Newspaper Page Text
DAILY (.lill 'l 'I N, isi. MiiMt.W Mi'KMMi, ,i'T, -Jn, 1,-iil. ItfORNSNG EDITION. LOST! V'l' Promt II ni-i, al -M i 1 'gin, about Ihclir't a 1 .1 1- lil.l-k Pocket Kunk, I'oiihiitiiii in -t- mill ii c uinlJ. 'i'lirm wuh unc mile tor nlto hundred d- liars on A. (i. Hiving, mill mi tin r ..r three 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I dollars. S. Isidore ' lluillcl. null ii I'i'.'ilil nf nun hundred il ilia l .- ilolsod nil tin' buck. Till' III count VV'.'lo IIUHl')' ' lo.Minst lini I'niiicdoi'nlii i in criilnrnl, itlnl inuilu nut mi Form i .Nos. K und ill!. Ai mils against tin' L'"ia;i tun-mi linil been approved, ur certified it i- In' tin' I'.lh. wing ii.iiiu'il nllicor, : ChI. Ali'X. MiKinstiy, I'.ir jWiMiii ; t'nl. 10. l. Uhiko, $1 "il.tul ; Ari'lii'r Anderson, i ila.llll i l,t. Cul. F. M. Kent, si. i. lilt ; dpt. .1. l,.,Hl,$li..-.0 j t'apl.O. II. (iiiiloy.SI' Limit. .1. S. Harwell, $?7.il0; lit. i . ."i in I II I., Tint I .it mi tni'.l nccniint wits receipted, ii ul limn paid, lutt imycr deliv ered til till' proper njliccl. Tin' i:iviimnt ul' tlm lliil'iivi''l tlefnllllts Itlnl uf the notes has been sl ipped, nml :i-t tlm papers tiro viiiuli .,s lu tin; Ii inli'r, ii' hope they will l.e re lumed. Wo ivill .av ii liberal reward fur lllO ro llllll I.I' till' pocket I Il papers. juncll I'll AM'. M. PA l b. v. .... MiC'iill Telegraph nml CollfcdcrillO I'upy twice, Tlit' Work before mir Con lit iiicti. While unr ciiutilrynien have much In ehcer Mini ciirnllrugo thclll, and f;nilt cause, .if thankfulness In IhoCiier nf nil, fur tlm present e'itiiiitiun nf military affairs ami fir tin- icnsniiablc prospects nf It cessation I'lTli). lililii', '.lilh'.ll till: 111' X t friv llli.ntllH, tlniy hnvi'.at tlic .-atiio litnr, llm and uliun-i-t Hiiiniilaiih, tlint run inllariiri.' liuiiiuii iii'tinn, In ui'l'i' lhi"n mi In iMiiiiniril, iicviii' i'1'ii.iiinr, Miitii'i ful nml naw.aiinl M'lti ui in III.) jr',it an 1 urilii niH .-IrilL'li' ill liliii'h t'li'i' nl'i' rn'iit''I. l.'llilli;ji- tinlllllilv tin) rr!.: ll.l- l.rrll 1 I'm lll'.-l ill tilt? I'llll tl'.-it . Tin' I'll 'i l-"' l!n' i "i "My liaif aiiiviil lit their cli max, in tin' i' uitir li'ii;.".;!e lin y urn milking to i M.'i t tin' iMpline uf III" Inn nl'j' 'I'live minls uf the i'.im;i iiu. Ku'i v in rvi' i-. It 'in;.; Klraini'il, every I'SKV.v tiixeil. ell iy r.'.siMin i' i-iliaii iteil, every ex i 'ii htare ( UU ! ami Ii" urn j lavi.ihuit tn reueli their uiil ami M'l iire K I-'ti t iimul nml Allniitu, Wo niit-t nut lu: l.Kiul In tln ir t iij.i'intoii. ami'fis t.'iit muli-ai ii:'. W e urn I . i--ti imr inimW fully tu tlli'lii'l.''illl t.i.-k n I. am In i'me ii-, ill ilelellilinjj lliivi' i 1 1 j i u -taut I i 1 1 1 -. ami iliivin li.u'k in igno miny an I ili-r.ii r I'm vi'iin' fun. We inn.-l nut fiir-i't that h" i- f.itici'i 1 1 r.i 1 i n, all his fuivi-.i, niri,i. iiiig liis x.irri-'-in I .u-t - an l even liiivim; nuked ami mi. lefemleil ."-aiii I the In linns hi Xnriliwcxt i rn fruit I iiT. lu e iini.t,;.i unr .will il''..ruetiun. T lu re is uulliin h that lie is mil ih. in.'. i m im mlmu, energy enu .1.. i iii!;. niiiiy un.l iiialieu ; can imeiil lint lia m,l. l.een liinnhi im.. re.piisi. . tiuli, in the lil'e.i iil eampaieii, 'J ' 1 1 i has heou ilunu : ' 1 H in "he. lu uce in llm unii i i -al .h niaml uf pulilie .-en . ... .. , . tmieiit in llm .N . ir 1 1 1 1 -1' 1 1 I, lies, tn hnn the war lo i a elo,e ami lelici,. Ihe , min.iy Iran, tin, tnanen- j iluus pres,,.re an.l Im,. lei,- which lie nieii, il. Il the I ... ' em iav fail ie.iv, when llm le.ivi. i ami must vio- lent ll.l. I. 'ml 1.1 -I I liuli. ili .-pair ail I ili' po il ii to.iv that e.vhan.-- I- icy, eoin-pomlin to i the exi'i tmii, .vill ensue; ic riiiiui ill i very vv.iy u ill ilei hue, em relic;; w ill In inie lioprh .-sly ,le ran.;."'l, pnvnte l-ankiaiptey will supervene, liihur ul' all kimls will ,-iitt. i, tlm mii ernineut will l.e eelue odiniis ri i! . .-I up oeloms failures, capitalist- will hiciiine lm-tilc to it, ami a general collapse, will follow in I lie war Lu r. u hi. h will linallv re sult in s.niie kiml ol pi.pMlar revuluiioii, unfavor.i hle to tiic . ul inn of ihe war. To luiii nl t a result di .-ii ahle, so .u lenlly iin I il vooily tn he ivi. hcil, ami Ihus avuiil nil iu il, Ii ;i i 1 1 pi'iil..n;;at'mn ul llm war. ami llm Mienliec-, privation.- nml liereavcim-iit s which are, ciune'uent Ihci'uiipuii, there is no riliie any line pa triot or I man in our country, should not In willing to urike. Ill whatever way any mail may now he.-l .-i rvetlm country nml eniilnliiilc to slice.'.-'.-, In: should In iciulv at "lieu tu llu the woik reipiireil. dare ihe peril ur cmil'mnt tho i.l.r.t;i el.'s. If il can he dune hy ih living himself coia furts. even nei e.-.-ai ic.-, ami lui iianlin Ihetn to the army, it should he done, if hy privation, vL-ilanoo or iiiotuitim. the " imminent ilendlv hreach." when properlv called there .-honlil ho an liiMtaliuu. If hy en. kin- his ilipn.-itioii in ciiiplaoi, nml croak, he can eoiitrihuto tn the -rent result this is indeed : a very nnall sneriliee, nml pliuuld ho cheerfully j made, (lur hravc suhlieis who are in the trendies, i evpnsed tu florins and the irmi had from the enciiiy, shiuild he cheered, comforted, slrcn-llmucd ami en I'uarayd hy every physical and mural nietlmil that can he devised, hy sympathy, hy timely assiilanei', l.y such reinforcemeiits ns may he necdcil and called lor. None, should la or delay now in whatever may ho their appropriate sluuo of the vvnrli. Vigi lance, energy, gnud eoiin.'i l, harnmny blinuhl iinito and ncrce in the one reat .Icsi.lenilion of defeating our relentless foe und hallliii),' his rcnti-.-t mid, as we sincerely Inlii ve, his last effort tu suhjugate mir people. .Men in the arniy and out uf it, who havoam;!il to enae their n I nilices, nhuuhl nut ee.ise a nmnieul In employ every resource, every ap pliance, eieiy art of will, exerlion, intelket and c iurni;e to e.ipi 1 the iuvniler from our soil and force his liu'i', heavy columns hack upon his uwii coun try: Ihcro tn crush, di.soinni.e and tn destroy his own MihsUnce and hrin- ahuut that terrible reenil, which surely awaits the authors of the criincj that have devaslaied mir eoiiuiry. The boui-vilie llciimcral, of the 1Mi lilt., says: " .Mrs. Mall. V'anl has heeii ordered hy (leu lluforil tn have Ihe district uf haslein Arkansas, within live d iys. It is said :hi: has l.een playing doiilili: face wiih the rchels nml federals, and vio lated her on lli of allegiance." A '.i . "We Impo vti: don't inn udc," hut we deiro verv restiaelliillv to inoiiire w hclher mir frii'iul of llm Macon C i denite, has received any addition- nl paiiieuhirs i,c ruin- the r follow fniiml in j a Silllpell'e Cave ill Fast 'ft nm -sec. --- '.v. Mi- sn. plicii A. D.m-hi.i is Vice Pre.-iilcnt ; ofthi; l.'iilies' National l.e at vv, , whose pnrp' i- to cniisiiuic no furuii f.ihries ilnr- tu: the liar. l-'roiii the Ainiv ol 'rcniifsscc. .C( I ,', arc , .ml, nc i tlm i;.l i. I.i 1 r Win, Ami v or' Ti:N. I Juno 17, I p. ri. ist'.l. ( i r am oi.n thicks. Sherman, h.illlcl lu hi- edoits lo hreak cur iniiin line, e cuinti ncc I, ihiiin la. t niht a movement on our left tl.u.k in Inlny force, win. h necessitated it sli-ht Chan.,-.' in our line, car hit win rvviing I.imk this liniriiin-i. ami occupies .piite as defeusi- ''l"i "" "urrisl.l isum-lmngcl. n em nil s main eto'iis seem .11111.1...1 iil.oii.-i u.ii If.'its seem dirceli left, that fo lli' The rapid limv illicit the ll I uf the line tin nl of on etoiied hv Hardee. - . lumps tins iimruin i'y occiirre 1, ctiiindy check mated Shcriiiiiii's ihsi'.'u-. .Military nidi, wlm arc thor- t.ti ,.,,:,i,,n d uuh the new m.-iiion m.iv n i. t.ii..r nicd l.v our loll , lullv tusiain in- in II licit a rcpitiiimi of the i iiciny's inoveiiicnt will not iiecc--it,i'e a .similar imo- incut on our part, i ai: vvotiK or 1 1 .: i in. ,v v. .stcrlav ir.s ucciipied h, a i ..niinued and unut terrific ariillerv tiring, with an uc.-a-inmil ela.-h ho- in. en the .-i.inui.-hi'ts. I learn from an artillery i value ill it than, attached to tho Wilderness pits and breastworks stronger than those of oilie r eonmian.liiu a huttallmti of Nap.deun kuiis ; after it hail served its tiuio and tho fighting i Spottsylvaniii ? To measure the probable re who wwt. inn position tu the of his firing j was done. notion, wo must remember that an almost that tlm woik of death vi i-.u-hu iu the manned j After what has uovv been divulgcj of the , bloodless victory was Imped for, and that battalions ' I' I he' enemy by (lie bursting shall, was , 1 1 1 .-1 tin illo. oi:it Though no gi ncrnl engagement bus taken place yet I In' nggrcgiitiun of lliii skirmishes nf the past I'mir iliiy iitiiiiiinl In u Imtilii. Many a gallant rpir- Inn In'cii liurli'il Into eternity iiiihcralih'tl hirnmeof ' tin' iiiMgiiilioaiicn of tlm iitr.iir in which lie fi ll. I I'lililic cvpi I'tiitiiin runs liigli.jiiul nothing short j nf mingled tlouiiuimls will mil inly 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 up riiti' fur llio Our reserves, unprotected by works, arc fri'itieully exposed to shell, grape ; and canister, which arc cuiitinii.illy hurled ucn ss I our works mill inU tlio adjacent litnlicr, nml tin: I damage tin'' occasionally tin, though littli known, is hy no means unimportant. in: A Ii. I I regret tn learn Unit tho wutimln reeeiveil ly Mnj. M. Ki'tiilriek, 37lh (in. ri)(iiniil Tylei'V llri (iiiilu, in tlm ukirininh nf tlio 1 1 1 II proved In In I. tin expireil yeiteriluy. f Til K. WKATHIMI. A lietivy ruin set in at 12 u'eluek lu -tiny, anil the mnrkey lieavumi hiii fair fur anuther week lain. lltSTINIll'lHIIKII HI'KrTATIIIIH. (iuv. 1 1 u trie, Jtnlo Areliilnilil M'riglit ami tin' veteran t'nl. Itutllu of Tennchm', are on the fri lit tn-.lay. ,M AllSIIAU.. 'rom !tliNNlNhiii li'oi'icst'N tii-cat Vlcltiry. l'roin u Special Correpiiiiilent. AiiKittir.KN, Miss., .Itnio 1'2, lSiil. 1k 1U:iii:i. : Tlio "Wizziinl nf tins Fivl'llo" lias nnin tin hi ii I el liis war-liorso nml in ileulin ileadly blows to the torrilied Ymikcofi. l'nr soino diiys I'tiKt thiH coininiiiiity linve licni kept in im unconifortnljlo stntc of excitement hy rn- porlH. (well fiiiimleil), tlnvt tlm Yiinkeea luiil I Httirtctl out from Yicksliur nml Moniiliis, ostensibly on a mill, but I think most likely an attempt to leitifureo Slioriniin in (ieoria. 'I'll u column wliii'li movcil (ml. frnm Mi'iimliis ... 1 i is HiippoKCti to bo the Division ol dun. Sniilli j which was sent by Grant Irom tlio Army if I tlio Ciinibi.'flanil to reinforce Hanks in l,mi- iiiaiia, to enable him to innkc a mcces.-.l'iil ' cxpe.lilion uplteil tivvr. which we havohei'it ! . . a. i i mi- r inlormeil ho Jul w. r i; (. I Ins fune was cviilently units way to reinlon-o Sherman j ami coiiNihti'il of ei"ht tlioiisiniil (N.lHUl) in- fatitty ami four thotisanil ( 4,1100) cavnlry, . , , , i ,. "i will , loll wacons as nsciMlaineil bv deneral " . I won u rn wagons I'lirrcct on tin! 7th inst. Forrest had been watching them clofely for some days, and allowed them to approach very near the Mo bile: and Ohio K. I!., about six miles south uf Baldwin, when he attacked them 'Jei'vmui'.v- Ii mill J'lin'oiinh" and after a desperate libt of olioilt fi"llt lioliru duration he imececled in r-.lltitl them completely, ivy. 'ill ';.' lir'ir . . ... . , itnillcii, tw liintditil (HH) icdyoii.v, tiiiiiiici- , ' , . , , ,. , maxlii-uhtl tout mi.i&it rii .v'oc.v, and livo hiin- . ,Iml ('"") r'nners. '1 he enemy are in full ''''treat towards Memphis and Forrest is in . ' I !.. .11 .... 1 I 'II l ! imrouH, anil in an prowininiy will niaKC a "7ci mwii (it tlieill. 1 rimret to sav tlu.t ' our loss was heavy, two ol'tho 'l'enncsM'e re'-1 immits falling into an ambuscado were bad- i , , . . .. ... ,. ,, . lycutup. J'-rrest l,ad it. this lhta frac-i tioti over five thuiiHaml (fi,0un) c Hoc livo uti. I I have iust seen Gen. Forrest's disimtch to I Mai. Gen. Leo eoiilinniii"; the above state ment in full. Ho had pursued them twenty miles ami they were still m a complete rout. ; The crops in this section are looking line, I i u-tin in eveeniiiin in riii. imir u in. i i.,u i ' , . I, . li.ii been consnlerably mjureJ by the heavy ruins- which have fallen in this neighborhoi d daily i wKit he considers bis dutv to Ihe' .-an -uina-for the last ten days. , 1 ry divinity he worships. So in the Xorihci n I In ai. lie. I llm .t I'.,,. c,..,..l., ill'mio", tliet'C is, llll (loll lit , bcilb'S nil'I'celUl- tion is developed in this country to an alarm-; ingexlont; oven bultes tiro induced to visit ; f the Lord," in a crusade nun in. t shivery Memphis, taking with thfni a load of cotton many a political enthusiast, who i.. tcoly mid rolnrnins with wagon loads of Yankee ".ith"the best and ino.,1 .lisiittorosk'.l inie:. , . , , . . , ,i i lions, to idler up six miliums ul ,s mi In i iiers tr.cks winch our people can very well do llM t,B i,,,,,,. .i,,.;,,,. of "the I'nio,, a, it without. They c o sneaking back to their i Was." But alter all, the Irntli is, lint! l! bouics ashamed of w hat they have done and Xmlh ilo nul lijhl tu trcll a.i tin: Sn.h'i, bragin(t tliftt they wcro Lot forced to take "liio mth." They evidently go in prepared to take any oath that may be roiplircd of thein, but souio escape by having rolntives in the lin0S) w, mv0 kutieklcil down to the Yllll- kco yoke, who lika tho fox in tho fable with his tail cut off, 'would persuade tho baliiiieo of tho Confederacy to do tho sumo. I (.hull go up to tho battle-field this even- ! ing and try to catch up with Forrest, if suc cessful, I will write you a full account of the dispersion of the Vandals. Col. John Overton passed hero yesterday, on his way to Forrest's command, whero his only son is doinglgood service. Ho was look ing well ami seemed confident that we would reueli on r lo ones i II Tntinniisi.n Im rlieiuloina nous verrons. S LATIWT I'KO.M KUKOIM'. TUB LATE BATTLES IN YIKlil.NIA. OIMMOXS Ol' Till: HKITHII PltESS. They Ocni'i-ally t'avor the C'n ft -ilrratc Cause. Wo have received at this oflico very Into and interostiog Kuropean news. The liritish oninioii of tho creat strut-trio in Virginia, tc isceriaiucu upon a norunai oi i u 101- ' t i L.iv nil ur r.ii.N .).v lowing extracts :- i.okd i'ai.mehston's rki'okt ok tiie I'osi rijN 0F T,1K ARMIES. In the Ilouso of Couiinons on the 127th of May, Mr. Halliburton asked tho noble Lord at the head of tho Government whether he had received any intelligence cotiliraiing tho rumored dcleat ot the rederals by General Leo. Lmil rnlmrrsl'jii. lha latest intelligence that I have booh in the papers to-day, was j up to, 1 tliitiK, tlio mtu. ill mat tune no fresh notion had taken plaea between the ar mies. They wow looking at each other. I have not seen tho more recent accounts to which the honorable member refers. Sir VV. asked whether the Adini- ) ralty had any additional intelligence, j Laid C. J'ayt. No. ; KNCOUIt AltAOINU I'ltoM llll.; TU L I Frijm tho u,udrm Mv 2J. , Tho ' aclual capture o Hiehmond, even if that triumph should emwn ,L .,..;' .;m , ' ' I ' . mi. i j.. M, ."""7. thn North a htep nearer to tho restoration of the I nion or the C0lii)UeHt of the South. 1 ho myilig (if President Ihivis that the war could be iirolni.gcil for twenty years, even in the State of Virginia, efter Kichin nd had lallrn, will to in evcryhody s recollection, and if Gen. Giant erer readies that city he may find that his cool and resolute adversa ry, after exacting the utmost obtainable pi ice fur it in blood and slaughter will leavo the position in his hands with no greater plans nml reciinb d nf llm upn .il inns nl llm I'onlcntlin armies we can c ..I' uialn v. t J t bt tic dilliculty the prnspi'i'is nf llm r::nii:ii(.',M. It is literally il iitm-li hi nf nn arilhin.' lie. 1'iittinn it 'i - In t r the mnnicnl lie iibin uf the pi ic tunl the ininnrl .nice ir iuip ir tatice uf the result, we h:r. e only to eal. ulaie whclhci' l.ce, with tin' res inr.'us :il bis cm nn'id, can, by tlio pr ic-s which In' i.' clb'i'liiiillv enii'luyin;.', esliati t tin' re .inve nt' Grant before he rctichi- llicbiuuiul, n' wholher, nil the eoiitrnrv, in llic cuinm ui CiiiiMiiinption of life, Il iai.1 can milla-l I.e. If Grant possesses trcn;;lh ciiiiii;;Ii I mlin- eu to ii 1 1 in-k as he has iitlnckcl, il is clear ilml in the end he will arrive, in plight or ! other, before the ilnlences of Ki.'liinuinl, nml, il he can Mill iiiiiinlniii tlm sunn tale ul ei- einlittiro, will sonic day enter the oily. If', himself w rites Seeieliuy Stautuii: " 1 prn puse to liuht it out un this line, if it lakes nil Mummer," mid he has shown by bis conduct that we iiiny take him at his won. If, how ever, hi rami, rcs'ilule, nml skillful adversa ry, hhuuld bo slronu;i'iiouuh In coullnoi' up In tlio walls of the capital, the tactics n liich be has hitherto employed, and if be can make Grant jiay at the current rale fur every mile of tlio crulllid, i' '!: V be :t tpie.slhiii uiu ih-r he resources or emliiraine nf ihc federals themselves will prove as inexhiiiiililile ns the ubstinaey uf their General. At pro-out we can only fee that this dreadful inline has been played by both parties thruoj'h twelve days of battle and carnnue, without suri cu ller on either hide. We have beard what Grunt has been duiii;;, and he does hiinsell full justice, in his curt, hilt Irulh ln! disnnleli o, to the iincoinpicral'le nf his ;. vcrMiry. It is tho rudest and must suv.ine issue of war who can ilninl li e most kill inn;? It is more than ever diilicull to pn -diet tin) result of a contest of eiubiranee, but the nil van I n oe of ground, posiliunai.d iniel licence, tiro with the ('uiifedcrali s, and 'ah intun has innro than onen bei n in jin ator danger ol capture than we believe lludinioiid to be now. WIIT THE WlllliS AMMillVKItVMKN'T ll;x THINK m- 1IK van'ki tiiu mi iih. j.-,.,,,,, n, i.,,ml,ni l'u-i, (I'nliinei tii m.) Mnv '-'v ll'tlw Xnitli ri:iil cinisiili'i- iln' lialilc in Virginia a . vietorvr it can only be la cniiM) I('.V have been s-i nciiM uneil M l.e so .:s- riin'eliillv lieati'ii in that iiiunei' I v tn' , ,, ; , t, ,. , ,.,ii,' i i I, ci', that tlicv Ii ii lc It p. .ti :i it 1 1 1 il i : :lHutu! iUt nn.l lif:i-troiis .lef-at a triiimpli, - I'poii the Pnme principle, it i lo b 1 presnini .1 that slmnlil (iranl. be nlliiiialely tll-ivcn back ami routed, they will not lake it much In , , , ' . J , , . , ,, , heart. Iiiivnii! be. ; mi hal.iliiiil ml to la.l- lire, that they regard it it's the normal and natural order of thin;'. ;. A nulling di n I ul rcpnUe and the narrowest possible escape ! from eoini!ete deslruetion lor llio ; i ; 1 1 . 1 army ul' tlio I'oloinm', in ils "mi (o I'" ex j ploits, w ill indeed be aore. a'de Mirprise for the Federals alni'i-l. as ;;i'i al a surpri-e as the unexpected capture of Kmhnimid would be for tho South.. !l Would Im a novelty in ils way, perfectly original and uniipie. The r.ilesi teb".;i aim from the North, which vie print lo-day,tend 1 nIwvv ii tlm I'e de als sueeeed in liu'iliu.r a drawn battle which, fur them, is virtually r piivalcnt to a defeat, they may think themselves fortunate. " l .' i. ..i. ,i,.. . j t . Lr uid llm direct aMenints to reneb u: imoin . have thus f.r si null v !.n - fd. 'I'hn pretended relreal of General IO ,mi "r y ,r.wt, ,ic. ia ,iy a- sei'tcd bv the ! e, are imiy exprc-.-lv ,,)llUlllli-(,UH, ,y lilL,u 1 1 is a treat inislake I., c-tinialc llm im r- l its of a cause by the ability and pirscvir b it is conducted. The foil;; unconscious victim lor day- mice with vvhi will track his and weeks, ur even month l:iroii;;!i cold liilioultici to and hunger, and a thousan strangle him at last not lur .un, not lur the I .. . f '. .. ..e .:i i.. ?ui;iiifsi iiniunui o i niii immune '.oj , ,,. ,linlsu,f hv it ' ,,. ,, v iod to bo to lullil fanatic, l.ibi.ring under : is liehliil" "t'.e ha'.llcs , ', ,' ' ' H , WHAT T II K IlltlTIS l-'rum the bomlon 11 Alttsiocmcy THINK. crald (herhy Or '.Ill I JI.IV L7lh, I Slit. If the Aiuur!cati ipiarrcl is to bo decided by tho ordeal of battle, it can hardly be said to be in a fait way of receiving miv distinct solution at present. Though some lifty thou sand men at least have ben killed and wounded in a week ; mail alter mail which "rings us news U'oni tin; l.att.e liehls in tr iliiiiu re iicseiiL-i un: lusuiL oi uu.s 1 1 r j 1 1 iti i; as still indecisive. The circumstances are such as to -suggest to us u very precise bal ance nf advantages on cither side enough indeed, to make us doubtful as to the is.-uo nf events, (in the one sidu tho power of al most overwhelming numbers, with a fero cious energy which has nut been paralh led in ! tho former history-of the war i the other il'Hl, with sidlW(C 1rr I'lHi'ill I' ' J'll It! i IV si an eipial Uoterniination to coinpter or tlie. As in till! battle between d reeks and I ro jans, where the Father ul' the . gods consid ered it such a perfect match that he urged upon his fullow baniuetcr.s the propriety ol not interfering on either side, so as to sp il the game, this great match between the Fed eral and the Confederate, seems so even th,.t the very expression of sympathy for either, from tho far oil' speelators of the combat, has something of unfairness in it. We will do Gen. Grant the justice to say thai be hat; made the most direct, and perhaps the most skillful attack that has yet been levelled at ( the Southern capital. It must be confessed, ' however, that all previous atlacks have been i mi.icittlite. 1'ti Hit irn ami it is not inn, mi. al,' I that this vv -u . , . i ,i i , I oil. I na u-1 I (iM-o not. In he I in oiimn e is '. faibiro of all, for the. v, ry reason that it ha ' iii.itroachcd nearest to a success. On tho morning of the F'.tb May, the Fed' nils found that the enemy had disap peared from their font, and the latest ac conii's leave them following slowly and pain- fully tlnoui'h thick mini that ib;rs iii ill that u!lh;r.s a vcrv serious impediment to the transport ol art.l- ery. 1 line will slto v too olo et ot Southern General ill this movement. may wishjto prevent his right llat.k from 1 ;., turncl ,v an a.lviinee ah. in' llu: I'milo jckshuro- rail'r . ail. lie mav find the p. siim,. on the I'u creek tun favorable to the Federal artillery and too far from his suppliei. Tim advance nf l.utler along .Limes river, may have made him atci'iium about the s .I'et v ol llichinoiiil. lie may wish to draw the Fc 1 erul arniy into the heart of a dillieult eoua try, soiuo ten miles further South of its b.i-e of operations, that he may be the belter en- j abled to surround it ami complete its ile- ! striictioii. The position n ( leant is now perilous in an extreme degree, lie has gone so far that he uai no i .nj-o, ,, ,,p, , , ... ,-, :,pe , ca.-e i,r danger. Thei e is to all appearam: , ,,. ,, ,? .,,- i.,r, ,,, i,;,t,., , , cither drirc Gen. Lee from his front or be him.-clf annihiluted. UR.VNT VII sf i, I I'OIIW Villi . IFruiii tiie I. on. hui Teh .raj'h, .Mai .'7. As lung, indeed, as Grant moves ouwuriU, so long will New York believe in him, lint suppose he culls a halt suppose that his crippled forces arc held for inure than a few days in cheek before soino other rille t In- .-: 1 1 1 1 1 jiiiirnal which records these sangu inary Oi ii ;;!(, very receiitly c i fcsscd lis uuiiiliiii 1 the ciiinpaiuii wuubl re-.ult "in i l.e el el evacuation nl the cilv, tunl Leo's n li'i al into N .rlli C.ii'oliua vviibuut n battle in ui'iler lu siv bis iirniy." That dream, ul un -". It.ii Imeu 1 1 i -1 .el I r.l ; and rnt tlm licit iml c iti'iii of evil 1 .' tut c, New York mi I il.ii'.y re ov ering from on c i i 1 i n i;i i thai is iibn i't mil Ine- , will e .nl'css thai Iwrnty miles ol V ir;i;inia soil may ban' been dearly won at the price uf two Jlhoti -11101 unci I'd' evuiy mile. i in: t i.i. 1. 1 n : is- vt.wi in.sri it. I'miii Ihe M he-tcr W, ii, liner, May '. 1 " . A Mirv'ey uf llii'se ilillicnllies will enable us to uii leisland the coiisidcrn ttoiii wbiei General Leo must take into tie-, count in determining the ladies of the cam- j pain. A lo I! icbiiioiul would sim plify the situation, and seein to all'ord him ! .o tu any advantages -it' that is tho word to , use where everything finks disndviintiiueous -thai we . hall not be surprised lo hear nf ; his marching Ihiihcr at. once, lie is me- i naecd vv lib an avalanche nf di.-iis'cr, and if j be should avert ii In. in crushing him it will : be next to a ineriaolo nf energy and skill. In c ii . 1 1 ic-, in fertility uf resources, in prompt- iiess uf decision, am!, tiliov " all, in iinlbiieh iug rc-ululion, Grant has immeasurably dis- ( : lanced his predecessors. The federal sol- 1 : diers have fought, as I hey never fought be fore on the soil uf Virginia, than which, per ; haps, no tribute to their prowess could be , higher. It Is simple truth to say, that the ( 'on federal e nice nvniuVio the. irmhl In i o ir Ifnii.nii. It has I ecu a revelation nf Southern charade, which their tintecedcuts ! led but few lo antieipale, tunl which, even I from thusii who most severely condemn the j cause lur w hich they have taken up arnis, I must ciiminaiid ali the lespect u-huli tin ' '. i';0. mil il'll' ij'lll iili "III ill'ijlif. urtSluN' IN I.IVI.KI'OOI.. I'i ..ui the 1 iici I Mi icury. .May 27. "' "' General Grant will have lo fol low llii'in, dragging bis supplies over broken r uids no I ibrougli swollen stream. Allt he i'i i-i'u ni -1 ii in is ul these despcrali'iatlk's give one a high respect I'm' the bravery both of , the Federal a id 'onl'i'ild'ale anoies ; Iml ill1 , 1 .'o '.' . iijijuitis ..V.e ml I tr , vt i .' n I' ' 'ni .'., .-. tin;. Li p -ecius lo have the pow er of co.jipoHin ' ( ItMi. Grant to light him in the p i '-Iti, 'lis iiiu-t lav Liable lor it defensive; and tiin-t unfavorable lor an invading army. Il is doiibll'ul w bethel' Ihe Icdd'als have been able tu u-e their splendid aitillcry in tiny o the iM'-nl baltb's, while Ihe 'utile derates have Icon able to make much u-c of theirs. List ul' U iiiiiiiliil Soldiers sen I lo Atlanta Ir, on It. iv l. Hospital, Marietta, (;., .1 11 II i- llitll. C-.i I. t-'.rgl I' W'liihil,', co I, ".iih Ten u. riijM lei;. , N Ih l.iii.y , co II, :".Ml. lia. hit hand. I'm ale .V. i lliinis, in I. Mill T. no. W I'aiiun ion. co 1 , 'J!ih tin. h l't arm. i: .Moiloy, , o i-:, :;:m 1. 1;.,. Mi inuid. W II tlnldiii.i', co Ii, '.".eh ll.i. let! lianil. la i Turner, co (I. U'Mh llll. le ad. I Cm li v, co K, 1-! Con. lucisi. I C C Manay, Co I), iL'lh l,a. lell slmiihlcr. j T II r up, i" Ii, .'i.'.tll Ala. lace. I h Pinion", co II. lath Tenn. h it hand. I' II .-miili. co ), I'.lh 1 1 1. li-ht hand. .1 II ll'iilili-l, co Ii, I'.llh Ala. left hand. Ii M Frank , co Iv, L'C.lll Ala. lace. Wiliii. (-. I. "t'ah A lii. iliijslu ,1 V ,-in.:l. Ion, co (i, 17th Ala. shoulder. .1 'i Caillnoii. en l. 'til Ala. left hand. W II Alcxaml'i, ... lb 'oih Mi-s. -houhlcr. .las l: !,-. co I, 2IUI. Ala. ha:.d, Iwo li:n.'"l--ol'. i II lli.-l, Icier, co ', .'llih Mi". ri; ht Ic;; li.i lurid. M Ion nii'. j c. (', .mil Mi..-, hit lbi;,li IV.o Inn d. .-', r.:i I. Ii .-j u l.-, (" I'., l.-t ' .n. Ha. loft hand. I'i i i ate .1 ; I i i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 .- co I'i. :".i h tia. ii.:hl ami. ,-'. : 0 I' I T.ipp, ci M. Phillip's l.e.m, left fool. I'm lie .1 i t arp nler, co A, tilli rtln. Cav. rihl l! W Siiil.l, .. F, mh Ala. Cai. head st- ( 1 ,i j . t .1 s I. rin. hi., c, I, L I lli S C. riaht arm. Pmiile ll ,M I ni niitit, eo I, If 1 1 li SC hit nun ami kmc ,'', ,,.1 M T ll.ulv. co C. litli Ark.! leg. .1 I) Oh. tr, cu (I, ICIli S (' li;;hl cllit.vv. Cop W Hii inc. eo (i, Hllli .Mi-s. slm aider and und h ft ham!. Private. I II A 1 1 : ... eo C, huh Mi.s. cmmi ion of le iol. S. rot A Fllinll, i'u pilli .Mi.-s. h fl aim ainpiil.ile.l. Coip S F lh tl'lilili Id. en II, lililh (.a. i.llll. Par1,.'!', PmalcW Ii Hiil. head, co (', -.'Uth .Mi-.-. riht - arm. Ceo Tnellc, cu II. "mill Mi-s. lell ha;. I .1 .Maiieaun. co II, 2l.ll Mi-s. left side, l.t C S Pinker h, limh .Mis.:, hand. 1) F llat.-iiu. en I!, Kih S. C. left arin. Private A .1 Prow uiii1.', cu 17, llitli S. ('. ria'it shoulder. .1 P N.iii,;hn, eo F, Kih S. ('. h ft arm. .1 .M'HiiincIt, eo 11. sih (la. Hp hft IUU1. I! A Mean.-, cu K. '-".Hh (in. right arm. ,M 1'in-hy, eo (i, Ititli S. ('. h it nnn. ,1 C (''inn in A, i'.lh Fin. lell thigli, .1 Cal ler, co F, 'Jlth S. ('. right elhuw. I! Tinner, eo l. 77 1 1 i Fla. right hip. l.t T (1 lii'i-w r. i'i . I. 2'Mh lia. neck. Private llackclt, cu I . V'.Mli Ala. left luin.l. I) (' Cnckran, eu F, iulh 'ia, hoiul. .1 C Keuneilv, eo It, 2Sh Ala. -lell arm. w i; inn, cu n, :iist a in. rigin hip. P Colthll, eo C, ill 4 Ala. right leg. I. A limns, eo F. "f t Ah., riglil fool. Piivale II 'I' (Iraver. eo F, 77tli Ala. It'll hand. I.I A .1 K-eics, II, lll.-t Ala. 1.11 leg. Co, pi J W .luhn.-oii. eo C. .",1st Ala. h it arm. Piivale (in. hegg, cm 17. ::nth Tenn. lelt thigli. Corpl ' I. I.yiich, c F. 7'd (ia. right knee. Pi ivale Ii loo enport, eo F, ::7th T.-nn. h it hip. Ii (i llcvt'ilv, ... , l .tli Ala. right hand. .1 R .lie I,, iv. co II, leih .Mis.-, hit !u ml der. ' ' j Private F .1 I7d re eo ti. Ill (ia. led arm timp. I I.i. ut S Tlmi .e . K. a tin Ca. nu'hl si Idcr. Piiiale W ) I in .( m , eo li , .'.lib (ia. left lia ml. .1 Wi sil.iii v. eo h, .'.Hh (ia. 1. II Ihigh. Sergt P II Patiiek, co (', Sih Ark. right check. Private II C ('.overt, co II, I ll (la. I'll leg. I II 1 1 Franklin, IK wells' liat. right arm. .1 i ih oivn. . .. C, li.iili lia. Ih.Hi thigh-'. II Vickie, co ll. ..Iili (in. h 11 arm. Seiul l' .1 I ii In rson, eu K. list .M ss.righthg. ; Private .1 I.' lolnilh, co li, ll'.tli S C. left hand. ! VV .1 Crcm-haw, eo P., l.-l .Mi-s. Ihigli amp. I ll Anders ('. 7 .Miss, left ankle. . I .1 Anderson, co (i, iiTlli lia. right leg n'lipillateil. ft r.d M' V Calilwcll, eu 1', list (la. right leg aluptltiiti l. PiivnluC Fllnivill, Ferguson's flat, eulilnsion ' ti I'.l.lekhier. ... C lid Fla. foot. .1 K liriiikl.y, M ii -h il 's Fat. I. ft nnn. 'I' li' Idill, Co 17, .11 h Coiif il'r. Iintlels. I I. W'iiil.iir. c. 17, uh Cmift'd'r. .sliglilly, S.-rgt .1 M l;orne,cu K.L'.I I'enu. right tliigh." I'm ut .1 S Wiiite, cu II. IM Tenn. del. W II Col.h, . .. A. I '.th Aik. ,-iul.i .h.c.dder. C toner, eo V.. mil .Mi.-s. h it leg amp. 'I i' eh. co ll.l ah Ali. hit shoulder. W II P.. -I, . o II, J-lll (la. Patella. -Capl ll V'.' Cv, co F, -Mh liil. h it foot. I'llilit' l W P .lire-' .en l',"-lll llil.heatl. .1 A'lot.iin, eo 17, ::mh T.-nn. I I. -I'll tiros.-, e . K, '.'..'li li.i. right hip. .1 Kin:-, eo li, Kill Ha. fool. .1 K-.v. eu U. I.'.tll, lia. neck. died. A W Smith, c" 17. l'lth S C. I. ah hip-. tl II Flovd. im ll. (h'.d tin. ,. II II l lli Jit, en li, "J '. 1 1 1 . (la. h. ad. .1 W Collins, l-t Cmilt rate, h,., i. St rgl .1 ilavmtins, eo 11, J.uli (ia. neck. . (r Sgt V .1, Kill Ark. holll thigh-. Piii ale V W ( ' n c us, co F, 2'.Hli tia. riglil thigli. Sergt vy tiiUli ,. , t ; ., . ,inkt.. Final" k Chirk, co F. i.i'.th (la. hi. el. C U nit II, eo Ii. "mh Ha. ri :lit i llinw. II VV Uii-I I), 1st Cuilled'r. left ankle. .1 'I' I'llmau, en F, -'.Uh Ca. .ihl llii.d:. P Hani v, co F, illld Ca. eolitii.-'mll in leg. W T llairow, co K. li::.l lia. h ft li lnd. I II l'.... eo Ii iunl C th (ia. h it lup. II II loi Ige., eo (', .VI d Mi-.-, h ft lliili. S. rg't C F Kniing, r, c.ll Kill Ala. ii .'l.t arm. Pm.ile .) A Ali-n, eo V. :;.!. ti... h it clock. li I. liilCe lge. eo ll la'.ih tia. li.J.t elctk. S C Ciller, co II T-' .rli (ia. h ft aim. .1 F .Mar lock, co A l.-t Ha. S S kit hand. .1 W Pee. eo l 1st Hi. S S h II a I in. II F Park. .. li n i.- ll .l t.-ry. h it ih gh. W J .1 .nu-lon, co C I'tVth 1. 1. left ham I. l.ietit SC Simpson, eo Iv IstTeiui. eintu-ed heil.l. Corp. .nil K Die'o'v, o (.1 il-t Tea.i. euiitujed hand. i ii I' o k. i.i coi i',,r.iiT, c, i, j.i i, c ,, f,,,.,. ,t ( "M 1 M I' lloplu i. cl, i;,, Privaie .1 I! 'I Imiup ii, ,. , : hi, hh.Mil.l-r. w f i: nil, c ; I l Ill-hop, c. II II:!, I,., I.., W V. lit. lid, co I I 'III Ii.,. ,,. I, V M M. 'laMv. co It li,l. .M . . i: i, .!. k 'j.u'i .Mi. .. ih.hi i. n i I. and. V liilcn t, e.i I! I 'll) I. I. I i 1. Coip'l T ll.npi r, en II I'nili Hi-'. I ;; hand. I. lent A.U'I 'J'li i i.i Fouler, :' l Tenn. h II mill Private ,1 M s'e.i.v, , , I! Jmh .Mi s. I., ml. .1 I, I'm . Iv! c. II Hull S C. I,m e, b : 'llll eld, K Colt : ' 'ah Mi-.-. il'- Kail II I'I lie. I II l.-t ll.l C. Ml tllilll. .'I S .llllllcs, urp'l M I'm i. II. I'.ar male .1 II U I, iic, r II F bind i v, c uloiiel II, I7i load. i: ht III III. I'lltl lei', T.', arm. I. I .th lia. h l't t'H'l II II ( '(.ii. lv, side Privaie .M A Mel), iii'n I, c : Istli Ten. h it le S II Moore, e , A l.-l (la. U Ii I I. I Sha, co A lath Ark. ri,;ht thieli. T llokius, co A I lli Ark. h It shuuhl, r. ('apt. I II, en ti llll ('tinted, htinl. Plilale (' W Smith, euC lilt C.nifcd. lell hip. ,1 iStnlMimrth, en A llll Coiil'ed. hen, . .1 liny, en A Iih Con!, d. rihl wrist. Weslhury, eo A JIUll (In. left hip. V A lliiilon. ii I'i '!:uh (ia. cmli'i hip, I, llekle, en K .'.Ull ll.l. h II hip. V Alklu-oll, en C :.".l'l Ci. I,,., v. Cnrp'l M Ki.ijlil.e., (I itnli lia. . i nnn. Pl il llle A F l.'tve Il L'olli II a. lell halol. II 11, c. i Hath (Ih. hit nun. .1 II Neal.'co II li.l. S S I'illt shoulder. Fiank .laekson, en A lata Aik. hend. ,1 M U'liriliy, e.i II 1-1 Ark. h'I'l iirin. t W. M i-M ul 1 i ii, .rn I . 1 1 1 1 (i.i. ri;;ht hieasi. W kemp, im ' io'lh (ia. htn;;s. W II .lohnsiui (i ssli Mi.-s. left hand. Y Pan:,. II, en II .;. lli Ala. li.rht lo..t. It C Flliolt, i ii A 'J Ih .Mi.-s. ri-iil hui'.'. .1 (ire, nhaw, en F H'th Ala, I d't thi,di. Coip'l S II l;. :i., c I l-l ,v.k. h it elhuii. W II .M uis m, co i ' I. iili Al-U. 1 ' o c W l.'IWlll, Co C, lid Tc.lll. left lulu. II Hear1, I', !d ia. .S ;;. left lhr;li. h Pull. i, co tl, I Ark. left km-'? Piivale ,1 Archir. en K, I Iih .Miss, ii .hi aim. ,1 Sil.c', eo (i, I'oli .Mi-j. :i :lil nnn. W V I l ey, e . F, I t lia. h it tool. 11 V Sinners en F, I'd Tenn. loll thidi. F M Una. is, eo F, llilh lia. h i Ihigft, .1 .Manniii;'. .'" P., Hllli S C left arm amp. .1 Cunts, en Ii, 1st tin. haul .1 C. I-I Ii i. head. .1 T S imk c 17, llilh tia. l icltt tl:i;;h. (I II liiiine.s C,:'l;h S C. hit hand. I! T Kciiloii, en II, I I Ark. ri ",hl thi;h. ij.l T A ti or:;c. S A Vv ,l...ii, .1 lnxon, .1 A Mi ll oi W (iraic, c .1 17 (llcnii, e I' ,M lieeie. W Mu'., en S 1 1 Fo. ter, I .Siieoiiar I, , L'd Ca. I7ilt di , r. Id C. . ii, I -I I I Ark. : S, I. II Im,.'. . h nil. . i iv.hl hip. Aik. h ft mill, lichl side . A, l.oh ink. lell llli'.ll. e i 17, li'.th (la. It'll loot. F, toh Tei is, h. ii.l. o II. L'lth T.xa.. fit'c. lb .will's Hal. rif'ht foot. mpl apt C.rpl I'm v:il II i tli n. en 11, llitli S (' riu-ht flinti! tier. I'll Amjlii II. alh lia. head. ,1 lltireh, (" A. 7'. I ii i S S heid. Sural W Collier M, (la S Idl 1..iiMi r. Piaial" W C lirillin, en A, 7!d Ha S S rihl anil. H 'ielcss, , p.. ii., s.s, hfi slunihl. r. V Si nee. en li, :M (ia S S hoih iirin . I ieul A II lins lev. I, I -I I Iih Mo. A l l. Private .1. I, St iK. lv. c F, 11,1 and .'.ill .Mo. K C 1 71 1 ...I I , ia i II, 7'iuh .Mi--, hmas .severe. I! T lloivi, en I, Is! ' .fr. lell elmtildcr. .1 I, l'r.iives.-lv, co (.', liiih S ('. ,1 y, F Iw, uds.eo K .t Ail;, lo ad. S Ulalheiis, en I.', 1-1 Aik. lell arm. lot ul I.ieut )l Coiiil.n, co F, ,.ih .Mi.-s. arm amp. C Ii ('idler, co II, 1st. (la. ,-titllia. h, died. M v.t. ( ir.v. Fit. i. ii. This is I be present c-.tii-mander of Hood's old division in the army of Gen. Lee. A correspondent fays nf him: I never had ti view of G"ti. Field till a lew days since, lie is a remarkable hand some matt, of fair e unplesi ti, a rntiud lac. sligblly double chin, black eyes, very blai'K hair, ah nit live feet, leu inches hi;, and nf very expressive an I wit. ing connti'oanee. 1 take him to bo a worthy taceessor to the gallant Hood. Gen. Field does nut look to he ovw thirty years of age, and weighs about li'l' pounds. He i,s like lion I, a Kcn tiickiau. I' Olt S t 1. 1 ,. FINK .Morgan Stallion, nim; A vears id. 17. liu mis , Mi. i, I, hick color, and lim Ill ami very la-t. Ih' is m 11 hi. ike to harue. can he seen hy calling on tlie llluler igned 71 lie inilis fi '.in (iiilliu. iniul..- I iv A. .1. MATIII7W. I OIt MIRK Cn.MPF.TKM' nml ep.ii. n, d cook, washer 1 V ii ml ii-otn r, win. is nl.-. i aiiiiaiiiti d wild general Imm-civoi k, and is a very (air .-e im.-tn ss. Apply at this i.flicc. junel.'i-tf Dlt. W.M. T. KASKFTT, oilers his pntfessioiial .ei vices ti. the eili.etis of (liillin, ami sur ruiinding country. He has had large e.pi rienee in the practice of the several hranelas uf his prul'ess inn. His ollieu is ia the soiitli-wt'.t coiner of Mrs. j I Itceves' hoarding house. jiuiel I--eod.'.t It.VtiS! It ;m:' We will pay the higlic.-t inarliet price for g 1 cotton ur lim n rags, ur give in evjliange lur ihem fun) Kuglish h tter and cap paper, or Kiivi'lnpcs. Apply at the IIFIIFI. I.I I'T 111 10. ii a ici k us C.y. Ti n Cum,'. I i sr. tl,v. I (Irillin, June 7lli ISC, I. The attention of Suit liiirolling dllieers and ihe piihlii: i ealletl to the following paragraphs of Cir cular ,u. .'I. Heiiilncartcis Cuii.-eript seiviee, (in. 1 (: : 5! :i. h IV. Tlie most active nml eoiitiliiimis ellorts nt Furulling ( iliieers will he directed to pm-fecting a tiioi'omih M'lihu 'j ...,'s, ..on ul all whin, iiialcs, rc. iileiit nr found wiiliiu their respei'live di.-irieis, tvh-are hct'.vceii the agc of sei cnteen .'nullify years. This "Pegi-tcr" should riuhracc all nu n not already ill service, im inaiter what may he their ptiysical citiiiliiim. or claims tn ciomplinn, ami should saii.faelorily e.vhihit, under tlio head ol "llcinark" the slnttis (Jf each. . ll is the dii.y of all persons within the ages j designated to report for eur.'Mumut. Fnrnlling otli 1 eels will not, Iiowcier, wail sueh voltuitary repurt 1 ing. hut will nial.e diligent in.pi iry ns to pcro.ns, I ami enroll on iuforinatii.ii such as they imty he sat- islicil are liahln to eiiriilliuent. Peisons limy he en rolled wherever found, ji 5! .: : t it is of this utmost iinporiance thai this rcgidtii tiull slmuhl hi; completed as early ns pos.-il.le. Prompt neti'n is c'lti.niied open Snl lOnrolling ntli ecrs, ani' eitiicus aru ie.iiested I'. report to tho en rolling o (licers for enrollment. 11. II. M.WTtiX. l.ietll. ii m1 17. i. Till Hist. tin. Memphis Appeal, and .Mucin Telegraph pleaso copv ten iliivs nml send hills to this oliiee. .ics- Hld. ' ! GKUl'iGi; IMXOX, 1 I ion ii i: n l.v or mcmi-iiis, tcnn.I ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, liiiinitiMi, v.. All claims n.'.i iusl Ihe t'onfeilerale (iovernini lit, lliljuslni ami collected. 'i.C" Paiiiiiilar altcati.ii p;iid to ;-ohliors' If. I took Keepers .Attenlioii. :i;10 are several humlrc.l Viiluni"S of hooks" T' In loln-ing t . lir. liohhiiij' hhrarv loniinl mil in lirillin. Parties having them will please retina Ihcill In his old 1. milts, und olilige, j. '.t liii. I,, ti. S'f F W .MIT. I. l.t;. 1 1, lil.AMvo. We h ue im li uid at tins otln e a large supply ol the I'd. inks nrfoit l.y Shi rills, I I. rk- and Ordinaries in this State," hc'aiilif.illy punted on line while pa per. which we will sell al the laics mov eh.iry t i d for the l.hilik paper ahum. SOI II! I0M lOItl'ltl-HO. rP II 10 Ciinfi derate linnet I-'.icl-.ry. which his A heen e.t.ltli-h' d hv il di-ahle-I .-..Idler, i- muv lea l,' to fiirui-h II. . me t .iml Hal .-haoc: .,( ihe la I Ic.-t imd most appl 'V. I -tl les. lie ha- also nltn.-h. ed the in iuiilaei..ry "I Cor.-i t.-, M iliiuery iiml Ca-i-in t amJ VVid ov lioiitmls, Ac. 'I in- price- aic imvl erate, and llm articles in.itiufactiiri d are e.pinl to , Fiir-.peau ncike. Samples si lit to any part of th0 C illlcdciae.v oil receipt of whole-ale pric s. Prices a-ccrlaiustl hy adilres-iiiL' the ('"Ilfederate Cincl 1'i.ime Fiietory, Km M Ncwhorry, South Carolimi. llli.J j---liu. i; vv u T KLKUU AIMIIC, IlKI'OHTS OF THK PKE39 ASSOCIA'I ION, line t.. Ad I m: l-lll It, In ill nl' lit. I ail I ..I II. . 1 1 0 I a' i'i.iilt. -s In the tin- I l.ik'i Olti.ei talc Mai. ..r the l . 4r 1 si'. 1' ! tin Ills Niirtlu i ii h -n IT'oliI I lie I 'i un t . Mit. ii..liuie I'I. Tho enemy lo duy aro 'I'l'ti; lli ir i -hi, and tluowiiig it further K ii. ml- Ihe i ni. Inform. iliuii Irnin uiiili.iilde.I suur '' '- ai stln irn ps are mm h .1 i lu ll r I. neil ami h in t.iluc 1 t'r un tlmir recent iiiiiiicrnus defeat sand -i 'kite- ,, lit -fi tin's stunt I y con s pin Is of Inn mid liVdlily jre dill- iii our lines, in Ictivin.' f.,r their homes. Skirini-hing coiitiiiiicd In lay with uiiiinpoituiit re-nlts. Tlm r. unls urn heavy from recent rains, which re I u l luililiir.v uiiii'ciiieiits, l'roin I.ynchliuig. llu iinnsn, .lime HI. li is repnrtcil that i'ii'.v is retreating I run. Ihe vicinity of l.ynelihiirg. Four pices of nriilhiry nml two hundred prisnn nrs were ciiplurud hist cvi'iiing. Nothing ullieial. l''roiu It Ich nin nil. I uiic I'.Hh. ---N'u ofli cnl iliHpiitclies have been re eeiicdnt the War llepnrlnienl to-ilay. Noi l hern evv Moi'fi'Uli'H Sclent. I -1 1 : it -ii i in; , Juno lilth. Tho lOvprcm lim N'orlhcin dati nf llm 1 llll which uliite that Staun ton tch graphed Pix, Ilml, llurhaijo tclegraphoil llic'e. that he hud u tight lasting an hour with Jack Morgan, nl Cyiithiiiua on the 12th, completely iniiling Mniguu, killing 101) und VToundiiii' as iniitiv innrii iimlciipiuring nmrly four humlred p'risnners Itinlta.-c's hus wan mi o Ii o n Ire 1 nml fifty. The dispatch further Hiiysthnt Morgan's I'.r.'c" vv. re tlvini; in ull dircelions. They luivo thrown nw iy their iiruis, nml me out of iiiiimiinilioii, innl arc wholly d. inonilieil. Morgan had previously whipped llohsini, eomimiiuhng ut Cynthiani., .wp tiiring l.'iltl) prisuners. The em respondent nf the Tribune, writing in regard tn Ihr light uf June lid, nt Cold Ilarhor, ny llm regiments engaged all h'sl fiom ntiu third ti one half their eomuuinili'. Hold closed mi tho l.'llh nt Ills. Nui-tlu-rii Xcvvki Kii iiiiuNi.. June 111. Tinted Stilton papers lu the liiih Iin ve leen received. A telegram from Kcxing Kn, li v., says that Poirliriilge defeated the reltels at I'ynlhiaiiii mi the l.'th, killing .'mil ntnl taking -1110 prisoner.-. .Maximilian arrived at Vera Crux en tlic 2filli lilt., and would proceed nt oneo to Ihc oily of Mexico. (Kant has eotutnencoil a new canipiigin against Kiehnminl on the Suuthshlo i.f James river, with hciidipiarteis at Heiiunilii humliug. Stuiges' hy Forrest is ennfossi'il officially. Fiiropean h 1 v i.'i'sj p. tho 1st havo been recoivotl. biii'lsav'H imilinn for llio reoognition uf tho Southern Cuiifcderiicy, has l.een postponed until the 17th. ll is reported that Xapoleoll has sent two ( 'iiiiiim i.ssjiiiiciH t'i Atnerieii, to report tlio pro gress of the war ami runcw overtures to Fiighuid lor llm eessiiiioii uf tho cariingi). The proptiriliiiii uf tlm Iiundun Cuiifercncc to ilo liu li IFd.slciu urn! ihc southern part of Soholeswig I'm mi liiiiinaik has boon rejected hy the bitter. (iold in New York on tho l.ith, i.pencd and closed at (171 Latest News from Sheridan. llu u.viuMi June 111. Authentic information from Sheritl. in's movements lias been received. Ilo re pa-.-cd throi. gh Howling (Irceii Thursday, nn.l ar rived at Newton, in King iiuil IJtii'on counties yes terday, where it ii reported ho was again attueke.l l.y Hampton. Sheridan was evidently aiming to reach (1 IositsI,.- puint. Hie wagon train was re duced In 'J.". waguns. Prisnnors taken confess tho thorough defeat nf (ho expedition. ;raiit Iii I''ront of I'etiTKliiii'g'. Pi" uiimii no, June IS. (irnnt's whole army is in front ol-this phiee, in lino of battle. There has l.een more nr less lighting since Wednesday. The enemy have heen generally repulsed, gaining little or lu. ground sine" Wednesday, when they gut within niiu und a half iniliia of tlio oily, Inking t'oiim of our works, which they still hold. (lej'ii.-ional shells havo Keen thrown into tho city, doing however Kilt little ilainago. (Irnnt's new l.a.-e is at City Point or James Hivcr, twelve miles distant. The enemy havo constructed ail immense ob servatory about twelve mill's below, from which to observe the operations hereabouts. The enemy yesterday attacked tho iidvuneo on unr lines, but nur tronps fire.', upon tlieni with urtil lery and musketry, inUieting a loss upon the enemy eiiinl to any of the campaign. Tho enemy at no time got nearer than four humlred yards of our lines. To ihiy then) has been severe cannonajing and heai v .-kirtiiishhig. The people of Petersburg ure quiet and resolute, i all aide In hour arms being ia tho service, j A.liicis fi'iini Kyiiehburg, stato that the enemy have been pursued since daybreak ; that wo havo j cupliircd three pieces f artillery nml twelve linn j drc.d prisoners. ; Tlie bulk of (Irnnt's army is on the Sonthshle. lcn. Moi-oan in Kentucky. Moiiii.k, June I Sih. A special to the Advertiser I fi nm Somitohia nf tho 17th siiy;-: Morgan's tor- ces estimated ut from 7! to 5(11111, whipped Gen. Hob sou, capturing his whole eoiniiiiind of 1500, at C'in I thunna. ; Frankfort was attacked and the barracks burned. Tlic attacking party was repulsed. I The report thnt Ciri.ri.lge routed Morgan on the K'lh was iml credited. There is wild exeitciiient in Louisville, Morgan ; bal ing th. pal, bed (he city authorities that ho I would make an attack. The Federal forces there J are imi'letptat.. fur the defence of the city, j (len'l isiuiges is reported arrested upon charges : from Uriel's.. it, I'l oiii Virginia, Kicnuosn, June 17. A dispatch from (Jen. bee j to tlm President, this aftcriiuuii, lays ut 11 last ; night we look ll".' breastworks at How-lett's It. .use, , nml another posilimi on the suiiie line. The bat J n ry at llowlett's is tiling rc-cstablished. . Five ic.-s. F have been sunk by llio enemy in Trent's " reach. 'fen steamers are within reach behind I .Moiiiiors. There was si. me lighting near Peters burg this morning without result. . U.K. Lke. llu 'iiin.Ni., June IS. Thoyniikees hnving been 1 driven from the Hail Komi at Port Wulthnll Junc tion la-t night, direct eoinininiiealiun with I'etcrs f burg will l.e resiuiH"! this mortiing. 1 Itu iiuom., Juno I S The Herald of the 1.1th is leech ed, 'i ln: news i.s unimportant, (iold closed o the K'iIi nl 1 r.i. A dispatch frmn lien. Kee last night, says our assaulted Fair's, our original positions near lo riaiiila Hun. Ire. Is, with slight loss on our part. Tiie enemy near Petersburg made uu attack in Ion e late yesterday afternoon and woro repulsed. Abut line prisoners were captured. Latest Irnin the Mississippi Hivcr. Ci.imon, I, a., via Mobile, June IS. The stean or Progress lo, uh .1 with I .'lull bales of cotton, was binned on tlie Mississippi. No lives lost. Fx Muyui French uf TYcit "rleauf, died on tho ll'h. On Thursday ni;jht, our butteries attacked tho s'eamer ban. la-, and another transport loaded with lro ..-, ami .tiuck her (en times: ii (hells exploded on In r d. . k. She whistled a sigual of di.trcs and ii giinl ont ciiiiii' up ami towed her off. The yan kc cavalry pursued uar batterin, but a few shells drove thein otf.