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Dailg Junnrfrfr found Al'Gl’STA. TUSaDAY MORNING, MOV. 29. 1970. Libels rampast. The influence of democratic <«w«> np oo the disloyal element of the South is to i« again to deod$ of violence aad rebellion, so that the general govern ment is obliged to intervene for the pro of loval men. Were the demo cratic party to succeed in carrying the efieossoats throcgboii: die States, a reign ol Wnr wvxl.J be established iu the gosjch., and northern men would have to TVrftssne tie masket Iu defence of the L nion and aws. The cropping out of this law less spent ia Kentucky, Tennessee, and elsewhere ia the rebel States, since the jate elections, demanding the presence of Ua-ited States troops for its repression. is sigwitk-aat of the deplorable results which would follow should the democracy once get a majority in the nation. It warns every republican to beware how he al lows himself to listen to no-party and new party advocates who claim that the work of the republican party is done. THE RUSSIA-V QUESTION. Earl Granville has had his reply from the Russian minister, and learns by it that the Czar was in earnest when Gortschakoff sent his first note, and intends to take no steps backward irom the positions there assumed. The question now with Eng land is whether to fight or allow Russia to have her own way. Upon this there is serious division in the councils of England. The Queen is said to favor peace, while the Cabinet is divided, part sustaining Granville and part the Queen. Those who hold to sustaining the “honor” of England at any cost favor war, believing that Eng land is in honor bound to sustain the trea ty of 1856; but there is a pretty strong party which eschews the question of honor and holds that the safest and best way for the nation is to keep out of the difficulty. This last is undoubtedly the wisest course, but it ia noi exactly up to the John Hull standard in point of spirit, and therefore it will be accepted if at all with a very poor grace. MEETING OF CONGRESS. Congress will assemble again at Wash ington next Monday. The most impor tant consideration connected with its meet ing is the tact that daring adjournment its previous acts have been passed upon by the people of most of the States, and gen erally received their endorsement. The loss on the republican side ot»the House has not been for want of confidence in Congress and the Administration, but mostly on account of local questions and divisions, as in Missouri and Tennesee, where the republicans lose most largely. We know no instance where the course oi Congress was fairly brought into issue and occasioned a loss. A few close districts were earned against the republicans by unusual efforts and combinations upon side issues, but the scarcity of such cases in proportion to the exertion made is rath er an evidence of the strength of the par ty than one of weakness. Congress will meet then under encouraging and favora ble circumstances. It has stood tho test before the people triumphantly, and has the advantage ol knowing by the criti cism endured in the election its weak points, as well as its strong ones, and will if wise correct the former, while it holds fast to the latter. The annual message of the President will be one of the most im portant and satisfactory messages ever sent to Congress and the country. It will show the public debt reduced far beyond the anticipations of the people, taxation reduced, the currency nearly to the gold standard, economy prevailing in all branches of the government, better seen rity for lue, property urut nonest elections existing, peace with all the nations of the world, peace with the savages, and pros perity everywhere on our wide domain. With these general results, the reality of which are apparent to all eyes not wilful ly blind, the masses of the people of the United States will be content, and give little heed to complaints about minor mat ters occasioned by personal disappoint ment, or the stereotyped growling of the hungry democracy. Let Congress reduce taxation as rapidly as it can and make cer tain the payment of the public debt; give its attention to the improvement of com merce and navigation : aid to build up the industry of the country ; promote the hon est collection of the revenues; enter into no wars not necessary, nor encourage any either to please fishermen, Fenians or for party salvation; raise the civil service in efficiency and lop oil' the corruptions en grafted upon It by the democrats ; protect honest voting at the polls both North and South; let Congress attend to these tilings faithfully and it will be sustained against ail the arts and falsehoods of the opposi tion and lay a broad and strong foundation for a republican national victory in 1*7.. The train of the Ohio and Mississippi Rail way which left Cincinnati last Friday after noon met with a remarkable escape. When crossing the Louisville bridge over the Ohio River the engine was throw n from the track by a broken rail. Yet, although five feet »l rail were oat of place, all the real of the train leaped Ike break and struck the rail on the otber aide in aafety. When the engine left the track, the engineer and fireman shut off steam and climbed out on the boiler, in order, as they amid, ‘‘to be on top, whichever way she jumped,” and left the rest to fate. Will ahe keep the bridge or will she plunge 30 foot to the dark water below just covered with a thin coating of ice 1 A guard-rail runs .inmg connecting the ends of the sleepers, and of # square timber. The edge of this just catches the flange of the from truck wheel und they are saved. The rail of wood acts lor the abort distance as a rail of iron, and conducts to the left and nothing could have saved them. Just beyond the bridge the engine left the 'i sleepers, and. tearing away the track in all directions, plunged down the bank to the left, but so slowly that the entire train, except the express-car, remained on the track. The dri ver and fireman jumped off uninjured, and one man scratched in the baggage car was the only casualty. O EX ERA L .VA’H'S. The London Times hints at the restoration of Napoleon. liussia is said to bo bidding for some of our vessels. In London there are seventeen hundred newsboys. Thev have a giris’s base ball club at Lan caster, Ohio. Lord Napier is appointed to the command of the English armies. Albany. Ua.. is the prospective centre of seven railroads. Evening drawing schools are to be estab lished in Boston. A sign in Burlington, Iowa, reads as fol lows : “New Style of Photographs, by A. Pancake." The cotton crop of last year was the sixth largest which lias ever been made in the United States. “Salts of demoniac” were recently called for at a country drugstore in Western Massa chusetts. Lnaisvillc girls eat onion lozenges to dis courage young men whom they don't care to cultivate. Grata Brown, governor elect of Missouri, is described as a small, homely, red-haired man, but ids w ife is said to be handsome enough for both. One Mrs. \V. C. Johnson is lecturing in In diana on “Man in the llaw.” We presume the man will be well-done before Mrs. J. gets through with him. Major Emery is negotiating for the resi dence of the late Secretary Stanton, on Frank lin square, Washington, for which his heirs ask sixty thousand dollars. The-Laconia (N. II.) Democrat declaims as follows: “Meat in Paris is sold at a less price than It is here. Will somebody declare war nnd lay seige to this place ?" The paper makers of Massachusetts are reaping some advantages from the French war, as orders have recently been given out for a large amount of cartridge paper. Fulton county, Indiana, has a musical pro digy in the person of a hoy four years Old, who plays difficult operatic selections on the piano, and is addicted to marvelous perform ances on the violin. Madison, Wise, is said to have the heaviest chief of police in the United States. He is an ambitious rival of General Scott’s gigantic pioportions. Very few offenders care to test his strength. The porter of one of the Chicago hotels, an industrious and very saving man, has amassed a snug little fortuny of twenty thous and dollars from his salary and perquisites, during the last fifteen years. The lioston Cultivator says “gentleman farming” is a humbug. Of course it is.— There might as well be “gentlemen" tailors or tinkers, or “gentlemen” pork-packers or shipping merchants. The Bloomfield, Indiana, dogs have been well brought up. They all go to church. The Democrat suys a procession of about twenty marched up to the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal church, last Sunday, during the service. Ida Lewis, the heroine of Lime Hock, who was married a few weeks ago, we understand, received from Mr. Peabody the sum of go, 000. The money was placed in trust for the benefit of the young lady; therefore Ida was not a dowerless bride. Of the 11,317 Chinese in San Francisco, there is not one who cannot read and write. Of the Irish population of the city, G.8H5 can do neither, nine native Ameri ans are equally I deficient, but there is not a Frenchman or i German who cannnot do both. The Jewish Post is the title ot a somewhat j remarkable newspaper just established at j New York. It is printed in Hebrew cliar | after, but is written in a patois made up of Hebrew and broken Oewman, which neither a I German nor a Hebrew scholar is able to read. ! It has been started to meet the wants of a I large class of Jews, especially those coming I from liusnian Poland, who understand no j regular language, and can read no other pa per published in the country. A lady in Dexter closes her report upon dairy products, as member of a committee at the agricultural fair as follows : •• The cheese the lady has made is a public j benefit. The richest and the poorest person in the State are benefited by that cheese as much in proportion, as they are by the fruits of our broad acres. The day is not fur distant when those rich ladies that have never soiled their hands by labor, whose silks you can hear rustle ami whose diamonds you can see sparkle, will envy the daily ladies their posi tion. “Hurrah for the worker! tie decketh them all! Jie toils lor the great ill tlie land; The rubles amt pearls round t' e lady’s fair nork. Are twined by the laborer’s hand. During the past few weeks the yi llow fever, or, as the Spaniards call it, firlre amariUn, has appeared in most oftlie thickly populated cities of the Spanish coast of the Mediterra nean. Henry Buggies, United States Consul at Barcelona, writes that the* panic there, oc casioned by the fever, lias been extraordinary. Out of a population of upward of 200,000 in habitants, it is estimated that 120,000 have lied from there homes and beluken themselves to i the neighboring cities, villages and raoun- j tains, to await the disappearance of the dreaded , epidemic. In the harbor suburb of Bar eoloneta, containing a population, a few weeks since, of several thousand people, and where the fever first appeared, there is not now an inhabitant left. Stores, shops, and cafes in Barcelona are closed ; bankers have ceased to issue bills, and government offices are ! being removed. The Custom House is shut, the harbor closed, and all American and other vessels are ordered to Tarragona to discharge their freights. Hay is reported to be a scarce article tip river, but very little i» brought into the market for sale. Hie Hosuell - Laflin Tragedy. Trial of the Accused. CHARLES W. WALTON, J., Presidio*. Counsel for the State, Thomas 1!. Keep, At torney General; IVlI. I’LS.N WlIITEHOl'SE, County Attorney. Counsel for the Defence, Keen* T. l'n.r snL'RY and Amemas LinnEY, Jury ! IdlRHAM A. ('HANDLER. 11 akrison Hanson. Oliver S. Howards, arjsha It. Fletcher Isaiah Roiiiiins. Enoch It. Eeai ii. WILSON' M. ItATTINS. .loll.N M. l’LLMMKK. 11 AN NI HAL .1. IHIAivE. Nathan Kimrall. IIahtson Hammond. ■John Harrows. p'or'in'ii FIRST WAY—MONDAY. Yesterday was the day assigned by the Couit on the 4111-, for the trial of Ed ward 11. lloswell, indicted at this term for the wilful murder of John 11. Tallin, at Hallowdl, on the IOth day of September. The prisoner was arraigned on the 2Gth day of October, when he was taken into Court, and the Judge at Ilia request assigned Messrs, l’illsbury and Libbey lor his counsel. The indictment being read to him he pleaded ••not guilty." On motion of his counsel, the Court ordered that he be furnished with a copy ol the indictment and with processes to summon his witnesses—also a list of the witnesses ex amined by the grand jury and a list of tin traverse jurors in attendance. The Court came in at 4 o'clock P. M., yes terdav, hut about half an hour was occuj ied by a divorce case. This case disposed of, -Mr Heed, the Attorney General, arose anil said : May it please your Honor: The time hav ing arrived which was appointed for the trial ot Edward 11. lloswell, 1 move the court thai the prisoner he brought in mid placed at tin bar for trial. The prisoner was brought in by the slier it! and placed in the prisoner's dock, lie was dressed in broadcloth pantaloons and coat and black satin vest; he also showed an im maculate shirt-bosom with handsome gold studs. When fir-t brought in he was much affected, and held a white handkerchief ovei his eyes, as if weeping; hut after a short time he seemed to have completely recovered his composure, and watched the proceeding with intense interest. Fifty-eight persons had been summoned, from which to impanel a jury, hut to tin Clerk's call three tailed to answer to then names. After a few short delays, the Judg< directed the impaneling ol a jury in thi manner prescribed by law, whereupon the Clerk, William M. Stratton, turning toward the prisoner, said . “Edward II. Hnswell, you arc now to be tried upon the indictment which has been rcao to you, ami these good men whose names 1 shall call are to pass upon your guilt or inno cence. If you reject any of them you must do it as i hey are called and before they are sworn. You have the right to challenge twelve, per eiutorily, without assigning any reason, and as many more as you shall show cause why they should not sit upon the case.” The J' isoner—(rising from his seat in tin prisoner'* box)—I would like to sit where 1 can speak to my counsel. The Court—Mr. Sheriff, you may let the prisoner have a chair by the side of his coun sel. [ file prisoner thereupon was shown to a seat by the side of Mr. Libbey.] The Clerk proceeded to impanel a jury, by drawing cards from a box. each card bear ing tlic name of a person summoned. In ex ercising tlie right of challenging allowed him by law, the prisoner, through his counsel, Mr. Bibbey, peremptorily challenged Messrs. Mel vin Tebbetts. Fred S. Clay, Edmund Brugg, Thomas .1. l’inkliani, Walter Boweis, Isaiah Hawes, Stephen C. Watson, Harrison Chad wick, Moses Briggs, J. C. Hutchinson and Jones Buttetficld. Mr. Charles R. Gilman was challenged by prisoner's counsel “for a cause.” The Attorney General peremptorily chal lenged Isaiah Holmes. The names of Joseph H. Allen. Allen I). Niles, Ilenty J. Morrill, Cyrus Wheeler. S. B. Boardman, Frt cman II. Crowell, Daniel Libby, Jr., and Daniel Yosinus, were diawn from the box by the clerk, but their answers to the interrogatories of the Couit and of the prisoner's counsel, caused them to be pro nounced disqualified t o servo as jurymen in the case. The jury, as it was impaneled, are as fol lows : Gorham A. Chandler, Winthrqp. Harrison Hanson, BeudfleU. Oliver S. Kdwards, Monmouth. Abisha B. Fletcher, China. Isaiah Robbins, Vassalboro’. Enoch R. Leach, Monmouth. Wilson M. lluttins, Li c .field. John M. I’lummer, Augusta. Hannibal J. Drake, Benton. Nathan Kimball, Wintbrop. llartsoii Hammond, China. John Barrows. Augusta. The Court appointed John Barrows, of Au gusta, Foreman of the Jury. i ue «juuge s;uu, jmcviuus hi uii- ui the jury, that it is the purpose < f the law to secure to every one charged with ciinie, a trial by an impartial jury : that if any ol those who had been ri turned as jurors had form' d or expressed any opinion with regard to the guilt or innocence of the prisons.; ; or if they were related to the prisoner or to the deceas ed. Mr. Laflin, within the degree of second cousin; or if thugs had conscientious scruples in regard to finding a prisoner guilty when the penalty is death; they would be disquali fied to sit in the trial of this ease. lint the law does not consider a juror disqualified, simply because he may have read in tiic news papers of the day an account of the nti'air, nor because he may have received tin indefi nite, unfixed impression with regard to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner on trial. Impressions thus derived from articles pub lished in the newspapers, have been held not to disqualify a juror. If he feels still that his judgment is so free front prejudice that he can give the prisoner an impartial trial, then such vague impressions do not di-quality him to sit. it must be such a fixed, definite opin ion, that it would require evidence to over come it. It will also depend very much upon the jutor’s own sense of the condition ol hi mind, and he must answer for himself, and determine whether he feels any such bias or prejudice as will prevent his try ing the present case with impartiality, lie said that jurors are simply to determine the truth ot disputed fans—tin v have nothing to do with the law or its consequences; hut still if there were jurors present who felt that they had conseicn ious scruples in finding a verdict ol guilty where the punishment is death, he said they should make the fact know n, b. cause the law disqualifies them from sitting in the case. The panel being complete, the indictment against the prisoner was read to the jury by the Clerk, and is as follows ; STATE OK MAINE. Kkknebkr, ss.—At the Supreme Judicial Court begun awl hot Jen at Augusta, uitliin and fur the County of Kennebec, on the third Tuesday of October in the year of'our Lord one thousand eight hundred ana seventy. The Jurors of said State, upon their oath present, that Edward IE lioswellof Augusai, in said County ot Kennebec, on the nineteenth day of September in the yens of our l.ord one thousand eight hundred and seventy with force and arms, at Hallowed in said County of Kennebec, in and upon one John IE hnflin of Said l!al|owell, feloniously, wilfully und of liia malice aforethought, did make an assault, and with a certain knife, which he—the said Edward il. lloswed, then and there in his right hand, had and held, in and upon the neck of liitn, the said John B. Lallin, tlien nnd there feloniously, willfully nnd of his mal | ice aforethought, did strike, cut. stab and thrust, severing tho carotid artery and jugu lar vein in the left side of the neck of him, the. said Joint B. Baffin, and thereby givingto the said John B. Baffin a mortal wound, of which raid rnoital wound tho said John B. Baffin then and there died. And so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do say that the said Edward II. Moswell, him, the said John B. I.atlin, in ! manner and form aforesaid, then and there I feloniously, willfully nnd of his malice afore thought did kdl and murder; against the peace of the State, and contrary to the form of the s atnte, in such case made and provided. A true trill. . Geo. Eli.eeit, Foreman. W. I’. WiiiTEHoi si:, County Attormy. The Judge instructed the jury very clearly and emphatically in relation to their duty and responsibility, lie said : You will be com pelled now while you serve ns jurors to be kept together, and w ill not be allowed to min gle with citizens at large, during the entire trial. Officers, duly sworn, will attend you; they will turnisli you with convenient lodg ings, and will wait upon you as your necessi ties require. If any of you have any direc tions w hich you wish to send to your families, I shall allow you to do so now ; or if anything occurs to you during the progress of the trial, and you w ish to send or receive a message. I shall allow you to do so, no objection being made by counsel, on making known the fact to me. Butyou must not send or receive uny letters unless they lirst pass through the hands f the Court. You must hold no conversation with anybody in regard to the ease or anything else. You are to hold no communication with the outside world. I recommend you to Keep your judgments entirely free—that is, ivoid, as far as possible, coming to any con clusion in regard to the merits of the case un it it lias been completely tried and submitted to you—until you have heard all the evidence ind the arguments on both sides and the charge of the Court. You will then have the evidence, the views of the counsel on the one side and the other, and the law as it is given by the Court. You will, then, he prepared to make up your venUct. Until that time, keep your minds and judgments ns free from prejudice ns it is possible for you to do. Mr. Reed, Attorney General, moved that the jury be afforded a view of tlft1 premi ses where the deed was committed, before the opening by the prosecution, in order that it night be more intelligible. Mr. I.ibbey, one of the counsel for the de fense, said be very much desired that the jury should have an opportunity to examine the place where the crime was alleged to i.ave been committed. Whether it should be before or after the opening, was comparative ly immaterial to him. It oeeured to him, however, that the jury might be able, per haps, in viewing the place, to understand the matter somewhat better, if the opening is first. l lit* ^uun on in u wuuiu inutuif uiuucr 10 counsel. The counsel were given permission by the Court to accompany, under certain restric ions, the jury to the place where the alleged crime wa* committed. It is probable that the visit will be made Tuesday forenoon. The jury were eiven in charge of Deputy Sheriffs Stint hfield and Blunt, who were 'Worn to the strict performance of their res ponsible duty. Tin* official reporters were sworn. The court-room, during the proceedings, was completely tilled with an interested and circumspect crowd. The session held from 4 o’clock until about 7 o’clock. Adjourred until 0 A. M. Tuesday. DU. FCTIEKCK ADVISF.ST CONSUMPTIVES TO GO TO FLORIDA IX 1V1XTKR. Having for the last thirty-five year* devoted my whole tlm • amt aiteutionto the siuuv oi lung diseases and con sumption, 1 feel that 1 umbrsiand fully the courw that cu;. lit to lie pursued to restore a tolerably bad case <f disca^t d lunvs to h. alihy soundness. The first amt n:o*t important step Is. for the patient to avoid takimr cold; and the best of all places on this continent for this pur pose, in winter, is Florida, well down in the .state, where the temperature is regular, and not subject to such varia tions as in more northern latitudes. 1‘alatka Is a point 1 can recommend. A pood hotel la kept there by Peter man. Last winter I saw several persons there whose lungs had been badly diseased, but who, under the heal inp influence of tho climate and my medicines, were get ting well. One hundred miles farther down the river is ft point which I would prefer to l'alatka, as the temperature is more even and the air dry and bracing. Mellunville and Enterprise ate located there. 1 should give a decided preference to Mellunville: it is two miles from river or lake, and it seems almost Impossible to take cold there. The tables in Florida might be better, and patients com plain at times; but that is a good sign, os it indicates a return of appetite : and, when this is the case, they gen erally increase in fle»h, and then the lungs mast heal. Jacksonville, lllbemla, Oreen Cove, and many other places in various parts of Florida can bo safely recom mended to consumptives in winter. My reasons for say ing so are. that patients arc less liable to take cold thero than where there is a lest even temperature: and it is not necessary to say, that, where a consumptive person exposes himself to frequent colds, he is certain to dio shortly: therefore my advice is. go well down into tho Maie.'out of the reach of prevailing cast winds and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any other of the localities 1 havo named, will Ik nefit those who are troubled with a torpid liver, ft disordered stomach, deranged bow els, sore throat, or cough; but, for those w hose lungs are diseased, a more southern point is earnestly recommended. For fifteen years prior to l&bl), I w as professionally In New York, lloston, lialtimore, and 1 hiladelphia every week. where 1 bavv and examined on an average five hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, em bracing every possible phase of lung disease, has enabled mo to understand tho disease fully ; arid hence Hiy caution In regard to taking cold. A person may take vast quanti ties of ** Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrake l'illa," and yet die it lie does not avoid taking cold. In Florida, nearly everybody Is using Schcnck's Man drake Tills; fur the climate is more likely to produce bilious habits than more northern latitudes. 3i is a w eii < sta birthed fact, that natives of Florida rarely die ofeon aumption, especially those of tho southern part. On tho other hand, in keW England, one-third at least of tho population die of this terrible disease. In the Middle Mates, it does riot prevail ao largely ; still there are many thousand* ofcu»es there. >Vhat a vast percentage of would be saved If consumptives were as easily alarm ed in regard to taking fi esli colds as they are about btar 1U fever, binall-pox, Ac. 1 but they arc not: they tuko w hat they term a little cold, which they arc credulous enough to believe will wear off in a few days. '1 liey pay no attention to It; and hence it lays the foundation for another and another btill, until the lungs arc diseased be yond till hope of cure. .MV ttuvice IQ |KT»on'» nnwo aiv nurticu, vmii slightly, is to lay in a stock * f.sclicnck’s Fulmonic Syrup, Sc h e nc k *s K cawe«d Ton ic, and Scbenck s M andrakc F111 *, and go to Florida. I recommend these particular medi uk-h, because I am thorough y acquainted with their action. 1 know, that, whore they are used in strict ac cordance with my directions, they will do the woik that rcqi.rcd. This accomplished, nature will do the rest, 'ihc physician who prescribes tor cold, cou^h, or night sweats, and tltcn advises the patient to walk or rule out every day, will be sure to have a corpse on his hands before long. joy plan Is, to give my three medicines in accordance with the printed directions, except in some cases where n freer use of tho >1 and rake Tills Is necessary. 31 y object i. i, to j n o tone to the stomach,—to get up a good appe t.u . it is always a good sign when a patient begins to grow hungry: 1 have hopes of such, with a relish for I ><>d, and the gratification of that relish, comes good Mood, and with it more flesh, which Is closely followed bv a healing of tho luius, —then the cou* h loosens and abates, the creeping chills and clammy night sweats no longer prostrate and annoy, and the patient gets w*rl, provided he avoids taking cold. Now, there are many consumptives who have not tho means to go to Florida. The question may be asked, Is tlu-re no hope for such ? Certainly there is. 11 y adv ico to such is, and ever has been, to stay in a warm room during tho winter, with a temperature of about seventy degrees, which should ho Lent regularly at that point hjg means of a thermometer, Let such a patient take In* < xert iso within tho limits of tho room by walking up aiul down as much as In strength will permit, in order tii keep up a lit allliy circulation of the blood. 1 have cured thousands bv this system. and can do so again. Con sumption is as easily cured as any other disease, if it is tuktninFmc, and llio proper kind of treatment is pur sued. 'i ho fact Hands undisputed on record, that sdu-nck's Pulmonic Hyrttp, Mandrake Fills, and Sca wc< d l onlc ha\ e cured v ery many of " hat scrim d*Jbo hopeless cases of consumption. Oo wlu re you will, you w ill be almost certain to hud some poor consumptive v. ho has been rescued lpom the very jaw s of death by their p ho far ns the Mandrake Fills are concerned, everybody should keep a supply of them on haud. '1 hey act on tho hver better than calomel, and leave none of Its hurtful c tlc-eta behind. In fact, they are excellent in all cases where a purgative medicine is required. If you have partaken too freely i f fruit, and diarrhoea ensues, adoso of the Mandrakes willi ureyou. If you are subject to sick headache, tuko a dose of tho Mandrakes, and they will relieve you in two hours. 11 you would obviate tho etl>-ct of a change of w ater, or the too free indulgi nee in fruit, lake one of the Mandrakes every night, and you may tin n drink water, and eat water melons, pears, ap j. les, plums, pi nches, or com. without the risk of being made sick by them. '1 hey w ill protect those who live in damp situations against chills and fevers. 'Iry Hum. 1 lo y nre peikctly harmless. 1 hey can do you good only. 1 have abandoned my professional visits to Boston ami N, w iork, but continue to see patients at my No. 15 North Sixth Street, 1 hlladt 1 j hia, every Saturday, from y, a w , to3, f.m. 'Ihuso who wish a thorough ex annmaiion with tho itesphrometcr will bo charged flvo dollars, i he ltespirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs; and patients can readily learn whether tin y are curable or not. But I desire it distinctly un • u-mtood, that the value of my medicines depends entire ly upon their bong taken strictly according to directions. lu conclusion, I will say, that when persons take my medium's, And tholr systems are brought into a healthy condition thereby, they are not so Unhid to take cold; j et no one with diseased lungs can hear a sudden chango of at mosnher*' without the liability of greater or less irri tation of tlie bronchial tubes. Full directions in all languages accompany my medl c!m ■' so explicit and clsar that any one can use Jhun without (,u,i»uuiug »c, «ad can dc bought (tom any J. II. SctlBNC*. M.P., No. 15 North Sixth Street, Fhlladeiphla, GEORGE C. GOODWIN & Co., Boston, Agents. Kinsman will make a rich display of fine | goods suitable for holiday gifts, and we would advise all not to spend a dollar for anything in his line until they have examined his | goods. nov28-lw Kinsman’s Apothecary Store is the place to I buy everything that is genuine and useful. I and at low prices. Give him a call. nov28*lw Best twenty cent, all Havana cigars, sold for ten cents each at l'artridge's Drug Store, under Granite Ilall. flw Best ten cent cigars sold for five cents at Partridge’s Drue Store. flw Seventy-five cents will buy the best hair preparation at Frank Kinsman’s Drug Store. If a tip top article of Potash or Concentrat ed Lye is wanted Kinsman’s is the place to find it. From the easy Expectorations, increased respiratory power of the Lungs, and the re moval of irritation, manifest from cessation of Cough and other alarming symptoms after using Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypo phosphites, it is clear that the formation of tuberculous matter is not only stopped, but that already deposited is being carried away. nov29-f&wlw Hpecinl Notice. The people of Ilallowell can procure copies of the Daily Kknneukc Journal, during the IIos well trial, at the bookstore of C. Sprulding. Copies can be procuted in Gardiner at the Store of Blanchard & Heed. Each morning’s issue will contain in full the pro ceedings of the day previous. An extra number of copies of the issue contain ing the Diagram, has been printed. If every family in this town know the value of Henne's Magic Oil. and would keep a bottle of it on hand, to use in case of accident, we should be a happier if not a handsome people. Try this Oil. For sale by Fuller. novitbf&wlvv The great cause of so many young people being gray headed is on account of their having used the vile compounds which have Hooded the market so long. Nature's Hair Restorative is a sure rem edy for this. Clear as crystal.- no poison ; perfectly sweet, clean and reliable. All druggists sell it. See advertisement nov29*fAwlw “They cure!” What cures? AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL fora cough. AYER'S PILLS fora purgative, and AYER’S SARSPARILLA for the complaints tl^it require an alterative medicine. tit E, J. ROBERTS, D. D. S., DENTIST. (Successor to Dr. I. SNELL.) Oflice removed to Water Street, near POST OFFICE. DR. ROBERTS will be happy to wait upon the numerous friends a> d patients of Dr. Snell, and all those who may require his professional ser vices. By devotingall necessary time and care in treating and’perfectly filling decayed teeth, restoring con tour to broken teeth by building up with gold. By extracting teeth skilUully. By inserting good tilting plates, mounted with bea’utilul and scientifically arranged teeth. By exercising cj#e an«t faithfulness with the aid of a’regular dental education combined with the ex perience of TEN years practice, and adopting all useful improvements, Dr. Roberts hopes to merit as well as to win the confidence of all bis patrons. AirKxeellent references can be furnished, among which is offered the ‘oliowing O A.HU: riMIIS is to certify that 1 have knowledge that Dr J. K. J. H011EKT8, niy successor, has had two years’ pupilage and graduated at the Philadelphia Denial College, and inclusive has had TEN years experience in practice. 1 have confidence in his integrity as a man, and in his abilities as a Dentist oct31-ttf DR. I. SNELL. Nrto aubcrtisrmcnts.. The Best Paper, AND THE Best Inducements! This Quarter’s 13 INtimber* SENT FREE to all subscribing, before Dec. 15,1K70, for next year’s Fifty-Two Numbers of THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED Rl RAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY, FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. The Rural, now in its 21st year, is not only the Largest, Best and Cheapest, but by far the Largest-Circulating Jon rind of its Class in the World! National in Character, Ably Edited, Su perbly Illustrated and Printed, it is the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY ! It is the STANDARD Authority on all branches of Agrieulure, Horticulture, Ac. As a Literary and Family Paper it is a favorite in many of the best families all over the Union, Canada, Ac. Indeed. Moore’s Hi kal has no Rival in it* Sphere, and is the Largest Illustrated Journal on the Continent— each number containing Sixteen Five-Column Pages, (double the size of most papers of its class.) It is THE paper for the East, West, North and South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, &C. TER.MN-f l a Y ear of 32 Numbers, and only $2..ri() in Clubs of Ten. Tills Quarter’s 13 Numbers sent FREE as offered above. Our Club Induce ments for 1H71 are unprecedented. Spe linens, Premium Li*ts, Ac., sent free to all forming Clubs, —ami we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Address muunc, hi rara now, new iurnt RAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INdUUAXCK CdMI'ASY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Awts, *1000,000. Grants LIKE ami E.VnOWMEXT Policies of all appro ved forms. Ample securitv. low rates. Also insures against ACCIDENTS causing death or total disability*. Policies written by the year or monili Has paid 8700 per day for Mx Tears in benefits to policy-holders. - HOMES. HEALTH, IIVPPIMSS. now TO BKOBTAINKDkob Five Dollars ! 1’ iatio'S. Fahmk, Villa Sites and Town Lots, at The great PkemumLind Sale, Aiken, S. C. The “Saratoga of the South,” 4* hours Horn V V The most delightful climate in the world. Free from the rigors of Northern winters, exempt fiom Throat Diseases. Vineyards and orchards in full bearin'* For descriptive pamphlet, address, with stamp, J. C. DERBY, Augusta, Ga.__ WINTER E M PLOYMENT vAt.VO « tlJkjBUi*’ I'rtiu.U NON-EXPLOSIVE >TotnH<> Kerosene Lamp, Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking: burns any Coal Oil, good or bad; gives more light, » odor, and uses lean of, o (Kwr, hi»u ll»v» km vw, ........ “It iw perfectly non-explosive. The light is better than is produced by my other lamp.”—• S. Clark, l're-’t >hi>aHcliusetts Agricultural College. •It j-s perfectly non-exnlosive, gives a better light ii is peneeuy iidh-caimuouo, •■n--* and more economical than any other lamp in use.”—W. W. Wells, late Superintendent of Public Schools, Chicago. , , The appalling deaths and (Ires from glass lamps exploding ami breaking create a great demand lor this lamp. It PAYS toned it. Hold by Canvassers; Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular and terms to Montgomeiy A Co., Cleveland, O., 4- liar clay st.f X. Y. _ HOLIDAY JOURNAL for 1871 Contains a Christinas Story, Splendid Plays, Magic Sports. Ac.; 48 pages; illustrated. Address Adams A Co., Publishers, Boston. 4 eft ms I M AS GIFT to all Yearly Subscribers to Appleton’* Journal, published W eekly. 1 w’° Months Subscription Gratis. The Months oi No tllDUUM OUUMIIIIUDII \IKIiit7. , vember ami December. 1870, given gratis to all snip hcribers remitting $ I for the year 1871. Any one desirous of making a tr,a* of the journal to see whether thev like it, can have it for 1 >' O “ -ttic - MCNTHS on remitting us Filly Cents. PICTURESQUE Amekica, consisting of splendtMi.v executed views of American Scenery, commenced in November. I>. Appleton & Co., Publishers, New York. 9 AUGUSTA, MAINE. W. M. THAYER, Proprietor. G. P. COCHRANE, Clerk. rpiIIS well known an»l popular Hotel will i JL continue to inn FREE COACHES ^ tor guests, to and from the Cain ami Louts. Passengers on the late trains from Portland and liangor, will find free coaches to the House, with \V \ KM MEALS on their arrival at night, and Breakfast served, with a free coach lor the early trains foi Boston, Portland and Bangor. Connected with the House is a first-class Uvery Also Billiard Rooms, Bath Rooms, *<■. Large amt commodious Sample riooms, , free of charge, on Water St., in the center of * business. The Proprietor, thankful for the liberal pat ronage heretofore received, hope*, by person t-tr al attention to the want-* ana comiorc oi inn guests, to mem ji eontinunncc 01 the same. Augusta, Nov. *2.1, 1H70. BOS ~W O B, T IE3I MAS OX IIANI) A Large Assortment i CUSTOM MADE OVERCOATS ! - AND - WHICH IIF. IS SELLING VERY CHEAP ! nov24-t2w “ HOW IS THIS FOR HIGH ? ” YOU CAN BUY A Tip-Top Cooking Stove, No. 8, for Wood or Coal, for 825, at W oodbury^s. Also a full line of the very best COOK, PARLOR, and other stoves, Including1 “ MORNING GLORY, ” which can't be BEAT. All of which will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES. Water Street, Augusta, A few iloors South It. It. Dt-ldge. G1 EN. KOBT. E LEE’S LIFE. Nearly ready for (Public tion.the Biograi HV « f Cen Kobt E. Lee, by .John E8TRn Look k, nut nor of * Life of, Mouewuli Jackson,” “Wearing the Gre> ” etc. 1 vo 1., 8 VO., r»oo p iges. I i.LL'HTKATf o. To be sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED. l>. Appleton A Co., Publishers. New York GOOD PAY FOR DOING GOOD! A WIDE-AWAKE Boy or Girl, or Older Person, is wanted in every town, to canvass for one of the handsomest,» heapest and best Youth’s Papers ever published, and needed in every family. Large pay in cash. Write for lree sample* and purlieu- . lalB l°Z. POPE YOSE, Publisher, Rockland, Me. Cherry /*. ctoral Troches Are superior to all others for Loughs, Colds, A-th run. Bronchial and Luirgdiflicwlties, are exceeding ly palatable, h ive none of that nauseating horrible Lubeb taste, are very soothing and act like a charm : Ministers, lingers, and Public Speakers will iin<l thev are especially adapted to the voice, also KUSHTON’S (F. V.) C OD LIVER OIL. for Con sumption, and Scrofula; fresh und pine; tiivt m troduced; use no other. Sold by Druggists gener ally. V MYSTERY SOLVED.—Fifteen Minutes’ Private Conversation with Married Ladies by one of their number. Sent free for two stamps. Address j Mrs. II. METZGEK, Hanover, Pa._ j A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing in South America ; as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple :em edy for the Lure of Nervous Weakness, Earlv De cay, Diseases of tlie Urinary and Seminal Organs, ami the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate,! "ill send the recipe for preparing and using this med icine, in a sealed envelope", to any one who needs it, Free of charge. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN. Station D, Bible House, New York Lily. The old standard remedy for Loughs, Colds, Lon -‘umpiion. “Nothing better.” Culler Bros. A Co., Boston. SEMINAL WEAKNESS, how to treat and cure it. Pamphlet sent free. Address ILL. NEW EL A CO., Hartford, Conn. ILHAkDSoVS FRICTION HORSEPOWERS combine—Lheapnei *, durability, power, sim plicity, portability and strength; are successfullv used for sawing wood, churning, cutting feed, threshing, running circular taws,lathe, cider mill, Ac. Weight ol 1-horse power, NX) lbs.; -J Horse power, about 800 P»s. Although very light, every part is sulUciently strong, and the application ol friction renders them less liable to break and more durable than any ol the heavier powers. Price ol 1 horse power,‘Pitman and Baud Wheel, $t»5; -• horse do., #'.«). A liberal discount made on first machine sold in each town for introduction. Good commission given to an Agent in ca« h town in Now England. Send tor illustrated circular, with price list, terms to Agents, Ac. P. B. MASON, Man’r and General Agent, Wiilianiitown, Ma*s. COR A 'VKKK SALAin i—1 oung men wanton U43 as local an«l travelling salesmen. Address (with iluap) U. II. WALKER, dl Park Row, N. V WE WILL PAY AGENTS A salary of #i5 a week, or allow a largo commission to sell our new Inventions. Address, \a ilh dump, J W. FlUNK & CO., Marshall, Midi. THE NEW YORK METHODIST AN EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY. Vow in its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for tin* Family, a new Children's Story every week, Chats with the Little Folks. Editorials by the best MeMiodfst writers ami others, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Departments of Religious umi Secular Intelligence. Prim? #2.50 a year. Liberu 1 premiums or cash commissions to canvassers. Subscriptions eo mence at anytime. For specimen, enclose a two cent '•tamp t > prepay postage. Address THE MKT1IODIST, 114 Nassau st„ X.Y.__ KOVAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and information furnished by GKO. CPHAM, Providence. It I.__ ^(.SUHNESrCfijy VERMIFUGE CAUTION. Should occasion require you to purchase B A. Fahnestock's VoriniruKo, bo particu larly careful to sco that the.Initials arc B. A. This Is tho article that has bet u so Favorably Known Since 1829, And purchasers must insist on having it if they do not wish to have an imitation forced upon them. 1>SYciio.MAV Y.—Any lady or gentleman can make #1,000 a month. secure their own happiness and independence, by obtaining PSYCilOMANCA . F A SC IN A l l UN, or SOL L CH Alt M1NG. 4U0 lvages; doth. Full instructions t»use this power overmen or animals at will, bow to Mesmerize, become Trance or Writing Mediums, Dldnatlon, Spiritualism. Al chemy. Philosophy of Omens and Dreams, Brigham Young's Harem, Guide to Marriage Ac., all com twined in Inin book; 100,000 sold; pike by mail, in cloth #1.25, paper covers #1. NOTick.—Any pi rson willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no capital is required, all de sirous of genteel employment should send few the hook, enclosing 10 cents, for postage, t<x T. W. EVANS & CO., 41 South 8th St., Philadelphia, novHMmfAw House for (Sale I VNICK TWO-'"TORY HOUSE with 1. an.! Sta ble, convenient for one or tw o families, being the premises fbrtneily occupied by John l*. Anker* loo, coiner of Stale anil Laurel Mreets, the fourth liouae North the Catholic church. Enquire of M. W. FA UK, Insurance Agent, l>ai by Block, Oct. 27, 1870. ttf AngUBta. Cushing & Holmes ARE HAVING ZVice Fresh Oysters Again, and are dUpensdng them to their cnstemera in all parts of the city. Thanking all for their past patronage, we hope for A Continuance of the tame, And others who desire to be furnished with the Best Fresh Fish and Oysters, there is in tho market. -ALSO-* Salt, Corned and Smoked FISH,, of all descriptions. l‘.s.—We are receiving dailv Genuine BhcUTAST' CLAMS, the only Fish Market in thc«ity where they can lie obtained. CUSHING & HOLMES, Near R. U. Bridge, Water .street* AUM'&TA.. novb-ttf A. F. EMBRY, - HEALER JN Hoof, Pork, button, Veal, Poultry, Tripe* SausagoM, Fruit* Vogotnbles, d'o. No. 2 Market Square, AUGUSTA. novlO-ttf COULD & ADAMS, DEALERS IN) Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry,Tripe, Sausages, S nit Provisions, «Hc., Granite Block, 123 Water Street, A VGA'S T A. JohS G. ADAMS. OUTER Gui ld. ttj- Cask p*rd rt>r Country Produce, Wool. Wool Skinh, Iluics, Ac. ncr2*(0m. War in Europe!! Ilurrali for CHARLEY HOBBS. HK has just removed into his New anti ElSOAKT Store on Water nearly opposite Union Street, where he will keep constantly on hand a Choice Selection of Fruits — AND — Confectionery of all kinds. Also a Splendid Lot of Gent’s FurnlHbliig Good. I of every description. lie bus a Fine Lot of Genl’e Ties, of nil the Latest and Most Pleasing Styles. Those in want of a Fine Flavored CIGAR, or some of the REST Smoking TOBACCO to be lound In the State, O.- anything in CltAItLEY’s Line, will do Tell to • Give him a Cali. ..’■Don’t forget the New Store.-iso. C IIAS. HOBBS, Witter St., IIaUiOM’ell novia-ftf IV EW Millinery and Fancy Goods! Misses SACItT & WHITE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF" HVnfrr .llilUnrry tf Inttry GooAt, Consisting of French lints, and Flow©vs, ROMAN SASHES, RIBBONS ATIES, REAL LACES, And FEATHEHS of atl descriptions. Corner Bridge and Water Streets. octlO-ttf