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CHATTANOOGA- BEBI JJjo "Volume II. GEIFFEST, GA., .r UZST F: ?j3K 1864. dumber S58. THE DAILY TllEDiULlEBIiL. rVSl.taaaD (TUT AT tSISBATS KXCKI-Trn,) BY FRANC. M. PAUI Tents af Hnbicrlptlon. npr M montk." - twraonlh ..".".".'. " thrre months Rate of Advertising. Two hollars per ft-ioar t4 lea linos or I tor each In TrQ. n. 1 MTU C AW. THE DAILY REBEL. MONDAY EVE NINO, JUNK 27, 18o4. J avBtizria edition. Margeon,, Ac Wi are satisfied that an A nay Surgeon who writes from the field, mistakes in supposing that tha Rebel's correspondent either was, or intended to ksy njfftuirt to the Surgeons of the Army of Tennessee. If we had believed so, we never would bare admitted htm atricttif es npou the abase of do branch of the service for which we have a higher . . f . t. or more sincere regard than for the Surgeons. , We have chaneed to beper.on.1 witnesses of their dev,..o to duty, their benevolence j tn.lj,,...iVii-.,il;l;1,rM. there intelligent apprccia- j tiouof their own obligations to ibe country and ; its soldiery, and their ca-pnestioncd patriotism. ; We are glad to kaow that there are few exceptions ; two passenger, coaches wore destroyed by', to this classification. Yet abuses may cit, f fire. The captured soldiers were forced t j without including a whole class, cither of ' Sur- j carry rails and kind!.! the flames which cm peons," Quartermasters' or " distinguished I "ttnied the cars. The two rear coaches w ere ' officers." It was not, of course, inteiidod to de- ; occupied by ladies, and with a show of : nounce either of these brandies of the service, as j l.Mitry the guerillas rolled the coach ' -k connected with the grievance complained of." On ! fr'ii I "n train, tvhich saved them fr- ni , our own' part, and in behalf of "Marshall." we j destruction. The express goods and trunks i promptly disclaim any such construction of his j charge. V ... :r. I l... .1 : . r,u-r . t . .l v j r ttf th ImpI that th ahntji rnninlmni.rl .f nn.lj to some extent. Not only officers, hut many citi xens from the rear, hare, without reflection, we doubt pot, too often participated in consuming the supplies collected for the sick and .wounded. The remarks of Marshall" were designed for correc tion, not for censure, and, we hope, may hare t!u ir legitimate effect in tb is way. Aa Appeal from the Army. Tbe attention of the Planters, and of all persons who hld corn, is earnestly called to the nical of j tba Uovarnment for an imreodiato supply of coin, i "which we fad in the Macon Telojrrailh, nn l print in another eolnmn. The armT of 5cn. hoc is in ' noe.1! I. another word necesarT to t.romnt the i whose name causes the liearf of every true Confcilcr- at to swell with pri.lo and excitation, is suffering j for anything in onr pwer to famuh, and that their ! wants W4Dt unapplied Will oar poor-lo be guilty I of tba felly and ma.lnes. of withholding the food ! ther do not need, when their liberties and their all ! . ' . . . , . , dspendspoa sustaining our glorious army in tts " K"- s,- - -v - prasont poriUoa J The aeeeesity to which tho t...v- . rasas aw aalla the attantloa of the pe.pte is a ; grave nd lportat one, and speaks not only to ; tha eonaeieneies, but to the vital wteresU of the j-eo- pl. It admits of no argument and will tolerate j a delay. The army must t provided now, ,.r the , cause in Virginia is lost. Do the men of tleoria , understand what the loss of our position in Vir ginia implies? Do tbey eotnf rebend the fnrt that 1 It means tha surrender 'of all the advantages e bavo gaJaed by three long years of strifo and car aage, and it sJso aaeans the indefinita prolongation ', of the war apon terms mora unfavorable to us, than any aader .which w have labored ? Surely if they so understand it, they will not hesitate to yield a prompt and abtaatial response to the call of the Oorernoicct ia behalf of oar heroic army. Telegraphic eomutunication was recstah lithad with Richmond about 10 o'clock last ajght, bat the large amount of government and otbci lous iness which had aeoumulated daring the interrup tion prevented the transmission of dispatches for tha prest, and wa war therefora deprived of our re ports for our morning's edition. It is stated that the wire was ba-Ly ' damaged between Petersburg and Walrion, for a distance of forty miles. We snp pose that the injury was done by some ysnkea raid ing party, but have as yet received no particulars. Atlanta Amateurs In Griffin. Ry in r 'nation of the ladies of this city, the Ama teurs wi ll give one of their famous Concerts at the Amateur Hall to-morrow erening, (23th.) This company was organized in April 1961, and bavo given by their Concerts the sum of thirty-five thou sand dollars to the soldiers and tbetr families. Tha "ioimatible Barnes" will be present, and our ritiienr may anticipate a rich treat. Let there bo a full turn-out. Tub Yahkkc Sccsktakt or tub Navv ox Admirsi. DtiroNT. Tlie Yankee Secretary of the Narj Welles, is not alwajs as placid aa has been believed. Id s letter to Admi ral Dapcnt, published in the correspondence submitted to Congress he thur walks into the Admiral. Your prompt abandonment of tho harlior of Charleston after a brief attack; your dis elioation to occupy the harbor; your declar ation that the monitors could not remain there with safety ; tour doubts and mis- girings in relation to those vessels ; your j Opposition lOa iratai a.uua , juui uiiiirnon to an great or Cevise any system o naval nroeeedincs : your constant complaints ; the distrust that painfully prcraded your corres- pondenoe ; year diitrensing personal anxiety about yourseii, mat seemeu to wcrsuauow public duty ; roor assaults upon editors in stead of assaults upon rebel batteries : your neglect of any reconnc-issance of the harbor obstructions, or if such was ever made, your neglect to inform the Department of the fact. These, with querulous and censorious char- ;m whiati subsequently auring .our momns eisure, tare been garnered op and cherish ed, and which And expression in your com munication received oa the 27th ultimo, ere agreeable to your wish, all on the files of the Department ; and the failure of the 7th of April has Doeome nisrory. TheWIinton Journal, of the 23d, says that at ! early bout yesterday forenoon, wa learn that tb Poterelwsi tnd WeJ Jon road wsa struck ir a raiding party at Kheims' depot, ten m iles from Petccauurg. Up to the present writing, Wednesday, p. we hare received no telegraphic annoanoe ment of the fact. At about the time when the railroad ia reportnd to bare been struck, the wiros between this point and Petersburg ceased working, which seems to confirm: the report. Stirring times were expected on yesterday in the vicinity of Petersburg, not depending npoQ tha option of the enemy. Whether this expectation was correct, or what wsas the resalt of any movements made rest nine as jet in doubt. immediate delivery of the entire sari.lus of onr i ri i-i . . i i j . i I . . . ...... . . ... 1 hey did not seem t. have n desire to plan- ! Shall it ho .an! that the srmy which ; ,lcr lh)J nsa KCnoral thing. j has stood for three years like wall of fire bclwn J uuy rol,c,l parties whom they thought bad toe itonieucracy anu in iocc, mere mcnuon n ; m Hieir The Loutavilla Journnl of tlie Utb gives an ! interesting description of the uncertainty of j railroad traveling in Kentucky during the ! prewnce ol "J. Margin": j From persons who were passengers on the i cars and eye witnesses t- the whose i.tfiur, ! we have learned the full detail of the cnj j tare. When about half a mile this side of I ! Smithfidd the train was thrown violently ! from the track by the previous removal of several rails. A roller of carbine and pis tol shuts were discharged into the cars at i the fame time. A number of .passengers I were aboard, and in nil about twenty s -1- !. diecs. but six of whom were armed. The i other were stragglers, being teturned to j their regiment, iio sudden and in expected i was the attack on the train that every liody j lout ontrol of themselves, mid in a perfect i Mate of alarm, surrenderel without the slightest resistance. The guerilla band mini- ( bered ten man, and they claimed to be sol diers of (General ."Jinn Morgan's command. They were armed with revolvers and car bine, and nsids from thoir citizen dros, present, d the appearance of soldier. Immediately after the surrender the arms ! were taken from the Federal soldiers mid broltcn br pieces. The chief then adminis tered to them an oath, requiring them to sup port th 8wiUm GnAftwUiritey. or. irt leat, "7 w u,"f " . T.T . V . C" T ' role was demanded; thev seemed to lc satis- fioil mM th,. -Yanks" swallow the VBfbsl, A n KCnern, .i.j,,. t( . ,. Rors werc trefltC( in a civn manner. A few pcrsonsTwere robbed of small amounts of money, but to pillage did not seem to bo the obiect of the band. The basnazc ear and wcrcinronn irom inc cares wu -n c iney wen- j I set on fire. Xbiio of the ba-ia-'O bid ngi:i-' i to the passengers were interfered with, tin- mail wa not opened or rifled, thougli . a tow , of the way paka"ges were burned with tin j cars. j One of the ladies, who rtood n. hhort dis i tancc from the scene of disaster and witness j od tho whole affair, was nppronched by one of 4he guerillas and offered an orange. S.'ie declinel the proffered cift, but was obliged ! ih it, in iiiuj niroiigiy iiii;i'h iiiai she nIioiiM receive a sliglit memento from rebel hands. After completing tlicir woi k of dc?truction the band moved oil' in the di- . . A 1 . . ... . ...... I . 1 . . rectioti of Smithficld. The leader, who claim- , cd to be a Lieutenant, was recognized a a j well known citizen, living in tho vicinity of , Vandyke's Mills. It is almost imposi!le to -"-J'-' -..... u,tv. u possession t foverumcnt or i ..mi '"I'.mJs. Tho Miioolo ilo wtriiftinii of n li:iin l.v , a party of this kind u.ics not seem to l.irni sufficient caue for the attack, and such pro-. ccclmgs are niewiiat unusual ny gucrn. i "n, , V'tCVcr tl 0 object was. wc inut j admit their anions ft c strangely marked . . P ,. . , . r.t by a show of gallantry and an exhibit of iTc , . 7 :....;t. ,u.. desperado. A more close inonirv into c c furnish a solution to the rid lie. Vhen Naroleo,, had rca. hcd Wilna. in invasion ...f llus'Ma, in 1S12, a deputati-.n 0f serfs from one of the inot i..'i.uloiis .!':. triets of the country waited upon him :iu I pledged that if he would issue n proe!.ii:ia-j tion emancipating the serfs tney would j 'in him to a man. Hut be declined their over- i turcs, for the reason that it would give a f - r.icious turn to the war, causing horrible d--'j rastatiou and unheard o,f murders. He should, be said, be epoiiing the cause of j hathnrHni against civilization, lie cold , not for a moment entertain the proposition, j lie it remembered that tho Russian serf was a white man, of tho same race with bis mas- . tcr, and fully as capable of improvement; j -whereas, the negro is of African descent, and j has never been left to bim clf in any part ol j tho world without degenerating into a barl-a- i rinn. Uy the employment of the negro the J Yankee is actually warriiig against civiiiza,- ! tion. Uut leaving that fact out of the iiir-s-: tion, can nnything be more pitiful th in the position of the Yankee, calling upon the iu pro to assist him in suliduinga people whom he boasted of bis ability to abolish in ninety days? What is it but n confession that wc are his superiors in the proportion of twenty , to five? iiiclnnoml Uisimfri. j IIaxoinuof David Crei'h, Ksq. Wc bac ! reliable information that David Creigh. an old and prominent citizen of I Jreciibrier county, of high respectability, was hung ' last Friday. iism the finding of a Yankee' drum head court martial under the nuspi-i ciesof the Yankee coinmrnder, (Jen. Dufar. ' About a year ago, Mr. Creigh, who was J about GO years old and a man of powerful ! build, entered his own bouse and found a Yankee straggler theio, who was p'uirlcring j and offering gross insults t bis daughters. desperato encounter of nn unarmed man against armed Yankees, ono'of Mr. Craigh's j servants brought hiiu pn axe, witli which he i killed the Yankee. In passing through the I county last Friday, it is supposed that in for- ! mation was lodged against him with the Yankee (Jeneral Dufay, 'who summ oned n dram bead court martial and had the old j gentleman hung. There can bo no doubt of this information, ami retaliation, stern and j prompt, should be ordered by tho nuthori- tics. Lynchhura HrptiHican A Traced- i v England. On Wtdncsday morning Uichard Thos. Parker, tho wretch- ed man who on the day previously attempted tho lives of both his parents, was brought before tho Kcv. J. T. Reel icr, one of the Notts iungiAatc, at Southwell, but, in con sequence of the precarious. state of his father and mother, tee prisoner was remanded for a week. ; . Eleven gunshot wounds were found in the ' nil man's race and tight in his breast. It is I thought the brain of Mrs. Parker bns 1.oim, i reached, l hey both sav "Poor Tom is not to blame," and when the old man made his 1 will yesterday he wished to leave bin son the trhol of hia Tironertv. ..t.t i have done it t he hal not gone T nio such a ... ... -iir, f, ruc " , in wiiii 0 mi. iicn iue prisoner was iXV: inquired it his mother were dead. Liter jwol Mail. 1 Stir Hrc is a very pregnant fact to show that General Lee's army is not starving: Plestt or Meat. Tha Government savs the Hilton North Carolina Chronicle, has in- fornvjd tho tithing agents that the Racon ly. inv At Ihnir djmnta aa a loan w;tl l, vti4 iii mill; ir rr tlm :ittn,lf iitwiu flio fr-ir: . needed, and the agents desire us to request ' r V n ' S"' ,.a co K- ' "J Vn all sch as have loaned Uacon at the depots ! S.i V"' to ceil and Uke it away. ..,..!lnl u Trk;,. . k. 1 7.1. I,.. irKt. Dunl A. Xorvell, coli, Ifl Mo. ttt& The harvest prospects in Great Brit-1 n MKriTll,. ain are unusually promising. Private W A dantcr, c. ii. 5711! AU Report ot" men Admitted into Hospital at Crimo, C;a.. .fuiic ?ltli. IUI. Thy following n im-;.l lKcr were a-.lmitfed into Hospital, at thi l..--i t.j-uay. a I'iik n..-. i-ita i I.irut .tiiTii'- V." K.. ... f.! Tinn. A III ii r. v-t t. "iii T.-iiii. .M !; Pr..yl. . . II. .".Hi T.nn t'.iv. W . .ct. ii.ii. i-. II, th Ti-nii. YV A V- ;1, ( A, 5. '.ill Ten ii. Jill io .in. ... t'. I'Uli Ala. S..!:.! ,n t'.ii, . .. K. ntd r.a. II T..u. li:. a.-. i- K. ::tli In.. M .M-.iri.-.'ii. c !. -"Hi lin. I'i.iM" t. V..!ker. r K.-tUli Ala. S.-r-t S II .It. II, ::'.i:l. ;a. 1'riv.ito Ifi!.-..- Itifviny. r l. 2r.lli Tt iin. V.-rjt Wi:; lt.ul.i. r. K. 'jroli Trim. Private VM IJirilll til. K, .'t'.ti TrlirT. ""Til... l: :.i.-kner.Iai.i. -nV llatterv. M A WiMv. I. - 1 S i. .1 l. M I. Giv n. co K. 2d ia. .'I t;, .. IC. 2.1 oi Mil. l.-wi. .n. f I, 2.'tli N f. It S .M-f .ji.Kll. co I. 2::.! Ala. I: M !!i.-:i;rr N-.ii. r... I 2:M Ala. .1 II Co. in 1. 1. h. .Miili tin. C I: K'i! Iii !.. II. '-till ia. AV W P'O'trrii-ld. '. l-t Ala. I." i; ll.lf. . I.. Mt'i 'IVi.ii. l:!' i r'i .lTT?:ij ni:!iu. . K. 2-tli Al l. .1 M !...!. . .. K. 2Sth Ala. f..rp M I. Sanij l.". 0 I. 2,'ili Ala. I'rivar.. I'. I: l'nin... ll. .. I. 2tli Al l. S V..iSi!ii. ., A, .""'il A 'C II Williims - H. I'lh Ala. .1 A M.-Arthur. 121 Ala. II .1 rli m.y. . V. I'.Vli AWi bat. V S Y:i!-. ". i t A In. Jiu I' n:1.,ioi. i:. ?'lli Ala. .1; ir.'. lo.i, . I. .". Il .N f. 'X V I'iirkvr. o. f. .. X C. .1 .1 .foliti.oti, cj K. 2. "ill Ala. ll.-nrv i ..Ifinaii. ci F. I'.'tli Ala. 1! A Whitman. - V. 21ili Ala. W S I;,..l, r, . . I. 2ili Ala. II Han!. V. c, F. Alii. i' p .1. r. n. r.. K. J 'I: li i; 1. : a i'ii-, u:i. :.. w v.i. .1 S WhIIct. It T. , i: i . II. T. i.ii-i. ii"' I'r'.vat - W C I' -A. . o I: r i:. l..-. ... m;. '.-i 1 u, . I: l"ii'i':.-. . 1; 11 Am :!. A:i.!r. v :i-..!, I ii.. II Y.-;ia- A WilliiMll-. V. i-i M C.n'.iis ;.;;,. .Mai.iy. I tit-. r.t ?;.iiiti.' n - fit 1 . K. I -I ! . . K. 1 Mi.-. .'. " : 1 ! Mi--. .. II. I:: 1 Mi--. . A. 2io !i M:s-. r . -. Mi.--. ,- II. r.;li Mi--.-, i- f. i'li Mi--. ..'. itli Mi---. i-.. II. t:ii Mis-. . i:a Mi--.. . ... r. :h M:--. ... ;;,'.S Mi-jw 1 !'. :li .Ii--. I. .... . , A. I '..l Mi--. 1'. ;.. i Mi--. K A All!.' ?: r Til- I.I; i;:,!. i. ;. . i W.-avi-r. r.. .1 !. !, .-(.ii.. .- r. .1 M l:. ! . i: .1 T.ii. . .. p.. ' 1' M T o ;..r. . .) W II i. iu r. . S.-rir! 1; V .M.-Kjv. . II. I :: 1 MN-. I Mi--. Mi.-f. 1. 1. Mi-. r.. t':li .Ml-. ..:!: Mi--. r. : i Mi- . !" i Mi--'. I i i M'4.. 1. Ciih Mi -. M --. Privat" l: I a le !. : ..-.-.:i i!-.-i.i.;!i.i. . .1 f l:i:ii.itr. I l'..r 1 ; M 1 rk I i ir-I.-u . J ! M.irciM !..rk. '.I lln'V. 1. 1 .) iiin M il 11 I 1; -.. W ;.!..., is M..!: . -. U .!' Ii!i.4 .i 1:. r. :;:.tli Mi-.. -. .' A. .".i!. Mi--, .-.iv. A. I'-iii M 01 r. 1 ttii Mi--. JV i.;;.ftm.-..a. c. II, l.ili Mi ' I '!!. .... II. t'.i It .Mi--. 11. ...ll. 1 I:lt Mi- .. I'. l..;h Mi--. v.. Ii. ls:l, Mi, .. j...- ; ; ! .11: :.y 11 v .i .m'-- li I:.. A J An '.. II r !.;::. .11 .1 .It it I... Hi-. l.ti. "..i- U 11 V.i.i V.' lirt! .1 : P l::..v. -r :: I' T Wii- 1:. I r. a.v l'i ai.. M u'iili- i;t'. .... 1 I oh Mi-.-. K. i:it Mi f. I!. 2 1 A! i. 1 . 2 I Mi -. .. II v::.l Mi-.-..'it . . K. I ..I (ia. :.rti. ii i. 1 -I'll M.. . .. I'. :wi'. I Vital.- W il v i I-1 ii. 1 in 1: .:i)i m; v'.. ' r: li ' I i .. i:: 27i-t Mi-r i:. .. .': S f. , .. i'.. ':' l.a . II. :.l : Atk. S.ili'l i ' .i:; M. l li H: .;. r , .1 I A S; r. . a .' .11 A M u 1 !-i:' - I '.: l'i i I art i.-'ii. I!;:!. a . i:i .1 i.-r. II ... I 1 .M :-: . 1 X I.'. -... c.. I. 27t'i M'.--. 1' .- liii.L.-. I'.. !iii M:-. ;.t A Mi.n'..rl, K, Mi--. V. in M r.iunt. c. F. Hi Mi-.-. .Ia- M M.far.ity, A. hli Mi.. ii,- . I i'til!i;iu. . " I'. I:'i Mi'.-. .l..lni W",..t.. ... l;. JTili Mi--, .-'cr'itt M U I. iiiinJ. 11. ..'. 2'ltli Al l .1 I .1 v.. ii. . .. '. 2Mh Ala. A II ! ... r. " i'. Ji'.l. Ala. 1: W WiV... . .. V.. "1 -! Ala. Cri.'l .1 l l.:-iii:i. f. II. 2'.'.li Ala. Piit:tto W It M .i-aii. o I. ."I t Aia. c- .1 U ii-.n. !:. ""'ill Ala. J.i-'k-.u il.trri-. ii 22.I Ala. .1 X II.ii. it.i .1;.;-. C" l. I t Mi S M liiil'-iii. .-. l.2'.'lii li t. s. H it. T N i:ii-'.. .-. S V. W i. i. ' r snotti. .... 1. i' F.-p y. I. II !-"f!o I.!, r, "i li 'J' J:u..,. .1 n. i . 'i'. .1 I ' Pat Ion. . M V -I . mm: lam-. " 1: 1 ... K, :-' K i;.l.i..n.l-. . 1:. .;:i:l! X , :.tii Ya. .l-'i Ya. A. -.IHi Ya. II. ;.lh V:.. . II. i;:M Y.i. li. f.:;.l Ya. II. IV. I Y !. 11. ::t-t Ail:. ;::.t:i Mi- . i. li, .tli Mi-.. r. tto .t::: .- Th-. M Fii.-ftt. Il.isl-ITA f.. r.. F. .,.:i:l. i;.-i. , ."'.'til li 1. 1. . :::t iia. Vriv; .r .- i..-.;r..r 1, l-.Iii ;Ii Wi!;:.,!.:-. T II llmok-. r- 1-. i. 2 I li.l. fit. ;, r..:,i 1..1. t;. i.m. ;... I. 10: li Car. --aV. . .. M. 21 Iia. Mil. . ... II. 2iV'i Ala. M f Fan . . .. T .Ijvol. . r.. S.-rij'iit A yi K.i -. ;.". P. .I Iiiis.m;. .1 Ii Stiilmaii M.', l tell el. -. A,20;li All. S K l:ivi. A. 2i't' Ala. .1 W M iiw.-ii. c. ;. .'istli Ala. - .1 IS Pai'irr. '.' '. : lli Ala. J M Hardin, ro C, !0tli Alii, j-i l.i.rii C.irr.'ll, ...'l Al.i. K..'.t I?'.l. 'ils..ii. H. 2l Ala. piiV. I. P I.invi. v. n, P. LM Ala. -av. c p.i.l-.r. K. :'-:.l A hi. .1 A llo .li . 'Pi. 'fT Maj S ISi-.wn. .'.I'll Aln. Pr.v.itr V ' X. I- 01. " '. .Mill Ala. W M IVni'v. c. I, -'.lili Alii. P II i;u;-li. c F. .". Ith Ala. S I. Ciirtrr. f K. "Till Ala. II S F..rl. IC. ::.;:li Mir. P. it Cnnit'nv-'.ai". .. '. 22. 1 Mi.--. .I'. I!'.atll:.ud. l, l.'.lli Mi--. .1 T 1'n'T. C. l.'.lli Mi-. Mil Piii-r.-tt. F. P':h Mi. Wm M.tiild-. ... A, -tn:li Mi-. W c ... F. :.!'i!i Mi---. .1 W Yiii.ii.l"it. K. Mi.--. W .1 Callahan, C U. ".".d Mi?. .1 II M I.. l!aii. P' K.2!)tli Mi-. .1 M Miv-l. v. . .. K.2'.li Mi-. Pk' K P'-itvr .... P.. Mi.. S S. r..ard. ri. J. "C, iii. 1 r,vi,,c A'l,,,r" H M I jliii;.', 1", "fit!! Mi... T J, "wT' Priv.itg .1 I. .:i.-. v. Co I.. Mil .Ml". f-orcl II.lii.'J. llli Mi.-. Privat.l I; Culluiii. I.. I ill Mic. Scrgt II T Hook. o K, Mli Mi... Private Win I. C.-l.-man. - l. -Ilh Mis. A 111 s Urt-t n. .. !, .".stJi i Kioliard P.k..wii, I, ".Mr. X C Il. jiry H. iTl:i':il. A. i.stli X O. A .1 lath, 2.".ili Trnu. Ths.J lild.-n. c. C, th Tcnn. l J Ui..k, i-o C. l.'.lli Tonn. Famt V Halo. c. II.. ".21 Tci.n. lacolj .Ii.npy, co f, "Mli Ya. Jno I, K'celer, c 1. f.r.d Ya. JAP lluiton, F, C'.d Ya. c..n.i Prirata j j c"n'l ' crt C'..r I P AI .Matriicn. c F. .'.7tli Ala. Private T W Kiiir. " C, '''li Ala. M W Wi,...!., C" P. ::.! ! Ala. .1 II 1. 2'il. Aln. .1 ; Miiitl'i. ok l. '-"iii Aln. :- W II nrv. C" I. 2'M. Ala. .1 l 11 .; II. r I. 2nt!i Ala. !. A Wui-ii. co K. 2i:!i Ala. It A Ia-o. .. . 1. .V.'sli X C. F P H-mdwcll. c. I. RUth X C. .1 I. S.uin-lers, t: IS. Si'th X V. .li. in. Pan s, c. i:. :5tli X C. W .1', I, r. C. .lli .Mis. I;vi l Collier, f. Ctli Miss. Crl K.lnrd Cook." P. f.lli Mins. .1 K Pii-rc. co K, litli M'm. V A !Iam.jr,c' A. 22d Miss. I.ewi Well., " It. 22l .Miss. l;ot,o;vcns,', F. 37tli Miss. M If Vail it. ... il, 2Ph M!s. i; W part... II- th Mi-.. .1 !: Orii'-o 1. rf li. Cull Miss. '.I i; McAIm v, i- C, ."'.t!i ia. W X Coilo. ci. A. ::'.tli (in. .1 A H.-tti., co i'. 12.1 lia. C A W ailing'. . l, 1 Itli Texas Cavalry. 4 II I.. W. U.U1. K, :td Tt-nn. Williion Pliillii".'s Escort. l'i en. C..r-1 Pritnh Tl. ' A CI. Midl. . . 15. .'S.'.lh Miss. .-; 1 I. rri.'k 1 . 2 Ith f C. lli.n'r C. FosTita, Irit "-nr. in rli'c llo-pitals. tin. IVt i.lur;' i'.t r.-.. 21st in.'t. t A ltaltle at Hand. T!.5;i- iir !.", wo Misnect. rapidly draw ing ti. a f i.iii" ii 'Iii vicinity, tion. Urant r:w:iiiit slide ftiiy lurthot unless be slides into l.iuii Uiver, or backwards to Uerinuda 1 1 iiiidrcds or tli: IJliii-kaboiniiiy. If be ngnin H-.irl'. ti. tliis s.rt (.f evasitc niovcnient, ho will Iisivo sli iwn" not fit to command n phili. ii. Such nnother d dge its those he )i:i -y 1 1 i liiiikir.;;. will liit liitn of all HCtn-l-:i2n . of juct. ii ii t-i military respectabili ty, no 1 bring i:i- i "jn.t.-.t i.m us a coimn:iud r il. wn Jm'I.i.v bo !H"I.f tbiit .f ibe bun. Most ..u'fi i.l iii bi-T ar.:iv. lit- ruiirse m'hioo be I.-i't S;. '. H ,'uii:'. Iin- I -ecu ultnot puerile. I. i'.-:;a:.i!y b:t-: ii"t 1 .ti muIi his great tlri-.'!; i .'; w-uild h ivu tbi.iiglit of jtur- tii::' tiinl.-i- the :ii!i; cireiiiiislauces. Tho t K.--f.; ,f ii :-i- fiiine never shunned a li.h: 4 1. "ii t!:'- Ti'.,j:i!i oll.'i'cd .iie. The iui!.i" l"Iv.-s- i'oIi..l into lite Virginiii ei:!iij-:i".::i with the during and energy id" a i-:icr:i! !f! .fio'iH' 1 t' pu-h along bis e-l.'i-:.-! j :it!i i i;'.'!i:i'.iii.l without turning to too i i i r 1 1 "i- ! lit" left. Hi crv was, "I j.r.'p - t- li-lit it nnl up.isi this line if it t.t'...'- a'.l siiinii. Ttiee w.'i'.I-i w ,-iv ..'..he id and re-echoed by the iui.:l cm i.ii'-s ami tlioir rcvcrberntiuiis rolled .in IV. nn the l'.itomn. to tho Pacific through all Yurke'd"ni. ltrave words they revt;,"n,v were, jnt :t brave as the meinor able i i s w bi.'li Mrt'lellau I buiidcrcd forth to tlie saon- t.r.itid Armv of the I'otonmo when bo t-iel; . unniai..! f it. 'c have i met our l.r l .1 IV at and ni.nlo our last re treat !'' Hut it;i-i are one tiling and the deeds wiii.-b tli'y 1'iotiiNc auot!nr. McClclInu disi -oleic. 1 t'..: truth of bis remark after a siioi f exjieri. ii....'. and lias ma-Ju the same uiscoMTV. Inteiid of lighting it out "U that f:tt:i'u line of bis, bo was beaten fiota it bel'.ro he Imd alv;iticcd more than a .b..eti i.ii'.c-. an 1 lias cier since been getting Mirth- r and farther from ii. I.r upwards ..I a ti;;.i.!r'-l t.ti'.cs has be boon slipping and slidi'.i n!..i.;; : i lewise. cn I rotted at almost etnyt.irii by tii-n. I.ce's army, until now he l:a .Z '1 ilitu lite lliitV f I'l'itlCO ticortrc. hI:C!" hi :it..!s a f-iree somcthin ' like that wbi.'li cotd roat.-d bini in Si...ttsvlv:tnia. at llaiiovf-r dutiction, and at ( 'old I lai bor. Ye ;:51 :..v. Ibiilor vj a r.'t lfr I.i oim-cll tu ('old real or ;li it's was n 1 ''' . in ' !f i. ay t ai..! ilia: ! :.aiy military .sense, out 1 it v.s:. not tin; march of Win i l..'-.'".s Iiii.i cm. nis suv.ti-o.I ;i 1 : 1 i t .-!: t I!" .tliiti ii'.w in a ctmlitixu nud no--1 -i;i it wilt, h ! tilat.d t il!i.T iin.itlior i-linnno'! of b..s.. has lad, ::.i":iior :..itte. lie now again j !.;iu a lull 'Mrtunit v of tcstinif i : e ins tin aetlV a'! i T.'iwer to Cllis i tho rchol ;iM I power to cms! lion. Al til he avail inmst-lf of it, ns ho did in the V.'U.!..fii. -s. -.r will he imitate his prowess at Han. v.-r .Iiiuetitn and Cold Har bor, by nnof'ie:- --!ide? lie cannot, with any regard for bis reputation, shrink from the arbtlrataei.t ! I.. itth in ins new V position. and a lTii-( batth the 1.. is ti.o.ef.rc bound to come off' i.-e ,. maiiv diiyfl. l"OIJ I tllt '1 11 I-: Alt.MY. - APPKALToTIIKtSKOlMilA 1M.ANTKUS. itcad:: itcad::: At the rciticst f tiovcrnmcnt functiomi- j rie we nddrc-s a very sokinii appeal to the ! Planters of t'.eorgia, one and all, who have i .. , . 1 t- .1 . , i. .-in i.. spar-, oc it iimicii or intio, to ueiiver , it at o. ce to the ihmi. t agent of the Govern-; im-iil. An U !:t::ti..;'a:c.l ilomand lor Leo a army i:; m.w ta i le upon the Commissary De partment, ai 1 it must be met promptly, by the patriotic planters of (ioorgia, or that army cannot bo -subsisted. YVo are 10 .uoM.'d to state lliese facts in the plaiii-st tcrii-s, an l to ntire the people that there in.i mistake about them. True, the growing crops are now in a critical condi tion Irom th..- grass, imd the tux upon tho planters' tea.. is for agricultural labor is very great. lint we an- authorized and requested t say Unit u-.ik-s- tle u-gia planters heed this call and emim up to the sacvilice it demands, they 2. lay prepare themselves to be dispns sc -.M-ifd" the .o I tbey cultivalo by the rude nn l lawless hands f th ; public enemy. Ivifh man must do bis part, and the man w ho neglects or refuses will not cscapo ex povf.rc. In full C'Uili leuce, then, that the skulker will bv." kii-.wn imd dealt with, let the patri otic report at ot..."?. wfihotit a day's iinneccs ttrV delay, t the nearest Ooinmissary Agent, bow much corn he can spare, and how soon nonver ir. 1 license is nun 1.1 ercnt ur- r- - g-eiicy. and let no tiiu . be lost or effort spared. ..w is the crisis of mir fate, und let every man put his shol.Ur to tho wheel. Wo ap-! pevd tho following extract from a letter from Maj. 1. die, Chi. f t'oinmissary : j Instrtft your agents to make one more appeal t' the l'lai.tcr.i to sell their cprn, re ceiving the customary obligations therefor, and to haul it to the iitiul points of delivery. If Ihcv cann.1t bring in much let them bring . . . ... . 1 ' .. 1 : l : .. i'i . . . . i aee'.iii'.u, i lu. n uouny. him may uo tue '. last appeal I hat w ill be made to them. Kvents hurry forward with fearful rapidity, and the fate of the "p fade racy now sus ' pended on t lie pea! of 11 balance, may be, aud probably will be, soon decided, for weal I or for woe. "Thi-i is no time to stop and talk about sniall sacrifices with fiddod arms. A planter or farmer wlm" will t'"t wdl now to tlio proj ! pcrly constitute 1 authorities ol tho (Jovern I ic.cnt, witliou'. tho cash in band, is no man. I It they do not want obligations or Treasury notes, in tiod s name, ici tnern givo away their produce if they are capable of a ffpark of lib.:rtv," .V.f"' Trhfrufth, ! W - Irishman lust his but in a well, and Was ' let .lov.n in a bucket to recover it ; the well being j very d.s?p. bis r..iirn failed him beure he reach -j e.l the wal?r. In vain did he call to those above I him, th.-y lent a dear ear to all be said, but at last j .iiie in despair, he bellowed out. " By 8aiat Pat- nek. if y..u don't draw me up, IU t tha rope, TELEGRAPHIC KSTOXTt OF THI MUEM ASSOCXATIOM. Fitlvri-d acenrdtns t. Art nt dutgf In th v..;ir ImV, l.r J. TnajtMira. In tli Orrk's tMli.v the IH irtrt Court Iho l oiir.'.l.'iatr hlnU-s llir NuHIk-i h IHotrtct of (ii'n;ia. Aeeouata tlrou Northern Papcrn. HiH-t-ial t.. the Mobil. Kflfcv l SksaTosia, Jur. 2t. The Chicago Timrs of tha 20th is received. Stanton's dispatches claim the tarrying of two redoubts and the capturing of four guns aud iiO men, on the 1 1th, near Pctarsburg. Several ansanlts oa tha "rebel" works, on th l.Sth, were rcpalsed with a Fedtiral loss f 6,000. Jlutler is reported to have tn surpriiH'd l.y Lie while attempting the destruction of the Itiehinond and Petersburg Railroad, and terribly defeated. Sheridan reports a victory and subsequent de feat at Trevllian Station. Sherman reports, on the Ifltb, the rebels retreat ing across the Chattahoochee, and he pursuing. The prisoners captured by Morgan bare Won ordered to the Mold, their parolns not lacing rcxpec -tod. Morgan had occupied Lexington,, and the guer rillas Bardstown. Gen. Shelby is in the vicinity of Islington, Mo. Lincoln's genius for alratey baviug bveu apac ed by tha slaughter f 1 20,000 I.. en, he will let titsnt try his own plan. It in rlorte.k that A. J. Smith had hfl Memphis with 15,000 men, to bunt Forrest. The Tithes of Isth, in its editorial, estiinas ti rant's hisses iu killed mid woun.lf.1 north of Jamow river at "0,1100 inen.Slirriiian'. l..ii.osat 45,1100, nnd the total federal liics Mti.-e the 1st of April, at lol ly IS. -.,000 men. Northern ditlv l the 2:5. 1 have abo tome to baud. Hispatcln. liolii (irnut'M niniv.ol the i' th, tol mit the loss uu Ibe two prcvioo !.iv. of MltlO. A private-dispatch l'ruu Waliinl..n ..( the 2lth, sas a division ! Hurii-ide corps is e.ipl tired I'.ll.llire.l. are very IrouMesoiuo on idppi. A lurj;! Federal force i. concentrated phis. liold in New York ii the 2th - .i i the .Mosir- at Mem- uetivc mid firmer, closing at l'J',J. Cotton was iiiel. Private intelligence represents Mu.-ouii Hai:u iu with guerrillas. Kuropcau dates to the loth arc rwiitod. Federal recruiting in Ireland was strongly re monstrated against in the House f Commons. Rus sell complained of the noil iittt nlijii ol" the Wash ington Hovernment to Ly-m's rrpresiiitatiuus on lh: subject. newed in iti.vr iTi.iin. It is loured thaV h..-liliiii.'s tvill be . I'ciimarK. S.msti.ixr. Ci.isvon, La.. 2.1. It is reported Irom Xew Or- vsiiinntes lo the Chief of the Produce Loan Mice le.uis, on good authority, that If aim has becu .le- ( w I',0' "hacco shall have been collected! l i i .. .... 'l'' sal. I tig. ut shall lie liable for it vufe titn1r pose.1 by Lincoln, as tiove. nor, and Hanks a,.,....t - ; .2 eael, la. i.i. r planter not e-V- cl Military tiovcruor. ' her ih.iu the lirt day of June, n..r later than the ion. Sickles is to coiiiinaud the army. liticvuth d.i ..t .Inly, idiall deliver his tithe or to Artillery aud troops have Wen set to Perwiek s rl.rVaV::. ITlW .!l bay tu meet tho anticipated attack of Taylor. All the troops have Ik-cu rent down Irom Ilonald sonville and the place is proteeted by tiro gunbonts. In Xew Orleans on tlio Sh gold was 20.'.; cot ton 112. A PROCLAMATION II v ISIIA.H ;. IIAItltIS, t.OYKUNOIt r TKNXLSSKK. i T.. .l.. ui...:n-. . i ... : . ; - ..v, . ..roiirr?. au.i i. liter ei. ii i.iiic.'i h . - the State of Tennessee, and t. the otlieei s in I command of Hoops from aaid State, either on ,' duty or in hospitals : Wniant, a vacancy tor Congress in the I Ith Coligressioli tl Oisti ic'. ..t'Teiiuess e. bus been oc i cssioiied by the death of ll.ui. Havid M.' Ciurin, you arc thcrclorc commanded to open mid hold ' nu election mi Tlll'KSHAY, the eighteenth ..lav of August, eighteen luin.Ired and si l y-fonr. at all ' the voting places in your respective counties, and in the cumpa or the army, and at such other points as i euuesscc soldiers nuir ie 1.1111110-, or 111 lios iniiii, on iue oav ot election, m mirsiiancc ot no 1. ... . , . - I hc or Congress.",-milled An Act lo provide r..r holding electioua for Hcpresentntivcs in the Co.- gross or the Conrodcrate States in Ihc Slutc or : leimesscc. iiiMiloveil Mnv 1st. s.;:! mid an act , HliHIi.latorv thereof, appto've.l .lime tHh, l-t;t, toifiite VV- t ..1" .. . .1 .- , . - '- - - -......... ,i, ...Miu.- I " w K'm'1; ... .. . I, ISIIA.M (i. HAKKI 1. 't V ' , "' ,,",rr"" - 1.. s. .-Tennessee, have hereunto set inv band f 1 ami caused the great seal or the Slate ! be uNixed, this the Jlth lnv r.lune, A. II., I-;. ISIIA.M ti. IIAKKIS. Itv the tSovrrnor : .1. K. Tl. Itsv, Secretarv of Slate. juaTjM. ...... in nis ."l' 1111 election. r?--- f r Ml SIC, MIRTH, 1IEL()I)V& TABLEAUX! THE ATLANTA AMATEURS WILL give a CONCKHT at the Amateur Half' ' 'V 'j" 1" fnrr fti",!!li aftcr iU lNr In this City to-morrow evening, .li s,: -Sth. A..r..vcd tcbiua. v 3. !,. rroeecds to bo given ! tKe Ladie's Soldier's Iteli. f Society, or Oriflin. Aiissik 1 ivr. noi.i. n Tick cts to be bad at the Hall, Tuesday evening, rrom .1 to h o'clock. ju27. WM. II. UAKNKS, Mn.,.jer. DBNTICTIlTr. Ir. J. . Kennedy, Kenldent Dentist, IS prepared to K-rforni any ..H-ra- , , r tion in the Oetilal line, tlfliec 'ivl' his residence in west llriflin, cornrrCtTt rr tr -vaaawaa mill VS I V Ul V U P Refers by ncriuission lo W. I I . Hank, Atlanta: Ir. It. .1. Masser. M- I).- Allan. ' ta: Ur. Sam. Ilr. ! tilal Ics.t, Atlanta. 1 rO Indigent soldiers anl their families by cming to bis office, can have tl-eth extractel frco or charge. junelrt it j ...... . " . J Hatch Factory iu that portion otitic Coitfoslcracv winch lies west of the Mississippi river; and the Postmaster Gen The undersigned ara now prepared to fill arders for oral is hereby authorized to order the transfer from KUPKRIOR rnicTiorj xaATcnoo TRY THEM; j . , . i any vankee matches. t Thay are as good as Address HEItaJt Jk JOHNW1N, tlriflua. 1 la. Jbna Utf ! UY AlJTltoillTYi ' PfTDLlc" ACT or vna ' Firat ("oinvrras ! tkc Coafeaientta Btalav, ' l'assi-d at the fourth aessiou, which was and held at tho city -of Richmond, in ibe KtatS 'irginia, on Monday, the seventh dr irnT ccuiber. A. II., Is63, and ended on ThtirsJaT' ; Uie eighteenth day of February, Is4. "mm' I Cn r, XV. An Act to amend" Aa Act to provide a mnoV .,f authenticating claims for ntonev I againat ihc Confederate gtatea aot otberwita ! CT?TLlwl ,6r" Pvmt Aug. SO, 1M1. The f n Ue fJtrmt Stair f Ameri- ea .. Ht,.-t, That an much of the flret aeetioa of i said act a requires the Attorney U sacra ta rmart ; to t ngt im uiH.n aaid claims be. and tha aa... U hereby repealed. Approved January 8, CA. Ciise. Xyi.An Aet to incrcaae the compeaaa tion or certain c.V.l officers and employee T im the Prcsidont-aotnce, a ad ia the E3 'J? LcgiJaiirc UeparuneaU at Kichmoad. foe .U.. uen H-rioa. i ' vi ,o , j That theWlarie. and eompaaWthTrof all civil offirera and iuiployee. in thePreaWaP. , ottW, and i th. fccutive and Legiahitive D. purtim nu, at KicLiuopd. whose compensation or sUru s do net exceed the sum of two thaummd I P r iinnutn, hatl be increased frcm the iiessagc or tMsact lo the fifteenth of May, eights. j hundred and wxtr-four, at the rate or mm kaadred Kr cent. .f annum: toti.M, The same ahall , not U,cr. h he increased beroadthe rate of throe I ,i " 'i a " -J- "P"aiMn u abovo tsro , mr. e i.ioiis;iri.i .niura prr amm. rf.-ll A-Tid I 4li same perHMl of time, be increased at tha rata of Jiny rrul. tHsr annum; but It ia barebr d.-clured that the kietNMd eompMakJow proiuledforin this act, shall not be pauttTaav omcor or employee in auy execuUve Department I ! "T "" - is nanie to pertbrtn mili tary doty . r who is able to hear artnV in tit Beld , tiulcaa sueh oMiccr or eniplovccNhaU first ohtaia a I cci tilicaie fioui the head '.f (he department ia . which he in cngagi-.l. that his tx-rvices are abao- ' IlltelV n.H'.-Mliirv If. tht l!ii,nn,n,...i ...J .a... , i.t ' ... , '"" ". idii uia i.ia.-j- caio...i no supplied by an.v one kuown to the "i'r in woo ia not auuject to mili tary doty, which xaid crltilicatc xhall be filed with the Secretary or the Tnasniv l rrc the mouev ia paid; audit shall be Ihc duty or the aaid Secretarv at the I.CL'ilininir id" t-aeb f-i. . tn : i i: .. ..r Jit . - .w vu.n.uuiiiuie ' i i, ." I?"'nc;," t ongrcss: IVovi- ; tl.-il. Tlint no cl.'ik who, by tiitno of a nulitarv I e..itiii.iM..iii, ri tciven rations or commutation o'f ! l.lll.l.kM I.U.11 I ..Mt;ln . .1... K ... ... h. i..e ueneni oi mis act. Approved JamiHry 10, lh6l. r'.'i'''.XVIIVTA1" Att " regulate the collection or the ta in kind iiH.n lobarco,- and to amend an I 1 eiiiuhd " An cl to lay taxes Tor the com moil lef. ii... nud .-any on the Uovcrument of li'ia ""' ' s, ,un" "pl-rovcd April 21st, n. t tj" i nfr h,at. St,it of Ameri .. .I.. ,!,.,. t. 1 ,at the tax in kind of oue-tenth im p....d l.y raid aet upon all tobacco grown in the foiiftsl..inl- Stales, instead if In-ing collected bv the p.l .jii.niei master, ..hall lc collected bv the iig.-nls npp.inted by the Secretary of the Treasury to ll.-'t and preserve tobacco, and tha tax as--sors shall ttioisfer their estimate r.r il. ink.. ' due a.-h pl.i.iter t.r tanoei-. sM Cifring blh I 'juiintiiv Hii-1 .,.i..l..v. to the said agent or their duly Mulhoiirt-I s.ih ugelit. taking thHr r-eeipta . therelor. and sha'l alMi i.m..v....i . ........ ... . , pot. .d which Ihei-e shall not be lesa than one as . labhshed in eaeb roiiul v l,T ftj. KgvU. for the Col t lection and preservation "of tobacco, where the. shi.I tobnett. shall Ik prized and aecurelv packed in hogshead, orothei pa Wages, suitable r.r mai - ket. by said agents. I Si:.-. 4. That the tav n-sessor shall require a j stntfiiK'nl Ii eaeh fanner or planter a to tb j .IttV. rent .(ualities or tobacco unsed bv bini, and : shall an due Ihc CnnftMlerate States, one- i tenth ol cai'll of snid .nullities, whirl, al.nll K. .... ted s..pnia'.y in his estimates, and shall be deli v. I. . I -eparat. lv l.y the t. inner or planter at the pi iin .1. . .1 . I I ii.-t- ,'tttd .ai tir nets. inroii,i,iai wiiii i i.e I-! 'iug. me lo-rebv rcl 1 pealed. Appl'fd .laitiiaty H", lltt. I me. X III. - An Act to extend the provisions of' an acl emitted. An Act in I elation to the re ceipt ..f t'oiiutcrreii Trc.isiirr .Votes bv public ollieers, approved Msy I, Iti;3. 7"A. t ...,., . ,, th. t 'un,jf,tiu StiU of Atnrr ,1.1 ,i,it . That the I.i.m.i.r n l.l ' All Act Treasury .......... .... .s, nnm I'lntioti I., the receiptor Counterfeit les l.v I.tlbtie i.flieers." M.v In si, ..tie thousand eight hundred and ixt v-threc. I.e, and the same are hereby extended, so aa to e...oi nit- nn cottiiiciieit treasury notes received bv .1 1.1:.. - ---"'. . Ci " VV ! "'TV". M,d .afV P"?' ! r:.. ". 7,i ' "'"'u "-r c,ten-nun- Approved .l.untaiA r.o, s.:. session. ' n- 1 :.., .. i' sm r Ami. I -,...f . That the Con gro or I be Cohrederate v... r r . -.r "e oniiaerate : shall asM'iubh tho first Motnlav iu Mav. Anno I Hoiuitii, eighteen bundled and si'st v-fonr," and not the tirst Monday of Occcmbcr, eighteen hundred and it.v-ftsir. J Appi.oisd Kebmary 3. 1S:. . ; Cnvr. Xl. A11 Aet lo authorize the President t t. as.igu j.t.tgesi.r military courts rrom one court t auothct . Tl, i'w.;in,;f'i, 1 mf, ,. rif. Slut ft f Ameri " ' '-', That tha I'rusident be, and be ia here by, authorized, at any lime, to assign judges from one military court tn'another, as, iu bis judgment, the service may require. Sec. t- H- ii f'nth. r.-rW. That this art I.l ,. if. XXVII.- An Act to authorize the annoint. meiit ran agent id Ihc lot Ollice Department, I and such cl.-i hs mh may be necessary to carry n the postal service iii Ibe States west r the , 'Mississippi rncr. Tlit rvifm..ii7A. t 'in V.VwV Sf'tff tf Atnrri 1 t d,t mart. That there shall In? appointed by the 1 President, by and w till the adi ice and consent of . the Senate, an agent r the Post Office llepart- uient. who thi.ll keep bis ouiceat such place in the ' Slates West (' the Missisipi river as shall tie j designated by the Postmaster General, who shall j receive for bis services a salary or four Ihousaad Uoiiars per annum. Six. 2. That said agent of the Post Office De- . i......,i uill I.. i-.f.ul l.v il. .,.....,- oral, au.t ir neeessarv. by thm IhoUwn, rraa thaw t time, w ilh such ocrs, and charged with such duties as will citable l.iui to susjH'lid ostmaatera and agents or the department, and employ others to serve rir the time being, and to instruct then : t orv carrying the mails as aiilhoriaed by law; re Iceie the' reiurns e.r Mstniastcra and eontiaetora. anl the reports ol ascitis; niaae trc uminary sei tleiiicnls with and others in the otal .-rrkv, and make to them partial or frill payaienls accoiding to his instructions ; and to draw collec tion orders or drafts on postmaster for this pur- I.osc ; Mi.iribnie postage stamps, post-office dunks, w tappirit: paper, c, and U crform (en. j orallv all sorb duties as may be required ol-fatm ta i mr.'.nniiv willi law to keep up the postal aervie 1 the onicc"! uieagruioi me treasury Department ' west of said river, with whom funds belonging Iu i the I'o Heparttucut mav be detftiiel. to such postmaster as he may designate, and the ' funds so transfer! od shall be subject to the draft or I the agent r the Post Office Department for the pavnient of the liability or the Department: Pro vided, That all his acts ahall be subject lo the Baal revision and approval of the Post mast -r (taatral. and r the proper accounting oflicrra of the Treaa ' ury, and, when necessary, t.. the approval f the . President. S- X. Tbsi the I'osliuaster t.rnerid be anthor- lied to assign or anix.iiit such number of clerks as be necfcsaarv t.renable him to pet form these 'ntira wi,n- -, .....t.on shall not exceed that o. the other clerks of a similar grade employ ad ia the Post-Ollic? Department. Sac. 4. That the IWmastcr tleneral be, and he is horrhv anthorixed, ta make all needful ralea and regulations to carrv Into effect the proaisiona .f this act. Sxc. A. That this act ahall expire on the day of a ratine at ion of a treaty of peace between tha Coa federate States and the I 111 led States of Asaerica. Approved February in, 18C4.