Newspaper Page Text
A^Xoung Patriot Ol R S4'■' *1 l .' vfrnment rr.ii* nvllionii >>f iMUf* ni«r^, • . | r. war 1 ••'!• >'< bring thr U t , |M «. I" l ultf »rtny 4tr! " ■ ir( «n IS V'ES F Ml NT, srrurr.l t » .11 tlie wmlrli of tht I St»lr. it r ti> lir-( . o.intt\ . n r«r« !»•.«• ' <•* " )'rr ■ t.imi ..i"l f r I>*' l> f *"'111 . r ( t"\f iwii«*nf. The children of Maine are patriots! They have invested,' in War Savings Stamps, far more (in proportion) than the older folk. But wc older folk have bought only two War Savings Stamps where we should 'have - bought three. One third of our quota has not hern subscribed. SAVE «> SERVE jtnr WAR SAVINGS stamps .WS-S-J But a few days now remain to us to buy, to makegood the fair name of our State, and to complete our solemn duty to State and Nation. Fulfill Your Pledge the Boys have made good Their Pledge L-Js > nn maim; mkn MSTKI) IN ( ASt' M.TIKS I'fie .nln.wlnir nnsiinlfltMt hi*- rc j.iirtel hv tin i ‘iimin inil me I'aennrnl < i th" Aim rl'iin I'xj'»-a*i Innary Kill*'! in art lain, .’7S, niisnin* In II- Hon l11}. WoUll.l'll Utavoroly, llfiT; a) la *1 of WOliml* .’OH: a f I a • a 1 Ot lllsriyi , l<aX allnal a if II. . |a|a III Hill) a.(Ill r • MUHIN, H. lltoaf '.f Illtt'l alia " I I'l'-n' ?», IV o 1111 < I a' a |. tla'Hr a1' ■ II ll'l *' t * V 111 I n* a I. iijo, ttaitinila'il aliuht l\ _'rc, total. 7 * 11. The list for \ot Kntrlnnd is as fol ia a* M Killed in Action. l o'. DONALD W NORTON, K INGFIELD, ME . la in \ I'aton, N'iv lluva n. < "iin . Iv.iro \\\ V. oi l.aiy VVIIIIanistown. Mas . Snrcts. Joseph Dumas. North Adfirns, Mass.; Joseph A. Tromt'lov linnnlnrton. Vt ; Ifi'tiry laapan, \\ llllmnntl. ''mm . Ilaalla'y \1 M.n I h' froH Danvers. Muss Krnll I' Ni'liloiann, Wata-r 1'iirv. i 'min Knrl l! \\ leh I'overe Muss 1‘iivnlrs ROBERT M BOR LANO, STOCKHOLM. ME.; William Atni kri na’ss \\ alllncf"' <1, t’onn: Jti paillto I l.a/a M.r.i li'st. r \ II., Jana i r tin It otv i It i I It Mk< pot t I'unn ; AVIlliam I. >tn a. M aM< In•' • • . Conn ’ lUrharil I Ttutn Sunn i i ll lo. Mass : Turn I tit ells <'intinl I .ills |; | titm Mine, Toriinston < '.inn l.n?.<nwt 1 Ion a trust'in Thnmpsni \ Hr. Conn D'*H of Accident and Other Causes. I'lli it' ■ i iiarpe I Iiih U me vri jiaistnn Mass tank M I "SU«on 1 11 a111 i»111 I \' . a s s Died of Airplane Acci 'ent, I .imi t t h tat I: To into ItostPn. |ll Its Died of Wound*. 1 anil' i.i’diB" ;. \ n i fa a r \ll«tnr, Miij.i : Francis W. Whitney. Need ham Heights, Mass.: Srrgt. Richard I Dennis. Kdgewnod. R. k: Corps. LAWRENCE J. BRADLEY. MILLI NOCKET, ME.: William .James Leo minster, Mass.; Mechanic fieri N. Hansenm, Pottsmoiith, N. II.: Wag mii'r John M. Fernandez, North Tiv erton. I: I : Privates Victor P. flood win. New llnven. t'onn.: Tommaso OMavinn olneyville. It. |- Jeremotli \ ttrnwn Pane. .Mass.: Philins Cote, Claremont, N. II ; ALDEN M. GAY TON. AUBURN, ME.; Robert M. Murin’, Cambridge, VP; Benjamin C. Ksnu. Milton, Mass.: Prank A. Welch, Lawrence, Mass. Die'* of Disease. Serirt l,ii> \ Ins I .am iers, St. Al bans, Yt : Corp. Albert I". Jordan, l.vnn. Mass ; Piixates W ilfred JS. Ilrosseuii, Leominster, Mass.; Medric Poiirnler, Jr. Warren, R. I : LESLIE P. DEMERI7T, SANFORD. ME. Wounded Severely. Units. Paul C. Courtney, Boston, Mas* Harold B. Katon. Boston, Mas- Si rgts. Pr ank A. Tlentschell. ''llftondale. M:i: s : Joseph Annensky. Last Cambridge, Mass : Ceorgp (!. Sheppard, Worcester, Mass.: Marry Morphv, Mhol, Mass : Mexar.der P*-7, i Lyonsvllle. I!, i : Walter \sh, \nthonv It. I : Charles K. Ma\nes. Worcester Mass ; Payson A. Perrin. Worerstei. Mass.; William S. Bradford, t'antbrldge. Mass.: Corps. HERBERT H. FOSTER. FARMING TON. ME.! William May hew. Brock- I Inn Mass : David C. Milne. Spring- | field. Mess.: Charles I-'. Swift. Pair in’ - n. Mass : l-'reddle Wilder. Ster ling. Mass : William Graham, Wo burn, Mass.; Joseph A. Lemioiix. Salem, Mass : James F. McOInty, Lee. Moss ; Richard P. McGrath, Law rence. Mas«’ John Wavnock. South Manchester, Conn.: Poland W. Glad den, Agawam. Mass.: George K. Lund. Worcester, Mass.; Philip W. Mona ghan, Dorchester, Mass.; Amos W. Oldfield, West Newton, Mass.: ROY T. SWANBERG, NEW SWEDEN. ME.; William Young, Ashland, H.: Alden M. Brown, Marblehead, Mass.: James H. Carney, Somerville. Mass.: Wilfred J. Cowette. Gorham, X. H.; Michael Do Marco. New Haven, Conn.: Mechanics FRED R. PRATT. CHARLESTON. ME.; Carl A. Bjur man, Worcester, Mass.; COOK SCOTT J. PALMER, NORWAY, ME.: Privates JOSEPH A. VE^LEAUEX, WATERVILLE, ME.; Albion IJ. Wil ford, Taunton, Mass.: Bernard - T. Gray, Dorchester, Mass.: Joseph L. Labounty, North Tiverton, R. I.; Diamanta Yarrecchione, West War wick, It. 1.: Antonio Zouras, Boston, Mass.; William H. McCall. Cam bridge, Mass.: Chesterfield Pirie, South Manchester, Conn.: A delard C. Donais. Worcester, Mass.: EDWARD b. McDonald, farmington, ME.: Nathan M. Pierpnnt, Water bary, Conn.: Patrick J. Power Wor cester. Mass.: Marshall Blais, Chico pee Falls. Mass.; Nicademo Brlcall, West Stoekbridge, Mass.: Francis Burbank, Springfield, Mass.: HafTaele Fa vale, Waterbury. Conn.; Daniel .1. Goulding;, Providence, It. T.; David Templeton, North Cohakset, Mass.; Allen H. McKenna, West Lvnn, Mass.: ELWIN F. OPCUTT, NEW VINEYARD, ME.; Thomas .1. Burns, Cambridge. Mass.; David F. Cana way. Somerville, Mass.: ltd ward D. Cleveland. Brockton, Mass.: Austin Magoon, Greensboro Mend, Yt.; Joseph Brzuchalski, Hartford, Conn.: Augustus F. Chilcott. Melrose. Mass.; Abraham J. Gershawitz. New Con don, Conn : Wiliiarn L. Martino. Control your Heat Supply Perfection Oil Heaters save money, work and discomfort. You have instant heat always on tap—you control your fuel supply—avoid coal hod, ash pan slavery. Carry a Perfection Oil Heater from room to room by its ever-cool handle. It quickly brings low temperatures to the comfort point. It runs full blast for 8 hours on one gallon of SO-CO-NY OIL—the in expensive fuel. Perfection Oil Heaters are easy light and clean. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OK NEW YORK Sold by hardware and general stores PERFECTION OIL HEATERS A Hartford, Conn.: Howard N\ Sey ; mour, Bridgeport, Conn.; JASPER B. {SHAW, YORK CORNER, WE.; Ed ! win K. Stewart, Newport, K. L; ! Patrick J. Normandy, New Haven, (Conn.; Stanley Plucinski. Vallngport, Conn.; Charles F. Seabrooks, Boston, j Mass.; Francis H. Speer. Bridgeport, j Conn.; Frank C. Durkee. Swainp scott, Mass.; Patrick F. Hynes, j Everett, Mass.; John M. Curtis, Co* i hasset, Mass.; Charles Marthcrs, ! Moosup, Conn.; Vincent Kralesky, ■ Middletown, Conn.; Joseph F. Roche, ’ Neponset. Mass.; Louis A. Souvigney, i Springfield, Mass.; Michael J. Walsh, j South Framingham. Mass.; Edward ! C. Bader, Easthampton. Mass.; James J. Coughlin. East Boston, Mass.; I Frank A. Dowd, Windsor Locks, j ; Conn.: LUDGER DROUIN, AU- j BURN, ME.; John H. Fisher, Bever- j 1 iy. Mass.; Wendlln J. Jerome, Horn- j <!ervllle. Mass.; I'aul A. Healey. il-oweH, Mass.: WENDELL M. BEMIS, BURNHAM, ME.; Edward : i-\ Denzel, Bridgeport, Conn.; Lewis J. Perpv, Gloucester, Mass.; William J. Dwyer, New Arlington, Mass.; f Frank E. Olson, Worcester. Mass.; ■ Onori itossi, Providence, I'.. I.; ! | George P. Ward. Watertown, Mass.; Cornelius Allen, New Haven, Conn.; Gustavo Berube, Fall Uiver, Mass.; George B. Currie, Brockton, Mass.; i Henry L. Olsen, Oakville, Conti.; Warren L. Wheeler, Orleans, Vt.; j Leslie M. Robinson, Essex Junction, Vt.; Russell P. Rogers. Scotland. Conn.; Jacob Komanski, Lowell, Mass.; Wiltord Dupois, Fall River, M.i; ~ ; Pas<iunle llagliardi, Provi i d'.ttco, R. I.: Gustave 1’. Hiiska, South Samlersfield. Mass.: Edward J. Slattery, llolyohr. .Mass.: brands \\ . I Whitman. NOrthfield, Mass.; Steve | Lontowski. New Haven. Cotwi.; Dan '' iel .1. Callahan. Bridgeport. Conn.; Joseph Russet, llindsbttrg, W., Cecil W. Burden. Hudson, Mass.; Everett P. Chalmers, Brighton. Mass.; John .1. Coffey, West Somerville, Mass.; Charles J. Dowett, New Haven, Conn.; Alexander Gaidis. Lowell, Mass.; CLINTON A. HANNAFORD, CAPE ELIZABETH, ME.; Edward lit. Hodgman, Concord, N. H.; Clement D. Hubert, Hudson, Mass.; | James E. Hughes, Graylock, Mass.: j Peter' loakim, New Haven. Conn.: | Arthur H. Mecham, Lynn, Mass.; Al fred Martin, Acushnet, iMass.; John ■ c. Clark, P.oston, M,ass.; Michael J. j Doherty, Boston, Mass.: f rank E. tire*1!, iiov.k»:»iv» ^ / .— earner Providence, H. I.: William J. Higgins, New Haven, Conn.; John T. Kelly, Clinton, Maes.; Harve> H. Judd. Southbury, Conn. Wounded, Degree Undetermined. Units. Itenel A. 1’ierce, Taunton, Mass.; William !•'. Maker, Dorches ter. Mass.; Albert M. Simons, Hart ford, Conn.: Albert J. lloddy. Dor Chester, Mass.; Sorgts. Frank E. Dee. J Waterbury, Conn.; Abel E. Peirce, | Hill, X. H.; William H. Borden, | Crystal Springs, Mass.; William F. j Dwyer, Frovldence. It. f.; Oliver S. ; Slawson, Fayvilie, .Mass.; Raymond , E. Hemenwaj, Newton Center, Mass.; Deo Eacasso. bawivnce, Mass.; Corps. Gordon D. Richardson, ; Reading, Mass.; Alfred A. Roberts,] New Bedford. Mass.; James Iv I', j Uobart, Cambridge, Mass.; Arthur \V. Desnoyer. Fail River, Mass.; John J. Beilin, Vast Boston, Mass.; I John E. Murphy. Greenheld, Mass.; William R. Simpson, Brockton, Mass.: Waldon K. Stiles, Winchen don. Mass.: Dennis R. Coughlin, Cambridge. Mass.: Edward A. Daley, l.ynn. Mass.: i.awrence Cronin, Dor chester, Mass.: Mechanic Cooper J. Saunders, Jamaica Plain. Mass.: j Privates William J. McNamara, ! 1 Worcester. .Mass.: fcUL'lLi HOULTON, ME.: Edward E. Poole. ! Kail River, Mass.: Joseph Uybnik, i Dorchester, .Mass.: Otto Schrader, | Fitchburg, Mass.: RODNEY C. WIL LIAMS, HAMPDEN HIGHLANDS, ! ME.: William Devons, Cambridge, : Mass.: Augustus •). Cardoza. Chelsea, I Mass.: Loo Collins. Brookline, Mass.; I John J. Craney, Waterbury. Conn.: ! • Paul S. Crowley. Winooski. Vt.: i Edgar L. Cordeau, Lawrence, Mass.: Pasquale l.auretti, Bos ton, Mass.: Nicholas J. O’Biren, Bristol. Conn.: Antonio .Milanese, Harrington, t’onn.: Frederick Brook, Indian Orchard, Mass.: Peter Cala penti, Springfield, Mass.: Theodore) jchesick. Hartford, Conn.: CHARLES DOWBRIDGE. EMERYVILLE. ME.; Joseph A. Dowling, Naugatuck, : Conn.; Simon Silverman, Providence, i R. I.:, Daniel F. Berry, Somerville, Mass.; John C. Bridgham, South I Braintree, Mass.; Coleslaw Budnick. ! New Britain, Conn.; Frank S. Rob erts, Oakv ille, Conn.; Robert E. ! Walsh, West Rutland, Vt.; Paul c. .Touannet, Brookline, Mass.: RAY MOND L. MERRITT. BROCKS, ME.: j Walter H. Thomas, Attleboro, Mass.:j Vincenzo Corruto, Torrington, Cohn.; j Joseph K. Martin, Clielsea, Mass.: Harry M. White, Amherst, Mass.; George A. Blackwell, Lawrence, Mass.; Charles A. Mathews, Bien ville, Conn.; Anthony Petkus, Bridgeport. Conn.; Edward .A. Quain, Malden, Mass.; Frank Thom-i as, Waterbary, Conn.; James 11. Barry Fall River, Mass.; Cyrus A. | Brayton, Poultney, Vt.; Franklin J. 1 Brundage, Cami>ridge, Mass.: I Imondi Cranston, R. I.; Stephen Rubelmnn Eeymour, Conn.; George E. Alien, Bane, Mass.; Robert A. Armitage. Fall River, Mass.: Ray mond W. Knapp Hartford, Conn.; Matto Di Vosto. Quincy, Mass.; Charles J. Costello. New Haven, j Conn.: Patrick J. McGuire, Manches ter. Conn.: Michael J. Manning, An dover, Mass.; Isidor Pilkierus, New I Britain, Conn.; Chester 8. Ripley,; New Bedford. Mass.: lloratlo Rog ers, Chestnut Hill, Mass.; John C. j Saunders, New Britain, Conn.; Frederick E. Saunders Jamaica; Plain, Mass.: George W. Snvage, i New Haven. Conn : Frank O. Simo- j vitch, West Roxbury, Mass.; Albert Berg, Clinton, Conn.; John A. Crow ley Charlestown. Mass.: George H. Tihslierany, Lawrence, Mass.; George V. York. Waterburv, Conn.; Michael J. Dubourge, Torrington, Conn.; Andy Dugan, Bridgeport, Conn.: EDWARD H. BELEHAN. • PORTLAND. ME.: Thomas McKier-j man. New Hgven, Conn.: Willard Pochnett. Mashapee, Mass.; Richard! White, East Boston Mass.; Pas- J quale Iannone, Providence, R. I.; j Henry Imhoff, Bridgewater, Conn.; ! Ermingilo Lombardi. Providence, ! R. I.; Joseph M. O'Hara. Brighton, ' Mass.; Fred A. Vincent, Springfield. Mass.: Salvatore Grasso. Bridgeport, i Conn.; EBEN H. RICHARDS. BEN TON, ME.: Abraham Shindel. St. j Johnsbury. Vt.; John J. Corcoran, . Middleboro. Mass.; Arthur L. Gad- j hois. Providence, R. I.; Oreste Ginh ehe, Rutland, Vt.: John E. Herbert, Everett. Mass.; William J. Hester, Lawrence. Mass.: James Carey, Bridgeport. Ct.; Pasquale Jarnfoo. East Boston. Mass.; FRANK MIL ESKA, LEWISTON, ME.; George J. ONLY MEDICINE MADE FROM FRUIT Eilraordinary Success which: "Fruit-a-lltas” Has Achieved One reason why "Frtllt-a-tlves" ! is so extraordinarily successful in I giving relief to those suffering with I Constipation, Torpid Liver. Indiges- j tion. Chronic Headaches, Neuralgia, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Rheu matism, Pain in the Bach, Eczema and other Skin Affections, is. because it is the only medicine in the world made from fruit Juices. These “Fruit Live!- Tablets” are composed of the medlclhal principles found in apples, oranges, figs and prunes, together with the nerve ton ics and antiseptics. 50c. a box', 6 for $2.50. trial size 25c. At dealers or from FRUIT-A-T1VES | Limited. OCDENSBURG, N\ Y.—Adv. i Moran. Waterbury, Conn : Archie A. j Yigneault, Littleton, N. II,; Joseph | Rinoldi, Hartford, Conn.; FRED ERICK, AUDETTE, SOUTH PORT-i LAND. ME.; William C. Rates, Belt- : uale, Mass.; Johan T. Johnson, Bridgeport, Ct.; Dottirnick Henle, I'lalhville, Ct.; Joseph I’. Cronin, Manchester, X, If.; John DomlUoskv. Fast Hampton, Mass.; Maurice A. Mcaney, Waterbury, Ct.: Patrick J. Cosgrove. Lawrence, Mass.: Freder ick G. Harmon, Waverly, Mass.; Al drie Laferaier, Now Bedford. Mass.; William K. Lawrence. MCrideh. Ct.; Mathew Ficca. Roxbury, Mass.; Nor ris II. Hammond, Ludlow, Vi.; Franklin O. Rice, Miilbury. Mass.; Grant L. Wright, Gardner, Mass.; Frank J. Blanchard. South Man chester. Ct.; John A. Clark, Somer ville, Mass.; Cairn C. Downey, Cam ! bridge. Mass.: James Lees. East j Cambridge, Mass.: Rocco Piso. Fratn ! ingham, Mass.; Leonard J. Piersoh, ! Baldwinsville. Mass.; Emile Rous , seau. Berlin, N. H.; Konstantine J. Ycnknuckas, Bridgeport, Ct.: George Loukidcs, Derby, i t.; william i . Welsh, Newtonville, Mass.; Albert Hill, Providence, ft. I.; Joseph E. Conte, West Somerville, Mass.; Alex ander Krzizewski, Ansonia, Ct.: Ray mond F. Lyons, Northampton, Mass.; Alva W. Stevens, Derby, Ct.; Wil liam J. Davis, ltoSton, Mass.;. John J. Hines, Jamaica Plain, Mass.; Jo seph Grandmaison, Hooksett, N. 11.; Arthur Provost, Manville, H. I.; ames II. Murray, Bridgeport, Ct. Wounded Slightly Capt. Arthur A. Gammell, Provi dence, R. I.: Lleuts. John A. A£ne\v, East Lynn. Mass.; William A. Dob son. Fort Greble, It. ].; William A. Gordon, New Haven. Conn.; lsraet Weinstein, Woonsocket, R. I.; Sergts. Joseph F. DeCota, Charlestown, Mass.; Ephriam Tetreault, Woon socket, it. L: Patrick BuHer Btidg.e watcr. Mass.; Gitfrld P. Person, Wor cester, Mass.; John Petrucelli, Bridgeport, Conn.; Martin J. Flynn, Manchester, N. H.; Joseph F. Abely, .Winthrop, Mass.; Corps. Henry F. Hogan, Winthrop. Mass.; Michael J. Manning, Londonderry, N. 11.; Leon ard McDonnell. New Bedford, Mass.; tdin L. Richardson, Andover. Mass.: Eugene Roy, North Attleboro, Mass.; Chester A. Bradley, Lowell, Mass.; John J. Barry. Beverly, Mass.: Les lie R. Clough. Malden. Mass.; Ernest L. Graveline, Pawtucket, R. 1.: Edwin L. Cleaves, Lawrence, Mass.: Albert H Souza, Gloucester, Mass.; William H. Greenhow, Andover. Mass.; Charles Hove, Springfield, Mass.; James W. Edwards. Windsor, Vt.; Phillip Eox, Naugatuck. Conn.: John J. Ryan, Holyoke. Mass.; John ,1. McCann. South Manchester, Conn.; PERLEY O. BUTLER, WATER VILLE, ME.; Thomas W. Fitzgerald, Lowell, Mass.: Abraham Millen, Dor chester .Mass.; Wagoners Ernest P. Bertrand, Quincy, Mass.; Oscar 11. Si ammons, New Bedford. Mass.; Pri vates Albert Jaris, Acushne.t, Mass.; Hyman Silverman, Chelsea, Mass.; Henry II. Weinburg, Peabody, Mass.; Ernest C. Wiggin, J,ynn, Mass.; Har ry W. Peterson, Union City, Conn.; Arthur A. Smith. Somerset, Mass.; ALFRED CHASE, ISLAND FALLS, ME.; Martin P. Cunniff, Roxbury, Mass.; Michael Ematrucco, New Ha ven. Conn.: Geoffrey Houle. Gardner, Mass.; Norman D. Mackay, Roxbury, Mass.: Albert F. Poehlman, Deny. N. H. ; John Peters, Jr., West Concord, X. II.; James Wright, Torrington, Conn.: Henry Alevy, Hartford, Conn.; Joseph D. Evangelist. Providenee, R. I. : Henry J. Cavin, Shelton, Conn.; Maurice A. Lowe, Clinton, Mass.; Antonio Capoverdi, Providence, R. I.; William F. Reilly, Providence, II. 1.; Clair R. Regan, St. Albans, Vt.; Ar thur Cole, Andover, Maks.; James K. Finnegan, New London, Conn.; Ber nard Tobasky, Malden. Mass.; Car melo Dicara. Essex, Conn.; Ailricn Dupont. Holyoke, Mass.; William Gouin, Waterville, N. 11.; John N. Curran, New Haven, Conn.; Corne lius T. Driscoll, East Peppered, Mass.; William Driscoll, Woonsocket. ];. 1.; Leon G. Thuette, New Bedford, Mass.: EVERETT J. BRADFORD, BROOKS. ME.; Alexander Coleman, New Haven. Conn.; George W. Coul art, Allston, Mass.; Leonard Izzo, Bridgeport. Conn.; Patsy Mariano. New llaven, Conn.: Cyril I*. Meyette, Adams, Mass.; Anthony A. Daekson, Hoyleston. Mass,; Frederick W. Jones. Reeds Ferry, N. H.: Gazimierz Waszak. Manchester, Mass.; Manuel L. Arruda, Fall River, Mass.; E. W. Crickard, Roslindaie, Mass.; Della- ! valle, Boston, Mass.; Michael Prac-1 zukowski, Jewett City, Conn.: Oscar J Primai, Cehtral Falls. R. I.; Howard : T. Stout, Somerville, Mass.; 8YL- ! complaints. For - over 60 years they have relied on ' GRAYS SYRUP , RED SPRUCE GUM' for prompt results. With the lowered strength and vitality of age they realize more than ever before the importance of having Gray*« Syrup on hand for immediate use. gs K«n fcvy Mw Lay*. sis* Montreal D. WATSON 0 CO . ftou VESTER THOMPSON, EASTPORT, ME.; Daniel N. Wade, Manchester, Vt.; James E. Contoh, Norwood. | Mass.; John L. Evans, Holyoke. Maks.; John J. Hagerty, Worcester, Mass.; Haig Halajian, Hopedale, Mass.; Daniel F. Linehan. Somer ville, Mass.; William L. Nickerson. Dorchester. Mass.; Peter Dembak. Holyoke, Mass.; Percy W. E-dale. Chelsea, Mass.; Stacos J. Mellekas. Newport, R. I.; Joseph A. Michaud. Lowell, Mass.; Timothy J. O’Leary. New Bedford, Mass.: Jose M. Pontes, Fall River, Mass.; Hugh A. Steven son, Woburn, Mass.; Edward J. Suth erland, Waterbury. Conn.; Lawrohee T. Bruce, Groveton, N, H.; EPH RAIM COOPER, NORTH VAS SALBORO, MAINE; Louis P. Courcy, Taunton, Mass.; Charles E. Gilineas, Chicopee, Mass.; John Birdsell. Stamford, Conn.; Leo C. Brooks. Ewing, Mass.: Arthur H. Buxton, Brookline, Mass.; Frank J. Collins. Waltham, Mass.; Albert A. Coulomb, Fall River, Mass.; Thomas M. Daniels, Woonsocket, R. I.; Frank Comeau, Brockton, Mass.; Howard A. Doolittle, Bethany. Conn.; Fran cis W. DuFour, Rollinsford, X. H.: William McKay, Fitchburg, Mass.; Clifford B. Mellon; Worcester, Mass.; Roland C. It • cl, Agawam, Mass.; Clarence W. Lod. Worcester, Muss.; William Recka, Waltham. Mass.: Al fred Topham, Lawrence, Mass.; Michael J. Lydon, Uoxbury, M;iSs.: EMILE SEACOTTE, RUMFORD. ME.; Ontario Btepliano, Bennington, N. 11.; Edward F. Doyle, East Bos ton, Mass.: Janies J>. Malian. Clinton. Mass.; Aepiila <!. Mireault, Holyoke, Mass.; Wardnor ,1. Hayward, Hart ford, Conn.; Irving R. Freeto, Marhle lirad, Mass.; David J. Girard, North Adams, Mass.; James W. Armeson, Longmondow. Mass.; Thohias Lynch, New Haven. Conn.; James P. Mr Gill icuddv, Newport.. It. 1.: Thornton S. Swift, Bourne. Mass.; Stanley Grab okski, New Haven, Conn.; Mortimer P, Sullivan, Newport, K. I.: Frank C. Blodgett, Tyngs boro. Mass.; Peter ■ Jacob. Liv ingston, Cohn.; James H. Mc Donald, Fall River. Mass.: Henry C. Meyers, Turners Falls, Mass.; Fran cis D. O'Day, Hydeville, Vt.; Arthur A. Odell, Williamstown, Mass.: THOMAS N. WILLETT, OLD TOWN, ME.; Lawrence, A. Wogan, Brookline, Mass.; THEOPHILE GAGNE, LEWISTON, Me.; Gerald J. Mason, Barre, Vt.; Patrick J. O’Lea ry. Dorchester, Mass.: Edward F. Stafford, Lancaster, Mass.: John S. Wilk. Adams, Mass.; EDWIN O. JONES. NEWPORT. ME.; George Ford, Cambridge. Mass.: Charles A. Hurlburt, New Britain, Conn.; Tlieo phile Bachand, Collinsville, Conn.; | Conn.: Micha'el J. Clarke. Bos ton, Mass.;’ Thomas J. Hughes, | Boston. Mass.; Cornelius K. Al len. Peace Dale, It. I.; George T. lviniglis, Brockton, Mass.; George H. O’Brien. Cambridge, Mass.; Joseph Bow, Jr.. Bridgeport, Conn.: FRANK O. YOUNG, RED BEACH, ME.; Har old L. Crowley. Waltham, Mass.; j Harvey C. Grindle, Brockton, Mass.; jHenry W. Hough. Enfield, N. 11.; i John J. MoGilvary, Waltham, Mass.; I Michael Boyle, South Manchester. Conn.: Arthur Noel, Lowell, Mass.; ! Russell A. Wylde, Lawrence, Mass.; Napoleon Desolier, Gardner, Mass.: I Frank S. Grove. Somerville, Mass.: ALLAN G. HUSSEY, BIDDEFORD, ME.; Joseph W. Martin. Roxbury, Mass.; Joseph F. Collins, Dorchester, Mass.; Clarence \\\ Alexander, West Stockbridge, Mass.; Edmund J. Hunt. Woonsocket. K. I.: Michael Jose. As sonet. Mass.: ROBERT LEVEE. PORTLAND, ME. X. H.; Mass.: Mass.; Mass.; Missing in Action Major John O. 1‘rince, New London. Conn.: Limits. Clark liobinson, Brookline. Mass.; William F. Vollon weidcr, Now Fla von. Conn.; Samuel 1’. Mandoll, Boston, Mass.; Corps. Frederick A. Marroit, Flainstiold. Conn.; Ashley M. Morton, Warner, K. Brown, Revere. John Fitzpatrick, Worcester, Raymond Read. Millbury, Mechanic Paul K. l’otvin. Manchester, X. II : l“rtvates CHARLES W. MORTON. FRIEND SHIP. ME.; Tomacz Tenczar. Holy joke, Mass.: Charles Trcntini, Rarre, | \'t.; Charles 15. Trobel. Torrington, | Conn.; Fred Younggebaucr, Law j renee. Mass.: Kngehe Barney. Ilart I ford Conn.: Fred Brown, Burlington, | A t.: RAOUL LEVESQE. LEWIS TON, ME.; Merrett TO. Partridge, I Keene, X. H.: Joseph Chio sek, Chicopee, Mass.; Tony i’o uto, Providence, R. I.: Ri mer F. Johnson. Worcester, Mass.; , Albert .1. Larose, Northampton, Mass.: Thomas P. McGarrahan, Dor chester, Mass.: Frank F. Bejardin, lOasi Warren, R. 1.: James Ft. Butler, Hartford, Conn.: Oeorgo .1. Clark. Linden, Mass.; HENRY D. HILL. ROCKLAND. ME.; Jules Jalbert, Lawrenec, Mass.; Simon Kaplan, Hartford, Conn.; Jolin 1'. Lea eh, Brockton, Mass.; Fsailore R. Morin, Salem, Mass.; Alec Xekrasewie^, Xeedham. Mass.; Harry F. Petty, St. Johnsbury, Vt.; Salve PiSeotta, Fitchburg, Mass., Pietro Kigali, 1 aw tucket. R. 1. Died of Wounds Received in Action. Previously Reported Missing in Ac tion Corporal Harold L. Dutton, Ports mouth. X. 11. Wounded Severely, Pre^ious'y Re ported Missing in AcMon Privates John .). Connors. I’orts mouth, N. H.: Carl H. Dreehael. Woonsocket. B. 1.; Newton A. Hurl hurt, Bristol, Yt.: Ralph M. Killelea. Leominster. Mass.; GORDON NOYES, NORWAY. ME.; LEWIS F. PRESTON, BARING, ME.; Morris Salman, If Brindley street, Newport, B. I. Wounded Slightly. Previously Re ported Missing in Action Private Joseph Patra, 1? Uockliffe street, Fall River, Mass. HINCKLEY Mrs. John Conner Mrs. John Connor passed away at her home Saturday night, after a long illness with rheumatic trouble.! She leaves a husband and two sons, the youngest of whom is in camp. Her age was 58 years. Leslie Dabgett Leslie Daggett dropped dead last Thursday evening. He came home from work on a hay press in Rkow hegan Monday night to take care of his wife and daughter and had a bad cold himself. His ngp was about CO years. Miss Lucy Dinsmore hts gone to the Daggett home to care for the sick ones. Arthur War^well U in the store Is This Your Bill? “The Sins of the Flesh” are punished in this world—not in the next. Disease is not an accident, rior is it sent by Providence. It is Nature's punishment for the breaking of her laws, Hemorrhoids, for example, occasion an infinite degree of discomfort, suffering and misery. So does a fissure or a fistula. But such punishments are meted out to those who sin against Nature in two wavs, by neglecting to maintain regular, easy, thorough evacuation of the bowels—who form the bad habit of constipation, or, what is a worse habit, the taking of pills, castor oil, purgative mineral waters, salts, etc.,with the mistaken idea of overcoming constipation by forcing the bowels to move unnaturally. But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation prevents such sins of the flesh, or mitigates the punishment therefor. Nujol helps to re-establish easy, regular, thorough evacuation of the bowels. Nujol is not a drug, does not act like any drug. Nujol is absolutely harmless. Nujol keeps the waste matter soft, moist and easily voided. Nujol is not absorbed, does not affect the body—acts as a mechanical lubricant, which can be used for any length of time, (iet Nujol from your druggist. Take Nujol according to directions. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD.OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) ' SO Broadway, New York IF/ti'9‘Yl iYi (f • NUJOL is sold only in M *<=»• sealed bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on NUJOL. You may suffer from substitutes. “My Little Pets Love Cascarets” TO MOTHERS! If you will learn to give this harmless candy cathartic to your children, in stead of castor oil, calomel and pills, you will save money and avoid lots of worry and trouble. Truly I When one of the kiddies has a white tongue, a tainted breath* sour stomach or a cold; when bilious, constipated, feverish, rcmembcfi a Cascaret to quickly work” away the nasty bile, sour fermentation! and poisons should always be the first treatment given. Children really like to take candy Cascaret* and they never gripe the tender bowels, never injure, and never disappoint the worried mother. Give Cascarets to children one year old and upwarJs. Each 10 cent box contains full directions for children and adults. again after several days’ confine ment to his room with n cold. ♦ Pchool closed Friday with exer cises in the evening and a aciiool Christmas tree to which the parents were invited. Mr. and Mrs. Karlo Palmer enter tained friends Friday evening on their third wedding anniversary, lte freshments of Ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Linnie Bessey has been en tertaining friends from Madison the Past few days; also friends from Skowhegan. Fd Connor is confined to the house by sickness. Alton Nason returned from Massa chusetts Saturday evening and visit ed his sister. Mrs. Henry Manson be fore going to his home in Canaan. Ernest Shepherd has returned home from the hospital in Waterville, where he had been confined by pneu monia. His wife and little daughter are still there. SMITHFIEL1) Card of Thanks Wp wish to thank our neighbor* nnd friends for their kindness alinvn us at the death of our aunt and ino ther, also for the beautiful floral trib utes. karl a. holmes, OTIS S. HOLM KM, MUM. AN NIK JOHNSON, MRS. RUBY GLIDDKN, MR. & MRS. CLEAVK G ETCHELI* Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, cr II for full LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lots. l^ook for signature of E j* GROVE. Cures a Cold In One l>»>' ^ A bulldog In the family of flray of Mystic, Conn., who used to live seven or eight miles aw&v, a‘ Noank, has yielded several times t° homesickness and gone hack to the old home, “visiting” with the new tenant until he was put ahofird the car and sent back to Mystic. A dangerous rasping cough and sore throat can be quickly relieved by Kemp’s Ba jam. A few cents invested in a bottle will amply repay you when you have occasion to use. Used by thousands. Satisfaction guar aateed. Sold by druggists everywhere;