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nn I S"(3' A 5) S 71 T 1 r U 1:11 M - i J 3 . l.U STANOOGA RE ilJj I Voluin. M . Till: DAILY V,)i'A;. I'I in I- I i i; H U M- i . . . ' P,Y I'K.W- '. M. ! ' A i I . I lit.- ,',.;.! II. "ir It . - l-loli, until three III'. mi,-. Hates i,l ,!m ill ;,, TWO IMI.ll'K per NIUW "I I' !l I.V ' I .'ith-n. ; it i ii is- i', vn. rr )A .A;YA , I'imd.vy i; i.xi ,;, -r, i , EVENING ?T3 From t'L.ii 'flic tl I'll';.', V i ! ! 1 ' i r . , ;. . 1 1 1 i ; e:iv.'ilv, is iii ils i ii ,-k - I Hi-. 1o"T yesteiday -1 1 i i j , al'P r ;n. . , t Tlnne u :iJ ai-o . k inn, ii ; . 1 ; 1 n cm airy sk irini-h in i " i i ' , k : . i . i ih'linui-l nil l"l;. In n'. "V, r, :i 1 i . . i I, Hake's I, n y. V!,. i crv the liver in I!.. I .lin.!,i..i , :., a Fiiliji-i-t fur f.njn nr.''. t ... Ciimiiiciirciiii'iil til' (lir (initii I'Vuiali ( nil.' ;v. Thffl.isi.iK i vi'ivi . . i,r ii.i. . : lnuk I'liU'l- yc-terday. ,ll ill.' I':v '.' The ovt'iiin pre, i'lii-, ;t rich i 'it' i i I'll In il 1:11';:" and n't' nil, ' :;: , members cf tin1 School. Tk,' k- i; tn its utmost l';ij':i 'in , .n; In illllllifcstcd ill illl ill'' ct ivl-. , . ; hippily arraii", 1 by t!ie i, ... If v I In-titiitiun. The i; xcr; if .- nf !,'-; : lay. u , e . to tlm liradilatui"; , kn- -'. 'i it" pi'sil'mii pre.-clilid ly .!.' ;,' ,.; : i . ,1,'Ilt'e of ricli illl.l tvi, i'i'1 '. , ;i ' i I (ruined illl'l dist'ipliin ,1 by v. ,, ; ; strneturs. Wu mi ;M .' ';' in mens uf beauty nli'l cat ' ; . . 'n, so well, '.t'e c:i ll 111: i ke nil"-. .' ; k . :. Tin' ,'lnsii,;; iuliiii'.'s iv:v ... !ii -, I Wills nf Miicni, tie n::in. Ir. W. : (In ys' lliitict' of r.j.i.i.iliMin r,!, ::n ii.I,lrc.s wiis, In't 11,.' I1.,, us usual, ."triin;; ninl f.ii.nM .. IT well eoln'civcl, mill ll.i ,ily i'. i. nil hour or nioro, lie In M i i.,- ln. . i m: i i:n nuilieneo Sjiell-hoiiinl iiy l.i- ii ii nn 1 k : feast, ami tlio only iv,..i ! ' . ii..- ' el, iso so siK-ti . Mis v. linn 1..- ;i , . i . : . in n ilics. ill sll.-lainiii mi l siij ; - nn in ' v. . In,k'ieiiiloiii'e, weiv ni'.-t jn f :: 1 :: :. . '! sentiment lie 'ivsi nie,l ",;,!.- the South, "will he lie.ii'lily i' ; . . - i ! ' lieurt, witli ii l.ftnl "Ann n." 'I I i.'ir.' of Dr. Wills, was m.,st e , nlent i,t,'l nin . ami fully sustains that, lii rii r'ini;n;niii in liohls in his I'hureli ami t:ii". The Ciill'i we niili-r.-l.ii.l. x iii: ! r the Synml uf (1, .or'in, ami ,-au With Its MUM liiil'iw l iMrittitf. (t. m worthy the initrona'e of that re ,. 1 I I.oii inny it flniiri Ii', nil ..n.nin ..t I try, ami a livin.-; exhiliition ni' l!n- .; nhility uf its ho n . it 1 Pre - i I i ' , I'. v. I'r. -- - -iO-V l''rom the Army of -i:n--Speeial eorresp,, in I' lii'. ,,i ill, !: 1 In tiii; Fir.i.n Xe n i ii . 1 1 :: .. in., .leu- i. 1 Our lino of entrrm hini nts i r. . in. nhoiit fi miles from rli'iiialn,.. !. r neeessary to slate the n.siii..;i ,1' tin visions of the army. It is einn: n. t , this dispositions are .n.j" n 'y inn ' n To ilayahoiit 1 o'. ln, k in tin' ., (ien'l 'auh:in was i;i!i ily'l i-'k i : .' : It -quarters', a shell niss, 'l ll:i-. :i"li ike in left font terrihly mniilln.: hi- !'. ', nr 1 very serious wiiuml. It is to l.e r. .i. i: gallant uflieer is list Iodic --n Ik Mau7.y ami Kiillen of Wr:l.i'- Ik ilressc'l his woiunl mi tin' ii.'l l, -i.:!e ti!siilule!y m-eessaiy to niio u' i' - ' ' . ankle joint, lie Imre (lie s, ,'rre imin Ik ami renuirlii'il when he wn .l 1 mi lanee, to he sent to liie n nr, ':!.:,: k' was, to ive them the '1 !, if ;i .: .. our works." (Jin'l -. l nnn .ky . i:tth Tenn. Ke't. ft .. e n '. ' lnlth ft. Tenn. !eV. ' 1. V'm'.L'i: the two eonsoli.lafi .l. A in r I n'l ik was killeil at t'hi.'':', li n'l .m Colonel, was jir-'iii.,!, ! to tk,' innk n ami iissiriie.l to the cninnin 1 i i' -.ii'. When l't'e-iileiil i. vi-vi-il' ,'. :!.. ftry Hiilire, lieu'l a : ;kn'i '. - I by (Jen'l llraj;, who r. : .... . (til: that Col. Vaii-han eonimainl of Hiuitk'- I , . ! reeeiveil his eomiui- i..:, n . ' I in. The lo.-s in Wri.;r I':'. si, in, to-day, is nun !.ifk ,1 ;' . '. i k - ' lri;aile necui.irs a . n; j 'i:'r; i'i twelve pollllil S'.li'l shot, I'l.nil ' leitteries passe I o n; :ke i . il .:: . Tennessee regiment w "im !in :' : ':: ' n.. Jlilltoil, Co. Ik, jlst was t. li-k 1 . ! : : shot pa.'aeil through k. ,th ',,; nn ; I. 1'rivRto I In in i t'.u an 1 .' ; , woumlcl hy the same .-h ,!. I.' nk I' i!tll Telllle-see re.jinnn:! r . i'.e l l k hslow the knee. Our army oeeupiml tin- re ! ik morning at ilaylikt. 'fin' tr kv. ilays to fortify, ami w''ii ike n i n: i :. position, I feel a-' nr. '1 lini! u -will ho ahle to drive l a -!, i... .. y.:. Ulall can hline :i;;i'.ii i u;. H ' ' i heard on our cm rune I, I . 1; ' i enemy is mas.-in:r in I'i'.nt T i .:! k. . prohalily will utteiii! t In- . ' 1 . . a ment. It is uiirens n.ikk : tempt a charge. Tl. m m n n c the serateh." Tin y . I . tu re wilh whiskey an 1 c : r in n mruetion. Clclniru,' . i .'k.r i them an idea of tlio 1-Ol.v '.!. .il-. 'n; works. I cauuot 1'.-;;, iii, li.n. . hrin on a general in.;... n: : would he ruiiiou. 1 ;;ie li oi ei . i- e innnnk . r. sense. The time i- i.tpi k.y nn; i . . ! ' will offer terms of peaee. Ikn in '. ,.i i . them in the fiee. Tlnni n. :i'. e i : campaign mi'ht he e nni t., 1 t k i i of tho whale. W'o jd'iee ..i.r in and humldy my tin.; Hi; '. : ' The Spirit nf nnr Con;. Irt. and ol' o ii r Sold From I'i' Cii i' ;,, A, . - Never wn- there -ueh a pt" k I i,,n of tviitin n a- "ill",. ' in1 u 1 1 : . ., ti.ld ! Willi Ihe , ',,.. ... WMti'hwn.rd, We -1 l'J II ' t " .'.! :n nf our , , I ii k. r, i nr, i'. more valuahle tlnni ,1 ilmnli In r..r ; nn 1 to day, to , . n ".i 'in r w.iikl, inn intrepid nu ll j -,i. ill Ii iii. I, .,c .tin d to oth i up to . i a !'. '"'t" 'll 11,1111 w' I nnsi'kar. nli ili l, -li rl V all Hint lias i fn' in the .. of depriia. , .nli, I in ,' nod iniwaieriii saei'ilii'i', ; . I in a - .ii it o ili'Volinn that , onls 1 ', 'J . . ,, ' m n ' liml l,h -s them -what sylla- I n ov,ent llie whiel,' has i ' Never ,,r one moment heedinir i - I, ar or en w.i nl iee ; never ihmlil - . ,ii-m -s and final success of our :.'k ii '.'d or lnlvin arm in I Icir de ; ' : Iki ".' have I'i. ,'11 In llie liei-kt of . i, nod l.y : li.'iiii s nil llliln.ii. of : ' , ! no t .' m' . lin e l , i ,i ii i ,i i.e. .he ami thlilled the ' 11 , , , , "' " "n'T" i. t 1 ' and i i ; I, ' Ihcv, Iiy tin il' ,. , . , n . ' . . ol laiih ami Hisiiiniii; , ,, . ,i 1 hoi lie no III,' ciillso o I he i , ion ; v ilia's in pan on ic hi vor . . ' n in nn' ranks, iii.etnn plain , rank wo I , , , . : in ol.'tl. wo have 1 1 . i words to i I 1 1 : 1 1 . -1 1 ' marl vi s ill t lie cause ot ' i . . , .n li one, a ni iiiiiiiieut to his V .In, I. I'.llt wlience ll 'us spirit ol I e III the n. :. 1 1 . ii and i n ltlram . . . "in In I nl'r Ini'i il It. Hie i linn ;e in our at inv. 1 inino unnil nli. ,n eoiiinnoii'c.l, a im.r.i ungodly i ' ii . I l.n I. mud Hum llie I oli N o. . Hie ell, ranee ot' onllls is i in- ,-,,i.;s and ( pi . --i..l I s nl - .1 are !" ii I : r-nn t wry nunrtcr. -t,. ko iui),ii.,--c.l with a hii;h seme . ' l'ro id, nee. Tlnvli.tve In'Ctimc . .in : te a di arer to tlx in than lite.- - , I . "lili'lellee in their eolu- , , ., , 1 .niv limy Im t, mpoinrily overpowered , inimn, rs, inn i ney ue er can in' i .limit'-, itnd lit'in with us, are in- ' Niirllicill 'cu'n. . I. v., .liiin'J'k-'l he New Ycik Till.- ' lie 'Jii'k. -a , Ike enemy is 'cry 'r nl nnd only Hie most consummate , . v n ill ke .ik'le to wre., the I'clcr-- 1 k n Iknlrond I'litin tlicm. k'ulit t In y have slrenudlieiii'tl Ihe r lim' uheie Hie repiik-e of Ike VI. . iki lav. p. in..! ,,1 Ik.' U 7 1 1 1 -riv- ive hnce not V.k 1 1, an I '. '. f-1 ..i rir Kailmad, li..' em my f.-iia riiiinin trains i in ikin.f tin' .nn m k posiiioii a Ikn iiiudn Hundred oirrospiilidcul, in' ' in'IT .Tones' neck i n I., I ii rim;- -ikn, Hunch- ,ni Ike (i .nny, wh.t were t It row in up lin h .'1 I mile ore..1.,. Alter sev- ." i innny hit. k.-s in ih,. nvi'tit tlglil i Ics than i nn-l. 'n ii km n I that Hen. Wil.-un ami Kant. n 'iannitc nroiiml l.vnehhur, though n heard from them, 's .Niiiih Aiiny Cork's correspomlent ,. niirl i-s in ni, cl attack on Sunday , i 1 -ix wniindi tl; rchel hiss se-kun::-li line innrchcd against our ' e n I, I i Ti-.-p',n,, lit sin'- Hint I l'l'""! llM'i' '- "lily ( l.v, II I, ',:l t i prevents in i- ir.ii clad-, drawiiis; I n : opr.. lehin;; ne.i' , r I i h'limoinl. , .inneiki. -Ikhel ilt'-ertcrs ennli.i - i :....'i!..n.'rv i. T-i.. .,.1 .' men ami ottic l'a. n kri-.i'les eavalry ai d an iln..,,! 1 1 : t.lfl'. The advance of Ihe rehel nw.iy. It is c-tiimHetl that l.eo has ' -;ii;nn hand, ivhnm he cue nl cnittli.'l, ami ;t popala- . ,lt4M,,,ei,t upon Ititn lor food. i r.o.nn-.- sp ' nn -nl .- cerei.n v V.,,li-C r, -s to proi 'n:,' In, 'rai ini;S,knCim,"ii i nn,,,' re nuns by im-rea.-ed laa uni, t 'l " itnd whi.-ky. '.. .inn L'lk s'enale. The hill to cs- i : ..!' ki t i thnan's ail'airs was pa-.-rd. uw "i' tiii: l'oToii.t,'..liiiit:k,s.iiur inn; aroiiad ami tal "li possesion of i ll iilmad, kuir iiiih s IV,, ni l'etcrshnig I l in enemi 's lines have ben cuacell .ife .-cut to drive hack Hunter. '. ni t.iniil sick ami woiiiidcd at tho -pililis. .'i iii i' of the Atlanta lli'ijistci'. Cn.t 1 1 a mtnc ii i:, July 7, IStil. linoc were -t v ml ri-oncrs hmuht I, iv, .-"ine of mIioui were "a it .1 ri'"l oil n I'inr. Tin y were marly all quite n v. ns i nn -1 I innrc by their capture j ,- ,-l-e. Tin'.'.' were Ki.l lo get mil of ! I in i'..n'k:lnns. I . f l as !r . .me exceedingly Iml and ., i;, u. t in iiil am look his Division c other day, and the buys enjoyed l. n il'. The yatll'.ees must have dis, nn ans.' as the shells and halls ..11 I one man's hn; was tali, -If oil. Me , Imivi n r, hnl died that niht. i' -1, nlay tin-re was an auiniuiiilinn in '.v I he , x nk,.-ion of a van ken shell nn'. tin- wife of the driver, was ri :.. tnin-. ami, marvelous to relate, ik d, tlnoi.'h seieiely burned. She .ke holtoni "!' ! In: till sn.ll, it beins i , pntr ds were in pur-nit of a -py nr lin"-, Inking plans "f the works. ,ie-e 1 i 1 1! ii o list" of him, and very - ky iki- I'm"' at liberty tn take infe- I ike Ikirmeks in yniir city, k Hill, ol Iiii- Department, is i . I ,.k. 11 ,,l a- the most efficient k.,1 1 1 ,vi i .1 1 this iiriny has ever had. 1. . nn i ,n VT neleels a duly. 1 : , 1 n-k, "1 litis nn ruin;', "..hat is n ,1111 .'" Ilk' answer was so scn.-i-1,1! I v. i-h I ct t uhl jrive ii to you c.xact '..ine -wa-: 1 1 1 t.-i ! i'li I ollicel'S and , n,:,-, I nine, I any opinions oil Ihe suh i v. h.01 we eros.-cd the Ktnwflh, ; . ik,- I !., ,M. ill lice, and the siir- 1 1 11.1t 1 iein Jniiii-ion has -iirctcdcd in in niv k:ii k so hm,r, inlliclins; up, ill , ;iud ir 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 4 such errcat itilvanlas;e.s. 1:.' In iko il, -pnluleliey fell by tile few i u e inn now the briirhl li'ht in the 1. ind n - "I ii ami eieareth the. 11." niiiv enmli'l'lii, rilTors atloat, smne r rv mmdi ihe seinhliiiieo of truth. -. - ik n tkey had best nut bo tviit- ; 111: 1- nil HliH.-llnl tpliet ahups; the lit I'.l.l.l. 'ilii- I'rtuil. 'Ion '..ion' nilen-cly int'T, '.-Iiii";, hut in ike rt ;i.-, ivhieh i- jil-t now heiu n n v. ;tii 1 he I'nuil. : intend that n 'l l lnni n - lllllei: of tile tll.-itioll of - in iv I . ;u k lit tn prtlt. The ene ,k in n 'rttUms iipnn the riht and I . ." Ik Ik I, ni how strom; .'itiiuot ', !. li may im that the ene.iTiy is lii iiii'ii-iraiiiuis .ni the I. I'i, ill order ...Ir 1 , , :k ,'t ;i cr,. ?ti nn the rii;ht. 1 -1 n 11 nh many hat Sh'Tman is cu ll ink iu kt Hi din" tions. . ! t 1 eveniu-, a lace force "f l-'cler-o-''''nin th- river as Iweu'y-live miles .! II. :,d lilidn-e. We occupy bold ':,.: t'n ..I,,,.', and In, Id tin) ear th - Knihoad lirid", hnl ... , . , , ,r ii -:,, nil'-; at .Mast. ii ,t Tur- ... There was some shell- I it- on tke 111 , r l:;-t eveiiin;:. We n ' ..v alrv lor, " ,,11 tin; tlaiik- t "V" imtiee 1 attempts to , iii-ii i ... ii I l .1 ud.t provided. Tin I'Yll'v vi-lcrdav ill- h f!: .i' tU' an I- .- mi-lit at UiiM-t n 1 4"L , ... , ,i ; - , r.ivaliv c;'0-Iiti"ij3 tu tin . , . ; 1 , s march a.',.-, .he country , ,-:. n: ot 1-rres, , apt.roac, etc. '.: : I,:.' r- a- ate -ilal '.link ,' ,., , , , , in:,', t . r, b:,',! at pkesure, lull , k ' , ,:i int. i n 'it- d-ptn ls iipott the , , , , 1 , , .!, im-t' n, and ,!,,, J, hii-'L"ii s ar- n- AH aula to .-l.ud liml In' r, -llit. GUIiri'IN, (J A., Tax lUulall UMI Addil imial li,..IH( (Intiv The toll., win;; an Hie l, :ill iln n.- nn I . kli': instiuntioiis is-iicl Ly ''"Im W. II. I n ,n- . . , T , , ,, i ,,,, -""B """' ' "' 1,,v' ' .' ! '" the Sei n l.i i .V "I Ik I n a my ,n . k.i', ,: i M. iin iit an I n, lie i"ii .. l,ni l irnn fe,'l the allien. Inn n. , ..I' the l,i kin -. ... , , , , , , , '"'I ' ' I U-' ami mi actio nine I an a, I t r tk, i, In 1 oavers in eerliiin ei "-. 1 1. I. from Ihe ta a llie .em i n ", jiloyed in ii;.'ineultii , vnkn d ' n tin' k i snail tie ile.liieli it t '. nhii'd : rdini; I n.. i.iin, , i Ik,) ,el,e Ink' li .-',. nn l . I'i .nn , Im il l"ivl ill im.' Iln' IV k. I f en in I.--oniei s "I ' , . . n mil act I di rice, I ol , , ... I, . i ,' , ,, - , .. 1 ll-'tlicr delivel ed , ,. .i , il elu'llli" the liaen, . ,, , ' he ii-'.'--iiu lit , Hie pi',. p.n, Hie tn 'll i. a; riellllure. I n .'.-I ,11 ;.. . , , , ., , , ,, ie o s.o ii ion'. . , , ' , . ', . . i , , i i In erc.l can he n-cer iii"l, inrl inin 'i it shall he Ike dm; "f tku I ....; !.' ..'t'lile ,ol ,,!' tl,e t .liti't t nllt in..r : i or ;KJ1.,.I.I1 , ,,,, ,, , ti;:.,. i , .... i.,.. i i i,, ,:,V, . II- otle'l' I : nl,, o ti l n Im li ,.i ;' I iluriliL' Ike ear 1 I'. '' : 1. l'il'ly e.nit ll" - nkaay- it p si notes nlwnv.s ' inir. ';.' notes ahva , nr. II. At itni iiii .iniv i. i - ii. r At par till Seplcii it 'I .ilk I ."I, ""'i'i"- At twn, third- I'r Itllv I. I s.' I. I I'm. I'in-i ni' iii .Mi .i. At tiio-Hiir.l- fi-' i iifl'tk, r I, I "il. k her iii, Is. it, H'i"l 'the .Mi- o -il'i'k , IV jo,,-. , i . . . , , . , , . , j -, t . , i .M,-.-,-sippi. At par till . I line I IStil, Writ of Ik" t :,, i pi. At iwo Ihinl- fnn . duly I, I" I .-. W.-l of the .Mi--.-- , pi. I - s I uii'-. ., at all fit t , ;i"' Mi -i nppi. A t par t ill .1 urn i , I -n I, W. I "k 'In' ,i. A I'm r that dale, n i at n'l. J. Wli.-n IiiikI Ii.i hecii puieh.i i d kv ,. drilell fl'tiln hollic h Ihe p. -cut e , pr, the i ncliiv, and is h 'I or npietl ky -n.-li fm' his own use, in for hi- r, -, I in-. shall he assessed at' rdillL' I" its inn: in ! IStlll, liiil it relllc: niil ky niell l. l.i . t . dt d up. n ii-cd I any i.iIht 1" i - n 'i 'i "it- il shall lie a.-- --ed ill il- I I" l'.- k.l. I'aia'.ranh " l arlk lc '..',' . I "n kin -.triiili.ui-." daied ,k nrch I, I it l.i- i i revoke,!, and the, .low in;; n- .nl, k,,-: Hnneot': "Th a.-se.-sor ,h. .1 a-'c.-- lite I i ii; I city and a-.-cts 'I' C"i ".rnii-ui-. ... land joint si, ml; e nnpanie.- ol C , 'y ( w hether inc. ii pora' d or n ,l i ni the -a and to the same evt nl as the propel ly a, in , of individuals. Tim lav mh-Ii pmnt it v .. ke n sesse'l against, and o ho paid Ly sil'-il nn lain ll' Hssueiaiiiins and ,, nut stock' eonipanii .-. I'nl no lunik or hanking cm pany shall 1,.- linklc n, I,,- a-scs-csc'l or In p;l v t e tax u p.ui tlepo-il -' i.e. in y In the cretlil ,,1'al'nl llkiecl lo Hit' , In-'k. . . "in I . r ii,iuii its own st" n r -leu,'-. I.ul tin , In n ,,.s i, apply In si "'k -hare- or i" I, i. '- ': .,:' puraiiim. assoeialin or joint s..ek c. n .,,.v,n t dl,v any enrpitrn .ii, a. ..e'ali t r p., : -to- i. ""."ipanv' in atmti - r cm p,al i. a-.n,i .., ,. 'rr,"l::v-,- .,. . .,,.n. . . -, -, ' j ; revoked, tlm I',, nvill-' ,-uk k:llll dinp -.':i I V poll III'.' iiiii. .in of illl lil nnd nili i' o in, j pild dll-t. lo.ld -ill", -orhiilliou. in ,nev-In 1' do I or hills ol ..xchali ,! lira it'll tku fr. r. ni-'ar, , n.'tcs, rights, credit and securities, pnyakl. in I a- UUU t'JMIIkl't''-, I've cr ee..l. shall - a ' '. I" crate trcasiirv notes ,1 their value a-cnni o'.iih peek , li'ld the rein 1 e value i- li veil as I : 1 : Kighleetl dnlkir.' of t'niil'edcrntc Irea-n y noli -for one dollar in u hi, nnd s. vcul.vii .l''l.ti- 111 Confederate irca-iir notes lor one d dlnr in i'i, ! eoin. This rale to ,11 1 for ihe , nltuni r n. uiii of .lime, and cull, a s sn In he ma le llli'd ln :n',' of a'teratmns nf tl: rale i- ;;iven. I',. The income p, perl;iiud money I' llt r than riinfedcratc treasin miles) nf hospital.-, a ikinn, churches, schools, ..llcircs, and "iln r , ! ., ninnle instilutioim, are e.t n I from ta.xatn 11 in. ., r t,,c provision? of any h 'i law. 7. Com, bacon, 1 neat, tluiir, and "Hi t 1 i -11 " tural products, tvlii 1 were prtithnc I in iV t. ar si",, nnd i Hie p. -'cs.-imi of the pn.due, r ,,11 ,1- 17th day "I rehriii v, Istlt, nnd neces-ai y Inr ik" siipinrl. of himself , nl fmiiily during I he m ., r I -1, 1, and from which tin s in kind have been .1 dm I, "I. il, liverud. nr paid shall not be a -e.--. 1. '!! ,rm family li.elii.l' the white I" '-"' ' ""!"' lanillv. InilHC scrva Is. and faintly Inns, -. s. Aiiadilitiomil ax ..f thirty pfr.enl. In, II he assessed, and cull 'i d upon the. aiii'tiiiil ol '.It lTolits made by sel -ng the arlieles iiii-iiii. ncl in thefdlotvin-see.i.. a o" the law: I. (I:i all profits ade by Iniyiin.; ami - lim.- n! any time between 1 lir-t rte.v !' J iimar. . ! and Ihe first day ot aiimiry, I si: 1, any .- run...;- Inpin.-, dour, whci, enrn, rice, .;', ...!, r .,, i.,. .l, i,, l,,,ii,,,. I,,.,. ,.,"'.. : hi'i'p. eats, hay, f' ler. raw hid"', lealln 1 h 1 mules. Imnls. slinc:' nil 1 1 ill y il rns, Wo"., w n, , I ,11 ,,r mixed ch.ll hat-, wa ui-, lin 1:1 . '. ii ni, steel or nails. 1 1. I n all profit; lad" by biiyiir.' and , .- ku I veeti Ihe lir-t day I .lamiary, I -n.i. ninl 1 .0 I . iv of January, I i I, 111 y, ;;,,!, I, -ill ,1 ..n ,' .i'hllllL'e, Stock's, r Ie-, debt.., t'l'eil il s . t' "ki ti ms ot any kin, I, 1 d ',," ,,"n'''""'.'". , " ; ,,,' ',', tl oy',11,7 .', , Hot Clllllll' l . tied ill ' I" 1 ceding paranipli. The words iu ,7tf '- covircniy art', I ml I. 1 ' p-opcrty. 'I'll,' Hi: 'y percent, in a kiti len per cent, will n as-e-sct! ai d ,.,11 mediately aflcr th lirsl day ..( .lul; . I protils, i'rotn all s; 's nf piop. mv ..f .- pur, ha..,', -in, c il, I -I .1 nuniri , I hetwecn the I7la IVbrn uv, I -nl, a to lit I '! I Ike I I July, IStil. i '.I. Ill all cases 1 akt-i i- kn i- d "I; im .n.n' .l"i'iye.l IV- in prop" ly leak p"i. I "r nn !. iml an .v,o,,.,i tax k- laid n,,ui tin' prnp, ly inn- t ll.lcill Ike inc. Hue the r,i,t.', la -kail ke ! deducted l.olil tie till' tax. lilll ID I .. " a ' ' shall less he paid ti 111 the ,1 I r'i"l,n In-., 'fins applies only to the ixesof l-l.t. ; 111. Ill the ils-'c- incut of inc. Hue .h lil d IV Ilialllll'.teluiills; ami llinin, tkele -kail ke 1 eilinn, d floln Ihe roBi int.. ne of p.i.til, tl,., me, - .11;. ...; II lllll repairs, ll" I vct'iik':; tell per e. o' ., on : lie itlilolllit of income 'lived Hn l, ll'oln. Al.l n n I dition In the ,1,'dlle' ms now allow' .l by la v. in Ike as.-e.--IHl'llt uf illC'l ,,'S lllitde -ill,-,.- .lull,'. -'l.d' ! rived from any sou; e, the follow m;; 'inil! 1 nni'l" : The Ciinnierat, taxes, a. tually aid ky tk" ' j owner, "ii sale- ma l.y him. ami Hie 1 imi -i.n.s itetuilliy I'liul l.y 1 cunsiiini- or snippt " tor s: ;- lini;. And in th, production ,,r innniil.- Inn- ,,f . pii metal olhi' "ii. Ikn c -I actually ' . : I I f j til. 1 slnill hedcdlle I. I II. Citi.flis of . ny oil" of the IV'.!. hn i States, teinporiirily ir-idnpi; in unnthiT Si. 1", .-k.tll ! be assessed in the . ate or di-trivt in wi m In ! temporal iiy re.-i'le.- And iillwho h :ve 1 it In re ! lofore tnndo retur of their taxable i : ;'i:y to J the district asse.-.snr vltcre tin y limy rc-nk . a,r re - tpiired within thir days IV..111 Hie l'Mh ,n .Im;,'. j I Si, I, to make such returns : ami in cn-e 1 ' Inilu i,' or rel usiil, shall he ulu ltd by Ik- a--, ,. ami k, liable 1 1 all the pi us ami pennlti, im; , i ky ; law in sueli ca-e-. Pcr-nns in the pi ' lie s. rt ice re.-i.lin .' I' lv away train th. ' homes, may m itirn mi p,v their titxes, cither it tin ir perinanil nr I, nni n,n ;. place of resilience, .xeept as to land- and , .;'"' . .. l.n.l. . I...M :.. I t..- I .., i .. ,t wilt, ii s.i. ,,,, in .it, i :i.-, i, iiatnii, , , ,. , , ., , ' 1 iv here si atcil. , 12. rpnli all the -tlhiects of taxali'Ul, ll I, r , .- istinir lax laws, the ,. siiall be collect, d a I i , p;.d ' . I til'lll of Ike , ,l ,,!' Ill,- ivlone ,,' Hie I,;'.. ,,,,,,:,..,,.,. includm- the value -I I l'Toiirity tmiilovcit in iii'iUMillnrr ; wlii,! t.i ' ri,v:l!l'c "n'v 111 t'i.'lfrato tiViiMirv H"tc . 'l Im' ' ' ni'W ,,n,l . it .i ., '.. Mi', :it fie "in,. In,.,. I as tho Hthi-r Ihxva t u the nhliu .nhjt.;.'t, r. i l- r ;!.e , : ' , '. ... r ..,', ,., , J tn.-tax ir ;in a-iMitii'ii "f niH'-liliii t tip .tn: .unt ' uf all taxes an. I u hL i-u!Itvi. 1 au-1 U i , i , , , , . , ,. , i rate. I" he a H'ht 'i im i;ivi.icut i'i 'lio ! .. i 1 l,.,,il,l1- ,.' " , , , ,is ,1;,, ,,, : . ., , , , ., , , . fortntti'.l and one-t til to every a--i, ;n d i, i ... , ,, . , ,. .. will he collected t, u Ihe ol In. r tax,-. I ... .... , , , . ! In. tttltncver -1 ves .-kail Iml,.- b, "ii --,, , , . , . , e , , , inn oetween me n ..e "t a --".-. im-ni au-t -ne it'ne fixed by iniv t.-r : .a payment -I li." tax lim, , i I LY i), llie tn lll.l.V lie ivillillc.i ly the eolli elor , I ; Inil llie f n't ill en ll e.l-e shall l III,' i-lal Ileetor, a ii I Ike mini- n li , nli.l mil 1 nppiov i d I him. Hunk eoi'i ('s.kiii'1 I writ Ms I'.il! u , In tin' St. I, 'nils l,eilll . I ; 1 1 1 . Ill I I '.I t -. Tk,' ' ' , in Hill . .' I I'l'll ;;. They tlll olie lim 1M.I,' ..J.!'! till I (lilU'l III.' Inn is wllie'll l.'il V C i . i I . v ... 1 . V , it, '.'I I.... I ' , I II,'' '.I I'll 1 1 1 1 , . ' ' - ,, t ot ii, e i I .. , ,. ., ,., i , . ; "" ''"' "": "' "" I i tin' v i'' I'ViT. I IH'V h' 1'. It tu lln'j in 1 1-1 ,i I V 1 .elil iM'ty. Ail. i run Iciv ii 1 1 in v him )'. living out- j j i.. "I !' i '.li.-il i"M-, I''-i re I'i ".ivi! it. Tlic v iini:r i,n i I'i'iir fun ."rilil i"ti, ' .m oltli't' i't:i I ,,,,,,, ' I ,. ,!,.!aii' w illl eel 'lain I v up ll i;ii-.iiin .. ,.!,:,, ,, live nimii ..f Willi .mill" ahle In . '. ' " , , i ; f i i .i" i 1 O' -'' 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' i hi in. .,i. . 'i ii- i i , ra.l'ie.iwl." I'tniiiiiil.mii r.,l;liin- ml'i itie j uniis. 'i in, 'ii;H. 'ly. I-, u. .steel.', i mil "Till t- li.'.l I . !.'.! II, SIU'S 1'ieill I I'd! I nil - inrl al h li I I j , i . 1 1 1 in l. :iviii'r. j I'I f do ip.'i'.i'l.n's, I is unw very s now vi-ry " ' 1 liiailH)' , ,1, liiiin-l n'- ,..'tnill'''l, lll'l! "nil iti'H.'-: I'., ' i'll "t'l ''"til at'llll."'. lilt! Il'.llllln , ;., in ,. ,... ii.n.s Iron III.' It kel nl'lliv. ;,,', t ', -- : ...I n. I V, -!.'i'.nv I s'UV Id'' ini'ds I "lil II" ' .,!, nn a . !..' 1 1 . (:;' u in . I ii.'nr '.irdntie,'. , I" ,.ri.. .ii. They .o-.tI."I llm ,el,e! ami i-ulislnl in nil i !.!iii".i- l', il. i al I'.';m i 'I' 'H; lln'ti li.'ii s;i;!,v rim,. akn:u' I In' V .l.'.n "el .nil' si. I.' ;m 1 j in,.. llie t'.'li 'is ll;;,:lili. 'I 'i.'ir C.'ll'eel' i'. Iii., ! v In I'tiiii.' In nn early cl.e c I nni 1.1 1 liml Itelweeii I ivi i ly uii'l thirty ile-ei Iml iii a Ito lv IViil 111" ill' .rkaii-as c nvnlr" TlioV iml' i 1 1 1 V .li'si'i'' ,1, lull il.'Sel'l r.l in ii skil'iilisll willl dm rrl.i'l lirili;' upon - i liieir miiiii ,i !c-"I the Illl Ark; ti-iis as tin y liml I" III" I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1' ; I ( ' ' nl 111" rein'.-. 1'1'titll In: c',n . an I l!ir'c 1 1 pr: I V i I , it tin; I . m , : .i,).,, wlni de-, 'ft, ciiiii.' llm w.r-l l'ii-l H'";. I If I', nil's" I lii'i'" .'" 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 I1'1 , e i rl , , -, j i'i on I ii" 1'i'liels win- have always I II I l.i.UI 111. 'II, lllll WIT r, l I " I'vie , , . , ' I '"'V lll;lkl' '""''"' ! I lilll the ,,l". I'oldn'l', ill'.' IlllilnUlldO'lly I'i'liel :n.. !' I il.'-ci'ler I . 1 1 :n -tim; Hi. i in. - There is a i ,,hl hell nl Ihe , ,11 -in. , A I - i lt.ll, t ik 11 1 1 "HI 1 "ll. "UII. .111-1 I eel Villi, oWU, jll-t p'.'V I ' n tn Pi II l. ill.'., of Mel 'Mlall II ' Ike I't'llilulll.l, ,,M k i . .-ii i i... II in i I w a .ninl - ' ,11 Id ke lire - nl t . I ,i, , ,, -1 ,,,; ' n in ,;. -. :i - a r, die "I lit" old ',',, 'i ,'j Dm Inn I, ninl hear-th" 1,1. ,., ,;. :. .nl.,,,.. moulded iri.lnl ll an, ... in a, :,.,n: ". :k I '01111 . n :;in in, likk.' l e, tilt, 11 ll.ll ins; keen Cl itl'-tlllv .mill - mould, r. Tl,is "Id I" I ha- runs; mil 1 v in nn ni " peal, .iml 11, my a liim ral I ,l 1 .,- (lie lend nlm. ell:,ppnir-s . cclclu'at. ,1 I'I""1 !'" iy a ,"i,ury , nd a ha'f 'k- j the " i ' I k. "ry. and 'nnii ra I n 1 alter K''m ra- ; It ' l.i.l pa id In in. illl 11 lo w,,r-nn id 1. im l,v ""'' .v.11. i "il''l 1.;. , had keen ne In, 111 it- ).,,, and inaled li r j.romotion, shall I (' , nme, In-uriiili r.-sl upon onlv six k , k owed n nip!" In llie pave. a-hiiit',11 and ,(. , ,, , , ihe re::imeiil or ballahon 111 which the I M slN al , thud cents tor every dollar prom. I, a myelin li-leind In ils riiuiiiis, ami Hie gallant j ,..,., inav have occurred. , ! ,.,.,1 upon their I'm e, and shall be redeemable mi nim w ho 11 i-'.iu lil wiiltiii in .- e of sound th - jj,;,-. '. All acts anil parts of acts in eon Hid nith i ( . j ,,. (,.,.tl,,rv notes al Hint rate, hut alter ih" v, , ,: k "IH , I i" mil iinli.p,ni'l"nc,'. wein fain II inr wilh j die above provision-, are hereliv 1 . pealed. . ., s ,,j' iijs ai I, nn call eertilieales .-hall hi A pk ant lifll. k-t'irv l.'i "lit he 11 lillt'll ! I '. I , si-, I, v. Si-i.'l'.he Van! -c Il",'tk, ,'lp! , ,. , 1 I, 1 ' ' " ' " I : I! ' vc-'l-'kiv mi -:i'i ly. He I" 111. III. seven 1.1 1 -hot-' Innl been tin ! at her. Snlnc , , . , 1 ., in... I tun or t 11 nl -niu-K inn lie:,' tin, :,, no.-. , 1,1, I il i- picsi'ini d she will he I Her car",' we learn, whidi i- on '.-n vera incut are. .nni. It HI I : :,l -I, Im' in, 00 or h'-'s ,ll, lll.i 1. 1 1omrV Tr,' , n.'i in .t. r' ., '"if 1 ? sr r" 'i 1,... k ; , 1 . ' r i k' e Sir ''olnt 1 i.npkL , 1 ,1 ,, .. , , ! ion .. In- in'. !,, rlv I ,, .1 - li,... l -t:i,i,t, , n- .Ufh,'., V de 1 ,:, Ike latter part , , December la-t . .1, u " .i'...n'- ,:;ihcr ,1.,- cu-i lo laud I'lyde ii I., -aid tkit I" li him t 'llcin ral tal"" nni.-riv I. II nl the dmlth of .M. ts Melfer. X.,r )'., 11'..,. ll ti tit u Tut t it. "What are V" ('."ins in 1 :..., 1 ..... ;,.!., f "i'r 1 1 . ' iinptn iti j -1 .j I thoiialill'iil M. i'. "Wo Ini'il to cinlismiln ! tip. pi'iipoft v "I ill" S'lltll,', ll" sniil," ninl ils , VV(( m l .1" lliat, wetil'O II' W nililiscalilij; ... ,.,., ,,' t,p Xorlti. !'.'' MWa; j -- - i ', ,n s-vess repeals lltfi CX0lllitHn ! V.M, ninl lent ts Im "seat n V..II1 military ! ,,, vl,; ,, ,,,,M ;ul -on'riih' will Ret mi- , - . ' , HKT'.us lVuilolV -''-"'" ''"' IIM , . 'l,A--lf.l. AMI II M'llOOI. 1 -,,n j (,v., ,,,, , , x, .-u V Alll' NI I'M'Kli. V " ''"'"I I''"" "f ihis Sehn, . will h.-in nn I M iiTnla ", the I 1 1 li in -1., and ct- linucJI Weeks .M"i:in,u 's S'eh'"tl will op 11 at the mime I ',,r panic c I ilcnk II. . M'iKK'lH'. BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, ( m l-iliill, iii . p"l'. kn , ,1 ih,- l:u .1 s i-.ll-M r '-ni. lit on in, , , u ,' '""! nr, , il eil lo , n Prix in... t,.,t. lllll. A ALL KWDS 01' rF-IN'TNG, n.n Ii, kn -'ii s.i.-i.l ky itnj 1 .. r' 1-I.1I 11 Hie I'onl, ',. raey. ., is tt Ike lai .', .-1. :- fl Hi'1 I nl rial we.'.l and. flost Fiisk '.uialile- y l.ti-e s,'-k I' KM kkki V l Iter Ik. ni 1 r p:, U'"l 1 iiiin, .I.- an AKMV PHINTING, .,; !..:i nolu" .nil s.t rni'-s nioi',' ,rsa --'iiai'i'' 'i'-:1 ,' I. rn.l'ii.-i l -i n i;v (iiiU'term.M.-U'i'.'S ( '( Hiiiui.-.-ai'iis, .( r(ln:mco illiccr. SiU'VA'Oii -, ., ..',. ... 1 ,.! ,. I 1 -ll". "I ' lilit.'l I" ' i j . , j i' ;., .1',.. cr .tp,,.i,...s .O. . , . II" I t t III . " i'1 !-" "" V" A i,;,, I I' I' KANt'V I Mil's AM' -n'l 11 l'Al'lil , ,'!. s u- 1" P int; and Pill Cards, nrd lnvitntie"' Visit, ri uaids ,1. , -- i i, ,'. : I ,, I'lWh.d ky any .. r .'rtie "' Am'! '"' I'. MY AUTHORITY PI III.M' AOS in Till: I'll-.! CiniKii'ss ol t In' oilli'ili'lillc Slulo, ' r,i--,d ill Hie loin lli inn, whii'li was Imuaii and held at ll.e city of IH.'lililoll.l, ill the Slate ol' ' V ll 4I m, (In seventh iliiv ol' ll.i- J Iter. A. Ik, I -ii :, aii.l en.leil on Thui sday, ' Ike eii'hleelitli tlav id I'elii uarv, Is. .4. ' ! , .... ; , I .... t ;. I f ', . ., . o, .,, ,. If till IIII.III.I niov I he ( oiini (" ol the ( oiil.'.h'iale.M.ilesiol Ainrr- ieado . ii.i.'l. That all (tlliecs. i,,, en.,is,i..i,ed nilieeis, nni' i. nan-, pi ivales and . nnen, who huie nr w Im si in u in i in- (ii.-aoiiti ny woiiii.n, or ol nei I, or ilisea ... i'.iiiii'a. t, d in the ser- i , ', ol I lie ('..nli .hint.' Slate-, ami in Ike line of duty, -kail he l et I of ill-.'liai n ,1 li tun then H-,iTlllr po-llnill lis ll.T.'lllnll.T pl.n nil . . tint Hn' rank. .;.v and eimdunn'iil - of ' iid Ih" p 'V ami en,. .In nt-..f .-meh n, m coioi,,i..i,,n ...I ,.,ll, ,,i . ..,... loienles ami seioioot .l,.,ll ,: ,, ,. . I k ,. " I eoiil niiie iii Mo.' eliil ol i lie wat , or as iinin UM ,,,. VJ ,,.,,.,, ,. .i,,,.,,,,, . Si..'. Thai all i.'i's..ns rlaiuiiii-i llio linti'lit ( iln-, act, ..hall pn -cut iheinselves lor I'Miiiiiuat ion, io .iii., oi ine inc. ileal evaiuiniiiL, iiunriis iniw i sini ll-lieil li iaiv. I poll the cel l i lii'llte of sllell hi.lird .,.!, p..,,,, am ni th.nliilitv ,'xisls, mh-Ii per -ii:,n . ,,'i,,'"d or diM'hniL'f.l as uinrestnil. ! Tln.l all per-tnis rtlll'cil or .Il.s.'lia.';;eil a - nfor. -aid, slnill pi i lodieally. and nl I a-l oine in -l linihllis, pic -uiit the.nsel', in to of said f1', Iit'.l hv Hie Set'lt'l'll'V of War, Ih" ft!- -nil ,, which examination -hall he reported l.v j .,,, Imanl I,, the said S. 'd'etat v. Audit iniv i .nek pel ...11 shall fail M I e pol I hi It l-ell 1 1 ' s Hell I, I l,i-n- ler he d, ,11 lie re,,il','.l s. I... he ! vl.all Ir " tl l. said . . ,1 or di-eliar,;vtl I ,. ,,, l , e I, ahle It. cim-ei ll Under the ' I,,-,',,- of Ihe law, tulle-- Mich failure shall . 1 earned k-v pi, v -leal .ll-ahll.t V . I H l Tin, I Ike Seeleturv of War litav assign j -iiel, oil, en ., ami older Ihe .h'lad of Mich lion- j lied olhccis, niu-ieiaiis, privates ninl I .,.,, (, -m h dulv as Ihev shall' he .nialilicl I.. pci foi ,,. -nel, mill .,millli-,inlle.l ollicel s. ,,,,.'. musicians, private- ami seamen, sua. i-e reiievini .' li.,,1,1. iv. Ih.'v shall ii.' rc.-tnr. . ' dutvin Ho M,,' .,, tint II,,' .- " ' I el. i-v nl War -liall ilii.k" i H n.e.lliil rules ami i, :ni iii,,.,, fur Ihe net r tl.e int. Ileal lends as a'. ne-.u , i , . -I. 'i'liill V.UMIH'H- i.' 1 lir I il i 1'iMl Irlll i 1 1 u (l I -s II II Illl I II 1." H 1 , 'llil I I Illl' il ii.t 111 VileM l ,1, d, all, ,,,' s, .inn, f-l,cholliecrs. r .1.- I.... ii.i t .l.i.ll I II.,, I .. ..... V. This act -hall he in force lloin iu pas Appi ni i tl I'l kruaiy 17, 1 ii I. . .,.',-, I H W. Ll HI- IH-Id IO Hill ll.ll I-.C I lie pi. ,1,1,1 ill ollicl lion eomuii iniieii oinci vnti pri lilles o' di -i nmuished skill or valm. . The I k mm e of I iic ( '..uf. derate Stales (if A in it Mel 'I lad. Thai Ihe I'rcsideiit is hereby mi ' llntl ln'd upon Hie re, , III, u. dnlll ol the general I'liliilnallihllii a tl. pal t lllelil nr a separate army ill Ihe II el. I , lo Illl any nir.un I ill 10" " o s.-i, 1 olhet'is of a renii'ieiii or battalion, by the promo tion to the same, bv ami wilh t he advice, and cou nt ol' Hie Si nate. "1 auv (dhcer, liou-eoniinis- '. , , , .1 . , ' ,. 1 . . ,. 1,.,..,. ,11,11,,. ',.,. .,i ,ii-,.f bv exliihitiiii,' pceiihur valor or 7, ,,,,,,.,,,,.,,, i ,-,1,1 . fv.,l,,,. Thai Ihe olli- , ,.,.,,,,,,,ii--ioiied olliecr. or nrivale. si, ice- A iuiI'iii cl I' cl'l ual V 1 , , 1 '" I l ime. I. IV- An let t" llllicmi ine aci en, 111,0 1 .1 .. . ....:. 1. . I " An lo M--ri.l: tenons to -t'lie 1 iirnm the war, 111 . 1,11, "I ,ve, .H,l,, ,.i',l,.een I......I.-.I ...Uix.v 'I'I,,. (', , m-, of theCiiifcderate Stales of Amer- - - . . , nil , In enact, 1 'ml inn nuuie o- amemled tliiit there shall be allowed to each regi ment of engineer troops, two .piartertuasler ser ;,'caill -. A pproved r cbruiii y IT, 1 ;,'l. tn Act I" amen, I lite iml.s "I Apni nl . mil sl,l -lllll, .,0.1 , p I nnber 1 11 cut v -tin! d, "it'litceii hundred mid si.x-,,, ' ., ,. , , , ,i't,. n,,'C,,,,gr,'s-nlt!te( ,,l,',h'r,,,,'S..I,sd A. tl it a do tuinel, 'fhat the acts approved twenty-lir.-t Apiil, eighteen huiidred nnd sixty-lwn, anil uvon li Hind September, e'mlitecn hundred and sixty m o, f i nu lul i 1 1 ii Hie increase and rank of the corps of engineers- ot the irm i-ioiial aiiny, bp anieuilc'l to read a- follow - :" That the President he, and lie is hereby authorized In appoint, with the ad vice ami, consent of the Senate, an additional num ber ut olliccrs iu the engineer corps nf the provis ional iirinv : Prm i. Ictl, That the w hole corps shall not exceed 011,' hundred and twenty, and that the number of olliccrs in each (jrutle he limited tn three coloneb, four lieutenant colonels, right ma jors, forty live captains, thirty-live first lieuten ants, and twenty live scenml lieutenants." Si;r. 'J. There mav be appninteil six military store keepers, w ith the pay and alinw aiices ol cap tain ol infantry, who shall nive such bond for the tail lit'tt I performance of their 'Inly as may be iv the Secretary of War: Provided, That I the Mill stove keepers 'shall be appointed from peisitiis w Im are ilis,iiaiiiic,i inr nemo sen me ot mason of w ounds received in the military sort ice, or disease contracted whilst in the army, or from persons liver forty-tit c tears of i;e. Approved February 17, 1 -nl. C11 in. i.xn.--An Act t" be entitled " An Act in n tut t ,n to the oiiuliticatioii of Stale Collectors. I 'I'I,,' Coiire-s of the Conic, hi ate States, if Amer ica do enact, That the provi-inus of section thir ty nine nl an Ael ciitilktl .tn .111 inr ine at -s-ineiii ami I't.lleciinii oftaxes," appini ml May first, cl'dilcell hundred and sixty-three, shall not be c,,n-tnie.l to iipidi to ll liiee nt'Siatc ('"Hector. cl I'cl, 1 iiari 17, 1 -H I. Caie. ism. - At, n'l '" reduce llie ciiirenci ami tn aiiilnii ize a new issue nl notes ami In. nils. 'Ihe Congress oft he Con fed, 'tale Stales of Amer ica" d" enact, That the holders of all treasury Holes aliote tho dcmuniiial i"" of live dollars, not hi ariin; iiitere.-l, shall be allowed until Ihe first da'v of" April, eittlileeii linndre.t ami sixty lour, 1 1-1 of the Mississippi riter, and until the In -t day ol' Jul' . ci'-hteeii hun, lied and sixly-foitr, we.-1 of the Mississippi liver, to fund the same; and until in penults lllul lit III.' line's -taieii lite 1 .- : 1.. . . . 1...11 1 11..... ...1 ,.. , 1 of all siu'h iicisiiry notes shall be allowed to fund (1,,, .S inn- 111 ri'ol-leleil liolliis, pin a nu'itn tears alter their dale, bearing interest al the rale 'of four per cent, per .,111111111, pat ahle 011 the tlav nl Janunn au.l.liilv of each year. Si:" :!. The Secretary of Ihe Treasury is here by milieu i.ed 1. 1 issue the bonds re. piii'.-d for the full. linn provided f'"' in lb'' preee.linu section, and until tlm lion. I- call lie prepaico. ne nut,, issue . e. l i-nles snail ne fee, n no, e. ,,,,,,,,, ,....,..,..- p nnient of all lltivernimTit dues pavaDlu in ine tear eighteen hundred and sixty-lour, e.xcepi ex- poll ami import duties. S,a . ik That all lre,i.-i;i. Holes of i' ' "I'-mnmi- Iioii'o'f one hull. lied .h'lk.i -. in. I b.nri: .". . r'''1' winrh -hiillnol Is-I'r. -eiit.' l nn-lunttin. nu'i'i 'lie provisions ...' tue li.'l ;".::,,.. of t In - -..s hi d Ironi and i.lirr the, ln'-t day "I pr, n,h' hnmlietl ml sixly-lour. c -' , ; , .' 1, , licit .iii.i - x.i-o .... . , . i.,imln'.l river, and Hu'lirst day "I ' ' r . 1 , ' ! am! -1 x ', v lour, wet ,,t the VI i--lsslpii i it i (, tobcivcciiuhleillthepavmei, o pub 1, I, c I said "tes H i'"' - I"7;;n n ' ! :", ' ;,. , m ni , ,i,l,tiii to the' tax ol thirlv-three . i"l m; third f this act, lie snlnc,' lii;iM "l"'" er cent, per inmlh linn - nicciil,,! which taxes shall al eh '" sai'l ,,,,,,' w ,e, ever eireuhitcd. ,1,1,1 -hall ' d-duet., from the face of said notes ulnuieur presented ( pa-nieiit or I',"' I'liiidiii!;, and said notes shall m,t be' exchangeable foi the new i-siie ot treasin y l,. pnrt i'led for iu this ael. . ti ll j., 1,1 ne. i-urv miles not fnuib 'l sk, . i. ni'tittt,,,,, -'," , , s, ,l in tuii in.",! "t taxes at the dates . in - it pi cscnlied in the b, -t section ol this act , tm ( ! Jhr M , Sli , ,,,,, d places a tax - Ihirly three and one third cent for c ' '- 1 ; attach to sau ti" ' "I 1 -1 . ... ,..,,. ll" Cl'llccled I" (letlHC.III'Z tue s..- '' . ' rv, its dopo-itorjcs, ami ny tin' ,x "" - ' o .. ,,.ni oilie,'-,'.- rceeivi,,'' the ; ,...',. v.'r ,, rescind for "pavim-nt. or for liindin ' P i , t o t c no nent, or lb. posta-n , howew-er, is not in" mb 'l ! .v "-" "' '"' '. c an b'l new s imreinatV-r pro- I , CIlplurc., , i, k.-bur -. duiy HI, l-nk, cx", p: Vf.lV't and said tr.'iis.,, v "'cs shall bo fnudalde i .,,,, Hi ,v,lx, .i.-larci excham-, d by L.t'-liaii. " N , buo'tls. us i.iovidf.l in the tirst, section "I , tieea iiuniber. 'l six. seven and , ,l,t. ,1, 1)011. IS, - I""' " " "' , 1,. I nn,, until the lll'.-l nav "' '"" . ..-' ' ' " "" , j Jiim -'i' ,,,e I ami si.xti ti',". t!.c rate ."'V" tVi .V ' -.llnril cent-oil the dollar. Audit shall brthe duty of the S.'. iflarv "I t:m Ilea.-' ,. ... ... ", - , 1,,-tw 1 . n, ,!,.' tm-' "f April, east, and the first July . ; UllV0 haii't a 1 -t of 1'' ink .' nns "I '"; cpdnecn hundred and s,x,y-l"ur tt'e.-t.d the MisJ .1;ivits fr ,,, t ,- nii-pi ii-''- "lM !'iT7,' . n e claims of deceased soldiers. I',!";; vy -; I '' i .... 1. . n, ,iTV- VC I ' 'll1'"1"!". '" . i ; Tit ,,tci "f the den'm ihi "' u" -Nunihor 08. I I lllillll'il dollars-, hinill lift he e, title, I lo the pril 1 jl on of said I'M'hail ;.' : I'l'oviill I llu-r, I lull till' I i o, I,, f I any of i.i. tien i v miles utter the J I Ml (lav of .lillllllll , eighteen ' diinl ninl sivly- I vn, i -, hereliv Ink. -li aunv: And pinv uli tl In i i ,, i. Thai upon all h.u li tie: -ore inn. niut-li I i.i'. lininiill ollt-l. lulling on Hie til -I .lay of.laiiiin i e,' fi - It I n hundred ami !' ly liv.i, mid c hich i av Hot he e veil ail :ell lor lien tl eani y l:.n. m I hviii pi ovi.l. .1, a la ol one 1. ndretl pin nl. is I t. liv ii..)Mii... Sir'. :. Tin it alt. I the lilst tk y id Aplll in At. all I I thol Ity lieretolole i;l ell III I ie "seei it my "t im: 'lieasiii v 10 i-Mic i,.iury n.iti . flmll he, ami the : -llie is herein , I e i.keil : I'll.' nl.'.l , The .SfCteta I of the 'I'lea-ill v lllav, alter ll ll t ilne, issue m w 1 easiiry miles iii Mich form a--he may pi'i --ei die . I ivahle li o ears altei the rat .ieal inn of a treat v i ' peace Willi ll"' I' nil I'd Slate , said lieW isMlcs In I ' reeeivahle ill pacineiil ol 111! piililie dues eveept . vp.irt and import diitie., unit In lie i.--in',l in cv i iitime for old imt.'s, at the i, f two dokavs,. J 1 ' l' l'"i' three dollni s of tl 1,1 issues, uhclhei 's'ldold notes he surrender," 1 lor ex. liaise l.y I H e lioi'lels tlieleol, or he I'.'.'el e.l I lit o 1 1 ie 1 1 ea -u ,. ,. ,, movisions ,,1'thi. a. I : and the l,l- k'lSofllie new Holes or III t ll (dil notes, cveept in,,-,, of the del illation of one handl ed .Inllnrs, n.iei'thcv are reduced tn sixty six and two lhiid c mis mi the dollar, Iiy Ihe i-v nforc-nid. may iiliveil the sainc iiii,, call riTt"ieatcs, heal i 1 1 ! in- I rc-t al the i ale ..I four iicr e. i:l. per nnni iml I M" Iw.i y.-ars alter the nit. icaliiin ..I a tr. alv pence Willi l!,e I lllll (I ,-si ICS, till : " I I 'tis el li'd illl.l III VV lint. 'S. I Si., . 0. That to p I . lif cpi'li-cs of ll I , o,,t .tlMetnvise tirovided to . the S. l,ll' lioismj i- iin,".l ..... ,. ' '"I. I"""- ' " '" '"" ' ' "" 'I it'll In 1 1 k, nis n( dollnr.s, the pr ncipnl "herettl fl.'lll Iiw llIM 1 11 .'. .1 1 Ii 1 11 , I' . 1 '"!" mlel'."! tln'l'enll Ihe el "''!''' "' ;'''.'' "M""'1 '.v hr'.niHci n'l"" ,,H '" lohiicc.l, ,11,1 III,, w hielt shall he ixp.nted Ic the (o I ate n ten 1 .' I: li piocet'ds oithe Iln, li"W lanl, ol so I. nek llicl'eut ils nay lie In t" pav itiiinialli lheinte,e-l, ,. Inuel,, pifii-en . i ....... . ...cs m " ' im""' - ; '' l'h"'''h shall 1 I ' t I III specie, or 111 sun ,mtc e x'llllll'.l , ,.,,, ,n' I,,,.,, s "-i ' . k , ,. ,, . ' 'lie Seerelary nl the Ir "' "". ' "' ".' "'I .',", '" " .' I ctt' t.n tt'ca-iiry l s saul holids, r iniv ,,,,1 nvi'iU, ii ' mi iiii' nr-i h i in s in i .in, -ii iii mci i I ; ipro pi I 1 1 It 1 1 1 - hi I u 1;; I c.-s, ami nl llie same lime 1 nluee ami resiiint tl trniiim of the clreulatinii in lii'ii ill v nnte-. within rr.i-nliiible ami safe limits. Six'. s. The 1. 1, mis aiithnri.e 1 by the sixth sec t nn of this net may he either r,n'i-!ere,l or coup, m l oiids, a-i tie-parties taking tlnuii may elect, and I tcv iinii be c.xchanired Inr cat ii other under ,-ucli t ",ulati ins as the Seerclarv ot the Trea-uiy niay I "escrih". They shall be lor one hundred iliilhu s, nr sonic multiple of one hundred dollars, ninl shall, lot'cl'ner wilS th" cnupi.i. . litem!,, utl.n'hed, In ill siieh foi 111 ami uf such an 111, ml it at inn as the Secretin V ol' Hie Treasury limy pri sel ihe. The ii Iciest shall be payable half 1 "al ly "ll Ihe lir-t of .1 uiiiaiv and .Inly in each i.'iir the principal -hall he payable not. lc.-s than Ihirly years from liieir dale. Si:e. '.'. AM call certlticKtes shall he fundable, nnd shall he luxe, I 111 all re-ols, 11s is provided Inr Ihe tieasurv note.-, itilo w hich Ihev arc enn- verlihlc. If 11.. I coincrled Iml .re the time lived I , .. .... :'..,. ,1... ,,.... , ,., ,, ninnii, i .-innl until alter the day of April, l ihlui ti hiimlrcl and sixty-limi'. Skc I". That if any bank of deposit shall s-ive i s depositol'S the bonds aullu . ietl by the til'st, -"Ctionol thisacl in cxciiiiiil:,.' ibr their depn-its, nnd speeifv the s;inie on the b 'lids t,v some dis tinctive mark ur token, In hi nureed uion will: 1 tlic Sceretarv of tin Treasuri . then t! aid de- pasibir shall ne ciilillcd tn rcei ive llm ainmiul ol said bonds in treasure notes b"itriiu no interest, and oulstaiidiiiL' al the passage of thisacl: I'ro uded, the said bonds are u cscnted betiuc tln pi'ivilete of funding said Holes at par shall cease, a- herein prescribed. . ,, , .. .. , ! siieil. ol th 01 lite Hollars, slnill I culitilllie tn be reeeivahle III Jiawilelit of public 1 inics, as nni uieii ,v inn , 111111 inininoic ai par 1111- , ,.,,.,),,. prt.vistons flhis net, 11 nil the first ,,f,l,iv. t iglitccii hiiiidieil ami sixty f, ur, e;i:,t, and iiuiil the lust ol October, eighteen 1 uu.lre.t aildsixn fonr, west of tlm Mississippi ri , ef, but after that lime they shall he subject to a ta.x nf thirty-three nnd niic-third cents on every dollar promised on the face thereof, said tax to aitaeh lo said notes wherever circulated, and said potest,, be fundi, hie end eM'hani;,'abl" for new Irea- nrv notes, as here in provided, sMhjeet to the dco ictimi of said tax. Skc. l'J. That any State holt' 11; treasury notes, iTCeived before the times here u lite, I for lux im: said notes, shall he allowed in til the first dm uf aniturv, eighteen hundred anil sixty-five, to fund llie satin iu six percent, bond., of the Confederate States, payable twenty years ,'l'ler date, and Hie iutcre' l put ulile semi iiiiniially. lint all tica-urv 1 otcs rec ited by any Stale aft. r the lime fixed lor ixiii"; the same, as aftuesui. ,, skull I,,, held lo ' im been received diiiiiii isbe, by the amount of .-lidtax. The discrimination between the notes abject tu Ihe lax and those 11 -t so subject, shall I e ictl to the joiod faith of eac! State, and the ccc 1 lieate of I he I lot criior there,,' shall ill each ca.-e i e eunchi.-i i e. Six. Ilk That Irea-nry note- heretofore issued, I "iiriny interest al the rate o, seven dollar., ami t lirly cents on the hundred lobars per annum, r mil 110 hui".cr be received iu payment of public lies, but shall be lleellle I an I considered bonds , 1' Hie Confederate Stales, pa able two years nf 1 -r a 1 nt ili.'ii I i.,ii of a treaty of peace with Ihe I'ni 1 nl States, beni ini; the I'afe (, interest specific! 1 11 their face, payable on the Ir.-I of January in ,. ich and every year. Si:,'. II. Thai "the Secretary of the Tica-uty be, innl he is hereby autlinl icl, ip case the exi'O'lifie s , I , i' the ( Intel llllient shuilld reiplirc it, tit nav the , , , ,-. ,..,,,;,,,,. u ,,. ,, , ,. 1 1 onlrueted after the piis,-a.o. ,,f this act, willing 1" 11 ceive Hie -a nie, 111 u cel l illea: 1- o initelileilnc-s ,1 he i-.-ucd by said Seerelary tu such h,nn as Im 1 iav ilecin jiroper, payable two '.cars nfter a ralili- l ntl.,11 of a tl e;.ty ol' peace will' the I '11 it,' I Stall's, I caving iiitcl't'.st at the rale ot'' , ' pcrcet ' ' nu eii.T', paealde scuii iiiiniially. a d ti'aii-''' .'.,,," I ' by .special end, il'si'linnit iiiiiIv ' feeill;- " I lesei ihcl l.v tk - Soereiary of h Ti e 11,1 eertlllciili'S slnill ne vxeiup- Irolll j principal and ii.terc.-t Si..'. I The Secvetaiy of t ... Tr," t lo incit.ise tlm iiuiiibc! of.le as I" inet'l the reipiiri'Uicnts ,,' Ibis 1 that 1 i, w toeiui'loy such of the banks nil Suites 11 s In. may deem cxp, (limit. Ski', l i. The Secretary of ' ie Trea ftirlliiiilli atlver, i-e this act in such in. ll.ll -Innl in Ik . ,.', I Sl.ll.- '""1 I" i-TnTr,kVr'.- 'in. i n rmtr: -tlir- i -1 or il 11,1 111 ere' N,,vv u, ,1,,,-,. it to be publish, ! ril ,. f,,, t!,n iiifonnatiop of the . j navy. j Si-..'. 17. '. ne l',.nv-seeni:tl se."i f . ... j. h' !"iil ami ! laws. ai.pi-,i.. .lav (.; ;,ti.cll'.l .mil sixty-tluee, is I Seerclarv "f the Tr-asnrv is !,, ,,- , , , .. u ,., . .ijvi-.l and rciuircl, upon Hie appinm "ii 1 v aiilfc-'rizeil and rcpin'cl, upon Hie app.n ni , , h, ,,,,,,,,. , . f v call cer.Hi, ate -w l, I, l,v : , ., ,., " to prol itlc lot ' ke fundi ' ' J i" ..,.,....1 ! Mare!, t,!.-ti-nid. ,.ialue,...-..iu,l.ed ami six .1 t nee, was ,c .pure I to He then alter '"'"' 1 "' '"' a bund I" i ne to such hold '' a bnlnl thrr,, I pin, tin- terms provided bv s n I net. Apprnved 1', bi nary 17, I -1 I i;xcii v;i'. MffH i: . 10.1 Itii itiptvi'. J'a.. ',u 'ei'th, IS.', I. j The f, .11..'. in notice is I'moid upon a rec.-nl de claration "1 I'ixehait'.'emadeby the In deral aiitle'r in, j. Hearing u in "..' ..... "i , paroles on file , ,y . II. e: - . , A ,', m'edcrate nllie, rs nnd im n w I ;';!" M ,.ilv ,., rj:.r l , , , Julw is,;,, an. her. ky deelarol s: , . 'J. All Oonlileratn "Hi' r- ii'"' "'en. a iii,-.. bearnt'-d H" May .s'b nil', i -u I"";". ho vi- I to Illl , , ,, ....,. .,, ,,.,.. I ,,,, Hired lit IIT.V pla t , SUy 7,1,, ;, ; ,1 rrlea,,',! 1,11 parole pirnr to May .Hi. M are h-rcby deelaictl to ke e.x, kan.-ed. This ,'li'U. POUT. I.I1, A-''l "f SOLDI I'.KS' C'li.llSls. of ! saeet. Persons at a dl-tan.'e u u "' u ...... c in procure Ihe, n I, y ml ll'" "" " .-' ' turoii.h the mail-. I trV. , null liaun - lllll "' mil Kt uiuiitni.l i,l .it,' ;,, ,, .,. . i ,, thit et.otfi,. - 1