Newspaper Page Text
Eocal anti State TSTctoes Fair traveling on the roads in all quarters. Business is lively on the streets, and on the increase. Yesterday gave us a specimen of genuine Indian Summer. The loggers are thinking of the woods and baked beans on these frosty morings. The State House is being put in order for the annual reception in January. The town of Camden wants a National Bank, and the Herald says it must have one. When you want anything nice in the line of toilet goods go to Partridge’s Drug Store. There is a great thinking of Turkey just now, but not in connexion with the eastern question. _t_. It is reported that the Sprague company is laying the foundation of another new factory. Not too fast, oneat a time, gentlemen ! An old citizen of Hallowed wishes “to know where the man is whose duty it is to take care of the town clock" in that city. Beautiful fight in progress between two Portland editors. One has been knot ked into a hoop-skirt, the other into chancery, and the t nd is not yet. The ancient frame of a horse that visits the bank of the river in the rear of our office, has arrived on his annual visit, and is browsing on burdocks and sawdust. Some of our gentleman of leisure spend their time in popping over wood-cocks, or at least in pretending to do so, which is the same to those who don't know hi tter. The court finding no case ready fur trial In jury yesterday spent a part of the forenrton in disposing of motions, hearing a divorce case, &c., and adjourned to nine this morning. Two members of the press left this region last Thursday for New York city. It is to he hoped that the Philistines will be merciful unto them, and h ad them not into temptation. The Teachers’ Institute fur this county began its session in this city yesterday after noon. The proceedings were chiefly prelim inary—to a highly successful and profitable Institute we trust. We have received from our old friend, Mr. J. 1). Smith, Principal ofMonmouth Academe, a copy of the annual catalogue ot the institu tion. The number of pupils in attendance at the fall term was lOli. Marble’s Hall in liibhmond was probably dedicated last evening. Mr. ,1. T. Patter son, assisted by Miss Norton and otners. wns to give a concert, which was to be followed bv a dance. 1'lie Good Templars of this city are pre paring an entertainment, to be given at tluir hall in “Darby Block,” and it is hoped that there will be a full attendance of the mem-' 1 ers this evening. The water rose so high on Frid ty as to drive the workmen off the apron of the dam, where they were employed. The flood lias since subsided, and the dam will he entirely finished in a few days. The following epitaph may be seen on a tombstone in an old cemetery at Kittcry. 1 lost my life on the raging seas; A sovereign God does as he please. The Kittery friend* tin y did appear. And inv remains they buried here. Dm. Fisk lias manufactured and sold about forty of Ids patent spring beds. lie has also made the springs for the seats of the new railroad ear now building in tills city. It is said that for these purposes this spring is su perior to any before in use. We have received a communication signed “A Citizen,” complaining that the engine house on Bridge Street is being used ns a drinking and gambling rendezvous, and call ing upon the city authorities to correct the abuse. If there is truth in the complaint vigorous corrective measures should at once lie taken. A robust-looking individual of the male gender, hailing from a neighboring town, was in the city, yesterday, earnestly soliciting monetary benefactions. lie was offered good wages for a day's work, by one of our citizens, hut he abruptly declined to receive money in any such round-about way. lie is still trav eling. On Saturday, an upright, intelligent and well behaved descendent of Old Dog Tray, i met with a melancholy accident, at the Water street railroad crossing. He recklessly at tempted to cross ' the track by passing under a moving train ; one of his legs was caught and effectually crushed. His cries drew to gether a sympathizing crowd of humans, and lie was finally benevolently shot. Maj. l’ogler, the newly appointed Register of Deeds for this County—vice Capt. A. Clark, deceased, filed his bond yesterday, and w ill enter upon the duties of his office to-day. Miss Morse, Capt. Clark's assistant, who lias performed in an admirable manner the duties of Register since the beginning of Capt. Clark’s last illness, will remain in tiie office. The Eastern Express company brought from Boston yesterday and delivered into the hands of State Treasurer Caldwell, by its clerk, Mr. Morton, an unpretending looking package, which contained U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness to the amount of four hun dred and seventy-eight thousand dollars! This sum is all for the European & North American Railway company, and conics from the general government. The express charge on the little package was (:’>11.00. Kennebec County Lodge of Good Templars j will meet at Waterville next Thursday atone i o’clock 1*. M., instead of at !> as first reported. Members who attend from this section will go up in the freight train, which will be pro vided with a passanger car, leaving Gardiner at S.20, Hallowell 9, Augusta . 9.2.",, Vassal boro', at 10 25, A. M. Free return tickets will be provided those who pass over the road. Miss .Julia Coleman from Brooklyn, N. V., will lecture at Waterville on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings instead of Wednes day and Thursday as first reported. Mr. Jarvis Williams, w*U known in the business community lroro ins connection with the ‘‘Hinckley & \VilIiam9 Locomotive Works,” died at his residence on Common wealth Avenue, in Boston, last Saturday morning. lie had been an invalid for the past five months front the effect of a paralytic shock, but recently lie hud also suffered from a heart disease, which terminated in his death, lie has been able, however, to attend to his usual duties until within the last ten days. Mr. Williams was native of Augusta, a son of Charles Williams and nephew of the late lion. Kcuel Williams, and was formerly en gaged in business at Augusta, and also at Biddeford, in which city he carried on a large foundry. He was a gentleman of rare busi ness tact, and of great energy. A fine thing for the teeth. The fragrant Sozodont has taken a very prominent place among the most approved d, ntrifices of the of the day. It is a very popular article for the toilet, highly recommended by all who have used it. us n beautifier and preserver of the teeth, refreshing the mouth, sweetening the breath, and arresting the progress of de cay. "ScAt luixo's Hi.i s;," stickiest thing out. novlo-feodlw It you fell dull, drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache, month tastes badly, poor appetite and tongue coated, you are suffering from Toi| id Liver or “Biliousness,” and nothing will cure you so speedily and perma nently as l>r. lhe-rce's Alt. lixt. or Golden Medical Discovery. It also cures the worst lingering Coughs, at the same time strength ening and purifying the whole system. Re number that Dr. Bierce’s private U..S. Gov ernment Revenue Stamp bearing upon it bis portrait, name and address, is upon every buttle of the Genuine. Sold by druggists. rievlo-t&wlw f rom hundreds of reported eases where pa tients have increased in weight trom five to forty pounds while using Fellows’ Compound Sviae op Hvi-opiiospiutes, no doubt re main' nt its powerful action on the organs of nutrition. novl5-f4wlw The “Watchman and Reflector,” one of the leading religious journals in the country, in it- issue* of dune 2iid, in alluding to the ad verti'i mini of the California Wine Company, No. Milk street. Boston makes the follow ing remarks : “Aunt* hut i urrow-mimicu t.ximnisi* win lit* troubled with the advertisement in our col umns of pure wine, and all others will be glad to see it. We insert it in the interest ot temperance and good morals. There are times and circumstances in which wine is j necessary and useful; wine is needed for the i invalid and for the communion table, and when the market is flooded with impure, poi- j sonous, soul and body destroying compounds, ' it is our duty, as it is that of every honest news- ; paper, to K t the public know where that which is pure tan he obtained. This is a sound po- I sition, and the impracticable radicals are wt 1- j come to make all the capital out of it which j they are able It is a position which corn- ! mends itself to every church member who ! would exclude vile compounds from the Lord's ! table, to every lione t physician, and to the j public generally. We hope never to he so j carried away with a theory as to lose our com mon sense.** The California Wine i» for sale in Augusta, by F. W. Kinsman, Water street, and leading druggists. NovlO-flraot.a.w What is Vitality?—Some philosophers call it Animal Magnatism, some Nervous Force, others, Caloric, hut bv whatever name it may be called, fhe tiling meant is the main spring of existence, it is the principle we in herit, and which may be nourished by proper attention to the requirements of the body and the avoidance ol excesses; it is wasted or destroyed by over-taxing the mind with study or anxiety and intemperate indulgences, in deed. it re quires an expenditure of vitality for every thought or action equal to the mag nitude of the thought or action. When the I body and the brain are well balanced, the stomach is capable of restoring the waste;! but when the brain is large in proportion, the 1 stomach is incapable of supplying it; in other words, the expenditure is too large for the income. Here lies the cause of so much suf fering from diseases of the Heart, Liver, Stomach and Lungs, and Fellows* Compound Syrup of IIyfopiiospihtes is the only pre paration known which imparts this vitality directly, and consequently the power to over come disease. nov8-f&wlw Look here, reader, wo do not wish toltell you that Consumption can be cured when the lungs arc half consumed, nor that l)r. Won derful. nr any other lcllow, has discovered a remedy that will make mtyi live forever, and leave death to play for want of work. No, you have heard enough of that, and we do not wonder that you have by this time be come disgusted with it. But when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh liemedy will positively cure the wor>t cases of Catarrh, we only assert that which thousands can testify tc. Try it and you w ill he convinced. Sent by mail lor sixty cents. Address K. V. Fierce. M. 1).. ll>3 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. V. Sold by druggists. novg-t&wlw I’ure spices, flavoring Extracts, c hoice lVr fumes, Cosmetiques, and all the best Hair preparations, may be found at Kinsman’s. fnov4-l wood [Fkom G. F. .1. ('i)i.m iiN. Doctor of Dental Surgery, Newark, N. ,1.] Til' popular deiitritice known as Sozodont. besides being a very pleasant addition to the toilet, contains ingredients, that, if used ac cording to the directions, will prove of the greatest utility to the health of the mouth and teeth. • Si’Ai i.inxo'a Glle,” with brush, ready for use. novS-feodlw Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery is tor sale by F.W. Kinsman. feodlw. Fellow's Compound Syrup of Ilypophos phates may be found at Frank Kinsman’s drug store. feodlw. Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is for sale by F. W. Kinsman. flw Fellows' Compound Syrup of Uypophos pliatcs may be found at Frank Kinsman's drug store. fnov4-lw Vou can find a large assortment of Cardi gan jackets, neckties, and gloves at Hunting ton’s, 100, Water Street. Special Xotirrs. Kennc’s Pain-Killing Magic oil is a very valuable compound lor rhcumatii-m, anil every kind of pain, ague in the taco and laws, neuralgia, spinal irrita tion, headache, and l.unenu&*, bruises, contusions and sprains. _iiovtMJfcwlw PARKS HOUSE. ON KlUOPKAN PLAN. 187 Washington St., Boston. C.ood siugle rooms, 75 cents and $1 a day. Hill of hire tlie lowest of any hotel in the citv. *o Parties coming to Boston, will lind the Parks House the most centrally located, quiet, and order ly house in the city. 1*01 NTON & O >■, oet20-teod-i>iu * PuoruiRTOita. Don’t Sjtffeu your hair to fall off wlien a bottle or two of Nature's ICairRestorative will check it. Splendidly perfumed and as clear as crystal.— All wide awake druggists sell it. See advertise ment. nov8-t«ftwlw Honesty Is ths best policy In medicine at well at in other things. AYER’S SARSAPARILLA It a genuine preparation of that unequalled spring medi cine and blood purifier, decidedly superior to the poor imitations heretofore in the market. Trial proves it. novl5-fU My hair was falling off, 1 used two bottles of Na Tt’UL'sj IIair Restorative and it checked it at once. It is clean, eafe and efficient. If your drug gist has not got it, send direct to Proctor Bros., Gloucester, Mass. See advertisement. novlS-f&wlw S >reness of the flesh, tenderness of the scalp, are cured by using Rennc’s Pain-Killing Magic Oil.— This is excellent also for sore throat, pain in the Joints, andpeople say “It works like a charm." Sold by Titcomb. noviS-fAwlw fHarrtcB. In Bath, lltli inst., John \V. Giles of Bootbbay to Mi?s Josie A. Haggett of Edgecouib. In New York, 22d tilt . MnJ. K. W. Bangs of Chi c -go to Miss Louise S. Bodiisii ul N. Y., formerly of W aterviiie. DirlJ. In Tilth, 12th intt., Win. K. Moody, aged 37 years and 3 months. In Gardiner, Ifih inst., Miss Olive Willard, aged 31 years. in North Pitts ton, (1th inst., Geo. Colburn, aged id yeai h. in Pittston, 8th inst., Moses Goodwin. Kennebec Trunk Factory. Messrs. Hamilton & Turner, 135 Water Street, Augusta, Having enlarged their TRUNK FACTORY, are now fully prepared to furnish Trunks, I\i lists, etc. to the public and travelling community generally at Prices which Defy Competition. They also make to ORDER different styles, consist ing of SARATOGA, EUGENE, &c., and in fact anything which the public may want in the Trunk line. They al.-o keep constantly on hand a Ft’l.L Line of Ladies’ and Gents.’ Travelling and Shopping Bags, to which the public are invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Headquarters for Blankets & Robes. At Wholesale and Retail, at Very Low Prices. HAMILTON & TURNER. Lk'i Water Street, Augu.-la, .Me. novl5-+f j AUGUSTA FISH MARKET. Nearly opposite the Post OflU-t, *Joil\ D’AltXmi iV.hi return ing thanks to hid many friends ami the public een er..llv for their patronage. nu-l soliciting a continu ance of the same, would iulorm them that he ha* the BEST ASSORTMENT OF Fresh, Pickled, Dried Sl Smoked Fish on the Kennebec K;ver,and that hisOYSTERS and CLAM> are all that tiie Epicure would desire. J. D'A. would cull particular attention to hid No 1 E.Vi ua Mackkkki., and to hi ? EIGHT SALTED ENitLl'jH i>111 El> COD, also to hit* Smoked and Pickled Salmon. Smoked Halibut, Ac.— Halibuts’ Fine. Tongues Jt Sounds, and Mackerel prepared for immediate use; Damariscotta Alewives, and those nice No. 1 Sealed Herring, which are such a good relish for breakfast and nupper. N. B — Levees supplied with < »yttei>. Pickles and Crackers at Bouton and Portland prices. All orders punctually attended to and delivered in the city free of charge, special attention paid to putting up Oyster* and Clams for in the country, and full sati&fa tion guaranteed. novl5 ttf Winter Opening! —o-o— Airs. Hodges Will open on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 10 A 11, A New and Select Stock of Winter Millinery —AND— r ANCY GOODS. 49»Opcn day and evening. No. O. North’s Riot k, irurST.l, Me. uovh-t;n O I O Cushing 6l Holmes A HE HAVING Nice Fresh Oysters Again, and are dispensing them to their customers iu all parts of the city. Thanking all for their past patronage, wc hope for A font I uun nee of the same, And others who desire to be furnished with the Best Fresh Fish and Oysters, there is in tho market. —ALSO— Salt, Corned and Smoked FISH, of all descriptions. P.S.—We are receiving daily Genuine BELFAST CLAMS, the only Fish Market in the city where they can be obtained. CUSHING & HOLMES, Near I!. R. Bridge, Water street, AL’Gl’aTA. novs-ttf Buy your BOOTS and SHOES At STACY’S One Price Hoot & Shoe Store. Everything marked in plain figures. Men's Heavy Rubber Boots, $4 25 Roys* Thick Roots $3-00. Ladies' Rubber Over-shoes NO cts.i “ High Foxed Polish $3.50; •* *• <• Ruttou $3.00. Remember the Place .99 STACY’S ONE PRICE STORE, WATER STREET, Near Market Square, Augusta, norll-ttf A. JT*. EJMBR.Y, - D K A L E H IS I’OI’Ii. Mutton, Veal, roiilli'j, Triju*, NaiaiiccN, Fruit, Vegetables, «ko. No. 2 Market Square, AUGUSTA. novio-qf GOULD & ADAMS, DEALERS IN Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry,Trlpo, Sausages, Salt Provisions, cfcc., Granite Block, 123 Water Street, AUGUSTA. Oliver Goci.d. John* G. Adams. Cash paid for Country Produce, Wool, Wool Skins, llutes, Ac. nov2-ff>m. House lor Sale I VMCK TWO-STORY HOUSE with I. (nil Stn ble, convenient for one or two families, being the premises formerly occupied by John P. Anker loo, corner of State and Laurel Streets, the fourth house North the Catholic church. Enquire of M. W. FARlt, lusurnnci' Agent, Darby Block, ♦tf August*. Oct. 27, 1870. BY TELEGRAPH TO TILE — Daily Kennebec Journal, WAR IN EUROPE. THE GERMANS RECEIVE NO REINFORCEMENTS. The Germans threaten an attaek on Lyons. TIIE EXTENSIVE RANGE OF THE GUNS AT PARIS. Bismarck advocates the shooting of; all captured Baloonists. A GRAND SORTIE FROM PARIS EX PECTED. The Rapidity of Garabaldi’s move ments. THE PARISIANS CAPTURE 20 GINS AND MANS’ PRISONERS AT ARTIIENAV. Versailles Versailles, Nov. 14. The German forces have received scarcely any reinforcements since tile fall of Metz, except the 17th and 4th divisions of Wurtemburgers sent westward soon alter the capitulation. A change of plans has occurred at Lyons, and an immediate attack on the city is threat ened by the Germans. Present firing from the enciente at Paris show that they have a far greater range than hitherto supposed. The shells of the guns yesterday reached and demolished the works beyond Ville d A \ ray. The military authorities here are Increasing their severity and cruelty toward civil func tionaries. Parties lately captured from a bal loon are still held as prisoners. At the Council on Monday, Bismarck stren ously advocated the shooting of all captured balloonists. A number of civilians at Versailles have been arrested by the Germans, because of al leged communication with Paris. They have been sent to Germany us prisoners of war. Trochu daily marches out 50 or GO battal- I ions of men under the guns of Fort Mont du ! Valerien. The Prussians are hourly uxpect- ; ing a grand sortie. Loudon London, Nov. I t. Special to N. V. Trib une. A despatch to the Tribune front Blais. 111It. says Orleans was taken by Gen. Cuthel ineans troops, which first entered the town trout the South, driving the Bavarians from the bridge they defended, at;d from which they lacked time to blow up as they intended. At Beeon a determined fight occurred with a large loss on both sides. The Prussians were beaten and their entrenchments stormed. They left 100 wagons, provisions and forage. Martinconin’s was the only French division there enguged. Prisoners are constantly ar riving. Two guns and a number of cassions have also arrived. Von der Taun's carriage is here. Von der Taun himself was nearly captured. The French were in great force. 30,000 form Bourges attacked on the south or left bank, while the loth and ICth corps at tacked on the west side. The Bavarians were everywhere outnumbered and driven from their strongly fortified position. The Tribune correspondent writes front St. Petersburg 0th, that an imperial order was issued to day, dismissing on unlimited fur lough all soldiers who entered the army before March 1st, 1857. Much uneasiness exists in diplomatic circles and a feeling prevails that the government is about to make a declaration denouncing the obligations of the treaty of Paris, and it is understood teat if such be the case, the Brit ish Ambassador will demand his passports. The Tribunes correspondent telegraphs from Lille, 12th, that Bourbaki’s army is not here. Lille has but three battalions mobiliz ed. The National Guards are partly equipped and the whole distribution of arms for all classes of troops would not arm more than 8000. The citadel has only its minimum gar rison of 1500 men, the remainder being near Arras and Cauibrai. The World’s correspondent withJGaribahli at Austin telegraphs on the 10th—The rapid ity of Garibaldi's movements are inimitable. In 4 hours after removing orders to quit Dole his whole force was in possession of the de partment at Laone et Noir. His movements were made by railway and occupied 17 hours. Thu troops filled 100 carriages. Garibaldi and his statf, with the first Italian legion, ar rived at Austin at 10 o'clock A. M. A crowd awaited them and gave them a hearty wel come. The first legion now armed with new Spencer rilles has just arrived from the U. S. lie Paladines captured 20 guns and a large number of prisoners in the Prussian camp at Arthenay. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov. 14. The corrected census reports give Massa chusetts 1.457,385 inhabitants, New Hamp shire 318,300, Rhode Island 317.350, Connect icut 537,408, Delaware 1113,252, Michigan 1,183,511. The total receipts of the Treasury for the quarter ending Sept. 30, are 8115,101,230, of which 857,729,473 was from Customs; 849, 147,137 from Internal Revenue; 8842,237 from sales of 1‘uhlic Lands; 87,382,181 from Miscellaneous sources. The Internal Rev enue receipts were 5 per cent, greater during the first 3 months of this year than for the corresponding months last year. The total expenditures for the same period were $80, 502,920, of which 839,402,450 was paid for interest on the Public Debt: 8102,217,538 far Indians and Pensions; 818,207,242 for Civil and Miscellaneous expenses, and 814,015,257 for the Navy. Ualance in the Treasury Sept. 30, was 8204,004,219. FROM BANGOR. Hangor, Nov. 14. Destructive Fires. The Whig learns that at 2 o’clock this morning the barn of Joseph Deering of Guil ford, was destroyed by fire, together with all its contents, consisting of his whole crop of hay and grain, a horse, carriage and harness, two yoke of steers, a cow and all his farming utensils. Supposed incendiarism. j The mill at Dexter owned by tho Dexter Mills Co., and used formerly by Flanders & Co. in the manufacture of orunge boxes, was burned early Sunday morning, together with a lot of lumber and a lot of horse-sleds, which were stowed therein. ELECTION RITIRXS Missouri. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 14. Returns from all Counties in the State except eight show that the lower house of the Legislature will con tain 78 Democrats, 14 Fusion, 21 Liberals and 17 Regular Republicans. Of the Senate nei ther party will have or claim a majority, but there are enough Fusionists who will co-op erate with the Democrats to make that body substantially Democratic. Gov. McClery is spoken of in official cir cles at Washington lor an important bureau office, which will soon be vacated for him. New York. New York, Nov. 14. The Republicans lost the single election district in this city which they claimed to have carried, it having been decided that John Cary, Dem.. is elected by 39 majority over Horatio N. Twombly. The Democrats now claim three majority in the Assembly. No Police Commissioner has yet been appointed in place of Urannan. tho' President Comar of the Aldermen has been ottered and declined the position. PROM BOSTON. Boston, Nov. 14. The Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Knights of St. Crispin, at its recent session in Boston perfected an organization under the charter obtained from the last Legislature, and fleet ed a Board of Officers. The following two divisions were also approved: First, that there shall hereafter he no more strikes in the Crispin organization. Second, that as rapid ly as possible the organization shall be changed into an operative one, with u view to the accomplishment of the last named pur pose. The next Legislature will be petitioned to give to the Lodge State aid, on the same ground that aid was given to the Western & Boston, Hartford & Erie railroads, the Cris pins claiming that the principal is identical, t here are now upon the lolls of the order about 25.(XX) Crispins, and of this number abuut KiKX). or nearly one-third are foreigners. Obituary. Edward G. Twitchell, son of Congressman Twitchcll, died yesterday of consumption, aged 12 years. Suicide. Andrew L. Pillsbury of Lowell, Mass., was arrested to-day charged with obtaining money under false pretences, and shot himself while in the hands of the officers, indicting danger ous wounds. Held iu Bail. Francis F. Joy was held in $10,000 bail for trial to-day, charged with dangerously stab bing Clement Little in a boarding house in Chilson Place. Boiler Explosion. A boiler in the planning mill of John Wil liams & Co., Charlestown, exploded this morning, killing Mr. Johnson, engineer, in stantly and seriously injuring Mr. Dunn, John Wade arid Lemuel Smiley. The buildings in the vicinity were badly damaged by living pieces of broken shafting and brick. FROM CONCORD. Concoko, N. II., Nov. 14. Suicide. James llussell of Sutton committed suicide this afternoon by banging himself in his barn. A piece of paper was iound on which he had written—"I came into this world in 1800 and have lived 70 years and seen the machine, but don't understand it. I came into the world by the neck and if they will accept me will go out by the neck.” It is thought he was insane. FROM CHICAGO. Ckicaoo, Nov. 14. Boiler Explosion. A boiler explosion in a large flouring mill in Hamilton, Mo., on Saturday, killed two men and fatally wonuded six. A Desperate Fight. Hltlanp, Vt., Nov. 14. A desperate fight took place in the woods in Mont Holly, Id miles from tnis place, on Saturday last, between a gang of French wood-cutters, 17 in number, and 3 officers en deavoring to arrest them. The Frenchmen were united with axes anu cut and beat two of the officers in a brutal manner, nearly sever ing the wrist of one besides inflicting several severe wounds on the head, and knocking an other insensible with the blow of an axe across his face, after which they kicked and beat them horribly. The Frenchmen escaped to the woods but this morning 13 of them were arrested and are now undergoing examination. FOREIGN NEWS BY CABLE. London. London, Nov. 14. Three of the crew of the German steamer Ilansa, at Grimsby, lost their lives while trying to save the crew of a vessel wrecked on the coast. A large French iron-clad passed Yarmouth Boads this morning. Official contradiction has been given to the report that Gen. Boyer when at Versailles conferred with any other person than Bis marck. Bavarian negotiators arc still at Versailles but will leave Saturday. The result of their mission is uncertain. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Stock Market. .New York, Nov. 11. Mariposa. 6J14 do. pill. I • Canton Co. 68 Cumberland Co. 25 Western Union Tel. Co. 41 % Quicksilver Mining Co. 5 I'aoilk) Mail, 41 \ Boston Water Power, 18 Adams Ex. Co. 63*4 Wells, Fargo & Co. 34^ American Merchants Cn. 40 >4 U. 8. Ex. Co. 34 N. V. Central and Hudson River k>>4' do. scrip, 6514 Erie, 22,*4 do. pfd. 47 Harlem, J34 do. pld 134 Beading, 1014 Mich. Central, 119# Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Ha's Illinois Central 133*4 Cleveland A Pittsburg, IMS Chicago A North Western, 79*4 do. preferred, 89>4 Chicago A Bock Island. 113 Mil. A St. Paul, |U0 do. preferred, t#o S' Toledo Wabash A Western. filS Toledo, Wabash A Western prefatml 72 Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, 94 Terre lluute, 22 do. pld. 54 Alton, 110# do. prefd. 118 Ohio and Miss. 32S Boston, Hartford A Erie, 3# New York Produce Market. New York, Nov. 14. COTTON—sales 3373 bales: mid. uplands 16# FLOCK—state 490)010; round hoop Ohio 5604625; western 400)043; southern 505 )830. WHEAT—sales 165,nou bn; No. 1 spring 133)134: No. 2 do. 131*4)133; wiuter red and amber western, 135)140. COUN—new mixed western, 84)87#; old do. so )9Q# in store. OATS—state 60)62#; western 59)60 POKK—mess, 24.75; prime, 20.50. LAltl>—steam. 14# ; kettle, 15. BUTTER—Ohio, 14)30; .state, 20 )32. ■few York Honor Market. New Tore, Not. 14. Gold closed 110* allO*. United States Sixes (coupons), 1881 “ “ 6-40’s 1804, • “ •• 1804, “ ‘ •• 1805, • *• “ 1808, Jan. A July, “ •< 1807. •• “ “ 1868, “ “ 10-40’s,(coupons). 113!* 8113* Its* a 108 * 107*107* 107**107* loti* *loti* 100**100* 100*81'D* 100*8100* Chicago Produce Market. CmcAeo, Nov. 14. FI-OUK—spring extras 4308540. WHEAT—No. ‘4, 100. COHN—No.4, Gl*. OAT9-39* lor No. 4. BARLKV—81 for No. 1. LAUD—13*. MUSS i’OKK—21.25. RECEIPTS—5000 flour, 28,000 wheat, 48.000 corn, 21.UOO oats. 4,000 rye 5000 barlcv, 14,000 hogs. SHII’.MENTS—U.000 flour. loO.OOu wheat, 08,000 corn, 40,000 oats, 49,000rye, 4000 hogs. NewJJtore! Confectionery & Fancy take MANt'FACTOUV, No. lOO Water Street AIGIKTA, ‘ITT'IIEUE mav be found a Large Apwortment ol t-'Kasti .n. in Mi t.i.vnitis, embracing the usual kinds, and many •Xe* Sty Ira, made from the l*ure»tbtock. Cull and examine our ; goods at No. 100, a few doors below tne Tost Office FANCY CAKE made to order. eept&ttf Notice to Teachers ! THE Superintending School Committee of Au | X gusta will be in sessiou ut the Connell Chamber, Granite Building, Wednesday, Otli Duy of Nov.,: at 2 o’clock P. M.,and on each succeeding Wednes-; day for lour weeks, for the purpose of examining [ teachers for the Winter schools. District Agents, ; and others interested are invited to be present. i S AMUEL UPJOHN, > Supt. School Com. I C. F. PENNEY, J DAVID CARGILL, ) of Augusta. j Augusta, Oct. 17, 1870._ 0Ct2Q-t2t&wQw I KENNEBEC SAVINGS BANK! Trustees : W F. IIALLETT, RUSSELL EATON, O. C. WH1TEIIOUSE, DEANE PRAY, OKUIN WILLIAMSON. Deposits received at the counter of the Freemans National Bank. Ihe tic tammy to/ the Bank are divided every six months. Leece made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as security. J. L ADAMS, Treasurer Aoril «th. 1870 15tf THE EYE. THE EYE. DR. E. HN'KiHT has discovered a new treatment for the EYE and EAR. by which fVyJP be is curing some of the worst cases ol Blindness and Deafness ever known, without in strument* or pain. CANCERS ! Dr. Kvtairr’s new treatment for Cancers sur passes all others now in use. It cures without kn l'e, plaster or pain, aud heals without a scar. Every kind of disease treated w ith great success. Hu mors of every kind eradicated from the system. No charge for consultation. OIH©45,.NO Dover INI.. Itoston. July*27-wt»m PIANO TUNING. ■THE Subscriber woul 1 inform the X citizens of Augusta and vicinity A citizens or Augusta and vicinity, I J # ini that he will give per tonal attention to * * * • “ * tuning Pianos. Orders left at his res-1 idence, 07 lYluthrop Street, will receive prompt attention. M. C. MILL1KEN, felsJtf Tbaoher of Piano and Groan. Money Cannot Buy It! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! ! THE DI.4HOSD GiLANMKN. Manufactured bt J. E. Spencer a Co., N. Y. Which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticiansof the World to be Tlio Most Forfoct, Natural, Artificial help to the buniun eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name, “Diamond,” on account of their hardness and brilliancy. Tli© 8©lenl 111© T*rin©lpl© On which thev are constructed brings the core or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye, pro ducing a clear ami dis* met vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and pro outing all unpleasant sensa tions, such as glimrne ng and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac.,.peculiar to all others in use. They are Mounted in the Finest Manner, In Irames of the best quality, of all materials used for that purpose. THEIR FIXIStt AXD DURABILITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution.—None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. S. A. RUSSELL, Jeweller and Optician, it Sole Agent for Augusta, Maine, From whom they can only be obtained. These goods are not supplied to Pedlars at any price. mavl7.iv THE SONG GARDEN, A series of Music Books adapted to Schools of all grades. Progressively arranged with each book complete in itsedf. BY DR. LOWELL MASON. THE SONG GARDEN. First Book. For beginners, with a variety of easy and pleasing songs, ..... so cts. THE SONG GARDEN. Second Book. In addition to a practical course of Instruction, it con tains a choice collection of School Music. (Annual sale23,000) ..... 80 cts. THE SONG GARDEN. Third Book. Be sides a treatise on Vocal Culture witn Illustrations, Exercises, Solfeggi, Ac., it contains New Music adapted to High Schools, Young Ladies’Semina ries, Ac. • • • • • A 1.00 Sent post-paid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON A CO., 277 Washington Street, Boston. C. H. DITSON A CO., New York. CONY HOUSE, IIVirilR STBKMST, AUGUSTA, MAIM,. ^ 11II IS now Hotel affoids accommodations .u|»or 1 JL or to any other in tliu city to the travelling com inuuity, being located in thu CENTRE OF BUSINESS. and very near Ike Depot. Connected with and ailjaceut to the House are commodious and convenient Naihple Houma ! where Commercial Traveller* can show their good, tree of charge. The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Tcrnkk, late of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a sbaro of the public patrouage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable ! 0. A. A II. COXY, Proprietory HlanAwt-U Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Fall Arrangement, Oct. 31, 1870. Passenger train leaves Augusta for Boston at S.tSand 11 AM., lor Portland at 5.45, 11A.M.; and Mixed train at 2 SO P. M. For Baniror and Sltowhegan at 4 P. II. For Gardiner (dummy car) at 7 JO, 940 A. M., at 2.13 and 6.30 P. M. Trains will be i>ce at Auolsta From Boston at 3 50 and 8.00 P. M. From Portland at 10.35 A. M. (mixed). 3.50 and 8.00 P. 31. From Bangor at 10.35 A. M. From Gardiner (dummy car) at 7 and 8.45 A. 1.30 and 3 P. M. Two through Freight trains dally between Au gusta and Boston, leaving Augusta at 8.45 A.M. and 12.10 P.M. I,. I.. LINCOLN, Superintendent. Augusta, Oct. 29,1870. nov2-tAw FOR SALE CHEAF ! A complete act of Druggists’ Tincture Bottles k Jars. Inquire or address W. R. BALLARD, Druggut, oct27 tl0d IIALLOYVELL, Maine. EQUALIZER —OR— VACUUM CURE OR.8. T. N0R0R08S, —AND— J. Tu. HCXJTSTT, 1ITILL COMMENCE thin mode of Treatment in * ' ALTCiTTfetTA.—The Invention of Due. Jons G. and Geokub IDdfielu of Cincinnati— At Ao. 41, Pcrham Street, In Rear of Court House, On TUESDAY, October 4th, Having bought the Right to the same for the city. This Mode of Treatment, which is being adopted by a large number of the Medical Profee eion, has become quite popular in almoet every btute of the Union. It has been examined by thou sands of Physicians, of all schools of medicine, and there bus not been one dissenting voice to the correctness of the principle; all acknowledge that it dlls a vacuum in the Science of Medicine. The sick and afflicted are demanding it everywhere. We have demonstrated the fact that Paralysis Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, • Gout, Consumption in its incipient stuges, all Cancerous Affections, Dropsy, Varicose Veins, Weak Chests, Narrow Chests, Asthma, Weuk Lungs, Weak Backs, Weak, Still and Shrunken Limbs, Curvature of the Spine, and other Spinal Affections, Sciatica, Uheumatism of years standing. Spasms, Epilepsy, Palsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Derange&ient of the Mind, Prolapsus Uteri, Obstructed Menstruation, with all their concomitant diseases, Impotency, and all kinds of weakness of the Generative Organs, CAN BE CURED. It brings a greater supply ol blood and nutrition to all weak parts, thus creating new life and tone, and health and strength In those parts. It breaks up Congestion and Inflammation by equalizing the circulation throughout every part of the system. The Senior Proprietor of the Augusta Vacuum Cure, Dr. O. T. UTORCROSB Is well known in this vicinity as a Skillful Physician. During the last Forty Years he practised medicine lu Maine, chiefly In Bangor and vicinity. Patients ran be assured that with his expe rience they will have thorough treatment.— Ue will have competent aid in his Associate. References of the highest character will be furnished to those desiring them. The Medical Faculty and the Afflicted, who bar# failed to l>e benefited by other modes of treatment are requested to come .and test the VACUUM CURE. Office Hours9 to 12 M., and t to 6 P. M. Town and County rights for sale. octl-t&wSm BATH TIBS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basiss, IIHAKH «fc PLATED WARE, Cast Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Aud every article pertaining to Plumbing kept con* ftuutly on hand and for sale at H. R. STRATTON'S, Corner Bridge 4c Water SI recta. Under Hunt's Hat Store. N. It. Plumbing in all its branches done in n neat and thorough manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing, t!2apr-tf • GALL AND SEE!! — TIIK — MAGEE ADVANCE COOK 8T0VE, GOLDEN CITY. Sheridan Farmers Cook, Rival Madelion, Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palace Range, Stevens’ Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Priceless. And a large sn.ortmeut of other Stores both New nntl Heoond I lust (l, AT Wllliuiuson A Greenwood's. READ THIS ! MERIT, In order to be appreciated, must be known .—after* ward*, it ueede no praise. The same with the BURDETT CELESTE ORGANS. IIow are you to know the marila of theee organs * How arc you to tliul out their superiority above all others ? Why, go And examine them at 33 Court street, : Ronton, where they are receiving the highest enco* ! mimns from all who hear them, an superior and preferable to all other make*, w ithout any excep : tion. Pianos, and all kinds of Musical Xtrckaa illse at Loweit Prices. John C. Haynes Sc Co., So. At COURT STREET, .... BOSTON. lOlj RICHMOND Hanging Dome Furnace! -AT Williamson & Greenwood's.