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Jttbtcum State cntuicL S EJI I - W ECU L.Y. rTFRVM V1CIH5CE Ii THE PB1CE OF LIBERTY. IIIAN AI'OMS XOVOIHER 12, THE SESSION SENTINEL. The time is close at hand when we shall commence our Session State Sentinel. We are Tally convinced that a tri-weekly paper will be equally valuable and more economical than a daily, and have therefore concluded so to publish. Our session paper will be of the same large size as the Weekly Indiana State Senti nel, and afforded at one dolhr. We shall have full and accurate reports of the proceedings of the Legis lature made up daily ; and we have also engaged competent law reporters to report the decisions or the high courts. The importance of the action of the next Legislature upon subjects of vast interest to the peo ple at large, must Ic apparent to all ; and all arc in terested in the information to be obtained from a full report of their proceedings. We have further en gaged regular correspondents at Washington city, who will keep us constantly and correctly advised of p U matters of importance relative to every branch of the Government. A9 some may wish to subscribe for a longer term than the se-sion, or for the Weekly Sentinel, we subjoin our terms in full : State Sentinel, serni-wcckly, and tri-wcekly during the session, Ä4 00 per year. State Sentinel, Weekly, 00 per year. Three copies v3 ; Five copies ; Ten copies $15 ; Twen ty copies S'Jl) ; Fifty copies, $10. Triweekly for the session, $1 00. Weekly for the session, 50 cents. Marion Comity Convention. By appointment, the Convention met on Saturday last, the 6th int. On motion, Jacob Vandegrift, Esq., was called to the chair, and Edwin Hedpeely appointed Sec retary. There being but few delegates present, on motion of 31 r. Roberts, it was ResolteJ, That this Convention adjourn, to meet at the same place on SATURDAY, the '2'2d inst., at 10 o'clock, a. m. Resolved, That the several townships be especially recommended to send up full delegations to the said Convention. On motion of Mr. Treston, it was Resolved, That the foregoing proceedings, and no tice thereof, be published in the State Sentinel. On motion, the Convention adjourned. JACOB VANDEGRIFT, Ch'n. Ed. Hedderlv, Sec'y. COLrXTY COXVEXTIOX. ADJOURNED MEETING! An adjourned meeting of the Democratic County Convention will be held at the Court House, in Indianapolis, on Saturday, '2 '2d, instant, at 10 o'clock, n. m. CC7"Thc several townships arc earnestly requested to send full delegations to repre sent them in said Convention, as in all pro bability business of importance may be up for action. 15 y order of the Convention, 2v E. IIcnncRLY, Secretary. The Aljiiriic;l Convention. It wiir be perceived that a call for another Conven tion, or rather another meeting of the same Conven tion held on the 6th, is made in this paper. Wc sin cerely hope our country friends will bear it in mind, and send a full and large delegation. It will be no thing lost to them in the end. Come in, one and all, we ay, and perftct your own business. More Kailrouris. By a notice in another column, it will be seen that the enterprising citizens of Shelby vi He and Shelby county, are about to make an energetic attempt to construct a Lranch Railroad from Shelbyville to Ed intoirgh, the present depot of the 31. &. V. Railroad. We have r.o doubt they will be successful. A Railroad is also talked about, from Ccntrcville to Connersville, or some other point on tho Canal line between that place and Cambridge. One half of the stock will be taken at Centreville. (lo ahead, and we'll soon have an extension of the same to tins place. . , , , GOM'HTison ld very wrathy because wc have agi- tated the question of the election of U. S. Senator, and called on the People and the Press for an cxpres- j f II T -111 IH4 VIVl 1 V,i sion oi opinion on the subect. lie say. especially, , r . , . . . t i it land free scope tn o " ' " " ow v. Judge Peaselee. Wc Lnowthat; and know it did not suit the schemes of either of the gentlemen that we should do so. They desired to fix the matter mitvtltf fr unit t rm r t-ru n1 tr fill r, fir. T rwr 1 es- , , J , Iature merely to ratif umm confirm their arrangements ' J . ' , , .1 VMM iuv; uiqi uini; jajiiiu , utuu 10 iiiy Senate ! No authority' to name Judge Morrison! ! Wc could 6afely name him without authority : for whoever saw the time when some member of the Koyal Family " was not cither in o.Ticc, or a candidate for office ! A terribly imprudent" thing it was to lay open the question to the People, in Morrison's estimation ! The Junto know so much better than the people do how to manage those affairs! Well, well : let the people themselves decide upon this question of 44 im prudence," and on that of Senator, too. 07"A great deal of misrepresentation is made in relation to the "Industrial Convention," composed of Reformers from several diiTerent cities and States, which was recently held in New York. We find a report of its proceedings in the N. Y. Tribune and Young America. For the information of our read ers, we copy the address of the President of the Convention, Mr. Wait of Illinois, formerly of the well known publishing House of Lilly, Wait &. Co. of Boston. We may hereafter give further extracts from the pioceedings, not because they suit our own views entirely, but tor the purpose of giving our readers some information of the doctrines of the chief actors, from their own mouths, instead of the distortions of the enemies of all political and so cial reform. G3"We liave received a communication from Wm. J. reasdec, in reply to certain strictures which we have made in relation to his course as a politician. It is a rare affair. lie draws the portrait of his own character most admirably. We sJiall publish it in our next paper. We have also received a communication from Col. l eppcr, wnica wm do aiienucu to snoriiy. ' OT Tho. H. Sharpo. Eq., has been elected Cash ier of the Indianapolis Branch Hank; vice D. F. .Mor ris, Eq., who has long held that pot. Political Mysteries of Indianapolis CHAPTER XIII. One of the principal avowed causes of the hostility of the Old Democratic Junto, together with its new recruits against the Editors of the State Sentinel, irrew out or the conflicting views in relation to the Presidential canvass previous to the last Baltimore Convention. From the time of the defeat of 1340, to within two months of the Baltimore Convention of May, 1944, i it was almost universally considered, and conceded by a sort of general consent, that Mr. Van Buren would be the candidate of the Democratic party for re-election. So far as we are Concerned, we are willing to ac knowledge that we participated in what seemed to ! be the general sentiment of democrats, that tee owed it to vzr own party, much more than to Mr. Van Bu ren, to re-elect him if we could. But we never were so much bound to Mr. Van Buren, or any other man, as to induce us to hazard the srecess of our party and its principles for the sake of showing our confidence in and respect to him. Our course during the canvass was governed by the following considerations: We regarded the nomination of Mr. Van Buren as ns an event very likely to happen. The Baltimore Convention, however, was the tribunal to settle that question. We thought that the wisest course which cuuJd be pursued, especially in this State, where par ties were so nearly balanced, was to keep ournlvcs and our party VxCo.m Mitted as to any vtan f to keep united and if possible progressive in party strength on the grounds of ruBLic folicy atone; and to point continually to the Billimore Convention as the proper and timely arbitrator of the question of candidacy, in whose decision all should acquiesce. Were these views riiht and politic, or were they wrong ap.d impolitic ! On the answer to this ques tion depends the approval or disapproval of our course by the Democratic party at large. That we maintained this impartial position in rela tion to candidates, is indirectly though strongly prov ed by these facts, to wit : While here, at Indiana polis, it was charged by the Old Junto that we were too exclusively devoted to Mr. Van Buren, on the other hand, in the Northern pnrt of the State, it was supposed that we said little in his favor, and that we were too much disposal to favor Gen. Cess ct Mr. Van It uren's expense The truth is, that acting in accordance with the policy to which wc have referred above, ami which was based on the necessity of the times, and the cir- i cumstances predominant, we did endeavor, zealously, j I to (ok Mr. Van Burcn against the false charges which had been heaped upon him by the Whig, es- pccially during the Hard Cider Canvass. We were - induced to do this, without avowing him to be our first choice as a candidate for re-election, for various reasons : It was due to our party as well as to him self, that the false charges against him should be re pelled and refuted, for the partifs character and cre dit, as well as 3Ir. Van Buren's. If lie had obtained the nomination, as it was highly probable that he Would, then we should have had the advantage of the dfasiie warfare with tha whigs beforehand, and would have immediately changed our attitude into one exclusively ojj'tnsive against their principles and their candidate. Whether Mr. Van Buren was nominated or not, the defensive articles which wc published in his favor could not possibly have done the slightest harm, cither to our party, or to any other candidate. So that nothing could, in any event, by such a course, be lost to the democratic parly. It was a safe policy if not a 6ure one. This policy, however, by no means suited the Old Junto at Indianapolis. Supremely selfish themselves, they could not realize the fact that the motives which actuated us were any more generous, or any less heartless or mercenary than their own. Following the camp for the sake of "spoils" alone, they could not believe that men of ordinary intelligence, could do a soldier's duty for any thing but pay. They paw, or thought they saw, that the chances for them to ob- j tain office under Mr. V. B. was smaller that it would be under any body elre. A. F. Morrison knac this was A i predicament, for Mr. Van Buren while Presi dent had refused to give him a land öflice, because of his known mercenary and doubtful political charact'r. Others supposed it would he the same wit!; thm, be cause the (Hohe had announced, that it would not be likely that those who had held office for years under Jackson and Van Buren would be reinstated, if Mr. Van Huren should be "restored." The Old Junto then as we have observed, were not willing that we should maintain an impartial position as to candidates. (vThey wished and solicited and urged us, virtually to drop Mr. Van Burcn, and, in advance of the Baltimore Convention, to declare Gen. Cass the first choice of Indiana. This wc refused to do. We should have been to tally unworthy of the portion we occupy if wc h id i vieiueu to tneir unwarranie-u ami iae solicitations. - , ., . r . f , .iii Convention, we never refused to give the friends of any and every candid itc, including (Jen. Cass, tr columns to discuss the reatiie f , , , f . j ' nM ... 4 ., i rnur r. iimi urnnnr r . j iiiu juiii'j r.m nut avail themelves of this liberality more freely was owin- " to tho fact that thry relied, as they always have done, much more on intrigw, trickery, and management, . . . . , , . A than upon open and honest avowals and appeal- to the people. In ju?tirication of our refusal to yield to their un warrantable requisition?, wc cited these men to the State Convention f January, 1811, which had np- proved and adapted the policy of referring the subject of personal preferences entirely to the Ration a Con- vention fur settlement, though it was well known that a lare majority of that Mate Convention person ally preferred Mr. Van Burcn. We cited them tJso to the numerous meetings of the people, and the re- solutions which were passed on this subject ; and to the Tress of the State, a majority of which haddeclar- cd Mr. V. 11. their first choice. Hut all these and other considerations of like nature, had no weight with the Old Junto. They did not believe in the pro priety of waiting for the unbiassed action of the Na tional Contention. They wished to decide the matter before the meeting of that body. And it is because and only because wc refused to become parties to their dishonesty and fraud, that we incurred at that time, and have ever since enjoyed their inveterate hatred. The Cciisiis. In publishing the returns from the Anditof of State's office, of the white male inhabitants over the age of 21 years, in the several counties of this State, we ac cidentally omitted to give the sum total. As we ob serve numerous errors, both in the list and total, as copied in other papers, we give the latter according to the table, viz: 105,400. The proceedings of our Rush County friend J ifi meeting were received after our paper was ready fur the press. They shall appear in our next. The same is the case with the Switzerland County nrfw,n i n ITS. OrWc arc again constrained to let the State Bank, Sinking Fund, and one at tvo other subjects lie over a short time. Our apology tö them all. Wc never strike until 4rul!y prepared. Morrison's Democracy. Morrison supposes himself very cunning. In the first mimber of his piratical sheet, he has attempted to prove himself a Democrat, and eays that a vry laborious effort has been made by a certain class of politicians to create an alarm or panic in reference , to" his paper. He says ire, Chapmans, have "know ingly uttered and repeated numerous untruths and slanders." (We will iust stop here, and pronounce ! this statement false, and dare him to the proof.) Morrison goes cn and says, "to these charges, where he is well known, he would scorn to make a reply." lie then branches out in eight different paragraphs, numbered and labelled, in praise of himself, and his Democracy! and a ninth, begging editors to re-publish his rigmarole as a statement of facts!! We will merely remark oh a sentence qüoted above, and pass on to examine the Democracy of Alexander F. Morrison, as appears from the records; and, as we shall take occasion to refer to it in detail whenever necessary, we shall be brief. Morrison says he would scorn to reply to charges which are made against him where he is known. So tar as we have made charges against him, this is cer tainly a most wise conclusion, and evinces the great est smartness we ever knew him to exhibit. We vouch that wherever he is known, it would be useless for him to reply, successfully, to any charge we have made; and his cunning exists only in that he has avoided a hard job of labor, for which he has a mortal antipa thy, as we believe no hian has seen him thus engaged in the lal four or five vears, at least in working hours. But we dare him to point out a single untruth wc hae knowingly uttered about him or any member of the Royal Family. In No. 1, Morrison says he "was never any Ihing else than a democrat Irom his boyhood.' And says he "voted for Jackson in 1SJ4, in l'JS, and in IS'4'2. He voted" he says, "for Martin Van Buren in 193G and in 1-10." And he further pays, "that he voted for James Iv. Folk in 1914." As to'lM, 1B'J8, we know nothing:; but we would not believe him un der oath when he says he voted for Van Buren in 18;5G and IS 10, or that he or any of the "family" vo ted for Mr. Polk last year. They had no idea of his election, as was evinced by one of them cursing his nomination by the Baltimore Convention. It was not till the eleventh hour, when all things demonstrated the almost certain success of the Democracy, that they even prettnded to be favorable to Mr. Tolk's election. They felt more disposed to remain on the fence, pre pared fr any intrigue that might offer, to being in the field or in the ranks. But Morrison says he nevcr was any thing else tian a Democrat Was the letter he wrote to Batliff Boon in 1831 0r T in favor of the U. S. Bank, Democratic? Was his course in the Senate in 1933-134, in favor of the State Bank, Democratic! Did his votes on that question against every propo sition to secure the rights of the people against the worst features of the system, many of which proposi tions were introduced by Gov. Whitcomb did they appear Democratic! Let those editors he begs to en dorse his Democracy refer to the Senate Journal of 1S33-4. After laboring with all his might to establish the State Bank with all its odious Whig features was dodging the final vote on the question, Democratic! When a member of the House in 1837-, did A. F. ! Morrison not sign himself a Conservative! Was he not denounced by Hon. Thomas J. Henley as a Whig! Did not Morrison in return assail Henley as a '0 cofoco" and an "Agrarian"! Was not a resolution offered calling on him to de fine his position, and say whether he was a Whig or Federalist! Did his acts as Canal Commissioner, when he made unauthorized letting to the amount of upwards of s90,lR)0, argue Democracy! When the law defining the duties of Canal Com missioners, forbade them to take contracts on the pub lic works, was it Democratic for ?Iorrison to evade ihn bivv bv tnl-inrr contracts in the name of Irish la- , . , " , r . ,;:,,- kJKJk Vl ..w t - ------ - - - - - - 2 - - purposes! In lT-1?, when a reSolution was offered in the House, "That the Fund Commissioners be instructed 44 to negotiate no loan hereafter in any other curren cy than gold and silver;" "And, also, to make no depositcs of any money hereafter, in any other than " solvent specie paying banks," and it was moved to lay s.iid motion on the table, or in other words, kill it, did not A. F. Morrison vote in the affirmative thus leaving the Commissioners to complete their beautiful Gallipolis and Soap Factory transactions, whereby the State has lost million! Was this De mocracy! Ay, Morrison's Democracy. (Sec II. Jour., p. 5T.) When a bill to suppress gambling was on its pas- ! S uo prison vote against it in a minority 1 J I i i nc te wnrnsnn m urmnrrnrv. sure r io i" i. . . - .4.. ..-tv 1 ! 11 (l 1 n o-1 On the joint resolution against the Specie. Circular officii. Jackson, (Sec laws of 1SV7-S,) did not Mor- ' ns,m volc Wlin lMC "igs, anu aganiM mm circular, i . .1 nfi i l t he w neu treu. jacKsun savcu in by which (rcn. Jackson saved the Government from I lj,inkru!tcv. and the lands from tl ic horde of I'ank pa- l)0r speculators which then infested the country, and . .- T ...ii... I lint! 1 ! lo w,,ose 'lerwls '"on mnurauy panuereu: i :o is a pure specimen oi .Morrison s democracy. When Sam. Judnh moved "to take up the bill to confirm the State Hank of Indiana and its' franchises" that is, when the Dank had forfeited its charter by suspending specie payments Morrison was found al ways voting wiih tho Wihos, in favor of protecting and re-chitrtcring that institution or in other words allowing dishonest bankers and speculators to be ahme the hue, and to violate it with impunity for their J own special benefit. (Öce II. J. p. 093 et seq. This, als0' is Morrison's Democracy. When this fraud on tho public was accomplished, anJ Mr- Vandcvccr moved that the Bank should re- ! lc,c,n ils flte iloUnr noles m pPccIc cvcn if to rc" pudiate all others, Morrison is found voting witli the Whigs against even that small relief to the people, preferring at all times rather to uphold these swindling transactions, than to force the Hanks to b6 honest. (II. J. p. 001 et seq.) Truly this is Morrisoii De mocracy -from his boyhood!!! When Milton Stapp (II. J. p. 017,) moved that whenever hereafter tlie llink should suspend specie payments, (the Banks had not resumed, mind,) the Legislature might declare the charter forfeited; and Judah moved to amend, that said Bank should not re ceive any amount from any Hanking Company less than fifty dollars, except at its full par value; and when Mr. Furgason moved td amend, to divorce the Slate Hank and Branches from all connection with the Internal Improvement policy, not within its sphere, you will find Morrison voting with the Whigs in ev ery phase the question assumed, or else dodging the vote. His whole coarse shöws him to be decidedly in favor cf all kinds of swindling Banks. This much at present for No. 1; but as there needs buf s?rnihtf answers to most of his other modest claims, wc will devote but a short time to them. The lid, is where he claims to have always voted for Democrats. If his definition of Democracy be that of the Whig party, he may be correct: The Whigs have attempted to steal the Democratic name; but they have not as yet succeeded; neither will Morri- (son. His hyjKjcriy is too apparent. That he hifs always voted for the regulär Democratic candidates, no one who knows him will for one minute believe. But his vote is his own property, and we only find fault, not with his casting it as suits himself, but for attempting to make others believe that he cast it dif- ferently from what he did. 3d. Every one knows how Morrison labored to elect himself, by taking all sides of the questions agitated, especially when he was last a candidate for the State Senate. That he ever labored for others, we must have further evidence than his own say so, before we believe one word of it, excepting, perhaps, he consi ders labor the fifty cents he reluctantly gave to help to purchase powder last year, and perhaps a trifle more when he was made the big gun at the barbecue, and expected to have his laborious services on that occa sion freshly fenicrhbered, when the time came. 4th. Morrison brags about receiving n larger vote than his party when a candidate. Rather a suspi cious circumstance. Until we drew the cloaks from the hypocrites for the purpose of giving the people fair play the Junto could play any game which suited them. In connection with the plotting and scheming Whigs, therefore, the Junto, by bargaining, could al wavs "innate their cards, and elect their own tools. The State has suffered some in consequence, as the honest of all parties well know. Oth. He boasts of his services in the Legislature. We .have made a few short references to them; and whether he has "forfeited the confidence" of the peo ple by his acts or not, the result of his last canvass as candidate for Senator is an index. If he is not sat isfied with that he had better trv it again, lie have not a doubt but our whole ticket was that year defeat ed in consequence of attempting to carry the load of Morrison. Of this matter, we may be more particu lar hereafter. Gth. Morrison pays he never deceived a friend in any situation in life, &c. This is such a broad state ment, that we shall omit a notice of it for the present, being desirous of noticing it more particularly herea ter. We would only ask if Mr. Sp-ld-g, of Ohio, was a friend or an enemy! We may find occasion to make some curious developments on this subject, should circumstances force us to it. 7th. He says, "his political course has always been candid and open, concealment being no pari of his character, lie may take our bcot3 after that! 6th. He intends to defend himself, he says, to the last extremity. That is all very proper. Even a skunk will do that. But there is a vast difference between defence and attack. If he is the Democrat he professes to be, he would attack the common ene my, and not be doing all he can to sow the seeds of dis cord among the Democracy, for no other purpose what ever, than to further his selfish ends. We should sup pose that even he had lived long enough to learn that "honesty is the best policy." At all events, he will find that the best course to pursue hereafter; and if he is not too firmly Wedded to political gambling, he should adopt it at once. He will never succeed in any other course, however he may have prospered by it in times by-gone. Political gambling, like all other gambling, has nearly reached its acme; and as sure as day succeeds night, so sure will it fall. The eyes of the people arc being opened on all sides, and all attempts hereafter to play such games will most signally be detected, exposed and rebuked. Wlio is the Ofllco Secker T Morrison charges that we have been applicants for some four or five offices. This, in part, is trie. After sixteen years service in the Democratic cause, we did nnt know that it was a crime to dd so. But to the facts. One of us was an applicant for the State Printing, and got it, after he, Morrison, tried every game to chisel us out of it. The other has been a candidate for the Post Office, and he was so boldly and fairly. In one of our little corporation elections, also, he suffered his name to be used as a candidate for Coun- rilman. Awful ofiice-Seekin?. that ! Some talk was , also made once about our running for the Senate; but 'ti, ket in thir3 county, by a majority probably of more c r, . i ,i r than 300. I lie precise ir.aorit we are however un wc should like to know if a sohtarv soul in the dis- . . . . ; , J . , ' "u 1 1 . nhl to stntp. not liavintr ns vpt rnreivcvl t in ntnm . , 11. met ever heard us announce ourselves as a candidate for that othee. vv e may nave aiso ouen remarKcu mai we liuenueu one of these days to run as a candidate for Fresidcnt of the Unite.i States ; and wc are only waiting now to sec whether the good people of the U. S. would like the Old Cock to be thus honored. Were we once there, we would make sad havoc among some politi- ciaus, sure. But with what grace comes such a charge from one who has held office always when he could get it, and has been a standing applicant for sometimes half a dozen at a time ! Let us look back a moment. .Morrison first came here a Representative from Clark county ; and a certain set of bastard politicians took such a fancy "to him, that he never went back; Since then he has held, or been an applicant for, the following offices. We don't set them down in regular order, nor do we remember whether we have got the whole. We just state them from memory. He was elected Senator ; appointtd by Gov. Wallace, Whig, a member of the Roard of Internal Improvements, where he spent upwards of 90,000 more than he was allowed to do by law ; and it is said, he employed men to get him contracts in their nr"ncs which he was not allowed to do hy law; then llcprcpcntative ; then State Printer; candidate for Congress against the ; lamented Kinnard ; candidate for Congress against i . . W. J. Brown; at which time he kicked up a very pretty fuss and cursed all hands ; candidate for State Senate ; candidate for Auditor of State, Treasurer of State, and for State Printer again, all at once ! candidate for Congress again ; sec his letter to the committee; candidate for the Tot Ofiice; was Assistant Secretary of the Senate ; candidate for Principal Secretary of the same body; candidate for Kcsristcr of Land Oifjce, which Mr. Van Buren refused to give him, and for which Morrison has not forgiven him ; had previously been a candidate for Tost Office against Capt. Cain ; Commissioner of an Indian Treaty ; Commissioner among the Indians, commonly known as the Blanket Treaty ; and we don't know how many others. Is not Mr. Morrison a very modest man ! Ixrd help the poor people, if he is longer to ride them vith boot and spur ! Dictation. The Junto generally, and Morrison's Democrat, their organ, say that we 44 dictate," and nothing pleases us, unless under our 44 dictation." So fur as they are concerned, wc intend to 44 dictate." If show ing them up in their true colors convinces the people that they are not what they profess, be dictation, we plead guilty. But when our cotcmporarics of the press, or any one of the people, make the charge, we shall examine the ground. It is only dictating to the Junto, that we are determined to let the people select their own servants, with their own free will and choice, of which they complain; Can't they get up a more reasonable charge--one that tho whole people do not Anew to be false 1 Florida Election. The Indiana Journal, and its coadjutor, the Morri son Democrat, have each announced that Cabell, the Whig candidate, as elected to Congress from tiie State of Florida. This attempt at crowing, no doubt equal ly satisfactory to both, proves to have been just before they got out of the tcoals. We have the pleasure to announce to our readers, that Mr. Urockenbrovgh, the Democratic candidate, is elected by a handsome ' maiofitv.' May all coons and skunks make just such crows as the Journal and Morrison's Democrat. STAND FR031 UNDER! 2 r For three or four days past, the leading whigs of . . i i a , ace have been in perfect fdgets after the returns llio Nonr VnrV rl or"t if in c With tlmir (VonIn- ! this pi from the New York elections. With their fraudu lently obtained majority in Ohio, their accidental ma jority in Georgia, their falsely claimed majority in Florida, they fondly hoped to couple New York and New Jersey. If successful, then would they have raised their loud rejoicings and showered upon the democracy their usual taunts ! Then would the wel kin ring with their songs of joy ! But alas ! they have been sadly disappointed. Circumstances which elsewhere exist have caused the New York democra cy to expose and drive from their ranks the corrrupt and ojfice seeking scoundrels, who have hung and will continue to hang, like a mill-stone around the necks of the honest people of all parties, unless they are speedily cxposeu ana put out 01 the way, and thus ; ... . .. I has resulted a great, glorious, and we believe, a per- manent victory a victory without a parallel ! It would be well for the Democratic party everywhere to purge itself of these unclean beasts ; making them an example which shall be a warning to all succeeding generations. Let them threaten what they please; let them join our opponents. What if they do 1 We are not yet defeated. Thousands from our now oppo nents will join our standard when they see and know ' our endeavors to keep our principles pure for princi ples sake. What if we are defeated 1 We have principles founded on truth, and 44 Truth crushed to earth will rise again, The eternal years of God are hers; While error, wounded, writhes in pain. And dies amid her worshipers."! Let, then, the whole western Democracy never sleep at their posts. Let us purge our ranks of all traitors, cowards, camp-followers for plunder, and all who are not for the CAUSE from motives of Patriotism. Imi tate our New York brethren, and all will be safe. From the Xew York Globe. New York City Always in the Van! Democracy Victorious Nativism and 'Whig- gery Exterminated. The Administration of James K. Polk sustained Texas and Oregon determined up'ont-European Interference in American Affairs Emphatically Repudiated The City Carried by near 30(10 Majority. The election closed last evening. Its result is a brilliant triumph of the New York Democracy. The Senator, the Register and the thirteen members of the Legislature are elected by an unexpected and triumphant majority. Whiggery and Nativism are put to route. The noble policy of President Polk as reflected in his inaugural is sustained in a quiet election by an overwhelming majority of the votes polled. His foreign policy is sustained by the most decisive majority, and that majority is given by the people of the great Commercial Emporium of the Western Continent. We feel proud of our city. Where has there been a crisis where her sturdv De mocracy have not come off victors ! When ha"s she failed not only to originate eat measures, but to use her Herculean arm in their consummation ! We have no time tq say more, and give the majorities in the different Wards : In a smaller vote than usually given the democratic ! majority will probably be near three thousand. Had the democrats polleu their full vote, as they ought to have done, it would no doubt be several thousands larger. The journal of Commerce gives the following ad ditional returns, which we condense : Kings County. The Democrats have carried their ' J .--....v.... from Williamsburgli. It U supposed that the Demo- crats have obtained a majority there, and rumor sets u down ai aooui seventy. ! It gives for Brooklyn, a dem. majority of 202, and Williamsburgli to be heard from. Richmond County When our messenger left at ten o'clock last evening, there were no returns in, witii the exception ot. the 1st District of the Township oi vasueiou, u men wc buujoiu. xncre are iour Townships in the County. FOR SENATOR Whig. Native. Democrat. Bradish 07 Ely fl Sandford 172. 12 majority against Convention. Tiic vote of this District has fallen off 199, as com pared with last Fall election. It is conceded by all parties that the Democrats will have from to to IVO majority on their Assembly ; ticket, which runs rather higher than the Senatorial. Queens County This county has gone Democrat ic, as usual. Uesidts the regular Whig and Demo cratic ticket, there was a Temperance ticket which polled about Ü00 votes. Democratic majority in the county, about J04. Westchester County. Our express has brought particularize just now, but wc advise every body to us the following returns, which are all that could be go to his store and sec for themselves. obtained in season for the morning paper. They en- sure the success of the Democratic ticket. Another IVcu More. Democratic majority thus far 7SÜ ; which will be We do not know when wc have examined a finer diminished by the remaining nine towns to U0 orjcr Inorc extensive assortment of Dry (ioods, &c. ' Both the Democratic candidates for the Assembly, !llanwc füUnd at 0uJ fricntl lpr'. nt the old .Marshall and Hay ward, are doubtlos elected. 'auction store, near Harrison's corner. Mr. 31. has The Rivek. AVc have no returns except from certainly exhibited great taste in his selections, and New burgh village, which gives a democratic majority j is determined to do a smashing business in the way of til. The number of votes polled very small, (57-1.) of bargains. Wc shall have no occasion to request Majority for Convention, 50. THE LEGISLATURE w Senate hold over - tl Add, 1st district - - Navive 1 Dem. 1 1 2nd 3 Six to be heard from. The new Senate will probably stand-1 Whigs, 1 Native, and Democrats. ASSEMBLY. Dem : New York - - - last year Natives lit Kings - -- -- -- dj - --2 Queens 1 Westchester - - - - 1 Bichmond - -- -- -- -- -- 1 19 The democrats have made a clean sweep thus far. Afcw Jersey Election. The annual election for members of the Leuisla ture, some County officers, and a member of Congress in the tld district, comprising the counties of Burling ton, Monmouth and Mercer, to supply a vacancy, has been held. In Hudscti county a Whig Scriator and Assembly man are elected as usual. Jersey City gives a Whi majority of 1G1), Van Vorst 13, Harrison 103, whicS the remaining two towns will increase. Essex County. It ia supposed the Democratic Se nator is elected. The general opinion seemed to be that Geo. Sykes, dem. was elected to Congress in the Third District. The Whig candidate was Israel K. Lippincott. Morrison names several gentleman as likely to be democratic candidates for the office of Governor and Lt. Governor, this winter. He has two objects in doing this: the first a sly thrust at Mr. Jesse D. Bright ; and second, for the purpose of soft sawdering others some of whom he hates as the devil hates ho ly water. Their response to him wilt be 44 get thee be hind me, Satan FOREIGN XEWS. Eight days Inter from Europe. The steamship Caledonia arrived at Boston on Mon day, Nov. 3d. She brings London and Liverpool pa pers to Oct. 19. The price of grain is rising rapidly. The weather has been wretched, and large patches of uncut grain are exposed to the elements in the north of England and in Scotland. Damp corn enhances the price of fine wheat, and those who bold the latter calculate on a farther rise. The money market shows symptoms bf wavering ; consols have declined one per cent., and the value of money is higher. The iron trade is brisk, and prices advancing. The produce market, rum m.olasse8. 'J. coffee,) is firm, with slight advances in some articles, TllC Ainerican provision trade flourishes. The it 1. C 1 C . 1. 1 i i . I !. stock of beef, pork, and cheese, is light; and the state of things in Ireland will have a tendency not only to improve prices, but to lessen competition. The cotton market is depre-sed ; the business transacted is limited; prices have a downward ten dency ; and holders, evidently not at ease, show a de sire to accept the current rates, and to ress their stocks. The sales of the week ending on Friday, Oct. 17, only amounted to 20,C0t bales; and limited as this business is, it wa3 even more restricted on the ISth for not more than 1,500 to 2,0C0bngs changed hands. A thouand causes may be adduced to ac count for the present stagnation. Foremost is the i ail way madness. It swallows up all classes and shades in its Vortex. The state of trade in the manufacturing districts does not certainly give an indication of the existing t,..w ' fceling in the cotton market. The varn market is es pecially dull. Large quantities had been purchased for ex tortation to Germany. The market for goods in Manchester and the neighborhood is also less ac tive, and prices have receded a little they are 'easier in the parlance of the trade. The woollen trade in the Yorkshire districts has alo diminished some what in activity, hut still maintains a healthy ap pearance. The dock yards and naval arsenals of England ex hibit extraordinary activity. In many of the out ports steam-frigates of the largest class have been or dered by the governnent to be ready by a fixed period, according to the contracts ; and the bu.lders have been bound down in heavy penalties to have them fit for pea at the required time. Oregon is pointed at by certain politicians as the solution of the mystery. Miami ICcscrvc. We subjoin two letters from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, one to (low Whitcomb, (oc casioned by a letter from the Governor to the Com missioner requesting an early survey of the Great Miami Reserve) and the other to the Surveyor Gen eral, by which our citizens, especially those residing in that vicinity, will be gratified to learn that no doubt exists of the speedy commencement and com pletion of that Survey. General Land Office, October loth, ISM. Sin : Having been advised by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that he is not aware of any legal objection to the survey of the Miami National Re servation, after the 28th November next, I have this day sent instructions to the Surveyor General at De troit, to have that Reservation surveyed as soon after that date as practicable ; a copy of those instructions is herewith enclosed. With great respect, Your obedient servant, JAS. SHIELDS, Commissioner. His Excellency, James Whitcomb, Governor of Indiana. General Land Office, October loth, 1913. Sir : By the Treaty of 2Sth November, 1840, with the Miami tribe of Indians, it is stipulated, that those Indians shall remove to the country assigned them west of the Mississippi, within five years from that date, that is, by or before the 28th November next, afier which the Commissioner of Indian Affairs states, in a letter of the Gth instant, that he is net aware of 'any legal objection to adopting measures for the sur vey of the land" ceded by them in Indians. He fur ther states, however, that those Indians will not be removed till next spring, and suggests the expedien cy of postponing those surveys till the time; but the great anxiety of the people of Indiana to have early action in the case, and the evident importance of it to the interest of that State, have determined iwv iu im t c l liu iuiiiu .uivvv wo own " j gaily b2 done. You will please, therefore i necessary arrangements for surveying tho me to have those lands surveyed as soon as it can Ie- , make the c lands as soon afier the 2ii November next, as practicable, and for this duty you will engage the services of one of your most skilful and experienced deputies, and one in whose discretion and forbearance you have perfect confidence, and so instruct him that all cause of difficulty and collision with those Indians may be avoided. You will also instruct him to continue the section and township lines through the reserve, so that the work will present a regular and harmonious appearance, and irregular or ill-shaped tracts or townships be avoided. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JAS. SHIELDS, Commissioner. L. Lyon, Esq., Surveyor General, Detroit, Michi gan. New Hooks. Davis has just received one of the most magnificent and costly, as well as useful, stock of Dooks and Sta tionery ever brought to this city. It is impossible to our fair friends to give him a call, when w e say that he is a young bachelor, and a candidate, in addition to all his other attractions. All who go once are Fure to go again, and that is saying some. Ijook in, ladies, and remember not to bave any thing except vour dimes, or may be, your hearts ! lUautidil Honnef. Those who desire to see Bonnets of the prettiest fashion yet invented, will not fail to call on Mrs. You no, immediately. They will there find bonnets of the most elegant shapes and of the richest male rial, as well as a great variety of millinery articles, so beautiful that it absolutely makes one sigh to look at them and reflect that one can't possess them all ! D;iiien-cotyiiii; We are happy t announce that Mr. Kever, an excellent artist, has taken tho room over Ferguson's Watch Store, where he is prepared to furnish excel lent Daguerreotype miniatures. Wc have examined a number of his execution, and have seldom, if ever, seen then surpassed. We hope he will receive a liberal patronage. Ilcdderly's Caudles. We have tried what is called Hcdderly's Sterine candles, No. 2, which are made of a combination of Sterine and tallow. While they arc considerably cheaper than the pure Sterine, they burn equally aa well, giving a brilliant light. We advise our readers to give them a trial ; being sure that they will find them the most economical article of the kind which can be procured. (jrWe would refer to Mr. Talbotl's advertisements. His assortment of goods in Iiis line is very extensive; and we understand that he is determined to sell at the lowest possible prices. COScvcral advertisements unavoidably postponed.