Newspaper Page Text
w n 1 i: Bil Bplilfi H J .0 hi, A Volume 1 j (i IM b"b Nr, (1 A., .1 U X 10 is, 1S- 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m - -jrio. ATTAIN OOGA P 1 1 if 1 1: DAILY i hi Mirn r i -, i , , i '.i mm . , i , i j i. i I'.V FlfAN' '. ! . I'M!.. Terms ol snhci ii I 111.- C.. n'H' ItM'N; 'l . j I " I u mill ii ' V ... r i " 1 -1 ' 1 1J ' I' I It;t Irs (1 tl rrt i -in;. T" l-iM-,-t,.n I.-, !,,,- .., ' - , ;1 i.. i i i. ri. TllE DAILY KKKI-I. lKIDAY KVI.M.Vi, .HAT, I ;. I.-.; I. EVENING EDITION. 'I'n Our I '.rli.i ii i s. I I" lllis lilll", I'V I'll', I'n. .!', ,,1,'i' , ... , , I "iir cmIiiii-im Inn c fail. . i. ,li ,., , , ;, ,.,v fill r. if limy kimiv il. h.a e im. 1, .:, I :,, ,,, ,,. tlm i.l' their ).,,, i-. ( , i u ,.- ii,,. Prosi?, ph-nse oxnuhtii' y.. iir I,, , -. 'I'iii' J.asl I . , l , , i ; . (loll'l Pope, I In- Ilia. !'. ill, I i.i' !:.i::r. i -. . I'm i if (lm yunkee aimy, lm - I. n m ii..,( ii,.m I 111' ill V'. Ill 11 III 1".' I -' ii-' .' ' ' ', ' t ! ' ' , i . . . . , , I, l (. No Iliwi-s, III inch II- .1 - . i 1 1 ; -, j , i . ;, I ,,, , i iin.-i-iii'-l H I'h r i!i i :,; , .-,,.' i ! i - i -Ml J i -II " inlv, 111.'.' I, I,,, him, ml, .,, I.,,,. ,,, , , nnce'lilol'o, ill ii suhonlimim ,.,.iii. in ,. ,,, , lions in Virginia. Willi l,i- : v .,' ' i!,...,,i,. men, with which hi- I,,,. I,-, n ,r ;,, , t', , ,. . , i :, Wl'St I'l'MH till' illl'lir'il'll- ,'l' I1.,' -, ! , ,,- . In a-l.l III..' .'i-hl - Im I'lii.-.n,! a, 1,1 ;,n I li ,. ell'uh.'ollt li-iil ill' his in ,,iir,,l. , ,., ,, i-lt'ofls hum- in i'1-ii- iv - l'..- li,- i ,,; ,i" .," i ' , j.,.,,,; .pi.ti mrs i.r i In. n ,, iiinn. i ; ,. j, .,,- i. , Will 1111 l,,lh il illli, i-' In. ' , 1, 1 I, . that this iiiiirhlv S.ii'l'i'l", iM. ,,, ,v ;. , , su(..-r; .rii-.l to tin. iliniml-i, . ; :, ,,.;, ; , Iim." In I'.iiili'ii l. Tin- I'.;- . .- .. -,- ,ii, , i , j iiili- Willi fliriK!it w In n : ! i -. .,. . . -. vsilh llii' Allirrii'iui Ha,; li,' 1 ai' mil I J,i ,,) ;, j,,j llml .-hive j : i lint n n In - l.i ,,., i n- In - n v lll'ull I III' ii'.il.i I I'lH I i if In. ir I,, .. ,,, : I'l'i'iH'-- In t ho ",;i'ihtu1 r. -ii!'." Ilnl .i,'rinll-l.v, I In' u i 1 ! i h a u il i.' ;, in, :r, cvi'iy piiilil ill Mi.' N'.ii lii. l!i, i, ; , 1 ,.; ai h.r . n' nt' Urn Innii .Mi.-i ,-iii i I', ..;:u,i, :,, , i , lu's i.'i iiii'l M i.--i-,. i..i, thi' i '. i a ' , .' ih, ir Jilc In Inilian iiK'ur.-ioii-. :m I :i,, , ,i, , mi tii ,;, !' I lie t r. -" 1 1 in Virginia im.l .S-nh m--i.:;,i, ,-li,,n- a ri'Snliitc ili'tiTiitinali'iii mi. I a !..! :ni l ilh I j ur Jii'Si' I', make Ihi,- i-aiiipau'ii a l.i !- ai-i . . , i ,-.i "III-. 'J'hi' ynlilvi'C -HV-'i nun a! ai. i ,i r . , , r , , , . , , , ill-Chirr, h.lM' l'i',-i,l . ,l I,, liai- Il ii'l.ian, I a! " I . : Inula, if il if in Ihi- ".m r m' i' , ir a r, L , i llli'lll. Ili'lU't' 'c -L'i' tin III - i in.; ii i .. li I i ". I -i;i nil niilil- of M'c'uli'lar.v mm; ml i', : :!.. j i'f fwi'liin- ihr rank.- "f I h- i u - i,,! , t n i Tflt'if Mli'i'i'.- in 'll',;ihia lijll ' lai ha li .! I., ,, very ciii'inira-iii.L,-. Tl.i ,v I.. ,iv I-. I . i- i.. , ;' thi'V aiv ill..- In ri'i'li'i'i', ai. i -in l,i; ! , :, I i ',, ahlu tu h-at liuiii l':i''i ip-.ii ail i. 'a i-. , : , In (li'iil'iil, lillhull-il Sll-l'liian ha. Miivr, I , in ail- vaii('lirnr a nilii'ir-' l milr m- in u mi - ,,nr l-i i :i , . i it is I'vi'h'lil. thai hi' has al ! i t I- f I , i..'ili .l In stiip. ll"t yet in -i.rl.' -I tin- jual at I'.iii.'ii In aim. I. anil it is a iiir,-li iii In la' ih " ,h"l h-Mi' i' h,-ha.. Hot illVOlvial llillisi'ir ln'Vllil all I'halKT- n!' r . ajir by thai aiUaiii'i:. ! - i.. ri I IV..m hi- hi - ciiininiiniraliiins aic ixj'-i. . I an. I li.ii'ir a a a v .la t- hn ititi uinMLil, In- is in a hitry IV .:n i.i.i. 'i ii- can ilruvr mi suli.-istrin-o I'nr his imiiiv, ami in tlm cvont nf disaster lm is Inn far fi',.m t citit' -. ' im nt -, or any fiirlilii'iUiiiiis tliat imnM ---il'! ,, fii llupc to osoalio Oil' 1'ital ih" 1 I'm': i li nf hi ' al m.v. l'lirtL'iitous events an- imp-ai'lini; ila': i r i npmi us, uml a fi.'iv days miisl u-'ci--.-; 1 1 iiy ,, ,; !. .',. tli. cr we uro In SL'-'uro tho rai'iy ii 'niii f it - ( ilopi'inloncn nr contiiitui thi' I'mitli.-t t -f an imh linm iiriu(l. Wo b-ipe fur tin' hi -t. an I r. I;, in:; np.m t. 'Ki'lness uf tlnil, tlm Justin: nf mu' , an a. :'-: . hi!! nf nur (inni-riiN anil tin- nh-iimiti' a'-r "I "nr im n we I'liiili'letitly beliuvi' that we imi-i I; inm; 'i. 7"'Y The ('iini'i'it ivi'ii hy tin: v-un ; l:.-:i' - ' i Mrs. alnrruw'.i srliu'il hi-f ii'i'iiiii:'. n ''Imliiia iiiniiiiiT lii-lily I'li'ilitahh' I- ail '"'i ' a i- i ,1. Tl"' ynun aj is-rs j '-' I'll -rill l-l I hi'ir p ll is a'iia' a! iy ; am! Mr. Win. II. Ihirni's, ul' Atlanta, a 1 I- 1 n.iii ii in the cntertiiiiunent hy histweelh nt sii;L im: ( e . i al .sentiineni ! mnl i-ninii' ?',hl'-. air! t h- i , - ii a : i. n i I' " Hiiii'ti mi Mie Jihiii.V' His n.nliii-'.l ih. . . m wollhl have ilntii' hmiiir In any pr"ii"--mlial nr!i.-t. we ever remember tn have In ar-l atienint il - i-i'i:,i-tinll. U:.vni ui' ('"!.. A vnin.n Kr. r Ti m :. A ti-U-nrn'lii- i i -1 1 : 1 1 - ' i i;.'n. -I. II. '' m t.;.!, inliises us nf tin- .h ath -f V, I. Ai, !r- . li - i:., . ;l Atlanta, thi- iimruin.'. I'ruiii 1 lie Ainiy nl 'lin in if. Speeial I'nll'.'-pi .lnli liee '.I' tie I,', i., !. Mi liM' llmi. ,i!V i:-i:, 7 miles nf .'Marietta, .'ane I -!i, !' n I. i l ilt; sen i n-v. The williilrawal nf 1 !. i : . "s liivl-i-ii Ii Mi- a I vanee pn.-itimi wliieh il ha I iierii:! i'lt.:" p. ; week, ill" li Mm eie-t "f riin' i,n. ii , : th'.ll'ht w.illbl J . r '.-i J i t i : .- a m! - ... . m ; ! this nmrniu : hut up I" ih; ' i i it i n ;. : 1 p. m. n- ussaull up-.n nur lilies ha-1 1 i m i i-. ill u ,'i li:- etn.'Uiy hae been eautiul-ly a ha n-m -, an I -in! lin.:; ihe win, ils all -lay. i'i:si.i:ri:i:s. taken lu-l iii-hl, r p.ui that a a-U. sui'l a.I.u-k have been phiiiue'l I r t- iii 'i i-iv. 1 in' in--lieati ius this evening " lar !. L.iie : I : - t this tale. Amnii the wuumh'il in the shine: in : . '' r iliiv. was Maj.-r K imli iek, nl' Ty b r'.- !!i. . Mi I'.'inli Hull I bam is eiili-al. The weather i' e!.'ar ami l-l. .i .M 1 ; !.!.. - -4J- t!';. Tin! Yaiiki'i' War 1 srl : n '.n r-'-spnlisu tn il I'i'si.ltlti. II i'f tin' S'ln'ir. Ii:m pivon inl'-rinatii'M - i : i . i n r !ifl-l Ti-.ti--silii'i' tin; ..iiimi'!i,'.'!.i't i.l' I'm war, Ir ti wli'k'li it 11 p ' thai in tin- Kvuliir ariuv Ci'iinriil Seutt, llartmy. W...I, A :..!" -n ii-i Kijili-V I'.avi' ri'tiim I, au l intti M in !',-: I ' ami Ti'ttmi liave' ilii-l : Tu '.r .-.1: mi--. !. (if Major Ili'iH-ul'- in tii" V'.'un!."'" lllaif lias ri'si'mml, an I t,.'"i-,ti'.ti it r. v '. I. Win. 1-'. Smiili'i an I S-li-!i M - at.; in'- llli'lll.l oxpiivil I'V i.'i.lis'itu;', ,,al linntali '!', niul tin" v wen1 n -ai lint.' I. II Tat . Wright, "rij.'.'tc 1 Iiy tin- Sniat- at.-l -in. :i Imiiitcil, mnl it ni-w in i' , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 , . I nl ,Vu. wick's cnri. The v-iL'tiati ni- t'.i i M. Clat, .lilino A. liail'.'ll. S.vnr, ' r ll.-m- iiiD.-!, K. lb K .-. I'.. I'. M i-a;i'. I.-..;. M. ri'i'iiti.-r. anil Kula-i t M. S. !.rti !i. '.!. h arc ili'ail. J-, A Vatiki .' fani.-.T rv liii w il'o'.i fiiiicrnl ii .-;;- .in 1 tin' Hum arrival of a .v..r's- j-ii'-l win) win to i'-;ti'.ii t "" . ul (' iMiituiniii-; twi'lvo il.'il.iV' i :.i ' ill''. it .1 ' , I : !l t' J)" A .tlmwi'ty ila.V i- (l.imp, 1-u r tin.: r fusaiufa youu. laJy ia '.lain jut. .ini.t i limn - iNi iiiii' i ill..'.'' i . V ) Spirit , f tbr Timi't, lil.'.l by a iii. Ml 1 1 ; I Iii-n-liil'-ni l.m ll a s. r. in j; m!'.'mte ,,f In- war, i..i--h'l i-ri'in tu be vni y t I .''l I'V III'- pi-o-p. el.,1 . iv, ir - nf '.. i , u u i-oii nl i y ; Ni vri' behii,. hai: uu I', Ii a il.' i u-i-s-.i! n i ''.pial to lliui w 1 j i 1 1 ir -ails lis at ilii.s iim tu.'iil. Tliii'i' ours Iium' im'.v i !ap-v MjK.,. ilm i'.:iiiiiieiu-i' u' ili, i win-. Ami a ilnlil l,l,H.I,IMIl,llllll mill,, .is Hall'H us in ti,,. 1'n,.,.; ati. I nearly hull a million nfuin' sublim liavr li.rn lllleiiy ti-i-il up. Tim I'la-liu li.pi w I, i eh buoy ml I In- i a I lur sbi-i'-, of ilm .tru.;- !.- has lar,:i'ly I'.tili'.l oiy , w lul,. so lar ;;s tlm I '.'lil'.'.lei-ati", al'i' (.i.iii-rn;e(, .v uu- -,--..!V I ml ii y l.i siimtaiti tlu-.'i! yr.ii-.s npna. muit,...i I'mii at any prrvi.ntH pin- il of Ilm ar, Tlm'ii's tlmv lit, Inst, ri',iiin. .,, ,, i-"iis'i iietml; tii iriilliiri- ami ilm sn'mim,- ,, : ubsis'i'imu hav taken -etibal shape; ami ;J tl (f.irt'-rili ami 8:1 a 'iiemi wliieli ime . e -ary In season u .c,. le in i.p,,'n, have I i eiuhiivil. Miirenver, t!mv leel lin' pei' of pr.ibatiiin whieli foreign I'nweis iiiuit f.u- sini::-;liii!; pi pulaiiiiiis In e.ini Mm - lump ol mil ioiiiilit y i very, marly up. -. ii I ol, tliei'ei'.ii'i-, e! -n.iv, aian.iiim' 1 ' i ' i , al mii'Ii a crisis. i,'.nie;-iiy in,. I .bmbt I'll pni-piiM- a In. nl. v -' 1 i ,o entire ; v,iv i t -li. il is l J,,' i n-),! Its WO iv,.-ll l'.i.'..i " " ' -"' .'"""- i'-'l In tielll-'.l- L 1 1 1 1 1 I in! e. -t ( wiili us, Inn a;;ni,-t no. ,. ,;,s e til'.. Urn Iml out- j 1 1 -1 i ii 1 1 1 . , iliviiie I e mm ! ' ;i 1 1 -1 imliviT;' I II'. ililn i,,' hail. Is nf ti,.' 'h'. Ihe taint Imai leil ami the bin,,. Ami I'V U-uU lie be Willi ii-., base, ,'in-r ami ( in Mi: are? We are mil with Him ! We nr.' a p-IU-,., eunseieneeless. I-;;' 't.h' I "' 'I1'1'- There is mi Iniiinr, tin vir tne. ti ' ilev.'ti. li i eept aini.ii;; the in es, s. V' him iiinet v per e.-nt. il'uil hi run-,: !-v,. b iti-ati 1 ih, Mar ino mm- m e lvi, -ov I li .i , '' v- h e w al.-liiii-; e el y ' lie'. ; 'ib.m w il Ii ' ii - pi. -ii. n. ami lm s.Mii.r.liiiaie everv sen;i- ni'tlt !'i self. I . '!i; 11 -I ii ,1 by e 1 1' ; l V : 1 , 1 1 1 1 pi' ity. ami :.paivil mereifully IV..111 all ".mrilie 's, we i,n,, uneraiefiillv ! ;; a 'in" reliuime upon Heaven, ami the re-iilt i-. Hint, evept in theea-eol the simple, viiaii ..iis, lalmrili people, we bae pra.'l ieallv be e une a eoiiiiniiiiit v of alhei-ts. TI ere is h i ' '"imemime ultaelm l to ilm iutelli-ynee at: ! " iliii ..I' th ' e.'iiiniiinily: aiul laynmii a- ue iii''. ami ' I i lii" Morhl, W" say unN yon. i'.'l- i-.iv lilniili'M, Ilia! tliere eau lm no 1 ml- in,, ;..o ermneiit will, nut piihlie n tu.-. in ei, oui in"; naii..iiaii:y w itmuit a uimei a! tji- "I ' ' 'I. ! 1 :l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 us mil' miuntry I, as l.i en in ihe lie!. I, uu. I .stii-ii'ie, a. h j,, ,v !rii-!,a!eis o the I 'aliiliel, il wmibl seeui llml v e are only l.i arriin at llio mup wlmu mav be permilli-il to lebuiM by MilVoriu y. . a'.'l s.mi i lii'.-s, ami perhaps; thmili a pre liminary chums which it is .hva.ll'iil to ami Nartliii"; levcloimoiit. I i - n ti,.' !i,.,ny K im-k.-rb-i-i.,-!-. I Hiring Ihe pa-t fi-w miuitlis, several re- , e.iu!,!,. y.uiii"; -iris oily, as vv.-ll a '!'. ni I lie w.'-teni pan of the Slate, have in.'' l-ro'ii -I.Y '!:-api. arcl I'k-iii thei;' In .me... i.iel lei trace eoiibl p,.s-il,ly In- ma-erlaiiie.l ,,f llmie vvbei'e.ib nits, in ,t w i I Ii land i n y lite nmsi -1 1 1 ! I Ill " was inade fit-Meut. Keeenl ly, Imwever. -nine i-tarl linyi ileveh.piimui,. hav e cme lo li;'bt throii-h tlm at'ie i nf a : v.uiii,: t-irl iiauied . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i - Tlmtup-,11, at I'l'i ea. who was attired in male habiliment ami wi nl tiii'l.-r Ihe assume 1 mime of .lame i , Tlmlopsiiii. I pun seai'i'liiii'r her. - itim emo- ;;i ,.i-ly inseaiiy ilncunieiits were t'-miil, im kin;: .''i'.ttiiti-: revelations. There was ., in :u 1 11 -.-l i J.I copy of what purpnllo'l to be the i -1 ) ! i -1 i ; 1 1 1 i -1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 bv-laws e I' tlm "Klii-hls if lim ."-'I "i et rircle." In this iloeummit the' ..t.j , ,,f liie I 'uvle are said lo he to kidnap and s'-nd lo New York oily Iiuumis ol pro.-ti-l ui i"h Y'.iiii-; and virtuniis "iris. It i said that, aln-r beiii-; kidnapped, a dm;; is lo h" ' ml ni in i-t ere 1 to them, and their action under its influence will determine whether or not limy are virtuous. If nut, they are to he re-ba-e I. We may.vav here thai there is in. i'riij; wh'mli will determine any such ijiie--ti -ii.j The mumi-cripl is s'.imd by twenly I nr p r-ntiS, umin!mr.s of the Secret Circle. This i-, mm of llu: nia-t datnuable ( ever conceived by wicked mind.-. 1 lin,, i, l I. Hit Iiiiiii the 'l l au--'Mi-sis-i;ipi. A ili-patoh from Meinphis, dated May ol, -ays : I The Tin-, dads Marmora, .billet, and IV. line lliui, recently i-naed the libel bat- at (mines' laiidin;;, ami su e,le in .iiivin- t'lom away, 'flu! I'rairio Uird was strin k thirty times, and ihe Marine llrL'ulo j h ml I 'el I a, had lie r donkey en-ine shut i-u-r 1 " n'd and the engineer killed. M .rioaduke. w ho i-- reported to be in cm- 1 mau l ol tlm rebels, bad taken twelve pieces ..I arlillen. lie captured and burned the . s eam.-r I. -I mi i. ii, an I carried ihe crew and pa -.".ly.'i s i, ft' as prisuimrs. 'I lie boats IVoin the While river report the i-.-bi Is lo be thick ; hut Ihe boats are iiol i imie-'el. ; A hci'Vy bu-.-O of the t-ehels is rep "lie 1 to be w'uhiii twenty live miles of IhivaH's I'.lult, ma;'. diiu-- on that place. They are siiji;, . a;,l lo lifleell tholl-'allil. i ; ii oi . Kti a r. i.t.i; nv nn; i;i i;M.;-- l-.ol.n Mm I 1II..ST. i Tim rebel I ienei-al Shelby, capluied the h.iribiimile la-t Monday, lakin- two htin-ih.-.l pri-i'imi-s. Alter the capture he cros-r-d I ilm Arkansa.s river, and it was puppos.-d that he int. -in led t-i strike the Little Koc; 1 lead. Iinerrillas are reiresented as unusually active In Arkansas. Ir appears to be the iiiieni'on of Ihe roli'ds to force the 1'niiin ti,.'.ps to evacuate all the Shite except Lit ' tie ;...-k an I lloh-tui. .lacksoiip.u t and I'.a'.e-vilio have In-en evaeualcd bv tin; I limn 1 1 1 . li. I '. W l. i ll v I I,. -The S ul in t o M'ltive -iv. -i the follow in-; story of ( l.-:m;-,,l li. ('. allhall. When Ihe war broke out Im was district attorney for I'lmetuw di-triel, .Mi "i-sippi, and when tin- Ynlubn-lia rilb--w ei e of-mie 1 was . :1c. "ted captain. Imn tlm '.tii Mis. i-sippi was iir-au;,.-.! he was i 1 . -. -1 1 I lieutenant e.., uml ol that reuimni. At I'm bill!,- ,.f W ihi Cat he s,,,we -rmil i i ai. rv ami C"o!ne-s. lie c ..mmali md I'm Ti'll M '.--', --ippi at the ever lnelil,,':ib!e bill ,1 I'i liin-; I 're, !;. and his b' arin-; np ui that balth liebl ecilcd the a im ira' i ui ol m.ery II" wa- evervwlieie i:ry;iii--; on bis io, -ii. A: , tune, il is said, tliink;!,- it I' lliui his iiieii were liriio; im.i a I mi!'" ii-rale recjim lit, he raised Mm I'a ,i:i. i-i.l- to ih" IV, ml, within ah uit sity V il ls . f tim eimui v, when t hey said to bun, T ii." .I w n tiiat ! d thine;." The niis-ib -- I .le.iiii w.u" llviuj; thick ami fast, and his ,1 ,th.- riddled wiih bullets, he turned to his i.e n v, ii'n a be iinint; sniilo upon his iviiico 1 .in. e, eml s.ii,!, 'That'' 'he crowd we .lie :,!'-. i-. t'.twai I l - - ." When his term I'o.i-h-tnmt t wa- i, ut be rais.-l a rooiimiit :!,,-'.-'' M ss;-,ippi. , and was elected e loo- t' , 1. lie w..m,i ilmbattleol'Shilo'i, I 'err v 1 1 ! ie. ,,- "d.iiii i ' r yl hi- iiiiiau;:!, Mis-iouary a;, I 1 1 , - - .i, -:i , wlmre he has biui-clf w ifiv i f ihe position he no-.v iceiijiies. lie 1 as I H vounde l three time-, hut is still in ihe lie: 1. I I .on I be 4 1 1 1 -a I in in i ii . T'l.-'i .: v., i -i no iulelo oiu'ii i f an important eliui a.-li'i' teeeiveil IVoin the army of ( iuni'l ul I.e.. ,,n M'sienluy. oilier liuiii rvei-.vtliin w ir. .pi iei, : o lar us eon 1,1 lm meoi tuiiiDil. Not a -uu was beanl I -1 1 in-; the day ulunjr (ho lin -s, I ii aiil, Iniwevei , is htill in (ion, l,uu'n li.inl. but. has shiirleneil bis lines, ami ilis p.ise.l hi-loiees I'm- iiioVeinenH to lm (level npe I lieai al iiy. (lur army in in position lulls- 1 1 ; lo ih. il of the enemy. Tin) latter Iiiih li .' , the I liielialainiiuy liulnw IIH Vdt ili.,u-li llml movement is lonkeil for. It wiih riiimue l mi y e.sieril.iy tluit a raiding party hail been ilispalelie I Iiy tlm tummy to tlm Smiths, e, tn ilislurli inn- cuininuiiicatiiiliN in tlnil ' j u ii i-1 ir. This tlioiili possilili:, as nil -iieh iliim.;s are, is, fur the present nt least improbable. Tin: M-iiur nr tii k van ki ks. A prisoner lir-uilit in nn yestnrilay tic seribes the ,lm,ie ol (jrant's army ftd lioinj; aiivihin I 1 1 1 lavorablf. (Inint, lie Fmys ha ; el'.' -tually broken the spirits of liis anny by liii' -in the men upon pnints which tlio merest military tryn cuilbl iliHOovur wnro ini pi e ;iiable to iis-ault. They look llpnn lliui a an. ..'i.-linate ami iiiisenipuloiiH liutctier, ain I bis army m eallml llu) "slaiililer pen." The pi'i-.niei' also says llint the army is al- 1.1 i-t 111, lie, I ill its pl'i'l'el I'lie" fur MkC'lulluli a- Ihe next preshlen I of Ihe Xortliern .Stales. His virtues have veeeiveil u -ji'ovvning lustre sineetlie upi-nintr of the present ciimpniett. " I le t n. k can-o his men they 'Kay," and i!.e ,-:iiiir,s( wiili (iiiuit uliivates him aeeor- lin ;ly. I i i; v r's t.m i n s A e. ire-p.m. lenl -ai i amis us nn; i.Ki-r. writing from tlio left," emis us a inner tr uu which we make tlio oil.i'.vin elr;uis; Hal ihe I'eleral authorities consulted la- lln-v could not have shown irreatcr Ion lo ins wishes than tliey have nv tlm ;i-'.'i.;iii:ieiit ol '(Irani to thi! cmiiiiaml uf ibt'ir fitees. 1 h'stiny has jioinled lliui out a ihe man for I ."e. llu is the only one of all I he a u ken 1 1 en era Is who has afforded us Ihe salisfiietioii ol lijrlitinjf behind our en ireiiehmenls, and it seems lie is not likely to so. .11 deprive us of the pleasure, lul- lie per-s-vi'i''. iii hiiitimy against nur wurkH, each linm b'.u in-in their front many ghastly ev-i-h n, i s i, the del el'lni lied Valor of dill' troops', lira-it lias been woi-'i! whipped and inure e pletely mil -;enerule.l I hail unv other I oil r ol the ' vvai'. Scouts from Iiiv'h lilies report that lie is eo mm in tin an i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 v drunk, and h im only urilei' is, "(ioliule.' ( 'unliiloiieo in uur sina aln- i l, lioys. J nllv iuei'.,i.-ui,'. ,.u .. ,,,,!,,. ii, , ii , i- , i i" 1 It it wiso tu i haii-e nur le.i'lir in Mm mi. 1st, of . lean llu- ;.... ile-tli.V Illl'V lirst llinkl" ,, . , . " ,, ,. ... ... I llns slurin, uu. I while all Mie wurbl is n.ltinnin the I imver knew uur army s,i detenniued or j hmiesi v, Ihe ., isliee, Ihe felelily, nml the wiii.iu I", m li-1. 'ill ol success, anilthnili llie nnernilH i m' Mm leii.teii-' rnllmr let. us yivo nu iii.tu-ii-diilms i,f tli, past, in i ii 1 1 liavo been apparent- ! 1,1 wealiness m-ilivisiou ; euiselvcs, but ly -.111111-11-111 to heiul the inont viuumiiM eon liiiuion, theirs has been sustained and .tii-ii.'llmiied by past successes and tlio not lelu oMi hope of future victories. W't are 'mepln-s and vigilant, us the defeats of ' .runt .-. nielit allaek.s can attest. I Ataii evidence of tlje superior li;;lititi"; public, of our nu n, it is only necessary to iii.-iilioii lhat. (iorilon, with a singlo linn of l.irmi -Imi-s, has repo'itedly whipped a full Yankee line of battle. Too much praise euiiiiot be bestowed up-in this truly gullunt ol.iei i-. for the masterly niunner in which lie handled his troops. His spurs have been nobly vvoa and worn. Rirhmoml Eivjuiicr, ni io 'puiiuonoo Koliilivp to the l'lirgcd Naval l'ouirt. 'flu- r,i. iiu.iii. ii-,atek has bet'ii l'uiiii.-'lieil tlio nvin- (a . r re.- .i i u . 1 e n eo. wliieh passeil lu'lwei-n Se.-it tmy .Ma '..I, i r.v ami Sir Uniuulell 1'uluiKr, Ihe att'.rm y s'1 '" ral of lirent llrilain, oil the mibjei t of the I'm--.-'! report pill-purling to bo niiule by Secre tary .lall uy in "Mr. S.euker ISubeuvk : " . uev.l ('. ,1. Xivv Hkpartmknt, I lliehuii.iiil, Ma roll 10, ISO t J Sir II. .inn. 11 rahner, Attorney (lenernl nf (Jrcat r.iitaiu ; Sin: .My atti'tilioii luivini; been eulli-d to Ike do ham In the House nf Commons on Tues'lay, tlio I iiliiim. mi l to ilm paper introduced by you uu that i. ei si-i. ni, niul lea. I tn Mm House in an nuthen tie "up, nt nl .lm Soerelnry uf tlio Cuiiffderiito a v to his own Cuui;ress," I deein it proper to in l.e iii y.tii Mint tlm paper in ipiestion is u furpery. A ' y.ui have thus inadvertently been misled into h-ii'liti- yo.irinium to a paper fabricated by the i-m iuii .- uf my emuitiy, for purposes loo nbviuUH to le.pine esplaiiaiiun, 1 eunliilontly nppcnl to your sen-e in' jusiiee unit pruprioty fur the eurrt-etion of ymir ini.-tiike, wiili llie sanie publicity us was given to ihe err. uie. nts n-serlion. With La-eat re-pe.-t, I havo the honor to be, your li.-iit si iw ant, S. H. MAIJtOKY, Seeretiiry nf tlio Navy of C I.ol-V.l li I'. ui 1 1. and I'i.ack, West I,oniion, ) .May I, ism. j Silt: I have the liouur to aelinuwleilj;ii tlio re , eipt i.l'ymir h tler, dated Mm lotk of MHn-li, wkiek I pr .p. w iih the periuissiuii of tlio House, to read mi in early day ill tin' Hull.-O of ColllinollH. In .-u, I shall only repeat, on higher au tliKiily than before, the acknowledgment of nn trim-, which 1 regret bavin- been led into hy cireuin--luie .-, which st'i'ineil tu myself (in eumuion witk other- i I" five credit to Ike diieuinent, since aecr tained tnml imw aullmrilatively stated ky yourself) I,, he u Inr-cry. 'I h.nil.iiu; you for the courtesy of your c.uiimu nicaimii. 1 leinain, sir, wiili in lit- ll respect, your ei v el.c bent sen illit, iKU'xrnai. i'almkr. To lion. S. I, .Mallory, etc. from the report of llu- Tauuloii Tele-nipk ..I Ihe pi alin-s in Ike llouso uf ('oiuinou.i, Thur-.lay, .May a, IS'il : Tin: I'' C.isi iaiKiiAn; Dui-atch. The At- I Ull.'V lie ,1, ,.,1.1, 1 Ct.nfi' ;, ii, ial sue! he lul l reeoived a eullrteiuis nt -Mi. .Mail. .r.v, Mm f'cciclnrjr of IIlO .Niivy Ilepnrtinent, an t In ,r inn e; kiui to -ta'e I .M ii. -t the House Mint the dispatch winch Jlor ;, -iv'.- iloveriiineut kad nlrendy expressed tko ... I' In I,.; ,i buy;. ay, was an entirely forget dueu- el. 1 .ou. Winder Ordered tu .linci'ieus, ;a. I'.riu;. Cen. dohn II. Vinder, recently cminaiidinc!; the military department of Ki. him nil, and a-si-iu d tu the post of iolds- li U . ('.. has snbsoiiuently received ad lit : . I : : i rdors instructing hiin tn report tu m ma: pr. rimi-. (ia., willr assuptiiin of the enni 1 i t the forces tit Ainerieus and the , on p.n! at Aiulci'sonville. Thia is a ote iiiipiiriaiit coinmand than that tu which imral iud'-r was first ni-dei-ed, ineluiliti, i: .l .e , ilm care of the twenty odd tliou i, l pii-oiu-is of war held by us at Atider ti v il ;e (i. neial Winder's stall' and attaches, who cmpaiiie.l bun iroin nienmiiini, repnn j ,:h him ut the latter po-t. Andersmiville the -ran i depot of all the prisoners taken in tin in olid d. t Lo't v Smitheru ( mileileraoy, Hoiitll ol Lieh- , un 1 the lahhy prison is the receiving d' tho-e capluied north o( Richmond, tii A n .-.--ouville as their destination. A. W. I't-r-ion was in eniiimand at ' s.uiviUe previous to the iirdei'inj; ol ; Audi G. vj.-ral Winder tliere, and it is probable l.e w id remain in charge under tho command .( the general lli i Gen. H i ; r bus been assigned to ,. ,1 ul ( .ohlsl,r,v, vice I ten. W iiiuer oi-. 1 l i Aiiierieiis. lietween Gen. G. W. Snutti audi' and v, jiuta; in c.iinmanil ol tne deorgia reserves, ; pulpit ouslnon auu shook it, mat us empu n. W inder, a warm intimacy exists, ' ness might be known, then looking towards . anticipate tho best results from tho i the coiling, he exclaimed, with great fervor, .siti m uf their commands. I "I thank God that 1 got buck my hat from Hi'li. xam., 'J.i. this, congregation." I I'l-esl.lenllul MuiciiicntH In llu- Nui'lli. ' t A i I. I-I I s 1 IM i It II A 1. K cf I IM n,v. A uueliii- iii Invur "f lanenlu lm' Ihe n-ixl ynii ; lien l'ri'..i.l"iiey, w.i . In hi ni Ihe I'ln.pi r lu.-liiutc, j New .ir: , mi the ll.lh iintiinl. 'fin tn was n j;l,o i I'lub, iimt he usual clcelmii-'ei inn, a. e.iiiipiiiriiutnt:.. Tliu lirst t.p...ila'i- w.i.., llu. ehaiiiuiiii, .Mr. I'hinle S. spencer. Ha sai.l : j The pi ilest ii-.-iiii.-L the ..ilpimeniuit uf Mm II. illinium i'iiiiv etili.ui, iiii.l tu speiik fur Mm re I li iiiiiiiuiii-ti tn the nlVieu wliieh he so worthily mnl wisely lilli -ieul. of Ihe prt-heiil I'resi ' -lenl uf nur ei.iintr.v, this rluh mei:l,i ticrii In uiht. t We meet nt nn limit- nl j.,y nml li iiiinph n il atn'i lur Mm liu-hi iiules uf ovi:rwlieliniii ietur.v lire 1 every iiiouu nl Ih-iiij luirin- tn u-en Ihe riuiilhi-rn vvilnbi. '1'le llel'uii' lliililniy cliiefliijli srlc.'leil l.y Mm I'ri-si.l- lit In li nil mu-nrmies lias tin; ri'bi lliuti l.y Mm Ihr.ini upphiuM niul it is re. lm- lu liiri- his ' I'-rr Hie bluw,-, while the Aiiniiiii.-ti'iiliuii at Wiish- in-luii is 8iisiniiiiii- him with reiiil'nreeiiu nts mnl mi.iI its'. Tim iinlis ui Iniiiil. Aln-r Ihui-tiuin i-iunet the enliii. Winn tun! weiuy by Ihe u-uul i'iiits niul luh ir.i nf liisnlliee, liiiviii- ileserviil well uf liis i-uiiiili.v by lea-i.ii uf liiii palieiil iiuliistry, liis inllexible iuti ;;rily, his pure nml iuimi-HMi ui Iriiilisin, nml by his liei iletei iniiiatinn In not'iru MlO I'llilill, linulhei- III 111 nf nllieu awilits A I r II 1 1 II I II l.illl'lilll. I'fri'llll'llili.lls elneriu'. llu llllS llllll II li'llil nf wi-r lm .-hnll Iniveuiie ufpen'-e ai'biu.-i' ) he lias riib-l nver a ilivule l miry, lm sliall rule nver a iniileil mu' np.laiiie he lias liecii I're.-i-ih-nt of the Ni .rlh-he .-hull be. pre.-i'l. nl nf the Still I II (,'rent llppbillse niul then, willl line, illl III Mu-heail ul the I i nvi i nnmiil. iiml lo-.i-t t'.- b"'. ! ..i ilm uriiiv. we w ill vut'lmiilii the Munrianli.t'li ine, fin i .-. ,111. 1 lm, Maximilian, ami Ilm t'leinh b,i vi.imls wliieh siipieii l Ililu. ililn Ihe .-en. 1 1 'hi i,. I The I, in.-., In l, he rluh llu ii jj.ive "l.ilmnln met! I nii.n" with -real neei ptalmn. .Mr. Isiiiie . Anmhl, a nieinher nf I'.m-r.s i fri-tii, prnimiini ei the ..nilla In In- Ihe "'I'll Apm-lli: uf l.ilieity,'-' niul sni.l : i It is Ins iiii-simi to ret..i-e iiiitininil unity uu the j hii-i.s ul iiniiersul liheity, lie is In Iriel Mm pen- pic Minui'h lins levulutiiiii niul pro.-ui vo Mu- ..hi j nf In fib, in eiiibinliiiil in Mn-n.i I'hnrlir . niul Mm C.m-liliile.n nf tlm tluilnl Stat, s. heu 1 he leiiveH the l'rui-iilenti il eliiiir, ill ISU'.I, we itru ' tu In mm penple, uiie nnrum, i,iii every liuiii si -eiiieil in the eiii'iyiniiit nl' '-life, lil.erly, met the pill'.-llit uf Ii ip iiiess." livei v lili.ll nplal In foil- Invv. I'ivcl-y iiiiiii elij-viu- lilieily ,.' speeeli, the free. bun nl ihe pie.-s, trial hy jury, nml Ihe wrii nf llllbeu.' ei.ipii-. Il'lieels.) Kinin Mm il.i.V nl Ihe e ii'lleeluilit nf Ihe pel, lie lilenl .Mr. I, me., In, hi., life bus Iu-i-ii i-'tn-eeiale-l tu tine purpu.-e - that nf fieeiii); his foil n I r.v nf Afiiiuii slavery. If uici-y -is, lis lias I. sea sui'l, ileiel, Mien Ahiuhalti, ..f a trull), has slnin the nmn.-ler. Tln-rti are 'Inn -'mms eleineiits in mu uii.lsi, ami n 1'itm.Ii ntiiil eli etimi in the mi, I-t nl a civil war will Iiy Mm eilpneity nf Ihe peiiplc ..r sell ".venilni III lis Ih.'y have imver 1.,-en Mini hi l'ure. Wu mu iii Mm iniil-l nf nisliim l.'iieiils ul opinion nml pi.-snm, I ilaii-ermis nml , J i Mi nil in cmi'ml. We nrn tnstiii j nil llu; lulb iws ..f a raili- -e, l. Anvil, us Iii. m. Is i nf liberty mu evei w heri' u-liui-, will the -rent vmeiiian llepnblii-.-truinl ..r wniit ..I nr-lcr niul has been ctiitiiui iiiiiiiu-, uu, mr uur eniitiii-y Hie' mr iinniiy, lei u.t rally iinuiiiil Mu- pilot who has tku.i far -ui.lcil us ilnly. In ri.-pi.iisi! tu Ike r. v Ihat i-oinos li nn Ilm ii-hi ls nl liiehiui.n.l, "mivS ulv hut lanenlu," let im rojily ahmlv luil laim uu," until liberty tri umphs, nml nati'iiiiil unity id rout, awl, ' Hull." I roeiiQ ('lav Smith, nf K'v , wh" K-'iuii I to be a iretilleiui'ii ul In-. uh: r!y lovu pi-rt-uiisinn, phi. i : Tlio Rrcat mass ul Ike people from one end uf the country to the other wore wholly i-nur:int uf any wroiij; committed. Smnc of tlmin uiiht think it slt.iliim Mint he. a Keuliickinii, should su tpcuk, lull he w as speuk in-Ironi lovo ui" country, lie lovnil Ike typographical position of Miat country, its rivers, nioinilniiiy, valleys, uml plains; kis heart ciiim out with nil Ihn fii-lin-s of affection mill i kinducK that was uos-ihle. ,r miiiu.tut-liiiii'l.i- ! -mil now tn 1 i t " a in Ilm re- . t'l' ii i -a ih. . i.iiiiioi.'.a, ui ivuose breast is hut mm si'iiliumiit, that uf love nf c uiutry, uml nnu desire, thai Mm old fliu; eonie a-ain nml ni.seuc them troiu Suiithuin lyranny. ll. was the duly of," tko Aineri ran people lo relievo Ikese men, if il took a million ill nuns. (Applause.) Ho was not rcvcnguftil uml he dissented I'm. in a sentiment uf hate against the miv'uiilcd privnto soldier, "hewever sevorcly he had fuiijht ii(jaiust us, hut he would ko for KmnK hoti, Havis, lli'iiuri'Kard, and all Mint i-lass of men not taking tkein by ilm had nml tclliiiR Ikoni to Ko, hot, tor givn,s; Ihem a r-pl- tu hang Ikeni with. ((Tieers.) Men. Clay in tko course uf kis speedi announced that a ili-patch kad keen received from the Secre tary of War aiiimiuu'iiig the retreat, of of the wkole rebel army under hce, aud Mint two corps wore ri'kt nn tkoir heels Hiving Ikeni tho lory devil. At this announcement Ike wkole audience ruse en and ckoered Tekemently fur several min utes. Tko spenkcr said ko had nut w-itneessod such a deiuonstratlnn sineu the liuuiiiuitinn nf Abraham I.iiii-oln for tko Pre-iileucy, and lie did not expect tu tut) its eipuil nj-ain until his nomination at Dnlti inoro. Aftor a song, hy tko (lleo Club, tko inpotiji(; closed. tilioi ks uu ltanks. I liavo Bumo " Hanks checks," or chuck on Hanks to transmit you. lVhon (iencral liankg returned to Grand Kcoro, after the battles of Maiislidd and I'leasant Hill, an olfiecr rode up to him and remarked: "This is pretty rough. General." "Only a. tempo rary chock," replied the General gravely. Ho is now in Alexandria. This is the lirst uf a series nf "chocks on Hanks" that have been related to me. Tho fallowing is also good : It is said that tho rebels captured at Mans field two wagons, loaded with paper collars, and that Gen. Pick Taylor returned tho col lars thorough a Hug of truce, with a letter tu Gen. Banks, in wliieh tho facetious rebel said: "I liavo boiled, fried, baked and stew ed these things, and can do nothing with them. Wo cannot eat them. They arc a luxury for which vo have no use, and I would like, thoreforo, to exchange them lor a liko ipinntity of hard lack." The joke is a good one, and has convulsed tho Western buys who havo no great admira tion lor the ''Liberator nl" Louisiana." When tlio Western troops passed General Hanks' lload-ipiarters, coming into Alexan dria, yesterday, they groaned, jeered and called aloud, " How about those paper col lars ?" To-day, a steamboat was rounding out, while a large crowd !' soldiers wero swim ming in tho river. Tho boys cried out 1 1 the boat, "Have you got any of Hanks' pa per collars aboard? -and then went, up a shout from all, in which " paper collars," "bully for tho paper collars," were the only audible words used. This is a good check on Hanks. It will he honored at sight. Another one is told in this way : "After the two days' battles, our forces, it is said, ruptured a rebel courier, bearing dis patches from Dick Taylor to Magruder, and milling Ihe letters, it is said, was one from Gen. Taylor tu the Texas General, in which Taylor said : "1 thank you for your kind oiler to furnish me and my army w ith supplies; but I have plenty on hand. Yutir niter came too late. My efficient commissary, X. 1'. Hanks, has supplied me abundantly," Ac. CV. SI. J.'JIlin U'pllhH ,((. BflV,. Tliu bat was passed round in a cer tain congregation in ono of tho Xew j land States, fur tho purpose of taking up a collection. After it made tho circuit of tho 1 church, it was banded to tho minister, who, by tho v. ay, bad "exchanged pulpits with the regular preacher, nml lie lounil not a : penny in it. lie inverted the bat over the TKMMM'AIMIKJ REP011TS OF Thi. ritl'SS ASS001.VJ WU. Knit n .1 m-n i. Ini ; I,, A,. mIi',,1, r, ,. ,,, i',, ,, -, I'V ,1. M. Tun l-nnil. ill Hie I I, ,k i, In lliel I'onrl 'if llie C ,.,!,,.,. s ,, . ,. I ,, lll-ll ii I i, I lit in-ia ! I.ati-st Iiiiiii ii -inia. Illi-IIMiisli, .lime 17. -'I'heie is imlhin.? anlli. ,li lu ilay. Tlm Yankees have inlv.ui. i ,1 their line, in I Cii-sli-iii,l,. Sumo lislnii,B i,,k plan, near I'll lur lo ibiy. Iiy tlm hi,-1 ii-lviit-sehi i i, a limi m, llu, u Siullsylviuiiii, uu. I ri ,-li , I t , l;.,,i,,m Mell. I.eil Illl si been pi, I ,u e .uilnalul i.f all ia liirit-ti iii Virjjiiiin nml Nuith C.iruliua. (-I'll. .IiiIiii I'upr, The following very hi runs skelch of the character and services of-ils tioloi ioiis in dividual is taken from a vi;, y admirable re view of tlio "bunks of thu Anion, -an wa;-," published in Hlaekwood's M.imi.iuo. The author had evidently a. keen ap. reflation of the ludicrous Hide of G.-'ieral Tope's j i : foruuinees. "Gen. John ,pe has signalimd hiin ell', and illustrated the Xm-ilmni o,.niUfi ,,r smartness by a foal at -o simple uml -rami. lie had, with a slroke of lib; pen, c ui'v,-1 led a hiindrrd ( 'oiifclerule ', he had r, imb ibe captives nf his Imw and spear, inn i le i thousand, and had thus ut mice -iveo -i al pleasure to the Xoi'lh and I'.real V-. illation ii liiiusell. lie was, m ohm uoler, the , .pp site of the General who had ju-l lutnhicl frnni bis pedestal ; f,,r, whereas, was distinguished for modesty and i " oivo, nml a faculty of keeping hi', own council ., John Tope whs prompt ami v , i. i !' r. ,t i - in self assertion and aulioipali f neei -, . brilliant disciple of t In' "new military luiuiniiry, Stanton, a n I lhal " ihe only lines of opcral inns lm know of win tin line of the ' iicinv's retreat ;" ami -villi ;, view, probably of siin.,lil viii - ilm ib-mil, well as the principles of war, he dclared that Ins bend iiiarlers would be "in tH. . die"- the dependent branches nf Ilm ... being, perhaps, in I his compendious an an ment, situated in the siiirii. ,1. "Knrnished wiih these neiv and sim elements of victory he took omiiiuaiid of i Army, which rushed toward llichni 1 IV iii' "Ill Alexandria to lake, the pro. sure nil' Genera .VeClellan. "Met on Ihe Ivapiihiti bv .l,ielc.,,n, I ..)..-"-advanced guard under Hanks was d'Tcale, al, I'edui Mountain ; and nl the apu.,,m! of Lee be retired behind the lliippahaiiimek The next move uf the ( 'oiife,er,i!i"i inii.-f have greally disturbed his theory of war for it brougiit Jackson, by si circuitous move ment, on bis line of i imuuieutions will Washington, and compelled a general cm oentratioti to Hecure bis retreat. "Next day the remainder of the Coiifede rato Army, following Jackson's Ilm I.f iniiieh. came into hue, and Gen. P.. pew. is c polled to nu unit hastily i-i,. head unar- ters, and to transfer himself, and the re mains of bis army, In Ihe Hheller of hi) for tilioation.s of Washington. t "Tho change which thereupon came upi-n tho calm and reflective spirit of his eoiiuii-y- ' men would have left, hint the mo-t eomi.-iil ex at npe tif i.-.LjJrt.l-..-" " . rtTV.j uui. Ticeu ito soon oispbiccl Irom rns.j pre eminence by tho supurinr claims of light- i ing -loo Hooker." '.f Tub Guii K.viio.viiNy. We have recently I seen a pretty miiiulo map of the coiinlry iii j the vicinity r,f Richmond, aud had pointed out to us, by a gentleman who was on the field this week, tho relative positions of the contending armies. Of course, without the j inup wo could not point out these positions to our roaders. We satisfied ourselves, bowev- i er. uintr inero aro ouiy two crossing places on tho Chiekahominy below Hottoin's Hridge: Those places aro at the Long Hridge 'nr bridges aud at the Forgo Hridge. Crossing at cither of theso places would bring the enomy to tho James low down in Charles City county, and ho can hardly cross further up, as all tho bridges are in our possession. Whether ho can cross at theso lower bridges remains tu be seen. It would appear to us to bo doubtful policy for him to do so. I H'7. Jmniutl. JlS Wo learn that tho new and splendid steel clad steamer For, Captain Hrown, lias eafoly arrivod at a Confederate port. It is stated that she brings a very valuable cargo mostly on Government account. ClinrUiloii Courier. During the months of January and l-'elut-ary tho sun did not once shine in l-Inglaud. "DAILY KERHL" BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, O 1-1 (II II, (nil. Havinu itiivliw'i1 tin; i:w and Ktkmvi; Puimim. r.HTAiiusfiMKNT formerly uunM 1-y Mi--i'-. Iln.i. v t?VAT.r, we ary now prtijuirt"! tnri i ttti; ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, ill n ittylo m it to lio nurpiiiscil by unv nlhT -iiuil;.!' - ''-lisliim-iit In tin- CuulVilcni.-v. Hur oltii'.1 N now nuu of Uiu lit :r -t, nnl ill-.' rii.i'' linl i;. ecitninly tin) in tlift South. II iivhy m'ihv. u very l'Hk nf KX'KMXNT STATlONKIiV, wn nw U tu-r linn c.r pn i:m -1 5.. nil kinil.H of ARMY IMUNTIiMi, ul short lotii-o, unit nt rales nioii: n ils, .n.ihle i v, r. .11.1. HL.VNks l imn i.v- (iiarterinaslciv, 'oinmissarics, Ordnance Hl'tcer.--:, Surueons, mnl ollui-s, kl,t 011 luili-l. f"l' - ih. -i- I'lilili.l t .!. In the most Il.vpedilloiis ill.innci . Ilnvin- us-"'"! -l-fli '.I' FINK -T.M I"l.lib AM' CAKHS, in- ,u j.i inr 'I to i Ni'i iUo iVrrcanllle I'rhitiiif, In n -ti It not Is In' i'i.'"ll..'.l. A liii't lot ol'KASlllHVAI'.l.i: I-'.VM V CM:!'- AM' NOTK I'.U'KIW ciiuMi-s us to piint WedJIap jnd Halt Cnfds, and Invitations, Y'S'tiKg Cord. Ao., la a style n-t to ho Iw-l 1-y any "tii-a- in i!.. country. ttr Wn r.-p.'. ifnlly soli. it ih,- t .-ur Miauls tn thi Ar.iv of Tcsni.ssi.i-. nn I iis. -r..i .n-l of the public mr.illy. : II I'.eiu," --Tiiis 'em ban- '"l-'1' I") lii'i.-o. i! ' . I. -elie, tlm j,,,- 1,1 1 in- m '-.. I ' a ,-!e.,., is a lepar.l ! ' i i . y..!l. r: ami u-.e, ,bly .i ".. I' '. i '. " ', I !.,,', p ; ' U ;, uu .'""' !" 1 ' ! a -ni-, tin; ihe ei-iitei- v' 1 apa.'i.'.f . h ii ,; his p..., ym, " 'I' -'I'1"'" d io m-di-in linn , by ob.-orvv in ll:i'l li-' ' ' I.'. In U- inly -i. pi in mm -pt and 10 XI lim!i' e!iilii;,". lo a;, ..!mi"' "''It ' ' :i,-'. Sh ea mail!" -rr. ,i ,1 litile '"l"'.V. "'I'I'e I'-pill-'l ion'1 V .-llovv at Illl. The lliiib- .,l 'i l .-'.t w I. lie !" " ei" i I'm te ; '.'" in.pi'ircl t!ic sliovviiian, "'i' li al.v . "In ihe A...tliacary, of Ihe '.' "I So l,;ii, all '.''' " lb. wlmro ii , a a b-p- :', u hi'" a-. , oil I h-hu,,i went forth -i.-Uk - I'v Tine 1 1 1 . We le ini thai sixty- ' , ."iml , : :iid I i ,ve Imen caplured by G, ll. I nil, ', p j , el ; liroll -li this oily y- -lei, lay oieiii liii-ir way to Atuler- " 'oviiie M .-i .,1 limni claaii in . ',,,L Teio,,'- ... am.' ',., W I :;,;, IV, AAorMM'tlsHtUtM Ty'uViiY5T?ivi'f VT i f. i i.-j A A , III . .1. V, , Iv ei I- . !-, p...... I'"! 1 !" I"'- -""' "I"'.' ,, - 1 I a H e I', m il line. I.;i,ee at - "' ';!""' 1 " """ '''riiT - o 'u :.."l : .; a, , . J -'- ' b ' I I V ''! ml I . 'A'. P. ernan, I ' a 1, ''-'- '-. : - ' " .' !', b. .1. M ...... ,. . ,!.,n. lm I". .-'Hi. Il .o. . I', ol .1 ie p a,, i. " Ill-It '-I.I "-'on I - nu. I llmir l.o.niic- by c 'il", ' I- hi -li:.'.'. C. II 1 1 ,t . i- e, , e t, ,e'. I l'eo " ' - ' ' , ieio I ,, , Hatch Factory , tnl ...,-i--- l.,r M IM'lliOl! rnxcrzoN snatches TRY TIIK.U; I ley am a- I as any yalil:ee lii.-it.-hes. A bl,,- ISI'.l'.h ,l(IHNtl, liritl'm, 'in. .1 I I I' 'VUv, llAuvUvxnmr-v.i Vouudvy, l.iH'ATKli AT Gllll-'l IN, GA. bli -vrli 01 .'in - IM !.! WAIIK ,,f ,,11 kinds ' I .-'1 li I i' b li b I I. lis at .,1,1 j.rie, s tor ol.l - S'l'l.liS al . . pi-i.-.-., or the.y will !;ivil lll Jil-tS-lT-l'"- r. v. 1 1 t ,. . lb T. WI-il'.STliK, ,t t-ii. roM I'OM K TII. I, JJOVD.W. I he .-l-ieii of iromls liclollgin.! to J. A. SH23ZZS &. Co., will b,. s,,!.l at the An, 'lion llooin 011 Hill street sain coiiiiiii'ii.-iii-; ,,11 Wi-'iiimihiv tho lath nnl., at 111 o'eloek A. .11. Thu slock cm -i,!s ,. a .-1'imr.d at.-orliiient of DID' C,uniS, n a iii) ir.ii .', cloth 1 xa, tl'e. ,1 e. Tlm holies arc particularly invite. 1 In utlcinl the sam on JThui-silay the Kith, As mi that lay nill be s,.M I. lii:s' i )!( c;o()ii, TitiiMic;s, i,it(;i: vviti- lillliS, lti thins,;(;i: Altll.TY. -i ( om;t am) syviss timm.imno, I. aiu.i; V.VItll TV. I! I. AC Iv AMI UIMTi: SILK, COTTON i. vciis, i.aik.i; Aiti!:iv. HOSIERY, lloRS, XEEDI.ES, the i ... Ill lately ...I'.'U ti' 'I by Joseph l'.i 'inr-i-eli. 'M. ii. i'i:wr,i:ur,v, Ailetiom-iT. Ilriflin, lb'., .bun- bi, l-'il -11 Printing Material Il.iv:: ,- 'i 1,1,:. : I one ..f t iie lal'-e.-l ami b. a;-- . , i : , : i 1 ,,ri:,t m i -1 ..1,1 1 iiim 01 in 1 he I'. ,n homy, ue i :i, i I ,r aie I'n- material I'mmerlv ii-, , in tim pupli. .ili-n "I ile- 1:1.1.1:1., t".;i:hi with t'm .Inii 'IPI'I' li alta-l-.r 1. 'I he .'-... tii. ,. i-' ,ai,i,li, ! ;i!i 1 v r, (iii-iic l',,-lie-pnl li- emu .,1 a l. uly ..r W'.-kly J-mrnal. 'i'i ' m:..l-.:i; r I.l e i ' "I b' " -i'" ami Mlll- ; w ill- a -mail I nt ei' I. -i..- I'riimT. j h : ,l.,i, i;:i'.. i . .! -npi "'l with t; "-, t..r or lit. . ' ' '" 'k w"rk- " ' i;"r i;,, i'i- . a 1. ,i 'e. I'mit ol' smail Pica. I' r 1 1, w-r ....' I a--, rii-:::-!,' vr l'.,imy hoer, ..! ,, ....! ... -. I.lll-l . A -. r ,,, , ,;-.:,' man ri il i- in : . .. I i,t,, r, .,11 1 m :,i L-J .p.p..-. -1 "l" nt 1 ra!, -. A-i'lre-. I'P.Wt'. .M. l'AI I , iiiir.i., 'ia.