Newspaper Page Text
PI 11 HATTA a. J VollUlH' I I (Mil IRI'X, C3.A.., .J U N K :2(, lS(i l X 111111)01 J25.1 I? OA X M)0GA . TIIK DAILY RKKKL. r.Y niANC M. I'Al'L. Tonus ill' Subscription. ..pv din' iiimilli " Iwn II. -Mil f-t,.M t'..Otl ' U.OO Ailvc rtlslng'. .1' I. II Miles .11' I-'-- I'ol- r.n'll lll- " I III ni. nun.' Itati's ill' . per S,p;,'- TV. ..'I'll. -I Dollar, "I'.'l Mi THE DAILY liBKI SATI KDAY I'.V KN'IN'ii ni: it lsill EVENINCr EDITION. Tii Our I 'Acliangcs. Ip In this time, Icy fr, thu greater pnrtinn nf nnr e.xc haugc.-i have failed I di-envcr our new In ('Ml inn, or, if thi'.v know il, have iu'i;!m' r 1 . 1 In change tho address, nf tlii'ir i"uis'i-y. t ! t-i 1 1 li-tii I-ii nf the Press, iili:iy examine ynnr 1 Is. Latest from tho Front. Tim eni-tiiv made ' II flll'il :i--.mlt in llu.'o lini' Upon l ltl.iu l,"'- I1 i nil till! ll'fi i'i' nl:r tiun. ii"T ; M u .;.i!ii nl r.l.t'y Li riiint,'. l'n--I'licrs v ho imiiii' ilnwn fruni the fVntit, nn the tiiiin, nay llio I'ni'iny'f l.'ss was heavy, mt.l lhat nf I'li'hnrnc lilit. Hi'ii;. lien. Lnein.-i J. I'nlk ru-eeivL-il ii iiainl'ul w.inn.l in (he eulf nf the le lint 'cnnsiileri'.l clmii rnus. Tim enemy arc rennle.l tn he innvin' amnn.l tu the left nf .I.'hnstnn's a;:ain. At leat nno tlivisinri is knnwn tn have i.isse.l in lhat .lireelinn. Ilavini; ui.mI.' a fair test on nnr liht, he lias enn'.l t.t try aiiin Ihe left, lluis chihi:iii;4 an in firmity nf Hirinse, whieh is llie liest evi'lcni'l' that tic i nniiihiseil. An iiit-'Uienl rnlh-man, I'liiini'i teil willi llie anny, wlin left I lit! fmnt la.-l ni'ht, I'xpre.-se.l the njiininn Ihal Shi rnian has nn hleii nf hrinin nn ii general i'ii;:iii iiunt. tien'l .li.liiisl.'ii is sa'nl tn have him in mi.1i ii p jihun ihal he eannnt curry nn any Hanking njieratinns, willi nnt having his nwn fi.ree ent in Iwn. It iM iniw sali.-faelurily -ellU'l, thai the I'mee ivhieh Fnrrest has sealteie.l en.l aunihilaleil, whs n part nf Ihe 'I' in ii -M -si ii anny, mi its way tn reiiifnreo .hprman. The ieal rhiel'iain nf the West llllf thus n'tt'lereil the nmst e-M'llti.ll M-rviee tn (Jen. Jnhnslnn's army, liy annihilatini: this ri' infnrt'iti onlnmn. The nmral etl'eet. nf Mieh a vie tnry can nnt lint he immense njinn Ihe ennny, as well us in the cncnnraemeiit it nllnpls tni.-irnwn liravc trnnjis. l-'nrre.-t ami his army have certainly won hays. We rejirct inneh lo learn that the gallant amlae ('ninplishi'il soldier, lirij:. lien. ,lnhii '. Hinwii, is unwell at Marietta. We hnpe lhat a few days' rest H ill restore llilll. tit' It is related nf the Itntlrchild.- that i-mir- 1 icrs left the field of Waterloo, every ten minutes during the continuance of the cch-brnteil hade, fur i t'ueir houses in Ihe different Capitol of Earnpe. Time, the result nf Ihe battle was known tu them in I'liris, Taunlnii and Vicuna, twnhnurst befnre the 1 intelli-enec reached the j;ov ernmciits of Ihe Allies. And they closed tho pending nenlialimis with the Allies for a larjro loan, j - Iteciuitin nthcers have been sent tn hex- : intnib ilnuvillc, nwen-born, llnpkiu-Tillc, and other principal poinls in Kentucky, with instruc tions from tho War Department to enlist and re ceive into the military service all slaves hIio apply : irrespective of the n i.-hes or poUlieul slatus of their owners. Xuiru recruiting is repurted to be pro-c-'eding briskly under this arrangement. Tho whole number of prisoners entered ut j the I.ihby prison since the first battle of .Manassas, duly, ISIil, up to the 'JZlh ult., was sumclhin;; over ninety-seven thousand. V- Ilallooninn in the army has been voted a failure by the yankt-c (iovcrnuient, and all the ar tist apparatus beloiifziui; to the (iovcrnuient has been sold at auction. I-'roni the Army of Tcnncs-ri-. ( 'i.rri spmiileaec of Hie Uiiui.l V.S ntKNl'IIF.II (.INK, H K V K V Mtl.HS KRT OF ) M.MtlK'I'T V, IlltlU lli, lSt'li. J TUB ASSACI.T. At noon yestoi'ilay heavy hodies of tho enemy were observed missing in front of tional or philosophical grounds. Ihe u-oney-.lacksotrs and (list's brigades of Walker's -''l men seem to think that I nelo Sam's fu- .... ... ... .. ., ture existence (lepeniis on iiruiit giving i,ee 1 division, with the evukvit, ,., rptisc id a-S,H,lt- itlinishinK(liirii'i;! ie ,, I1 ing that part of our entrenched lm '. Heavy ;,i Ciuiri(Mit business man (Anieiiean) ; skirmishing with email arms ami artillery ' say that ho believed if he had wanted to bor was kept up during the evening. Bate's re- row fifty thousand pounds on last , Saturdim-j .... ii- . a week ago. un the security of u million ster- I servo division xvas ordered up in supporting ; jn l0 W()lM , distance of A nlker, and every preparation ; lav(J r((nij ;t imp1(S!,i,0 tu g,;t tho money of i matin to give the enetiiv a fitting reception. a London broker. They seeni to have made At 4 l'. m. the artillery became tnoie dea-: up their minds that unless Leo is defeated ,. i. i- in - e bv iraiit JonatJiau is a gone coon, and that fetiing ainl teriihe, ut.d the Hearing roar of '. . h ', . ., " ,, , , . . , , , , 1 extreme unction mav lie at once administer- , musKetrv loin tnat on.- sKirmisners nati ocen driven in. Another moment saw a heavy line of the enemy, strongly supported, mov ing up in splendid order, until within range of Walker's guns, when a well directed lire from his veterans recoiled the enemy's ad vance, and after several desperate cllnt ts to continue his a-sault, lied, panic-stricken, and : :i.l ,i:,, -.!.... i.. i. ,,.i,.,.r,.,,, l,!o III (V IIU ui-i'ifi-i i" mo 't "I- it" " ,. , , . ci- i i i ditches, leaving many of Ins dead and woun- ded on the field. Walker s loss will not ex- coed seventy-livo killed and wouiidod, ineliid- ing all tho skirmishing in which he was en gaged during the day. The enemy's loss cannot be accurately computed since a largo number of their killed and wouiidod wore car ried to tho rear before their repulse ; though his loss from the very nature of the assault was very heavy. At dark firing gradually censed. Hate's division, though not engag ed, milVered the loss of several men from tho Continuous shelling kept up by the enemy, ii: I sum: its. Squals often, evenly and thirty prisoners may uo seen inmost every iiotir going to uic roar, some captured ami otheis deserters from the enemy. They all agree in stating that Sherman is ready mul wiil bring on a gener al engagement without further delay, t A I'T I UK n. A rumor, apparently well authenticated, is current, that late yesterday evening the i'l-'l .Mil. Ileg't was captured by the enemy. This regiment seems to have been sent from Hood's corps as a support to the picket, and was surrounded and captured. I trust that there is some mistake about this matter, but not having time to investigate it, 1 merely give it as a a rumor. Heavy cannonading lias occupied tho ilay. "M A 11-11 VII . . i t . n . W.. lru. V.. k. Smith, in ii private letter, vwil Irii mi tin? Ttli nil. i tn ii rition nf liViu hhtuy, hh t " We have just had unit nf tlu lliu.-t yileci'.-.-I'ol ,ioti luiiliiiiit campaigns id'tlm war, U.-ling only ."ill In v. Willi '.'2 ,111111 men ivn litve ilclealed jO.lillll in tlu-en K' "' r" I engagements mill M'vrnil minor luilll.-s,'lii'.l .'mil niilcs, fought in l,oui.-innii an. I Ailan sa', It i 1 lot iin.l ;i 1 1 1 ii r. I 1 1, mill n' llii- hi. my, talon ,i iiicfi' c.f ,,rl illi rv. and llliMI iiirwns. An. Nunc nf my Kind' were Inn I. (iiiiiiinghaiii, Junes, Travel inn) myself, liin 1 horses lnit under iih." The rain mureil ilnwn lull niht in tnr nmts iiiul h itlinul euvHatinti a a'rfeet ileln'i', A wa ri'iiiarke.l this innniin, that unless the rain shipped nun, hnth arjuie)! would he c.tmpf Ue.l tn .-tnp llhlin;; and o tn the tup of Keuuesaw inniinlaiu I tn net nul nf the water. T iffcVo learn from our attentive correspondent at Marietta, that Uri. tlen. Lucius J. l'olli. of Ar kansas, was shut in Ihe calf of tho lei,', in the tilit of I'riday evening. l.i'ttf r from Miirivtta. I M.UIIKVTA, June 17, I Mi I, ) j S u'elnck 1'. M. )' Kiui'iit UitKI, : My uttcutinn was direeled nn j ycsti'i.h v to the llxed ac and sympaihctic mun linii e.Cllihilci liy tvvo ynali.f la.l!."( rtt a untie . lyinj; near nne of the side-walks of thin hcautiful j town. 1 iidiirt a dead inula Is considcrahle euri-o.-iiy, almost nn much mi ii.i a dead white horse nr a skinuy-iicckcd woman, but I wnuilcred that when j dead men were so thiik iirnund, why this paitieu lar animal should exeitu mi lunch btTectinn, It is 1 Miid lhat Sterne would o iuo cyinpalhelic raptures over a dead mule and neglect n living innlher, hut" j I have nn idea that these fining ladies Here at ; traelcd hy any such sentiments. They wcre.rnh ahly moved liy the feelings of ti e Kpieiin au who ottered a rewind for a new scusalion. A dead man lliey coulil .-co every day, hut a dead mule would add attiaetinn to llarnua 'il Museum nr Ward's wax "liters. " 1 am snrry tu coiuinuuicate that ('apt. ('. II i lienrp' nf the Itritliu Sharp-hnwtcrs, was wninoled i nn yesterday through the left lun. .lso Ih nry Heard, of the 2d tin. Sharpshooters, had his icit 1 thili hrnkcu. A hap .-kirmish tunk place on our extreme tell to day. No lighting to-day on our centre, tin yesterday, Hardee's corps tell hack ahmit Ihi.e luih s and now occupy a position four miles from .Marietta. i The li.-t enclosed exhibits two hundred and nine . id the wounded as having arrived heie on yc.-tei-i day. i Theenciny ahelleil Keune.-aw Mountain, this eve ! nin ahout Ave o'clock. Wo learn that the liil shell caused a eousi.lerHhle "iiiiliu down .-tails the itllu visilms wiio hail emwdcil the Si''- mil Corp for Kcvoral days. Our informant says hi; srvrral scared penplo mid he Innked himself as if lit! had done some "tall walking" or was short win ded. (I. A. M. : ri iii ii It. It. C. Report n? men Admitted intu Hospital at t.rltni, ;a.,Juue Mill, IMlil. The fll.iwinK iiaine.l isobliers were adniitle.l into -pilal, ut this Post to-day. I'AIOUSl llosl'ITAL. Private IlanT A I.owry, co !', il'.Hh (in. I.ieut. V II .Moore, eo A, .'illtli Trim. IIIIIKI'TION IIOSI'ITAI.. (JeorircS Saunders, en K, 1-t Kr. cr.'t. Private Alphouzo Piluiau, eo K, lath .Miss. yl iNTDIII) IIOSI'ITAI.. I'rivate I, K Sparks, eu I!. 1st Con. (in. Aaron X Camp, eo A, lllh tin. .1 D Pope, eo Ii, 4 llh (in. W M Freeman; eu I, lilth (in. Hoii't. C. Fostkii, Sur'. in ch'e llo.-piluls. Hove the Wau Affects Lincoln Skciiii tiks is riiRoi'E. Tho New 'fork Humid contains two interesting letters from Europe, Tho one, dated London, May "th, 8ays : "l'ublic expectation here in getting tip to a pretty high point as to the probal lo result of the military movements' in Virginia. If (irnnt should get the worst of it, it will give iiiiineiiso encouragement to the friends of sc-cc-sioii in Kurope." The other, dated London, May 14th, s iys: It ia difficult to describe the speciea of pan ic that has existed here on American nrtairs lor the last six, or eight days, tind far more "difficult to account for Iho name on any ra- ed. The consequence is all transactions in American securities are about at an end till we get si.ino more news from tho battle-fields of Virginia. - The llichuinnd .Sentinel of the lull, savs the report sent bv Hutler to New York, ami brought back to us by tl.o Times, that the Mavor ol Kichin uid had heen thrown into i ... , ,,,, , i. . , I Castle lliuiider, for proposing tu. surrender ci, was 8f(irtod in . tmt cj,v al.ut a , wc,.k n.r,i, and had a considerable run a- week iig-ti mongst tho villainous old hags whose litis bands have gone over to the Yankees, an left them to be supported by public ami pri vate charity; hut it mwor extended beyond this class till one of them earriod it to lteast Hutler. Wo w ish most devoutly they would all go over to tlm Hoast in a body; it would boa great relief to the city treasury and en nblo us to attend better to the wants of the indigent families of our miMiurv. They might tell the lteast whatever they pleased, j p,,, ,le mn,y m,,st everywhere is most - 'promising The lateness, will nut hurt it Clr.N. Lm:. It has been generallv believed., perhaps be nf great benefit. So that wo have that (ien. Leo is so ill as to be unable to tip- pear on the tluld, This is u mutuko which has been corrected in many iiiiartnrj. The Charleston Courier says; Wo aro happy in being able to state, on the authority of an nfliecr who readied our city on Thursday from tho sceno of conflict in Virginia, that tho reports which represent liencral Loo as suffering from ill health, are altogether untrue, Our informant tells us ho saw the great captain on horseback, Innk ing fresh and cheerful, a day or two before ho loft. A C ask or I'kei kuknt. It has been shown by lato discuvories, "underground" in I'um- pen, mac me ivouian woman tu me uays wnen I'ompeii iwasa tiourisniiig city, garments wonderfully like pantaloons uf our . iVhat kind of ft caiia is it that no man likes tn walk with Ifurricano. Kmni Staunton l-iirthrr I'lirtlruliiis nf ! till' 1 .11 to l'l"llt. Tl.o Iiyiuhbuig Virginian, nf Wednesday, says : We received Milne nihlitinnill paliifllhirs, tlll'nlill l! I II , .Menu, last evening, ni allail. ill III!' Valley. 'I'lii' yai'licc- t'l'.li .ti-se."-ion of Staunton ut '2 n'clo -k nil .Mnlld.lY. Tll'-.V I'lililU In have CMplllrfil seven ty live pri-niicr.- including .'til cnnimiio.iuued iiHiecis. Am. nil; llie-i' in (id. Itruviu, wlin i-badly wnunilt.l. Clonk had joined Hunter, and their united fiuves arc rcpmlcd In lm utiinil 1 1, Hull. ( ui, ii I'imvii was si'in. wiiu u lint; m irurn i mm citi-niv In n-k t'nr llii' of lif-n. Jones, and was assured lhat lie had lieeu dc er.ive marked. cully interred and his .1. llTcrrcIl that thev The Yankees admitted tn I had liccn roughly haiidlcd. Il is not supposed that they will he ah'e lo nceu py Staunlnii Inii': hut we refrain making any puh iiealinll nf the po ilinll nr nuilllier of I'm ci that luny I elied upon In clear the valley nf 1he.-e ma rauders. We Iin.l the following' in Ihe Charlnllsvillc Chrmii clc of Tuesday : t.ii'iil Jn-. .'. Miillnrv ri'iiehi'd here nichl. hav'niL' left the Mnuulain Ton at lincklish icn ahout II o'clock yc.-lenlay ultc n. lie slates Ihal the lii;hl hean at l'ii dinont (near New Hope), at it o'clock mi Sunday linniiiii, and laslcd until thicc. Wo were very Micci.-ful rcpalsin)! the euciuy a niimher nf times, their loss lo-in three tu nne. A limit .'I o'clock Iho liiith Virginia regiment, from some caii.-c unknown, broke in coufueioii, and our line was thiown into iti.-m iirr. lieu. .Imi's fell, killed. The army tell hack, half a mile, and then it l.inni'.l inul re' in--1 in r nul nrder nim w li'.i.o.ii. Itiiuiu ntlfivervlhini except lb and b-i'llv wnuuded, the ciieinv beilm too b.l intu h crippled lo trc.-s us. . lieu. Vaughn's head. punier.-are at Wayne-b..r and our nriny coplident of their ability to In .1 if cavalry, mnved frniu llutlaln capaibnul. duvliL'ht yeslcrday nmrii i n to ellccl a iumiiou wi'h 'iiii','hn. We also learn lhat the Slauuloii operator, who localed at lloektisli ki, rcpoiied yesterday even in); Ihal tin- enemy ejitcred Slaunlmi .Mmi lay nmrii -in al half past iiim- o'clnck. 'iin; i-iiiin- ni: v.: stai siiin The hyuehhur Kcpablieau, of Thur da savs : lioin a eutliinan who left clock Mmidav inul ninir. and Slaunlmi at In who had rv'crv r.airce of cm reii tuf irtuatinii al his coiiiuiand wc : Ihal the iiht was a very severe one and for .-nine lime had piorcs. ed very Miccc.-sfully Inr us, l Ihe I'lieiuy having been several limes repulsed, when mi a sudden, finni smnc uuexplaiiicd cause, the liiith 'irinia 1'i-u'iiuent, w Inch held an impnr ! t xi ii t point on our line, broke in cmifu.-imi, mid thus ("used nlTlcr 1'iiltiiilis nf nur lines In eive way. Al j lhi;i umuu nl lien Wm. I). .Inties was killed wllile : etideavoriiiL' lo rally Ihe broken n diluent. His fall ere. lie. 1 addil iniial emilasimi, nf whieh Ihe runny wci"pi"Uipt to avail Ib.'ui-clic.-. The .entire line ' then fi ll ba. k iil.ul Hi iles and held tin ir po. i ' limi inilil i ii i 1 1 1 . (be i in in v not piii'iiiii. lin l ' in' Ihal the enemy were in. I di-pi'-ed to renew Ihe , baile the ciilnicaui! vva- iven to"fall back upon W a v lie - hi i i'i ', which Ha-ibuie in ninl order, our arlillery a-ul I rains lii-iii! all hroachl nil safely. Alia nut.-cniicur ii, the opinion lhat lull for i the unti'iinuatc panic of the liiith icimcut, we i i-lmald have a. Iiicvid a brilliunt v iclmy. The in I imy had been three times repulsed and their line ivn.- wavering, and it is hidicvc.l, had nur men .-tnnd firm for fifteen minutes. lmiL-er, thev would have lroki and retreated, vtlu-ii Ibis ili-a-trous panic III -pip u I lit 111 linn leiictten noil cnitin-.i their oniecr- In rally their di.-piritt-d columns and -natch iho victory frmn nnrra.-p. I inr losses in Ihe l'','ht were heavier thai 'Hurl ed ye.-tei'il.iy, il nnvv bein stated that we ha tin ..illi o linn killed and wounded. A lla' id trin e was sent lolhe Yankee (ien. Hun ter Monday mm nine;, to a-cciTaiu the fale of lien, .tunc.-. He airwi-rel that he was II illcd, hav in been .-hoi through the head, and that his hotly had 1 1 It- l..,ri...l i l.i , , !j...l' il.,.i . . i : . 1. 1 . I . I ... I ,-ri,.ni ,',,1,, ,.,.,.),,im i,is r,.,is. Hn also .-tilled that he held as prisoners lifly -ciiiht nliiccrs j and seven hundred privates. Anion;; Iho omcers were Col. r.rnwn, commanding McCau.-land's bri- ,id", whn was badly wouiulcil: Cm II l-.ncs nf Vaughn's brigade, mid Col. Aiken of .V.Uh Ten- ncsM'c, the later rcpiirlcd killed, but who is unhurt, ami ('apt. K. II. Faulkner, of the lath Virginia regiment. If this be true il will make our total losses Mini up some I ".nil or I tun, a scriuus disaster hut nne which we feel well assured will bit speedily and fully rtiiicvcil. I.ieut. Col. Ilccklny. nf the lath Virginia ballali m, was badly wniindpd. In addition to thu los.-c.-. in (he held, we understand thai there was about I II I II t of ,-ick and wounded in Staunton who were caplured and paroled. The Yankee Ion-en in killed mid wouirlcd, while quite lar'e, were not so heavy as ours. They confess, however, to bavin;; been severely punished. We took no prisoners. .. . , ii..... - :.. i i;. m i... licucrui Illlllier ut cn 111:11 itiiiinioii .uminiii v-i- - ning I l.,.l;.,v. .1 il,i i' Ii'. 1,,,... ii I. ,. u . . , Averill's onvairy. joined him during that day. Neither of Iheso latter were iu the tight. Hy ihe occupation of Staunton we shall lose mune (iov- eminent -tores, but not amounting to any great deal. The loss to private arties will it is feared. 'Mmlnovcn-en.s of the o. y e the occ- leili.iti of we have no aullicntic informa- timi. nor have we heard IIUV licfllires US to their probable intentions. Wo think, however, in sill- yostcrdav, lhat Ihcir power lor turllicr lniscluel is lost. litovi tui: v. i.i.ev. Tlic Cli.irlottesvillu Chronicle, nf Wednc! luy. A cnurier, whn arrived here about dark last eve ning from Wayuc-boro', reports Uiat nothing fur ther h is occurred in that iputrler between the ar mies. He undcr.-looil that (ien. Hunter did not take possession of Staunton until i p. in. mi Mon day. The pickets of his army extend out from Staunton within about six miles of Waync-boro'. Our loss in the battle he reports us ipiile heavy, (ieiieral Iiubodcu i-not caplured, as repurted. The Republican, of the 'illi, says: Among the buildings burnt were the railroad depot, provo.-t marshal's ollice, the Ionise ill which was the conscript, other, and the quartermaster and commissary buildings, togetiicr nilli oilier houses liy the (iiivcrninenl. We heard of the destruction of no private residences. A number of negroes escaped from the town, some prt-v ions to and au.l ttl hers since its occupi In ai uv Hit- i-nt'iiiv. .iianvni micsc nave arriveu in ('bitrb'i.l. sYillc, preferring the mild and paternal j rule of their nia-tcrs to that false frcedoui which, tile yaliKces oner inem. 'ten. luiliodeu, reporli-d missing iil'h-r the light i en Sunday, i-, we are pleased tn l"imi. Willi his ! ecnunan.l, and prepared to strike anther blow when J tlic !'r"l"'r "",0 "'"vt's- Tn k Ciiui-s. -l'roiii all parts of thecountry xj e h ive favorable reports of tho crops. The wheat especially is line, and harvesting in many parts has commenced. There is al- niiiiii larger ttretuitli ct land has boon planted iu wheat than there was last year. The Mobile Tribune is told, hy gentleineii who plant in Smilh Alahnma, that the grain is very full mid compact. So that, in all prnbabilily, we shall have not on ly an abtuiiliiiiee of lion r, hut a very superi or quality of it. The corn is in a similarly i flourishing condition. Jt, is a little behind", I n ivv a prospect ot a lair season ol unusual prnlitieno-s tu two ol the essential cereal crops of the cuntry, There is no appruhensleii among those whoso business it is to know, as to the full ness of meat bacon. The cholera has af fected the hogs some, but not so generally or so fatally as last year. There is, also, an abundance of baron in tho posnossloii of gov ernment the contribution of tithes; though we Irani Hint much ot it lias been luully Atlanta and tho doloat nf the rebels at both ; cured, as though the tax pavers were indif- pl;tC0H will be Waterl o defeats, ftrent to its ijiiality so luii ns it meets the requisition. This is something that wo re gret to hear, lor it implies that are too "Hiblieul Sin, lent, ( irillin. ( ia.,'' is inforin inany people who grudge tho servico which cd that we stand corrected un the point nllu i they have been called mi to give to the conn- ded to in bis letter. It escaped i nr nb-crvn-! try, that thev are shirking the duty, and act- Don at the time. IV e thank him for calling jn ,mv n.eci.riliu to the letter of the law.-- (. Mevurv. j Tlic Lineolnites havo again coinmenced j arresting ladies in llaltiiuoro for talking so- cession. n"' Clonic- Cuiiicr. X TiniH.v ai iiin:;'. I! rail ci' 'I tin' '.ii iirr will i rn imiilirr lli at wo Inivr rr;o'ai".ll v i. i I'll nur In lirl' llnil tll.H'r win rro iiliir ml l r i..nlrli''ii lirhvrrll 1 1 1 Viiiikri'-i ticii'lhis cilv nail iipii-i and ll'uitul's: within tin; i -i t y . Tim nli-rrvatintiH. nf rvi'i-y il.iv liavr i' iiilinuc.l this omvii'ti'iii tuiil tlm lu'lirf llnil iliis traii'ii'.ns rnii-i'-pmi- ilriirr k! ii i 1 1 1 I In! ilclrrlc'l i.r u i". rnli' l, ami - 111 1 1 1 III! 1 Hi! I'll 1 11' 1 if Inl I II Wlilllll oil'!' ilili'(! I'of IIi'ih jiui-po-r .i coiiiiiKin siiHi anil tu tin) fill ili i V I lift 1 1 id' niraim ami noi'licirs lociilly inul specially niluplr.l In tlnit rc-iilt. W ('annul, id uinir-c, nit'i' intu ilrtnil.s, Imt sliall iiimv oivr nn ii'Mit imiiii in-lanrr wmiliv till1 lltll'lltinll nf nil I',1 Mill cili.l'IK wlin IlllVt! pi'iliiirnt ii'l'iiniai inn iitul nf nil nllicialiy rlnil';;i'i with 1 hr ih'li nrr nf tlm ri'y. . A ci'iitlrin.'in id' miiilhrr Stall- wrilrn In a friend in this ri: v a IniMiir ; ; Irltrf, lot- smni! . I'xll'iicts I'luiii whi.'li ivr air iii'lrlitril n tin-1 tlii'tilillil Uttl'lll lull nf WnO'lwniil, id' tin? I Inl is. riplully I'Clldy (ill 1 riliisi! anil rniiiiti'v, ni- i raillllirni I'.xpl'i'f-, (iCciik'uiii, In Ken o tin In nldli- il hii-nil. r shall lint iiiilieali) tlm vi iter's i.iiiiii'iir 1 1 -iili'iH-c. ninl iicu.luiily . say tlnit In1 is ti nsi'.vii ihy. The rxtruct w ill ' n'liri'vvisn cxpluin iUrll : 1 saw mid (iinvri-ril, in tlm pn-srin i! nfan oilitiir nf Iliis plai-i!. with limi -V.-!ii--t!i-, tlm ' cnptiilTil an I;. lie w a here all ;ht. 1 spent -.nne t w .1 Ii n: r. talk il I'imi- sullied mill mi I 'ii.u I I, him mi va-r- lii'i.'i.tllv. Si cyiin.ui' was in I .( nnin.'iiil on I'lilly I. luii'l only a lew works lirlnro In- was i-nplni--ed in Virginiu. lie sayn, ammig oilier tilings, that he was oppose. I, ami is stilll, to Ik shelling o( the eily. ami w h le ut For tress Monrnr, on his v:iy I'rmn Sitilli Camli ini to Virginia, In: wi-nlean artii-lii for thu New York lleriiltl, slinwing Hn; wiokednes-s lllnl fully of shelling Chill Ir-lnli. 1'ut mark w hat he sa vs : ufiri' l:r said that the .'- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l'.itint guns, cast ii-nii, arr the hr-t "iins thrv lia l mi llie i.-lmnl, that, il was they ihut (lii'rvv tlm shut up inl i.lnlni street, a fact of xvas well iiwm't.' he Inbl . nn.' the lniii.-e it struck, ami where, tin- shi-IU did the nmst tlmnagr. llekimws a great ni.iny prr.-nns in Charles- i Inn, anil itiiuin'il lor somr. 1 was astonish- i el when he t'.l'l id' srvrial nrsnn.s ami their I'ainilies, ninl where tlmy are now snin-j in the niinv mid soon- staying at home. I'M (Iriilly he had a rnii'i'-piiiiilcnl in xmir gond . city, he was so well po-lm no what happen eil l lien. He lull mi' that liillinnrc was having six lll'-ptiiiirlri- steel 1'iirroll gum ninde, tn he phlt-oil on Morris' l-laml, ami Ihal from the experiments made with these guns they ear lied ti. miles. That they certainly can leach every part nf the oily. He says he deplores this fact, Jiut the people nf Charleston, in less than two mouths from the time he wirS , speaking would realize it to their cost. What . do you think of him '.' ' It is perhaps I'min the knowledge of the last (net ah ive mentioned that tin; govern- incut has provide 1 (ten. Srynintn- and his, lelluw prisoners w ith tiiarlers in Charleston, w here tlmy can have a pl'ioiiriil test of the ellicienoy ol the ;!H poiiii'ler steel I'un-ntt gnus. Kill lei 's Eiiblirrir- to lie In ve-llr ated. (icnrrnl lliiller is at a large discount for his failure on tin: Smilhsitle. His "imtriot ism," however, is greatly praisnl for eon-Ht-.ntiiio sn i-hcerl'ully Inr the larger part of his coiiimiinil, under llahly Suilh, to leave him ami gn tn (irneral (Irani, tiarn-t Ihivis houovcr, has tukmi ad aiitage nf his prr.-ent grief to attack Imu hy rrs.ihiliiiii in the i I ' ni ted States Senate,. as follows: Whereas, it has been frequently charged ! iu the puhlio prints ami other modes, that Alien the leaders of the present rebellion; ' were engaged in plnliing ami maturing it, j lionj. V. lliiller was cognizant of and privy ; I to their treasonable purpose, and gave them us cniinleiiiitioe, sympathy and support, ami . . . nn" "'' "ii: sunt liiillor, alter snuie nl the lull . i , i i.i: I i ...ii c .. ; reooi niaies nan piioiisneu nrtiuimicrs oi so- i cession, turned against the .conspirators J 1 whiim ho had sustained tn get pnsiliuii and j (,m(,e ,(.,. (h,; I invennnent. u'f tin: I'niled ,,, ,,. ,(,!,, )im (() ,,,,sll to ,-s . : , ersn..t,l and corrupt nbi,v,s ; and th;U nfl'i' " as uppiunini m, ami wnia- nr wns iici- . lllglll tllll military Si'l'Vlt't he was, ,y 1 1 1 1 ii . -I. lliiller and I , self and his acontnplit many others, guilty nf many acts nf fraud, ; peculation and embi zzh mont against tlm i'niled State-, and many arts of extortion, j plunder, spoliation, oppression and cruelty against individuals : Therefore, In: il I lv:tiilrnl. That tin; present Senate appoint n iinnimittec'if' three to investigate all such! charges against the said Holier ; that the J said committee have power to sit tinting the recess u the Senate, to semi for prisms and , papers; and lhat it rrport all tcsliunuiv ami its proceedings to tlm next .-rssinn of the Se nate. Til K V X k ! I AlMIV TO III-: Co.MiiMilAI til.- The cry nf concentration is being got up in the North in the hope that in the union of their forces they will be able tn carry the j two greatest paints in tho campaign - Kich- 1 iiiniid and Allanta. The Philadelphia In- ; . . .1,,, i; H'"" ' 111 u,-ln- 1 Iu! Hu'.v. ' a A dispatch to the Cinciiinatli Cazollo, from Meadow Willis, West Virginia, states that thin. Crook's command has started on i its second expedition, lliis'tiine it is believed ; to join tlm army nf the I'otoinae, It is al so announced that (ien. Hunter, in com mand of Soiglo's army, is moving iu the ! same direction, while the army nf the North- 1 wo-t iindor (Ion. Dope, il is said, is on tin; way to feiuliiivu the army of llu I'o toniae. All these iun rim-ius show thai ctincontrHtioti is now the order of the day, . atnl in :ii tin; stiongiii in nvt rini'iiw mo ro , lH.llimi is tn be fmiiul in the uni f arm- : ies. I ion. ( Irant will sunn have an army which it will hi! inipn.-ililo for L'c with all tho forces in Ihe South at his t"inniand, to resist and short wm k w ill bo made ol tho soigo of Hichniuud. This concentration, we apprehend, is the true principle of determ ined, vigorous warfare. It gives strength, anil strength un lor tho command of such a liencral as (Irant must bring victory as sure ly a client follows eao-e. , (ien. A, -I, Smith, with his ouniinaud, it is :-lso sii'ul, is enroulu for CluCtjinooga, perhaps to reinforce Shonnan, while at tho -iiino time the latter is being strengthened from every available source. The rebels are uo doubt pursuing tho same pid'u-y, and in a very short time the contending forces, on both sides will bo inas-ed at Iht.' two great objec tive points nl the campaign, Kicimuind ami nur attention to the t-inis -- ,.. A coiiiitry nitlivnlual, w ho was eaugtir in tho watei-wheel of a saw mill, says he in- . tends applying lor a pension, as bo is a sur - vivor of the revolutiiii. TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS OF TilE PRESS ASiiOCI T10A. I ,il. I,, I :i. ..I, In,.: I.. I. .1. -. 'I nr l-in I Il i 1 ( I 'III 1 II 11)1' I 1 't -! i ii I (.f C'.a' .l A' 1 "I I .' in III.' I .ni. .1.' ..I Mi , N', In ill. 1 1 'I'lit' AMiult nn Pi tri shiii'v,'. ' he l lm iny Hi puln il. I'i r i : lis in no, .lune 17th. 'Ihe a--aiill mi 1 all.iy Sixteen la-t e i nin;; was 1 1 a n . 1 ... . nu-T y vepiil-cd by li'l.-lll nd ilidlli-on's I i i-ii ilred and lifly pi rooms ll incnik's corps. They n, and al'iiitt fner hun eapluri'd, bi'lmiLiin I" : laic Unit Ii. ii. I'.irti.n was ninlially Wniuiili -l. liar I'mi liui a -Ii; verse al the . -iiine p., in! (lit- iiiniiniig. 'fiie : al the place, al !! o'.-l !r, p. in., pulsed. Il is believed I '.at lilt- I n i III v'.- I'll i heavily nia-.-ed ill Irmil nf I't tu -hin -. ( hi re built nbuu-l Page, of W i.-c's 111 ig. nle, waskill 'd liiis inmiiing. Capl. l'reil C, trier, of the ltiebnimrl lllues, was wounded Wcilne-dav uii'lit. ami diid ta tlav. - I Col. ltaitdolph 'I hmup.-'iii, severt v' wniihib d in the sumo light, is lining ueli. l.l. CI. i-e was sc V. rly wnundi il, I III is illlpli.V ill,:'. t.'en. I'tiriest's Operalinns, .-"I'li i'il I" Hn' M.-l-iU- Ml.. ; llni l v SriiiM.s, .1 I I. Hi n. l'mii-l reached S.tlelu ml Satard iy, bat a"ii..n id hi-, (-ell! Iii .1 11' I i- still hiiWiTli iheic and .Milnplir. Pri.-oncrs conlinuc to be l.ri.iilit in. Tiler.' arc 111 it ) iv Yankees .-calli'lcd ihi'iii.h Ihe w Is, but owing In the hiu't water and Ihe hrnU:i s j being de.ilroye'l by the enemy, we will be j to gather up a great many. Cilieus mil frmn Meniplii.; rrport tlnit only ci-hl I hundred got back lo thai place. I Hut nf two negro n ginn m - mily :il t .-ity es- caped. ' rwn hniiilreil and lifly--even v.a'nui- and ainbn-I.tiiic- and inaii'y hnr.t.:, itnilc.- and -npplits were t apiurc.l. Filly nl the wag. uis wire l'iaiii.1 w.ih hard tacl, and I wo with saddles and bridles. 'I'hc reticatiirr loric nut reinfmet Hunts'y ! miles out of Memphis, w In u they all let iirni l to I Ihal cily. The gitlianl Capl. 'I'imi. Il.nbriui. of II. nder I sou's seiui-', was .-even ly wuiu.di d in the lefl 1. g , last niglil, while mi a .-emit 1 1 1 1 n - H m take Mil's I li i Til I.I nt-ol ii i:i . , special tn tlic t. Advertiser anil Iti iM-tiT-l Si.s vinio.l, .hun II.- I-iiiin Nmilicrn papers nt ' the 1 I til, received her.', wcgalh'T lilt; following item.- of inlclligt ll' t'. The Federals admit a I".-.-', mi the ml. of ,'IIHIII killed and wounded, linring three days of npera- tit.ns iiriniii'l Cdd Harbor Ihcir bus was L'.iim. Evcrv available man is bc'iim c-oiksi-ii t ratcl un der (irant ami Sherman. i'rcuiuut and Unci havt; rc.-igiicd. The Chicago Times of the mil maki-s the follow ing editorial emamcnls on tin- .-it mi t ien : After live week-, (Iran!'- prospects of success arc Ullilllpl'nU'il. lli- present pn-ilinll, lifter' Ii is defeat at Ihe Wildciii"--, is a ii-iill i.f ii. ecs-ily. lie has precisely the same ob-laeh s tn encounter a- at fir-t. 'fhc -iege of 1 1 ii -1 1 iii i ii 1 1 1 ha- iml begun. When llie new tax and laiilf bills lake elVtet Ihe icople will rcalic Iht -I of Ihe war. Ile.-pite eimnuous la xc.- a inl tl.'lics the exj.iii-es of the liovcriimtiil will c"iilinue to i'Xci cl llie rc-ni.l.-b.v two million.- per iluin. 'I he public credit cannot Inn;; cniliirc siii h a slrain wilhiiiita prn-pect. of relief, 'fhc financial situalii.n, llie I'uiiriunus tax and depreciated currency, the awful magnitude ' "f an ai-ciimiilatiug debt, and the imminence nf explosion, more dc-tructive than any emntlry has ever know n, are bringing people to their sense.-. The rc-i'letiimi of Lincoln decides the continu ance of the war, till national bankruptcy and ex haustion close il. The capture of Uichoimid and Allanta, of la c and Jiilni-tuu's armies, w ill iml --ubdac the rebel lion. Military successes nr conciliatory policy will I never conouer tin: .soulh. Hold, on Ihe lilh, was 1 I to I'.IL'. (!i:n. Smith's .Staff, Con. Gustavo W. Smith has taken eomniiiiid oftho 1st Hivis inn (ieorgia Militia, ami issued un nrder in which he announces the following gentlemen as inenihors of his stall. ( !en. Hubert Toombs Inspector (ieueral. Major W. K. iMiralleuried, Adjutant ( ienerul. Col. Joseph S. (.'bighorn, Chief of Artillery and ' h'diuaucc. Col Luther II. O. Martin, Chief ('uartcr niastor. Map W. -I. W illi f nil, C'nniinissiirv, Dr. Henry li. Casey, Medical I ii tvtnr. Dr. Tlminas A liaius, Division Surgeon. ( VI. Stephens, Aid-tie Camp. " daily ui:ni:L" BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, -itlin. ;;i. ll w l No .1 llie New ami Pa l is -it k I'i: is i im. bsl vio i-iimi x r I'.inoi i lt nn I by I. M-r . lln i ,X -W VI .I'. Wi' lire lin'.V il'ep;ir. .1 lo i xei iile - ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, in .1 -n le not to In- siit'.:i--i'i li-lilni lit In the Colli', id iiiey. I inr ollie.' i- llott otic of til 'iii.iiiih llie bv an iillii r similar i -t:ih- lai'L'e-l. -lli.l llie niati ctwest and Most rushlonable .null. II. the: -iAllt'M ill kiii.l- .a 'i ri i i. i i x i r pr. iml'. .1 1.. .J.. :v, ti bin. ARMY I'RINTIMJ, ill -b'.rt It. .lice, iittil r.iti". 111"!'.' a-"ll.ll' Ilinll h i. 111 tvh. i -i.o er ftiaii orinast crs, ( ?oiminssari'., ( )i'lnanco ( )fli,oi,H, Surgeons, .111.1 otli. 1-. kept ' Ill llie I i:pcililious Aianner. -mi -tnek of ri si: sttiiim-:i:y. am re pivpaiv.1 In execute I tax iu,- ( A l: l -. .WrriaHUIr I'ltnltii?. in a -ft ie not to I., d. A l.ti'.s nl l-'A-lt It V A Kl.t: V M V l A t: t : M.'i'l: I'AI'KKs ,.,! I, - ii- I., piinl AMI Weddins nd Dalt t.irds, and Invitations Visiting Cards, 4c, I In t.yu-not tn i-api In il bv anv nlhiT . II : .1 in !h- ,.,,.,.. -vi: r. i.-tfnliy tb ' n i. n.i-i in th-- m Ii xxi-m.i. of tin ( nwu- at n. rill;. p.!.'. How tui: i:ws riini (Iiiant's Ailmv is Si i-ii:: --i:n. The fnllowing exlraet iVftn nn etliiorinl in tlm New York VM shows how iin: news frmn ( iraul's ainiy is suppressed : In c annum with all the nnirning journals, sum' one, wr lelrahu'd yesterday from giving -! ii' s m w us in nnr possession touching tin veniriils nl timi. (irant's arniy, This was thine in eouipliiiuen with tho very prop er reipie.-l made hy tin; inilitrry authorities, (trio paper, however, the only duo which dis tinctly atid openly supports 'Mr. Lincoln for the I 'resiliency, disrrgm-drd the request of the War Hrpartiiient, and piihlished as full details as it could. IT there was any fnroe in the wishes nl the War Itrpartinent riot to make this news public, it must huvo been be cause il would have give aid ami comfort to the enemy, and imperil tho lives of our sol diers in the Hold. Wo again refrain from publishing tliedetails which are in tmr pos session nf llie movements of (ion. (jlrant's. army. DENTISTRY. Dr. .1. W. Kennedy, Itesltlent Dentist, IS prepared to perforin anv up. 'in t ...- lion in the Denial line. Ollice al k-tiS.? bis re-iileiice in wc.-t (irillin, eninci'ujj'-j1 N iis t li and Sniuiunn sts. licleis by pcrnii.--im. In W. P. luinaii, Cash. X. W. Hunk, A lli ntn: Dr. 11. .1. Massey, M. D., Allau la: Dr. S.on. llape, Denial Depul, Allanta. ,. '.t- liidigcnl stil'l it i s and their families by e 'iiiiug in his i.llicc, can have let-Ill extracted free "f I'h.ii'.'i'. juiielii - .'it" Iflatch Factory Tho undcrsigni d nro now prepared to fill order- f,,r M I'l.KIOIt FRICTION MATCHES THY TIIEI; They are as (,'ootl n any yankeo inatehcs. Address Ill.liKS .v, .lOIIXSdN, (irillin, (in. .Inn.' 1 111' 'V, iUnVUuuMvvv VownAvj, I'dCATKD AT (illll'l'I.V, (iA. A lit: exchanging Hnl.l.dW WAIt K of all kinds XV and SYKI P K FTTIJIS at old prices for old CASTIXllS at old prices, or tllt-v will give Ihe liighfsi cash pr'ee lorold t'A.sTIN'iiS. j'S-l'. . T. WFIISTFI!, ,t CO. I'O-i l lMlM.I) TU. I, IO DAI . 'fhc -lock of gootls belonging to J. A. SEEKS & Co., will be sold at the Auction H00111 on Jlill -Ireel -sale connnencing 011 Wetlnestlay Ihe lath in.-t.j at III o'clock A. M. The stock coiisi.-ls of a general assoiiinciil.,ol' 1UY ;()S, llAKDWAUE, curniiso, dc dr. 'I'hc ladies are particularly invited to alleud the sale on .Thursday the Kit II. As mi tint .luy will he s.dd i.adii.s' Diti;ss ;(oi)s, mtioss Titiiii(is, i'it(;i: vaki 1; 11 Dlt I'.Ssi MUTTON'S, I.AHCJ V. V Alt 1 1 "I V . .1 U OM'.T AM) SUISs TltlMMI(iS, I'Alita; AKII'.TV. mi, At k ami 11 111; silk. orrov l'A('l. I.AIK.i: VAItllCTV. nullum, SHOES, y, iff., tie. Sale in Ihe r.'iun lately nreupictl by .Insiph Uii hai'il-'iii. WM. li, liKWIlKKKY, Anctit'iictT. (irillin. Ha., June I. 'I, 1 SO t 1 1 Printing Material Tor SixYe. Having pan ha-cd one of the largest and !"'-! af' p .iiited printing establishments in the ('mib di-iacy. n c '.IVir for saic the material ftirnu rly n-fl in Iho puplieation of Ihe Daii.v Hkiici., together ilh the .lull nlTK I-) attached. Tin: ncivs ollice i supplied with every requisite for the publication of a l'aily or Weekly Journal. The newspaper type -i-ts ol Itourgeois und Min ion, with a .-mall t""' "f l'ug l'riuier. The .l"b Ollice is "('11 supplied with type, suit able I'm ordinary j"1' and honk work. gund r I timi Jln-'hiiu- I'ress, 11 large foul nf Small I'i. a mr 1 t ..... k xx . n k , agouti assortemtiit. of fancy l-n-r, ' .lent-', cases, stones, stands, Ac. The entire material is in g I md. r. and mil be itlisposed of at low rate-. A,blr.- I'll IM'. M. I'AI I., linnin.iia.