Newspaper Page Text
Sailj !Umukc fmirnaL LETTER FROM VIRGINIA Richmond. Va., 10th Mo., 31st, 1870. To the Editor of the Kennebec Journal ■ I propose to give you a brief account of a week spent in Baltimore while attending the yearly meeting of the Friends. The meeting assembled on the 22nd inst., and was fully at tended by the members belonging to it, though it is the smallest body of Friends, holding a yearly meeting, in America. There is much enterprise apparent in this city, and it has had a very rapid growth since the war, and it is very common to hear very extravagant conjectures relative to its future. It is surely receiving a blessing from the relief of the incubus of human slavery. It is a very pleasant place to visit. Itsparks ari fine, and its monuments are splendid. The people are cordial and active, presenting good business energy. There are many very grand private residences, and the public streets are very imposing in their appearance. “The markets are the best in the world,” was an expression I was willing to believe when witnessing the display of the great variety of articles of consumption, calculated to please the most fastidious. The fruits were worthy of special notice for their perfection and beauty. A visit to the “Monumental City" must afford to any one pleasant reflections. I propose to visit Manassas and Bull Run battle fields early next month, and will write to you again from there. Your friend, Samuel II. Jones. The telegraph reports a case of summary justice and successful family rebellion in Iowa. George Hanson and his wife were visiting friends in Marshalltown in that State. Han son was a gambler and a cruel tyrant, and had been in frequent quarrels with his neighbors. One evening he began abusing his wife in a most disgraceful manner. He at last seized her and struck her several blows, whereupon she drew a revolver, and discharged six bar rels it him, three of which took effect, laying him dead at her feet. The fact that national tastes in drink-pro voking fluids are widely different, is ryth mically expressed in the following: “The Buss loves brandy; Dutchman beer; The Indian Kum most mighty; The Welchman sweet methegliu quaffs. The Irish aquavltse; The french extol the Orleans grape;1 The Spaniard tipples sherry; The Yankees none of these escape, For they with all make merry.” Mead's statue of Lincoln, made nt Flor ence, hag been set up at the Ames Works, at Chicopee, Mass. DAVID CARGILL’S GENERAL Insurance Agency, Granite Blast, saatli siiis Martel Sa AUGUSTA, ME. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Ovor $23,000,000.00 : M Fire Iasarance Essay, Hartford Conn., Chattered 1819. Charter Perpetual. paid in 51 year*, *27.O*'\000.00. Aaaeta, July 1, 11870, #A,741,378.00 Etna, Life Insurance Comp'y Hartford, Conn., Aasets, January 1, 1870, over $11,000,000.00. It has over 45,000 members, AND An Annual Income of over Six Millions of Dollars ! Traveler’s Insurance Comp’y, * Hartford, Conn., L,il'o anti Accident. CASH ASSETS $1,157,719.Cl, Jan. 1,1870. grtAJXTKIjXKr Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Aiset*, January 1, 1870, $2,825,783.08. City Fire Insurance Cq., 11ABTFOKD, CONN. Roger Williams I as. Company, PROVIDENCE, K. I. Merchants’ Insurance Comp’y, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Atlantic Fire Insurance Co’y., BROOKLYN, N. V. Eastern Insurance Company, BANGOR, M. Marine Rlslts Effected ou rcueonahle term* in Reliable Companies. aeptm-ttf __ Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. KUASTUS LYMAN . . . I'UHilDKNT rpiII8 in one of the oldest, most reliable, and best X dividend payiu^ companies in the country. ASSETS OVER $7,200,000! Liberal arrangementr will he made with Agents, and they arc wanted in all parts of the State. Apply at Al’UlISTA, .UII., 130 Water Mtrect, (up>«tuini; to CHARLES WHITE, Manager loi Maine and New Hampshire. Mart'll *!, I HP). KBinar-lf RICHMOND Tfang-ing- Dome Furnace! -AT Williamson & Greenwood’s. NATURE’S M 14 1 fl <1 fi B ► lH I* n H U Contains no LAC SULPHUR-Nio SUCAR OF LEAD-No LITHARCE— No NITRATE OF SILVER, And is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the llnest fabric—perfectly Safe, Clean and 1-11* • lent—deslderatums nought for and found at tant ! Jt restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soil, glossy appearance, removes Dandruff, is cool ami refreshing to the head, cheeks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all Humors, Cutaneous eruptions and unnat ural Heat. A * n Dressing for tin Hair It Is tbr bent art trie in the market, DU. G. SMITH. Patentee, Groton Junction, Maas. Prepared only by PROCTOR BROTHERS. Gloucester, Mass. The Genuine Is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist lor Nathue’.s Haik Restorative, and take no other. Send to PROCTOR BROS, for Treatise on the Hair. Rent free. septJ'J-t&wdm NOTICE. OFFICE OK THE AMERICAN WATCH CO. I WALTHAM, MASS.. Nov., 1S6S. { We have appointed EDWARD ROWSE 124 WATE2 STREET, AUGUST A, DEALER IS Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, And SPECTACLES, our selling Agent far the city anti vicinity nt AUGT'STA and intend to keep in his possession at al times such a stoct of GOLD Ml) SILVER WATCHES, .f.VII I*M f VMM .Tl«f MSmTMKjrrS as wil* enable him to supply any denrani, eithci at "Wholesale or* Retail, which may be made upon him, L..d AT RATES A3 FAVORABLE as are offered at our Sales Rooms in Wow Yorlt or Bostou. FOR AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY. R. E. ROBBINS, Treas’r. Tliia is the uio&t the uugn biood punlier yet dis covered, and cures all humors from the woivt Scro fula u> n common Eruption, /'(tuples and Blotches on the face, and scaly or rough sk in, which are such annoying blemi.-hes to many young persons, yield to tile Use ol a lew bottles oi thit wonderful medi cine. From one to eight bullion cure Salt Jtheum, Erysipelas, Scald Head, Jling Worms, Soils, Scaly Eruptions of the Shin, Scrofula Sores, Ulcers, ana "('anker3- in the Mouth and Stomach. It is a pure medicinal extract ol' native roots and plants, com bining in harmony Nature’s most sovereign cura tive properties which teod has instilled into the vegetable kingdom for healing the sick. It is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the sys tem. Those who are languid, sleepless, have ner vous apprehensions or fears, or anv of the affections symptomatic of weakness, will Und convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon trial. If you feel duU, drowsy, debilitated and despondent, have frequent Headache, mouth tastes badly in the morn ing, irregular appetite and tongue coated, you arc suffering from Torpid Liver or “ fiiliousness.” In many cuses ol' "Liver Complaint'1 only a part ol these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery has no equal as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened mid healthy. l*or the cure ol Habitual Con.-tipution of the Dowels it is a nevei failing remedy, and those who have used it for lliif purpose are loud in its praise. In JtronehUU, Throat and Lung Diseases, it has produced many truly re markable cures, where other medicines had failed. Sold by druggists ut $1.00 per bottle. Prepared at the Chemical Laboratory of K. V. PIERCE, M. D., sepfi«-tctw3m Buffalo, N. Y. F. H. JACKSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office over American National Bank, WATER STREET, - • _- HALLOWELL, MAINE Special attention paid to collecting demands. Bills td' Divorcement procured in Kennebec, Lin coln and Sagadahoc counties. ocHMMtf AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. ORGANIZED IN 1843. IVpor it* of any amount not less than one dollar, received daily from 'j A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2*» to 41* P. M. Interest on deposits at the rate of seven per cent., " ill commence on the first day of the month, next succeeding the day of deposit, and is payable Feb ruary Laud August]. If not then called for the amount is added to the original deposit and put on interest— thue making compound interest semi uminlly. Money loaned to depositors at any time, on a pledge of their Bank Book. Office iu NAVI AON lft All'll ltllLl>l\G. 174 WATER STREET. ueptS-tAwtf W. IC. SMITH, Treasurer. threat Rargalns ut WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. A LAKOK ASSOIITMKNT <>K NEW AND SEC OND HAND Fo_:r nitnr©, Which will be sold at very low rates for CASH. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Collins, Ami COM MON C OFFINS of all kinds, ami the best trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment of ROBES OP AIjL KINDS, All of which w ill be sold as low as at any eidnbllsh xnout in the State. C. It. A. II. U. WEI.1*8. 22tf Mass. Institute of Technology. IyvraAN c* Examination Thiti.hav, Suit km j kfk Vs*. For Cutalujrut'*, avplv to Vuokkn.ou SaMVKI. Knkki.anii, Bo,tun. Ma- M-pT-eodut Eugusta Directors. Church es. ORTHODOX CONGREGATIONAL.—Granite Ch. Mate st., between Bridge and Oak streets. No pastor; residence No. 9 State street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon service 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST,—-Comer Winthrop an*l Perham sis. .1. Kicker, pastor; residence Chestnut otreet. Morning servine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 1 . M. Evening 7 P. M. , ., FREE P.APTlsT,—State street, north of.Bridge. ( . F. Penney, pastor; residence Summer street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 1*. M. Evening7P.M. # METHODIST EPISCOPAL,—Green street, east or State. E. Martin, pastor; residence at the par sonage, next door to the chnreh. Morning ser vice 10.80 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Eveniug 7P.M. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL,—State at., between Oak and Winthrop. Rev. Mr. I'pjohn, rector, ing service 10.30 A. M. Evening service < 1 • Morning M. UM VERSA LIST,—Cor. Winthrop and Summer fits. C. R. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School service at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7P.M. „ UNITARIAN,—Corner Oak and State fits. Rev. Mr. ( rain, pastor; morning service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School service 2.15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC,—State fit., north of Bridge. Rev. Mr. O'Brien, priest; resilience near the church. The Congregational, First Baptist, Free W ill Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in their vestries every Wednesday evening,at half-past seven o’clock. V. M. C. A. Rooms in Darby Block, Water Street. Regular prayer meetings every Monday evening. Religious exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to all. TIasonic BETHLEHEM LODGE, No. 33, F. and A. M. Mated meetings first Monday of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. Crowell. Master. J. W . Clapp, Secretary. ANGU>TA LODGE, No. 141, F. A A. M. Stated meetings lit>t Tuesday of each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W. II. Wood lnirv. Master.’ E. F. Blackman, Secretary. TRINITY ( oMM.WDEKY. No. 7, Knights Tem plar. Stated meetings Friday on or before the full moon of each month. A. I). Knight, Eminent Commander. A. L. Smith. Recorder. .JERUSALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER—Meets at Hallowed. Stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. If. F. Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COUNCIL—Meet* at Hallowel!. Quar terly Convocations, January, April, July, Oc tober; Wednesday succeeding full moon. D. Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance* SABATTIS LODGE, No. 78 of Good Templars. Meet- every Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN'DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE —Meets at Darby Hull every Thursday evening at Post Office* AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak and Water streets. Office Hours:—From 7.30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. James A. Bicknell, Postmaster. George II. Far rington, Chief Clerk. A rrival and Departure of Mails -•—Western, leaves 11.00 A. M.; closes 10.30 A. M.; arrives3.30P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.45 A. M. Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. 31.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Rockland and Way, leaves 8.30 A. 31.; closes 8.15 A. M.; arrives 5.00 P. M. Winthi^p, leaves 8.00 A. M.; closes 7.45 A.M.; arrives ti.uo P. M. Farmington and Way, leaves 7.50 A. M.; closes 7.45 A. M ; arrives 2.00 P. M. Freeport and Litchfield, leaves 0.00 A. M.; closes 8.00 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Every morning a train leavA Augusta at 5 30 A. M.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8.00 P. M. ?i)allolDcll Director!}. HALLOWELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 3.27 | anti 7.62 V. M. Close* at 10.45 A M. and 8 P. M. EASTERN MAIL arrives daily,Sundays excepted, at 11.10 A. M. Closes at 3.16 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays, Tues (lays and Thursdays, at 8 P. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A. M.,to 8 P„ M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 P. M. XjT Box Rents and Postage on papers, periodicals, Ac , | payable quarterly in advaucc. E. ROWELL, P M IIuHowell, May 3, 1869. CHURCHES. South Parish Congfrgatioual Church, corner of Second and Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Chas. 0. McCilly, Pastor, residence on Chestnut St. Moruiug service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. Rev. A. R. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle St., between W'inthrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 2.15. Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street,between Un ion and Central. Rev. Cai.eb Pcllbr, Pastor; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service. 10.30 ; Afternoon Service, 2.15. First Univereallst Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. M. C. A. Regular meetings of the Young lieu’s Christian Associ ntion of Hallowed, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 7$ o’clock A cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Associ atiou, are held every Sunday evening— In Burns’ Schoolhouse, Farmingdale, at 7 o’clock. In Schoolhouse at French'* Corner, Chelsea, at 7o’clock In Loudon Hill Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Schoolhouse, Manchester, at 7 o’clock. Friends’ Meeting House, West (lardiner, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FOWLES, President. II. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennehec Lodge, No 6, F. and A. M. Stated Coramu nications Wednesday, on or preceding the full moon. JAMES ATKINS, Jr., W. M. J. K. NYE, Sec’y. Jerusalem R. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations,Thurs day on or before the full of the moon. B. F. WARNER, II. P. F. J. DAY, Sec’y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing tin* full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CAROILL, T. M. * F. J. DAY, Rec’r. Trinity Commandery. Meetings at Augusta on the Friday on or before the full moon of each month. A. D. KNIGHT, E. C. A L. SMITH, Rec’r TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor and Temperance, No. 3. Reg ular meetings, every Tuesday evening. J. W. FULLKR, W. (\ T BEN TENNEY, W. R. Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday evenings of each month. J. J. JONES, C. of O. C. C. HUNT, It. of C. Sheridan Lodge, No. 293, I. 0. of G. T. Regular meet ing# everv Saturday evening. P. S. BOYD. W. C. T. F. A. A. HEATH, R. S. 3NT 33 \7*7 Millinery and Fancy Goods! Misses SAGER & WHITE ham: .JUST -RECEIVED a large stock of II‘inter •liiUtucry Sf 3'aury Oood»t Consisting of UTrcMioli Unis and Flowers, ROMAN SASHES, RIBBOlNS&TIES, REAL LACES, And FEATHERS of all descriptions. Corner Bridge mimI M uter Streets. _ oetm-ttf $7.00 PER I)AY l T« TIIE UNEMPLOYED. READ THIS, -AND CITE EH 17 I * ! HI' .sending ONE DOLLAR to the subscriber you will receive by return mail, a receipt for making an article that w ill Sell In Every Household in the land. There are no Agents in New England. A broad field is open to all who wish to engage in an Honorable and Profitable business. It can be manufactured at your homos, in your kitchens. The ingredients can be had ot any Druggist or Grocer. The expense is SMALL, and 11 in ProlltM Jjarffc. This is not one of the humbugs of the day, but an article of real merit. Try it and be convinced. Aildrops C. T. SOMES, Julyswain Gardiner" Maine. J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SIIRGpON. Office on Winthrop Street, Lab ol fstatc Street.—Opposite Court House. Au85t2Awti H. T. HELMBOLD’3 CONCENTRATED Fluid Extract Buchu. rr n e GREAT DIURETIC. The Proprietor trusts that his Remedies, from the fact of being advertised, may not be classed as Pa tent Medicines. BUCI1U, in one form or other, has been presented by every educated Physician for more than TWO HUNDRED TEARS. II. T. IIELMBOLD claims a superior mode of extracting its virtues. The experiments were made while engaged in the DRUG business in the city of Philadelphia, nineteen years ago, prompted by the alarming increase of diseases of the Bladder, Kid neys, Gravel and Urinary Organs, existing in both sexes. These diseases were justly attracting as much attention ns diseases of the Liver, or any other vital organs of the body. Upon the sound and healthy condition of these important organs, the healthy and harmonious action of the nervous sys tem and Liver, and consequently the happiness of the entire human family, depends. That Buchu should act upon both Liver and Kidneys, to pre pare it so that it would retain its strength and active principle, was liis aim. It must not be made, ae housekeepers make tea, by boiling. It is a delicate Leaf, and its active principle would be destroyed by such a process. It inqst be prepared in V ACUO, and from the Long-leaf, lresh and carefully se lected. Till; SUPERIORITY OF MV MODE OF PRE PARATION BEING ACKNOWLEDGED, I now ship even to the point (CAPE OF GOOD HOPE), where the leaves are garnered, large quantities of MY FLUID EXTRACT. IN FACT, TIIE ARTICLE STANDS PRE EMI NENT, AND IS KNOWN IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. The first and most important object was to offer to the afflicted a remedy that was perfectly safe, and could be taken by adults and children. Igno rant persons, who pay no attention to dose, direc* tiou, or advice, might reason, “That if a teaspoon fill, taken occasionally, did good, two would do better, and perhaps a bottle would cure In a day.” Many have broken down their health by dissipa tion, and on his principle; but they had been years in doing so. What I would have understood is, that no injury can arise from its use. It is as safe as any article of food; but patients must not expect any medicine to rebuild a wrecked or shattered constitution in a few days. This truth is so self-evident that it would seem unnecessary to repeat it, were it not for the fact that thousands of persons who are intelligent in all other matters, seem to think unreasonably, that a cura tive agent must exhibit its specific effects immedi ately, when the fact is, that time is often au impor tant element in the progress of a safe and thorough cure, even when the medicine is working the best results. These same persons would expend HUN DREDS, yes, THOUSANDS of DOLLARS, in articles of LUXURY and DISSIPATION, and think less of it than they would of FIFTY DOLLARS in medicine to rebuild a BROKEN DOWN and WORN OUT CONSTITUTION. Notwithstanding the number of years I have been engaged in business, there may be those located at a distance that may not be aware of all the facts, and would like to be satisfied on all the points. Having been educated a druggist, I append the fol lowing From the Largest Manufac turing Chemist in the World. “I am acquainted with Mr. II. T. IIelmbold; he occupied the Drug Store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. 1 have been favorably impressed with bis charac ter and enterprise.” WILLIAM WE1GHTMAN, Firm of Powers & Weightraan, Manufacturing C hemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadel phia, Nov. 15, 1854. I propose to give evidence that this Remedy is not a patent medicine. The objection which gener ally lies against all discoveries and inventions in medicine is “publicity.” If somebody should dis cover a remedy to prolong life, or an infallible cure for cholera or consumption, what a monster would he be to withhold his knowledge 1 Wo have yet to learn front what chapter or verse In Scripture to quote, “that may not heal others of their fellow men of any disease.” Nor have we asked Pickwicks, affected prudes, or, in short, men who are possessed of every kind of sense hut common 6ense, and all kinds of opin ions but their own. The Buchu is a good thing. It has hundreds of thousands of living witnesses to attest its virtues and commend it. It is the preju dice of bigots and the envy of “Quacks.” We offer the following evidence SEE JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. SEE REMARKS MADE BY DR. EPHRIAM MC DOWELL, A CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN AND MEMBER OF TIIE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SUR GEONS, IRELAND, AND PUBLISHED IN TIIE TRANSACTIONS OF THE KING AND QUEEN’S JOURNAL. SEE MED1CO-CIIIRURGICAL REVIEW, PUB LISHED BY BENJAMIN TRAVERS, FELLOW OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, LONDON. SEE PROP. DEW ESS1 VALUABLE WORKS ON THE PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. SEE REMARKS MADE BY TIIE LATE CELE BRATED DR. PHYSICK, PHILADELPHIA. And most of the late Standard Works on Medi cine. SEE Medical Properties contained in Disi>ensa tory of the United States, of which the follow ing is a correct copy BUCHU.—its odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aromatic; its taste is bitterish and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, diseases of the Prostrate Gland, and Retention of the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dys pepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy TESTIMONY . Cure of Gravel of Five Years’ Standing—Stone Passed and to Be Seen. Savannah, Tenn., May 14, ISflO. Dr. II. T. IIelmbold, Dear Sir : We introduced your “Fluid Extract Buchu” in this country about eight months ago, and are huppv to state that it is meeting with universal favor. We wish to inform you of one instance (among many) where your “Buchu” has worked wonders. A man in our county, named J. 1L Es tell, had been suffering about five years with grav el. About six weeks ago he bought of us one bot tle of your “Buchu,” and before ho was through with one bottle he passed a gravel that weighs eight grains, which we now have on exhibition in uur ding store. He says he never will be without the “Buchu” in his house again. Your preparations are gaining favor every day. Very respectfully, yours, Ac., ECCLKS A flINKLE, Druggists. Cure of Bladder and Kidney Af fection of Long Standing Stone Passed and to Be Seen. Westport, Conn., Sept. 9,1800. II. T. IIelmbold, Esq Dear Sir—I commenced taking vour “Extract of Buchu” about two weeks since for an affection of the Bladder and Kidneys. 1 have suffered by spells very much for a few* days past; but yester day relief came through the effect of your “Buchu.” A stone passed from niv bladder about the size of a large pea, and 1 now Teel perfectly well, ami en tirelv free from the pain that I have Buffered with “so hard." I attribute my cure to vour medicine entirely, and wn»ld recommend all persons similar ly affected to try it. I have faith in its cura tive power*. Your* truly, THQS. j. IXEXXETT. KLEEKS TO Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport, CoDn. J. L. G. CANNON’. Druggist, Westport, Conn. II. B. WHEELER, Esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, Esq., Westport, Conn. DR. WAKEMAX, Reading, Conn. K. W. R. ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggist, New York City. And many other* If necessary. Cure of Kidney and Bladder Affection of a Patient seventy-eight years of age. THANKS TO MR. IIELM1!OLI). (•ikAKi>, Pa., March 31,186». Editor Cosmopolite I desire, as an unsolici ted tribute to the merits of II elm hold’s Bugiiu, and for the benefit of those similarly afflicted as myself, to say that after consulting many eminent physicians and trying nearly all the best advertised remedies, m the vain hope of finding relief from aggravated kidney and bladder diseases, from which I have suffered excessively for many years, good fortune finally suggested to mo Helm hold's BUCIIU, which 1 commenced using with little faith, and no apparent beneficial effects for about a month. At the expiration of that time, however, 1 thought 1 commenced to experience slight relief, which encouraged me to persevere in its use. and now at the expiration of four months, although I am an infirm old man, nearly seventy-eight years of age, and consequently medicines cannot be ex pected to favorably affect me ns they otherwise would, I have found such unspeakable relief and permanent benefit from Mr. Helmbold’s valuable discovery, that 1 feel I ought to publicly record the fact, as an acknowledgment to him, and a valuable suggestion to the public. Yours respectfully, D. M. LA REX. Mr. Laren relers to the following gentlemen:— Colonel DAN RICE, Girard, Pa. CHARLES STOW, Esq., Girard, Pa., Editor Cosmopolite. GEORGE II. CUTLER, Girard, Pa., Attorney. C. I. HINDS, Girard, Pa., Attorney. Capt. D. W. HUTCHINSON, Girard, Pa., Att’y. DAVID OLIX, Girard, Pa., Merchant. DAVII) E. DAY, Girard, Pa., Merchant. C. F. ROCKWELL, Girard, Pa., Merchant, IL C. ELY, Girard, Pa., Druggist. DR. KEYSER is a physician of over 30 years experience, ami a graduate of the .Jefferson Medical College, and of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Phil adelphia. Mr. II. T. Helmhold— Dear Sir: In regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Bu* chti, I would say 1 have used and sold the article in various forms for the pa>t thirty years. 1 do not think there is any form or preparation of it 1 have not used, or known to be used, in the various diseases where such medical patent would be indicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has ac quired, in my judgment, is warranted by ihe facts. I have seen and used, as before stated, every form of Iiuchu—the powdered leaves, tincture fluid ex tracts—and 1 am not cognizant of anv preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve vears’ experience ought, I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits, and, without prejudice or par tiality, I give you precedence over all others. 1 value your Huchu for its effect on patients. I have cured with it, and seen cured with it. more diseases of the bladder ami kidneys than 1 have ever seen cured with any other buch’u or any other proprietary compound of whatever name. Respectfully yours, Ac., GEO. II. KEYSER, M. I)., 110 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa. August 11, 18(13. A Case of Twenty Years’ Standing. Philadelphia, Pa., June 25,1867. II. T. Hklmrot.I), Druggist—Dear Sir: I have been a sufferer for upwards of twenty years with gravel, bladder ami kidney affections,during which time 1 have used various medicinal preparations and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted my family physical! in regard to using your Extract Buchu. 1 did this because 1 had used all kinds of adver tised remedies ami had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, 1 despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless 1 knew of the ingredients, it was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchu, cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phys ician as an excellent combination; and with his ad vice, alter an examination of the article and con sulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced to use it about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle 1 was astonished at the ben eficial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out. I felt much like writing to you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought iny improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer, and see it it’would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be oi greater value to you und more satisfactory to me. ] am now able to report that a cure is effected, after using the remedy for five mouths. J have not used any now for three months, and leel as well in ail respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system, 1 do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. M. MCCORMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick’s statement he refers to the following gentlemen: Hon. Wm. BIGLER, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania, lion. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Philadelphia, lion. J. C. KNOX, Philadelphia, lion. J. S. BLACK, Philadelphia. Hon. D. It. PORTER, ex-Govemor of Pennsylvania lion. ELLIS LEVIS, Philadelphia, lion. It. C. GRIER, ex-Judge United States Court. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. Hon. JOHN BIGLER, ex-Govemor of California. Hon. E. BANKS, Washington, I). C. And many others if necessary. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upward of It, Years, prepared by II. T. IIELMHOED, AT II1S Dltl'G & CHEMICAL WARKIIOl SEN, No. 594 Broadway, New York, AND No. 1(14 South Tenth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICE i SIX BOTTLES FOR $6.50, O It $1.25 PER BOTTLE. 0<>llv«‘r<‘<l to any Aildrea. SOLI) BV DRUGGISTS EVEBVVBEBE. None are genuine unless done up in steel en graved wrapper, with lac simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BlTHl, established upwards of nineteen years, prepared by II. T. HELMBOLD. druggist, 5U4 Broadway, New York, and 104 South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Price $1.25 per Ixtttle, or six bottles for $6.50, delivered to any address. Sold by all druggists everywhere. VTONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN i. i steel-engraved wrapper, with lac-simile of my Chcmicul Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. Iy33 AND BOOTHBAY! The EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY’S STEAMERS Sasanoa and Spray. Fall Arrangement ! Ou and filler MONDAY, September 10th but one trip will bo made each way daily, Sundays excepted, Leaving lioothbay at 8 o’clock A. M., “ Hath at :iS' o’clock I*. M. WM. \V. MASON. Agent at Lath. E. TllOUPE, Agent at lioothbay. F Oil ROST O IV ! Spring Arrangement l THE S I I AMHU STAR if the EAST C1UMMLM KI> her regular trips from the Kcn ; nebeo, Till R>DAY, Slav 15th, 1870, ami will, until further notice, run as follows : Leaving Gardiner every Monday and Thursday at 3 o’clock, Richmond at*4, ami Rath at 0 1*. M. THE STEAMER CLAUIO.Y, Will leave Augusta at 12 M., Hallowell at 1.45 1*. M., connecting with the above boat at Gardiner. For further particulars inquire of W. .1. Tuck, Augusta: H. Fuller A Son, Hallowell; T. R. Grant, Gnidiner; J.T. Robinson, Richmond; J. E. Rrown, Bath. Gardiner, April 11, 1870. flUapr Coujjh Candy I lirEXDEXm’RU'S < OI GII CA.YPY cures >> COl GIIS, COLDS. WHOOPING COl Gil and nil Throat troubles. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Pnncy Goods, rt?c., som by ianl-ly* \V. WENDENBEKG. A. LITTLKFIE Ll», II and A TING returned to his old stand, next door to the Journal Rlock, would inform his friends the public that he is ready to manufacture BOOTS & SHOES, either PEGGED or SEWED. REPAIRING! done cheaper than at any other shop on the Ken nebec. A. Littlefield. Augusta, Sept. 14,1870. him Prairie Weed Balsam! SOLD BY july30-f3teod L. II. TITCOMB, Apothecary. Music in Glasses. tPIlE subscriber would inform his friends and the I. public of Augusta and vicinity, that he pro poses to teach Piano; also singing in classes Classes on Piano to consist ol six pupils each. This system has many advantages, ami the expense is* less than private lessons. Private lessons given if preferred. Would also invite the attention of the public to the 11. F. MILLER PIAXOS ! For sale at his Music Room, North’s Block, OPPOSITE COXY HOUSE. The use of these Pianos in many public institu tions and schools has gained for them an enviable reputa ion. and throughout the country they are becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured. ('lasses arranged on application at Music Room or Residence, i>7 VVinthrop street. M. C. MILL I KEN, Teacher of Music. aprt919m Homoepathic. R. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Office Water street, (up stairs' GAiiniXEH, >u:. ffioe Hours from 1 to 4 P. M. t-Of-l'Pt DELL SUIOVDS' Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms Opposite Parrott & Bradbury’s,* Water Street, : Augusta, Me. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing, Cutting, Col oring, Ac., in the most approved style ol the art particular attention paid to cutting and curling La. dies’and Children’s hair. All kinds of Hair Work made to order iu the latest style. ljuuTO-ly J. S. DUDLEY, Dealer in all kinds of SEWING MACHINES All kinds of a wing Mamines neatly repaired an warranted to sew as well as the day they were made. MACHINES TO LET ! By the Month or W eek. .1. H. DITDI.E V , Water St., AVGUSTA, MAINE, ftf-junell 1 Door south of Parrott & Bradbury’s. DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DENTAL SURGEON, 130 WATElt STREET, Auguslu, - - Maine. Make* the successful treatment of all diseases ol the rnouth ami teeth a specialty, employing all the latest ami best improvements in the method of lin ing with gold and all proper material. Ulcerated teeth permanently cured, and their decayed and hioken down crowns tilled and built up to their origiunl shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! Cireat improvement In the method of constructing and fitting ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR. CHAMBERLAIN is inserting a large num ber of sets of these teeth, which for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot ne surpassed any w here. The plate w ill not start or drop down, ami is warranted to lit perfectly. All arc invited to call and examine specimens ol teeth made on red, pink and white rubber. FKE8I1 CAS EVERY DAY. tmnvO tf Fine Oolong Teas ! At TITCOMIX’S, WEST END KKSSEt-rX fi.UDGK. july30-f:iteo<l DENTISTRY t Nexv Dental Rooms, HUNT’S BLOCK, next door North of Post Office, AUGUSTA, : : Maine. llr E beg to inform the public, that we have estab I \ lished this office permanently for the practice of Dentistry in all its branches. Our long experi ence in both Boston and New York enables us to execute all operations In the best possible manner We give our patrons the benefit ol all the latest ami best improvements without extra charge. Our char ges will be very moderate in all cases. Artificial Teeth Inserted at the following greatly reduced prices for one month i Beautiful sets of Gum teeth $15 to $20. Temporary “ Plain “ $10 to $15. Partial sets in proportion. Teeth kxthacted without Pain. F. II. FALKS & CO,, Surgeon Dentists. septl4-f Wanted Immediately! i GOOD GIRL TO DO HOUSE WORK. The tV highest wages will be paid. CHARLES IIKWINS, Augusta, Sept. 17,1870. ftf State Street. DRUGS -AND MEDICINES ! Johnson Brothers, opposite : : POST OFFICE, Are prepared to furnish Customers A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TIIEIU LINE OF GOODS, CONSISTING Or Tho Best the Market affords. T1IK BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Per fumery, Soaps, Brushes & Patent Medicines, of all kinds nt very low prices, is at Johnson Brothers, opposite POST OFFICE. CALL AND LOOK I -AT THE STOCK OS’ Sponges, Brushes, Dusters, Soaps, &c., — AT — Johnson Brothers, opposite POST OFFICE. Castor, Olive, Pure Sperm, Xeats Foot, Cod Liver, and Essential Oils of ALL KINDS, -AT Johnson Brothers, opposite : : POST OFFICE. ALL Till: Choicest Brands ! -AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. Gold Bar, Natural Leal*, Navy, Fruit Fake, Solaee, and llagley’M Fine Cut. -AT Johnson Brothers, opposite POST OFFICE. Physicians, Country Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers, Should not fail to call and examine our Stock and inquire our prices. Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ! Proprietors of Dr. Bennett's Jannfte Bitters. Johnson Brothers, opposite - POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, - • Maine