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til rr ' 1 ' 1 I ,'V v i n K H Li. Ili ,1 W W Hi .iJ.. I .L J J 1 jU Volume II (MM K y x, c a., i ky . is( i. iS mill mm ?: io. DAILY W 1 A M n ll 'p ir Li i a i i ' i iw ia i I'l HI.lHIIKIi C Mil 1MY 1.M NH.U r. iTll.lO 15V l'KANC. M. PATL. Tt-rmii of Miilix'rlpliiiu. ops' one month " I s. o tllont lis " t 1 1 1'l'l' 11 1. . 1 1 1 ll ' TsVil Ili'llui'S m-riion. I "T" 'I'll I s 1 ' AMI, Itntm of Ailii'i'llsliix pure t'l' ti n Ilins. r -s fiir j Iilur ll curtien .1 . . h i j -1 . . 1 1 Tli- .v i hard-hip.. endure, with a ,-, Tlii'V urn Ilrig.idn T Ftoirrmot, In the ilis- it nC cillmrt. This in wroiir. ( i n ial m been hniril remark, that "..t-tmy ll'. 'Hill of Mich H.llililTH S thxac who ;.' Army h! Touiii's-rc," ' bravo, o'-iivnlr mm, darin., iiml imiiIiim I. at none l.iil XnpnIiMiu'H f ol 1 1 -rs ould .'ii. Johnston seems to insp ro his in-u lir r.;til'nr unknown to this Aimy.- illiug t.i undergo on iri nlinti, aiiff-r, , mi. I wake it nv snorilicn whatever lo carry orders out hi i. pin l llLrj.IJAlLl JiLI Tl'KSDAY KVKMXO. ,li;LY , lSii-l. EVENING EDITION. lwm.Nt.txr Navai, Motiiiifais Aur.AH. While the iittenliuii of Iho country is nltriictHil to the nr- I uiii'it of Jc:u'i ills ( ; runt iiu.l Shcrntau, thorn lirt" liji'ii very quiu'ly orgiiiirin:;, e.ty, the New y,.rk ' World of Iho I7lh ult. ono or luur.i powerful naval expeditious MXiiiuKl eortuin Siilliori iurl.-, which . will ho hi'iir.l front Ih-ijis iho juiiiinwr i ovor. i ll i., of oninsi', iiiipropiT l.i w-n ih,. ninu! i. rliuraU!!', or ooiiii. oitiuii .h' lU . v..; . ...u.,i..; for (U i B xioiliti'n ; hot the c huiIi v may he u in' l it-will ho nil. i'.mic for thn w rk il if mini ilcil to iprforin. SoiTt'tiirv W'v Ill's i.i of opinion (hut il i. lvowmit for him to ri'iK'cin ii. ripiil.ilinii, uinl litis ili'iir niincil to nmko the rrhc! fur lt , nn in t ... pimyihlo, hid position in tho i'iihiih'1. ll U no 5n'ivt t hut II Illllll HT of III.' lrmi ,.1,1. .,1,1, l, i,., .. i . . no mug uuiiiiui , , .iirhi.ii .ip..ri. ami n.nv iivniliihlo for iiotivc si'i i'1!'. Jiff The 5i'.ih'l to .Mi llniil's ilrr.nn, whii-h x publish thin inoinin', i.,. i,'l u'lthru I ict-l tint wociinnot forhi'.'ir inviting tli.' rspi'riol ntlf uli.iii of our riiKlur.s to it. Wo havo Cm phianuiv of an iu liiuiilo iu'iiiiiiiiliini'o with the nuilmr, lliu "en tk'inun ivlui li n . 1 Iho ..iifiini. Ho i in thn oflici- of onr fiiouil Major ('. s. Divis ion, a ml u uioro lolia'olt j;. nlluimu is 11..I iu iho oriny. Wo hnvo hint tin- fl. a-aii', to.., .if a n vont introiliiotiuii to tlioyoiiiii,'j;,.iiKiinn nrh.i is ili-niincil to closo Ihc mir. llo U now 1,1 for Ins ooiiu tiy, anil will malio his marl;, in iho inaiin, r in lioa- toil, or wo nro inistahon l.olh in anil Koneuloijy, in truly i;iiouurnj;lii to our p knmv Ihn limy Imva f ncli ii.11 Army tonfroiiiin In. 1 1 11 0 li . in. I his vainlals. ili.V limy foi'l Msimiil that kucIi mon ciui aloil. TIiot hiivo ilolrriniucl Ihul Shor i limn 1imI1 -tot tako Alhmta, uii.l k irill imi ,l U. J 1 ain-ii pi vato iiml ocoupy 11 portion of tho works . inv.-i'lf, 111 I tho piosuniplViii is, 1 hut I know souio- linn:; of , m ipril of Iho mon with whom I uin.ii. liinaUlv moialvil. This ihUn minml spirit par- vii-h's ih ti'i.j,. A rinv. On j'o.i i.lay il waf ivpartcil llint tha oniony in trout of ( 'IM. Vniijjlmn and Haney won) uinUr- mining 011 work. At Ih it point Ine w nml . Hlripus w t wit liin thirty yonla of our liim o( oiitiouolii. 'ins. 1 ho Miumy nuilu 11 loiljmanl al I thai poiiii M'taial ilay o no. I nro prut v. ll hy infiicl m ' l iaori'sl . . a hill whioli hronkit oft' very ahiuptly twonty-fi 0 pn. i j in I'mai of i.rwork. .Miiuus, ! miw.iTi'r, H.UR l....'n ItUfVi l.i ' l.low t'. :o 01 ' ' th.y 1I0 0 Ii'inpt lo 011.I..1 iiiinc 11 c. A ,liti h pri p. iili' nla ' lo uurjvmka hn iniiili', ami par . nllil iM.'i iin lo t lie rifht .tint loft from 4hi par -I paiiiiivnh.,' many foot ilorp mi l ininra of pow.h'r ' :n f: Hi of our wovki. AVhon Iho toiiml of .. .. :. art lioar.l nonr that purnllrl, Iho fuse wilt 00 i'i umi. mi l no one luit dm tipro who was wf our works into t!i onnuv's lini a al 'an civo any m-count of :ho final Jcsti thoir .I'litrh iiml Irish Jrrniiucr. - was n:ki"l hy Iho Vnnkuos lmw hi.;', lit hy thn i'.vp'ofioii, hu roplio'l: "I i.,n'i 'lor, I soo.l a whilo man hoap hi1;!iPi'n l.rltiTl nil Xol'tli ! ': pi. 1 I .,, 1 n ,u L ' , u iili nil 01 r 11 or ,i;.'iu ho ',,,,, ,,;,,.;,,,,, ,',, ),,' , 1, .., , ' '.' I". '1.1 1. ; 11 v ..I li.o. In lli" ' 1 11 11 1 rv vt Hi ,,; 1 ,, ; , ' ! 'i-o'ii: n. Iv. ni 1 l.l.o 1., 1,. (,,,.,..,,( r. ,,, .. .... . .. . ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 11 ' '' 11 ' 1 "f ami ' ,' . 'I I ., , 1 ' , ' ; ' '"'' ! " !' ; ! '.!' I hi", o I li"' Mlll of Ml '.a Oil lo.- .'1 1 1 ' 1 ..... 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 ' : !' ' V ' ''' '""'' l "i"h" I I I I M Hi . 1 : . , ,, ', p '1 , ,. ! 1 1 1 1 I' ; 1 1 . . 1 1 l.i' i- so pi. in Wailo Via!;. .1 an ..tit', lull',, ' ' 1 1 . 1. a. 1 .1 I ' T..I..1 , -., .1" t . ,.. N' INKIJ.. A to I I .iil;i .a- -, a .1 . ;!. 1 '.. o , " I'll" hoy-" . h.l! li l. 1 '. .1,, 1 Coll l'l HI HI Sl'i.o tilt' ( .llloruiil WIO I- than, . t...i r I. ' ..,!. 1 1 ' - 1 ' ,ii 1 'i.i ,.. ii,. Ian' (t.'cuii li 'I'll, If .nu'ro 10 iiiin why i 'i.'i y . : i r n. i. ! I, J . . '. , .' '.. 1. 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 -iiain liiji (1 .111 tjinau on I i r TmIki.'Jh ii. s 1 1 ! 1 1 n " i . , I , a : 1,,'in' . , ' ' ' i"" I I"i 'i - 'i 1 iho I ih I'liiMi'ili,' an I .n' .a, 1110 ,, ,,, ',; . '.. ', .... ' 1 l'1"t 111 "':l'' '" 11 !'" i''1' '"''I Jll'l sol'ol 1 I'lalilo, so ooiiil'.i " . ', i: ,, :, ' '"' ' ' 1 "l ' 1 '.'li' 111 lo.'l iiia Ualo-l'iHioil ll 111 sil illiollv la o II. Ml ana . I, : !'' "'".' ' ' ' 'l ' 11 ! v' l"1' ' ' 1 -l ' I on lr iili'. I l. .11 lovo.l ..l.i' , I . I'o- ; ;,. , , , .... , ... "'' " '' ' 1 o 1 I ' ' ''. 1 uii.l ,.-uiii,' lal.l '' : , i . .. ....' , ".I" .I''. ' . 1.1 I." all 1 :il I 1 of iho! ' TH j.-.i-l ,1,..,. ,,f ,, , ;.i!" i:,', 1 ... ., ,' 1 1 !' "'' '' .ihit 'I holo ha. I I. 11 form 1 miI 1 , . "' 1 " 1 " "1 ' I '' ' ' 1 '. " ''"I'L 1 f.vlrj ,. .,1,-i " 1 1. 1 I , , , , i ., "' " ' i 1" 1 0 l: .'II !..l lllo ovi" lllion. ill.-pil'ill.. I,, ,.H I'.- :1 .a.' . I,, . ! a ' ! In r I ,, . ha. lofllli'.! II 'lan to '.II.''; lip-, an 1 1 I'.a ,! .' . 1 , ; '!''l ' 1 li il' I. .1 ol.j'i'l iv.i.- ho l.'l' ill To' , a.' I.:.?:' ' ... 1 . . li' ., loinh oppo.-o 111. 111. a .1 l'-iincral )lisciiilisnf Cicn. lk. Tlu .i' look phioo in SI. I'mil's ohiiri'li, Aiioii.,i, on Wialnoilny, iu pro.-onoo of nuun ions pn lali - iiml olorK.V "f iho r iiit i:pi opal , Inn , h, inni a vasiooiii'iiui'so of p.,pl,., o-liuialo l m ,.n ,lu..., I ' V A I T 1 I o ; ; 1 i i l IM.Ii ( I' l'ir-1 ( nti . 1 1 - 1 1 . !,,, 1 l.ivlllollllllt illlll.ll l,.ill--tli'0l H41 i','M'lll, op lillinll ilolivi li il 1111 ail'ln-s 11 ,.n 1 1. 01 The Cou'liliilional fays : Al tin' olo,' of tin Hi-ll- IV.-I al Iho I,, .,1 , , as on. 111 1. 1 I" i'l al lio . i . . 1 1 11 .'lip. 1. mi V , ; 1 , . O.'Mll.T, ,, I 1, , I'l'IV lllllHO.-tillL! IV ll il.ll . I ,1 ',, I , , lli.-hop lllliot h'l't tho ih -k an. I liuniii:; his la, ,. i Iannis iho Morlh : - In Iho ii.iinu ol di, Ki,j j,,, , (,,, , ,, ., iilli.'i-; ill tin- iiiiino of iho shi'.l hi I 1 hat 'im' i I, a i n mn.!,. ' ,, .( , , , .,..,, I ol ,l,ol, i iill' il uloinl Iroin Iho roiinil lor on ,, .,,, il' 'iiii' Muti's, i... iu. ,n . I I,,' M,,. 'I ! 1 I' I'. .i,.(.i .1 I. I' .,4. j an. 1 i.,i : ! whon n t i 11 n oh ai lolihoiva j Ihai" 1. 1 1 Ilk" art : I, I 0', rat',"!,- II 1 . I ills oi' 11,1111-, t'oiiioii; ill lliu l a 111 - mi ,, .,, in Lai holm s aii'l hlnokoiioj roof M 1 as, ol ih -i, , ., 1,.. . I'hiiri hos, ol Hilars prolan I an. I tho II. .v S., r 1111 n( ti.iiiiph.l iu tho mho; iu Iho 1, aim- ol 11111 1, 1 0,1 oitivii ami iolntoil virgins; iu l!i,' iioni,, a:,,) 1 i mil horily 0 1 II oil, 1111, 1 hy iho oiioli.inliiit' pail v. 1 .. 1 0 Koil I' Iho piosonoi! of Iho mint l. 'l mar f Imis ih'l Iho llishoii suiiiiiion- mi' h of il.o i:,,;. 1 '' r. ii'" ,' "I tho w ' 1 1 oopl Hi-hops n ml Ch ry nl iho N'orlh in 111 . 1 '""' '' " " "'la!' I h.' ii. . 11- e I on t lia . t r.wl him mi.l Iholr violins ;. 11. -h .1 ho 1 1 I II, ..i lll I' I 1 1 .1 ill pi I 1 ll I H 1 .1' .1' II Hill OU' I I - "I loUlolii a . ma lo, , 1 . 1 !. n ii.ii'.'l, no I,'- t In tin vosj. l on iho n'l iha.l, at too .liulxuioiit Itar of Ah ii'l I ii' V liiol 10 thoro to Unswor. ' " 'i' Kow llioro u.ia ,li,l not tl,, .'!'. ' ' .11 OollollllU'l, "All'l 1 1 1 t '. lio. ;T, 1. iniii 'i ( I in ,,!( dj." I, lo.o lo U," !,i Inn, ai ..ii "yt-1t-TTT Wll 1, . 1 II- tin so-.l. 11 p,"l'.-0 Hint , " Ih, li,. i ,..,, iho ni"t'- 1 11 1. riKiii'iN or nuiMiNi.. , -f a Tiahl-i. i.i ,li, who w , iM , laii's iho following : ' 1 i' "'. ,1,,,.. ,1.,.. . .. mail ol ill.. oil tilly . rail. I on man at : I lii "" 1 I'''"' . ! am a l.n.MM l.y In I , a: linn my I'oiitrnots, nm 0 limos ol,i;, 1 Io.ImiiI; rail Lin .1 l-lo "lii'.iils "I I li ' " 1., i,. ,,., Ol ill,' , n -I llivli, I . i , : I .1,1 V .inr 'inn' , "i 1 no na; v , 1. ho loo l.liii:!, who ,'i'l ol Has , ', 1 1 1 1 . . I ii- pap. 1 111 I, .lir--, I I I , 1,1 at . "I' ihloi I llh, III 'In. . .... 1 V, ,, . 1 I.'i,, 1; ...I., 1.. 1.. ' , ."IIO,'0 of Iho". UX'T-.fs, I ,' ,,vi.,.,l to .11, till 1 ill till' l.'k-hlll aatioii ,,' W In 11 i'ii I' was hlowi Lnow, 111. I was." Tho iin ."t.ii I I, .'lipp!,,'. !., !" lM! tlll'V 111''' 11 .' I .li.-ip.;.!l 1. .ion 1 t . !!:. r ; 1 Iv a'l !! lo 1 1 mv r il il ho' I t; 1 1 I. 1: lllHlhi;!, Ihov XkW IJ.M1KS. KVUIH X Cogswell, of f. S. C, lulvortisos 11 lot of now puhlioali nis havi) rocoiitly issuoil a liiuly pi into. I work onlitloil ''Tho Oolilon llaors, a roiiiiiniinco of California, from tho I'ronoh of I'aul l'oval, !, 'n gentleman of Louisiana." jrfT III an ohsouro oornor of tho I.ittlo Uook sliimls a nioun l of oaiih piui) hoanl, whillloil into oil' n,ii . haj , int; this iiisoripiioii : "C. 1'. .IA,;i;n., ti'ivoriior of .Missoinl." i aril at rl.,-1 h ,1 an. I !... l'l nic lllnloro" lll.lko .11 Durip.' c itinlry nit. moon lllllfl'l Tho lo tint "tin plaoo ah,. I lit; follow ouri'spoi: all nlonjr lofl. .Ho wiiii tha 1 ihroii 1:011 .-lulls, ina lain, who view !' tl arrall;eni saulls. I ami saw sorv iitioii Th vii trrv l""t 1 flTho paragraph lioii'l,:,! "C ,u.U amiil sm aliino'' dliould liavo hcoii ero'litu.l lo tho Smith Car- Kovo thai oilman. A Si'ijiul to St IJniifs Droiiin Cam i' m: h Mum ati D.ll Xuli : Mr. MoKlratli, has jii l that you wislicl 1110 to writo you i,!l Ih now , an I not hiirin mil, h to ilo this uiornin, I . 11 -1 1 1 hoi I woulil comply with your Willi as noar a ' p. .-iM for news, have hill litllo t" o (innuiiiii:ato, particularly war bows, i osloi'lny thoro wa- c-n-Miiltiruhlo ciiiiiionailiii on our loft, uinl all tho 11 nop. whioli wcro in roscrvo, ("lio Drica'lo frutn o;n h I i -vision) have gone to tho loft, 011 our front. Tho usual amount of skirmishing ooiitiinios. Wo nro al tho ia m pluco you loft us niiil 110 pr-'i'oot of moving. Now that I kavo tohl you tho war m vs I mast toll you of a divani I hn,l hist niht I ,1 not know whut inmle 1110 1! .nil ol moli a t'linjr, hut ns droain.i aro fashionahlo, I piviunn 1 -Jliiiiihl not be different from othiir.'1. as uiy 'lratn isohnoly o.-n-noi'ted with that of Mr. Mi'linnl's, I ono!or it to you. On last niht, thorl'y allot- I wont to boil, as usual, soon foil H-h.".'p, 111,1 ir. anio l that Saint John cmne to 1110, (I nlwavs holiovi'l thict I m ol ,?oly connected with Si. .'.ihul nml nl;i."l nu if t hail seen Mr MeDiiul's ilroaui. I auswcie.l hiiu hy telliii!: ll i 111 that I had. lio then a.-l.",l mu if I would liko to know who that Southorn AVarrinr was, that wauhl couio to thoiissitauoc "f Con. ,Iohti..toii. I tohl him that I would. Ik-then told inu tho niiiue of thai Cimti wan K. M. Ilii.'hosoii, dr., a youni; ,',(, (iruhlcr, nml that ho would ho assisted hy .loo Iirown, us he was 0110 ol his I'rn. Allh" tiuio I did not think of your ton, ul am now s.ilMicl our Hon i tho Coon he had referonoo to. I then asked him how I would know what ho told me was truih or fiction. Jlo told 1110 to go to Cnpt. Ilostiok's .piar tom in tho morning, whore I would oyt 0 !) (an !";) Xog), unit on tho way I would moot a tmn nil. and as tt proof of what ho told :i e Hie havo tt piece of paper in his 111 nith witli thw naiuoof tho hero written on it. So this niornin 1 nailed as directed, and about half way to P.o.. i. k' quar ters I mot tho eat. who Kt f lit a piura of p.ip f. whioli ho enrried in his mouth, anil 1 1111 in'. 1 the woods, anil to my surpri- I found Iho following written on tho pppor: " )'uui'j ', i,,,- (,',,',' named E. M. IHrhum, Jr., .., fi,:r; l:t:' For the truth of iho r'.ov.', I r. I, r y.-t t U I'm ler, who liaj seen the jdoio of papoi', Willi Iho i.tiina le., written 01: it, mid as ho is aware l..'i. L mn writing to you on tho stihioel, ho rupio'ls mo li sny to yyu tluit ho wants the po.-iliun "f Ai'l th I'limp, ami ng lam also awnru 1 1 1 A t thorn will h? a ri'.il rush for staff appointments. I avnil mywlf of ihis opportunity to respootl'iilly ro-piast throiiL'li yon tho position of Commissary. Xow drar Xed, you kur w that wo nro all gettiuj very Hib.1 of this ,iy i f living, thoreforo I hope y.a will pit your ni to eoino up, as soon im possihlo, and and thi mih'Oy war. I loarn that his friend -foe Ht' ivu is wailing for hlra at Alluuln, with the Imliincp of his p B. I must now eongratuhilo .Mrs. 1!., and T;ir-elf us the parents of sindi a ouoh. I tru-t yo'i will reluin your reason and ind roeray nt the llioulit ofyou son oceupyi'ijj siudi an txallod poi'ili' n. Since I coninioneo'l ihis n lie, ivy cannon ido lias opened on our front, and I mii.-l have for Matii tla inilnhhi mid neretie Chialluiui, it enn- -laiitly a! -iijr his linen, siiperinlf ndin Ihe buil ding of a 'litis and chpraux do frise. and nir m u i ii il In- working parties'. Our works an! now al most imp. '-liable, and we do Iiojm! ihul throo or four line.- :. Imltle will advmue upon us. If lh., should hi guilty of such folly as lo ohugo' wofk-;, (Ii n'l Sherman will he oi'iupi Ih d to iiu ion -. his infirm 'y, and make a s, . iv,i'i-:!:,.i lor an a b 'lional sii'ply of iiiiih.ilaiic;'-'. I "H-i.-liod lint. (I n'l f healhnm 'a livi.-i..Ii, eiin. and wi.i kill on, iir' i to employ "live handled ami u! no '"." I no -lan iter in trout nl duct I au:;lian ami Mauoy, o. Ibn 27th win terrible, mi. I they hud lull a very sin .t line in their Irout to opera-to iiioti. I am o' 'ko opinion (hat w iiibl he e an iu the yanked service, if euT lirant mi him fnrahoiil .'."il'liil men, lie would I, 'od, could ho shift the responsibility of igii upon some ony els. Vram nil wo from viuikoe to i.-.iiiais tho ai,.,v U not such ,ia it wits uhair Ihov con at Iinlliffi. ipaign has hwn one iu which our many I. and tho men iu tho line express Iho th",v may ch.iro us. Our soldiers bo i general advauco upon the part of the I enemy, w'd put an end to this campaign, nnd en- nhic us I, bit our hoiuen in Teunensec and Ken tiii'U.v. hatcver (len'l John-ton may think prop , " !t.".-'.'j...J.'ilJi l-t-'i ii'l.' nci Ujiuu,.uux. uuui. me. Jiu y ii inisiiip, sillier, any priviiitoa, i lol ilioe whatever elleel lullv. t.txis piy 10 .0 . , oi ( nti, wlio Iin. I, I w,,i ,,,, , , ... . , , .. .. , , . ,, ''""'-I'tc'l ol a white p.. W. Ill' dnlll lip ill ,lla. ' III lio' C . in . w,i, a .itli. I Ut,, ,.,, i,,,!,..,!, f .i,,K cured, 1 , I ,., lan o .. '.'. ", an o i i iii ii :Mi i o ii , v, p.,i tftnod, nml I haio hern told this inoriiiui- thai uni. . . , ... , , j Ihu rouiedy is arsenj.'. V,-., sii," oonliun.-d tin '' i ' il" i , .,"10 I -l':ikor uilh oreiit vioh'iioc. "1 am i",i,u,.,l. .-,,,,1 wlii' hl,, ' i ' ' i'l''. . l.,o i nlilali s In ,1. i ..i i.. , . i.. . ii..,, ... . ... i rtinioi, lo-.oiv i aave nan line viaioi i. uttae;; 'II '.I lll-l.l'ltlv ck I Vll.,1 . li'.... . , , , . "iii.j .-" ..Mn., ! inn o iiioaiii n e on ii "".I , ii. breathing li.'fsin heavy, mid throwing him oil back ill ii chair, he ei laimrd : "I nm g ang !,, , l.iin: ni'.tlier -I am dying help ! In lp !" I'l.o 1 ; dootoi wont linmirds him ainL found Hint he va. ! ilrn.l A ,,.,,,.. .....i,i i ,i ... ind by (hive or i;.i .. . " : . . ' '""" """ "" ".ifii,l-ii "I I ll pooi'11,11 llia.-i'li ... T'lougnt on ny vioionl rinolioii pro. loo.', I hy a on 'aird imagination, Na ii.ko al poi.on iM le, I. 'I i,. ,, l.i,,. ,.,....l.... .... 1 1.....I, i ...a ' "' I a I'Miiph i' ly biiniil. s-snb-tanor.' I i. i. p.-! . ! li: 1 .ll I... I V,l"' 111 .. r : Hi" iiiuii,, ill' i' l ir in d i lb'' hr.-t bileli ii, I'la.'e iM'll loud ' I t!, t 1,0 S. el, I p ml ; a;, ill 111,' he . a li .1 oi al i.i: .i i .! e, ii 'I i ... . v. ie in m.i.- Iho i hi. I en ii' I h" -i 'l I 'ii' lalio,! 1 1 l'l'- 1 i n I tj'rir aim ell llx 'I' .1 ' 1 1 - la tlio In-ld, ".'ll li' -t oh lain ., 1 '" ''HI tiienl in "I", al"l 'h.'t bn. ' " ' Li"' on " ',el l . ill, loot I'l.'li- l.liit..! '. I'.llliU' App p. a ; '"' l . I 10 e I Cn In. "led .1.1 V I 1 . in 1.1; .till , " li A' : hnppii'-t i I lvniihl eai' b.i glad i,' this eami i"in loar, tl oil' aim I l i out. 1 i" This Oil' . has sull'er do.-iio tha 'ill. he I kv . ! Iiai I Jiiii". Mow ll llniell' hi. drunkard." 'I ,i, is v j tho-lieid . n t - . v a lion, le,, "l' il 10, - l, I.". I, p . lei in. Ill .''..'I: . I am si "Unlit I" l.ovei ii, no. I I'll',!, Ih" half ii iiinli in initio! i n pa,t ai-l pr id V l;ai I'l fall ill onli- o. . I ii p.'ia'i'.n of theVfro'-ea Tinv Mi.-.-issii'i'i. Tbrnugh xmrr. ' :- '' n-i o' , f vs iho li rcnada l(, Lei I'ickrt, us bin o ii ej;ene ' !' ie- I'.'nr tli ir 1 In ni tie i Iher .-i.leof lb" river s Uie ns the I. hi 1 ' ' ii i. i ii"l i I If ii' " ' .No orv liiatei ial orinli't'S as vol. lion. In, I1' .''- i'y ili-ali i d ' f em-to bo -till iibnnt r.innlui v.i ' ii b i ailny.- ' , S:i"! l.illlo lioeK, Willi ,-oni" .-nnill r infoieo ,., , , ' 1 n;'l" 'i ir.l. tiioni-thai liav" ri :n h".l him, and iiuablo to in i p I l. i i ' I'm . a into iho hit, ii. . .en. I in r cavalry wcio lying around him wilid.iiiir ' t'. ul'o.i. i .it. .1 wo., o. i" in iioii n i" i his no. vein ".'to. M at tnnd u ke is lill hobliog hi- tin pu-1 .,u : r... I I 'll -. l.i. 'il, ! position on ibf river. He has also blockade.. Hgi'iits app. i "il " i ' i ', !i"'. While iiml Arkansas livers willi'illoe'liie baitoiii s .. r..rl.-.-i .-.i .... t . -"is -hall II t,n! i Mill. Tin: .iiuior ihnt s'vlcon transport" had pa--oil " '"" ' , j Mann n Inlio's ball, lies is it i.or,.,! O...I A l,,..,vilv l il 1 ( V " I ' !' , ' 'l 'be 'i 'll ' chid giinhoul esn ma Ihe gniiiitlol us nl Viok-biirg. , ll,"'.v "i,l"'i ' "d I "' '. ' 1 1 " , I..,, ...l.. .....a, ..... i,. i ... i.: ,!... ... Ih'T.'li'e, a ;,1 -li Ti fn!.:lro:,d!''U,',lawf,,; . i ""' ' " l'.i.'i.liasbeou',,ia,h. ''" '", ' ' . ,,. ,,, ... ,,r . j,.. luouai'iiiilil t.i'iieiitl, with a eoniiui im, .""tin , ,. . i, , . Illolllll- I. leu. .10 lllltIK III" "Ll '0"ril' ill'-. Me- ., . .'nl-,. , " Spini- of pa-ip! aad aoldisa- the eiy bi.j.'i- ;,.r t,. . on . "1. ..ii nl ol i'l '. -1 , I'l" ' :o. -on in ll'" o ' oi'- . I", I il' "l' l bo Ihe "I I he Ti e;:- III V ! 'h" la , a- o ', "i li." lol ' ', .li'lio ',.,. ', , r '! an',' an lii" .ael. or for il," yuig.'iil, in in. i.i in la in. mn i! i!" i tix I til ;' Id ' .in or lillli.oll in o or up.. u aiiv ol.'tcr Hail. 1 d liVer.V of -I eh lei i ... hang", mid h" l! o. loo agreed pi ice livei , .1 l llilod Slelos , all in . I "iloTwi''. or l.i o 'at' the sale, !.. in, liNeeiilll .la 'baeoii in pi i'.'!- in tl.,1 po I. of w h o tal.h-iio.i II: .In I! h' I'lioM Sol I il wi'.sTiitiN M 1-sissit'i'i A ft'ienil ha forni.-hi'l the M ississippian aith Iho follooin tract fn.m private letter from yka, .Mis.-., !. 1...1 ,i... oioi. ..t, . I -id loliai " ' li.Ti iie : ; ,, , , Dcsorlors i.i squads of leu aad lifteen arc daily n hoo-hend-, ir m I. o i. , niriviug heri. limn Ilaiik' army, nml Ihev I' ll at. ' kel. b i r, . oi .. awful tale. lien. Ituckncr passed through her ll.'Ojl i , titeil' lei,. I " llo II I e e ' 1 1 -. -1 .11 .1 e ...1 ll,. -,. I'l'O'ln,'" l' . ;; olhoe ; . 1 :..'. ! '. ; . n, i , ,'i : . .. r I ,',- ll. in I'm 'oli'l'ln- I I ' lo i if In ' '""'''i I""' "V ll.'-l ',, l. i, .. ,!,. d .. M.'!v packed '.Me Ini' unit' I'layiT fur the Country. his week the prayer-nioolin tor t!ic il ho held iii tho l!aptit Church every I live o'cloili. "I'rny without eoiisiiig." , July Slh. 'r" u ;in. Polk was Willed. isillc Journal ef the Sih ult., Jlalcs rd ......h. i... ,1... 'iv ..... ti-.i. .;..,.; i ...V...I..I i... i4riiAl f,r-sinHlnn. orfnre'fn I , ',i . , i i " c ' .i "" ' '" :. il be Ih- i-ir-n- I .''F' " "'f' " , I'll'!- and destroy Ihe liovortllilellt plalilatn,,. i i 011 Ihe e.iii-t. Courior ju, I iii from (dinlou u pon ' j ti.e .Liatriiction of a Yankee Curoi iimout plant, r. -'y I II is n,o-roi s and niuh". are now on tlu ir way "i t. I e ic ol "lied . tin' S "f tl" ho li ' r iitifturftil . II to make i' bullion, , li.i. l ..r any s' eh ". than Iho i ' li ko .-eller or f i- I by him indii , in li hw is a in, n- -t Ite ,l:0' , . lentil of ted ,, o. CI ml -'"I I That Ik h, in ' '.' 1 1 " oil. i oi'li of (ien. Leoiiidna I'olk, whivh leok , no'in on Iho 14th inst., waa under the ij eii'iMiulslnnifv, ijs detailed to us by a ml: Hon. Sherman hud beau riding ur lineH the eutiru ihry, from right to as a keon, quick eye, aver watchful, ami ' I of a powerful glass, he discovered nl fudd nlricers of the eiii iny, with their ng their way to theorest of I'ian nioiiu : they could obtain a coinprehensii t laeation of our lino of battle, mid our ats for making nttnokn and repelling n--n. Shcrinau watched their nioveincnts .me of group on (ho uioHiitaia laking oh- !ant eneral rapidly riid'' up to tho bal- ofueers jinn failhful. As loll the g ins itoil to roach the Tubol I'Miii'l it t i bo Simonmni's, thi rvt-r ir whs nm i, tho uin hu-l nrnrlv nil t r tht'ir i u'iils, toinj; up to (me nt tlio 'iriM. tien. She imm ukii for the ntli.-er in chur;t, mul lL'ini; til' Ii' wiih nt h iu ilinnwr, he wun kiimiiikhm'iI to niluru iwtantly. Wlu't) the titutoiiuut nrrivc-il, nii'lt-r ilu- irtiucral.- pormnjal dirwi'tioni, a shi'll Wfiii iCMt nil tn I'itlft UlOUIlfcuilJ. "It h.H f.lll"ll mI ittt twanty-li' ft'i't too liort; a. little mirc fu-Hf kii.l mi huvt; it," iuit Sliornimt, al'tfr witt'li injj it tf I't'i't. Tii nntU shut n truck noinu ono, ufcuuriu not known at the iimo. "T but will tof fttiJ tho (;un ral iu a, . -lirt, conl tone, itml then roJo nJ)'t follow - ;tt v oul.l ; 'rl hv n si i'le nplerh', iho usuul idinieriral utiMtiih of In. lirl tittl. A rebel prisoner nUte thftt .Joe Johnson :unl llrtnl'-e w re tlie otlter giMierulu in coinnnnv wiUi JN'lI;. A 1 1 i w time tlio firit bfll Ktruck, hm1 the ! iwil;r-l . jinett p'lioritU MMiMiMiit'iiulr tiny i:i no tlesiro t't mnko c-ireunworkd of th .r Mjlvf lor ;v yaukftn ennnon In play upon, Hn-I ili v sf iM-l h.miIo iHlcr iMir-r of tlio nrihbor-in-r f r-.rii. 1'nlk fuirl he was not u lriil of a yank ilh'll, nnd :iM his pnition. S. kit1v hit'l Un pok- n I'iim iv t'.io jaticll twrminaU'ii iIih tbIm'! ii.'io ittl.- .ii-. Iho rail prisoner by whom tlio lUns wen il-tniled wui enhtii'tttt mi'l tiiknn to (Jen. ikfr.n heiuhjUBi tern, iie Hi!rmi'il to 'ien. - ii cion whieh tliAt ilny oceupieil Pine Mun m l Mi within fifty feet of lVtlk when We wj . up t iiuvt lir wlitilo oecnrinco. T, nun, h;M s : J f 1. -i nf tlif niciiiy nii-nt,-' (if both . ilifir li'iMii- liy popul.'iiion. r.p...-r.l I a .fl:1ll t!n---i f Will it- I luvf b- profit 'n ih' i-iit tiiiiM:', t'ln-t'!'",-. i. ail. 'i hn C..K .:i in p .'.l of by ih.- ' hi- Iitlin iii- nun. tbc i't!inv. 'j'li ' I .1 111 .. - ',Ul''i ttl' ; i 1 1 1 1 V ! i o , I lull b. Ii.l 1 ; i!AN(;i; oik i: ((. 10. i j t ItirtiMoMi, X ,t .ItiiM- tb, is;, . , I Tin folluwi0' not ir i 1 asnl up.., a ivcrnt ih ! duration nf Irrhani't! nnnlu bv Ihe I-V.h'ral .ttitb.n- in n ol , l)V vli,I Kf.l.ral parohvs on iile in mv ..fVe . (iuvr, iiMit It tltlM" ini hi : 1 a m-. !i iohiti.' iiny p i niliy of a. mis '( 'f, lio fined in i 'ic be iinpt'iMiiit il .,r U - ' .in ihi i' uio;, . ' imi- Inni r t: in r ' : ii, .i ! i '.i 1 1 . i of I lie n-iii t, . . ; n.iii " iii;p. jI by the iu I Ii ! .. ' : l.l.i;.' I 1 M,--o,l ', . in Mil iirtiol lit i' i ii of i I uilril Siat; or ".' ' ' ' . j ! 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 i 1 ! it." M, W ilirii tn.-1 :.,i .1 in :be iu:nf -if .be l'iiiti"l ,tr , v - 'u n i!i .-:tc for n i pi'ti.iliy, i ,r u of thy 1 mini r ,lv. ,n ) I thi oi i- the of ihf cf.-o!i ; iiif 'ii li . liTr rrcmf'iy uinl nati- . rtji ji of u jtii .-iii'b netiuii yliii!! Iji i bar to tin iiu o- '.-a: lor l!:.- iin,- ( :ii',i in any ii,.- :.. I Mil 'J.-i.t n i.:. I. ii . h:nl n.l bi I I. All t onlnleiiite. nU'iyrH ami hmmi v!io nave im-l-u u.-iiivretl al City l'miTI, Viiinia, piw 1" S : ' '. . ' '. 1 w iili the loi Apprised ('inn. 11 T'i. us to tho 1st ol June, si',, re horchv doelilloil I no enoliiillge.l ' ail 1 dl en and -i', .ppi'"W,. '('IMI' XV b .f '" "'" '.'''''I, 'l bill llie p,', "Ail Act in i ! ai , i, ii in : I,, Trea-iii v N..u - I.i pu! i:,- See ' Ml I', .!',..! , . lli , I .' ' 11 ''' ' .10' M " "" ' .'...'".o..." oyeei- ail'l lin n, llil M all civilians who hnro boon c'lnluiid at nnv id .. . and rolea"i.d on parole prior to Miv 7th. Is'iil. ,.r,. Ll.,. ,,' 1.1 hi rohy 'ieelari d to ho eM'llnngoil. 'this llie li. -i , owevor, is not mion.Ioil lo include any oli'.o: is ,. nn'ii eaplnred at Viekshurg, duly Hi, -.',.l. c. , p sn eh as w. re declared exchanged by Kseiiige No iiocs iiunihrtiod six, seven nnd eioht. juni'L'il-l'.l HI'. Ill l.U, Ag't of Hv. r -liall I'c.piii'c :,',...,ter a - to ll, 1! be I'laliler al the ' i!0U...,ns, " ll.C re- '"if- by p,,l, ll,. '' '' .1.... ; -"f .'ill eel onlille.l 'I "I I '"llll'.'l loll ." ai'pioini M.n llit,'e. ' in!.'. I, mi , le- leeened bv "I net, in ior In SOI.DIIiUS' ( I,AIli. Wu hare on kacnl a lot nt' blank forms of o r titioalos uinl nllidnviis for the ai.llooiioti of Hi Iho reeoioiy of claims "f 'iooo:r.'''d soldiers. Triei; lifly cents )n Slme- of -hail a-- - ,i l,.n,i;ii...l e tiic i i , 1 1 o- 1 shoot. Per: on s at a ilistiiueo noeding sindi blank, the I; I do I i"i n - d , can procure Ihetn hv aiblro-snig tho t. t"'i i n t; nml -. iv ! 1 through the mails. Wltilt Knle' tain, ; kille.: and the iin 'iin bo d ". i b - i 1 1 ii i n i i i U'il! be so.! il i - tli- in .VI,-. Ii-li'o will, ii- n i a'iou of lii It is ' -'i era" v n. ' 'I' iii. will -1'itv nor o '.- ... ' ' l..l.ill--s..ll.-lld l.oioinl . ..!i,...t. In jo!. li . ion . lle-'i nl all'. , d Tax ('oil-,. Ijlkl tile til'OSSV in ,'f.iofi. ,i.i tmn, in .twill i.i situated nnd c; aolli'.-t oil'' eon I partis! eli'. Mai 'i llo"i:i- -Tho foil.,' H 1 ' 1 1 1 .V I .' pi'.p. 1' p-i, "k .-ir It'-- ..; .in ki li . of IMI. iii- in iinsnor to olains itself, n d on heforo Ihe pi h- I : fi'i-iii the coo t . I'T : In n'.c of ' J 1 1 1 . . i : . ivlii.'h on-! I in II .-. one., .. .' " DAILY RLTjEL " BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, All; 'll W. Ill . C'O. . . ' .. . b, , lie "lie I. lb" -. ell".'- 'Ml Act I. I k , le ! o'l w'ln. a few ihis.-nii I IOvino piirilin-ed ili-j 1(n' imi Iimi .- , o "7 p." ;:d ..f I'u'.l'-r for ' l'-r un isumia r I'.-ia ri-- - .-sd by b--i. Ilni I'n in i. iinili tr- woili, iu S-v Ta. we nr now jit-.-psreil .,eei-iilc e on - d i ii ' ii el ' ol' ilnporl ol ' V, ..,,!, .0 re:; -, ilild bllltor I:'! ' ALL KINDS or Pj?.XTIK0, i !" ii! loo l ii, li leraey. pills j ,, ,,,, - i'ie, o I butler is pri- . in a k'.v!i' let to b" snrpa-,-, ! by ati ..llmi--lieaeir i -!. I - . I " l l-f "' i ,,'ion ; I I'eii e II. (' Si- -iii on fi's. l.i " I a " I i " F.MIlPl.lV. e. li'ofei;a,l. Ii-liiaent In tin- ( ' tii.-v. inn- otlioo Is now on,, of tin- l:c$ .t. lie! the mat. I ial oeltilillll lln: Hwe and Past Fjahjoeibla in tht Snath. 1 1 " ' ' I'lo-oa1 nl, bv and the S n.ile, 'a,, l"uuU .' ' -t.H.I I'"' Stall". U'' ; o' lie de-i.'i. e,l b' III" ii ira,' foe I i- .-oi '. ,h. Ilai - per no Mini. n . w e-.l 'oi' Ihe .-.. i : 1." up p. onled I.i the i -e' ..od eoii-ioil of I'. f '''.-.. I.,..,!" o--r; .!, p!'.;e.. in tl,,. : oi i .e.' a- hall ho I .....! il. !'" shall I I' ur Ihl'll-lllld .Imu.'s' I had lien:, The Ncn. oi v.-lni left t'linrleston ye.-leiib- mom l hoa 7 tiring of cannon mi'l musketry un and. It was suppusrd that an attack made bv tho Vankoes.' eolloe.ioll fill-oi.'ie' I ol tux iu i Sivowt . Zt:i ho-!..'' :i-l lets!,"1 d' t in ti. ind i' it:. I , '''it. I" ' i I .- in t -r: , ia;AV ,e ..I ihe ,,1 .t' 1, says the ll.tiin ftTuivl h vm r hiu M of llrr,l.l,!!S 1' in- ( '.lii.."t , M'ATH NKl:V, wo nw Wtltr tlisn t-v.-r pr- J t jJs . all kind of .'...,i..r. i-idi'i , ARM V lIMNTr(i. to in 'iuii. ami ii In ill' l d 'lit Wc Inf. .. iv.,11 cursed with s.iveral ifuitleiii.'n who .-ntly It Kichuioriil, and they all ugrce thai ttl 4,- I s It. a I I" nl nelii o. itiM nl rates in.. re roil-. .In'!'!' than . 1. 1' i.i- Ri.ANks i i:n av iiiiinodititely; so will coiludo ihi". rre.-ii.t mv kindest regards to .Mrs. llu hesoii and hi. lixeillcn ey. Voiir lie n l, l'Vom the Army o1' Tcnc-stc. l'"rr.:sp"lldi nee of the 1 liatlaiioni." a H- I j Ix .Tim 1'llll.ti. -SI V It MlKIKTIl. 111. I July 1', '(', I, .'I p. i I saw ii letter in an Atlanta paper a few days ago, abusing; now-paper eorrc-pon h nts very ,-c-veroly for their sens it ioti b iters. The I'-'Uv'p.iu-leut 11. M. J., stated that many rcuiaiit" 1 in the rear and caught up items of infoimatioii fi..m -irag-Klers uml "hospital rata" on their way In the run. To a great extent, this is irne. It has l,ooi: r.lioii ed that numbers ,,f lb,, h it. a- t!,,. front ate W I it ten for the ...w puip..-e f ,-ul....t,-i. a p.niio- poopleof 'iohiiinud and l'etershur are very biiov- ant in tin r hsdings, ;iud hnvo ovary conlidetio.' in their lean rs and tho pluak of the troops, i.ou is rapidly " .ohhlin up" lirant'a fildiors, having re. c ully, il is .-laic I, in a 'night attack, captured I, aim pri- .liars. In ona etujagnuiffiit, M,iliift yankfei were lom nleil, besides a large aumher killed. A soldi r. who left I-yiielihurg on Tucilay, and walked ei lily miles on the roa-t from thn. cily to lianville, sl.-itos that Hunter hrd eiofied tie inoiint'iiii , in full retreat, had blown up his u mm i dii. ,n train, and that hi i.iea i,er.. ultei -ly demor. -i.e I. linrly iros in puisust, but lifter ero-siug . iy teotiulaiii. had turned mr the nur suil ot tl. roit-ealing yaukres to n iioriion oi his cavalry, ol with tho bahun-o of his troops, Luoivn to iiiim' r well, sullicieiit fir li ia purpei,, had gone in a .other direction, and was travelino nl th. rale ot l 'I'y ii'' ' utilit it lid.. ; ohjfc't is not .mum, I. it is hoped mid generally boliercd by tiic soldi. tha' somotliing ine-w,iing w," occur in iho rcgioi of country nor abmit where the Aiiuck tia .nipt: s into the l'litotnao. So mole il he. -oa The I "li-augo Reporter and liuiletin savs 'that lion. .I.d i It. II, of Tennessee, j- sojniirning'iii .Mei rrac'le r i uiity, at tho residence of .Mr. l'ii man. gioannl pork. .1 Tl,i.. roan lo eolleaii I 1 I . i -1 v, was wro : ' " l.- h.'.e. s ' iva turned N con! I oo' lent him " i ; , e. '. I o.-v l anjied his things i.i.M" a oat liren hind ( ) ejai't (U'lliasl fr', illMll. ,1- il. lv. I pleiii id ; a- a il! ."' mm to -eni- ..I lb" .looa-'oi ', e 1"! ill" I l1 le I 1 i ', ' lii t , 1 i (III!; I 1 b e la .v I'e tcele tin' I'e 1 II i I' pel I oils have The toii.1 vol tin. !.- 1 .1 A i -d. ll. ss lis"; "!t.,'-d ' "T 1 I nioiiy -r" i li-. air 'il liei.-ev . in the I'.opn- n... m may '. i x flit s io i . . 1 1 .. When "lis aecnn lo mo iho. donee in Cuul. Iho abilily t ot lin lit-e re- an t oi' 1 "I,-; h r li p." , 1 t . b. i o v fa-l, lot ii I int. ii ii:i ; to l :lli the block;, le. . i " .-I i in k ;.r higher il ... oi nt, and il o, - ll ht 11, y ' 1. 1' d. lew n "lo and Ihov ll lit I'" " ' I i.,i , .. i i- ei '. ".lii, a' N.-i -sail." -I Villi"-1 1 1 .'Oilers ! (,, 0 . ll ho train, ft ' 'W o A. lev or. !e aprd I'l, ,1.1 HO ar he" .?.') ,in, -olii ha.- I. unit the hiiiigoftlic rapes .',n,e, i ... 4 s.e... li IhiIi, ll.iltti.luii- t'oioeai'oi. Ve- an il I.- a pity that tha ropes have not l :e in ngl ,,f him. a n. ei i Slmiild li,,. p I people ill the n j I lia.i is ill to - ' hi, ":;!!;:!," to i of leO'toi i' ion, i I III tile line l;n, . rlandll i d ill or I critic a Ueli Will I every part t lli Cl ell if the w al . 1 amide for an i o , ' I a . I ". . f a ,'.'. 1 i . o ii, i.i : sr 1 J t ahaiit S' i- ', . . ; ii ti on i .'". lo l or .n.i ilu md. li appe rs a ,: I I l.y r.-l "I p 'I In.- :.'llo d, ll 11 -1 twelv ot ,o i ; .-in - in . i iii .'.II in , a i i v All. v, an. I , - Ill -iM . fir - ' ' I 'ill' i ' s, id 1 . , i - ; '" ! . "il I: t ; .-.a ,'' a", .till i t large. ,, . .' ' ''1 . n t tl 1 -. :n . Vial, ' i who :ia "li boa; 1 -.Ir- " . 'ii P-.. -n ... i o''Vin a- a punter, iiar.ed I ' ! ..'ho nt - n i . a . o,' loo ' sen ii o, and lo..!.,. i..t ' ilOi'ol 'll'l'f to Iii in -1 1 'e . ;: - . ti I j.o-c ; ib-li obiiie " ' lihllA-. vu a ; ".: i: ; 10 ei-.illv all ai.. -'I o - I I loll!. ill v. oh !-"' I'' k in that p'.! in oi "I' the ( ',. 1. 1' ihe Vii - ' I'l I "; "!' 1 ,.. h o l.. .nit:. .-,-!. I Iho ".le e e! lb. a. ; . I ll i I .1' - lid I !"" " ' Ih- I'o-lolili-" I'' j' '';''' -Midi p'istlila- i 1 - '"' fund- -o tl a! - i ' i o::.l Having at'oo'l k of l'l NK STATU 'Mil: V. AM' , the iiont of lb ir.- aie aiemfr. il to eMi'iita bavn Coitiiiiiss.ii'ie.-s, Surgeons, id "Mieis. I. pt tn hand, f' r -''". r (.liuli.t t ! I ll." I I i:U'liliotis Aliiiinri. j.ilr-lOlice 1 of l.lli, ill -Ial M'I'.M' 01 li' - ','. ' -1 a- I I 1 I lie III .HrrcaiiWr I'rlullnf. not n, ke c.e."!led. alinon I s-.t I .'.! oil I nil s. I-Oilieal a o. is. in ha I I'n.'me 'y simko 1 in - t i i' i s. .loi.u -t..t! i . pr.'srii li'd I, tii 11, - .n at . t' t lie ' I'leinu.'lli ' '..,, i., , - ;.- .l'l ell, .1 til I 00. Crook's ..-'. - a . 1 .-oilliii't' mall .Nnl a loll so ib- in -.oiii'.r"iiiory w'nu .'i- si i. inaiioiirate ', mid ,-llh-o.ilot tly .'.... and i i..-" I t o lines al limp' r s I '!' l' I ail "I I'he pri I I !.. thi. i ol v ami l lined lot ' 'I f l'l. -'.00'-'; I ',lf t.'I'M.l. nle.l.-ji .!' .dl 1.1- ill' I'l l l-!"!l ill'l lil'pl oSOll and .1 ll.'' pi "',"'! 1 :' nil. ail'!, ss In- I i. I'lS-ldetit. l.ed to II-- .0 ' I' app. A !.n e lot 4 KAMI l"N A I'd. K KANt'Y ' A 1: 1 ' AM ,., ..,,, , t,, ,.,,.,;,( Nul l: l'Al'Kl: oiiit.Us ns l" pilnt ' n!;,.-. . . oioi t! . i.t lor il ;... nl : bn ' lo I be 1 11 , . ! I ..... o: ...! .., to .".l-llllO I of a -' Weddiiisr nrf Bnlf Cards, nd Invitations, I-, -t iilliiv l. ' ' ' Vis't'i'S Coeds, 4o., 'pi'i Jliv ' lii'"' ' 1.1' i . ., ., ... o, ,i, . 1 and l'e"ii! '! .. - i ' ''"'' ' 1 ' '' In a t,U !, nat to nt appro:iheil f'V i.n. otlir 1,1 "" j t "iintrv. , . :,. 'I hot tins m l -ii il Ir Wr enw-ftfallv ob'-il the l-alronar" "I" Mir . rantoM" I tt (I.-..H ' I p 1,.. I leieii.t. toll... AallT o. alxt c l-e ss tlef,' lilel . , , ., 1 e .-1 .1 1 e - a ! I d i. I no I of tin- i nl.lie t.-ii.iall.s. i V I'l r n- i ,,i. and h I keb Hi II ...In ll...i.l.M , , WUI ,,! mm i m m .1 I HI ,i .. HUM II i i i . , ... ',11 I ' II III ' ' i lla ll C ' - ll - ll I i ll "ll l T .OKI. n, ii S"iliM.I . ..llil'i f , I I T n " 1 ; if ig 1 1,f" ' . I " l Hiiu' " ll "