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J DAILY CilCIl'IMN. Fill DA V MnliMNtJ, ,li;iA' , lHill. MORNING EDITION. Jliiplisl Church. Thorn ill bo m rvii-n lit tliu J ! ; 1 1 t i t Church in thioily on next SubhiiHi at I"! A. M. by tlm I'.. v. 1). W. liwyn, Pu.-lnr. Never Pcspiili'. Thi.mi who me in llin roar, who inn disposed In carp ut tin' policy nf iinr generals, ami ijrumlilu ul , tho uiilinnnv fate wliii'li is bringing tlm Viiiiilal i hordes of tho Nurtli iiiii (hum to dcvnsliiti, tlm country, tnd ilrivo (hem from 1 1 n-i r, forget tlmtl'ir ilirun long years uiiiuy of our fcllow-eiii-ticns l.iivi l)ooii fill milting iiitii'iitl.y mill patrioti cally tu ill tho imiltiilii'il evilt ami deprivations which tiny now so much deprecate and dread, while tli'y hiivu been happily exempt fioin nm-l "I llm sucnlioes and inconveniences uiul I'vil.sol' the. war, .'f it should now happen Hint tin y urn culled npoji :o bear a roportiiinalo pliui'u of tlm ill' wIiIjIi mi many hnvo already lioniu, niul which mi miny are now enduring, they should exhibit that logro of fortituilo which shuuld always charac terize in en who huvu staltoil their nil upon u great cflort fur liberty ami independence. The ho"ii for which ivu strive is priceless ; mill although wo may not u..',.l '"tfTU t iX.J.hiliMTifii'1'f which we arc mi ltd upon to make, l.y keeping "in vyv .. my lixoil irion tho groat object sought, ami conn m plating the certainly of ita ulliuiatc. iichii'vniout, we, inny d- adun to a grunt extent iinr private giiela, uuil t : i lo tho sting from th.-o rcgiota. Nothing can possibly lio gaiio'd hy riniiniiigs and coiiiptaiiitH, unr will wo improve- our cni'lilioii liy i .'i'.oniii criticism upon tho cn'uluct of the ..aders of our armies. They nro using nil the in, -ids within their reach, to cripple, ami dislpy tho d ttcsUid foo, mi l if they hnvo no, Seen al'lc to ucooniplish nil that a too hopeful vie if llio "sit:i- tion" hail led ua to expect, tho I'.iult ' i surely not theirs, but is ullrihiituhlu tn (he sit) 'or roMuir, os uud (;rotttcr uuiuborn of our encuiic.r. When wo coinmi'iiei'il thia alrutji. ve weic all fully awnro of the mighty oii.. v i, whi, h woul'l have to contend, ami wo thou I not mnv lie mirpriscd, when wo find Ihosn ant' 'i-nlions lnl fillod. A lariro portion of (ioorgiii haa l,c , overrun and it uiny hiijipon that alill moro of liauda uf Iho foo. Hut thcro is i full into thn tl nitf in this fo ml triumph. 1 dowHalod, i liiu siitrercd i o afler lime, i id from (heir nuiko us dcapnir of a glorioiia in J Other States liavu hecn ovorri unit have boon rucovercl. Jlisai. frooi tho viaitatioua of the euein i uiul yet alio ia now lncasuralily ri ii prcsoiico. Arkanaaa haa been a-iln j:alc,l nml now redeemed. liOuiaiana haa aulfe: .d grievously under tho weight of thn heavy hand 'f oppn aaiou. All of outrage, and wronj,', and rupin , that viinlio. ti i o and lnaliu'iiiiul lute and liii iiiL- eunitliiv could invent and practice, alio ,m. felt and en- ... . . . . iliirin. iier aona nun iiauejinor.a, nnr en in inn lap of luxury, aro exiles from their Lo: ioa and wan derers through tho land ; hxt alii! .hi ' hope lor thn diiwii of a brighter day, and do not l ospaii- ,,f the ciiutn, or tho redemption of their l e. Virgiuin, too, the heroic Old lloi.iii: -m, what has alio not suffered. Throughout lior h a. I territurics 'ho foo . as pasaiul and reiaaod t. it, tuvonl mul limod, 'nit.-ho ia alill as proudly do taut, and still us raol.ito to ooiuiiino tho alrugg'e to tho last dol Irir and laat mill), na when alio ir."cr Led upon her 1, miner that standing aud pcrpctuil .Icclaralion of ruaistnnu w ii'tiam. ",Sic aom,er tyra'inia." Then whilo othora are tirm iimi h 'poful, while tho down-troddeu and aull'oricg aro e infident and true, it is unbecoming in Ihu people of thu groat coinmouwoalth of iieorgiii, who have known but little of tho hard.-hipa of tint war, to lill tho air with dismal oroiikinga and atulk about w i ill ghostly and gloomy facca, birda of ill omen, apprehensive of all possiblo evil. Thoro ia no appropriate time for bravo men to deapair no fitting period for tho abandonment of hope. Kamcat patriots strugglo to tho Inat and if licod bo, dio for tiro came in which they are embark ed. Defeat doea not dcpreaH nor disaster appal them. Between aubinisaion to wrong and a pat riots gruvo they do not hcnitato to cliooan, and o long us there ia a f"0 to light they are ready to con front him. What if either Richmond or Atlanta, fall, or both? Is our cauaii therefore lost? la there one limn so weak or insane as to believe in anything so monstrous and absurd ? Wo suppose that no mini in his sober scum's believes it. Tho 1... -a of either of these points would iniipieationably bo a serious blow, but thero is nothing connertcd with the loss of titbtr which could make the principles for which wo str-igglo leas dear or their vindication leas im- pnriant. Indeed thn eapturn of every oily in the Confederacy would not effect the .pio.-tiou of tlm nbsnliito necessity of ti mil aiioccaa. I'nlesa we would ho slaves we cannot abandon Ihe conle-t. - , , . , YYe havo nothing to hope from the lorbearatn-.j or pity of our enetni.-a, and every thing to dread from his rapacity, his lust, and his hate. Nolhfng will satisfy him but. our siilmiiasion to his i unhallowed rule und Hint we can never yield i 'For wo havo sworn by our country's assinillcrs, j Ity tho virgiua they have dragged from our allura, I liy our massacred patriots, ehildrou irj chains, Uy our heroes of old, and their blood iii our veins, j That living wo will bu victorious, or that dying our ; death shall be glorious." I the iii-ui.i, lion of lien. Similmti f'P" III lioticin D. Let, cotoinporary signilioantly iiaka, " has any one heard of the promotion ol (ion. J'orrcat ? " To which another replies, " uo, and never will." We . pecMtwj r ,, :,-or,n);It uf ur irioiids, that (Jen. Forrest was a Lt. ..'ol. at Iho but tle of Shiloh. Ho is now a Major ti ucrnl, and tho ink is s-tareely tlry upon his last ci ..nniaaion. He deserves still higher honors we im- -ay the li i;i l hoaors and in due time, mi do jt doubt, will receive them. Xo officer has given ;her evideneo of patriotism in this war than Ion. , orrcst, or has exhibited better lightingaualities ; . if we thought lie sympathized ill this eeasolcs-l c ther promotion, wo would think I, than we are satisfied he does, iron L.or about f. r- deserves b-.-s Mr knowlcilge of llio man, wo feci sure he has io e ch sympathy un 1 we feel it due to him to eav 3' . 111 Ig. (.ell. Jilt). C. .5''' .Ml. lYc rojnioo to lciiru that this Hiillieiontly recovered to again ti llrigadu hius hi eu transfiTrcd to J ion and hu is now temporarily ii. .Division, Hen. llimlintin being o nt officer has he field. llV Jna Ilium's IHvis- tinalld of the 'cd, by on ae- .... - , . ,, culent to one of his eyes. (.en. tir. wll ia , every way ipialilied for au di a cuminaiid i. d his iniiuer- oiis frien.lj and admirers would be g ad to sec him pitrinnueiitly a commander uf D.vis ,n. In the Citv. Cl. Fields, tho gai.aut counnand or of the 1st Tennessee Hegiiuent, aud U. Col. .Molvinney, of the Sth Tennessee ea .nieut, a bravo orlii-er, are now iu tho hospitals in t' is city. Col. Kidds is suffcriiig from a'. in the head. which, ttiougu serioua, woiire L'lad I know, in iiot . , , ,, , . . ,. . u.ogeuus. .'i...y uo ,ou uo uo.e io ,o.ri ms gm- lain H' gimcnt, as he knows how to ' id them. ytT Y negro boon arreateo iu lialtiinoro for hunah't jij for Jell, liavia und doi juicing Lincoln Jll.A. KIII'.IVbVT.,. M,.i,-., l p. line Ml Hi , W A I Inula mil nl '-vs ft,r 11 id,L. mi .. 1,1 'in n''l ' ",' ' In T. Cirri, in Allnni.i, nl '.do l"'i b u gloat ill tl l) . ; :t ii ( l.l.n l 1'. 1 1 ii - in I in llii- i ioiniii, anil w ndii-i: tli li T! t.l li.-t-l.-. Il l ,,l II I'lUlie good limr, r. til' III ill I' tin uniiy, it i remuneration f IV till' ,,f,l .in i. I, Ml ll r it, in i jr.H Ii-1-I il, In.i ih iii to M r. c Krpurt nl' I C.l'llll 'I'll,, li'lluivil ! II " i n ,1' ni il ll Ailmlllril lulu llisill,il 'il , .Inly lili. I Mi I. ll.lll,''l .'"I'll,'!,- IV' I, . I'o-I I,. I 'l : In, in, I ,1 10, II Ii ..MM II I'nv.ilo Tlu'is ' 1'i aive, en K. , Ii' 1 ! -' Will ,lo ikoii, co I', ,'i'l tin. Illl.rlU'V ll'iM'IIM-. 1'olonol II 1! 1 ,l'l-, ll 'IV l IN r Mill IIOM', I 1 1.. ii ii nlioe, co (i, I'.l'l I i mill, co, I:, I llii llii. e. mooiik iiii.iiru., en I . f'lll H'l. ilinv, eo (', Ii :., tin. prj4il(,, W M Win .1 llil'tlt l.oll il I I'rivalo Jiiiiio. rni iiosinii.. I'l. lul l. CO I', lilll Ii era, o II, :'l Ten, l'liialo (' S I, S-l-l .1 II Km; I'm alo I! A I i.llli:. ;i, T'Tii. rn-Ti.i:, nil. Ill ohVo "I llo-p. 11. C 1- I'lisail; ' I'roiu Williliil:,'l,'H, N. u "lilook: lora," eo.- ta .)iwil, in , or $.lnn n "Id. Al tu- li rale" t' to Nil I oiilcloiaio ' miu, null'.- Ii w ii ill etui. I grille. Thn ice will lie rcliuvd wilhin tlic ni'J ninety days. coll -i'lrl n miui;i m;vs. kw VoKK, limn 'Jll.--i lie ll.'ialil'a ho I'l'ptar 'Oil kill la iLi:J'T rl"l llio iiiii,,! ,,, I i.iir ' irrTr-i -tn co.- I.iloly mi lorsi'itr on f lo nt least In alivcfa, H'iai Norlh ami S' otio ii,'ii:il,ly 'I eoiolii lurilay ivi 'ii. Tins on ,-i"it. j-iioi 1 corps of 1,,1-V uriny, 1 1 , 1 1 uii'l l,',u---liriica'lo, an 1 loinl'ioc iumiIs I'iuiii III Car, ilii, a Ho lilt , .voll Iho fori o ..).) -.1 I hie mi in In t .-. I nilcrilate of iliino 2L', S..;u, ( lit. lilll colp- aoveil lo the loll, -ill-1 Wil'lonicsa li 'it.-e. Thia iiii.rii i it; Wilson ami Knttl's i l: I,. I I, i eal .tll'V h.i I ro al Ih.,' oiiii'l IV I' tho cut the YVel'I'.u, fi ilml oider otico ;;iveu to aii.-pcn l llio 'loiu,,ii-li.iligii direction uiul -wiii the loll "f llici!-! eoip so na to devot ,p tile i nomy'., works in li on tcrslmrL', wid'out iv.U' 1 to tin- i mviio Dtli culpa up, ,i tile It II. '1 lie piinc,,:il p,riioii of the corp. tt.i innviiiK further t-i the front, liilil- .n w.t. all in l.ositi-.ti iiitroiioht'l, 1',-r l-.-l nii'ht It. h.i-l inli ititoeil ua t :ar the eneniy'i iuln ii'-hiin in - a t oilltl ot witi ml lil'ihiii "11 u ho, n y h.:lil. Al aiul HaiioW 'islio'l loi'uni'l their linos of l,,n with hi'iivy al iinisliini; in I I, and "mv p,:r in io-ili"ii, a . I introii. Ililil. IL.ti ov in n lite t real ill In ill of llio I'' 1 il-, "in n h.- t no, toreil ll lieavi force of llio ' lo'rnv in.i I chiir' ,1 no in ll in column or :;i'ics, una mo tot- nit" our i,oMli"i 1 Iho iiiloi tihi'ii ii" "f pii'l'i'lll' I 'M led I,,' ! Ill of Ih, I ween the I' 1 "f tl" J I o-.i - i I ll: I I'- . The :m, ;: .in.i i Hi i. ' I'iuiii '1 in Ih t urn t ho 111 ' . (Ill I -i"l Mill, Uii'l' III this US . illl i l.'ll lll li'.nl Li lion. .Miller I 'iii;,' In I I .null ley Hie in in v ih, ! in.iivhili til lin e lo i in Ih,' to ''ilo. roL. Kii ii. W tl, ::,,lo-. i. I l'i" : llill'a ool'ps. 1 1 h.i-i. ii ll in iht nil. ni" in when tho riL I colninii MiuoU al n Iho io'IiI j of the 'Jd C"l -. 'flu, n Loi- pti,.i, 'l on mlii , Inn nclori-lio pc tinaoily, iin-l Iho ,-li," h ii'i- s""iii ll on Iho 11. ink: of I, "111 those culpa. 'I ho p. ..-iii. .11 ! hi-h tin y o, upicl ivii, il illlpi'l .tl il riy Hi-no . tin l-'l V ii it j tin lv Iho ! aat v that Iho sli"ii, Mini lln ii lis Ilia t w je thus evpost ,, a in I till up iho i mi in j;ai Ly . .nk'tn' ;i ooniiocii ni iiiih i :t' h nlltor aloo the liin of eol ri tiolnni e.;s m lln- rear. While thia was hoin' ,l"ii,- Ih,- , i,, n,y iulli. t, .l oiin-i'loral'io '.linage oil our iu, uli a non ,i, , ,,o -lire nml cap' i, ,l s,-i oral finiolio'l I i it -. 'I In- u--.uilliiij; o :uinii oatii,' il'iiin in a li.".i:tl ,lir, ... ti"ti, ami, a. div i-i"iia ivh I huppoii, ,1, .-' riii k Mi" I1 ink - ,, th,' II tivi,! di-ooiiiuoli ,. niul In noo tl,,' so, pi- nets wlii, 'h eit.-'.ii'l. This L-roi-'l ilisastroua co -a, the rotiivmct t t ihirlon, Iho i , ir :il 'I of .Molt, mid -I pan of lli.' I' II "I llihl ami Ih- loaa of four the eiioin v .- n ' l-t ,, il ti over i Ii, In a 1 1 1 1 in 1 .. , ground our I of prisoners diagonal tlir lUwlult of w1 'the right ago, aud pot iui: forces. '"ps ll.l-l loll taking ,pl - ho advance,!. I'ro-.-in Mioti, the column imuio h lllV"IV'l S"lii-vvh:ll 1 1 , Ilil, ho, the -It, cl-1 iilTT .'.,l a iiiurd, i-uis l',i" iui, Tito niu-kiiiv iv, I- i,-i th, t-i'l-a. As the enetnv mvopt over Hi" ll 111- ll !!'- '! n inarKcd tho 1 ft of the dividing lino, he euvel ballery whic'i occupied mi advanced pn-iti bin I a pariip.-t, and alinosl heforo tl," olli -oi aware of th. situation of all jir.- ,-ur artilh-r pi Helically i the hands of th,, cio-tny. It iv.i- ,,n Lo apl. .Meliuiglil a jtittery. llio "i"in,iil Hi" n i..-up peared ill aij it, MeKiiight op, m-d on thciuiviili canister; tin aepaiiited in ft'., nl, and "ouiiiig ir on Hit right an b it, coniploiely Mirrotiti'lcl the gun-. A relic! colot bearer iuinto'liiit"lv plnuleil his eopus on tho para) t. dipt. .MeKnighl and l.i-tit. linll both aeiirneu he siimmons lo suri''t"liT, and fir. d aevernl mini 1 of canister at Hto i m niy with the rebel Hag li tting by lb" li.iil, ry, Iholi tIioso ,,f floors distill; iaiied Iheuiseli es, hut it un, iinpo,,i- hie to take I :in oil the field. In theme ttinio Capt. 1'1,-ik'? l-t X .', t iy battery, win i was po.-tct in ih.' Ltoa-twoiks lur ther to (ho ;ht, opened on Hut enemy ami eon tribute,! eol iderably to check a fuilhor ii'li atu-e, Tho rebels aiokly turned upon us Hie ruptured guns, at Hi, 'ami, limu c-iuootili;ttiiig Iho lite of some twenty The works 1 I wall, batten ing over in i lions of Hie 'ther pieces on Cloak', .-in-!-- Lattery, whioh this Lattery was placed was of by the solid sliot ivhi' h came poiir ipiiek aaooe-.-ion from Hie fortilica- ba. aolive work was going on al Iho ihbt 'lirt of Hie teh.-l att.iekitig t ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I ime hud Lc ll ih pin , -I in lino of II pro-sit, upon tiio I, 'it. 'fh, inter te right of tli., nth eors ami the 1,.i , - wn urudiitilly grealer fiotu the I.i. f : 1 1 If. I Hanks Hill- c,s, ,1 I-, the one. ly gelling aivav when lien. .Mil,: ' Hi of Ha rps. whioh by tli batlle, was I val between ' "' ''"' ' " ; thai the mil brigade of It rloiv's dn v. hi, h vv :u in tv.-erv a, I' l'";tiliet w;i-' :oii .came on the oublo ,pii forward thr,' gh the woods n, check llio on, tuv'.i advance, ivh e tho reintiiiider of Iho Lil-.tdi. was fol'lncd bchit I lite broa-tivoik-, lo till op t he in terval in ,pii Hon. At tho .mine lime l.i.-ut. Co der's bailor-- the lib I . S , wheeled into position with conmie -Kiblo eelority. and Iho iutunliy ami artillery so.. . checked tho furflu r pi "gi".-s of iln ctieiny at th: . point. r-careoly I ol these ,li-p,--iti,,n- L- . u , nacied Lo fore Iho rob, Is made auoth'T attempt to piece Hie limes a little o the riojlt of ,ii:it point, Lot the al- , lack was git'onilly reUi!.-eiK Wo took a iiuinL.-r i f prisoners, md iiiiiotn: th, m y w led: the nalties w re not, however. In-ai v on either side. because the cbcls did led Cross lire in front of Hie breastwork- hebiinl .vlii'-h our tin n weto p ,-tod. AllOllt SeV-tl o'clock ill Hi" evenim-; ilil . tl- rt ,v;i inado by (ie'i. (iibbon, wilh otio of his loigt.des. . -i v-.-t.-t I ono from lirillin'a alh corps, tn retake tli iosi no ,, Y'ork. 1'lic attack was very sharj lliVisi'. I,, I and n of " til. v. ... spirit...!, lull Liilea to acooniplisii ine il".-i ui, II K A D-JCAIt TKliS, AltHV or tl( P. Juno L1 oi The only t'ghting Hint took pl.-i",- y, an attuok iiiti lo bvHieem 'iv mi lie v.. . l. .. I. ..... .... 1 , . - . - . . ii. i l -lav wi liiu n- i,li; j nut Hooiin r inioioieii as a teint to o-iver otn,. nim important move, or an ntienipt I" lo, ,1, t! ,,. ! our lines, il was a failnr ". f hoy "i-m-H w ilii n i henvy tiro o artillery which was lviinne-l by our i l-alterics, ar 1 Ihe rebels niiikiu; a eh.n --.' were driven back -u coiilasioii. with upward ,,f I, una l,,,, who v ro tak.-n prisout rs. Tliis'occil "-cd ahoiil s a. in., an-l tin- nrtilh : v fu ns m'. 1 1 1 . ior an nmir, wih u nil in-eaun- iiun t at that i, em' . Atthosuun: time a Latterv op, io li on oi i -ms otai on ia - i.-ri ..t tn, a n ,.-,ri--. j "'Inch Hie r- 'da seetuod dc-irou-of ,-h-a: ing oat, but i"1-. woieo, one. i oy toil Illls lot',, jmy Oatua -i- i ....... i.n.i n . i ... ... . .' '. .. ,, .-oio -i. j e , ii-,,-eioei,i oeilvi-o no- out Corps and the enc ,v I'm- the p, ss.-s- f t. railro.i-l on j Wodiios.lny ins ipiite severe. , u ti, nhirly in lr-,it "I' - I diviai, . c iiiaud, ,1 by l h, at i ', il M. M. .u.-i.,,H e oi liiiuoa-i tm, e, ,le- i (r,,TC,j' ,.,,, ,,llrl v w,r , llt,, ,.., h (,lvv force ..f Ih... .lemy under lien. Ami. , -on ,,,.ri od by Wile, .'s divi-i"H.. Captain li.-.ntv, of tho ,",l ernioni, .vii s in charge o t In- party tli.,1 roaoh--d.lhe road. ,ml he fell bad. -lowly winh- tho Kir ' iiiisli line he I the enemy in click, but a l,,,,lv ,,f .the fiiomy tnu'ln a tl;itik in ,vo, i"-'-t in t,, turn tho let flank of Iho Im I, , title. They, - howevi fj dii not penetiaie far en,,u;di, aliitointli they Miecced d in taking a largo number of skir , mishors pris, aers, principally of the lih and Ihh Yciinonl re; incuts, of Hie Vermont hritiade. 'flic I y '' -"l ''l attempted t" Ir.-uk (iir..u-.-h Hie lines at ; vcrnl point", hut were no I with u.-!i heiivT fire fr .n nur force, that thev driv. back ovcry i me with'great slauchter. TheV ti null v. j at dark, gav up the effort, anil rdrratcl across thn j railroad ban , where they took up mi a-lvniitagooua I position. j The mill'.. .1 from City Point ( Petersburg is lo- j 1 I I l an li fine ililil (' i ,11 il II" : in il I I' IV 1, 'I III ill'1 U , k ii, ill 'ii;,' in tins IM'll I III 11 tv. pill I lit ,11'I'T, II ll' procured I" 'lt ; mi dor. Supplies i V, and III,' ll'oip I I ,! ill, i Mill r .. mi' nl- in run nt icgu t'i 'int, tvjlv III - liiipoi Inn! .Milil.ii v Ui'niiliillu in. I ',... ' ; '" l',ol,i,i.,.,v. H,i , lli . I ' I ,ll, I' ll I" -lo'.V .1 H' veil' I I'lrl I'V Mil. II' li' ll- I , i ,! ;m 'liii.iii, It p oliilol,. iiiiv rilii i e, lining , u iilini 1 1 t.i- mil, - "I lir i.uli Mil from II ,l,p"il In l'l,;iM.lllii',r;,l, or - Ml Clint! Itloftd to I I' Tlollt, ! ii " ii.illy ,,l' l.i in;; I, ,ili ,1 u ii i-py. A' ,ln lime I i- iit ii I,, Ion' llio or i i Inlii'r i ll,', 'I l',,r . if.ou.y of ; ii,i',ii, ii"ii, 'I .,.ill v ii'l itil''.:iily l" 11 '.ii" ei- ' oi ii"'i tin in it p, i.iliit .. We hail l ie older 1 mill pi, i nr, . I' I", ". like ''il.-in,--.-, n: ,1 lli,,.-u ;i,' -piaiiiir'l v. ill) lion Mi cliiiiili Know Ihniil incaiii l, -Ml' s.-. Hill inllill ,iji',iti,,' U'Af l',i,i lo often 1 ililerrilpl j lion con 1 l.y dr loi llii c pl'"lo. I lititii iolli ll'.' I. r Ncn 0 tllillll IM, Willi ll' lo-lili llio I'l-COll I'V III we .-ll'ill he III Up. Ill lie Ihcir pv for . S 1 r of no j i la Hie i ul II Ihi.-oi iil. ii'.liii.'ili'.-, i ilio.fl iraeK.i ; II, .III : iii, ,ro r, M-.l'-i: 1 1 1- l-'tl Mi I I ,11. HI",,:'. I, I', 1 1 1 - i 1 1 I I' I I., -I unt !, r Dion mi, I I'-LI. I CI IHT.ll "I'h'K. X". I. The ll.',pi,'l,l ,1,' Illlllll II I''. ll Hill- I'l'l 11 liiinl, in noil ua ill-ill;; l-.l pi 'l", - nil Kainiii'I -i'-li -ui'l iiiuihI lite :l'l"'li"li i, -liiii'i - ,',iiiiiiillo,i iipuii llio "j lii'iil.:opnil ;i ii , I ho uriny lio hurl .irilioa ru, Ii I l,y ,t the ti' ,,-k lo lilow ip trains viiiniiloi. ai.hliora unt oiliviia. ,f lite i vial mriii;;r ,1 in ns e erilil, -I ami alroc iea. To ur o H'lipl'e (In Mill, -ill ''il'u.l'IO.', ' xoopt, ti'i t-riiiuciil e uployee i',, on, withiu lliroi, tiiili H ,,1 Mm null nl from I!: i'l;to"'i l lo llii: loo nil Anrv in lleorL'ii,, nulaidi I' the picket linos ol any post or station 1 1 trnopa, lifter lie' ,'lh of niH I SC. I, will bo tiiTciled aud Lou ill', led loth, -so lo ad, llallors, lo be tried lieforo a Military Coiuiniss in as a lies, ''found lurking" iviihiu the linos ol' It o I'nilnii Stiilea. Ail ollicers eoininaioliiig troops ilhiu Hi i llialriel are charged ii ith 1lio exoi-ulioii ,f litis t pier. Tixoo it iotia lo tins ut 1' r ii ill Lo ma lo only y the lioui tal Coin- 111. Ill, In, ; Iho TVMl'.iT "T l,y' s , ,1--. ".I--;.,.. on Iho tuo.-i ooin-lii -r, c cv idwi co, that the parly ap pll ill-;' lo lie eiooploi is of undoubted loy al I and Hint il i.i Lo' Iho inn '.vsl. of he federal anna Hint llio exooplioll Lc lliai e. II. I 'oininauiling "ili'ers of roils and S'litimia mi iho In I road u i'iilioue.1 in llio foregoing par ngi.ipli. mil keep em slant I'alrolaon the ro:nl l.o livii n Iheir iv-p'elivi) statioua, who will eareliilly examine Ihnjraok at 1 all Hie bridges and culverts, ami if any pai l "I lli' in bo found ibinger, ua for Hie p:i--'ui;; "f hitilis, report Hie eotnlitioi) of the ir.i- k I" Iho person in charge of audi train, llaily pah "N iv ill nl-" bo made over the territory fieui u hi. 1 1 riii a os nr,- e. el ii, led Ip I he ,,re,;" ing uira- :!inpii. liinird-, slat--in,-, 1 nt hri'L;i a wrl in-",,-t. i lli' in all, r lln- pa -a-" ofoiii-b Iriiin, iiii-l .-oc Ihu ' all 111-,' ll.t 1 1 1 : . V lie ,'iloppi d fl'olll the olt'ille i- e- j tiii!:n-li'-il, no, I ih-il ,ho track and bridge ia uuitn- , p iii,-, Li- the pa--ii g tr.iiii. Ill like manner all' tunnels will L" in. .peeled by I i guards st ilioncil lo . pi'niool llii'in. 111. Win a any Iriiin, eillie 11. till". ol r wagon, , , iy l!,iioiy, lo id of oatlh', mules or louses, ai- t i . i- a I any .l.ilioii, ,. ,,t, it: litis li.-li'ie , wilh or ,), t .- I" pi',,'1 o-l Lev ,, id, and ,lio i-"iu ma- ding olli- ' n r --I p" I or s al .-hall doom Hie guard tie , -'inp.ini it, g sin h pr iioriy, ii aitllioii nl lo.- ila pin- j l..' li"ii. ho -hall ad 1 lo audi guard, a f Tee salli , i, nl ilt hi ' ,,-ini"ll :,, -rot eel It to 1 he no.' t station, I iv Ii, r, it ti ill ho r.L'Vidif ,iooe-s,iiv by ii to I'lo in ; . lane, ivilhlhis pal'ilgr.iph, ill each ,- , ", i' pioling by 'I' h'giiiph lo tlio.-e lloa Lpiaitoi'.s lln- -Ih'tjIi "f Mioh I'liliti'.nal guard. Pv cmiii, u d of ,.Ia,i"i iioio-ral STKKHMAX. :-. Ii. M -r, Capt. i A. A. (!. .. Wo make Hi following eMiaola from tin .i-hv ill, Time::, f June 2ith : C,,i tv Ci;,,r.- Ti.c eiitloii crop in Itulheiford e-'iin' y i- s ltd lo b" ; ii it o l.i i r. A little morn loyal iv . law an-l "id.-r, on the part of the plir-vrs, and a lilih- iinoo rfgard for Iho righla of lab, r, would h.i'.e oinil'leil Ihein I, i r.iisc ii crop ten fol 1 tho val ue "I any piiviou crop, tint Irons, ,n ia blind, and like , i .-i-hih'-s fait!, .-nuke in Hie dog day.", 111,.;'- il , M lo deal I.. I ,' i r i : 1 1 1 1 l v - At' 'It l, III l.'.'ll.t.t: - Tlt.MV l''tltl;li Ivro. t o liiit u Ho . Hit- train which lift Koitia v ill,- 'I'm -Jay i Toning for this place, was .ired into near .M it.dieli ill.-, at Hie Stat ' line. Two men worn sov'i r. ly, "fliiips m alally I'.ttrl. Thu loeoiuotive n a - al -o iln-ow u off .hottiiol.. Tlio gii'','''i!lna i m - tni-liatilv llcd. ' waaa guard of t- u a.-l .1 I i n Hto train. .Milch -llville 't ill probable recover her f.'itin r Lad na ue for i utiagca of this kind. 1 dial r.',;iun liei 'ls p nil. I llC.olllioll. Ii i- r,'p"llol thai as the tram Imtu ( lictlatiooga , itin I "" -i Hi olhcr day, two -en Ii . ni" ii to in-ilo on Hi Iractr 'I in y were alllow ,-d few toi'iutes l" liik some ar tleh'S li'oin Ho ir lu-u-c by Ih, road-side, when the hinldiii' wn, liied. The Chailanoogji l.a.el' aays 111 ,-alurda.y the "iiorillas w In, eaolllrcl a tram lu-lo , llesacil i ipolleil Mr. liing sutler, lo (if we rci ollc-t cor- 1 lectly.liio I nilianii :' 'giment Inset tire o scvoral 1 ihoti.-aml doliars iv i rlh of 1 ia own go. Is. They j thou looK him olf w ,h Ihein declaring t, ey would , scud bint t" Alhintii The ,Mi.--cs Who-, daug' lers of a : ispcclable , eili.'-'ii ol ntillierli.r. county, who wont toutli on J thoari ivat of Hie I'l ion Iron is a.ine tin ago, re j turned the ntlierdny to .Mur .'oesboro. hey were! itiniioiliaioly sent bit k by Ih - military i 'ilhoritica. ! There has been ,ptit enough of passing nd repa.-s- ing Ly .leloyal won ai, who tarry all L ids of in-1 formation o tlm rebels. ' ' lior niarkol ia no-., tolerably well fur. -die, I with vog, tables. Peas 11 ill oil -i-uts a pee , boots 10 coot.-- a buiieli, onio ,s ditto, very amall - yiubliiigs, : .il) cents a pair, new polutoo't $1 L'.i a p 'k, chick- i ens froiii .'',. to all c, uts eiioL, raspberrie; 10 cents a i ipiart, and other ar H-le.s in iropoi'tiou. 'J'he sup- 1 plies fro. pi. ally fall .hurl, n id alalia ai 1 lionelios - arc svv.-pl elear at a early hour, to the great dis ! may ol Homo who I, vo a mo' ning nap. j I'iuiii Ti'iiiis-;ississlppi, Major lien. Cniih,' still ci. utilities in e uiiinanil of Hie force- west ,, Ilia ,I t.-ai-.-ippi. 'I'ho Yankee army are nfra',1 In adviitu i again in to the interior. T It y iiipea lo reinem -er the late llira-'hiiit;' Hiey hav.i reoeivei,. I I'.auk-' Ihrcaioneo driil'l il, New Oi leai dins caus- t d a large iiinnher . f residents to leave t 'o place, j Murui. .duke's batteries mo doing mu di damage , lo Yankee boats on the Mississippi. The pr iec, slings i I Hie free negro coi veulioii in Now in loans do not amount to iniieli us yot. ll i-.-'t.itod that ad the avtiihible Conic lerate cav- ali v of the ,. p.irtm 'lit, some l!il,iinil in L imber, bus i -i a i n d f a- Missouri, under itoiniuaml of I en. Whnr- I oi "f Texas. Ilri; . Hen. .I.iseph Shelby liasertisa i i d tin- Aikan.-as rivr with ilallll men, nml was al I ready in .Mi-soitri (ion. .Marmaduke has also , ,'i'"-,-l the Alkalis is, mid '!rig. (ion. Jus. P. .Mn jjorbad left Texas '.villi oU Ul iiicn, for Iho aanm Stat,-. .Major lien. Price w is in el.lcf ei inniand in I M iss, , iui, und il is -s Hd wotil i udvanec villi Ihe iu- la nlry and in tiilory as rapidly as posa.-ble. .Maj. lieu. Ihtokn- r has i oaniiiiud in Arlviinsa.., uuil (icu. M i,;riidor in 'foxas. ' 'Ihe Yankees hai e evacualeil Kit Ilu Hack. Hi-port thai Hen. It. T.iylor has been ri lievcd, lias no foundation: it is staled that the llene 'ul instead ,,l roMuuing, vus making his way toward New Hr-li-aus. II i:, v rriui.t.. I ivu Y'ankeo priaoimrs (who wiih -oi, -nil others had escaped lioin he train a h iv days it-;-,, while hcing eoiiToyed to A lolorson -vilb', i ia., 1 were ur vste'd yesterday near liraham'a Station, on the South Carolina liaiboa 1. It ap pears that lin y rii.-lnd past the guard, md Iwi-lve "fih, -in .-a, voided ia gctling away. A.ter wand ering al, oul Hi" country throe or i'our d: is, live of Ik- in wen- overhauled: Hie m hers aro si 'l;at Ittr'o. A gcniloiuan from Atlanta, rho was on board Iho Ir-tiii rccgniicl one of then, us a printer, named I. IV. .lolio-iun, ivh., had formerly work d in sev eral Southern cities. John ton rcpres-uted Iniii s, lias Hie eorrospi adent of the Ciucii lati, and that h ia attached to lieu. Crook's corp.-. lie claims i i be a good Soiithcra man and a native of Kcnliie' y. Ilo worked in .V jntgoincry win n 1're -i'letit Ha i.- was i.iaugaralcd, and ,-ubse-ipn-litly in Savann; h, (ia., umi crossed the line al Hi if. i l'crry i i the lat or part of ISi,. ' pii-oin r , -a. loot uht. lo Columbia and turned over I i Hi, proper auHiorit; -s. i,,ui ",u -,,',i,,.,. :,-i.i. An iinpotl.itit older appears from the Ad jutant an I I ii-pec or (i,n, nil of .Mis-i.-dppi, iu r, I'-roiu o to tin, or .aninlion for local -lofcti-o, of all ollicers and Hit :s now iu Iho State, exempted , from military duly in the C,.n'ileratn service. One company of cavalry and on.) of infantry may be ' f. unci in each com ty, and uni-tercl into srrvieu liy the Shorill. No company will ho aevopted hav ing b -s Hmn twent , -five im u. All eon panics are , to obey the suinin f the 'Sheriff and assist lit , onforotng Hie laws. They wdl not be called Iroin i their respective cot.titio-, ex "opt iu cases, of cmer- g, m v. i.'O The trains rill soon enniruenco runuiug oil the .Meinidii and Cl,,irleston railroad to Tusconihia. Alabama, .md (lie Idegriiph citend to that plact. i T II i C ;iH:i. vm. itEroic s of nr. rim.-s ,' 'I in '..hloij lo A -I.N I ill: l-ill ll. I ,'l I '',11 I ,, ll," I '"ill "I I l"'l f ",.i. l.lilcsl vn, .Inly 7 . .ya. th il i h it I'V ,-i,i oral cull. it" Mi il I I lit' I'D Tito N. iton had lln mi e lih t at ii' ii. ,,pi M, TI'V ill' H 'I ' I I'l' I I' ll. Mi , 1 i.. 1 ill ll' IOC C'lllllll II The He lini"l'o il:'. I it L i . h . I -I' ;ii nil i millllllllrtll v.i- nil ,'ll. ma a Kiv, inn, ii unt' s na-i lo ti' ma of nil Ii re was i s I lllplli Tlioro -ilrovin li.l'l r A ' ColiKI'o: I'rovX lliiliint I nit It. 1. ; niiiii-ii I .oily h.i, Moiui-i i I in, Tilt I -mi the i oruinir. Mill III'- II 'I liil'-o .: i 'I oil - .lul. . , .1 I ",,'ly. nun" oiti .illy 1 I ilil 11,11 V 10 . nr, toil II' I 'UII. .1 I mi Mi'. ill. di-p.,i , lli; , s.iy- IV, ' I. airs , July In 1 ov, oil. V .'Hie Ii ippl. ll'" i iii my ,' this I IH'lli'l III' ;lll lliivii;; ll . I 1. 1 he en my was j tiraued t , Clinlon, l uirolies, ind Hie j,n uniinala, pur.-uil eons ami filly killed and 1,,'U. (ili"mi, sov. ro . cl. Sit. Ca 'tniii1' v. We on, tnrcl 2:: pi 'I'aiii iva hiirtii t , Ii The on . my'.-1" s i e-1 and ii iilini. 'I on I In I I-, i of II. I ..-oly Lipid ll -1 0,'lnllli" !. iiurli... "lill l'' I, il! hut toil ' -re Kill. d. in r '. iv. i"'. ih..; IllklO'll II, , day's l i I : : 1 1 r ii all l ; 111 -I'll. 'I I 111 II il ¬ vv il 1 V IV "Ilil - ' kill "I hi, voaiiilo'l very rapid; . The in: joiily of on - Iroop'-' u ..nd.-r I'll.' before. " I'I'iii I (lie I'Toii I'll in .ll",,, ui;i:. . nl v -TIm I ring la.-t ni''bl ahui : ii, n. II " y an nttoni.l of the on. -my I" p ollllliall'l Hie ill'.. "ni ar llii'in. '1 heirs r. p!i". rapidly. ' loll'. oil. 'I'll,' i UMIiV ". II ." .1 Ii. . 'ine la-1 light, ami .-re l' 1 ul-'' ftlic l'i ;iim'lil "l l! elioliiy 's i ,1 to or iss he Iii , i ,'i.i'i. h".' In ai .1 Mll-l'l . Il'h ., .ii i; well. II ir lalfvvay ..rove Ho ti tunny h".'- dry lu ail 1 nlll :i In luck li i Si'ine-. a and tlii'tiiiti'! H in '.villi St lilll when aii I'liriiiy that an unliT lur is lioap, in camp, is with an omini", iiri.ivisii.iis, and si f-!iii..n li'uii! - ti ail aiici: I" I'"i'i' 'laybri a); lU'.t.iinpan "d a s ii alii ays a .-.riving i nt ul ti".vi' days , iy I'-niii'l f li.iii .'alriilgr ii earn man ; wn i tlirlui'dl "I pacing up j i envy 1. ijwk"'--' 11 nui: " ai 1 huliiili in tin' ,'iinp llie ilrep a ill liul, iw ; ills uf (lie givit ;una, il.'a";";in"; n i I rum lln; mar - ami (lie i ,)lo;i'egaling tu-c hoi-1. 1' tin' uHii-Ts in I heir 'ents, j-reparing fur tin' nt"vi inri . ; s-'iin: .-piM'tilutin upon ne rr-tills ul' ilm e:iiuiiig liiiltli! : wine sun .1 .;; segars ami j "s. nig willi lealli: lume mii-i ,g uiiuii in 'ill Ir: 'mh, ru I mitiatii a'.: tlm mM, ur p"' ring int.. 'iitnri! ; and tTt:l atior. a I n -a ' i i.F iliinkin ; linings, ; .inlrriiiguii tin! ti, .il linv uf .nun., the ,,iv-trrv ul bath, itel to" I',-IV lev tlio .-carelib'ss tsecret I... yuml the '.'ave -.'.' ti d t- 1 rum. Tlieao are tlio n li.glits uf uliiifi iip, the ,nilrscril)iililo nml brilliant. .'uKa ing s wliioli : lio istti! ni nf iliin ;cr, l lie lo-ire uf fame mil the hope of tr uinp'u: tlir w nvn life and XatiM'i;. Sulalhii . lien, S'lei inatrs keeuiii.t tin- s a-hvil at'llili: I iOJI. Mini man, avs tin' 'Yar l, 'cluck, tl, I Iilini, i ill a illsnati.'ll to t , ilalitd ;.'!' Ilu .it ball- last t-i'veii :otli, stAs; I wai pi'oinatiii 'tieniy nul iiljani! ny rep n t upmi lers. The eneiir mil ufaniluiieil ciitiei aw imiuti ain us llio apex in inn'. iirin .ptiun. arm v i liaok hat. the I based uninnin- liis llank 1 ue.l HIS! ha: Ilis p, nf th, tlirnw ill liis w an, lint It nf liis p.- ilis in hunt nl Id- tin t. ni' ; illoii, .villi bin 1 dunks mliiuil N unlay i cricks. Wn Im "e pressed -im J.rct t 'liougl ' i o couth' "ml rain closet lakis .lay, al- ! 11 11IUM'- , nriitu ilni, est mi tnpiisiiiili Tli it- is mi aim ilmont of Stantui nnnuiiinv g liis ai. ami pi. ting (Ittn. ulinstuii h talnwol.te. Itobri t : 1 1 tot the Wo jearii tlia Kuliert known cunt IVnn N'urtli Al- is fir-: epnrt tu val at .Marietta nlh uf lie t'hnt- M'l.llt. :iiiut jamtt, he ; ied slid- I dcnly in W'l'iliii.: lay ni.u'iii g. II.. was tine ul the mist 1 1 1 1 o i ml, ilarii ouerill is tlmt evi (ulluwitd an cue, iy. Ilu -'as wi ll k my nf Tennessci nn l Inri repuln inn as a Yannkre an un isiially ect a. trie inai ami c pressiuns. Ilia 1 dress v ere very p lin lint p' nti'iiet iltenliun. . it was pus: ilhlc v altli whirl lie made 1 i rioss c ipacity. i'c regret i service tu tlie urn y and c ni i uuble. -AUnnlii -ih-Uiiji -;ir, ; uuil 1 .litres:. lul ni tin eucks ol uwn ii the ar il wiu t spread ' layiT. 1 1" was in li s liabils Is nf lift ami iiliai t iiuiigh tu sscl i, I ,'iinsi.Ji'i- ; ; liis si ",vt luisi- ; is il ,-u;. fur liis try wore inval- , ; Koitt: list's M' vi;w i:Ts. An i dolligi'iit , :;entli-iiiai- inst arriv, -1 lu'ie IV, nt i ,b- enleen, .Miss., re a'ts tlia'. I c iinl oo ".pc- ilitiun vliieli wa- , i attack 1- irri'st 'nine mil, IVimi .Venipliis ai d uiiuii' a ietiiuiis ratiuii iu the ilir ','tiuii uf .' iirriloi'ii, tin n turiu'd ami luu : t!ie iliree "nn nf S ivannah, : Tciiii. lie iil-n "ports Mat ( ien a-al fur 1 rest liatl ciincen'' itetl liis ! nves, ai. Tnuelii. i in unticipiitiiiii ul this o o 1 iimi, ai d as so- n ; us lio ilisenvereil '.icretil tbts;gn ul 'tlio nii'iny, j aturtei! in tin; di . cti in ,, i-i v ; to cut 1 liini nil', (bif li. .riniint w a s ul' tli' impres- Kin ii that it is a rinse run ui'two, i I' uavst nml tli ! Y iinkrss. making fu Sluti inan's roar. Allitnla Cmi fr: lill l. V;, H'hilc I lii in bloo,', its Chief ill the l're.-idoiiiial eeriug i mis anion; is his v sit to Phila which, iiulcr lb" po-i-s the .-anita Ut'UI 1- sic, agi-ti'-ile i l,'llsi'-!t. o: he poo, lo. lphia. ma, li-o "t syt. fa i r, il a s d to ' I.llli mv lip; old jokes oi, , .mu ll, r kind day, nd the pill ii -iniidv Iho .';. Til nr u ilh a , iew nt' inn . ilu delphia wilh refer,-; - t l stilt, the la spe. "loeli not v nlv : 11 1 ri.iia . llcf.-IV ' - Ltllt.l! V Wll 1,, he his noiiiiUittioii, .M lairs ; : n"e then, IVOU'I'T llliv -11111'- I ,i ii ." 1 n .1 c has an,. , id io wit h v- li.i lit v t'., A iv-i-hlti' ' lias pa--, ,' aitlhori. ing .Mr. l.i. - .1 n :, ,-i . erninei:: notice of a u i.-h t,. t,t of S; respecting he n.ivai f" K.e Ib'.i.w iti.-ii li.-v tin- llcaty io -:--i -a. I nd, r t, I I-. put ii' .ny can i. previous o ,-nd 1. . 1 - "I li he Not eriimen s in t at la the reei ut treaty, I but one armed vi-. at any t ime ho abr notice being given 1 VS- Mrs. E. T-t of bloel ado rililltili piiroueil at S i!- in .V 1 y.'tllkce . on the hi rated by v eilln'i p: 'ii," lll'-lll Mary! aid lad." Lo, u . nleiic f'-r oin tpT Large Muti freight are coli.-et Cumber. and river. nties ,1 at ' ( v Harp on th" ' lariet Havo .li-iioiiii" -rest of Valiai, ligh. .a, S.r, i.i . has also done the a.,. no Hid..;. In 'or lb" ar ,,f In b, ware, Tito S.'ii.liihky ll filler , I' tin' 'J.'lu .Iiimc, n ili III t tlm li'lie lion t il Ari'lnii tiiins I r il Ii'., ,i ,1'ihiilu 1't hlu el to ui'l',11 t I V will lio J-I I to I it'll. I' Met lo lie il;ll'C"l I .I'llT IT l,' 1', III 'Tllllllll ,1111 tol' III 11,'Ul- i kiiI ul , iniKi'i! ( if ii'i uls ii : 'liiu lo 'I' i lion. I imI.t iul'tir'HH Sti.ntiin tlml live n' ii ii ;;i'in '.il ullitTi'.H iro in tlm ciu'iiiy' Iniii'h ' ii ol it it .rid uii'l"! lite, aii) Stiinti n l'iivo ' I Mli'i' p r r 1 1 1 1 1 in I i iliiiti! ti liku mil ilirr "I l lo i u'l '.'i ' Miinr .'.ink, ll ulrr nilii'l lli'. 't'lie ii "ivo ilriir. " latti war iiown li.ii'luM' i -'li'irkn ", niul alii' niuj; l,o ol'tlii' unlliot. 1 li.ii ii vv l'i-l lirn iy nil tin) rliivillr 'lis uiul I in, r al) -I rliiii'.nir ','t ion nl nnnlrrii ' rfi'farr, ol ia i ,'iiiii).' iiii'iiin iii'iniliati i) Nlalrot ia"ip ii and van .iiliiiii. 'I'lial tlii '"phua 1 it In. ;l h ilno lo ti r rtirn y, wn tifll, , S,,ntli ; it wi ll .'niiviiiiii'il, linl wi d'lir I luit in' nnt- ; 1' Mill ll lI'll'H IMll Ml Illra'I.V M'O Wll- I'll tint , lip. lli ty lii'lmio It ia ililil In ll inanily i ol t-i i' vilialiiin lint ti iintit earn al aiid I ,'iiipt rll'iii't sliu i lio 111 il 1 0 tn eatvain i ,; i:i( n aiul llio .urlmrit'uw tllilt ni -Vlilillk s ifig 'o-a. I'm' lielilv 'il'llTliil, v what limy Irrtl an lie. tninit nr i ri'V til- n wlin full Illlllll listrn.t in 'itoi-an t. w ill Im ,.- s an . nf t lio liol lit; rut 'ilirnt, ' SH till' lll'V w t'tnilllll Irs l.r ratiiillv "ni'uw ill, Itltlll renin . liniii alli will l.o tlm lal" i'l' ml'i li tt rni'iny't linii'l-'. I iluter iiiiiiitinii t wreak I . . , . . . . I . Ik rnli i"; im, sim in l In i ioorrii , uiul wi. . Tare, nil I I ielii;isi) In tit euiiili- j t ,n Ilia marked tin) sin!' a of i I s al ii'ij'inrH j ' 'fun- tl i. wliilo i i ti ti l.r mgdit, liis liiuistt'il j i iii'-tiai ily. eliivu'.'y and T'liiieun'iit Wit il i nut hu'lkvo that any nrgul lion fur i ..'iire w., nlil at iri. till t lie iriitlin'tivr nf uod i '"silll.s; l.nt it would lie ll lllleeliun I inn tl)t" . , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i v anil iiMntsH uf i lio iigi; (n i .itorlain 'k tli'injlit tlmt stiiiie tiling; may mil be ilune i In olieck tlm mail l uali nl' unreslniir Oil )nis-j iMtin mi, I vitnlioitlvn )nitt;ility; ', Wfv '.'o'oio, .'. ; It,. Iii', ' 1 I'KKl'ii: Kngli.h ! iv - - ll ,1. :is 11. r Paper, for -ale bi ll. .IllHNSiiN I'll. NOTICI XKIV I'lllM. 1111'! style ol Ihe I. rm heretofore known as liis iin, ko i Hall, will heroiifler be A. T. Kinney I'... ' The cell .-ysii'iu will hots-.ifior be inlh ibl.v ad h i ,"! to eiei pi iijinii g,'ivcrinneiit work. 'I he iiiieiilioii of '..imrlcrii'iislors is called lo our I, of ,l,,r . Sit".'. , Noise .-Ii,..- N::ils and Nail !"1, ol w hiidi wo It 1 1 c a lat 'o supply on -taut Iv ni baud. A. T. V 1 N N I '. Y A i n, ' i.rillii:, duly I -I in. A!Ti:Tl! II i, moiis Cons. Ti 11 I'im. t,'i., I lii illin. .1 uiu- iililli, I -I'. I. i Vl,l, , llii oi-i a'ol -oMiors airiving ut ,hia place i , n loavrt of a ,-ctiec or furlough, are hereby : -piiii'd o report nt these II Tadiptartcra on nrri- i ,:il. and .li t oi 1 1 n it, ; in. I their names and 'lulus may ' e('nii-.. If an.v Hirer or .- ddicr -ItiiM bu gratiii d lenvo I ah.-oiTo, or furl" tiii, lo g , lo any c.iti.ily in Ilu . ,ii ho t, lin y are ted I, report without delay , lo li.u . -nniy liiiiol uig "Hici , for t lie .- aim' pin-, This ha- pin lefcrcnee lo olli. 'era and .-..I li. is in, in thin rilj. And compliance wilh Ibis Icpiircin -lit will Moid tho lii'ce.-sily ol being Lio, t tin iiii Ly litirolliug olii'Tra. II. II. N i:YTnN, jn:ai -.'.t 1,1. and K. O. 7lh Id.-I. Ua. 1 1 ii 'A'f KI AT (iUIFl'IN, OA. 'oh:itigiiigMiiI,l.liW WAIIKo.' all Kinds SYKl'l' ICl'.'l"l'l,r,S at. old prima for old liS at old prices, or Ihev wi!. give the ) a.-k pr:oc forold ( ASTI.NiiS. T. WKIiS'f i:i: .S en. j y aw sti: i nt ai i:. lai. to assortment of I-iiglish writ .'.g pii'fr, I uo and wlrte, ill pialitilies to suit pur ls. Price reasonable, Applv to li. A li V.MSl'I'iCK, alibeod . ltd cl Office, lii'lin, (in. A UIU VI7 IN l'lic un, ersi-4iicd arj now i -pared to lil orders for S'Jl'KH OK FRaCTIJN TlATt II ES TRY THEM; ! They are any raiikcc matches Addrr ss III I KS iV JOHNS i, iii iiin, c June I III' OKOtfiK 1IX0X, (I'OUMltlll,', nr MliMI'lllS, TltSN ) ATTORN10Y at :,aw.: IMC IMO' I), A A. bus iiguiiist the Co'ifcderate li verninenl, and collect d. l'articiilar attention paid ,, Soldiers' I All el ililtste. I'OU ill RI!. Cl -Ml'KTKN'l mid cx "rioiieod i k, washer il m-d iioncr, who is also ncipuiiutcil with general housework, and is a very fair seainstre-s. Apply id this office. junelj tf Honk krrpri.i A t It'll t loll . '"PIII'iKK are seve al liiindrcd Y'oluntes of Hooks L bi'lo nging to Iir. It. ihhi k' library, loaned out in llriliiu. Parties having iliem will phase return l!'".n lo hiai old rooms, und oblige, jolt -I m. 1,. (i. STKAVAIiT. 1.IXA1, Itl.-WKS. Wo h ue on hand al this uflioe a large supply of Hto blanks used by Sin-rill's. Clerks and (Irdinarica in this '-Into, beaut fully prill led nil lill ' while pa pcr.w hidi we will sdl ut iht- nine rales now charg ed l -r Ih.t blank paper aloi, Friii ting Material Ihu in piii' lia. cd cue of tlielarge.-t and be-l np poinn il pi iiitiitg c.-'abli.-lnnoiits iu the C .nfeder icy, im ,,!b r for sale the material formerly u-ed iu Iho pupli"a ion of tho li.ui.y K. iutt,, l"gothor with the Hiii nI'lTCI'! ntt, 1... The news olliee is supplied with every re.pii.-ile for the ptiLli.-aiioii ! a Ihn'y or Weekly Journal. The now p.,pir type consists of liottrgc i-and Min ion, w i'l. a small full of ,oug Primer. ' 'l'!u ,i,,b IJtftce is well supplied "ilh 'ype, suit ai lc for ordinary job ami book work, a good lior- -I 'li iii: hiue Press, a large font of Small Pica for J hook w -irk, a good a-""rh-ncnt of fa ,ey letter, ; -iot-', c i.-i -. .-tone , .-lauds, Ac. I Th, , ntire mater al 1s in -nod ord, r, and will bo I di-p".-e i of al low rates. Address HiAXL. M. PAI L, lirttlin, Ua. itatcirFactory NEW HOOKS Just Published 1 ( VN t (N n " ' iS N V'iXiXj , 'Mill A, rni: M-iiiii mi iriio',.!',, i,,. ' V.ll.ll l!i INSTJ. !,,il !. i.i nl. Tintr1. ','.! it" ii 1 i 1'ialiK halloi', pi ' ' -inlri. No it '- :'.-' 1 ol I" iho Irade. ill I V lit , .iii.l A.i. i i '. in-, Ly lion. 'i'"'i".i'o I 1 .' t works I, ".;.'. llii, I:.,!, 1 villi '; f.oin th ' ( oloto'l ;: I;, bollllil. I .1 lll'i: Co-, V, I . It' . I'. lli..'... ' I'l'i 1 IM AM I lo, Ilil!- 'I', S. A i 'ii I ii Iho kii"l in ih.- I i I ;ili'.i;ia'l..-l I It I H' 1 1 1 1 -1 "11 t" Ih j lllotl. ' 1 'in:: -i I ii-l o-l',l, , l I'y ill" li.n.-d. j I iio tli'u.l .-If l , I" ., nml Ml I" "I. l'i'., " t? .. ! ,'le. n-i i in; i'.iit. , I f Ihi . V , 1, I.I 1 '1 ,' WI K. ill Lio ly bound. I n.ol . tin. I of t in I l aid.- works an. il:l will do well i .idol' L'.imii i-..i, , lo -end in iheir in i i i: N i: i : , r. ni; l l April. Ii'l. fade. A I -,', it-. . a l.i; a (lll'n'o, up ltd oil' lo I AN I'll KW I'll nil' ai;,i I. I'liee t I.I.I.UY IHlll.l,. ! .iloiiili l.v illti-ira ,1,,' I nolo ny of th.-" L-. I 'I receipt of Iho p ilu- ill.-, Mint, jy., :.i ' I. Hoe lilll"! oil to "lit lie,' of po,lage - lie. or Ih" old nl ciii;.-U'i;i,i I'libli-hera. ., will L, i:y A PRCCLAMATION ISIIV M (.. li ltlll-i, coy i:itoit Ol' Tiiwi ssi:i:. Tl. lb" .-111 Tills, ( the Stole of 'I eolnlilalnl of tl duly or III liu- man is, a v 'oiigi'os-ii mul lli .'ii-ai, nod i.y Hi" mi ni',- ll:-. 1 1 I'm looti, n 'I ,f Aii-n-', ci-lo- 'u- I -,l II-- pi :""- a 111" ramps of I I s 'fl'llll, -'-,',' "I mul, on tlio d.iv u t of I OllglO-,,' 'Illlillll" .'loetiioi tress o! th" Ci l'elinc-s -e," :lip iioi'ii'liii ii y Ho i ll" lilll ",-0 of III and oilier eiul ollicers of -, all ! I" Hie olliool'S iii mil Slat", ciilicr on ip, li ,ils . lor Cioiiv-, in (be 1 1th I I , 'iiin- - o, has Leon uo ..I' I Ion. I im id M . I 'ut rni, " :ndi d to oiieii nml hold ,1 I.SH ' . ill" oiithloetitli .lav and Mtv lour, at all I. c- ii o ."Hi ill ies, uiul il nl so di o titer points 1 ,-ti duty, or in bus , in pursuance of all n '! to pi oi iile for -i I, I. .'lies ill tho ( 'oll--t.ile- iii Hi" Slate of II, 1- "o. am! an act. -d .Inn,. !Uh, Mil, lor : iiii y, cud iliio i', 'turn g I" i:iv. In l, -liliio- loderale uod Mil of, nppio her. ake I,, i y 11 llel'i'of, I. ISIIAM li i; i;:;n, i;,in'r of In I . Unto sol my bain I I . , i .: .il of tho Stat" lo ,.v ,,f .inn", a. ii . i i;i. IMIA M (i. II AlililS. el-il.V of -tale. ""I'V I'liiolaiiiatinii till I . 'felines. e -. h:,, - and oan- ,1 lb.- iliM d, Hit... ill. . n!i . I Ily 111" Col el Hot I .1. I-;. K. i: i pi:',' Id. I election. CT I plov t-'e 1 r eh ,-ti, ms for Hop. of Iho Confederate reent; ' iv, - in l " I ill Ho' S'.lle "! nigrcs- ol Hi" act, 'I' ill l! Slates The C : Mutes of Ann-r- li-lt ilo elotol, 1 ill tin-sialo ol l euilc--co, eloc- Hons for Kopro.-, ' tat ii , In- C :r, of I'm j it'-ral tiosot for i I.-- enlii'o-l lo otio .'i,e pi : -. -i for each M ile; cud llio per- her of i s nf'llie -o oonilnis-ioliod as C it I l ode 1" l said Slum i.-kl't 0"!, ' 'oligres-i son reeci i whole f "l llcprosu i te SI il. mul Hi Ti l in ,.i in I In: great- -I n ,,f Iho slut ativo .v the Coi'i U'i-rni'l' of said Slalo. shall he held tit sai l State A::Mi-r in".!, tin t ia cacti liilii' Ihe ivar. , -bull be so hold by the of- on Hie li"-t 'I bur d : si ml year Hu rentier -ii i Sf.i . Sti'-h el'-olions i lioers, n.ilherilii s. or pol led hy laws ol' said i.- nppotnie.t, or p..,vi- al" for Hie purpose ol' holding -noli election-, ami al llio places provided to hold ol, 'i-t ions tor nt. nit" i - of the nio.-t nuiiier chu branch "f the Si.ito l.- .i l.iinie. I- i.lith 1 '"'In. us .-h: ding to t'.ie mode pre-eiil-e-l I Lo 0"t!din-fO'l in r- tiy ttio laws ,,f said SI I Ih Into, lAcopI so faf as the same arc inodilied Ly act. Sltr. .'. In sit'-li cl", lion- oyory ' eilieii of the Colife, le nto Slat -- u ho -hall Lo ipialilied ti. vole fora tm inhcr ol lln-no'sl iiiiinoruus brau.-h of tlio j State Legislator, of Slalo, shall Lc entitled ex in sai-1 ,-tale at i hieli to Vote il tlio pin i ho would be cnut'-'d I i"ic in an election f'-r audi liuio. such , -iii -en .-hall Lo in tlio Collie, I-'I -ile Stale-', or in floin hi- lo me l.y the ooell y the piil.lie enemy, or by j lueiuber of air ii l-r"i-i ! sko. i. urn :.. e.i.-o 1 mililiii; sei'vioc "f tint j ease he shall bo ,,i it en pation of his cui- lry I Hie niov -ini-nts lions ca .not b" ! eleolion , by re inents, t ton sin of Ilis (roups, or in ca.-o Ihe dec h.'.-l ill '!l- li.-ual places f ,l'li,,,, .-"U "I -noli i iiiji.n or move l "i'i.'ell -ball bo allow. -.1 lo vote al llliv pi: of the 0 of Vol :,, ,'iiiv, as la in --aid Mai.., i-r in t j io camps 'iliallcr provided. Hons for I:.-i,.,..m iit.-it ivus shall of lln- army w ilhiu said Stale, at niy o-'it -. division oi tn. I e:i,-h r, . itoeiil. or other olli iv"f, or lli" oili. -or in O'iiiiiarid detach, ,1 service, shall anpoint Sltr. ',". Such o' be hold io the oa t us folb, Iii ei, intitiil, the Coloti, ' -'or in c iniuaiid . of any loss body t w o jud'M's und 1 1 . election, who shai poll 1 ks and r- retrtilift ,,iw as if til Hu; u-tial phi---Slalo, and shall a1! therein. p, n nml In Id such e, ami iiiaiie out Hie it- sniiio rules uti, I op nod ami held the same in said a entitled to vole hold the of In 1" Ntf he I' ll l lis i hy ll- h '1 hois in camps iniuamlint': "Hi - shall bo :',,,b cors ajiti out ing 11 i u , I to the liiith, si oil: 'l' in gl'ilde f'oiu said - ate f, the elicainpineiil tu n vthose . uly ii -!,,, d he. lo tin' lu.ycrnoi-,- ' tl,, if more , on', .-I. i. i, f.-i ing ollic.-i' diivoi1." I., tl ,c- and i lorks us aloro-aid, ,". ami the seninr of the r w loch llnvnini) is hold iu y ill whiidi (In- same is held, it once, I,, lorn nrd the -aunt -'.iile: , r Iho snme tuny he, nan!, d Ly -itch coiitiiiand " I i ,,i ci n,,r. ii.""in:i' -' "f Iho puhiie s,-r-r ol the elections in liny lie time provided by law. SKI'. -I. Ill Cll.-e Hie I vice pri eciil.tho hoidi coup irnli i' this i el, ai the smut mav I i at 1 1 mo w ill: ill t"li days after till pre vcliM i.". c holding Iho -:;, ,- io I i.ed lo appoint l o in, Sltr. IH. Such "Hie minister the prop r ,,: or Ihev mu v adm ni-i ii ... i-tiii , - a-et the lime lor liv I hv il Ilicer niitliof. and dorks, r --hall he au!h"i'i.e,l lo ad-Ih- L. Ihe jiI'Im-s and oh-rk.-, r the ,- ;i lur lo each oilier. , ti eolieeriie.i iu liol-lill such "ill 'i to Mlppoi t the I 'otisti ol" Slate-', ami to ili-diar.oi di , loetioi:.-, faithfully and Sltr. II.- Kicrv p, i - olecll"li -hall f.ll O IIII lllli',11 of the C i , 1 -' ', " I - I i his duly in Ind i i 1 1 r -in imparl!. illy. Approved .May l-i, I A X ACT I" d ,01 f th, nli-'l , for An A,d lo vol.. lor Ind Hie ( otigre State of T, The Coiigr. , pi 'OlILltlVO- lal's in .Mu I. -I a Mates A iner o pro- iea do eiiac', I. HI I, 'An ac'-l vide fr ImldiiL, Ihe Coi, :rc -.- --t i ,lf Tolltl"-." V," !l cd so thai the pi" i rid ri - civ ing th, w hole vole of Ha lieprcs, ntal iie -; li. le-cllt. lilies in ll (' I lc ' ' '. - ill ti." Stair l -r. Is,:-;. l nniemP .roved .Ma ,'11 V'"l"d I ilit'h"-l I" :iny -p, ,,f v.. ill. '1 di-L "f the , d a . lot.d a I tll- m;o In :i hoop held aid a 1 1 ni v, polls .-!..' we I ,, a- ,i ale he colld'I' t' d ' ' i' I U !-' ;s amend' I l.y tin- '"!. Si. i . .1. I n -in . , ,-t j,,n. volt: llli-ior .-ui'l .,- t out "I del , -hall he allowed to i of voting out of iho St it". Approved Juii" 'at!., I s,' id'"l i ' I' d to :r rci- vl -Iv iv am i.d: 2000 i;r.-. III. M Ivlli;!!- i;ii. .1 tin .M.dic I w. i In lay parllllent of Ihe lil per bush. 1. d The vo--. I- cont.i, medial, ly Ir, . ,, , jy I- I in I. il. -1 11. 1- b, I . CnliKA. -file the Al In -. i; Acs: i: t. U'e w.ll ray the hiirho-t n: .rh cotton ,-r linen rags, ,.f -mv,,- m , tor ih, an lino Kni'li-h h.iii,r jud Apply m the pit-', .-I ru. I.;,