Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN 4 NASII. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, POUR CENTS. VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME.. TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 29, 1870. NO. 282 JUmukf faunal. Published on Water Street, Foot of Oourt', AUGUSTA, MAINE. BT SPRAGUE, OWEN ii NASH. Sail]j Jttmukc journal Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news l»y telegraph and mail, gives reports of the Markets, and has carefully pre pared political and local articles, und a generous amount of farming, home nnd miscellaneous read ing with a full compilation of State news. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; $d ii payment is not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be had at the bookstores and at this ortiee. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertions or less. $1.00; 25 cts. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those Inserted for any considerable length of tune, will be inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. HBttfetg |ienncbft Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest folio paper in the State, containing news, politiaal articles, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms $2 per annutn in atlvance, Transient Advertisements, $1.50 per inch for first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, $2.00 per inch for first week; 60 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, In reading columns, 20 cents per line for first Insertion; 10 cen«.s per line lor each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. Market FLAGG & MILLER, firOtJLn BESPECTTITI.LT Inform the citizens \y of APUUSTA that they have taken the store Formerly occupied by John 0. Adams, Jo. 2, Granite Block, Where they will keep constantly on hand— Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, Poultry, 8moked Ham, Smoked Tongue, Dried Beef, Breakfast Ilam, Bologna Sausage, Tripe, sausages, Salt Provisions, &c., Fruit & Vegetables in their season, and sueh other goods as are kept in a First Class Provision Store. Hoping by close attention to business to receive a liberal share of patronage. Ag-Goods delivered free of charge, (’ash paid for Country Produce, small Profits auJ quick Salks. WOrdars promptly attended to.-a* T. C. FLA<s(s. JON. MILLKR. novl-ttf _ MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, American anu bwiss uhutick, in gold and sliver case, including the celebrated X'aUHiial or Elgin Watch, Waltham, Trenumt, Bor quin, Bonnctt, 1’ardeaux, Jucot, &c., in both La dies’ and gentlemen’s sizes. pino Gold «T owelry, Solid Hold Leoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, fixe plated ware, SPECTACLES AND EYE BLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KJSDS, including the celebrated ITHACA CALENDAR all of which will be bold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. Particular ntt ntion given to repairing all kinds ol Fine Watches. Chronometer lialunces applied and •diusted to temperature and position tljanTO-tf i See, See ! JONES & CO. Bored, Bored, Bored, i Tubular, Tubular, Tubular Well, Well, Well. , A liroat Improvement over the old drive ell I WELLS BORED AND WARRANTED AT SHORT NOTICE. 1 Territorial Rights for sale. All orders left at 1 A. IV. SCOTT’S Ofltce, Mtoalu Building, Watf.r Street, Augusta, Me. 0. C. JONES ft OO., 3 Cahoon Block, Portland, Maine. - w Dealers In New Inventions. septS7-ftf FRANK KINSMAN S DRUC STORE, Is tlie place to buy Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, and Apothe caries’ Goods generally. Give him a call at 142 Water St., Augusta, MAINE, OFrOSITE MARSHALL WIIITIIED'S Red Frost Store. F.W. KINSMAN. Trunks! Trunls.s! .THE PLACE TO BUY French, XJugono, Solo Xjontlior, And all kinds of common TRAVELLING TRUNKS! Also Ladies’and Gents’ TRAVELLING x SHOPPING RAGS, is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Right Place to bny your HARNESSES, and get the celebrated DUNN HARNESS, is at HAMILTON A TURNER’S, 13* WATER STREET. 'rhe cheapest place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCO.MRS, RRUSHES, BLANKETS. SURCINGLES, HAL TERS, Ac., » at HAMILTON A TURNER’S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES! For Business, Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking, Carlins & Expressing. Manufactured from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best o( workmen. 'Ve would remind the public that our Harness took all the premiums offered at the last State Fair— four in number. Also the llrst premium at the late New England Fair. As our customers are dailv informed that our Harnesses are Machine Stitched—we would inrite them ami the public generally'to call and examine the largest stock of ready-made Harnesses ever ol 'ered in this cltv. and we will convince them that we make the best HAND STITCHED work to be had for the same amount of money, and if we don’t have on hand what Is wanted, can make it at shod notice. Samples of Gold (Jilt! Oroide Silver, Covered, and Japanned Trimmed Harness, may be seen at our salesroom, NO. 172 MIDDLE STUELT. HENRY DUNN ft SON. For Sale by Hamilton tfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tllfeb-tf OPPOSITE PEERING & HOLWAY’S. NEW PORTABLE RANGE! ! THE LATEST AND BEST. Combining the Advantages of All Others! With ninny SEW and PATESTED Features. T1H1A TTTTFTTX, I TNT DESIGN ! PEHFECT TIM OPERATION ! rtAT.T. AND SEE IT 1 Every Range Warranted in Every Particular!! For Sale by -A.. I*. GOULD, One Door North Railroad Bridge, AUGUSTA. Also l'or Bale the New and Improved “PEEIILESS” Cook Stove, For Coal and Wood—The Best Stove in the Market. The “Golden Ragle Furnace,” For Coal, constantly for sale. angXVttf NEW FIRM IN Market Square. yy e have taken the store former!j; occupied by MlTt llhLL A 1IAK.HO.V, whore we -hall keep a full stuck ot Choice Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Flour, Meal, and Provisions of all Kinds ! We hope by careful attention to business, tc merit a share of public patronage. CHANDLER & BOAKDMAN, Market Square, AUGUSTA, H. A. It. CfUKDLEK, A. U. BOfKDMAS oct37-t8m LAWN VASES! Wishing to close out our stock of Lawn and (xifrden Va»e», Wo offer them at REDUCED PRICES. J. D. PIERCE A BOUT, i aujr.Vttf No. lfttt Water Street. New Store! Confectionery & Fancy Co\e MANUF ACTOKV, j No. lOO Water Street AUGUSTA. I urnERE mnv be found * Large Assortment ol ! >V run*n .v.iuti i\i.vum&, I embracing the usual klmls, and many^Vir Stylet, | made from the I’urest Stock. Call and examine our | goods at No. 100, a few doors holow the Po.-t Olteo FANCY CAKE made to order. I ftepti-ttf / AUGUSTA FISH MARKET ! NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. A util rtmmnmm in returning thanks to his many friends and the public gen tionn U MnnGnuyj erallyror their patronage, and soUeiting aeontinuanec of the same, would inform them that he has the BEST ASSORTMENT OK Fresh, Pickled, Pried and Smoked Flslt, on the Kennebee River, and that his OySterS A Clam* are all that the Epienre would des-ire. J. 1»'A. would rail partirulur attention'to Ins WO, 1 Extra SCMOkerel, and to his Light halted English Dried Cod; also to i,is Smoked and Pickled salmon, smoked IIAI.I llt'T, A''. Ilalilmts Kitts, Tongues anti Sountls and Mttekerel prepared for immetliate use. I >111it - arlaeottn Alewlves, and those niee Ntt. 1 Healed IlerrlnB anil Plnlund IladdlcN, whit h ute sneh a good relish for Breakfast and Supper. Oysters anil Clanta SUCCEED DAILY in the Market. Genuine Belfast, HarpSWOll A Free* port CLAMS always oil hand, and the Pure Clam Water given when desired for Chowders. Large Fall River Oysters 50 ets. per Quart; Virginia Oysters 40 ets. per Quart* Lcvccs, Saloons, Taverns db Stage Drivers, supplied at a liberal Diseonnt. PICKLES, OYSTER CRACKERS, CRACKERS and PORK for Chow dew, of the Rest Quality. 49* ALL ORDERS punetnallv attended to and delivered in the City FREE OF CHARGE. Special attention paid to putting up Oysters and Clams in KEGS or CANS, for the travelling commit* pity, anti full satisfaction guaranteed.nori-Htf NOW IS THE TIME ! TO BUY A FIRST-RATE For WOOD or GOAL, for $22. ALSO THE The only COOKING STOVE that took the DIPLOMA at the STATE FAIR. Williamson & Greenwood. And the celebrated ORIENTAL, which is KNOWN by ALL to be the BEST Base Burning Coal Stove in Market. And a large assortment of Coal and Wood, Parlor and Office heating Stoves, both new and second-hand, all of which will be sold CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST ! No. 8, : : Union Block, : : Augusta. sj^vsriisr <se hojs, TAILORS, Have the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Clotlis, Clotliing, — AND — FURNISHING GOODS To t»o found In tiro City. £§r Their Stock of Cloths embraces all the FOREIGN ami DOMESTIC Novelties In Trouserings, STTITHSTGS & COSTINGS. Ready Made Clothing & Furnishing Goods In Great Variety and. Latest Styles i Give ua a call, Zjoolt at our Good* and Priooa, AND DON'T PURCHASE UNLESS YOU WISH. Our Store its NO. 8, BRIDGE’S BLOCK, Water Street, Augusta. octli-tlui Edward Rowse, 124 WATER STREET DEALER n* Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE ! Agent tor the Waltliam Watch C’omp’y, Anil LAZARUS A MC-HiUS* Perfected Spent »cle». tar Special attention paid to the repairing of all kind* of FINE WATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and acenrately adjusted to temperature oositiou and iaochronimn. % Tine BY TRANSIT. ♦Ijan70-tf Cheese! Cheese! Another Nice Lot of Livermore Cheese, JUST RECEIVED AT Richards & Hall's, No. 3 GRANITE IIALI. BLOCK. Nov, it, CALL AND SEE!! - THE - MAGEE ADVANCE COOK 8T0VE, GOLDEN CITY. Sheridan Farmers Cook, Rival Madel'on, Union, Richmond Portable Range, Palaoe Range, Stevens* Range, Stewart Parlor Heater, Rich mond Parlor Heater, Oriental and Priceless. Anil a large assortment of other Stores both Now and Heoontl Hand. AT Williamson 4c Greenwood’*. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Mr. A. F. Morso has just returned from Boston with a very large and desirable Ubsortmeut of Stereoscopic Views, which will l»e sold at Boston prints. lie also makes and keeps constantly on hand Views of Hallowell and Vicinity. Any views which his customers may want wind are not in his selection, will be ordered immediate iv. lie has a great variety of PICTURE FRAMES on hand. All orders for framing done w ith neatness and despatch. Pictures of every style, made cheap. The Public are invited to call at Ins rooms on Water St., corner Uniou St., Hallowell. and ex amine his stock. ljuly*ttf J. E. NYE, healer in Choice Family Groceries And Provisions. TURK'S ISLAM), LIVERPOOL, DAIRY, AND TABLE SALT. Coumlrg IV.dnr. bought and told. octau-nr Buy your BOOTS and SHOES At STAGY’S One Price Boot & Shoe More Everything marked In plain figures. i Men's Heavy Rubber Boots, $4.25 Boys* Thick Boots 93.00. Ladle.’ Rubber Over-.hoe. HO eta., “ lllgh Foxed Polt.fe sa.aoi •• •• “ Button mf Remember the Place ! STACY’S ONE-PRICE STORE, WATER STREET, Near Market Square, Augusta, noell-nr For Sale Cheap. ; FEET SECOND HAND 3-4 Inch Lead Pipe. Has been used but Httle. Apply at the office of the Kennebec Journal.novMtf WANTED! 1 FARMERS and Hunter, having prime Mina Skins 1 on hand will rind a cat)' customer at highest ' market price by winding them to I. H. WELLS Sc CO.. #)aUotocll SUibrrtiscmcnts. Black smithing ! French. & Smith, Blacksmith, horse shoeing, and job I1IN»j done to order. Also, attends to CAR* ItlAGE WUItK <d‘all kinds. .Second street below H ALLOW ELL HOUSE, Hallow ell,-Maine. Oelober 24, 1870. Itf S. F. Davenport, Agent for tlio sale of the celebrated SINGER sk him; iiuiiiMis -ALSO AGENT VOIi TI1F. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Hallowell, Maine. Place of business has been removed to nearl opposite Western Uni«n Telegraph Ofllce. Machines Repaired and Exchanged ttfjune? PURCHASE YOUR GROCERIES -AT K:i3WOfS. HE kern* constantly *?n hand CITOICE PRO- f VISIONS of all kinds, which will bo cold cheap lor Cash. Nice Butter. Livermore Cheese, Pork, Lard, Teas of all kinds, Cof fee, Sugars, and as good an assortment of Groceries as can be found 1 in the City. Give him a call, next door to Stevens' . Meat Market, WATER ST., Uallowell. J. KING. October 25,1870. ttf PICTURE FRAMES ! Square and Oval, constantly on hand, Framing every description done to order. Photographs, Tin-tvpes and Melaneotypes. Al pictures copied and enlarged. Stereoscopic Views—home and Foreign. View** of residences made to order. Stereoscopes, Albums and all other goods usually found in a drst-class Photographic Ertablishment. A. F. MORSE, Water Street, Uallowell. octSO-ftf Pinkham & Small! ■\\rOrLP respectfully inform their patrons and friends ill t tliev’have removed t<» the Store in PERLEY'S BLOCK, lornierly occupied bv 3IA11K JOHNSON, where they will keep constantly on hand BEEF, LAMB, TORE ! and such other goods as are generally in a FIRST CLASS Provision Store ! ALSU PISHmS™. Thankful for past favors, they hone bv close at tention to business, to receive a liberal &hare of patronage. Goods delivered in any part of the City freed charge. Pinkhain & Small. Uallowell, Oct. 13, 1870. octlS-ftf 200 Fairs Premium Blankets. 10-4, 11-4 cf- 14-4, At nl>out half tlieir valiio. j A Great Bargain ! For Sale l-y B. F. \VAR\ER, West side 1VATFH STBEET, , Hallo-well, 3Iaine, octiu-t-lm Removed.. ! —— JAMES Ji. LEIGH Han removed into the Elegant & Spacious New Store Which has been titled up in a thorough and | tasteful style expressly to accommo date his Dry Goods & Carpet BUSINESS. He ha# purchased for the Fall and Winter Trade A LAUGE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. Lyons Poplins, Marinos, Cretcns, Eepp Goods, Empress Cloths, SERVES, SA TEES'S, And a Full Line of Black Alpacas und Brilllan tines, Woolens, Flannels, Prims and tiinghams, Also, a Very Fine Line of Miauls and Cloakings. Cat pi ling '»/ Carpetings! lie has opened in his new room a Large Stock of Woolen, Hemp and Oil Cloth Carpeting. Straw Matting, Feathers, and liattiug constantly ou hand. JAMES II. LE1C.II, Water Street, oct27-ttf II allow lll, Maine. B. F. WARNER, PEALEU IN T>re#>»OoociH, Shawls and Woolens iarr Ooodt and Umbroidrriet, Hosiehy, Gloves and Small Wakes, A Full Stock ol Housekeeping Goops generally West side Water Street, octl9-*3m II ALLOW U-1-, Sir. £Hi*ccttottttuss. DEEP PLOUGHING AND SUB-SOILING, Experience is the great teacher in farrn ng. Without it, successful agriculture is ilmost impossible. With it we can make >ur business profitable and our lands pro luetive. Past experience teaches us that ieep ploughing is absolutely necessary on ilmost every farm, in order to get the lighest profit from the soil. The reasons br this are plain to every practical farmer; jut as some of our readers may not have •onsidered the subject in all its hearings, >ve present the advantages of deep plough in'. First: the space in depth to which he roots of till crops penetrate, and from ivhich they derive nourishment, is limited •hietlv by the extent to which the plough tas run. Beneath that point, especially ti clay soils, the roots make but little progress. Second : the unbroken sub-soil ,vben composed of clay, is not easily pen trated by rain. Hence, after the plough 'd soil Inis become saturated, the surplus vater escapes from the surface, olten car ving off valuable portions of fertility, jeep ploughing prevents this washing m ay of the surface. Third: a deeply noken soil is a store-house for moisture, milling a portion always in reserve lor icriods of drought. When the sun, the ur, and the growing crop have taken up he surface moisture, some of the roots are Ieep down in the earth, where the supply s abundant. Again, this moisture from iclow constantly rises toward the top dur ng a drought, by capillary attraction. It ilso brings with it some elements of fer ilitv in solution, nnd as the evaporation 'oea on, these much enrich the surface mil. i he above statement may be regarded is scientific facts in agriculture. We have iten farms that were “run out” by thin, 'Imllow ploughing. The plantations of he Southern States, from Virginia to the Julf, all exhibit the sad effects of shallow •ultivation. We have, also, frequently ieen farmers in the Middle and New Eng and States whose fertility and productive iess were reduced fifty per cent, by ploughing thin—by merely scratching the •ui lace to the depth of only three or four nches. The result of this evil practice is i regular and systematic depreciation of lie land, with" a certain decimation of nips every year. The late Professor Mapes, one of the most scholarly and practical of American agriculturists, was in advocate of deep ploughing; and his >wn estate, in New Jersey, is to-day an n idenee of the correctness of deep culti vation. lie doubled the value of his land ind more than doubled h.'s annual crops, >y ploughing deep. Sob-soiling land—of which Mapes was he pioneer in this country—is also of rreat advantage. l$y this means the bot om of the furrow is thoroughly broken uni pulverized, without being turned up. this being done, the surface plough then brows its next furrow upon this loosened portion of the sub-soil, and the sub-soil plough following again, breaks another portion and so the process is continued till the whole field has its surface stirred to a depth which cannot ordinarily be reached by any one plough operating alone. The benefits of su!>-soiling are similar to those of deep ploughing. It opens up a new source of fertility, for the -ub-soil always contains more or less of mineral substances demanded by the growing crop. It also gives a deeper space lor tile circulation ami retention of air ind moisture, which is a perfect antidote to drought. Again, it the soil is level, and of such a character as to retain too much of the rain-fall, then the newiy broken sub-soil lets it pass off more free ly from tlio surface soil. On lands not thoroughly drained, we presume the sub MiiJ plough would not lie of so great an advantage. Another peculiar benefit which sub-soil ing lias over ordinary deep ploughing is that it gives a deeply pulverized mass, without exposing upon the surface that portion which is often not adapted to most crops. On a tenacious clay, which some times forms a hard crust, there would cer tainly be no advantage in sub-soiling; but for a majority of soils we would follow the experience of Professor Mapes—we .hotiid plough deep and sub-soil all land Adapted to thorough cultivation. Cjr reat Bai'galnH at WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Writer Street, Augusta, Me. .V I.AUUE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEC* UNO HAND Which will be Bold at very low rates for cash. Wc also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Coffins, And COMMON COFFINS of all kinds, and the best trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment ot ROBES OF ALL KIMDfl, All of which will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the Stale. „ ___ . _ C. R. A II. r. WET.T.S. rtir____ You Can Buy for Cash Of WILLS, At 1?* Water Street, Augusta, Choice: yirscovado molasses for -in cents per gallon. Non-Explosive Kerosene OH, Warranted toetund 140 tests,for 10 cents per gallon. New Crop of Oolong Tea lor no cents per pound. GltANl EATE» SlCAB, for 19 1-9 cents per pound. Extra Coffee-Crushed Sugar, for 14 cents per pound. Pino Apple & English Dairy Cheese together with a Large Stock of Fine Grocerlei ! oovllMtf