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rnr j ft E VollllIK ' J J - (i IM IKI X, CJ A., -rlUT.V 1. lS(i l. ."N" in ul mm I MIL! AiNOGCA Til 10 DAILY IIKI5KL.' I S V I'U.WC. M. PAl'L. 'I'l'lllls III' SllllM'l I l lull, I mm- ' J ' . HI ""ll , i 1 T,. 1 1. ci ii.,t. tlH'cc Ill".tl- Hnds at' il ri'l Mil " liisp,,- .-.,.., ..; -, 'i:, Ill' I ' V'H TIIIUSHAY K l'.MMi, .II NK ;;ii, isiil. EVENING- EDITION.' CI. AIMS Wo have .,n lull. 1 , 1 ;1 1 , U ( litii'.iirs Mini ntii.i.n ii- rr ii n.i-iiiiii lain, ,.r il.w," sul-lii-i-. ti 1 1 v ,., (if crr "f Hi.' 111. piT ! ' r-r.1 II di-lHIIro li. .!, uk s i "I prnrilrc Hum by B,,r,.,,is . !!'ll;, (l ", H Ilii uiiuJi I Ik mails. i,'i ir i'kom Tin: Nonm. 1 nlTli.M I .S S IN VlltCiNIA. umiiiiIU' Action id the (.ulil M, in cu' III k. We lake III.' It.lhiniii;; Inlcivsllli.; N i1 I llll I) licit - J n Mir .Xa-lll'llle I linos ill llir L' Illi in-l., n copy if which '! recoiled til if- lllillllillx limit .1 I. ill'l ll i. in I lit III.. In. lit : IMspnlclics finm lull Virllit'tii pupils, Ni.w V.nih. .Inn.' L' I, 'I'lu. "I" i i n .- P. lor.-hiir;; special ..I' I In- :!iMli, ..i., I i 1 1 t - v llii'' in. .riling .iirii.'.l l.iill.-lio within l,L''i: yards III' 111.' clly, llll. I lr.l lli II 1 1 .li.l. in. Iiii. nl ,. lite llulll'p. tf. 'III.' l.llil.lillH- Well' I . II 1 II. I, I. Ill ..III. !' i-fleels HiHisceriiiiurd. TIki Tribune's Army nf the I'olomnc special .it the I'liih. says, liuriliii.itiiiii yes' iin.l In day, I. ul it. advance nll'-nipled by .'illi. i uriny. 'I'll.' rij.'hl tpmrlcr.s close l.i Pelel -lull;1; and Iheiiier. This nwriiinj; l X "Vl.irli, iln-rc hi.', ul. i i ilic rain ul' slid' itn.l .--.lid shui. Tompkins' ball ay lillllllv silenced lilt' enelliv. Till' World's special ..r ll,.' 21-1, -ays, I.e. Ini- 11 nil. iti position in uiir front, tin.l i- did, inline ii Willi his entire tinny, so tar as ! can lean'. So ii.. iir llii' city i.- inn' ni!iiii.ii nf niic lin... Hull ihev I'.illl.l Willi fuse Sfl). .-lu ll.- tlll'nllll it ill ('.Hill blank ran':.'. ferine; I In' "" 111.' . I. . picniiuui ..r llic priviler'e of .iiiiiin;f l.t ... nm. 'ill. II. i.v llic liiutiii' I'liinlilint nl' III I'ullllil-I' .Mill "I III.' S.illlll! 'Ill' i i it i V ul' lin. Tr.a-inv ul Hi. Inn. hi. I, Ir. TMLIKJUA I'll IC REPOilTS OF THE I'KESS ASSOt'l VJ'ION. 1 1 V A UT IIO'I! IT V I'l HI. It: ACTS ..I il h M' lillli in,, i I , alili'illli. ..i.i r- I I.h I lie li.i.- mil .Ii. I-. ali i tliiii ii" ..1 i I. 'il.T.lU' -. rill llir-." .Mi. I.', I lia.- riiliii II. . I.'. J lli... 'ii a I.1.. la l.i in. in- in .1. lull, u h.ll h K"IM alt' In ii-lit it 1. 1 Li ilil..inu r. llll'ill'll III.' Klrliull'l ' .l.illlll l.i .. V llll' .ll .. iii. i. It' lor Ilit- lull. "iii. tit' nil hi ,iin a vi'iy !i--l,v y..ii, anil Ii 11 mi li. rti. T'lif W . Ii. llll ,U M.ll hi. I. III. I .'.I :ti I'ohllllx In r I'. .1 TllKA'.lll.ll. ill n il i 4 '.ni t ..I n.. i ..hi ll..lli. l ..I (l. u;i i. ..I' ( i .ii rr. I,.- i i. ii ii. Hi. nil..1 . ..r Hi. i Hi.-1 n . ViiiI'h A (.allanl Sim nt Cent' ,.. , -f. .... nil .-..,,. l 'Hi..!i.. Iiavi' iili. Iikiiii'.I I'i'miii lin' Ii.if'i-', lli.' I. in 1. ah. I'. art n S.iiciuil l.-il:i I', ('"lli. r, ulllrlt !. III.' Mllij.i't ..I' III." llllll.'Jii'.l oill.t" iiilnl. ftt:.'. 'I Ii. y h ill ni.w l.jtill llml lie iniHUli ainliit ii- liravt', II.- .Iri'lin.'.H i"iii.iti.iii .i)i rl ty l. h'l' ini him ..r III." Iif r iii lie! : ('All I'l .'.ill ll i. HllllWKVT, 1 .Iiiii.'i :'!lli, s.,j linn. hi l'i. 1.1:1.11 n il : I n.-ii'l y.iu 11 t . . y nil nr.l.'i- iri'iii..ii) S.-i'l t'-illii-r, I'.i. k, tin.l hit ile rlinati'.ii. It i.-t'lnltai tt'l it it' til' Illi! Illim, Aniillii l- AsKiiuli iiiuii ( lit', illi, iin ami It. iiiIm'. M Mni. 1 ii, .I nm' ;m h. m 2 ,,', I,., I. lin in. mi in;- llif fin lay .In iVf II,' n. I'll.', illi. iiii'i. ,i, K, I-1 in anil iill..niilt'.l In si. .1111 Iii.- I.r.'a-hvnil..-. Tli -y wt'rti r.'c.'iv.'il iviili a in, .-1 ti'iTific liir Iimiii 1,111 nm. Krlry, wliit li t ill's.',! Iti.ui l.i rrii.-al ,n riiilati'l,. . Tlit'ir Iti'.t h.ifl in. I y.'t Ik.-ii a-.- ! lain.', I, nm ;i -iinly nut' killfl ini'l Iivh iv,,iiii..-,. f .utt-l IV. 1111 the N.n lli anil M rl 1 I '-( Cdtittli's ol I lie iiiilrilriiili: Slnlo, al llii' I..1111I1 m'--I.iii, wliit'h mis Iii'jj.hi an. I li. l'l al llif rily of Ki. l ml, in tin' Smii. n Villllia, nil M. ill. lav, llif sfli'lilli tiny nl'llr 1. 'inli. 1, A. ll., I .:. 1111. 1 i'ii. I'.I 1111 TI1111 uliiy, ll... .'i mi 1 1'. nl h il a y ul I' iliniai 1 , 1 Mil. '' 1,1 ui'ii.'i al c, ,111 1 i man ja I'1' I ' ."-Ii "I mil ,-,,iii-is l iM.ii .,,1,1,,., 1, , WH, 11,,. ,,,v , nl, '..lli-. In vw In, I, . ,.,.,, i. ,,,, j liiv . mill, ml l.riir. liiii,.,l 1 , ,,.,...1 ,,i il,.. , 1, 1 i'i, 111 1 1,1.. 1 I I 1 1 1 llll .'in -n t.i In, I ,1;, . :. 'Hi.,! u l.iry mi - inav I,.- reus.' In l'i-t n- m aiiiii llir 111, 'ml, rr li.'il. i- .1 r- Mi In III. ll .111.1 ill, lin 111 II II , I .11 '. nl l.i nl -1. i.tli.'l . ', In Ulil.'ll'l Ul, l lll I'll I'll ii'. M.I 1 1. Aii A iilal.' iiiiir..sniiii tit . i (li, .-i"lil.-. u him. Irc.l ami i.')ii-.i1 an ac! Mini'ii.liiti.i y i'iKl,l An u.'t In 1 ix Mai'.-li Iwriitr- Mli llii.'i'. ami in llirr.'nl', iipnritii'.l him. ll i'ii 1111.I .'i'ii .,1111.1:, .Inn.' :',n.- 'I Ii , , i,iu' N . 11 . .lalt'.-. nt (In. -J7lli, anil I'lin iiui ili ,. Mi' Im- 111. All.JIAII IDIIS, AllllV No M.ii'f 1'1-lilln-! ll.'ii. i.- ; 1,1 1. imiili,.,! Iii- army iirnr l'i It'i'.-lm; ,' 1 '. ;1! I., 11 , innii' iivliiiu - till' .-I.'-,' nl llll'lil I 1 This v." ul'l hi' v.'i. 111. '11 it lll.'V I'.illl.l illlllH lll'l',1.- i-aiiiviii ii.-lliL'.-ni'i! lu his lu 1 ,' il. Hut lli.'V hav.' lit'i'ii 1111; I'liimiA Inn.. L'I. i.-.VTKt-.Vi.'i :,,,f.',l!ir",.vJ..0i,r, 'iWt."-!i Ti.'.imns llnllst, Hint t'tinlillll'-.l till, tlsstklllt till lull!' padl I'.ur ill III.' lilt. 'Ill', nil. Illll'l,,-.s lli, I lint ...VUfl .1 Inn nl' till,.' liilll'il .'III. I ll'nllHil.'.l. Tile i;,lu-i,,ll of 11 ri lii'l raissnll hint Hlt lll.lll hi'is ll irs .III nillllial. llll'l llnlll.l parti, i- i.t .'allaut, l,iil niii.'t ami iina.-siimiii. It sriiks : 1 II I. A li'ijllt .1 Al h si.s's I II 1 1 i A I I all.i'r's llp i.-inu. llanliVil t'.irps,. Aruiv ul' Ti'imi'Ssri'. J , ll,.- AV, , (,,, , ,,'. , IIVw 1,1 Mm irttn : I li.'ii. ial (Ir.l.'is .V.i. .. I i I'll III.' :!lnl inst., uliil.' litis was in line I uf haitlr li. liinil liiva-livnilir, ami A U ivy t'fi I lirw litnn I li viiuiny'h iiilillLiy, u st-hrapm.-l . lu.t tin' tnp I.-.-,' 1111 I It'll mi.,.4 1 ".ul.-. fa v-x.L;rM'.'r While tin- In-? lias -nl! ni.'t.ui,aii,l tile 111,11 . iv llili ttniti llic 't.ini'i' ..I lllu applehellil.'.l i'.,ln--inti. Ser't I aae I1. (' .llier, nl' t'u. K, .'itll Kt'l (l.i ',,ls., .'.,'i,.. Hie pmieelilc ami threw il ml til' i.t. . in ar nil limn I.- lit li'lly. nut nl' 111 II III It - - fnlit inili' very il..-tnle-a.'lil.ll' ami lllin in "l"W 11 .'-.! nfli'll in iiih.'Ii I'al sumt! that t ,lntiiis.'. TI ive il, ami I:. iv,. ,n l in llii-ir 11 ill put I il-r ,1,-p. :h...i-. llie int. ill .! a 11 . I 1 1 11 iici- nl' an, .ll in villi, -li tel.- , riti.T.I In grstti Hpirit cf (..ii. (llir r.'a.l,.-s fimilar ir,.iiii-.' men al,"ill leu ,i..y.- lie 1,1 was t,, l,e ii , in,,; .. 1 . . n 1 1 1 , . j' ..j 111.! lil'-t tllillL' til 1,11.11- li.l V IV, nuainst nur Inrii!', alien-. :n ,i 1 . . i the vv h.ile .-ir, n.:i !i ,,' tl,,-;r ttl,i v I t'.l in liiiryiii-: ihe il, .i, an, I t Wnlllnle i. lli :;ll! I ll , ,11 -.1 1,. ,j,V,J nlie etlnrl tu I, real, nur i.- t ii man's prnmi.-e t,, atlaek n., m.,,, 1, tlllis It Villi lil'iili. lie Willi lu ll, happens that l,,,ili lie am! his s .-ituate.l that itiaelil iiy i- ,',iiiv a 1,,, th ill the e-lililatinii ,,l tlie n nl I ; Hpmi the piihlie liiianee- .a- uel! a.- il !,ei ii tin nissuii nl' 1, a iei -. that we plt: :it htlle l.i it 1 1 ill lliis l '.'a i.l it as t lie I'm e iiel -aiiuuinary l.attle, -I' ! in in are tu he mi,' .;.:.' ami hull In a.l, .1 r, in fin I ,.-r thai a .. .-lieriiiau t" his I lli. in that ll,, re l.iea.-livnil, : hul a.- l'-iijt ni-li'.'l three .litis leu heeil .lllplnv- li.iii . are uf the ml vt mi n.l. .! in -.'.llll'l In Shei'- l , ast iv.H 1,.-. Ami nl. . ,"i , l liliien! are lit In tie fen I. , I ill its elVeel .11 the .,, lite al pru- Is nf the a'lniiiii.-lrat';,, liny mi l i v. i v e.. :. I 'n 1,1 1,- ullt, it 1 1 I the pilhl; el' 'li: i- .. Ileilillnll inul illip.-lil.'li- iniln vvu luay tin re I'.. re .,..k fu llie llperaliutis ami ,leS.erale ; 1, li lnu-1 lilnv e at .., I.. 111 I , rant s ,,v, n him nil, ami i ni nt' a, til e in eallv ii:iv. Aniiili'iil's. i. lie-- .,1' ilriliin. liiis laleut l lieir tin i, pie enterta inuients Atliiiil.i I!y iiiviliitii.ii nf the la. lie t'.l fniniany iv,- ,'tie iliei in this eilvv nn Tue, .1 i v -ivi I'll uf llic l.ll'lie a' .,,!, li. -.,' I izi-ns were vv, 11 pi, -a.-,-. I i.i.ii il.e pei n u inn mi :,u, wnnatlnrf t, m.nnM Irt m.M.1 .!iHr !.ink ( eert, at lineally in. Hum; t liie lie i.nn ne.V m III.' weather it was iin,. i-.'.l.le I'.r our eilii-ns ti, lit- -t, I'm- the In; ...lelv. (iitr. tt- t.'iul in as la t'.'',-: - a - tl.ey have ilulle. ( apt. .Mill' i,'- ,',''.- In. tu Allanl.l, was, al- i in .111 in la li, I the ."'ea-imi l.v 111' if .li-ei,ui ( I i The I'eei'ipls uf the , ,'(:. -inn Wei, hiimlr.-il .l .H.ii--. utlu.liii e vvu ill, I 1, a.l lira.--, li.ill.1, iiei-, ifti l euliven 1 ".-vv. et sunn, Is." sn.iiethiiiLr in. r l''inin tho e.,ir, -p,e,,l, n fniv cf 'riiiiifsM't'. ,.i ih. l;,l I. in 'tin; I'll. i. n. m:ai: .M a nil: n A, I .inn.', l'.s, ism. ; Cuiiiparalively. nil is qnict'tliis innrniii. '1 UK W' l.i. in vi -: -i:n i'A v . Yl'.-ter.lay. a well plallliel. I ul -1 y eeeiile,l- lissault was lililile. hy I fni al !'.- e.tps u ,. . !i (lieat linm. r.iiir lines uf theeii uiv mh am i.-l. .Iruve in ('iienlhnin's .-1, ii in i-lu i .-;. n I i ).:.ra. ! Cli-l li-idt's Wnrhs. Tl.e rexilt was tl at the i in-lny. alter a -e- ver.; inul s.imen-liii t . i . : i :i : -t I -tiaL -Je. was I'-rceil tu retire, l-'iivin..; hi- .l.-a lielil. II.! sueee. il. 1 ill lall nil Clirnlhani's w,,r!;- 1, TlV.'lvi! llnlirs lll'ter the liel.l. I fuiin.l many nl a feiv .,f his vv.niii i,-. I y. I'illlly thiek were the wretehes ill I'r.uit ul Mai nn: frnlu the lary !' l:n- . n-.M uf t i mis ueeupie l. I iv, i- iir fitnc; uf nur Ins-'. lint ui the pusitinn. I viii- iiai.-h in, nut in, 're ,li-tin;;ui-lu I l..r r yiinkee, vvuiil.l ru.-h iutn :i ml v tw., iHltuli 'l ' Hi 1 1 if :,iml-uf eulnrs was r.'pul-e'l. I vi.-it.-'l the ami nut .a(;,iL'' lii. nt the enemy's .lea.l. t lin.ui llie I'lHiel. ran ,! .-i s llieso ey'.i llii,:;.'!". 1,.,-s. ! ".I.'. l.ient llll'l llll H 1 al the il ei an t'Xainiuat mil ul .. .-iirpi i-,-,1 that men, - 1,1. :.- 'lalill Illan the !ali :hl' r pen su, h tieii. Sliet'i.lnn was pule in the I'li'Mireiiit-nt. The lleial.l's eniTi'-puiiileiit say.- the ren-nii why llirj fehels .li.l nut reply while we w. re sliellin the eity, was prrhaps l.e.-ailse llie hallel it s nr.' su well e veii.l l.y nui- sluirpshuulei's that it was .lilli.-ult tu wink their uns. t I'ris.Hicis rcpuri Unit Hill ami l,i,ii-tre. I'.-eni s nirive.1 in l'.-tei -Ian ;t mi l-'riilay la.-i, nml iv i in stt net. ,1, in i a-e llley ivi re e.iplilnl, n.-ay l!,,y helnlleil In i' m- ur lil all! e raf.l's i ..III III. 1 1 1' I. Amilher lleralil's i.nrri's.uint. iit -avs (i.u . V'il sun nil. I t'asy nn 111.' llll) Hllil fMll Well' illnuil i'i;'!ll miles sulilli nf (lr;ill:;e Cmri If, use, In pin te.-t u ur llilllk illul rear. I ur ' exleml I, ,U1 lint h it of i'ii r iiilaiitry line In llla.-l.waier 1'ieek. M,,Miui;, .luiiu L'L'.---A .-team, r I r. , in thu White lluuse yisterilay inul nili..', up, its that at six u'eluek nil Illi'L'n'.h. 1'iUllilull alu I Wiule ll.i:iipt..i alia' I...I uiir Inrees t'Htreli' h -'l lni ier Aliererninlu.-. hut ue.-e ifpul-'.l ami , Iiii , ii I k hv nui .'iiuhnals. Tlie rein Is Ihe ii plan I a lial li-iy lire.l mi nur l.nii'-' nml laml Inn . s which was .-.iiitiniii-.l till fuiir ii'el.'.-k. Ii, I, "I I". . nui parativ ely heav y. l'ris'iller.s eaplal etl stiltu that nur unl ua! vv el e iiii-lak. ii f.'i' Irnnspnrts. 'At I u'elnek .ln ri'lan ar rive.! with his entire e.'liiiiiau.l. Our I.,.-.- iv;is three vv iillnh 'I. Jluriii..; the lielil Alirre,.iiul,ie ic.-eiveii u .!i- at.ll liulil lit ii t In li'.l'I tin- pi. iee al all liar aids. Nr.iv VullK, JlllH! A Wn.-hilllnli pi iial.lis palell .ill- (..'ll. til. tit lias ol.llTeil tlie ili-ll iliul inn "1 a vvliisky rati'in 1u nur tmup- in li-. nt nl l'i tei l.iir. ( . 1 1 ,,ll .ll i, I a I -S I l (t'nhl npenel at . J ll..: at ulie I'. M. ll iv a J I '. W V -1 1 1 M . I"V, .lime L'I . T M.ij. i,.,,.,;,) IH, : lli-patellei. fr.uil City l'niiil al l::ill Ihi- evening, lepnlts li.l lihlil,' In-iluy. .M "V ( In. lit s ille ill plu- i;res.s vvhh h iiie nut proper ',,r jnilil ieati.-n. li iehniiHi'l papers rcpnr: an ai'a.-k nn l.viVeliluiif I'V llllllter nil .--ali.l.lav. ami that In- was leiail.-e'l. I ',, lelievt'.l it tlils tin tiling Inure tl.all a n e.Hilinis. j '' , nmi (hat his having nseertiiiiie.l the t.l;u t- lu , ,M ! 1... l.. r, t i..i.,. i :. I 11,1 '"- ";, .', ,,,,.. , .-..j.. ,,,,.; nn Ihu t iieuiy's I'liinii.unii-iiliuiis in nnoi h. r .piarter. Ill-pateln lee. 'iv e, I liolti (i. lieial .l.t l II.., li'.-heii.l,lliii-t, is, ilale.l .lime L'I. at S;.,ll 1'. M . -lale ii,,. i r;,;,,,r,t,,,;, i .;fi'V"..!."r.'.i'.!,:',ril iMv..; nml inipnrtnllt pusitiulis ailie.l. le.-.erale at I ti uipts ivert' llliule, lu retake his posit i.Hl l:L-t . ven iiu.', making seven ns.-nulls mi 'A liilaker's liii;; i, I Stiinley's .liv i.-inn. la.s . L'tm kille l ami vv Hill ,lt.,, I.. M. . i' A n I " n . Hi; viui viirriis, A nn v m Tin: 1'niuii i. , I 'files, lav. June L'I, a A VI . Sunn- I tin i.-li i i. it ti...k phii-f almi.: llie I, lie .-s-I. piny, l.iil nn i'Iijiil'i! of pn-ilioii has heen maile l.v eilher parly during the last three .lays. 'flic enemy is husy thrifvvin up wnrks iit vniinii peinl, nml illthollil nur lines rsaeh tvilhin three .piiirlfis uf a mile of the eity. they .-eeine.l .. Ii r liiilicl lu Imhl In the lasl. Wasiiim;ton, June L'L'. ' ll is repurlc'l to- lay in ('iiiiuressioiial t iielt.s that .Mr. Chase itll lie-n'tial..- :l furein lnali in New Ymk al't'-r tlie pa.-siiu ul ihu luall hill, imw lief, re C.,l.:'ioss. The hill tnlilnilis u prnvish ll aiithuii:: iiitj .Mr. ( li iisu tu ticgntiutc. such n loan. ('.into, June L' I . ,t a llov. rnnieiil sale here t. il.iy. i'in hales 1 I, roil-Ill .sl.'J.i ami Zl-'-i: -.HI l.alti .lamae.l, Ml li-1 all ,-ul'l .-llhj. et to ,-; vi per .-'-lit lax. M i;.i I'itts. June 'J I. The steamer lauly of iek.-hiir-, vvlii.-h an m il from New (III. -alls to-ila.V, was lire. I into seven tlHn . Iiclwi en Viekshurj; nml .Metiipliis. Xo ilnniiip' ivas llie .lit, lu llie iU'I-nienl ul'the llria.le t'.iiiiiiiiiinli.rthis is a t-ii.-e vrhii h eails l',,r tho he uf thn piwer . i if ii 1 1 1 ,,, In t iiicn I lor "nets of. .listiniiisheil Vilur," I which i- v , rsteil in the I'le-i lelll. 'l lic witllcs.-IH uf lli. I, rav.ry uf Si i-'l Collier are 1,1. A II. IKI. i lower, Cmp'l 1-1. . liuikitt. I'rivates 1-1. I'. Snip- .. ii. W. It. Iv. Taller. J. T. il.n U.i-. I'.i. Iv, all. (la. II v't. I'i. vat. .. -Johii Allhrihl nml J. A. Sliiltlc. iv "i i li, ,.! 11. a in., n-.l's lial I, rv. As there is i ii- ' '- 'ii -y '! - I la. in Co. II, .nil da. K.-'l. H'rj,'T , I a ir P. Cnlllel i-Iji'lehy plnllluleil lu the raikuf , '.!.! I.i'.til. naiit. ami is ns-i'iieil tu .Inly lis sinh in i.niiip.iiiy 11. uii (la. Ue-'I, I , lake rank 1'ruii, the L'l.-I .lay nl'.lni,,.. si,. . will r. poll 1.) tlieMiu- iii.uuiiii : ..'licer uf llie company fur .Inly. Ths ur- .1, r is .-alijcci I,, the iippruval ami liililicilliili of i the l'i. '-i'tciit. Iiy e.niimaii'l of 1 Ih'ip Hell. Jnll. K. Jai KsiiI S. A. Muiikvi, A. A.' (I'ii. (! I. lll.n'r. June L'Ch, I Mil. I have the lumur Iii iii. u-t rt'spcit Iii I ly hue i'.,liu,l i,,,n. Ill throwing the ,ii.cii, I ii ui t uii.-t.i'.iis (,l' haviii; ilui.c my iln'v in iilt.ti-.ptiu to s.i.-c in v inc. I .rel.-r uinra.l win. .Mm-. Util. 11,1 Ser-'i., Coinpniij K, ( apt. T. A. .Molina, .. A, il.u. Nn cil-ilall ies in the re-'nilelit the plt.-t tun ilnys. I'I. a-o 'ive I he ahm e a place in your column., ami All. am! mm.'. inn v in nn . Pa f upiui l.illle i ... ic, C ifl VIN. -,!,-. -line th" i -h. 11 hoin tin .miliiii .: hut 1:1 an I the lives In n 'infill in lity I lel'l In-Ill'- with uu the nil ,av I i V AC I'. ('..I.I.II. n f llie in -!l alu'iH'l ul.ipltl.y vt illi lav .M phis 2;i,l. Iliiuter is r.-purl.-'l tu lime hceu i Sliilililuii, with a Ins nf Iiii. tin, ii ami, he, ..its, iii'lilh-n, sniall iirtns, Ac, He is cut Mailinshiirj,' an. I is rclicalini.' lunar Shcriilan reiu'h.'il the While lluii-niliuti. lu Kctiliu-ky the rii. rill tive, nml are ennsciihin l"t. illllh, Hits. ei li li.l I li I'i Hi p. i l.i Tas u tiuills, nml litnite.l In iirrisuiieil i villi, ami lin. Trans M i.-.-i-ippi, Shelhy is in pnsessioii uf I 'la i cinlon .in had erii'setl tint fWkun.-.i.. While river. Pliee is rcpurl.'il Unci;. A i;inihuiil ii-.-e.l up In.vanl.- .Memphis In v crippli'il. Al N.-IV Vnrk mi the L'.'l l, 'I'.hl vv a.- lei '.'is. Ai .Mciuphi, (l, ,1, iiiiit. c.ttui, I.,. i Haiders in Nut-Hi ainlliia. It'oi.ti.-liuito', X. (,'., June L'I1. (In Mnii lay ii y.iii liee rat'liii fatly of lories lint) or inn ,-troi- ,'. iiiuh r Col. Merck, . niere.l .Mordant, ui, at the Inul nf llie Western mill Nutlh Cnrnlimi railruail. nml eaptur e.l Mime le-eivt.' fni-ees, Tl:ty n-n rnhh. il the hanks Illl.l il.'sll'uve.l ll ll'.lill nf cars. It is snppnseil ihe haul,- lui'l a i.n. o a.l :il ul Ilinui'V nil hiiml. lil'alll crn.-scl the I'eler-l.ill lit llcllrliel.l. I'll A 111. oil I,, . C Still ill pos.ii'S i, ,11 of no further ink auee. n nr.l lu . heck llieir thieves, who are emu April livenlv ki'Vt'iilli MIV Ihll't'. The Culo,.N, ..III,, ('niif, ilclate Sillies uf A llll'l ica ilu enact, Thill in iill cases, when! plnpcllv is inipicsseil fur Ihe use nf Ihe ariuv ur imw, or' fur uthel pllhlie line, lllliler slU'l arl, the Kiillle lie p. ml lor at the tunc , ,1' h,,u iinpr,.SS,'iii, inilcss ! nil uppeiil shall 111' Inkeu 1 1 . ,tn Hiiitl viiliiitli as i lii-ieiniilU'i- iiHviileil, iicciir.liiij. I,, dm ni I np.Hi lielwi't'ii Ihe iiarties, ur H.seerliiini'tl hy Invnl iin.l ilisiiitcivslcil cili.fiiH nf the eiiv, I coiinl v, ur tiil if li in iv hull Ihe impi'essiiieiit nun' i he ma, If, .ill the liiiiunt't' Mint tiecni .lino l.iihe ceei hI.iIii.ii, pi ,,, ule.l in the In -1, sec , ml, imlthinl M i limi- nf llie nlmvi' recited net, ur in he rihtli I seel nui Ihel euf, vi liere it is appliealile. Si c. 'J. Whelievi'l- llie. nllicer Innkilio- Ihe ini n i'ssiiii iii nf i.i i t v, urn I. 'i the net liereliv llllll'llde.l, ill 1 1 helll'l.' thill III.' illlllli'.ssllll'llt is I will, Ihe .ul. in,' i liny t.illi.'l ilii-ilppli."l cm ,, I uf nny nf the m nii.'s nl' t!,,. when, ii null I a i y emnt nu. I,,, , ;,.( ;, ! eh nn lies nml tl an Jet nf , ,,. , tn. i,,'l,, t j tlllicel'S flulll Mill' I, He e,.ll tn a, , . I 1 , . -, 1 1 , I iiuiile hy Ihe St'cretarv ul ,u, on iii,,i. ii 1 llie part i''s ('(iiiceriH-. I ; the cuii-.-ui ..t' th, niiuidiT ur I'lHiiniatiilcr- nf tic anni .,i:,, cniirls mav h. I ., heen lies! nhlaille.l In Mich i'eli, i.e m I,.,,,. Si.r. il. That tho I.hii iIi -ectioii ,, tl.e , which this is iiini'iidatoi'V he, nml llie am.' i- ' hy, so inn. hi. led ns tn ovt' ii.l the jiu .lieti I the tiiihtitry coin-is lu all ullcmli is In lo.v iiu j 1.1 li . llteliiilit ou m i al. I Appiuied I'. Ihu. in IV. I'.il. --tat..-. ,i.l e ..i a.l.' ! (nil 11(1(1 us., lie sunn t'lHItilHC Ills llpprtivitl lljlull the iippiiii-.-ni. Hit, iiii.I make pinmeiil ncennlinx. l.v i hut if he shnll lielieve llntl'il full' mid just, then he -h ill it'tuse tu np.ruve, ami .-i., I, use (lie i-t'MHi. lift uf his relnnl mi Ihu t-.'i'liliciiti', inul 4i lim .uul ili'iii,.lo-M' '.i (Q a up, nil i on, ihe ili ci-nin uf u r a.-r, 10 ll I.l ll iiitt Cii vr. I. -A ii Am rclalino in the appoiniiu it lit'i-ral ami Licnlcuant ( icnci-,.1 -, The Coiii-c--. i.l'lhi' ( ,'nti ilcl'atc S'.,. - of V ica .1.. clnu -I , Thai the I 'i cnli'iil inav app.m p'litTitl ill 1 he pi oi i. it null n i' 1 1 iv nl t h, ( . in I , . Males, ivhl'll, III hi- ili-eietl. n. ll -hall lie i! lli'et'-,sal v and .loiel', fur the ciiiiirin.l . I runs Mi-sissippi inililarv .h i u.ciii , In ll'l.l Ci.ll.-elit o! the r llat,'. .- Thai Ihe President llie advice llli.l ruli-elil nf I lit'ilteliiiiil :."iiiinlw in the pro ('iilif.'d.'rnl.' Stall's, M In n, in .shall he il, el I nece .sa I V for ll a iiv oi"' of ill" Itiilllare depal In. inav, Iiv e Sciiat' nml In nl - 'Hied at an I ttillni lailt',.,,1 . June L".'. -'I'll" l. lid. I , .Muialilon, ami haV" t An lilnph- luicc hits uin: l-ul.1,,'1 i. - uiid eaptuie inse. I of dc.-. l ler- ami t a.l" loT r..-p. It is sane mi.. Cut v t it v.i, lll.'li.ilil A A'lj'l. 1 ' ' The em in V a, , tills n it to lie silll-li. ,1 Ytitll "piruluiiis iii'.Himl I', lershin-. I usti :i,l t f prcs--iiU any ailtaL'es he mi.lil have uiiieil. (I. HI. Ill.llit ill, lie, lies ,i ivi.-h In ti v Ihu in .Itll side llnill. nil ,M, u lay lii'ht a sniall pal ty desi't'liiled Ille river I in.ule :i I ..lim nt nn the imrlli hunk at lleep tloai, and I' Ih. ni.-.'lu's near .Mrs. (Imve's li'liee. If plllllillcd tu r.'lllnill. II pnlllonll "''I s met I In-ill Willi the li.iiiimhi 1 1 1 ii mi i i-.l eainp. ami thus jrive (iraut u position Hint i him lu as.-aiilt "ithcr Chnlliii's liliill ur I P.-i'-r '"-.i l-;, as he m ay elect. This line I'min lleep j. iwUsjM. lu l Li t-I'tti is not over t,-n mile-, iii j li H I"!i.;c'iii'i1h'ii,oi.i', .'TilTnrfTH'it." 'W'.-" I'T-utn li.ep liutl.iiii to Kifliinon.l the ilisl.ince is not i.i"i.' than twelve miles. Some if the nnisl for- inid. .Me iv "i l.s that sin r.uiii'1 hi. dim. in. 1 are he liv. cn ihe eity and H a p ll.ittoin, ami Ihe l uiilied j p ,-iii"ii al 1'h.i Din's lilntV is direeily in I'ruiil nf mi em any sckiu to approach Hit- city IVuiii tluit ioillt. ll ep lioii'Hii was Ihe point fur which .M.-Clellait was dire.-liii his reireat wlnui Hiiestetl l.y the Cuii f derate iirmv at .Malvern Hill. The, pussr.-sinn nf . il hy (irant nt this time is nut a. matter Ihnt may j he t.icularl1''.liseii,,.... l-'roin l.ymlihur j riiinur reports the driving uf the enemy h.-vond l.ihcrty iiml the enplnre nf three ! llloii-ainl pi isniier.-; hul nllleial aeeutints have so tar In i Ic. I t tititiii the rt-p ,rts, Shetidan's l.ioken, roitli'd t'ai'iilry hive heen tliicviiiL', hiiniin, iliiiiderin nml llirou::!inHl ihe eoiinlry uloiij; llieir retreit. 'I'liu ri p,.i I nl t he h. avy firing heard at llotlunri Ilritloc, liplicatc that some Cotif. derail! furet'S hiid t'lieulltl Icred the thieves and were pun ishin 4 them. Ilel'ore. U"U, to pr, -s. tiitorinaliuii may he reeei.eil Ihnt nil! .ellh- the in itter vvliether llainptull luis iiniu illtllelid his teirihle hlotts up, HI the ivretehes. '(l hupe tha' nn nmii' prisoners from Ihnt hand nf rnh heis will he i:ellt In Iti-dlllloml, T'he !;ua rl shoilhl lo-e III, in: they will neier he tlii-scd. 'file Seventh New .ler ;,' ciivaliy!'., "llntler llies." lave horn pal ti.-ula i ly iiiluumiis in thtir murders nnl nut- ,iv inul Cii ill.aliini. 'flic liielilllolld S.llliliel -ay.-: we 11 ., lltllili'.'-t'p.,-llll' nl 11 -peel ll pin .(llile .-lialii.'H'l i-!:'. and id. i llia said, illi ( Vlreliie iliu liali..H "I y.n lis I'vlllhited ill lhisar. ll ha- hec to our people, that the have and mi'ilieille-' ir islu .1 lo C'HI-i, tin r p('..dc to di fortunes nf ii ar have fallen int.. leav es tilt-in hi t li-h h.-lcv e ot uialinily .-, il Hill ! h' il, f pl.ii ity ll 1"!., d Pilde. Hltta mi , it nur ehihlri n I ea-e and the ;'int e. a nuinher of their our hands, ami van . ami 111' -e Hi -id, that heath, lint, ,l,H -e tie lolie. .-, an,,, unlet is all mneiitliiiciit, tor then- ttcuisiou, uhui-r iud llli'lll -nan uc llll.u, linn III llic llleiitilnue, ttii aI'uiu el I V shall he held aiulappl opl laled Iiv th. 'nllicer llll pt.'s-iti" the siiine. win. shall (.ive a leeeipl thert. fnr lu the nivncr, wliii shnll nKo liave llie riht of uppeiil, as herein liriiviiled. Si;r. .'I. The siii.l I't.iniiii ssiuiiers shall luivtv pniv cr in mid fvuiiiiue witnesses In eiuilile them to li the v nine uf priipet ly impie-scl, w Inch shall he ii just cniupen-atinii fur Ihe piupcity sn iu'le-se.l, ill llic time anti place uf iliipte..sliieiit, mid vvheii lin- e'llnniiv-iiiuei's slinll liave lixctl the viiliiei.f plnpelty in eases nf appeal, ihev r-li:i II fin tush the oiuier Hint imp! essim; nlticer With n statement uf such value, ii hich i aIuhLuhi Ii Ihe eiiiiiiiiis.-iiiiier.s shall he within three month-, in I the time uf illliressliietit. Si.e. I. That Miiil 1'niiiiiiissi.niei s shall he siv , ! faithliillv to ni-i'liaiit, iill their duties under . ri1 aid. ami the in-l tn which this is mi uiueiiiliiient. ! Si;.-, a. That the tenth sci lion , ,1 n net p, which this i, all M'Ht i he -trick. 'It nut, mid the i tulla.i iii:1, in-ei t.d iii-tond Iheleuf: " Nn slui e, U hni in nn a lai in ur plantation e vclilsivelv tlei ..- ; ted In Ihe pi o.liicllun uf "l ain t.r lirnl ismns, shall he I akeii lul pilldle i. -e vv illinilt Ihe i'iinsen uf llie uu iiei ,.-Veepl in inse uf lllot'llt llfl'CS.-il v, llll'l llpl.ll I he n I del I.l Hie "I'llCI 111 .'.llllllimillilie Jhe il "pal lliicnt in ivhicli siiid lariii in plintnlioii is siliial.'.l." Sla li, 'l'h. the ni l illiieiulalniy nt the n'hove reeileil act. approved April twenty seventh, i-iyh le en Iiu ml red mid si My three, and sn much nl the hi -l .-.-.11.111 ul said ni l ns icuiiires mi allitliivit tu la- uiHile l.v llie i.vvucr ur iiis iioeut, Ihst siieh pi i,pl' l V VV lis "I'lllVTI, l lli-.'il uf pi ti.lllce.l hy said iiivner, ul held, or. has I, ecu pin i-hasf.l l.y him, not Ini' sale nl spc.'lllilliull, lull fur his IllVTI ll-l' 111' e.insHinpliiui, lie. and tin. .-nine is lieiehy repenlt d. Si;r 7. That ilu iinpri'.inell! shall he made ii!i d.-r this ii.-l, ur the iiel lo which this is nini'iiiluto ri, Ini the u.-e ul liiHH'lll uf t-ntiliai'ltits Willi the I'.ovel lillielll. Si. i '. Nolhiuj ill this act shall he eon-trued to ailllii'i i.c Ihe lolpl es-ini; ullieel lu elitel iiii njipeal liniiiitni th.'-isinn id the local appraisers, under the sev en I Ii -eellon uf the act In which this is a ti n'lid ul . i r i . Apprnii-il I'ehiiMiy I'i, l-'il. Hie rank herein ei.'llllv li-el i Um al.. iniit cumin uc w I'lul id" -I, Inn" as tin -i ''"' d - u, :;, al ilepai 1 1 1 1 .-1 1 1 -., and llici enfter their I.u i sf Vt sumo Uf.'. Appruved I-'cht ii;iis- l'f, l-i; I. , hut e. in ill C "I'l IV nf 111, I, I ,.l iiul.l litu I'll-I I'll, f Cnvr. I.l. - An Act lu a ml llie -i Sn tii;l uf VV ill'. Till' Cm lores', id the Chi fed" i ale -',.- , it'll iiii fliact, That the si My lilth artieleol su it 1 1 1 1 ll.l.'.l as 1. 1 read as l.dl.,,1 - : " rl:c! file. ..Mi'-cl c,nuin.,i,l:ii:, ; ' Am, war I or eotiiiiiandiii,' a Inn I e.n , . n 1 1 .1.1 the i Hand o il,.. nf un iiriiiv , or ulher i llieer, rate d"pnriineiif , mav aptinini : ncial 'ediii; leu.,:. op- I'' ' ol a lu r I uc mil vvtieiiei er lu s-nri . tint no eoill'l mm hul snail he eal i n d ! ul'i.'l- the w huh- pro.-.', hefore th. ulhc.u nidi i enlnlualullll the ll er shall nuv .-"iilen 1 till..' nf peace, el. Hiding lo th" I -- ( nf a fomi'ii- Hoii. d ,.it, shnll, eithfl' ill tltile nf peace ,o u ai , ernl i, llieer, he run ie l into , c ,u ii ! the IV hole pi ne Illi -hall li ive 1, ,' ted I " Ihe Seel el u i nl War, In he I; 1 President ul Ihe ('.ml. , I. 'i'.-.i.- stal". I I luatii'ii nr disapjuuval iiud uidet -. in iithel' s.'lilfltce.-Iiuiv he I'olilinilcit a hv Ihe ullieel i .1 , I.l i I I'i the i-'.il! I In Ihe I'lilnlualiilinu ullicr lm the time en-it may lie. Appruv eil I ehi inn y I ,', 1 " I. I ti. 'i " nh and --1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 . 1 , I' hi:: a -"pa-"in l - ;uai' il.Hie,. of a ot.o;, nut,; laid In 1 1 !li' I I I. iti.ll III ol' the or Will, ll : a .'ii i'ii all "! 1 ,l!l -111 It the cnlir 1-". All lied nil. in. ..r ::, a- lli" (II I Ihev and the di, HS lull need th" liitilieines tiliiuli yankee policy I In was a Inline iir;iiiin nl. Selli.-hiie .-'m id'' a'" al- ii inch lilt V, iiii'i Immunity. n"d i ivi!i..ili"ll had , iconic, I unheal. I. An umpialili -I PI i k liepiihlicm doc tor fell impelled lolnnve the luc Ileal liateriillv to ""xl. " yuuK.w. .l, . , , .,.,,-- .iviin ol eiiviilivin ll.e lo.l.l he ir. nn r- -liall i.p't-i M.IV. An Aid to niilli. it i.e the Piesitleiit in eslahhsli iiihlilit.iial inililn.-y t-oiiil.-. The Cut i k 1 1 s- of Ihe (.'(.tifcdei ule Slntes nf Aiuer le, i ilu enact, That in nil. liliun to liie v 1 1 1 1 1 -. nmi ,i ii l i i. .1 ie.l hi laiv, the President be. Hid In- is In-l , 'IiV 11 lit llill lf ll lu ilppulllt H llliltljll V d, spit I 1 Ilu- In. I thai J "I I'.r tin il- ,e, .lt d ami Voted , I . , vv I , i i - J i tnty ! 'I his i am! ,. "ii ili, . viai- will. p I, h-n-tli isiniti- l! eoll.-id. rill; -land hell, r tu e fearful ileetl Cheatham's iv-n k.- p-, .-i nl itnpti-sihility ol' tal.n li in . Xt'Ver did 111, hie 'fclili. , , in.- their worlc, or deal di.ii'n wit h a in riiey than on this oeea.-ioii. "N . I I. Ill !:'s I laj I . As Ihe a-sauli pr"L'ie-M d, it ev it ml. ,1 its ran ulon-; a poitiou of ('tel. urn's -front, e.-p: einlly Polk's llriade, wlu-reit ni.-l tl CheHthMiu'. line. ', -I'm I hi: Aiisni'.j Tim". The fi.llt.vv inir letter needs in. eiulurse.iiieiit Iroiii lis. It speaks for itself, and will he read hy even -hudy: Letter Irum (; IV. ISruivnhnv. l'iiii..vo:.t.i'in , June I , I s.i . lUlilnr (;' On: Time: The jrrcitt news lu-ihiy, of (limit's siicco-liil erussiti the Jiiiiies liiviT' with his t"re, s. i-;iu-es .'eiitiral reioieitl'. Perer-luii'.' is an iiuiiortant h'- , tnivii, mid had n' pupulaliuii ul' L'n.nilil in I M'm, with ii harbor Ih it admits ve-sel- ..I .me hundred tuns burthen. 1 1 i- llie eity lliruiimi win. n p.. tlie u'enl ruilruad upmi which thu rebel.- have tran.--urli-d mtll and supplies. I. el (irant now lal.e liie Paiivillu rnilrnnd, nml all is lost to tlie rebels. The real .Iiiiil'ci' i- thuiiht to be nver in Kentn. ky. .Mnrnii hns tlulie his liliimsl, I'ltpliired sume hnr.-es. burned sume bridges, stolen sume 1-, ami i..l,- hed the linckels uf ii few eitl.tus. The penult uf same fate ns un : the h.yal Stales luve nml revere Kentucky and re in the I l lull, hut it The -itiiatiuii nf niiliiaiy allaits preseits un -nin-t uiihrokeii pro-peet uf military aticeiss. The h. ilih d .Hu niy can find no point iniprnlirlc.l- nu weak ur tllld'-l. tided hue. ih'IVt-ll li'nill the llnl'lll lu the smith side nf the James, liraut hil. been us sllece. dill bet. ne I 'et , slnir is he Will lirullll.l llieliiiioiul. At l.yiiehhur they fuiml a ''linn in llieir path," ivho.e lir-t roar put them t. Ili;hl. Anvioii- ir the ..-.if-'ty nf Wash hitnii, (irint is re-pnrt.-d to liav e luisl iiy sent Warren's euq.s tu de tend the ii mi.- s.i i li.l capital. "One lhiii";ii ii time" i. , llie Coulelciale iti.iviui liiehinnnd .-ecile. (irullt ilt iveii a iv a.v , then Wn (hinlun may need ti'leiiders. 'I'h.i" i- lime tnoiiluhe stiiiuiur ami fill are vet lielore in. i 1 1 1 1 : -. intui-.'d ti a- sev ei ;il sr.nids ar. r u:.. tinted the works in ami via- .1 i-pat. lied and in- Wolf of I hat If 'iliielit. ill , ive I In take his beauti .' in per -oil. win. t-'Ullpli- Allloll the trophies . nf culm s. One . ..lur I front uf the L' .th 'I'ciiti bis colors taken hy Pi : This jfiill.tiit youth was fill prize lo (ieii. Hard niflite I him, iiud 1 Irani, a' a iv'u ir l f-,r his " il lantry, made hiai a pi', 'cut uf th. in. N'lUt ittntv M.lls. Thruilli the kiinliie-s ,d" a liieinl I have heen sl.flivtl Xil-liv ille and Ciiiciiiii;,' i paper; to the L'lith in-taut. i The Xasliville I ni, hi contain- a bin,: aeeoiint of i outrni;e.s eoniniilled by lien. .M ,l;:iiii alt. r his cap- j lure nf Cynthiaua. Ky.. an 1 hi- reci ,ti,in-bv the 1 reb.-l sympntlin. is. The vvnier eon, plain- that j every attention was j,:t;.( ,, tl,,. j;. b.d wound' d by j Ihe Women ol Cyiilhi. 'iei. ivhilo the l'e U ral-were left to die in the street like -"in my .!..-. The . e-uitain.- -In nnaii's di-patch nf the eti";au'"ii".:,t at Ji.,,..: lb- -a;. - Mcl'li. r-on was itltacked in fnee ini- tu ,ruiii-. i .'nl, , altera most stubborn r.-.i-.-ane.-, ,1; ie the rd.,-1 1'nr.e in Cieat di-order In. ai hi- front. If 1 ft :'.::ml of his killed nml vvoiiii h l . a our La-nl-: he l ies three llillidri'd prlsollcr.-i e.ii 'are. 1 cat l.v HI the en aj.: Pate's Ibi i-i oi i- lli - '-,' r.-.-" i Mel'lltr-oii, llll 1 h.. elilile 1" kill" was not thr. e I.nn It, 1. fi eiinen of the lyin di.-pM i.e- wi ll i per- uhollll-l. The I'nioti ha- at ii- in., Johnson fir Pie-ideiil and boasts thai aiil.oi.' three hi which il edit i I III l-i ticket. aid peopl i-btu-jii.-Ui;lHl.iie-U'tv' in Hie I i ion, c-ire has been that .VI oiu'ari lntlir innlte ii.-r-li.r 1, el the iiiirinrtiini-e n tiikiier mieur the ..l!i- r side nf this, emit ruver.-v; and stick lu it! The 'cneriil feeling is, Ihnt no State has b. en mure pel nlenl and exacting thnti r.i'ii'ur-ky, in her with the Coverniin ul, nml tin States. W!i"ii the vvnr lir.-t heaii, Keiitueky Ihu iv bur inlhience vv itb tlie S, , nth. She in.-isicd upon h.'iti the in; nl, r,tlrr nf the rehellinn; and w hen 'ircnsun raised its lirn-.en ami hellish flout iu'ain-l tlie I nion, .-lie refused lo aid in its siippr,..-.-iou. She even refll.-ed tu let dntv ll-lrnilden. hut b.val Ma-t Tennessee, transport ttioi- and niinrtiiuit i u uv-er her snil, In repel tlier::1.;! murderers nf.Ietf. Havi- Irum her luuiintnin onr.' "-'. Ami even in,, v. (.. in (.idetili .1. Pillow. A eo: le-poml, nl ul Ihe Scllil.i Kepurtel'.-itys : ; 1 vii.-h Ihal I in, il,l inspire in yntir reidcrs Ihe inieic-t I feel iii (hi- war wurn . n.l r..y-)iende(l : . Iii, I. heller.- were ri.-eive. yi'slcnliiy fruli Culuin i bin. T.-nne--ce, inloiiuiii us thai the inviilers hnve cnnli.T.'ate.l tin spleinliil cslate nf Cell. Piluiv, fnur nnie.i we d uf Ihal town, in .Maury eiiv 'y mulllial the viiukee I'lireluisi r Iiu- cntt rcd upon tin cultiva tion f the ieiiernl's Lrna.l acres. .Mrs. lillow inul ! her illterestlu;: dauiitels wuuldluiiu llltlic.l mil nl Ituii.-e and li.iine, hut for Hie efforts if .leruine II. Pilluw, bruther tn the (leiicrnl w Iiu takes the new p.,. se sor lo i ve Willi iniu fverv lieu tlie c..n- ii. !, alia k.d , iv i, 1 and - i- bill a -po-'.ii h lli, -'- pa id, in. Hid ml t-lna.l I ICC ',c an lie. I 1 l,i.l papers I. In I "in- hut -H .,r!s M u:-ll i . Kentucky is in nppusitiuii i.. the Cnierniiu'i.t. S!;e npj.osts the Administration, the eonli.o iiti-ui of r. h el property, emancipation, Hie ariuiii"; of the black.-, ami cuiiiint'iieeil her career nl opposition by ,,pp ,-. inj the fn-.-t t-iill fur trnup.. T'he lialtiluure iioniiiiees and platfoni. lal.e as iif v.-r t-iiiididatcs an I platforms !k b"f"ie. I.iu eolii stands hb.'.h ill the e.-tiliiatinu nt ill loyal nu n, ami if he had not hen itomiiintcl, there would have been e;ei. ral dis.-alisl'aeti. n. J.Jin-..u, a!! ar.-c, is th, man for the Vici -Pre.-idciicy, ami ba it -trein,'t!l etplal lu old Abe. 'Tie y speak ot' John sou as hav in s, eel amid traitors liotu hi.- own .- Hon, on the tloor nf the Senate, inimov e.l. true In the l lii.Hi, anil UHCullditinuuUy loyal In his e-Hiu- try. Ih: .i. loyal when loyally f,,-t a man - ,.. IhillLt, iiml tlielnviil pcnple How appreciate 'liiti. In a W'urd, in. c.'inhimitiuli call defeat this ll.iliiiuore f:,'k"t. It is believed X'iillandiliaiii will be liniui d at the Chiciio Cuiivention. lie onht tu Ic, as il ".iies tlie a.lmireis of J.-tl Mavis t , I, m. c I., vote l.i r. I. lf. which northern i"pp..ili. ad- ami southern traitors wish to do. I he r. al Sanitary Ka r ; f this c;ty u t.-s-l'ul progress. Already the receipts aiaoiiut l,, .:. v.-ll hillldrc 1 thousand ,1 dlar-, with tihl lii"ie dayj lo run. al an average .1 flliv tlmilsand per day. The Xtir York Fair yirlde 1 tlevni hiiudred lliiiiisniid. This i.-earryin.' t , the r, bcls ii. I.iu L'lia:;e (hey can't mi -col! -tl lie. that llie b-val p'op!,. will stand by ,-i,-u mid woiiiidtd -old!, r- and He ir lam dies. Tlie -t i. nty live unlli ni h.aii. ..ll. r. d by Mr. Chn-e, i- taken with avidity , mi l tin- pit art ,.. lull. his i -IM..,, ,...,.,, i,,,,! the nalriotic Indies an still cn- hord'-r i.ivin . il.,. -h, lor ,,i il 1,,,,,.,. hike the lih -.-ed Author nf nur reliiul, Ceuerill Pilluw hits no wheru to hi y li is head, .einjj s. Iiu- invaders had robbed him nf nver litu hundred negroes, tb :;, date, I his e.-i;iles on the Miss, sippi, re nin e, I ililll ffoiH iillliieiiee to poverty, Illl.l ntv ihev hale sllipl.ed him ul hi- huiiiestead. Shitll it be d.Hie to every fti. nd nf Southern rights, unless wti Con, pier ii peace mi nur uwn t-rins; iviieh, with the lil. s.-im,'s nf Cud. we can and v. ill di. We will never eoli-int lu trial un Ihe ba.-is uf uti)utHr,i, ,'.. Ten lie.- see is largely for the Smith ; -he las Inul ex perience i ii'.nli nl yankee tyranny : shewill never eon-eiit to join ih,: North. tii lioverntneit, ami her "inlawed patriot- ,-hall ,-et llieir laud! ajriin. (.'"'i. Pillow's liu.-t in Cud. it t: 1 cuiilidiHice in he suc i.-s ..I ii.-es like the baroiucltr, ji.-t in pp. p,,i t ioii I., the pr. . life. 'I he stnry nf M r.Steed. w hu lives neir S linll pr, .. iitin,; li.-n. Pilluw with a tine horse, will form a -nkiii"; fe iioie in the religious l.i.-lry ufmir war for neb pen l, nee. 'I he facts ure llts'e ; The lien, ral h id b. en heard tu say that Iwrin; mean- "I hi- nivn whereivith tu ninke a purchase, he had no dmihi thai Ihe Almighty would provide a luH-.-e ,,r linn. Col. Phelall. nieelillj; tlie Otlieral at .M 'li' inert', a-ked him if he had ever used jueh an expr. .--inn. "Certainly I liaie" "And du y. really i peet that Hud i- ..;n In be t'jlir (piar'ter-lna-ter .' "No more doubt Hniu of ui v uwn evi.-ieii. -." A f it-days after, they iii.-t iitbreak-f.i-t at the li.i- House. "Well, Cencnil, has your !..-.-e colli-:''' Not yet, hut my faith ill H...I is as -H-"S !IS ev"--" .Mr. f-te.- l tat in a di.-t.iiif pari uf the dinni.- hall.ii 't knowing thai Cem-nil Pillow w as ill the l a. A he .a--e out, lie heard the C . m ini's ii.iiii-' i. Hince. I, and iippro.iehe.1 hiin, saying; ''lu Mcteo j m .-.tied my lite, niter the battle , f Ch, pii!iepce.! re I was wmiadcd: ns it slight ex pi .-.-.on ,,l in v lutitml,', wih y.Hl to ac-c-pt ii lim- hr.-e." I all. rwards saw the )jflitle ineu toi; ".h. r. and it was apparent that uurener-nii- fell nv i-ilii.-ii himself to be llie obliged parly. should be revoked. And I despite his s.dli.-h rea-' tn. d iv ii s'Ssin a prole-sion n lu relieve sillb-riii','. he was lm and llentcl vv i;h (he iilnm-t in Ille yankee idea ul civ ili 'a l i. hi ai l''eej,'i s cuilbl h.n e .huie nn w .l itlil V lliive -I.u- belter. 1 1- i-otii um .S'-w i"ia. 1 n .-. .' i" tub Mi:ni.' v i. v A t 1 i.l t nt 0.1: v. in. We yi-slerdny pnblislietl a report of tin, proceed -in os ui Ihe Xaliolial Alneri''ali Medical Cnvcii I tiun, liehl in this city. A certain tea in re u! Iho.-c proi'('ediiis.'H painliilly illii-lrntcs the 1 .i.11l in 11 lii.-h ' tiuiilical prt'dimhet's nu.l.l sentiment ul antipat!i I nml vilidielivoliess In.vinds Ihe South Ii 1,. obtain,-. I eontrnl nver Ihe nnlliral tliclatcs nf humanity. j ) This ea-e while itlii.-l rutin": llie rule. a!-.. I'tinn-hes ' the e.xcepli ill Ihe per-011 "I Hr. A. K. llaid . i Her, nf Ibis eily, 11 (brutish lilaek K.- .11 1. 1 i.'iin ; win. I vuted fur I, ill. '1, III, mid iv lm. ul llie .-anie lime, was : ' iible t.inppreeiate and fulfil h(H 4-tlies s n Clni--I tiun mid well ivi.-lu r nt Hit human family. 1 Ur. llardiier uller.-.l 11 -cries ul rc.-nliilinii- lo the I elfeet that the A sso. nation u.-e it,- influence to cause nil medicines and 111 v. 1 1 .-nT and .-iir:;ieal iii-liiniieuts llll'l iinplianee.t I.) be excluded li"in Ihe li.-t nf ill'- I ! tides called ''cuilrabainl ..I war." This le-ulnlimi ; 1 was ulleri'.l ellil'lly ill the inlere.-l nl Ihe .-ul lier.. u the X'ortll, w ho lili-tlit ehniiee to he wounded nr 1 sick ill the llnllds uf the eliciuy. How nil. 11 has i the wail of iiontiy cunie Irom the pri-011 hoil.-cs . if the Suulli where uiir iiitfoi luiiale coiiiitr.v men liave been sHir.'riiis?. dyin lur the li k of tlu-.e i iiii'diciiiei and me. heal a), pliant-... Ihal lleur .-a).-; tors wee nimble In furnish from their sb-nder .-tore. 1 III the lanlinoc of Hr. Cni duel '.- pieambh : ' " TTiiiii-mnls and ttriis of thou -and- "I ,,,ir iutn brave suns and blolhers, lihlili:: f.H the hol v can e uf nur glorious I nion, nml h-li wounded on the ' haltlii Held, ill the hands nf the enemy, have 1 11 '. eulnpcllc.l In have uptrations perluilued wilhuiit the 1 relief and hciiclit whien tdur..l.,i m tvuiil I In in:, and have litill mid .-tinered null, dcalll in tin- li' .-pilals ,' the South, I mm Hie iihsiiliiie d'.sliliiliou of the eoiiiitry of ninny needful nicilieitits iiml the in.-trii-ineiils uf surgery." Yet the rending "f thi'-e re.-oluti"ii.-, .-ay.- Hie re ' purl, was ''reeled wilh 11 slorui of inin:: I'd hi--e- ' and iiiitihinse. 'I he llueti.r,'d that siinnle e Hurt, tu alleviate .-ullcriiiL' should meet will saell ilisiippruli.itinn, w ns branded nsn Copperhead, 1 and Ihu whole mailer tins iiidclinitelv laid mi llic ' tiJde. I ll. ivniild thus nppeiir thai, in Ihe cstiuialiun ..!' I stinif furious Smith haters, Ihe uhje.-t uf Ihe war is tn iiiHiet sullerin-; and dealh iip.oi iu-llei lu.,1 r. I.d to which 1 'ii 1 1 they are willing lo .-a.-rilu.- their own kindred and countrymen, lyiii"; niiililat.;:l nr strick en with disease in SSHithern prisuns. Such lnen, pruhably, tvullbl, if Hll'V enllhl, spread II pestilence nver the Suiilheiii In ri I .1 v -1 " pi. pirate every rebel 111:111, wiHliall llll'l child, hecdh ss uf the lac! that frif ml niul Lie alike must brrathr llif fatal pni i soli. It is nut Christian warfare that delii.s meili i vine In tin- sick, nlllmiili 1111 cneiny. lu nur "pin ! inn, 11 nv physician who enifhl ss, far '.'ive way to j seeliiHl.ll alllipnlhies lis In oppo-e sm h ;l re-olillioll, is unlit for (be re.'pon.-ibildies uf hi- i n.-ati 'ti. W e ' would not trust him tu adm ini-t. r inedi.-iiie to a favorite tin)!. Ifhecniibl stu'l'lliet! his . -acre 1 lllis- of tivwlinc the sick tu nit re personal hatred of : parliall njalevolelicf, he tvullbl H"t he.-itatf, by the inolivi's, tu poison the paiiriits 1 limited I" his ' en re. I puilnu-.ut, vtlu-uevei, lit hi.- jiulonif ill, sucli eiiutis ivoiil.lpt ole the public interest; which cnnits -ball be uiLiiui.i-'i, and hnve the saiuc puwers nml .tun.'-, and Hie uifinhft.- Ihcrcnf iippuintcd a-pro-11. l.-d bt law . Appiuved 1'i'biiiniy Hi, 1m1. Cn.ii'.Mt. An .til tn iilluiv c..iuini--ioiud nth cei s nf the unity rut inns, nml the prit ilee nf pinch. 1 1 1 1 (duniin"; fruni llie liuiti lei muster's Hepm-tnieiii. The Ciinu'i-ess nf I be ('mi federate Si ales nf Amer ica do enael, That froni and after the piissne uf this ml, nil euliilnissinneil ntliceis uf the ill inies, vvhil-t 1,11 duly in the Held, nr in the naval sei viee, . whilst all, nil, uf the Culifeilcrnle Stales, shall be ; entitled tu line ration in kind eiieh, in (iiiiutilv I and tpialil t Hie same u- are nuvv alh.we.l by latv t.i 1 privates, ami shall draw ami leceivethe siiine 1111 iler such I'eL'iilali'iiis ns nuiy be prescribed hv Hie Seerelarv uf War. Si;c. 'J. That alt ciiiiiiiiis.-iuiied nllicers uf the ar mies n Hie CiHileilel iile States shall be iillmtc.l tu purchase elnlbtni; antl eliilh fur ehdliin, IVutn any iii,u lei -master, ill the price w hich it enst theliuv 1 eniincnl, all expen-es ineliided : Pin.viiled, that 1111 (iim leriii.tsler shiill he itlluwed tn sell td aiiy nlli I eermiv eluHiiiiir ur chilli fin- ch. Hiin;; tvhicti it ; tvuiild be priiper tu issue In private s, until -nil pri vales enlllleil In receive the same shall hnve been lir.-l supplied: Prnvideil, Thai the nllicer iifferino tu purchase shall ;iie Ilia eerlilifate, nlihnmii, thai Hie art iclcs are nece-saiy fur liisnwn persun al ei Hut, 11 1 ami 11.-.', and ill nn ctisc shall mure Hum nlie' siiil per minimi he nlluwed tu he sn piirtMiiised 1 by any nllicer : Prut'il, TI111I ini law nr uriny 1 1'Uiilul inn sh ill hereafter he ciinstriicil tii allniv 1111 nllicer In purchase nr draw fruni ' suhsistenee -lures, nun e than (Hie ratiun it (lay, nr fur less pi ice than the enst there. if, iiielirlili" Han-port, ill, ,11 Si;c. :t. Thai nn nllicer under the rank of llrieja tiiel ( leti. H ill shnll lliT.'iitl.T be entitled tn fnnine, 1 ei .111 unit :i t ion fur fnraoe, fur imire Ihiin mie 1 Imr.-e, except when nn service ill Ihe lield. 1 Approved l'Ybrnary I", Ml. t'n ve. 1.v1. - An cl In li t (he eiiinpeiisiitinii fur i the piiblicalinil ill Hie public oazeltcs ul llie acts ill CnllLsTi'ss. The Ctmi;iessuf the Cuiifcilcriitc Stales nf Anicr ie. 1 th. enact. That Hie. Alturnev Ceneiiil he tin - his j Hun ized tn ciiiitract fur the piihlicalinn uf the acts nl Ci.noress III the pullllc onettcs, nil ttje liest lerms lit- can, in n event tu exceed the ordinary rail's ufprinliuo -,n- pritalc pcrsuns. St:f. 'i. Thai fur piiblishiiio the ucls of the third session of the present Congress the Attiu ney (ii'it t'l id is hereby niiHini ietl Inallutv such enniptiisa lion a- he Inav ilelel-iuini' tu b" eoiiitnbh. Si:iT 3r That ttir nfw- iippim I'rr-April rue sit teenth, cihleeu Inindreil anil sixty-three, he so t'lHisti i'ietl as to iniHiDi i.e ihe seleetinn of e;:ty.ettcs tciiipurarilv priiileil in Ihe Slates oilier than those tuvvhich lliey heloiio, in whteli lu publish the nets of Cniioress. Approved l-'ebiiiaiy 1',', I Mi I. t'nvi'. xi vti. An Ad lo iTpcal eerlnin pui Hons uf the nil of Mav (he -1st, eighteen hiitidicil ami .sixtv -one, ndative lo prisoners of war. The ('..litres- til the Confederate .Stales of Amer ica tin eniift, That so much nl Hie net uf Conurcss, 1111 ed Mav Hie 'ilst, oinhlccn liiinilred and sixty one. as iii'nkes it the duty of the yuitrtcrtnitster i:..',.i ,1 ler instructions issiietl by the War llet.aiiiii.'iit. tn ni'uviile for the .sustenance prisoner- id C'll tr I II. All Act to aillli.n i. c li,.. inini 1 . ! of the .1:111, , no. h i- e ' eirciliri-t.nie. s. I 'I'hc ('nicies- ill Ih" Col.l, ilel.ile Sl.l'i'i of . : it'll do emiet. 'flint uln neier tic I'lc-ul. lit deebtre that Hie public i ; ;, 1 1 1 , - r, ml 1 ii : sal' v , ilupl c-.-lue ul s ot In. at, Ini. 1 1 ,,- u-enf I III l' , 111 iiv be lilailc 1 1 . 1 1 1 anv -iipplic- I11.1l In i-i ill the euilllli v. uildec the e -,prc-s 1 I thai jllst eoiiipcn-al ion -hall be . 1 i I . n . i , ' I 1 I .. it lie r uf the meat taken 111 impi , - --, ,1. and - . In Hie ill". 1 e-l 1 iel ions and Inn it. it 11. n . : Sla-.L'. Th" power I" di'oet -nell lliipfc-slilel shall be ('old. I I I'll oil Ihe Seen i.u 1 nl'W.n; hill I j shall Hut ri'dll. (' Hie slipplie . ul' am pel 011 III In- j niic hull' of Ihe .piuniily u- nal!;. .ilhuvcd :',,r 1! ul'lii If, hi- family, ami d.-p. inlaiii - f. Hie teal. lie .'hall c'.elel-,' ille -.i.d porter bv o I tiers tlilt'cletl lo Ihe ollicors or -.-iii- he in. .. c i ploy, who shail liale implicit m -ti ecliici- ,'' ,:,' .- -, ','"', -"d bviuiu'lions same shall nol he alni-e,. j Ski:. 3. That these onh t . ..hall ,1're. t t tiee shall be oiivn 1,, ihe on in r ul the 10, ed, his baih r iithel- n:;. nl, .1 -.1 11 in o 1 1 Hty le.piiied, thu price ,,ll, re, I, the , i-i, j nee fs.-ity, and tv In'.i lin po a, ui i- i,t I,,, ! the salne iiulne.lialely, ami null uluu 1 1! I Ihe safe keeping l klobe, pstuli:, th, M. illl.l ill what manner lb.; ci,.,-,i,-,i-;it tiled, 111 ease ihcullei- r- n,.r ;,, . "ot,.,! a- to til il 1, i c nf a taken ol e ri-k nl .'iatiuu. dellt to iio: ,.ili- 1.1 vviitcti n.iiiec .-iiatt he a condition nuv impressment ur .seiure by the impi cer. Ski'. I. TTlilt llpnll Ihi' service nf tin- notice up on the owner liable to inipre.--.ii, cut, the owner shall hold the .-anie suhji i t to the claim of Ihe Coufeilerale Slate-, and -hajl be entitled to jilst euliipcnsali aecoi .in.!. ;,, the provisiuns of thin net; ami if llic necessity i,- declare I hv tin. ilnpressilit; nllicer to be in ciii. lu -shall deh 1 e-1 he piissessiuu to Hie iinpres-iii ; oHie- i- upon his de- mniiil, tvhn slinll t:ive a receipt theie,,r, t ided ill the sixth sc. -lion ul tin- act. Sl.t. o. Thltl full Hie n-eel tainmellt ul the lily of iiieai liable lu iiiipre.-Miu'iitiviml,-i nml iil-u nf ju-l coinpcii-aiioii lor Ihe -.1 the owner end impi e-.-tii:: "llieci eaninit ;ii iiiipri'ssiiio uilicer shall ;i, , ,,. ;, ,, interest ed of the coiml v . di-n i,-l oi in which the meal iinprc d -hall 1,,. at 1 1 nf impi e-sineiil, mid the niviu i id ihe in,-. n im pressed, his II LC 'lit, or ulher bailee -hall appoint miothiT, who shnll, il.uti nulh, n-i-eil.uii the .pian tit.v liable tn ilnplcs-tnclit, and the v nine ,.t' the party, u lncli oath may he :i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i -1 1 e.l I,, Hm 1111 pressino nlbeer, and .vhl' ll li-rn l.imiin lit o-the illililtily mid value shall h" ceiclu -n e f i -1 1 : 1 - , - Hiereuf; and if the asse-oii s 1 a:;i 1 l,e ,- llluv nssucinle with liieinn lliinl per oii, ,,t" lik" .HHlilicniioiis, lo make .-aid a . .-in. 1,1. Si:i'. 'I. That Hi! iinpi'e.--.nienl -hall he made, under this act, it -hall ! the dntv of the impressinu nllicer to i.'ive nu utlieial c.-: : 111. ate, shoivini. Hie (pi. unity taken, tlie . . 1 1 1 1 y, baital inn, icoiinenl 01 olher cinnmaii.l, lor ,v !,,,-, 11-" il s i-eiiiired, the compeii-nitum to i- pan), tlie cn cumsliiiices of nrtensily Ihal cmsIi-.I, iv hlcli cer Clicale .shall he cv idence nl' a ehi: 11 aL-'ain-t the Ci.tili-dernte Slntes, and -hall h - pi .unpt H paid by the disillusion ulnoer nf th" coin ul ho vv In. li .the meat vva.- taken, nr In Hi" chi"l "I dm inireau -.provi .pian- us ael, , iv hen ree, the ml dis- uisli, lime hitvino ehai uc ol di-hin td Feb 1 um y I i, - lur -11 (nocis. 1 "il. n-al 11 -al led - afore I'ruv i ai'lintt ! I. -ball I Pl-otide, 'H1. if cat tl-.ili l.i;i'j"I- Ol" nn: iioi.i. vi ti:ki;r. Ni:vv Vnin.. June L'L1. The nioiiey nrtiele savs that tlie o.dd iiinrket is in a most rxeilcl c uulilioii. 'I he su-pt'lisioll uf pllhlie competition, (Heeled by the Rohl hill, has throw 11 the ti.ui" dli, , S l.v int.- the liiinda of sptculalor.-, and th.-y ii"iv make llieir own prices. It was known Unit a larse and short int'-r. -l "as en .'lie, I tu s. ille it. Cv.iitract- wen- ma le forthn .l.divcry i.f (told .luring (.. day and to in the principal holders HiiTi-firc held had, advance. The pressure uf .-tuck- llie ((notation of holders, and Ihe prof until at 11,1011 brokers The effect of (his .-talc tircly i:-p.'iid opt -rations in forei"n cxchan.L:' : .l.awcrs do not kimw what to n.-k, and 1, lu-e I" ite any iiioi.itiotis. Hue larne linn i- a-kin I--' for slerlin. A such rate- there can be lm 1 '' -tioll. This al'trri.oon the :'..hl niHikel i- '. whi li put down tho price about li cents, lin-k bo.ilK at Ha. At llieir int. tin.,' t'.-day, the bank' 1 and I.l... kers iipp, inltd a foiiuuittcf tu endetvor lu secure , the repeal nr uiu'liliealiun of Hie bill. I'p to J I', ti. to day, no dici-i hi hud Leon ar- , rive, I at on llie tplfsiioii 01 nn: atitinpi iu jc-n'o.,.. i the lifiiieeratie t'ouvtntioii. .ir is hereby rcncnlcd, nml heienf- tcl' lllal that duty' shall devulvc tin the ('nniniissni v (ieiu'ral nf Subsistence, and be ilisclmreO ny nun, subject to the provisions of llic net icfcrrct. lo. Appiuved February 17, Mil. now. ini-l i lorn lar'i ea.-cl th. -'iitiiiii.-.l paid 22,'. M'lillli; ul L-. . f nOairs has b.rn In in Cute xi vim. -An Act In niiieii'l " An act ie"ti h.tinu' Ihe L'laiiliiifl .irfui-loii-:hs' and dischiiroes in hu-pitnls," approfi-d May litst, eioliteen hiiu dred ami sixty tin".'. Th" C.Hi'ii . -- of the Conic. Icrnte Slntes nf Amer ica do enact, 'i h tl an ael icejulntiii,! the ni-anti"-' of liirhiiioh-'aml ili.-clini-e.s in lio-pilnls,apprnve.l 011 Mav In-l, tighten bundled Htnl sixty-three, i be and the .-alile is I i ercti v' so a in ell lien, lis .,n, ; ,i,i,. that the period of ilisuhilitr therein iiiimeil. I, eolith's so i ters, -tek ami tviiumletl III Ims- 1 11 (c. (.11 .1 ' 1 ' i" "' .,,.,"-, ""." hands of pin I bun rangers, appiov ed April tvvi-u- tv-lll si, cllilet'H 11 nmi 1 en ami -1 1.. 1 11 u, an., un olher piirpiise.s. It'll do enact, rllill (he ael nl '(',,, u: Iir, HiWlMlic siiine is liereby rej'.-al That i.raniittinlis of p.uli -;in ran: reinilar eavab v al lin pa--a.:e ,,1 1!,, eonlinned ill llu ii pre-.-nl ui :: alu Thev shall bcreallel- I.e f.Hi-uli red.t: ulrv and nut ns p.uii-iiii rane.-is. Ski'. Thill all the bauds ..I p.u oreani.etl under the saul net, mav. a- to. n t. n of the Kcrvit-e ulh.vv, be u iiled ni'li ml,, 1 ,,1 ,a atioiis, or l.t' ui-'j:,'iiij..'.l into bit;. ili,,. 1- audi" llients. tv.lh tin- l i. n ol blii:-..,.- linn ler I oeneriil eoitililioiis of 1:,,: pnoi . 1 .1 1 aiiov as discipline, coiilnd and nui u'- uieh-i- -11 reoiltatinlis as the S. '-relai v rl W ar may pi scribe Si.e. :i. The Secretin .f W.n -h ill l. 411th. ietl, if he deems piopiT. I"- a ti;:c. nr ,in ncntly, to except h- 1 1. ' opeiai ol ibi- ' such c(.ni"inies as 1 n m:1. will. 10 iln 1::., the elieinv, and under such cniulii. i n - lo- 10 prescribe. Approved F. In 11:11 y 17, I I. t'lMI". i.v. .n Act to anil" ,,l niixiliary bun - - ' west of the Mi--,-ippi n The Connie-"! lie- Coof, ica do enact, Thai inub-r Pifsiilent, sin h bureaus or ..-p. Ilcpal liiienl I"" be vhid pil leti to sivty 1 boaril of e v il.-, to furloiiejis, shall be oM''11 - of unit aril- in tvllirh Cii-e. dl' iiiiincrs mav ".rani liirl..u::hs fur xy days. Apploted Ftbl llaiy li' I "'' entitle. I, -,! In th. I'n ie m i An Act 'o nineliil an .. t.. ........ n.o.tuize niilllaiv null Is to the nuv nl (he Confederale States in tud to th line Hie pntvers I (Icluber ninth, i l oftb pr. -I l V-tWil. The Cuiiore-' ica do einict, I are united in d fcl l-,-,1 lo e t t to rev lew uy tuu uuny sippi riv er a- 111c punoc s. i . shall be auxiliary to Hn- -11 Ib'piirtlncllt I'stlllllishc.l bv I micb tluties ns mav in- do. 1 l'i .00 Ihe See.T-litl v of W nr. niaiiilino iii'thc ti ..n- .Mis-i-- j linunnil.'i- the anHnuitv ot tl" I Si..-. '.'. Such slat!'. dl:. "l - -a -I I I to dntv. or atuti'ln', l hv attend 1 I," I,..,,. all ... ,,- b" in- . 1. I" the Held, I ...,.- nml under niith.u i'i n th" Pr" ,1 said courts, ap- ; eciieial ciHiiniainlin-: in 1 '' litecu hundred ""'I nnrtuit'iit mav a--!.'" -m-h ot.,.-.', - t, !.. .1.. ;..,'.....,,.. ilo'i-.-in. snlnc-t to .- .., ..... ...c... I' I irter. .-ul .if il,., I'l'e-uh lit : PP. tided, ll: it I" I' I': "11'. I! 1-1" '' th, all b pec 1 ... . a.nir i'i. 1'tm ' r.l.i'iil iilltlt l tin- satiie arinr. charges shall he re- U-hns . ' d""" nrtsamltlmil-pt- ediuK, be stib- luib ' " ' ) . ,, coniniauii'-'r, as iu iut-j .j..v--- 11"