK!. Adams 21,Usd. Phillips 11,823. Same tow n last ycay gave Clatlin do. 111, Ad ams 2().dd2, Chamberlin 771". ( lallin will have as large a majority as last year, on tin . increased total vote, 11 is majority last year was 0 got). All Republican Congressmen tire rc-elect ; i d. Tw iteln II. in ild district, by aboiit 110(10 plurality, anil Hooper, infill, ly over 2000 plurality. llotli branches of the Legislature will lie strongly Rcpubiienn. Wendell Phillips re ceived iess votes than his opponents coneeed ed him. John tiuiney Adams is ilectcd to I the legislature. .Journal Dili •• Dili, 2 A. M. In 29G towns Clatlin lias a plurality of lie.lU ou r Adams I and I’hillips. flic* vole stands Chitlin .2. loo, Adams 13.001. Phillips, 20,200. ! .01 uryltind. Ilaltimorc. Nov. 8. Archer, JDctn., lots 4020 majority for ('ongress in the 2d dist., and 1 Swann, Dun.. 4002 in (lie 8d dist. ; 'llic tot III vote ef Baltimore city was 89, 013, ahout 9000 over the Congressional vote of 1 si IS. Registered negro vote is very little short of 9000. The H» publican vote in 1808 was 8973 on the Congressional ticket, and to-day a little over 18,000. Wisconsin. Milwaukio. Nov 8. In the first (list. Mitch ell, Deni, is undoubtedly elected to Congress, over Judge Lyons, Rep., a l)em. gatu. The Wisconsin delegation will show l Rep-, uml 2 Democrats, a Dun. gain. t Minnesota. St. Paul, Nov. 8. In the 1st (list. Mark II. | Bunnell, Rep., is elected to Congress by 3000 i majoiity. In the 2 1 dist. J. G. Averill, Rep. ■ is elected by the same majoiity. Pennsylvania. Norfolk, Nov. 8. The election passed off very quietly. A company of marines was held in readiness during the day at the Cus tom House, to repair to any part of the city where they might be required. Three wards give Janu s II. Pl«tt, Jr., the Republican Con gressional candidate, one majority. There is one ward to hear from and in that ward the negroes have registered a majority of 383. Rhode Island. Providence, R. I.. Nov. 8. The Congres sional election in this State occurred to-day. In the western district the vote was very ligh*. James M. Pendleton, Rep., lias 387 majority, witn two towns to hear from. The vote stands as follows : Pendleton 1457, Samuel Rodman, Dem., 1)41, scattering 120. In the eastern district there w as no lit publi can nomination. Renj. T. Karnes. Hep., has 4052, Thus. A. Jencks, Rep., 11)77, Thomas Davis, Deni., 1005, llenj. Murnfort, Temp., 303, N. Van Sliek, Dun.. 140?, scattering 10. Karnes majority 1 GO. Several arrests were made lor briber*, and it is stated that the election will he contested for this cause. Alabama. Montgomery, Nov. 3. Election passed off qui tiv. and good humor prevailed. Roth parties worked hard. The Democrats in riva-i d their vote largely, and the Republi cans compare it w ith the vote fur (irant and Seymour. The Republican majority is esti mated at about 1300 or 3*00 in the city. Kentucky. Cincinnati!*. ().. Nov. 8. Returns from the 7th (A turresdonal district of Kentucky give Rro'vn, Rep.. 038. and Beak, Dem., COO, a Re po! it. to gain of 170 since the August vote. Kotiisvilie. The Republicans elect Black in the lir-1 Congressional dist.. the Democrats making no contest. Paducah gives 40 Repub lican nijijoiity I.ouisville, Nov. 8. For Congress, Win chester Democrat, carries the city by 1500 to 3O0O majority. The majority in this district will lie louo. The Democrat11 have certainly elected tneir candidates in all the districts e\*i ejit the 8th, which is doubtfull. Beak’s majority is 30UO. Paris, Nov. 8. For Congress, Brown Re publican. in this district lias 833. and Beck. Democratic, 580, a Republican gain in this county of 3l5. New Jersey* Newark, N. J., Nov. 8. The returns show large IN publican gains. In the 2d dist. the w l:nh* 1»\ publican ticket was elected. Newell tor Congress lias about 400 majority. Newark gives llalsey, Iiep., over 300 ma jority lor Congress. He probably is elected. Mr* IN publicans gain two Assembly men in L-se\ county. The scattering returns from K*m Co. give Hill. Iiep.. lor Congress in the 4tii district, our 1000 majority over Rafferty, item 1 i111 is probably elected. L. D. Ja na rd is elected State Senator from Middlesex Co., a Republican gain. Returns from the 3d di>t. indicate Bird's election by 1500 majority, a Dent, gain nt 500. Tne lir*t district proba bly elects Hazleton, liep., fur Congress. Pus sac Co. elects the entire Republican ticket. Jersey City, Nov. 8. IN turns are such as indicate a sweeping Republican victory. The Republicans elect 4 out of 5 Congressmen. They gain one in the 5tli district. Delaware* Wilmington, Nov. 8. The returns show a general Republican gain over 1808, but not sufficient to change the resul*. Ponder, Deni, for Governor. lias probably 600 majority, liiigg* for Congress has nearly the same. The Republicans carry Newcastle Co. Legislature un i State ticket. Virginia* Richmond, Nov. S. Second Congressional di.-trict elected Platt, Rep., and in the 7th it was close between Reynolds, Independent, and Harris Conservative. Michigan. Detroit, 8. Returns indicate a success ol the Republican ticket by the usual majority. Indications are that Sutherland Democrat lor Congress in the 0th district, is elected over John F. Driggs. Illinois* Chicago, Nov. 8. The State lias gone Re publican l y a riduced majority compared with 1808. McLean county gives Mi main for Congress about 1200 majority, being a Democratic gain of 500. This indicates the electi in of Robinson Democrat in the 8th district. The Republicans have probably carried the State by I rum 20,000 to 30,000 majority. Tennessee* Memphis, Nov. 8. This city gives Brown, Deni., tor Governor 41)21. Wisener, Rep., 1775. For Congress, Vaughn, Deni., has 4*05. Smith, Rep., 1035, Shaw, colored Rep., 107. Missouri. St. Louis, Nov. 8. Returns from 5 pre cincts of the city give Brown 2885, and Me Clergy 81. The counting progresses very slowly on account of unprecedented scratch ing. WAR 117 EUROPE. S'rai'i’uS disd'csK anil disron «vsi< in (jcrtuiill}’. Prussia toj nearly exhausted to conquer Franco. CIVIL WAR IN PERPIGNAU. Capitulation of Verdun. VDDUPSS or LAMUFTTV TO IIIS SOLDIERS. A general battlo near Orleans. London. Special t'> tin* World. London, Nov. 8. Fearful distress and dis content prevails in Germany, growing out of the prolongation ol the war, ol which the •Journals dare not .“peak, because no mercy is shown by this military government. The whole country is morally and materially in the most deplorable condition, and public ! indignation is only restrained by military i discipline. Kverywherc is desolation. Tens ! of thousands are in mourning. Prussia may ] yet greatly injure France, but she is so ex hausted tnat she cannot conquer her. King William must soon be under the same con ditions as was the Kmperor after the battles <»f the llth, loth, lGth and 16th of August, w hen he dared not return to Paris without achieving success to efface the previous di Mister. William also seeks success before daring to return to Berlin, otherwise Prus >iun power will collapse like the dreams of the Kmperor. Another correspondent writing from Per pignan on the fill, says civil war commenced here with frightful scenes. The Col. com manding was assailed by a band of lteds and cut down. The Chief of the geiid’armes un derwent the same fate. M. De Hasdas, Mayor, was stoned to death lu tore Ins own house. Another gentleman was pursued by the mob and killed with butchers hammers. The National Guard are , now assembling to quiet the mob. Alt the I houses ami shops are closed. Gen. Manat who commanded the artillery I at Strasbourg, was arrested at Grenoble on charge of treason against the Republic. A mob assembled before his hotel, crying out “We are people, Sovereign people,” “Down with the servants of Empire.” It was with great difficulty that Banat was rescued from the band and conveyed to the prison. On the 31st, Thier’s hotel was surrounded by crowds of the Reds, crying “Down with Thiers, down with the traitor, down with the dupe.” The town of Verdun has capitulated to the Prussians. Garibaldi lias issued the following address to the Italians now under him : Soldiers:—We meet again. You young and vigorous, I am old and infirm, but still steadfast to my principles. We fight for a republic universal as well a« the French. I rejoice to lead once more mv old soldiers. Remember that to you is confined the honor of Italy. Yon have fought the battles of Fatherland. 1 hope to be worthy of you. Tours. Tours, Jsov. 8. Despatches from the army of the I/O ire. report a series ot successful engagements yesterday id Paisley anil St. Laurent des Jlois. Two battalions of the Prussians, supported by 1500 cavalry and 10 pieces of artillery, attacked the Fu ncli ad vanced posts after a combat ol two hours duration, and as the French appeared to be siirroun ling them the Prussians retreated, leav rg two officers and 50 men killed, and 70 | ria mers in our hands. The French loss was to killed and 31 wounded. All is quiet at Marseilles. The Press of tUucdy publishes a proclamation from the new administration, recommending modera tion and selling aside all purposes save that of the country’s defence. A general battle was fought to-day near Oilcans. All ambulances here have been sent to the front. The resut of the fighting is unknown. ELECTION RIOT3. Camden, X. J., Nov. 8. A fight occurred to-day at the polls in New toil Townships, Camden County. Two colored men were shot, and lour whites wi re badly injured. Hie riot was suppressed by Major Dare, L*. >. Deputy Marshal. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 8. There has been more or less rioting in two w ards of this city during the afternoon, be tween crowds of white and colored men. At o o'clock a sharp eueountcr took place, in which a number of shots were fired, and several persons injured. FROM CON CORD. Concord, X. II.. Xov. 8. Railroad Accident. The down freight train on the Vermont Central Railroad. run oil' the track at We^t Uandolphe this evening, smashing lour or live cars and delaying the down express two aud a half hours. FROM PORTLAND. Portland. Nov. 8. Suicide. Edward Cushing, a resident of Freeport, ol good standing and in couuortable circum stances, hung hiuitelf last night. Cause not known. Destructive Fires. Springfield, Mass., Xov. 8. Jos. II. Kingsley’s barn at East Hampton, was burned last night with its contents. Loss §3,000; insurance small. Cleveland, O., Xov. 8. A large storehouse adjoining Iliekox & Co s Mills, and occupied by them, was burned this atiernoon. Loss §12,000; partially in sured. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Money Market. M.w York, Nov. h. 113.’. aim 1 .V, ijlt,** lt»7 ij lo< 1 1<>, ‘j Q l0» 1 lot. •„ ,j let.' 1 a iut»' lU»7e «J • l" * Cold closed 1K>* ••. i:> United .•states fcuxes (coupons), J(sSl “ •* 5\£u’e lit;--, 9 ‘ *• “ “ 4 •* i&tiO, * *• “ Jan. Sc July, “ lN»7. •• “ 10-40’s, (coupons), New York Stock Market. New York. Nov. t». Mariposa. do. | hi. ( 'anton Co. Cumberland Co. Western Union Pel. < »>. (Quicksilver Miuing Co. Pacific Mail, boot on \\ uler Power, Adauts fclx. Co. # WelfW, Fargo Co. Anierienn Merchants Un. U. >. Ex. Co. N. V. Central and Hudson K:vcr do. scrip, ‘d.»! nfd. lo T <*•' • 3o 4*'j 4 *d. 074„ 3.» - 7 4‘h Vo., ft. sV ‘3 Js “ Hurl cm, <lo. pfd Beading, Mich, Central, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland & Pittsburg, Chicago «fc North Western do. preferred, Chicago A ltock island. Mil. &St. Paul, do. preferred, Toledo WuUi'di .t Wo tern. Toledo, Wabash A VI e-tern prelei red Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, Terre Haute, do. pt l. Alton, do. pro I'd. Ohio and Miss. lion ton. Hartford A Erie, New York Produce Market. New Youk, Nov. 8. COTTON—sale* 3U31 hales; mid. uplands 1> _ l LOl-It -Mate 4Ho<p>40; round hoop Ohio570 western SOOflO.'o, nouthei u 5(00^75. WHKAi-sales 10‘i nou hu ; No. I spring 127g 12’*: No. 2 do. llii^US; winter red and umber wen tern, If. (..1:17. CO UN—-new mixed western, iutp.01.; old do. 01 in store. OATS—state 57/ja.l; western r.* o'»7 POUK—mess, 24 :t7; prime, 21 '*o. LAUD—slejim, la1,; kettle, la* BUTTEU—Ohio. 2><j;i2 ; state, 20443. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Nov. 8. F'. OP ft—spring extras 4754-‘>2.». W*1 L AT—No. 2, faL* • COICN — No. 2, 58. O A i s -asvf tor No. 2 BAULE\ -80 for No. 1. I. \UD-M MESS I’OUK—21 00. HEAD THIS ! 31E n I T , In order to be appreciated, mu.-t be known,—after w ards, it needs no praise. The suiue with the BURDETT CELESTE ORGANS. How are you to know the merit* of these organs: llow are you to find out their superiority above nil others ? Why, go and examine them at a* Court street, Boston, where they are .eeeiving the highest enco miums from all who hear them, as superior ami preferable to all other makes, without any exeep Pianos, mid all klmls of Musical Merchan dise at Lowest Prices. John C. Haynes & Co., I Vo. 33 COURT STREET, .... BOSTON. lOljr HI ltd1, J2o T-D. j;»7 107 s '.n> lUh I - 81 M \ 73 HI 21 M ll«*4 lls‘4 &“4 3)4 Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Pall Arrangement, Oct. 31, 1870. Pn*scnger train loaves Augusta for Boston at 5.45 and II A. M., lor Portland ut 0.45. 11 A. 3d.: and Mixed train at 2 :jo I*. M. For llaiuur and skovrheg;»ri at 4 P. M. *-..r Unrdiner (dmmny car) at 7.3h, 9 40 A. M.f at 2.15 and 5.50 P. ,M. Trains will be due at Augusta From I top ton at 5 50 and ft.oo p.M. From Portland at 10.55 A.M. . ixed), 3.50 and 8.U0 1'. M. From Bangor at 10.55 A.M. From Oardiner (dummy car) nt 7 and 8.15 A. M.t 1.30 and 5 1*. >1. Two through Freight t aint? d aily between Au gu.-ta and Ilo-ton, leaving Augu. La at 8.45 A.M.and 12.15 P.M. 1.. L. LINCOLN. Superintendent. Augu-ta, Oct. 29, 1870. novifAw FLAGG & MILLER, V^ori.H RK'ITCTFrr.I.V inform the citizens r t>r ACf.l aTA that they have taken the More Formerly occupied by John G. Adams, jVo. 2, Granite*Blo«k, Where they will keep constantly on hand— Beef, Pork, Veal, Iamb, Mutton, Poultry, Smoked Ham, .smoked Tongue, Dried Beef, Breakfast Ham, I»uL»gii.i Sausage, Tripe, Sausages, Salt Provisions, &c., Fruit & Vegetable* in their weapon, and Mich other goods as ure kept in a first Class Provision Store. Hoping by close attention to btisincaa to receive it liberal share of patronage. \ /Q* Goods delivered free ol charge. Cash paid for ( ouutry Produce, smai.l Profits and Qctick Salks. j a .</-Orders prcmptly attended to..£9 T. C’. blsAUli. JON. MILLKlt. nov4*ftf JUST RECEIVED ! FUOJI THE MANUFACTURERS. A PINE ASSOUTMEMP OF —is— COLOGNES and EXTRACTS ODOR and PRICES To Suit tlto MOST FASTIDIOUS I ! j -AT TITCOMB’S I DRUG STORE!! TRY TITCOMB’S OPERA COLOGNE! II i(vcoiiim<'nd» Ilself. New Store! Confectionery & Fancy Cake AIA A UFACTORY, No. lOO M ater Street AUGUSTA, F\T IIKHK mr.v Ik* Found a Larpe Ap*ortnient ol sus^Ld .u.antt c .i.riMjt’s, »ml>ra< iitf the it-mil kinds,and many «IV«rStyles, made IVot.i the I’uivst Monk. Call and examine our £otnU at No. loo, a lew doors below tlie l*o&t OOico FAN< Y CAKE made to order. septS-fit TOR SALE CHEAP ! A complete set of Dnisjslsts' Tincture Bottles & Jars. i Inquire or address W. R. BALLARD, Vrvygxit, octR-HOd HALLOVVELL, Maine. I BATH TUBft, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, I»It A hH & 1*LATKI) WAHK, 4’asi Iron S'ipo, lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Ai i cvt'i y . rii. i. pertaining to Plumbing kept con stantly on Imud anil I or sale at H. R. STRATTON’S, ' Corsaor Bridge* A Wain' MrreU, Under Hunt’s list Store. V [!. Plumbing in all Us brauchc- done in a neat j an ‘ *lioro*igh manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. tl2apr*tl‘ CALL AND SEE!! — tui: — MAGEE ADVANCE COOK STOVE, GOLDEN CIT Y. ■ Sheridan Farmers Cook, Rival Madelion, Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palace Range, Stevens* Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Farior Heater, Oriental and Priceless. And a large assortment of other .Stores both \ew and Hecontl Iluml, AT UiSlidtiisou «& ood’A. THE EYE^THE EYE. plt.l'. li’VHdlTli^srli covered a new ne itiuent tor the K\ » ml 1 Mi, by which he i» curing souio of the worst cases ot Blmdiie - and Roaluets ever known, without^ .strunieut.’* or pain. CANCERS ! Dr. KnuhiT* new treatment for Cancers »ur passes all others now in use. It r e•+ w .tliout kn jit. pla.-ter or pain, and heals without a scar. Every kind of disease treated with great success. Hu mors of every kind eradicated from the system. No charge tor consultation. Ollloe, HO Dover Hit.» Ronton. lul>-27-w*>m