- ri ' ' ' ' " ' iinUi I a. jubiii 1 1 1 11 1
Nuinljer 23G.
G-EIFFIN, 3hAtJ, XlffgrttiSO 1864.
- - ; -fr 1
r i.i-nm irttr pit (i Ji ax-ttTEo,
Term of Subscription.
One etvy me Hft'.. ..
- tvoiainik...
" three months. .
Rate of AAiertInjr.
T. Dollars per Sqnar of ten Hues or less for each In
ert !.
I -fT-rm C asii.
Forn. A fcnlk-man l.aj kft at this office a
Mo veil, f und in tlie slrec, which tha owner esa
get, by calling at this r Cee.
The Battle on Moidar.
All. srcwinii .-ttw m rTj.r-r.71' .V-"- "-
nf the enemy on MnJy a Tery complete. The j
mo !rr..7.u nnn
mnn onr own trHr. while a rerr .erere Pnn- !
ishment w inflicted on the enemy. ;
A prtTate. letter .. i . ::" i..ua rjit--"
the enjfaenient : i. rcpxcnte4 a a very
fieit affair, the Fcdei::.!.' dght'.ng with dojredncM
and resolution, Ivn; m itwm coil-wMent with
life, liberty, and tl e pursuit of happiness. The
Confederates, tet a mail, were cool and deliberate,
and, as irsna!, aenied tlicm5e.ves.riaM s'.ftrion--
lv I believe but few aliie. were i.iafle from onr
intrenchment, and henc onr CH-iia.ties are very
few. At the d:tnbut:n Hojpita! I looked over
the lUtof the wounded. The traliaut Miourians
suffered mort heavily, but ' do not think the en
tire lUt esceed two lmndred. Our killed are
few. !t see: n. fre:n wliat they aay, that
Shernian-had organized the attncV tm .,uitc a for
midable basis. t.i capture Ki-onesiw mountain.
The failure tu coa plele, inglorious and dlnas-
Tiie 1! in tien. UiicaJliam, imvih.ii wa onij
two killed, atifl 9?ven'een u
w,undeil, while the
- . - . .1
Ceneral thinks 4jat there w.-re
wounded lyin aions front.
DcatK of Captain V.
We deply regret to learn
. II. C.corge.
that C;plain C. II.
tleorge, of the .21 ttTorj-ia liat. of Sharpshooter, J
mho wxs wounded in kirnii.h nc.tr .Marietta a lew
day since, died at the reidence f hi- fatber, flcv.
Mr. treorfce, this morning. Caj't. tleorgc was ne
r-t the first to refpoad to tbr rail for truor, and
joined one of lUe etnij'anic. raided in h:- town a
a private. lie wa sul -n-ij:icif!y projii'ddl to the
rank of Captain. Brave, p-ncroii.-. tnanty and in
tellectual, he be given iiis life fwr L'u cjuntry. at an
je when liffe pr.mi-el most to Li!" '.right hopes
and expanding faenlt:cs.
We deeply ymr-athize with Li nflliettd yonnj
wife an l family in tiieit rr- at bereiiVen-cnt.
2T Two brave y :na jpirilJ from Xashvillc,
Tmn.. Ilinry I'.aiua.rc and Adjutant Donj-laf, of
E ljrfleM, were kill it the fiht. In front of Mariet--I.,-
t -r T..frt.rtr f 'in? 2'"r Maury
.tr-p.md-nctf i.f ih' Itittarmoca Kt-ix-L
Os rnr Wive
Arl-inta tlj.. Juno.27th.
Pcia ReBCL: Xiw fr uith front this day,
gIor.u;. The cnetaj fhis niornin aianlted onr
left centre with .even lines of bat'le, and were re
pulsed with terrible ."laughter. I'.ru.ible men pot
it down at seven thnn nad killed m.-l wonndc. with
"e Iom of three stand of eol jf., aud many prL'ocers.
i'he artillery firing w.i terrific. Pri?-)ner' report
lh.it Thomas said he intended to carry Kenne;aw
Mountain" this morning or Iie in the attempt, but
hail done neither np to 2 clock, nor did there
seem to be any projeet of his doinjr so. Met Maj.
J. P. Strange, Gen. Forrest's palijnt Assistant A.
tleneral to-day. Willi tLe exception of hij woand
el am ne is in exeellcut health and spirits.- - His
arm Is healing rapi 11;-. frig. Gen. tJid. J. Pillow,
erned the "Coosa" r.vjr la-t Tue-d.iy on a wag
on haM ia Sberm.-td's rear. More anon.
. o. o. a.
Jjjar from
We mentioned ome days cm that a sample of
syrup bad bet-.n left a ith ns by iir. Coates. of Hen
rico county, ir whicii tbcro wai a large deposit of
vngar, the result of the gradual evaporation of the
syrnp. We have now, through the rime gentle
man, a specimen of clear, dry, wc;!-3avorcd sugar,
of a rich, bright cTor, obta:ncl by mire straining
and drying, from the syrup ab vc referred t.
The fact that so excellent an article of sngarean
" be made from snrgh.ttn li of great interest to onr
people. Every farmvr can now render himself in
dependent of the high prices of the grocer, by pro
ducing his own sugar. Ii has long been denied
that sugar ean be otusined from sorghum at all ;
and we believe all the experinysU hercfofbre made
have failed of that object.
It will be an acceptable ervic. therefore, to
publish the process by which it has been made, as
the specimen before ns atte.--ts.
The discovery is an ncct-ient, and was made by a
neighbor of Dr. Coatus", a practical man, unac
quainted with the theories cf the fOvfci or tho ex
periment of otters. In last October bo bofled the
Juice of his tortihnra fop three hours in a wide
moatbI boiler. lie took the molasses thai obtain
ed aad put it away, iitendiug to use it as such.
It ehaseed that it was pui into a vcmcI with a
wide and opea tori a stone jar, or a common chum,
we as not sura wfcVf a. A thta et.v -V.V -vrm
tied over the top, sj a protection. A to weeks" s.go,
ea examtniae; the eyiwp, tt was discovered that a
large deposit nfngsr had besi m-dv the reeait,.
doubtless, of thr slow evaporation allowed - by the
eotton cloth. This a a taken ont. tlel in a cloth,
aad allowed to Uip, nn I was then drieil, aad tbe
result was tbe sugar before u.
What imprortmeml can be discovered upon this
mode cf obtaining st-gar from sorghum remains to
"be teen. Bat it ' i tv great Kiint gamed to know
that sugar may thus 'e made and mada so simply.
Tba experimentr herttf.re instituted have, we be
lieve, all relied on rapid boiling. TUrs obtains ro
sugar, but simply eonverU tbe syrup into a black,
bitter stnfl". Bt for pothicg. The failure of the rap
id process and tbe saeess of the vdow, both point to
gentle evaperation as ia Ji?ponaide. be! her it
may not bJatcued by tbe application of mod er
st a beat and bow f.r this may h adrantageously
done, are points to be investigated. With time and
tatleno :he pro-iess, as we hare seen, ia extremely
simple. We doubt nt that by procr investigation
and pains a mod ol expediting the transforma
tion will ba reaeily discovered. TLe facts estab-
tablisbcd by the discovery we have described, will
serve as guides lo further inquiries. Rich, Sen.
Lite mow MxitiBiAj. Thirteen of (he guns
captured by Forrest wens at this place yesterday.
Twelve of tbent are egant trass-pieces. One li
ned. Six were spiked. .
A boqt 13t0 prisoners pase2 .flown to 'Mobile.
Fix Yankees go to Jackson. F mr of tbo negroes
captured are here two with tbe small pox.
The neerary pont boats to ex tend tbe bridge
ovrr Pear! River are saFpped for thefr dettiaation,
&tr Among tbo friptares in the Tranx-Mixsis-sippi
Department, from Banks," were 1,209 iron
axle wagons aad a targ quantity of farming iaale.
meats, which tbo Fat kee bad bronghCwitn then
to reap aad thrah tb eropt as tbey wast along.
Kirby Smith reaped s.nd thrashed the Taakee and
tbe implemeztM were of oo farther as to tfces.
Xrttter fro ia MltHJ:L I
4rmpe(-rttee nt tto JtLMU Adwrtiarr.
Cnfcmci, Jim 21. 181. II mow to be now a '
! rettled point that Um notoriously ubiquitous per- '
1 sonagt eoeaivuaadiBg Corps ia th Federal army,
t and bseriog tbo fiagularaad common naiue of j
! Siaitls. baa ianicd up sore enough i .Memphis, lie 1
1 wss there whoa a certain asulc arrived in the city.
shortly after tbe great battle of lisftotaing. Crock,
which said certata moIs U bettered to hv rarrk-d j
astride bia back tiro vaiiiot gt-ocmla, to-wi(: Uri- i
ervoa aud StaTjrU. AVbcthcr ttafate of lheo two ,
hero exerciel may isjluasco vt the af rc-aid 1
Smitfc ia rfeteraiinihy him morctucoti ia not yi i '
know; bat it b ewtiur.lj very elotr that he in in '
tUiat infer. inff poricioa cai?cd a Baadarj. IT he j
doa't follow tb fooUtep of hia "illtiktriou pro- j
decajrtor," it will Ire eqairalont to an ncknowo 1-
(rat that b ia afraid to do m, ami if be 1.kvi un- ;
dertalta tba "oTorliUid mate,' b irUl find it a he '
li we'1 trnut a "bard road to trarcl." At the;
' riak of baring charge referred azain-'t nu-, of l
I Inmb-hiag iaiomiation a tbo enemy, 1 will hrru in-
'' form U later Ssith tbst be can coino alon, jiiit
j whenrer b fU like it. Tbo roa 1 la prvtij jt00.
i now, and there are only one or tro big Forrest"
j ia which there i anr danjr-r or d.tflcnlrr. True,
; thefw "Torrent" bare been found .y tha j-ankct i
to be impaaaable beretoforc, and it ia anppaed tber
, are a bid ia-thio ropeet a erer, if normorc so."
; It it aaid that Lee nnd Forrest hare- hmA a "bift
! U.k" lateij. If this be m, (be "blnea" tnar l.wk
1 nut, tit U caearva danger and d!s-4tcr to ail Yan
1 kee-. - - . - -
t rWVt wf ttrta- ttt IM
two taken bia otnaaaad'lip Uke niau ifp7i river
from McnriDbia. It mmj bo a rai to dccelro
a.d Fnrrwr, or be f bam eoieln,led that the
mor hiu,y ,ia wwg of he
af n,t he bM fowled anybody yet.
I Jadire Clayton, of the Confederate di.'trirf
court, win hold a terns at Si aeon soon, it in
thoepht if bo would inquire into certain littlo ques
tions about Colnmons ana Abcr-iccn, no t-oni.i .
throw a few tbousinl dollars into tho ConTo k-raie ,
treasnry. I learn" there is property in and about j
ech plaee owned by parties who have gone to t
Vankeedom aad make it eonvenicnl t: stay there. !
And that is not all. They are raid to have eor
rcspondcakr within oar lines. I litvcuo - personal
knoalelge ia tbo matter bnt ninny citizen have,
and will cheerfully afford all ncecary information ,
ifea'lcd njton. j
' Col. (leore Harris, of this place, has a vet:!a-
bbs Yankee . breas!rlate ewmplcto. It was taken
from the body of a dead l ankee
of I ightn eretrk. It is computet
thitt stell Sttinj on like lb front
held in idace by curved straps
shoulders. The patentee's brand denominates it
"bnllet-prKf rest" Kach piece shows in lubit.iMc
evi.l.-neo of the skill of onr boys with the riflo. ftr
rn is a dep Indentation on ca h. in.nlo hr hi:l-
lets, and no doubt the wearer was brought to the
I - U t;MA t.Mt Km ..t am a .--it- Mn.l I f - - I
; shot tok him jost above the top f.f tho "vest" and
; broke bis neck.
i I have seen breastplates heretofore worn by
them, made of wire, closely woven together, but
these are the first I have ever seen of this kitvd.-
Crave men scorn to osc snch things, bnt wocsiji't
expect anything better from the Yankees, nnd their
be. ng patented and manufactured so skillfully e:in- j
bles os to form some idoa of the extent to which J
their use has been carried in the Yankee army. 4
They do not seeta to do much good, however, Tor, J
as has been shown at Tishomingo, we enn take j
them behind their walls of steel and then whip !
them two to one, for there is n sort of question ,
that tho forces of Jtorgis and fJrierson morehan
doubled those f Forrest.
A lady informs ne that she has just rec eived a .
letter from a friend in New Orleans, who went over
from Mobile with. pass from tho proper oflu-er in j
the latter cit r. and she! writes that an Irish wjtnan j
'obtained a pass at tLe same time by representing
herself as the widow T a l outedcrato Miei who :
had recently died of wonnds, and that she bad. lull
an only child In Sew Orleans which she wished to
n bark for. She get the pass upon further repro--entatKTO
that sho had no money and mode the trip
free of charge. On arriving at Xcw Orleans her
hn-nd met her and she gave him. a bng of specie
lhk sbebad brtJirAt.aln mUh.PszJun
had made lo Tho eoiiimandant at Mobile, when the
wretch coolly admitted that it wn all fata?, and
her husband bait never been ont of New Orleans at
all, and was now in the Yankee service, and she
only toW the lie to get the pass.
There are hundreds, aye. thousands, perhaps, of
women, and men, too, now withiu our lines, for no
good to onr cause, and I frequently wonder wliy
they are permitted to remain and sometimes to pass
back and forth through the lines.
Ki V?r Wiski.k.
Attack on the Danville HoadlHMcat of
tUe Enemy.
We had tbe satisfaction of learning, at a late
hour last night, that communication" are again
open with Petersburg and Richmond by tbe regu
lar line via Wcldoa. This looks as if Gen. Ic
had disposed of tir.int pretty effectually, and we
shall no dosbt bavo to chronicle in a day or two,
tbe favorable results of a great battle between them
at or near ReeVa's Stales, ten miles this side of
PeUrsburg, where the Yankees have been in heavy
force, and wenf well fortified. Hat they aro nut
titers aorr, and they have not left from choice.
A larg yankee raiding or marauding parry, s.ikhi
strong, have been aperatiog on tbe Danville I.nil
road for severat ilay fast. Tbey saeee-dled in de
stroying tho juvetioa (Oorksville) ami Mefierrin
stations, aad advanced last Saturday afternoon up
tbe road to Staaaton lUver Brnlge, Tbey made
four fierce assaults upon our troops stationed there,
and were each time successfully repulsed. Their
loss in killcj and wounded was 2j'l: oors'X billed
and 24 wounded. A great and gratif) iug disparity .
During their retreat Saturday night, Geo. Fil..
Lee, with 700 cavalry, daahod into their rear and
put them la flight. Tbey took a road on which
3en. DeariBg was advancing, and it is t'vulit the
entire force will bo killed or captured. So mote it
be. Tbeir movement against this road has been
daring and asdseions certainly, bat we !vlicvc
their panlShmeat for it has been swift and sig
nal. COfmH h ia (jmmrdtan.
DtsnxacisRCD AaatVAL. Lieutenant General
Lonirstreet spent last night in onr city. We do
not knew how long lie will remain, but oar citizens
would take great pleasure in seeing this rcoowiie l
chieftain. We hope at will nut be long before the
country will again have bis valuablo services.
Tbe General bad aoen a . dispatch from Genrnil
Lee, la tor (Ban anything we have rooeived, aononn
eing tfcat Gram's loft wing had advanced njion the
Wcltjna road near Potersburg; that Oca. Mahonc
bad isUacked linua aa4 dri pen llheta out e-f tbt-ir
fert- iitrm wtrruSi'vi.faoCTte mto itiKir nconu, cap
turing four piece of artillery, sevecal stands of col
ors, a largo quantity of small arras, and sixteen
hundred prionrs.
Tbe Ueneval think tbe aeconets of tbe force of
the enemy engige oa the Danville road very innch
exagratcd. That Hen. Lee speaks of a cavalry
eolaian of tbe sue my baring set out. on a raid from
Gras fs amy, aad be thinks this ia tho column re
ferrol to. Cotowta Gmorriiam. 27.
0r.xMoBOAxWe hear on very good authority
that Gen. Morgan baa left Kentucky and is now in
Virginia. All tbe Yankee accounts of tbo defeat
ad demoralisation of bis enmuinniiro simply
Yankeelsh. II o.ptare-1 5000 hontcs and brought
ont 1900. A sinrilar coincidence ivcoorroil iu his
eaptnrlng lion, flobson wbe bad fwTrIy espturcd
bim. Instead of taking revenge, Morgan paioled
bhn on his proiaria to m all bis efforts for tbe re
lease of Cob Duke, ec failing in the effort, to re
turn and deliver hianrelf a prisoner. s( Wamoirr
Guardian, 27 tk.
Faan tlaic. Lttx'a Annr. We Taarn from pri
vate, reliaMn reoires, that on Wednasday a f crre
batUa raged till aightall be':wccn tbe forces of Gen.
Lee and those r Oraat, nod that we had succeeded
ha driving hack tb yasikeea from Hie railroad.
We bare rea to believe that Grant has boon
whipped by Oen. Lea, and is probably on the re
beat again.
Fran a genUetaa? with some opportunity of
knowing, wa learn that wa have eptured some
3.004 priaoners near Pteribrg. dUW' (.V.
C) -arna 2d.
Esar Ttrxa Oaaiso-Wa leara from a private
letter thai Soar waa wolt. la Ctdhotrn county, n the
Alabama and Tennceace River RaUraaii, a rev
day rlaeo, at 3u fmr hnadrad. A not her Letter
from GreesMv. raftajt-t that wheat will onen at
$5 r hnthel fc tk4 senary. HoU en to your
morey, aci only tin win elajjsa before the
prod? wCi ! kioeiiny at yww ilKr. Sffay
JBporter. ' ' " .
on the hiillle-fielfl -"" l" "rmr
. r -.... i . m . . . i ' 1 1 ' ' 1 1 ifi , vii i .itimv - - -.
titling over the i" " ";i
. Th United -Staten, Vrunre and fJro. '
N." York rfMrtKHMlent ... the Lnadnn taK-l ',
lr. Kcwrd iiiininii.tratiwnM the Ur IMfrt-
m nt i."i w t' -Hack for having offended- tb p- f
nl:r 8!-nUitirii. IminediafIy alter coramt.iiai-
M .. Crwin t desio be wrototo hint (Angont
1 il) li rerriuu. from renewing t e aiunraneca
en bv the -rWedinr"Adniinirtra4iun toMeSiexi, that
th.j i niigd Statcj would nupport ia natlonalB.'y and
iu k-pendone i agjint all fireijru intervention.. The
ix ndrury of Mr. Scwnrd'j. litlie war with the lowlb
tu the oaoxi a-KxnM for xatpiniiis the Monrew"
d'tctrinc to- more- eonvcnicnlmcMoii.
'Prudence' wrote Mr. Howard "ns-inire that,
in order to kurmount the ovila of faction at hoe,
wj hould oat nniiecemr'Iy provoke l$aie wlith for
eign countries . but rather repair, as epoad.ily aa
p.ilIe, the prcif'ii-B which those evil have to1
rjairod." .
F reach intervention, of which Mr. Corwin warn
ed Mr. Snward in vain, catao ton afler thut, per-b.ii-
ha.teneil by fifller dcvoloiHBeaU of M Sow
anl'a p diey f abstention. The project of .an ew
nire wmti next ventilated in the public ioarBtiU, but
Mr. St war 1 wit to U-.it there waa ao daoger f that.
"It bad been di!cardel " ,
Finally, tho empire eame, and dnrtajr tbn whole
i. the. n-rio f events which ende4 tbt, Mr.
cwanl only put forth the Monroe doe trlae and the
American Hiea jn rrt or aarioa ivnoi enjrireswona
t i Franre.' iKht it wnld -be found "aeithw eaay
nor t.erinWe" to otablUh "a permaaeat ffz c
i vtnnr-ti ial g"rrr,"!L't j . toM5iSajij
wiry, lend to unfiicumn imwvw
Trane and the TTnltn States, aad "other Aiwer
i 'in rvpnldirs : it "woold sow the seeds that Might
r;pen into a collision."
Notwithstanding thtso gentle cxpOfteiUtions,
I ranee wetil n. nii'l the empire became a fact. As
i events were hurrying it on,
Mr. Seward, still rery
de.-iro'is not to coino into eollhuon WHO France,
n hilo his l..:neti! troubles lasted, furlhtr separatesl
bis l.ovcnioient froin'any spec ially American Inter
et in Mexico, by directing Mr. layton to inform
t'tc Fr.ueh Cabinet that tbo I'nited Stares claim no
i ittre.-l in .Mexico mire than in other foreign na
tions at w;ir.
Ilo aeroroitigly wnd-o on Keptembor 26 186.', as
" The 1 titled Slates hold iu regard to MflXieolbo
.aine principles that they hold i;rugard to all oth
rr nuii mi. Thcylwvo:Tre'rUiier a right nor a dis-
r.y loroc in tno uiierni.i auairs
or maintsiin a re
moot there, or to
gn one if .Moxioa
lto..-s to cdiiliK-i ir accept it
The French Cabinet serins to havo w intcul a
' more specified rijgagvmci:!. and propounded a dhj-
linet niie--feui to Sir. layton iu a eonversatioB
VI. I wit'i him y M. Oronya delhoys on October
5. The n'oiint of it ws -sent forward by Mr.
' 1.itoii to Mr. S.-wnni on the 'Jib. It W worth
iMlio'; lh.it iM-iaeen the dispatch of Mr. "rkrward,
laed Ir .-ii Washington, S-ptelnler 26, and the
! fonfere'icc ;! M. Urxtiyn de I.hyus at'Paria,
; (here i- n space of thirteen day's -just tho period
! lor a .;uiok arrival by mails au 1 tho response is.
! iciit i he next day. Mr. Dayton reports:
l M. Irouvn do Ihuys went on to say that the
dangers of the (loverninont of the Archduke would
come principally from tho I'nited Stales, and
the soner wo show onrselves satisfied, and tnani-V-f
a willingness to enter into peaceful relaUona
;th rbe tlovi rimieiit. tlue sooner would France be
' rondy to leave Meab-o. w-hich France wonld in any
; event do ns so-ill' ns it with propriety could, but
; bat"il wmild not load or temps, th'i Arcbilnkc iuto
lifTiJul'v, and then .le.ert him before bin tlovcrn-
mem is'scttled. 1I added, Frsnjp sonld not do
i that. He sai I lhat tho early acknowledgement of
j :liat tS.ivernmo it would tend to shorten, or perhaps
to end. all tho trouMe.-ouio complications of France
: in that iti.irer. I
Mr. S:-vard was equally prompt iu ans wiring I
i this dispatch. The reply is dated October 28. just j
fourteen days attorwitrUs. II is a renewal in me
assuranecp that the Cuited States harcjioobjeutious
on nnnf
iple to the rceognilton of any tloverniaent
tli.it innv b. established in Mexico. Uo says
piirimsc or itcsiru to inierrern wtin iiicir proceeu-
ings. orxoiitrol or interfere aitlithcir free choice,
or disturii them in tho enjoy meut of whatever in
stitution ,!' government tlicy may, in tho .exctciso
of an alHi!ite frectlotn, establish.
In rr.knvl to the ypicific rccn
'(ignition nsked for
condition, without
ico.-Mr. Seward rc -
M.ixiinilinnas un indisiicnsablo
which France cannot leave Mexico,
jdles. not. yi t. becauso tbe war was not yet ended
in the subversion of the former Government, and
for this reason "tLe I'lutcd States nro not at liber
ty to consider the Ucstoti of recognising aUovern
mcnt which, in the further -chances of war. may
come into its place." But lie conclndea thns :
"The 1'nitcd Sutes, c insistently with tbeir
principles, ennnot do otherwise than leave thi des
tinies of Mexico to the keeping of its own people,
and n e tgnize their sovereignty and indepondente
n whatever for;;i they tbemselrea sbnll choose that
this sovereignty and independence shall bo mani
Jested.'' This rapid interchange of notes, two being inter
cbaiicr''l each way nt intervals of only fourteen
lays for each, sly.ws the importance assigned to
the iiniler.-tauding which was desired by both sides.
Tt is perfectly plain that Mr. Seward renounced
all ground of opposition to the establishment of a
in.i:iurtliie,il toveriinieut by foreign interference.
rc pt n to the question of the time when it should
lc considered t lc aelually establishcl.
"TJh this position of afTiirs, the popular branch of
t 'ongr--?', trans4Tti'ling its proper functions as a
branch of tho Government, pronounces, by a nnnni
mons vote, that the recognition of au Kmpire in
Mexico is not in accordance with the sentiments of
tbo it oplo. The declaration was inoveii by Mr. II.
'. Winter Davis, of Maryland, a violent parfaan of
w.ir and atxilition, but a very decidod adversary of
Mr. I.incelii and Mr? Seward. It contains an un
! iiesitoiiiiln vole of censure on tbe position to
I which Mr. Seward has advanced in the question,
j ind adroitly took hold of a popular passion p sue-
cssfitlly that tbo only coirso loft for the mends or
Mr. Lincoln to adopt was to join heartily in the
'yittiiciutioii of the principle, and look subsequently
or the niejiiis of averting its eonsequencet from the
aeads id the Prrnrlent arfil Secretary. The ready
excdat are to insist that Mr. Seward has 'only
:ncant to temporise and stave off collision until tho
civil war i terminated and tho United States are la
it coudi.t ion to resume their old msition; and that
n rescrvitig tho qiit'stion whether and when the
Kmpire is Mtflieiently cstahlishoil to be entitled to be
recognized. Mr. Seward covered enough ground to
keep the control of tho matter in bis own hands, la
oon 6 nil at ion of this view, it is now said that Mr.
Seward has made haste lo caution Mr. Dayton not
jv;ive l!io French (loverniacat any aavtaniBce of
,1a ..V,il mf Al rtxijMt Im. -
There is in all of this aery ecstowa eoeisrqnenece,
which the promoter of this inorcment did net ao
riousfy ronsifK:r. The popular branch of Congress
has been hurried into a formal dcclaraiioa that fhe
tionditionnn which alone tbe French Government
rwtk tka iwcurity of tbo tJovernment of Maximil
ian froTh tbo hostility of tho United States, wltboal
irbi:-h aeeiirity Franoe cannot quit Mexico, will not
accepted by the American jsjopls. The Admiu-i.-l
ration shrinks before the national manifesto, end
if it did not, ami should bare the hardihood to ex
irciso the constitutional functions of recognising
the empire, it could no Ipnger Im accepted as a
measure of peace, or sat isfsxttory evidence that the
finpiro is safe from United Slates hostilities. I am
nt a lots to conjecture bow Mr. Seward is to make
bis peace with the Kuiperor, or to divert that sa
gacious monarch l rota taking tbe steps which be
may think necessary to put the barrier of a friend
ly fvcople between the threatened Mexican Govern
ment mid the menacing Kortlu
. A iALi.AT-Arr. The Charleston Mercury of
Saturday relates the following IneMeut!
One of the mosi ..aroic acta of bravery connected
with tha hCst-.ry of the bombardment of Fori Sum
ter occurred on Monday last.' The second shell
fired hy the enemy on that day, at half-part 1 p. re,
rarried away the flag staff, but Wore tbe flag bad
touched the ground, it was seinsrl by lA. C If. Clai
ornc, who rnsbed with it to the parapet, tbroegh
I ho smoke of the bursting shell, and before the ene
my eould discover tho eject of their shot, ka de
f ant cross was again flaunting ia the an. . .
. Tbe brave Licutcnaat was immediately folio wod
1 3 the parapet by Messrs. X. F. Devareanx aad B.
Itrannon, of the Engineer Department, who, drr
Mg the considerable space of tirso eceupiod hi tcadW
j luting tlie staff, afforded a asost consptteoaj imr
et. Too cowardly to appreciate, nnd tea aseaa to
honor a gallant act ia a foe, the yanheeeet one'
poured into the.gUaat trio a oleee aad rapid flraf
tat tbey coolly finished their work, sal sstad thspse
xiy with a cheer aad a war of their hat aad left
iieir periloaj peat witheut haste, aisd thanJt O4t
without "neafth. - ; v. - - !
- . - t e L Lm' d-h,.i h. tn Mtahlisu
I . ' ....1 lifc ........... .. .I......... MiV.ni
. .... : .n . I mm 1 . .V I
jfwo lb Mottle Kojatn-.
. ' Ittr flPOW Texas.
. HotsTo-, May 21, '61.
"HaakA bt tbo Trar.-Mi-i.ii.KiVli once inrr. -
Tiie raieillon U yvt rampant hero, and nobody left
toeiaySf it.
tiTwts Btks and gtecle liato both goue, and
left arwtt a.rbody to Cgbt.
V'tvhxtl Met be idle, how over. The snirit of unr
tientaLUIa aggressive. They arc already looking j
ettt fif Bess fild ia whlel. to exercise their Intents.
. Aftr the battle of Ratine ltnltoto. Ai.ril--.J1 i
f)en.HneV fidl back to Little Hoek, and the re- '
taairtr Blounts old army went off in the diree-
tlon r Fart IHaitb. What became or this latter
wad we. know. Shelby went however, in pur
suit f it; bit bis pursuit evidontly bss been di
vert' Mad probably turned into a raid.
Oi ,b 11 tit iaxU be eatucel Itiirdausvilk-, Ark.,
wad retag the garrisosir crossed the river and
went m tawnrds we know not whither. You will
doitt H, however, have lieard from' him through
Yan e nhaaitola. before tis roaches you.
fl. . Magrider reaebed Arkansas too to to par
tlci' to any of the hjtUa of the lato eauipaign.
He t aroed to this point last week.
rm UtMnn we learn that nearly the entire
F-titlVa af the Misaiarppi is cleared of Yankei s.
t e ifegere Itave beau aliarging ep and down the
, aadia they approach the Vankees
tlwQr were sent for.. IJ the F
im lirM-JbiuT mi Im o her niilo of Hi
' - . r .
woat JhefT , reioloreinir in Hits depart- i
itl toIUVl list eewra oft . aiaey, wnl a vuiall
between Wm an tlie rrenen. t iduurri, the i
i fisvurtaor of Nncva Leon, is in this city, re-
g fome attention from tbe military ut virtue
ustrnguishcd part he has played in the ncieli-
boabg vepuKiie. 1 understand a leitiu ecuision
to ireMteil will be given Ii im this evening. 1
fenrAoit those attctitions will bu itiiignilicd by our
eoetW lo our hurt.
J A Hamilton, the yarike iacd and yankeo ;i
peiiM Governor of Texas, or rather of the Slate
of I neron, and his tools, A. Alexander, -tohn L.
Hai m and others, are very buy in their inachi- ,
nat s. Thoy have sought in various ways to ,
ere; a hostility to us on tbo part of Juarez. Tliey
bax jr"iiited hitn siil'sidies from M'ashingtoii,
uiei inns, money, or what else be nmr wish. con. ..
diti eil solely ou bis assuming an altitude - I dos
sil i towards us. He has hitherto refused, lint ,
his Iter hatred of Vidnurri. the f o t tlml bu has ,
Oftt rod bim and floelnred bim guilty of treason, .
an iibjeet to execution uIciicm i can .-III. will lu
pin ly taclino bim to receive e.n:rverttd repot lr
of lat has been done here. His Secretary, lie.
lor ras outlawed, with bim. Kcj oi t iruci np in
Br at-villc, was arrested tbcro bv llaiiii't-oi and
de :rd over to tbo Mexican authorities in Mata
rniln Ilo was shot. This piece of rascality may
halite designed effect, though time " ill cnu.-c it .
to toil on the villainous author.
e Texas Legislature was eonveti-.-d. by Gov.
Mrah on the 0th instant. The Govtrnor in .hi-,
uing eppeirs to regard the action of Coiin .-s
oile currency a4itlle short of rcp'idiftion. "They
ctledsavs he, "and Ihey destroyed. I have no
i rltents lo make." Henrgos the; building up by
! tlf tate, of mannfaeturus within her 3iints. ile
it t the enforoemeut of the laws against crime, etc.
T Legislature has as yet doue nothing of public
it rtanee. v-
eeondltion of tbe eifrrcncy in this department ,
hi souviug "rapidly such as lo force tbe rejection !
ne conieucraio notes ns a circulating medium. ,
are to-day in all tno principal cities ot.tliis ,
rated a. t about In fur I. All sorti of goods i
I touo from abroad arc soii on a niecic liasts. i
pin tbe newspapers hare bcvii compelled tc conic '
that basis or discnntinito ll'eir pubricattons. .
djet will oonte of it all ,l dilhcull lo see. Ilappilv
e is more specie in 'this part of the country
ink, thnn at any previous part of onr history.
Jl the Western jmrt of Ibis Siuto it is u-w the
circulating medium.
I this ha nothing whatever to do with patri-
and tho day when putrioti.-m Mistninrd (lie
ncy hat pnssetl. t oninn iico once lost in
ia not onstly restored. UK tlie .ohl story.
y wt thr r ii r wiiliotit eurrcuv, pay
11 utir r'M..ii mol ti
ttle proceeds. .
spirit nf the people is, us has hem shown in
H'vfa uallie, most excellent. 1 Mere is no more
j at f submission here than there wasi in August.
i .... . ... .. .
after the first Manassas. What little de-
nation existed last winter h.-ts teen swept
i '
' "
tbe morning midst before the risin?
Kljrlit Is M lp.lt I.
I!vclaUun tcaebei, nnd history irovrs, thai
is a guialing, controlling and directing I'm
ace in the affairs of nntious as well ns of indi-
'sparity im Ihavreourecs of contending peoples,
dally wbiHsj right and wrong, liberty and sla
. are tbe tssoes. is most Ireiitientlr the ease, in
ir that full scope may be given for the exercise
'lemon st rat ion of a higher power iu behalf of
'c thus understand tbo remarkable fnet that
.. , . . f
e aations wuo nave siruggtcu nr uveooin
1 Bust despotism, have almost invariably neen in-
ir to their antagonists m the resources or war.
tr Iriumrffi is thus rendered the more glorious. :
kite of tbe conviction that God Ins seifildv !
Ii them and giren His sanction lo their iT-
cn 4ideon was called t deliver fhe people
fiEitheir Mi Jaianilish foes, lie was directed to re- ,
d lib is forces from thousands to hundreds. Itoiu-t- I
iiMaa. by this means, excluded, nnd both lutrties
not but acknowledge tho intejpositioii of u i
Sua or Power in behalf of thn oppressed. When !
rijgiBslost its logitiinalo bold upon the hearts of '
rtgt is invested with a new nnd miraculous
kA and is impresseir ngnbi indelibly and w ith :
in&itablc demonstrations. The order whib 1
njifa their blintlness, establish, is ret crsed: and
exKtt pomp is no lougcr the evidence of great
oe tfli it the insimia and slos.s .f despicable weak- '
A Sennachisrib is hlaslod bv the breath of ,
ring simoon, and tho grand iirmV of Nu- 1
annihilated avaid the snows of Ku-.-ia. I
new not what niay lie our fate in the issue !
straggle; bt this ignorance results not from
preeeveat npn which wo can hitild our ex-
ns or Independence. t e cannot mil lielteve
t when evidently such great principles arc
fand the fate of such a people at flake, it
tor us to Sndiilirc the itcltcf that we will
t-aksa and given over to the eneiny. slf
r, rs will eonslitute an exceplionftl nt-
e tire warranted, moreover, to Ihhicvc,
jieh a dire fate befall us; that we will
a ear fall: aad the lessons we will hare
given vf, "world or patient endurance, hero;
sikea a: aiiaietsaseaMpaaaaBaBBi mtaiiiiasir
larongk trod distant agee, to nerve other
hoarta 4a eupjlhea Mher arms to strike for tlod
and lihfmt mi
To-day lie pesrple make ooafessiort aud call j
on Oad tol'.ver as. Ietas licseech Hint to stretch I
fbrth Uit Jiighty ana and vindicate the justice
of oat eaui and, above all, that when peace and
indepeedei shall ho ours, we may bo . a penplo
after 1.4 4 heart, "Blessed is that people wboso
God U jjplord.' iejfco.ye Reporter
' if
1 ' o Rait late re Onveutioiu
iiior or rxy. aoactiT j. urcxirttUKiuoK.
Tbe lei Mtry organixationeif the Bla nk Repul
Ncaa CeafiHon whieh recently met in Baltimore,
waaeftettfay calling llcv. Hubert J. Brock ni
ridg ef If tacky to tbe eb'air. After being eon
dticted thr hy Northern hands, he ad Ires-ed
tee Oaivt$v Th following extracts from bis
speech wifboar its tenor
"DirtBrdi as they are, these fearful truths run
brewf 1 1 whole history of mankind, thai what
rer ofeetay h dona to give stability to an au
thovityV.af!rver tl may bo done to live pcrpc
taHy tobbilioas, fcowerer wise, however glori
cau td ftiiiteper way be the philosophy of it, it
baa bptrs, wad that th only imperishable cement
el aS. $&tisas has beea tbe blood of traitor.
MNctBfMuaai has ever stood upon irresisti
ble fawMlHiav wateh foundations were not bnilt
taOgMed. II Is a fosrful troth, lmt we had
mv at enee. bvetj blow yra strike,
be! yea kill, and every bat tin you wiu,
at are to do it, is a decade, it may be
It way b ten centuries, to tbn perpcta-
G event meat, and th freedom of your
W fatly entitled to the honor or the inf
my, b ease may he, of being th lHatincbest
traitor eeantry oath nf tbe Ohio.
Ia tirtaltbaor KeniitMtiag Convention there
Uj.; rr Dear ncroe rep re sec ting oouin vr-
ofig tbem wa obrerv the -p.aou of Rob t
, ti wUlh.rBWsbered, carrVal a !eBi-
ttisee twa y"iir g. -Cfsrioa. .
a! Si
is p
even aaft
bo BTOPA t
as wsls
aad avr-
ity of tj
II il
or this
Firit crongrcH of the Confederate tttate,
IVsed at the fourth CMioii, which was began
and held at the city of Kkliinoad, in the State of
Virginia, on Monday, the seventh dav of l)e-
eeniber, A. 1.1, and ended on f liarsdav,
the eighteenth day of February, 1H64.
Chap. XXVIII. An Act ti ameaxl "An Act to
auUinriz the appoiutnicnt ot an agent of the
Treasury Department wed of tho HioMissippi."
approved JLnnuary x7, 1(461.
7'iVe Cotn-rrnt nf tks VH f,,Ur4r Stair nf Ameri
ca h rnnt. That the aalarr of aid age'ut of the
Treasury Department bhall bo Tour tlivusaad dol
lurs per annum.
Approved February II, 1H44.
Cut P. XXIX. An Act to provide compensation
for oflieers who may heretofore have perfotmed
hinll duly under orders of their superior officers.
TAr 1jrrn ,f tKe VuHttUrttU Sit qf Amrri
ni n,vt. That when anf officer or private of
any lezallv constituted mililarr einraixli.ui mar
i ar in-rcioioru, iiy order r is proper superior
, i-t-nonneu any siaii uuiy apptopriate to
tirrMnt lit lor nmv an.
,i;. ri. -
C'atP. AX.1.-Ab
Vet to
aaaewu im
" An Act to establish i
pt-ov..-d April 18, 1863.
i voluntcecr
The ( W,if o'Ar Con f'. rt.yrff titn.' of Amtri
i il mi-t That the net entitled " An Act to en
tnblish a vnlniitecr nary,' apprt-ved April la,
I--'.'.-!, be mi amended that tlie 1 'resilient be, and be
is hereby authorized, to issue the eoniniisaions and
trari-aiilH coiitcinpUitcd by said act, under each
regulations he may prescribe, to applicant for
service in the volunteer navy, when satisfied that
said applicants will furnish a suitable vessel for
fUl mm vice, and to receive Into the volunteer na
v y said vessel unit her officers and crew withiu or
b--ond the 4 Niiiff derate Stiites.
Si.i-. "2. That tbe President be, and be is hereby
ttiitlii.i i.ed to tippvint assistant paymasters for the
v oiiiiiieer navy, tviio stiali receive, tt ltw on duty
ut sea. Iilti-eu ibdUra per month. Hut tu person
under I'oily live years of age, n ud liable to perform
inilitai v Uity. shall receive such appointment.
Appi-ov-d Kcbrutiry II, ImiU.
Git p.X XI. An Act to unit hoi ixc. the' isMie of
i citiliciitcs for interest on tho "fifteen million
' Tt l';imr ut' thr I'niif'fl, rtttt St'it-f nf Aineri-
.-.f .. .', Tbtit the Secretary of the Treunuiv
be, mid be is licrcbv, autliorized to cause eei lrtS
; rales fo be isMicd, in such form as be shall devise,
tor ti e interest which has accrued, or which shall
acei uc. mi the registered stock issued under an
. tliytily of the act nf February the twenty -eighth,
eiulitceii hundred and sixty-otic, entitlcir" An act
to raise money for Hie support of the Govetnment,
and to provide for the dcfcmcc of the Confederate
Stales of America." Thc.ttitid ecfificatcs shall be
prepared and signed by the register of the tieasu
i v, in favor of the persons, ri'siicctivelv, in whose
names the sn'nl stock sliull bo stitiiiiing on the
, books nf the treasury, or their order, at the desig
nated periods, nnil shall be .sent bv bim to the
j treasurer, nisluiit ticasiirer and riepositiirics te
i rated tit the places where snid interest is parable.
' The snid certilicates'shull be countersigned by the
1 treasurer, nssistniit treasurer, or depositary, br
I whom they Minll be delivered; and shall bvrecciv
! ublc iu payment of export duty on eotton, in tbe
i same manner as the coupons nf the bonds issued
uinl..-r said tictof February tweiity-cightli, eighteen
) luiiidred and -ixty-one, now are.
, Approved Fcbrttray 11, 161.
Cutp. XX.Vll. An Act for the relief of tux-puyvra i
in eel tain cuses.
''til ( 'tililfl'l'H nf flit ('iHifitl, llltr Sfiltl nf . t hint -
i-it rw'rt, Tliat" it lieu cotton or other property
i subject to taxation in money shall bate bccn'
burned or otherw ise destroyed by authority of the
1 iiivertiiiieot, b-fore Hie expiration of lb. I Sum
. it -l u, Ummm 'mfr ummmmm mt tea tOercen,
the tax-payer limy apply to the district collector,
wIiosIimII investigate the facts and make rrMirt
thereof to the State collector, who may, if satisfied
of such destruction bv tioveninicnt authority, re
mit the said tax. If the tax in anr such case'shall
Itnvo been paid in advance, it shall be refunded bv
the State collector. The tux-payer shall in evci'v
such case hate flic right of appeal to the Secretary
' of the Treasury.
Sic Thai in nil cases w here the crop out of
which the tax in kind is to be paid, has been taken
! or dot roved by the enemv, tlie district collector
may leinil the tax, in whole or in PHrt, according
! fo tlie extent of the loss sustained iiy tho tax-pat-,
' er : Proiiiled, tlnit the fact in each ease shall bo
I reported to tin Slate collector, and their remission
, shall not be valid until approved by bim : And
I proa ided further, That iucuac fhc loss lie sustain
ed prior to assessment, the assessor, on safisfsctn
. ry proof tlicri-of, may niukc deduction fhertTir iu
proporlion fo the loss.
) Approved February L'.,lsi.
. . .. ,
4 hap. ximii. An Act to amend nn act entitled
"Au Act to organize military courts to attend
llic ni inv ol the 4 onfedcrate States in the licl I.
and lo .Ii tine the powers of nid couiis.
The Congress off be Confederate States of A incr-
ica do enact. That the net entitled, " An act to or-
gatiic in I it t n l courts to
Confederate States in the
ut tend the nrttiy of the
Held, and lo define the
... l I ... ...
power ot sum courts, be so amended as to au
thorize the President to establish one ill North
Alabama, which sbnll sit nt such titucs and places
ns said couit may direct, mid shall bat e all the
potvpt s Mini jurisdiction given lo said tmlilarv
coutts by saiiiMcf ; but the judges thereof shall
give ten days' notice of the times and places of
holding said courts before the same are held : Pro
vided, however, Tliaf said court shall cease to ex
ist ul'tvr one year from the passage of this act, un
less longer conl imied by Coiigaess.
Approved February 15, 18Hf.-
Cut p. XXXIV. 'An Acl to cstafjliah certain post
router therein named.
The Congress of the 4'oiifcdcratc States of Amor
ica do eiiiict. That the following named post routes
be, and the same are hereby established, namely:
From the town of Clarke rillc, by war of line
Cietktind Cleaveland, to Dalonega. Also, rem
Athens, by way of Jug FaeJory, in Jackson coun
ty, and 4!." V. Suiith'H Store, in Walton county, t
Auburn, in Gwinnctte county. Also, from Doug
lass, in Coffee conoty, to Forcsl, in Clcricb etui a
fv. Also, from Dawson ville, in Dawaoa count
bvnav of Pcrdy'a, Tyra's, Ilarben'a aad N
f fuss's to Prin.-r Edward. Also, front Stlbn
i Xrfiward. Also, irora Mlfan
the Atlaatto and Oulf Railroad.
I Vallcv. rraaU( - '"kr - -
w'irwrFtrmon timber
Number Nine, on
by sir nt Central
Atlantic AOnU railroad, via Middlctown Store Ap
niinir i-onntv. to tciiniltree. In Coffee eeatty all
. i . l .Li OA . r
e nbovc routes sit n ate tn ith State of Ueorgia.
Al, the following ii ilia State f North t aro Ji -i
: From Gi boon vi lie depot on tb North Ctroh-
ii railroad, to Long a Milts, in tbe county ot Hn
dolpb. Also, the following iu the State of Texas : From
Burnet, by way of Lcano, to Hansab. Also, the
following in the State ef Mississippi: From
GrVi ustoro' to Slsrkville, in Oktibbeha county.
Also, the following route iu Sonth Carolina nnd
North Carolina, to-wit : From Nlehola Depot, S.
C, via Allen's llridre and High Uit1,-ia Sonth Car
olina, and lloltnesvillc nnd V hite House, to !ee
villc, in North f'arolina. Also, the follouing in
the Stale of Ioniiana : From Alexandria to Nib
lett'a UlnfT, on Sabine river.. Also, ia the State of
Hoi kla : From Orango Lake, on the St. John a,
to Sand Point, at the head of Indian river.
Ajiprovcd February Iff, lt6s. j
Chap. XXXV. Au Act to increase the commuta
tion value of hospital ration.
Tbe Congress of the Confederate Slate of Amer
ica ifio enact. That tbe commutation tralrte of ia
tiontt of the sick al wounded, and of all t-mpioy-ces
in hospitals, be nxed at nch ratet, not to ex
ceed two and a half dolfant, as th Secrelary of
War shall designate.
Approvdl February !, I64.
Coap. XXXVI. An Act to authorize tlie purchase
ud publication of a digest of tbe lawn of the
Confederate State.
Tlie Conf-rcsa of tlie Confederate State of Amer
ica enact. That tlie eotnisiittre oa printing he,
and is henby anthorized and directed, to have
printed, for the use of CoBgres, fonr tl-eaaand
copies of tli alphabetical sad analytical digest of
the law of the Confederate State, prepared by
W. W. Lester and Win. J. Bromweil, cotrtprising
all the lttMrv pasfnd by th Congre of th Lonfe
crate States to tlie close of the present ceatiM. .
Site 2. Thai the srrm of four - taonaand dollar
be, nnd the same ia tMtreby appropriated, eat of
anv money ia the treaairrr not otherwise appro
priated, to coitptnsate YV. W. Lester and Wm. J.
BrounwelL compilen of aU digesL forprejtaring
th tame fr the ntte of CongrtM : ProTfdtd, Tb
leave """ '-"""", nc auan do eouuea to receive pay
.d-ral I , V 1,0 WM '""'"K'O aiMsbarge
n Hree ""l'";"M"1 rorruea. inaiinere was not then
said compilers agir-c t., ,,..., ., , Sn fu lf
ll claim at-atiist the t.ov.i, ,,,,, ,,, rr if
aatd work.
Approvcti reoiiiaii i .
a .lt.t ..
Cnr. XXXVII.- An Ar -uvpeud ti. p,i,,i,
of Uie writ of habeas corpus in im., , , .
WiicnKAs, llio Const it ut ion f the Cinii.-.i,
States of America pnirides, in ai tit le lirt. i-eii.,
nine, paragraph three, that "the prii iK .; t:,.-
a ril of habeas eorjuis .hall not be su- !. ,1
nuless when in case of reb'IIion nr in n-ion, t!.,
public safety may require it ; uiid w lii roa.-. tii
power ol ausrH-uding the privileuc of -uid t:l. m-reco'-nbed
in said art irlo lirl, is toted s-leli in
the Congress, which is the eelusho judge of'tl.o
neceasity of ueli sitseniiii ; win rea, in il,,
opinion of the Congtvss, the pnl.li.-saT. I f ic.(iiii,-,
tbo sUspFimioii of haid wiit ii. the existing ca-- ."
the invasion of IIh-ho jtalcn In the n.ii.-. o (!,,
United Hates; and ahetras," the l ie-i.i.i,l Ii.in
asked for the sopeni ,n ,.f u , ,t ,,j ,:,.;i,
I taa, and iiifoimcd Coiigu-ss ot culii .t.- . f pub
ie danges which n u-b r the Mi-pfiimi of i!ie i it
a measure prK-r fn the public ilel.-m-.-, n-.uin-t
InraMon and insirrni-lion : Now, 1
or, tln-ri Sure,
The Conerpss r the
Conin of the Confederate Slates of
Aiwcrica do ctiaet. That tim ing the pi-cM-nt iua
sion of the Confederate Stale, the privilege ofib.i
writ of habeas corpna be, and the -ame is bet . bp
suspended; but such Mn-pciiaion dnl apply onlr
to the case of pet sons im e-tcd it iletaitu d bv or
der of the President, Secretary of War, or tl.c
eiieral ofliccr commanding t'ieTraiis-Mi.-:ssi-pi
lilitsry Depart ineut, bv the autlioiitv and itnd.-r
tbeeemtiliiftkat'reiiideni. . It ia.We.Uv slat-Lti . d
- rW
Ose ofCvngrc-s in tbvp.issaje i t tliis
sirnfltng ch wm w b
ig cases, and no others
Of treason, or treasonable .nXu ...
coniiiiustions losiiovett the (iuvimim i.ii.f the
Confederate Slates.
Second. 4)f conspiracies to mi i llin.u the f,,,v.
crnmcnt, or conspiracies to ivsist tbe law lul ou
tboritica of the Confederate Slates.
Third. Of combining to hmi the finnu, ur of
com in uuica ting intelligence to the t-tiemv, or giv
lug bim aid aiul rotnl'oi t.
Fourth.-- 4)f cotispirncie. pnoi.n ations and tt
tempts to incite sPrvile in .in i ecttmi.
Fifth.-- Ordeaetiiotis or eueout jg ng des..-i lions,
of hai boring desri lei-s, nud id nttetnpts tn avoid
military service : IVovided, That in cases of pal
pable wrong and oppression bv any subordinate
officer, upon any party t ho does not loonllv tine
mililaiy SCI vici1", bis Mlpt-lioi- nlticuJ- shall "'.lalit
Ironit relief, to the op)reM-d pally, and tin- mi
iorlinute shall be JiMiii d fioiu oll'r-e.
Sixth.--Of spies ami otiu i iui-sui i s of the
Seventh. 4f holding i-tie-p tt.lt nrv ,r inter
course with the iicmv, uii!,,,ut iieees-it v. and
wilbuul (lie m-i mission if the Confederate State-.
Kijlitb. 4M' nnl.ttt fill trading with t'tc eniiiu ,
and other nfli nces ng.tiu-t tbe bu- ol i!.c C..u.
federate States, enacted to pi noi: th. !. uccc
iu tbe war.
li:tli. -4'f foiispiracies oi ;it.
prisoners of war held by the t'oiil.
Tenlli. Of i-oiif pit aeies, r tit'
rations to aid the cuettiv.
..p:- i.
.:. t..v
tuft- I
Eleventh. - Of pel sons ndt i-ing ol i':t it iii'j otli
era to abandon tbe Confederate eau-e. m- t
tbe Cnnfedercvo Slati-s, or lo ndbetc I i t' ii.-tm .
Twelfth. - Of unlawfully lout-ill-, dcstioi i.i-.'-r
iujuriu).:, or atlenipliui; to hum. c. -tin trji'i c
any budge or l ailioad, or teb ti -apt ;- tine ,f com
tni'iiiicacioii, or other pipei i , ith the intvn' f
aiding I be riiein t .
Thirteenth.- Of liTa-ii'.iMi dc-in to ivpair
the military powei of the f ou t ittiicni. bt i!c-M ...
ing or aiUntpliti'g to destroy , tlie irwrl.nr a' in-,
or mitiiilions of war, or nr-u:tls. I'm-fdi ic.
workaliops, or other jiinpi ity of the Confederate
.NEC. U.
The President .lie'
pi r ollieers
fo invcftignte the cases nl u.l pel -on- so miv-'.-d
or detained, in orvlcr thai t'ict may be d;-ebnri'e.
ir improperly detained. unl's they can bi -pe.dia-tried
in the due rotu si olfli'tv.
Sw. ". That during the -upc:ts:oTi afot . -aid.
no niilii'.arv or other olliccr -ball be eoii.pi II - !. iu
answer to' and w rit of habeas cijut-. to appear i:i
person, or to iclurti the bodv of nny p r-oi or
pel sons detained by bim bv tlie nitlbot ity i f l)i
I'lcsitlclit. Secretin t of Wat. oi tlie . ictal . -flit J-r
cvottlo.'Slliotf tlie .1r.m MHi..ifii' I i. ..n,s,... ,,l .
bnt noon Hie ccrliliealc, under out Ii. of Ilo- ofbeer.
bat ing charge of any otto o detained, that such
jicrson is detained by bim as a pi i-om i , t'..r m,
nf the causes hereinbefore specified, tinder tin- au
thority aforesaid, fuillief ploeeediti nnd -t tin
Wl it of habeas col pus shall initiii "lii teli- re i-e
remain suspended so lung as this :ct sua!) i out ni
ne in force.
Snr, t. This aet shall cotitintii
ty duvs afler the icxt tun ti.iu
no longer.
Approved Fvbtttaty l., l-t;
t'ol'CC fill
, ami
Cntr. XXXIX.- tu Act to uid .'tit Marc ri coin
mtinioating with, end perfecting leeei.l- coil
ecrnitig its troops.
The Congress of the'Coiifcdi'i at States of Amer
ica do enact. That upon the application of the
Coventor of nny or the Conleili rate St.t'c-, i!r
Secretary of War be, and lie i- b-tvby ami ot t t.
to grant passpol ts and Iran-poi t.i'ioti to an oili
cer of such State duly roniini imied accof.Sn
th'f law of said State, to communicate wi:h it
trinqis liir such purposes, and at such ti;n nnd
, ,,iCC, , tn ,c upprot cd bt the Set ictat v of
j Vr ,,,,1 such otlieei shall be all. w.-d in our. li.i-e
; fr ,i,Mdf supplies from the . om:nt-s.n v -tot e-.
I ,, ,i10 ,..,, temw. w itli ollie, t ol simiJar rank it,
i tin; wn ice of the t'onfedei ate St.it.
i i.
' ing to tlie regulations p hieli g.nei n i!u
j Ucu, Such tuipplics sliull ma cms cd those m'!h h a
colonel of the ' Confederate Slates i-ul!.'.-. i-.
t . l . . :.l...l Tl.ai - .1. .'i i .
.V-M . l Ol, . .... . ' -Il.lll I'l-
cliBrged with the doty id' obtaining from the olli
eers ill iromiiiiilid of Companies, final -tiiteineuts ol"
dercascd soldiers to be liU .l in tin-Second Audi
tor's ollice, to facilhate the m l'!e nt of such
Apptntcd Februat y lii, 1
CtiAP. XL. - A" Acl making allowaiu i's to ..ii,,,)-.
ot the navy of tbe Confederate Slates, u ti.b-r cer
tain uircniHstaiicc.-, and lo amend an ut t i nti
Ihsil "An art loprotide fet tl:e organization of
the n aw," approvisl au h siMcenih, eighteen
Itnndryd and sixtv-otie.
The Congress of t lie Confederate Slates of Amor,
ica do enact. That the commissioned and warran
ted nlBccts of tlie nat v of tho l'oiil'eilci:e Sti.tc,
on dutv, are hereby allowed tat ions, quartet runt
fuel, or commutation tbcrclof. as arc now. to mat
he re ftr be allowed oiricei s of the ntitiy. t iz : Tn
admiral , the same as ccnciu's ; to t ice a.linira!-.
the Same as lientenuiil-gcncial ; to iv:.r admirnle
the aame a major-generals ; t. comnioilores and
captains, fhe same as brigudit t -generals and mlu
ncls; to commanders nod fiist-ictitciiai.t. the
same aa lieulcuaut-roloiii'U nnd tm.j'u -; to .crond
l..nlii.nla and lirtilranuls for I lie ur. ll sitUr
mt,mntm ia and rhanlaius : to. iunsts and isJ
C mefica, pay, and t ti;in. er crps. to
MrnUlrticli)ri, and to Uimuiiu, emmets.
eaTaUoa, and sailmiikci s, the same as t- the
fuPtgwiBgeittlveraof the line of the na-y w ith bout
thev have aaainiilaietl rank.
ioc. 2. 71at all the nary officers in the forego
ing trades shall bare the same piitilcge of pur
ehaniiToutmitoary and quartemiasier" 'titi s,
aaarewvw, or may hcrcjttci be, alloMt-d to t.ili
cor of ilie army. ,
Apprt'vcd Fcbiiiury Irt, 1 . I .
Cnitr. XI. II- An Acl to inen-ase the i oiejun-a
ion of certain idlicctaof the Trea-uty.
The Congrcsaof the Confclei ale States of A titer
ica do enact. That hercn'icr the following salaries
and cotn ett sat ion shall In paid to the scleral :ti
cer aad. clerks hcrcinaltcr name.', io-t.-s l t.f ti.e
snres new authorized Inlaw: The iteas-irer of
tbe Confederate States Tour thottsund il.-bac;
the antuitaiit treasurer at. Cbaile-tott, four tlouis
and dollars. The Sccivtai v of the Trea-ui t may
divide eepesitaiiea of the tieasiiit into rias-s,
tb oomnuitatona on abirlt swall limit ed as fol
low: lit tlit first class, not to exceed four thous
and dollar; tn the second class, not-to exceed
two thousand fit atiodrc.l d dial a; and in the
third elaaa, not to exceed fifteen hundred dollar a
yr, according to the character of the duties re
qairct c-f them, and subject to the other rondi
Uoa now imposed by law. Kach clerk cmplon d
in the otttic of any assi.tant ttea.nrer or de -to
xyt aba II ryceire a salary, to be fixel bt the Secre
tary f the Treasnry, i not exccvdtng liltcsu hun
dred dolhua.)
Sac. 1. That the increase of mimics ai owed to
th elerlta and cmplovcca of tlie Treasury Depart
ntcuf, at Richmond, be, and thr same is hereby
extend e A, tapon tbe aarac conditions, to the rletka
and emplofeei of the said Depart inert, at Colum
bia, South Carolina
ApprtiVtd FehrwarjJJg.laL
Thti -GiUivUanooga VoimCVr y ,
ARK fixihangiag HOLLOW WARE of alt kind
ami iSTRl'P KETTLES at old prieis fc.r old
CASTING 3 at aid prioea, or tbey will give tbe
hlnhaet rath crk for old CASTINGS.
- .