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1EBE r 1J 1 . 1A V )1 I 111 l (MM iwix, ( J A ., J U IVV 5. 1 1ST in liber : fAILY CHATTANOOGA Til!-: I.l.i:.'. i;y n; '. i. i . Toi ins t,i -n, ; ; r ; . : ! mi , llali-. "I t' I ii.. T.m. Till: DAILY i!FJ!HL moxuav, .11 i. :, i-m. Latest fcom tho );.(. nt. ii.ii. .1 ..Lii !..n Im .i ii, i:i . - :: li.T il 1 1;. - 1:1, n '.. I ', ' ' '.- ' iii, i iii,. c;, hi .ii . ; . u . : i- ..- Ill,' . Ilt-IIK ,.;U in,. I ', . . i. : I,. -,i 1 . .i '-.I'll .i-.'Mi, ' in I' ! .'.'," I . I i-l ' ', i,. ,' , '. . : ! V !,'. 1 i ... !'-. iiiv ...... i .l .'y i; i ,i I- IKX In c'l .. -.'. Inl! l!; o .;i.j .,n- i Ii ..' , II. .1 i. : 'l I I, , i,, i-',i ii , u 'ii in ; 'i. . ; . ,: !!;:.: -. en an I t,i !;i. i, hi.' r ,' !; -! ! i,' I-' . Tin -iv i- n. i v. . i ,:i u ;,; , ;, : . t In I.l ill In - pi li' J 1 , ' . : ! . I - . ', ! , ., : . , :i 1 1 1 in' ,,ii.' in- Ii,. i ' : : '. ; . '. i. ,M in , I, !;..,. i ; i . ! :' ill- l.i-i Ii,,,: I . .! ,v ; :'; ' .; ' i . ! l.i ;. in !,- v.-ir r i' i. .... . !.' . : , ,:i, Ii ,ii li.uv di- - il I : ,, . -, I , I r.i in ) ' in j ,1 -u ii . . i . ., , i , i.nii.M i.v "iii- i r i, i " .-, i ' i ii ii They -Ii ,nM Mil 'i -ii .,i ' . i i ,,. : . I',- ; ,i,i' .I-Aii i!, '," wi. - -.' '. ; : : . . : II- V II 11',' 1,,-lV l.avl !,,, I lil ,,. ., , - I' I , , .:!,. I. 'I -1 1 - -: . n , i, I, . '.,! ' , - M Ii .y - v ill ' Ii- w i't-' . .i ' . 'i ..i i . ', i ir a "in- v., 'I 'o i' :', I ' ' I' lo fh ,v !.. i ' m, .i i! , ! . ; .-.Ml!':,'' 1 1 i'i" f 'I h. I im' " ;i II K f liouM' tit j -ch., i.i. c- oit tin- V, nr. Tin- Y..nb . II mi I;.-'..-. . . .. i - el the InC.i.i:' i, iM u, . . i. ! :i -"V lit:! r . . 1 ):y A' ;'. K ' - . M i; ' ( : U K 'I h.i' ' ! 1 ; .i ; ' , :' W- i't '.w- r, .i;:. . ; ! .Hi ; b- w r. !.!:' i 1 - w . i . . ..M 1 lir.n-V :. t - ! : i... 1 1 1 '. ; ' ! i.-n. rtti'l in : , . ; ' : -m v, h i Ii in i ' , . ' : . i In- ( n. i w 'v i f ' lip tl 1 iii- ('"irii rv ' V t ti 1 , ; m i i- . . , 1 1 , . : i i-i i 1 1 -1 111.' I '"iM:t:n;..':;il ," .rvr . r,. i ; i (! pi'i,;. Hi' t!i i w i", ( '. " ', i .-i' i' . ; in - - iif iu i c -i 1 ll ' T r- 1 1 ii . , , . ;' i 1 1 "' ! nhly i iiiu t 1 1 1 ! i I."!' i :' . .1 1 U' it .1 ; r I i ll ll 1' Mill ill :, 1 1 '. - ;V,I j' ' 1 ' r ' i ..r liny i nr.H- ((' w - li r . ' : willi tin- ri..!.? ,,, , -! ..-.,- nil tin' linitv. ii.i ! ii -V '. ii..iin-.i, :i:rl ti. ' cmmi'Ii-Im-I ,,r mm .1 - . All". Ilnllll j M i, j :.l!'i I. ' l ' i : ! I I lir tnaili t'-.i ' Mi n!' tli" 'i" M ' : , I t l n l ii, ,ii:l :t.l t'-l wli'i 1 1 1 ' " t . ii - .. . x -'. - ci'-; :if t!u c'fihiu.'i: i.i- ii) i ' : ; !i i ll,- l. i!m- .rir..-' l - ' . , .m l u ri 'hi imuv. i i n ,r ; . ' ' . ' .. i i!ii-i .: -..l .,, t',.- I -.; i: . I ,. :;. i 'Wi p:i.i'i 'i i- I-' ! .i i i ., i .t iii ; (. Mill t-r '.! I': ' ' : I " ' . '--.n't fition.,1 s;y. I, - v, r i'.,-!.-. v. , 1'.. I ii M i ' v .. m,-!;. ,-i I . ,,-. .. i: ; . , ; m ,.iV" iitin v, :: . W- I, a! I ui-'n- j.;i r'y rui :! ::i'i ! . 1 1 i i , ! : .: 1 1 1 1 1 ciM'!- t i i I'I; i' 'pi - i'" - .' 'I'i '" Hi.'-,. , I. .'.'!! ( . I :, ;i v, , :! . ; li.'l 1. Tt; -y !mv . ,' ! : . ". : :. 1 ti-tm u t ii - ! i in : , i i i ;; t . tin- i-:tl. in .i'-ii !! . " 'I. i!' " !,.. i.l .-I" il. :;. im! . .'i n. ;. , . :. 'I :n. I 11.;; t'i- V ,u, I . : V. ; i, ,.l . . t..n. Ihll, l.-.ti I I. W'- - - . I't'i'I pt-arf mi' Mi" i' !. !- .i- ..- r "!-. ::m I t!: 'i H'i' Ihll I il i',',' I I'm- i'i'- ' ' ' i ' . . , i - 1 I . i' 1 1 ' tmi li.iv r ,(, ;M ; t. ;; ! : . . -Ih-liM . ' 1 1 , 1 i i , i , ;!,; ....i .;,.,,..'. :.. . -t- i Ml I.h r .'k;' .... ir i!h- p ,1. : n-,-1 i,. ih- .-itimi h;,,! ( u ;i I ! - -1". - f ,.1 V . Iii ', i . ' n l tlh- r,l I h! !':.. : ' 1 M: 'i. , , ;. i , , ii'"l tin- (' ll- ifil'i'.n nti I '-- i . i : . i ::.! ,-i t 'ir -wm'(1 in 1 'i ''!, r : I 1 1 ; ! , .' ( ' i. i ii, y '. lul l . :'.- ,i . v ' . i' !. ' I Ii n tl i' 1 iii HI in i1 ' : " , ' ' : ii' :; Hi-1 1 , i n -' '! i; '!,- 1 i.-tu.'. ti tl !'i :i:i'l ih-. . . i . : i .. i i I i ;r' -t, li ;!' i- n ! i ' ' - t ' n i r -lit ttn' u . fit u . i' ' i 1 !. : . ': i . i , l .'ii! ll, :iM' :i II -i'y ! !' : t:;'i , ' 'i' ... iUr :i 'hi -fl' t . Hi " n . ...IM li-M'1 .. tin- wh',1.- lii-i t . v!i:! .'i!---'- w ;'. ! ! -1 I (V Ii iii r.i''' ill ii-- - ' . i ! 1 i'i Ii ; i ;i ., ! : t i. ll'U tT tit' U'm 'il ;i ! , i; . i !' V. in fl:iic;i. Mr. IVi-t. . ! V.'-.l u., : ... . :' ' ; . : ;.: ; , : i ' nt-t . I t'. im- ill': t!i.- ( ; - rM ::v ! ; -H'-I : m i .'I' ; ; ; ;i ! . ; : m.i III- t ''i ., u :' 'i '. ! . . 1 ' l.;l- HI. Air. '! i.;.: .. i.i ... ! ' . r-.' ,:t y ,' r .. : . M r. (' , '.!.) i-.-; T . .lir.- v..:.' ..I Ir ' i .. ' -i I ' " u'.-'U. .Hi : lt..t !r.ih.:.: ' I.v . 'I: ' ;i i;. TI,,' II-..i t!i- :i !. .!'; , y i .'.: -, rrC-rn I i ' i !:!. n i :i." ('.,.:; :i :';.. I;. ...'lir :J'.i'. ir. Li'M.r ( i'.n;1 ' . ; 1 . !-.;: - , : n.l.i r..i:.''i.l.;. ; ..:!: , ; ; ' i'.v . .1. Mt Im' -I it ! , , ,-..u ..' li .- iii:i. 1. t,v- u I - :-: . :nnl :.m ;i;'"r-:. i i m. ' i !:. . , , V.'tiv.'i'ii -'i n, .y i.i!;;. ti--v t ) ; ( i i . i a - , ' ' i, , f..:i :i:::L.'-i ! i il'i' ' i i i t '.Mi ' ' , ' : ., v, h ; Mr. I.'i - r ! . - . - , , ' ', ii! !i i. a : i. ! i " ,1;. . :iti l ii- v. tt t i I; . t!ii . n'.a-;.i , . .1',.- at I- t'..' r: a r l, 1 t , !.;' UlMMV '-.' , , I: n;'r ii.. ! it i, I . .- tl..m a in.t -l.ii..' I ii. :! ;i. :.i. t!i im. ::"i m( V ...I' .Lis. . t- r. . . ;i. .i ,. , t .'.; '! "va. C.i.l. Jii-.i lui' . ., . i :.. !iT l..r tin: t'niili .It'iury, mi l in , ' ,i m i. M'hir.' ti li u in I of tlu'-i' tii.irhiniM, . I, . ' i i ' 1 hita nil our Siuthcin citir-. . i .i ;i m nf tin 'h'i- tli ii. inn li' i.- fir tlif . . i. .- ',, in I r n.-i"l iti lln-,ii:il-, n rtii'itl.-irl.v i in ! 'in. I u oui.'l. ..1 ,-u.ia, u liilc ii i'i-iinii . im- 1 1 1 ' i v ..1 ! i In- .itl,lic Li whom il will he '.I it ; i.,i ..ti, Mr r.ih'-J .i' H.-.-iii'. Tliiifi hy t.- ih - -.!' i'ii- ir in wliioli wo an- i-nprii-.l, i ih.' .'i.i.'i pi .it' our ..".)l w o itt'o lir'nnii, .ii , iti-.r ;iii-l in .i'.' ili'iri. inh lil o ".nip Viiilkru i I lir- n ;" :iti I oy I lie linn- I ho ;ir i'Ium-.s wo Iihm i ..'il', iu I'. liii U' (.lir m!ilii;il indi'iM'iuh'iirt' hut ! . . ; r Im.n ial aiil imln-triul i ! m t m i m 1 1 n t-ti ol .' l !.' u':'i air tlilljT lo Mihjujrilto It"., US well I1,. ..iU u lar-,'. I,rt wh Inlinr hy nil thr 1 1 in ' ur I"-" ' f, lo iitvi'tiipli-h thi." : ..!. w iii, t '.i ntr h t ho I'uiii'U'.-y ul' (iiluiii (! irnr ;, . '.. t n; I t.. MV.' nut' rcudpf-i U lilupc ilrlnih'd ii t ..J tin.' rut h.u ni.h'liiin'. Ah'iihIh iu, p -- - "h aiilif' Iron ( : f'l. X, )'. . .., JlWl ,h,Uf. II , M W 1 11. 11 I I'll M liTI I' MONTI ot!S, ANoillKU U ATi II or r.wi.nti.s. I f Mi" our iron t'hnl sy-t'ni is tliidio.l n ml rc i 'i I i iii..ri' m 1 . i .nu'ij tiro tn;uli Not ron '..I it:, i. nil. iii. I ho two luteins of .Mmiilor ImiI ',. , v, i.ii'i liiil ;imv.:.1 lul.iw tin-protfli-n of .,' v ; ii. i' i,t : i , j.i.wt r anil iiHuliirralnlily, . n,:.. . iii iv ::iv'.u out I.'i' I wo ninii'U;- orntn i a i -i . i . I i.i in t h Ii(-t;itor, will. on Inrrrt tnni iv. i mi-, ai.. I I ho i'itrilaii, willi two lurr.'l.n uml ( .i;i, im iit.-'i' of which in coiiiih lril ; hut, :: ran ho Icium-.I. I hey will prove il . 'i'-u'c ih'" c!' t'ifir ;'iim!lor piv-h-.a' t'i.'' ! t en -in. . i.mhpI iiatlliral m.'hii thh- r-"UII-,. I i ...iii. )u tli il i,i Mn uhu U iituir will Ihr-r 1 r .ii" up t'i th-'it' tlr.-iiii; r's roiilrnrts, It n.- niton.-1 im r "lihlo lhal a Navy Ih parliiu-ut ' il i h.' Imiih I uhii-li wniilil ;'ivo out a r nitrart lor r '..! .,.. ii ' l.i'oii Imiis, hirli is lo carry only i -:mm l will co -t la'tMi'i' hrrlinal roinplot'h'li I. 'il' Hi1, (Ml. i ; ;in 1 Vol tlti Cliil'i:ioilrf !i ! n :i ni,ti iii the f'iM'c vari.iiH facts al--i loin,, iiin. which wiio known t.. tho )c- .'.i ;m. :M. Ion r.irt'I'iilly ooiiooalnl from ihc ptililic. i ' '- Ii.i-. iho li'i..rl,S mI' otli.'cp.-- -.-litU'lii. II uf i ' i ..;!!, .ni l u !in liavo .-ri e.l rt hoard of llu so ' ir.iiiy cMtolriiiii ihciu, and in J-'oino in : i . i;i i i ', i.tiirial toroi.-1. It tni,:hl in a :i- h .'"ii i. in..:; to it.- pynvid. d Ihorf.' vixri. '..I- d .try ".in I iv.-ul!,-, or that Ihi- onunaoii.i . ii' :!' I hrrr, htit Sllfli wiH Hot 'lio iMM'li'l ..ii hy U'aiu, nrw plaiif U'ci u 'h:i;;'iu'd v, .h .., 1 1 m .. 1 1 i i . ' lobular jipproi'i ialiiiii., and to ''.1' ll,:'! i'. in ; tin1 hoh- m rati wj - i ho nihiorlrd u. ; I'm'.m .-.!' tin '.-i' two wondrrful .dnp, tlh! n i a. id h.dl'iw f reams inim ho allriidrd , i :; :..!y a lii:hl draught w.-Jrl vai j-ro-' ! ; 'I ni'Mi, .if ooiu-o. 'Ihcrcfoio twenty i:i'i:Ii!- v.. ;,' CMiilia.'Ir.d I'or, to ho c-Oilph'-! 1 1 : Mil .'!! . l M. 1 1 ! MI'ilith.". in1 f il..-r i'--ol is ready lr scrurc. 1 :'. sr r liir.i !- i ailed i'.r them fnnil ix to im i". hi., a.:-'. U'c inlnrnird tilal tlio vrs !. - i i - u i r.i : t d j. r has ivit fairly hrrn Muried. iii'.' ; i' .'lid he niontli ho fore she ran he 'n.i... i. 'I h .i.d.iy has hrrn cau-e 1 aluio.-l ii ii;. I;, i'i.' N.iy I' p.ii'iiiu'ut who li;id licoii I'.'iy ii i j d 1 in idtiiiiin th.dr jdans and i i.m,.1 I'i..iii Mill1 ti lime, sh'iwin lliat I hey , ; . 1.. a l.'n.d i.- hy ;:iie.--u ork all the I im.-, a - y . i it- ih-' r,i nt' i ho M'eond haleh of Al.uii : .i.i i l,;i I hi.-y ih"y not "huill up" on tlio-r ' i .. ' ei. hi (in iifhvs they would have , , i;. e li. id il I' nf the WOilderfi'd , ., l,..,n. ht I- c--cU 'KMi'ih d hy an ; "i l,.-tia, we uir cifihlcd topeakol v : !i - .im .1 'j;'. o' reriaiiily. Wiliioul .I-. .i;.ii..-, tiiiieis. runs, ciuil, shire-, Ac, ,. . . ut the v. alt r I wo inches at the .-Icni 'i'i ii,!r y .il t!ie h. w, iiud, ;ic.'Mrditi to Alallhew !,::.-. v.:,. ll fully equipped Ihey will he ;i 1 m . it t -i". ia ri In iiMith the mm faco ni tin walrr. ,t !; ;i -ia; - ..I ihiaiis may have hern sought for 1 y I'- !o 'le.-i.-rrrs; hut wo jh.)iild think that Ihey i i i th'i' .a- 'nii.'e a Miliinariiie eor to -a'd Ih-'in. i- 'unii'liil iu u. lo t'ih rate men in jxiit hTi.i of ii i u ill tiiiis u a-te' our money in times like . '! !, -.- m ..U.-hould have heen huilt un it" y li:.d '"tii ul'1 ' to theit, we r.Hil.l . -,! tii. in In ad iiu ta:;o in the waters id' North .; ii.. , R'uiaikalde craft lu.- horn CMiiph' u, "1. A imiiiij.i t-nt witiiffs an ohl otoii i ,, - i.ih-whnt In: saw one of the new Aloiii-i- '.m( . w ll'-tnii haihur recently on an ope i;, ul ,i i i iii . i'lie -on was smooth, the woathcr ! ; -ii ' . u i Ii ii iii-ii"i ate hreezo from tliR north- i ii, 1 . k, in f'Jiiio places, was kue deep i v.,. . II. i pr. ,-ctl tlio opinion that if .she . i t'i all inpi io !.'n to mm, in a moderate single ;', t..p,..:l Vr- -,:!', tlm wtilit of water which ; ii;,-' i' t1 ! '.' f,.l nil Iff deck Would sjllk her. i .iii i i .ml io-r tosi-.i at all was injudiciou.- .' iiici i'.Mi.' we -ii.-iild he iihlc to lind in our ii-; ! ciii ii-;1: of native hr.iins to et up sotueihin' -,t ;t v; I 5.,- ..f - 'iM i"o to us. and it seems nil-,-i lo mm i'M Milivr talrnt to mx-U foreign In'ailis . -.' m ...,d i tti.d the interests of otir iron-clad ,v. 1 ',u- hi :tci ' pl.iiis ! -r iron olails luno hem .!. i..n, aa l pu.-lied away in contempt hy ,. ..r y nt, so that the .Monitor interet ;i ,,1 Ii.i'. e lail - tt ili.u', 't -j. ; ;m'. on c. hi'iilioii now in this city plans of m ,:.,i) r.i. v t .--J t hy ';iptiiin Autfii-lus U'iilker. u ..!! and i pi rieuei'd s anion, which, for fdretith .',;.-m. y and .-peed, seems to he just lha thini; r :i i.ii pnrp .-es. 'i lie plans tire ship slmpe, atid ! im. niio r .-f vein ilatioii appears as near pyrfee- n ,i - j. . mI.I". A essel huilt from thr-o plans mi in I-, a oire-hv j!'o lo sea and cope with an tu .av. in-"an carry a heavy broadside hattery, -! 1 iv "1 I iiu!v lie ;i t'ormidahlo vessel, U'e think ii-h a era,! jd'.otiU ho called "Kundiii:' There : :mmi:.-' olln-r plan--, hy persons, far more dc- .:' i'i. hi i!o- .Monitor class, and Ihey will net ; ,ii , !;iMt", M'id it i-i time that a trial were ; i v -; - :n ot!n r c!a-J. Lei i.s ha e Sotue "Kurcka-" - a ; i.iiii . i i no more like a Alonitrr than a !o':iii ; . .k" a .-hip. ."-'cores ot men stand ready lurai a phins for invuinerahh:, huuyant and fa-t i n o-.-tdfi which can iiva in a ."eu-way, an '' M i,: ' a w-.ri uith ji respcctahlo nuiuhcr of in - t in that human Iieins can live in, and 1 ,.t v. a:1 Im a i m' lit lo our country and our tla. I ; i .. v i ii" a- oftiioc who have served in a I ",il .ri i.e.r opinion ot them, and tlio answer will he ii;. 1 1 1 . v ,,r,Mi -ni-erahle, torturous, h;i!th-distroy- : ; . ' niit to liiiike liiohoy and huild op tlio m i. , ' ,i!im.i of mi on '.incer who has never . iii , . pM fi et Ion ,my i h-a helms o er advanced. ;; i-; .'.i . ' ,!it M .nil u -are stu h a miserahh) fail- ;i . i .ii" r.i a he f nml w ho will openly father h ."'p!;o:i. It-,a a vain rl'.ritois attempt to i. ;'i" ,:Mmi'iii.! original Alonilor.-, hut it !. 'I'! .. :.! .: of w oaf i a!l. d a rre it featnte n r" T7" -r:rTT er.i M-fHt-if e.".:iiparhneiits. in ho lill- , " i ;vi: T : .i , ,uk t n.-oi low in the wa'cr in ae- ' ! j ,;Mp- rty of an indi vidua I w ho will in i" 'in..- i i , in . hi- patent piipers, and ohtain lus i ! .:,. law ful lee for liie infringement. The Al-.n-i. : !!. are ..n lie ir lai-t h'-s : lhejare .luine; ' i i ! i ue!l tla-ir pile of ;rrceti ha k, so that .!: !i :!, , i v liie hoard they will have enough I tl. ' Ir i-ict Inn ; ;i'o lh;it -onie ,f (hi in cn-leavored : i a pinup I in ir own invetilion into the . i.: ii.m I. .., '-. It was, they said, a letter :u.; . o, , .in -.- it wa-'. It co-ts just vmm more . lieu- p-iuip. Hut what were twenty -. . ( '.. e 1 a pit ee r!l a, lo the govern in. ut ? ';. .a- a ho le ir. tiling. Lot Sil'.IHMt ainon t pi. 't. -o..d lor pumping Lnelc Sun's . I m -e Monitor rhap.- iind.-r-tan 1 tlio - : ii .n a- nicely a- any one you can find. . , , . we Id not lia.e the hills of incidents 1 i v: . p 1 1 , 1 ; h., I nfiifiully. Itwoiild the '.:;ii ohii. , and e!o.-o the mouths of thc-e ; !m im.. t'.-yh.i.l thus far suOu i n t iuHm nce i. ; ii 'ii. -. !v. - ..nt of troiihl." ;ind iv.ii' t" tlio . 1: -w v !, o a'h inpl- to tioiihlo them. It is :.. . i o p ' ai" ii'iw for corning t veiil". c m ' i i; , ,l i.t t-i .-el lie with Lnland, 1'raneo and . . i ii. i, and we want .-moe .-cai; )in ::.!. Itatt ly. Ari.i', lii.I-r. ! out p'.ih and n . i:i. aliotis: di.-' yur ii. - : 1:'- i il kie-w nothings, and have I.:;,,?: -ti- have ;tn a'lttnda nee ot ral I . i ' . . r in I m :1m- lit f-.r M-rvo-e t!iee li';!it -v. nic'i, iiftiT Hu-ir n-'w ;il; r . . v ii! - a i' a.M t v o miiie-n dollars, and - .- t.. I.. ; i.t di.tu.rht ve-.-L'! -- i e .-hall ' ol i. o ei i f - , t w (ait in tin in' nr. w Inch i. . , - id it - ! ."' nr I wo !.. - and v.iittclr-- ; :. , i'. i w "ai.ii iii. w re dr.-ined. Tlh-y i, 1 m i ii ii.i'.r iMhi.t the shallow h.i v i ' !.,. i- ; fi.ey Will carry a li jhu-r ai m,i- i o 1 ;lt i .l, . 1 h,,... I't.-I, , (0 lole- . 1 -ince l.;.t ihrotuh ihc oi.-fin;i" -f I. have ha I th-e v els foiled ..... i . ti. tun. ..vr tw. Uc millions dollar-: i -w t'.at we ae'.i illy n.'i' 1 !ih; dr.nuht re-- 1. 1. 1 i In in u; h. i ! v w i'i''!i!c", .Mavimlllitn's l'nrlaiiialluiu On 1 his '."Mli nil., Aliiximiliuu i.-Mied Ihu iollow- ! )', I'lo.'hiuiali'iii : - j Mi;H ASs: Vmi have de.ired me, Vmir liohle ' Hiiti ill, hy n poiitaneous tnnjority, have .-eleeteil me lierirriMtth to wjilrh over your destiuie '. I do. j hvoi m st If up with ,i".V In this cull. However j painful il may hao In en for iim- to say farewell fo- i i'er lo niv initivi' country nml to my luu',j',d, I have already done it, Inlly persuaded Unit the Al- nijlily has called me, Ihioii'h you, lo Iho liohh-mi-t-ioii of ooneeutraliii all my m't'ht and ho ill to a people who, worn out by disaslroiis couibaH and I warfare, sincerely ih siio peace and prosperity- a I people who, haviiiLT secured llieir iinlepeii-leinc, i wihh now to enjoy the fruit, of civilization and tine pro-rre. ' . j Tito mutual confidence with which u are aiiiina- ! ted, yon and I, will he crowned wnh a Irilliiint . fitceesy, i4' we remain all united, to valorou.dy de- fend (he if rout iirinciobrf which are the only tn:o and dura hie loiindal ions of Sla'es ; the pi iueiples of invhilabh and immntahlo justice, if c.iiality under tin! law. the oath open lo nvery one, lo till enrcets and oi'ial positions; the completo personal liberty, ! n.- ri'hlly understood, securing with il the protee- i tiou of Iho individiialand of properly, tile develop- I nuMit nf tlio niirion'it wealth, im rnvoment in H;;ri eulture, mines and indtulry, tho estahlishuient of j means of rnmtnunication 'v an coin- j merer, and finally the development of education in all in relations with the public interest. The bless- 1 in;;s uf Heaven, and with them pro.irrc. - and liber ty, wilt iisMiredly not fail us, if all the fnclioiis, al .. lowing Ihom-rlves to he led by a strong and b.yal ','nvrrninrnt, .Oiall unite t'i reali.o ihc object which I have indicated, mid, if wc klways eoutinim to he animatrd by the religious sentiinenli by which our be 1 1 1 M I ill cell IH rv Ims d;-t ill "lo lied il -elf e-Ml di 11 in its inn t uniotpl' ieiri'rf. " 'flu' eiviliiu lla;; of I-'raiiee, raisod so hi'h by her noble Kmprror, to whom ymi owe ih'' re ;..( nor- ut in ii of order and peace, repiescnlH these name I prineiplcs. This is what ihc chief of his forces said lo yon few months since in sincere and dis interested lunjjiiaije as a forerunner of a new era nf happiness. livery country which has wi-hed to have ;i future lias come to he irreat and stroll;,' by following (his road united and linn, (tod will pvc ii- strength to reach tho grade of prosjierily which we ib sire, Mexicans ! the future of your beautiful count iy is in ymtr hand.-: a to myself I oiler you a Hiieere will, loyally, and a fiim intention lo res poet your law-, and to can-a them to be re-pecrd wilh an iuviiriahle authority. (in. I and your eonlideiict const il ule niv .-In njrlh. The haiiiier ol'intb pcndcuco my symbol, my de vice, yon already know "eijiiily and ju-liie;" I shall be taithful'to il all my life.' ll is toy duty to trnifp the seeptrt: and the sword of honor with firm lies, ll becomes ike inevitable tak of the I.'m piesto consecrate to the country and Iho noble seiiliunmls of a Cbri-tiiUi virlue and all iho sweet uess of a tender mother. Let us un ite (o ga in the common n:d: let us forget puM hadiws; Ut us bury the odium .dJacliou, and the aurora of peace and merited lupniucs will .-'hi tie a'ain radiantly over the now empire. Al a I M I I.l . Vera Cruz. .Ma.y J.', lst',1." I'lio Cajtturt' of PeUMhur. Il i-1 iinpossihlc to escape Ihc eoiivietiou. from tho I fads in posses-ion of the public, that Leo has been i outgeneraled fit a di-advanlHLre by the roecn! j change of biisc efl'ectcd hy I.'en. (.rani's army. It ' is in.-erinaldc why Lee did not attack tifiint. on I flank altd rear, while crosr-iti"; the Peninsula; and, : failing in thai, il i-equally in ".plie;iho why. h.iv i itU' the interior line, he did not throw a uilieieni force into I'eleihur lo lndd it a'iiiu-t the alia, k ! of lien. 'Jrant's advance. The frciel of lhi- la-t j 'ivi r-ilit may he in the fad that lYler.-hui;; wa- ( capiiii'd by t;.'ii. Smith's forcrs, which w re sent aiotind to IJriiuiid.i Hundred, ('pun UY.-I Point, on I 1 Iran-poii-, mid In ncc Lee. in watehuie; ;ind tuning j tlie mow incuts ot various corps ol (he Army ot the Poloinae, did lmt take into a- enuul the po-.-ibilily of a movement of any of ihc cups by w;iter. The 'udden capture of Peter.-bure;, before the change of h.i-e was eth'cled, is a very marked in-taneo of tht: uipidity with which (iencral (irant executes his movements, and reminds one of the sudden msreh of (1 moral tdierman'd corps towards Jiickson, Alis-sis-ippi, the day afti-r Yick.-hur fell. The capture of Petcr.-huri; is undeniably of verv urcat importance; it ruudeu unaviiitahla tli "rent South. -in Kailio.nt Of wuicu Kicliunmd IM'ollIK el -eddirceily with Wiliuintoii, ('h;i rb ston and Sa vatinali, and iudiieetly with the whole South. Doubtless full one-half of the supplier wliich re.i' h the rebel capital conic by this route. With the diMihlcinent of the Virginia Ccnlral ami the Hor donsville, which has been pretty thorough, there remains but two 5oureus of supply to Richmond -ihe Duurille Itoad and dames river Canal. U was the intention of tho Sheridan raid, unions other useful objects, to have made (hn canal useless lo tho rubric. While it is undoubtedly true that (.'eneral (irant is in a better po-ititin for .trikiu a deadly blow at the rebel capital than he lias ever bn-n before, it would be well not to bo too sanguine of immedi ate re.-ults. There is a vast deal yet to do to cap. tare liichmoud and defeat tho rebel army. Kort hurling will have to ho taken a job of itself of no small magnitude tho south side of the rebel capita iiiin) In. niviwli'il iitol ii.orri iioi.ortiinr flotn til) the Ianville Road must not only bo reached but j held. The country must prepare, therefore, for pos'i- bio disappointment. I'ort Jhirlinj may Im more drVh'iilt to capture than has been conjectured, And . the investment of Uichmoud may prove a tedious i operation. A for tho Ihinville road Lee's whole army will doubtless bo engaged in tfuardin i'. and, if ho ' is allowed lime to throw up iutrcnohmeiits, the eventual possession of the road may cost neumer ous tind bloody stru'lcs. Ileiioe thnuh tho news is cheeriii-' and promise to viebl fruit in due sea son, it. will not do for the country to jump to Iho j conclusion that Richmond is already captured. We j discredit entirely tlio rumors that iho rebel rapiial i has been or is to bo, evacuated. Wo I 'dieve tiiat t!ie rebels w ifl hold on to it to tho last extremity, and thai Lee'.' army, instead of bein cooped up in the city, will ho employed to keep open flic coin munieulion wi'h it by way of the Itanville and I other roads. Tin- nation however basraum to he i truly thankful for the splendid success which lieu. (irant has Achieved in chanin his base--A' ' York- Worht, .In,, US. j The Campaign in VirInfn. Peteihur' is in possession of our forces. An j outer line of entrenchments, two miles from town, was stormed by lienoral Smith on tlio lath nit., and the town was occupied by llenerais Hancock and Smith the next day. Tho fact "that (Jen. (Jnint lias been aide to get Peter-burg "o cheaply may doubtless he nooopled as an evidence that his passage of tlio James, river had taken liei.eral Lee by surprise. i Had (Ion. L"o contemplated the pus -age of the river a1 a poihjify he would have thrown a huge i force, if not bin n hole army, into Petersburg during i the two in which tirant was making his way to tho river. He had ample time lo reach Peters- j burg, and it was. certainly Iho point for him to hold. ; His army is of moro cou-eipience to Hie Coufedc- racy than Richmond- is, and he might have bet- i I ter ri.-ked that now worthless city on a single baltlr i i than ri.-k the very existeiiou of his army in the , i attempt to hold a tmniiu tt capital, hopelessly is- I la'ed from its. whole ti rrit.'iy and from all means of 1 Mipport ami supply. j Lee's I'lilure to hold Peter-burg i. a satisfactory . evidi'iiee of hid inability to cope with (irant. Cam- pa inning iii the well heat, u track from tho Kapidan . to llii bmoiid, mid in the well measured and wtdl , I li ied country on the Chickahouiiuy . Lee did V'-ry p well ; but the moment that a grand ami m. v idea ; con.-'- into the struggle he fails. 1 ; If Lee i- to hold Uirhuioiid, Fort Darling will ( j he tho next point of interest. Hut tho di.-pah h ( i from Mr. Slautou states Munewhat obscurely that '. ' Leo is preparing to hold tho west bank of the Ap- 1 , pomatto. Near Petersburg the Appomattox run.-. ! from west to east, and if wt ;im to undiT-tautl that ; Lej is holding the nrth bank we may, perhaps, inter that Im is holding a point on wliich to re.t bo. , 1 I't wing in mi attempt to retreat towards Ihinville. ! .Win York Jfrrot-l, Jtne I ' No 'I'i m k Foit Com n im c m . Army team-tors arc , pro erhial (or the acienhtie o'ubility with which I tiny .-wear. A tcumstcr with the Cumberland Ar my, not long ago, stuck in the mud, and he let tly it -tream "f profane epithets would have ns : tonisln d "our iirmv iu I'huiders" even. A chaplain pas.-iug at the tiino was greatly shooki d. "My friend." .iid he to the tt ainMcr, "do you know w ho 1 died for cintii r-?" "1 u y.nir conundrums ! Jiou't you -ee I'm .-tio k in liie mud.'" : v.-The Princrs- Cor-iui wa-1 anxious l- appear ;it the ree'ptiou of the Preneh Amba.v-ad.r wearing ;ill hereditary diamonds; so gn-iit is the pre-cn' in-ei'uriiy ot Lome that she dated not tru.-t Iier-t If w it ti i,. ,"o;. .tmmonl-. uolc-s , W; ae.'otn- panie-1 by an e-..rt d dragoon-; which idle a-ked for and obtained. Tin; Timor-.. -We have h day had the pleasure of u e u .a. a! en wnh an oilier commanding one of our le .'inii ni-, who is ju I from iho Iroiil, Ho biuiM If ha- been a de I inj-iii -In d and meritorious aetor ir lie' war, I. 1 1 1 ' r. n l' 1 1 1 e..nver-anl wilh Iim , ihiiiii I pro im He .-peaks in glowing li ims i : thr t'.c'iiM 1'unlidi in-e in tlm army. Neither labor, watehiag, tior lighting dcpl'rssejt the men, They i oii-ider Ihem-elves the ictots up to this time lin y Im lh w Inc ,-ueee;.cful I'CM.vtaiice to (irant will tt-ml lo close up tho a. 'count--mid they i n 1 1 ii i to wliip him and hung about tin solution of oiir dilticuliir-. liv iht wav, hiippening lo lie at ihc railroad de pot la, t niylil, we hud an oppoitujnly of witneshiug NMiiethiug "I the sa -de -pii il d tine sohliery. One brave fellow, who-c h- had been amputated, called for an ambulance to go lo a hospital ; hut not being able to gel a conveyance, he mi id : " Wei! turn UU orer mi lhi plank. It's as good a the ground, and I have tried thai, and so has Ibib Lee. We'll foon whip out Craiil, and - and all go lo hr l." Wo miw auoiher wounded man, who was craving n Utile mill.. IL is the laM of livn liroihont, four of whom have hern killed. This ouo and his Noll hare both been wounded, and Ins wile bus become blind chirr he last miw her. "Yel," said ho, "If I wcio not wounded, I would rather go hack to my company than to goon home; for' said ho, "1 wan I to see them out." Such are noble inMunees of true pairioii.i-iu. Made up of such iiiaUrmlj the army is inin ;Uo. ,'oc,, ('otifuhuitr, I wi'oii i s,' L en i s ami -The Nf w York ('tniiiimviitl jl Im t ixi r gives Ihc figure uf tho im ports uud export" al New Viirk for forty nineweekii of tlm fiscal car w hii h ent wi(htJiirf month, as compared with the Iwo jeai-i before. In tho f-p i t!io..i.l l.-i ttv iio.oiu, Iim producu e x pol led amouutirig to I ., IL' l.'.MiS, against $1 2a, 1 I I, rad in: r:..l. I-i l a'.:: the hal.inee was .still fav .iahl. , t j orN being 1 1 s(7 v.l ,,y.t and imports fit'-, 7 I.!, oii,I. This year I he balanca. agaiinl us is i iciie, ihc c.xpoiis falling to -S I a ,(l7S,mitl, and the iuipoit swelling lo S:'o,, 1 111,01,'.. A large amount of ( 'ahfoi nia ;;obl ship ped from the i-thinus lo Kurope this year, imd l uited States boinU have oiie abroad, hut Ibis has not pii'V.uh'l I ho exports of speck' from New Yoik from iucn a-iiig. In 1 ti' the. ,-preic export ed 1 1 1 in thai city .j:!,Vdti,l i'a, iu I Mi. I it was S.,l.::',i,iH'., and this war il is S. f ,('r I. Mean Miitpi.t ill New York fiom California, which iu I ilj .'i weir in it u months Ik.mO.J IS, have filleu ( .L'.T showing iho riiorunuis di.iiii Jol .-p. eie w hii h i.- now "oitig on, in addition to I he hipiin-ui of our regular ';old product. - nril' J.iiinii., Scn.ilor Louis I . U i-liill. We ha'! the honor of a vi.-if lo our saucium Fri day morning, from the Hon. Louis T. Wigfall, Hie able and popular Senator troin Texas in the Cwu Jrd' iitte ngn-. Vo are happy to slate that he is looking well, and i-. in line spirilcas to tho future d' ii i -country. Ilrlak.- a mo-l hopeful view of our pr- t-, fr;inug more irotu dis-cnsions at home llntu from the enemies c -nl roiit ing our ar mies In ;i Ion ; e..u er ai ion w it h Hii-i able nml aoil oiis del'endi r of State liighls we found liim free I loin iiil alarm a- lo ihc hrrihle . Li iim igf this iloe trine as expoumlrd and laii;:hl by Calhoun, is like ly to sillier IV. ni the hand- of the Confederate an thoriltcs. lie doe hot share the bars inlerlained by Air. Stephens Covenior l!i"wn and others, that our I iovei nun nt is drill ing inlo a o ntralicd tlcs-poti-m. W liwti -uch nu n as Havi-, Wifall, Hun-l-r and ho-l- ol oile rs of the old Slate itights School dorian llii- I a. id niicnlal doctrine of our (ioveinnii rial s -lem ;m .-ale, wo need not. heed the h --"i M d.t-and th" new eoinerts when tiny issue lie i1 piii i' !" ' io ot a gloomy Inline. .i',niM i;,:f;icr, i lomls in tlir midst ut Sunshine, We cannot epc"t an unvarying round of success in w ,ir any m. no than fair uii'diaiigeahh: weathor in miiiire. YictMiy and defeat ever alternate in their ii'tlit-hccs i.u the popular licarl, and hy thiti time wilh the expericn 'O of ihree long weary years of lears and bluod our people .-dmuld liave learned to bear with ei(n;il grace all things, ho they of weal or woe. A lver-ily is the trial of principle, thu true toin-h ,'toi I' merit: and ad the old play stiy: It' . 1'. o ii , , u O ii n -i Mi ! !l oe.-n Ile-t know", to di.ip. Iii-cull--.' to i'iivoi in laei e." Our community a;o today itnpat'u ul, and Le-e;iu-e impaii. n, alihetcd w 'lh fear and doubt. We have received no lcgraiii.- from Richmond no word- of cheer--although the lines are knnwu to haie been npi.-n to tlio capital. Put why despond? Mur knowbdge will not change the hue of ovents or alter the Almighty fiat that has gone forth n a hundred ballbMurrrs We shall bo Kiiccessfnl. Trials may beset us bill trial" are our mortal bul lat. If we (Sorrow, h t il he fur the suhstanoo, not. the shadow. Lad lin k to-day -worse luck to morrow, (t'ii. Foiti-sCn TliuiikNriviJir Orrtcr J I r a ihjk'h I'oiiitKsr's Cavamiv Dki't, I Tupelo, May I 1, istH. f (ien-ral (irdeiH No. I I. The Major (ienrrai comuiiimling, devoutly grate ly to the Providence of Almighty Hod so signally vouchsafed to his command during tho recent cam paign in Wc-I Tenners. o, and deeply penetrated w ith a fa use of dependence on t ho mercy of (iod in the present eriis of our beloved country, ro ipicsis thai military duly ho so far suspended that divine service may he intended at Jl) o'clock A. M. to-morrow by tho whole command. Ifiviue service w ill he held at these headquarteri', at w hich all soldiers who tiro disposed to du so aro kindly invited to ultend. Come one, conns all. Chaplains, in Hie ministrations of tho gospel, tiro rcpiested to r member our personal preservation with thanksgiving, and o-pucislly to beseech tlio ihrono id grace for aid in this our country's need. Lv command of .A raj. (Icn. FOUR EST. Tin following incident was related h us by an ofii''er a few evening's since; Ibiring the skiriuish preceding the halllo of tho Wilderness, near Richmond, and while our pickets were gallanlly charging those nf the en.'iny, pri vate Wash. Havis. of tho Columbus (iuards, I'd (ieorgia, tat lirst commanded by tho heroic and lamented (icn. Paul .1. Semmes.) was mortally wounded. While expiring, he exclaimed to his comrades "Roys, tell my father I died charging, 'Tin pickeCs oil duty forever !' " What a sad and mournful, yet beautiful, illiiKtrn liuii of that sentiment of the gifted poet, Lamar Fontaine.--A"; oay ilxutrr. SltCKSM'.VIS IS R. MS It HO NoHI'U. SllTull K. LrJtiiiani, Loui.-a, Caroline May, Roxnua I'l'ditf, ALittlui Richards, Nancy Ruim and Ta hitha StevciH have been forwarded from hciid.uar tcrs department of the Cuniherloml, to he sent north of tho river, to remain during tho wur. Wo uro not advised as to the charges preferred against them. They were received in the morning, and landed ou tho Indiana shore in the afternoon. Wc incline to the opinion that they will not be tl Valuable acqui sition to thu lloo-ior Statu. Also to bo sent north of the river, Yalelino Toland, Alfred Huuckley, and Henry Jenkins. They are eiti,'a:iis of Jefferson county, ieMi. i fn!:: t, i.'.T' 'I'll,- S-niiti' yt' Irril iy pll -nl llli HiMHi' l.ill rrl.,;ilili' III'1 ci-l'-Wr Mi ! l'll-iliv,; ..hivn lift. An (.!' .,rt iiri'lo I.v l!rrr'Iv .liiliii.Miii In iIk tjrtin.'il fliivi. ii.jl "I IT'.'.:. ...i- l.xi; mc.i'.iire ..liaiiw Ihu Int.' .it' 1 1 r r - :iiiii.,' .l m t ,n, nii'l hnth arc wil'dl t'r. in III.' ,-i.iiiiti' I' ' .It. This was ono nf tlio iiii-viliililL' ro-ull-"I iln' .'tl'.. rl I,, iintku fhivury the uf lit,,' ivi'iiUic hy i.:iu'i'.ili!o mi'iiiM ami siiiw i.iii.i'i.n liiiii.nt-, iin.l lailin in ihut, hy irin-'in anil ii.iiiii! wur. -i'iii'-iinntli I ''miurri-iitl. (i.'ii. Sli..l...i I'. lit'.' has l"'in :...intc.l lti ii t .-ii 11 n t g. ni'iai aii'l will he irlaini."l in cnumau.l ,'l' III is ih pin lin. nl. I i i'ii. , v' ,rninuli,iii has houn ,h';L'rv'.-'l. nii'l his ai:i'nin. iit to ilnly hore, wIhto he i. .ju wt'll an. I l'a -.r.ihly, will he gratify In the n' i,lf an l a yiiarii'ilix' lliat the military f. lairs uf Iht' ih purlin, nt ..ill he cuiiilm-tcl with ahil Uy aii-l vi;"r. .''' i im n liu in. '.,'... 1 ' I . . l r li'.'in u, '.v wlual lias in.i'lt it.-; :t l,tiir antt' in .i-Iiili. Al.i. DILI), In Kml. (.'.'iini y, "ii tli,- :5" t li mI'.Iiiik', Wii.i.ik A. Su.M'ij: , .,n .t" I.i. nl II. ami Mr.. U. ... Saun .h r, a,, -l .! a:, l 1 m uith-. nf inll.imaliuu of tliu hrain. ' l!"w 1'nrly Ik. ha- j : i - -, I to that homu Iroui wlu ii'... no tiawlI.T r.-tiiriM. I:m ho hai e.-iciiicil tliu,iK .,!' ,.,uiU an 1 ii w r.'.i j.-; tlicjoyd uf the ctrrnal .v,.iM. HY AUTlIOni'JL'Y. prune acts nr tik l if-t oiiun.M ol the ('o.iti'di.rnte Stales, I'hsh..1 at tin. fourth w-.hmiiii, which huh b.'XHi. ami hrhl Ht I lie city of Kiclinioiiil, in Ihc Stnlo ut' Minim, mi Mmiiliiv, thu Nrvi'iith ilnv of Du (H'tnliiT, A. mil iMiili.,1 mi fhuirtdiiv, tlie .'inhlfmilli iluy of Kthruury, 1.J4. ('n il., An Act to j.roviilu mi luvnliil (,'oiim. Tin. Civntrri'sK of thu t'iiiifi'ili'r.itt.HtuU)iiof Anicr in. iln enact, Tlmt all olliccr.i, non-t'oniniinioncil iillicorn, niiwiciiuiK, irivuti-s h ml riomi'ii, who Iiiimj or who sIihII bepomu disiihloil by wound', or other injiiri.'s rcceivtid, ordisione eoiitictd in tlm ner vi. of tho Confi.i...rnl8 .SlutFH, until. Ilielincof duty, hIii.II bo retired or ilnthmK"! lioni ri'sn.cliv position n lii'ieinultor providtd. Hut the rank, pay nml t'liiolmncutu of nut-li ollici ra, und thl pay and vinoluui.'iita of tinch non-comiiiiMsioii-cd ollicvm, musiciitiiH, privkti-H und seauieu, hIihII con li ii n- to the end of the, war, or us lon) nhall coulinue no r.'liied or diHidiHi'Ked. f Ski-, -i. That all personH .'luiniiiiL' the bi'iit IJt.H of u. ui,uii ii......k.i.... rV. r t , I : .... i - - i - 'i . . to one in ihu iiieiut'iii riuiiiiiinij uoiirua now eniuil lislied by t'pou the ci'rtilu'nU' of such hoard that Kiicli periiimii'iit dinahility cii.sti, such per sons ahull ho retired or discharged Hi ifor.'Haid. Si:.:. 'I. That all persnim retired or dim hari'd its uforeuuid, ahull periodically, and ut least once in si x month, present tlieinnelvca to one of said bourds for further examination, under rculationa to be proscribed by the Secretary of War, the rc ault of which examination idialt be reported by siii'Ii li inrd to the nuirf Secretary. And if un'v such jan noii hIiiiII fall no to report himself to tmcli hoarn, whenever lie shall he re'jtlircd 8.. to do, he shall he dropped Iroui (aid retired or discharged list, and become liable to conscription, under the terms of thu hi.v, unless such failure shall bo caused by ihysiciil disability. Si..:. 1. 'I lint the Secrclary of War may assign such nlliceiH, and older the detail of audi lion ciiniinissioncd ollicers, musicians, privates uud seamen, for siirhiliilv us tlm y shall beipialilied to perform. I f liny hii.'Ii iinii-cominissiourd oUicers, luusiciaus, privities anil seamen, shall be relieved from disability, they shall he restored to duty iu their respective commands. Skc. 5. That the .Secretary of Wur shall make all needful rules and resolutions for the action of the medical boards us aforesaid. Sur. li. That vacancies caused by the retirement ofollicers under, nlnill be tilled us iu case of the death or rcsixwitiun of such ollicers. Ski:. 7. This act shall be ill force from its pus sne. Approred February 17, lstlt. Cilii' i. viii. An Act to authorise the promotion ofollicers, nou-couiinissioiif d officers; und pri vales for distinguished skill or valor. The Congress of the (!oti federate States of Amer ica do enact, That the President is hereby au thorised upon the recommendation of the euerul eoioiiiiiiiilin n department or a separate army in the Held, to fill any vacancy iu the commissioned ollicers of a regiment or buttiilion, bv the promo tion to the same, by mid will, the advice aud con sent of the Scnute, of any officer, iion-coininis-sioned olticcr or private who may have distill irurlicd himsalf by exhibiting peculiar valor or skill on the buttle field : Provided, That the otli cor, iion-coniinissioned ollicer, or private, an rec ommended n ii .) nominated ft r promotion, shall belong to the regiment or bitttuliou in which the vacancy may have occurred. Skc. ii. All acts and parts of acts iu i-miHict with Ihc above provisions arc hereby repealed. Approved February 17, Ik-H. ('in.1, i.ix. An Act to amend the uct entitled, " An act to provide and organize engineer troops to serve tluiing the war," approved twentieth March, eighteen hundred and sixty three. The Congress of thu Confederate Slatcst'of Amer ica do enact, That tho above recited act be so uniciiiled that there shall be allowed to each regi ment of engineer troops, two quartermaster ser geants. Approved February 17, Wii. Cii Ai". i.x. An Act to amend tho acts of Ajuil lirst, eighteen huinlrcd and sixty-two, and Sep-i.-iiiher twenty. third, eighteen buudred aud sixty-two. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer ica do enact, That the acts approved tweiity-tirst April, eighteen hundred and suty two, and twenty-third September, eighteen hundred and sixty two, regulating the increase and rank of the corps of engineers of the provisional army, be amended In read as follows : " That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint, with the ad vice uud consent of the Senate, an additional num ber of ollicers in the engineer corpi of ilia provis ional army: Provided, That the whole corps shall not exceed one hundred and twenty, und that the number of ollicers in each grade be limited to three colonels, four lieutenant colonels, eight ma jors, forty-live cuptuini, thirty-Hvc first Iieuteu ants, and twenty-hve second lieutenants." Skc. 'J. There may be appointed six military store keepers, with the pay aud allowances ot cap tain of infantry, who shall give such bond for the faithful performance of their duty as may be pre scribed by the Secretary of War: Provided, That the said store-keepers shall be appointed from persona who are disqualified for active service by reason of wounds received in the military aurvice, or disease contracted whilst in the army, or from persons over forty five years of age. Approved February 17, WA. Ciiai-. i.xii. An Act to bo entitled " All Act iu i elulioii to the qualification of State Collectors. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer ica do enact, That the provisions of section thirty-nine of an Act entitled " An Act for the assess ment und collection of taxes," approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixtv-three, uhull not be construed to apply lo the ollice of State Collector. Approved February 17, 1MI4. Cmp. lxiii. An Act to reduce the currency und to uuthorize a new issue of notes und bonds. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer ica do enact, That the holders of all treasury notes above tlie denomination of live dollars, not bearing interest, shall be allowed until the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty four, east of the Mississippi river, aud until the first day of duly, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, west ot the Mississippi river, to fund the same; uud until the periods and ut the places stated, the holders of nil such treasury notes shall bo allowed to fund the same in registered bonds, payable Ueuty years utter their dute, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent, per .niitim, payablo on the lirst day of.lanunry and July of each vear. Skc. . The Sccrctury of the 'Treasury ii here by authorized to issue the bonds required for the funding provided lor in the preceding section, and until the bonds can be prepared, he nitty i.ui cur titicates to answer the purpose. Such bonds anil certificates sliull be receivable, without interest, in payment of nil (iovenuneiit dues paynhle iu the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, except ex port und import duties. Ski:. 3. Thut all treasury noten of the denomina tion of one hundred dollars, not bearing interest, w hich shall not be presented for funding under the provisions of the lirst section of this act, shall, from and after the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty four, east of tho Mississippi river, and the first day of duly, eighteen hundred nnd six'-y-fuur, west of the Mississippi river, cease to be receivable in the payment of public dues, and Mini notes, if not so presented ut that time, nhall, in addition to the tax of thirty three and one third rents, imposed ill thfi fourth section of this act, be .subject to a tax often per cent, per month until so presented, which taxes shall attach to said notes wherever circulated, and shall be deducted from the face of said notes whenever presented for pavnient or for funding, and said notes shall not be exchangeable for the new issue of treasury notes provided for in this act. Ski:, t. Thut on all suid trcas'urv notes not funded or used in payment of taxes at the dates aud pla ces prescribed iu the first section of this act, there shall be Icitd at said dates and places a tax of thirty-three and one-third cents tor every dollar promised on the faco of said notes. Said tux shall attach to suid notes wherever cireulated, and uluill he collected by deducting the same at the Treasu ry, its depositories, and by tin tax collectors, and bv all tiovcrument odicers receiving the same, whi'iievcr presented for paytneut, or for funding, I or in payment of (ioveruuicut dues, or for postage, or in exchange for new notes, as hereinafter pro vided ; and said treasury notes shall be fundable iu bonds, i.s provided in the lirst section of this , net, rtntil the first day of January, eighteen hull i tired and sixty-lire," at the rate of sixty-six and two-third cents on the dollar. And it shall be the duly of the Secretary o' the Treasury at auy time ! between the first ot April, cast, aul the nrst July, i eighteen hundred anil sixty-four, west uf the Mis- sissippi river, and the first of January, eighteen : huiiiired ami sixtv-tive, to substitute and eichanue new treasury notes for the same, at the rate of sixtv-six aud two-third cents on the dollar : Pro vided, That nolta of the denomination of one bundled dollars, shall not be entitled lo tlie pim lege of said exchange : Provided further, Thai il.e right lo fund uny of .aid treasury mites tiller lh first day of January, eighteen hituiii nl and si My lKe.ii. hereby taken aw uv: And provided tin ther, Thut iq all such ' I ren.urv Holes uLh i, limy remain oiilsliimliug on Ihe In -4 ilav ofJiinia ry, eighteen hundred nml si l i l' c, ' uud hidi limy not be exdimigcd for new 'iici-iiit Hole us herein plodded, ut.ix ol one bundled p,'.,. ,..(t. i. hereby imposed. Ski:'. ,ri. 'I hut iif'ler the lir-i .lay of April next, all authority heretofoie lo uie eereiar o'ihe Treasury to issue treasury nolo, -hull ., mi, I ihe same is hereby, revoked ; I'i nx nt -il. The Seeiela ry of the Treasury may, after thai tune, new treasury notes in such form as he muv piesci ihe, payabletwo veurs after the raliliciition of a 11, alt of peace Willi the L'niled Slates, sunt new is-iu-s in be receivable in pu incut of all public due. except export mid import duties, and lo be issiie,l in ex change for old Holes, ut the rale of two dollars of the new for three dollars of the old issue., whether suid old notes be .surrendered fur exelTiiiige In the holders thereof, ol he received iulo the tiea-ii ry uniler the provisions offtiis act; uml the hoi ilixrHoflhc new Holes or ol Ihe i ' 1 notes, except those of the denomination nf one linn, lie, I dollars, after they are reduced to si xl v si x and iwo-lhinl cents on the dollar, by the lav al'orcni.l iy convert the same into call certificates, heating in terest at the rate ol four per cent, pi r uiiiiiiiii. uml puyublc two years after the ratification ol' a li. atv of pence wiih the l : nit .tl Suites, uule.s sooner converted into new notes. Skc. (I. That to pay the c of ihe ( invent incut not otherwise prodded lor, Ihe Seerei u v of the Treasury is hetu'liy tiulliorieil to issue six per cent, bonds to an amount nol exceeding t've liun tti ed inillioii.s ofilollurs, Iho piiocijiii) 'ttt.l intcresl whereof shall be free, fiom luxation, nnd lor the payment ofthc iulei.esi thcicoii the entire m-tl re ceipts of any export tluu hereafter lain on the value of all cotton, tobaeeo, nml uuxul stores, which shall be exported lion, il,, I 'ohlelerale States, uud the licit proceeds of ihe import duties now laid, orsn much Iheieof a. m.n n. M, ci ..;ut to pay uiinuully Ihe interest, are li. iel.v speeiallV pledged : Provided, Thai the duties iio'u laid up. on imports uml hereby plodL'od, .hall hereafter he paid iu specie, or in slei'iug exchange, or in liie coupons of saitl bonds. St:.'. 7. That the Secretary nf the Treasury is ns the wants or hypiiMic or aiiv pun hereby aiilhoi ied, from liuie lo lime, of Ihe Treasury may require tl, lo s,d cute for treasury miles said' bond. thereol, llpoik Ihe best tonus he can, npiirtipi ialious by ('ouio ess, and at tin a- lo meet . siiioi' lime reduce and restrict ll nml ol the eirculalioll iu treasury notes, wilhiu limits. ' i.-oiialile and sale Sr.i:. H. The bonds aiilhoi ied bv Ihe -iih sec tion of this act may be either registered i coupon bonds, us the parlies taking them inav eleel, and they may be exchanged lor each other und' r .ueh regulations as the Sccrcliiry of I he Treasury niav prescribe. They shall lie for one h Ired dollar., tir souie multiple of one hundred dollar., and shall, together w ith Ih" coupons thereto attached, be in such form and nf such authentication a. the Secretary of the Treasury nun pre-eiilie. The interest shall be payable half vein ly mi the lirst of January and July in each year' Ihe principal shall be payable not less tliaii lliulv veins fiom their tlate. Skc. All call cei I i lifiil ivs shall be fundable, anil shall be taxed in all respects, as is provided for the treasury notes, into which thev are con verlible. If nol converted before the lime lived for taxing the treasury notes, such cei ' ilieates shall, from that time, hear intcresl upon ooiv six ty-six in id two-third cciils for every dollar prom iscd upon their face, and shall be redce innhl on ly in new treasury notes at that rate, but after tin passage of this in t, no call ccrliliea'cs shall he issued until alter the first day of April, eighteen hundred und sixtv-1'our. Skc. I". That ii' any I k of deposit .hall ..iv,. its depositors the bonds aiiihoned bv the lir.! section of Ibis act in exchange lor llieir ilepo.iN, and specify the same on the bonds In some di. tinctivc mark or token, lo be agreed upon wnh the Secrclary of the Trea..nrv, iheti the said de posiior .shall be entitled to receive the ainoiiul. of suid bunds in treasury notes bearing no interest, and outstanding at tfie passage of this net : Pro vided, the said bonds are presented before ihe privilege of funding said notes at par shall cease, as herein prescribed. Skc. 11. That nil treasury notes heretofore is sued, of the denomination of live ilolhu-,, -,l,.. continue to he receivable in puvnieiii of public dues, us provided bv law, uud (unliable at par un der the provisions of this act, until Ihe lirst ol'.liily, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, east, ami until the first of October, eighteen hundred and sixiv. four, west of the Mississippi river, but alter that time they shall be subject to a tax of thirtx-tliicc ami one-third cents on every dollar promised on the face thereof, said tax to attach to saitl miles wherever circulated, and said notes to be fundable and exchangeable for new treasury notes, :is here in provided, subject to the deduction of said tax. Skc. l'J. That any State. holding treasury notes, received before the times herein lived for taxing said notes, shall be allowed until the lirst day of January, eighteen hundred und sixty-live, to fund the same in six per cent, bonds of tlie Confederal!. States, puyable twenty years after tlate, and the interest payable seuii-annuall.v. Hut all treasii. v notes received by any State iti'lcr the time li ved for taxing the same, as aforesaid, shall be held lo havo been received diminished hy the ai t ,,f said tux. The discrimination between the notes subject to the tax nnd those not so subject, shall be left to the good faith of each Stale, und the cer tificate ofthc (iovernor thereof shall in each case be conclusive. Skc. 13. That treasury Holes heretofoie issued, bearing interest nt the rate of seven dollars and thirty cents on the hundred dollars per annum, shall no longer be received in payment of public dues, but shall be deemed uud considered bonds of the Confederate States, payable two years uf ter a ratification of a treaty of pence .villi Ihe l ui ted States, bearing the rate of interest specified on their face, puyable on the first ol January in each and every year. Skc. 14. Thut the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized, in ruse the exigendt-s of the (loverninent should require it, to pity the demand of any public creditor u ho.e debt m'av be contracted after the passage of this act, u illiiio; to receive the sain.', iu n certificate of indebtedness to be issued by said Secretary iu such torn as he may deem proper, payable hvo years altera ratifi cation of a treaty of pence with the l.'iiited States, beuring interest ut Ihe rule of si x per cent, per nn num, payable semi iiiitiiiiill v, und trnnsfe raldo on ly by special endorsement under regulations to he prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury ; and said certificates shall be exempt from taxation in principal nnd interest. Ski'. I.'i. The Secretary of the Treasury is au thorized to increase the number of depositories, so as to meet the requirements of Ibis uct, und with that view to employ such of the hank, of the seve ral States ns he innv deem expedient. Skc. IH. The Secretary of the Treasury forthwith ndvertise this net ni such newsn ill nipers olber published in the several Stales uml by sue! uumui m ni, mii m'otn e nnnieiiiale publicity, and the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Xnvy ahull, each, cause it to be pobli Io d' in gene nil orders for tfie information i f the army and navy. Skc. 17. The forty-second section of Ihe act for the assessment and collection of laxes, approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, is hereby repealci,. Skc. Is. The Sccrcliiry of the Treasury is here by authorized und required, upon the upplieutinu of the holder of any call certificate - which In ill" first section ol the act. ' to provide f.,r die loo, In,:., and further issue nf treasury nofe" ap,io,, March twenty-third, eighteen 'bundled and -ixtv three, was required to be then alter denned to be a bond to issue to such holder a bund tlicr.-loi-, up'vy the terms provided by said act. Approved February 17, i - ' I . "Gerald Gray s Wife." NOW llKAUV Tt VivAvV vuh VivtsiAii NOVEI.KTTI-:. No !. CONTAIN! Mi Till! tllAlt.MIX; STOKY 01 "Gerald Gray's Wife.'' Single copies ( Postage Paid i f i.1'". ".hi' f..r ,'0 epics, or more, ace mpanie. I with Ihe CASH, $:.U0 each, ill .MOW CI Id! KM V. TOC KiOV .v. CO. in ay 'JO lw Augusta. i;-i. DR. WM. T. liA.-inrn', otfers hi. pr..f. service. I" the citizens of liii!liu, and -m-rnunding cuutry. Hehas bad lar.'e expert ie m the practice of the severul hruio h. - ..r In .n.:. -ion. Jli office h in the south-..'. -i -, m i l 'I, Keevea' boardin1-' hoU'e. on I 1 1 '