Newspaper Page Text
THE DA I LY RKBIil (jlJll'TIN, Ciu. JJOXPAY MOltNLN'tJ, JULY IS, J Si, I. MORNING EDITION. ... . Then) nro in the community some Incuinhlo doubters who cnniml rcc.un ilu lliu present ..f our forces inl Maryland willi their views of mnmd policy, ami who " 1 l'"''','l'l '" result therefrom. Willi long fuel's, ""'I u lugubri dim u nls, Ihey cmpiiro whnt i In I": iiceninplish- t.l ? ami ti ll us that mir liirnuT uiviisinns nf tlio Nurtli hu.vo iiivar'uiMy resulted in disinter, nml swelled tlm rank of Mm IVdcm! urinios. Tlii'.v upprchcml llmt lliu present expedition will iuiliinii an. I stimulate Iho people ns to weaken tlm peace parly, by rallying Hie people tn lliu support of tlm war, nml pronniineu tlm whole innvoinont uf very doubtful value nml uf lunn;imn loinU ni-y. Tlm mi'ii who thus talk uri reully earnest mnl k'uh'iti; friends of our cause. Hut with nil respect fur llu'ir patriotism, mnl making due all.nviiiino fur their great anii'ty fur speedy Irittin (l, nml their frurs of disaster, wo nevertheless insist, that when tlu-y iiennit their li ars to iirruy Ihi'iu against a pol iry nml finitely which lias received the sanctinu of, mnl probably Inn! its origin with, llencrul Lit, they overstep the huiiiiilaries of inero enutiuii mnl wmnter through thu doiiiuius tf iguuruueo and fully. Tlm argument that wu will exasperate uur ene mies is certainly one of I In- most puerile that could possibly he conceived. It' our l"l s have not been ex Jspcralc.1 I" lliu highest point uf itm holieal fury fur the pn.-t three years, wu unut we liiivn heen grrntK' inislul'.in in the feeliiiws utilcl. urge 1 li hi on. They havo wustcd our farms u'ud towns, burned uur housed, stolen our pmpcrly, murdered our men o lot iolluleil our wumen, ami lliou practices Ihey have, euiistaiilly indulged, ami in iih o m) evcusu torso doing ei'eit thill wo uri) rebels mnl that it is Ihotoforo Icgiiiinulo ami proper to nutrugo ami dcspnil us in every iossihhi iiiuuniir, nml on all ueensiuiii. Ami in the fneo of these fuels the ili'inveuiury cry is raised lliat we nut exasperate them. Tlm roiilljj't in which we lire now engaged is mi child'!; phi?, hill u .li i ili-li alleni.t on the iurt of our eneniies lu destroy us; while wilh us il is a struggle fur life und independence, Iliirollly hope ui' fileeess is lu make o n unscrupulous fues feel the. bu r'lins ul Hie war, lo nring I lieui to a pain till realization of ils im.n-truus eosl mnl its fearful dalo'cl's; to In im; llume itheir iulerests t Iih im j port. uieo of letting us alone, by demonstrating lu j llieni the lael thai Ihey are tln-nisclves not eeniii from the dciuluting .rnetiees of armies nml lliu re taliutiuii whieh wrunged ami exasperated foes iu lliet. Wo have in ver an inl ale of invasions of the country of our enemy. We havi: helieveil lliat. sueli invnsiuiis lemle'l lo unile iln: people nml to some, extent lo recruit their armies. This is n gen eral rule, mnl to nil such rules there nreexeeptiuns. The urcallm nl has imt the same fureo nuw Ihnt it hail in the earlier stages of t lie war. 'I' lien we were endea voring lo snlisl'y the wurl.l ami our enemies that we were sin,,v il. f'.-iulin ourselves from u'gres "iuii, ami had no tlevims eiiln'r ngaiiist their ri;;hls or their lerritoiies. This was nut eleaily nml geu irally iiiiiKi slou.l. Tlie war it.-'elf was such an uue.xueeteil nml I'vtrani'liuiiry ileieh.janeiil, that thu ignnruul. ami uniiifnrmel wero linhle to ailopt the w ihlest mnl most iinfoiimlei theories eoiieefliing it. Tho iieoile of the Xurlh were instrueleil that wo were eiuleaving lo overthrow their government ntitl only wuiieil fur Ihe nhilily tn tin su, lo overrun their e.jiinlry. ('iiiiM'!iieiilly u henever tin ro was the slightest imiieatiuii uf mi aggressive muveim ot OH mTT 1 1 II I I . 'I i ii 1 1 i ii i - li ii mi4 Well! tirnuseil mnl Ihuusnmls rusheil Ui arms uuer Ihe lliislakell belief Hull flleir rigllls Were jcupu-ib'il mnl their liberties in peril. but tin) lit .-1, three years have taught that people many important truth both in connection wilh our ib signs ami the policy of (heir own government. They now iimlersluml that so fur from liuving uny wish to coinpier their territory mnl rule over them, that Ihey cuhl nol-offcrto tho peoplo of the Soulh vrn t.'onfeilcruey siillieiciit iiulucouients, to einbruci' one single Northern Stale within their territorial jurisilielion. They fully uiulerstuiul thut wu ilo not wunt eillu-r jiolilieal, social or commercial ou.nioc-' tiuii with them ; am! when they seo our armies u! vnuciiig, they know thut it is nut fur their subjuga tion, but simply fur tho purpose of retaliating for outrages perpetnilcl upon our own people, or a part of tho strategy of our generals' to transfer the sent of tho war. Cousciiiently an inia.-ion now is Hot followeil by tho uprisings of the people which wete inci'lcnt to such uiovenieut;; earlier in tlio wur. , It shuiihl be bnruo in lit in il , itm! never fupgotton, that wu huvo not in tho Xurlii any real fricnils; Hint is, there lire nunc thuru who wish our cuitso suecc.-s for thu sake of the eauso itself. It is true there are th in-atols ami tens of thousiimls win are wiliing nml oven unxi ius to recognize our imlo peinlencc, but it is not because they ilesiro to see us mi iuilepciub nl nulion, or because they wished their own government broken up. Sumo fuvm- tho puliey as Iho only menus of closing tlio war, which they nro wise enough to m'O is eating up their own wiiulth ami piling up a iiiouulaiu of ilebt, which will bo n eriifhiiig weight upon their industry mnl prosperity for a century to .coiuo. Others oppose Hi e war under the belief that tho South niii.-t inev i'ubly succeed, ami that wilh tho triumph of our can.-e Ihu puny which has wnged tho war agniust is will sink under the weight mnl obloijiiy of Ihe f.iiblie, nml the p:irly which has opposed it will thereby obtain pos-ession of the government. Thcro lire i.tlii'i.i who uppn.-e the puliey nf tlie gnveriiuicut up. .ii the grnlllnl llnlt. '.!.'.' i;u toiiTelT pi rvel'tcd llnlll ils originnl design, W hiell Wlis lu Ic-tnre the I lieui. Wilh u erusudo ii.'inst slavery, which if su ssful, wuuhl not i.nly be 'ruinuus 'In us but very damaging lo them. J It then there is a party ill Ihe Nor! IPf.ivor.tUo tu uur sucet ss, it is not fnnii uny Invu Ihey b.ur to us or tu our onuse, Imt l.ccnus'i our heroic re,-ist-lilice'to their designs, and. inulliplied .Miceessil., havi; inadc them realio tho' I'dly uf . euiitiiiuiug'iho eulil)icl, at thu sniilo tilnu that they huvo been biniight In npprceiate its burdens and its dmigersi Kvery blow we striko llieni nuw t lierclinro, instna.l nf w, likening Iho parly inclined to peace, adds tu ita numbers, nniny who have heretofore supported the war, hut wlui nro ularmi'd ut our' displuys. of power nml the niani!'Stulious of our uhilily to pro Irinit tin iiii -t. Kvery cheek we give Iheir ar mies, every victory wo achieve, every evidence we furnish that wo are m,t wilhout thu uhilily to make Ihe war uggressiv e, shakos the fuilll of thou sands who never doubted their uhilily to whip lis into submission, nml inclines Iheiu towurds (he policy uf Ihnt party who favor mid u.lvoouto tho ri guidon uf uur independence". Wo have nu patieneo with (huso who nro always deprecating the inllioliuli.of telling blows upon thu enemy upon Iho giuiind (hut it will inflame tlio Nefrlhcrii pcnplo against us. That pie huvo mnl are still doing their worst. Wo have nnth ing to hope fiom their mugiinniiiiily or inorcy, nulh-i ing to expect from iheir forbearance, duly ppeus; In their interests ur their b urs enn they appnviale, " 1 1 1 1 IhcsM iii . tho iippenls up. ,n which wo should iii"-l eerlainly nly. Our caniiun lliumleriiig uloiiml liieir t'apit. l am! mir cavalry galloping uniesluiiucd through. Ihu cuntry within "igh't of Hiluinore. am l.n-l" which Un y cannot dmJo.'.ir l. - I orihuy, mnl "'hull ih'iiioiisirale Iln' gieal liiiih tluit thu reU'llinn is yet lull of life nml strength, ami nut only nhlo .to ilefmul ilself Imt sti'uti;; I'm ii,;greMVi) hlows. k' 'I'lii! I'ilitlny of the ( iihi iitl;;n 'llllll thu I'lltll llH'nit Mltl'tll t. I III) eailiiilgu, eolnim-llee'l 111 the sr nml now iii toll suuinier, was hegnn l.y our y.inkeu lues i III llllkeowliilene i ut Kiieeess. I lie mil an lii;'es gl v - i i u I In-in, hy uur gross mil II. try h urn lei-, 'Im nig the lust summer ami fall, li.i l swolh u their v.uiiiy tonn ; txlruor-linaiy ilegie.', nml -u i s-1 1 i!uri'i'-'uinling e ieetnl'nio. It was their valur, nut tlio hlumlei ing . uf our military le.ulers, i"hit h gave tlieui sueeets ! . Ill the lulling ol Viekshurg, nml Ihe it mintiU nlun j at Mis.-iunmy Hiilge (it was not n hatll I ihey saw I lliu real hero at last, who was to lili then up to ilo. minion ami glury. They lnn full lime fur prepniM- 1 linn; ami their n'eiar,itiuiis were eininmuis. As I valorous ns ihey hoa-led llu iim lves t'i he, lin y iln! , not rely on their valur. ! They iletermineil tu luing overwheliiiiug ninii- hers also lo their aid, nml hy taking Hiehmuml ami i Atlanta, tn "hreuk the haeli h me nt' llm ('uiileih'in- i ey in 'ir;;iuia ami tjeorgin." Well -I he struggle eiiiue. .Wo lire now in the iniilille of July. Kvery wliero-in every hnllle, they hnve I. en slnggereil ami wnrsli'il. With uur iufeiiur fiueis, our two great iirinies huvo liillen hack their grenler iiiiiuhers threuleniiig our Hunks; hut whenever we ham joiniul hatlle willi them, wu lutt'o guiin il l':e inlvautage, t ill not n niiighi fiehl have our Iron). heen viimiiiplieil : whilst in I.ouroaiui, fluiiila, Ar-111111-11.' ami (south t'aruliiui we hnvu guiiieil signal vietorioB over them. They are, at this ilay, in u far worsu eoiulitioti than they were nt the opening of I ho eain'iiigii. What has prinltiivil this 1 -ul I ? Iluvu imt ihe Y milters fought bravely? Yes heller Hi. in they huvo ever ilono before ! Hut ihey lmvu been met in Ihe tuinfeilernto snhlieiy by a im,ro 'le-,er.ile brnverv 'linn they fan imssibly iossi'hs. dross ami imiteriul in nil their views, they have never been nble to appreciate the hiiperior influences which inii-t govern tho Southern penple in their ilel'ense. Ilcnee, they lel'l nut uf their eireulalinns I'-.r siiceess, nil releivnci! In Ihe.-e inlliieiici's. Num bers were nil Millicieiil, ami numbers must giro tln in thu victory. Tiny Mipmse,l, tlinl by cruellies, Ihev wniibl ilauol ami l,v lli must bull ' lu .l IniiD only rulsuil It higher. '1 hoy havo Mlp poseil tlntt by spre.nling nil eiielgclie ilesputiMii over tho Inrnl, they wuuhl kill out the principles of liberty. They hnvu only iii.'i'lu thoni uuuo pru-eious-tnure worthy lo 1 1 in fur, than when IVecly enjoveil. They wouhl terrify hy 1 1 spulisu's, .unl iiiunler, mnl tiiients of e.vlerioin atioii. They lone only inspire! a higher nml holier ilnring, which aeeepls ploinllv ami willingly Ihe. iiltcniulivo of ileath ami exlcriniuutiuu rather Ibiiu sulijocliou to tlu ir iliiibolieul ruler. Their whole policy bus thus faileil ill pruillleing ihe mural elleet lin y iililii'ipiite.l, upnll the people uf the t''Uifl ih'lale Hlult s ; ami, as a neees-ary eun-eiucuee, their have l iih il "al.-n. Ste.nlily ami uiiwavei iugly tliey huvo been f iileil ami ilisc piiililcil ; ami Ihey confess liieir fai! ui'i;, in the I'olilemplutol cult of a half luiiliuii of nu n more to recruit Iheir in niies, by Iln; legislation of liieir Congress, Will imt I !ir phi of the I M 1 1 1 1 ' ami of Iho null. I rc.ilitcjhc trulh tlmt ihe i pie ..I ihe ('nnle.lcrule Slates cinilul I,., c. unpn i , , ' Alter Ihree ycnis "I war, tlm spin! of liui pie of the C,,ii!'eiT;ite Slnles is liiglier mnl iimie In roic th.m it ever wits : mnl the very fust ,,. i'.o'iv .u.i.yn. . i. yel lo be iinnlo fur llu ir snbjeeiiun. Neiilier liich in. m l. 0. u All. uiiii, imr I'barh stun, nor nil uf i1,liu ogelher, me the t'olileilelale Stales. X-r... The .New Y rk lerabl of tho concerning tli f. Ih makes rai.l iulo HlO follnWIIIg Sl.lli'lll Mary huul : 'l'he true object ami extent of the whole ment is yet n mv-ierv. It is knuwn liuiii i fruin Muitiusbiirg. Wun lie-ier ami nther p Virginia, that the rebels are reimu -de -I v Icntles.-lv eiil'urciug the eun-cripliuii. inking inuve- clllgees uces in t tit i. -all the llinles bel iiccli MXli ell ii till six ly, W Im have . ft their linnies. Diery In r-c is taken "ti l! march, un l scouting p..nies visit ih in of a I.- v r. illnl.-l"ill I Ili'lll nil win Imr uwlie l bv fiieml ne. Tlm in it .1 1 ! 'I' supplies mnl the inforeeinents guint; tu m iliversi c VI I V Ihe re i ! 'Ii' the pr ronsnii fur the r.iid. l'ruvisiuns and all kinds of supplies , l'o iluiibl very M'urce in Virginia ut pr'""'!il, nml the rebels j In in' to make u hirgo huul on (his side of tho l'o- 1 1 tomue; hut they hnve evidently been di-:.ppuinled i thus far. Mnj. den. Karly oonimmni s tho expedi- ( ( tiuii, which is cumpused I'I'cuvulrv, iiil'.iiitry iiinl i artillery. Marly i- rcpur ed In be Kwcll's .on ss i or. ' lien, liiillsuni is believed lo ha Vc ell.i rge of t lie i cuvuliy, ulld us he hi said lo be Smart's -uccej-or 't'tlf nlii... ..I tssj iiiv liiii tr l-'i IQli I i d I il be .111 , important one oir the purl uf lien. I.e. Tic in i fairy force is -aid In he under Iln- coioiu.iii I d K ir lyhiin-ill. Kwcll's lale corps pruhubly n,w num bers not b ss than IL'.mil) nidi. dlher reports naiuo llreekinridge, luihoih-n, Ii-ii-k ins. and enn Wheeler, us Icidcis, but buili tlie Southern Jinkoii.-os nro dead, Wheeler is known tori bit iu'Tennessee, and llreekinridgo's pre.-euce in the f 'alley is very doubtful. . den. Walluco is very active, iind is making every preparation that prudence Holy suggest. A Washington dispatch, of tho ,'ilh indulges in tho following guesses on 'tho situation :" i No definite conclusion seems to hayc been arrived nt yet concerning thu force and purposes of the 1 enemy, Ihu general belief being, however, that al least one corps uf the rebels had reached the I'ulu- . note, with tho view of diftiact ing the plans of lien. , driuit, mnl, if possible, tn cuiisu suHieicut alarm in , Washingtun to iinluco Iho withdrawal uf our army fruui the Junius river. ; No oiiu hero upprol.cnds for n moment tlmt any diminution of our fureo hefure Petersburg will take place. On the cunlrary, trunps arc still guing fur ward to den. dri".t, while u large fureo has been , cnuccutl.lted in .Maryland, .sllthcient it is believed ' to cheek tho farther advance; by the rebels. This morning the disinoitnlcd cuvulry wero organized I into i u In u t ) y regiments, some of which hnve left for llurpcr's Ferry. Dl'slflli'tloli of till! nlil iu'ck'. A I'uris eurrespundent of a Northern papers j writes : Last week thn old Morgue, llmt .sniivcnit nf su j much tragedy and wretchedness, md the piok-nxu ' In iii ut its root. They hud built a new .Morgue, i wilh modern fixings, in tho rear of Notre linme ! Cutheilral; un old, grey, lovt, grotesiiie chnriicl wns ' j uiljudgcil to ilisuppenr. How like 11 haunted thing ' I it seemed, standing burn amid acres nf ruins. A I iho'i.-iiud speclrul bunds held it in invisibly. In and out, went trains of wreck nml livid being, some gushed mid bleeding, soiuo dripped with tho rivers eo.iuness. sonic hluck and grinning, mnl bursting wilh ih alh. Seo tho old clothes llutler uhoto the slab of, nml rouiul iibuitt, tho tunny tumbles mid Ihu tools of life- -the buy's plaything, i Iho cypriun's (altered silks, tho instruments of the hniise breaker, Iho seal and tarnished wiilch of the , gcullc. At this t i i im Ihu water drips, drips, drip", upnll the eubl forehend of the invisible in Mill t , IIS iTvrr.'rfTrrw mi ilussily ut the skylight with their nnk i ed iirin.i I'treielicd uii .i rigullv, wluie the ini.oi ' nf gay laughing folks' luok Ihruiigh the window punes perpetually woniou with babies, many yf ling j lurks with dugs plel!i-ll little grisettos up 'II the I nrms uf their teltJh uuiant ; pruiul ladies whn step ! from their curriag'-s to sen what liny shall hc- enme. '1'bat uld Murgue shall he (he novelist's li j bntiry mnl inspiration fur lung years tn enmc. i Among thu I'm is places destroyed l.y the builders I bus been lo hupin ilhinc, whieh figures in Sim's "Mysteries of Paris'' so prominently. 'J'hrs wns a low wine shop nut far fr.un (ho Mur giio, and close lo the l'aluis do .lu-tioe. It stood iKiiioi iiurmiv street, in u lubryinlh lueulily, mnl was the resort of thieves nml cut-throats, who niadu it thu sis'tio of hluudy nrgit's. 'l'he sewers run l.e- .ueiith thehuuse leudiiig lo llio Seine, mid it is said that vietilns were often hurried through the black passage at midnight and tossed into the swifi river When these old places nro about lo be Ihrotm down thousands of people visit (hem. 'l'he giuud bai racks that is tn he built upon the site ot' the Mor gue is bare tu its foiiniliilion mot; the sowers me exposed; ulld il is e;l-y to people the old place wilh ghostly tilings, fur it was truly durk and tangled before. The new Morgue is spruce and flaring I it: o a brim new eollin. Il will hold it doen bodies; lliu river washes ils huso upon two sides, arid a tine sky light lights up Iho faces of tho naked dead. There are largo window panes between the subject and the spectator, which give to Iho interior of the en-o a watery appearance, us if it- minutes wero lying on the floor of the oceuii. 'I ln re is little uiodeslv in the exhibition. Almost nny day one may see I there Ihu round limbs and bosun of sonic girl ur j wninuii, Ihus glaringly exposed t,, profane eves. I For many years to come the Now Morgue will he a ! feature iu ihiriAeenery. Tivopirts i:ps"m .Sails, audi is surd tu be nil iiliti'iliiig remedy tor duse fie.plclilly otuiiig if taken in lime. lie of s-'ull. lliu. line ' 'i-M- 'I'ho New Vu:k Times thil l,, fi ihcl.i ('at ltriti-h advices, a chut'.ge in (he Piitish I'niu ';'' is inevitable und iuituiio.'tit. l.liiroliiN 'nv I'latforai,. nit; i M.n muki: iu:shi.i rinvs, Aiini'xi'il nro tlm I'i'W'lutintM uim;o'I liy tliu ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 l 111 1 1 i III I H ! 1 1 1 1! 1 1 lllllllilllltuil l.inooln. ( ) 1 1 r ri'inliTs can suo lliu iiliitfnriii In; Man U mi : Hesolvi'il. tliaf it in till! Iiilniit ilnty til'ev- i;ry A mDl'ii'iui I'ili.nil to iiminlilin, nniiiHt all ita im irs, tint iiilcgi'ily nl tint t limit, nml thu pni'.ini'iiint iiiitlmrily nl' tin) (.'iiiiNliliiliiin mnl laws nl' tlio Unitm! Slitliss, nml tlmt, lay ing; poliiioiil npitiiuii 1 1 i 1 1 1 , ur pli'ilg.o nur selves, us ( niuti iniMi, iiiilinmti'i! liy n 1:0111 1 1 11 hi Mi'iitiiiii'iit, nml ttiiiiin ut 11 ciiiiitiinii nl). jui'l tn ! I'verytiiin; in mir (mvi;r tn 11'nl the oiivt'i'iiiiii'iit in iiui'liin liy t'i ni'o nl nniiM tliu I'liliollinii nuw 1'iiing; iioitiiiHt. iu niitlmi ity, mnl liringiiiu In tlio piiiiisliiniiiil din! limit' I'liincs, tho rcheU nml traitors, iirfaiui"! il.lillsl it. Ki'miIvi'iI tllllt WO lliil'nVO till) tlilloi'liiillil tiiin nl' tlio t iiivi'i'liinoiit nf tlio I'niti.'tl Slnles j tint tn L'niiiprniiiiHO with 'i)boln, nf n!'i)l' tinv tonus nl (loiieo nuoil. hiidIi tin inity In) hasoil upon an iiiicnnilitiniiiil Htirrcnliir nf their Inw- tiliiy, olo., nml lotuni to tltuif just itl li-'n'itifo In tho I'niistiliitiuii nml liiwttnl' tho i'liilcil . States, ami that wu call iipim tlm (iovorn- llll'llt til II 1 11 i 1 1 1 .11 II llll! pt JMI t H1 1 , llllll III pI'll.sU- ottlo tlm war illi Iho iitinnst pnsihli) vijjnr ! In tint 1 tploti! tiiipprossinit nl'llio 1'iilii'lliuii, : ill lllll I'l'liilllttl) II J H 111 till) Noli'-Morillo.oK, Iho ' imti'intisni, Iho Iii'ruitf viiliir nml tho 11 n i y- 111 tlf vi il ii n nf tliu Aiin.'rii.'.'iii ponplo to thoir country ami its Into institutions. Kosi'ilvoiJ, Tluit us slavery wns the eitnso, ami now enn-titutos thelrentli nf tho re bellion, mill it must 1)0 ul ways mnl every where hostile tn tlio principles uf republican unvi'nitnent.jnsliei) mnl tin) imtiuiiiti unlety ili'iniiinl ils idler mnl C'linplete extirpation fnnii the soil ul thu republic, nml that wo 11 iln 11 mnl mail. tain tlio acts nml prni-liima-tinlts by w hich the (invei'iiliient, in lis null 1j--u.iijiiiJ a dealli liluvv -lii-iisaa "l- Hanue evil. We mum i-.tVur, liirlliiT e, nf Slli'll till 11 1 1 1 ' 1 111 1 1 1 f II t tn lh() ( 'ullKtitlll loll to bo nnule Uy the peoplo in eouloi iuity with its jii'i iv i.-'n 11 s, ns slinll teriiiiiinte nml forever pi'nliibit t lut enistenee uf slavery wiiliiu Iho limits nt' the iui'istlietinn of the I'liitoil Stntes. Ib'snlveil, Tluit I'll' thanks nl' the Ameri can people lire iluoto the sailors of tlio arin v mnl navy, who have periled their lives in lie I'eiii'e uf their entiulry ninl in viiolieatinii nl ihe liiimii' uf the lla; that tlie nation owes them smiio perniaiiont reengiiitiuii uf their pidriotisiu ami their valur, ami ample ami permanent prnvisiun fur tlmso ut their sur vivors vvhu iinve receiveil 'lisabliu ami limi uiabli! wniiinls iu the service ul' the eoiiiitrv, ami that the nu'innries ul' those whn have fallen in ils ilefence .hull he hehl in oratel'nl ami everlasting; renu'inhiance. Ilesnlveih That we apprnvo anil npplaml ihepnl'dieai wis'lnin, I he unselfish palriutisio, ami on.swervin;; Tel Tty tu Ihe Constitution ami the principles ut' A im'i'ieiin liberty, wilh which Abraham l.iiieuln has ilisehiiroeil, na iler ciri'iinistmiei"i of unpaiallele'l ililliculty, the grout ilulies ami respniisibilities ul' the presi.lentiiil i-lli ('-. anil we approve ami in ilni'se, as ileiiiaiuleil by 1 1 1 o rinereney ami essential tn the pri'servaliun nf thu imtinti, ami as within the Cnnslitntinti, the itieasures ami acts which ho has mlnpteil tn ilefeml the 11 ut i in a','!iinst its upon ami secret lues, es pecially lite prcclainatinti uf etnaiicipntiun; nml the employment as I'niuti snliliers of men bct'cinl'ore hehl iii slavery, ami that we have loll ciiiiliiloiieo iu his iloterniiiiatioii tu furry these anil all i.lhor Culistitutional measures, essentia! to the siilvatiun uf the country, into (nil an'tl complete ell'eel. lies.ilvcil, That we ileein it essential tn the octieral welfare, that harinuny shuulil pre vail in tho national councils, ami wo regard as wnrtltv nl public conliileiico anil ullicial trii-t tlmso only who cnrtlially einlurse the principles piiiclaiiueil ill Ihc-e rosnlutiniis, ami which shnuhl characlerise the ailuiinis Irnlioit nf the ( iuveriiiiient. K.'snlve'l, That the ( iuvcrnniont owes tu all men oniplnyeil in its armies, w ithuiit re- 1 11. 1 1 1 1 lltsi Ineti'iri "i- w-t-, U. 1'.lL-it.ilil hn ol the laws ol war, : ml any violation uf those laws, ami nf usage-i nf civilized iiatiuus in the time n war bv the rebels nuw in amis, .shniild he made the subject nf lull and prompt redress. Kesulved, That the fureioii imniig;ratiiin, which in the past has added so much to thn wealth and development of resourcesaiKl in ereasi! of power tn this nation, tliu asylum uf the oppressed nf all Jiatiuns, shuulil be fos tered and encouraged by a just and liberal policy. Ilcs dved, Tluit wo in favor of thn ppeody construction nf tho railroad to tho l'aoilic. Unsolved, Thut the national I'ailhis pledg ed fur the redemption of tho public debt, and must bo kept inviolate; mid tlmt lor this pur pusc we recommend economy ' and rigid re spunsibilily in the public expenditures, and a vioiii'utis and just sys'eui uf taxation. That it is tho duty of every loyal Stato to sustain the use of the national currency. Unsolved, That wo apprnvo tho position taken bv the government, that tho people of tho I nited States can never regard with iniliU'crenee tho attempt uf Kurupean powers to overthrow by force, ur to supplant hv fraud, the institutions; of nny republican giivci-niiieiit on tho western continent', and that they will view with extreme jealnusy, as menacing to the pence and independence nf this count! y, tho efforts nf any such pnwer lu obtain new footholds fur inunarchicnl guv crnmeitts sustained by a foreign military force iu near proximity to the I nited States. liuw tub .Iaimnksi: Ukstoui: Fauku 1'i.uiv i;us. Alter a bniuet is ilrnoping bcynnd all remedies of fresh water, tho Japanese can bring it buck to all nf ils. glory bv a very siinplo and seemingly most destructive- ope ralinn. "I had received," says a visitnr in Japan, "ii hunch uf (lowers from n Japan ese iicpiaiiitance. They continued to live in all their beauty for nearly two weeks, when at last they faded. Just as I was about to hava t Ik: in thrown nway, the same gentle man (Japanese genilniiinn) CatiiO to see tile. 1 showed fiiiii lb'.' laded llnvvers, and told him that, though lasting a long time they had become useless. "Oh ! no," said he, 'only put the end of the stents into the lire, nml they w ill he as goud as before.' I was in credulous.; so he took them himself ami held tho stem ends iu the (ire until they wero completely charred. This was in the morn ing; at evening they w ero again looking ( ami vigorous, mid have continued so fur an- j oltief W OcK ; I We met uuruld friend I'r. AVhiting, nf Mo- bile, in the city yesterday, un his way tu re port to I ion. Maury.' The Uoetor related in a spirit of dignst, the particulars of his cap ! tore in North Carolina, hy Kirk's band uf lories and biisliwliackers. Ilu trniii that he i was captured and guarded hy negroes and : Indians, but clnipicntly told the commander, l Kirk, that tho latest and most positive iiu i ilerstandiiig between the Confederate and t yankee governments was that Surgeon's should not bo taken prisoners. Kirk did'nt exactly believe the srnry hut said he would give a parole, 'l'he parole was taken nnd i showed 1 1 Judge Ould, who promptly set it 1 aside nc absurd and nut worth anything, and at once ordered the Ductnr lo duty, ilo said the raiders are nothing but a band uf mountain rubbers of tho worst class. Maron j Co i'lfiTni'. , -t...I'icntiee s ays r'rennml ami I'ochrunu are for "tree press, freo speech," ami (reo nigger, and , pretty lunch anything el-ie they can mitkv Ino with. !.-i . i lie l.niosville .tnuiinil h-mns thut lieiit-rnl (lilll. r has l.e.-u un.rl.iMv tt. ionic. I ill'hir iiuhtAry repitt all .11 iTELKCMl APJI1C , REPORTS OF THE PRfcSS ASSOCIATION. I ntere'l iiernrilllltf lo A''t uri'iiin-i-rss til the Vi ;il I -iti, I . V .1 H. Tllintnlll.ll. Ill Hie Clerk 1 tilt. f Hie Hi tllel ('null uf Hie rnllfe.leinte Mates fur tie' Nurlliei IHslrlel o (le..'l.i. Latest from the M.iiylauil Invasion. ltu 11110N11, July 17. New York papers of tho 1 lillli, ami Chroniclii uf tho I lib, give details nf thu invasion nf Maryland. Thu rebels ileinniidi'd a contribution of twenty thoiisiuul dulbirs ill greenback in Frederick. Tho money wns paid. I'ho sliccl.i of the eily wore literally tilled willi I burses and eulllu collccled hy loriiging parlies in tin) vicinity, nil uf which woro scat across iho I'nto uiuc I'hiludi'lphia was grctilly excited. On Moiiduy business was geiiuriilly siispeudoil. A luigeineel illg was held 11 llldepelideuco Sijllure. lu Iho skirmish ueur Washington Tuesday night 0110 hrigudo of tho lilh eorps lost .six coiuinaiulcr. of roginiuuis. I'risunors say tho ileinonslrution of thu runlets at Wnshingtuii was tn cover Iho letroul of Ihu main body wilh a lingo ipiiiul ily of plunder, (laid in New Voik on tho I'M, npened iitJsl.tind closed nt'.'i.i. Jnr Aiiny ItciTosses tlifi I'otoniar. Kc hmonii, July Kill. Ilaltiimiro papers of Ihu I llh s i.vs ilio eiietny reernssed thu I'ulnnnie near I'nubvillii driving two Ihotisutiil head nfeiilllc. lion. I'm ik 1 in cseiiped Hour lteclnrtnwn, lite guard having fallen asleep. Milium as, duly la. Nnlhing ITu- i u I litis tii'iui received fmni Norlh Missisippl. Private udvices report lighting goi'H on near Tupelo yesterday mid to diiy. ; Il is eoiitidenlly I clievoal that I,co and porrest j mUL. u.:l-j- ' .i i,.flint , The enemy is repioied lo hnvu hiiiucd u pordou ' of their wagon train yesterday livening. Our lorces repoi'ti'tl to lie lulling; bai U IVoui Vuhlilii(;loii. I'mi'lisiiciiii, .Inly 111. Tho Wnshingtuii (.'hron ielo of tho I llh iti't., is received. It sins Ihu re bels cniiitneueeil relrcHliiig fruin Wushingloii on Tiiesdiiy night. Tho l''edernl cuvulry folhitvcd iu liieir rear. Wedliesd.iy, sollie sevetlty-livu rebels who wero Wounded wero left nt Silver Springs. l-'runk lllair's plnco was spared hv den. Hrcek- I t'iiliUroou n unit ot past inliiuacy wilh thuown.. Moiitgoniei'V lllair's rcsidcu -o hiuul to die ground with nil its coiitenls, indicting, thu Chuoii ' cle tiivs, heuvy loss on thu J'ostunislcr It is snpposeil iho rebels would recros- to Vir (;iiiia by lolwards' ami Nohiud's ferry. There was s cavalry skirmish near Isl.iilciiiduir;: j on fuesituy nioruiiig, in which tho I'Vdcrnhi iidiuit I u hiss nf Ihirly fru. A hand ear was seal through to Iftllii'iiujie on ' Wi'dne.-ihiV, nml regular trains would souu run ' th rough. There were no bridge i burnt on the Wnshingtoii mnl I'.tlliuioro road. dun Powder bridge will Inke ten days to repair, den. Ti ler was sufo nt fredcrick. The Chronicle says, iho raiders huvo done itn purtanl service In Iho fedcriil doverniueiit in rally ing the peoplo to its support as nu appeal from tho ! iiulhurilii-s could havo done, am! have andu ea-y the otherwise tlilhcult tu-k of rceriiitiug tho a i in v to tho extent ileeiuod ncecssury. Tlie eiieuiy retreat in;; he tore I'oiresl. Moiut.i:, July III. deiienil .Maury bus received the following disputed : Ti t'Ki.u, July III. Thu enemy nro in full re- trout in Ihe direction of ltipley. ' signed, s. i. 1.1:1:. l'rivalu tidviccs report a heavy light and Ihe i enemy badly whipped. Our loss is sevue. I'ur- tieul.irs us vet unknown. Forrest received llllex- elier.'il ml ti- 4- lua'ted ft iotoroeuieiils, two hundred of I i Morgan's men wlm were lett in KeTiTiuhv u ing nimble to rcjuin .Morgun, cut their way to licit, r'orrest us the nest thing they could do. I''rom the l'Yoiit. An.VNi'A, duly Iii. K ii it ors of an iitteiupt by tho enemy lo cut thu West I'oint ltuilroud ure iu e.iieiilutiuti, hut nothing eeriniu uf a ninveini lit is yet known. The following oflicinl report was seal by eouiinund of lii'iieral JohiiHtoii tu lleud-ipiarters here, dated lust night. llioin yi .inriiiis is' Tin: nn.n. Since tho fniluro nf tho enemy to out the West I'oint rosd near -Vewnitn, both Hrmies hnvu been quiet iind occupy their former positions. Ours is much iiyproved by rest and Imthiiig mid iu tine spirits. -'.'- Sptxtat hi lli' Miiiijiliii .4yiyoa. Tl'l'ia.o, July 111. Wo left Tupelo on .Sundiiy last and have been lighting on thu prairies. The enemy refused tuiidvuiieo and moved on Pontotoc. On Wednesday (ho enemy declined hatlle nnd moved lovviiril Tupelo. Wu struck llieni in ihe Hanks on every roud, but rapid movements prevented concentration. Un Thursday wo attacked him with threu cavalry divisions ut uld Harrisbtirg, but failed tu drivu hiui from his strung position. Tho eneiiiy declined every invitation tu light. Friday iil'teruuon, our troops being well up and tlio ut to bring tho affair tu un issue, the Yankees tb i nnd nro in full retreat. i'ho enemy fought stubbornly when compelled to ih, i i, hut was iiviikndy ufruid of a set light. Our bos wns severe. Smith h id 15,11110 truops, all veterans except eight regiment' of negroes. Not H.iu. A rather curious incident oc curred nt I'ntsdam at tho time uf tho visit lately inade to that place by the members i f tho Statistical ('i ngress. Among tho per sons who wero w r.lking in the gardens) of the Sans-Soiici was a Prussian officer, who en tered into a conversation with an Knglisli ' aura nt. Tho latter, after a time, could not j avoid expressing his surprise at finding a I Prussian ofiicer speak Knglisli so well. The i oflieer replied that there was nothing aslon- ishing in tho fact, as his wife and his iiiolh j t't-in-law woro both Knglish, "Might 1 ven j tore to impure the name uf your iiiother-in-! law '"said the Knglish sitrutit. "(Iiichii Victoria," replied the ofiicer, who was none ; other than tho I'rinco Uuyal of Prussia. J5jy- An intelligent tinny officer, who left Petentburg on Friday evening states that ! on Kai'ly had already mounted eight thotisan d of his men in Pennsylvania. . It was thought that Karly would treat tho Yankees this time iu full accordance with their deserts. We trust in dud he will compel (hem tn drink lo Iho dregs tho bitter eup they have so often' and so barbarously applied to thu lips of unoffending Confederates. j (ir.s. Hcntkr. The dispatch says (he ntt'ooities of this man in the Valley has east j llutler into the shade. The laurels nf"tlie( Heast" cud. no longer be attached exclusively tn his brow, lluntor the savage of the Northern hordes. He) has happily, the re- ! deeming virtueof courage, und will no doubt give our soldiers a future opportunity nf be-, ing even w ith him. If he gets i ll thou as successfully us he does now the fault will he j nur own. i 1 Tho "peech made by .Mr. Long, of 1 ihio, ill Ihe yniikee ' ongron, ha been republished III ( tngUn l t .r (.'ciKittl eirculmiuu. Shi'i iiiali's I'leselit DHIIciilly. 'fin iie-poiubiil f llii) Columbus Kmpniur thu. di-coii,scj upon Shei mull's present position mid the ilith. allies iu his path : ' Shrriuun bus now nrrived lit 11 puint trniii wheiiee 11 will be ,1 .loin uli matter fur lion t" Hank 1 Ibis ii 111 v. 1' 1 ' 111 '1 hi in-1 'a Kerry tn Citintihulllnn ' it is tin nly iiiilcs, mnl there is no plnco lint with those two p. mils llllll ihe 1 1 1 1 1 Is tul liable, Thu bunks 011 (hn western itldu uie veiy uluiipt. A i'lti- ni'ii willi wiiuiii I eniivoirtin vcsior'iiiy, ami wno ktiuws i-tt-ry hug trad in Ihu tutir intitilies, in funned me yesterday thul llierc was Iln possihlo elinnio of Shcruinn being uldo to lluoiv a toon aemss Ihn river bc'iteeu ibis place ami ( 'iiinphell Ion, owing to Ihe uhrnpliiiss ot Iho hank" ol the liver. His otilv chuneo of cruising, I In II ni C.unnhollion or Smith's ferry, seven null's urmw I'auoihellloll. moves Ins wiioie army m to thul I luce, lit! llllll lllllst llliHIldnll 0 III 1 1 ri .IH t ami depend lor supplies upon Ihu surrounding eoiintty, or huul litem in wagon from Cliiillanuugii. Two or three doys umio will pruhubly dcvolopu bis in Ifii 1 1' Hi-, " I A lli tiott I has been ngn j t Im st iillmled I : duv : iiivii. ti. .Macon for sotnu duys with nu iiuportaiit rumor which is by Iho Chui lcslon Mercury uf Tucs- I da till. .iiiil we. 1 1 1 1 1 v iidd Hint tho sliileiiieiit is nu tuero riitnor, thai u inililaiy enlerpri.-u of great j originality ami hublncss, mid protnising, in (ho j event of .'iicei -s, the most nnpoi Iiinl results, is now j uloot, ami will prnbtihly be hcurd frnm t'tfi ninny ilaVS. A sitece.-siui l-siie ul tins Itlliiu wulll l semi u llnill uf joy Ihe land. 't he slory alluded to hits nssiimt'd n definite nliupc nml i.i no iloiiht hue. A few days will givv ul lliu rcpiil I ot' thu enterprise. Meiiuwhib' although up liurt'iit I y thero I'utibl he no danger in tilling tliu I sluiy lit this Inle day, yd, wu do Unl like, lu he (ho I Inst to put iiiiporliuil military luuveim nls in pi iul. .linoil T:1 Jt rljilt. A Ma,. (leu. wil l Steals S int. ' III AH 01 Villi. Its, liOMVl'.s H lllll A I' 1. I I .llllll! :'l, Istil. j I To I If h.'litur o' tio Iti'linhfiiil Y.i ininn .' ' Will vol please nieiilion ill your next is-ue thul ! Ihu to ioW'lii'' pieces of 1' In tu Were Poind ill Ihe mess chest mnl wiigun I lien. I'l SI 111, bulled Inn,' lino. iitj-'c sit (lie I. nil i e.u. ilii. ni Tiiviiitiim: M.iinm, on ine I I III ill si. 'I' hose ur lie les arc Sllpp iscd to hnve been stolen from ciiiciis, mid enn ho oh'iioied on uppli- I'lltiull lo Iheso llelld 1 1 II :l t Ti I s : 'ine silver ten pul ; live silver spoons, marked "I' ;" one pair sugar tongs, iinmarki-d. Ilospcclfiilly, I.. 1,. I.OMAX, Ilrigndier detlliral. i'lllli'KIlN I Hull nil. 1 i j I . I . . - - Hot'. Juincs II. .McNeill, lute Ivlilur ut the Nnrih C.uuliiiu I'rcs hyierian, now .Major of Ike alii N. C. i.'avnliy, who was a inembcr of the I'rcsbylery of I'diubelh town, New Jersey, while ho resided ut Iho North prei ions to the wur, hus been sirickcu from tin roll of that liuiii , fur being ' in syiiipnthy wilh Iho c-i-lin ivieke I robclliuii agiiiiist the duvcrliluclit ol the I 1 1 1 1 . -' I Si. itcs," nml for hnviiift" served in u milituiy e.ipncily under tho su called (.'untederule lint I I lllllclll." Mujur .McNeill is wuithy uf (ho hniior which his former brclhrcii lone conferred on him. lie is serving "iu u military capacity iimlcr the so called I'lilltederale i i o Vet II tllcllt" 1111.1 hem s hulloruhle ivuionls leoeived iii fighting against tho Cuilcd SiMcsn VM.TTii' New Vur.k Herald suys that tho new revenue lull, pa-sed buth brnnehes of the ymikeo Congress, will :i ii n ii nl ly reuli.e three hiuijreil mid lifly inillioiis to the Treasury. Tho rutcs uf tnxo! on i neon ins will het cutter he It per et-nl. on nil iiifnuit'-s over jllllll Ulld llo't evceeding j.i, llllll, to lll.llllll sev en mid a hull' per cent., ami exceeding $lll,iliill ten per cent. The lax uu whisky w ill he$l all pergul I..U ii I li' .1 ul v sl, until 1st February next, utter j which pi-rind it Will III! two dollars per gulloti. f- A land l'o -t' llll s nisi been decided ill til. boms, by w hich lohnM.lL'llire has recovered, llllcr u i Hurler of u cey. lury u f lit i gal ion, bonis in the .Sort li nn part of the city, worth si.,iiu,iino, together with Hie rents und prutils, which are tu he assessed upnu the tenants, und will bo very heavy. V,'(t-A eurrespundent wrilcs from the Yaiikue ur my bcturti I'clcr-biirg: "Here, us everywhere else : tluit my observation bus eYtended, Iho women of the South me our most uncompromising foes. Tho i inleusity uf their hatred is reully appalling." I'llllsoSAI.. Our ollicu wns graced yesterday, hy u visit (roin Mr. Kruno M. I'inil, the able editor ot 'lliat always sterling nnd nllcli spicy paper, Ihe t'hatlaniiugu liehel. (V ,'.oii CW.'fiiii.iii i ll: III,. Vl'urliun.- of Nashville atu fust becoming it last negro ipiartcr, they having permission to build on nny vacant bit, and many of them are in il suf fering I'liiidiliuii. UIKD, al the Cutuiisii Hospital, itl this place, un the lillli hist., of a wound received on the 1'i'lli nit., whilst gallantly lighting iu defence of his country, Wit. A. lliuiins, of Maury country, Tcnn., a private in the lirsl Te.iinesseo ltegimeiit, Muney's llrigude. Wo indulge iu no idle pritiso in saying that he was amuiig ihe must gallant of sol diers, a true pilriut, und, wo havo reason lo be lieve, that which is hatter than all, n chri.stiuu gen tleman. lie will be buried Ibis morning at (en o'clock, und il is meet thut Tenuesseeau.s shuul 1 attend bin budy to the grave. I). A PROCLAMATION ut isir.v.ti ii a it it is, ;ovi.kok or ti:.m:sski;. To the Shot-ill's, Coroners and other civil ollieera of the State uf Tennessee, and to the ullicers in coiiiinaiul uf troops from said State, either on duty or in hospitals : Wiihums, a vacancy fbr Congress in the lllh Congressional District of Tennoss e, bus heiji oc casioned by Ihe ileath of Hon. David M. Curriii, you arc therefore coiiiniunded lo open und hold im election on 'I'll l' KSDAV, the eighteenth iltv of August, eighteen limn. rod and nixly-foiir, at ull the voting places in your resoeutive counties, nnd ill the camps of the I'iniiy, ami at such oilier points ns Tennessee soldiers may he nil duty, or in hos pital, nu the duv of election, ill piirsuaiicc nf un net of Congress,' entitled " An Act to provide for holding I'lectionsTor Uepieseiilntives in the Con gress of Ihe Coiifcilerute Slutcn in the Stute of Tennessee," iipprovcd Muy 1st. si;:i, mid mi act iiniendiitory thereof, iippioicd dune nth, 1MI4, for the purpose of Idling said vacancy, mid due return thereof make to mo according to law. In testimo ny vi hereof, i I, (SHAM (I HAKUrs, Covernnr of -' I., s. 'Tennessee, have hereunto sel my hand I ninl caused the greul seal of the State to lie iillixed, this the L'llh dav of .lime, A. D., s(i4. (SHAM ). IIAUKIS. Hv the (iovernor : .1. K. It. Uav, Secii'titi y of State, j 1 1 7 td. J Tennessee papers copy ProchiiiiHlioii till elect loll. VV XX Match Factory The imiltT.-int-tl ure ihw prt-part'il t fill ardcr fr FRICTION MATCHES TKV THKA1; 'fhey are ns c I ns ui yankee niutuhes. Address ih:i;ks .v Johnson, A llritliu, Uu. June llif 1 oi i i.i: HV J. II. JiillSii.V .1 CD., .0.0 ul., Mui'i.ii Sheeting. Inn lbs. Win (.'undies, I ml " Sub-tiliUe Culiiv. ol " It,.. I' Hoe. jVil t'.l Auction Sales II V J. II. JOHNSON & CO. i nmi:N im; on jiumiiv 1111-: 1 Sit Ii hint., und continuing Ikuii .lay to duv, until SllleS me enlnph'ted. t'olisistillg nt trw ( ii'tcis, iScylhe lilndes, Mill Si', Weeding llnus, ,',teelrd(, Wattle hunt, t'olloe Mills, II ol'au 1 .li ds, r. .11. 01 Cuids,' W'util (.'mill, Augeri, t'his-fls, biijfuy Hubs, liugi y A xols, Wagon A lull. Andimiis, Siuolhing livii', lliiinl Morliirs, 1 It iltlc Furuiieos, Tinilli Hiuihoi. ltH7oS, Hiiur strops. Iloi.k s und h'ves, Hullons, ,' hue M nkor's tool, und iiinnv nl her urlich-s ul Ilu 1 .In are, a 11 eh us plan ters and hnllseki-epel s lii.t-d. COMi: ON I',, ONI. Al l., ' now is yuir lime to supply yuuiselves, at your own price". Sutes to coiiiuiLiu e ul lu o'clock. . ii, IM.WIII.ItllV, Auctioneer. (irittin, .Inly 14- td CALICO AT We hiui) on hand Iweiity pieces of superior uli7 Jhjni t ciilico, which we will sell In tin- In, It ut i k. in not, I, aks ii:it v viti). si.'i'i'hiok hback ai.i'aca, at 111 ii.i:n ikii.i.xms im.h vaiid. kxtha 1'ixk i'kkntti dkal' dt'.tat, at Tllllt TV-l'IV I'. 1)1)1. 1, Alts '. It Yl. IIKOWX SPANISH lJNl'i.V, AT th noi.i.Aits ii:h yakii. MACUN SIIIKTlMi II V TI1H HuI.T, AT HIT: DOI.l.AltS f'.lt YAltl). VD wiui; iiiiKKcm.Nti hy Tin: iioi.t, at rivi: noi.i.Aits ii:h yahii. C'oine and supply yuurselve-'. J. II. JOHNSON Ji CO. Urilfin, July I j lit LOCATKI) AT (illll'I'JN', tiA. A ItK eichunging llnbboW WAHK of nil kinds XV ami SVltl P KI;TTI.1:s nl obi prices lor uld I'ASTIXtlS ut old prices, or Ihey will give Ihe highest rush price lor old CAST I NCS. jH If. T. Wlill.STKK. i CD. I'oit sai.i:. V largo iissorlineiit of Knglish writing paper, hluu nml while, in ipiantilies lo suit pur- 1 hutiors. I'rico reasonnble. Apply I (i. A. KA.MSl'Ivl'K, juiUIUteod, Kebel Olliee, (Irltin, (ia (iKOKOK DIXOX, (lOllltKllt.V III' MIMII'IIIS, TKSM.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, RICHMOND, VA. ;ll eluiiiis ngsinst Ihe Confederatu (luyeruuient, adjust,. il and collected. rp" ulnr attention paid (o Holdieri' cluiuis, , jc7-tf. ion iiiri:. At'OMIMITKXT nml I'.vporicncc.l Cook, wnshor nml ironer, who is al.o ncipiuiiited Willi general housework, nml is u very lair seamstress. Apply at this otliee. jiiMula-tf Hook Keepers Altolilloli. ''piIKKi: lire severnl hundred Volumes of books 1 belonging to I)r. Ii. bhins' library loaned nut iu (iritliu. Parties having Ihctn will please return them to his old rooms, nod oblige, je'-' Im. 1.. Ii. STKWAKT. i,i;(;ai, hi anks. Wi. love iill I, all. I III this oil lr..M .......U .. Ihe lllsnks ii.-eil by Slieritis, Clerks and (inlinnriiu ill this Stute, heiiulilully printed on lino while p. per, which wo will nell ul the sumo rales now churir- tnl fur tlio blank paper ulolie. I wati:d: ! IICSIIKI.S (or more) lil.ACK II KK-. j s.Wl It IKS, l..r the u-e ul I he .M edicitl lie. I psrltneut uf Ihu Army u! Tennessee. I will puyv I $10 per bushel, delivered lo mo iu Allunta, tj. I The vessels I'oiilaiuing sainn will be returned im. j uiedlutely lieu of rpili-e. p. CO It It A, opposite thu Aiht'iii'iiio, j j I 1 111 Dut atiir .treel. j kacs: itACs:: We will pay tho highest luuiket price fur goui ! euttini ur linen rugs, uf ywu in enbuiige ..r Ihem ! tins) Kllgtiah lttl un l ci. pi..-r, 1.1 Kiivelopel. Apply m (h. M-.H1-.T. iifUl.'f.. 1111111111 'i n i 11 iiw.h... v 11 1 ii,.,i....i, mjiiwii. up m 1..1 11. ..wu.. .i 11 hi. ni-iini nil mini n " ' ' " " - " 1 -ii'ii -i iini i.n.. 11 1 111 ii 1.1 iij " " " 1 " 1 11 1 1 " ; 1 11 pi- 11 - 1 11 1. .,. 1 1 . - .. .j ...i 1 ir -1.. 1 nu 1 11 in, ii 1 11 .inn . 1 - - 11 . 1 111 j. .... 1 i '.' I''-