Newspaper Page Text
1 Trip U.U 1 .1; i li Li 1 Vol i mi ' 12. GIIII. IINT, OA., JULY 7: 1 H( 1 NT uni) km VfT! DAILY ANOOGA IEBEL Tin: daily itKKfa. nlbl'S. A i.' I!Y FliANC M. i'Al'I- ' 1 1 ' Hi" M l ! - T:m- 1' I'l I l.iil i a i 'IVi'iiiN l sub-ii i ' I llt Oi V Oil,' 1 1 1 -!.! 1 tli o III ,ll I,- " lline iii'.mli- W i-i ' : ha... ii i r M lid III Hairs oC Ailvcrli'-iii. Tun MUl -T S jniuc f 1 in. s ,,- . f. serthin, i.ltlit- St ' tr'Y' 1 1" ''.(ii. h, iii.n i ,. ("' THE DA I! A' RKIiKI WKi)i;SI)AV i:!. .11 I I "i i i ir tl' mi ,Y ii, I v.l. i ''''! l.iii i archives .if I .ii i ni a nit were found .In-i-ariii at Union llnuge, and purl therc- l( ml III .rV 1 l li nns. ! i . S i li,i Iii i ii issued from Itiidinninil , th-' bur nil,;; nl 'colliill. Jl is III lid Sci.- .1 in r , ' in" clothing lr Ihc ol,, mnl ..r imHV ( -1 1 i 1 1 ; -f 1 1 special reports that our . . I I -1 I jill railroads leading mil of ! i- c nlliiiii'l. ii. I In. ii tlulhr's guns ciivr (lie Itich- I . j i . t-I 1 1 1 railroad. i li l: I'l.hlltAI. I'liNilltliss. 'i.ihn', .1 ii tic lid. Thu vll'uct "f II"' ao'ion . if I : i - nielli wasjtu substitute u bill Himilnr utly passed by tho Senate fur tlio Mouse 'nig tor culling cut thu uulinnul forces, I lniiiii llii- limit in mil for less ill ii n "if t i i mi Ihrco y mi. .' in 1 1 1 ii 1 1 . 1 1 1 c lu u.-o iii iliii enrollment is re 1 iirovi. ion iiiiiile fur imposing u specuil i ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 n In meet Jin' expenses of Inanities, n i. tl:i' I on liinf-i " is mil yel definite. TEL1HIHAIMI 10 REPORTS ( F THE FREES ASS(K"AT10.1. . l ii" in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f . are' love? Nil I iry I. What kii .I o I li Ini limn - I'M' .' lie IISIT.'I' I. Willie Faltered in pniilin' l.v .1. S. Tint i. li lii ( Vurl (if t linn Hi ,'t (j,.i In ,,'l i.fl'.'ii 'iv iii l! ' . n- l-i'r I. II, ill III.' ' bib'.- I "fl. ' "I I'll I'l I '' Hates I".' I. ii ;ili. W.f".v(T.-,,n r;,7 Hri ., ( 'I ll I' ll'.S'il'il I'lii ate 'llie (naliiiii. Tlio situation in froiil ('I All 'ii1;' i In II of i est. Our heroic army i ji.-.i r i!i' Cbtib,iiin.'hce mnl tlu! decisive day ill T.n'.ile . :ni ii"l li'.'l'f ?, i".. poned. This bailie will iKri'li' lii- bite ..I' A:linii t ' ' t ' 1 ' and whether llie Federal ''nhlim-:,in Li be iii,.ii liilflv lipmi invn 'li"i';. 'iiii("l .ni l t c - 1 1 1 i K'.. . In, with (lie I'd liiin ion. .''iii.'i.i ii in,' i'i . i il." i i( i " JlfllCC Jli-l ty Or (Vf IM'.' f 'l' '' IV, ,.i ' ';:;''' il 1 tiituly. (ifll. Jollllriliill D.jiv i.i'i'lij i'- ;l -li'.l 'i' ' -i',, n th:in ever ho hns nn.l u!l ii'uini.i n ii i , i'.i- luM. We cuillii-fl tin-lil.ii'l l.i i..!,,. ! iii i ;. ,. ' , the l.riivo anil uiili nl lo vi nniiii r " I hi. ! .ii i'-i eJ. On tlio luniks (.I'liif Clwil.i': Ii. . "'i.ili heut thu l' invn h i-. 2 The Huiil IVnm ."!i'ii;.ii. The new raid from Menii-'.;. , -.yi y,. A''. Trihunu which h.i-lm u il.i"ni'n -i ci : r Imv ijc ,' terrible Ihi'iii-'liiii:: I . rr. ; ;.;,. ,":ui'..' mi, I i ; i 1 .kiii, him not been ji-i.ii-vi iy I-1-; .1 1'i'ihi. A. i ilin to some nc flints i! is nnl. .1, smiil ; nr. iiorilinj; to (ilhfi s iiniltT Wn-lil'ii::.,'. Ii.- -nvn.-ili 'h e.-itiiniiteil ut IViiin S.IH'ii i,j mi. ,, f,,r (,. t , , one re)iort, it timl already r.-;idi. d lirmi 1 .!iiiir::..n; the luteal ;u'.'"i:i,i .-.iv- it Im 1 : advanced beyond .M..-.'.'W, .n in;.., r, -m n "l.i.-; hy mmic it is iltiiiltfi d, il' ;tny 1' "V I.; f .-n i,,.,. bus h it Memphis. ' .Mirny lm on-lit In he 1'i'Ky H.'il in!": to. 1 mention eii'i'tiiiiMiin.i'a w liirli, in,, lull t, i oil that the rui.l Inn he'll -1,1,1, I, m l I',..' .iii.i- Mo-;. iiiriitions hnce heen in.i I -to nu t t i; i, . inn t i'i;;i.: ' ''!'- it to aircnil lluil will iivt"'si;i.i.v i",. n Mm :i- :il fiiir. We shall not . i.ri.-t-n I I-. in '..rm i-m- -, ,". i' nlnit is the iielual ftnlu ol' l!ie ( i.-c. V.- ie :!;y tb. not know. Ilul of tlii.-i . cnii i;i, !., , uSd not give t lie lu .- v. s l!lr .-1,: !.,. -I ,, y about the re.-tilt. If tho threat of a new raid i.' in.i'.' ',.' In keep our fore". I'l-'iiu ncr'iti.'.i ' i. .-'in' im or lant iiKivenicnl, our (''iiiiiii.iinli'r- ,- !1 ,,,mv !!" fact, and will knmv, to", :.,n I i ;ft in t! i pn mi- - If the mid is' 111 i .".niir t'f l.i'i.. The result of llm last .. will '( ail t'.i" fi. an I all the more impressive on the lniiois ..f the vni. horde. I. ate Niirllii'in .News. Sp'-nitl In Ihc M;hilc ,!;.;,,: Skvathiiia, July 2,- N .i lln'iii's to lin- ::mli lilt., lire received. The following i-:i .-yn'.pi.- of the ncwH : Uaiieoek's corps was seven iy !,i;ii.,h.l i.v A p. lliti on ttio -J.l, lu iir tiie ,'ei i' u r- id, l"-:i.': I'.itio men: but tifterwanis . ..'cu d i 'r pn iii. ii. Tho Federal eas;-:,i'i. s during ilie 1 1 I v. "k around l'uterluit', v. I" mi i "' n ' i . it tn n. An army eorre-pondiiit sny t li-.' . ' 'p t r.,' 1 ; i a: . ' ' manuurcra U t" nJii ve Hunter and i.!,:.,iu p r inanent iHissessinn of I he el.i',11 r;ii'r..;id, t!;:i severing the Coiifeileracy. ' I'o.t.'r is nmkin ,1 movemunt on Clialfiti's Mull', the . iitci - 1 I' niii di will render the capture of Furl Ih'fliv, ii.e i.-b. 1 nuns and Kiehiiioiid ea-y. An Indianapolis corn--poll'!- nl -; s ii,.- i:.ivi.i tion of the Ohio ii extremely li.i.'ii li'ii '. Driiftin'' in Indiana is i.lave 1 . nl, I)iiriiK tho debate in the II..11-. mi t'.o .' .t'l, I rr nandu AVood ?ink(! fi r .eaee. IL' sai l llm n.u' was unpopular as shown by the nce.-ssiiy of dial' ine;; that an out and out peace Pi. :1. ni w . ii 1 peleeted next fall. Tho speech and the Abolition 1-. -; . . T 1 1 . . r rr- : :i .'1 roat excitement. Tho three hundred d.dli.r ' n.-e i- t- bc tn ; ' cd. Tin Memphis Arn us. of the ;.-..iii, e..ii!-.!ii .. aocount of the eaptiire of irnidi' .it 'J,' I..- sli P ;.. and tho bl()ekade of hi:e 1 , . r at i'l. it' 11 ! 11. The transports eatiL-ht pbiive eaiimd pa -". Tranaiorts (villi snppii. : I.... .; h-.d r.-!. d to Memphis, not biini; a I !j I ' j'.i sil, ':,,' 1: . Humors are cuvri nl, ,. 1 i ' ii"C"! by m--y. 1 . t tteelo had surrender. .' '' fii.e. The editor of the '.'im n'i 'film's ;i i. : "iii; i,-. (piircs a million ntid a h iii' of no 11 ti.1' c 1 ..; s t" reach the defenses of Hi. hni'.ii'i, ji :, 1-i lt wiliii tako to reaen the "nil ":" I men Admitted Into Hospital at i.rillin, (in., July 3d, IHttl. oivin n. unci Bolilie is wure nJniitled in It it llii., l'ost to-day. 1 AloosA Itosl'irXL. .: ui. F. White, White' Hal. '. (.', AleKinny, Mil Teiiu. Hetr M 1: 'l'ai'..y,' en. . Ii;id (la. ' Ii John, eo. K, lib Ark. .1:. An.l.-v. eo r, 'nl ti. 1' I'anierli.'irv, en. 1), L'd Ark. . Ii T nplov i','i, F, ;,;l,l tin, ' V t'l.nli, Whiles' Hat. '. (-e Kiiiniiion, eo K, 4lh t)a. Car. Mtu:' I'lON II'I'IVAI.. lino 1I0111I0, eo 11, :7th (In. 1 A .I..11. (, " " din Lane. " L'.'tll in. i loin, K, ;;m.i ' I. 1; i-i, (i, :;mh " ' K liillyanl, c, li " i.H INI'dlll ItHSflTlt.. . Ii.ivis, eo II. 2d Oa Slate troot.-.'. W. Willis, 1'. , I' IIiikIics, ' A iin an, eo I), :i'.ih (in. 11,.. . Walivl, 1, ' Ii II .-,' II, " mi Wri-lit, A, " ' .1 Kennedy, F, A llrins, ui, It, lain s'iuiiii.rdy, F, " ' W Oiiirli. ' (I, s. I'. MO.'lli: llosl'll'AI.. I. Wiiite, K, " 'i 'li Pettyjohn, K, " t'nc, T l.iiiiif.-tnii. II, IO1I1 " I. lint. I, I, " . K. Ft hi id-.., M Kalin, i, im, 11 Sp-neer, (', lllth S. ('. ' ('.ileinenseo li, ." 7 1 1 1 (la. l!e'. 1, Porter, S .Monilord, A T.ijlor, t Carter, i'ain Tyler, I! Th niiastoii, I'l Paltersiiii, I' A.erv, M Wallace, 1. I.i.-key, 'iv. r liroii n, T Weak--, I Pakcr. ' F Sowed, llh (ill. Iteo ' t'roiii li'ulnln. ( 1 I, July .'.- 'I'he Fk l in "ii.l M l of tho lib bun I en received, Tln-rn i no n. i -importance, Tho I'olersbii ICipref ol Salni dy . y ; 'y,i I niht iiboiit 10 I'.loeli, a heavy Ii.e d 1.,'iy eniiiineiieed 011 1 t center, mid 1 oiitinti" ! m i.ij iil for I u. 'lily inin i!es. ll was l!iou,hi 11 l 1 iliai a general eiiu ineiil had coiniin in ed. I.e; :, . ;ii iug tuan eeusi' . Il ls thu opiaion .1 ill " who I beiinl it, Unit ll yiinkees had ii--null I on, V, n 1 and ivere as ii.-r. 1 1 1-j .nl hi d. i 'i'he reporter I' the Neir A'ork 'Jinn ihi.1 I'i d.i j ibdphia Press, ra H, Vnnnihlcn, a ' l.n.n;d.i in to-day, All was ipiii't ilnnj; lln linn. ymleidnT, ri.rpt id,:" n-. Tht followinc, ollieial di-pal' ll In- 1' " il loviinl at the War Hep rimeiil : llKAIiili'.lurr ts AilllV 11c Noitiui ir 'i'iiimvia, July 1st, 1SCI.. - lion. SeiT' lary ..t ' ir li. (innK'11,1 rep. Ms a l.elile drnioii lini ,n uiad i by tho enemy 011 a pnrtinn of ( I en. I'nl.i '"n's line about 1 p. in., ! di -Hay. His -h i i ni 1 -I r up n . cd by two line f troop-, drove unr 1 nf ! ir. lilishcitt, which 1.1 ie Ind il .11 1.. In the varinii foiiflii Is with the 1 1. I 1 i.iltr, in tho late expe . lion a.iiins( the Faiii id, I"' id,s th.iir k.We.l and .vomid.-l left on th- lb Id. .o.f in a sand pritameie, hirteeii pieces arhllety tinny wa gona and horse , ordnance slot, s and 'Vti'il ' ,:.i dreil nojroes, ti. .011 IV"tn Ilia pUnlnii. s ,.11 tl.fir route, (vura rapi irml. p.. 1,. i.i::;, c.i.. isi. 'I'll,) fiillowiai Pre-1 di'pal. h is l.ii., 1 in. in lii. Wbi: Pl.Tl.ltNllt llll, Inly 1'lid. -'file:' u 11 ' oil our linus froi 1 Waltcries 7 and h1. r,- n tin ., 1; i supHise,I, from thn loKaiice of (lie eio i-ny ..11 Jenkins' front v bile relnum;; picket . I i i. n . f hale - ii I 11 1' as o. sliiif- e 'i I a I iii'.ii I in In I I,;' ther by I T l 1 1 . , ' ' I 1 II i.-ll ill ll it'll ll lllf II HI Ii ', A I 'o., lllf t" be lliailK I - alio , ,i, i i'I 1. 1 1 oiiols, li.iiilil. r .-Hi. 'lied ' v ..v. 1 1 i s, licet n -litdjn.s, -Iiii. ly loe. 11 , i,.n in ini.iii ate I., 1 iile. lime ii'd lin 11 I'mi'its nlrea I.V i'l I nit' 1 of tnl.i. III. I Phi!'lp, Hi ii ll m ro 1,1 , MX I pill!'," -Ill ha!l' ' es and i on. I;, i.i not now ,ii 1 ll nl till' "i ll II I I,. 11U0' rti.'!aini"d ihen t Ii m hoiifi lops hi 1 in the (alley" im field au I in n eliiirc' 'it in their spe". li ii.w sp'ipers -'Vi till niiiskfts ml l.av I nil Hi". Inad inii'l, in nits nidi,. 1U1' ;l I- I'lnid I liiin.iinalili by tho mini. .lis of 1 tM.ii.iivt. bilk 11V11. ' llm resloiniii n of j li V A TV U Ol! I I V. IM III.M' AC TS nl' mix I'iiM ( iniicki nl Ihc 'oMlrilcriili! Si i !, Push d at llieltiiiitb nf isioll, (1 hieb was hfofl,, and belli al llie i ile id Kielitiic. ' in lin Stat,, , iniiiiiii, on Miiiulai , the see , ( of i, . eellilier, A. lb, J -ii. , and el.di '., '''"ill -dm , the eiuhtee utb o Iilunre l-.i l. Mlid coilipli. Is iii'ti'e In all i-I.iiui a. iiiu-i Ibe 0 said w ni k in 1 1.1 1 r.'iu iiiirv in An A t I nl. it ws ill' b nb bell I- of nllt I lias 11 .1 oil the II "ir 111 I df"'l -d .id - d.'lld ? N el ir'illi .biiiiifl"' . f rmiln, lha ..I.I I'nioi:- no 11 who lor h'lrg Hit If il their bll-ines, i uliiiiin a with the di 1 il." - still Mint this war is for "llio I ni In i. a l ib' of .id, the I'n -idem. If to pi ny bv ..T'i-y. No, I'm ni i 110I ..r fiilfc"!- - i! i' 1.0I b.r tin' I'onsl' it 1- in, I lor I Im I "ion id'oiir 1 iMiri .01 I" ! Imv llm li.i.. -I.illlt ill ! nl I liiioll. ll is ,1 old I i "V 'I illih'i', ufd .1 our fill' .,'isv ! Tr m l iini died for .luring of lb, . Id Fiijoii of Sb Ii' I IV. h .1 parly aiiuoii ,eei I lluil 1 b' old Fnioii i a Cine. XXVIII. -An Ail ailllnilio the iiip.ii).lji Tieasiiry I if 1 111 11 m r 11 1 w appri.ieil .liiiiuuiy "7, I i; 1 Tilt f ...;.. . 1. 1 ho ( hi',,. j io 1 (on I, I lint llm salari ' iiiueiid " Au A'l ' . ' nl au iiKi nt ol tl; ' nf the .M i-sissiiuii. llll' P"l'!i pnw 1 wl I'll, I' s; .'asm v llepai tineiit .-hull be F. 1 ier milium. j Appn.i ml rein uuiy 11, Is, -I. j ( II (lb A V I - All .CI to pi, a j, SntiKii Aim;' iiii lli;ellt nf th ) I tbllllMlllll ihi'- f"i- llm I iron. U lial Im). llm llll'.- lllllVe'S (,f .ears, loll"' y. lin. 4i.n uinee il af "nil II ynu, fiiuiili j urn ni" nnd that e del' nlis upon the foi)- llOOfl ollll I 11 If, '. . ( 1 '. .(II ,V I ' I Ml-l.t ot' llio n 1 il ... habeas epi pus in m Wiikiii: is. 'I be ( 'oust Hit, 'inn of ll I Suir '.i;..ftica provide'', 111 ai'liidi nun;, pnniLl.i, li lluee, thnl " the pi u , 1 I'M 1 I ;,.,b,':is col piM -ball mil ! . 11 ill ease of re'. Hi.. 11 1.1 ii 1 1-,, , 11 inay leipiii 1 11 ;" mnl w lu i 1 . . : ISpeillllllO llll) p. i V ie m, , mid ,,!,, in said article '11 -I, 1- ( 1 sled s'd' l, : Wllleli 1., llie evelll-ive pld'-e in ll ; mid 11 In ii a.s, in ib public . all '( l'f'UHi n tin' e i -t in;; ens,- , , bv Ibf 11 Mil.'- o ll. -.' the Pn-nho.l I, a In; wi ll nl balii'ii- 1-1 , 1 of eoliililiini- i. 011! pension 01 1 Hi- 111 i 11111 - ol '"lutiiiue the I lleec--ily id si'.sti -ii- ,,,,, llplllliill of 'be Colii ess, tl the su-pen-iim of -mil -t i the ii. a-imi 1. 1 tin -1- Sliii. Fnili .l ,"'t.ii.- ; ami w Inn , ll-kfd for the Mispi'ii-ifii ,, ills, mnl informed Conore- lie il'l.iees Viiiieb lender lb unr lin. iiireiiinieiit ol l'i"ll of our fill 'els illmrs. It it h war I lllllelH llill ' '"ll rr wui;e to o.'er- llpoll its lllio. to lllllll ll-lltlll'l for ulliceii win, mil v beietofon' have net I'm med I 11 weuMiiv pn.ier lor the , nbln; d, i,.,,, . ..,ir. 1.. 1. 1. 1 j-,1 .' ... ;,, 1: : v ... .1 nut 11 linn 1 1 n in ui in in 01 ineir uperioi' ollieer.-. ' 1 "" 1 111 " 11,1 - . 1 "i i ih., Ciimi; ..!'. (;,i 'A,,,.. .'., .., 1 I I''"' '""KIvb.h lid the Conliilta.m n ... :' 1 1 ,,,,,, ., 1 " .... ivi.M ,1111,1, i lial (i lien any iilheer nr piiuite of miy Ifuully constituted niililniy 111 yaiiiiiatiou 111a,' ham heretofore, by order id' Iiii pruper Mip.-rior peiioriueii nuy mi ull tin I v appropriate to im 1 M lie mien 111111111111111, lie miail no elllllleil til receive pa'.' for tho lime he was so ennaiied in the ilisehara'a I hat there whs not I lien id ssi u-ll ilulies : Priiiiilfil pifsent lit I'm ilulv any ollieer duly the (lisehill i;e of the suine. Appiiived Fein niuy 11, INilt. nppoinied fo ft Ac .I.p..tini. ..i,l: IllllllleC er nacv, up- loiiJ''r than n lii ll F iller In iarii: II lll)" dubious il ' J Iiii ,ew pK .MUtn. Ini " i I I I -' 1 1 .-I I oli"'. I' Si -oil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n t ,'t k imploltl. loi tip" "liouhUr slt'impi'd milikir w .11 I 'I ? I p .n the ll.i wl.h h ho p'nr,-t in llm lintd hi-, . 1, f !;r. , arc in.crilmd llie d.l natehword' .iiii' c .iinti-T, "Tliiii i f-.r 1 'iwia. 'I'liis 1 In . mate ;'i.';r he, nil m ml -liTi'ifln. 1 'heir nrms ti peii',.',nnni'f i . T raloio is iln .l- P.ui bis n iv p, 1 i n a f-r the 4 lias ."I 1 u- "id lioveriiai V ot It ;...- i,.r t " vi 1 ,.,r." 1 1 sli lb- inll" !' fkf Is.i.n . A ,inw iisin'li-i l.i.,,'. !: ,f .!, -l- d.'-i'. t f. role, -1. , r What 'ans pi 1 III .ilolL md The word ' K "uri ntit s rulf. "'. in, not iht KhoV w out timut l w,i 'in. ibi.'ll hist but iinioiintf d to noi.ihi :. but rtln lliii on llm on I oi l i" ll Jo iiison, II 'bite, M Walker. II Stephens, nit Slovail, Al Collee, ll Hoibl. fiirv Hulfv, a, n, (J, ibid " l, full Cav. A, .".ib Cav. (', l!ih " :'.'tii Mill tii'.th " I, 2d F, VIA " (I, 2 1 st " K, tub Ark. ed thirty luiiinti Nothing; is d( of thu enemy. I'ysseni'rd re nl hmivy litite; li, in I In' ilitefl tion of Pntershu ; yesterday in omens'. I'rolll AUshI dppl ( aillll l' nl ' Jarh-un. .Mllllll.UN, Jl y I'ltli. A rpeeinl dis. il. li b, lllf Clarion, from R andoii, says tho y. ink, is or. nficl Jaeksoii at noo yesteiday. (Iini. .l fiinili -ays his object is ko 1 -toy the Kailrotids n id In i ! ,e.', and then return '0 Viekdur. His f. no i . '!i inated at twen -llvu luitidird. Htavy bun; is heard to-ilny be veeti Jackson ami Cain ui. k torn the Front. CitarrAHuorj tn Hivitii, July lull. II is .piiet this morning. , ,'fie enitny yrni rday I. unit Fm j, motion of the I Inula mil lit alur K -ml. Sotiin prieiuie s weiu br"ii"hl in li-l t i'il.t, among thctn I.i. !. lien. Sftt, of I he I ;.u Iii.bnn.i. il ni.i . il,,.' -IIH'll I "nl n; 111 i .If !". 'I I ill th'-' el!,'. I i i lie K ;' l-slillllion, r c I'he . I Will.' the ll, r i Frenioiil if Niiit.ui. nl lr the ui of nor Ciki'. XX. An Act lo " An Act to establish a pt ax . Apnl Ik, si;:i. Th. I'l'iHh-t't ..i. I',,,,,;,,,,,, sMiKot' ,(,,;. ,;i ,i,,r t 'I'luit the ml entitled "An Act in e. tablisb 11 volunteer nan," approved Apiil H, l''"i, be so ainendeil lliut the Fiesiileut be, and h" is liereb Mulliorix-il, tn is-ue the cotinnis.sioiis uu I (Miri'iinl" eoiileiiiiliiloil by -aid art, nniler sue!, iv nidations us be infly pre-erilie, 1,1 itpplieulK In ' serviea in Ibe ( nluMcci' uiivi, wlien -atislicd thai mlid applicants! w ill fiii iii-h a statable ves.-cl for said firiiee, nnd to n iie into the volunteer na ve said i s;,-el ami her ollieers 11111! ei mv w ithiu or lifVnud ,he ''onffilsr.'i'f Sbne-. Sia . '1. diet the Pie-idenl be, mnl be i hen-he t.s I lllllhoi i.ed III appoint us d-tit lit lull nut -tei .1, fm the I-- Ciilulili-fl' m, y, who shall recoil e, w he 11 oil dlltv , , al si libs, 11 dollars per month. Ilul no ii isoii 1,1. ,le 1 ' a I , live y arsnl noe, nod liable In perlorni ,, 1 ludibn v dun, -hall .eceire soeb appnintiiienl. ,,, . 1 Appnu'od Feliriiiiiy 11, I l.i. Aiiiei lea no eiiiiet, I lial nii' ine (lie iii fsfnt inu. sum id the t onleilei ale Stales, llie pi n ileu,. nf lb. writ of liiibi as eiii'pns be, and the . aine 11 Inn, b auspe niled but nicb mis pe i-ion kIiiiII apph ..i.i lo the eases of pei'sinis urn led or lie laiiu d e ,, del' of the Pi csidein , Seel clary nf War, or tl. f cue 1 a I 1 1 llieer coiiiiuiinilin I he Ti an -Mi., is-ipp Military Hcpiiriinenl, by ibe aiilhoi in- ami no, no the ctinlrul id the President. t is be,, 1 . - ,i -,ii. . Hull lb" pill ,-,. if Con.,.,-, . I,, , , , . , ( .;, lUll Is to proliile lllole I'M,-,'! nn'h' lot' I lie putdi lib. -as ci 1, in 11. 1 1 1 i salelv. In su-tiendini; the uril of I aiiiend an act eulitlcil ',;,;,,;. n, ', ... 1.1 overthrow b ( ;,,v o re-i-t the law fill an Stale. ! sisl the enelnv, or o' llie t'lli'l.iv, 11:' i:ii pl'fpal all,. I'lcelli 11. Ihe I 111. and al sel'tiniis. pnl unlit Our rn. Hit n ' ,-h fal.-idi. .oils Fv lb" In alt.liipl I t'lM lUISI'IIAb. llrook-ln-r. " I 'a 11 It y, eo lie Ibll'i-, li filli'llli , 'til Aloblev, W Iveever, W Fills, W l.illdsey,'r, ir.'e !btii'la tin (la. Sib Hut. cavalry. ! From I kn-nv th.- . 1 n.y uu would be I oil ll'lll A, 2d II, l.'ld Cia. Uetf. K, Hith II, :17th C, ;,7lh -', 1-:, I7lh lton'r C. FoHiua, 4ih birj,'. in chjr'o Hospitals. 0111 the .Montreal (Camilla) corrospon , Cii nif-ton Courier, June 17th: iy rivate iidvices frmn New York, I up to the piiss:io;o of the .Tames, tho al-1--s.1l opinion in the North wns that (ion. iipaia was a stupendous failure. Great y 1 ii led in Wii-liinlon. It was gen isti.otl that a full for ollil.niill more men .rdorcil. The North anil South were lit 11 '1 for men to reinforce (Irani. ' militia, who went on to Washington for I .lay.-' L'arriioii duty, were sent, against n-:i,it!i'rs, to the front. Pcnple asked . "From llie llapidau to thu Chiekahoin 1 is (,'i ant baitif I ?'' Ir was easier lo tell id lost, lie throw away not less than "1 I 1 1,'ni'li a .-pot upon which he might I bis army wil'iout the loss of a single f u'ti. is . iiornioiH saerifieo no conipen- ;il :i rc.-. livery liuif he attacked Hen. 'I'l Who has not Who has; not set thrilling voice, cold alii in tier in thor, aister, or ever remain, tablet ia llio fae departed one. Hot when' nr picry. tiivell t ed to landi imki siiireine.-- a bin. by tho visible aj When darkue rankle in our he uur bosom urul vt pi ay for tin wish them back treachery or viei wish tlietn lo I.' rest; wish the. 11 Wo shall soon Hoon, our dust ' souls go ivhero swiftly borne da can almost see proaelied the lin life with death. inlili on Kcalli. Til doprived ol' a Ineti 1 by d.'i. t h? the speaking rye, he. id tile love r Ihelast filile '! Illlshe 1 in dealii'-i e voice nl 11 fathm, n. 'thor. Itro riend ; yet tbn jiiemi y of such ripreme'l upon uur I ,u"'s pure . i'oi'in and licds of lii loied vet I bey . ii-s n I, n i;:o I lims tt,,,s 11,,, .1.., ' " y in the grave, or Inn ntn to us, where happ of light and love, l'.n .earanco of Cod '! pervades our sight, w n 11 ini .,ws t, wlieii a lovod out! h lot 11 It , 111 usigneil to the ibtinp, '"lilgiaie, r return : but should .re Why 0 be siillerurs, niaybrp vi tiui to on thin sin-stained en lh ' Why partukerd of misery '. Let I hum nit bsi't. noet with them. Soon, iiye, r, 11 ill bo iningleil with liens -oar heirs have jjonu. Wi are being 11 the rapid stream ot' lime, li e Kill's gale, so nigh In 10 we ap tho boundary line III it rotifeebs si riials fioiii N.issfr 1 ivu have iTe. i .'ed n Index of lh IHl'i mid L'tilh of May, - 2d of , I inn,. W 11 .ike uoiim exliaels npei of a latter dale. 1 11 spuaklu of nu tin I'oriiiu oflt. e In eiiiimutiieafii villi Ibo I nib Isi .;r. 1 , .. in rnitiMiit li;e liulwx says: ( c ha. t to flu ottit lo a "ecoi I abortivu Ml"upl mi tlvpm! of lit'' Foi'riu Oli i..clii ciuiiiimii.ii nto wnti llie Foul, leinle liovcrnine tl. Il aill In re iiiinubi retl lliat rVi 0 Pelrid, hu ing on board the di; .I'fli wilii wliii-N Air. Craw! I .inniF' it-tif 1 al in U , 1 1 1 ii , was fiiipb'tily iyIufciI ndini.-sion iiib b.u by tin' couiniander uf llio , S-ptadroti. 5ne lliori'itpoii relu and tepolted her faillie to the , 1 i,,ii, w lis iiuiiieiliaielr ti nti'iu.' lo i.ord I. v. ui--. The latter tint lor t' rini.-iioii lo forward then itlii ii w 1' r- .'t-e.l' Mild Ford 1 inf.. 1. at d ! v .Mr. Suvar I tllHl ,1,, , , i, lo t b-i 1 i 11 1'i'iiiniinl ' ,.r lu r .Msii 'iv's 1 lovernmnt ' foiii.-e iTlrttfier c.ilh llie Coal'i ler.ites.' Aftirr ids iibutr, v li i.-li Ford Lyoni appa r to bata reeei ail w iib his ni-eknrss, Oinn retnsiiicil noting t r I11111 to do but lo retain tn dispaltihtis In be I'oiei 11 1 tin i-,-, ivhor they will 'leueufiatli rain iin a- the rcord of the 1110. 1 iii iciiImm tlipbuui lio failaiK ol ewti liarl Uusi ll's ;' dnuiiistrMliiin. 5o Id 1 1.-, liowncer. di'l tho Foinig ."eeii'lary ant ri pat "loll n re-'iilt, that, tin llN, as the 2d of A il, H.ldili' li'il intrllflioi, i --. ioui ieiftiivii in ins uii-ion to I. I.ti .mil in(iiii li'-ns, it may ri n I. ii'd iii.i iin.i by llie Hisito loi ',' i;." was a forgery. 1 nil ith liiw lo no whelln r lb a lliil I lie I. " 1 1 . A Ki il V(iH XOT Xo. 10, llll IIM0M1, V i., Jl If Sill, IS.,1. ) '11, . I'elUuin nntiea is I nasi! upon a recent 1c el.iralioti of l-i xc'iaiift" nindii br 'hij Fi deml nnlh ir- r'nir, dito AFiy 7th. ltd I, and is suppur cJ air. XXXI. corlilieali's, loan." 7 In- ( 'n, i'i .' An Ael In tiolliorie the isMic of ful' intore.-t on the 'tiftcei; 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 , 1 1 M..', r, ,1,,'iiti- SI, it,. ,rd, Her .Map y eharjjed, mn f r ,1m port of Chat es 'dnral Blnekad ng nsel to lleriui In, Admiral of the ta '' d llio rlepati iies formal tt"i est tin oiigh Ihe li cs, olis Wis llio I'l" n-r "if irunlil 111,1 l,r he Fiiited Smi us, ,1 hold imv iii cr- "' . tmr 1 1- in iln ,(.,', 'I liat Ilia Seerelmr of the Treasure be, mid be isheteby, authorized to raitse ccrtifi ((lcs to be issued, ill Mich form tin be -ball devise, lor the interest which ha.- iieeined, nr which -hall accrue, oil the registered -tuck issued under au thority of the act of February the twcnfc'eigblli. eighteen bandied ami sixty one, cntilleil " An mo tn raise tiiouey for the ntpport id" the ( ,oi ernincul . ami to provide for the ilelcnoe of the Ciiuli ilei 11I1. States nf America." The said ce'tilivales shall hi prepared ami signed by Ibe register nf the tieasii ry, lu fmorof the persons, re.iiicciii-clv, in (vliosc 11, noes the mlid stunk shall lie Kbiiiiling mi the books of Ihe treasury, or Ibeir .nl llie desig lull i ll periods, ami shall be sent by him to th, trwHsnrer, ussistiuil tren.-urers uud depositaries If rated al the places where said interest is pnvable Tho said cuititicutcs'shall be countersigned tiy tin trerisurer, us-istant treasurer, or ilepositarv, In 11 bom they shall be ib liiereil ; and ahull bereeeii' able in payiueiit of export duly on collon, in tin tonne manner as the coupon of the boiul,- is-uei underpaid net of Fein nary liventy eighth, ei"liteei buiiili ed anil -iit v-onr, how me. Approied Fcbriiray 1 1, 1-uil. r attempts lo libl-ral, C 'lifetb'l at,' Mate-. or sM.n npt iff of lax pi vers id ft 'J'l : Air. lielllllollll. e suppoitd, -re eiy 1 Ii u I thu "As i- in now imp di laieii is lo I1..V0 -hi ;. .iroles on tile 11 me hllieo iiiiledrriita off; ers and niuii led nl Cii? I'oiot, Virginia, pr ri Jtinn, Im', I, ir hereby deelnrei te 1' t-tty I'laln Talk. The following s the lending editorial the New York N'ews of tho llh of must coufesB tbw mssoiiii: pritty stroll used, such as wi .Id not have been pern arli'de of Ittne. We ; laiieiiiife milled bv nty eighteen mouths aiks more fieely us tin n k .V' li's, Mil Jinn; I iicimi:" ,xi:w na i n N. tho Lincoln dv Northern press f sen : from tlir .Vcic 1 "NEW Are Ihe people nud? In the name of asK our lelluw-e ilie--. 1 bv v!; k.i, ;:.! ' jmv. I. All ( buvc Inn 11 dtlivc mis to tlir 1st of be ex. handed. Si:'1. 2. All funis dut'iilo elii- ts and nieii, 1 ml nil eliilians who have been crip tired at any ple-e, ami n If.iSfl on intlolu prior to lav Tib. I Slit. le lurebi litclm-cd to he c.,'ban bowel el, i- lint ilitetldrd to iliel Itu u eapluied at Viekshurg, .III, sin h as were declined exehang' tiei s itniiiln re I six, seven Hud iittii 2!i- ib KO FT. 01 ed. da This seabmu, imv o'nais ,P1- -Ith, ISt.,, cir pt by ..... fbt. FH, Ag't of Tl Mo- '.('.lip! lilt'.' 1 ea ( .11. we ;i-k t ii 'In W'tiv ..III' IlIiI'T I- ;i k:.!i V'. I 1 In N01V York, m tli 27 Ji, 1 !r;i ii- ! ; anil twont y and tivo linn.!rcil .t m I i-.v. nt -'i . ;::r ilpn mi' two hmitlruil and I'itIv ii K JjUter frmu th .ir(h i'url her iVnni ii -i; in i,i. FjDin the A'.Buoi:ite'l I'it--, Ni-ii!:." 11a I.ti Minti:, .Iiuu' :,0, The flit m n!' I lie . 1 - , -' run rereiviMl the I'lilluniii j lie!" ii'--:i u i m it ; ) ' : oflin-r of tlio Christ in 1 1 Cfi'inni ! : - ;u I i : Kverylhin; ltiuks wi'll, t!u! ir j :n ' in iiin spirits. Grant is u iv!"'!''!!, o!' yi:-i'c-j, Jl,- mv' thoro can he huf oil'1 rc.-uh, I lie tl. !' u . i it-' . ic -d ur hi.1 rerront fruu-JnMi wi r r- jiltilo ovcr(!ir"W. Kxtciuivu ju'cpiirnfii .-r i-i ). .if-.- ,', will nunn ili in'n-ir,i,tc tin- ci.ii;- ;ri I' a'-ili' v Grant im-1 .M mkIi-. Svw Vmtk, Jii'iD ;;ii."-T'i" Ti'i-.Tiib-'. -;. Jatt-d hi'ii'l'iniirlcd et' i' r. i ,auV!J Ijntii silk1.- n't'ii1 lui-iily ;it wnrk ;i. i'- ' : ' yt'Mi'phty, iliri'i'tin;j; now iind r i- i-'.ii .-; : i i "' work.. Wilson and Khm!. :tru o'l iUi'ilhcr i.:' I, I. -it not been ta-nnl linni. Gun. Fnatcr Still hi- i ri a--- ': Janio.i river. Kumor sayn tli.if i' ur nr iiw i!i tt -.i u-l t ; - -: m.i heon added tn tiin-io iilmady i.i v i.niii: No tio'ijis ettvi'l ho mili'i.t ar.? 'm-.v Im ' moml. The Wahin t'-a Tinic.-i i -v . 1 ; r. 1 -;y l.:'- ,i ! vice.-i fnnn GrantN h.'u l-jsi.ii'i- . -' i'.-' !h i i - -1- - i oonsitltsrahle artilli-ry ja-;n'f :'-. 'l ' w ,r I i i has been nhn-it mi:iii i!!,i'i!.-. .in I it i- ivici n utmost diOiciilly th 't in -n ni ;in.. ciii t 1 a scanty .nipply of w 'i i. Ilaticnrk otfidity in u ;i .; r ! , .:,.ai,ti of the i!d army cnri'-. Tiio New York II. raid-cm t- -; i: J.i tlio rebel t n t in view "t" mir pi -i .;1i. ! j , , belong to llill and . -u . I. u "pern tin uu our h;'t. lu.iuii' r m 1 t ! i,. ; !', town. Tho '.Uh army emi" ;!: ! L1 '..: n. matt'riul chiiu c.- in pnMiiu!. I n - - , t- t m each otlit-r with heavy lii:; I' or ,-. A sharp vvarl'iirt- i "ing ii 'iuci-n . i , i ailvantae, Uuruiule to-ilay rv it-u t i 0. . ' ;. ; -n;.-. w'.' evinced a hih th iv 'jl ur -ij '-nc. The Ilcrabl'ii ImIi am y -; c-mt r !':'. i the .th in.-t., snv tin re u-l u-.:'. - i- : . n ; i , ,t niy eorprf and lVlcr'iii an; l..i. i!y a.iy:!.i:i.; i Ihaii ritU pit-. Doserter are continually c ''i.:!:.; in ur In , The rfbcls are iM.'r'a-it j tluir I' tip, I,!n- ! . .Murkot rond, uu b-r 'iimuand "1 I; u The Herald'-' .Vw "r't in w n, . w, : : i ;u t ;fn "i'.i- irar. -l.-in tllK'C . Iiiiv.'( v.."l, ill .I.Hlll 1 lK i'liply re; that I have, not exiiircrakd .iii'"- I - ', let ui" clip fur yon, from il K 'lui'ilii'nu, tbe .Vf" ntvm, .'-w Ytu'k, tbe j'ollowing estimate of :i o - to tbe later opritions on tho Chie T!io e lifur. General Chifrret, an old T, writiii about tho atlnek on Genoral l; Ii "T Juno, says : enty -live hundred men, and to his ro 'jntant general adds the onnlatory iie In-)' .s our lo.-st'-i will not uxcecu theo y n I I i 1 1 ur Mir; hA to tho Keventy-fivo leu d twn iu piuvi'Mis nuuibers, wo te -rare b"s of eighty two tluusaud five ii. from iLie .'.th of May to the .'ilh of . ,iuil all for the ati-ljiction of marching .ii'iu ford to Methe-da church, to wituews I ;i -i'ni'ar iipiveinctit made by .McCImI ....!:( 1'i'on preetsi-ly Ihe name ground, the e-i'U- of which have already boon ex oui;;li we have not jrained one inch of ivfihu delcii-e of Hiehmonii, but Iiiito lied llie points reaehed by McClelhiu i; su-'eeH.-fiil. If this lie progress, il i iitrymen are they nia Bn departed froi the hind ? I'o men mdvos .the objee "c ol thi.-i terrible v-tiv '? frllow-eiliziMis r driven to th-; si liko bulb)cks w' y our rivers are t inned witu hi md our soil satuia'b'd with human 'nnj mr eomi try Hounding wit wailtf of widowwl v otin o :n:d children? We y, do our people ever a-!, liorc iUi'fiHon.-iy U'oa'O told tl Wiir is to preserve t, t...-rn-ineut to uphold he inajcKly nf th; Co; .-!ituli ifi -to preserve Ihc I lion. What GuTeriiu 'nl 'f Con-litut'oi! '! U'hat l:nioii '! "Th Government o Ciil nthec hnldei'r- Hay wieked fal.-ehoo fxtherd demand tl sM)ii:nv We iiarr on band a lot lilb-al and afiidnvils Tm .lainis o' d (-..-. i, -id Mtldier, :-.:vf', v. at a dilm 'ni! profim: t!n im by addle tiii'oUri the mails. CldlMS. )!' hi; nk forms ol" ( r th : collection f the I'lleo (itty een! pr i'0 m ''diiig h'u-d' blind. s .iu-' i be 1! i;iiki. Oi n r. " DAILY REIJRL" BOOK AND JOil OFFICE, Cuw. XXXII. - Au Act lor Ihci in oerttiin caes. Til' r,,n,7i;K of Hit I 'nihil, rnt ,V.rf,' ,;' .llm, ;. fi iiii i'iiiiiI. That ivhen cotton or other pronerl v j fluhjfct to tiiMittoii iu money shall have jli.-cn burned or otherwise destroyed by iiiithoril v ol the ! liuvel'llllient, bet'oro Ibe c niirul ion nf the tioi. J li.i.l bv Inn lot Ihc payment of the tax thereon, ! llm lux pai er may apply lo the district collfelor. ! who sluill investif ate ifio tacts nnd make repot j thereof to the Stale collector, who iniiv. if sutbslio, of such deslriiction by (lovei nnieiit ii'iitboriiv, re- ii the t-ti 1 1 1 lax. If the lax in inn suoli ease shal have been paid in advaneo, il shall be refunded b' Ihe State collector. The tax -pay or shall incier'i such case have the right ol appeal to thcSecrelan of the TreHMiry. Skc. -J. Tint in all cases where llie crop out ol ((hieb the m in kind is lo be paid, bus been taken or roteil by Ihe cneinv, the district collector tuny remit the tax, in whole or in pint, ueeiirdinu io i in u-vioni in uie hiss siisiaiiicit iiytlie tax pal er : l'rovidod, that the facts iu each' case shall he reported to tbe Stale collector, nnd Ihcir remission hall not bu valid until approved by him: Ann provided I'nrther, That in case (he hiss be sustain, i d prior to assessment, tbe assessor, mi satisiaetn ry prm-it' thereof, niuy make deduction Iheref tr iu proportion to the loss. Approved February 1-"., lsup (me. vviin. - An Act to amend a,i "An Act In oigiinue military tlieaiinv of the t'oin'cdenitc S and to ilcline the 'mn in of suid , .- The t'ongi e ss i,' tiie I . i.ledi lalfSiiiies id' .Vinci'. iea doeuact, nun tin- 1.1a "ofitlcd, " An act In or ganize military courts to annul Ihe arniv ot I'ouleiii'i ale Mates iu ihe lici.:, ami to ilcline tin pmvor of said courts," hu so i.tnenilod as to nil thurize the President to estnbb Ji one iu .North Alabama, which shall nit al Mich times and place us said court may direct, .itul -hall have all the powers and jurisdiction given ' said military courts by saerl ael ; but. the judge llierent' slniil give t.'K days' notice of the Ittne- and places nl lioliling said courts bel'ore the saiin lire held : Pro vided, however. That said court si. -II cease to ex ist tiller one year from the passage nl' this mi, un less longer (iini t ititti'il by Cnngrcfi. Approved I-'ebruary i, IhO-l. I'll'sl. (It llfii-on, or Hea-olliible ell, ut-. ,, , Ciilllliitiattnns tosilbicii tif i Jul ot lillli'llt i," ti,, I'onl'eileriite Slates. Second.- 'I eon -pii a, if oi utni'iit, or coti-pn in n s i 1 1 ti li t i, s of Ibe Conliileiali 'I bird. Oi eomliinino to I coiiiiiiiiiiicaliiig iiiiclhg elm. to nig biin aid and cmul'm t. I'ooi 111.- Ill coli-pirac icw, ! tempt lo incite sen iie in-i, I I' ill Ii.- HI desert urns or i; ib , ot inn 'During iicsoiiiTs, unit ol tilifinpt-. t . Ill i 1 1 1 si t y sen ice : I'rm ideil, Timl ini-,.., -pnble wrong nnd oppiessi, o: bv imv -nl,, ! ollieer, upon unr party (( ho ilm-not Ifo.ilh military service. Inn siipeiior oilier shall '"im i i liriuilpt relief, lo tl ppre -ml pane, uud the n, bnrdiiiate -hall be disnii-ii d frmn mree. Sixth. - (If spies ami i lier ("ni-.-arif s , tl. enemy. B Sevctith.- (If holding m l respinidiniei' or pit, r J course with the enemy, without tieees.-ilv, and wilhont Hid pei liiissioii'of he Confederate Slat, v , Fighlh. fit' unlaw I'ul trading with the etn'ini , i and other oflTenees again: the laws ofiiie ',,n I'eilcriile Stales, cnaeleil to proinole tlndi .m s, in the w ur. Ninth. Of I'l'iispirafic , prisoners of w ur held In th 'l entil. Of conspirator . i at tons tn aid the etieuii . I'ileveiith. Of pei-smts ,it i i-ine or inciting mh 1 ers to nbaiubiii the ('unfed, ate eaue, or to ic-i-t the ( 'ollfeilereti States, or I i ailh'te to I he cue in i . Tw clltb. Of iiiiluw fully I ui Hiiig, destroy ing or ' injuring, or alleiupliug to urn, destroy or injiirf any bridge or railtoad, or t. legraphie line of com nniiiientiiui, or other propc ly , u lib the inteui ol aiding the enemy. Thirteenth, ill' t reasonable designs lo iinpait the inilitary power of the I bu'eriiiiii tii, bv desti ,iv ing or iilleinpliiig to desti i,. . the vessels or arm or mi.nition.s of war, o; mm-ii.iIs, in hi,.-. ivorksbops, tn- othfr pror v of the Ciiiifeib rm, States. pur. 2. The President h. !l cause proper ollii er-. to investigate the cases of ill persons so urn sto, oi- di'laiiifd, in order that tbi-y tnav be di ebai i',-, if ittipl'opf rly df taiiifil, mil - Ibri fan In- j ,lib tried in the due euurse of li ,v. Ski:. 3. Thai during 'lie suspension afore-aid no military or oilier ollieei' -hall be compelled, ii answer tn and writ of babe s corpus, to appear ii person, ot to return thu null' of any pi r , pftsons detained by him b, tiie aiilhnriiy of tin I'lesiilent, Si ciflai v uf Wa. , or the general ollieei eoiiinianiling the 'I runs-Mi ssissijipi hepartiiif ui ; but lipmi the ee rtitie ate, undrr i.alh, of t! Iheet . haling cbargf of any one mi detained, that such person is detained by him us a prisoner, for am of the causes hereinbefore s iccilied, under Ihe au thority aforesaid, further proceedings under ibe writ ol habeas corpus shall nmedlill.-lv c a-o mi.l II act entitled it- to intend i- l,;' liebl, renuiin su-peiuii'ti so i,,io a llii.s a. lie in I'm ee. rite. I, This act shall coir uue in tl day s after tbe next moiling of no longer. Approved 1'ehi nary Ifi, l ii. Cuir. NXXIX. - An Act to aid an; tiiiiiiicatiui: with, nnd p.'rffclii . ccriiing ib- troops. The C'ltigifssof the (.'nnfcdcriip' iea ib- cnai... That upon t e apj (oie r ib any of the ('. nfedert. Seeielnry of War be, and h i, hei,-lt. to gi'i'lil pa- 'Ol ts and traii-pnrlatK cer ol .-no It ta'e i'iiIv thu law of -aid Stale, to fotntuitii.'i trot i is ',.r mh h purposes, md at . Iihiee.-' Ks sh..': I'C appion-d by th XV ur, mid such o nicer shall i e ailuiv for hiins l.'. nppiies front too cointni on t!u same t, 'ins with oHir.-rs ol'situii. Ihc sen it ,'f the I'onl'cilfri.te Slates, in.' 'ii.i legiilations which govern then . , .v lle.i, .such sllpjilies shiill noi exceed thn-e w In. i eoionol of the ('onteih'lalf Slates is allow.-I piirehiise : i'rovided. Thai hose agents sn, ehiirgeil iviih the duty of o taiiiitig Hum the i, eel's in ciiliiniat,.! ot eoinpaincs, linal t n 1 1-n m t: t s ileiased -.Piers to ho tiled in the See,, ml A,, tor's olliee. to facilitate tif -flth'iiie :it i, -i, chiinis. ' Apprm ml February it;, 1 hi. iiiiiit Cii ir of 1 lo i, Hi, our liilht rs," th Meier was th Did .the Ooveinni nl ei'i.'clion of hul l id In nl I.V roe I initio of our . oirr . t b -1 i .-.,t. ropoi ii mid In 1 inink ' Van:,' -- : el's i -iiinate of Sp,.",f!f) iucd killed, ni-.-iug, is ie nil) up from the diifer tlni newspaper ee r'es luudcnbs, who r lather to uti.leresliiu.itn the losses, iv'.'ly calculate til'- lo.,sus of the -ineo the spring campaign opened, ., iild he. ni v up to the crossing of 1 1. iv t , .1 : :ie ,'i 's on the - nnlh side .lunVi' in toe valh-y. v on the II nl river " in Aib.msas. n . it), WliHeler ami Forrest .Veil the ..... 11111,11111 Tj, mm IL'.OiH) ti.nni) Id.UOll I.IIDII l.i.UOO T-"il .182,1100 Tl -:--;.i,i i'.. i'-b'.'n iu '. I b"0, : . . i 1 ' - i' 1 I' o ni ',- lie- in-, o n- t . ' ,.t j. ...... i Irani f :i'. ii mv tin ib.- n-e . '. ut :l ivm b.i- lied" sbl- li:i. n X. 1,, I - 1 1 ' ted in :! ii.i.- the enemy's losses in 1'lori--,-rth Car diiia coast, in Sherman's Mis , and in Thomas' demonstration against Fir li. The figures would mount hu 11 .t' wti ha 1 the complete reports. Rre " o l,, - j-uii, another hundred thousand 1 ' :'ne tobil I liiu'L ,;iven you above. ,, you my profound conviction tli.1t this i -i el! n't of the yankee (joverniiicut to ;he niilibirv power of the South. I)is aiii and Slieruian will so eU'octuuily n d .r of te party that the. advocates ll h me everything their own way. If nil the largest and most magnificent nbi has ever pot in the field, "ivbut is ly ing iuain I " 'This will ho ou the of p .".p!e, and the peace men will find ' , :', live weapon. I." The St. T.ouis itepilhlicau, (Abo . nitons a ('luipluia in tlio Federal army ii eh.ugc I with I'cll;:-.,; iibty, "liber- It ipio.'es a stitement from an Abo ' !iu i ll paper, that a Fedeml soldier dm I I id n limit I . year old for a pij the land, in whic to incarcerate fine while citbo n.-' because of their (olilieul opinioiisi' hi,, tin.; ib v criiincnt of our Ii 'hers ih'iiiiiud the dc ' 'iietii.n of tho liberty nf spe c ll , the freedom of tin' pre. s end liberty of conscience tho gn at Irani ib. ses it was illteildi tl to prote l' Pid tiiat (iovernnit l.t uullioi' io the iissumptioii of despotic powi isby ihe aiots of tho people in order to enslave freemen ' I'id ,,ur fore fiithers ever oiilKiiiphiio by tin ir i: no i oiih -ii that such ereatuc " as liutii r and oti-'-r n iiii irv mti slirmt't havi and ex'ereise nnliiniicd power ; ml conirol over the i ves, I'd erty, and properly ot ' r. whito citizens si nuhl tell a Irecinan bor. he i pray when he . I ubl sp,'ak--w litit he .-' ould i ami whiit he ahoi 'd say and unless hi: beyed sliould t" iiuiiihc .1 like alelon, IiuiIimI i iln a tlim geon, or shot ib.w i like a henst? Never, never. Ii is a base slander ' pou tlio f.iundcr.s uf m i' ln tnent a foul aJp rsion upon our iincesi - ',, -a-, that they ever I - iucd such ti (love.u ici.t. V''1 these are the poy is now claimed an I i "i-ed t v Abrtiham I.inenli and hisniditary s.ntra- tbiin-.- i" ntit the land. Tl so tire the powers w lot i tli,-1 a -',-our felloiv-eouiitr iicnto lettheni even i- , upon llm (also stHlcment tl t they are nerissary tosuppoit Ihc (iovernmit f our fathers. A re you toad, Fiat you will longer eed nucii wilful misi illa tions? "Tbe Consiilui on of our fathers," ti: 'se willed anil hypocritical . ulcrs say. Yos. Tho tyru .t at Washington says 'n- l as r..-' gar.l high rugar for Unit instrument - and iu his last proiitinciftine to, issued to one ot his inplove. s in Kentucky, op ily admits that ho lis viohucd that sacred clnir of our liberties, and this under pratcusc of preJe . ing Iln natiuti. Tho Constituti 'i uf our fathers. Vos. VTlu-reis tho blessed instn. tent? It has bcuti Ion to t, liters by the ruthless ...jtrnyers now in power, and its "broils are soornf ly trauipled under foot mid spil upon. Why a le ler of the party uoiv j i M r. Oollatncr, of 'cruionl--ntluiitlcd the other .lay in tbe Semite cl: nber, that the Coiisti iilion was now Hover luenti, odbutiii terms of eo.i'cnipt and derision. It bus wn denounced ley tl o rn.riiifal friends of tho fe leral tyrant its "item liuutiiilh hill," atid hut a i .lie while buck one of,, .n.. hea.-t-cd pablioly that bad Imcu comiuittcd to tie Hum,:-, and that bo rejoie -,1 at it. Away, Ihen, i 111 such a, false preten e as ll.i-. that tho war is i Tried on to preserve, pi jtect, and defend the ('out union, iiluu the Conn lir in cliief of tho fede: 1 army and navy thus bmistiuKv pruelniuis that lu ias violated the .-acred ch.u t, an i ids friends are tr iipling it utnler foot. For "the I'nin -these same wi. -tie. ,ul..ri will sy. The "Fnii. d Fathers ii.i at nil. A 'is-.. ilv N kiv am. t fsrifctft-ly oiiiiml ti ow pri'ii.iriel to i r 'IIAMVH PliiMlN'l T Messrs fill 1(111, ALL KINDS OF PB.NTING, in n -I 1 i,.,: e, I,. nitriss, ,1 hy ta.. ntlisr sitoilsr r .t.ib-li-!ui-ii iit la iln- l 'nnl'eil-r.n'T. I llll- fffec is Iii ol one nl' the Inr;:-!, mill tin' ;il,l i..l IS eerlahily llie K".v.! a Wost CsjWnouhla II m: rti it in i nil ,.'!- ol' .i mi inr.'.i stocis nf r.xt'Ki.i.iixr V.l .lie liettli- lluil iTO' lMejMve. fo VIHIV HUNTING, .!'! I'l '). ,lub,S il Al vr.s ssi ji ()H:irl ( -ri masl CM'S, ( I'duwiK-o ..'nit'Ot-s SiiFfionis, .md "Hi is. kq-t on Iisti'l. Cor le. -' print,., I tooi-.Yr, in tb in. -t l-Spi'dllioH-i nlis HUT. Ileiiii.- i a i:ii. 1 stock .1' VI NK 5' , ,rsp;irod to exeen' ATIUNFIIT. A? n .H: rcnnlllf I'rh lii.f. ;' l'.s WAr.I.K Y Ni. us to piint v i;M!Bs A"n .Nul l. PAPIJIs , Weddinsr nnd Batf C.-rdr, Vinittstj Uad.i, ..o il. A bv llel I b, md Invitatiorj, SC., i ..tlicr eltme In ' ,io .'... ' A ii u o d liell 111'. .-s"i ll . ill" 'tl IL' 'III. I fl-.ll of Md i Atlantic ixl.ull railtoad. Via Muhlletoii n Store Al I'liiif county, to llcnnilgee, in CnU'ee county all the iiluu e route situate iu the State of (ieorgtn. Also, the follow ing in the Slate of .Ninth Caroli na : From CibsoiK illc df not on thf Norlb Caroli na railtoad, to Long's .Mills, in the cotinte of Han ilolih. Also, the f illtnvitig in the Slate of Tew - : From llurnet, bv way of Feaun, to Satisaha. Also, Ihe following in the State ot' V!i.,jHsjj)j,j . p'i,,t), (Irceiisboro' to Sturkville, in (Iktililieha county. Al-., i "fid'owing route in South Carolina mid florin . a mm i. bi n :t : Front .Nichols Depot, S. ('., via Allen's llridgi and ll'gh llill, in South Car olihil, and llohnesi llie mid White llnll-e, tn Fees lille, in .North Carolina. Also, the following iu the State of Louisiana : From Alexandria to Nib lett's liluir, on Sabine river. Also, in Ihe Stale of I'tWidii : From Orango Lake, un the Si. ,1. din's, to Sand Point, at Ibe head of Indian t i i nr. Approved February l i, Pill. Cii ip. XXXV. An Act to inrrease the eniutituta- tion value of hospital raf inns. The Cmigrcs of thc'Co'ifcilotiitc Slates of Amer ica do enact. Taut the ( imuiiition vali.e of ra tions of the sick and ivoiiiuh il, and of all einploy eus iu hospital, be lixcd ut such rates, not tn ex ceed two and a half ihdlais, as the Secietaiy of War shall designate. Approved February 1.1, p.. Cn (tv XXXVI. - An Act to uiitbori.e thp purchase and tmblicntinii of a digest of the laws of the Coii'i'ih rale Slates. The Congress nf the I Inn federate Scutes of Amer ica do enact, That the coiuinitiee on printing he. and is hc.mhy uuthori.ed and directed, to lnne piintcil, tor the use of Congress, four thousand copicii of the'itl and auali tical iliatl of the Itws of the ConledePate States, prepuied by W. Wr. Lester and Wni.'J. llroniwell, comprising all the laws passed by the Cnngrcss of the Confed eral States fo the clo. of the prc.M'Ut .session. Shc 'J. That t'uo sum of four thousand dollar he, nnd the natnn is heneby appropnali tl, oiii of auv uiouey ill the treasury not otherwise appio nnated, to co'npensiite W. W. Lester and W in. .1. Binnlirell, coiupib'is of said digo-t. lot prepaiing the -illne for the ll-e of Ciingre-- : Fl'.l lded. The . XL. -An Act miiki lie nave oi ine ( oniein rale stales, it nder cr tain eii'ennistanees, and It) nniend an in-1 i ot : lied " An net In pro) ide lor the org iiiiatioo ol the llal'V," appliivcil Malt Tl si xlo cut !i, eiehle, u hunilri'il mid fcixfy-one. The Cniigi ess of llie Conf, dm ate Stales of Ann r iea do enact, That Ihe cotiiioissuined mid win inn ted ollieers of the navy of tie Confederate State-, on duty, are hereby allowed ralions, quarters ami fuel, or coininiitiition thend'n", as are now, orinnv hereafter be allowed ollieers of the m ini , i;, : T,, aihnit'iil.s, the Kanie as geuernl-; to vitv adniirnl-, the same as lieutenant-general-. ; to reiir .: Iinii nl -tbe saiiie as inajnr geiiernls ; to eoiiiin,,i!,,n.s i.nd ca.ilains, the siniic as briadr -y-iieVii.s utul col,, Also, I'l'oiu lioiig- lie's ; In ciiniiiiandei's and lii -! lieutenants, ibf s.inii- u.s i n.-iiif iiiioi -i iiioiie -s noi innjoi ... ; in si't'i'llil lleiiten.'inls and lieutenants Im' 'he war, Ihe .-aine as captains and chaplain ; o musters mid pa-on midshipmen, the same us lit iilfnauls ; and to i tli eel'softbe iiieilical, pay. in tl etieitteec coi'ii.-, to naval construclors, and to boat-w am, gunners, the aiue as to tin t' lite inn v with ,i boi,i ('aiv XXXI V. - An Act tn establish cerium post route therein mimed. The Congress of the Confederate Stales of Ainer ira do enact, That the following named post routes be, and the same are hereby established, namely : From Ibe town of Cl.ukcsi iile, by way of I Hue Creek and Clearclanil, lo Halouega. Also, from Athens, by nay of .lug Factory, iii Jacksuu coiiif ty, and (I. W. Smith's Store, iu Walton county, to Auburn, in tiwiiini.lle county ias, in ( uuee couiiiy, in forest, m i lencli conn ty. Also, frmn llaiisonviile, in I'aivsnii coonlv, byway of Penly', Tl ru's, llarbeii's and N. fl. (loss's to Prince F.dwurd. Also, from Station Number Nine, on the Atlantic mid fiulf Unilroad, hy way ot Central Valley, Trader's llill and llmv- ai.P.ille, to llalilivin. From Station Number Five ' carpenters, and sailmiike foregoing ollieers of the Inn the! have assunilnt -il rank Ski:. . That all the navy oftieors in 'lie ',,n go ing grades sh. ill have the aine privilege of pur j chiming ciiiiiiiii.-siiry nnd ij ifirteritias'f i 's im i --, j as are Uoiv, or jnay bercal'lei' be, alloiif.l to ,.t!. ; errs of the iirioy . i Aj'pi in fl February 1.;, lb . ('mi'. XI, 11. -An Act to in nf:"' ibf i ipen-.i tion nf certain nlhciT- of tl f T i. n-in )'. The Congress of tin (,'oiifo !i t .ite States uf A nu n ii'iidn enact, That heifiil'ier the loliini ing sal.ui . and coiupeiisation shall lie p. id tn the .seie I..I ; ':; ecrs and clerks hereiniiltft' iiiiineil, in-tead ..f il,. i sums nmv authori' d by la,-, ; The trfa-un'i ol the Confederate Stules, fmir thousand iPUm I tbe assistant treasurer at Cbui'loMmt, ft urtlioit. I unit ilollars. I ne Secretary ,1 tbe 1 rfisurv mai I (liiide ih'iiositarics of the ireasurr hit el , Ihe commissions on vvhieh s tall be liniited as I'ul , lows: In the tirst, class, not t exceed lour tin, us . ami dollars; iu the seem.. I ela. Hut to ex.-. i-.l j two thousiiud live d liars; and in lit. third class, not lo exceed fl nn hundred doll n - n y ear, according to the clitiri' 'ter of tbe duties t, ipiircd of them, and subjci . to lin other cinli , tions noil imposed by law . Fach cierk eniploif l in the otjiee of any itssi-tant ren-iirnr or ,1, ff -no i ry, shall ti'Cfive a salary, to In- fi,-,l I., i lis- S. -et.-tarv of the Treasury, mot exceeding ..'iltfi-n huii . dred dollars, i Sue. 2. That the , ' the el'-rks and employees ot meiit, at KicbmoiiiF be. and extended, upon the same cn and elllplovees nf the sai.l I. lua, South Carolina Approved Fe'nruiiry 11.1 t 1 'Oil sam:. IT Vi: Ii )l- Ivorv lihick. pni J. la win m i: At ll." 1 feb;; If. King -tr." II, Tie til s allowed b. snrv Pepin i e is lu-ifi i litiinis, to the rb i ' s pail nt, ai Cob ," I FW'I - 1 I. Fuel, i-l. Cb.tll' I'rayi'rlor the Country. During this week ihe p' lyer-iiit' ling country will In-! I in thf b.o.ii.t Chm i llllirn i a I In e lo.!.. "I mv will ,n. ... Hun i is, July ,tb.