OCR Interpretation

The daily Chattanooga rebel. [volume] (Griffin, Ga.) 1864-1865, July 19, 1864, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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Volume II.
ISTuinboi' j27(.
f Y
1 A V,f WW A
Ail IJlJuA
I' I :i l-.ll I l rVMtV l A V I'MtWrH 1 I I'll l
Trims of Suli-ci Ipl inn.
I Mil i) mil' In,,,,! ll m"'1
- I n 1 1 til- 1 1111
" lllli'i' limllllli
Hal. s ill' Ailu i li-lu-.
Two dollars it 'l- S. ii. nr Hi' I' n 'liu hi' I. s , I'm' each In
.rlliiii Term- -i ' ami.
Mo.VHAY KVKMMi, .lll.Y IS, In', I.
1(1. IK. IOCS MiiK i:.
Tim t'ui.iii Prayer-Mooting I'm' Hi miry
liu Iil'IiI daily, during this week, nt l he 11
Church, nl 5 1'. M. Is il inil a reproach In u.
c 1 1 r i -1 i.in ci - n 1 1 1 1 u ii i l y , h;ii, mil nl' a niuil,iii,
lliroo or fmir thousand, only from lil'ly In one
.'is ii
II "f
1 tl II -
ilri'il assemble daily fur this iuiinrt.iiit n
D.ii'S It speak well for cither our patriot is
(iriTt-i, July !-, fi',.
Latest from the Front.
Three r i j ' i :' .-neriu.iu's army are reported by
passengeis Hum Ailimtii tu have eros-cl tho I'lnil
tahaoohoe at Koswoll ami an: reported In In- mm ing
ill the direction of I fii t ii r. Ample j.rnv i.-imi lias
been made by our ever vigilant eoiuinunding licno
rul to meet ami chock tin in, It seem- fo l,o the
prevailing impression that a 1'allli', perhaps a gen
eral engagement, will bo j lot-ii.it.it..! by (hi- ill'mt
U Hank our position. If such is lii he the r. suit it
will bo done quickly, and we may hear d a culli,. I
nl' arms witliiu tho next forty-eight 1 1 1 1 r -.
I''riim the Army of Tennessee.
.'l...i'";.donce ..f 111.' Clialtiiiiuiiga ;,M.
IN TIIK FlKl.li, NIMH Cn.i i t vimm net:, I
July I I, 'HI, ii i'. m .
Yesterday wo were all agreeably u r .1 i - il In
hoar that liouoral l!ratun Hiagg hail visited tin
Army uf Tern. Hid presence at this particular
juncture of affairs pro-ages perhaps ji i-liuni' in
tho uaturo of tho future policy uf uitr commanding
lieuerul, however, it is generally understood that
liu is sunt by tlio President tu beirr important orders,
niitl tu report to his Kxocllcney tho condition of the
army. I luivo no doubt but that his report will bo
satisfactory. Our army is in good condition, rea
dy uud willing to movo upon the enemy or Vcs!
I am ju.-t from tho front. All quiet with tho ex
ception of slight skirmishing. Occasionally wo
hoar tho roar uf artillory but it crouton no alarm
whatevor. Tho enemy sooiii to have nn i-irmi'.;
I'nroo o)iio.-ilo us. Hour Iho Uailruad, " Very linb
siuuko can bo boon on that mIu near tho lioor. Ilis
main furo.es it i.Hars have boon sunt tu the riuhl
ami loft ami in all "irobability a oui'S has Ih 1 ii ur
dorcil to .Mari'tia.
At various, 'mints ulnii the river uur .'kiinih-ln ts
havo forlilied near tho waters, cilu, whilst Iho eno
iny oooiiiy tho other bank within spcakim; li
tanoo. It is rPiortil that a Yankee antler's wajmn eamo
.I0W41 near tho river tt a point uln-re lli.'te ;i- a
temporary armistice 'xi.-.tini;. anl Iraib 1! t itit liiim-
bors of our subliors, f'n iti cuffee fur lubaeeo.
Ilri;;. (ion. JohnC. Cnll'eo whu has reoenlly been
appuintoil tu that rank, is ussiuoil to the ouuiinaii'l
uf Wright's Iirif-mlo.
Ho is a worthy ollicor anil well dc.ierveil Iho ap
ioiutnionl. Tho announcement that he was a v-i;'ii-oil
to M'rijjht's Iiriginlo was receiveil by the ollioors
ami men of that cuminaml wiih tho greate.-t ontiin
sia.siu. Ibirinr this lun oampaiu ho has waleheil
ilioir intorost!, and has never failoil tu uiako any
yaerilico of persona! ease tu uibl In their outufurl.
In Iho furinatioii of his lines when a'lvanccil tiiun
Viy tho onoiiiy, ho has always been al the front nu
king personal examinations of tho i;rouii'l. an 1 lu
ouiinijhis picket Hue where it omtlil 111 II ii-t heavy
loss upon tho enemy, with little, loss tu ourselves.
His dispositions havo eliciteil the ailiniratiun of all
umlur his cotninuml.
l.t. Cul. A. 1. (iwyno, sucoeeils him in the gal
lant ol.l lbs tu Tonn. llegiinont.
At Itookv Faeo lountain that rcgiineut togeth
er with tho .'IS Ih Alabama of Clayton's obi biiu'U'le,
ropulsoil three linos of battle, inllieting very heavy
loss upon tho enemy.
l.t. Col. (iwynne received u very ontiipliiueiilaiy
note from Ilrig. (fen. 11. ll. Claylun, who has re
cently been appuiulcl to the rank of Major Heti
cra! ami as.signoil to Iho ooinmaml of .Stewart's
Jfl.v I.", H o'clock, A. H. nuiet this morn
ing. Stringent orders havo been issued forbid. ling
any communication whatever wilh (lie cm my.
Our army reposes quietly on tho Southern bank
of the Chatlahooeheo.
Many fool that tho cotnpaigii is over, but I can
not bolicvt! (Icneral Johnston will allow the enemy
to remain iuietly whore lie is.
Thn heavy pressure ill Virginia seems to havo
considerably subsided.
Wo all hopo that (Ion. Uragg's visit will rc.-ult
ill important changes, as to our policy in the future.
Fur llio Ilail.V Uel.el.J
Hoping the motive which prompts 1111 impartial
ohsorvor tu tho following train uf reflectim! i.-.-p.t-ing
tlm httlit'H irho vinit ijirrH exclusively at hns
pitals, will ho properly appreoiatod by no intelligent
11 ii I patriotic community, wo bog leave to .-ubmit
to them, through your columns, tho following sug
gestions, although not without tiio highest sense of
tho -valuable services thoy havo rendered in count
less instance, and the more than kind solicitude of
which tho soldier is often made the recipient.
It is to tho aboro mentioned liiat wo wish to re
mark, that while all allowances arc iniulo by pel suns
as liberal as ourselves fur tho l'aseinaliuiis of rank
as well as those frailties of our nature which olten
tiines seek coiiFpiouity at the expense uf uul.ler
impulses, wo cannot sanction tho decided par
tiality shown by soino in dispensing their In-nciiccs
to tho sick and wounded daily being brought tu 1 1 ic
To 11 oloso observer it would seem that the getie
ruiis spirit of oiuulatiun which once cxi.-lcd in ad
ministering to these poor sufferers w ithout regard
either to person or rank, has either degenerated
into fawning sycophancy or been entirely with
drawn from tkoso whn.xv sad misfortune it is tu
flourish under other auspices than that of a Mc
ami bar regime, though not iess worthy or mnre
slow in appreciating these littlo evidences of wo
manly sympathy and patriotic devotion.
Many there are, who ci.mo ani ingst 11-, nu( only
devoid of moans ani without friends, but from a
deficiency in education, entirely destitute of those
pleasing insinuations uf niaunor, which enable-one
to win their way so readily to the heart. A great
miuihor of this class nro doubly exiles, banished
Ly tho rudo hands of tyrany from their native lan 1,
and driven by tho ruthlo-s invader In in thvir
I inb.j.l.'.l limne-, with nothing save the high si n-e
uf li.-hl ami the hope of liberty, In hind lllClll to
1 our e.ui-e. The-c exhibit the in bh st cxcinplilica-
li .n.il'a true soldier and nil uiicurriipl patriot.
Why then do y 111 exelmlo llieiny Am Ihcv not Iho
- n I'liL-nisi'd champions of your rights, the defenders
of your altatsmd ll.o protectors of yur hianes,
i as nim h so as he that slalks in all tho pijnp of gold
. lace - certainly they are. It tlu u behoves you a
good Samaritans, to remember them in their nlllic-
lion, for bread thus cast upon the waters, will re-
'it'ii In you four fold.
I In recommending these reflections to voiir fair
j readers, wo decui il hut justice to ourselves to say,
' that no do not allude to them as a cluss. much Ic-s
do we wi.-h to disparage those whu havo nnxiuu-ly
i and 0. instantly hungabniil tho cuuidi of the siill'ercrs
willi niu.-o than sisterly and Inalornal solicitude,
j ur in them wo behold Iho highest typo ,,f woman,
jand the .subject uf a theme, to which neither the geii-
ii.tis ol poelry, lmr the linlhfiiluess of history cm
dujll-lii'O. l.ANIS.
'oc tie o;i:
"Maiu est Veritas ct l'revaleliit."
Abo 1,'nioolu and b'lysses once had a dial,
They talked upon this subject then upon that ;
At last says I'. S. (with 11 sardonic grin,
As ho sipped his still' julip, and stroked his broad
chin ;
'VI'.- ! -sirlc ililly dotit kumv wlnt lie'.-
l'or he s:.id tho lcbcllioii would "go up al the
I spout '
I In juM ninety days."
j "iih y, . !" said the joker, (a, ho luukod very wi.-e,
j While ho laughed 'till the tears cuiild be V en in
I his eyes,)
j "Y.111 -ee my Imy Hilly ,,,nt mean what he say-,
; I'nr ho meant nim Ii yiils, ami tiotniiult ,.,.."
j "I'iiax."
j A 1 111 v Xurtlu in Va., duly IStll.
Ki'lioi t nl incii A il 111 i ( ( ( into Hospital al
I (.l lllin, ;.i , July l,,tli, !(; I.
The f illowing 11 lined snldiers were adtuill' d inlu
Hospital, at (his I'nsl In-day.
I I In is l llusrlTAI,.
Captain .M Taylor, K. 27th Teiin. lleg.
Lieut. It I! Lane. K, lath
A I, Ciilversoii, K, .'Will tin.
Private 11 .1 Allen. C, lib Miss.
John .Mallard, 11, ml PI,,.
II M Stephens, I. 12th .Miss. cav.
ii W lleuly, A, I'errin's cav.
1. nliver, ' A. "
.1 I! Johnson, C, "
hi S lliauilei, 7lh Miss.
.1 M Council, 1!, Ith (ia. Hal. S. S.
A Scarborough, C, 17th (ia. rcg.
miiia rtoN iiosiutai,.
Sergeant J V Tillman, 1, ist Miss. S. S.
.1 iioan, ti, I'eirin s cuv.
II C Travis, li, 11. ;d (ia. rcg.
J Smith, A, o'.lih "
C K Puiri-li, A. a Ith "
W 11 Florence, I', 1st
W 0 Culver, A, list Mi.-.
.1 V Strickland, 11, Ith Miss.
Wtu .mil, 11, .Will Ala.
M'ni Mo lira', or, C, Mh Al.i.
J lllalii liet,' II, 1st. Ala." liat. S. S.
A .Al (iratnling, M, U'lh La.
II P Whiiaker, C, L".Hh Tonn.
S Head, 11. P.UI1 S. C.
I White. Key's (jut.
J W llryatit, K, Lee's bat.
It'll Hruwii, C, ibid (in.
J M Moorman, K, iWih Ala.
P 11 Tucker, li, lllih La.
It. Macon, Whit,.', loit.
T V I nch, Ll, 2.'illi (ia.
Lieut. Col. John D. Johnson, li'.Uh Tonn. rog.
K. C. I'liSTLlt, llh.
Surg, in ch'go uf Hosp.
Letter from (Jnvermir ISiown.
IIkaihi Attri:i;s Atlanta, (11:01101.1, 1
July 1 1, 1SHI. J
.. ('. ('. IHw khiirn, I '., unit Aiif di: Cmitji:
C regret to learn from your letter thai men nf
wealth and inlliioiico in your county, who have
inure property than their neighbors to be defenodd,
and who have Confederate details to roiuainat homo
tu tho pursuit of their ordinary avocations, and nro
performing no military service, express a detenui
oatioii not to obey my laic order and report at At
lanta to aid tho gallant army under lieu. Johnston
in driving back the army of invasion which now
threatens tu overrun our belnvcd State, which is the
key in the Confederate arch, and to devastate all
our hollies.
Tho ernps are now generally laid by in Hie low
er half of the State, and can bo by the liOlli of this
mouth in the upper part. The provision supply uf
next year will not therefore ho sey usly endanger
ed hv Iho ab-enee of each of N 0 who control
plautaiioos lor 11 short period during the part of
the season that is usually one of the comparative
leisure, after the work in tho ornp is dune. Wo nro
now in llio midst ot (ho crisis. Our self sacrificing
unities have lung sluod a living breastwork be
tween the enemy and tho properly of those who
you ay now refuse to obey uiy eall for the reserve
111 ilit ia. The Stato officers have nobly responded,
ami they 11 nil the two regiments of tho Stato line
havo rendered important service on the battle field,
and I think the lime has 001110 when those who
have so long occupied tho more comfortable, secure
ami profitable positions in the rear under Confed
erate details, should slept, forward, moot the enemy,
and take their shard of the danger.
You will, therefore, on and ill tor the 2!llh of this
month (the day Set apart in my proclamation for
tho militia of your county to loao home) proceed
to arrest all such persons as are embraced in my
proclamation who may refuse to accompany tho
balance of iho reserve militia of the county, nml
w ill send them undorarrest to Atlanta to Maj. lien,
i. W. Smith, where they wil1 bo dealt wilh accord
ing to law. To aoeouipli-h this object, you are au
thorized to use all the force necessary. You will
temporarily brevet or lance such per-'ons as are ne
cessary to aid in carrying out tins outer, and will
uso all nou commissioned ollireis and all the mili
tia ol' tho county, iu-luding all I., 'tween til'ty-tivo
and sixty years of age, wilh all Iho gum- in tho
Ooutily, if you cannot othonvi.-o enforce obedience
to tho order contained in my proclamation. All
able to bear arms must come to tho front and aid
in the defense of all that is dear to tho people.
Those who attempt lo skulk fr.in tho discharge
of this duly, to hide behind nml under exemptions
or details not known to the laws of lieorgia, mast
be ooiupelled to emno ami do their part.
Tho rule laid down for iho government of your
conduct will apply tu all Iho aids-de-oainp ol 'Iho
Slate, who will be expect. .! to act c.iillioiisly and
prudently, but lirmly and decidedly.
Major (Jonori'l Smith will send a detail of oiiom
more olliecrs back to each ouuiity tu aid in eiifoieing
oliedieni'o lo my order.-, who will also act upon (he
rules above laid down. If nriuod resistance is
made in any county, which is too powerful to be
uveri'iiine by tho militia force at the eoinuiand of
I the officer, ho wil! report the facts and suflicicnt
i armed force will bo sent to overcome force with
force and to compel dclini(Uouts to do their duly.
I 'the militia who report from eaeli county should
I see that t he v bring with them tho.-" who reltiso to
I i-oino by sending out details at tho time ol' starling,
wnen noees.-ary to gather them up.
Vmirs rospeettiilly, Josr.rii L. ISitonv.
liai li paper in the Slate will insert 010-c
ami send bill.
Km:i.anu's .ItiAi.iit .sv or Aiiutii.A. Tho
l.uiiiluii Timi's lias at last cuntr-xsinl that its
hostility tu America, is based on jealousy of
its growing, power. It Miys :
While the Iloptiblie was ovi'i'tupping and
overshadowing; us, whilst it stretched its
limbs and raised its tuiiesi to tlio fCtlo nt" a
giant, it was impossible but that our sympa
thies hhould bo weakened. Td wish the
I'nited States to retain their integrity, or
imw recover it, wuuld bo to wish our own
iibuseiiient and our own destruction.
: 'I'hc I'l"lil In I mi 111 the KeuiHage uuil
Hie Alabama.
The t'ollu ,'. iog- account of the Alnbauui and her
I lit di-a-li'uus light, ill which sho elosed her
eventful career, is taken from llio New York llorald
of the Till :
I Mil. n S 1 v 1 is S 11 a m 1:11 Kkaiisaiu:,
Juno IH- I'. ,M.
S'n : I have the honor lo inform the department
'hat Iho d. iv -n 1 ' - ' 1 in-lit In the annul of the koar
c.igo -. 1 1 tiii.- 1 ort mi the I Iih iii.-l., 1 received a
Hole li- ,111 I aptain Seiuinos begging that the Keur
sage w-iiild not depail as he intended to light i;r,
ami niiiild uol delay her but a da..- tr two.
Aeeoi In '' lo this imii, '1' iho .Alabama left tho
p u t ol I hoi lining this morning in about half-pus!
nine o'clock.
Al unniy miliums pa-t Ion A. M. wo discovered
her steeling tuuiilds us Peal illg tho ipieslinii of
jui i.-diotimi mighl uri-e wo steamed to sea, until u
di-t.ui' f si or seven miles was oblaini I from
the ( heih nit break water, when wo rmn .1. d to
and eniuineiii'i' I ,-lecnng for Iho Alabama.
As we approached her within about twilvc hun
dred yuiil- she opened lire, wo rei-civiiitr two or
!l;ivo lij .ad-i'le- liel'oio a shot was returned.
The action ciil i niu d, the respective stcaiuei
uul.iiig a mm ruin I and round, at a distance of
ah ail nun' hiiii'li'i'd yards from each other.
At the expiration of mi hoiirthe A lah.iiim struck,
going down in about twenty minutes afterwards
and e.urying niaiiy persons with her.
ll alioi Is nie great gralilientioii to announce to
the l paitim'iil thai every ollicer and man did his
duly, cliibiiiiig a degieo of eoolness and forlitudu
w hicli l' i ee I'l'miii.-e at the otilset of eortaiu victory.
I hav tin' ll iliir In be -I ri'speetfillly, your
1 I.i 1, 1 .-. I'C.Uil. ilollX A. Ul.vsl.i. W, I .1 1 1 1 it 1 11
Hun. (itnicii Wi.tu.Ks, Secietary of tho Navy
A t:M 0 I'M' of I III
At. III. S 0
('Ill ill dig,
Sn; - I eiii'Iu-'- I
VI--SI l.s -llli: I'llilNH A N 1 1 1 ASI.--
x miAitn mi: ki.AiisAoi:.
e I Static Steamer Kearsnge,
l'riiiiee, June 211, 1 SO I. j
icrewitli tlio Siirgooii's report ol
maid this Vessel ill the Into 110
,1111a. the c:
lion v
iih Uie Ala
Alihmi.'h 1
,-lmt , twelve
by the in r ;,
ni' any of mi
Lam 1 lb.- . a:
Tie- li.pm
bein:r tic .-.,11
r.'i'cived sonic Uventy-live or thirty
1 Ihii leeii taking etlect ill tho hull,
I Hod w; have heon spared the loss
n w In leas ill Iho case of the Ala-
1 learn, was dreadlill.
:e ali.mt eiiial iii inalcli, the tonnage
, llm Alabama cairviii''a one I11111-
-. 1 1 1 I 1- lille, with one heavy sixty-eight-;
and -i looad-i h- thirty two iioiinders, Iho
.am. I. m i
le.,r-a go
I, rs ten
d, r rillc
lining lour liroinl-iilo tlnrly-two poiiu
evi'o im h mid one twenty eight ponti
le gua less than the Alabama,
"i.l.v -'".I which I fear will give us any
' i- hllil in 1 I lor rillc shell which ell
.011 .0.111 p ost and remains at pre-oiit iinex-
; tel.
I I"
il no ill -..in .11111'.-' iiiudioiis In parlielllario
the c "0 he t "I any "i.i- man ur nf!iecr, in which all
had d' 0" ll.cii iluty "iih a ti nt it mil and coolness
lii. ll r.lllll , be ton Well praised; hut I feel it llllo
In 111.' e....ir.ve u:li'-er Lieiileuant Cuiuuiander
Tlnn iitnii, w hn .-iipcrbit. nded tho working of llm
bato i v. to pai : ieiilai ly niention him lor an exam
ple of ( Inc. - and onrouragemcnt to the men
while ti jhtin.r, w l.ieh cojiii iluite.l iniieh towards the
.-tid e..- of the ailiiui. I have Iho hunor to be,
very rt .-pe' tliiliv, your obedient servant,
".I'lllN A. WINSLOW, Captain,
lloii. Hii'imx Wt.t.i.t.s, Secrelary of Iho Navy.
i:i:i-o::t: m- tiii: m ui.i.n or 1111; kkusaui:.
Surg 1 brow ne r. p. iris.-
John W. Ik -in, ey, iiiarter gunner, has had all
iirin amputate, owing to a Iraetitre,
U ill lata i win and James Macbeth, ordinary sea
ineii. .-i .11 ly W'liiuib d.
Tt,.; In, 11 ii .'nale sleauier Alabama, alias "2'JO,"
alias "liiitiea," ha; at la-t been met inn fair sea
light by a Vanki 0 gunh nil; whipped, ciipph-d and
lin n stink, 'this pirate craft was built at Hit-ken-
head, nipi.-ite biv i I, I'ngland, by Messrs.
Laird, under a cotiaei made by Cuptien liullook,
and -aid to be in behalf of the rebel (ioveruiuent.
She co-i, w hen complete for sou, .22a, null. She
was launched in April, 1M12. Sho was fitted with
-hut rack-, pivot gun sockets and breeching hulls
before she I II Liverpool. Shu sailed from Liver-
the ri'er 0
ihcleallcl' .
Hero she
was luiiii-1
tcii.-imy 00 afuaTtiip; bill ill leu day
i i
nivi d at 111'- A.ores.
look mi board her iirmainonl, which
,d bv iho Kugli.-li houo of l'awcctt,
Pre-ton .S Co., of L
l-'riim Hie time of
r dcparluro Inun Liverpool
Stic was Ul'.iel 1111. eouiiliaiut 01 i. apiiiiu 01. u .
Hull her, of liu-( iinai d .sen ice. The rel of her
olliecrs were a- follow .-: Chief ( Ifliees Jhll Low,
linglaiid: Sn'mid (llli.-er f. S. Tulla.li, Hull. Lug
land: Surge. ui ll. II. Liowellyn, Luskin, Wilts,
liii.-land; I'nyitiaster C. H. Vonge, Savannali, (ja.,
Chief Kngiiieer J. Me.N'air, Lugland. She had n
crew ol 'seventy moil and boys, two-thirds being
Iln the 2lili "f Angii-t I Sunday) Captain Rapha
el Seiuincs look command of iho vessel, and in a
formal manlier limbed Iho rebel Hag at tho peak and
the l-aiglish Mag al tho fore, and tired a gun.
She llict- stall. . I on a enlist-, with a eoiiiinandor,
twenty-si., olliecrs and oigl'.ty-livo men. For near
ly two years she has been employed in sinking,
burning ami destroying American commerce und
shipping; and on Iho I Ith of January, LHtid, she
sunk the lii iK- gunboat llallarns, und sutlorod her
self considerably. Seiuinos has always tried to
avoid meeting an armed ve-sel of his own weight
of iuct.il, fearing the result to bo just such its has
been proven in his lalo contest. As to his personal
elm racier, il was pretty clearly proven that he was
a coward and ali'aid lo meet tho Kearsugo. After
he -urreiiiLred ho threw away bit sword an un
ollicerlike uol--aril siipplioautly begged to bo taken
iulo the lieerhoiind's boat and covered up to pre
vent failmu' into the hands of llio captor of his pet
ensair ship. Ho skulked away like an overgrown
cur, which had been chastised, seeking protection
under the Hag which for so long had protcetid him.
Ho fought mily because bo was obliged lo I so lo
.saehi.s honor iii the face of his crow. Had ho
met a yaiikeo -ingle, handed ho would have ,1111 like
a soared cat.
The following is a list of tho vessels ho has do
stioyod, and which' in duo timo her Majesty's gov.
eminent will bo obliged to pay for:
X l ME. W 11 HUB FlIOM.
Ship 1 ii'h inulge" Martha's Vineyard.
Schooner Starlight Hoston.
Hark Ocean Hover, Xeiv London.
Hark Alert New Bedford.
. , 1 . ,- II .. I '.. - , T
Schooner Weather iiage,..Provinoetoivn.
HiK'nnl'mo Alt.mnaha
Ship Heujaiuin Tucker
Schooner Cmir-er,
Hark Vitgiuii
P.ark hi "1 h.i I 1. ir,.
Ship llnllialit.
..Now licdford.
. Provineetoivn.
New H.dford.
tr Xew lledlbrd.
Now York,
, Now York.
rk New York.
New York.
r Huston.
Xew Haven.
iv, Xew Vork.
Ho. ton.
Hark Wave C
r.rioai-'ioo 1)1
Ship 'Imi.iu.iml.i,.. ...
Ship JI .1 iii-lie-fr
Hark Lamplighter,...,
Ship Lafaytte
Schooner Civn-ha w,...
Hark Laur'nlla
r.rigaulim: liar. 01 do (
Ship Lm i St.i 1 liili-k,..
Ship Thomas 11. Wall
H.ni, 1'aiLer C..k,....
Seho.iin i- I'ni'i!
Steamer Ariel,
Sleaumr Hall- IM--
Hark Col leu Hub-
Hriu-anliu'i Clia-h lain
S. 'homier Palmetto,...,
Hark olive Jane
.-hip i;..bl. n Hale
Ship Washing tmi
.-hip tVtihia Thayer,.
Ship John A. l'aik-,.
Ship I'nnjailb
.Mmnirig Star,
Scloi'mi'i l-i ingli-lu r,..
Ship I'm-.,,..
Ship Chare... Hull
Ship Imui.-a ll.ili 1
Hiigaiitine Kate Cmy
Haik Lal'.iMTie
Hail. .Nye,"
Ship l'op'.i- Prince,...
ll.uk I iii'-n J.n h
Ship Sea Link
Ship Gild' r-. eve
Hark Jusliaiia
Ship Jabiv. .-mm
Hark Aiila.-.oiiian
Ship I ali.-in 111.
Hark Conrad
'' Castiuc ransomed.
.....Vow licdford.
.... Hallimore ransomed.
....Now York ransomed.
....I nilcd States (liiuboat.
.... N ni York.
.... New York.
....New Hodford.
.... Xew York ransomed,
.... Iioekland ransomed.
.... Hoston ransomed.
Hoston raiiiiomed,
....Xew licdford.
... Ho-ton.
... Hockland.
.... Wcstporl.
....New Hodford.
....Nw Hodford.
Now York.
.... New York.
,:...New York.
.... New Yurk.
.... Haltiinnre ransomed.
.... Hurksport.
.... Hasten.
New York.
: Hoston.
Ship Anne I
"I"!' Kxl-ress
Hark Sea Pride
'1 Ui - record brim's tie
Alabama'? career Up to
1. 1 .
of her sllbseillelil lil ee Mlij-
j I'.'u-I Indies, and, in the Mi.
. Singapore, she Inn m- I 1 n o
d for I
e.i, In
the e-msl ol
Texan Star,
Hohimi'sc, I iidia, she hn, ni .1
from Moulinoiii for Smg.ip o
Cllpe Cnlnnris, and up I he 1 a
of lleligal, she buiiicl ih
Now York, ami lauded her m.
sniillieru pai I of Imh 1. , r
al Cape of Hood l..po in M 1
she crui-cd alnuil 11 1 t il she 1 11
ly in the innnlh 0! Juno, h 1
I. on o.il 1 iv, 1 morn American ,,
and Ty in. Then- were In 1
Mi 1:1111 ol' 111 1: 1, 1
-. Sw iing aiuuml
'-- lone ..( llm Hay
tip Hiuina .lulu , uf
w in n r i 'jeov.i, in Ihe
rev t appi'aiai.eo was
ill I i-t. Ir .in w h.-iico
. i-. -l Hi' l b mi ", ear
Mi -1
tlm H
pi el I,
..U iii."
lit i'.ii
hi"i il
The koasnrgo is a third
eight guns ami 1 ,0:1 1 ion m
following dimension.:- , n
feel; depth of hold, l tool.
PoiTsmiiulh, ,V, II,, Navy V
giues ami boilers were huili
al llartl'nrd, Cuiiu. .-ho b !
lew ,-leainer
. of
:.'..ll I. . I: In
I'- III-
m IV. 2. I
W, nin ill A
lo a ol,'..,
en Lack
I f I'll -Hea.
.1 Ve.-.
no re.
ike leu
sols represented by the Tieumlcr
Tiiscarora, Wnchnsctl ami others,
luarkahlo rale of sp.ed, and n ,
knots under full steam w hen in .
is bark rigged and looks man 1
has boon einiilove.l on si ial -en
' ill tl-e we.-Ti-rn
ami an I I'laiieo
i I h.m ha I in,
'i-ell pi nililled
ii "ut twenty
i Atlantic, mid on the coasts m Hu
since she was put in cniuiui .-i. n,
' opportunity for repairs, not havin
to enler any foreign pm I lo n in
1 four hours.
The Lngli.-li papers an- ni.il in-:
being iron clad. Tin- I t j ;nc
il i I,-
lb ml In
nrder to protect lo r boiler
! shot nml .-hell, lmr -p no .1:
. or- Iri.-e.l i
ol im .1 pone. u i
lip nml soi nr. . 1 on Jo r .-:). s .
ol the vessel which wa exp
so that when a slml .-litmk 1
pass through the chaui am
have o
al ill the
bunkers before it could r
eh In
not an iiucoiunion iin'rtiro j
How do we know hut thai Iln
tcetod in the same way, and
that the Anioiioaii gum- threw
(ho Hrltish iron 11s easily .1
Urili.-h oak. At any rale 1.1
b ..! war.
.las pro
I li i-. and
is l
In. I
1 1 gh
il di I through the
f, V i
W -Imlved
there, and
I'.ii- him,
his good srll'i1 by pi. i' im: t)
if bo bad lint, with all llm
he would luue h, en ju-i!v '
The ongageineiit wile h Im
fully t ir 11 ag' and n. nn .
ri-uiai kablo on rccoi I. 1 iu
luatcheil, and it pi.iies 1!
Atnoriean naval ollici 1.-, -e
over Ihnso of I ! 11 g I uid, w In
il pi .1
1' I iii in i
i- pr.il
. h:
ig I. ,,1-lillg
ll I'apla
I'lher Hi ill
I lllld im.
ill ol war.
assoi led that she '-ruh d I'n mm
Seiumcs comes out in AitgM-l wiih
pirulc ship h" may rest a - 111 . I In
dian his e.pial in an Imiie-t ) .n.Lei
I Hi: WAslllM. 1 .-j 0 el,
W -1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 , ,1 1
dipt. Win-low will umlmibrndly I.,
for promotion to th - rank l t'mmmii
inission to date from the day on which
tho .Alabama, but the coiii in a! imi of
in ssary lo give lull elh .-I to l::c a p
(iellllemeu ot' prolllil.et.i'e .1 -iiiii.'
tho act uf hiinuinily in re cuing .
drowning, the oourso ol tho ImiIh iiii
travi'iitioii of the law of mitim.-, wh.
will justify a ib'inan 1 for his j-eniliiinn.
.'.' mm. in h d
'! e, Ills Ciilll -
Im de-lroyed
tin- Selial"
ill'llill ut.
III. il, Inyo
elliiaes l'
1 w a- 111 en
ll, I'o y -a
Zit" Among the runm
worn that Atlanta was b,
Parly had i'ii)itured Han;
11 I tie .-I j'. t - ye Ii I
iim 1 1 d In .Ma. -on,
.Maine, that a man
crossed the M i:-si-.-ippi who b.ld
K'irby Smith was in .-human'.- i
at ,
lie H
Juhllslull had been .-npereccJ. d by (i, n. SiKTIll.lll,
and that a speculator bad prole, ,- t , ;. iigimi. .1,, .
( on ' 'mi, icco.'.
All correct, ll.iny, cxeopl the la t. A .- i u I.i
tor ill this city ha.- p..-ilive in.,i ni.il i u that tin
thing is impossible, lie dri. t a-hepiu hi-chair
Iho other aflertionn alter a large .-ale in whi'- h he
hud made about live diuitsind p r eent., 'm, dream
ed that he was dead and had arrived al th" gale of
Heaven. Knocking, the p..rii r n.pic-'ed to knuw
who was lliere. Ho answered o Augusta.
(ia., lately engaged ill Ihe wind '-ale und retail
trade. The porter said the limes weio so precari
ous ho would have Iho ipie.-tiun of admittance ro
ferri'd. After a sln.rl ab-eti.-c our tiii ml was in
InlUled liial he had I
terod, that Very fe id ihechl-s he repre -i n Ic 1 had
boon for the past, throo year-', ami that he would
have to bo lett out in dm On aii.d.b.g mir fg.ei.d
inadoa charitable donation. -.1"., ,., ,.(,', ,(.
Crtt Hi.t.A rioss w i ru .Mi.xno.- A di
tho Houston Telegraph, dated .Monti i .-v ,
says: Our relations wilh Pie-i-lent Jura'
Cabinet nro of the most friendly eiiarae
.ens of the Confederacy -are exempt Ir n
double duties on die oolt 'ii imported last
-patch Jo
April I I,
v. and his
tir. Cui
n paying
1 1 14 II t ll -
win-: at: va iii: vi ::
A N IIW horse iiuwer and . hie h. r for .-al -. at a
very low price. There ha- Im a. tu.mh wheal
engaged tu ho thrashed by this machine, tnid any
uno having tho I" reo to run it, can nuke it profita
ble. l-;n.uiro of J. X. II I!H1S,
jylS -1 iv "rug Sluro.
I; MAM ll ion I 111 Hill is tiii:
r.xiii:ss oi-i'ii i: at t.nii i i.
11 1 K following list uf freiglil al the Hxpress of.
t'tco ill this city, is sturod al Ih
of tho
owners. Parties will please call lor in : .-am
vv it li -
out delay, as no further ri. k will be taken.
.1. II. I.Oi.AN, Ag't,
A lirown, 1 package: Mi-s 1! Hriwo, I pack
age: W M Illantoti, I biin.He: K W C.,.ik, I pack
age; It Crow-ell. I knapsack: .Mrs P liiiko, 1 liox:
V II (Jroon. 1 sack; J Hudson, bell: 1' li Holland,
boll: J li Harper. 2 bags and I 1,1,1.: W li jlunl,
bag: T K lli-ks, bundle; 1. 1! Irwin, pare, 1: Mrs !'
A Marshall, pared; Mrs L .Mid II, brook.-, I bx;
Dr. I li Milhr, I parcel: !' .Miiiehen,,-. sword scih
bard; J V Ovvnhcry, box: Dr M 1,'n-har.lsoii, paek
iioe: C P ltedding, care W M I'.l.iulon, package;
W A Itofiinson, care.) J Ford, box; . M Williaui
son, package; M (i Dobbins, n:i boxes, jyl I
c)M'i-:i)i:KA'u: mumiv ayami:i.
IjlO 11 sale, a desirable lot in thiscii v, containing
two small residences and oiher necessary
houses an excellent well and gar I- m Apply lo
jyl. 'I If . al dm Hi-ass Foundry.
Till-: Planter's Warehou-o belonging to Iho un
dersigned, in tho oily ol Trillin, Ion been
partially (akon for hospital purposes, and on this
naeount, I think tho owners of ootlou siored in tho
above named warehouse, had better' ship it, nr
lllovo It ll, tUI .-1,,,-V wl, (I W',,,1.1 l. ,,,..,'., .1..
Tho proprietor gives this iioiiee. became Iho pub
lic necessities havo put il. out ol' hi- p ,vv, i to take
that care of the cotton linn tiio owners might think
he could do. Ho therefore gives this iiotn-e lo save
himself Iroin any liability in the prenii-es. As u
warehouse man, I wish to close my waiehoiisj busi
ness by the Ist of September next; tlierel-iro those
having cotton storod in my .van li'iii e, will ploa.-o
conic, puy chargoi and Uil:o nr -hip il away, as
they may think best, mi or before, iho l.-i of Sep
tember next,
jyll-tf W. A. Si'AN hliliTT.
SOl.OlliltV ( I. I.A1.
Wo have on hand a lot uf blank forms ol c-r-tilioates
and nllidavits for tho eolieotion uf the
claims of deceased soldiers. Price tjiiy cents per
shoot. Persons at a distance nei ding sin h hl.uik
cun procure them by addre.-sing the Kia;i;t, oi i-irn
through the mail,-.
H A .M I Jb
ASITFATIOX as teacher, by a
several years experience in tea
glish branches, Mu.-ie, Latin and
best of references given it re I'tiro l.
110, li'
, oiing lady ol'
hing Iho l-i ii -l-'tench.
A ldre.-s lex
(i.. li C.iiOo ,
X. C.
HOYS OF 1j VP UiS ol-
111K Second Term of tin
S.h.ol will begin
.1. .Monday, the 1 Ith in-!., and continue 21
uitinue 2 1 w ick
A fiinn-liiill ttlti'iiililiH'i IS oarnesHv desired
Mrs. .Moiiiiow s SWim 1 will oi
ut too same
Jt- For particular.- ce Cir ular.
II. P. M:inU"W.
July S if
1)AKTI FS anxious t di.-p"-c of their cotton, c:
do so he a). plying to
.iyl-J-t'.f " ' J. II. J'.' IIXSUX .1 Cii.
I her arrival at Tiible H.
j sioiitouiber, I Mi. I. 'I In
I' I'll Lit' ACTS
in- tiii:
l iist ongresN i( Ihe ( iiiileilerilie Stiitex,
Passed ut il,,. fnuiii, session, ivhieh wiih hegaii
ami hold at the city Kicliinmiil, in Ihe .Slat,, of
iriiiiiia, iitt Mnnduv, the sev.-tilli day of lie
'''"ibcr A. ll. lsii.i, ,,,,,1 .i,,,!,.,! xiims.lay,
the i ighleeiilli day of l-'ebruarv inil '
Cum', i.vi. -Aii Act to provide an Invalid (',,, j,M.
The Congiossof the t'onfoderateSiut,,.Si,f Auier-
ioado emicl, That all olliecrs n-o uisic,iiei
ollicoi-s, iniisiciiins, piivalos and seamen, whu have
or who shall beooiuo disabled by wounds, nr oilier
iniui ios loceivo.l, or diseaso euiitraeled in the soi
I the ( niiledoiate Mates, mid in Ihe line of
shall ho retired or'dischui'i:ed (mm their
respeiTive position us hereinafter provided. Hot
tin- rank, pay and oiniilimients of such ollicers, ami
die pay and emoluments of such iiiin-eoiiiinission-ed
officers, inusieians, pi-iviiles and senuien, shall
oniiliniie to the end (if the n ar, nr iih hng us they
shall continue so retired or discharged.
Si..-: 'J. Thai all pei suiis chiiining the honolits of
Ibis act, shall present theuiselviM for examination,
to line of ih,- medical exiiiinning boards now I'stab
li-hi-d by law. l.'pon the eorlilioato of such hoard
thai such permanent disability exists, such per-
.-.u.s -,i.,n ..u ,. i,n-.t ,,i Hiseiiai'geil US nlnri-HNIll.
Si.ig J. That all pcmoiis retiicd m discharged
as aforesaid, shall periodically, and at least once
in six iiioiilbs, present tln'iiisldves to one of said
boards fur I'm lliei-exainination, under regulations
to bo prescribed by the Secrclarv (if War, Ihe re
sult of which examination shall be repoileil hv
iieh board to the said Si'crotury. And if any
Mich jici -iin .shall fail so to report 'himself lo sueli
b.oiiu, whenever he shall lo- i-eipiiicd so to dm he
: -null no iti oppeii lioni haul retired or (liscliai o,,
J list, and become liable lo conscription, under Tho
I terms of dm law, unless such failure shall ho
! caused l,y phvsiciil disability.
Sir. I. I hat tho Secrelary of War may ussign
such olliecrs, nml older the detail of such iiiin
coiuinissioiiod olliecrs, musicians, privates and
seamen, for such duly as they shall bo ipialilicd to
perform. If any such non coiniiiissioiicd ollicers,
musicians, iirivuics and seamen, shall Ijn relieved
from disability, tlu-y shall he restored to duty in
llieii respective couniinnds.
j Skc. m Thiil the Secretary of War shall make
j all needful rules ami regulations I'm- the action of
the medical bnurils us aforesaid.
1 Sir. ii. That vacancies caused by Iho retirement
uf olheei s urn lei this act, shall bo' tilled as in can!
nf die dealh or i-e-innaliiui nl such ulliccrs.
Si.,, i. I Ins act shall belli lurce fruiii il
i pas-
Appniv ed l-'ebi mil y 17, 1-01.
Co vi-. i.vm
ol oiheel-
An Act to nut Inn ia- the pioiiiotion
mill eiiuiiui.sstonoil ollicers und nri-
valos for di.stiii-'iii.sliod kill or valor.
The Congress of tlie Confe, ifi.itc Slates of Auier-
I lea .I.i enact, that the rrcsidont is licrebv au
tliotii'd upon the l i coiiiinouilatioii of the general
: 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tg a department or a separate army in
! ,. : :
1 1... i. ..i. i
tu till any vacancy tirtho commissioned
I .-.Ml. I .s ... ). , . ,,,IV ,1. .,, , ,,,,,,,, ,t , , ,IL. ,, ,,,,.
nun in on- siinir, ii., uuil I- ll I.- nil v ICO li 1 1 1 1 COII -
-.cul nl die Scuttle, nf any ollicer, linu-coiniiiis-
sinned jolliceri nrprivalo who may have distin
! giii-lmd himself by exhibiting peculiar valor or
skill on llio iiatMc in-Ill : I loviilcd, That the oli
cei', nun couiinissioncd oHicer, or private, no ice
iiuiinenilod ami noniimited fi r promotion, shall
belong to Ihe regiment or battalion in which the
vacancy may have occurred.
Si i . 2. AH aols and put ts of acts in coiillict with
Iho above provisions ate hereby repealed.
Approved Kebruary I", lM.
I-. I. IX.
An Act to aineml the act entitled,
An act,
ioiis In
to provide and orgauio engineer
serve during the war," approved
oliedi March, eighteen hundred anil sixty-
The ( 'nn gross uf the Con federate States of Aniei -iea
do eniici, That the above recited not he so
amended that there shall In? allowed to each regi
ment of engineer troops, two iuti tcruiastcr ser
geants. Approved February 17, 1 -(il.
Cn ve. I, x An Act to amend the acts of April
lirsl, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and Sep
tember twenty-third, eighteen handled and aix-i-.-two
"'tl'i" '! I dm Confederate States of Amer
ica !u enact , That the nets approved twenty-lir.st
April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, und'tiveii
lv third September, eighteen hundred and sixty
two, regulating the increase und rank of the corps
of engineers lift he provisional army, houmended
lo read as follows : "That the President be, and
ho is hereby authorized tu appoint, with the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, an additional num
ber of ollicers in the engineer corps of tho provis
ional army: Provided, That the .vbolo col ps shall
not exceed olio hundred ami twenty, and that the
number uf ollicers in each grade he limited to
throe colonels, fnnr lieutenant colonels, eight ma
jors, f irty-live raptains, thirty-tire first lieuten
ants, und twunty-tive second lieutenants."
St'.c. 2. There may he appointed six military
store-keepers, with the pay and allowances oi cap
tain of infantry, who shall give such bond for the
faithful performance of their duty as may he lire
scribed by (ho .Secretary of War: Provided, Thut
the said store keepers shall be appointed from
per sons who uro dis.qualilied for uolive service by
reason of w ounds received in the military service,
or disease contracted whilst in the army, or from
persons over forty-live years of age.
Approved February 17, 1.VI.
( ji ve. i.xn. An Act to be entitled " An Act in
relation to the ipialiticatiou of State Collectors.
The Congress of the Confederate Slates of Amer
ica do einiet, That the provisions of section tlnr-iv-nino
of an Act entitled " All Act I'nr the ossess-
iiiont and collection oftaxes," approved May first,
I eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall not be
const rued to apply lo the olfioe of Statu Collector.
Approved February 17, 1-hl.
! Cii ve. i.xni. Ar. Act to reduce the currency and
lo authorize a new issue of notes and bunds.
The Congress of the Confederate Stales of Amer
ica do enact, That the holders of all treasury
miles above' the ilciomination of five dollars, not
bearing interest, shall be allowed until the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty four,
east of the Mississippi river, and until tho first day
of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, west of
the Mississippi river, to fund the sumo; and until
the periods and at the places siated, the holders
of all such treasury note- shall be allowed to fund
the same ill rogisteiod bonds, payable twenty
years alter their date, bearing interest at the rate
id lour per cent, per annum, payable on the tirst
day of January and July of each year.
Skc. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury is here
by authorized lo issue the bonds required for the
funding provided for in the preceding section, and
iiuiil Ihe bonds can be prepared, he may issue cer-
tllieales to answer Cie purpose. Snclljinnds and
cerlilicates .shall Tie rocoivabfo, TTboTiT interest, In
payment ol all (lovernmcnt dues payable in tlm
vein- eighteen hundred and sixty-four, except ex
port ami import duties.
St. i'. 11. That all treasury notes ol the denoiinna
tiou of one hundred dollars, not bearing interest,
which -hall not be presented for funding under the
provisions of the lirst section of this act, shall,
from and after the lirst day of April, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, east of the Mississippi
river, und tho lirst day of July, eighteen hundred
and si viy-fonr, west of the Mississippi river, cease
to lie recoivabloin the payment of public dues, and
said mites, il not so presented at thut time, shall,
in addition In the tax of thirty-three und one-third
cents, imposed in thelourth section of this net,
lie subject to a tax often per cent, per month until
so prj.-scutc(l, which taxes shall attach to said
notes wherever circulated, and shall be deducted
from tho face of said notes whenever presented
I'm pa in mil or for funding, and said notes .shall
nut be" exchangeable I'm the new issue of licusury
notes provided for in this act.
Sue. !. That on all said treasury notes nut funded
nr used in pavinc'it id taxes at the dates und pia
ces proscribed in Ihe lirst section of this act, them
shall be levied at said dates and places a tax ot
thirty-throe und one-third Cv'its lor every dollar
promised on the face of said notes. Said tin shaH
attach to said notes w herever circulated, and shall
bo collected by deducting the same at the Treasu
ry, in depositories, and by the tax collectors, and
l.v all (iovornmont ollicers receiving the same,
whenever present! for payment, ur for funding,
nr in payment uf tic-vcrnioent dues, or for postage,
or in exchange fur new notes, as hcreiiiattcr pro
vided ; ami said treasury notes shall bo fundable
in bonds, as provided in the first scctiou uf this
act, until the lirst day of January, eighteen hun
dred nml sixty live, at the rate of si.xla.six aud
two-third cents on the dollar. Anil it shJTl iir the
dutv of the Secretary of the Treasury at any lime
between die lirst of April, ca.ct, uud the tirst July,
eighteen bundled and sixty-four, west ol the Mis-M-h,pi
river, and the Ills'- of January, cu-litcou
him di ed and sixty-five, to substitute And exchange
new in asurr notes for the same, at tlio rale of
.in .i..j iiv.i il.uil ccois mi the dollar : Pro
vided, That notes of the dcuoutiuatieu of one
hundiod ilnlhu-s, rlmll not be entitled f , . 1 1 r . p, ,u
lege ol'said oxohango; Prnvidi-i! birther, That ihe
right lo fund any of said licasui-v imteH uller iho
ost day uf Janiiiirv, i-ighlecn lniii.li. il and sixty
llio, is hereby uk'eti awav: And prm i.led fj
n"'1' '"at upon all such Iteasiiiv uoles which
'""' '.'l'',"" Islanding on the lii st day ufJaiuia
t, eichleeii hiimlied and sixty live, ami winch
...... ..... , naiigeii new ti',',un- notes as
m i ,-ui j,, u, i iii-ii , a ia
a of one huiuli cd per cent, ia
licreliy iinposeil.
She. o. 'I hal after Ihe lii -t d
lllltlll. lily herelofoie given tu I
d' April iievt, nil
elary nl thu
"' "'"' shall be, and the
same ih hereby, revoked ; l'i,,,, The S.,ela
i-.vol the Ireasiiryimiv, ali.i ihai ,;. KM, h,.lv
Ireusnry notes in such torni as he iav prescribe
payable I wo veals alter the i-atilioation t ' tivuiy'
"I poneo wilh Ihe I'uilod Slates, uj, ,.. ,,M,S ,
be leeeivablo iii payment of ail public due, evcem
i- in ,i i oil in,,.,.! , .1.,,;,. i . . i . '
, 1 V "I ' -' """ "I' issue, I in ,.t
cluing,, tor mill's, al the rate of to,,, d,,l ,r ,,
die new lurth, lullarsnf dm old issues win :!-,
"I'l ' s be siirioiulered I'm- i xci,.,,, ,. b-
" holders ll.,'of, or bo la-eeiv ,-.l illlu the t, ,-;.-
r nn. er Ihe p,,,v,sins ul'this act ; and the liu
dei-Hnl the new M..t. H urol the old miles, i-xo pi
Iliose ol the deiiominaii,,,, ,,f ,. hundred dolhi, ,,-allot-they
are n-dnecd to mov.,,, ,....i
v'-ui.T on no- nounr, nv
convert the .same inlu call
tcrcsl at the rate of lour i
'' tax aforesaid, lilav
' i 'i ilmiucs, bearing in
eeiit. pi-r iilinuin, and
ratilicalion ofu li-..e
pai able two years alter th
of peace wiih die I'uiii
cotiierted into new notes
'd Slates, unle
s Soulier
Skc. (i. That to pay dm expenses ,
iiiont mil otherwise in-milled fur, th
the ( love ro
tary of
.' i.siu iciM uoiiuii lieu in is-ue si X pel-
1 'Is lo mi iiinonnl not exceeding I've hun
dred millions dollars, ihe principal and itiiercst
vvbcrool shall be fi,-,. inn,, uxmi,,,,, . ful.
payment otthe inter,. - there., u ll nin.. ii, -II
eeipls nl any cXpniT vlnty b. , , .iimr la,,. ,,,, u.
value, of nil cotton, lobncco, und mivul stnres
which shall be exported linlu Ihe Cnnleili-ratc
Stales and the net! proceed., ol dm import duties
now hud, or so much the fa, v he ineossurv
tu pay li in 1 1 in 1 1 v the inteie-i, m,. h,n.iv speelullV
pledged: Provided, Til III I Im ll ,1 1 i,-, now laid ui'i-
mports und beieh.v pledged. ,hall herealier be
paid in specie, or in Moiling e xehange, or in Ihe
coupons of said bunds.
t in -r -,,i.,. m i ,i . i .
Skc. 7. I hat Iho Secretary of the T
isnry is
nereiiy tuition uoil, Iruni lime I
of the Trcusury may require it,
linn-, as the wants
lo sell or hv iiollio-
in.uioi 1 1 i-ii-.il nines sum iionits, ur tiny juirt
.... ,. j.,.., ,n, , ,i i, nn, nc can. su as to moot
appropi latum, by I ongress, uud al the sail,,- tin,,,
reduce ami resti nt the am ,i oftho circulation
in treasury Holes, vvitlnii reasonable nd
Si.i'. - The bonds aiillioiireil hv die sixth si-c-lion
of this act may be either regi,'icrcd nr coupon
bunds, as the parties taking them may elect, und
they may lie exchanged fur each oilier under such
regulations as the Sccrotat v ol the Treasury may
preenbe. They shall be for hundred dollars,
or some multiple of one Inn, die. I dollars, and'
shall, together with dm eonpuiis thereto attached,
be in such tonn and nf SMI., aiilhenlicalioii as the
Secretary of the Treasury mav prescribe. The
micro,! .shall bo payable half V early oil llm lirst nf
January and July in each yea,' die principal
shall be payable md loS ih,lh' tliii I v curs finni
their date.
Skc, 'a. All call eortilioatcs shall he fundable,
and shall be taxed in all respect,, us is provided
for (he treasury notes, into which thev are cn
verliblc. ll not count ted before the time li.xod
for taxing the tieasiiry notes, simh cerlilicates
shall, from limit lime, boar interest upon only sjx.
tv-six and Iwo thiid cents for every dollar prom
ised upon their face, and shall In- redeemable on
ly in new treasury notes at dial rule, bill idler the
passage of this ail, no call cerlilicates shall he
issued until after Ihe lirst. day of April, eighteen
bundled ami .,ixly-luur.
Skc In. Thai if any bank of deposit shall give
its depositors the bonds atitlioiized by die lirst
section of this act in exchange for their deposits,
and specify the same on Iho bunds hv some dis
tinctive mark nr token, to be agreed' upon wilh
the .Secretary of the Treasury, then the said de
positor shall be entitled to receive the amount o
said bonds in treasury nolo, bearing no interest,
anil outstanding at the passage of ihisact: Pro
vided, the said bonds are presented before the
privilege of funding said notes at par shall cpd.se,
as herein prescribed. '
See. 11. That all treasury Holes horotufon: is
sued, of the dcniuninutinu uf live dollars, shall
c, milium to bo receivable in pavnient uf public
ilues, a, provided by law , ami luiidahlc al pur un
der the provisions of this act, until the lirst of July
eighteen hundred and sixty I'.uir, east, and until
tho tirst of October, ei'.'hloe'u bundled and sixty
four, west of the Mississippi river, but utter that
time they shall be subject to u tax of thiriy-ilirec
and one-third cents on every dollar pronii'sed on
uie nice niereoi, said tax to attach to said notes
wherever circulated, ami said nntcslo be fundable
and exchaiigoablii for new treasury notes, as here
ill provided, subject lo the deduction ol'said tax
Six. 11'. That any Stale holding treasury Holes'
received before thu times herein lived for taxing
said notes, shall be alluvve.l until the lirst day of
January, eighteen hundred and sixty. live, to fiiml
the same in six per cent, bonds of the Con'li-doralii
States, payable twenty years after date, and the
interest payable isoiiii-aiiiiuully. lint all treasury
notes received by any Stale after the time lixed for
taxing the same, as aforesaid, shall be held to
have been received diminished by the amount of
said tax. Tho discrimination between the miles'
subject to the tax and those not. subject shall
be left to Iho good faith of each Stale, ami die eer
titicalo of the Cpvei-nnr thereof .shall in each ease
be conclusive.
Skc. 111. That treasury notes horetofoni issued
bearing interest at the rale of seven dollars and
thirty cents on the hundred dollars per milium,
.shall no longer be received in payment of public
dues, hut shall bo doomed nml considered bunds
of the (.'nnfederate Stales, payable, two years al
tera ratification of a treaty of peace with the Uni
ted States, bearing the rate of interest soecitied
on meir laee, pnvuiile on the first ol Jm
limitary lu
uncti and every year.
Sue. 1 i. That the Secretary of Ihe Treasury be.
and he is hereby authorized, in ease the exigencies
oftho (iovernnient should require it, o pay dm
demand of any public eredilor whose debt may be
contracted after the passage of iln- cl, vvilliig to
receive the sum.', in a ceriiliente of indebtedness
to be issued by said Secrclarv in such lorm as bo
may doom proper, payable two years after a riiliti- .
cation of a treaty of peace wilh'tho I'liited States
bearing interest at tho late of six per cent, per uii
nuir, payable semi annuailv, and transferuble on
ly hy special endorsement under regulations to be
prescribed by the Secrelary of the Treasury; und
saidcertilicates shall be exempt from taxation ill
principal and interest.
Skc. 1.1. The Secretary of Ihe Treasury is im-Ihori-'cd
to increase the number of depositories, su
as to meet the requirements of this act, and with
that view to employ such of the banksof tlio seve
ral Slates as he may deem expedient.
Skc. Ii',. The .Secrelary of the Treasury shall
forthwith advertise this act in such iiovvs'pupeis
published in Ihe several Stales ami bv such other
lVtlMS, M lll,wr-m-PtT,-c tunni'illlllll mllUrttT,mT(1
l!ie Secretary id' War and the Secretary of the
Navy shall, each, cause it to be pulilislu-d in gene
ral nrders fin- the information of tho arinv and
Skc. 17. The foilv-secoud section of (he act lor
die assessment nmf collection uf laves, approved
May first, eighteen hundred and sixlv tlnee, is
hereby repealed.
Skc. Is. The Secretary nf the Treasury is hete
by authorized and required, upon the application
of the holder of any call certilicatc - which by the
lirst section ol the wit, " to provide for tho funding
and further is, tie of treasury miles," approved
March twenty-third, eighteen Tiundred and sixty
three, was required to be thereafter ib-oinod to bo
a bond to issue to such holder a bond then-fur,
upon the terms provided by said act.
Approved Februiity 17, isiil.
HFX liLH which seems tu belong to some one
at Kingston Hospital. It was fmind near
Hour Creek. The owner can hear of it by- inquiring
of Mrs. Tucker nt Hear Crook. jyl j
O jyj
UlOU liligli-h boiler Paper, for sale by
J. 11. JOHX.-iiX .1 CIS
xotici:-xi;av hum.
riillli Jlylo ol the linn heretofore known as liis
J. muko ,t Hall, will hereafter ho A. T. Finney
A C.
The cash system will lu-realK-r be inflexibly ad
hered to except upon government work.
The utteijUnn of Quai lerinasters is called to our
stock of Hr,o Shoes, If.rso Shoo Xails and Xail
Hod, uf which wo have a largo supply constantly
on hand. A. i. Fi.NXFY ,t CO.
(iriflin, July l-lm.
K'llA !(-, f,.r sal,
nN .1 Co.
lie l.v
jyli- It
J. 11

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