Newspaper Page Text
..,vji9 .v. :!... 3HATT NOOGA EE BEL li 0 Volume II. G-KIIIlsr, GkA.., JULT 12. 1864. ISTniuber 270. TJIE DAILY HEBEL. ft ui u rrrs Mt trsiATs rrtrrto,) BY FRANC. M. PAUL. Terms of Subrriptlo. rooy m.oth . . . - I ro month. . . - tlirvr month.. V . SMW Kate of Advertising. . Tm. I --Li v j-r -jin of ten lines or leas fur each !- f-rti.l C TVr-,i- .-n. THE 1 ) ATLY JlEIjEL, MnXDAV KVKMXO, JULY II, 1804. EVENING EDITION. Latest from the Front. ur army is r-.i at present about two miles south of the I 'hattahnochrc. and I bo enemy ans re potted a n..l having crossed in any considerable force. TU u.n l.n-v ails that a battle wil! bo fought near the hunk rtlte Chatlahooehc, should Sherman undertake lo rnus with his force, lie in slow. aycl. in hi oii-rations, fit-ling his way cau liwusty. Tln-rc Was hut littl-r skiriubhing yesterday, A reTi prevails that twenty thousand of the ene my s force have crushed in tbe neighborhood f Koawell, hut it is not rrediteJ. To-day will prob T "ttri'i: " 5uJ!jn r the ' Keport of men Admitted into Hospital at (;ririn, Cj., July nth, IHOI. Tlie f-SIowin; named soldiers were admitted into Hospitals at this P...I to-day : rayons hospital. Captain W M Tii il-rlake. A O M Hardee's corps. W i: .Mum 11. c. ll-lTniii. Henri" Rice, c... ;. I ".lb and i7lh Tenn. W V' Ifavi.-. Navi' Itatterr. A"t. Sur. 5 U" VaugUri, Tarrant's IJaltery. Lieut. "x:in-T Ku&iu. r. K. -Ilt Troo. II tl I-r.i -.. I. 5oth Trnu. S I! Siuitt. f. . ISfb Tenn. II t'rurbiu'fii. . K. It and 4U Mo. K F II.dl.waT. lith Mm. Matt. Al-.Kmu Co. I, 2d Mi?. M kl Aleiflr. co. A. .Mb Tone. T l: l'..t.-ct. co. C, 32d Tenn. lriale ii II l:lad.'oe e. C. 2d Ala. ear. t: . Wrldi. U. C-td Oa.. .1 I I-k. .t. li. 3d KU. 1' M Maitiu. r.t. i:. tr.tli Ala. II I: r.ra lf..r.l. y.,. K, 2;ih Jli. V J I'.k, - iirk ti hospital. Madd.-T. c. E. 4t Ua. ixrtnn ii.iriTAL. Hriratc U V. If irate I .1 11-trke. -o V. 32d lia. Reg. I. J IIiill-n. rn B. :Uth Ala. Mr.ii it iiK:cn.t hospital. Prirate .1. J 1 Mu-iu. eo ii. 42d a. Kez. :br ;..rnl. B. 5?tb Oa. IU . FOSTER. 4th. Surij. in rh'ge of IIo.p. The Situation. The enrinr -i.I-ulT d-M-nI.4 upt.n the catting ttS wur riniuuni-atin. and the interretiun of our ?u.ilir-. iw d' hi work at llH-biuuiid and cnj.vl IjrV ariaT l -a-uatf Virginia and leave the rt--ent raji:al f the t'iif.:diTarjr in tlieir hanU. Tb raider have d-me ."rnue daioa. Iul they have f'tnr tn -ri-f a jt if enhance ba lt'ii tiirld ut th:n. an I tb'ir affi iii.l ln-reariiT will ! r- f. rl.I.- aid and i"ll-. -r dafi-ivr inovinirnl vouM Mria ! ni-l".'k,fH 1 Tl'- ftil- urn.nts ns i.n II hu liiirs .,n thl ,;.u ..f Ii... Jam Hirer, al tbnnxh a rrt n -f hH u mM lM.a seat .ff, j.n.ll,l f..r tl irfen's f 'Washington. 2;tn? days lu, inforuiation wa rreired from Maiihew ouiity. wbieli forra.t the mhoI of the xiiitit. l-inr..-H V..L Kivcr aud tho Rappa baiiiKH'k. aiad "lr-l-Iio ua into tla Chesapeake liay, that the U- H-ofite and filial with Y-5 . tr .-i"'rf--. ertwll witb trnoj. 'fl .."r- 'ro l.adr Bumside f.T.W .lisi"-iel for-the ih-fenre or Vabinr;ttti. Tb..-1 -'sit i"n of Early, an wll a lh IiuuiV trKus be h;- with hiui. i.i m.t .uldicl'"l even if it is known. 'rf--vitT have brought rourlii that he had !.--.-d'tiiu I'.iioinae other r-ort ajr that he had caj.toreil II.rp-r. Kerry." All tlure rejM.rts are to tx: taken --imply ax reHjrU. Vre dit!l if he is known to have advanced farther than Martins lursj. if.-o far. What bU intentions may 1 no one ut-il? of oQirial rirel.v .Mil !ay. W'n douht if bis an oni-er.4or mii aru arizcd. It i to 1e hojred tbst thi-i tji.rnj nt may answer tbe porjo?! for Kbieb it rrn iiitcndcd itminjtv Juttrnul, vf the Sth. Yellow I'ever. Tim .Mol.ile Trihune, noticing the fact that yel low f.-ver bait nowhere exUted in tho l'onfeK-rate lalc .im-c iTie war Ltganf altrihnts thin cifUip tion to the exiit'.-nec of the t.loekade, anil derives fiom it an'thul the ncouro can always lo kepi out ly a strict uarantine. Ve I-rir- to cntll tit. attention of the Tribune to other consideration that may alVert ijntion. New trlran!. lho'i!i with an oon rt for tbe last two years, ha also Ihtii free of yellow fever (unless it now th.-re to tbe cvti-iil of a few cx-tes.) So lias I'orl Uoyal and Vea or friilf orts held' ly the enemy. It true that they have not bad tho Xrcat r.umiereial intereourso with foreign porta hat they formerly enjoyed; hut they haro still, iloiil.llo-u Itceu vi.-ifed by many vessels from yel low fever loealitk;. W'c may, then, with plausi bility, attriUuto their exemption to some other raue. What is it? May it not he the virtue of riltaiuous saltlrc? May uot the vast expendi ture fi!niow Irr during the war have so' agitated and puriCrd the attnofphcru as to cxcl Yellow Jack or tbe ronditiom that afford him harlwr? We preMiiue that cVi?Ty observing man ban liefnre this time heeomr eonTiiieed that heavy eannon:uling has had murh to do with tho tatd of the weathiy fur the last three years, and it is certainly uot unrea sonable to aiUanee tbe theory that it has also af fected tbe health of the couutry ly its action upon IbecurrcnU and the atmosphere. (auxVs Armt. Senator "Wilson, of Mass., Cbaircian of tbe Senate Committee on Military Af fairs, in the course of a recent debate in tbe Senate, gave soma tati-tical information relative to tbe streugth of the l.'nion armies, Jtc, of very, great value. From this official exhibit, it appears that since the 17lh or iK-toHer lost, six. hundred thou sand men. not including Ida'-k man, have enlisted or rc-eolistct in tho yaukce armies, and that one hundred and I wenty-fivc millions of dollars have been rxpvudcj iu bounties ?ince that criod; that within the past year seven hundred thousand men have been put in the field, and that since (ienerai lirant couiincncvd his inarch toward Richmond, re inforcements to the number f forty-eight thou sand men, exclusive d the one bundrcl ilay's men some two thousand luorw have been forwarded to biiu. Tlic threatened great raid under Oen. Smith, in North Mississippi, aa we believe from in formation that wo bare received, Las been aban don I and, rolabty, liccause Forrest is in that region, ready U repeat tbe chastisement thai was given In Sturgas. All theje raids, made and titreat ened. may be for tbe purpose of keeping us on tbe yt circ. in order to employ trow in this aeetioa that otherwise might join General Johnston. Mnbllt Tribune. Vtt, A lady was passing along a street when she was met by a yoong man. who, in staggering past, stepped on ber dress. Turning to the lady, be remarked, Hoop take up so much room," to which the lady tuietly replied : "Not so much as whiskey, sir," arid passed on. t-iU "Boy," said an ill-tempered fellow lo a noisy lid, what are yon bollcrin for when I am go ing by?" returned tbe boy, "what are 70a going by for when I am hollering V "pp - A good jest in time of misfortune is food and drink. It is strength to tbs arms, dixstion to tbe etomacb, and courage to tbe heart. . The New. From lo Jfv&ile Tribu!. Tbo special dUpadeb froa. Charleston wh ieli wo puLlifth will awake tb appinebensious of tho ciii ins ib tespect of Mobile. It comes from a gentle man who has aiotss to all tbe Lest meaus of infor tuatloa. We Mppose, however, that an atLa. k on, our ba.rbor defease Las no: been unexperte.l anv time sin. Farragut assaib-d Fort Fowt ll. l.'.-ii. Caaby recently paid a visitotlio admiral n hi lla hip ad we riipHMo it was miule iu nLiti.-n to this Hubject. We do Out see, however, that it is possible for the enemy to bring a-oMTutiii- l.iud foreo: .uid without that, cud. indeed, with it, uot uiui b u lik ly to he made from the inorcuaunt. The raid on Jackson, we suppose, hps nooiber urposi than to do as much harm to our and our bridges as can be done without ilatig-.-r: al though it docs sturm vtrangc that so small a force- as it is rcpurtetl the Yankees ha ve. could hat e m:iri li:d so far '"into the bowels of tbj buid without imju-di-ment."" Tbey toem tu Lavo eome without premoni tion, as though we bad uotookouU in tlto direction of Vicksburg. The Ihreateood great raid under tlen. Smith, in North Mississippi, as we beHevo from information 1 that w have receiveil, has been abaudoueil nod probably, bornuxe Forrest is in that region, rcady to repeat the cbaaitectucDt that wnsgivci luSmr- gtti. All tbesti raids, made ind threatened, may be for tho purpose of keeping us on the oiii vivc, in order U employ troops in this s-etiin that otln-r-wLe might join lien. Joint, t u. Tbe abaudohmcut of M irietl.i :ind ICcime.-;n mountain mh-iiis to have bc n linexerfed by tin! people of AlLiula as it has uiidonb;e-lly Ih-. ii lie the reft of us: and two of the papers . of that city are a little uneasy about it. i'o !;:ve no doul.l. however tbat tho purpose i f Ueii. Johnston 1i.-i gained iitrengtn by iU If A (Inula itself were in vested vro should not feel uneasy, unless il Mere aeeomplUbed over tho ruiu of tho army. While - . m ,i - - - - - dilion by peaelratlng fartbar tSoath. The Army and Navy Journal, a New York pa lter of high military authority, thus accounts for the tardiness of the yankeo commander: Sherman, who, nfter the rcries of bold flanking movements which placed hi in in front of Marietta, twenty-6 vo milea to the ucrthwrst of Atlanta, is ronfronling Joe Johnston's army at too former plaec, in no apparent li.L-.te 3or a I'm t her adi anee. tjr o"craliims in 'Jcorgia, have re.n-licd a la-io whero it is alo to await the development of (lie co-operative niovi tnenl agaiiitt Kiclii.jon.I. Ir.l.dn stou j ro poses to make a serious tight in defense of Atlanta, which we ran scarcely doubt, he lias conn- to : point that leaves him but little room for fur Iher retreat, and, though be may train soinef li'uiir- froui delay, we can hardly afford yet to force him to battle, with tbs prospect that, in case of victory on our part, the remnants of hi broken -army will be thrown into the scale against us in Virginia. Besides, it is part of lien. Slieriniiu's plan to make sure of his position by establishing d. i.ts of supplies in bis immediate rear, which will luakc hiin ind endeiit of a line of so u.scd to raids us bis is ybown to Ik. Iii tlerc:.;. ture of Ucsaa. al wo are informed, tin; stor. s at battauooga were remove.! to that place, and the capture of AH.U oia Pass, on tbe 2-1 iii-d.. gav u ' a strong tvitiuo for tbe establi-bmeiit of a ipvr leiHii. if this, advantage has. no ilould. lr.-n la- kcu. though tbu raid of Wheeler's cavalry in-.ii the railroail at I'albouii sttith of Kesuea. m.-tv have temporal ilv iuterriiiiteit tho i.roirre.-s .f our train-. With so oRieient a b.ilv nf cavalry as l.'cncial Sherman is rern rttd to have, he should I., able to defend himself against any pernianeiit anuoyani-e from iletirtrhed bodies of horsemen like this nml. r Wheeler, (.lire hi-n a litllo more lime and he will be in a ixisitioii lo act imleendcntly of hi.: couiiuu nicalions north of AllatHua Pass." Curtrnitdrttrr ,f lie Mobile Err titty A' ws. letter from Louisiana. Cl.l.XTort, I.A.. Jll'ie 'iS, I Mi I. The r-pfrt which was heard here touching the li'soliiti. 11 of Ibu Free Negri Coiivei.lion in New llrlcaus. aud nliieli I nieniioiicd iu a bit.- l.-ller turns out to le untoiinde.1. That l.o is j-till in session: but. as I notice from :t puMi-lie.l account current iu the New Hrleans pnK-r. that mi ly almut ten thousand d Via rs remain outof-a buudreil thousand, we may expect an earl v ad- joarnmenU At Lut acccuala tbey were engaged up on ine "neiult -but as tour outot iiieoiuniitiee ut . -- ....... . , Ilutchmeti. who did not understand our lauguag. the iob was somewhat botched, aud tho whole. miI- iect bad Ut be reSsrred back. J . - . - . 1 1 . r- . 1 fli.Mgll Do puoiicaiion una oeen mane 01 lllf- change in llovirrsment tho deM.silion of I lab.i. the assigiimeut cd Uaaks as unlitary governor, an-l the assumption of coiumanl of the army hy.Sicklcs it is fully lel?ved here by who arc l---t posted, aud have the most reliable sources id int'or luation. This svems reasonable etiougli. too i l.e ing in aeeorilanc; with the dicy al Wiu-iiiugtoii not to recognize tuy "civil" authorities in the Slates 'in reliellion. The Yankee. Senalo refuses to m mil the two bogus Senators from Arkansas, and Tennessee is governed by 11 military governor. aud not a civil one. Moreover, Banks hasshonii himself totally unfit for servica in the field. Tie luukees onvo no fancy for a general who invaria bly gels whipped in every battle, and it is precisely in the position of military governor of New Orleans tbat Vauks' ieculiar talents would shino to the best advioitage. ISotb be and his wifo are remark ably fond, of show, flummery, nnd being made t ec--taclesof, and in New Orleans tho occasion will be froquent wherein these desires may be iiululged. Tbe campaign in Western ljoiiiiana being vir tually over, there is now a pmsivct of sotnn stir ring times on thi.s side of (he great river. Myste rious movement of troop., landings at unusiu I points, certain preparations that aro known to lie going on,'and cautious reconnoisauccs in our 'from' indicate the probability of au advance into Missis sippi and Eastern Louisiana, tho intention being probably to strike the line id' llio Jackson r.iilraJ. I give n) contraband information to the enemy, when I say that their gnme is closely watched, and that t bey-will not Cad our military authorities asleep. They had better take warning from thn fate of Orierson and Sturgis, or some of them may be compelled to return to their base as tbe two wor thies above named did, one of whom, at least, while backing bis friend on the sameiunlo had the consolation of knowing that be kept bis facs ever to the foe. But, if an advance V,e made in this direction-, it will give aiwipportnuity to our trnns-Mississippi army, wbich, it is hoped, il will not fail to improve. The removal of Id. (len. Taylor from the command - whih is temporary, I think need not impair the cfnciicy of our army "over there, for have Ma grtidcr, Ilnckncr, and other lenders who wit) kuor when and where to strike. AU of Ioui.-iaiia, ex cept where gunboats Eavigate, having Ikjcii reclaim -cd. the faces of our soldiers may bo turned north ward, and their tramp be once more echoed among tho hills trf MUanori. I do wot fay thia will le done. I only pipara tbe publio against a surprise If they should n-tar it. About thirty prisoners escaped from New Orleani a short time ago, and sre now in our lines not in our lines only, but in our army. They were con fined in a. building which bad a baukerV vault in it. They picked the lock, dug through the back of the vault, ibicendol into the back yard, and walk ed out inl. tbe street in broad daylight. They found plenty of frieuds to provide them with elolViu;; andmoniy, ami, wilh a sufheient iptautity of this' latter, any one ran get out of New Orleans who cboes. It may seem harsh and ungenerous to say this of tbtit virtuous and heroic race of people called ysnkees, but I am assured upon umtucstiouableau rhority tbat it is true. , ' A grenl many also hare lately come cut of tbo enay's I inea in the river parishes from Iberville. SL Jamui an-l Bt. Johns. Tbey come voluntarily, and only ask to be put in the ranks wbera tbey cau meat the destroyers of their peace and property. A lady frt-ra Baton Rouge yesterday, tells me it is report! d an 4 believed there tbat the yellow ferer has raauVi its appearance La New Orleans. She says they are ,2so breaking up tbe hospitals in Baton Rosge, nni sending tbe sick off. Them has !eeii grtat ucrtalily among the troops there lately, caused by a rnieious feTer contracted while in the water, dimming Red river. Tub OrttKiLLts at Hickman, Kr. Some particulars of tbe condition of things in the vicinity of Ilickaian, bare reached us. which we throw to gether to toe beat of our ability. Col. Uensol is said to bare 800 regular Con fed e rato trxxs ender his command back of Hickman, hauling guerrillas and bushwhackers, and giving then thiir choice cf entering . the Coafe.lerate scr Tio by OBlisting in tbe army, or be banged anlesn tbey do 10 by a giTen tifce. The repugnance tbey bare tomtaring tbe serrios may be estisiatod frou the fact that nine of tiietn have baea bangdjf tboarh It is ebalU) tbat their atrocities had pr?" voked Usi eoiauaiHer tf tbe Confedarate force to a degree that forbatio mercy. Cairo Democrat, 21 tt mil. Tin- I'auiily of Patrick Henry. The statumeiit, iu a paragraph we have copic-d (non i bo Ne.v York Freeman's Journal, that (Sea. Joseph E. Johnston is a grandson of Fatrick ll.oiry, is iu! i,uitc . orn-rt. The following extract from a a private Id -er sometime lust year by the Reverend IMiv.ird Foi taine of Mississippi, gives the true relation-hip, and supplies some other interesting gelieulo-jifal links: I am the son of t'oi. I'.ilrick II. Fontaine, of llenry county. Virginia. My grandfather. Colonel -loin I'oiit.iine, marri- d Martha, the oldest child of I'.i'rick Henry : rotiseiiuenily 1 um the t;reat- gi-.itol-ou ,.f i!m; or.i!or. Fatrick lleiry had ouly one brother, William, who 1 1 id without ebildrtrii. But ho had many sis ter', ail of whom have left descendants. Is'. Elizabeth, whoso first husband was (ienerai t'.iiii;-?.i ll,-l!ie hero of King's Mountain, and au-ce.-tor of tbi I Visions of South Carolina and Ab ingdon, Virgiaiu." Her secoud husband was Gen eral Russell, a Ixirder hero. Campbell and Russell counties, Virginia, tiro named utter her husbands. Sh was a gtcat womuii ; fully cijual in talents to her broilr-r. .' I. Aiiim, the uife of (ienerai Christian of tbe retoliitioii. C'uisliaii ciitnty. Kentucky, was na med after I:;m. She left no ilcseendants of the n.ime of 4'ln-i .li;m, l.:it rln is tho ancestor of the Rullif an I WmHi I Is of Kentucky. o.I. Mr-. V..ol ( bavo forgotten her Christian nauie.) .J,.. U (. no son by her hii.diaud Vulentiuo "'"I. ' lliink be was once Jovernor of Virginia, ami W.oo.1 eoutily is named after him. One of hur daughter. iiiaiiied M r. Soul hall, of Allx-mnrle (ouiity, i r-- m i.-j, ami llio other Jinlgo Charles .'olm-toii of Aliiii-;Joi., Virginia, tho father of our iisliiigui-,hed (ienerai. Joseph E. Joluitton. He i a nephew of Palrii-k llenry, or rather his grand I I lVfitraMnir-"ta'th'f VM -PMi""ber..wM 1- . Ith. Mrs. Meredith of Amherst oounl3-, Virginia, ilh. Mrs. Midison, of ISotetollt county, Virgin ia, the .mee.-tor of the liowycrs and mtiny of the Lewises. lith. Mr-. Thomas --married an English merebaiit and Silllcl in Isngl.ilid. 'Die moj.iicr of my sraii'lfathcr, C.d. John Fon taine, na; EiialH-tb Winston, a eoioiii d' Patrick lleiiiy. The mother of Patrick Henry was Saiali Winston. Her lir.d hiisliaud was Col. John Syui iiic s i her second, .lolin llenry. Patrick llenry of Mississippi and Hon. tJu-taviis ll.iiiy of Tennessee, are not descen.l aiits i f the cn-at orator, but their ancestor was his miele, the Reverend" Patrick Henry, a Scotch Episcopal clergyman, who settled in Virginia, and educated his illustrious nephew, who was tint tied alter hi in. Tlii- lir.-d v.f my own name whose history is well kiiouii in France, was tho Seigneur Jeun de la I onlaiii', w'tiln. "orouiioiov of Francis I. He u j:'. a iiolilcmaii. an ai-eompli-hed scholar mid H--1-di.-r, on. of tint first converts of the Reformation, a l i.l. r . el pi'.it. ctor of the. Huguenots. He was 'orn in llio vi-ar Ijt'U. ami was massacred on the ni ;bt of St. li.irrh .li ineiT. All my Fontaine and M.'urv rel.ili nis ar-.r de-.-.-iiiled from him. I' lNnii s it liin the Yankee Lines. We are under obligations to Captain Cox, of tho ' I Al.iVaina. v. h.-. arrired iu town this morning, f.r Noilliern p ipers. lbougli of no very recent date. Capr. :i-x was wounded in tbe battle of New llopo 'lunch, on the 2Vih of May. in consepieriee of ivlii.-li he -ntfered aiuputatiou of the 1-fl tbigln aud :c tell in tin ol ttio enemy when (ienerai l .l.n-ioii li-ll back from that position. Having re covered r-iiiliciciitl y lo lear removal, application was made in hL behalf by tbo Confedt-rute surgeon in cl;.-rji" of the hospital, that ho might be sent over the line:', but Sberm'an treated the application with mi l (.'apt. Cox, finding that prepar ations Uere lciiig inadir to send him North, man aged to licet his escape. lb? spi-:iks in high terms of the kin.In.f M with ulii. It Ii" ami the re-1 of o-;r wouiob-d weie treated by 1 he" enemy's oiliccs.-, though thn privates are pel feel ly lirtilnl. 1 1 may be f "jat mero considera tion for t'leirown future treatment influences Ibis .-bov .if .': itoliio.-s. lor tbey havo no very hopeful anlieipalioii.' of tbo result of tbe eauipnigii: though they say if tbey had such a commander us lieu. Johnston tbey Would whip us in three days. Tbey V$Dricsii'i-.'b uduiiration for him, aud consider tho It was not easy f-r Capt. Cox to form u judg ment of the strength of Sherman's army, though be h oi" opinion that at the commencement of (he campaign Hstreni;ib was about 150.000: tbo Yan kee- ilieui-. Ives fay r.Hi.ntm. lie iloes not Hunk il now iniiiil-rs more than .m.iuiil efTeclivi men, and their eon. hi u is not a nourishing oue. Their hor ses and mule-- p.irlii-ulnly art? in miserable plight, and lalioiis not al.imd ml among the men. When the wil.: .i,:uii-d it had eight days ration.-, inelinling, nrich to tbe surprix- of the eneiiiy, an abuii'bince of Migar and cjllee. After this was eliaii.-led I hey farcil very poorly, though the ene my gave t lii-iii the 'ot tl.ey bad. At last (as wo have already pnMi-licd) aoplii-atiou was mode by Hag of t rue., to incral Jolmston for supplies, and the hoypii-il has ever since leeii siiiplled from our lilies. The eiiciny lirmly lK-lieve that ticn. Johnston has been reiufoii-ed by two corps, and that be is now uiiuieii.-.illy as strong :is they are, if not strong er. Wo aae as.-ured by Capt. Cox that (Icncral John ston's reeen! reln-at was not compulsory, but that, on the contrary, he fell back lo keep the enemy from retreating, which they would Lavo done hud be continued to hold his i-osition. and he was not ipiile ready lor thai just then. We are inclined lo think bo is ready now. or will lo in a few days, and that beforo tho week closes, Sherman may re treat ami welcome if no can. Mubile ll' ijimlcr. l-iif (iiicrillas Hung" at Nashville. From 1J10 Xashvilb: I'uioii. For several days there have been confined in the penitentiary live men who were duly sentenced to lo hung, the erimo of being guerillas having been proved against them. Yesterday morning was the time appointed for them to expiate tbe fatal penal ly, and at a iiarler before eleven, the arrangements having lr"n fuMy mad-.-, they were brought to the scaffold creeled iu the yard back of the peniteutta ry building, aud u few minutes given them to make any remarks or engage, in prayer. Precisely at eleven o'clock, a cap was drawn over each of their facts, the signal given, and they were laiiiii hcl into ternitv. . They were mimed Win. I.em uioti. Cyrus Cathie. Jesse 1 5. Necren, Thomas R. West, and Benjamin F. Wcid, reseelively charged with :isault witii in lent to kill, bushwhack -ing, robbery and murder. l.emuion. Necren. and tho two Wests protested their innocence. Cathie, aekuowlcdgoil his guilt, and gave a short history of his life, but as he talk ed very low, only a few persou present could hear him. The prisoners all stood firm and eomposod, ex cept Cathie, nhoso wife bad boon permitted tu vis it him" daily since ho was sentenced, and remained with him during the last night of his life. He was considerably excited, and while the roM was being adjusted, bad lo In? supported by tho lieutenant in charge until the fatal prop was sprung. l.eiiinion struggled oiiMdcrably, bis neck not iH-iugdislocated. When tin olticcr told biiu his tiinn bad come, he remarked that ho fell ns natural mid unconcerned as though be was going to dinner. Tho remainder apn-ar-l to die easy. After being (--itspcndcd the usual time, their bodies Were taki ii down and delivered to their frieuds. Cont!ms FuKsiDKsriAi. Ei.ErTtoN. The Cincinnati Commercial's Washington correspondent says : . It is rail I (ho Judiciary Com mi It oe of. the House will iu a few days report a bill authorising the con testing of a Presidential election, and to prescribe the manner in which it vhall be done. At present, w hito the election of a Constable. Major. Congress man or (lovenior, can bo contested, there is no form prescribed by the Constitution or law for con testing the validity of a Presidential elecjion. The Ilou.-"c cannot do it; neither ran the Senate, and there is no authority for a joint action lor that pur- pO:C. i The Inn.lalJ are tho leading spirits in the new bill, but tho Republicans offer no objections to iu Should it pass at this session, it may Ims put in to practical operation by ttic opposition side next winter, in the event of Mr. Lincoln's election being due to the rota of tbe Southern States, which is not at ail probable at the present writing. At any rate such a law ought to be in the statute books, and no political party can oppose it as a party, and stand fair before tbe country. It is ever the invisible that is the object cf our profoundert worst ip. With the lover it is not the seen, but tbe unseen, tbat he muses upon. tm Crop Pro pec ts. The LvnclLrc Kentiblii an says that- all nccoutiU reilsent tin; crops in Uie'surrounJ inK country tlboiog of tho uiOBt romi8inj character. Uwau at lirst supjeld that the recent raid's flunter had done great dimae to them, buttfe leurn now from oil itiarlcra that tho Jantre is vcrv li-'hL and that it will not litntriajlY reduce the.'eeeral vield. The mofd H.ridrTjnJrryi?RricTd the farming; i iIiraata'rr.iH been the Ipj. jf, . labor at a time vii it win . most -uJeOI6 ' c hope, bo t:t-rhat even this difficulty will not prbvpit bur, fiviidn from saving all their f Iiiat iiyl properly working their corn. If akind Crovklence shall continue to favr us wilh "iJorid ecasoiiH., we may safely pre the grain crop this year iu Virgin- diet tl iti wil Irgfly exceed tho crop iaat year. The isn crop, too, is also said to be uuusiv- all he lv. so that neither mm nor beast ih in da i;er of Btarvation the coining winter. Tho ctimih 18 puss-?, and we -conGdont ly be I ve that jf we are but truto ourselve.t. Providence will continue to safely Ie-- n kit! liverlts out of evffry trouble. Tl llockirigham HegiHter of the 24th K.-vyt a niiit of the country now makes the heart gluill lol is going to give us an abtittdant hnrst. The grass and the grain looks im iisii:1 promising, whiUt the corn and the friiii trees fairly laugh and clap their hands at tie prospects of filling to overflowing the m':Biiro of the gifts of a ljounteu.4 and beu- elic at Providence. ' With the Yankees de- fea , we shall bo in a suitable frame of to , these gifts of , the Universal mi " Resignation of Sec retury Chase the Money Market. Tho Herald's Washington correspondent says: About mid day it was ascertained that Sec retary 'base, Assi-tant SiH-relaries Ilaringtoti and r leul, Niltcilor .lordoti, several of the heads of ben.ureaii, and a number of chief clerks had all tendered their resignations, but only tho Secretary's hud been accepted. Within a few minutes after its assembly the Senate .went into executive session, to consider the nomination of tiov. Tod of Ohio, as siiccesor to M r. Chose. An excited and protracted debate followed the Senate being unwilling to taktt the Tod. A recess was ordered without couGrmalion of the nom ination. in its financial department the Herald tuyy. The reported resignation of Secretary Chase created considerable sensation in Wall street yesli-rday, hut the monetary matters were not disturbed by I he rumor: The oper ations in g'dd yesterday were extremely wild, and no fixed price could be ' settloi4upoo by regulur deulers. It ranged between 2-10 and 24i. but the pricipal sales were ma lo at 247 to 24S. Sterling exchange isqftotcd at 2&J to -01 . lor currency. 1 hn tovernment nas iih- gotiaied a loan which report places as high J as one hundredmillion with German bankers. Tbe terms have not transpired. The subscription to the ten-thirty loan hare ceased entirely. 1 lie bonds ot Ibol ate down to lt2, nnd the live-twenties at par ! (Ik. Johnston's Fai.limu Bck. A eorrcs pondeut of the Chicago Times, iu Sherman's army. writ-s as follows : Johnston has made a in ot masterly retreat from lalloii down ; aud riding along Mcpherson's col uiiiii yesterday, where officers were realizing the difficulty of withdrawing troops in the face of an enemy, I heard frequent expressions of adm'rraliou for the generalship di.'plajed by Johnston, who had retreated with so inneh rapidity without losiug nny of Ms aTtby." &"8Su2K2.y?. in the moralo uctiorvbe will prove tpiite a formidable antagonist. .. . . i i X"1 Mrs. Fi.dragun has long been waiting t- visit iiigugate-vv ooil Ceuelcry, and the other day said to her husband, "Yoii hare never yet taken uioto the cemetery." ."No dear, that is a pleasure 1 have yet had ouly in anticipation." a Nir i:i. SITUATION as (enciier, by a young holy of J V several years experience in teaching (ho gli.-li branches. Music, but in and French, best of .cfurenecs rixeii if reuuirod. Address Eu- Tho box 110, jyll fit (lot.nsBoito N. C. CLASSICAL. AND ENRLMII SCHOOL FOIt BOYS OF 15 YEARS OK AGE AND UN D Eli. FI1IIE Second Term of this School will begin on JL Monday, the 11th inst... and continue 21 weeks. A fiH.irinnl tttieutltiHc is earnestly .desired. Mrs. Moititow's S-bool fill ojien ut tho :"anic time. H" For particulars ace Circular. II. E. MORROW. Jely S r.t , " DAILY REBEL" BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, Gx-IfUln,, On. IIvimi purcliannl the Nsw amd ExTr.ssivr Fkimtisu FjreiaMsMWKST formerly owncil by Messrs. IJili. St Swivzk we ar" now prepared to execute AU. KINDS 01' raiNTJNG, Iu style lyle not to lie siirpasMil ly any other similar estah- liilimeiit in the oiif.ilcrucy. (nr oflhv Is now one of the largest, and tlie material is fi r tai nly I be Nawatt and ltaii FasMonsbta in tbe Kouth. ' Having aecaresl a vary largn stock of EXCELLENT fcTATlONERY, we aie better than pver prepared U do all kinds of ARMY PHINTING, at short notice, and at rates irmrw reasonable than ever. AIL ULAN lis t'SCII BV Qt larlci'masf e vh. Ordnance Oilioers, Surgeons, and others, kept oa hand, for sain, or printed to order, in the moat Expeditions Kaiser. Having atfood stock of FI ME STATIONERY, AM CAlIH, i- arc tiiard to t-x rente Jfrrcamlile imr4mttnsr, ii. a style not to be excelled. 'A lare Utf FASIHONAVBLE FANCY CABIW AND NOTE PAPERS enablca us to print Wadalnr aad Ball Carl, aa. laiUUat. VlaltU Oaeaa. to. s u a sly lo not to be approached by'sny other office In the country UT" Ws rcpeetfulty aoJicit tbe patrona; of our fVwada In tbe Abut or Tmnnaas and elsewhere, sad of the public generally. . li Y A UT IK) K ITI PirilLiYf ACTS or tii Y First I'oagreaft of tho Confederate Slalf", l'assed'.'at the fourth session, which was began uud.htrld at the city of Richmond, in the State f Virgiuia, on Monday, the seventh duv of l. -cember, A. I., loU. and ended on Thin s.luv, the eighteenth dny of February, Iol. Ciive. i.ri. An Act un Invalid Corp-i. The Congress of the Coi,f..,..r:,u.S(4tes ol Amer ica du enact. That all olliccrs, iiitii t:oiiitiiisinue I ollicers, musicians, pri vates ami seamen, w ho ba . or who shall become disabled by wouiols, or otliei injuries received, or disease contracted in the -ei -vice of the Confederate States, and iu' duty, shull be retired or discharged from their respective position as bcrciiiafler provided. But the rank, pay and emoluments of such olliccrs, and the pay and enmluoueulsof such iiou-cuiuinisioii ed ollicers, musicians, privates and seamen, 'shall continue to the end of the war, or as long us they Khali continue so retired or discharged. Si:c. 2. That all ersous claiming the benelilsof this act, shall present thomselves Air exaniiuiiliou, to one of the medical examining boards now estab lishedby law. Upon the certilieule of such liotud that such erniauent disabihly exiis, sucli p.-r suns ball bo retiri'd or iliscburged as uforesaid. Sw, 3. That all-persons reined or di-cbat .-.1 us aforcsoid, siiall periodieully, ami al b-a-l i.n.v in si x mouths, present tbeiiisi-lvcs to oi I s ii boards foi- further examination, under regiilali-m . to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 1 1 . - re suit of which cxuiuiuutioii .-hull be reporl.-d l such board to I he said Secretary. And if any such person shall full so to report liiiux-ll' to sin-ii board, whenever be shall be te.piired s.i to do, be shall bedroppetl f sum said retired or disehargi il list, and become liable to conscription, und-r ilic terms of tlie law, nuless such failure slmll be caused bv physical disability. of War mav u mim I llffh IUTT I - ' " ' assign commissioned olhcors, musicians, privates untl seamen, for hucIi duty as tbey shall b,i? pialilid to perform. If any such non-cotniubo.ioued o flier i s, musicians, privates and seamen, shall bo r. lo-ve.! from disidiility, they shall he restored to duty in their respective commands. Sue. 5. That Hie Secretary of ".n- si. ill m il, all needful rules uud regulations for tbe a, -I ion .. the ine.liciil boards as aloresuid. Skc. it. That vacancies caused by the ivtiiviu ut if olliccrs under this uot. shall be' lilied as in . ., of the death or resignation of such olli.-. i s. Si:c. 7. This act shall be iu foive from it.-, pas snge. Approved February 17, Irjtii. Chap, i.viii. An Act to aulhorixe the promotion of officers, non-commissioned otlicors uud pri vates for distinguished skill or valor. The Congress of the Confederate States of Am--r olhci iea-do enact. That the President is ber,. bv :ui tborizod upon tbe recommendation of the u .-.:-. 1 j coiiiiiiaiiding a department or a separate nrin in 1 tbe field, to till any vacancy in the ci.tnuii .-ion.-.l j onicers ol a regimeni or oniiuiiou, tv the i tioii to the same, l,y and wilh the a-l ir.- an. I cu scnl of tbe Senate, .f any ollieer. Hon coioiois sioned lollicerj or private who may have distin guished himself bv exhibiting peculiar v.ib.r or skill on the buttle lie Id : Pro ide.l, Th:.t the cer, non-commissioned otlicer, or private, r. ommended and noiiiiuated t. r pi ..motion. -I. ill belong to the regiinciit or bauahoii iu u hii b the vacancy may have occurred. Sec. "-. All nets Arid parts of nets in cmillict with the above provisions are hereby repealed Approved February 17, 1 Cute. lix. An Act to unietid the net entitled, "An acl to provide and;:.- ciigin. i r troops tr serve during the war," npproit.l tweutietb March, eighteen hundred an.l il three. The Congress of the Cuiifederate Stat-s of Aiur ica do enact. That the ul.ovc recited net be ... aiiieu.lcd thai there -hall be allowed to each i.-.;i incut of engineer troop-, t o .piai l.-i inasler r genius. j x Approved February 17. I'M. CitVl". I.X. - An Act to amend the acts ol A lirst. oighteen hiuidied and sixty two, and S, i' teiuber twentv tbird. cc'litecn biimlrcd ai. I si ty-two. Tbe Congress of lb Confederate States of A luet ics do enact. That the acts approved twenty-tiisi April, eighteen hundred and Mxty-two. and tucn- iv.i.1 -i.-iOeliiher. eighteen hundred aud si M V two, regulating the increase aim rank nrsur .s,r of engineers ot the provisional at my , be amended to read as follow s r That the President be. and be is hereby authorized to appoint, with tbe ml vice and consent of llio Senate, an mini ber of olliccrs in the engineer c.ips ot' tin- piovi iotial army : Provided, That tbe icbob- corp.- hall Hot exceed oil. hundred and t cut y , an. I toe nuiiilicr of olliccrs in each grade b- linnt. .1 I., three colonels, four"lieiitciiant culoiii l ., . il.t ma jors, foity live captains, thirty -live ln-st li.ui. u nuts, uml twenty-live siH-oti. I lieutenants. Sh:. 'J. There may- be appointed six niilit.ii'V store-kcojiers, with the pay uml allowances ot c.ifi tain of infantry, who shall give such bond for Un faithful performance of their duly us mav he in i scribed by the Secretary of War: Provided, That the said store-keepers shall be appointed from Krsons who are disipialitied for active service I v reason of woundsTitvivc.l in the military scrvici-. or disease contracted whilst in tin arjny , or from persons over forty-five years of age. Approved February 17, 1"M. Cuap. lxii. An Act lo be entitled An Act :n relation to the ipialilicMt ion of State Colb-clor.s. The Congress of the Cosjfe.l..raie Stales of Amer ica do enael. That the provisions of section tim- tv-mne of an Act entitled " An Act ! the tis.-. s..- ment uud collection of taxes," approved May tost, eighteen hundred and si.xtr-tbree, shall not be construed to apply to the oliice of State f ollcctoi. Approved rcUinary li. ist.i. Chvi". lxiii. Ar. Act to reduce the currency an I lo authorize a new issue of notes uud bonds. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer ica do enact, inat tne Holders oi an treasury notes above the denomination of live dollars, bearine iutercst. shalil be allowed until the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty four. east of the Mississippi river, and until the lirst day of July, eighteen huudred and sixty-lour, west ol the Mississippi river, to I uml tin same; ami tuiiil the periods and at the places staled, the bolder ' of all such treasury notes shall be allowed to lun.l the same in rcgistoted lond. payable twenty years after their dale, bearing interest at the tale of four per ccut. per annum, pay able on the ursi dav of January and Julv of each year. Stc. 'i. The Secretary 4if the Treasury isln-ie- by authorized to iissue the bonds repined for ihf Minding provided for in the preceding section, ami until the bonds can be prepared, he may issue cer tificutes to auswer the purpose. Such Ihui.Is uml certificates shall be receivable, a ithout interest, in rv-ro4int of all (lovenimeut does nayaMe in Ibo M IH IIMM W'T w " j . - in miaiaiii i I ni I r i portauu import uuuci. Skc 3. That all treasury note oi tne uenoinina tion of oue hundred dollars, not bearing interest, which shall not be presented for funding under the provisions of the tirst section of this act. shall. IVoni and aflcr the find, day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, east of the Mississippi river, aud tho first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, wesl of the Mississippi river, cease to be receivable in the payment of public dues, and said notes, if not so presented ut tbat time, shall, in addition to the tax of thirty-three and one-third cents, imposed iu tbe fourth section of this acl. be subject to a tax often per cent. kt month until so presented, which taxes shall attach to said notes wherever circulated, and shall be deducted from the face of said notes whenever presented for payment or for funding, and said notes shall not be i exchangeable for the new issue of treasury notes provided for in this act. Sac. 4. Tbat on all said treasury notes not funded or used in payment of taxes at tbe dates and pla ces prescribed in the first section of this act, there Khali be levied at said dates and places a tax of thirty-three and one-third cents for every dollar promised on the face of said notes. Said tax shall attach to said notes wherever circulated, and shall be collected by deducting the same at the Treasii ry, its depositories, and by tbe tax Collectors, ami by all tiovernment nffirerh receiving the kmiiic. whenever presented Cot payment, or for funding, or in payment of Government dues, or for postage, or in exchange for new notes, as hereinafter pro vided ; and aaid treasury notes shall be fundable in bonds, as provided in" the first section of this act, unti' tb nrt day of January, eighteen hun dred and sixty-five, i t the rata, of sixty six and two-third cents on tbe dollar. And it shall be the duty f th Secretary of the Treasury at any time between tlie first of April, east, and the first July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, west of the Mis sissippi river, and the first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-fire, to substitute and exchange new treasury notes for the same, at the rate of sixty-six and two-third eents on the dollar : Pro vided, Tbat notes of tbe denomination ,of one bmidi.dd .dial,, -nil ,...t ,ite, to the privj leg.- -I s aid evci.n,, :.. Provided further. That the light l. .fund anv .1 s.,i,i i,...tMv f,lc ,nerlu(. lirst .lay ol Jauii:n, . il.t.-ci. hun.lre.! and sixtv- livc, is her. i.v !!.. , a.a : And i.iovided for I a I h'if ni. .ut II 1 1 . . t . ... . notes which iiimv sill a 1 1 a I ;l f I in at I. a ... .... ......... , .... ,,i of Janus- ry, cigliiecii ininure.i ami itv tive. and which may ooi ui- . n....;. 1.0 o.- Il.-asllrV Holes UH berei.i provid.-d. a lav, of one hundred per c-ut. is bi-rel.v imposed. Sk. . :.. ali-r tbe litst da of April next, all aiilh! il ' luielofoie given to the ecreiarv of the Trea-ur to i-our treasury notes shall be, and the .-uuie is li.-r.tiv . revoked: Provided, The Secr-ia-rv of tin Treasury may, ul'ler thai lime, issue ticw irciixuty notes in such f.rni us he may prescribe, pay ii!i.-iwo years afn-r the ratification of a treaty of p. -ie.. witii the United Stales, said new issues to be rcec: v al.le iu p:H loet.t of all public dues except expo. t aud iuipoil iluti-s, and l.i be issueii iu ex-cliuii-:.- lor old no!es, at tho rato of two did irs n. the ii. w tor I'lr. i- doil.iv nf the old iiUes, whether :-aid i-!-l notes be . iii r.-ii.l red for cxcloigc by tne h o t rs thereof, o; be le,-eied into the treasn-ly- iiii.ti r the prov i .ions of this act - and the hol-il.-rs .l tin in not.-- or ol tin-old notes, except I lios.- of il..- .1 i lioatioti iif one h.indrcd dollars, after lh.-i are i -.lnc. d to si . sud two-third .-ills on t!i.- ilollar, !v the tax aforesaid, may iii i t i h same jim cull cerlilicutes, beariug ill-t.-i.-si at tie' i.ii.-of I' per eeiii. mt uuuum, aud p ly .iltb-1 i i-.o s at't.-i t '.t.- rntilicatioti of a treaty i-l' i.;a il..- I uited Stj-s, iinl.-ss sooner in . 1 1 ! ii.:.. ii.-w i.ot.-s. i . . TI...I to pay the of t he foVCrtl - i.i.-i.: ii..! i!i -i v i ; i ... i l.- I l ir, the Secretary of I !ie 'l ie 's.tVy i . li.-"l. , 'tut hot icd lo issue si X per lit. l.ol..t. lo .iui. .1.1:1 ll.-l i-eedllig I've bun- li e.l Hull.. of iti.l' 'if, i lie pi un i pal and interest wbeie. l -i nl !. tis.i.i l.ialioii, nnd for the pawn, i.l ol lii.- i..;i..- I i,'i.i.-o:i I In? entire Hetl rri ci ij-t-. .it any .; ii .i.ity li.-i eal'ler hiii. on tho l able .f :1! ,-.!!..i. li.ier., and liaval stores. w .i:i,i ii,- e Slate i, au-l i lie n. I now I ii.1, i; i-o imi ;..rle.l from the Confederate proceeds of he import duties h ibeii-of as may be necessary i iilv iv -i, in lictiliv sneciallv lo puv uiiintaliv t! plrtt-r'd I: rvt4ed..TiMi tWduxics now laid up- '"rJ rij,x tc?i. shall IiereaAer be sjieeo-. er in sict iing c ebunfrr, or-iti tb on immi paid oi I'Oiip. lis of -a.! loilid S: . .". 'I lia li, cn-taty of tho Treasury is troiii time to lime, as the wants : i.-'piite it, to sell urhypothe ii it. - -aid bonds, or any part "-( l. l iu-i h- can, so as to meet t'. ti. i. s, i.nd al the sum..- time ii..- at. loin,: of the cii illation . .i ;!.. t a-.. nab!.- and safe llel i i ol'lh : al. I'l. all 111 I !' I ur il,'.- .1, il j., .r. . '..': ! t I . dill 1 I ! I : , I iu ' Il .'.. i . v i.. ! limits Sli i'li- 1 1 lion ol .'.I. l i t', bonds, a ihe p . I : : t bey i.i t In' n cli.i ii legiilai mo . a - I ie' .' p-i-s i il.e. '! !.. -I, ll S..IU.. in ttl . shall, lo. i !.- r I' !i Is- III II. Il 1 .1 I.l ... S .-i....i i.i ii.- I int. ; 1 - h..i: j-.iy ..i,. .1 illy -ii.dl I I... a'.l.- ruillioii'.-1 !.-. the sixth sec I..- i ii li i i i-i -i i-d or eoiijH.u t m fcli.-.u may elect, uud .-.I i o ea.-h .itber under such ci i t - I v ,.f tlie Treasury may l- fur .un' .-i! dollars, i i.i'.' Iiutiiii i-. dollars, and id ipmis ih. r.-to attached. i -ii. -ii authentication us tin. i. i-iiiy may prc-cribe. The able lialf vi-arlx on the first of iu eiii-li yc.u t.,i principal t l-s ih.iu t!:irl vcais from ill. II- ilal-. Sj'c. V A II call . . i till. - it. and M I i .'-I r.i all re f ir 1 1,. ir. ii' I, ,: ii.i. ertT'.ie. I H i: e 'II . l't I s -h i it liii I'l-.te It be fundublo ss is !i tlii-y arc con-tin- tim-r tlxed t.. I i ill ; I tu- ' I - a -hall. 1 1 .'in lit.' I..,, ly --1 loil i 1 .1:1 i .-'1 li I li. ii' 1 : I in li.'H 1 1 .1 -in ' n ..Ss:.'i- . .1 tins 111 ii. :i..r . -.ih certiticarcs ''""" !'l : i -t ttpiHi only ix n's p..- i v : v d'il hit- prom !:.i i -hall li. redeemable on- ti's a: I no call 1,1-' .1 in I I ale, alli r the . rtitieates shall be ol' Vpi i!. cl :1,1c. ii I . Ui-.l uul ii a t i ih. i l. Iui ml I .-'I in. I -Si .- I ". I ".. il . di-je i:..i - -.M l I. Ill ..I t i-ls and s ,..-;t i a l:m ti'. - i:i:ii I. tip- Sec:, 'ai iiosi : i ir si . ili o UH I. .1111, .. .f. -mi ll s. .11 .-He I.. !. ! i d- iiutii. i iz.-.l In tlj-- hrst i ni ,! i"..r tli -ir d .j.osits, s.ilil '.i n il.e 1. 1. 1, Is hv villi' dis. I .cu. to l.e itrecd iipot: will; tin- 'I r.-.isiiry. th.-n Ih.-saidde. l ill' I I i ice. i,. 'the amount ot ,,. I I. .ti I- t 1 to v I.. '.,i ,n ' no inie.wi :iii .i'l - . i--. i ol this act ;'i-,,. ni pi , -ciilcd I. . , the I notes- at par -h ill cease. ided. . ll" - I..'. h. a..l 1 : ot i fri.ii iti pi 'l i' el I. ill t I'll 11. lii f Il.e tl In. I. s beretiifire I s- Ml.. I. o 'tit in illie-. ;i" 1 - -1 : - 1 1 1 1 1 i inn o " !' iva'de m i-d i.r l:..v . and ti. e dollars, irIl fi.iy TUlOlt of puhlio loud able al i.:r un to I p: .1 I i iter tlie pun : . i -ighteeii li i'e i the tii-.t ; l. ... ii . li", is t.'.l :ni.! in, III the tifst of July, !""ir. cist, and until 'm il e, nnd i vtv- '. four w t 1 ' I i -i . I time lln-v sialt He Mif.i I er. Inn alter thai to til V !! Illllll -Ihl-e and one t'l.C'l Ihe face III re nli' l.'U'i .'tin I:. . ..I" . s.,i. I :l . I'. -I. Jin I , i lot Hi "a i v ! I!ar promo.,., I" attach to sNi.) nof,. aid le tcs o be fundable it -a-iiiv iioic.s. as beie- .I.'.I.i. tit. u of said lax. boi.lMig tieisiny notes, i - in lived for fixing l uiril the titsl dav of ! and -it lii,. t,, fui,J an.l e , 1, . i .'. :. '. - in l l ,, .. -,i. ..'i ."si .'. I J'h..t any I . .' I V . .1 I . i. .1 . t ti,. I sai l Ii '...II I. - J .um n v , . ' n , i the sa: ! : a - o i . St.',. .il... lull i I' lels .i!" the Confedelut ."stales, p.n iv interest n i; al,'. - -Holes receive. I by taxing the same. . my y jitter .'.at -. and the on i i.-n .Il. Pet all trci-uirv lll Si -lie ..I'lel'll,, rijue li x. .1 ..'r a.,.res.,.. snail . i.t.i o.i-- ... o'iiiiiiiaiii'ii ov ttitr am SJlidta.'.. 'I lie disci I 111 t .1 1 1. ill Ix-Hleel. ll... I....-,, 1....... ...... . .,. nit ol notes stibject to 1 1., be jel'l lo the lilicate of ih. I i . it ii t t!....,(-J,i.. subject, shall :ood laiih i-l each Si .He. and the cer l.'oVi i tioi i le i. ,. I' shall in each case be i-oii . hi :. Sl.o. I.". 'I l. it In In-iiriitg iito i -I at thirty etil s mi t !, shall il. Ion. .-i- I. dues, but -'.all be of t'ie (.'tuifedcrati' i ni v imt. s h. t elofore issued, the i .i I s.-v en dollars ami b.i'i.licd doll us p, r annum, .-i.i'. e.l inpayment of i ul.lir I '.'tiie I an, I eoiisi.lcred bonds SI lies, pivjihle two Vearsaf t.-r.-l I alllli ;lti.. ,,( ulrcall ol uol. il... n-1 Si ties, Lcaiing the rate of iutetest opecitied , ,. .- ....... ,e- on lie nrsl ,,t j.,,,,.... e.n h and Si .-. I I and In- is of the Co dctnan.! . I'oiiti'iiet. III . v et y year. . 'I I. :! tl'.- S -Ill lel.V .-illtln vi iin. -it -I; r. t.'t-y of the Treasury be, t i.' --I. in cur e the exigencies Ml!. I te.IU.le it. to liav tin I" lll.r pul. lie cicii: r '.v'l-ise debt mav be I i.l'tei the ii.i.-.i, .- of ifii act. wilhu'r to receiv e ihe ..iiie. in ji c i t. lie. He of indebtedness lo be issued In -.ii.1 Secretary iu such lorui a he mav deem pi oper, p.nal.l,- two vcai- altera rnliti ration .f a tr.-.ty of peace vviili'the t'nited States, bearing inter.--: at the rate of si per cent, per nn hu.-, pay at. te vcini auiiiiaiiy . and tanst'erubl. on ly by s, cijil eie!..! ,. ni i.uder l'.-.'llliiti.lis to lie prescnl'. ;,i. t..-ui .1 l.y the Secret n V ..1 the Ttcasiit v: and liliii.. es shall l. "etjit.t from taxntion in principal and ml, r, -t. Sm. 1... The S. i cl.tiy of the Treasury is an lli..ri.;,', to itieiea the number of depositories, so., as to-lne. t the l (iiireliK lit of this act, and with that vieu t iip..y su-h of tlie batiks of the seve ral Stall-s as lie may- deem expedient. Sic. n. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury shall forth with a.lvciii-c rliis act in such newspapers published in the social States and by 'unci: other means, . 'i.ill s. cure tui'm-iliatc publicity, and Ihe Secietut v of W ar and the ScTclary of Ihe Niivv shall, each, i'iiuh: it to bm auaolinhed in irene raKMTA rnr TTic tnrnenintfon of me 'nrrov and navy. Sec. i;. The f,.rtv the asi...sin, iii miJ Mar tirst, l igiitecn -second .section of the net for collection of taxes, iipptot cd biiii.lic.l and sixtv three. i lii'lel.y ii-peiiU-.l, Si c. I -. Tbe S.-i i. laly el' hy until, i i.-e.l an.l t conn e l. t!i. Tteasury is heic upon Ihe implication I the hi-lo.-r un ca!l c, rtilicate which bv tl lii'st scelifii ol the ji.t " to prov ide for the fun. Img ind tin tli. I issu,. of a-ury tiolcs." approved March lueiitv -tlnul, . -1 i i 1 1 Iniu-lred ami sixtv- fbree. was n ..illicit to be theie.iller deetned to be : bond - to irsa" in -n il boldi r a bund therefor, iijxui the terms prov i.l -.1 by ,s 11. 1 act. Approved l-'i-biu.iiy 17. s '.. to otto tm i:ns. THE Planter's Wan house bcloiigiug to tl un derigiicd. in t.'ie lily of (jrillitt, has Ik-cii partially taken f-r hospital purM-es, and on this uncoil nt, I think I he owners of cotton stored in Ihe ubove 11 auied warehouse, had lK-lt-r bhip it. or move it to mhiic place where it would lie more :afe. The proprietor gives this u.Mt. c. In-causc t h- pub lie iici-e-.-iti.-S have put it out of bis pi.vr. r to tak that care of tie' cotton that llie owner-1 li, 'hi tiiink he could d. lie then f.-re t-jves this n-.tiee to rave him-elf tr. in any liability in the nmo-ct'. As a narchoii-e urinal w 1 li lo i..s.. my warehouse l.usi- j nes by the lt of Sit.tciubcr inx'; therefore those having cotti-nVloi cd 1:1 my .vaiebousc, will pleaso 4'ome, pay charges and lake or ship it nw.iy, as" they may think best. 00 "r Is. lore the 1st of Sep IcihUt next, jyy-tf W. A. SCAN I RETT. " " "" """ """" MILDID'.HS' CLAIMS. ' We Iistc on hand a lot of blank foruis of C-x-(iticalcs and aftid.iv its f..r the cont-clioi) of the claims of dercascd suldiers. Price lifty eruts yer iiheeL l't-nons at a distance needing such blanks ran procure ihcm by addressing the Kcsfl Orrica through tho tuaiU. 1 ! I