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THE DAILY WVMl. MONDAY" MOUN1NH. JULY 4. fi&lNINO' EDITION. The I'riiitllil" ot' the Revolution. Uuvcrcncu for tlnwaunivorsary upon which Ihu iiKfuiiFiirlrrK'i of lh American colonics from (I mil tlrilai" was dcdaicd, Iiha ilt'ifvUL'ruU'il iiilli the .Yan kee nation, Into un Idolatrous worship of Ihu Wov eminent of the Union with ull Its abuses, eurrup- , UoJis and usurpations. , They tirm lost sight of lliu grout principles proclaimed liy the Declaration of JiiIVuisou, ami now Ihcy openly contemn and 1 1 - . Hpiso Uiuui. ' The corner stone of (lid superstructure of Mm Dc ' clartHlon, in Ihe " of thu governed'' In political uulliority lo which limy yielded ul.i'K'" '' Anil the superstructure itself in the iu.iei.iViio of tt 'Statu. It in solemnly declared in this n 1 i ji t buite p!pr, that govoruuiunls should not to dis solved for "light mill trivial causes," but, when Oiey become "destructive of thu ends for tvou'li they recreated," which il tin happiness "f the govern eil, it. in tho right uf thu pt-oplu it is thor duty Ip throw till' thu yoke liy which they are oppressed, Mid to erect new governuieiils for their liettcr sccu- rity and happiness. Those uru thu great underlying priucipl uf the hurt of thu independence of tho Stales, upon whi, h the American colonies justified themselves befotc .the World, fur frooiug themselves from un ancestral : doiaiuiou, anil uredting sepal lite anil independent Tmir1. WWII iiMn '"innn frm these priu- . , eiylcs , . After enumerating thu oppressive and iinounslitu 'tionai nets of the Klnjj of (irciit lirituin, it is sol , eniuly announced that " thuso uiii(L colonics me, ' ami of right ought tu ho, freo ami independent "! Plates; that they are absolved from nil allegiance ,, (u tho Uritish Clown, mid thut nil puliti.'al counee t ion he! ween them and the. Statu of (lii .it ltriluiii is, ' mid ought to lie, (utility dissolved." It is I lie (1 ip pant habit of tho Yankees tv. style this day the ' ' anniversary f " iiutiomif independence." Yet the ' Peclaration wiirniuts no such language. The coin, nios were declared to be urte mttl imhptntlfitt Statu," not nil independent nation. Tho colonies were united in thu revolution of 'Til, became they wore struggling lor cumin. .11 rights, against a common foe; nut because either of tin m , .ever surrendered .its separate independence to the . utbers, or dreamed of blending its sovereignty into " a .Viid'oiml government. And even if it had, th" jiriaeiplcs upon which tho union was funned, the ..I' consent (if I he governed," aud the right of the '.people to " utter or abolish " such govcriunent as " thould hoiHiuic destructive. of the ends for which it '. Tvai created, uud to establish a new govcrninenl, " abundantly eotideiim tlieyankccs in their attempted eoerciou of States which, by solemn act of tlieir 11 people, absolve their connection, w ith them. "' But ho such surrender was ever made, either by .. bo JcclnrJiun, tit by the udoptiuii of the Ousti- tttt.ioo oC the Uuited States. Tho Constitution ' Was adopted separately by States. The great cs , . sential powers of iiitorual, or local government were expressly reserved to the States, by Unit in- strilinent, and only such powers delegated, a.-' were necessary to carry on intercourse with foreign na- ' tioni, wage war and conduct foreign und inter Slate ' ; commerce and intercourse. The States Were left in ,: , the possvfsion o( all the fuuotious uf goyernuii'iit, 1 eieept such M wero iudispensable lo their strengtli ' and security, as against the jealousy, cupidity ami ..ambition of foreign, potentates. This was only carrying out tihe Idea of the revolution. They "' found it necessary in winning their separate Stato independence, to unite tlieir military strength and resources. S for the future preservation of that '' Sepnratn' State indct'endeoce, theyjlei'ined Uwise and prudept to contiiuie the Lnmn, thus guarau ttHiing Individual liberty, StHto iU'ieM:adcuce and " pr'Hectioh against foreign aggression by, the com u . 4ael f Uniou. ' ' Tb Ysnikees have disregarded openly every . f r'uiciph) here laid down. They ijeny State rights ... and utett thu overshadowing tupreuiuey of the "'''Federal government. They claim and endeavor ' tfl eiefciso, the right lo coerce and suhjugalo States, eenQea, .au(laijolisU the tight of property, slay, I burn, lay wmtoand destroy, and commit all)iiiauner '. of outrages, itidecentics and iuUuiuan'itius to. force . tUair bated tyranny upon a people, who are not Tonsefttlng to their guf eminent, bul are resistii g il wjlh all the power that God aud nature have given . them. , ' At he' present time, they have immense armies, (juartcrcd in tho territories of the Confederate States, for the avowed purpose of forcing their un willing yoke upon them, and of destroying every " vestige of ,be institutions which they cherish, ami which tbay have sworn to uphold. Arid Jet (tie, Yankees claim to bo tho true npos '' ' tjcj of (ho principles of '76 they even now would i consider it tho consummation of glory to orown their oulragos Upon independent States by tho cap ture of the two great centres of invasion on the i'uurth of July. They will have tho hardihood anil the ehauieless hypocrisy to assemble on this ' day and desecrate its memories and dishonor the groiit patriots who rendered it over memorable by their political inspirations, by proclaiming their loyalty to doctrines 'which they have disavowed in . the faoo of maukind, witli acta of perfidy and bar barity which tho savnges, njjoin they have driven into the. wildorncss, would bHIsh to witness. The people of the Confederate States have not lost sight of, or denied tho great principles of tho first, revolution. They are this day re-consccrating them in the toil and blood of their ions they are re-hallovrlng them with the proude-t proofs of fer vent dovotion and true loyally. These principles . . will issue forth from the smoke and carnage of the ' .seconii revolution, baptirad in the purest blood of two eras and gathering an immortal vigor from the hands and hearts of those sons, whose ancestors proclaimed and established them -- Kuoil Tui'ii.s.Thu Tupelo correspondent of the Mobile Advertiser says that several flags if Ir'.iee have been passing lately, but their meaning lias not been divulged. One luft for Memphis June 2 . 1 1 1 . It Is taidhy parties frem thero that the place could have been taken with two or three regiments at ' one time since the fight. It is also reported thut ' tho enemy Intend to con.o out in force to repiir the Sturgls disaster. Laihik Kkvksi ks. Tho Currespnndcnl of the Mobile Register states that tho iiiiniiint ef revenue received las( mjilth, May, on tho Monlgninery and West Point railroad, wus $254,UnO. IIo also learns lha( (he revenuo of (he Virginia ami Tennessee railroad, (a good part of which is in the hands of the Yankees,) was for the same period of one month, over $4110,1)00. Gkm. I'ii.i.ow'h Kkhit AT LaI'ATETTK, tit. The accounts of this alTair furnished to the Seluia papers would seem now to have exaggerated ou jits... They may have come fmin parties, who left the place so hadly frigh(ened (hat tiiey sa'.v duitlile and treble, aud imagined tho termination of (lie attack (o bo much more unfavorable than it really was. The Yankeii, as ' i discover from tho Ch itta lioogn jii7.ette and they arc prono (o magnify in (heir own favor, state our lnss at less than one hull of what we published on Wednesday from Confed erate suurcei. loiibtloss, iu a few days, we shall have a lull and correct report from t..n.' Pillow himself, wuuMi regret did not fully succeed iu bit lirsl undertakinifia Shivinsji's rear. We have deeply sympathised with him and hope yet that he may give additional pruufs uf his lighting ipiuli ties nod be rewarded with success. .luafyuiiu t-y Aitr. u iii'm speech. I'lOlll ihc Oi'l' lUTI'I'l t oinmi m i. Mi.n nif dm.) : 'VI." I i Inl upon Ihc ni n.i'iv inn once iimm wiihin t !. li'i years x t . i n I 1 lo no 1 1 1 hi :l M un ill yoin iniilsl -I ,tc. ' To ,,iy I t, hieti for ti n -i chliilel , lllol srijtiiuio iii the tliree tunes li.iiioi, d in ' ,i- ivpi. Congress of the I nited Sliili". 1 was i ..., of no c e Hrllin.-I the Collstilll- I lion in' Ijhs. ii ii.l ginlli "I in. in1, lint ulieicier i and nheiever thu,- ch.n'.el upon due pruee.s of i i i. ... I, io .o.uei- i.r ,. I tun inov Ollt of rolllpe'ohl . 1 1 n io ji i ii i ,.f i ui eonntiy men : an I me n. lo L'lve tmii in any n III wit' cli ii i v jinl.'c "I' coon, Slut,, or I'll 111 .I I niiiy iilli ; mid , Ill" liumlie l und eighty ix ih"iisiin. i, in .eraNol nine, I ..ll'.-r n my sureties. .Neter l'.,r one lioilt' l . .. . I luiinned inedcli' Cllise l "Ill.vd :itl' oliln'.llioll of i ,l,el n lire to uud ill , il I .liy edict. Neither ill ! pel Soi;, le.u II CI' Is- -1 e i I ill inc. And toilay I Ittili o of niv on ii n I un I ph-a one, lieean-e it i- 1 1 j e.itistihili il and h i-a' nJil to rcluiii. Il:il liv an cm liloti I an ailnli.u v pouul, it sell II Miis Coit-hlulioii and law, ami eon iiitllilil led liy military loier, u i- ahdiieied tioni my home an I l.oeed into hail i -hnu n I. The assertion nr i'lil I loll ol the I'resl lenl, llllll I VHIS arrested "bivailM. btli.M'iii'; vmI'i sonn ell 'el to prevent the nii-in:.' of lioons and In cm tir.'u dc-ei I ions from the iirniv, and vv u - re-, lor roils aels of resi.-'ani'c to tin' drah and In tic- in tv-i ol ' descricr j c iii-iii;: ion, mainiiii:; innl murder;" r ' that iirutiv lime, in any n.iy, I had ili-olieycd or flliled lo eollll.-il ohcdii lire to la 111 ii I authority, or j even In Ihe semhliiii. e ol'laiv, is' liy false, I I appeal lor ihe pr....l in every -pe ch I ever made upon lhe-c ipiesliolis, and lo the very re d nl the I Mock .Mililaiy C.'iiiini--io!i, l.y 111.' Iiinl ntnl .-en leliee id whieh I Ma- oiilnmed. .No; the Sole of feiieii thin hull y eliame via- Holds of erili- j ei-m ot (Ii.- iil.lic ...iev ol be A d ihitii.-l la I ion, : ttddres-ed lo an open mid pujilie political llieeling j of my fellow cilien- nl Hhio, hiwlnlly and peaeeu- I lily a-seiiilde I. And lo-day, my only "crime" is ! thai, iu llm way which t liny cull treason, worship I I ho Con-til nl ion uf ii i v fathers, loll lor now more ; llilin ..tie y. in- no pu). lie man lias l.een arre-trd, j .Hid no ll.-w nalier .-nnnres ,-d wiiinn th,- Stat , ad hering .'till lo the I iin.n, lor tlie cpn.',--ioi uf po litical npininti ; while lnunlred.s, hi pilhlie. ari-clll-blv iiml Ihroii' h the press, have, with a license and violence in which I never itnlnl o'd. criticised and condemned the acls and p .iiei - d the Adnniii -I ra tion, nml dei.oiinee I tin- war, iii.iiiiiiiiitig even the propriety ami ii.wo.tly of llm ri'i-'iiilK'.i "f the Solltlletll illdepelldonee. ludor.-ed hy nt al ly I .vo lnindu d thinisand live nien ot' ihc l. iiio-Tnlie .atty ol' my unlive d:ile, tit Ihu late election, and .-till w ith Ihc sympathy and support of millions more. 1 do not tmaii any long er, to he tl uly in in nt' thai party, wh i is tn he tlieii.tiiii uf ai hitiaiy pouer. It' Ahtniiaiu Lin coln seeks my life, lei him s deelaie; bill he shall not restrain incut my pir-omil lihuty, e.veepl upon "duo process nl' law." The uit.-i .,-titutioiinI and iiioiislroiis "iirder Thirty Kighl," under wbieli alone, 1 was jiriesti d llinleen months ago, was de- lied and spit upon at y .ur Slate Conveiitiuu of i 1 si;;!, hy the gallant gi tiih man w ho bote Ihe stand ard as your Candida le lor Lieutenant (invcnior, and i hy cvtry I lenmera t ie pi'r-s and pilhlie . -peak, r ever , since. II is dead. I'i'uni (he lir.-l it was against the Constihitinit nml laws, uud without validity ; and all proceedings mi. ,-r il wcr.; and lit lei I y ate null and void, and ot nu el)ee.t. The indignant ; voico of condiiinuation lung since went furlh Imni ' the viist uiainrily of the people and pros uf Ame rica, and from all li"e cummins in laitope wilh eu- ; tire unanimity. And more recently, (no, the "plat- fnnn" ot an earnest, uiitin roils and nio-l forniiduhle coiui'litioli of llic sineerc Kepuhlicaus, and .-till further, the emphatic h Iter ol acceptance l.y the candidate of thai convention, (ieiieral John C. ! rrrnionl Ihe firt eaiolidale also, of ihe Itcpuhli- 1 can parly fur the Presidency eight years ago, ii...n the rallying cry of free speech, and u free press t give renewed hope thai, at hi-l. the reign of mid- i trary power i- ulioiit to he brought to tin end iu the 1'liilcd Slates. j If is iirilh. r jil-t nor lit. therefore, that the w rongs ' inflicted under "I ltd. r Thirty eight," and the nth- j er diets and nets ol -ue!i power, should any longer I bo endured -eei t.iinly nut l.y uieal'-ti'. Hut every I ordinary means of rcdi, -s ha ; tir-t l-eeu exhaii-led: yet either by the direel ii-m v ol'the Adin-ni-!; aiion and its snhordinales, or becau-c ol want of jiu isdie- . lion iu the civ il i Us to i ta ease which no American e cr in firmer limes, reived to he, possible here, all have failed, lantii-el applied in my behalf to an iiiijii-t jmlge for :i writ of habeas i corpus, it was denied; and now the privilege of that writ is suspended by act of Congress and L- j ecutivo order, ill every Stale. '1 he llenioeialie , Convention of (Ihiu, one year ago, by a rcsoluiinii fnrmallv presented through a committee of your best and ablest in I. id. d ,t tlie Pr,-id. n.iTroT unit'o i the people, a revocation of tlie edict of banishment. Pretending that tho public safety then rc.plired it he ivfus. il. saying, at tin- same lime, that, il would BlTord him plci.-siue io comply as s as he could by any means be intid" to h.-licve that thu public safely would not sutler by it. line year has elapsed ; yet this hollow pretence is xlill "tacitly nsseried, and lo-day I am here to prove it uiiln'ittnlcd iu lin t. I appealed to Ihu Su preme Court uf the l'nited Stales, and because Coii'TCss had never cutifci red jui isdii tinn in behalf f a citizen tried by a tribunal unknown for such purposes lo the laws, and expressly lorldddeti by ; the constitution, it was powerless io re.iress me wrong. The tiui" lias Iherel'orii arrived when il be- ; comes nie as a eitieil of Ohio and uf the I nited. States, tn demand, and by my own act to vindicate, the rights, liberties and privileges which I never j I'nrl'oited, but of which for so many iiwmlis I have been deprived. U hcrclore. men d Ohm, I urn again in your midst lo-day. 1 own duties to the Slate, ami am here to diselnrge ihein; I have rights us a eiti.en, and am hci't;ln assert them; a w ife nnd child und huiiie, and would enjoy all tjio pleasures which tire implied iu lhoe cherished words. lint I mn here for peace and not tin lm - lenre ; for qlticl, tint h .1' coll u 1 -ion : for order and law, not anarchy. Let no man of the Itcmoeratie party begin tiny act of violence or disorder; but let nunc shrink from any responsibility, however urgent, if forced upon him. Careful uf the rights uf others, let bun s.-e In il htil, he fully ami fear lessly exacts his; own. Subject In rightful uttthuri ty iu all things'. 1.1 him submit to excess or usnrpa tiou in nothing, nb. tient to euti-tiluttnii mid law, let hitn drtnund and have the full metism-i. of the protection whirl, law and constitution ecilre to him. .Men nf Ohio! Ynti have already vindicated your rights to h '(': it is nuw my dut v tu assert in y right to nn-iih. V beret'ore as to the sole otleuee for whirll I was lirre.-ted. imprisoned ami bstli-hed - free speech in criticism and i nndcmiijilion nt' the Administration tin Administration fitly described in a recent public paper l.y one of its early sup porters, us-"marked ul home by its disregard of Constitutional rights, by its violations of liberty und the librrtv of the press: and in its crowning shame, by its aband umnil of tlie right of asylum, a right r-peeially dear lo all fice nations abroad" I il here to .lav, and will again, xu vrt .,,,..; so :x 1 tiv,.; or .ho jiihI our iirrscut form of (i vi iiin--ri! ishall survivu. Tho wuril' lii"n .sj.rtlvi'ii un4 tin: ;-.t Mint limo iiuulo aixl now i-nlorttl by one nmru of t tion uii'l ik'ht. iuul ot l.JiiM'l an.l .li,-n-h'r, outn.'iit in tho h'oio Vt oliitiio tin1 puMic M-t vunt-1 itii'l tlioir V"liiy, not hy fotvt', hul pciu'oahly tlirouh thttt hnllot. ( hiiw iiri'l li'v. r'-i"'t"tt.. in tin ir uf iuo:L cxU'iit, nnI with all their siiiifioiiiif v. I ro fn'at them, oni- ami all, in in if cjnilli'iir r hnivii'lo, IiiiTiw rani' -t, hoIhm. soli;mti truth iwi'l wiirnin to the iH'nple. Report of in ii Admiltcil inht Hospital at t.rillnu (.a., .luly !. M, I. The fullowiiiLf iiaiiio l 1 1 I i i. i" w nvv ailinittul in llo.-pital, nt this I'.t to-Jay. .vrous.i ii"-i,n.vr.. Captnin J T, co H, iJ;h I. a. nmrrris iiosi'ita r.. Priviilu Win ijuitli. co C. I Cn. C A .lo tii'ou, (( t', '.'th .Mi--, ri ( noi'i i Private W A lirairant, co Iltli T'iin. cavalry. Itifl at IHri'rJwiL II(,-pital. Scrt A V Sttau-'Mi, (Ja, Privato II 11 ( anua'-k, c. A, Ultlt 'ItMin. ThosJ Jst'iu h, co lM Pen in'.s caval ry . if! at )iiiiil:irl llo-pital. Trivat.- .T K V Th- uip-.n, .-t. I. 1-t (Ja. II I.fim-hlcur. c.i 1, 1 -t Ark. iMiti ul Tim Iitpital. Private J I' Aii-1mm.ii, i-. l'ttli N ('. II"it'r C. I'iicie, I t 1 1 Sui'. in ehi;'e H-pit ul. The whi at harvc-t is nnv upon ns. S .ni Son, in 1 1 1 i -- fci lii'ii of rniintrv hav- alri'alv pur- inciict.l n apiiiL' I'-i waiil it;-, ai'l -ithcrs im ma kin pivpaiatj ti.s tnr l!n- Work. WV are ffiatili. il to luarn that tln i-M, coutr uy f. ex pi t;ti i some tune a'o. will c, lH :,';!v u , -t.l .n. The weather ha. hfin i'.'i'ilni-ly fav ualiiu l this a ram, l'yr a itiotitJi ur tn, ami iht- hav.1 lilled.out bt'tiulit'iiily. 'J In ie i no coiiip'.aiot about rust or ehiiiclihiig. I' rei. .rt t .ioin all the adiaeeni I comities in this State and Not.h far.-liiu.-tV..,.- te'.'t IttjiiKr. i iillainli- T KLEGJl APII1 C, ' HKPOKTS OF TUB PRESS ASSOCIAHON. IliiUml an-onlhw I.. Ad '..nitre III the year In .1. S. In ii i it. In I lie Clerk's lllllce ..I' the Ills tin t Court ..I tlie Coiil, -.leriil" dial. fur the Noitheru liii-lilei ol lleoreli. . l.titetit cir I l oin 'ii j; liila. (lni.iihiuiitotii;ii,.liil.v .'hi. The Stale Journal has inc li eniuoini i. nir ui me nth. The fulhitving dispaleli was received at the War lleparllnelit. ! 1 1 k a ii'j i a ii i i:us Aiimv ui-NiiitTiii-.iiJi Va., June 2Mb - -I'o the Secretary of War. Tho enemy wero engaged In day. apparently in strengthening tlieir lines in front of Petersburg, advancing them at -oiiic pi.inls. His cavalry, after bein grcpulscd at 1 Stauiiloii bridge on lite iillrrnnnn of thulliilli, return ' cl in 1 h ii direction of Christian v illr, where (hey en 1 camped thai night. Next morning they continued I their march Inwards Luwrenciw ille by way of I Ituriitv die, it ii . I purl uf them encamped last night j eight mile- north west ..f tho former place. They appear to be making their way back to thu In u it) j li oly uf the in my. ' ' It. V.. I.L'K, General, i Tim Whig hivs the light at tbu bridge look place mi the L'alh, Saturday al'ternoun, at 1 nr 5 o'cloek . The enemy came in view and apprnached boldly luwanls the bridge. Our batteries on tho siuth side ol Staunton nrer opened briskly and checked j the forwai'd linn einent. Tho Yankees placed bat teries in position and returned tho lire. A half hour later they sent forward a lino of skirmishers who opened a brisk lire nu our gunners without ef fect. The Yankees were dismounted and charged out rifle pils vigorously, but were received with a volley and recoiled uud broke. In two hours they made three nlher charges, each of which were handsomely repulsed by oiirsmall force. The Yan kees were finally convinced that they could not take tho breastworks though defended by raw mi litia. I Nu further assault was made. Marly Sunday tniirn ! ing the enemy began tn leave. Ilelweeu 10 and II J ii 'chidi lien. V. II. 1'. Lee's cavalry passed the I Iiridge in pursuit. tin- lu.-s is six wounded one mortally. The ; enemy's not known. - In Slauiitoti Valley they did little injury to crops expecting to reap them themselves. There were many cases of robbery mnl outrage. The where i tibouts of Hunter is not staled. 1 Captain I. S. Maury is ordered to command the ironclad lticliiimnl. ' Greenbacks were live to one for Gold at Alexan dria. ! There was heavy firng below Chalfin's lUulT Wed nesday alteruoon, i The Petersburg Kxpress of Wednesday says, ' that Grant's extreme left is said to rest near Ileum's Station, un 1 it is reported that they are fnrtifying 1 there -felling trees fir the purpose uf protecting their littes und rendering them inipenottable. Un the right Grant was yesterday reported fel ling trees un the banks of Ihe Appuinatox. erecting batteries. l'i;ri:rtsin no, July 20. Prisoners brought in to day report a portion of our cavalry engaged iu front of Witlier's force tit Hinwiddio Court-house. Hot s'ligagemenl, Kuemy's loss III wounded. It is supposed from Lee's statement to he a Confede rate sueeess. Jt is al.-u said that part uf Wilson's force was ul Lawrcnccv illo last night trying to get toward the WelJnii ruad. There was a cavalry tight tu-day nt the Station. Kcstill not known. In front the situatiuu iu unaltered. SArniiiiAV jNhiut's liisi'ATi hks.J 1'UOM TIIK FHOJJT. MmiKiTA, July 2. Nothing new to-day. The A sergeant and two privates eaine iu tins morning from the Yaukee lines. They say their term of acrviee had expired, but owing lo military necessity they were not permitted to go home. They rciiresent the Federal army as being very much dispirited, und averse to prolonging hostili ties. Many men whoso terms of service expire iu July and August, they say, have determined not to Latest friini I't'tcrsburff. ltAi.KHtii, ,N. C., July 2, Tho Confederate piihli-lniJ the following letter in an extra to-day : Gaston, N. C, July 1. Hear Sir: I reached here to day after two days and a half journey from Petersburg. S 1 think the railroad tu Petersburg will not bo re paired fur a luunlh. All the lighting for several days past has been nu the railruud near I'.eam's statiuii, we having the advantage. 'I hero was heavy tiring these yos Icrduy. The city cannot be taken by Grant. All are confident of our ability to hold the place. The enemy cniftinue to shell the city every day. Some houses have been liudlyjJiimiigcd, but there have le'ell but few persnns killed. The enemy's losses since the light commenced arc thought to bo -'0,nun. our lnmi is estimated at l,.'iiui. Generals Hampton, William II. F. and Ch.itnbiiss met the Yankee raiders under Generals W ilson and Speur, and killed, wounded ami cap tured ;i,IIU(l of them. They also captured l.iflO horses, fifteen pieces of artillery, luxd ull tlieir wagon train, with tlieir baggage and ammunition. This happened on Wednesday and Thursday, i near Stony creek. They also captured 401) negroes, t Thi!l ,y soldiers Iu be Ihc most complete ( j l"llt ,h:,t evor W11H ! Wm.minc Toy, .fill v 2nd, Tho Journal has re- erived II iehitiotnl papers of the 2tftli. j No uew-t uf iiitererit. I PiM Kit.-iinmi. June 28th. Situation unchnngod, ; Tin: re ha lu-en the ntial oiinnonadin and picket 1 tin ii a I oil'- our lines. The two aniiiej nl motile ! points are not over two hundred yanW upurt. Our 1 troops are in excellent spirits, und uru much rc I fn'.-lied hy tlie rain and eool weuther, which is al . so 'uite favorable to wounded. I U reported that Uurnaide'n corps has gono to ! Va!iint 'U. ! A yanhte lieutenant, captured on Tue.-jdny, nuyt rant is a Aug to tear Petersburg to piecel with ; slitit and rdiell iu a day or two. ' tiold was ipioted iu Now York at 244, closing at :'io3. t j A private letter from Petersburg the ;'Sth says, ! the enemy continued lo shell the city day und ' niht. No iliiniiitrc of importance, j Xordii'ru News. Ari..iTA, .lul.v -nd. The Louisiille Journal of ! the 2'itli is received. Its news is mostly auticipn- : tci. . ! (iiierrilla operations continue in Western Ken 1 lucky. I A light with the Federal troops occurred near 1 1'nioiitoivn. Another party demanded the surren- der of ihvciislioro1, but retired ufter occupying Clo i vor Port und Huwsvillo. '1'lie six months men of Owensboro', here been disl.aiided by the Hlato authorities for reasous un known. The 'a--hiugton .States of the 21th says: limit's works command Petersburg and the Rail Road through Peter-burg, and stop all communication be tween Richmond and thu South. So long as tirant elects he can bold Ihe enemy by the throat and move South with twenty da? rations. I.eo must ' ,"""", "r r,'-k " Lcav H6t "f"rtihed j Klwnud. Secretary JJuuujiiht arrived fr.nii Ii. :i l'Hni 1. 1 -ami says, Ibo entire loss since eio.-sint the .I,uUe, K)cr, is not over ten thousad. A correspondent fruni I huttimooi of the L'oih, says, a rebel force cut the Kail liotid iil.oiit Tilt ,n, captured and burned two trains hi-uwly 1 1 t , I . .1 with supplies. The travel on trains is ety .1. in con,seiiienee ol' freiiteiit iiuil'ii.-lie-Forly men have been known locaplnie 1 ' ' i ' . A large quantity of liowniiiu ul fivighl ha- ml lected ut llarpi'th Shouls, on i'iiiiiI--il.uel llivi r. No more boats are allowed to u.-ci ml Ihc t' land, tho Unrcruiiif nl being ttnulile to liiiiiisL con voys against gtierrilbi.s. The Sandusky Register of the -tales ilnl the rebel lleneral Archer has been tiatislin.-d lioin Johnson's Island lo Vii.-liiuc;l"ii, ;in. I will he out to liell'l Poster, alld placed Under I' licl lire, ill re- tiiliali in of the treatment ..I I Ii. ii lieiiei.iis ut Clmrleslon, The ilebiile in the yunkce House eoninuied on the i'.'ith, on the repeal of the i otiiti.tit.iti ,ti clause of the draft law. Sell. i,k, of nlii". 1 1 j . . . 1 1 ed the repeal of the i laii-c, ai d slated 1 1.- re bellion s bo put down, if not no,,', In ieuiter, it not iu ten years, in twenty years. If pence could bo made to-day, every sensible man know il would not last till days, if we recognise tho Southern ( .ui federacy as a distinct nation, with a border from Ihe Potomac to the (iulf of .lcic o, we may e. peet war, murder and everything cl-e. (I.loll, of New York, opposed I no repeal of the coitujliitatiou clause. tiarlleld of Ohio snid, if tin ion cl.ui.-c he retained Our armies will not be iuleiii,iteh tilled, and the rebellion not be put down dutiiig t!ii.- tcnu of Congress, nor under this adiiiini-i ration. Mallory of Kentucky said, tlie policy ,, , -oii-(o lo conscription was the wor.-t the (Jo eriinieiil Could adopt. Nk.iV YoUK, June li:. -Hold 2l i, d.eliiod to 'il l, iidvaiiccd lo 22H, und closing at L'L'I ' and linn. The cxport.i of specie that day were one niilli' u. Sterling linn, at 2.".S for currency , Special dispatch lo the Savannah llcpulille.iu. l'KTKitsm nu, June 2S. All is now .Ui. t. 'I Im i bus been considerable skirmishing day and ni-lit. lately. It is believed that all of the enemy'.- raid lug pHTtics throughout Virginia hue lien 'lis persod. '. A CAIU). IX THK I', NK.VIt K:NM:S.IH .MolM.UV. Ii 1. .Iu lie IMi.. i 1'ki.i,oiv-C'm" n s . tin the '.lib of April, ion spouse to the . .f a Inrg" 1111 nil., r of the Sol lo i s of the Army of 'eniiessee, ciiirens of iln- I lib Congressional liistrict. I agreed to become a i -uu didalo lo till Ihe vacancy oecasiontd hy the dcaih of Ihe Hon. David M. Currin. Siuuu that t i mu I have received niiuieroiis letters assuring me of tlie heaity concurrence with which the suggestion of my name has met in Torrcsi's cavalry, us also among the refugee citizens of ihe di'trict now within the lines of the Confederacy. These assurances satisfy me I tun the choice of a majority of Ihe voters of Hie dii-tri d II bavo Ihereforo no hesitation in presenting myself before tho voters of the entire Stat', upon wli"in tie law uf Congress devolves the choice us a can didate ut the election lo beheld on the eighteenth of August. As yet lien.. John I.. T. Sliced is the only candi date, fellow-citizens, who is olliciully announced against mo. Felliiw-cili.eti', since the L'7ih ol April, 1HM, I have been constantly in the field. I have bail no time, as my worthy competitor has hud to mix among you and exert those iiillueiici-s so bencOcial iu past times to the .success ..f can li ilates for public favor, nor do I expect to have time between now and the day of election to compete with him in active personal cfl'urls to secure my success. My post is with my command, and even should I wish to do so, tho inexorable and proper dier .bat he be present here, preohnhs nie Irom competing with (ien. Sliced iu the details of per sonal electioneering, which be has such ample linie and freipient opportunity tu indulge. But, fellow-citii.ens, I have too much ootid, nee in your generosity and discernment to believe for a moment that you will permit my inability to leave here to operate to my ilisadwinlage. Mr three years and over in the war have separated me from a largo number of my nld friends iu the State, who are engaged in other localities uf the .service. To them I entrust the advocacy of my claims, and to the sonnd discretion of (he people I cheerfully leave tho determination of ihe result. If elected my representative course will be char acterir.ed by an honest ell'., rt lo promote tho best interests of the ahny and conserve the public good by a continuous and uuabating zeal in the e .t,suiii rualion of all measures to secure and make per manent Southern Independence, by u, cousi-iont adherence to the principles upon which the South ern Confederacy is based, and by an implacable opposition lo everything making the b u-t eon, cs sionto the feculent Yankee power now engaged in this outrageous war against us. ji. v. cLi sb i-:v. Vaughan' lirigade, ham's liivi-ion, Army of Tciine-sce. , General Orders No. 7M. JIitingi.'AnrKits District or Xaiivii,i.i:. I Nashville Teiiu., Julie I.!, I Mi I. ( It is so common for guerrillas to commit murders, ami steal and destroy property in this hi-triet, in neighborhoods in which their friends and sviupa thizors reside and hy whom they are coiicuh d. .and. as it is believed, aided' in the commission, ,1 these crimes, that extraordinary measures tire indi-pen-bly necessary to protect the luw-u biding and in. .1' fvusive citizens from ptHugc und iiiurdi't'. Itisthereforoorilercd, that in ev ry instance in which guerrillas skull rob or murder a loyal citizen un asessment will be made upon at,, I collected from the rebel sympathizers in the neichliorhood of the offense: In thecase of robbery, ol iheaiuotint taken, and in tyise of mnr.ler, of such uu amount lor the uso of the murdered man's t'uniily as k,uv lie thought just and right. And when a neighbor hood shall become notorious for such rolil, 'ries aud murder., the rehel sympathizers therein, friends and relatives oointnit these crimes, w ill he scut South beyoud liio Federal lines, to remain du ring the war. This order will be rigidly and promptly , ufre. ed. To thut end, all thefts, robberies and iinudei s will beat once reported to these, is by tho military authorities of the District, m ii'.i all the farts involved, whereupon Ihe necessary ot h i s will be issued from these llea.hpiartcrs. l!y command ( .Ma), lien. Rousseau. I). II. Pot K .Major and A. A. ii. HOI.l)li:HS' CLAIM!. M'o havo on band il lot of bhiuk forms ,.I c r tificatos and alVidavits for the collection id' the claims of deceased soldiers. Price lifty ceii'- per sheet- Persons at a distance needing Mi. h blank' can procure them by addressing the ltr.m.l. "ri'i" K through the mails. A TTi: I IO ! IlEAIig'lts Cons. 7rn , (irillin, Jiftie "oib, l-.!l. )' A LL officers and soldiers arriving al this p o e j. on leave of ubseuco or furlough, arc hereby re.piired to report at these Head .pi.iricrs on arri val, and departure, that their hann s and status may bo recorded. If any officer or soldier should be, grunte I leave o( ahseuce, or furlough, to go t.umy county in tins District, they are rcpured lo report without delay to the county Enrolling otli-.-er, for the same pur pose This has particular reference to odicers and - I diers hoio in thm city. And compliance with is requirement will avoid the necessity of beti g brought up by Enrolling officers. II. II. NEWTON. ju.10 it I.t. and E. U. 7th Di-t. H.i. HXMil HAbSII We will pay the highest market price f..r g "cl cottou or linen rags, or give in t xhang. for th iu fine Euglish letter aud eip pacr. ..r I'm. bp,-. Apply at the REUEL 01 PUT.. A PROCLAMATION imi ui ;. n it it lets a r.HNou or I t.y l.rsM.I.. Ti i Ihc SI icti I - ! I '. i ion, is and ot tier ci '. il i ill ice l s id ""' Slate of T. . I, lessee. , to tl beers i; e iiand ol troops limn s.nd Si ate, cither on duly ur in ho-piiaU : ! Win in is, a viic.iio'V tor I'oneics, in the 1 lib t'oiieics-ional lUstiict of f. 1,10 -, ... I, is -.., oc e-.,.,i i,v t icuth oi ii n. iiiiu.i m. ('nit iii, 1 .01 .1, c Itii'l efol .' I'olllllialliled to , p. ii und hold i leeli TIU KSII.W. Ho' c,::l,tec,.,!, ,1;,, ol Aojii-l, c,e,cc,i liilll.ired and -ivn lo,,,.:,, ,, '" !."' '-ol t ie iiiiov.unilat sue hollo i i.o,hi. .. - . O O. I SOl 1 11 I - III.. . I" ' ". ' I I" " ' . .. .. , - , , 1 1 t '1 I N I ' -- till. ll, on tl,c,h,v nl elect ill ptllsllUIH C "t all ,,'"''''''' ,' ','.. ,, , act ,1 I'.,,,,,,....',, ,ile.l "An Ail t.i iV I... " ''" 1 l,H U" ' "' hohl.lee,ce,Oiso,' be,,, c-cnlulives , ihc Co, C lAt'll .l'. NO'I'ICI'. N. 1(1.' '.'ICS, ,. the 'oil), del .III' .'-'.lies 111 till' MillC Ol Tonne. sec." api.i-oud lai l-t. I -".':. uiol an act .., I;" "'.V1'"', I"1''""' ' umriiduloM thc-cof, uiipiovcd ,lii,o"'th. I ol, I,,.- ' ; "", " ' ' ' 7 1 'T'- ''"i'",i'1'' the pi,le,-e oflillii, . s,,d MICUIICI. Uli'l. hie tell, II, '''al'"'"' 1 ' '' ' -.-,. b.V lb- I' I'd e ,;, I . 1 ,1 1 1, o , the. col ir.,1., t e uecuiding toi.iu. Il, 'esti,,,,,. '7'';" l " I- I. and I- s ,,o,l, I .IV uliccol. '.' '' 1 ' 1 l,l'-' ' ' ''' M.V olhec: , - - , I. ISM AM II IIAKKIS, Coictnor of . '""' '' ' '.''V'"'' i- tm.l men who . ,.. ,'lVl -ee. h.UC hCcilillo s, , h.llid I , il C I ,ei I i h 1 I V 1 , 1 ,i I I 0 I 1 1 1 ,,,,,, 'c V I - - u,lc.,u.,d .,, sc.,1 of the St ate , ".Ml., lo- II "1 .1,,,... I'.''bn.l., ,.'.-!:,,1 lo he ulhe.l. Ihl- the till d.n ol .till,,', A. II . I ,.. , ' ''' ''oJ'V'" ISM.WI C. 1 A I; K I- All "Mtedei ,te ..Dim r- .. I i.,i. n. i:, ii.i;,iw-i,,.f. . : ail eiM'i.,,1-win i p.... i -i. e. .I.K. Ii. Un, Sccroturv ot'Slal.'. , and r. Ic-.-l on ,,, ,,-,,!,. ,, - I,, ., y ; , I,. ... , j,,.,; ,, ' I.. r.'I.J -ieelt I I.. I- c e I , Il :. e. I. I I,, ,., -"Tennessee papers i,p l'i , . . , , I ill h"W.e, . ,- io. I Ii,:. no. d i" hole ao a ,.,", lll.-ll c iplllled at I- I.'hlll'e. Jlllv Ull. I -O. . e , . s- il i-ll ;,s m-. ie .Icehire.i celniit'.ed l.y 1'. ci, ui. c o AX ACT I" fiovide f- r hoMin.r . l.-.-1'..n. f.,r It. i- ' l-e. i,n,n.. r. ! " .-.. mid o- l.t. l'es,.it.iiv.'s in the I' .'!'.-.- of the I o 1 1 f c d e 1 a I e j.ll.c'J'l 1. 1 I i I 1 1 :T. I , I I, I , , A : 'I "I I . St ,1, - in Ihe Stale ol To s-.-c. 'the Cngre-- ol the I' odcdcr.i.c Stale. ,,f A tii. r- O 1! Ii l .' 'e,i do . li.ii'l. Thai ill Hie Stale ol ', chc ti,,,,,,,,,. Itepic-.nta.iu's in the .oi.-iess of the ' . OuiUW V V (AN 0 V Coiil, delate SI lie-, shall he by e,.helal liekil h-r -ai l Stale, and cadi voter shall he entitled I ' ,.,,, co, ai.iing the names J , pe, ., for each o I ,,,., u,s,. s ,: l'o,io.--ioiial Hi -ll i-'t ill said State; and the per ..''(. Curl, soil rcceivilrr the grealesl number of .tcs of Ihc ... ., wiioielo.e of the Suite, -hall he co,',-i I a- 1 1 "- t .'U t ' -C 1,1 ; ' li-l ' i..n...i , iJ XI -Ilovv I ' d al:" s;a . ..'. .- h eh -'lloll -hall he hel l II: - ,1 I H - on the I'u-I ThiirsdaV ill Angii-'l next, und in each "'I'lit' luillipioli:" . ol vcur Ihcieaflcr . lining the war , Al,.iat,v oi,r Ihu ... .v-....,.., .,,...-..., ., Si ,', ::. Su.di dee, ions shall he ,s., held bv tl ',,'., lic-i-, uulli, 'i i, i.s. or per-ons a. pointed, or prow .!. I hv the l:,i - of said Si. Hit ..r lb'' fufp.-.-e ..I' h.-hliiig siieli election-', an. I ul.tlu, ) luce., provided to hold ch . lion- tor in mhers of the ui.,-1 liuiiii r on- hiaiich of III'' Stale la-i-hilllre. Si:. . I. Such elections shull he cm. Iiictcd uceor .liii" I.. Ihe m-Ie prescribed h.v the law- ,, I .-aid Siule, ecei! s,, f;t- us the same are niodilicd by this uct. ' III Sll-ll elcelioiis etcry l'i I i. II ol'the routed -rule Mutes ,.l,o stiull o,' ,,:, in,,! I-, vo c fofu n i in I o-r 1 1 the lii-.-t numerous hrun I, of ,h, Slate Legislature of said Slulf, shall he entitled to ol.- a, the place or plac-s iu said Slate ul which he Would be entitled to Vole in ul, election for Mich .1' such I .. .'i - l:il ll I .'. Si . Ii Col ill eu.c s, I 'll citizen shall he in the military -uvieeof Ihc ( 'oidedc ale State ,.r in :,-, be' shall be drive, from In- In me by the ..ecu- pillion .,f his coin, try by ihe public enemy, or by the move tits ot l,is trooiis, or in euse the elc t,o,s c, ,1, liol be held . it Ihe u-tlal places of holding 'elections, by reason of -ui'll i.ecupatii.ti or mole- llicnts, ll.cll .such citizen shull be allowed t.l Vole ul ' iiiiv pliiee ol voting iii said Stale, or in the camps of'tho lil'toy. us hereinafter provided. Si:.-, 7. Sn. h elections lor Representatives -hall he held in the euinps of the ill my ll bill said St , lislollow-: In every tirniy eoips, diw.-ion or coin- in and. the Colonel of each r'..'iiueiit, or other ..Hi - ' eer in eoniinund thereof, or the ,, tlieir in commun.! of an' less t,o,v on detuehed service, shall nnpoint I o judges und three clerks to open uud hold niel, I elect ion, who -h;i 11 hold the same, and make out the ed! I k- and returns under Ihe same rules und I-. .'illations us if the .-a, no were opened und held a! thel;-iiul pi. ices oi Homing inesuiiio in sum j Stale, und .-hull allow ull persons entitled to Vote therein. i Sic s, The letorns of such elections in eainp! he forwarded by the several com man ding "Hi The inch i i-jucd i, ie now pi. pat ed I . fill o, del -, h.r cers up.oiitl ing the judges and clerks us uloi. -uid, to the hiehe-t i.Hi. it iu grade, und the senior of the guide from said Slute for which the same is held in , ihe encampment r army in wbh lithe - i.-hchl, v 1 I w hose duty il shull I,,', al once, to foi ivul'd the sutue to the (iovcriior of the State; or the suuie may be, ,M.Vin it niorccoiivcieiil. forwarded by such command- rRICTION IrlATCIIIjS ing ollieer directly to the (iovernor. I Sk, . IL In case ihe exigencies of the public ser ' vice prevent the holding of the elections in any 1 eilliip un.h r Ibis act, at Illo time ptovided by law, Ihc -atoc in i V be held ut illll' I i Ille w it I, ill tell da s holding the s: o be I, led hy the olficer author lo in. point the judges and clerks. Sfu. 10. Such ollieer .-hall be authorized t I mini-ler Ihc proper oaths to the judges and el.-i k--, or ihcy may administer the sunn, to cneli other. Sir. II. Ill cry person eonee rued iu holding such elections -hall take an "iilli to support the foi.sli- tlllioli of It," Coiitcilert,!,' .Mutes, uud lo di-chari'i' his duty in holding such elections faithlully uud 1 impiii'liallv. A.pioved .May l.-t, M'.:!. AN ACT to amend un act entitled "An Act t., pro- ide for holditig elections lor Representatives' iu the Coti-rosS of Ibe Colilederule Stales in Ihe St ale of Tennessee," approved Jlav 1st. I si;:!. The C..i,L'iessol the Confederule : Stales ol Amor i.-a do enact, That tlie set eniiiled, "An act to pro : -i V. huuily, v.-hienlly b.. .,,,-d. pplv I" vide ..r h dding eleelions lor It ,', resell I a I i ves ill 'apt. Di-miike. ,,i,,c'J'.! In the Congress of Ille I 'olil'cdc, a le Stales In the Slate of Tenius.-ce," approved Jlav 1st, Im;:;. he utuend I 1 1 1'.t Hit i K hlU., ed so that the person voted for in any s, I, lis 1 ,,,.,.,., ., mi.m.'II.s tknv., t ri. I receiving tlifhlu'hest lull nber ol votes ol the mm . whole V I,alll,e coouili-sioned - ATTORNEY AT LAW, licpicseiiiutive of (lie ui.-liiet for which he is lotml DICIIJIONO Y Sc. Ii. In ull elections held under said uct, A 11 claim - a ea in -I l he 1 ',,,,1, duale liove, mil. lit, poll- si, all he opened iu Ihe camps of he armv. ;is H'lju-icd and collected. well oiii of a-in he Stale: und illo election shull1 ' !- I ! l-er allelilioii paid So'du i he conducted otherwise us provided in said act nt '"- amended hy this ael. ! )' "- Si.c. I Ii such elections all persons entitled to i vole under .-aid act out of th iintv of their red- ' l-'Olt lllili:. dene", hall he ulh.w.'d to vole at any of Ihe places C I JI i'L'l' KN I ami e.pen, nc.-d cook, ua-hci of Voting out of the Stale. !"'' alol i,'..,,,-,-, who i- ul.-o ue.iiai,iled will, Api'iovcl .Iiinc nth, si! I. ( t y I I iv ' gcii.-ra! I ew.-il,, ;in. i- a uiy lair sc. uu-ltc--. . ".. Apply at this oil ' jiiuel.. if kt daily Ri:m:h" ; in nu: i'uii. Till': i'l'C-'-' i- I'C-pi elh'llv II ,io I,, led llo-ll Ihel call BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, wZ:.t:':t" u "" ,, . I l In- 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 i I v ot this 1! w ii! -p. uk I. nil,! hi Vlilill, iitt. relcrriiur to lb,' ".M.-rciy " und "(' i,-," . . 1 1, i ' city to .-iiher ol' w ti ii-1 1 r, ("re,,, os ure loadc. " i All on Ids inn a he a co top, i ii I. d bv a dc-cripiioii 1 l I'lc.scs us,-.. II mis.. . .ivlu..,i the N,. am. Cwi v-h l: Pwmin.i , J. , l V 1 1 1 ' l ' I : I.KU IS. i:-iAiii,s,:M,w- formerly .. I by M.-r.. tin.,. .V I Ch.u 1.-,o Priming Ink Woi'k-'. Su uzi:. we are now pi-c,.,v.-, ,.e.ce,,t.' r.:l.'.'7 If. King st reel Koiid Thai b.-t ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, il, :, -t le not lo be -i I , . -s, , hy .-.TIV 1 to ,' -i'llil.ll' .-.lab-ll-!lli. lit ill tin I oat'.-. . ,aci . ' olli: .- Is now one of the largest, and the ni.itei ial js c. rtaiidi the Newest und Host fashionable iu the ii'li. lining ,.,.,.,! a x-t, lug- stock of I'MTI.IJill' T 'l l"NKI:V, " uc "ci- than ever ,i , j ..u.-. t t-. .1.. ,1! : I- ..r ARMY HUNTING, it -hol t no' i. e. nr,. I s, rates mo, e i-. -is. ii ,,.e 1 1 .:t . ef. A I I. I'.l. S Ks I si 0 UT , (iiiu-tt'i'iiiastcrs, j z'oiaiaissarics, t .) 1 1: m " Uliiccps, Sill' " '')!, . k. .t 1. ,1 -I. i'T -a!". "I I. d lo Dvpi'riitioiis Jliinni'i. II.vmt I of PIM-, M'AI'K'NI.IiV. AND t'AKI,-. ' see prepared toeee,l!e Htrtmttilr frliillnif, i.,-i:.:. iiottobeeM-eil.-d , . A lug.- l.. of f'As, iN'AI'.l.K CAM. V t A Ul'- A I .Null; l'AI'l.t:s, ',..., i-t., print 1 WeilduK 50,1 Ball Cards, pnd Invitations, Visiting Cjidu, I o, ., .. a- not to U- :i..r.-i.-ii,'.l l.r si.i ..tli.-r erlhe in the ' ; "" Wi: i. -p.-. tf ihi h.e.els i 11,., A I. Ml or I ril..-i,'..v the . itl'o,,.,. ' .-f ...,r -If. Kiel i.e.. Uv; e alcl , 1 " 1 11 '" ;., i',i..' ( OH III ICS. ,r,,i:",i'"' ;",";'' 1 ..r it .,. I I,..,,.!., ,vc .ie e. that s:i l i, il I,,. O .1,1 i ; ,1 II,:- .1!, !, I I, in ding o o ii I . niy,,,)',, , , ..,.. I, , , , d of ,c ! t ha I is ell ,1 c. , I . j Kn nil t i i-iili n. .Inn. mm,. I -r,. '''' 'Yu IMi.vti.xiUin.z., l..,.,w,.v v. vnvi..i;r.v VtnuuWN, i .... t'l'i'i. ' " -"'" 1,11 ' ' i . . ; j ,,,,,, 1 1 1 , , .,, U- U u;i ,,, r ! 1 i. ,-l,TN. ...,..,,, , .. I ,;, ,,,.,,, I 'I 11 , a . .. o. I, .11 -l I'O , oc AalU'-iLoU-NT OF THE CAMP. C..pi.', I'.- :.i :c paid, ?'-' ... 'I he ii-ii il - di.-c ,11,1 to the t in do. ; Addt, -s '!()( Iv'I'ON .V CO.. jun, '."., Jl 11'llslil, tia I.O-'I' I IVl-'l lilillill. U I'eW 'I II - -hlCC. Ho' C -l l .o,.,.l, i.o.i dp -. 'li e l- rmllhc a I.I V I. warded bv leal ll.:- ll at tile llebel I 'III.'.'. j,,,,-.", L'I .i. ii. iii ri; ,i en. I NS. I. cant. till 1 -I "f I id.--' I'.,'.- io-t i.ceu.d and 1 iV f..r -ale by .1 . 1 1 . .1 , , 1 1 , N .. ( ', ,. .in-'-, H. I OH S II I.. ! 4 Luge a --ol I Moo t of l'ligll-h l'i I ill..' pa pc 1 j hi,,,' and white, in ooalililics lo -inlpur I ehu-1'1.-. I'll.-e'. Apl I" il. A. II MSI'lii'h, j-!'l"t I. I lehel I llhcc. I i i Hi n, ' i u. ' , - ' V V V I N , Match Factory THY Til KM; I'l,e- ;ile its e; ) u- ait" . Ull CO lli.llehis. 1 J Add I j Ill I K .V .IOIINMIN, litilhii, ii I un.' i hi 1 AN I I I) TO Hi: NT. ' A DH I.I.I.I.M. SI'., ..r tl small I ISook Kci'pci's Ml,, ilioii. I "pilliHi: :,,',' several V.J of Pool, : j 1 hehuiguig t , .r. If hbiiis' library loaned in (irilliu. Cal'ties bavin,.' th.-lu will piece relit, n j thorn to his old room-, and oblige, ! ie'.i i m. i.. "ri:u, i.-T. I I l.t.AI, lil.A'.kS. AVc !l.lti' o ) ,d at till' (llliee a huge - I . I , I v of Ihe libinks u-ed by Shcills, l'i, ik - and Hi In,. in this Mate, beaut II III ly prill 1 1 d on line !.,!.- pa per. w hie h w c will -i-M a, tne -aiiie la!.-, i, .w eliaig ed l"i' the blank pap. r ..loiic. I i oi sin:. I ir, llhl.s l.aniphl.iek. pi. ,o ' .i. law i. i.M'i: i.i.n is. At 'be ltd. l aeloi i, i: :, g -i,, et l; i, t i .n:. .'i... febj; it: Trailing Material ' H-.vit.g piircha-cl . . i . . ..l ib, large-t .m l I,,--t a. pointed pi ililing ,"!;. Id: ! i r : i 1 1 1 - in tin- Con I'.-dei i , t we o,.-r for sale liic t.-i ial ''.ruiel ly u-ed in Ihc j Ui pli.-a lion of l lie I n in K i.n 1. 1., tog. I In r u il I, the ; Jul; on n l. .nt., .'bed. .'. ,. ,.m,... is -uppli.-d will, ,-t.-,v l- ,,..-,(.. I,,,- the i iibii -.1 1 ion ol a Daily .,r , i .1 -u , ,, ., I. '',. newspaper type eoii-i-ts ,,l l:.,i,ige i-and Mm i..n. will, a sinall lout oi I gl'ii:,,.,. 'f he Job Ofl'.ee is w.-ll a; '. I : ti !;,.', suit aloe f T ord ill i ry job ai, I b I- w 'I k, a g. - I lior , Jtacl.ii.e IV-. a !.- !-i.t -f Small Pica l-r l.k ivvik, a .1 ., -- i n in. in of laio y , ,,.t, ha.-es, .-. -, -i. u ", .-land-, if. The i iitii.' material I- in good order, at.d will he. i ,.,se 1 of at ..iv rat'. Addie-i I'liANC JI. I'M I., .Ich I ., OS. .1