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INDIANA STATE SENTINEL: TIIE OFFICIAL UAZETTE OF THE STATE (gj-OJice on Illinois Street, Xrth of Washington. G. A. J. 1'. ClIAPMX, Editors. 07-The State Sentinel will contain a much larger amount of reading matter, on all subjects of general interest, than any other newspaper in Indiana. TIIK SEMI-WEUIiElTiriHTIOX I9 ptiMished every Veiiiicslny and Saturday, and dur ing the session of the Lislatnrc, three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays?, at Four Dol lars a year payable always in advance. tiii: vi:i:iui' kiutiox Is published every Thursday, at Two Dollars a year, always to be paid in advance. .91 in advance will pay fur six months. ;$." will pay for three copies one year. Persons remitting 10 in advance, free of post age, shall have three copied of the Semi-Weeldy one year. will pay for six months. l will nlwats oe charged fjr the Tri-Weekly, and 50 cents for the Weekly, during the Legislative sessions. ADVERTISEMENTS, will be inserted three times at one dollar a square of S line-, and be continued at the rate of 'S) cents a square for each additional in sertion. Quarterly advertisements, prr square, AW advertisements from abro id ln aroainanitd by th? cash ; or no attention will be paid to them. CÄ" Postage must be paid. Indianiipolio, XoycmIht If). lS-li SEMI-WEEKLY. Yollliili'. I;:::::::::Xiiiiiber 19. DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES anil ?2aur.s. A simj.le and frugal Gu eminent, confin?d within strict Coiititutional limit. A strict coii t root tc-n of Ihn Gmtit?jtioii, and no as sumption r.f doubtful powers. No National Link to Mvuiiiie the luboring populs- Nu cim.vticj, brtv. ecn the government and banks. A Diplomacy, a-i-..r f.,r nnti,; tiff I. nt l.nt i j ly right and submitting to nothing wmr". I Y'uhl,: lc;t Pitht-r by the (lenemf (Government, or by the Elates, except for duetts of urgent ntrcv ! sity. No assumption bv the General Government tf the debts of the States, either dirc.-ily er indircctlv, bv a j distribution of the proceed, of the public binds." A hcvtmic taril!, (.;scr:m;nati!ig in favor of the poor consumer instead of ti e rich capitalist. No extensive system of Internal Implement by the General Government, or by the Suites. A constitutional barrier cga;i:-t improidcnt State loans. The hrncst payment of our debts 2nd the sacred preservation of the public faith. A gradual return from a paper credit system. No grants of exclusive charters and privileges, by special legislation, to banks. No connexion between Church and State. No proscription for honest opinions. r Ottering a:d to public education. A progrc fr.mati n of all ubue. Confession of a Pick rot uf.t. A celebratod pic!; px:kct, who was lately sent to the State Tri-on tr his misdeeds, bring noted for his marvellous auroit- I'kovim; Whitf. to is. rhilad:lphia law yers n re celebrated for their sulth tv, but it would puzi-.L them greatly to reach the skill of their brethren ncss in pocket lifting, was requested to reveal the of the bar of Elkton, who even go vj far as to cun- v.i'.a- tin; Loiirt Ürit u!alc is Mark. -TN nthan O recti, a w'titc man, indicted by Ü12 (irand Jury for stealing, was brougiit into Court to bo tried. .lo?r. lluttcr WHOLESALE BOOKS AND STATIONERY. a. t I I r &ecrei 01 ms success, wnen tue lollowiisg, among other disclosures, were iiidd;; we puidisii them as likely to bj u-cful to tliose wiio are vJlinj to take a hint. I nevor," said th? pickpocket, " attempt tho pock et ot any old res. dent of a city, but uui Onniy siran- as the degree ot ptmihmeut ditferc! in the cases, gers arid countrymen." Eut on being askrd how he thry could n-t lind him guilty under ti e indictment, d.stinguishcd them, he replied "very easily;" and The Court charged the Jury "to the same clllct, and gave thj following list of persjus who were t.'.e r?ju- up n that pica in; w.s accpiittcd. Nathan then lar victims of lh; craft.' indicted us a Uar.K man, and the voung 1. nibs cf the Pcrs ns in an omnibus who ta'te out t.heir -o.-ket law who clustered around him, having failed to con Looks afier the stage slops, are sure tobe countryman. in:o the Court that he was the same man who was Those who stop to converse on the sidewalks or in tri 'd befr?, although h? pjitivtlv was, tluw next thoroughfires ; or who take out p :ket-bo ks at the attempted to c the Jury that he w, ns nn Indian, box or pit ottk-e s of Theatres or Steamboat offices, but found it morrt d.tliuilt i make (irna ,, than to j All thovj who stop to g ze at sliop-windows, or count make a-)i!z h'nd; for the Jurv iusi-ted that C an was i b!if!c l.-.n that lie was a thief. So the ourt j consigned him to th-j renitenthrv for five vcars. ! CIIAIILES B. DAVIS, Ono Sloor West ol' I asliiim ton Hull. I i;di:ni:t ikU IikI i.iiiti. and (Ira-on uefTded him ami uccccded Ml convincing i 'l'Ttfiiüy iniorms I.U irinda ami th j.ut Ii gei.trully, tliit lit id t.ow lettiving ilirt. t Trom rjiiZau'c'iW.ia nnd New YorX.alarge 1 , f. ; t 11 1 1 1 i i.csurtuient of the Jurv that Unci was not tchtle, but ack, and that 7 1,,; ThnJnolrnl. suflfir. ct.-,;! ul U,r. .K,, nnnrss, . o. v.o Wank B ; "f. f irry in si 1 iptinn. A very !are asortmetit . IMMaixI Ti stn.nn.t.-, in ; Liti :i .id Uwüz. ..'ifinüJlv e ni!.!liJrf Ar.mi.nU f..'r 19 ic. ,.,;tnt,i fi.r Christ inn and New ear's l'Trr nli. A preal aiuiy t' Juvt uilt and 'iv ili.ivs, Ii3Ii,!m.iik I v U unJ and illu-tratf .1 i ith fine tfn-r:i 'mm. suit- A g'-iieral sui'i'ly v( AIki litres for A lare assort merit rf ('niw-d 1'iinH and F.wy Ar:i h. New );i.!c;itions received every eek. St:ip! :iii1 Fattcy MistiOMri-y. Cap, Ttler and .Note T.ij is, f all kind, tcho and ;i.intiicrf:i.i I'oat, IVsi ;UUe, (il.tzed and TUsne r.ijxrH. I!ait!i ECfXfks. Stetl I en, (luiil-i Ink, ikC. r fit redured prir a!le fr elnld'ei. Proposals for V:it'r-i-ot!el Atmiic an lii-utp. lVV I'tPARTY LXT, 4Hi Octolier, 1H5. SKALED PROPOSALS,'srd Proposals lor Iieiiip," will ho re eived at tl is t ureu until tl e lötli Doremt.rr next, for delivering one liui:drrd and tilty toi s of .Imeriran v at tr rotted kern,, at ur.l store! onsn in eacji of t:ie of Louisville, Ken inrkyOMd ht. I.otiis, in .Misso?rlr ;-.h inriy te designated i.y lie United States liemp aenl at tt csr ;u es ; tlte delivericf to l.e made Imtween tl e fir.t dny of M.irrh and tie lirnt day of July, HtG, anl Ac-rotnpaiiii-il y salisfat t-y evidence tliat it lira I ecu it rr rtiini in me u:'!nl manner. I'ritsjK-rtus of tliv. Coii;:rcssiaiai e'nioii :uil Appendix. jyilach containing S."0 iV-CC The CoNoitEsstoNAL I'mon wi.l be cuntmei.ct d or.e wetk after Congie?s is cutivrtu J, anj will te jLblisl eJ tsKMI-WKKKLV until its adj utTmci.t, civil ti e d i'y pr'cccdirs cf loth lloii-c of i'ongic-s. 'lie perrhe-s o: ti c- Hiimt trs aiccou denied to tiing them into a leadaLJe Urutli. All the reso lution offeied, or n.otkns made, aie given In the o ovei'i own wora- ; ami the yra and nays vu all impoitant que?- Iktu. is printed wilh small tvi) rerirr and nnntinriiil n 1 . . 1 .1 1 . . . - . . I . . . . . 1 . iit-iiiji nniM u oioii.-i ir 4:ree,ri-Ht.efT,irre irom s; iv vn a aouoie royal sheet, in qvailo form, each numler Cun -r. and um? 11. .t iiui'n tli.u -it.-,.t p.-r rent of tow and ifainir.g 1(5 r y it qtai to lifts. K7 1 'f'"1" "ftroii or ct!in2 rare Amrrii an ur I'uri ign ui.rks, can haeiiirir oiu'er. ptinrlually atri-ndcd to I.y leaving tliem as above. L A T K S T A Ii Ii 1 r A L O F FALL AjtD WINTER GOODS. Jl. C. Til V. j I) II U M Money, or sao.V lvuet lv. s m Hi" ;"reet, or call 111 at the Fu:;k Aurtiou rooms. Ail these," said he, are our counnoti victims." If I find a nnn e.itinir oyAcr-j- or fruit, or carrv- ri!aJ.!-hii : - 111" ail 0Teil killt, 111 the street, in lime times -ut of J l: n 1'oTATo. ,?(j: vcars a--o, tlie Potato was R H A J, 1 0Pe,;pJ' ih f"0" ' H!y u ;. liy Mr. U iky a nn Aurum II e, adjoining A. W. l!.-.rriion,on U ashineto strc-t. In ti..n . , , . . . ,. , t i. . r- " ' . .1 l i-v ajHiln, Lie lai c-.t t... t a.n.ili e lh v ; hnmyht I. ll i:v Uli. fall, uhm-iiii 1 1 Itm e'isi, iiirt imrcliaMd in .New Ycik ten he is jrrcen. and we it -tinn. hiui. 1 vrs ns who no...lrh ;n Lttrope. -it the end ot I.Jtza- ant rii.;,d!;.ii;, expre-i j f,.r th. .. .,kei, an 1 w!ii.-ii hr lneiV i.. eii. nüer.i.y jfe. pitie or ret ni, at i-innunatior btand up in Theatres or stand on crcsi-walks, arc beih'ä at.d ti:e beginn in p of James'.; rcn, thev were P"1'' iin,i w"'d mo-t re ;( tfiüy st i if u an :inuritioiiof h as on-nt. rite t, n coupnse a pntot du k: r.n pin Uni I generally coonay folk.. a...l nfco reof llu-m.- m..m-K.S... 1M luxwi. ,n.l tl.uu8l,t t, f , IÄÄ The hrewiues of these observations ot the tuck- Ktiuiulat.ii j,ro;Tti' s. Tiie e:hteenth centurv was BiCOJS'.V Stfi S (Sd. wiMte wln-n Iiiilrlnll.-.I, to tie p.-iliff;. tiott ol I l;e invpertoi ?, read V lor spin; I f ? trn;Tl u ns. I e mi- Ii, T T.;. t a rope of one a iul li'rec lourt) s t f an ii:Hi i i rirrunif. ri i.i e, ;:;;u.'fi t one varus, i" prepare I ninl trsfi-d I.y ti e i'.spcrtor?. or l y tin ir !iiec lion, will I far at le.vst four ti oiisaml two I undred foti:n!s ; und i? leniuli, rn!(ir, sun! o'lis-r 11 ,iort i- c. imist l.e entirely i.'tario i tytntlie II s;. tor, or t! e I i. f ol r is l-n-eiiM. or ii will not . I n-ceiv.l. It wi;i l.e ins; tt tl ;uiJ ttoil i:t 11. e respective places : of delivery. I Vor the n'.i.-li m-v p.- iip.-.-tin-i und 1 e re eivfilly I V. n tisent, ho sind li e i' ;,(' 'or u .1' . rl;' I i!V Oor not le ti.nn ;:e tlou. nil (!'!.. r, t!.e I: -t I i.'! : r..' u.-roi ilpi" t t; pro- vi.:oriMij t!,e roi.trjrt; i;.i.ety p.-r rei.t ol w ii It to I p.'yuüe it. 1 1 a 1 1. 1 1 iv '. ; ii' r i . e p: . .ii.'iiihi 01 i: o. mi is to m-li vy stjeiil t.s may I'cai'ieetl upon l y tin- rliief ol ll.u i uicau i.i:il ti.e roiti artoi s. l'( rsor:.s o'reriii'.'. nitist o T. r O ; t !p: -I t' irt tons, ami mn-r S'ate IIk ptiie (written in nun!.; ?! I : i:-li) r.sV.i il per to i of S.VJll potimls w i e:, ilfiiveu- I. m ;; i te.'. tf-eil. appwivc.l, and re-jeil I inn pocket mut be obvio-.-.s toallcitv people, ami account for the remarkable fact that city residents seldom suf fer by the operation of these liht-lingered gentry. CounTnu or a Uasuhl Tiie Rev. considerably advanced before tliev were cultivated in the south-western provinces of Gotland, sunl t!:en tiiey were carried on hor-cs' bides to Mip:dy the Ldinbur'i tuirkrt. Xmv, tlew are a world-wide TitE Appe.xdix, on account of tl c delay often crcunirg m r r.-cuim jj t,ie ,, coclies tf rnc inter comj lete, u ill not te maikd icpularl.v t mi-uc c L ly, tut vi:l contain as many ja ges of soli 1 icadirg tnatiei as the CYi' Union. 1 HE APPENDIX i in: de u; of the Ticnd i.lV annual n cs rre, the iepuit . f the ,i iix ijal i tTircis f the gveinmei.t thit m com; any it, ai d ali ti.e let1. .ccches cf rr.f inters cf C ngrcs, wr;ttm out ot ie i-r.l I v theudves. t hums' Fr the Om-rri nnl Vt.i.n, ,1 50 rer cify. I'oi Hie An'cnhx, ,'y) y,r c py. Clu.s will be uit!t TV'i ropie cf eflicr of tt.a atove wo.ks fir f.12 ; 7 tre i'y-fivr c irs f .r 425. kxi ka vki:kly and si-:.mi-wi:kklv union. rC"Koi t!ie aco:;imod4lioii .f thi'so whi dtsi.eaiaDer on mis v l e:. iifir. -u- i. ai -t-i i f ( , t ( :,. . ;i ti;.i ii ve.l. :i ik! reeii eil ' tir ii t . I . . i . , . r . . , , ,v ti e arent a,... ,',- ai ,, p,,,,- le ; I , ,.Ve v Jim,l. "'j 't J J -.t of Cov dut.nj ti e f sstou of ton mixt forward wit a tt.. ir o.F- r o'.Jiij.ti.m. .! .-.e oie.l v two ' ? ,J'' We U;,i !ul,,!l!l lh- '' e-Xtia Lu;u3,as fol Person? cf known r pon.i; i!iy, -itidin ti.em-!ve lor the per f'JMil.On e of t! e u'V. i, ü tl ev o i'd o :n -repted. i asimeres, atunere l)el.rne, IiiIirt Ilel.aire, Otnhn Ilel.aine and On.hrn (n!inie;e3 f- n.'-.v ailielf , and ver,- ricJO. Alparar, Iaistif , and black, drali, and fancy Clo.;ki r, ti.l cloak el .(It-, of every variety of U I ; ; jHI pieces new Mle prinH, from ti 1-4 t. M cent; .:. pure new l vie dark pi .in an t twdd on-'naM; moves, Mo-i, ry. I.rues, Kdin, liertniijs, and every desenpt i. n ol Trim inin.. A lar-re and assortment ot dirkandroli llnN'.NF.T TiM'l MI.NCS, s'.nlat.le to the season, and of the latest taliion. B5i..ri: S'S AMI J.I.M. . Ir,r- ''ortir.ent of I loret-cc Lid r.ontietH. Knr. lur tiunuied. "lain tlolli. waV-ttc. and oil tlulll C.Ts. Metlier w ilh a few fancy ruIvcttiM men Ii rotitr.M Ts nrf rf OTorutfiT w;t: tu ti :m nftrr t!-ry Trvc "'Al"aiJ' o. i.ui.yi; ua 'iium.ii ui'it; iiii'UJiuiii; i tusn Lau. Vi hith are all the ivi in I he f:i-.liiin,i!.'i. ni.r',1 Jolin Urown, of iladdinafor., the well-known author than bread. Tiu idea cf a general fiilure of the 'fl"a'0. YASJX, i:'r'S'0. i: TTI.(, ami :i iienoral Assort iismt of UOrEIJILS of the srlj-intcrprfiitiz J!i"e, was a man of fiivular potato crop fiiis ( 'iiri -If nd )Ul with alimi. Xo won- ! knt jonntantlyon hand. Wheat, V ixsee I, Feit!ierJ,Tov and Flax Linea, .'.eeswax.and (Jir.scng will betaken in payment forCiods, V....-t T.. P I.:.. 1 !...t I... t ...U.l.. i ..I .1. I .i . . , u,c "l5,K" ii-iiKrtpinc pam for mem. u.l.-i.J iiiilJ3. ill iui.'. ii u o.c;:ii.ii-ii., v.l.- ii-jlu l . i - i inn nr; unur: ii i.v.i l;is .lli(iU liil I ly state that hi- courtship lasted seven years. Six years' cro m iCnul u: 1, Tiance, i'eliiiinn, New h'run I.omi.s to o ie-h..n ti e :uiioiii.t of t! e ro itra' ts wl idi mrvle luatle, will tvo food ai d Mit'.ri.-i t Mit. fi. s, w.ll l e re.jni'.i! lor lln-ir faithful t'Xerntioti. in a.lilit ion To a .l tli.-t io:i of ten per reel. Irom nil l iüs w; i -Ii m;.y ! e ,ip;.nve(l and I efore tl e compV tion of the co;, tracts vl i h will he ret. ineil until they are fa.'Iy completed, i ii all respe-t.. v.rr online to t i. ir t rie. Oder must i e made la ti let i o.ifonniiy vviüi the tcrnu of t'.ii? years and a half had passed away, and the revcrned u and the I'uited States, is a subject of so niucli gentleman had gol no ftirliier forward than he had anxious speculation. been the first six days. This state of things Lecarne intolerable ; a step in must be made, and .Mr. 1 Rr.i.ic of the W.u:. ' llanford, l-t Feb. 11. o. Brown summoned sill his courage for the deed. Ja- The l'h.i':i;x L'anh prouiir- s to receive of the bearer net," said he, as they sat in solemn sihnec, ' we've : this njte of One in payment for any debt lue been acquainted now for six years an' mair, and I've this bank ; or, to pay the same in specie two jears uf,er ne'er gotten a kiss yet. D'ye think I inijht take one, : the termination of the present war. my bormie jirl !" Just as you hhe, John, only be i " X. Kxoox, President. bocoinin and proper wi't." Surely, Janet, we'll '' ü En. IIkacii, Cashier." ask a biessin.' The b'es-sinp; was as!;el, the kiss ; A irentleuian from Connecticut showed us the note wi3 taken, and tbe wortliy divine pcufectly ovcrpow- of which the above is a copy. We offered to buy it, c.-ed with tiie blissful sens'ition, mo -t rapturously ex- but he would not take ten dollars for it. (ieo. licach claimed : " O woman ! but it is i; ,'. We'll return is now president of the same institution. T.'i'a?:son's thanks." Six mouths made the pious couple mm and II' porter. wife; and, added his dfscendint who humorourlv to'd i the tale, a happier couple never spent a Icnjj and 'Js.-' Tnc Gkanp Lotn;E of tiie Masonic Ohoer in I.of ful life together. ! ic'ana adopted at its last sitting a resolution ordain- j ir.yj that a solemn funeral rite be odcbratMl in the Securing a Fokttne tjv 3t aruyino Tih:ekSistki;s. room of the (irand Lode on the fourth Monday of A story is told by the Xew York Globe of one of ; next Xovcmber to the memory of their very illustri the newly elected senator from the river count ieo t f,,;,J t'-'-e. AimI-,.. IeIon Jfcoooed. Siecitl in the Ohio Legislature, which s!ows thnt be is goo.l at yitations will be sent to all the C.raml Lodc m the XE-r.v a tin .. 1:11 1: r. Kcok Hiistlinu', :iu:I .Ucjtiiit Hook timf.M'tory. Ilir. rntieriber4 liavin ei.tered into p;itner!iip for tlte p-irprwe -ti- td C.irtyini! oil the l'.o..k Matmra- tiirtiiL' and l(.M.k llm.l- in in all n v irto :s !.r un h. . tin.I. r l!- I.nn an t tle of W. A fe- vcars a'o he court- LTnion, as well as to the 1 idits of Xew Orleans. holding on in a od cat:se ed and mirned a yotm lady who had two sisters, pos- j sessing among them a large fortune. Ills wife died, and by some means her share of the property did not lall I'J Ulm, üü'. rLUlliliCU ill inu .u-Ji.ia v i ui- surviving sisters, lie courted and nnrried the second one, who, in the mean time, had arrived at woman hood. Uy her he had one child ; soon after siie, too, died, and it was so arranged that the property remain ed in the other iter, and neither could come into dodo kmv.,.., . . ., , . ,,. c i. ! - do cold and xilver watches, possesion of it until this ollsprmg was ct age. in . c ,, walrh Biurjjf the mean time the t'tird sister came to maturity.: i-'doz ore .lue-j, Wh.t d.d our her.) d j but court and marry her. lie ; !:Svh::;!;:?Ut',,' dulu't tio any tiling else'." ami is now in pe-:sion of the whol j fortuue originally left to the three sis ters ! 2" do lalse f.ue, .i. ... .1.. ...... Interesting Facts. Why have white veils a ten ilenrv to promote sun burn and frccl'b." ! " ri .i .i il en' - i;-rl,t 4 hose slim-tin:! Crackers, because they increase the power ot the sun light. . Klrrwl.rk,,-a wirls,t W hy t!o"s a l.anucl covcrinjr keep a man warm i:i , t ilium .. . . It ...I .. . winter, and icq irom melting m the sunuiier Wild Hemp, rcscmb'ir,;: 'd:c hemp of Xew Zealand and with a t.bro like Manilla, has been found not far from St. Lot! is. 'HOY AI OTJOS. -fl 4f !' .- doll hahies, 4 du tmf s 1 !;ini t a si!, U.f duz. Jtvvtluirps, lit d. tuck coml.s, ä i di'Z Fienrli liaip?, pair s-ide coml!, 2 du accoMeortü, t. tl... Micnc l cotni s, la do iv..r omli!, a do shell ode and tuck cimht, Ii) do hur linj.-lie.-, ii'J tin to. .Hi hrilite!, Ü tio (l!.t!ie! iiiis':es, fi ilu shoe lirulit m, f do w liite wali hrii-lies, 4 du s nihliim; brnhe, a ilo !nre l-ruslie, yi l.i i oe rime blacking, l' cross matches lattnz p-itkae? pins, 1 do fldtlleü G do wiKiden irr..Tje,, 4 do glas;, lea set', 'J .to mar-! takt Iv! do laineU. i. ."., reie(tf i:iy itif..rm their Irieii.U an I the pu'.l;t penei a'.lv til t t!ey have made larce ad.litioi.s of Nick an I to..U from tl-eat. n:.d I Ii.iviii4 niitle air iiiueiiieiiu Willi the eastern maiiuta luters for a j constint supply (,r hUnk b.ot and remrJ uer of t!ie ery 1-e-l ; pi ilitv , they are prepared to supply c 'nity ot'.kerf, b.nnks, anJ m. r cliann Hit AM us.ns or statiom:ijv and every der ripti..ii .f Hlatik f.. f. r ;.i-.v. County C:erU,.li:ltt vr$. Treasurers t fkhwl CoiniiMmortfrj und .MdgLTaU'f wilti or without printed liea . In all ttietr h'ank boo' s they ne the Improved Patent mode of ? liii, whiili give utre-ith tn'h great Jlrufi and is inn.inp ira! ty biiperior to any other method ever devised for blank books, ami "ill keep the le iveu firm and vliil the bo.ik lat, intea.t of coining to pieces, ai is often the case with all other methods. The n,.v metlKid of sewing render the. I K.ks worth double tho ol.l kiad. though ,liey cot no iiHTe. In eleinre, d ir.ilniity, an I siteiior tl of tlnnh, tlieir acctint boos aie eijual to the liest ealetn work, and no higher in price. H . .1. . Co. nri a No prepared to ninnufacture till sorts of fancy Mi le, such as IsidteSanl l., nttciun' port I'o!tti.i. Ct.kct, Ca d Ca-e, .i:t,umi, Seclude t'ar, Cir Ca.-cs, l'utkrt HmLs, und .Volt Hunk. MUSIC P.iPF.R always on band, whi. h cr.n le bound in various & -hjlM .1 VWWV'M'i'i at tkrltt.rtw'vfirt a.... VoOil'no.tce. 1'be mo-t improved pattern of a Killing Machine is ju-t received. Hooks an t p iper r;tt-d to any p ittern. 'I'iie v are tirepared to do ail k inds of I'.in lins in French and Knsiish ratfand iiiortMen, plain extra, and impercxti.i marble and pilt edL" finish. All kinds of liwand inteileaved M-orks and bound to match, to w bich peisoiial atlenl w id be uiveu. livery article in t fir ir line w.irrudel to lieol the vtry best quiuty and at the lowest w holt sale and retail ptices. I I.I.I M A. . 4s ii.m;i.i:s v.. !. . is. Ti ?.Suiu tl Eiism-niicc Coi:ii.iny Ol" L'V l Ol li. fJIIlS Institii'Jm during the month ol October, issued ei-Iity ftxir M new Policies, viz : I 1 r.MAl.VlNi; in the Post Oilice, In !i:iapalis, Ii Jina, JLv .N'jvc;i;Lci 1. l,r. (u1 i' ca' tag for Aii'.iiiirisr.i). 7' :r i.i'aml i-.ta It o.i all - .'' or ra: rrs for . . j ... i. Lt j S o i i pJ '.)::'. ". must be trc; liMin eomt'ion marl de, '2 doZ Ues pew!er tt.i sets, Cä du b-ixe wiMxlen toys, 4 clo do liirnitute. 4 do do kr.chen utensils, f lo whips, with iiarmoiiie, !) do lil.i-sAare, in Ues, Anil a tti:ii-aii'l oilier ditTeteiil articles, tMi tnniiermi.i t inention. .i.iiii.ti . . .Pi.Plvr, i(1 ,ile utcriltr. ami wlocli wall 1 -i verv l..v. rt-ause it both prevents the pas-aec ot heat lroin riea-ec iii and e. 4s tj. M the man and to the ice. rrv2 Ms s cti' M a s . ami iH's:s Wliv does a ners-m wilh a cold in the hnd. catarrh n,; aiioomi, - r I U . i . . . fro pl tnan that made ot cotton ! I'ecaus . the linen, by conducting readily, absorbs the the heat atid the ii.t' -.iuin iti n. while tlii latter, bv rifusit:'f to ive tuss: 're to tbe i.f . ... - , r o creates the ti-mp--r;ture and t!;e p:i:n. Why is looss clothing warmer t!;an such as fits close ! Uecause the rpi xntity of imperfectly conducted air thus confined arou.-id t!ie body, resist the escape of the animal heat. Vorn tlic eyrs and n-'S? experience more relief on ap-1 . a Jiirheniutj, lvin2 to the fjee a liru'n or cambric handkerchief! i ,V! hickory V.. its, 1 do h i.V nuts, I 1 barrel h.M, j 1 I Uies .M. I141 raisins, 1 Inriel i.iir l inn, t J.,l I lo. sliflled almorids, I . . . . 1 J jars I rem it prunes, I tl.iz t nilies tlierrirs, I do mik , I battel or.1112, Ju-t receiveil and (or sale liv the itieri ber. 2".l His cainly, a.-.-orted, I'l ilo randy tojs, f.') d mac ironies. ."') ilo s,.ir e iiu'.., ."( I till dllLlM, I box crnnd epwr, 1 do alispi; e, I !o 1 iiiamoii, I do 1 loves, 'Vt Ihs initio. :t J.. if. t", öi do C t Ot Iii. it: , 4S C. Kir ill' est van mi I:: fit'ward' A! !:i!r'? AatJii Allen Chai - i.ut.o:; Thorn 1 AdiCl (ItOit? A pplej; te II n 3 S Alice lletitly It F.crt llcnrv Hums J YV lnn4 Jno M luote 1'ieM Jo H.ker Win Uock A and others Mr.o.J m James Biiwlrs Jn ) Wm 1'iuce (Jeorto Hill'.id "Siriil 1 1 . u 0 - on K li Iti II KJ. aid ltu-hei 1 1 a 1 1 y Hiowii Oliver Jonas Hii.!,'-es James I'.uil.s Jatncs i!twk .Mis Kliza Folioti N I'.t c k 1 1 r Wm A P.a'es F.'.w.iid 15 riiwith Saml Inker J I 1 ma, (tucrtri:;e tucj L I'o Meicbants and Traders, Tn Mar ufacttirers, To I'.rokers, T o Agent, To lerk, To Teacher, To Arti-t, To P.utrher, To (artine;i, 3 I'I'o Physicians, I I'o 1. 1 j ts, i. I'o Farmer, I. I'o Mechanics, " 1 I'o Secretaries of In. Cos. I, I'o ( !ahiers of P.. inks, 1; I'o Tetter, li I'o Olhceisof IT. S. Army, L, I'o (tenllemeii, t I n Ui li 15 1; V lis. Educativ; tii': M isshj. The id-?a of instructing and clevutine; the mi--es b -dong.s to m -dem times: it opens out"uc.v d ictri::-- V tise world. The an cient legislators would nt Irive comprehended it : the legislators of middle aes would only have s cn in it an impiety, as thy consld red that Knowledge ot'-ht to'oeloii" onl; to the church : cms-niet;tly, n people, up to the present tiu.e, has produc ;! all t!..: . it miiriit ,toi nr. e mi::, merely in intelligence. This wis a Mi!dmo sp-r-tacle which was wanting on the earth, and which is now preparing for future generali ms. Here woman's niis.on reeals it-tlf. sn:r:r itn:u, u i.m:, ami vii:t ik. P.L- sweet tider, j I baue liite French wine, -J do ale, . I do S.iilteife do, I b ts. clnmp nine wine ( genuine , '2 do Port do. 1 barrel M il 1: w ine, I do Maiin-ey !o, I do Musk it. do 1 do est vinej ir, Jul received au I for fa'e low by the subscriber. The wines aie peii'iine. are tht-refote smt tli! for cli'iich purposes, t'. rot'iiarr i i via:u, c(rs:i:.s 't c; Vf '.tiii:, .mi do. xicket knivt?, fio'n 0' 0 do cid r ! Ul', cent to -' ", f half salloli bottles, 1 I il. . bat. ber knives, ' ' do L'.llon Ix.ttles i do meal hievt.., f Io pint tumbler. h .in n.tit eint tin. I i.'0!) c I te are (jugs and jar) I .V do cup and sniicet, ' 3 ia do potters' ware, "! do, plates. Just reteive.l and for sale low. tithe r w la.Iesale or rlnil,by 4S r. .M.AVF.R. Toi'tersymen, X Lives Inured, Sami. ki. Il.tx-itv, Secretary. M. ROUI.NSOX, President. Mimti'ri Por, Physician, 5 ' I I'.nn lw ay. 47 t. W. t.'AOV, A cent at Indianapolis. " y.C.uattmy the icatj to lfe:ilth.,t CITY M20S: f'B)5iST, The EinpjFKtir. ! H'aI:i:tsi. N a.Mition to my f. rnu-r Lirse ami ceii"r..l a-sort meiit f Cf.fnp Hunt and blu r, I have jat rt reived a Mipplv, d'ret t from the .Manuf.irtur. r. and, as usual, am -llirij them olf at lower prices than any othi r house in the city. We set out at the comment ement to make the City Sp. Stre w bat tt now is. th F.;nmrium i f Fa.-hi.n jnd Head garters for aod hnru'iHS. As " Fa oiiouiy is the way to Wealth," the most direct road i through the Ct'y W S.irr, and the way will In made shorter by travelling thitlitr in a pair of my bt-.-t boots or shoes. Filly p ickac of now Sh ie. enihracins every viriety, at unusually low prices, receiv.-d and fur sale by J. II. fJ LI 1! V. 1- rjIir Mi!'cri!er reie:l fully informs the r ili.ens of I iiilinii;ixilis, M. ami Ibe put.hc in pene rnl, that be has j it received a frech na MUtinent of 4trN-eiie sm h us a prime article f New i UU-;t n Mi2-ir, Pioand Havana coiree, iniperi il, oti'i5 hys .u, a id unpow .h r tea, loaf Mizir, Havana susar. New Orleans and house molasses. Western Keserve threse, No. 1 mat kerel, codiish, etc., w hich he ofTt-rs for sale at very low prkea. J. NIU!.AI, öl-y fVer ilrs lf'e.4 of Jirnkr'g Ilot-l. Csm-n JnJ Cl.ciiv Th os p (at:cion Miss K.T.rhnc l'Ui k Mr Sii'jniiah J CI., i in no .Mis I j 1 C!.uk J.U(d t'luz'1r:c' Jsmcs (11. ly Ja'nes I'oX Jil l f.. t Miäs Jeiric O CI uk lienio t Jr t'l.iislic JllTif) 13 C ! 1 i -1 y lletsey (hin;:i?.n .Miss Lydia (Vtiimid Mis Ann J l.. to Isaac Co.ntiili Levi i) Doisev Itev.l Wes'cy Duiit'l KevJ W V Piizan Wm II Piwson Mrs Mary Jane Dickcimm 1'iedcritk I). Izell Jät e Pill (Iicenly I).i;nut Felina )aw-on Casey l.'nt a Frat.cis ? Deck i: Dttet Pavi.l Uevmp ut Mai' in !iiv boosts. Digxitv or Woman. It is not ti;C vonr.n v.l.oj should be irt?truct(.il by meinsof the husband: il is j the husband v. ho should be rc 'inr.a.d by menn:s ofi the wife. What, then, i to bn!.n-! Kontore wo men to the complete ;e::.s.j of t.1 j f ; r dinitv, ot:1 tc;..i them to dislin-ui-h trt;e love from the fury whi; h j usurps i'.s name. Ti.e f.rst p int i-, that thvy sliould ! Le loved and ivsnoetcd thai thev .-houlu on no account, ; assent to the deplorable pari imposed up-'U th. in by, our brutal passions ih il they fit uid l.-:im how de-j graded is the inu.ue whi.ui would convert t!.e;o nto . iustruintiit- i f capuce and pleasure. j The American Puks. 0.1r. .. II r. 1 ill, of Ciu- j cinntiti, preposi.- to collect and puhli-h f r public iu formation. a statement of the iu;uLf . mriK i, editors, publishers, character and condition of all the period-1 ical ehcets that are i-sucd, ihiily, we. ':ly iuouthlv and j quarterly from the United Vnvs. Jle wi.surs to net it out by January li 3, and r-:u'!s editors and ptibli-hers to furnish hi:n witli I formation. ? r0 yds tirna n shirtins, r ili h'cä he. I li, l.lh) ilo c iln o, I iiesl fashion, o'l - I. rd rT mnel, : do tree n ilo. Jrt r c. ued an! for sale lo.v hv (' ö 0 .Is jeans. i do. lmi-kkiii uiiU3iid plove?, , l do c.i inf ills, ft' VI lln ci'ttmi yarn, assnite.i, f'l.l .f.. ...Ov.'i. ii.ti. . M .W KU. 4S ClIIIilSTMAS mid .New Ve:ir are con ins, and so am I, and thnt ith the l ir.'i'st, finest, and che.ipet a-.sortmeiit of I mr y ti.snls, Ts, .NiitiniM, Croct'ries, lr iiM.ils, I'jr.hvrire, I Ir n 1!, etc that ever fame to this untket. I respettlully invite (he ritieim of I nillitin;-o-lis an 1 vicinity, and the pniilic in ctii ral, to call and eamu.emy CiMhls. as lli. -re wit! not tie an opjMiiiiinity s.Min :imim to hell il.l su'.li a spieudid assortment and such a variety of (I''. , d.a i;.,i, . .Vor. 1 1 , 1 s t . 47 C ! I K I F.s? M A V F.R. z.irrs WAXY KM l f 51" K uVscrirrs wish 'n lease or purchase two or four eres if I Inn I in H e jmincli it i.-init v o" tlos riv : tor particulars npiily invne li itely at Hie s;ore of b.Ml'1'll sc IIAW'A. I Riliai:!po!i, Nov. .. 4ii (O ETO.V V A KÄS. US Kastern Cotton V:on at t lire. in exihirpe for heat,f j i h,fl iliiie's, lieans, heeswax and other produce. Hi '4y'))k Id-" Kastern Cotton Vroii at Hie lowest ensij rH' piice.i in exih irpe for w heat, feathers, coiinti y 4" SUIT 1 1 Ac II ANN. 'S- s a c s rs. fc-." ' l' s:ip. in. lipo, tvaiMh'.c 1, :'. Il m i l .er, 'J- r,,j,.,er as, ," ) do alum, l.'.O it' I ..L"H 1. 1. Ju-t reieiv. d au I for sa!e very io'7- e-pr-'t..;; tliC .id:i'r, which is a verv eirela 1:1 .'uticle, 1 had nil Si iow ly l..e i.ouinl as can .e iMno'i.t at lite i iver. C. MAVr.U. ret pi.. site iu- si:w i:vi's. P'JI'.r.S'lN'J wishinsa to-d aCn le of r tnc!es,and a l;irr lot R lnt-i-i'tliiiii,rnitiiit fail to l.e Miite.l I.y r alliiis at V. II. Tal's Jewelrv Mion, where mav I found all kinds of Fpeftarle, a well as all kinds of tl sses . I in foi l, silver, Cerman silver, steel wire, or heavy steel Iranie Bo'.'l", v ith creeti and nay classes, tc. Ate, at all kinds of pures from .." ris to .l". Moie .; nmite the Vai.hinton Hall and a Ocsus ta.-t if lien. lr.ike'a lloiel. 41 W. II TAI.UOTT. IIA Z ( 5 lr AÄ S liMV i:s. "VJ AY he I; id, at redu'e t fii'es, a l uce lot of ltoers' and U s Jtll tenlK tine Razors, assorted, for individuals Mid harher u-e; also, all kinds of ps ket, pen, end Conten Knives, end Scissors ol all M.rts, nzes, and iuaüiie. it) laions.u 47 VV. II. TAI.I'.O I 'T'.- J tools si ii I Sit!(s for Winter )sir. Men'ilhick Imk.ip, 1 7.i to S I.nn . VYotneiCn kip sh.ies,. 1 .00 to I .-" to Co do, '2 1) I to " -!." do tio iM.ts, 7'itol im doextri do, ''. ') to '2: d.) do do, llMUol.l 2J Women's k 'n shoe, 7." to I'll ', 1. fine e.lf (hes and bs's. at all sale at Ihr. Ci'y S W .S'ore. I.y J. II. Mil.KSItY. 1 rf li I' Z. it.en huir.lo versjioes. ti i!..z cur::stnic da ; C do. JjL ladies' uinela-tir overshoes, f .r sale at liie Citii S)ne .S' .re. 4S J. II ö'iLltsd'V. tr. Utre'ry S'ort . r- rire I 1 ever the First NnwrArEr... Tiie first Tinted west of the Alleghany nruntains wr.s the. Uttsbirrrh Gazette. The frst paper printed in Ohio' was the Scioto Gaz?ttc, at Chillicothe, Ohio. rvI.t. and examine f. r ourst ve.lhe finest, larrrst, andpre'tiesl VL J eh-eti. f s.metior Tea and Tread Tras, in t-i.r nngle.ties. 47 Tiie rst Ives.llie a ml l'.read T fi.r s:i!e :.t fh il.irt.Ii.liia nriie. liV W. II. 'I AU.M ,"W hn.l ...... r..mln. n fine as-oit mr; nt f l.nrd Lamps, Hy'suit iMe' !r stores,,"arl., Id or sittin nsmi-, eiilier of ihe he! inaferial ai'd Uive a inoft first p ijer printed in Indiana was the Vinctnncs Sun. ; hriiiiant hSht. and rt eastern i.tice,i.y And all three of these papers are yet in succcmsiuI . . , - TI CST received, from the ma Milartory of IVnedir t &. rUirrey,n If I.nn I.Ji.f null .1 ...... .i..i Im.I lit id Pens, w ith I'cUCI I, w me h V i.I operation'. i). L.. recently instituted a suit a-'ainst Air. josepn ; 'fiii-ii. siiiil Viin'av. N. Fearson, of Gor"etown, for no' ertisincr tluit bei nfUYO nureis su:Krior old Malapa Wine. 20 rider Vinecar would not expose cf his goods for the monev ot the Äffi'v ,hw ""w?1" J"""" ' jiariK unies.s me purcuaser would value 11 ai o ; to the dollar. The damics were laid at 10,(H)0; liposcd of the case bv deciding' that a croporation cannot sue for defamation of character, j tiiUmaiket CANDLES. . ... ... . A H Wxmr Cm fjf 1MI rf V... tl. r..rt A.rA t... ,1..;,i;,r l..t n ( n:,nn "n'' lWperm,rtfaria- nn. --" ""TV; 43 x.. n . T(ltA( t) A.Vt) CStiAKS. 01 Ihs laluards' : Vit "in in 1 V) 010 Half Spaiiudi, ." IKI Havanna, l.tiud Kealia, l,ni'i) l.a.Notma, 'J.I 00 lr.uhell.i, 1 ,Utl I I inpenateS, J,!!!! Chei'iots, 2 0. 0 lr.s Hermanor, 5.0' '0 htone pip-s, .r ii) white pi'M'S, 51 ( nipes, 10 MS. siiutT. ';ivendi-h loh.irco. :!.'.'!! Jl it iiailroil do 5l doextia sweel .Missouii Cav. t'.'.O do eil;t lump I'.oo do twelve lump, 5.VI do 12."0 lo kenliirky, loo do Spanish smuklug tobacco, in papers, 100 lli.s Ameiican do 51 do rut ami dry chewing do 50.00(1 American ciais. Jut received and for al; ch ;m hy tiie nicrler. As ther Ij reldom such a fine ion of dears and tohan o otf-r'd In Ihis mar ket. I w ish every lover of Hie jirm le to examine, as I am determined to eil low, eitlier vii-iei!H or rei;ni. hi t. m. (auTcrjm-:.?. w- w ''Ii' ieri on. luurr, u no ju.ii ii"uc m, .1 .... I I.. ' a i ... uu i. I'lKevs liaii. nsttel. 3 loe star candles. I.O'lO Ihs I illow caudles, 0 UineN lake o efi iMiM.nt powd-r, "2 ha i reis fish oil, . barrels mackerel. J. h iss üli4, assorted, 1,0)0 Ihs. lead, 8 tmxes dried herrings, KKI.OOO ripied cups, '2 lo Java d, I a l.e-l ii.i-ri..l l. a, I do gnn(owder do, I do youns hvsii do, 1 do I lack tin, 5,000 Hi. New Orlenn. PUgar, '2 harreln clarifi.! sugar, 1 do Havanna do, 2 do rushed do, 4 du loaf do, I la& pepper, I tin allspice. 3 barrels .vv Orleans molasse. i !ä du. l.riMin. Just received nnd for unle low hy the subsrnher, either wholeale or retail. Any kind of country produce taken in eicl.anpe 4-1 -' V. F.'er Mr Sus.m Ullis Jatncs Kati l day Solion Jll KImui Nit li.ihii Hsaiy Sol )inun r foster i A Killer J.icoh I'aris Kater or Mathias ici d .ir i; w ( '.I I V I v Jo t; oi l Adim tioss Mis N II 1 1 u! h Jose ph II. uc & Coiu.ell M.odii.,; Kuht Mattel I) llettiick AI rm llolmts Misses Maltha & Küzat eth Hutchinson Suinl Hooker Jn ) I t-n-!y All Ilitclu r Mi-s nii'abcth Jlizht .li.c b lliit.cit Jn Ilawki.! .Mfird Hill Calvin K Haines llciuy II rdii Sain I llanisoii A V II it. tcli Jacol) Mis C'nilottc J Johnson tiss Siirh A Jones James Jo;ies L li Johnson Sanil Jinkes Win J niiins Atel J Johnson A ir !i Cul Jul lun Jacob K K'oir Jno V 45-3 ;7 Lewis Tl'0' Lao. !?!. Mn lis L! j) J l. av iJ M t ioie Saml Mo re N ii cy Jl Miik Cl.ii-tian M i.s.m Philip Miller 11 C. Mcii Cliii tili M ore Jtu Muloine W'm Monsicn A rT a I in Jamc Malts Joseph j ... M.i.llin Jna May T J MACS McDjwell II 11 McLean Miss Annabtll McClenIiatn 'Il.os .Mcintosh I! evd A MiC.lauhliu Mrs Kiizitcth ÄicIü'ii'Hii James McCaii Wni Scu MiN'.ul Wtn Mrt'.si-i C.c re Mc'JIuer Hei.j.miti N Ni i nin Jacob Newkitk Chi, ti New kirk 1jjc Ntinn Jocp!i rcn!i Pant IM Mit (Iro Pieice Thonris I'i i v Mis Ca.haiine Poll tto J lines rrl) Jno t .aic (ic.i'ge pdh r.ris l'iiili Alt x inder Teiiy Jug .'cr:r J'hui L R lUy Jas B JUaon Wm He .l Win Jteajin Jno ltedy Jno Kound Benjamin Kinder Jatol) 2 Sehern Comelius Stm'on Oliver Spin ier Dav id . Sjai.fiel.l Tin s J ftcw.ii t Aiesom Scott Saml L Swreizi-r Jno Schnell i Jiu Salmon U Sjtheilanl .Inn T Taylor Unit A Tuu-w i'ei Nalhl " Thornton F.!waul Th ibner D vil Tai k i' tnii llcv Jos Tml T J Tuiewiler Henry 'lutj in Köllns V Vanhlaiieurn Mi Klizabeth Ver Dernau Jno Jr v; WiMiim lluhharj Wheatoii Uavid Wi es A D Wtd L Wooi'.lieM II Wallt) le Tliomr West Mm Maiv II Wtl.hei Nalhl Wilson Y H R Wright Asa Wallace A:o!.Cv 2 Wilson L i Wright Hiram '.Vpjürr Jac. b WiNon Aiidiev Wiiht Aaron 2 Wo Uli. n Wm Williams t', M V illiams Mi5 Saiah Jane Whi'.nev A White C'hatles Iiev 2 Woo 1 K N li üliims Jno W Weslcott KJaiiiI R W.-tts Iii. liarl Wiizht K:nsle7 Wert J. sc; li Wl.i e Llwin S W im man Simon S Wiilia n Ahrahum Wiiiithcad tlias Wiswell A C Y York C F Yut Mis Margaret Yluii .Nat hi C h. I 'UN LAP, T. M. 52 13 0J 24 00 1 (l) 10 0J 2Ü OJ as (A- C10 03 4 ) 00 b 00 2d 00 2 CO 2 00 S 0 1 00 ii. ..... - . ift .7 i .i" ii-ivn oi mi. in. lor set ; no . n.iiue i r, ,,.,. . .. ,. , . , am i.e ,4 h tiotauvKisiir., i.i.t.i .iic te made il.Mu h his ! r- r-tcn!'n to any cider, unit is the lu-tr nr.Hiit.iMy ; Ih-u eliar- . i tin. ier .t-. t".nf y ac: mvuny it. I'.rsoin liiim projH-rij- lor i!- are iu it.vl u brtni; cri their de l'hO:C dtso ii' Complete CPJ i ?5 of the 6cr:;'oii:.n. Inve nt ,u:l into u lice tlK,,,-?'i t!:ii affeiicy otike. I'oiOIl atul A;; CI:.ll, will j!oat mv-J us their ;atue rrcvi- I Ian and,. a-ams lor j u;hz or rva!e tniMin tnrni-hed, ous . the fnt d.v of Dec rr.!-ci next, a i-nil, tili !--.. it- h. JtJil.N 11. 111. It. I :,, . ... lndiin.iH.i.s .th. -ji ii5. i-i ! G'e u:il jll. r.Iy jay the pistae cn all letters $fr.t ! 1 tiri nu will roi.fiiior it, if lil.eit, to o-fcr i. lo t!.e t et lowest I resjio'isi' le ' itl.'er. ; A. t l"r I j fi 1 1: iV ii vi' Ti) ah 2: t V, I And AiThi!cr;u;':iI Vtllcc. ftii Meridian st eet fo-rili d .or nonili of .N. .iris's P.l. rk. L' f iilerrer havins oi-er Tl. rni2 ipened tu rüire lor the uirl::ie and -a!e of I :is "' i to t:.e li.-n.'iliHiit y i:i th it C.lp: ity. : real proper! v, i f- rs I lie w i;i k"-! i'oo .s Mr tii re.i'iy of j-m, eity lor sa'e ; no i li.itue lows : Sen:i-Weekly, one copy, Se.i.i-Weekly, t-ix cpies, Seini-Wftkly. txvclvc topic.-, ct kly, one r o y, Weekly, twelve copic-. Weekly, twei.ty-five copies. Tin: UNION. Will be furnished hereafter to yeaily iubeCiibis, low s ; Daily, j rr yesr, f.)r ne copy, Duly, jti year, for five o;.tc?, S loi weekly, rer year, f r one cop;-, Semi-v.eekly, pei year, fui five topics. Sc mi-weekly, per yen, for ten copicf, Weekly, jer year, eve cepy, W e k'y, pe: yt ar, five copier, eUly,pcr year, tt ri copies. m j l t r ' . . ... , ,a i. i.y.'j ii: ies 1. 1 i ii'iii'irnVetl am! on a wood nvn u tt I in ! '' i-t tlnee hoins ri le of l.:uie!te: o ot t inilier an.t nart nrioie. kiis . w Uli lilUe lahor, of laaktu a s.dcii lid farm ; ill be Sold or ! ext Ü.iu.'d lor city pr..j"rty. j .No. -J. coiiifortilile li.iaie dweliin ho'ie and lot on north ' noi-i street. In I an. l oin, 1 r.o!ns, t i!.i- and carnage house, lot AS i le t hv -Jtf? f.-el, well supp'ied with Irutt t;ee4 and hrulil-ery all ::i ; good r.Ier; price $1 o;J, giä'J ot whi li ean remain on umitjase, I O.t. Jä. 4 J')ll., Ileal KMa'e Aei t. to u continirtfr11-ff dollars and upwaid. O.hci htre: di icctc I to ns, with ihe j ct :gc utit aiJ, will not be tjkt n rut oflheolHre. UlTLTIIt; 4; IltlSS. If'tisftrncfa.-i, Crtohcr C, IS 13. ftcw Nrric ul' cht: onprpfion:il j;fc!;c: and Appendix. to rr. 5i Enr.oTvrED. The tin ers'n:ne.l originated Ihe m de of j lurtializipff lhe pncitdii f Col lies, w hich presented them tratwe. Thtir "-"'-- f5jj'ij g"OI& SU P j pu. hciti. ii w the hist and only one that give each uc- fVO. 3.-A rt;IMofr-.,..r i.I, ,, .,y toho,,eandSta.lC0:SlV5 P "l f,Ve,' bo,h C.uZl lr lie. on .piaie J7, Illinois treu. , abncl ol ail the debates ; eveiy itnpoiiant vote; and an S,t. 4. Also .-.; irroi of rirt roe Pm l, within 2 miles of Indiana- ! appc,'a x. ineluditg at full leni'li all the icvisci Jpeeclie tiii, hewn lo himse, ahout -J.") acre j ti ruliivntion ; ernuiie of leliveictl diii inj the fesii.n Th ! ti,..r ..t..i..i i... tV.tlJv.ioi l.ltiOil triiiVl : "MllttiSOU lO the ;',t fupit-MLtatives Tiorn cve.y sect, u .f T I''ss' the t nion biin with them into C. i gio.s a LnukdB'f uf . trr-xr l vrrvCL j the fueling, ventiir.ent--, and inteiests of tl.tii s-ivtral ccr- j rWTIlU uiiilrrsijne!l, A eils ir lUo .Vi.oro rattporta'tun i ompavy, M. arc prrp ite.l 1 1 rtcept for all kimU of Pro hice and .Metrhu j Ihr.Mlcf! (r"ti tin cry to Arm Purfc. U nion, Philadelphia and Baltimore, ! hy way of the .Miami Canal, I., ke Krie, Kne t'i.nal ami Vetertl . I.'ait IttKi.l, an.l all iuterineiJiaie p..rtd or places, at very low rales of ! frcijlit. 'Ph.-Men haut and ot In i s of this city Ind ianapoli and adj.irent pta'-es, ein now, hy imi lo tliemsel vei of tiie ino-l extensive facilities in the .! m rv, tiie safe, c 'tr ip nnd e.-fdaioui trauX4l.itioii of th:ir Produce und .MercUanJae to and from the iJo. -' et it Ci'ie I Wi contract for the delivery of ton.' of all kin!s from Ihe Eh1 to litis '.ty, liidiaiia;o;i. and Hin aiiaceiii town, hy this pi'le at lo-rer li.-oi,;fil out via 1Vioi I vauia I ai'.ls : ml t lie stituri c:es. l ahlic opinion and the pullic u foimatun, ai it exists an i g th se they icpiestn", aie embodied by them ; and in the ciucible of Cv iiuss ihe wisd.-m ct our limes is brought tj it test, and is Ihne fotucntiated, in Jiiecti" g the political moicnu-iit of lhe whole ci untiy. The impulses thu" given through Congress Horn cicry quaitcr leict up on the natijn as a whole, und all i's cvmpur.n.t paits msde to move in c )-oj erat i n, The pics cmnji be mo:e usefully employed than in conJcnsing and again spreading abroad the intelligence of err lire country, tci.di: g to inch hajpy ie Hilt through our al.nost miraculously adjusted State ai d National institutions. . Having Identified eurselvcs with the lan of advancing the usefub:! tf C ng ess by publishii g full and impaitnl ie- j .i'-o tli iii iirycaii l.e i.root-ni ... via i emiivauia l,i:-si.s tue , t j hai , 0f the CoOgrcSfi -tial Globe ! Oh... river, the ti-.vUiuu U.u; good al all ton.- h-tween Üüs ami 1 ... . , f. Iicf . . - . riai inn ill. 3II I LHI.LL t LO. 1 " l" ", ;i.o, "ii uon M i.lisoii la.. Au. I t, 1 !". I. S. W'e are tittll Aiieiits for one of ti.e lest Lines on the Penn- ; Mlvaiiia Cau.ds, and a;c tectii'tiii llir.ngli Coii.staiuly ty that route. I 'r-:i:ii .M. CO. he impaired i i value to us and utility t the public if tbe woik were di-coutinued, we have a double motive to prompt us to extend it thi'Ugu a new scnts. Wc aie it solved if P"S-iblc to give it permanence, and to hand it down to succes sor as a ttar.datd woik, worthy of ttii g maintained ai d ini- t. .1 Vr vt.-ill r ri I r o.-nn oo rnm ...'in ---. ... I ....i. . y-.. v v. . iv uiiiii.uaui n iiiiLu. I lut.4lfil Hl I.II I n.t ) - qiiv . t A lit,.... f lk Corner Tliiccl :.:! Valntil Strrct, . ...... j I'inriiiiiati. lihtn. i-MTi;ni.r..-8Af.i: ...tret.i .tenter in li.i.H.rte.1 and American Pes ndt thu;? imenc uiiberc d, shall hope' to make the new t&Y Caz im, Tobacco, .""nntf, .r. &c. Western Dealer are cspe-! seiit'S a tcp in advance ( f the foitnt rin all pf ii.ts c f execu- t Lilly llivite l to examine tlietr . k lie!, re pun Ii.imiis t lte here. Tiiey neil at the lowest city price-, atul te I warranted in aTiif 111 it Ihey can tive silisi iclimi to a!h ustotnet!. They u ill till all or d'i for Tobacco, Stiulf and t'l-jar. a! the horte! notice. 4-i ni I lion. With a view t) accomplish tins, we halI be (one or the o:!;rr) always in aUciidantc in Congitss will ctmpiie the mauuciipts f our nv.n repot tors wilh the daily reports of the city p.ipeis collect all I.y our own ebeivation ai.d knowledge if ihe proceedings; and m impoitart rnattcis, I rRllll. ii!scii:e! h ive coiislantly on oajn! a larje an1 raslnonalte where that will not assure Us of the fidelity tf.tbe lepoits, I IL assortment of Jewelry, t.ohl anJ Silrer Watt hr. Plated W are, I we wilj p,ucurc tne ai,i 0f t'ie inembcrs thcrace.res, to e b- Luslisli am! Amerk an iltitannta, iVinteil Ja pa lied 1 ea 1 ravn, t.old , . - . .. ,r ,i i. ri,. .i. .... ! and Silver PC..c!lf, li.n(..d , Cold anelSilvVrS 1 fC- , V" X'C C",aC, S?-'C cf thcU rtmai V: J.Ui XTCrk ,hUS 3U I Ui'-m. Silver. -nous. l-.i"i i ;.'n Fruit Knive. Iluiier Kiiive. &.C. 1 tlientictted, will tc triftityi.!, which I a ßjaianty that , - r t - " - - a ( ii), I lYil.iw- Ki; Ji;.s. Jewet ;,in! very variety oi irimtiiin. w c will maic i as pei root as lt I posilIe lor us to make it, Silver Waie and Jewelry made to order. OU'L.N &. CAIll.KY, i as we would n t inci.'i the CpetlsC cf Sttiect Vt ilg it, if We M sl.Jietmrn 3d end Hk.a., Cincinnati. , ot feC c, .r,de-iit of its soperioiity over afl woiks of tbe S'V ml 4i .l I'UU flit j kind which have beer or are l.ktly to be publi-ht d. Stere- liOffkill- U ls TiniriP .IStsnilf.JC'orV. . 1 -lypii g tiie ro k wil! cntUe us lo supy lost or mtitilattd rPIIP. uiisrril.erhasro.iuaeocedtlie man.itartnreof I H.k ii2 .lu, ; nninttis, which V.e will da, Without miking any chaige U T b Porlrail and I'nt'ire Proves o!ever variety of patu in. !v Steam j ihetn. Power, and hy so di.i'ii he is enabled lo nell the a' tve art i le? a W i Csngrr sirral (Vole is tr.l'c up of tl:e daily proceed- .slltev can he pi:r I:aed in any I the Kantern Cities, and rislhe ri; ! iptT tlf t'p two H f. of Ctr "te T!c "ccche of tl e r.nd can,, iynurl, less, i-oo.ory Met, will find ,t gteal.y lolheir x ' . ., , x them it.P a readable length ;;dvantae to c;ill l pur. Inonns I a! or ele here. , . ,, , , . n. , , Allkiii.lsof Ciili..:: M.itlv exe...t..i. All lhe renlutioti o..end, or motici.s made, aie given in 4 1 y i;ilK.i;.i:;: WlsWi;i.I., IIT.Va.'n'., Cirinati. . t ic tnoVi l's own word ; at;d ti e yen nnd nays ou all the "irmntivr-v" - 3 i-rt r " itnpoiUnt juestior.s. Il is pi intcd w ith small tyr ebre vier 3 roiiiitiivojon :nul I'ro:! lie;1 .lIorc!a::nts, .yr.t sftso.v, .i'r,,.f.f.. IMS i e to in a: m i:n v. RS. VO'.'M! vry respectfully ii.1. ins tl.e La. lies of Im'i k iiiinnnli! and ti e vici. it v, tnat si e is now rereiviau !ire. t from Cim i .tiati, a t ew and ' . jtiiul jissortmont cf s. le. t e l l y lo rs. lt. lioai lhe l i 5t stocks in :.e city roiuprisin K.'e i;ait sa s t in . 'eVe'., Jl öbon. F otccr , and cv. ry t'n r nr tide in .Millinery : witu any of wich she would b hsippy to sup ply her 1 1 lends and L ull i:eii.Hv at a Mil ill o.itiist cost. Also, a variety ol" FANCY ;X)IS, compiiins Pacts in "rei.t variety, and nuiio-roiis other xrti' .e. . W'AN'l'KD Pive or x you ug wci.kmi as apprciiti. ee nt either Diess M.iklMi or Mi'ü-iery. jStorc on Ta'. i.ijzton ttreet, n few loors wesi of lilii is Jtrtct. r issiso.vAfiei.i: j v. ir CST ieceive.1 from the Pastern cities a I if."r and f.hiot:?.h!e ip tit.K-it ol Jewelry, roiisitmj in put ot ureisi tins mr i at)d 1 atc qimtn p ges. punted in frmall type Die icr aid UiPB, ItraceletH, Nerkl .ce., and Shirt Holt !. ret w:t!i jellotv, .; jn , U( fuu läh Cl n,.,lcie iulJtXes U Vtll al the cud pink, jHirpie, and whit lH ü i blue and black Kti imeluaa, t 1 . r all ots ami sizes , also Cameo, Total and Jet. This Jewehy was j ta,;C,10"" . , , , v . . , selected ith care and e.presy f,r this miket. I he su'.m nier ' W e ha ve i ti hand the Cnr.jre-ional ar.d Appendix fl it'ers himself lie ran suit the niost taste, either in Mle, j fU the Iat twelve si f-Mui. ol Cv.ngrers, cf Which five were Uiialii or price. J.hep;rjic are icfjtjefteU to can ami i:ik a im.k. .0;oKt!e Wit i:u-;l n Hall 41 V.I1. 'PAL HOP P. nuriibet ci i:t..inii'g n'teeri io-al 'j'j.u! pages. 1 he Appendix is made of the I'ies-id rit's nnnual me spge, the icpoits ef t.'ie piincipal olScers cf the Goven mint that accotnj ai y it, .ind u II the 1 T.g spetchen of mi-n.bers cf Congress, wiitte ii out ri revised by thettie Ive. It is piii.trd in tiie J-atr.e lo.m as the Cot gics-i-jtial Globe, ai.d usually mkes at out ihe a:i.c, iiuniber f piges. We lint the number. fat as the priicccdins of Crn guss ftiiiiish enough ina't' r for a nurat sr. Durirg the fiit oi fix vel:sf a st-ion, time i tartly tnoie bui t e ss dime thnn will rn;.ke one number of the Congressional niobc aiid one titir.! er of the Ap,cudix a week ; t ut duiii g the lennir. !ei of a fre-i-ion there is usually suiTit ient matter for two or thiee tiun.beis t f each every week. Ihertxt sessnn will be a long o: e, and it is suj posed will te unus uallv intpiestinp ; tti. i.fne, we rulcul-itc that the Coiigns- sional (il. l e a! d Appendix will each male oi c tl. cu lt Ü J.OB.J ' ; I lifJJ.t s. t AY hf fo'iD I for sale rhenp nt W. II.'i Jewelry Store a lew tJold 'Uiiinhles I ti'tfeietil t-tzo ; ImiMIvi i do ol a!l mrH big and seven wire !;oit -es!!-. The C (II ne r.nd Appsrd:x for ca h t5it.n are bound t.gethci in excellent binding, with. lliiss!4 l.aiks and cornets. Our putt s fsi tin in, thus b in. J togt tlici, aie 3 a volume fui a hoit, and l; ) a v P me fur a I i -erion, makiiig f..i ft - w and ; alsoa lare Ll ot e.ol i , u -.e- Mil e.. ,..r ..a. oes or f(jU nl wa ( ljtk vojumes sJi0U,d a ,.,y i.ei,iiir....yi-i..j i fp, nm im ne liatelv, Ihey aie in demand. The la-t rnIin has lieeii ii?:d tiie sole asent lot Ihis ci'y, for Ü ffllinst the erif.ic d spectacles mid c!:ses ; thes lases are sa.d to l.e Lhe test article now la tue. I h ive just received a lar?-! lot of the t-iei s. also the classes, ami w ill he i.hle to Milt i.ll aorls and conditions ol eres ; llir: classes and ppecUcled Will he Mold al lhe ,'s pties, I y W. II. TALIMJ'T. U Y; Till: I'l'-lUslV. Congress subci ibed P r K i hundied and twentv-fix 6ei ; and it i picbaM that ibe next will tub?cribe for at least a nut y moie, as the pr-'re t-difgs of Coi g f for the lst eight years cannot t.e pu tuii.l liom ary o:her s-juire, Gsles Scan having stopped lii.tin; tl.rir Ilegiiter of Deta'es in 1 Mt 7 . A lew hundif J coi iej el the Xi. I. vdume is all we have on hü d. 'I he next scs-irn cf Corrrc?s will te a long one, and. .. . .. . . .- . . i i . i rnHi: sut.-cnier liasju.i iron, i a.... Y,T ,hci i fo. f , t he C.P-. Css,., al C, !0be ai.d ApienliX t-hould I ti Vni't nillitlif laresi ot Ime watt hes ever l.toui'lit to . s , ' , . , r .. , 1,1,4 ' ' 1 , , , v.;.. .., I ....rJ ,., ii..r a., i oii.e 2 1 the e !, which i- tt.c puce we chaise L.r the uu- t In eiiv. roiiMstins ol t.old and r-i". cr Levers, Ant lior do, l.apine . - ., , . and Ver'aal, plain, etr, ml l"'l Jc vm lied, of ,inte rase, il..u!.le ; bound iiuml Ci of the pa-t I. r g 5cssKr.s but w e bavecdi- .ti.aml lliintni. c:m' s. 'l iic inil SiC ate res;-! tl'uilv inv it d to Ca I a l.d i eluded lo i e JtJce the t i ire. as LI! )W. Ull'il the fiut day cf " ---- - - I examine iI,.m- au lies ; lie :;-oi;i.ici.t is ety l.ut'e d w-l- next jauU.,, v af-t,r x Jjidi tone the C. nr ssional Gb be aid I, . ted, and will l cid at .New Yok ptices, i.nd m every A x wilJ ejCh Le C for the Stxion, i 1 1.0 dtductioi ulaiva ual.-h fidh -.-ve e-i.tue mi Un t:..ii it will U i.ikc n t.r.rx, J.-. . nn ro.rX rf V m(.... ..r... .tier w.a U th i will !e war.udea to Keen c..l lime or no: ut ,'""- v" v. y., il W. II. TAL0 OTT. ioyrm i.vvs. FPICE over .Mir.t' Hat Store, 'Jd door eat of Wahtnpton IUU. - w r AOriai:U AKECIVAJS,. 'aIIP.Iast four pofseteum frotuth eutt,on Saturday lt.hnnif'tit li n frfsh supply of Ten and Coffee B Van in Sett, 'f new and le.iu- tiful Mvlca. AIm a larje assrtmem or Due uoutae piate.i ami IHitain.i Casfir, rr nil itaatiu hws piuni wr .um i.u.t Kets; 8, It), and P2 inch doul.ln pjaled C ' v.idlrlck ; chamber do., w ith assorted snulT. rt and Tmi nmtcli ; "No silver plated Tiim- hler, i enps. Thi-aorlment is larie, am! lias lx-eti M-iteieu w on cate.everv rticlc liein perfect, and of the very best riality, and will he m.ld nl New .York prices. The Pul.lic are most respectfully invited to call and fee lor themselves.. W. II. TALHOl 1, 47 Jaretry Store, e;x.'i'f nraHfon Hall. 4.1 1 Jj.s iiji. a a w s.'!:'-i2'7 rtii.iii IK P. MS. l'oi one ropy t f the Cot Gljte, I'oi one cepy of the App ti .ix, l so r to lencil now in use. L.try lsine iimu oiiflit t avail li:iiielt . r" pi.u-u. oj..? v em.i-i, v v, if i oorortniiitv and i-.i tue; Iii, will be sold at PrnUtleli.hia I ll.e nav be lemittid br n.ail atquriisit. iisnpu.d price a! W. II. TALKurP'.. 4j heie by tl.e 7 li . f l-tcemler, at fjjthcst, to procure all vlmv ......... I..,, out mil verv f ishionaU. in t!,- .hr, . of , Piopil. LIS 01 new -piper-. ,.o y, ..... . . y;..,. ..... grsT received, a few P; lent Pe:?r Pal in res vv , Ji pencil tn , ., 0r citsVi er tai of both andt.M-tl.mck atlad.ed; ll.yre lhe moM coiivi iiienl and ti-e- ! l" fc I ? C ,l ,r' or a 4 ' D'" f itencil now- in u. l..ry nusme,. man oupbi toavad h n. ett . i or t tr.ty-fivc cop:t s of eilher, or pait ti both, . . . ; .wit ka- I.. p, half, -ml -rrings, of all ort and ize-s.Mt.d to s one copy 01 tiit.rpiriu.ui...uS nri!ethf ip, by W. II. TAI.WMT. 4 i their name enteied on our bcoks for one copy of the too- lessioiial ("lobe anJ Appenuix uuims me clo. ur 01 ices for these papers are 0 Iovt that we earnot af ford to citdit them out ; theiefore, no pttson nted con-ume itrifiu:ü: .shoes. AniPK Siier Ru'ler Sandal ; Toadies' lxKind Rubber over- M M . 1 . . t .J . . UulU cKiu nnlln... . ..a... a PuMr. m.leVi ; GrnilrmenV comnron Ruhben; all very Lis time in willing for them and Dot ?.;"' cheap at the Dayton Fashionable Hat and iShoe Store. i LA IU to J. K. SHARPS Waihitsoio City, OffaVr 4, 1S1.