OCrOjJicc on Illinois Sind, Sörth of Washington.
Ii. A. & J. T. CIIAI'MX, Editors.
ß7"The State Sentinel will contain a much larger
amount of reading matter, on all subjects of general
interest, than any other newspaper in Indiana.
Tin: si:hi-u'i:ijki7v t:aiTit)T
Is pinlisiu'd every Wednesday and Satunhy, and dur
ing tiie ssion of the Leil iuro, three times a week,
on Tuesdays, TlnirsJa s and Saturdays, at Four J)ol
Lirs a ifitr, payable always in advance.
thk wz:i:su.y ihutiox
Is pul)lis!i?d every Thursday, at 'Vwo Dollars a year
always to he paul in advance.
sl in advance will piy fyr six months.
f will pay for three copies one. year.
IYrsons remitting slO in advance, free of post
age, hall have three copies of the Semi--klv one
year, SVi will piy f r six tno:iths. $1 will always!
oo charge! tor tue Tri-W eckly, and . cents for the
Weekly, during the Lo-'-jsl.-it i n sessions.
ADVERTISEMENTS, will he inserted thrre times
at one dollar a square of S linos, and he contained at
the rate of ." cents a square lor each additional in
sertion. Quarterly advertisements, per suuarc, s").
All advertisements from ahro id must ' nrrr,t;ira.'iii:il
lij l.'u r-;.v;i ; or no attention will be paid to them. Ipilhr " M'iIk m '("hIipv 1) N I v 1
(SrVosVisa mu,t be paid. 1 llu,i,'-j -MM! tillM i K iO-J
A K( m u table Tritsl ami C'ao oJ fer-j rihv JJosCtm .Hurrtrr.
stti:il Identity. j Everytlni.rr relating t the late dre;ol!ul murder of
The following is tho most remarkable cac involv- Maria a. K.cklWd is 1 .keJ for with intense interest
in a question of pcrs-:ril identity which Ierl.ajs ,v tR. jM,h!ic. Th-i Common Conihl of the rily,
las ever occurred in this country. The trial occurred ; t;lOU!j!l larJ iiavo at i .h o:ll.roil a re,vnril uf
. T II If .-... a . .! - -
at i,o.eii,, on He -'Jt:i, ana the ia-td are fu5- iomk:!! f.,r tl.o,,-..,,::,, , f fVo ..,.,r,l.r,r To-roll
I 'w - 7 - - -v. w - j ' j v. 4 ' H HIV i.lU M.tV I A. 4
We take from the Times the following biographical
Volume 50.
A simple and frugal (itAeriiinent, confinrd within
strict ('-n-t.iiiii. iril limit.
A eoiistruri i.jji ifil.e ( iistitiili,n. und no um.
MiinptiMi (X Iwuh.ful jH)wers.
1 iNo Xut.onal Hunk to wnJle the laboring popula
te n.
No ci imeetioii b:twecn the government and hanks.
A D.jd Jim, avkin for roihin but what is clear
ly r:l:t ai:d 'i:! iiiiitm to nothing ut.ui jr.
So uU.r W'i vAhvr bv tj;e General iiovornmrnt.
Jorliyti.c Sa:es, except f r olijects of urgent netes-
X asu?npf o 1 bv t! e rnrral (lovernmcnt of the
d !ts if the Stes." oilher d.rvr-Jv or indircctlv, by a
distribution .f ihcj roccod ( f the public lands."
A Kcvciue land", disrriminati:i" in favor of the
poor c n instead f the rirh capitalist,
j ro e.vten ;ve systt tn of Internal Improvement by
1 ..C Uditni li( vcrr:i (: .r v! , VhIm
.1 con ti.u:i ;i;a.l lairicr against improvident State
The h'-n?st pnv:nc;:t c.f our debts and the sacred
pre-crvi!.i n of H.c j-uMio fiitli.
A irrad :al return from a paper credit system.
Xo rr.'MiLS d exclusive charters and privileges, ly
.special I'islni- 11, tu banks.
No c(.M!ic.ion bciwren Church find State.
io prosrripti:i f..r Iraipst opinions.
FoViOrinjr ajj to public odueati' n.
A "proresvive ref rmation of all ubues.
stanti'illv these :
44 t):i S.ilurdav, t!e 2V.h of Julv lat, as a nunjber -I (.t, cftl p i' M-m-nl
of youn.; girls aüd a lifje i ny were out tTithcrin-'! ,. t -,. , ,,. , , c , ,T
?rri?s 1:1 .VIcutord. one 01 the "-ir.. n '' 1 :oout r .
i u'Uiown,
nixo, a:''! ob
re, ii 'ar l!o-
ilv f r m . re
lint 1 with
, .it 1 , J- Jto-.;:, ;i;a ; 1 irus ciTV irt;ii uie lown j
ih. bn.l f.., .v.,.,.. I: .:..!..... ; a I' miles iro;n ha-j.r, a tew yea is
, t- . . 1 it. ';!ucu a si.tution i;i a ciar in im! icto
.1.-. 1,4.11 i ,! .. i ... top, v!.to she worked vtrv i!sdtr-tr:Mi
ed to ronduct her thi;!,r. Sii fdlowed h.m, htMhen i aiM ,Marn'a l'r TV
i ,, . ... . . . , : alter nur ;.:u.ed her to cne o. t lie n-.'t ..-.raven t
rnatle the assauit noon h-r, telhn her t.i it :t s..e . . , , , ' , t .1
. , . I , , !,! . . 11 .1 1 her sex, wiioe i.icrctr.rn us ornaments caz hal the
screamed he liad a kn.te m his packet. He t'ms pre-' , .. . , , .. . . . ,
,. . , 1 . 1 . c 1 t ! i i- imsopiwsiicatt d r 1 r I . and m ;m ev.l hour piompted
vented an omcrv, hut lane-.I 111 accomplishing his tua- , J - , . .r 1 ; 1 t
, , , - , 1 , , , , her to vi date t.e. sacred oat.i ci marriage, und a
bolical purp'es uirl yunral her c -mpan- , , c . 11 1 . 1 .1 1 i 1
, 1 , , ;. , . , , train o. ni:e:neeranee, l !:i:ii(-ae!e to h'.ith !:ushand and
ions, and rmircd verv much tri'i:tenfal. and on , 1 1 , , ,
Our Eoor Wrst of WasJiiiifjIon fiTn!!. IimI;:3I!:o Stn:i:tu:i,
Krs;irrtfii!!y in(orui4 Lis fiicinls anj tl.c uMic gt-i.tialiy, !.. i. i.o.v it Lcivin iliiKt frum ri.i!;iMjil.ia ui.ti Ntw VorR, a lur'e
l.SS'M tllllMlf f
yw.v, M ilidil, Tkiolnßiccl, tschnlif, Cassini! ami Mi renews .ft 00 AT? : Aho, School Books cn l
II (ink J! '"'.s "J ( t rrj .v- ; fit n.
A very tare nrfn enn.l n.M.ii.l Tf!aiiiM.t, in plain an! f rvy Sj iniiLaly MWi-ic d Annnat- f..r 1 S ftiihtile fT Christ
ixan au. .Vw Vtat'ü 1'rt-M-iirü. A pit-at vara ty c f Jintmie aiiJ '!'. rm.K, lniM.'muIy U-uiivl :inJ i:iutfatc-J uu tis.e engraving, sun
ll!e f..r c'-iidrt-n. A g"nral sirnp'y .f
tliu uiacs iv IS Hi.
A larjre assortment of (Viorr l l'iinl ;anl l'.m, y A ni-!. ,Viv putilirnrimm rpc-i f v ry week.
M;ii si ii cl B';u:y M:ifiit4'i y.
Tip, Ltttrr ami Nore ruii, of 1!! kinds. I ilu. an.i foiirnn r i il I'ol, l' it (Mae, Glized aial Ti-sat: Pa;nM.
TrcposuS for AnttTlcaii XTatcr-roCCcil
r.l P.Lil OF ("oXSTRl l KON, I'. H 11-MtM , Lr.
Uli f). to! r, 15.
M: M.PI) rtlfM'OS r,S, cii,'o's(l r'o:.o- .!s lor l.ri.ij,," w iU
ine -;vc,i nr t'.j- 1 u'i:.ii until I.'iiii liocrni1 er in it, for
teljvft i;! u'ic l.iin.Jrc I :ni.t tilty toi s of .li.criran trater ro.'uJ
ti'n:i, fit ., Ii s'u-e:...!,; i-i tai ii o'" ttit; i i i s1 l Iouvii.'e, K-ii-ni'-ky,
iui1 M. I. oiii-, i-i M i(nj rj, j in:iy n ilesi.'Mntf.! iy Ihe
Oi.itcl StuKs lenii ;i:eni j.t t! 0-. '.i-ti-9 : tie ('cüveries tote
in !i!c ! itv.i en t! .? fr.-t il.iy of V:rrlr nil tie fir! d.iy of July,
I il"., mill arf-i:iii:;;iu-.l ly tal isi;i to'j iriii me t!.lit it tii.6 lcc;i
tra cr rooesl in t: ii-t;.;l t:i;i-ner.
'l'l 0 !e I! .0 f 1 I !y ,'res-:. ; , rl- riiied , f:f frrtn ?! iv-
ls. :nnl m;t nut !!.. t!i: il :-r -l;t of tow Mill
iff Wi.eii I :tr! !!, I, t-i . s;,t;f. 1 t hi of t'. 0 il t-r io; s, Tfj-ily
l'r ;o; t.i'iL'. tn iiLth i-.tist I e sn-! . t ' ; t t' one ;.i 1
t : r'i-.:irt I s i l" ;iti i r i .' i i i r iri n .; l'.-r .i . u;n'c tu in twei-ty ni.i;:y. :is ',-( j;; n-.l :i t . t li-sVil .y Ii.' i ;ä:u i 'ins. or ! V t!n ir ÜM-r
mo 1. w ül I ear ;it c;r ti.tir ti ous-.nil ! ' a i lü.ilrcil ji'.in.'s : anJ
i Irii'.'tli, o' )". i-M'l o!h r (i oMf-ti' . ii:t t ' entirely s eisfarto
iy 11 i: s,ti ftM, hi t:-e ' M-t' oi : is ! 11 er.u, f it n i!l not l-e
. I, . t .......
" 1; i.i 1. I . :-:'f:i j;si1 t M ! : l'.t: ti ;( lie li.aciP
I'rosj c lns if the
Co:i;rr-Jiu:ii c ni 11 am Appendix.
ZjT.ach cvnt't'titing ftTjO s.Z
Tnr. Ct'Ncni smu.val I'kiox wi.I tr rommc d oi.e wctk
aficr LViig.e is cunnu J, ai.d will Le puLlist.ed;klv
until its a'j uinnuiit, ti e d .ily prrc cdins cf tcth
llouxs f lor.gie-s. 'J tie jurcties or 1 1- nitml-rr aic coti-
i!n.f( tiLii.s tlKiri into a icadabJc Itnth. All tl.e rec-
Intloiis i lfcied, or nioti-n male, aic eiven in the n ovti'i
own word ; atul t!ie yens ai d oa s 1 n all impoitant qrie-
i 'ii. is j 'ri:h S!:iaii v; ; vier and r.on; anil
on ft dm.hfc ,.; &,(,t, quaito foivi,cach Jiutulcr cun
t tuning to' rvy ilquaito iigts.
1JE Al'pf.Miix, 011 arcuuiil of t?c delay often oreuuirg
in 1 r. cuirii. o, ;-f(ilu-s rf mimltn cor'nltte, wilt not te
mailt j ifulaily ftrm-wtckly, tut -vil contain many,a
ßCS i f I n ;u!it ; n;1t 1 as the CVr:resioi al Uoion.
'I'he Arrr.vDix 1 ni.-id l:i f tl: I jejiJi 1. 1" annual mes-
aje, the lepi 1 1 f ti p j 1 ir.c ipal Ihcei s of tlie govt inn.ent
(inlets of
Ste-I IViw. (liiuN Ink. .r. c h! t-i'iireil i-rire
Pj".p,,-'n,m 'esim.iiof ffetiin rate Amern;.! or Toreicn vi rks, r.ui Iiave .tii-n ouli i-u nctii.lly rt: mit d to l.j h-avir.? t!:. m a a'-ove. j C! .1 iv,-.-. ' ' ' Hut accompany it, aid mII tl.e long peeches of n,
lintn.inm.ln, Nov. ,. 41 t'ur t:.i' ! r:;ri w ' i !i nr-y ! -y1 ''l'n ' receivfil I y j l "o'os, wi it' n out or icvi-cd ty till. IIjM U t S.
I r l." tj 'v iiir t i 1? I 11 ' ' 1 ' . ' 1 ,,,r." ,: ,riU! ""J,.,uriM iiwi: j Kit Ms
ii iL 1 l-J O 1 J IV IV I V 2 lj J V o-e tii.ns 11.1 i-o !:ir., 1:.,. . M -; j;.-,-.1: nn... t--, t: e pro
T T T t -AT -t-x ITT r t rn 1 sx vi;o: s t! ron,;,. t : ; i: . iv , ,-, t. v?.i I, tu i i.., ;,l U
p A 1.1, A I I W I IV I M I r I I I I I I X wit:. 1. 1 ti.iity i;.ys Mt-r t! e ,.i.m , t.j..,:, tl.o I His to mi. !i n: vv
i . t , .i " ' : V" I Uif... led t!i- misMlid,d '.VO:,;1m to srM.-rifi-.-.; Ii. inval- i - ----- . -.v w . j peut 1 s tiiaiy c st j ;ced ...
reactiiii'T ii')iü'? Ktiii tnr rirfutnstnn -o t lj-r iiK'H'.is. ,, , . , i " 1 - 1 1 1 1 r a t . t::!. t.s.
,i'r 1 c u luiijK. nrim:. :.. Vinn; riiin 1 t ov 1 ; umr, mr 1 1. 1, . n lj ,i p, rOJ s o ren.i". mn
" in ll.ivt l"liliil.liri'i.. Ill imvtnn nn 1 ir. I . I.ill'. 1 " I mm.. J.MMJrm. i'l I 'i.'ii'.i..i I
TiT.r T,,m.1-,v t ' h f.'il- i ',,1 nv'pl'rn,) ' i llri o1' '"iiit.-ri!) M thf t-v. eemtnell wants oi ; grASjnt orenedjn tl.ero..m I ifely :e,! !v Mr. U'ilev.n an .Vr:...! t.,.i.e, :o!j..i.iin2 A. V. llarrtson,on Wn-hinct. t utreet, liolhn i ':,u' -' l',i,','l'Tr,",'",i-!
in vi .1 i.N, - .1. j.iu. a.... ....,.( V. . her vC in drc.s nnl linrtllv led to a sei-nrution. Siio " ,:,r "' r'-"-v' l'r-"N r,,.,i,t t ti, . .t ,;, r,ii,r,.iin: ,1 i.mi . u, s.ju-t !.:...! i. V,..k ; I.',''-! ''VV.'-'
tint a mm.:. er 01 '.r!s wen; ont it;:ri-iir horrr-, ., , .,. tiii , ,,. .1 . , . . am I tii.i'.nd;.liM, ex(iesi) f.r u.isi.ii.kM,ad v.liirh he jdnVs li:...-:f i..-:i iMn-r . iiej.cei.r ret ..t. at i.o.n.vii: ; V -!l .
uhena voetv mv t.oir t5t -n ,1 v'umi thev Im' 1,1 n l!;r"AM n:M!l i-l, l.i:i!,rn; in ,.. a,t w....i ....,!. i-v ,.,,, .t.,.,, of'i.o .-,. t r..f,mh,,.riM.ap.rtot hisstm-k: . , 1 ,,. toward nit, n etr o
noticed tor W.IV: lime, dm? tO Ott!.' Ot til? llttlf 'Irl.-, ' ' ., ' e. nitcis nl.unainj Umy Saltt::-, T,tl and K.r,ni; ä K.r-.-M-wiIiMentof Ve-lii!-:. .1! everV v.i.ii-'v ori-..!., ' j ':';. lire n. tl e o!. :
I i. i. i ran.- wiiii inc roi:ra-i;is .i cny-:i rtMi .icri- : . . c. ,-, . fc - . .. .. ' ' ' ' i;.m,,n to o n-;.: it t ...
aii'j ari.-u 1 1 r a ii.t u 0,1 ; w .vu:i. Sii": ii.i.tin. i , . 11 11 .1 1 1 1 u iFiiii i.d...
O'i ! y lite i l.i. t oi tl i?tuiiau r.i.d t!.e
c Ti r fV ; f ! t ' i'ftv
Tor t! e Con-rtH: nl l'nil n, f I öO per ccy.
l ' i ti e A pi 1 i!i, s. J ;.) jerenpy.
( .tils le fi:r:til. d with Ten corie cf r rlicr of the
a' wo.ks f 'i s.u . Tivcnty-ivt c pes f 1 C C.
nu .N ' - -.1 i-r f., oi"; j y0l t-c iaon.mod.tio cf th, -e who !m!e a ppr
.''". rpliVrrr:1:;::: i I - at ti,, ?e.,t ofemmtnt the se-ion of ein
r i; .'11 y r. 11'. .1 l y two ! 11:0 s () '3't w will f u. i.hh tlii ni the KxUa Union, as fl-
I 1 I V. 1 1 1 11 it. ' I vis lur I . hit. I lu"
! rl.ev . oiil.i ! ;ii-ri U .1
ifo'iit o( t e ':? arts wi.I-:. movie
lllliir, W!!' Ovo j;oi' I j: i; m!. . -1 . -1 . t :i 'i ' i- w il! I o rrijti i . i tor
.1 . . ., . . . . . .... lice tO U'lJ. J IT VlHllil. LOT UM!' V. I.T 1 Cash mere. O.uih.nFf IIIVk M...t;.. t..t ii.. i. i.. i ...i ... ....... i i.. :i.n
Hill 11 Was mi. Ii; Wien tilit r a el:l:ii a . " . , .,,., .. .......... ,..r,, , ,,,., ,-ll.,r- .. , .Mn.r., , ;,-.,-. r., ... ,.. ,v .w. ..,..1 rrj n iir:..;, (;.,ti.nn. v.-. in 1 i i, to :t of.'.in -oon of ten per ei t.
. ., i i iiii. l i elnirms, U erC Ouetl subjects Ot adm.Mtl.m, atld t hest; , I.H..e,:ol ll.ik,ilraU,ai..l la ncy t . .!:.,, riul el. !k !..-:-, o .ry ..mty ..I si .; it) pieces new slvle prims, irom I 1 to froui ;,l! l.ii: i I, ,;i;iV I.- :r. .r.ivi .! i i! i. i.Mer.ire t! e ron.t.v
crv ."IT in the !.:s!s, nnd d -ired her tog. and sec ,t ; v;cro nicclv hlend,i WIth a n;lt;vc ln ,!estv, Hat i VT .H;;,;;,;?,.:;:,5,",,' T''VrV-n every in of ; Jnii.t.e .o wi,, !: 7' V:." ; " r': !i' V. ."Jr e'V!
and reichlll 0 secluded Sjx.t , too!; hold of hnr, ! 4 , i . ' , , . , , , , '""U H'i-t ami t.cs .nt assorlnitn.o. d i.a an I m il .'.i s 1. 1 1 !:iiII.N!.s,.in:i!.:el.i ll.e ot l!e latml lasliiou. : , . , t( ((.,t j , :i ;; t . .,r,, . . r! , ;r f , r,
and toM her fiat 'f s'- r-d- mv tuds- Ind' a I t,!".V ,S1,1 ,l,,t -VCt beC11 cru,IatJ h' V1C0 v;!d ,,a b-' . liJ.-:rS !.1S. ! i irr mn-t e ni.ul.-in .strict co-'ior mi; v v ith tl'c term of tl i-
. ' . .. . . . , 4i " 4 - !l 1,1 aitravedta th" ls-or-hv ti.o character u !m:!i vice was r. A 'y'" a-.rtment of Ptororre hmi.I n. in.-t.s. n.r, fur iiiimi.f.1, i tain c.!,i, wa't-U,', and oil cloth Caps, together with a few I ndveitis.-im-nr.
ktlltc 111 his p:CKCt. I i:C screams of tl.C tmfortmmt' ! r II ,,.,,,, ,..;t, Till vn I.-tm r""' lch are ntt Ihe ?. in the tahi..m,'e wort-l. " ! It -co- j r- i of ex.--i.t. -d v.i" it. f.w..!.-v:;frerT!.ev K've
jrirl were he.ird hv her little ttMiiraninns, hut they!,- l' 7 V. . . . 'SwrO 1A!., rOTTO. S5 TTf ., ::n:l :i Ciom-r::! t:rtiont l CillJH'Si? S IS 'v.! i . s- ..-.r. : v.- Pree;.t,.,.. v o
dared no iTrn-.-h' I c r w-s , lf.irl hv sov- "r'.Vn.S O. a year, atid during that time S.lC kept nmi.tly on l.v,.. Wheat, TI ,x.e -I, IVithers, To.v a.l Flat l.iac, lU-esuas, aal Hiscig xv ill he t, ken in Piment for (J.K.ds, 1 ,r r" i'l ;' - r it. if ;.T !.! to Y. r j-. to tie nest twet
tiar u in npro n i er. k n a - i l ij c- , . , the rc:."j;:ition i.f b-- n' hi mistress a.m th. hurhei nrkn price paid for the.... 47 . r-s-i,. m vr. :mi..i
1. l it i pi ill i ir ir . " .i.j' i i .i ii . i i .r- iMi.i i -
, I - ... , , . . . r- l in 1. ...j' . luiiic ollJli 'i iaiei is nie ui e- isuiow vr ...
and h.s wife, wno came o her arista two, .tost med ,,f hl(.(m,IK,n .Ct ;uiil it was eminentlv so in thU case. La'cl Arrival v.V civ SSoots a:ul iWos
hat when near saw a man n-ar ti.o jrirl, wita Th; vjctf aaj..;l u t!0r am, uss ;i A T i lZll Cl I V STOSi?;!
Jus hack to them, and tue httlr erl was t);ckin up , n . ( i t ' 1 Our Hin,L-,,l I mt V-. . .,
. ! . i mm nitnrai!'.' resolut, and an itn; dso nnwecnm, pro-i inioina I orf.n, s .h, (:
the berries which were spilt up m tj.c i-romul. dueed nen tin; deluded o:.. a certain de-ree of reel;- WMsal lit;,'!!
-irl was cryin- and oppearcJ much in-htem,!, hvr auJ atl lln,,in,.rable temmr. wiiieh d.ilv i ZV. ,:Vf,?rr'v;" ,,,,.;.",.T.' 1 J" recei, ,.r a Mr., in-
t ice scrtc'ied and her dress mnc:i torn the scoundrel
Sc.T.i-Wor Vlv, cne rory, $2 50, mx c j us T3 0.)
Sen. i-Wti k'y. twelve to;ie?, " 1 00
Weekly, one o; y, l (0
We kly, Ue!e ci i ic-, JO 00
Wcikly, twenty -five c. pies. 20 CO
attain e-c?.ped, was seen and pursued, but not overtaken.
On the 1 lt!i of AtTu.-t following, the prisoner !
was s V!i Ii-.-1!:.- .me II )u.-!.t n, dr.nkine; nt his well.
TiVr,Y A tllZ A X UtlM r.?i i
EvwOl; iii i.lin.', I tt r m:t S5;;ok
31 nuif.'ftorv.
An;l At 'Iii:cc!rs'.-:t ?f!irr.
: .N Meridirtn st:e. i. fio? 1 1 i d .f -..i-th of .otris' I'l ck. TI
1 i stili.i ri!-er li u in oftem i! an utiicc .,r Uic pnrch-w of
III'. snKcril.i rs h iin- e.,t M- l intu , trtiier-Mp for the pur .. " P""a r' . .T is lo s--rv ices t. e e r,. ii;in.'.n v in c.ip n 1:3 .
3 nt c iriviti'' om the id'ink Ins.k i imt'irt Hi in all Ii. k Pli.d- He lit ke.-;i Km s t"f tie r'.-try of nro tty l..r Mite ; I1.1 1 IinILi-
in-in lüiisviiM s .ran.!!.-., nn.Vr l'e linn and .-tile of W. A. Iv ' I ! m j ! ,. m c t , .1 i l v.t;.-i.i- .:.- I.e maJe l!..:iis!i hi.?
rew more strong It led her en to toe v ry Lrin .y former sr.., k. , ,ke, sso,t,.,et v n,e. :,.,. I n .,.,!.! ;r. .,..?.- ;.r 'ead !i!!,,' .V J..: i "i V- i". ...'.rTi V". V.r .x " -' MCi :,r rr-.p.,,;- I,r , .:, ,v irv.-d ,:Co th, ir de
of t!ie f.'ij!itfil pr-cij.iee et Utter degradation and "'.'"V"). -VwTV'JV' V"1"- V. rV' ' X"l,,,,,, ' ", --'r-" I.ivm2 n. an.iM--.ii, .its n id Hi. noiu iminiUrMKn f..r a sc rv,-i 't!i n t hiw i! In .lj ir. t: . 11 t ice ! ii" on ".h t Ii 1 -i- ncv ollii'e.
ruin and t!-fre if WO leiv iild ' from whit Ve luve vll I .ti.o ..;..! Vi , '. rM'r ,,r,,",::'" l" e..:ito.t Mi;.;'y ..f I.I11; l...... ant recor I n;H-r rf tlx- vtrv l.e.t I 1 ms aiidsi-ecili-atM.,, f.r j i'.,o or I..:.l.lui2 f.m.-l:ed,
i 1111 1 , aim iiit 11, 11 hi. 1.. i 1 lii'J - 1 1 1 'in w .1.11 . c 11 i v C .'ii jio;i.,'.', , .unl 1 hi II w li lie vil.J . r ( .j ,.r irt, r :t I m.-m, t.t-i . . .1 . . . . . . . 1 i nn.inl uit'i.l.n.i. Ii 1 1 1 1 v 11 iiii"
. , , 11 1 1 , ;.! 1. .1 . . , "" ' -'"''" i it 1 1 i'v , I In y aie pi. oared to sil.;!v cotin'v n't errs, I.: :k ; 'hl nu r- n -n 0 , u tt.i ie-nn 11. J(J.1. l.l.l 1 . u .
heard, and are aut!i ri. d to s. ite, res d':t..n d-ter- , f'r. : "V"' ,f ,.,r""- .""'-' '" '" I of ti. .i;.-.i:,. -.ooS i- r 11 l...h..t..,ji..:iS u.-i -., 4:5
........ nr t .'.'in .'ii 'l...w I.-- I,-,. ...1 ... .. . ' . . :,.iii.i 111. 1 .11 1.
. , - , ; . , 1 t 1 , ; ;i 11 ;;i'r cveiu in j;it in.', wnieu r 'tmers ner 1 ;; i ' v " ' -.. m 1 n. , n nr- -:..i.i.i. --i 01 i:i .te-etit a-s..;i:u. t.f, n.
j I. .1 . .... I 1. I , n .1 ..1 , ! ' ' I. I .. I .1 1 ' 11. I r ... 1 . . . ... . . ..
who committed the asan!t vr.on t'-e trh 1 he nn-- . , , , . t " V ,. i. m) iurmers. I xvou.i mvie ihe atieien.!, ..r e,..i:;tIV
. , .' , i, i . i Il'lU ill! ).VII arni iV.VH liT 111 t..e dlVS 0i 1iT Vo:it.: ;:t;.. inercnints tu nn e,ii...n,ii.,i ,f n,v a.x.itMii nt. and pV.t'e in, .11
oner was t oon arrest d, r.n-i on hei;: to:.! 0:1 v.dnt i, v,;,0 . h , i,,,; t ! (.r j;,r m.M,,. . to. :t t., :,.:, y the r.ha-e, as i-.v as ,i,ey c. . .,1 ,i.;, :,t :,v
account, said that he conld nrtrve that at ti.e time of ! lUA ilH ' V 1 A ..V ' 'V V . , , . . , i '"'r: l -' J. I n;U::Y. "
i i r v I . ir rcei ii . i n i i i i i , i n i .n i t . r . . ,
! every, ,.f ll!..,;k i:.. !;s f ,r Kp-iVs. (,nV C:-rU..Uii . eres of nm,r..ved li.M'.ri a r-.-d r.nd. tx hldn
. ... ..... ., i.. ....... .1... .. x i;,:ee in.:irs tile, i e"e n I i; , lt-r -oi. n.irl m n- sn.
ci pl.l.le w:t!i l:i:!e 1 ih-.r, o! ni'ikni a s, !. ;. :i t f.n in ; v ill he sold or
p.:; lei I
I ii a! J tlt'ir '-"anil lrn' s ihev n-e tl,e I mproved Patent nmde of few-i-i",
'. hi. Ii 2i'. i.'.''. tn' rrr if ßrr-'ii t' i. and i iii"(.:ii;.:r:i Iv
t -. ii. r to ntiv oi'i. r meth-il ever d, v:-i ! t r til e k tiook. and ill
et Ji:i!i'il city pi'.ii-r?v
No. -2.-- c!!,;e l'i j:u dwiMn h i an .1 1..1 on tnulli Ills
liois s'rci t. In ! ..v. t rooms, st liile an t carriage h,.uf, lot 4S
i . ....... ; . t i . ; ..... I T.. .. . '
ii1. ii'j was iiiiKictn; o iv larku 'o n inuvi j;i v i-, . . , ir. , ,
, . . , - , . in n.s I. cart, lie made tie' neat visit-,
tortown, and tne two ''iris sp..;:.'n oi, together .:t., , 1.1 i t.t i
r.. . , p. , .', . .. r .. v.,ere s;,o l. od, and although knj.v.nj
flhy or sixty persons altended the examination of the , . v,ilh t , f ive t!i;,:l.t, ailli t
prisoner; the .rls ucre piratcly t.ken mo he ; ,tb.ulii j;u..rv ti;lnr , t .c:i arra-u
flO 00
4. 00
5 W)
2 ) 10
3" CO
2 CO
S 00
15 00
tui: UNION.
Will to fun.ihc J heualter tu vcailv sjbci iters, as LI
, low-:
l'uily, prr voir, fr i re c py,
l), , f i year, fur five ro; ics,
Si in i uc.-kly, jM- ) ear, f.r one cor-,
Se.iii-'.vct kiy, pei yur, foi fie cojotr,
.semi-weekly, pei y fr t?u copies,
Weekly, per )t .r, i.c copy,
nk!y, pe. y ar, five c. pie",
We, kly, per y ai . ! n oop::.-.
't.' -V'j citirt'nui xnll le y;;;'." to any order, u.ltss (he
re . i icc- i ij my it.
&Y" 1 1 o-e d. -iiii c(in;!ete ci f ies rf tlic C i eu s-ional
Liuoa ai ! A;.(ef !ix, will p'ea-t send ls thtii i.-.e prci
ou t ' the f j i - d iv of Ih c mtiqr next.
(lj"We "t'-r.-tly jay t!" pi-tpje on all htter? sent
tj u- (or.tiii.ii zfne d ,l!ar& ai d iipwaid. Oiher I di
it ctt d to with ihcjcit. c unj aid. u hot be t..!;noul
of ihr clnee. KlTClIIr; i: IlLIbS.
Wnthinzton. Or'v'cr 6, 1S4.
ctv .ei i( ;f (lur "
Co!ij;ivsioii:.J c;iotn; and Appendix.
r;m,and they each V ;:ned ont tl.e primer as the ; I1I:,rr:;l it u;l:i. , s;lf. sl,,;U rc!n ,
man wru.had commit.ed t:.e nssudt upon thcin. lhe; wU. r h hl th, WJ .tf,rI! ,rt of ;;(
prisoner was tuen taken to the S in. re s ol::cc, m t. am- ' , . . ? .. '
., 4 , ., . . 1 , . .c lior.i. i. lie juosi cenvincmeMruot i sincere repc
Lndervort, and in hot 1 c;:?es e:it lor, I . . ., . , , ' . .
n i i i i i tanco : . error j !.:! neon re.entr. UKtni.e-tLii
ana iney m turn -cveraiM i.icnti.ieu mm ns u.o man. ; . ... t..!(, . nu, .1..,,..., w.i in- ,.i.d f.,r. aii k.misof r,vv ir.jr.iN. .7-.; ,.rr,,,..
One man swore that he siw the prisoner onthe'J'Kh! , , .. . " ' , i f'r i .hwt'.ry neatty repaise.i. 'i h- lament w:i Mr.
, , 111 ? ii ' . 1 ; , or 'v; "i.nj;. iuiu v.üii:i ,. a:r. ...; was t-a- iui.vm.-u 10 , ,f, permanent; so irin on . osr W.iicl.e--. c if vo-i wot
July and had e.-n-nh-ra -lo ronver-auo., Uh, him, j ( u'ai:.fc al., rc:irn;il from the,,, .', ri,ht. s;,i,,n,,,t, W.,.-.,i,to Il .:,;.;. U J.
and tint he took coa-ideraLle n t:re U him rs no : IJtJ?lu!1 uas talked ci" umt r he rVwcr,! re.;,i ,intan- j '-üLli':. i'": . u: .LLI-ML1!.
bore a vcrvstren- re .em.danceio a relative of !ih. cc nnl a ft;,v dlVjJ befj:o tht. d .1 of d at:, was I Ä'OVs AI X()T1().S.
1.. 1 1 ..... 1 1. ,i.i .1 . .-f. - ... i 1... 1. ...... ... .', 1 ..1. .. 1. .1 . 1... 1. . t . ...... .. ....... ...r
ui 11... i-i'i 1' .1.11 1 ni, r.i . , I "' I'"" . ............ 1 .ir-..--..n ..-1-, . le. I ny "J". leet, V rll . I ; ir-ij Willi Irnl tteesand shrnhheiy iill t, ' " r' I'tW.
vis a'-a.n rekm.üel V1"' 11 TiVt-J? " a mi i;i nr :s. " r-v . a i4,.,ini ui-cw w.m a, oner i ii.eHi.M- in. ne j,,,.,,, ri.,. ,int,.., ,-;,)..! i,(,rm tenii,., o i.H.nsa-je. I he tn'cr-ixod 01 in.atei the node of jounialiirz tl.e
' i.V., M 1C n,:iiir .Im... li ..f ..II'..... lllfl i i 1 1 1 f sr M 1 1 1 fi ! I II-1 I ll II Ii i; S . it! I 1 1. 1 1 il I ! : ll ll H 1 11 .1 . t III .'. U II i i... .1-. ................ .. ..... . i r ., ... J "
U the house ! one uh.,1, V:, ' liiil.e ,.,.1 F.n "f all fr "e ,V.Ti7l.-;i i !," r- . V.i'i.v, ant s.-riot sn le of J"". " ! PflC! -s SHCh pi esentcd the m ente. The.r
h r hi-'orV Uirr ""'k' tsof these .;ts,namelv: Wl.v is it that everi h,lv'is '' ' e e.pi .1 to the tie.-t eastern work, aaJ A UU lS fi'OIt SA B.K. ! l " "CJ,,; ll,? ,:'t a:'d Vnl' . S"
C ,- ! rompl,ii,2 .f their M..,.,".,3 rwl.e,, i,v ,l rfn. -l,Vl n-l.;jln r in j.r:. e. TL7. 3. . lud h.t ,.f srroiind ilh one t(.ry frame honse and uta- lt';t,.v' P VC' CaUie töth .f Corressj
0'-e.,i:r I,.. T , kee;i : njihina tike fluni or accurate time? Now tl.i's i;,i..ri.u.t evil i O . .. i C arc als, prepned t.i in unir.iciMye alt srt of fancy Ide, ii.iik -J7, lil-noisftrt 1 1. ! a l'i ief ot ail .!ie deta'i ; 0 veiy impozratlt V0'e;a.din
, .1 '.' ll..iir C in le remedied l.v nllnn :il ll'. 11. T . '.vr' ' ...,.'...-. , .oil. Ic. such as .-, i.,.' an I (Ir t'!-i:un'. I'uri Fu'nn. Ci.-.((-'. Cn't n. I 'i,.'r.) j ,.f Pr.i r .r.. I .. i ;.. o ... -i c I f.. '..t,.idv it. flu. it fn'l ln..ih nil n.-. ..:-l . , . i. .
... - " ...i u ...... i, .unr. .Ulli I , , I--' i.,..... .....,.r-.,Mj i .., i . ..j . ......... , . .. . . v . .i ail ill. UUTI r.'lllUl'
lnvn,2 thrni overhauled. lie his eo'ced t't- services ,,f J. ('. .1 cami, xcfjce C u.-r, ti.i- C-vr.v, f i t.rt and ..;. e! .'is, I.c n log 1,.!-, ahout :. sn-re ,n ; erijuiteof I t!tllt;0d duiltic tttf tion The WCVli taUS COlliC'ed Lv
j rinni.r Frexcii. Ml,., is rfcoinm.nle. I t,, i:. ,,.;!,.;, as on.-of the ' .ftUI.Y ff.hh It Km! ll.ta'r .1 ''fit 1 i-. ; - - ,n et t . ii;.;, ii, c- r J
?V lstuorkmen , the couti'i v. All work entn.-ted t.. mv c oe 1' ,' .Vl'sfC P.irr.Il al.vnvs ,, hi,,!, u hi. h r-n he hoMi.d in vari-ini . : . . . j t"ta i- a tn -I pcr.e.t poleica! history. I he Sct.atoi from
Ih well and neatly done, and warranted to Eive en'ire ;ti i,.,,( ii,.,," r s-'""1. nid It nls s.ij.jilie I at the -!..rte-t nutice. KJ-.Vmn arrai,J i'l'aiXS pOi'Sitl ;Oi?l 3.itiisOIX to Jt; ; 'J'C Mate ä ai.d tl.e Kt pies, t.tauvc from "vciy seeti. n of
" n.irlii':e'.vi!ll nnlc. The Pn'.iii- .ir- im-T.., i.. ...v i..... , 1 .i ..; in I lie lie-f t I ar"r.iM,:i i!e priee anl uliorl notice. e-iwl. ; tlie Union b.ii;r wi'!i int-j Curif a Liiawlrd-r r,f
bv i
nn l h!il l he fid civini entire c isf irii.m, t!i articl. orleed on
lie .K-ntineu me prisoner m oiu-e as me man. an me . , 1( , .. , . .i;,.i ,, ;.. , .r A t ft " ,,,,; at...s,
' . r ...ii l eommitteu, ..lann L-it her bjardiu h.usc m t ie j vl P ; i...... ,.!,
witnesses, to the mmiher of ten, s.vo,e thev had ; , ,, , , , . , , it J - , , rr; , h ! '
! , , - t 'rno n, t!:e l ist tun tiin sne eer was se -n i.i the . ' ' harp-,
no tioujt tnat the pris -ner at tl.e Par was the strne. . ,. , , . r , i a ,1. acc,.rle,.n
, . , 1 ,, - r I Slice, and m.ule nuic.iaa.'ol a nc. (ir.'ss aeo ;t nem- , ..-,,,., klllv'
person thev h id scai at Ieiior:I (,n the JM;i ot Julv, i, , . . , ... . . t r 1
1 , x , , , . , . . . . . Ut oi in,.. tr;n.;ets, umeti m,o r..oWcti to e'ne ol ti.e ; e . do (.i,i and Miver w :.trhe,
mid at rsewtonon the '-"'th, a.-id wno oad coiumtttcu j, -ir. , , c. ...... .... . r . , ,,r .,. .,,. i i;,t .,t,h un u,u.
tii'i on i w i . i v ' 4 . . ii'j tt- a ii ; . - i
these crimes
. . jiitd ho'j.i living, and was r.-solved that her future life it. no p..ii-.hi-l nii!,i.v,
- It Ixvatn, apparent thrtt th? only important point .c r prist f ILt.-. Ti.e drcS ho sent j !"" Le aMe, ' '
in t!ie case was the m.'iit.tT ot the ;ir:s KnT w;tu tnv . , 1 , v i . 101,0 rnari-ie,
. - . 1 , le a ..Irs. ilrc -s mv.ocr, m hin:;:on street, il llOX(.s ,,ewter t-i -eo. who committ,, tnese ernnes l ue eo,m-el aM ,.n,.r lhat it lu,t h., inWU ,, oni. v,, tk. j ,.., !,,., "
for the jle ence co:itend-d tliat t.tey sh mal nr.,ve an T!j. f;irJ, u,rt. n,rra!M, to u, i:i the pnsenee of J t'Äen.i,-
'i-that the pr.Kner was in erv ham.shire at ttlt; (!;v,,, a s iC !:1V ufiro u, a l:,u a!:d i -IJlSSirinni'ii,,,
the time the o R-ncrswcrey nmitted J o prove tins n II(.r a.'Velied hair end her torn and , "''--are, i m,,,,
il.n.. .... ... a M. 1 ..... . .A I. n .... .. ... f ... t I t ... f r I " l i'.i I il... Tin d
4 d !mes I hm i tea s !,
I. Oil llll ri I'HIII N,
; 0 i i r -- ,'
I" !n h.( k, ! ( .. ,!isf
1" do iv.iry cornl.s,
'.i do !i II side and t ;k Col.'! '?,
PI d.i ll itl hiu-hes,
e I .1.. tiM.lh l.rn-iis,
e do iothi-s .i.'hrs
I li. -Iioe lilM-hi'S,
' ii' -.!.ite w i-li dru-hes,
4 !. s' rti'.lii ii'j Sni-ht s,
n do In ir-e hrn-de-,
' 'hi o s h" I.I. I, kin;:,
la -r... s lit ,t, l. s
M ih-. f . 1 1 ka j;es jdns,
1 do ti l l!, s
II." I ll i 1 114 ll .HI. .Hi;'..', HI ll'.i Ii' , V. II ' I' ril!i"l ll.U, . II I 1,1 . I I I" .1 I ...... v. .n...r, , u
' . , , , r t t i . . ! 1 iseeratrd tio.p,', uu tip; strati ire thsoreler ot tilings i -t n.ix.s cm. kers, 4 i.ii-siea eit-
the prisoner roue wnh himon th- J-do, lal M, nn. j ;H;ir i; u ,.vii!t 15,M a ,ll(,.ful Tll2 ,r ' - -rts, e d,
t!i ;t he siw him ever; dav Irom that to the Jth, ar.d , , , ir .7i . i i .... v . . .t 4 ,... drnms, I d.. fm. is.
I'lfi'i'f t!.-.t ttmo t! ,.' nr-on-r l,o, -1 t a In,.'- -it l ' h' L'""A lAc :n"1 A UAl'' IsulU' e tro.ll tl.e : A.,l a Unhand other eliff-rent arthte-.i.m ,n,,e to M.-t.'iot,
i.urm t.uit time ti.r pron r bourne a trän l-v lif !s. was a si;M:i work t;;hh, the drawer f which jt receiv.d i, the m.i, crdr, ard uh ch u.ti he wn i..w
stre; trun.c was m eourt, an-1 the wn'ss nlen- , , -.- T . i , vu-.x-r cait ard .. is r. i wt'.it.
... ,'. , ., .... i was putiv open. e!i.!u nie krvii.;i iie.'s Inn- : . ...iii.u.
'I l'i' ii. - i.nproved p nt, rn of a Kulm i Machine is ju.-t received
I'.o-.'.s an l p i; r ruled tn any p .'tern.
I '..- are jr. p . u d t. .! ail ..iiids f V: i Ijer. jrt French n?i J r.n;:i- h ,
c i!l iiid ni. r.'cro, p'uii es' super e'.t; i in:u!.!e nnd li'I edi!?
P-x lllw
uic i ein , -eioi'i.cni-, ami i:oeio.i.s oi t l.c if sc vera I roti-
j rii. J j ti'u.-i c:c. 1'uMic epiai. n ai d il.e public it f.umati n, as
JL'2rr&it ! ' xvt? 'U th se thi y le ;i.e cro, aic d;ed by them ;
ai.J in the Ciuri.c ol I . I.,:. .- the wisd. m cf cur limn i
i .i-:i. .VI km.! oj ! iw aud ,nt, rie.iv.d works and periodical-imnnd rsinr , ..C".?. V,,.,,, ..i., , .,
... -"''ii-inri..:'.iiiirii--.ii.f' i r.; i iin.i nrnni . nnrriiii . ..
t . n : 'f .' .1 . t'l . i h pe, s n 1 1 .it! cid lie t u id lie ui et, . Ii prep i;-.l I i rec i.t l"..r a'! Mrol ; ..t Pro hire and .'!?. Ii iini.e '-U-il I - it- list, :..i is r.ere rctltt lit, ate-J, ID dllCCtirg
i.v.-r aru. it- in il. it .!:., warmtPed to i-- cl the very Mst quiiuy ,,. ,1;iwr,:v M.V..- li. ruiU.U yo.i a ll ,"., rt. 'c P!'h'i. ai in. caw Ms ot Ih- w hole Ciun'iy. Ihe impulses
r, . ; the I .uol uh ... --...f and let ,il J-io-s t y wav of the Mnn'ii '.mil. 1. Ke Fueja.e f:inl and UcMciii . Ihii iVt n liiToi-vh Uol'if-s fictn every quaiter teact u;-
A4 .! V:l i:s It. I) V!S. f 'i: :l" ,,:! '"f r:i"'l!;,v l!,rfJ oi pticts,at vtr h.iv ratcsof on Ihe nati.i, as a hole, and all its dfTiputiei.t H trade
r''r,i'''o r.i ,. . i , , , , , . ' to i:ic.-oCiath n. 'il.e pit s cai.tiot te moie usefully
M. SU,l,l it In..:,-., iiu,. fU:,. usy y:J;:'lZtVl:'?J
S .v J I ii. M, ,,-o. 1 1 ihn.. m in- c.ti.orv. n i 1 1- - -v r'ir -h ail rr w,n.,K Uiti'Ihi tt e el cur fitc e üi.ntrj , tCI.elil :' . steh l.jr.r.y rr-
tfi.'i lull:, l..'...i....v. ' u I .ni. (Vi.ll ll , lli,Ul.. I f S 1.1 II II J !'
'1I!S f ni'iitl.t, during Il.e iiL.tiC: ot ) ii.V r, i-.-ied cijhty Cur ' ui--.-i! .?i .n of their l'r.- t.u r 1 1 . rr'( ,...,, t to and t'iiu Vi- t..r 1:4h our at 1 o-t miiscu!ou-ly a'jj-ted State aid
rr:i il . , .Natl Iial III si .1 1.1 1, 0.
of .v I on. ii's. 1. :
'i ii V . 1 i l::. 11I- an 1 Ti.tdt-rs,
i o Mannt .( tnu is,
To Pro cis,
T.i I '..:iit. fC '.il A 2ents,
To . I.1K-.
1 1 T. a- !i. r,
l .. I,
!l .t. l:- r.
To 1 at I toe ,,
Ti: i-t. t s.
urie.1 it aionec ns ujy. one .e i. ti- -tm .ne pr... ; f tna;i. j dilt'dVVAtlKU.
oner bonrded at tiie La-le Hotel m ueene Ihe har- ,j wcr;, arra u.;t;, th, Ill0.t scnj,):Ji)us ,.atness, o" 'l i'Tr
k,ep,r M the L;!e Hotel was rahyd, and ronnnmd ; aiti,.!(, of pcrflinunv aM(l (,)fi;liet,.s, I .S&, , lu::'.,.
this, and fnrtiier le-tit.ed Kat he sat hesme ti,epr:s,n- ; j u ; L j ,. attr;i,t-ons of tiial o;j(.,; , j .... .wdcr :m.,?v : :.,r c:,:!:,s
cr every diy Irom the d to the di July; tuat , . . , , " f ,t , , ...ltll 'V' 1 ' t.i c.,n.n.-
Vi '.tiiuit'i 'Liroo. r. - i i i 'iTiit4Wiiti w o'u I. ,1. .nn i in, i ii r ti i, 'l i.llM i ItKr S I
prisoner v, as contain, m ms tnea.s, tne it ii ne,.iw . ?!!.1M.,., ... ,, ,,' ...... .1 ,,.., P,lM,!h. ,.f h t. ..'" ' I1 s Nc-w Orients Fujar,
hini lr'iuent.v ht-s.iljs, anil (a:)verse. witn him ; ho'.h ; . " , , , , , ' , , ,..i . , ' - Imm" ' sugar,
1 . , ., . , . ,, , Ms v.hi.m ap; cared to have h en hut re- , n iu,.n;i de-,
w;tn-s-es testmetl m the;-est manner that t.aoy : rt.iv,d.ovrrui of t!s.u w,.rc ;,,l(n.t.d to .Mam v.,-hed '
siw tue prr.s jücr a; a v aravan i. ja on me ,-jiii ni , ,. i i . .',, . i . ; i a toai n.,
ti.: -. ,":!'1 p't-inarhrd (iuto'.ii; and one w.-.s written m : t r,r
Ja., in Ueene. l:ui"ua(M tiie most en.l.'aritt'r ;i ml n freshing to ti:c I do"
4 A stcr-e driver testineo that on tne .Sh ot Ju.y, : . ,(j tt A Alfc-tioint.; ?.Iother' Titere ; '--.s x,.v nrVans m,
(the day on ;v,,i :h tne as.nuk was committed m New- waJlM.,tir t:c,, llU a ,,ie -e . f white r.h- : lrZ??
ton.) me pr,s.ior re-isure.i nis nam- in tiie bia.;- j r, f v;:irh u,.r ,....,, ...... a j.,,, n1(j (
,X hQ"nv , r, ' u:Jr'"r:' ai"?. lh'U n '.'I"'; ol;,rr. i,v, ill diord and i'tov.,!- :.eo, and rd Ire -s,,l to :
Fat wiiii mm a i mi wav iiowi v..i;e i.i;n ..
. . -. . ... i
ate low t.v tiie sn! eitl:er n hole -ale oi
nnlry i ro'l'jce taken in ethai;ce.
if r.
, Uec .iitrv-tfortl.ed lv,M-,.n; otsof vi kinds from the lVt to i Invin iJcntilied cui!vcs will, the plan of a.!rarcing the
J r1:'"1V;;;:::::i;;rt:';,:,:i,:;;T -'-7;'-- r f -r-y.e-
4 .!,i..r;ver the ;, ti-.u..,, h.t,.- t.H..l al ad t'...- h,,,i this :i; polls, at:. I ha i Iti a I..1-C n.a.-s of the tePtCI f.lofe
7 r i'i inn ti. MITrilLl.I. &. c.r. a"' Appendix, i-st;cd duiinj tlic Lt ten year--, uhirh wculi
.t :-.ii ti . if? ir, I - I ". te iiijaiud i.i value t n and utility t. the puhlic if the
I P s. e are süll .., uis for o'li t e-t's on the IVipi- wo.k were !i -co tinnr d, we have a efaiibh m .live to rromi t
, MUacr,t-...s,nd.,.e,.,e..,,::.. ihn-.-h con-tan;!, U route. u , t.xteiJ a ,,,, . a llc;v onf.s. We ate resolved if
y " " , "" - - - '-' - -'- ;?'.ile t i; :i ih rrv.?iu tier, and to h?rid it dwii tr s uree-
Si'i r.?i tr Tliii ti2.!t, ( -Jis a a i-t ...daoi woi, wmthy of Lei: g ni out .lini 1 a. d im-
j f-'. ll. I'OMSil' 'ki'airsS ;t i r! Iii :.l ii:jJ Si Wit piovej. U'r lull en'er upon tut rciv undcitakin witiu.jt
C'i.iilii:ili. w.?IM. t cir di-tmc'i d r l ludet;, d ty anv rsir.-at- lib . r of tlte
i.jmcm,,,;, 1 ,.r..-i iv .;y. . n ri 7 IIOt.r.SAI.i: nn I fii.ül ,' in Ini.ioite.t and Anieiicau pre-; ai-d, thiis ir.enrumt ese !, !hall h. pe to mke the new
- - ' ' . "' r,t Jn,.. vJ l'i, T..!rvo. Snn;f. e. .v ,:,, r' cps- relit s a step in adv;.t;ce of the l3:m r in al! p. it.t r f execu-
!Wo:;,.lli; r.c ,r.o; (,,:!." ;;;v no ml to e ,:,.. j;.,., s .: 1,1 r.-I.a-i, c . hvre. V; h a view t. nccompii-h this, we lull be (one or
:.!- e-pB.-isi k ..vir. i !e m , al :re .ic.. cue prices, nn . I fit vanaalf .1 in i a inr ,, . , ' - ,, v
2 V S-nt., . f.aU.-vct, ur.e sal -ii,..:l.:.a:ic t.i-,.,,. Thev v..;l nllador. ; !uü !u ' ' ." 'U ' d Ke '" 'H rnpaie
I ? CCtti::ri::s:i ol Sishioei. : , ,r l,, ,u " ;" ' '"i--r- am..- -i...-;-.-r -i.i! e. 4-t m ; tl.e m n n-t nps . 1 c;n , wa ie oiteis win the daily repoits
Ü : i'o l'!i -i i u:,
I i'o I, i eis,
' ro I'.troiers.
i'o le li mo s,
Tu Sei rel ni, of Ins. I'os.
I I'o "a-hiers i f It inks,
1 I'o U ii. k 1 '. ei--,
) r.. ii e i s i a ir. Auiiv.
''it ' fill 'elm 11 ,
. ii t . eiv, r ol : .ies, ;
To '! r-j in. 'it, I; I.iv. s Insnr 1.
S nn n. II i v. Seer, ti v. M . K I P t .N.-C ), Pre sident
. I I l l. i'wl , 1 l y.-ll l lll, ." S öl'.'l 1 v ;y
1 1
H a ! di'i ei li tv lornier lar"e and eener. I assortment of Chum
... .. t
f tl.e ejty pi; eis reelect all ly ur own i h-r i vatLn at.l
-,.., .. r....- . .f ....
u .i . d r.j ,.,v jii-I r . ue.l a li,.-!! -,h ;dv, d'lecl ii. in ri.ii- . ' , ""V " ""-;" . ! Xln-w le-ie .1 oif tvr. r.:insr. ; an i in irn;vi;i4i.t maller,
the V..,,.,!' ,.;, I,;nru.!.ti;i. i:in2 J hem IV at I.. wer price rfT 'i1. ,M r',' 'f:1 !V'V ' 'V' ''y ';..' 1 ( ! '' e u lu re thai nil not stille ns ,.f the lidelfy if the rciOlts
;v:;;;,:':T 'v,':v'y ;v'r.o;,;'!',',,'',"',mm"ii'-''t '-C: riva1;, s w,:i the a xiLu-cJ:
V , ' , ", 1 ' andSttverlVinils.Don,:.:... r u ,. M P-ns;,;.! andSilvVr V, ec t in the e N .ct -cope of thei. tetr.u.ks. The wci k , thus au-
o', v', "4 1 V "" f"" t'''"-71'"V- ,A ;':"'0;"y ,h,,Wi;t0 U, tes.S.tverS; ::.ns l..o!h , . r.,.;. XuU. tli.M, , K,,,vr,&C. thl ntt. at, d. will tc st ,Co M., vU.ich h a guaiantv that
V e.iü.t. t.n- .ti ii t ff. t roil l- tliri..oj!i liie (i'ii .'"r.-,and the , . . i . ,, . . ,. '. , , ' , .... i .. . , - '. . ..
v ,v w .1 !.e ,., ni j .e.rtcr ly triwll:.." ih:t!,. r ei n pair of heft ' L'.' ''vv' V , V J V't";. ,'.yJ: 1,riT",trV- W, W"! ,!l ,kc ' 3S F't ' 1 O-'st'e for u to male it.
h ots i ' 't r ai;d W:y ....;. I., or. er. (IUI.., l.AIU.lA, we i n ! in. .i ll e xpen-e of steieotvi ir it, if we
I i ' I. i.-i.-i-jes of n'v i , ein'm ;ti ev..-t v vrm. ' nnutnl'r out not leel c. n i.! ti! id it- :
I A A .. k l 7 i .
ho, p:i. r f civ.-J and f..r sale J. II. I'.li.l'SltV
f.p. iiotity
. kiid which have ! rn en a:e likely to lepi;L!i-lud.
Maria Johnson. 1 Jo -ton. 21 ass., i.i hrs'r! " Several i cjoilhs -.,,.vards' bei Virginia ; .n.!Hi Half Si.anUI,.
1 1.1 I. ...... ......-,...l. I.i.., , . ..... l t .. i ..... .
oav. aim nao a ;i.; ujiihimii'.'.i v.h.i uii.i. , r . i . n w ' ' emiin nrncco. ;ni ll.natiti;'
,T- l r ! ' 1 1 ' CI l,r-" v.i re oi erv reci ni ;;u'. i.pon ino wan i 3-,, j r,t n'rod ,r. I n Ke-iii,
.or. St.jwart, a tailor m I on.ror.J, le.i.u-.i , ,irrir t,e ( u wrro j:,;.,,, a numU-r of prints, in neat .i.rsr;. sw-et M.-cii cnv. 1 l.'u i.a...m':,,
.undo a pa.r of pantnl. 0:1s t,r the pr.sone r on the r;Uh n (JVCr oü. ()f u vot wt -W Mmp i.ej l,a. elh
tliose now worn Ly the pr;s -nor in court as li" ; , . ,f.. v.- I, t :'.r... ;M I -,-'-,i ,!,!:,:, ky, . . 2.' 0 !r.-s Heniiaiii-r
rJV!:. f,i.-cri' i r i.-in tlullv ii f..r:i;s ,!. ,!... us ,1' I ndinn i:o'i- rl ! nler It i-c :... o ..lunula tareot I .o..k Itil . lass, Ii Ulli In 1 s. U I.K Ii VC U I.I Ü . IV Itiis'Ut III lUO at! ClUICC Kf
' i d Iii.- pti' lie in ceneral, thai he Irt- j i-t receive ! a Nest, i.s- ü. orüa d a id i'e ! ire I t -n ,.' v r v ai i of pait, , 11. l. Sle;:ni cti.
, s. ..'in- nl ,1 (li. , , 11. s sin h : s a peine aril, le ,1 .New Oiie 01- siii:ar, ''' er. and hy so il.nn- .e e;i ii.'. d 1.1 sdl the a' ove i;rl 1. h-s as ic , j-, ,. e.;., ,j he- is : ade un cf the 'ai!v nocced-
t;i.. ., .1 llav i-i a e .ir.e.ii:i;4ri ' , 1.1J !.-01, and cuni.i.H.l.r l a - -o c ,n l.e ..i '-'.' 01 . 1 'I t Ia - lern 'it les, ami ns I lie r-t f . "..., 1 1 .. , r c ' T. Ä , .,
l....fs..C,r,ll..v;n. sa,ar, W Ö.V i,, ant s., .r i,..ti-e ... 7 is mni It !-, t Vmm' Mi n Ian:- w 1 I find it Cit -all, to li.e.r " "' A0 ' (-lie-S. The penhes ef the
We-tcni Pe-u ve chee-e, . mnkcre!. ro.p.i.:,, etc., who ä Jt ''v."'. .' to .-..It ! 1" .e p.-r- ua-i:;.. I ..-1 or el.-;- w ht 1 e. . "" - '' ton g tt,c;n ititi a lead 4 Me length
i..r s..!e ai virv Luv 1.1 i: hs j. M.Nii.M.' I Atl kind of öid-,, j ne.!i' f.,-,'. . A ! I I.e , e-olu t . j:i - e.-, d, oi moti.iis inade. aieirir.nia
. - - -..i.i .1 .1 ii.i..-vvi.....f...ii'.... .v.....i-.. ....... ...... ..' ., .
made. v.r.iics tcstihed that ho t-'inv it.-; , , , . , , , , , , 1 i'nSpim,!, smokiitoha-cT, ., im.,. ;,,.
, . r . . ridin dr-.'ss ana cap, snuloolad i:::coi:i;!.oo:y Juve.y mpii- is, . v n i,.tP ,, ,.s,
.ner ah -ut ti;e l;r-t ol Aupi.-t, 111 ..lonwiG'.t.'i, on h.s , a J p.,..)r,., t i'v.i:,.s .i,ri.-an ,! : Cerium dpi,
wav to Nashua. S-veral of the witnesses were re- j ' ' ',.'.' eiir. tf.-l-. .t ... n f -l,-,.- 1,,. ! ; ; ,!,r,,t na ,Ir ,f" 'vine d" ' 1 ' 1 ,!'H' M,,"r-
- . . . , . . 1 011 I V !.' 1,U).." Hie Ii,1 ti.d. .'Hi a K .. lioi.i.-s U'.'- ,ri n m .nc ,i, i'irs I
cojn.zrd by tl.e pn-'oner in court. '.r.d enl.-''t v rrf n,, ( ;i. bro.r t t,v v.t..,t:i?..j p.. ,h , i!j:i;,.Mt of J.,-t'r.ce,v.-i 'i r.V c.e-P i.y n,e -..eriw. As there is
.rtv s;ox$N! .c;ry sjm
- . , . . , ...... l.l J 1 Uli 1 IUI J 3 II. SU UIC
.' i'l'i't;' Ji V .V it', Z r l ' W 5; l ir ; iti.poil. nt ijii, -tioi.s. 1: i- paired with small t pe Licvicr
y-.tti.i.'Mi 10 n 1 i .t . ' . - . . a'u if iT.o.i o ..,(..;):, i,n ai si. te 1, in onauo jun'i.estll
tf ti!tIs, a. tv 1 ntf rn ii.j. f.i.l saii l,itnttn t tff5rszstlil',r id Pv villi" T J'I l II I 1 . . ' . '
;v- o.m.iii, io-e.,,r.,,.:u.d,i,,..,.,.M a,...,o,.cni.,r r,nc .;.,,!-, '"' c- ; a ' M v ii'indd ci 1 titiiti j: s-;t,(n nal (-unta
'1 a -, ." . it 1 0 1 -, Ii... 1 ries, I If (omiIs, IJ irhvie. Prills, etc. l!i;;l evi r 17.2 7) 5 . it., J.""Tf,,1. 1 I he Appei d;x is made vp i f ti.e Pies.h'i r.t's annual mes-
S' S 2 r? . V I - J. 1 3 ItZ t.i i ti . ?-Zr, tl.e 1. poits 1 1 the pn: crpai 1 llueis T the (uveinrnuit
c n:i- In (hi. iiiit'.i f. I resj-, ;i-ia iiii Hi-t !ie , it i.c. 1 . I mil u;a.i.
I iv .mi : everv oho ,1 tnee widios-e' s-Anre m. 1 1 .. : ... .t... r ...:t nioin -i a a 11 tie sen dem o en.irs anl f-ha. , () ,, .-rcd III llns in .r
1,1.1 not a do.', t that li,- t'-'-'or ht t;0 h ir Wl t'e' ' ' , V. r V J T . 1 ' ' . ' ,,t. ' every low-r if the ;! rtnle to e latnine, as I am leti-rnnne d ;
hau not a (l'.)o.-t l.iit lie . o r .u nir 1 ; l- - ; r,.V;M, ,j Ui); for f,.:.tire l.fe, an 1 v.hi-j rid to that to .,11 i,.xv, either iM.ies.,ie ..r r tail. -;s v. mam;::.
same man they saw ki :;ev: .lanips.-iro s e.-enor... , vh).rd :ju tf;rt, :,.e mh! p0,.! tidin-s of " " xn''liV i:miVF "
Thr r;ti.,cd lor d' i.-::,-e hire rested tneir ras. ! . . , , 1 t .1 m.k & Hit.. A :(L5 5 .1 It.
. . 14. , ,, 4 c . , "JtvA jov ; tl.'it sun, la t.i ot,:.d rher-r, t.'iv sir.s are ; r 3 Mir. last r.,r iwset--.,,, r, the i o,,s1!r,!.,vt,-t.t.r,..,t;!.t
li-ivii- proved t;;e most reni.iri.a..;' c.ot wt t ut . f;Jl..riv.a'! ;.,i u ,:i.,,c " u- .s tl e MVt.m ' a . iresi, :v. of cvjv .v.-,,,.,-., .svi,,r ,',ea,,.i N-n-,-Insrvcr
bovn known in this country. J he counsel j .. r , f . , 11 .t ,:,,i .1 i! . ,'"'1 ,''l", ", a loj: n-.vurHt r r,,. h.uM. p'.tted ..nd
f f o .,.( n,.,r-t!r..l I'm ,t'-', on "-'f'r', 1 " J k 1 1 F" - ' J l,,--''-UllH- l"L Trti.-nii tV.'-r., f :. soifsand v,s. ;, r.T.eand f,.;:t P. is-
f -r te 2nernnie:it ai..n.tted toe rt 1 t on .... 1 1 , x () IJ(r).n!i:,;;,.,l. : k.ts; s, i-. inch d.i' .,e.s r, t; .1, ,.., .!,.,
e a.i.ine tt.y , .,,.. v.,,. Vt ... ... ...... . ...... .... i ...... .c f...i: that aeciiifa' V It. Mid all Ihe In. f inrrrlin, .,f it.itn I ere r f
avi: v, ,?,v;;-;:;:m.!J z :;:i7;,::;v;1.r;:7!:,,-,ti,,'t!,,u-,:i ; y: a.,,, , e .,, ; ;-,w r..:-;;;.-.., ;.. c-ouss. w,i,;. . ...vised f,; w....-. i. i, ..imed
-,;..', -.,- 1) Hi, ' 4- V'il MWf' I O0.11 Oi. i .i.:ii. a , . iv j . m . .;.,! . s-orT pi. : t of :"n 's s. ! i- ,'i il.e snoe fo m as the t'oi gi' (;iuhe, usually
I"-- ' . '.: 1 y ' . is, t-oai 1. . !.. st so..ia .. clt y ro:n;.i immu' l.'.r mikc a! Til the ia:rC li-l lit I l . p'cs.
i'li Z'i't V . . ,tIVr;v ral,uyll!..lri,rl Uep.inl the I'um'ers 4s fa-1 a th-pmcceP? of Cm-
" 1 v m x I fsl I'-. 1 . ...... v , .1... ... 1 1 !: 1.1 M 1! ; ne 1 : w it :. :t i: - ,l v . l- I. s . w oiii t ! ..: I :v to f "l n r . . . r ...
. c : r j o ' . . . .. . - ... . si , .s., . - - :u5. i en ,-a e -loui i. . a i 101 a nnnucr. inlin e rr.e lust
SMI 111 t n.N'S. i to: t v.'t i I v, ti'id inrii ro:i ot,. r urtt. i s.
i.i ss done thnn wiil u. .e ne r.u:nhei of the d i.rexsional
WA N I I'O-To-.' oi six yon 14 won. .11 :ippienii es at either (I'.be and ei::e tninlii 1 f the Ap,Cl.i!iX a Wiek ; tutetuiir?
LI;ois , :,ci 1 ( hinie, t:tv iuUv iui. , ik.-s -i , ,, o-i,. i ,e;y. . ! the iem on !e. rf a .e -i n th. re i u-uallv Hithe ,cnt matter
',.eu, .1,' er,t J.V) .1.1 d .I..,' , . .. . rTvr, . r r r -TT , scui .!! le t, icn; ...e, d it i, f urPned will t e t.mis-
oi:u u kin -li , I.n , do fine d.lffdioe and los,al ,....'' i n.illv l'l 'e1 if-' l",! ; 1 1: it tue, we clculite that the Cv,.j,e
, ,. - , , , , . . . ijj';n'. i.i.., i .u.r'i im "ii,..-!.. ii. ............ w ,.
. 1 . . 1 kT I 1 .. .1 ... . .1. . .... .......l ...iti.. .... ... . ' r ... ... . a . . - . . .... ..... . .....
-TÜI OI JtllV. D'U lirriil 1:1 'Z, ein.:i- -HL ..u.i'.-m . : nn ai.Tc. kiimih rs aim i r s o. 01 ... n : .1-.. s-iver pi Ten I ten- ,,i,,.., i,.r m'-' .il llw .Si: Vi.rr. Lv J. II. I Hihl'.SIiV. H le, i t v . l loin il.e i.aMe,;, c i. a .s i ,, -e an.. I a-" a...e . v()(ll , (. j .( . j will each make M'ar Ot e V OU-
1- in ,1,.., nr, tt 1 i-rvl t it tuii-'ht Live . , , . ., , hier-, tips. 'I his assoitiiient is I.i, -c, and h is ixen im! r't d v ilh . t'J st.'Cil of Jittcln.; i'I nttl ol IOtl-t Pn linger' , . . i ,, . , "
ve-re nil,.ahcn a to .ao- t. o.,., .1 it tat lu ,.ve, SFT,...V. Tnn Iv,.v-N- IMI.r. of Ltvr.. At th- late cue.', v. rv art,,!,. I s pet I'e, t, a. I . 0e mv I -md OViliSMKMX I n,r,2, tln.eleils. .e-k,.es, and .-hut J.,.t..,.s getw.,1 vethiw, '" T'lnp Zo. printed Ii) .mall type-Liewer a, ei
hive Leen Oll t.ü? U.h am! -1st ot JuK, l.L t.fS , (.jri.,,:i , ;(.;,,t ;t;i(J at Vj,itrj,hu;is, conn- W1,1 at .New V..r prices. The Pni.lie tire ,11.0! r -:H-e 1 tolly fl I .)'. met,' hiilfilo ..ver-hts, f. In cniüelastic do; II tli 7. P". P'irpV. and wtnte To,. . ; . Is.. 1.1 ,e and Mark Li. imelit,, ,. ( ! an ll W e lull :ih 1. n,j k-:c tj hcfll al the eUii
C0Ud 11 t he allnd and the Jury UC pi.ttcd tiie prlso.ier " v x- v; , ., , ,' , f- inviad to cull Mid see Lr Ih. n.-elves. V. II. TU.Itn'IT, J ladies' fiat la-tic ovci.-haes, f,.r sale al the Ct'u S'wr .V. re. i all and sizes , ;t:.-o i iiine... . oial r-nd J:t. Tins .e nt I. w a efa'e-t.n.
..." . . 11 . i l.' N 1. .h..M 1M1.HH, .1 ii(l) 'i UM! (.i.iist.i .1,1 , 17 .Irrrlrv :rr. , ;:;., ir,i-hin rt -1 n.iJl. J. ll eioU.I.MIV. I s. I.-. ted w ii h cue it 1 1 I epfcs-.v ,.r t ! .- mal k t. I he miWi iL r 1 U have -ti hard the r,Mtjreii-nal CloPe ard VrrneVx
without retime Iroia t:.e I oik ro:n, and he .va- ;i ,.rtii.t , in::r ',,,.,,;., '.:: rainst, vy ' v ..... f.v 9.;,.9,. -. w ,,r. rt ,::-M ,,,,,,M " '" f":,,llf"i"'"::i'1' 11 .:.,. n. .-vie, ' fiu tweae m-.o..m.i tv n,, cf, nl w..
ri-i-h-r-e I iM i 11. "! , ' rilV I.T; f..S. H.DM'M.k E!.LU1, .M- BN, :ii:l SStii.'. qia;,.) orjiee. 'I hi i In re lop., slid t;. eali m.,1 fke a l..h. , M ' ' ' ,
CI " . r' ' K .,1 v.- ' r e-n o-1 Ir- A!,i '"' ."-'-t tl.e saui-J ..J.. . i bicacii, jjr.Rse.N s,i2!, Cl. ,1 ai.!..e.r.srta,nnd al.Cel.t U Mi a',,,,, 's, ' y.V) ths, assorted, M re oppoti'e V:. hu.'jto'i Mall 1 1 W. II. TAI. la TT. 1 " - a,,J,tUn ;w,0r "0li The C, :f -lo al
1 iicre IS or.C loin er'.I-'' at.o.n ...e ca r , ri)itt .-;,, t,f ,Mriir; ; Ö. t. el"r t limn, enrn,.t fd Ui I- Miit-d I v e nlütis at V. It. Tal- ; jj I d ch. sinnts, Phi to9, " . --- - (.1 .te and Appei foi ea, h - s-un aie bound t.freihe, i.i
that IS that a pers.Kl S ) nearly r SVUll'lie the Vh!' Ol - - h.'l's Jewelry Shop, where m:n he found i.l! kinds of i-pe.ti, tea, n 1 l ,.. t- a urns, ;;' do mat aroiii',' CiOBSÜ 'E i 2 E M kl l. Ü.S . o;;e!!eiit hm lit z, Willi Ku it taiks and ro.Mis. t'ur
who r irnoiitTd th sp eil'-'ll't ei shonVi he i-rn'tlale- n -x y - vrr:V t I well as all kinds of Sl, net in n dl, süv.r, lerman silver, stet I , 1 I.. nn-...rv ent-, ( r.t.lo P,.,fe naU, T-5 A,V 'T. fT, 1 'h?1'' '.''T'.'' W Ta,!U !'r 'vetry a ' llf(s fv, hitn ,j,Ms J, U1.j j.iU,, air 53 a Vclnne foi 4
U HO C iIil'llU.LI 1-11-s' c 11 '. .11.1.- s.ivi.i.u tn. i. .1.11 11. in k..9 1 . k I . . wir.', or l.eavv steel Iranie tT.i'.'es .ivii 1 iihoimi iivf hwi.r. 1 , nmU '-.. 1.... ?-vv C t, d I in, I, s 1. 1, 1',, ipi sic : s 1 v. r 1. o la. - . . . . . , .
1 ...... ii, in.-, - ' ... :rtii. s. a v. ; hp ,r a o' iri.i,.n. nüln s , 1 1
1." rccoo-riized hv all thov V; tjr ;;ovcrnm? t.t, j risi:!: pn' s-ri' ch j..;, n lias,- or pur;t,:.s two or four roresof .c, .at all kinds of prices .:, its l, l. More op; Ihe
t! i . f "TP H,vir-ioi dr'r.'vinT ,1.!" t -o ' land ii t:.e inmi Int.' viiutv of tl is rity : lr parti, ulars , a!iiiiton Halt and 3 i'uors carl ol (l.n. Hr-ke's tio, I.
at t.,f ur il '! .Mr. im.i r.u i.i, t.ri.. aIut, o ... i... , . ilM.ll(. ;i f ,, . . , -mith ;c iiawa. i ii w ii yai.wtt.
weeks at. er toe oilence.s were oi:i.i:ii;.,ti ; 11 w 0 00 j Lot:;,. v. ... 1 . ' , M5Ki
em still more stran-e that the prisoner, if -nihy, ; u'iiMT .i.S SititV.fiV -0., yds ho,,,, shinin,, V".v".
should hive been found ticre ; there pro .auiv neer j .m; i..i in.i on k., new r..r s':.rjiit r, reive i, emiirae. 1 ' i i ; ,!,,. i,t,. k-io
. " . Li. V . .- . --- ..... .1 . -..I. I. .... -. !.- ...
u-i.s a fict more .-at sfaetorilv prove I tioia the i::no- "'2 very vaoy, w hin, i ,.;i. r ,.r-iie ny . ..hü or """'""' wiwht,
W, S & V .i V . t ' . '','m, n n - ro. nl.'.. ir, at greatly le.Piced price. For ale ;.t the tVy t r hy . i I do red tl .nncf,
cencc ( f t!ie prisoner. It nils o?en a mos. reuru vaii.e ' 6 4)' j. u. oci.r.sp.v. :.o .!.. uree,.,!,.,
case, tho witnesses for the :overnnient were all ioi
in niUH and "h.vt-s, ;
! d.i coinf.nt.s
.I'til pis c.iitM'i yarn, assoited,
I .I.I d-i ml !e v ii km j.
Jesl ren ived and f r fn In'V hy ('. VI Vl'.lt.
taken as to the identity of the pn-onr r; a ..,rt, a s , -AV ,,p p;.;.s a h, t of p,',, rs' and W.h. ' I'ri::!! Walir.jr SJitu s for the ;,,;ei.('s.
tie Jl'd T Wf II rt'Unrrfd, aIlfl'Jt SUSlleient to shaI.e'iYa tenhol.nVs line iCaors, a.-orl -I, lr individuals :.nd J All HS (Hinte kid well wal',iii3 )..,
' , , ' iw; als.., all km Is of pocket, pen, : nd e'oit-ress Knives, and , .U A .to tlo morocco .i (t .
all conliuence in l.urnan tes.iti.o.iv. i S. iss..,. ,, aj Mirie, sizes, and pial ti -. hv eall. 1.2 at h .! rail" Mr ip d. ,1,
i 17 W. II. TAI.IHlTT'.S .I rri'r-J V,r,. ,1.1 ,,l , I,tskill .1...
AVt C, li!s Io s f.lH),
l i !. !i iii i,.-r knives,
do ih- tI -i v ,
ECtts, Mr. Vriili t:n .Mr'.' h is hud to pay rVH'.Mor tt rsT rerrive.l. fi,.m the n, ,.ufctnrv if IVidi. t At lhrr.'v.n: - ' -- ' - i ' d ic lir-n! si',
fl.ielotot -oil d: oil .It t poi.te.t Pelts, U l! Ii IV I.C 1 1, Wh U Ii V 1,1 ; t Z.,i (Ulli, 1 Ml'! I ,M A n 1 Z . ! ' " 1" ' " : ,
I h tri, I
I llrt..s Al .'.i.i rai-lns,
I I. n ii I car, .nils,
I li,. shelled ahnon Is,
1 J jars Prent It pn,ne,
I il... I ollli s I hrrO. i,
1 d.. pli k'es,
I I. ttr. I .r.iit'jiji.
J., si re i-ive.t aiul (,r al hv the Mtliscri her.
I ho ."riMtnd l'prvi,
I do alls), lee,. .
I d- . inj'tst.",
I i!;i clove?,
JÖ his ii.iliti' C,
J."i do i,
ÖJ do cinaiiion,
43 C. MA Y IIR.
iin r-ori nf l.i -.i t t.P ti i vr I fi w'i .'I WidoWCT 111
.a. - .....i.i - ... J . ... , . -.v. - - . I........ . i. i.'.l lli.'l'l'
. . , I - tC.. ... I,. 1 I'" '"II 'n.nir.i 1 ll, , 1 11, '
(Hi. uent to .das-a,-ins: t U to "-et hinisel. a v le, .
. .. . ll i4 4..- r-. . v ' ni.. V
c,0'' lcVi t kriiv.s, 'io.; ii C .1 ci ter l oltlei..
e. I....II a loii h..'.t!es,
d i ü il'on hollies,
'. !.. pu t lilto'ileis,
'a do half pint do.
J '-.I "t! stone w ire (jss and j ie?)
, ll J;j il poller' w are,; also a 1 tre lot ol ... , l opt, i ic.o.s iin.e.i ir i.;m'es-or.
I nt Irllii
. iii-if.. i.r - ,ii..ij.'i. o i-i-.., .'.... ... .... ........,.. . .... a . . . . . . .
nVweai. lall and see. -t I V. 1 1 . TA I. II TT. H-I"t. I ho-i" who wait Me tack Vidi Ines - hi'U Id app ly
- -- - foi iL, a im:..e iiatrlv , -s they aie in demand. The last
i'liii 1 Vi)V t .NJ5XTAI. 3'. 1 I'oittc-s stit-cn! cd P I t .v-i!,e d ai d ti.ty-ix nei ;
'jV IIP. M.l scril.e, has he ii m i l - the sole aei.i ,..r llns c.'y, f.r ail,i, ,- j, ,., i.:.!!,. ?:ui ih.o Text will fuh-cr.te fur at least as
a mIhiiiih' pe.isoc.l ,i.c,vs an I si. so s i ,,-,. ti s-es te , . v nu,u, ;is th(. ,,, r.ed.ii: ef ( oi g r s$ fo, the last ritfl.t
caul ii Im the hesl aril. ! now ii to.'. I hivi? jn.-t r.ceiied a lae.e : ' , , H ....
lit of hepes,..,:-o.h,la.s,s...,dwi!l.e;.lcl..M,.i:lo..sand.M ;"".' 1 ' l","" ' f,um a,-v "! l -uire. C.-lr Sc
con.lttion,., elV; I In t,.,s.s ao l s,w . tact, n w HI Ik- ..1.1 al I.e. Sea on h v - s! o; pe .1 , : 1. 1 it ; tl.e if I gistCI of llla CS 111
inai.iitarittrei'.s r,i'es. ! y V. II. TA IT- i I T. ' ISo7 A lew l.Ll.i! il i! i Uj ICS lllliC hot VulUdlC IS Dil UC
I A 11 l'ni.lMl!,r
m !. . illl..lMll
V V dn ale.
I Lane I white Pre nth wine,
I t i ..n:enie do,
saw the niainti.:. Lvd.a .Smith, v. as s:;i;ttcu and : KOv I aj S!...4. i ii,.i..o-rie,v,ne((.-r,ijine ,t . p..n d...
u I- . l it; . .... H u't.f. 'ive.rh';',.'i nitrUet pn.e in ' f.r a ny n. tint i?y of ,(..rr, , M .c , xv jllt. 1 d.. Malms, v a-
proposed all HI tie eonrs ? ol tn d.yn. Hl pi ,"- ; A than KUx-eed, J. hvtre.l al tl.e uc Sn-c. I d.i M-i-kit. do I ,t ht-1 vin-r ar.
pal was received fivora'dy, b it Iiis pur ose cnan'-d, j ti j. ll. ouix- nv. j jt r",i anl f..r aie low t.y ihe io.:.-. r.i.rr. The wines
and he went hack to Ohio, vouch -afinr n..i explana
tion of his conduct. For this he has to pay V"'J0.
A R.MLU'.VV TAMe. The Ji uJo;ne A'vrs v.nvhil:
cally calls ujon tiie puhdhr to refrain from ratl.vay
Peculition, on the ground that many s-hcincs will he
nnünishoel f r want of t!ie necessary iron. To say
the truth, we d j not auti -ipntc a stoppio from want
of iron, though we expect there w ill some day or other
be a frightful smash for want of iia.runch.
... . .. .1. r : . i i.. i . ., . ..'!'?
j, Yjji f (' ' I ' Mill-, me I or Cll "lie 11 airp n-fS. I . .tl.ll i.n.
KW ä l;l SMKI.S of V..e:. wantc.l, lorvviil. ll cas.'i v. i ue IVa? T 3 '
y 's r pi:.
lid on di-'ivrrv -it the. t.revvefv of
J ... .....a. . .tSS
41-Hivh I..M a.
:orni;il, Vin :unl Viiircar.
(V "' ltisnr. in.lisn, waiianted, :vi ) ll.s mad ler,
v i'J n co:ier i, .in alum,
l.i ein l.icwo.ol.
i... .. ..... i ... . . . . . u : .
rtpWO IUrrids Mapeoor ..Id Malaja Wine. . hhls ei.h r Vinenr r,,.. .. n a,e very ,o v-es w riany i.i ini.ijn, n,. o e,
t . . . . i - . I VMtt wtr. toil 1iIIi"'m I lIiiII u.II r. I..... I... t I. n .m, I ad rti IU
ma de expressiv for u.j,, , ukel hy the suhsenher ; in not- , " '' , ,, ' . ' , ' 1 ." V, , Vre
,at llKmt:i:i.Vi 4 U..,,.t.t at the over. 4S I . .M A l KU
j J ust received and for sah low, either w !i;ih ca!e or retail. hy
i-i V. SI AVK it.
rt'o'.v ios.w, ht;:; ir h3!i r I3;;ttcr.
V-I time t!r. li Hoots, a! J ...'. Io $1 7ä
iil .!. do do, I. T.V 0 v
I .t ihi do, 0. -'." e .VJ ;e.:tra)
Ii !o ea'.f pnn.p soled i'..ot.-',
I. do oo weil do,
to .In d.i do, c tnpalned ?o! ?,
h .tn do w ater pmof do,
hi .h Kin .hi d e!!.
Tor Kale at the CVy S.'tns Storr, hy J. II. Of: I.KIIY. 4ä
ON' hnnd and for sale low, Sperm, Hcarhe and Tallow I'ar.dleseT
a upeuci pialiiy ; nmoit jtluied I.y the e p.e-lr for
Ibiaiuaikcl. 43 t. I1LUÜEULV.
T1AI.I. and examine for j ourselves, ihe finest, larce Rt, arid prett W-isi
'A.J uttert K.n ef snpeiior Te.i and Hr-ad Truv. in -or tinjle n-i,
lor si!s nl rii.laili Iplna tict5, by V. II. TALBOT T. 47
jSf'XN hand, an.l nt ir coming, a rlc assortment of Lard Lamp,
'iitihle for, nliops, parlors, led er fitting room, either
sw ins, side, ir i-tavt. nnrle e-f the heel material anl give a inott
hriiiidtii lihr, ainl w rt 1 be 4d t ejetrru pore, hv 4
W. il. TALD0TT.
1 have in ha r el.
II... ... t o i, .. . C C"...-rrrcm .. Ml I -. I
r 7311 P. s'.'.,r,. r i, : w ,,,.,.,.1;i ami New 1 . ' - v' V'" r, ..J,
ii Voll. wi:!ii:,e I iritfsi se. ctini '' line watches ev, r l.ronrl.t to Lirnloie , the C i c-ioi :al (. cle ai.d AjinidiX should I
tills cit . eonsisiiits of O .id and Sifur l.evets, Anchor do, I .apine j 5 2 t M I he 'T-s i -ir, xvhii h is 1 1 e f I ice v c that ije f.r the un
a I d Vi r:i, : I. j lain, e.Mr .. nn.l li;U J. el.e.I. ! cniV ci 'r ..'' Me ' ,. i .1 c i; t!i'. C I s o 1 tl.e pa -1 1 t jj si s. n ; tui we haveci.Ii
d..:.i..! ll..iii.ti..c i.s s. i , ,, ,.I.'C -r n-M-erifull y im tied to ca ! and I c,,,;, !() u,.,:rf ,.0 , ,,r0, as fj!l .Ws uil'll the fi'Sl diV ef
eiX'iüi.te l!.c-e v..Uh ihe iiv : tn n' i v t r I.UL'e and w eil se-1 . ,. ( ,! , ... , . A
. . . , ,, .. . . . . ; ' rox J;ii:ii 10 , "1 1 1 wh;.lit:re the L ivr siei'al Cl-u a'-n
I-rt. !, art 1 w ill Iv .Id 1! .. w i.ia j.'ie--,.nJ in ecr in-t.oue . . , . , ., . , a . wnl.h hM, ,!" ;: ii.. it w ill te taken La. k, I ' c: c!l V- fT the MsIC, aid 1.0 deducticn
or in oilier 1!,. m, ,. w,.r.olrl io kerji tt toneori.o j Will L'e I! 2 'c 1:1 2CCCLl)t 1 f tl.e v lim Let ol CopitS taken.
To; cr.e rcj-v f the CVi pe-Mci al (LI e,
bale. a1-'!, re on-ax t,' tl. I'.row nm's. 41 V . II. 1'A. I.ltll 1 1 .
Tr-VsT Vr-.(" "r7T-7;vV 105 cr.e rc-v f t!;o C01 perioral r.l-t, f V
Vi..i. M.i it, U S.t..e,3v. ir-riinccpvoltU Apiiii-ix, 150
C I S I receiye. , a lew !'. I. i.t I eMer ,.J ,ces w . ,, ,-e nr ; f f a,, of ,,f th 5 (,0
5 1,1,,! tooll.,.,. k atl.iih. d. l! . aie Il.e ino-t convenient i.nd n-e- , ,. v' , '. , . .'fi,.,!,
fnl pcncl it.uv in ns.-. :,.,rV hosiers man o,.?hi .a;a.:t hm.ll ! t' fistv -Cvc i'i '.I 1 ;'. 11 ' bo h, (0
of 1 ins e.pioiinmu and ; lä.y will U sold ht IriiUilch hm The mciry m he i.toi'tcd ly n.ail at mr 1 isle. Itshould
pncesat VV. II. TA l.i:i i ITS. 41 ! ho lieie hy the 7 h ol I'e ei rater, t f-llhcM, to rrccure all
Ves it 'Ha.i iV. . rey 1 . 1 a v tin-ii'!" ! e r. ptoini Hy.
.'O.l-- I2k.C. iitv A'Ai.l. ,.....;.,..., f ...t.nrcis who cnv thi Pimowttn r,d
l'i . .p : ii t is 1 f nc 1 pa pc 1 s a no C 'py lhi nospertu. tnl
A MIW a.t,.le j.tst out and wry fish Ion nhte, in ihe r-hap of 1 ' ' " T f , , ,.0 1 i,V . i, .
A h,.,, half ,...,,, -nd !.' enr.ings, e.f all norU and Jire-J cne vf Iheu iui conUi..ii.K It h-ll hate
oriaeclie .. hv VV. II. TA MM T T. 45 the ir ran.e mU-ie.i en .oar Dooks Iwi e ne copy of the L01.-
irirsioiMl Gl. te und Arifrn'.iv du.ii z the session.
IS . ., . . ... .
Our piues lor tiiese paper aie Si low tnai wc rmmoi t-
Hi .or ver- 0J(j to crP(jii ihcm out ; theiefoie. r.u rion need c. nu i.
r0mualH v I hu Urne in wiring fur them and o.t endic he mirev.
ty , LA Iii k Kl VHS.
ilmei ; Uiihes' uatent Kut ls r whüc tdioea ; (lentUmea
llnW rs. tenther eotee; l.enileinen rnmitmii Kubbei,
ilir.t 21t Ihe Ilm Ion P.kI.ii.ii.iIiIm 1 Shoe Sln.e.
4i J. K. SHARrE. Washictok Citt, October I, 1SI3.