Newspaper Page Text
f iiiiiau apoiis, November 2ö, 18 1-5- INDIANA STATE SENTINEL: THE OFFICIAL UAZETTE OF TIIE STATE (rüßce on Illinois btrcet, Sörth of Washington. G. A. & J.T. CHAPMAN, Editors. 07-The State Sentinel will contain a much larger amount of reading matter, on all subjects of general interest, than any other newspaper in Indiana. TIIK SEJII-WKEKLY EDITION U niihhs-hed eerv Wednesday and Saturdiy, and dur ing tue seien of the Legislature, three times a week, onTuechys, Tlnrsdays end Saturdays, at Four Dol lars a year, pavabic always in advance. Tili: WKi:iiLY EDITION Is published every Thursday, at 7Vo Dollars a year. always to be paid in advance. 1 in advance will pay for six months. !s will pay far three copies one year. Persons remittitur &10 in advance, free of age, shall have three copies of the Semi-Weekly one year. s'J will piv for six months, si will always oe charged fr the" Tri-Weekly, and .r0 cents for the Yc'.;ly, during the Loiiit ive sessions. AD VERTIS EM EN TS, will be inserted three times at one dollar a square of 8 lines and be continued at the rate of 'St cents a square, for each additional in sertion. Quarterly advertisements, Jcr square, ". All advertisements from abroad must be accompanied by th cash ; or no attention will be paid to them. fc-Postage must be paid. Tin: Gueat Ai)VANT(ii:oF Aivi:itrisiN(;. XoiwUIiabuulaiig the mauy (acts in favor of atlvei tisinj; in papors ol largo circul ttion, in shape of lurluncs made by t'10-ü who have ju diciously followed it up, the of thoic at te. npting to do iti;?iiii have a very impel feet Dota.M of the immense advent igcs. The New Yovk Tribune remailö that in.inv 'i m'Ul irives a thoisaiid dollars a year fur a f ivorahle tantl, yet grudges a hundred for advertising; not reflecting that a hundred men would he made acquainted with his luiue3 through the newspapers where o:ic would pais and observe his store, though in the mo-t favorable loca tion. There are a few who nmL'ivf.and thi- mattcr and arc making fortunes, while thou-! sand- around them are willing in like pursuit barely to live, and often filling at that. Ol course, a man must have something worth ad vertising, and know (waml uhemn to adver tise, or he will probably thn,:c nzcni his r:vmy. No buisiicss can he done to advantage without fitness in the doer. Hut. these conditions lul- . . a .1 -'11.''. V J U tilled, money may he made in a!njii'Iance i i ,.,.Vf ,.., COu!d be craped up now-a-days that hud departments Ol trade Whirl, arc IIOW languid , Ulit t,revi uly broken cover in S.i'.;ei'Oire and profitless, and we are sure mat mrec times the present amount of advertising might he done with great advantage both to the ad vertisers and the public."' Baltimore S.71. Nothing is mare true than every sentence 1 of the above. We know many persons in j this and other cities, w ho have coined foi tunes j out of their knowledge of tin; economy and j advantages of ncw-paner a lvcrti-ing. We v-?, 1 7Nv r- . m r i .w 1 1 ra ctx j rs? s - ' - - .ii ii ii " ' " " 1 " - .... - ' " " A SEMI-WEEKLY. Volume I;::::::::Nllliiber 51. DEA10C11ATIC PRINCIPLES mid JTJcvi&uic'n. A simple and frugal Government, confined witbin Arict Constitutional limit?. A strict construction of the Constitution, and no u sumption of doubtful powers. No National Eank to swindle the laboring popula tion. No connection between the government and bonks. A Diplunuc , aking for nothing but what is clear ly nght and submitting to nothing wrong. No public debt, e;thcr by the (iencral Government. or l;y t!:e öXiCs, exce; t t.r ejects of urgent not es, sity. No assumption by the General Government cf the debts of ti:c States dirce'dy or indirectly, by a distribution of the jTt coeds of the jublic lands. A Kevcnuc tanlK, discr;m.nat;ng in favor cf the peer c nrui:)er instead if the rich critalist. No extensive sys'.cm of Inlcn-al imv rovcmcnt by ti e General Gvernn:cnt, or by the Stales. A consntutiunai barritT Tigainrt improvident Stato los as. The htnest payment cf cur debts and the sacred preservation cf the rubl.c faith. A gradual return from a paper credit system. No grunts of i .duivc charters and privileges, by special lcgihii.n, t-j b;ink. No roiviexi'T. between Church and State. No pruseri t;;n fr h-nc-t opinions. Fostering aid to public education. A "progrcivc" rtf.rniatit n .f 11 abuses. Oft in the iliiily .Rht. Oft in th chilly niM, Hie liimlei' cImiii Inth bound me, 1 vre ly lu.t ii t cji dle-lilit, Tiir t a tun all a.uuuj ine. Tltr tip. Iii- ruliis, Tin tiuii platr, Tlic 3 mcei, (-nv wne broken) The pn.n which hone, N w pawnrJ it utne Ttie wtel ihii a'e, and spuken Tliuf in tle chilly itij'w. y.ti- I irnk itir t'lu.kft foun.l rr.c, No mit by ileiaiit can ilr-light 1 see it all c.'i.founJ me ! When I irrnem''er all With ulti.rn I've ifa'd to'ether, I live cee ihiuiili tiai1 fill, Li !fjvi in wnury weulher, 1 f' i-1 like e Wli .!e nr.utTi .ne, Wo !f e i-c ul !y lec iteJ llv Mat k üii l tti n, A int who i o-n To M aith f r p)on ilepartc J. Thu in Hie chilly mht, Whn t!iuu:in.l thin oM.foun t me, Sa l mein'iy bimi by canre-luht The o!d tia-paMits loom R'e. We rejoice to fml in Siakespe:iro the original iIrs. Caudle. S sivs the Iiochcs;er Atuericun. a l Antibl.olus is druen und. Tie Abbess and his wife Adriana discourse in the selected cause tbat up 5Ct his reaMn. Abb j . Vou should for tint have reprehended WHOLESALE BOOKS AND STATIONERY. CHARLES B. DAVIS,' i RooKsn.i.r:i:, siatio.m;u am l uiiusunt, One Door Wvsl of Wttsllinglon I!:il, I:j:in:i o i.. Intii nin, RfSrtf.iIIy intorn. 1:1 frieuda atiJ ti.e pu lie genemliy. Hint I. 1 low receiving direct from rii-elpl ia 01 W OrK.alBrge Also, School Books and ;otl 'I'liin. Answer to a T).vst. The '.rrny and Navy" when no one being present but a Surgeon, he repl.ed thus. Uentlernn," Paid 1 c, the toast of the army and navy has b"en proposed. There i not a soldier or a f iibr among uf There i nnt a man among us win Ins fbed bio d for his country, cxcejit. perhaps, Tcntlemcn, it be mvself. Yes, reutlcmcn, I tell you once more, what I have s aid a hundred, a thousmd ULJI-Jc. T!u qwaJrJdLiüS t- C7,i s sccllanvoj 't'istrrrd too And tliererore have I hel eved it to be A very larp nnrinient el ß l.lefantl T tiaiTiti, hi plain ml fanry ltiiduiZ. r';i!f n.ü.ily nnh!lih-d Anunlü fr 181), fuil.ihle for ChrUt " . . . ,, ihk ainl New Vein'.. Iii. A jrrrat vaiiety Jue:n!e anil Toy Wks, luu.isi j.K'ly Im.uiiU i.J i.Maratol villi ßn mjravin.sust- my duly to respond to the call of the chairman : a,j:e for cture. a suni uy f Tiic socecli wan received with rounds uf a ppli use. ilni ninev for IN 10. TATTV S RETORT. Ab, know you n it," said Martha's beau. Whom sbe tint in im bad snt a packing "The doom that in the hclo.v Awaits lone ladies, husband t lirking 1 Dismal, far aye, the hapless maids Lead apes, through Pluto's glo uny shade !' " I know," quotli Pat, with scornful air; Nor d es the d om awake my frar; I'd rather, fir, lead monkeys there, let a monkey lead me here." frT-fn 1315, after Napoleon's return from Elba, a violent royalist exclaimed to his cont.-s-or, wiio lirp penrd to dine with him at (Jhent, What ! II airy HI. ! r'ii. A "p as3iutn.nt of Coiorfil Piii.ts ;hiI Fanry Ar'i !. .c iultir.'itioris rectivid evtry week. Stii!'o und I ';iis-y l:il:oM'i y. Cap, Ixllf r and Note Papcri, of all kiml t.;-o ai,.l CiuhimtcI il lyt, r..l Uifn-f, Cl.izrd and Tiiuc Tapen USaiiU IShoUv. Lil !.. .nllJ I..L K r ., r :.i ril:ricl iii'i. ?i-Prr'oi 1firrttn of rttine rare Aim-runti or Fo'ieig'a woikV, can hate ihrir cnitr ui( tually alfendeil to l j teavine then as i nt- ,i,.ive,v l'rcKtosa! t'ov AiucriiMii U.ilri-iottcil Iii in;. NVT I'KrATMIClT. Et rtiu or Comukiiun, r.i i !.. t. 6l-. Alu U tu' rr, 7E VLED TROroS ALS. er.('o-itrt T o;a! iu' lu inj.." w ill l c eiv-1 :.t T' is ' ureal nntl! t! e l-i'li au rr M It, cr !eliv'(ri;ff oni huviirrd :hi. fiay tort ot .'Jmt r,tin r'rr'fiJ Lemp, r.l mrli !irel ou1 I i ea.-i. or' t..r i.i l I.otjivviair, Krii- m-y,nni at. ixuii, in Mi?ouri, ; p mny he drtiriu teil l yllte Uliitel Stati i.fmn 2nt .t tl'O T''w,'S Jlivrle to t inailp ktwffn t! e Crt I:iy ot M;rr I. lie first rtny f July, lr46, am! aroiM.TiiiMl l y natir i'a tory t viüence tliLt it l.i.t I een tca'tr rottfd in tl o sijpl Ui:it!tfT. Tl.e In int Min.! 1 " tl 0 i'rrftcpJ, r!cnr"!,frre from si ir ers, it ml !)' not ! imi tiinn oix'i'Pii " r riit of low niid 'int' u Imi j;; t.-i.r I). (I, to tl p , i ion t tJ e inic fois, re.n'jr for spi'n in. Ir .tr nili ! o ui I. tl 1 1 rrj-e cf o.e md t .ri-e-lttiirtl ( f mi ii,rli ii r ir. uin'i-; ihtu'o fnn tweoly one y:rt , &n jir-p:ir" 1 t . t ti'ti . t.,? i.,;iM-iorf. or l-y tin ir rtirec tion. will I ;tt l-:.! !ur II oiji.ohI two t iintltPil jtuim's : mi4 Iciitli, ro'iir, t'li. I o'ti.-r pi uH"l i-f. i.iift -r futlre'y a infurto rv tittle liisi.-rT4,r., or ti r! ii I' ol' t! i I urrntl, r il W ill I ot ! rf. t-iv--.!. It will 1 1 ius-j ettf.l :atJ tcMi-d s t tl.r r. fj-eclive p'tirn I mil hiiikiIm, n'. 7. l"l". 4; L A V E S T A It Ii I V A L () F FALL AND WINTER GOODS, C . M : L 1) it U M 1 It . rir t! e l.ern-i w! i h m: y vuf ir.f'rrt'o'i r"t t c rereirr-rl y . . ... . . ........ . . . ... ,. .. Ji,; ..r-- tn.iinn s'r.te the nrire ( ritt"i i i w orilü nt If nrO. i a-i im r ton of S.CiO Z g AS j.Mt opcnH, in th. riom I .itrly .mri by Mr. U itey an A.irti..,. II....-, ailjom...- W - ."n n- nctni n';in. j ,.olll))U ',. ,!,:IV. rrl. in-p- u-.t. ti-,t.,!. , rov',1, rr-r, hed BR .!!,.! M. tlirt litrwi .Imca of !r;i-oinVe lirv iooiN lnuiiü it to the cilv ruiif il in t I l"ti t Jis-f, jti-t nrt h.isi-a in ew "r ...J. ., . .. ... ... . ' '.. , ' ... . :..l. l..ln.i, .Mineil for tins in .rkrl. an.l wliK li !. .I-.I?.m lumlf l 'A. atnrr l.y Uih :,i. f or ret ol, at t iiiciiu.ati or i-ounvine , ' f ari, ,j ir . , ,,.,, .,. ..4.r. tvtr ui.l w.m.I r.-s.ecM-..ny -.licit .i x ,.. ,t ion of ni rtment. The follov uu tvuyu a ;.it ol l.M Mo. '.T, ' lot. of kmi u r. i i.v, ' i.imc ticM,.- lvr for tle -r- lil-iw, Iii. CK, an I everv tui.-y color; I') fieri lie -ivy WiirytWM; Q.l nieces .14 inJ . 4 .l uu Un.-y V Ca-im'rr, . o J f r 1 it ,,1 i ri, .,! ' un and i.mty S.ift,utts, 1lxc l Casimire, a,,d Kcrfy i a Lire a..r!inei,t of e-tiiii.., of every vaaiely ol color anu oaiietn. it.,,!S to o-ich: If tl r of tie ro-itrar, wl.irl, mnvte an I Tin Jirirr. ; '.ollH, !un. Adriana. Why p I did. ;!. Aye, but not rotnjli enough. Adr. As roujiily as my moJesty would let me. Aba. Haply iu private Adr. And in a.s-iernbliei tuO. Ah'i. A vi, but not i notrrj,. Adr. It Was tbe ropy of our conference, and IV. were assassinated, and nobodv can be found to rid U3 of the u-ur;er Ponaparte !' The priest f-'tcbed a deep sigh : Ab, cVar Mr paid be, 4 there a no longer atiy religion in the wrld a in tl.o-e days !' Nipole m is said to have been much amused with tli2 aneedote. The Louisville Journal says that Ir. ?hirpr, edit r if t!ie Warsaw (III.) Signal, was among t':.e anti- Mormons that tied across the Mississippi. We le;nn that wh"n 1 ist seen, he was standing on the Western bit:!; of the Mi-is;sijpi, bis right foot firmly ruK'.uioi d, Iiis shirt sleeves roli al up, and a pair of hri-k-bat.s in his hinds which be was shaking fiercely at the Mormons auav over in Warsaw. trui :um. 'How much corn iiiiy a geuiU niin call" whifp'rd Fip, While the cobs o.a his plate lay in tiers; "As to that." answered Q., (ai.d he qlar.rcd at the heap) "'T will ih penvl on the ltn-th of his ears'." Talleyrand was of opinion that it was not dillicult to win vornan, but that the grand problem was h v to "et rid of them afterwards. The wicked rascal had . .e.iueed thite sisters at th-j age of 10 while btuJying ! tor the ministry ! I The re:: son why a man ruas w'uu if drunk ;s ! br.iu.-e !.o can't wall;. Tids is a .max- fact. .itur- itv U fumMicJ hv thos.? who sec and rentier ! An EtigllMi publication gives the t .üou ang l t..u , y.vr9 it tlin-at r cur belief it. ,;.,;i,Mo tl,;.ir ,.rnos, the intlucnrc! ' ' . 'St' wurd: .ur. hcad conk' ,quet:?,ViC:l:Vi The RfLix.; IAs,roN.-The ma her of R..thschiu which the ircnt tmss ol mnnkiml overlook,; letter, Bicon, Cheese and Lggs M.lii and Croaui know a niiinhcr who an; now niAUtn lortunci hv the sa:no rnoa?). Having a thorough ac- j Iu f.,.l sl-id not tor . rig i. ; qu iintaricc with thnir own Imimiic-s 'ntl the At board he fid not for my urging it; ability and determination from such ncquait,. j Vlhuc'ät' Iv""' . - i i4 Iii comp i ti v I oticn glanted at n, tancc to deal with their customer to u hotter ; 'u.n ,,im h was Vlle an,i bai. aiivantao if o?mM: than tieir neighbors,; t,1p alss s-ciüä tu liavo bw a wuman of sense, thev look a little further and inquire of them- ;,nd thus she lays it down : selves how, most expcdition-lv, g?nerallv. cfv And therefore rame it, that the man was mm'. Actually ant! econornicnllv, thev arc to make , -i- hnul,red by thy raihngs ; , r ' i .i i l tl n Am thereot co ne it tbat Iiis head is ligut. the fact known, that they may reap the con-jV in h., prt.,..rviIljr sequential hcnciiU of their ahihty and deter-. Tü bj disturbed, would mid .1 mm er boas:. mination in return. I -.' ly J Errors. Tiic best evident c of intellectual ftipcrior- I . ! I . li'C I .S.l I.SIIVl. I in i.l.. iiith Inn nocl .Ti,,! tutt I tiirH villi. r-ii ii i rit lor I'.-Himere. ''a-ilnnere DeHcne. Muslin I'rl.ninr. Omliri OeLafies nn1 t ioSra t'-liin-rM n new aMirle, anil very riclO. Alpaca, tt-i r In' Xf-iitio.i. ii ;nii! ;I ion ti n iledu' lion of ten irr reia. I iMlir!, an.l ll;u k, Irati, in. I y Clfiiin?, VI u.l rli-nk cl ill ", of every variety ol !!; S 0 iiere iihvv f?ivlr j.rmt, Iroin o 1-4 Si . ,ron ...j w) j,.,, ,. v . 0 ., v.., .,, , forr- tl e ronip e- cenN; 2."pi-Ce ii"v sltleilirk l till nil l vi! led liii-lM-in ; (ilivf. Il-lerv., I..I2111 s-, I 'rtuu-, ;m.i veiy ueMrijUM.ii 01 ii.iii ioiii.'s. A IjrjeuiiJele- trtaasortiiici.tot d.irk an.l rich lluNMiT 1 15 1 M M IN'.S, f-u-inole to Hi sr.non, an t of u.e latest lasluon. am :ais. A lar;e"asortmnt of Florenre Imid Rrnntj. 1'nr, fur triinnied, i.lain cloth, snaieile, an J ml ctulli dp, toother w llh a few fancy ririh Ci'K, w hull ate all llie K1' in (lie laliion iMe w orl i. 1- lonov VVltX, :oiro. IC 'V ri, zwul :i fiencral Aorliniit of (.!()( kejit roof -.nlly 011 Inn, I. H ix ed, Fe HIieM, Tow an.l Fi.ix Linen, I'etfwav.and t;in p; ill te t.Se 111 uyintnt loMioud, aiiU tiie. Iilgticr-I 111 II kr I J0 e (iilJ 'ol tlieill. I-:i:ct Arrival of e;v Itixiis :ml li:cs .ii1 'i'i'ii: i:iiv s2S(2: stoki:: O w Hundred .'r-.'..-t.v y-'c li xt.'s and vo.x, at ' .mi.', ''A 11 tail! ; Ni:w A3tKv!ii:ir. Iluok Itiii.r.ti :, :ni I Arc mit Ilooli ?l jnnJarioi . rpHF. milrrili M lnin2 entt ii ! into (..uinersliip for l'ie pun we M of riiirviiiü 011 the isi.i'ik lk vjaiml irMiriiiu aim ihk-k iiiihi lion of tl e i-ciitrM tu l:n Ii iM I n-T.Oiwil ir til il ey are lul! COii)!leli;il. in nil r t, MToriiin? to tl ir fi f . f.-ri innt I ; mail..- in ftliict ro.ii'oi in ly w itli t!;C temi of thlt nd vfitienn'iit. 1 f ro.itr.M f ; rr K.t rtcriiti i if 'n f v f ter tl ey I rve I f"i rir.;vi-d liv tl e pi.iii, (c n l ( v it:Vr : ! i.rrepii d. tl e t-nreau will 0 H.l.-r Msi a at hl i rty tu o:!Vr i. to ti e t ext owt rrspl:!i' ! ' id. 'er. TS-r frr I it 'i: a f !r.iT z: a i; C V, Ami Ai cli iter.: lira I Clflici. OÜ Mernlim fttr.-t. lotirtii oiith of Noir'n rifk. The Fil-rril-r having oieiit-d an oltit e (ur tlie ui lin-e and Mle of rr .il priierly, oliV-M tili f-rlr to Ihr Ciunoi'ilill y lit IImI c '.' i y. I w i'.i ke- l !r tin rej i!.iry f pro, fit) lr p-iI; imi'Mire r.-Y flu l.ia .' from Id !) ml . I rim in rrrei t of .n !ire in ;.. , ;.. ..11 .. - - i.r . ...i.r 1 1... 1, i,.i :. 11 I M le 1 f V. A . I t will lie ni4 rxte t fur n. Hern, in z 1 until ik- inu.le UthOlIi lilt Uj viiii-c of fliS-,n NV tor Fill ami irmirr traile, win h,vnli Vo., ieptcif'l.ty iiroini n;ir f. irn U sn I ttie pnlii IC penei s 1 1 y III. t J inlrin.iei.l;i!ity , Ilten tarrl-' 1 e ii,-. inv former Im k, in. im- in ninlmeiil V X complete, and I would xv luve made lire .dditimM ' m.k k and I00U ir.nn lit- east, .not iVr-oim liume pmprny lir "t- :ire inv t d to l.rioc on l'eir de nn v invif tue .iiienii.iii of mer. ! : 1 f n In.n ol llie L-trtrtt ,tV.i mole. airineimiiH vni He ;n em ni.iimlai tniera fur a wi iH on an I Ii ve 11 In. müht into 0 .tier tin lvim oltice. ' i' f FAS'.llO.S'AHLy: HOOTS .1.VD S0: ever lrHii!lii t.. ,,,,,-ioit mipiiIv of I.l in a Immk and rei ord n.ptrof llie very l.el I I l.m and , enfi. .ti. K,r juulic tr pnvule LiiiIIiiii- luti.i.lied, !,uluini(t.n,Au u liu li will lie l.l for CaK or ir'tr at Ciitrinnn'i o-nliiy, I Ii y Ute prepaied to nupply toutily ofiii tl, b-i;k, and tiar- 1 t-'1 '1 d-pm Ii. Jil. LL.l)t-K. i,r Lmi.irt lc 'r.rrj. Ilu In 2 tliem ;w I do of llie M innfuturtr, lor ' clianH v Hi ImiIi.iimj.imis l. I, J; A',. Ci-i, I 11 .!l iliem for a m Hi ; :o v toe ,, Ci. an. 1 Ii ol Le itU , Ii I ! S OS' ST l'I" I O ! I i A IMllff kll I' ti'd with rerysnnil M v arraneuienti are such that it t tl , : , ' . ,. , . , , iu,Jt I.l. lKcou,l.,ntl me,v,,2l..r,.eadd..,.,n, to ,uv pte-rnl .,,tm. nt, and and every .1. -1 r.p.lou o l, ui, !.o k .r ' ' : 1.9 aere- of,,,,- nvrd ,n.l. .... a ...rf r'; :H f...t as the My.,. m la.i...M rh u,2e.l J, ,11 Le af.le .oiifiVr' .1,. ! '",' mV-' " ! , , !,,W, T,:f '."T ' ' Y ' "V"';": , , meirnanl, P. an evaitiinaiion ol my ;va nrnt.and pledge n.ysHf jn2whl( C1V xtrrTtk ,nth . ,, i..e.,.p.,r;, I y e' ' ' , . ' ,Z ni,, .l,vfl,,, h.., . ..4 on .h Mi. M sell I,. . .em. y the M,jet Unv a, they r .; I.i. v i .em n. an, , ;,y r ;,.,,, t .,.;,M. ,..V ,.,aVk book, ..,! w ill ; U1:,,!:, ' u. n -? i.l. ;ul7crnj , lo 43 itnret 111 .lie f-t. 4 ' J.H . I.l i . . .1.1 1..1.. .... i,,.- imii,1,.I o.ininr ....... .. . I , . . invvitii.TT i-.aTn I 1111 I . ,.....- - - - , f....ll. r'l f .1 u (. a. , ..1. or con-ider of inf. rior importanc e. Amonir tiie important inflt;enee of hi-ine--, over-, looked, misrepresented, or not duly apprecia-j t?d hv the ignorant. i new-paper advertising, j It may be termed a branch ot science in economy yet hut little generally understood, and therefore yet comparatively in its infancy. Meanwhile those who think for themselves and clo-cly study cause and clfect upon bu ine, arc enjoying all the benefits to he der-j ved from their superior sagacity, and mental as well as pliysical industry. Phil. Lvliscr j - 1 Odd Fellows ihr. iav ihnj make. Vm. , We frequently hear ( dd" Fellows talk about! "riding the ioat,"' when thev are ini.iatcl! into the secrets and invsteries of the order; j but wc never knew what it meant till wcj heard the following. We give it for the hen-! efit of all whom it may concern, ami for just ; what it is worth : j This goat i- made of something after the' fashion of the rocking hordes which wc some-'s meat Poitltry Kis?li liruccries Uil l'ruit and Confectionary Vt'ctabics Wine Liquors, A k and U t Wax Candles Tallow Candles Latnd Fu.l Stationary 'J'unurv llrazicry China, "glass, &c. Linen Washing tabic Linen I'laie Slo.WMi 7,000 47,000 l?,0t;0 10,eun i.';j,ocu tf,GöO b.-iOO 4J,1 0 12i,0U) D.l.lH) 11,000 1. HO ytyou 1,110 1,100 1,70 " 4,1."0 (,;V0 4,1")0 l.V'OO l,7'i0 :310,öt)0 I tlic wealthy lnnkrr. now in lior 07thyrar, had r-co.itly ! a vifdent attack of illnrss; w!in the recovered she Bol.ti!3l ?i Valeries of Indian poJ:. t MO.; . lie nnnv ftraoJ'1 Mvneiie! f Central I toll ilia , t'ier. i i A oiif v im:Ii mil li:ifflr- the ro-i.lMied ,ir,e tit" :,1l t!ie l.i'uii ! wirr ornrm ol' tlienr pari, n.miel y : Why H it that ever ImmI) is roiiijilVm n of liirir vatrhf .tojaMS orw!in they do r.iii.don. Weji : i. ihM'H liK- P'knI or nrrnraie time? Nmv Iih important evil rut 'e remedied try alio - at '. T.ILHOTTH Jorr'ry and liiviii tliein oveilnuleit. lie h eniued the nervnes of Mr ( IMHI.C 1'h C N'f'H , vv ho ii rrronnnei.:!ed t. llie polcic h iOi of the lit !! wi.r . n.e,i 1:1 tin- i.nioti v. AH w.iK r I'ru-id ii mvrnre! lo well and neally iloiie, and wTrnnti-d to cive entire .'U i:'i lion, or 11 1 , 1 ill lie matJf. I lie ramie arc ip.vit. .1 to cive ti tin one trnl, , - ' ."' ' ' ,,..1,1,1 .'1. IIIIII .Mir II III, remarked to her friends abaut her, No, n"), niy a:,j si,yii he fd ivm emi i iti-.'i, v,.rke.i on . . . . .. 11 . : 1 r .. ... 1 ... 1 i.u .... .1 i..r :i' rv.i.-i 11 ,-;, j m. .1 1 fripnl. 1 am not mv.xvi to leave l.'iis woriu r.iiiu i ;i..i ; -v 'V.V. ' ' ' "" ' " ' ..' "T . . till .," Mr. t, jnrf.11 ne.uiv npanen. 1 :ie eii'jneiiiem tviui .ir. quoted at pir. .Meaning that s..c woula noltl out till t-,rll(, M n.Mii. nr. mi i-rnii; on U'atrt.e-, Uc. if oi want llu'.ii iio'in ni tijiii. Miop ojK'Siie ainngion Ii;!., nnn iure iiiMiia t.htl'i;.n Ur.i e-. 49 U. 1 1 . T UU TT. I ... ... ..II . H in iti-h,h h 1, lie., in-' rae w:.n ; i:ier nninon. inr : ?(Mfc, (H.i(.r i Jir;te sl M 1, j:, i ... vvl.i'hrvi rem 0,1 ,, ...ti..Ke. n-tli I ... 'win: ren ler .! i rlii M the o". I k 111.I. tlio'icli . , lc, -, 41 " Jt),! i;t.iL.Il, ÜV. r.(lr A-uU iiry r.-i in, 111.1. In r:e-4Ti,.. d 1 rl.i i ii y . und twiiHsiior t-tvit t.f j tin i acco-ii.t hM.. aic equal to t'.e 11 eastern work, and j IIA KU ll.VS lOK SAI.I2. 11.1 htjlier in pr:e. j IO. 3. fnd lot of sr:m;d v :Ui 01, t-U tv fr ont l.'-ue und sta- IV A. 1). i- Co. are W rrr;nred to rn i:iiifir.nre all u..eiif fanry ."& . . .,. .-. Iti.n,.im.rr. i. she rt itched one hundred! A Nf.p.ko in Ualti".joi:f. lati ly undortuok tokis-.a snapping-turtle for a five rent piece, wii'-n the owner slipping the n'aose from the head of the monster, t caught tii tioor fallow's upper lip, and it was impos- I sihlj to deliver him until Us jaw s were fmrcd op.u. lie said he wouldn't bass anader for a dollar ; tank I his stais f r de scapj d,s time." What strange metamor.d.o.-es do pe ple underro every niht! Tney turn into beds. I)o s an Irish cov give buttermilk! No, nothing but her milk. 1.1 ti:i:atltki:, von rsic. Tlic Southern I.ileiniy lEesenuer i a Murthly IV .iodical, i'v..lnl loony dei Urn ot ol Liteiature and ihe Kme Ails It h s to 1 11 t -i ildi-hf I in i th in c le vt-n 3 e un. (tn.iiii which it h-is !o-m! at Ihe l c 'dl Ain.'iican IV nodiC'U. 1. is pohli-lml 10 toe 1 e .le i -t ! ;n d roi1M.11 a tirut va: iciy of inleie iotf ! .o-tinruvi le 1 lin ; (Jilh an K w . N ly fiom 3 injnny of uu. piildic.i ton. inihe .olidi'.v und utility i f 10 c Lent". 'li.. i,.vn. Jii'fU ll.. l'iniiin'5. lie- ' - - -. f ww- - - V sols ai orio.s. J ImZ d.ll hal.ii'H, 4 do !me hm 1 Ira stt. IXrir .r)i d z. lewsharjis, ." ) d... I reio h li.n j., l.' do in, k ruml.i, Si'.JU pairi- side roiolit, ti duz jh rki I roii.l.A, 1." tin ivory roiii. I, 3 do hell Hide itid tuck COtntil, 0 do h in I'lu-li'-n, 2 I "l.i heii!ir-rt, 2 do 1 loitr-M I ni'lie, t 1.1 ll.t- illllMllt-., C ,1o v ln.e. v in lirn-he, 4 i'i cmViiii: hrii!lie4, do lii.r-e ..iiikIh , 3' do oxen Inf lilickinj, 1 pro m ilrhe4 n iti 7. on kafn j ins, 1 li. Il ill. rt I. it. 1 . miilfii I-IJJPII, 4 il fl I le;i .ri4t 2 !.. 01 if I l..iK, l, a ..a times cc in front of ;is...MICr',l.o,...s. irian, ,,,ul, ar j,,,!, n.u.Ie u-c ofu, ,,;,,. b..t tl,.-,t. j f': Elj lilld si!. njOll II ilMino, tO wllicil IS att.lcllC! It)lir ( :ur K casun.a'ly inlai.ei w iiere it.s.uuntiiM.s ' ot a,, , ii p.,.. small wlie'ds. In iv b:v k of tYiS "oat is a this hind s-erm t be nciually necr.-ary. One of these j To tlic S..nth and Wri it ronhiSnnly appeals foi nppo.t. ca. itv f ulli.icnt to admit , cake of ir.-. almost - u.,l ,n m., ... J';, i .VÄ.o'.'Ä utZ"!,Z cightinclic in ,iiam?tcr. upon ,vl,icli tlic ran- 1 ' . J. . ' ; nV ' 1 -I"- ! . . . im 1 1 i real imi? h im in a n. .(rati, tut ti , . . iiI(-rR natioxvl t iiAh.utiR 10 .he IV a...!. ai tlKlato is mane to siu asirinc:; in cam iinuu i ! d' .K'.'.irileoii, ill. .'o' k IllVe, do ld iitid silver w itchej, tl i, do do w it, Ii cn.u.N, I )i... m i" lirm. liiMlNil.iril iii.iil.k'P, llM O lole-;il lr rt. I 'mo rm 0 11 1 ill m i rl.te, J 1I07. Uie Hvti-r lei self, J' du Imi i.i-.ell .11) , 4 il.i ..iriiioiif. t do d kia lien nteril, Ii du Uli II I'll, illif 4, I 'I .1.1 I lrtv;re, il". lot-4, J 1 Iii . ( e.. t MiKuriiM-j rrit ker, frfvi rk- ol all sort, I il. . ilroin--, I - O" I ou t tt And -I llioii-iid other d fT'rent nrMrle, too nninernii to mention. int reieivtd hv the rilxr, and uh cl. ill he M l v. rv low. I'!,;--, ill and -ee. A '. l WH. .i;tH:i:ica ?.. 0 h IC he.t Rio coircr, K do iiK ir h' lise do, m 'Z Iii jtv;i init i i.inr m im 11, ' bein" extend d tu n tho en rtii, uttering the mo-t pi- 1,, ...tino ol the l'i.iu ,1 St.'c. Ii m tt is "In the I'ni a: ! II . I I J - I ' . . , '.'I il ! . ; . I .. . . . ..!..'.... I I ... pj.ictal a whip, aim HC l toiti 10 it n , t,.(,us Cjiv, but too ol., Uicnt toave mm.-eii uy luat, and I a the Lohm : m imp otnn ana 101 me .-omu. . and make the "oat o. He U tlicti ilrawn 1 w1i.1l his s -amiw f-a-mater rimtinued to tan. i, on tnc S .nth an I U.t shonid ,p,.ulix I.e..-.. it, a it U the throe limes aronml tin: room, WimlloWed and 1... head with tl he; I of a heavy hat, as if he wonld -, Lt-ry . . .. . - . ... i ITH.!, ir in ntii-ii. I iu ei i4ula'ion a Severn. lo'M-; . . .-. ;, .. .n k..b i. fittiiiL' upon his cake ol ice. up to tnc .i;iir, - jifliii .i-nin.. u.if.iMs. iu.m- ...e. j.... oft! I t t t I I i I , .. il VHII S'l f the Collie (.rami, when the rnp is rcmov-! bru. wm ti from his eyes. The ?thh. (2 rami says to ! r.jr'.t' to im, 4whv tlo yon Ioo!v like an OJd Fcllo-.v ; Sa,h r, w Ct him i rrt-oti s rcd ,ilv tt iiK-reif. the feroi-iounf.-' of tij . . ... nu reih 1 tliat thu ili' was hi. and he had a treat lum ar he tlitM?. but a oed-liearleit lio hapit nrd to see vh.t was oiii on. fsc.Mol it4 list fitlo' i and l..oie. in.! so I ir 1 1 the ieie44,..i p,t una; - of the puhlir ; and -I invokes .he aid of it ie au palioiK, in xiri..1in il" ri.cul.ti n. I niiibnl 'i a;e .intneioi4, nitaarins Profession , I I , I. -t ll4'f l:.l Ir.l, I tin t: il M j n , 1 1 r do, I iln ollii2 ll tili d, I ,.,i l.u it .lo. .' ii lim .rw Orlems stit;ir, J l.irr, l.i rl trifn d KO- ir, I I. ivillili. du, J du i rn-lie.. d.i, 4 do il l, i h;ia .ieer, I do ;oN.'re ; 4 i eL'4i.H !nited, , .'I h ixeit i:niille4. I I n mi in I ,11, .iv r indtt-f, ; JO inrirlrt I ike n It. j rj. piiiH.iitV io'Altr, 2 hnreU tih oil. ; .rure.4 in r. .eTt I. , n s Ii. 4, a4sorled, ; I UM 11.4. lead, I H (iure, ilrie. I heriinjr., MU'sIC P.iPr.R h'.v.m on I. in I, l.i. Ii e: n Le hoiiod in viiiotn -ir.f4. .in, I Iiuid4 iv:'i-d fi-r.'iirte-t n .tic. yyMnir. a-raHtJ ami hvuad in ttie !-. i)l ai rMvin li'ie pnrrs and 4!iort imtue. 'J he ino-f hepi.iv-d p..iiem f a . h:hi. Macli'inr h rernven. H,k4 ;nt I (t,"-r rilled to iinv iittrin. 'i"tie ate l.-eii ,f d f. do H !l 4 ,.f Hindi ng ir. French nnd Fnrii-h calf ;uid ni'.r.H;'-, n' un ejiri,and .i;mt eln inarM and iit el;e finish. A'l kni l4ol' l uv and imerlevt d w..rk4 and periodicals Imiind to in ttcll. to w hk II eij.uril attention aV (e iveii. and at the loet uholfsale an I utail p.u t4. i iaa a. i.m . .i.i.V i:UF.ll. K"d F.aatt .ii'mt. 't t.tnioi (aliim from 3Iatl!oii to llie 4S ril AUI.r.:' H. P WM;. The .Hutu tl Mio Iti-:jr::iitc Coinpany " .c:v Voi I;. fBHIIS Intttiition dniini; the month o. Uctolier, lifiued eight) four lievv roln iert. 1 : 3 ! To I'hyairUnf, l 1 I . n y. t, 1 ' i'i. I'ar'i.t 4, ', j To Me h, . I I n ei fr. trir of tn Coi. I n -lur. i f U iok, I j I' It-oik Tel er--, I I 'o Mrti. rof U.S. Army, i : i'.i I :i,eemeil. 1 rwHL iinirr-i.-o-ii, iTiii f ir t'i .V, in ' u yunif .vtnpa ny, fi. :irr ire.ird tu rreei fur all kindn .if I'rodiii'r nm.1 rrr Ileo'iih Iro'ii tir..4r.ry to.e 1',-rk. ii a'on, I'hJtJe'.pUt mtii lialUm rr, hy way of the Mi.iiiu t'anal, L:tke Lnr, I'.ne mid '-urn K 1-1 I'.iad, an J all iiittrni'dMte jmrt r pi ice, at er low rule of fleil:.. Tlit MerehinU aad i4l;eief ttii city Ii.d hnpdi and aj irrrit .la-ei, r-oi ri."V, l.y apphtn.' n lo n, avil tli-in-rlv r ol tin-itut ri-ti-ie lanlit ! in Hie eo-utlry. for tn" t 'k. t e ip and tiptdttiout ir i.i-;.-4-t itii.ii of i!ie;r Pralltet und .Merc'tumJut to itiid Ifuiu tiie Lut trn Lditt. r c 'iitnrt for the delivery of Codi of nM kind from the Cm! tft 4 ' t Ii'k i ' ii y , I 'i'i i.o. ii -"I i J l :i..j ireiii in., l.v ilii al imtrtr ü ! rs'M.han .hey tan le lnooflit out via IViui- I V io:t I iihI i l.d I! a .. Ullljl'trl-lef To Ke. eiM-i ol T.i.TeT, To 'lerirvii.en, '. j I.ivv I twired. , Smi-ii. IUi Kt. r-Vrrei.-irv. M. K; Ul NOX, President. .Mi?ri km I'vsr, rinsiti.oi. 5 I 'tro-idtv ay. 47 ' ;. W . :!V, Acnit at Iiidiiriijoi4. alroailvr" &zc. tVc. !M.T;-d u;, und w.ih.o.t wa.t.n- to sj,n nny i-n- H,u M nl ,,t.w vvntii uil he a ..led, an.l nei vJa tnnrU fur tlrif mrt nf the hllUnp-s. Ml V l,,,s' ord ,l" urttrl' ü l,1,nv, UviX hei Un .Wo . o, rxpense will he sp.r.d, ta make the wo.k ho much lor that part ol the iiuino . . i . (. i .v!,Iir U.M)I1 the cartht , ,m,nev w,.rillV ,lf ,: a,e. wc have to say is that if any ho.h loa t u ru..aUl) uf t!u ;.y?tandcrs. Ii'. "f.- I he l w. If.h Vol.... vt ihe Me.cn2-r. .V. CXWIV, believe the above is a verkable maUer of la?M (, - Zyrr tl vn he hail better join some Lodije ami see lori lhe ,Cill :id , i... t vom l lirnsf lf I Mauriro Zeilel.iurer, an 1-rarlitc merchant r nKDfrrioN I F pnsr.r.K. IlitlK a. J 1. . j . I . ni tl .. .... ,.f "7.1 i ...... i, i ..I ia a mill h no- b'c. the ' l'r,rnn IIS I HI 11 I II III I .ML L1M . Ul IIV .'!... I I tllur. 111 II i.'IVC " - r. v , . II.l 'l... ...''!.' " ' - - f- I l'n,'. M) l.ed t;i', . li.irieU Vh.v Orlenn molie. , "iiil,. I.rimn, Jnt retrived and for s.ile low hv tlie oi? s ril-r. eitlier wholesale oi retail. Any kind ol cotin.ry j rodm e taken in euhanire. 11 i'. M AY Hit. 4-5.0. Ili4 IMwar-N' tsl Vi.giiua ; ."). OT.) Ilall'ia.i!l., r ineiidi-h i..nci o, .Mil. .lavatinn. a.".o.lo II it nailroit ,.0 4,'mmI .et; in 1, ..Vi do extra nweri Misxnui Cav. J'.t. do f Ijjlit hnnp :)!. do Iwi Ive linr.ji, .".."ill ,.0 tv i-t. !. In KetiM- ky. Hilton..-, llie 12 iliou LciiiJ gooialuli tini.-n I t-.v ern thin aud ei,woo. ti. Ml leilLI.L tV. tu. M oSi-on 1 . i! I t, f IV p s. We arc -' t' A jn:t Cr one of tin l-t Imenn the Trnn. cvlvwii.i t'aii..l., and aie (eteij' thr..U!i cu.ntanily liv Hintrotiie. ' i-j... M a. .uiivi.u tV i;i: km:, K. Coiiiff 'tit i 1 1 a nl VtMlutil lfrtrt, 1 it.rititt:. t lht. TtT IIOl,i:-'A!.r ami n tall .'e d. r4 in Jn.,.i rteit and merieno V J I'ltf ir, T, din ... Sr 11 IT .r.- Wr-inn t'e .rr t-.ptf- cii.Hv in ' I i'i- 1 10 in luetr t- k I- . re mn ..a-ior 1 v ttir. 'I f t il nl llie i.v--i riiy prirfu. and lei I rraeird tati.i( .hi. the) can cie 4.1 4 1 M It.. 11 ti, all I i-f.Mliei4. J l.r v.! ti . I Mit -,ir t..r '. i.'i n i m. ii'ilf an I 't:-tT, at 1 lie .i.irtf-l iJKr 4-t m " :tio! -, .I Wf.ry I'i.nry -iMtcift-?, FKllin !iiM-riln-ls h tve r.oi.lail'lv oil h ind I irtrr und f ..l,!e fl :,-Miitui, 01 . Jevvf.iy. ...Iii ili l ii"t-- V :il. to .'l.I'M. Me, Kn:-li'i an. I .iotii.;iii i; 1 0 t in 1 1 , l'iii:i'.-it 'Its I in (.'( Jd ainl silver I't'iK' 1.4, 1 o. ,101. l.d mi.ii. d 1M1I I't n4..t..ld aiiit SiUer i rc- Mi le. ilo r, l.a-lle. I il, l'iol N,.i. 4. I nllrl Kulte, A.C. O.ld I'ell . ' ile-; ili ,4. Je vt-U mi. I vi i rilimnne. ffiiVfi Wait and -le elf) inadf l.iold.-i. OW'i Ai I'Altl.hV, tl I.l , .Man I , I I: trullduitJ 4f..r , Cotcinimti. (;UOCi:KIi:s I VlUtt i:uii:S! Lookins CI is rrami' 31 tmtf :coiy. r S. II P. --ii'ivrn' er ie-j rtloüy it. form .tie ri.17.en4 of lndiann;M.lii, f KM I V. Mi..4i-riot-i ha-i-oii uo ni 1 ln. nntml ir.nieH l.Kiiij(.lai, U. a: .1 the i.nS.lir .11 Len.-ral, that he h i l-i-t lei r,H a !vt 11 Ji U l or'tatl atul ri- i ire t r iuiet 01 ev r van.-ij 01 .., ir 1 o. o rinun o,1melit of f.nxrrie mii Ii :m a prime arln le of New i lea 14 nuar, ,.rr, and t.y o -ne . - 4 nwl.led ! eil I I.r n ovp art ic. r urn t ... :..! iiav.-iii'i ..:rf im eri it. i..i:.-' I.v ,11. .ind ciihimiw der tea , , ;4 1 ii.-1 .1 n ! imo h , -'I i n an of llie !ti rn 1. ien. ami u lle ri loaf Miirar, ll.iv m.i un. ar, '.New ()r!e.ni4 and s'icir hoiie inol i--4. j j.,' noirh h -4, 1 "oMn'rv Men innt v rl lind it greall) lolUit ' ca nn'j ti.e irtnj l.i ll'tuilk.'" es i it koM vroiti:, Tin; Vawj 1111.1:: ol U anit n. f. N ndli.ii. n in v .Himer lirje and trior I aü.4,.ftliient of Chrop ki Ut nd Skfi, I .rue ji . r ii-( a .reh Miool , d'rerl irm tlie ti.tnal o lnr, r to il, a4 1,-1 ;.. hm ndniiK tiitinolt al hoier irire4 til. ill an t." ti. r lii..i-f in lio-.IU. V t-mil at llie ciionei-i rn.'-iil 1 way will lw ni. 1 ile slmrter tiy ir.iveiin. tl.iilitr in a pur of io lt-H 1 I mm it 4 or slim-'. I 1 1 1 1 v n irk t'jr of new S'iof. e-n'tri iiijjevtv variety, at nnusnillv low (mi e., ii riv,-J ami f Mle liv J. II. Mi l.l'.SUY. ' 1,0. d I. iNortna, .V lr.llell l, I, on I I n.n rialr4, .,,'ii' taieiooN, J '1 if il re4 llennanor, i and Kkexci WodF.v. Ti.c oditor of t"ify years .in ho ar.iv. d at i'rn-ue, ... f-t a. d drs Hints rw,ii.ivv r.ü,r.i: in !W : peanih-s : but v. hen he ,!:e,. he had t.y truity nm! MERtCAN t. V. , . . . - lilu iuj' r ii'.. 1 .i'it j i.'iu, 1. 1 .. ... - " i . f ,i--,i 1 1 .1 anJ who iiisv I tni-tP.1 in inch m.tters, in hi last ; industry -uri-tcJea m :iina -mi- a x Wf. letter romphirii t'.at he tir.d i na nwe u -; -tl.e eieat. r part ot wl.irl, he conse. rated lo the men in Par.. All tl.nt has ben lately wr.tien, he i ene.ura-em nt tf arts sciences nd industry, and to tavs. of taeir beiutv. tlmir -race, their tilct:p, the .r! the relief of ti e poor, w ithout , as to fevt or S-'h tast., Jtc, is pare fule atid tluttcrv. It rnljf.t ' cotititry. 11- I. Ufi t) nons tl.e have been tru furmerlv, but it i no.lmner true, rsr.iidisi.n.ents of b-,evo!cnce in the chief towns ol Par.s, he coatinu. s, s, surprises fill liim, ; IMicmia. ll.s ren .. , v ..., ...,. an a!s.n.'e of vears, with ffrfijt ndrmra- ! ti.e.r 1 ist re.,!in- place ly ;hrre thousand f the former recipients ot lu bounty. l'raue j ui nui. Feivinc; Machim:. A most inr tious piece cf nic chanisn. l.a.s lately ber-n m ule known to tl.e public in l' inventnr of which h is been icn;."d tluritsg the lis! fifteen years iiibrinin it to its present tate of pi.-rfeetiwit. " It is a sewm-j machine, plain in its details end calculated to revolutionize coin;leely tl.e tion on account of i's public works and emboli, sh ments. whilst the women have not only not improved during the same time, but very greatly degenerated. A deplorarde uniformity nnrks tle-ir outturns and it is only by chance, and at Ion intervals, that you meet on the promenades r at tl.e th'ares a really car)ti.atin' person. Jlroadwn v, in this repct, pre- pcnts a much more remarkable ap-varanre, than tiie . . & ti.ii . . 1 ... . 1 . a , . 1 ..rt it Si'tvill" It. Will periortll Miuilfs tu 111-- liou evards. Aud as it regards beauty ot tare and ot hnin. uwi.i j r ........, fitrure, the difference i vistlv in our favor. What is mmut. enlarge or ro.uraci m - - -i- iuri, tut uiu turn of a -re-.v lead the needle alon? all too sum- a re 'ma r luit. iiiii. m "- j ...... ..-.. v-j' 1 tion. The most attractive women tl.rre now, are gathered the Uuitc-d and irreulirities f tbe stuff to be sewed. tin most aiirariivt, vvimio 11 11. . inw, n - . , iic most . . , p , : 1 ! w iiliout tlo leat i .iT'eref tear, whatever may be the from other countries, as Italy, Lagland and wiu.i y- Vr , , ' rV , ,rt .,f the in -r . .0 texture ot the tlff, und da e try part ol llie bcwin.' ;d -'alcs . ,,f a cat, trwtoi hnlrs exn ided. The inventor is .Mr. Fhf.aks of Miir.EittsM. stranffß scenes have j recently been acted at (iitl, Massachusetts, by tlx fd lowurs of the 3Iillerite delusion. A min named Mil ler, who had sacrificed his family and had become demented in tlie caue, was persuaded that the sins of the other disciples could be transferred to him, and after some silly process it was pretended that this was don, when two powerful brethren, under pretence of driving out the sins thus accumulated upon his head, bean to beat him, and they bruised his h-ad and face literally black and bin, all which ho bore with martyr-like submission. The farce was ended by the interference of th citizens of the town, who broke up the fanatical camp. What may you do legally to ogs which you may co. do whua they're hatched ? Loach them. B., ta.lor at Ainplejdnis, France. L.vr.T.Y M.;rr.!.';Fs The (.lobe is in favor of car Iv ni.irrl.T'-s. SV arc we. It's a shame that bun. dred of beautiful jrirls, every way capable of making iro vd wives, should be living in sn.jjle wretci.euness, ulnle there are thousands of vounjr men, who earn enough t: support cornfoitable aiMUiappy homes, but who snend it in riotous living. V. Y. Star. It will be recollected by our readers that we pub lished recently, an account ot a robOery in v tun, in which a man bv the name of Stevens was charged through the agency of a young girl in this town, while in the magnetic sleep, as the perpetrator of the theft. Stevens carne into Court last week ana picau id guilty. Danbury Conn.) Tim&, Mi-sM .'tr- r will lf i.ublelicil 1 hitc. ap 1 ; tail el tht best quality. Sul.c.iber a.e invitt-J t saUvi m il--n onlv, on tue folJjwii' LIUKRAL TERMS. s ngtrCpy, fiprr Anmen. riuT f Two, .... 9 or 4 ;0 p, t l n;iv ( In., of Five, .... id, or 4.j r ( i y. CIu'j of l eu, - - - - 3i o. 3 vi) ,ii Coj-y. yts ENcrt for norniNu. Whoever jaocioi n 4 miI,ci.'k an.l onJ f hill .ct eie ll- .Mi 'enor gtati ; or f iu no, 10 y ; llie -ame t)Hpitiin for a laitffr .ma. -r ol tir.i!ni. 1. 11 L'.l.t - I'.nnii, lnr I. I. illii'l r.ui 'i .i. ivj'n' Richmond. Vircima. TOTS WAMKDli fSAlin mitiirri'Tm olni. or pun I two or Totir n'rrsoi 3 I.-.11J in tliH iiinii.',li:.t vt. inuv of tt.irt rity : tor t-urtiiular apjilv inline li tt 'y at ti e tcre of rsMITil ISt H ANN A Iii.hntiai.olii., aov. 10 i4rrii::s i:txcvs ssior.s. ONT. h'tn lrnl pickacru new Knott and SW jinl rirnvt-.l. rnil.r ir mir rvrrv urirt v . A tn tl I oiTr fit ! Iiy Ho; oi 'HajM or nii'e unr. at ere ally rnlucr ! pritr. IVr s.ile 1 1 llie CVu S'nr Storr, l.y 1 ' I'J J. H . Mt;i.ll'.V. ic-iztw iiivi:s. MAY he Ii.kI. at r"linfl prlcep. n late lot of Hom nrtrt Vr liil)oliti,ii tine K.-.Äur-, :i.sor.fil, for iiiflivi.l i iU mi. I hntlo-r .; also, all kind of p. kH, nn, : in! r.iii-- Kinve, uiol rMti ol all mru, t-ize, ami ipi;.itl-. liv rnllin2 nl 47 W.U. TAIXOTT'S Jnreby Store. Jin .I.. :( 0111)1 nm.-klng t liarro, I i'1 loor i-. 111 tuirrrt. , wiotr ii'i-, Id I I'w Anir-iirnii 1I0 , .' I I! rm in ijh-, .r, 1 il.. nil up itry rli winp i!o 10 ) Ilm. unuir. .' 1 11 M Aniii,: iiriifiin. ' M1.111 10 Ii a rt ur or I. r 1 Km if cii.:r. ami tol.n 1 o otTV-rfil i 11 .Iii hi ir k.t. I mIi i-vrrv lov-r of Oif si tiiilf lo rxnimtir, 3 I nm ili-trrfnru-il In w II lo , rillirr!!i! or ri-t.ol. 41 C .M.WhU. AOTJlIIi: AKtUVlY,. 'IJUK !: fo'ir li..rr it mi lr..o tli l..C,on S i.nnl.iy l:it,t.ronctit 3 11 fr, Ii mii-p y of 7 i and Coff-r. Hri ti'nl tilylf. Alo a lirir- H!.H.!iniit ltr; riui.i Cmtort, of ill m.itH :iml iz- Jv :ii:itf lo . I! ; in li.ioiü or r I . Ii ic. AM Kliol of l.i! Im. S 0 it I v i-f i.t.-.l. Ay l.iii;l..i;u U I-iVVi:i.!i, 1l7.Vd,m(., Cltinati. ' vöÖ!iri: a siucr.u'siJUKV, t,oniinisioii I'rotlncr .Ilcrcli:uit99 .y, 1 2 is o. v, i.yoi. f. t . ! as n.. VOt'MIv. ry .' 'p.-rtlti'ly n.lo um tor l.a.:i- of Inr!i t VO iT 1 i U..S, i a,i .v. Ff're'ß. Hill', v.-r ot r iir- -Sk "V t.H .-..I.r.. Viri:. lit lie OWft C.1!l I lr!i- In Mlill'ir.V . Wtl'iai.yoi Mil.. - f ........ ..' .-( 4tv H pint- 111 r It.ntCf for w IimiI, f tt'ti, count j jr-.-in flu I,;., Iirniis, lifc'swax un l otlirr pr,linr. at 4. Ulli. A. na.N..A " t-U-r:i Kt-j-t-r tin,'!. No. I in n '.it-tel. rmllwli. elr., u li.cli Lr i f!W for .1 ;it vt-ry ! pti.-s. J. Mi ...., ."I-y fil-C Hel "t I '1 lint I I WTtl. i:y Criunir r iscmhis : IIRTMAS ritn! .W Vi :ir -rr i iiu.inj. ami t-oani l.amltli-t . Willi tli I uu, nt. .in. t. ami i li;ipft aortiii-iil of I mc tloml, ! l'o. Not 11 11-, tin C !. I r l..hN, II, it. I :ire, I ril V, Hf . I III. fV.-r ra'iir to 1111 01 itkM. I rri-i tluM oivilr tlin It !.-, ol I iii'loinp,.. Iii -nil vii iioiy, an I llir punlu- 111 fit- m r , to ail ami riaioinenn (i...,KMiK-rru il!hi4ir,iii ...;.. .r t it 1 1 V ni.i :a... to llmM m.i Ii ' "" OI.M. vry .' p. tit. iy .1... -u u.e i.a..i a ic ii .1 1 . t- u ! .Iii iii.jiiki'i iiii.I .liev'a.'i't.t'uil .! row r.-i t-uriiin tin- a !ili-nli I i-nnrliiif-iii an I ucli .1 ol t.-MHl. ' " nimpo.i 1 ,. , , . , .,,......-..i. v 1 1 ii-, oil tin p MWrit tro:n l.iio 1 .oal. a M'W ini.t u'linl J fit it ol H'O In ,,,,.,,..,... W II, I 47 t IIAUI I . 1A I U I j.,, v ,.,,,,. ,.,M .m.k.i:. In- .lt oi..pri.lZ A.7 '4 4' I'OX IUS, i ' ' -s '" trre'f. Rill. . v.-ryoturi, --. -v 1 itv i'......... im,.... ..... ..r it... InM'f.l e.i-ti i"ir!i- in Milliofrv : itiaiivnl vi Kim e v. i.l,. 1 1-j.ppy to -i Hoofs 1 nt lor tv iiil.T lV:ir. imi,ivfti,..f iiriMiHil Um- Mf-11'n ItiiiK tHmi n, I 7.i to ." Wotnnrn kip'ir!,$l oil to l.. of ilou'ile pi i.ftl ami l-i o tin, 'J (I t lo -J li t J: Ih-.I, tf. tol.OO ; i.l. r;i e ami fruit Iii loexlr.i ilo, 'J-I'i .0 '-,..'' l . lOOtol.lC k.i- K- til. 'i ml I on Ii il.Kiiilt iilat-il C.iHdtirki i Ii uo'wr 1I0.. WinifiiN kin Ii-. T.I I. ! ! line ralflioeM ami Hi. al uiiiiii,.,,!.,! ,.iir. r am. Trim .0 111 iti Ii : al.o tl vr-r nl ite.l T11111 I all in tret, lor ü He at llie L'.' sVn' "sore. Lv J. II . I MJI.I'.SI'.Y. 4i I.!, t.. of nun. I.11 ! ft no-lit H l.iree, ml .im hr-rii m-Ih-Ii,. villi rare, rtfry article Ih iiii! rfri I. nrnl of the vr-ry lf t it V, nmt will lit ..LI al New or prireü. I lie I'iiMic are inot re'pt'rilully itiviii-.l t' call and rtt lor tlieio-ive. . II. IMaioll. 47 ,frrhv S!ort, vpj"!iitr ll'iKhiit'rt im !fnJ1. ii:W T:T:s BjnUPttN- wiiiiinc ;o-l aUirleof Hrt.t. nnd lit to Hri t liotn, r 11ti1.1t l iil to .n- l.y allms nl W. ll.Tal- .Mitt,t Jrw'clry Mi p. where may le ftunnl all ktmln of ip-rtarlei, an well nn all kirn U of pi l n C'l.l, mlver, l.erioan t-ilver. trel w ir. or lieavv rtteel .r one ß,;a!e, villi prreti ami eray Cl i"e, tic. 4'h.n(oii Hull and .1 i'oot t at of l.t-n. lrake hort l. V. II T A I.P.OTT PDZ. inert' l.iiir.ilo overliiJi l.r. pint r!i-nr lo ; tn'i Z i VK l iilit s" fniiifl.l-tic ove 1 ..horn, for sale at the Citu S!ior St,-re. 4 j. 11 iiuiii.Mi 1 . 41 .rni() iU ie.tni. 1 t..z lior kkin mitt, nrnl g!ovrn, .; rl.i roinfort, .MO Hh cotton yarn, n sorted, l) i,t rimllew it kinp, .9 tuiiAf iiA.ii.i-ioixrriii rr.-V. l'.T received, fioni .lie 11 n;.fir!c.ry of liieilirt Si. Hari'i-y. a Hi! t il ttritt-n altirtini P 'JIM. i.,i .ila. he I il .. I0i) ! c ilien, l.itfst f.ishion, ti l l ilor. d rtinnt-l, 50 tlo free n do. Jvnt rereiveil rocl fr nnle low hv I. M AVI'K. r.AC :ilm.iiiN, 1 do l lielliai, I do p H IlilN, I do hickory mit, 1 !,, Il,l7.1 lllllr, I h.irrtl li.a, I I Im.xi-h l lan railn, I I cnrtanif, I lint n'ietleil alnion1i, lJj..rn Frcifh jrui:ei, I iloX I olllrs tlu rtlri", 1 il pu-k'e. I Iraircl or.tnsr, . Jnt recnvi-.l und for .i!e ty the ol.cri t-er. 2.V ihn c inily, ns.'orted. 1 .! do rami) lot b. ' .'ti iiirt.'aroiiirs. ; .'hi .10 H oce nutj, I du enroll', ! I CKMimi pefpff, j I ,1.. nli.pii'e, ' I 1.) riminion, ; I do rinvr, 1 'J.') Hu .i l'.rit''!, j .". d ."Vf., .ri do c. tuition, 43 C. MAYCIt. 4t rriiiH V;l!4iti S!ihs Tor llie lidios. "M" ADir.S prime kid welt wil .ins shoe., MA 10 on p.i ,t oi-ir.K-co io 00, du do ca'.f Ir tn do do, do di) do lufkin do, du do nn lree I morof r valkine to. Tortile at the CVi SAe .?f.rf, J. II . U I.KSI. V. 41 he J tine lot of sol l di tnmifd pointed IVin, Willi Tencil, w hich 'A M very cheap l.y V II. TAI.IttiTT. cash ro2t ri,ivsi:!:i. BWII.I. pay the hii'et nitrket ptice In r.;h for any quantity f clean Flaxseed , drlivtrtd at tlie Vify Shoe More , , ,.. 4J J. II. f)(.U'DY. CASH! CASH!! dThTk rWilini- of V ent wanted, for w hi. h caJ.w i'I be w If .iid on de'.ivrrt at tlic Ire wi ry of W 1 43wh Jfvr.l'll I.AI'X. Cordial, Vi'ino imI Vinrar. flllWf Il.-rrU tpeiiol oM Mah Wine. Od W.U cider Vn.ecnr JL nia' for tin m.irkel hy llie "fccrlber j ttorutaim uw llri,nc IIEDIIERLY 5 CANHLKS. M r ON hand and for tale low, prm, tenri-.o nnd Tallow Cand eaoT a wiperlorTialltyj man.ifactuied ly the anbrihereiprffslr ror ffiitktt. . llilDDfiKL. sivi:i:t :i.i:k, wim:, ami vim:;ui. fcj Itl.S dW-tel Clüer, I n:ii o"v irmn mc, Or 2 do ale, I I do S tiilerne do, I ha. t h iiiip.iicne wine v'pt't.uiiie) '; J do Tort do. I Imrrel Ml..p:i vine, I 1 do Maliney d,, I do iuk:it, do i l'- do lK t vinc ir, Jilt received .ml for i'e low hv the pnliwrd.r r. The wine ,re genuine, are .lierelt-re fiol 1. Le for ehnn l piirfHM-. '. M.W'Elt. rxr,. Piiip., w at raided, 3') II. madder, i, ,.i;i;f r 25 ) do alum, li'l do Jo o ) I, Ji.t rerejvi'd and fr all very low especially the Indipi. which U a verv e.rt llent aiticle, I fcha'.l ael. as low by the pornol a rait l Uiuijiit at th river. 48 C MAYCK. HiClMJAM LIGHTS! . ' iON hand, T UA TItSAYS. I LP niuibi jta a t 1. artt .,inin. fr-r innnrU-rt . tin. finest. l.irrett. and DreUtst iv .nt?. me. I VU rtectionr fituetite3nrid PwsdTrjyf.ln aeior ingi', brilliant Ujht, ui wlilbtjtjlil t easlcra nritM,bv rociir crrs.iiuv, jf-i:i:.!S A.n (iLAs m win:. 0) d pcket kiilvtn, liorii ti Cl ci.ler '.ttlea, c, iil..o$J OÜ, , t'r daloilf bottlfi, l'Jd .7. hu.cher kliivcl, 1 t do ? .Hon ho.ilr, 'id .in. ali.ieve. 1 do pint liiml. lent. 1 .1. ...rii : Ii do half oint do. I ,iav-, , CW'gil M,.i,ewareji.2iandj!iri) .'nl , sniicct, i :Jdd.i DoUerj' warr, .So d... plati, ... . . , , Just received and f..r täte tow, ell her holcfrate or relail. hy 4i V. M A V.U. vTjo !, (Jump Vor Cali or Hal Icr. ..... 7 ... ... M..M t Mi.-Vi. pin e thick,at ; .'"uji.-.i d 1I0 do do, 17 -1 do do lo do, 0.--. 2.0 do (to Calf pump soled Im l, do do do welt do. do d. do cumpainta oln, do d.i do water pro.f d, do (1r kl do il r! Fo M'e at the CVy SW SLt. by J. II. KJLE3TIY. ;eitra) 49 p'y I er .M. i. .in I'm I K.i'M i-ei e-i Hv : t ;. II M e u:i li'ft , i.t. AV", a varj. tyot l'AM'Y fK)!-5, omj:.'i i; Liti m ti-. t v.iri.-H , jio.J iiiini ron oili.-r i.rtu " V N lT.i r.v.- or in yoiiu W0U0.M1 i. n; p', e at e.tJitr Un-.. M.ini. or Mi::i -ie-y. -Sunf oa Yaa..i.irtoii alrnt. a fev i!oo:i wt of IÜi.rl 'r. ,-t. 4 iMsisio.vAiH.t; .ri; i.iita. 51,'ST uietvtd I10111 lhe L.leri a Uipe an.l It'll ..I Jrwelry, Ci.n-i.ni2 ! l.irl .4' lr?i. I'tn, rin!r It 1 11 v.. Ilriie!eit.. .e-klne. ar.J lurt Uott-ii- art Willi e.low. ptiik.piitpie. and hue Tp r, . ..i,ic aiol Mick V.n nia-.iiiip, of .11. 01 and um . bImi I hiiiiii, '.1 il 0 I let. T.. Jrwh Ir-. I,l Willi rare 1,11 I rpt-nly lr Ho kl. I he fillers h:mll l.e ran utI Hie 10t !".,! i.Ii..i I i-ie, ruber in uy le, u.ialitt or ptl e. 'I ;e pn lie are req'.eM. 1 lo call Mid rkenUk, piMle'.ii Hi.l. 4 I V. H. TAI. HO IT. u.a 'i 1 ic m ; i: i . i .s . jw Y le tonn I f. r -ale heap at Y. II. Tao tt'" Jew elry Ftrre .til Irw li.ld Tlnii.l.le .f dif!rte.l Me ; aUo Mlver dool all aottff and fen, nl-oa larye lot of tod I t3;a-rt:iclf- riii?e.1 f ladies' or -menV wear. I 'all and aee. -It iV. II. TAI.Bo'1'T. tiTfiirc i sri:cTAt xr:s :lir. mi1 n r.her ha lerii nnl l!ie aole acei.t l,i thia ri'jr, C-r U ei.'i.i.' ti e -ril. d e-et:rle and 2. l-e ; lnee p. .a. ar .id lolie llir U -I arm M now 1,1 H. I hive j..t receiv d a Ulj. Ii.t of the r-je t , it!-., the p:.i-ea. and w ill e : 1.1 l.i mil 1 II t and ron. IU -ontof ete-; tl;-e e!aee- ami peUrlea W ill be a.4d al lh ,n,,'.Yii.e.'.V V.II.T Jl'r. ' jv j iiriM iiioC. fHIIP. anbwriWr ha jnM retntne.1 fr.Mii Plolade'ptili and New ti Y.'tk villi llie . ircf: lUc.ioi o. tine wattbe ev.r naiflitto tlii-city . con! 'uit it Ui .Id and ilvrr leei, Anchor do, lapii. and Yru:d. pl iin, ei.rn. :n d lull Jewel'i d. ... nmV c.te. d.i..l do ami llnaiiiiä ca-. Tli pnl.l aie rr.;- t;n ly invited u Ca I and r ilie.e va'che; il.e ti'iinetit i- rt Une and Well - ecte., will fuld :it New York pticr, nd In every inla:ic w here a atcli fu!to ptve rntiie atirie!i.Mi it w ill tir tak lrk, or I'i ether vor.l- .h-vw.!l Ik rinnUd otrep f-i :uiie -r ou aie. M ..rr K. Urow i,iiij. 41 W. II. TAI. HI T. ivri:vr L::ni:i: wT pecived.a few I'alMt l.'Mrr Palmcea Wth prnr.I pen N .vt.ltM"lin.rk attached; Iheyare tlie ,oe...enie,.i . i.dl u--. V. . .' : I .. ' ., 1........ iiinii i-iclil I avail lniuelt ...1i-TAJVrT. IL t:")l "j'i E I IXI.W AAIX. m V7W .'"iJ.! o.ti "1 very f,.hkna' le, in lb nf or ale el.ei-p. hy " o... 1. fjidie bi-inl FuhS - ON hnnd.and m.e romiaf, a flia a-wtnmnt of Lard Lamp., ff "1;- . ia.iT. patent Rubber alk , C.erimen pao raiiable lor atorea, a.iopa, par.vs bet or .ithng room, eiUier J3A , ' o,-, ... J. UentletTft' common Rushers; ! TT wln-,.ide,or atand, mndo of ih. beat material aed pre mo-t '""Z'ZVn..ton raihlrniblÄ Hat ifll Cbo . f rer "J - J. 1 reria. ard M. bV 47 W. U. lALUUii. a. auAirr.