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t .HE DAILY REBEL. ; TTF.DN ESDAY MORN ING. JUNE 29. 1864. Ol.blERV CLAIM. Ti bar on haad a lot of l!uk forms of eer tifleate and aSdav'u for tb wdleclion of lb tlaim f deceased, noldiet. Trie ffiy eata per rhert- Piu at a distance aeesNag snah blank ! pr-ocar? them by addrensia lb Rasr.L Orrica through the maita. 1 - Prayer far the Country. Partpg thia week, th tJaioa Prayer Meetiaa; for th eoanfry will be held ia the Methodist Chareh rery aAornooa, at i e'e hvrk. A jra-rt! and paoe taal atteadanceof ear eitjxen is eorduJly invited. tJriffln, Jaoo 2f. . . JVeir Me ewrret &t Crmt ryroyif Ikttt 1 wm freerf a If mmdtrtvktnj, awOAwf t4 roaie oa itmt tmka tkary kimtlf Telegra phic Difpateh. ' Maay laeredalone perone mity donht whether Tljssee, the At odera, erer aaet a dipateh of the character Jer deaerihed; nererttelo the inteli rore fort eom fam Mewph to that effect. -Wow, lt'fJKi-pmu' bfi imlu.riy .b4 heailad and ehftiaat. They ae9r credit tsj di pateh or Lit of iniAlligene whkh laeki confirma tion. They ak for oJUiol halleUaa before, they eoneoja tb truth of any itatement. Hence, there aramany'eTet whie"h haT aetaally oeearred, or faet whnli baTe a veritable exivtenee, kcowa to thoaaanda aad aeeepted by a3 bet theBselrea, wbirb they aerer recalTed tto their rejiortory nf knowledge, aal to which they steadily and Mindly refoM to yield credence. To these ball-headed persons it is nanecesrary to ad-trese any aryTjnwr.t l.y way of m.tin:iJt; the probatitliiy . of the news here rt-fi-rred to. Eat to the momoptn-maded and jno.atioos ) eenUirsto nnret thai perfiaps Oraat, in his drunken eecen tricity, may "hare sant rarn menB io his Satan ic Majty! Vieeerer.t oa earth. What I thore improbable la the. llief that Grant ii -'tired of his nndertakiajt'" 7 This andertakin;. it in art "be remembereff, i !o lit Richmond. Thi WilJer e, Spottylvsnia Coort llnne, and ".! ! Harbor a all witne-wee of bow Tain b-ire been all hi ef- fort to thut enJ. Hi irnmen! !wcs in the?a a?- eeral eTperimeBts are rather dicn raging circum rtaneea. erea to a ata ef draat'n obntioocy. Har injr at length shifted tbo rea f him operation to th Foathtide, he hat thos far aaet with litMa to realr him mre an2nin. The ineeitahla Iee. the ercT-watrbfal Bcaurejfnrd nd their invincible armies sra there to discourage his Drilliant antici pations and demovalixe his trocp. What wonler then that ha should have corn to the eonelairioa to let "flea. Lea' liltla Confederacy' alone, aal-ss Ijtnmla ia wlllia g to assume eownand an ecotia no ""pegging away" on hi awn responsibility ! Grant bein the last of some dozen General who have asdertaken tho sane s.Tift job aad hare in oMitinantly failed aT?MiWr dta-oaragtag' cirrutn stana. Ilia Ions; line of predecessors pas in ra vtev, lilt the snarl--rod victims of the guilty Hosier, ia hia midnight dreamt. MeDewoll, the nasty, taClefla, the Chaagar af biso,, the Pom poos, Bornside, the Short-winded, swearing pale preeeiaioa ef lack less GaM:raJ who, in their tarns, have incurred th contempt ef the Yankee iiw i ! jjP jj,), 5r,UUry eritie beanse of their failaro ro rrarh fho" fitar goal of ysokee aaibttton Riebreoad. I he thonght 6f these wortkiea aad their late ia highly mggrs tiv to a ma engaged ia the same effort in which tbey inglorioasly an 1 taeeesaively failed. Th fact that the same glorwma army, with th am watehlas leader, stands before hira to bar bis passa Ut the city of his hsarV most passionate dosire la eajcalatcl to strongly effect that stabborn will, which horl thonrands of taen against fr.rmid abl fortiB cation, to perish aad bo matilated, with out remorse. XTader these eireamstaneea nay act erea (frant, th Pfobborn, panse and invite hia m'astor Io "take charge T ITot that V aopieee Lin sola will comply, aor, rf h shonld consent to expose hinrelf t the perils ef a eamraign, ttat it would prove anything; more than a ritlieotcais farce. Jlat hecaase, in that ease, th demands cf jortiee might be, in some sort, answered, aad that the raan wbo Is chiefly resyooslbta for lb erimes ef the war might b brought to feel in bin ew& person the tn--taperabl ebst-icle whieh 1" ia the path to Rich mond, which li has exhansfe.1 so ranch blool in hi effort to "posses and hold aad for failing ia this andertaking be has ruthlessly degraded all hi owA chosen instruments. Having a feeling, sens ef th hoplr (aak ia which ha ia engaged, "6raatt Fdgbest jastiftcatto for Cailar would be to - eit fberearion ahorteomiagi of his predoceaaors and to invito th eoraraaoder-ia-eiiief of the armies of th Vsin Io . eoTN forth from th White Hone:, and show his faith, by hit works, in Irading thoae hosfs, in whom he professes each exalted conftdemse against th armies J La and the rebel Capital. If . Lincoln's faith I nabrekee, why shonl l he not clo it? 11a hat tried McDowell, Ppc, Borngide, nook er, Meada and tirant, and baa failed to fad a trae esmfal Lieutenant to do hia bidding-. Why mi y Wftt Ika . Cim-rttmim fiiml l- S . VI 9 1 1 at th bvstnesa? - There ' 4a jet reatea. Ett there may be a MuJ aaecdoto" tolmsrfere. Andtl ert jcnfitMsth Waggery f Graet saggtioii, as 'reported by the ! f llaphia. ' Th Chicago CoaearEna Potaaef e " Th Detnecratia Natioeal Cc ayention, which wia : ha LCB p-Mpoaed wJk Uhe iShsifXuasCVs - aresaBMinu luacninpr oi T grain me aaa been - made to eaable.the result ef the -military opera tioBw now fa progres to be fnrvy developed, in or der that thcr proccedine f iiie Coaveution miy be guided thereby, and the p'atform shaped ia aC- ewdaaeetberewiih, r"Te t, heyswtajl QoeLianA vcry sfrong in i eEaaaiou oath part of tbe ' erln tisworraey K ake a ht for pes-e. ltd io pnt their candid aU upon a platform pledged to the stoppage ef the war; batiei view of ths dmibtfal eondiUea of military affairs, and the pessibiotv oftrinmph for the Caioa eanse, they heaitate to do it. They wa k4,e that if they Were , wominat a eandi date pm sweh platform oa tbe 4th ef July, and rant aboald a-eed iD 'eaplnrit,s Richmond, or Rbennaa should achieve aoane grand sweeraa, Jhe r-efKa ia th Northera mind from iu preaent "J irefthaf and alie! that wewld iviLa- bry follow, Vonld rnnre Uetagfjsfefili rer wWtming de&at of their eaadidate. But o hc Hhr tt4p if dwa-r should eoalinn to ClDow the r4rl baoftera, the peace aeatimcnt wewld jro wtUj anexampled rapidity, and the adminia- , tratioa and Ha party woald so down in aharrieaae - f popaia'ln'laMianaosidiKfaveT. ThaCoareB oa baa, tharefbra, Wra masoned, to allow Uac - kit farther derelopvts which may be vital to the poliey V be adopted to itarc Forces s. . w . .... , sua r , WtrxxT Caor is ALiMkw alcriher writing ,4o as from Lafayette, Alatxuu, u UrT '- the foilowlng poitseript ralaUv t a vhat ff in that section t - 1 ' " "Tba arbeai er-p i tarnia out sjlerwliiiy fc, fay aelifhborhood, otw Hk staad ag th raSsa.aiwifi ba Urge' aaa rar before. Farmer mfor mm that tbyWli per aera U aliav the aTarai aa4 a sUaafad." - .- " '- . "i - : Ceatribationa for the llef.efit I Soldier. Eirro Resit.: 1'icase publish the following list of contribu tions, received at the Haptist church, L-this city, last fUbbarh, for the purpose of supplying our soldiers with the mean of religion instruction-: A. B. Mathew. " Ci. L. T. Doyal 9 V T'V on iK.W.Iteak '"' I T. J. ThivlUld ". I !. II. M iner -' I Jchn Andrewa, . O. Oo'k rf.....,.. ............ Mra. I- T. Doral, C. II. Johtn, Mm. I. Tifnam, II. C llolinmbe II. T. IMc l.rn - D. X. M:iin, Ceb Thom Wdlianm J. C. Kinr, S. A. Von a a;. UiftcelUneona eoutnbotinn,. Mra. WatkinSw,, Mra. It M.M W T.S. V" t. ri.... . .t. Jl-Tner Millmeou ontrilut ion . Mra. KletT .inter, Mrs. Bald e a Mrn.M. C. Martin J. D Ste-H -. Mm. K. n. Uitle....:, A. M. Nalle. jr C. F Xeiirton Mia Wine no 0- TO (HI ?il 00 i0 '0 10 0' 10 rO-l :: ! : m :t oi ! j ii 2;i : on fi 5 HI On 2 0 12 SJ . 0 10 iiO 10 0 10 00 (i 0 ) io i0 0i 1 0 Total "' Theae eontribntioD may be considered rery LUaraU efpeeiallr when we take into considera tion the eoatiffwtty r tlnmo iw mi mrm ft u nr ; the nnmb-ir of tirrsea she ha been culli-d ujon to aid benevolent object, aad the acarnitv of money. In bchfclf of our nob!? soldier, I return ull who bare contributed my warmest jrratitudo. r M. B. WHAKTOX, Ajtent, Vn. S. S. A PiU. Board. Ciairrrc; June 2. lsr.4. "i-ti-One week ao last Saunlay. icn. herin.-iu telegraphed to the Secretary of War, thut tlcn. John-Hon had rctrx-ated acrofs the Chattahoochee river, aod that he was purrn:ng. If Fhcrnvaa hc lieTcd hia own lipat-R, how niach hv tu-t have lccn fuqri;d on Monday by the i-lauLtrr of his men in front of our liui'S ii.lovo JMii I.-t. The Chatiabeochm river i alicat f-.iiit.cti mih- the Fcene of that grand diu'cr, and the pn-sui.ip-ti ,n i., therefore, that if Johfiron did ho hu either rcttirucd or did not tiiko his boys with him. Fxia Kit. The Wilmington Journal ii'du!;;r j in the fulUiwinj; vein touching the evil practice ! ft editorial campaigning Wc d- net know wliat Goa. Ive:s plans may be, and wc are mt g"i" to instruct him ns to whnt they rhould le. That sort of thing is rnrAer play ed out. Kvcn the Kit hrUni I Cxaiuim-r -Iocs nof dictate mora than (wo ditleront cniuj'aius pcr Wfk." JTiT' Thyankci dispatches last nihf. put tlie yankee (ieneral Kiuiball io coiiimund of iulorevs in the attack pon onr line on Monday morning. We suppose the reporter intended to say that some thing had happened to this doughty yankee chief tain, and the dispatch got m'-xed in its transmission. Is Thk l'tr.i.K, Juno 2 lib, 1-iW. ErtTO IlKRLt. : Plcai inform your many readers Tyler's Brigado of Bate's livi n is rompowJ mo.-t y of Georgians. I think this is tPue the fallaut .17th Ga. P.ct. and the llli Batl:il ioa of tia. S. S. A Tr.xssn'sr.r s or Tvi.oit's biniiM:. CIem. Lek's D vcciiter. A correspondent of the Iliblical Itccorder, writinp- of ll aa . f the Win- -... ,! nnr UloUulunJ. S:V tt COVCr aver sixty acre d ground, h.i tffrety Kirn. on, three chaplain, aix divixiona, and ca pacity to Accommodate three thousand pa tient. 1'ivcof tlicditisjjn. arc approprinti'il exclusively to ortb Cnvidioians. IIoids: One very nleaaine feature of this, ami in act all tbe bcwpUaU of Kichmon 1, Peters burg, LynchbarR an l.Uharlottsviiic, j tlic laroje element of femaie one find anion; t'oe attendant. ' Some of the very first wome-i in the country ore matron and nnrsos in thcae fcoapitala, and wc foand in Kichmon-?, for instance, on.e of the most refined t:nd beautiful young ladic of the city daily in the horpitxil; not going there once or twice a week, bat every day, and attaching them selves tw particular ward and divi.-don, they irdghr work to l-tter ndvantnge. A short time since Gen. Lcc s danlitcr was writing a letter lor a wonnded aoldier in tlio Winder. "Tell my. mother," said the brave boy, "that just as I fell I saw tbnt grnnd old man, (Jen. Lee." A bystander asked, "I- yn know who that i writing fir you? Tbat'a (Jen. Leo's daugl;tcr." We. may im agine that soldicVd eyospcncd slightly. Mrs. Gen. llragg is also often to bo peen there ministering to oar suffering hcroe. Grant's Kerruittt. By aa arrival from within tho yiir.kee lin-.-s. tho rcichmnnd Pentinel is iitfonncd that the nioyt eu ergetic and determined eTrts aro now Wir g put forth to capture Petersburg and Cut tiff tin: Con fed ea te capital from the South. The Yankees claim to have from ninety-live to ono liuodrcd thon-and mca nader arms. This force is c-mpoed of i lie greatest variety of raen ever seen together tn this continent. Many of them havo never yet mijIi ponder fresh n cn, from the garlic and cabbage patches of the Northern States, nnd front thn cities and island of the world. Alwul. fo; ty thnu'und old troops, or "veterans," yet rctojin in tirant's army, greatly jadwl and d seou raged and m my of them dsmoraliibd. The best, lighters, and the larger amber of the in, have fought their last battlo on earth. In tirant's present army sbcr ara. nino regiment ofncgrVes full company of Otlowas (ltd'mn.4) and sereral ( ompanioa of n-jndesripts, who sportk no Ktiglisn.? These savages iwtm to think they hsve aa easy task before them, and that on ig hi nf their vast columns, tbe Confederates will take to flight a4 leave thoir homes and valuables tr.r thoir v uelr.iteena U livoror exeeof to -rrnb at d con- some s II that 6elongs to the rehs ls,' Tiyir night ly orgies disgust the half civilized in their midst, andees4evenlbc slaves tlity have slulen aud forced into fellowship and sorviou, to fuin sickeesa iu keep eway. , Maas to the left!" is the soldier-cry throughout the anay. "Thieve to the rsar " tbe echo. Tbe trratmcrW of captured sotdiers aad ciliuns depends mitch npon their own loanlioess ami b,-ar-mg. There i nothing of rendcrnce or volantary bamaxaty to bo ecn or expected at tbc'hanihi of the yaalreo. Uehiforeataents are frequently arriving, fcnd the .aradsrtbea "raw reerciUaro lodicroon in the estreat to th veteraAi; their ch-ef valae is to keep spa fhow of itrtajh. tSF' AdjoUnt Smith, of the .rth Confed erate Iisisiipr4 regiment, a brother of Brigadier fien. Charles Smith, wa killcl oh Suuday, while arranging bis picTcet lines, lie i the third of a bmve .and gallant trio of brothers wbo bare fcllen ja tbia reJmiwit. Every Man en Oaard. : Tbt . following (sensible suggestion of onr extemporary of tho Kuhmood Sentinel are PlMy applicable? this latitade at the piTrl ,nVsenf.,w,ien in the rery burden ao4 beafc of tho 'canipt in, as we now are, il tieaooTca n tot forth crery energy a secure sneeeaa, and to crush, aa well as - di. appoint, tbe armtea' Df tbo invader. Th Sefbnaiaayt To beat the enemy ia now mr tbaortiiiTa, bciiie8tbe bastnes ofth jroTorntnent, the basruWaof our Generals, tbe business of every soldier, and , tbo busi ness; of every citizen. Kvery man should be read.f and anger to Rive hi help in every praetieabla way; and I si is the day and the t wbea there slioul 1 be a uaiversal and sSoaciiriiif taeaTOr. , ; "Wc do not believe our people are n ful ly aroused as they sh..ii!d be. They are ro-aohe-l. thej arc patriotic, they aro brave, but they are lint so ca?er and w":de awake nimiw bwwswj. TheJnonij. arc con ducting against us u nio-t cstrnordinary and warfare. Afrni'l. or not content, to make a trial of ftftnth Isetwccn opposing nrin:cr. thev .are rending armed parties throughout our laol, to plii dcr our people. , " ... ,, ' , , j " ,'"r: ' nl" ll '". to J teal horse, and to spread pf-noral 'n1utton. Tlicsn JC out with no Pturr s nf tli-tr own. nnd with ord-ra to sciv.o thoir living. Iaotlicr worils they, tiro sont out procKfl v a r.ib?cra and ineen-!inrio-; nnd faitlifully thcr cteciUo their mission. Oflicera and men, they ateal pfxna, tiiy roh pnutric. they take from faiiiiliea n t oiilv the wli'ilo of their hiipplios. but the very Urea l tlmt is on' t!ic tnblo Wo have henrd of raxes in whjph they Rave taken lit erally every tiling, and left fhe littla children crying in y;in f.r a motscl of fol. "Sfekinj5 our conquest by their great . ar mies they eek our atarvation, and ruin, and destruction, bv their pedntory cntorprie. "We inu-'t fi:ht ths; invadera with nil tho weapon ofo destruction. Our armies will tako core pf the enemy' armies: but our citi zen, oven I hose not in tho reserve force, must lend n band whenever opportunity of fer?, njjnimt the robber trait ride raid, Whenever a citizen sees one rftlieso, let him le assured that lie pee a villain, wli-nn be abotiM abo.d if he can. a eagerly r.a l;o would shoot a bear or pnnther. Let no mistaken idea that forbearance will induce iu lulenco, stay the band or atop tho bullet. Tho Yan kee are m:ikinj thin a war of robbery, nnd to tlie-tfentli. nw.wU l.iptltu.-ayntau who dennuda your m noy or your life, they aeek cur money find our lire. A shot well nimo'i from rock or thicket, or mountnin sido bosh, will visit a just retribution, nnd have a wholoriVc" moral infiaonoo. It will ititiuit d:iic raid a well n punish roWers. Con r. t" la t or Order. Ukimj'. ujtkri 2o 1'ivisiox Koui;r.sis :.vv M.KV, ) Jfci!.lin, Mi ., Juno I?, 1-'.I. j tlineral Orders, No. 27. S d-lio'-s of the Second Iivision ! Your notion or. tho 10:1; nnd lltli laslant make nn et-. in the history of wars. No pnralhd tin be frund iu histo. ry of such a Im'tlo l'-ght and won hy civalry., .o b.itilv; w.i more decisive 10 victory -was f::l! no dtrf-at m-r' completes a ront n- pursuit iii-u-c raj.'d an-1 exciiinir. Con ten iiii.j v--li flm enemy's infantry (twicii j.nir numbi-vv,) fu'dv iind sjilcr-lidly ciiti-ped, an-l protrcte I l.y r ivalry to the wh-de firttc cngago-l. you demoliiihed his army, enpluro I his artillery and wifl trains, I t : 1 i 1 1 -1 his supplies and rescued a b. 11 f n nlation from the insolent domination f a r.nritcss toe. KeiitucVi.tns nml Tomioseivini? f ths K I and 4th Lrignd -s ! Von hnvi: placed your names conspicu ously .is glory's most honArahla roll. Ve terans and recruits. y.u c-mulat.M d!eh tlMS other i:i coolness, bravery, delermhnfion. Vour immediate comuiapd-.l-rs Ci.!s. Lyon nnd 111, may well c. 1 crattil:ite them.'elves w eomma:iding so vigor-m- i:i action, so unflinching in rndnr.inee, 8 pr:njt in obedience au-i so irrcsi-tiiii': in ha .!e. To ti; I.rao alio 0 II, we drop a sol licr's tear wc led niiif lauiev.t tiicir lrii-s. 1 tie 1 mcraotv ol their iio'dc deeds wiil stimulnJe the livin g to emula tion, and their blood he avenged en the dastar-l foe. Where all, officers nnd privates, deployed such noted gallantry, it would bo invidious to draw d:s-tin-tiin-. I., t us raih-T return thnnks to nn All wise Pi evidence P;r toe hiiial exhildiion of llis favor i otii.!iafvl us, ami p'-esx for ani with rc-newo-l .val !o sceiiru o-ir indi-j end-nce. Iietorinined that no net shall Hroish the Instre. of the glory you have so proudly w-oi. You merit and will re ceive n count ry's beiiei' iction. (Signed.) A. BUFOKli. Brig. (reii. Comd'g. Oni. ial r Tito :. M. Ci:., .i:i:, A. A. G. . Army t'oi rcspttmlciireof tlic Savarnah Ite- puhlirati. TI1K UPKP.ATIONS BKFOJtK PKTKBSBUB.G AnMV NoirTitrfit v'eni si Petersburg, V irsritiia. Jeue IVth. I I reached this this f.irei;oon too late to enter notch into oVtnll In renr-l t-i iiif iiMrnTii,n in this vicinitv for the hist few da vs. From nil nc . I counts, there has been mofe or l.-s fijrhting day nml night since, Wi-lnc dv Iho 15th Insf. It was during the nijrbt of that day tho enemy wade bis first sirious nss-iult. nn l c.irri-d a lariT- section ot our r out. r lines, extending rmm the Appomattox ST,? Vlitn;.5' wlrX.;;' a-w far nronn consist in -ompnrativoly worthless citizens thnt had bcn dra.'-rel ont to thcMinps and put in'povition for the militia. The remiiinilcrof B-.'nnrcgard's troops, not many at most at that time, acre holding- the line in front of Hermit 1 1 Hundreds between ths Jayica and Appomattox. Had thn tiKi-my 1 r ns'l bis adrintage at tho tune, lie misbl Cii'i'v have ccin.ied IVtersburg. Tlie fiishiing eotiiitiecl nt ir tcrv.ils on Thursday j nnd Tlius.biy tught, Ly which time liiichrnrl Jell 11- j son's division had nrrived. nnd soon theTeafter t lr.1...'. .1:..:.:. . I nn C.,.I. I -Wok il, i two divisions, part of t;r.iei-'.s nnd tho Six- ly-fo'unii GcnrgSa regiment which vn riot then at- t.icln'il to any brigade, bnt lias to-day been ndded to Col inil t"s, IJeaim-ii.ird min'ained his ground until R oMoek yesterday rffatard.vlmov'ngagainst tho erenfir j.firt ofin.nt's nrmy. Whnt greater praisr can be hi Mowed ny-n ar-y" commander than th s pimjilo tntempnt proclaims. Ab.ut half-past tbreo o'clook Friday morning, just afior the moon had snak V ow tho western lir.riv.n tl.o nnfinv eri-it. tltrou.ll the tlnelr ti,li,p- growth in front of buttery 'o. lit on tbe Baxter mad, whhh is on our ri.hf. and got within a few pace of that work before they wcts discovered. They were in heavy force two heavy Io bo resist ed, nnd tho result was they carried the- bnttery or redoubt, nnd drove the Confederates away. Indeed lha wonder is that tin y did not carry' all parts of the linco grent w e the dispnri'y between tbe fortes of tbe ri.-sp-ctir3 armies, n-irlioes extended from tv point 0:1 tho Appi inattox three miles below tho town, around to tbecfst nud southeast, a diststancc of live miles', nnd to defend them wc had only two divisions nnd a frnction. Col. Powhattan It. Page of the 21th Virginin, commanding Wise's brig:do nt th? time, received a mortal wound dur ing th,c asj.mlt, and doon thcr-after. The bat tery of the Macon, Oa., I iglit Artillery, consisting of four 12 pounder Napoleon., wa- lost hi spite of tho gnllaoiry of the olT-ersaiid ni'-o. Twenty-one of thoir horecs wero killed, and th--i'r Infar.try sup ports hnving been forced hack, it tf'a fouud impos sible to bring olT ihe gans. . Skinnhihiiig co. ( iued tht-onghoot Ihe day along the greater part of thn lines. "At Ihtve o'clock the enemy a.ssaattcvt l!rtery Io. tT, an important po sition eext to Puttcry No Iff, but they were driven, tiark with ooneiderabl-los. An Insnr later they charged ir wurks on tho hill near New Market Unco Course, and wero ngjiin repnlsed, but with heavier hf. At 6 o'clock the assault wa venewed in front of Batteries Nos. 17, IS, 19 nnd 20, and n night approached tho rnntiouaile 1h cama general alou j the whole lino from No. 20 nr- aad to tbo Ap pomattox on the left. Aware of the comparative weak lies of Be in regard's force, and Stimulated l.y the desiro to get of Petersburg, Grant made a desperate cfT.irt to lnar down nil opposition and enter the town. Ha massed his forces, as he did at Spottsly vaniii Court llonseud Cold Har bor, and rushed them against our position a if he hedieved that number nnd bnaV foreo could accom plish everything.' Hi hen vf est ossnult os made apon Wise's nnd. Blliotrs (bite Evans) brigades, of Juhnsom's division. We at length crav. t. and one rrrunent of Kl- rlia't' and tho enemy poured in lhro-rghtleKap in a scream maican oe com pa re only to the Miscssip pi river a hen it broaks thrtnigh ilre levee and sob mcrgrt the adjaeebt plantations. ' Forth natelv, Kaasota f thn snum division and lira-He were nelrr at hand: Cotyuift and Cllnplnnn. .." Ifoka's divis ion, rushed frwr I also tn- rinse th' gap which rcw w'uh-r and wider every maim nl. The shock was terrible. Night had now set in, but Ihe jet of firo from the iruskctry and tlio l..ngne ef flame from tbe artillery lit up Iho earth and th sky'and poiatcl the Way to the warring host. If the ene my wer successful, Petrstsrjt mast fall, and With Its fell what other evil wool 1 1.HWU n 1 Bead not now pan ho tn enumerate; if, notwithstanding their lata sneee, they were yet repn1:edj all might be saved. B' parties understood tho imports ntt of the stake a they bagged eah other in mortal wombat. The" Ob savored the gnmnd wits their swelling masses; tha ether- Was onr a haadbik and yet the latter gathering Itself ap, and binding itself logethai Ilk. a hTl, wu berled- agait llmraajtitadiea foe Uh a skill and fere W tile b. sm It bag huiail coald stand b'fnr and live "' ..., Th enemy were driven brmk arid ont ef the works with great loss, and thgnna fceioawing te Blount (Georgia) battery, which had behave with so much gauntry, but which vat lost w beta h Federal Cferoka ever tho work, were rccapturi'. Tho fight now ceased, ami tho women an children and old men, who hntl crowded the hill ami house top, tearful spectators of. the nncquel cmht, ro tired tolhcir bed. with' grateful heart. " . At throe o'clock, Giri. Ilontirrgard withdrew hi force and occupied a new and bettor tino of in trenchmept he had thrown up a abort distance lie hind those bo abandoned. ... At eight o'clock nest niornlng, Kershaw's vite- nci-i ier . p..i marc,, all night.jind relieved Johnson 5 winch had Iwn'in ,0 tn.ohMt dT ,B1 nighU pinco Thnr.d..y morn- i. In a hort time Field' nod Piokcti'n divin- rsn. division reached the field nfcr a rapid march t ion were placed in poidtion, utill later other forces j belonging to flen. Ieos grayid anny ui ido their j appearance. . . i ruw usbbiiiis were made at interval yester day, and were rvpcat-d last night ; it brijrnda was brought up here and there ad hnrriod against our steady lincM, n one would east a Mono against a L wall of adnmants bnt rn every latonee tho em-my were reputed with but little effort. Constant skir lnisbinK and artillory fisiafc b:ive boon kept np to day, but without results. It whs a Mrango emu mingling of sounds at 10 o'clock this morning thasoft, sweet tones of the church hells inviting tho people to the house of prayer, and tbo boom of can non and cr.ish nf iliolls summoning (lie unfortunate soldier to the dark abodes of elerr.ity. The one was the genllo messenger ofpeace and lifo, the oth er tho dread ummoner of suffeHiig and death ! Petersburg U now safb agalnst assanlt. though it i within range of the enemy's Ions iano cuns. A namber of shells have exploded in the streete, but thns far only eleven person hnve been hurt, in- cltuling one old negro woman killed. tJcneral Iei waited almost too long before he sent tbo much. needed reinforcements, n but for the heroic v.-is tancc of Ileaiiregard and his command the eit y mast have fallen. The people have removed frojiu th I eastern part of the town to places of greater sacty. Oram en tire army 1 now in front of Petcrsnnrg apd Lco' is where it should be. Warren's rorp j was sent nrour.d by water, from West Point, but it ; is iiere, ana part ern bnro nlrfiidy been rnrfatred. AVe have Jnst hosrtl that Karly.aod nroettnrilse attacked Hu'iter yesterday, near I.vuchbnr, .nnd beat hl.n badly. At last neconnt I lie liittc-r, wlio is repnrted to bo without supplies, lrjj in fill ic trcat. P. W. A.' Iluiiter Movements. We take the following item, concerning the progress T Hunter's raiding army . through tbe valley and Piedmont, from tho Lynchburg Republican : j The Yankees in thoir advance through j Bedford, burned nil thebri-lorm t'nc Yir ginia nnd Tenneseo Ilriilrond. Am .in o;li- ' er. those mrross Hi and Little Otter rivers, j nnd Elk crock. Tho two lornv.-r arc coiisi.1- j crablo structures. taNmEK ATRoa-riK". We have the information in such n man-u rer as to make it undoubtedly true, tlmt the I Yankco raiding party cbieh passed by Me Ivor's, committed rapes onjjthrcc r'-spoctable ladies in this neighborhiod, one nftlu-m mar- ! ricd and the other two sinolo Indies. Wo , have tho namos of these bulio. but of course ; cannot mske them pul-lir. It i only necrs-1 snry to say that the vandals now threatoi.inij , Lvnchburz, from Bodf rd, avo ft p:irt of iho ! same licUisb crow; nt.d these out rages will nerve tllO nrm d" every soldier with u to strike a deadlier blow the hour for their punishment comes, a come it will. 1'ROM I.YM IIKIRO. Tho Ilenublican, of votcrdav. say., that in the figl t near Lynchburg on Sa'urd.iy the j enemy left alxnit 120 dead, nnd 1"0 weundc I on the tiel-. Avcrill informed tv gent lemaji j residing; near the scene of tho battle-that bi ; entire loss M-as about HOt) in killed, wounded J nnd missing. The Republican Rivca the f-d- lowing summary of the operation of .Satur day t No sooner, however, did he feci onr lines on tha morning of Saturday, than be discov- cred that they wore l -loin led by tounetiuii"- 1 iiii.rn tbnti militin and ho.snital rat, and til I tor a day of skirmishing u:id combat, ho con- . I clnded that it was the better part of valor to beat an inglorious retreat. This ho did n wrvcru t.-'-itueKy. They had captured the hor .Tu ill I., vi:t covcrii.-; .... ., ..,,,;,.,.,,';, ,.rM lVderal rtgiment'at Prince- .v. in iiiuiiuicuin. iiiu e i real .viim uie- eovered by onr force about It) o'clock t t . . . . nitrllt U't.A,, tt n.l ,n f M mi.Ak.. bA 4 . .. ......... made for an active pursuit, which comuiu.: ccd by 12 o'clock. The enemy, therefore, bad some hour th etnrt. and have, no doubt, mmln on.. I. broi...- timo in going than they did in coniin Tbo,,.,, our preparation, for pursuit wer us v-iMiijui.-ii: nn nicy cuuiu oe onucr lte III' cumstanccs, we Tcry much fear that tho grcui er'part of Hunter's command will succeed in making their escapo, unless couriorf have been sent to Buchanan nnd Lexington to h.ivo tho road blockaded so a to delay tho retreating foe. In nny event, however, the failure of the expedition is complete. Peteraburff Federal Scnsallon j Itcporta. j To Major General Dix : : -i,r , ... . . , , War txt. Washington, June l'., M:4-, I. M. lluacvcntnw a die-paUli I root City- Point, dated U o'clook thi inoriiili reached the department. It reports that our forces frdvanccd Tesacrdav 'to within n j miio in frrmt ()f Potcrsburji, when they found . . .. the enemy ccennyin a new iroof which, after successive assaults, wc failed to carry, but hold nnd liavo intrcnJicd our t l vanced positions. At half past aix o'clock in the evening :t combined advance was made along the lire, and a desperate struga;lo ensued on tbo l.-lt and center, both with artillery and iufut.t; v, which lafded till long after dark, (ieu. l. r ney'. command gaining a broastm ik in their front, and taking n largo number of primmer. This morning attlaylight anoth er advanoo was made along the line. Bum- ! side has went in about 700 prisoners, nio.-tly Tennessee troop, from Beauregard' c iu" mand, among them -sixteen rebel oILi-jets. Hancock ha nlno taken a Inre number of p-risoneri who are on their way to tho rear. Our guns cow command Petersburg, nu-1 can shell the city at any moment. Uur Ioks yesterday is said to have been nhout l.ttOd. while that of tbo enemy wa fully a ci eot if not emuer. . rroni Iti forces ot the enomy wilhm theer new line it. in inferred thnt Beauregard has been reinforced from Lee's army. No re port has been received concerning the casu alties of onr army in itn operations since .crossing tho James river, except tho death of Mnj. Morton, mentioned yesterday. (.Jen.-Sdiernran reports to-day thul tho ene my gate way last night in thomidt of darh neMtnd storm, and nt daylight wo enfer-.-d bis line from tbo right to tho loft. Tho whole army ia now in parsuit as far ns the Chatta hoochee. Gen. Sherman add : I start nt once for Marietta. No military intelligeneV from any other quarter hit been received. . - K. M. .Sn.NT.iv. Tho wtatement that 3Iichael IlahfThn been removed from his place ns (Jovernor" of Louisiana me are assured is true. Banks, is depute tr fill the place n. ".Military (iov ernorj What tho excaso of thi chango is we hnve rVotr learned. Michael has bad a brief measure of life in hi new honors. How ever, it may be said that he thoroughly Pn. joyed them while it lastetL -Mobile Tribunr. 0iwiua. Gen. Pick Taylor, in bis ad dresa of may2-lth, to tho tfoope, eays "thi army1 move towards New Orleans, and though 5t do not reach thn goal, jie, jri, nf her patriotic women ahall sound .high with joy, reonTyo to lbo edio cf your guns." i SinuScwat. . . IS" fRRiCA AT" SiraRRpRT.--Shrcvcporti La., wan visited by a severe t-lortn a short time since, aoing consideratiie toirn -and smashing two stentnlxiats tn at oms tbe StoUfft and Don Louis. TEnEGRAPHlC.I REPORTS OF THE PRESS AMDGIAHOH. r.iU-r.-d rr..iiHii. t .-t f t'.mrri- la tke rear 1 S I . .T. . Tiii:tu it, in th- t'lork'ii llnr nt tbe IM Iriot 4iiut f tli- CiiUlt rutr M-it- for toe Warthira l'llt)M Till: FRONT, I'arllrulars of the llattle of Monday iUitir.iT. June Z3. in severe panUbmenl inflicted npioi tho enemy yt-sterday by Uenerala Hardee ai.d L-.iins rcudcr-d them very quiet to dny. Whilf lii- I'mv con.inanleatcd to the woods was rtigiu. our oft'icci! in authority callod to the Yao- k'.-u (Nniii!i.ttil:r that as an act nf humanity we would ecare tiling to give then litne to carry off tlitir woiiii-hd, then in danger of beinr baraed alivo, which was done; after which the action wu r:.-iiniL'd with r. i iil t fill result to tho enemy, la front t.f ClihiirnV division they lost over oao thc6 si'n.i in I'l.rathain front it was taoeh greater. fiiir b ;m l.-ss thau on ouie day of rkirmith- i fiuij ! v. duo hundred and fifty will sorer oar 1 .. Walker'.'- livi-ion skiriaiahcraaotcd with jreat hcroiMii, linn; out of cloven being btyonMcd la one ill'j pit ah no, while their oinecriaetually cat down 1 tiic enemy with llieir sabres. Two of cur officer 1 fro 111 the same pit came in with I ayonat wounds, while their clothes were perforated with ballets. A Bergen nt of Jackson's brigade seised a ahell while the fui-o was lighted, and threw it fro 1 tbe pit where it had lullan. Tie was promoted npon lb spot by i Jen. Jackson, ti a Lientctiautey, but lha heroic f-t low no.lcsily declined the honer. S-rrt. W. .1. Wolty, Company I, 29ih Tennasse Kcgimeiit, Vaughn's Brigade, leaped ever tbe l-renst-works. im-1 seized the standard preaonted by Hen. liuford to the 27th Illinois Regiment, wrest ed it from its t.einer ami brought It triumphantly to eiinip, f.r which daring act tj'eo. Hardee pre nut--I it t 1 the gallant Sergeant, It wa inscribed oj;..lnioiit, I'ni hi City, Stone Kiver." The eiu itiy malo a most desperate attempt Io take hrn:csnw .Mountain. They attacked our worl.-i with column of picked troops, heroes of Mi -;. ii ii v Ili.lLf, but borin corii drove than . 1 b.i' l , uiil, :i b- s c'otii.Mtcd at tivmty-fire hundred, j Va'ckce News. 1;h elat to the M-'l ile lit Kister. f'v. -.r- t:i . dune 21th. Tho Chicago Time of :he -i':h i.: received. S:a-i!iiir di.-patches claim the esrryiag of two leil'-ubt-' an-l the capturing "f four gn d hhti men on the 1 Itli, near IVIcrhhurg. Si v.-rul ..':. lilts made Oil lh "teWl" works, on ! the V oh. crc repulsed with a Federal loss ef six tiloll-.ll:-l. Boiler i rep .rtcd to hnve been surprised by I.e nil stteiiiptin th- d-istruclion of the Richmond an ! Pet. rb-ir.: railroad, and sb-rrPdy defatml. Sl.ti'ni.oi npoits a ict-iry an-l subcincnt defeat at i'l' ioiaii .-tatioii. . N-. -iihcia dates of the 2:id have s.lso com tehand. lij-pat'-hes from tirant's army, ef tbe 18th, ad mit the loi-s. iOi ihe two previous da s, of 8,000. A pri ate tii p'at. h from Washington, of the 2tUh f,i s 11 division of I'.itrusi-le's corp. is eaplurrd. T'..:- iorr -p indent of the Chicago Time says ; 1 :i :i t 1--.-I T - n.ei: trying Lincoln's plan, an-l is r.'iiv trying Ids own. Line. -til's genius for tratcgy having ben sp p I by tbe s'.aii.liKT of 1X0,004 ho will let Grant liy b - own plan. Norllu-rii lit port- .about Morgan aud Ken- tacky. Tin- pii.'oiicis enpturcd bv Morcaa have been or- ' -h ied t- the fo ld, their pandt-s not being reseted. ! Gm-iTiilas enforcing conscription in South- j t .11. 1 A hundn-d rcl.cls wero stationed at Ms t field, !ii in;; 1 ni..idls out of the State. alluiidilianCM Daytcn Hpeeeli. I :i v.-n li.-patcbes say Vallandigbam is enjoying it.:. I. In a i-v b to a crowd sercLa.ling'hiin, he il I li-' u ii!l tu.iko no threats, but he had not ii- fi..iii ft ;'ore:gn country without calcnlutiug -.e c-.iim q-ienee nnd milking deliberate prepare Ii i.- I i m.-, ( 1 1. cm . Ii' any mil! ary comiunndcr should attempt hi arrevt. he wioin d them tliat in Dayton the eron nnd properly of those iiift iating a procedure would be held ns homage. lie. should dc nni nd ryo for eye and tooth fr I b t rn help hiiu tlie everhistiug Jehi Vah! He li i n.t expect Io bo molested again. If he should 5e. however, he warned them the result .Weill I I t Mich that, wheti compared, tho other wa i.itt dit-t in the i.alauce. Ho intended remaining pii 'i til! after tbe Chicago Convention, and woald then avow his purposes. ' Suuin-.ary of Noiihrrra New. liacni'.I.iM nro very trouldusuuie op the Missis- .-ippi. A large l'edeinl force is Ci.ueentruted at Mm- phi;:. ' Gold in New York on tho 20th wa. active and linn. i i sing at lOi'.J. Coit.iu was uiet. Prix ale intelligence represent Missouri iwarta- ii' ith guerrillas. i.'u.-ri illus n ro becoming troiibh-soine in Southern .Missouri, Gen. Sttirgis is siierseled hy Gen. A. J. Smith at Meni bis. The .Memphis Bulletin of tbe 21st contain koth- iii.j furt'ier from I be armiss. It is re;Mrted that A. J. Smith had left Hnmphi, ii'h I 'j.ti.iO imn, to bunt Forrest. It is believed that the Yankee Government will not interfere wi"h WiSndigliant nf be keeps quiet. IIki:oish ald Cm tirr. A most toachina- in stance of heroism; and one of tlie most airoetoaa . "r" ,"T ''udy, the truth of-whtch ta vouched for I'r VVi. V?fc.1-" esapyma -d.. ring tho Columbian struggle foi independent-. j nc r-p.mislt tJcneral, Morillo, the most blooi ; thirsty and trror herous tool of the Spanish King, nh i lie created (kmat of Carfhagena, aud Mar . -jttis do la Piicri, for services whioh rather ealitled Ii tin to tho distineliou of batcher or hangman. . bile seated in bU tent one day during the eatn i p.ti ;n of Carrneas. be raw a lad liefore him drown. i d in terns. Tho chief demanded of him for what I purpose I was I her ? The child replied thnt he had come to beg the life of hi father, theu a prisoner ia MorUlo' 1 camp. -What caa yos do to save yor father P akd the Ii -in ral. -I (.,nll ,0 iut litilc, but what I can do. shall be .lie. Morillo robed the little fellow ' ear and said. i M'finld yiin your ear I - b take off Io pro- ; cure yoor lather's lilwrty?" "I certainly would," was the andsantt reply. A soldier was accordingly eallrsl and ordered I o j cut oB. Ihn ear nith a single trtkfth kaife. i The boy wept bat did not resist while this bar be - rous order wa executed. "Would you roae your other ear rather than fall of your purpose?" was llie next question. j I have tiitr..-red miicli, hut for my father I caa FuTer I5H!" wa tho Heroic anwwf the boy. The other em w taken off pimcenaeal wllhoet tlrnehiag on tl arl of the nobl child. -And. now go!" exclaimed Xorilla. aatouched by hie sahhmo courage, "th father of such a aoa must IL-." 1 the presence of hi agonUe-i md raHrly sutTef iv' son, tho patriot ftM-r was than execuled. Never did a lite plntore exhibit such iratbfal light and shade in national character, sack deep trench-i-rwua vliainy such enthusiasSw heroism. ; FOR SAJ5, Alarg,? a.rtmnt of RegRaV wrlllag per, Idnoaad while, iq qaautitlee to sail tur- riuuers. rise rcaaunaDMK to 7 . Q'A' EM8PECK, Jtt-9,0,r'a Rebel Offic. Grffin, Go. lmesaiaesPweasjfjaasii I VrfreUblea Ut tbe Artaiy. Person briefing ia ry table to seed the ar my ef Teaaease, will ram 3 raker to bring them 1.. Capt. S. J. Hay, ea Taesday aad Fridays, lr 'rri. Thi arraegsmai l is reedered atees- ary thai sbiamaaU may be mad ia Imll, akilu th rageUbU art frwh. Wher they are broagUt ia small caanUtW. they fre.,neotly wdt r pil befor Usy be .kippL Va hope this rule will b abservtd berearter, aad thus provrnt tha ua- avoidable ! aoaseooeBt uiob the system which twqairea beldiag a t small aaaatiiie aatil tley caa be shipped. jun?J Si DAILY REBEJa BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, Grlflln, Git. Havis pcrrekased the Ni a Eivsssivc Paiaitw FatABLaMManT formsrly ad t.y Mews. Hill Ac w rsa. we are a ew prepared to ejieeate . all zrjriM or mltxi iko, a a etyW aot Da ba by aa y titer siutiUr ertsl. Mshmat la the fWrVks-u-y. Oor ceSm Is aw ea ef U Unut, au.t the maU-rUl Is eertalnlj the Mewaat Mt rahiabla la th iuw. Having eeenred a very larv atonk of F.Xt'FLLKNT PTATHiSKUY. w w U tter thau eetr l-mparwd Ui ila all kliwlaof ARMY PRINTINCi, at awt alleA, aao at rale aww rraeuiuaae Uaa r. all at.aaas tssn sv QiKtrtorninHtoPH, (-ommiMsarioH, Oixliuvnt.'O Oilifoi's, Supgeoiis, aad other, kYpt on band, fr kale, mr .ilui,-,l t.. i. -i . la the moat Ktpediticus .Vituurr. Ilsvlns aasmd sloek -f PINK HTATH'N t .1: V. .M CAIMlS. are prrpared la ekeenu frrcate fVwtag-, ia a tl K..t te Wrscrlle.l. A larc MsrfrAhlUOSAIll.K AM V AlMe ASH N'OTK PAPEliS reahUsi its tu 4iul Xvaddia; and Ball Csrd, aad Invitation. Visiting Cars', 4c, ta a at) U nt to b approarkrd .r any other ..Hi. e la tl. onuntry. Vtf a'k rcsjtfn!ly satirlt Ihe ..four ft-ieu.U lathe Ami or Ts susses aud rlu.l.rtv, and ef tbw I nMIt gx-nerally. WAHTEI) TO Ili:HT. DWELLING IlOCH, suiuilde for a stun 'I family, CoUVcaieiitly locutcd. Applv t- Desinukc. jut:-i2 - Iu A Capt, GhonC.K DIXON, (reaataaLr or MKarais, rasa.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, i KICIIMOM), VI. All el aim against thn Coufederntu io ennio lit, adjusted and collected. XV Particular attention phid to Soldi. i" claim. JeT tf. 1OH HA l.i-:. A FINK Morgan Stallion, nine year oil. I. bauds high, jet black color', n.l fine -t and very fast. He is well l.rok t hari.e... Hu can bo icon l.y calling on th unJsrsigued 1' tu.l.. from tlriffia. junelA lw A. J. MATIIKWs. itm iiirii ACOMPKTKNT tud cxpciHiiwd en..k. au.l . i ai,d irooer, alio is also nr.imiuti .1 v. ith gvnural honsrwork. an is a very lair cmti. - Apply at thin office. June I.'. - It . T . DR. WM. T. BA8KKTT. offer hi i.hI services tv the rttiren of Griffin, aud tur ronnding cotiutry. He hns had large rips-i k-itcc iu th pmctice of th seversl brai.eU -f of hi pr..( Ion. Mi office l in the south-aet vomer of Mrs. Reeve' bearding boose. juuel I - RAOftl R ACM!! M e will pay tbe highest market price fr g .-d cotton or linen rags, or give iu t-ichang f.r tic-m One Kuglish letter and rap pnper, or Knel. - -. Apply at tbe BKIlKL tH KIl i:. T nib: nti. TliK Prtws is rrfpoctfidly infoiiid test the ran t all lime be furnished a'ilh GO'Gl PUIM'I.NG INK at moderate rate. Tbe qaality of th's INK will vpeak T-r iUelt bv referring to tbe "SaV.fury" aad Courier" ot this oily to either of whish references are made. Atl orders mast be accompanied by a description of Prasro ased. J. LAWRHNCIC LF.WI. Charleston Priuting Ink Works, fibJi If. Kujgftn-cl Head Cba i U.l. .ii. Hook Keeper Atlrulloii. THERE are several hnndred Volumes ..f f.. U. belooging t-t Dr. It-jbbina' library l -nio-l ur la Griffin. Patties having them a ill plen-e return them Io hi eld rooms, and ebli;-, jet-In,. L. G. STKWAIlT. LKUAL nLAN'KI. We havaea hand at this office a large rupply of lb Plank aed hy Sheriffs. Clerk and r linnn. . in this State, beantifully printed en fine lute h Iwr.which we will sell, at the same raus u dim ed fr tha blank pafer alnae. THK PUBLICATION or TUB Kaaxvllla Hcglttsr. XT 7"ILL b resamcd at Charl.dte. N. t, on T. . ft day, Jane 7th, lo4. Tbe Kr.ustre. t..r tbe present, will be published weekly only. 7V ... Oae DoLi.a per month. Nu sabseririion tuk.u for a longer eriod than sit months. Addrsss. J. A. SPKRRY. P.ditoraiid Proprietor. Cbarlette. N. f. N. B. Rast Tennessee refagee receiving in, frem home f general public interevt, ill e.oil, i ., favor by communicating the same to tbe Kioirii u for pablicatiuH. Je il Rieaaosn. Va., Mav 2d. Ir.. EXCHANGE JfOTIC-i; In. O.AII iv. federaU aflioers aad mea who have been -I- In ered at City Polnl. Va al anv time preriou. .. the 2th f April, 1K0I. are herebv declared t . I.., duly xebaaured. Jtt. CI.i. Je4 6i Agent of "Gorald Gray's Wifc.n K0W READY TUfc Yitii and Vlrc-HUW, rSOVKLETTH, K 1. CONTAIXINU THIS CIIARMIKU KTt)R Y Of ii Gerald Gray's Wife. a Hiagl eeplre (PoOag Paid) IS.ff. 4S copies, or more, aeeumpanind wHh Ord.-i. t..t lse ('AMI, -z.v eaen, ia Ann CI RRKNt Y. 8TOCKTO i I'll. may20 ! Augusta. Ga. FOR AI.F. Bbl Lampblack. Appl to J. LAWRKNCK I.F.WIS. At tha Ink Factory, fabtt tt King st reel Road. Cb lie tun. -V.