Newspaper Page Text
' if 'v "- tt -S; " '- . ' !: una THE DAILY! - ' i, THURSDAY MOUXIXU. JUNE v., 30, 1604. HOEN2NG Z2DZTXGX?. I'UNERAL NOTICli. The funeral of 'Cap v. Q. It. Geckce. wiU take, tbi cvencnir.g at five o'clock. Tbe remains will be taken from the honse of Lis father, Rev. J. II. George, to tbe Methodist Chnrch. Divide Ser vice by Rev. Mr. .Raw of the Episcodal Chareh. Tbe pnblio are invited to attend.' Prayer for the Country. During thin wck, tbe Union Prayer Meeting fur tl.o country will ba held in tbe' Methodist Cborch every afternoon, at 5 o'clock. A general nd pnnc tual attendance of our citixona is cordially invited. Griffin, June 27. . . . A New Road to Peace. Tn Yankee flenersls have been engagJ for tbe two months in a very laudublo effort to Lrin this bloody nnd vuncceaMary war to s soin mary cloie. Fully aware of the fanaticnl an ! ob- stinato disposition of tbeir Government, which re fuw to heed tbe cMU of humanity, and tb a do 1"r",' "f the peopW for pnace, or to see th mi a and bankrnvtey.Ia Jh.path of tbai'arU4e?.ir- nuton af tbe war, t'ua liieoornl, iatkv Atpted.a ryutem which i a rcriiu a fate t stop tho Cim te-t, and at tle anie time place it bcjroml the power of tbe Government to renew it. Grant in Virginia, Sherman in Georgia, and Ranks in Louisiana, have evidently been actio- in concert. and fn tbe acccmplinliment of the name laudable purpoe. The plan in to rush the Federal armie.H a'iiinnt mr breaxrwutka and fortifications, and jfet tb greatest poihle number of tboir men slan;rV tpred in the least possible tune. The oooner tbev ran got their' men killed up, the Kooncr the war will close. In tbe prosecution of tbi praiseworthy policy. fSrantbn sui-creded in losing aomewhere in Hie nriijbborliootl ol one hundred thousnnd men since ho crossed tb Knpidan, and still busily en gaged in crowding bin men up to our line of :ir and death, where they melt away dai'y by thous ands. Sherman, who is no had imitator of hi.s illustrious command r-in-chief, i trending clc.-c ujion bis hrrU in tho work of getting his army u ,cd "P- From liilfi,,i to Kennc-suw monntain he ha procnted his column- on every occasion, both bv nigh and day, as m:nks for the fatal rifles, and till in .re diMdly nrt illt ry f tbe brnre Confede rates. He sees his men piled in heaps before onr breastworks, nnd still be presses them on. They must be consumed before tho war can close. His los.- ,,p fn t,p grcnt tiht of Monday were sti mated by tl Northern papers at 40.0. That tight will add li. or m thousand more to the count. Sherman knows that Johnson is now in a atronir position, in which be possesses unlimited faciiitica for slaughtering on the most magnificent Hcalr; and he will no doubt continue to send up a sufficient number to keep our troop regularly em ployed so long as bis .-lock 1 olds out. " Bnt cf all tbe Yimkee', NathnuicI I'. Hanks, sometimes called tbe Commissary, i.s the most consnmntcly skillful in tbe nrt of getting an ar my suddenly and smnma :?y used nj. fJo can start out with an army of -lo.OOO men, and lose all t-,it a very poor body guard in a month. Only a few weeks m nee tbe Yankeo army in Louisiana, nu tnerous and well appointed, with banner.4 nin;;, and prnadlr Ucliant. marched out fir the gonipicst o Texas. Where now is that mi ity : t Tim places which knew them once will know them no more forever. They have vanished, and arc gone. Their putrid and putvifving carcasses !rev the plain, and Itnnks himself, having performed his work, ami fulfilled hi. misMion, bis disappeared from the scene. And in this connection it wonjd be improper to omit mention of nnd Sturis. In their peculiar line of getting Yankee I loops slnnj-hlered, they have few superiors. lu proportion to the num ber placed undemheir control, thrv have proba bly succeeded in making way with aa many as either Hanks, Grant, or Sherman. Thoy led ar. nrmj- out from Memphis against Vorrcst, and it has not been heard froift since. Against the system which the Yankee Generals have inaugurated, it is impossible for the Lincoln Government to stand un much l,.n... it i - . soon have no armies, either to war upon us, or to fleCt'llf. ttMl'tf nnil will ltiAmf..n 9.. nn. .l I -, " - . ..... '.-v... . .viii .ii vu Kf abandon the contest from sheer exhaustion We are, therefore, hopeful of an early pence, and con aeqneptly look for the evacuation of our territo ries before the leaves Vgin to fall,' "C;en. Sherman adds: I started at-oncefor f arietta." r. Sutntom, Ittrf f Wnr. H ' The incredulous man in the Confederate f tales who solves all hi donbts on tbe authority of officii I dispatches, will acquire a higher degree of incrcdu- .i mis riatemcnt oi toianton, tho yan- keo s ..secretary of War, formally announced in an ' official bulletin. Rut the persona of that, cbiss in the yankee States will gnlp down tho. statement With avidity, especially, if they belong to tbe Rlack Republican persuasion, because it is oEijial. They will never cease lo have any doubt that Johnston has retreated across Chatahoochce, that the yankee troops ocenpy our lines, and that they can enter oMarirtla at wi'l, as announced by Stanton. It will be a perpetual pntzle to them, that Sherman thould not have entered Marietta some daya ago, since all obetaclea had been 'removed, by th. opportune re treat of JohtMmm. mud eirfce Sherman stat-cd nt fun' on Uio iJCltl lust, w .iftU . ., It wr n-H be generally known, by those ie.Uv ers in the rrtoo or official bulletins, lhat Sherman at tbe time he rtarted,. was otdy some five or sir miles from the locutiiy he proposed to reach, Hcnco it will Iks hard to account for the, tnrdinc of his passage, unless Ibcy; take for gramtod, that be has arrived, without waiting for farther Infor mation. In the event, however, they think to ask the question, whether bo ever arrived at the point proposed, it will ho very easy fnr Stanton to istuo nnolher bulletin, announcing duly bit arrival.' This will only be a mintiUs' work aud will co,t the Yan kee Seeretary no pqia. it .! I-Tafl.ltj factory b the hard-bea.U-d individuals' whose "en tire faith is committed "lo ofiieUl intelligence. Whatever theory these persona may ftnally adtpt as to's programs npon Marietta, it ta, however, been announced that on Monday last, the Yankee army did make a start in that direction. They proceeded a shorty distance with tcmarxshta briskness, plock and di termination. Tho 'pll lines, rr some lime, were as silent as though no human being occupied them, ihus apparently con forming to Stnaton't ofiieial announcement, lhat tho "bird had noun." Tbe Yankeo columns confi dently adrnnead rtgTnt on hem. when in tbeir Trout sheet of flame, t httrrleano roar, a aeries of e"ca fining cheers, myriads ef deadly nfaib, ruddenly burst ont, their lines "lajjor and fall back in dis may. Tiff tit not rrurk JfiTirM. Faoax iir.n. hr.t'n Aairt. We lean, fvra r,rl- vale, reliable sources, that on Wednesday n'rce battle raged Ull nightfall between the fore, r Geo. le and those of Grant , and tht we had gmiettdi ded in driving back the Yankees, from th railrtmd. We bare retson to believe that Grant has lo, whipped by Geo. Loe,'an4 U probably on tbe n-" treat again. ..... . ... A tntm a gentleman with aot&e oppottvnlif " o , knowing. Uarn that we bare 4 ceptntvd m 28 prsaoneranear Petersburg. feiWe Jr MOB WaMtiaMir??-! Jlnut4r Atr?U:ii Iir Welter it VIrjrlBlilM.VJewf WaI3!attre Coartnltone,' A. !) .low lWt1i'-remtte4 V te rtfirfre V 4htoH'M."ig xwftoirfxHli letter rc&gved fey blutJ front bis sister tn Vir k!tor. di'serfhla r the afroo RwR.roiialttt .by Hat .-tar1 4niT hie . army Inr ihe pnMi.po tlrro:gb. tha4. country. This Is not tbo fiil instanoj'thM tha ;eoplo oi that gallant eld town b:ira iSit t!i .mere ..',$t , vengeance of Ih iW nn tl tu"b4Ta fnok h" hai I5e ncniy traeU been snarl'. i.vvjih greater ttrvesta tin aad raiidAW.-jit, and towherr bare ' ilplcs nd unpryUcted pc plo b er inoro rulhlcsdy r--bJ, liosynlcd aud i.unttel tbaTi in lh i Vallev of irgio .j. ct her j ooj;m ' rr Riain trne nnl tkftkea hi tbc-lr rtevotioo to nr eios . and ir nn- I --vnt a spoetavS-K iliat liai sear.-.dy a paral't-l in tlio war. Tlimii tboir Iiw.jos aro orcrrun aud their lirc-ide at the nierry of aa tinen:pulon f, tlmt whvlo eountrf 13 jyven v its imi'-l entire male pnpu lati n iiui rQt tbeta oat aitb. tliir onus in tlieir hm.l? it aid tin in driving tbo iavaJcr Trooi' ur s- il! Isc in tbtx itttvxec? wbile a trulbcr U ia the ny, gallantry bearic)r Jio fortune of tjio war, )is sieier writes biut as o law of tbe enemy that vurrouuil.lrr:"V. - .' ' llaolor, ftnJiuj it iui:oiite in raunib tbo men, ka next triud the iryincn nnd cblldren ; but flnliog' tbcm ns obgtinato Si thn men, bo now rucks bis wngenr-re a brirk wnlUabd brujc.i. . Wbeu bo fiist to k coiutnand of tbe ron.-rs in tbe Viilloy ho eanio ;ry nnr buiu slatted ont, for whenever be nt or fur roriii tlm rvbt-ls wuuld find it out, attack. uml eaptaro the train, no matlri bow biru a gnnrJ they baV Tbo rcbeLi always came pre- pared Oao day as Uio wagon train was panning tbrnng'.t NewWran tho Confederate!! fired oo the train. Gen." Hunter sivot back snd htf lUfep bouses burnt, and lful aa xwder that if siiy wore trains wure firol npotrly tbe .rebels,'. tb' hotn'ss" witl in fire miles arop!) attoatd ko-bwiieil; afterwards bo eltaugcd tba oi-!f r aiwf K.cteated himself with burning only thd hoiiew in tbe immedite vitirnity, and couipel linp tho-o within five mile aiunt lo par taxes a f and If Ttiov wt-re not st1- M jinr intho r;glit rt v.1 tiurj-'irT-r.iiuvittitrirfTnylttTr.-ri'TrTTr!fa o-s cl?is3 prisoners nnvtl tb'y wera able. Ofto por "woman tivinz nenr ' 8lrshiirc: wa locked up in her bouse, ai.-t tb.on th bouse wl n lire, nmt tlw poof woman kept thero nnt:l the hair was snrch't otr of herh?n'l. Itthon Imenmo tn hot fr Irer pers!n1r to stay ne:ir the burn ing ho aso, s they" wen; obliged t 1 l.-t l!u ir victim ont. Conld writa upon ffunterV lv. .1 f-.r n yenr to (Time. I siij'po'e you know Sivgel iv.i s-.ipere;--ded hy Ilniitcr beejsoc be aKowcd ; h:in!i'iil of rebel t- defeat Lij vetcrau armv, ns they nr. culU'd. Wc Imvo no bin;; but the I'.iltiewre Ameri an to read h'rc. .All arc a:ixi.u :ly awni;i:t:; Che tun" whim will eoiue and f -uc us rmm the v:i:ik;e yoke. le, ii.vever, will never tin I this Valley as hJ.-!t it l.i.-f -u:i.ii:er. if he il-es i'o! enf simnV !y a bou.'e h -re um! there will h - I ft to t'.'Jl wU-rV niv? :i ll--i:rish:ng VoWti tood. I.uly pr.icr nc.!iiics urc I. eld crviiml at tin1 lit se- o -"miiivi's r S..1..-IM-I Tncru is 11 r. port in t iwi 1!: 11 !"(: v 4: f;iy tV.iy r.' s j to Imr.i every" bo"e in whi'.di tlieho prawr meetings have been -- . 3t tfc Hrulal Guti'3tcs. YJfc l-.-r.i. say the Nasi-viM? Dir'pal-h of May 2"iii, l.j lef'trlrotna I'li li-min da'cil Stcvejisor. ' 1, M.iy I'.'th, that a hiatal outrugo w.w eoi,ituH'ti. l at thai ; lace a few nights prct ions. Tho ciicame, .inn i urc as follows: A soldier, drc ?c I in m lilary unif-irin, niter d the hoiMo of 11 man naiiicd "fantioii, ulmut S P. M., and nserr-improper language to oue of tlvo yonnt Indies. Mis who' re.-enle.l tho i isiilt .i-( 1 rdered the Kuldier to leave tiie houxe. t. , r:.f....l .!., ,...-....... I...1.. :..! - j 11 j ,i tit rvuvw -1 .. .....!-.. 1 i ... 1 Z 1 wVi ii .V tV- -Vi V i . . ' , , p" and ir- th.i ftrugub: for i's posscsr-ion- they trot out- " " " ' ri .c.i tuu uiu.-n.fv sid lb') bouse. The girl 1 hi n released her hold of c. an l f !..n lm oiftliiiLvlir lupsitwi to this amp of ltatiury K, bJ .1. , .I'm -.l . ' llnl w;s ti issmg: tUtman cMiia int.. earn) n few min- " . VHr ur' '. "a.l h'.n arre-.teJ and ao.iv i'i me gnvir.i noiirte, ni tug woil salisliek Irom apj.ear.inei s lhat he was th' murderer. In Chis She ti Clicer was not mistaken, lly order of tin Provost Mnrslml, the prinner atol three other men belong ing to the samo balury were sent tho next day to McC'oniionV house, when ! !.o f i.-ler of the deceased .OM-lerof the .If eeiMcd un mediately reeoguivd ti iTie fat'it r. picking hliu 011! fri.iu nmong the others onii:iai, u.- .iii mat The prisoner is now in ci i.e CMifiiuinotit, with ball j wn; t hain, Lis trial. J Catholicism In the Conicdcracy. A leiitrii the New York Metropolitnn R-icord j gives tra foilowing account about the ferlinjtf to- J warOt the Catholic Chur:b in tho Confederate j States : 1 Tn the cities of Mobile and New Oricnng, C. S. A.. tho city bfpiUila nro in charge of Iho Si: tors of ! Charily. To the Sisters, tho cifv authorities en- -...1 . i . " . ritsto-1 tho limls ncfi.rv tur iho Minm.rf .,f th. i . (. - " i w tnsfirr ;uul o wi-J crnUjilt.l nro the cili.n wtth Iho inimziicotncnt ,f the rcVf- n. Hint, mnl.l .1 o Z "1 V f r ."C ""'"' ?n lrW, " 'l hcrs out of tboir motion. The whole d " Hegcd conspiracy with patties arrested here she ' the net ,fl..Met n.g door, tho fellow fi,ir looked like a Frng,!o of dcleg;tes to obta some m.ntbs ago, to overthrow tho government." 7, rT? .'I w,.,l"w; V'-'T. ,hu ! capilal upon which thev conl I lay claim upon 01 Thle nonescso and chaff will not avail. Carried rl-l i 1. 1 l,oUV::n and lodging ... .he j A,'c ur n'f ,, lV)p? J off to Cincinnati, Hamilton county," on an in.lic- Jo ii-oi c; ,V'1 a 7 "e, n- Diiringtbe vo!e for Yiee President, it was tee ment Tor what he is alleged to have doco at Co- An 'n or oi r 'HI . 1" ' u-- ei'va.,!'1' '"f" ", ' " Johnson was leading all others. After Per.. luinhus. Franklin county! Indicted in one county, a fcw i.Uo s ' routlu;l l,.0,,c i '.vleonia bad voted for Hsuxlin, Mr. Cameron we. f-r lecds alleged, to bo done in another county! lr th nr)?Jr,l'n i? "rc,!,c.0- ,T;"'1 "no I over lo Che New York delegation and promised t This chatter is an attempt to allay the terrible -ncstt' th!. ' r!!'" '"" l ,,B,WJf:' -nst the vole of IV.msvlvani.i far Dickinson if tl cilement that his arbitrary arrest will create in si?-lrbfr iir'V,.,.,r -l " I'"' i 7 U.r,:aiNwY..rk.elcRC,....wo.,ld unite m, him. T. Ohio, nnd in tbe North West. c,f the s i ter d f , 'S ' , W"'1 " K ' " e1 We Vuon iU,r' M"?- Wo know him lo be tt imL led il u deicr d T ' r "! . T" C I T,' portion of the-legation are vor ""an incapable s,f entering into "conspiracy" or in- he ' , , " l his oc;,ne Th !,c'',"n ar'Ci nndrhapfalb-n. From developments that ha 'o any s-orct plotting.. He will die, ns be ha. liv- n . o tlav-:nly thing that will now s.tit d. an open, square, above, board writer, talker. -t . . . . , i tiio vi iuu iiitn.vuaniuo s t !tiCt rivt.l1 nnil t .u a I.,. -1- ...' n A "M-iuiiit-n titci- fiviiini on . ineir sor- vhOK. flir-r iviihl l.n j. ir.A .ia .. .1 - the PuMi- chnrities in nl! il " As proof of iho kindly feelings enicrt.iiticd by non-f'atholi. Southerners for ho religion of our church, an I testimony of their gratitude to the t.nuoi.c inn. wtio aro serving in tbo Southern ar- tiVT. o-.- have tsjjcady fallen ji buttle for the defvnfe oi noiiuiirt ngms ant Iibrrti.-s. I append a Hate- m nt of tho rcct-ij ts h unnu.i! h.i7.inr held on ew kenrs day, for tbe benefit of tho Calholie -ISVIlim. in tlio c-ltr of M. l.Tl... X. ...... ecc.s on aiiMial l.a'.aar, js 2, fii.hiiO, (Xl..lf.(:) do. ' K"- ) do. lfr, .il.:.i;(it'. (XS.720.) ..nv t ii. none miiaoiunits i i.-biln nninlj.-r be tuten ten and fifteen Ui"! souls, and as the major ty of the t'uihoiics nro re ph of nu.Ur.tfu means, they have to credit, tbo i .n Cntbolic citi retiS of Mobile w'.th at least ono half of Iho $1.1. MIO, or iS.TOO, eoi fritmied m four nights f..r the support of n Catholio Orph.m Asylum. Can Cath olic Diblin, or, Catholio -Ireland, show anything like this? '-Oejcrr?. or Mivnr.AX's Movrvkxt? sinnatf Gagettil.r the Iftfh lnot., savs xts. The Cin- ci I i rermciy lruai mn isTMion nienns'wu are not now iitcpftrc i to say. It may be intended for soniof Sins irforo thaii n frfere hor,. tnnl:i.. m.rr..- Til. !, nn;..r. .... ..v... - ... u ... i'iviiiiiiv, t iiiori melt f IbjJ.. SUtrv fbal it do-s mcrn a lroorl .tenl jeoait -fvor it: tbnt It.M-tha -beglnti,f m.jTviucnt t pet iulo .trr.Uon lh.- plan Tioposod " oveiTior;to4 ir cutting tbo comma- ni;P.itignt of Slxirmati stnd f irciDg hi treat tfrosu tieorgia ; tbnt it Is. in a w Hft.n.iu ou.jtui.iii una l.jrclllfl. Ill trtnr n rn word, the inuu- gnrnt on of a b.rtjiiJble rebellion in Kentneky a fvTmi.lsblo, nt least, as tho yn.patbi, with irca- Kisaninpawcet making it. This point a few dnye'wiil declJa, if the sipprchetided conspiracy hll te .b3Vclord- ir t iioti mpathizers in tho State ' . bands With t he invaders, and especially If theTiIantbiwltiee shall-ho Implicated in this affair,;: then the Imubles wf Kentucky will com mencit nnd Crt and rword will awes-p over the Pinto, devastating aid mining, na Missonrl aud Arkaimns bate been ciovaJittltcd ai.d ruined. Ya skkr Khttuati. or tn f'TitKcni The yan- kws hre made another ertin-pte of .jar strength This rime it comes from the World's Raltirnore eor-" n-spondent. Gen Ke is girtn 1 15,000 ,en, Inrlu. dun r.on.rstrco.'s corps, but not any recent rein foreernrtHs. Under Rtia-n regard, and recently ope- siuing against i.icnmnn i. bu.uoo; recently under RreeMnridge and Helm!". 2(t.00d, pet ween Wilming ttM niMt l'ett-ryb.irg, 2o.0(V-,r..Ur Gen. Jo-inston umom bo h fl Haltoti, Sd.OoO: Charleston and Sa vanmibrWOt.;. Mobile, o.OiH; under Kirby Smiil ?? )'Hwln Arkansas a.d Missouri. 15.00ft; or l ed ilrerVnd In Texas, 2 n0ih). This grVea ns ai il on elTcetwe strength of throe hundred and sixty thou-, f ind wen. Jo'n increased strength is put down at one hundred and seventy-fi ro thousand men. t SauAIri (ln Forrest a fw days ago. came down rroia Alwr-lcen, nnd . nhe read met a couple tTlwIm going on. Tbe purtlce Were strange. a to other, and Mrs. Forrest nsked, homoronslv, if tlnty 'a-irre not afrai.1 of Ib t jai-Jrces. "No," 'said ene of tbetn, "Old Forrest ia np therewith the yan l ecfV rntnot afraid of . thedr rttln"by Uim." -R'ttw TcLEnnARn tsr, We are glad to aee thin tel..gri.h line being erected I rot a tfelma 10 Kt Mooahti-,loiig ti e line ot the Alabama d leniM.iaee River Lailr and, to be extended to JRonttv &a.. t soon as circumstances .r the Yankees will "emit, v.-t, A! letter from Baltimer ' fa thetNew Tors Herabt, gttca a. description or nmo u. tn.trj warliinj of the.Baltiuxore Ymkeo tVovenUo. B ays ft no turns'out tbaV ll sifjitfW $ tM ' f?oniher.i dvlvjfution vat bronsbt . Ilbaul fey tlie Kewrd mca in tbo Kcw A'ork jlulcgstton. A little artor ini.loitcht bcfi re tbe noavlninj dajTttre w rur of tbe Radars in that wiaz ntt to aa ander 1 rtiuding with tbe delegation. . wbieb.: sheared the bitter against Dickinson, for wboia . tbey bad InV tonded o eat their vote and iro fur Johnsea. The rame nicu about one o clock In the ntarnirC ceured an interview . with Mr. Maj aard, of Te nc) -0, nnd a portion of tbe IHHImia dole rtio. They pledged a, insrity of tbe New Yorlc delcg tjun the' a-idstauec of the yoto of Ohio for tbair full admittnjice to tbo Convention If they sroaI . & i - ii i iit.du ot inv c-wara wing oi am r ian ucitrv lion. 1 h is TirtvposiMon was agreeo to, bene sequel of l'reton King's motion to amend tbo port of his commits clnnt tbeso dcletrauotfl a ribt t rote. . ... On this point the Sombern delcgaHoa a ad nomination of Johnson for VSee President tanwl Thi.l was tbe point that settled tbe whole atpr, Mr. Chase may not reli-b tbe idea that tlto detri tion from bis own tato was made an instrtimei cany oat this plan of rArdJs friends, bat su t Uiu fact. . -"' ' "' - 1 Tbe Fcwnrd men nramisei to rote far tbo" ad! j t:iuec of tbe Hlnir doVgation front MimowrL Mr mndn hi- mot on amendintr tbe remrt of bis I i tec in that respect in accords a with that ttr riniioing. When tbi vote was Wing taVcn they saw tbn . Kile was too rloong against tbe ISiair set that were fearful tbnt n vote for tbeis) 'would weakc Seivnrd interest on other points wbbb they A to eavrv. and hcn :re l ropped ftlatr and ugidusl that delegation, Preston Kiagwltbtt The radienl'i wcie.of eonrve anmitteJ enro i Hli'tiiiiilini. ttip fc.-jtirtijin of Ihr. UnW t neir n"Uiii'"t.Tiee wo uu twimiu si mm llnrlf. Jcvil. The Dlair dclwzation wiihdrow in disgast, j ihrenten-.-il to go home and fight the ticks.! T 1 alo :!Scrt that they will rnn Frank Dtairfor t! t-i'i.or in oii)fyit!n to ino rameai cnnoiumo. 1.1 I Thtid'leus Stevens has beeibadly beaten attv p iint. Iltsaine here to prevent anyrtiing beiig ' -1 1 . t that -would endorse iho nconst ruction 4 ' trine of tho itdininistr.itioii. He prorlaliiicl virt'S a!lv in his pecch th-it the Southern States wtj b gaily out of the l"n;on ami rhoubl le treated Sljt -is coikjih red territory. Having secured as ei suppose I tho Convention nnd its machinery sj ' hi" inrest, sing also that (lie radical ticlcgatia from Missouri were admitted ns h i desired, he sti posivl that he was Miro lo win. Mr Stephens tin i trt'.vcd the previous , mos I i. n mi the niliniCiince ( 1 the Southern delegation, belii-vinij that if he eo previ nt any infill .-ih-ccIis on tho other side tls J wo-ild be r. jc -teik The Presitleiit of tbe convei t on .)i. his Kes; to : -ir-1 Mr. Stevens in statif tiie iiuc'tiia. 1ml was outon.'r.iled by nena'i 1 l.ano d' K.i:oias, in hid motion, and defeat 1 when the veto wits taken in one or two Btan j Vln ens suwMiiji dilemma anil trieilo bare the pre 011s question rec'im-idered, so ns to (peak himiM lint ennht not. seeoinnlish it. Hie net aehcina as defeated. He found himself the worst defeat i man in Iho convention. The doctrine that t4l Southern Mates wero legally out wa repudiated. 1 Cn:iii-ron was nl'o h.xlly worctid. Ho attetnplii to spring tho trap of running the nomination 1 both Lincoln and Hamlin Jhroitgh by one resl liuii bv nechiinatiou. which was frowned down! the Convention, licit followed a squabble I I twoen delegates who desired to be roccrded as wn J '" w,l.r . ..,,Bn .i,n,. jauij lj mating I.Tncoln, in which Cameron got sadly lifted, changing and modifying his motions In i ""er of forms. Tho struggle between several 1 . . : I. ,1... ..r nomination of Lincoln was ridiculous in tho t .' ... . . . : lii'in ttf fr... ni . ii n f f . . i tiovcrnor from wing 01 u. fimy. lilhMt, j lu. Jntform swins" c7"li ... I..' .11 ft. . o sutilnetnrr to toe CIU .rhc nthvr nrc mnm There is a si cant limit for Lincoln in regnril to hit Cat J ho whole affair h.-is resulted as foresbado the dispatches to the Herald. " fivcy thing lo 1V..C a row in the Convention. Thcin was eonfr ivor-. i.n fni: itl.-t iloriii'' a l.'irrre rtorlion tf ' yesfion, bttt tbe secret bargains carried it thr .afelv The National Council of tbe Loral Lea true ngnin, reversed their former action, and cndorfi ticket and plutform :iominated at tbo Lincoln v&ntn, thu.-t plcdgii.g Jhc members of that or nation. I lie Convention of the oRico lioldert bat co iltd its labors. Secrttiirv ScWard has carris ptint on the n .iniuntioii f Johnson for Vice-li-dent. Wood it nppeats, left, not fearing a ronlwt know 'id 2 that all was s.ifo alone the tines-fat victory was certain. His followers are hoi grand jubilee. leading Republican and e fcekers nro iloiio..icina Fremont as a copptspd. Tho hatred of the liluiisby tbe dele cites of j vi iiiii-t vi un. finuj J vuu uvivxAiva w si - ' . u . ..i :r. J . -r -i. i atl fr iiiit uitrr riuiuvtoiJL tiivt ui tuu vvu vein im . WM every whero .ruanifented, mnd -stuck out r- . - i i: I 1 fFr"ni tho I-nko "V ColumbUn of thcl.J ! Y ankee Atrocities on the t. JoTtu'a ker. i On Thursday, the 9th int.. the enemy Jide a 1 raid on Fleming's Island, on tbo St. Jobniiver; t'nbnnt twint--fi vc miles above Jack son vi On ( reaching the Island they divided into sev ' ties and mado the circuit of the Island, : North uidc of th-j Island at tho crossing ev ! livng Pea Creek, which beads ont of Doct-j ; IkSnv i,,t .... 1',.. nn.l l.n a.KIk ' passing from the Island to tbe mnin j The farm of Mr. John Rrantlcy, on thiJ of the Island nod fronting the St. Johns ed by them, nnd Mr. Rrantlcy and fa mi to leave, nnd ho order was accompanied threat that the. bouse wonld be shelled if rem.-, i nd in U. The Captain in comma. Mr. Rrantlcy that notbingahonld he d.tst thn pnny returned thoy passed near tbe seeing a borsu iu it fhe Captain ordered inn to shoot it. The man stepped ont o fired, and tho unoffending animal felt d suit. At H'.hcrina, two miles above Mr. -Intlcy't, where M.-s. b'leming, a w.dow lady wt -living, They -look all the haois on! of tbe gissOhitvee, killed Tour hores belonfiing fT J4rw."lp,g ( incog Iho number n colfa month old jfaiaged tho booso of whatever' t'ey -"fal 4 -Tbe'r stile all iho silver in use of tbo fany( rl rkeir r I ! mrr antrlrnlriri Ira Ibni bp tLlirs iir;.j.;nr:.T tended to tbclr taking of o.;if gtnooif,- aercmefs, ana rmttnmp ... miMfrM ILUkU wan uuns miiio mo corn mail a or ntMln 1 aeves wn.s assuring Mrs Flcmivig that "not n 11 ( tbonld Im 1 that the fV.C- TP lhUt.l' Z0."' V!"' h yhlng di.cocerod hgr losses, ran ont j an 1 informed him off - what ha i -- . m vcoiia wiicd . urn to tbwimandr had beeilitolen. Ha said tbnt tt was against orders and lljvonld aee about it. And old plow horse standin a the stable hnd his throat cut.. Mrs, Fleming t reneff to leave her placa, and when she ask for what rcs-son some one replied that their tn knight pass over the Island and that tbey eonld r bo respon sible for what their soldiers might do I When tbe family found that th b U - bad all besin killed they were ao shocked nod rned Itiat they concluded to Icavo the plaei t lac. Tbe yankecs had told them that tbey wet remain oe tbe Island Tor ome time, and they if coneln rikxl that men who could in wantonnr kill a fiott would hesitate at o atrocity. Mrs. Hnlng, her siller, Miss Seton, three children am! negro girl, With what clothing they could cai . iet their lxuioUfel borne oq tbe SU Johns. S tding mont of tbe night in tbe woods, thoy walk, eight nile teftre they eonld g a coorrvatif Tbns line Hiljcrnia, one of tbo mot beaniifal aideneee on the river, falteii a prey to tbe Vandal tttkeee.- Tbe Iiltnd UselfwiJl bo rich booty tVflbem it not nrenwnrtmi tbeir Hand. On it a biiiidtvd head ef the fin net Mtiln.Ii some three State one hundred bend of ibeep, and bogs wf it comber. 1 he object of the raid doabtSeaa wi to break np the loyal inhabitant on tlie river nit m Infor- maiiion or tbeir movements might briven to. onr nntnonnce, and that no Confederate tight tbe deviltry tbey meditato. "iumt asd iii a iii;vi..soine . gew u:nien,in eonreraattoQ wilts- th If '.lent a fw ya ago, exprcwd tbeir dfnbtas ltollcr't etu psicity as an officer ia tfee field. "In," said Bit r u 1 1, "o seceeeo it f l not be tnjr ,T , : "lr -c nay X geaeraJa to wntrh him Bald Bmitb. Glllninrt, Zi c.:..l Now. if tbey can't keep him from ioh h, , I ant tun. I ought n.,t to be hu tweouifll f what ne noes. i an a re ptqper, . 1 - - 1 1 ... Bn-.i. f ia tnv tii.r h.i , K...n .M.i..i .... - Bn.i;H,.....H, thl rui ftS-Orw of t'w tatoat . Teofal and encouraging ;)rM Jewell turn Mt rea is the rondi- tioo f affhltaitt lb North. If wi view from a f- UMeU, .ai jpofai. tb. itosUble f.ct 1. a,".,., 1 9t that tbst aattoB U on thi rerjn of rain. l-gf rwKmda to lh taanipulailoat of (ii a acuspr grorvtary i ion i rcniry, and every eo4iliet'atty bears ci Hence of a loss of eon I&stwww . trrcmediabie dtpreciatJon of curtvney. ad reek 1 ens ouregaru. or pre .-nil or future obli gations. ' Tk rich are aqanndcrin their iiuinetise wealth in lnxnrioes liviiMC, sad tbe iioor aro iu dia- tresa. - Tbe trs.r U pi'Klir only atuottg thoso who J sirrivo naanrMti or poutieai .tvsninga troin its con tinuance aJnd nnpopalar to bondnsU of thousands ftoin a aeero of caascs wbneb bsvs been too frs eneiitly couinorated to require repetition here. In a miliLnry as pcot, tbeelTortsofsthe NoSlb have . likewise proved a decided failure. Victory on vic tory has been written against tbeir arms, and a otif, catalogue of reverses, with tbeir attendant train of wnnad and death, has taught tbe major ity of tbe Nertbern roJj tbe futility of maintain ing a struggle for what is now hogiu'-.ins; to be recognised among them as s. pnrety Abolition prin ciple, destitute of a solitary element of right er jos tle. At trst, tbs rar wm wsgtJ on patriotic grounds, to defend tho old flag, and punish tbo pony South; then it waa.eiiiiiuraged on tbe plea of eooqaett and revenge; s.ibnocDtly it beeams nec essary at a aaaasnre of self -dcfon'ec to win back tbe Sooth, that berlrrimensn wealth might be ap- tropriated to the payment of the Federal debt; and nally it has dwarfed down to the pitiable dimen sions of a eotttest as to the f a tare rtatur of tbo ne ro. ' - Bnt the prestige of victory has forever gone, and abandoned by God, the North is driving headlong to destruction at pace that is destined, unless speedily shocked, to eud ia otter national rain. Tbeir tanaies have every where failed. Hanks ia empbaiiealir wiped ont; Sherman is as far as be eB advance, and no til the present time baa .declin ed a general engegofnent, which onr own hearts tell andy enffering Ja front of Itiebraond; has couie to the eooelnsion that be will iioS"figbt it nut on 4ht linn," after all, and has "changed his base to tLc vicinity of Petersburg, only, as we hope, to encoun ter still greater disaster and disgrace than before. These facts are to the Northern inird disooo rag ing, and henec it is that when we turn to ohs.-rvc the political condition ot affairs, wo find influences at work which promise to prove as potent in our behalf as our own unconquerable bayonets. The murmurs of dissatisfaction and complaint are beard throughout the length and breadth of the land, and increase? in bitterness as the war goes on. Al ready the malcontents have gathered under the bni.ner on whose white folds is inscribed the motto "Pence," and constitute a groat and growing po litical parly, embracing much of tin) best brain nnd brawn of tbe North, and it is destined to play no insignificant part in the Presidential campnign. To this party we look for success. Iu the high standard which its national pla'forui will assume may be all the elements of K-nce ami separate inde pendence; and in tbe immense moral weight i. hic-b that political party will bring to boar, we recog nize the downfall of the Itlack Republican power which mi so long oeiu sway, a tew months more Is question will be decided. The under cur rent of puldja sentiment at tbe North is already in a ferment, and when, by the blcsxing of God, it breaks rorth, it will be found that wc have not contended , It Will in ; e In Va ehall then cuter upon that glorious iOTrumu 1 ruin ine oegmuing to I lie present mo ment has been pointed out by the finger of I'rovi dence. Columbia Soiilh Carviiitiim. I'x-C.'ov. Meiary We are shocked to learn that Kx-Guvcrnor Sam XTedary, the renowneil editor of the Crisis, nt Co luihbus, Ohio, has been arrested and curried off to Cincinnati. The tclcs-ratdi has farther vouchsafed 1 V r .11 . . end worker, isi the field of political warfare. Too to biui, is outrage- j us in'1 (Tcpitsierous on ine isoe 01 ir. sonal and political weight with the lJotnocrlcyoT Ohio and ot the West on account or Ins known 1 IIUUVPI. .ail lift. .1. i ft . .v. n u fty u ..u, ..v. 1.. .. rested oecanse through Hie Crisis ho exerts a prod.- J gious inflnenee on Democratic sentiment. Time "it- '( fulling on his physical frame. For a year past his bcnllh linn been feeble. Kvpn a aholt imlil isonincnt - ... Mtit l.nvl ki. liTn tin i. llm li.ttn a.f l.T.ft I when men grow stronger by buffeting with savage attacks. Is it n the aim of some dastardly politi cal opponent to kill him 7 Few men in Ohio have the hold on the confidence of tho Democracy that Col. Mcdary has. What will be the action of tbe Ohio Democracy 7. Has the time, indeed folly come when an Ohio Democrat haa no rights . that negroes and Abolitionists are bound to respect? Let bail be demanded and taken for Col. Mcdary. He is not mean to flee ! Therein no amount of i no cannot reaauy wannnu, iu appear an . answer any charges brought regainst bini. Hut, it ; bail be refused, and if, as we know to be tbo case, no specification or certain Tacts be made against j him, then let the Democracy of Ohio know that bis ' arrest is bat tbe beginning of a, reign or terror in tended to crush them all beneath the heels or ne- grocs atal abolitionists! Have they mad up tbeir roluds to have it to? AVie lor freeman' Jnr. Orant and Ills Csicapulgii. The Nashville Union sayt: As Gen. Grant's campaign has now been fully developed, the following anecdote cortniuly will not j be considered contraband : While in Trout of Vieks- j burg, la conversation with a number or officers, j Gen. Grant, Without ever expecting to be called tn j tbe place, fare bis views of tbe propor plan t j cap tore Richmond. He said that, in bis view, two ar mies rhould more against thf rebel capital one by way of the Rapldan, and tbe other by way of Pe- j tersburg. Either of these columns should lie ' strong enourh to fight Lee ct of his entrench- ' ments- a clrcnmjtanee which would compel Loe to keep his army fogetber, as a division, with the James river between the sections, must prove fatal, j The army on tbe south was to cut off com in on ien- j flons, and threaten the destruction of tbe rebel cap ital front the south, and be able to toJaa it. if I.ce ! did not fall back; if be did fall back the nitny from the north eonld press him, and besiege kit in tbe capital, and by meant of gunboats a perfect con nection acroaa Jamee river eonld be kept -up. , Tbe moment the army on the Soutbalde occuied Man chester, Richmond wonld become untenable; and, under any circumstances, with all eoinmnnicatioea eat, the city eonld not stand a long sierc: and though a portion ot tbe rebel army might escape it wonld only do ao in a demoralised condition. A tlWhaftclJht above conversiitb n. Grant entered V H-ktburg, rttiTIB m il usoantinas manM of th-t Army of the Potomac. Success has Vindicated l.b adoption of the plan conceived a year or mote ago.- fn cpi-an. Political Hovenaeats In Middle Tennessee. The sabtnissiunisU In Middle TenndtHec. what fcw there are of thero, are moving to tupport the Aoouuon iickm nominated at JBaltimore. A meot- ingwia held at Murfreosboro on tbe IXth Inst, a report of which we find in the Nashville Union. A. Burger noted as Chairman, and J. Pcrsell as Secre Ury. The only sieeker were A. Horrcr. W. Rut- sell and Dr. Boweo, of Smith oonnry. The follow- ing resoiuiioni were adopted : Resolved, That this moating of the loyal citixens U Rathenfbrd and adjoining counties, hereby beenily approve and. indorse tbe nominations made by tbe Uni-a National Convention at llaltlmore, on the 8:h of Jane, of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, tor Preside ut, and Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, for Vice Preside and M H is tbe duty or the people to uphold-smd perpetuaie the (lovemroent of of the Ubitod States by entrusting; its administra tion only t raiiabl Union mon, that tbe rebellion may be speedily suppressed and thn Integrity of the Government preserved, we feel it to be our impera tive doty to do all that lies in onr power to secure th electkn of tbe nominees of tho Baltimore con vention. Resolved, That we approve and indorse tbe plat form and rinclplea adopted by sabi convention. Wben Mar'soa wan reptonchexl for not giving btttUe to tbe Cimbums nd Teutons vtbo wcrti overmnlngtliectmntry "Wehave to fight, amid !te not for trophies, bnt' fur ex ittence; tr will not give battle till victory ia retire." Wbtn tbe Wttlle ll Ulce place, Ui Teuton to host wa aoniliiUted, and Italj u eavea. len. fettoa. bt wna renorted tn, ifcaf e been killed the btfteir dajr, In front of juaxiriis, we arc grauaw to ps aiie to aiaU wm aot oven wounded. TELEGR-AP-H,fC, BEPOKTS 01" THE. PILES 3 WOOJLTIOir, EnU r.-. to Art at tVwrtvwIa lk Tcr 18$ by J. S. Tor Asiirn. la the Clerk a ,fTl- 1 lb trlet ourt ..f iti.i .mfisleriie Mu f.jc the Nurthcra District of ., ,.r. i. i'HOM Tlin FRONT, Kurllier Particulars of Mondny'a VtgLU M ihii tta, Juno 29lb. I'nusual quiet prevailed along the lints to-duy the enemy being eruiiUed t-j b-.iry bis fa imlrify log dead. As the facts of Gen. UstdceU great victory are brought lo ligltt they prove that it wa at Brst mtieb un lerralcd. The enemy adiails n lose of lion in front f Cleburne's Dlvislou and a leas in killed along Ibc fn nt of that arid Cheatham's Di vision of 7ort. Five hitudruil ambulances were eo untcd iron the summit of Kennesaw mountain to Rig Cbatity, from the front of Genoral liardte's corps. Their loss along tbo line of that corps is estimated at four thousand, and about tbo t-aiao In front of GenT Loring's coips. Tbe yankee Generals Ian. MeCook and Parker were ct-rtainly killed. . I,(cst Northern New a.' . " Atlanta, Jane 29. The Appeal bat reeeived the Chattanooga Gazette ofthe2.Mh. It stales that General Pillow with three thontan I men demanded tbe surrender of Iafaycttet wbkb was garrwoncd by four hundred cavalry. Tbe r-urrtndrr was re fused. The Confederates (hen attacked the town. The ysnkees took positb-n in tbo Court House and adjacent houHts. For more that three boors tbe C-l"-'rte J0tltthticf TO asfjaaM Jmmly, m,mm the 4th Kentucky (federal) eavsiry cams lathtTTbti Confederates departed, leaving one hundred dead, and seventy jf risoners, carrying off Col. Falknvr of tbo 7th Kentucky (.federal) reglinebt, who was cap ture I by tbctn iu a cburge. " It is Mipposcd here that Pillow parsed on to the work him on I bo railroads. The (iatette docs not slate in what direction he went. Nkw Y. iik, June 21. Gold 217! . Army advices Jo tho 2.1rd had been received. Tho position of iiffulrs around. Petersburg was re ported nnhnngel, but changes wero being made prompted by the prospect or great advantages. Tho movetnerti were not sunicicntly in at 11 red for pnblicntioii. The Il'th New York battery is reported to have lost four guns. Tbo Cotvfed. rafcs were ibiily strengthening and enlarging their works. The W-jrld says the National Democratic Com mittee will meet at Washington on the .30th Inst, for general consultation and important business. Sheridan, it is rcHrted, bad reached the White i House. J Advices from New tlrleans to the IStb, slate that j Gen. Ciinby was on a visit to Parmgut off Mobile. i rotn t irginia. Goi.nsnono, N. C, Juno 2j. Tbe State Jour nal has p. ter.-lmrg paers of tbo 2itb. Nothing important. The damage to tho Pcter-borg and Southside Railroads is slight. On the hitler large trains of cotton were h-.irncd. Private advices represent Kauts as running from W. F. Lee on Sunday, in front of Stanton bridgoon the Soiirhsi.Jc road, with Hearing in bis front to wards Wvldoii, or Grant's army. Official information from Wt-ldun to day r-ays IvauCx was going there. v 11. vise;, o. .jme j;). x uc Journal has received the Richmond Knqtii-er of (he 27th. A prirate j source reports the enemy 01, tho 27th"on the Peters- burg and Weld.m road, a' miles south of Petersburg, the llrick House, seven The following telegrams are taken from the Kn- Tlr f.nMini. ........ . T. 0xeeted to.dav Scouts sav that Grant told bis nd Iho siege of Rjcli- , ..... ",cn th h""S c' tnond would begin." I a P:TK.:snfi:iJ, .Tunc 2(i. All quiet yesterday ami - t'l-l y, save cavtnonnding awhile tbi morning on the r -iit re. Result uiikn wn. A severe cavalrv fight took place at Nottoway CWnrt House, un Thurs day, between Wilson's nnd Hearing's men, which continued from two o'clock Imlil d.irk. The enemy' retreated under the rover of tho darkness. Thir ty prisoners were captured by us and brought in." Tbo enemy alo lost many killed nnd wounded. Our loss wis small. W ilson is stealing fresh hors- c aud shotting his jaded ones. '0-ir men reported .u,. ,lrcmt. witl. .1..;- j-.,! ho,,.. TI- .lm. . , , S '""e l 'uthsnbs Railroad ws.s very great.' "HicAPi'its Aruv Va., 1 3anfi 25. j T-j tiik Si i itKTiiiiv or Wxa; Gen. W. II. F. Leo pursued (he enemy's cavalry, which advanced along nhc SuutltMilc Railroad. - Ho had a skirinuh on tho 22nd near Dinwlddie C. 1L; and the next day trunk their column lu flank, near 111 tek's and White's, culling it in two, mil getting possession of the road, by which they were moving towards Nottoway C. II. The road wa held after tin engagement which continued from twelre M. until dark, the cnenty making re ixatcd attempts to break through and rejoin his advance. He withdrew from Gen. Lee's front at daylight on the 21th leering bis dead and wounded oti the field, taking the road lo Hungary town and i Kevsvillo. Gnu. Ie ia rlill following them. Signed, R. K. LEE, General." "Iln'ons. Aiimv NoaniERM Vidoixia,) . June 2oib, r. n. j To tub Sechevarv or Wau: Onr doss yester day morning was nincty-sercn killed and wounded, and two hundred and niue mbsiag..t Nothing of moment has occurred to-day on the lines in front of Bermuda Hundred and around Petersburg. Gen. Hampton reports that the enemy '4 cavalry advanc ed yesterday to Nance' shop, and iufi-odneed them selves there. He attacked them and drove -them rmm their worka pursuing them nnlil 0 p.' m., to auilS hi iainie-)iii i ill, -rv rir-i Tbey left tbeir. deadand vpantled on tbe laid and along the rente. Great ercdlt is dneloGcn. Hamp ton and his command for their success. Signed, R. LEK, GenT." On Friday Haygood'a brigade wai thrown for war.l as nklrmisbcrs and nearly ft ar hundred of tbctn captured. Front f.ynehburtr. a LrxoHBt'Ru, June ti. A gentleman who left our forces on Thursday five miles below Salem, on the New Castle road, says that Hunter's army came near being raptured at tbat point, its escape being only dne to the delay in delivering orders. The ene my was so hardly pressed, that he destroyed an am munition train one mile long. Our informant saw it blown op. A portion of oar forces, it is report ed, ha ft taken a large wagon train and a number of prisoners. The enemy, on his retreat destroyed Ron sack 'a Wool Factory in Roanoko county. Report of Men Admitted Into Hospital at C.'riffin. C;a.. Jane 28th leWi. The following named soldier wt-r admitted into Hospital at this post for treatment, to-day. Catoosa nosrtiAt.. Captain J S Cooper, eo I', 4c'th Tenn. I'rivate Tilman Fuller, en K. 3d Ga. cav. J C Head, co I, UlhGa. binrcTiox uosrivAu Major J 8 Butler, 1st Tenn. Private J Harper, eoO.Ci.iaa. " . qv-irtAan nosrtVAk. Private E A Evans, eo D, 8th 0a. 8erg'nt MeDnffy Boyd, eo 11, JfJth fla. Private S K Chalmera, eo I, 10th Mitt- ' ' Rea'f C. Foataa, 4t 8nrg. la ebg'e IlospitaU. 1 CSJLll 1Jo.! B'1 RW lxt wa drir. by tbU Ume. nUZ'lY rT. ?P whole party, n,:. :.. "" "atTe im tbe drsd.with ; lr?" ' k"" wbWIt weald be. -loo, lk - VTT' Hue. I. All Confederste nCeera and men K hava bee. 4.... a . IviHwh r. , , 1 r ,ur - sy itn, 184 hereby declared to be -rT:. " are however. Is not intewdod to include nay officm men captured at Vlcksborr. J.i.s.v i section, errs or snch as were declared exchanged tT Eichanjre N eopt ...avrvq BIX, fTT-H and Wgtlt. juneZf t ROBT. Ot LP, Agt ef Ka. CO9VAIRI50 MB roLLOWISO tToniCt t "The Cock FIgtt; The U lfen Stratcgrm- lioW 1 Coated Hal; The Cbnanploii; ea And many other Ilumomua Sketches, Jot Pot-try, e designed for the AVVtEXZHT 07 THI CAMP. MUxmJm Copuje, Postare paid, ti.&O. The usual discoont to the trade. Address JaneJU Jie 't - TOCKTtl?l At c., Au-nt.ta, ;a. IN West OriCnn, a; few days sine-, the eai'e to cheek poplin dress. Tbe finder will l, ui,j bly rewarded by leaving it at the Relwd (in,.0 jene29 2t J. Ji. WHITK A CO. PANS. A bean. if ul lot of ladies Fans just rt reived an 1 for sale by J. H. JMI SSON 4 C. ju28, 4t. IH S A 1.10. A large assortment of English writing paper, blue and while, in quantities to suit pur chasers. Price reasonable. Apply to G. A. UAMSI'F.CK, ja2V10tcod4 RebeUldiec, GrOin. tJa. A PROCLAMATION iiAnnis, tiovcnxoit r TiNNKsSEE. To the Sheriffs, Coroners and other civil nfTWr of the Slme of Tennessee, and to the oth.-crs in command of troops from said State, cither on duty or in hospitals : Witt nuts, a vacaucy for Congress in the 11th Congressional District of Tennes e. bus been oc caaioned by the death or Hon. David M. Currtn you are therefore commanded to open and hold' an election on THURSDAY, the eighteenth dav of August, eighteen biim.rcd and wxty-four, at ull the voting places in your respective counties, and in the samp of the army, and ut other points as Tennessee soldiers may be on duty, or in h... pital, on the day of election, in pursiianre of an act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide f..r holding elections for ltepreseiitatires in the Con gress 01 ine toniedctate Mates iu the Sta:e ..f Tennessee," approved Mnv lt, 1-S. nnd en act amendatory thereof, approved Jm !Kh. 1-CI. Cr the piupoMi of filling said vacancv. and dueretii.ti . 1 - . i-. . . 1 . . 1 ... nv whereof, 1" I, IS HAM G. HARRIS, -. "- Tennessee, have hereunto' 111 U-Mttii.i . Goverimr of I J and caused the great seal of the Suite to be affixed, this the .'4tli dav of June, A. I . ImU IMIAM ti. IIAKUI-v lly the Governor : , J. K. It., Secretary of State. iaiiT-td. elecliou. UTSLlYlfltX Match Factory The undersigned are now prepared to fill orders for SUPKRIOR FRICTION MATCHES TRY THEM'; The are gotl a" tnr vault twnt hr-i. Address ni:i:KM- joiikhon, (Jriffm, lii June Mtf WAHTUD Tt Iti:HT. DWKLLIXU HOUPK, suitable r.r a .mall family, eonveaicntly located. Apply to Dermnke. JuneL'2-lw A Capt. OKOHOK DIXON". (rennaaLV er nanrina; vuas.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, RICHMOND. YA. All elaime against the Coafederale Govetynueut, adjusted and collected. fHT Particular attention paid to Soldiers claims. . ttR ntsrM A COMPETENT and experienced ro..k.. and- ironer, who is also aouaiute. viith general honsework, and is a very fair seautr-. Apply at this office. jaaels II It AC 81 RAUMli We will pay tbe highest market price fur g.tod cotton or linen rags, or give in etshange fr them fine Bngliah letter and cap paper, or Knvelopes. Apply afbe RKIiKL OFFICK. TO TIIK PHI. THR Press ts respectfnllv informed that ttiev can at all times be furnished with ;UD PItlNTING INK at moderate rates. The quality ef this INK will speak for its. If bv referring to the "Merenry" and 'Courier" of tins eity to either er which reference are made. All erdera mast be accompanied by a description of Presses used. J. LAWRENCE LEWIS, Charles ten Printing Ink Works, fobiT tf. King street Road Charleston. lleok Keepers Attention. TIIBRB ar several hundred Volumes of Rooks belonging to Dr. Bobbins' library loaned ont la Urtaa. Parties baring tnem win please return tbetn to hie eld reams, and oblige. jeflm. L. G.STEWART. LEGAL nLAXILS. We have on Tkaad at this office a large supply of tba Blanks need by Sberifis, Clerks and Ordinaries in tkit Slate, beautifully priate-d on fine white pa per, which we will sell at tbe tarn raU-s now charg ed for tba blank paper aiono. . VOW HALB. 23 Bbls Lnmnblaek. Arrl" to J. LA WHENCE LEWIP, At tbe Ink Factory, King time I Road, Charleston. fab:7 tt fW WWftWM , The following nation it rtucd arsin a rM.t a