Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY I! Kl Tin' I ; id i i n, da. ttiiay moknimi, .in.v r.. 1 - i. MORNING EDITION t'liplllill Itli lnii'l Koniei'. It iimv lie many m'lh.i l-fre ) who l,'d i I'"' l"l"-' l"'l"r" l'1'""""1' .hull he known positively. In "the hud "i "t Iiuiiiu." Tim interruption of t-oininuiiieiilioii f,r to long 11 liini', und the fact 'lint thi'ir ooinmd's have b n hold i"' -l --!- t" iimv, lighting, iimn-li ing mtil occupy, ng tin' trenches, may delay tin'' poignant grief, wliifli lli" death of many brave nu'ii, must iiii'Viliihly bring In I In1 hearts I I " '- df thuso must ili'iir I" Hn in. Vi received yesterday, intelligence nf 1 ' ' ' 1 J llf US Ulllllllll III! Ilflll'or, US 0VC1' liri'W 11 MVnl.l, who , full ill llio Imtllii of thu Wilderness. r.-yar.U I llilll UH II fpil'llli, I il'Cll IIHl- III! WIH till' III' 'l "I III"-" nirnr mill ili'iir. II in wife mid .-blcrs reside in the fur-off prairies of Texas. Capt. ltii'iunn IJomai, of C11. "'A." I1I1 TVxa- ' Infiinlry, iliil nh thu litli ul' Miiy, while gullu'i'ly liiiuliuK hi ; coinpuuy ill tho buttle uf tin' Wilder- I ncss. llii was 11 liruvo ollit'i r und niiu'li Invnl and respected by nil Ilia fellow-soldiers, hn ll"' , pleasure uf his uoipiuintiince. Hi." goncruu- it ;i t i - j tics uinl liimily traits, iilluched In 1 1 1 tn ill" men Wllnlll llO I'nllllllllll'll'll. Police t'l his a.-hl's. I.cii. II. ('. T li r. Thin gulliint anil devoted iiIVh'it, wlm u severe ly wnninli''! in tin' lialtlu nf .M issioiinry Hidgo, i"- oenlly wont j . I" lli'- Ainu- 1 I' Trin iv "ii hi- cruti'lii'Mi I" report for duty aii'l u-oot in dining buck tlm itiva Ktc. (ien. John-ton would ii"t n r init him to Ink" III" lii'lil, in i'"ii.-iiiii in'" !' his in tihility tn undergo lh" hardships nml 1 i " ; 1 1 i 1 1 .- in cident tn 1111 active campaign. 11" ha- lie 11 nidi-rod tn take 011111111111111 of Hi" yankce pri s. .11 at C.ihawha, Alu., until lie shall ho hiiIVh-ti'ti I ly recovered from tin1 fleets nf liin wound, In ri-.-iiuio c ominniid nf his 1 1 1 1 jiuulo. In this position lit) will hi' alii" In 'In valna hi" hurvii-o. mi'l tn "all into reposition his uekitow I edged iiilniinislrativo abilities, grout energy :i 11 I lal cut fnr nrgiiniiili'in and ilis('iilin". Though tlm (It'lHTu! Wnlllll I'" ln'HlT Sill islicl ill ""III lliall ' I i II .: his fin" Urignilo, mill ussi.-ling uiir lu ri"- in heat ing buck tht! "iiriny uf 1 1 i k country, vil In will jfrai't'fully yield to tho necessity whirh obliges him. fur llio (irusitnt, to m'""it 11 imsitiuii uli'T" hu "an rentier Muhstiinliiil nml hniiniali!" si'i vi"''. Tlm liiflliiri" Iiml Ti'iiiit'ssi'" Ki'i'iinriit has Ih i ii uilih'il to ("n. Tyli'i's loiuail". Ii was fi.riin 1 lv "niniiiiunli''l hy the ilii(iiijriiilii'l anl . ill. nil Hati', us C'llniU'l, mi'l y it-lils tho I'iilin In no li' iin ail in the m-rvice. .7'XT" Th" uiiivi'rsnl Vnuk"" inilioii m' In 11 stnto of uinst i'tr;iaaiit rl"" I"'' uriny hiy ruorossi'il tho PotouKi". This wa Thoy hml ht'oii fri);ht"ti"il into" hy.-lt rit us to Im in 1' nur I.v tlm ruitl uinl iiiiiiitioil thut tht-y w-'ri' nil 'loomi 'l to ilostruotiou. Tho Prosith-nt "nllcl ii"in lim iiv. crnor for inon uinl tho liovfrunrs "allo'l up"ii tlio people to llui'k to tlm laii'lanl of thoir "ouniiy nml suvc t lie country (Voin min. Siin o or I'm i'i s liuve guthei't'il up what oattlo nml (irt-t iihin-k-i t In--wuntoil uinl hurni'il 11 low hoii-vs in nlaliatii'ii for Viiiiki'O viiinlalisiii ami ri'tiirui'il to this .-i-U- of tin' Potnniuo, tin) ri'iit'tion is so rrat ami iln-y ("' I .- ' luui'li rolinvi'il thut thoro art' nu hoiiii.l- to tlm i prcssions of their joy. The inva-ion has howeu 1 tnuj;ht tlioin n lesson thoy will tin well to litvl. They euunot Itcop us 011 this sitlu of the l'oloiuai' uinl wu cun rolaliute for nil violations of the iiik-.-nf rivilicil wnrl'uro, ami are tli.-por-oil to tin it. jtf The spleii'liil ni'W I.ocomoiivo "SrNsniM:," huill hy the M. A W. Hailrno'l, nml "lily l.-ei-ol iy put upon tho rmi'l. i xpl'"l"'l yr-ti-r lay two uiilci tho other si'lo of l.ovt'joy's Station, killing the l.'n gineer, Jo.teph llaskt'th, ami lua'akini; thr l"; of the I ' i ro inn it, .lessee Keith, (11 ami woiiiuliiii; sovcral others on the triiin. Throe or four ears woro throivn on the trnek, ami the engine was re duced to a wrci-k. Cttpt. (i:o. C. liAiN, for two years pa.-t chiol of tho .Signal Corps, of thu Army of Tcniics it', has been ussigiied to duty as the head of the Signal Corps nt Wilmington, North Carolina, the most important signal station in the Coufcdt'rai'y. dipt, linin is a most excellent ollicer, and we wi-h him a pleasant tinio iu bis new and important field uf duty. paSfWc publish this morning a very interc.-ling account of the light between the Alabama and the Koarsago. H. appears to bo a much more candid ntntoinent of tho affair than that we pulishcd several days since from tho New York Herald. Fiiou I'omk. Little Master .liiiics i.'iuiie in to our oiTioo nn l'litluy, lookin suiilitll'iiO'l, nml worn down with fatino. lie resides at Home, Cla. and left ten days nro, lie walked to tlio Atlanta it AVost Point Hail road, a distance ol" eigjity miles alone and unattended, currying a little sack id' eluthii'' and Hoverul letters for refno-ei's liiim their Iioiin'9, llii 01 which 110 liiiil iamiiiiiiy uoiiverou 0 u.i.amiiv "f A nuowxisd i'om'kiikuatk. or wns imikin: anxious otituifii!S ti tn wlutro i jir. ,-aptaiii ..f the I'orccustlo on board tlio AU they hIiouIiI bo Siilit. hania, a Norwegian, says that when ho wus ill tho Ho gives II Sail, 8U1, picturo of tliC Cnllli- inner he was hailed hy a bout from tho Kearsage, trv around Homo. Tlio Y ankees lin.l imlis- ' "'"iim hero old men. and wo will euro you," tu crimirtitely forced every nes;i'o man into the army nnd Kent all the negro women and children North. . They had literally and com pletely rubbed tho citizens of all their pro visions, their lings thoir cattle, their sheei, and destroyed their crops, lie told in Ins simple style thu tale of his suffering coun trymen. Tho Yankocs having consumed Ihe ('.ni l of tho people, wero now sull'ering alike l"f food, hut the ravenous wnlvcs ui'ieeiiiist:it ly prowling through tho country looking-lor every article of siihsitaiico that might, hy mere ehatieo ho left. They had no respect whatever for the feelings in- virtue uf wonnm, but outraged thcinevery day anil everywhere, and instead of the hrutal wretehin being re strained by their nllici'i's, the tiU'e'ers' led them in their horrid crimes and hartily joint d the luugli in the fiendish carnival. No 0110 had taken the 011th of any stand ing, and the great body of the people hated the enemy now with seven fold iimro bitter ness than man ever hated his fellow before. They confidently believe that our army will drive tho enemy back and will once inure wel come tho sight of our soldiers. Manni ( '01 fideratc. i ... Another I'kace Movrmkst. IV 0 see from ; late English papers that a .society hns been 1 organized in Iiotplon, having for its object tbo "Promotion of the tlessation of Hostili ties in America." This organization seems ; to liavo been called forth by the speech of' Mr. Long, of Ohio, delivered iu the Yankee House ot Representatives in April la d, and by the nbnrtivo vote for bis expulsion. The I noeioty's sympathies are strongly with lite iSuuth. JtaS It is said that Frederick the tlreat required nil the judgements of, his country, ! condemning persons to death, to be vri'.ten ! on blue paper ; thus he was c instantly 10 1 uiiudcd of theru as they lay on his table among other papers, from which they were readily distinguished. He usually tm k a long time to consider such case-, and 1 thus set an excellent example to .f,.vceri;;iis i f their duty. , la. IN I l .lil I I M; ! It I l( I I.Alt. ' ... ) ,., ', H,,i,iuk. A li;ilil '""It 'l"'.' .il.Mil lillir lull' s It i' mi Sunday llic I'.Mli 11I June, mil Cherbourg, in l''riiiiri,l be- 1 u , 1 n 1 hi' 1 'mi Inl lain S t nt 1 a sIi iiiiii i' Miihiiinu nml lli.' I nit' il Stall - .-li aiiu r lu'iitsn". in whii'll ill ,il".iit mi liniii', tin' Aliilianni was Mink. lli" Alaliaitia l.'a'li''l t l.ia Imill ', nil Nitimliiy, lh" Mill nf .lour, Inon l'.iii Town, thirty lirisiimm, lln: I'iru - nl t u ii nn 1 ' haul '. ,-"ll- whii'll nil" liuil 1 iil,mi I .Ir.lnni il "ii Hi" passu"", nml wh it'll h i l laii li 'l iinin. 'lial' ly iiinii 11 rriv ills'. Sh" ti: tt 1. 1 1 1I1 1 1.1 1 1 " a l"i' til" 'iir"Mi nf making ii' I .ii , -In- h i- in iin.-i aw n'liy "nnilitiini. I U'n 11 In fain" kiiuw 11 th at tiho wns jniitu nut I,, i :lii lln- Krai'-ap', Mr. laini'ii.-liir, 1111 Kuclinh .."iitli nn 11, wh" with his will' nml fninily wniii nl Tin 1 In at "ii 11 'li a-11 ro trip, Mniiinoil nut, with I11 , ill. " an 1 all, In si" III" iiii.'ai'intiiil. Tlm follow iiif! is Ins : nut, in hrii I', nl' w lint I111 suw : V" .'-'.I'll' ;' I Lf ."inmi Timrt: " lli'ii'wiili 1 si'inl ymi n ('opy of my 1" i'i'sn'i'tln llio t ii':np;riiii nt lii'lwt'rti III" (.'niil't'ih'rnto sti'iinii'r A l.i lm 111 ;i ami th" I' f I i iii I .-limniir Ivi'iirsu'i': M vii v, .1 inn' 1 0, a i.ii- not up nit'iun unit pro- iti'.l mil nt Chill rsj liailinr 1 I ; : t J olisfrvial tin1 Aluli. :111a i-ii aiiiin "lit of tho Iinrhor towaril.H I In I'l.l' lal Shiiiii'i' Ki-iirMi;i'. 1 Ir.'lll tin) Aln I hi 1 1' a I'l'iiiiin ai' i 'I In with In r stni liourtl luilltTy, tlit- .li-iaiii" liilwi't'ii th" "oiittMitlinj vi'sst'ls hoin ; n'"ioi .nn' mil", 'llio Ivt'iirsiigu iinnii'iliiituly ro plu l null In r .-ini'li'iiii il iins; n vt.'ry chiirp, spirit , 'l Hi ,ii.' wat lin n ki'pl up, shot uniii'linii'H beiiiK I ain'l ly slii lls. In the niiiui'iivi'riiiK hoth vossi-ln 111. nit' x'V'ii "oioph't" "iVi'h's nt 11 ilistuftoo of from u ,u ui r i" hall' a mill'. ,l livli " 11 flight iiitiiiiii-siiiii was oIhitvcI in I tho Manama's Iiriny, tlm Alnlmnia iniiklni; hiiml i Mill, ami sliapini; her "niirn) Inr tlm html, iliHtuut ah'iiil niii" mil' s. At hull pnsl. twi'U'o ohsorvi'il i tli" Aliiliama tn In ilisalih'il nml in a tonkin),' mat". - iiiiiiu ilial' ly iini'l" lowarils Imr, nml on pnssin ; th" Ki'.ii.-.i'' wore rtiiiicsii'il to itHt-'ibt. in saving th" Alaliaoia's fit'iv. At Ion iniinitt'H to on", whi'll willni) 11 'ti-laiii'i' nl' tTo huiiilriiil yarils, tin) Alu ' hama .-link. Vo thtoi hiwi'i'fil our two lioiits, untl 1 Willi th" ;l--i.-tatK'" nl lh" Aliiliulllii's wlllllt) lioilt anl ili.ii , .mo 1 1 1 '. . iii .'iivini; nliniil forty lui'ii, 1 iin lii'lni' ( apt. SiniiiH'S nml thirlotn uHh-iTS. At inn' I'. M. wo sl'rrt'.l Inr Soiithmnptoii. 1 may stato thai, l" loi't) halving', tho KciirsiiL'ii was aj'pait'otly liioih ili"alii"l, Th" Ahihiiluu's I"--', so far at prr-ruL nsi-tiriaiui'il, in killcal iiml ' wiiiiii'li il. i'it'., was as Inllnivs, vi.: dim nllii'i-r nml niir man itrnii ni ii, .-ixmi'ii killi'il, nml onu nllii'i-r nti! sixli'i'ii tiii ii nuiiiiili-il. (.'apt. Mciiiiiicd rt't'civcil 1 n .-lilit wouiiil in tho ri;;ht hitutl. Thu Konrsuo's I ho: i ;,J" 1 plr :i 1 ti r soma ili l.iy, lowrt'il, nml with tho 1. 1' 11. 1'it'iii'h piliit-ltoat, hitoi'i't'ilt'il ill tin: I' liiainiuj; survivors. JollM IiAVrAsTl'll. -liUU'O .ins; up si:miii;s "I in Ml. iirr. .... ,",,. L'S. M'I. .Mr. .Mason, the reiirc- si iii i;i nl llio ioIh'I (iovi-i'iiiiH nt, has scut 11 "opy "f lins r, ' it t i too l.omlon 'fiou-s : l'a'i:iio ,-iiiiii' s says that in an hour nml ten iniiiii'i tin- Aiaiiaina was I'miml to he in u aiiikin siato, tlm 1 m my's .-! ell.t having I'.xplotliil 011 her -i ll s ;iii'l 1't'livi en ih'i ks. I-' I'r.'i ton a lew iniliiit' S he hail hopes of reuehili tho li 1st; lnit the .-!'((, lilleil rnpiilly nml the 1' liri-s ui'i-e exliimuishi'il, ('apt. St inini's . ays : I Hoiv haulf il ilown eolors 10 previ lit the fllltln'1' th-.-trut'lioll of life, itllil llis ! 'at''iii- l it I'oat to inloriii tlm ent'iny of our cotnli 1 li"'.. Allhouuli ivd were now hut four huinlretl yanl- fnoii eaeli other, the t in iny liri'il nt nie live ; tiiin s , i'Ii r "olors li. nl lu'L'ii striii-k. It is churitu 1 hi" In . -iippo-f that a ship. f war of u Chrisliiin 1111- tioii "i iil'l not have 'lone this intentionally. I Sunn' livr'iiy miniiti's niter my furnuoe tires hml I li,-'-n i'tiiiLiii-lii'l, anil the ship lining on llio point , of 11', i a "h mail, in olii-iliant'" to a previous or ttrr wl.ii h hit 1 hnii iwn tho "row, juuipeil over Iniai'l ami i inl, avt-r. 'l to save hiii:.-i-!f. I There was no iippi'iirnneo of any hunts coming I I'roiii tin' t'lo'iiiy att'.-r tlio ship went ilown. I w;is ' forliiii.ite iiiv- lt' in t'M'ipios; to the shelter of the ! m iilral' on I 'I Mr. l.nneasti r' yui.'ht lleer- li' iinil. t"-''!h' i' wilh forty otliers. i.m.i.isii i:i:i'"i: -Til i: A I . All A M A S It I' II 1 i: It 1HSA 11 1 I. II, JO Cm riHji'luili in.. t,f llic .oil- ,S'"l.o .,,. .,; 1 1 1 ' 11 y;i',.i At len;;t!i t!ie A lal'. nun'.-, rinhler was tlisnhleil hy om" of In r oppum. nt's lit'iivy shells, ami they hoist e.l sail.-; Lot it was reported to ('apt. Seinuies hy on" of Ins olli, -l is Hi, a his ship was sinking. Willi '.:iv. it Lruvei-y tho mum were kept ported until tin niu.les ivt'ie in tually umler water, nml tlio la-! shot from the il'ioimil ship wn.s lirt"l lis she was si'tln!':x ,hnvn. v 1 rr. !iTitrTn- ririins4 nrfiirTTT ills VII,-.' ru w ii s entopletelv umler water C;itit W lo a her Seinnies srnv IIS l.e-t tin V ivet oi'l' i-s fur his men to save thetnselvi'S y il l, .ami every 0110 jumped into tho iviiin to the ho;tts which had put oil to -I'll iiml their ii .-eue. 'l h. isc of them w ho were wounded wore ordered hy I'iipt. Seuimcs to he placed in tho Alahniiia's Imals and tak. n on hnurd tho Kcursagc, which was i's far as pn.-silile olicyeil. Till: 11M THIS YAI'IIT. 'ITi 0 w-'iiilidcd nun on hoard the Icorhound were carefully attend to until her sirrivul here, when they were lu'. 111 I" the Sailors' Home, in tho Catiutu road. Sev.-ial "f tlm men are morcr lis? scarred, but tbey an; all out uhoiit town to-duy, uml tho only noticu alile case is that of a man who wns wounded in tho gmiii, and that hut slightly. Captain Si'iunies ami his tirst lieutenant, Mr. J. M. ('ill, ai" slaying at h'clwaivo hotel, in Queen's tt riae;-. where the gallant cnniiuandcr is under thu euro nf Or. Ware, n medical gentleman of this town, his right hand hcing slightly splintered hy a shot. AI'I':ai;am i: "f Tin: conti:ii;iiate shAmk.i. When the men came mi hoard the lleerliound they had tmlliing mi hut their drawers anil shirts, having I'd n stripped to light: uml onu of the men, with a sailiir's devotedncss, insisted on seeing his eaptniii, who was then lying in Mr. Itiincaster's cabin inn : v r.v exhaii-tc'l condition, as ho had been entrusted Oy 1 apiiiiu ,-eiiiiiies Willi tho ships papers, and to no one else would he give them up. Tho men wcro all very anxious about tlmir captain, uml woro re joiced to I'rnl that he had been saved. "They appear ed to ho a set of first rate fellows, uml act well to gether in perfect union under the most trying cir-1-11111 -tames. n nn . o, ,..i.!ii il "V,.,-...- . ..... I ....... .... .',. .. ,,,,.. IIIU . Vtlll llt(l 11)1 I n- half an hour yet: look alter soino who aro nearer ilrowtiiog than I am," Ho then niudo away for the liecrhniind, thanking (iod that ho was un der Kuglish colors. ol'ISI'IV 'J'liroiigl aimiil ;i mi was able t. 01 Till; OWNKtt OX TUB 1r.l:llllol'NI). the notion the Deerbouutl kept "ot Ic lo windward of the comhutunts, and 1 witness the whole of it. 'J'ho Koarsugo was liiiioing N'eweastlo coals, uml tho Alabama WeMi t o. ii. the dilVort lice iu Ihe smoke (tho north ciiinlry ci'.il yielding so much more,) enabling tbo . ".'.. "'. r iC' .;,.' I., t.f it. ii,,. iiy iilU.cj. Mr. Liiiica.-lcr is Hourly of opinion -that it wus tho Ki .11-agc's 1 1-iiicli shells which gave her tbo ad vantage, nnd thai, after what he bus witnessed on tliis ui'i'ii-ioii, wooden .-hips stand no chauco wbut-i-v-r .e-aiii-l fhclls. I;, Oil vc. i-ls liri-d well into each other's hull, mid the yards nnd masts wt re not much ilaiiiagcl. The inaiiiina-t of the Ahtbamii bad been struck by -h"l, mi l us Ihe vessel was sinking broko olf and fill into tho sea, tiirowinsr soiui! men who were in llio ui'iiitup into Ihe water. Koine trrmendous gap- were visible in the bulwarks of the Kcar.-nge, and il is believed that some of her boats wero dis'd. She appeared to be temporsrily plated with iron chains. , to. .s far ns could be seen, every thing appealed to be well planned and ready on hoard the Hours-age for .ictinii. ( pluck was sh.nvn tin bulb sides during the action. (In board the Alabama all tho liunimockii wcro h t loose, and arrangements hail been nindo for sinking her, rather than sho should bo captured. SK'lll;S TI1IIOWS 1113 SWolin AWAY. As fur as is known, not a relic of tho Alabama id iu th" p"S-c-si"n of her successful rival. When she was .-inking ('apt. Seinnies dropped his own .-.cord into the sc. 1 to prevent the pos.-tihility nf i(s getting into their hands and tho gunner made it hole iii "lie of the Alabama's boats and sunk her fir the sauie ivn-ou. TI sinioSIAI. eiloH SKMMKS. ih-f'.r,' leaving the Hcorhtiund. Captain Semtuos presented to Mr. Lancaster's son onu of his officer's swords and a pishd, in reineinhriuieu of tho occur rence nnd tin- kind treatment ho and his men had ri ,, ived oil board the yacht. sit:. HASoN At SOI TIIAUITON. Mr. .M.isioi, llio Conlt"Icr:ite agent, Capt. liullock and the Lev. Air. Tretiilett arrived at four o'clock tins afternoon from London, nml proceeded to Kel w ay's Hotel to nu'ii i'apt. Sctnmcs. .loon 11 1 ifl.A ru i. r roi: Tilt; wocnueii. ''apt. S'-nuucs and all the men nro now placed under the can-of Mr. .1. Wihlia for inch medical ill- ud.iiieo a- may be lt-nllili-d. I iiicmI licl w rcn I lie llama iiml llic Ki n isngc. Tim -lii'll 1)111 1 h i llii' mi" struck hor just iiliiivn tlm iv.u hunkers I" pieces, the Wilier pulling uilt her lilt's. Mi'l' to th" Alal'ilini, r liim, Ii kio.s Imr ul .ii't.-t iiiinn 'liul.i ly 1 Ai'iTiii.n. - l.l now m:ihii. Luildmi .V, ic w ;, , .In, I'rnut lift When the luiltlo was nl it 11 end the I "i i hound steiiiued over to the K fii 1 .-110, 11ml Mr. laini-asirr wu.s nskeil hy tlm olln'ers of tlm hu lt' 1 n I ship to try 11ml pii'k up the seines of tlm Alaliaina's i it w and otlo'i'i's who were dunlin;; mid Hiviiiiuiiiis; ahoiil. lie lowered his ylioht lioals, uinl 1 lie of thi'lil, colli ni.imlt'd hy a iiinn iiiiiiiid .plains, was steeritis; his limit into 11 i:roup of 11 tloi u r-tiurlin persnns, wlmii ho passed 11 drowning loan nt soino short tlis-tiim-ii with 1111 iiltieer's cap on. One ol tho men in the heat cried mil, '-'Tltv L'r Si'iunies," mid lh" tlroivuiiis; man i-ulli d mil, ''1 inn the captain; save urn; I ciuiliot keep up lltiy lon "r." Aihims went nml ilruss;!"d lino into the ho it, Si'iunies lln-li said; "l-'or (ind's sake, ihoi't put me on liniird the KeiirsiiK", hut put urn on hoard your y ui' lit.." Adains protiiist d to do so, ami lnid Si'iunies down in the hottoin, mid "oveivd him with 11 sail In cm con! him from tho Kenrsiisre's hunts, which wore evidently anxiously searching for him. When Adiiius hud Hiived 11 hunt load he look thorn 011 hoard the yuelit, uinl Soiutucs was at onco phicod hclow, As soon us nil that were seen in thu water were picked up, Mr. Lancaster was miviotis to gel uwuyt mid hcgiin to slciiiii mil to sou. Ho expected thut ho should huvo hceii liroiight to hy 11 shot from th" Ki'ursnge, hut sho wus too ilisnhlcd it uppenrs to ii niter the licerhouud to overhaul her, nml thus Souitncii oscuped hciug niiitle 11 prisoner. kkiiui:' SI'Kia tl TO IMS I III.W. y'llllB JilUi- -I ) Ci.ccsyioillcat'l.' iillli: l.ilililun 'm,. As I'liiiluiu Seinnies is in Knglaiid, yon will eel hotter uccoiiuts of tho comhiii tliuii rcuch us in Paris. A French iiccoiiut suy that heforo li-iiviug Cherliourg, ho culled his men, 11ml addressing llieiu, cxcliiinieil "Wo must eoiiipier or die!" To which tlm crew replied ( I givu tile words in Frein-li:) "Hurrah pour 1" Sud! Vive hoc! Vivo son urine"! Vivn hi Kriiuce! In nation genrroiiMnpii seiilo pur tiipio irtiue niiinicro impartialo la m us tralitc!"; Ai- tin: tiAi l.iNO miwn or nn: i om kohia i i; 1 1. AO. b'i'um the LimtiiHi Stm (njmiul rijiml,) ,iok- 111. dipt. Heniiiies directed the 1st I.iciilonunl, Mr, Kell, to go helow ami report Ihe slate of ihe hip. Thut officer soon rt'titrnt'il, saying sh" was in u'sink ing state, ami tho captain decided oil striking his nils'. Tho llai; hud heen uln-adv llircu tiiio-s shot uwiiy, hut repla I. A largo iiiiiiiImt of the eroiv rushud nil, conjuring tlm captain not to strike, and expressing their readiness to sink in her and din with honor; nml one of the 11-uincii, named Smith, ciitlu-s in hand, stood hy tho ling uinl ilci-hired he won! '. 1 allow it to ho lowered. The captain lev. 11 01-1- . 'v"i', nml insisted on its living hauled down, whlih w;i.' tloiic, uml u white llag hoisted. noiii.k t.osin'1' t uf rut; sruui.'iN or Tin: ai.aiuha. .Mt-antimc the whalelioat mid dingy, the only two Inuiti uiiitijureil, wore lowcre 1, iiud the wonii'led iiieu phiced ill them, Mr. Piilhain lu-iug scut in charge of them to the Kcarsuge. When tho hoats Hero lull a 111:111 who was iiiiwoiiudi'il endeavored to inter one, hut wus held hack hy the surgeon of the ship, Mr. I.icwellyn, son of the rector of 11 pari.-h in Wiltshire. "See," ho said, "I want to s.i' e iny life lis much its ymi tin; hut let the Wounded men he savi-il first. " "I'octor," said tho oHicer in II," hunt, "wu can make room for ymi." "I will not peril the wounded limn," was his reply. He remained heliind uml sunk with the ship a loss much de plored hy nil the ofl'mcrs nml men. lie is the only ofliecr known lo he lost. Ml.SSlOi; I'ltoM 111 t: A I. A 11 A M A To I 1 1 IS KKlllsA'.H. When Mr. I-'iilhain reached the Koarsagc he had his sword hy his side, uml let it fall into tho water, lost he should have Jo surrender it. Ho went on linurd the Kearsag", iiml wus nsked hy I'apt, W'ins Inw if he hud C01110 lo siirreiuler tho ship. He said ho hud no such ortlcrs, hut was sent to a.-k for as sistance, ns they were sinking fast. Tlm Kcnrsngt' then ceased tiring nml lowered her Imals, while .Mr. I-'iilham returncil tow'nrils tlio Alulmniit, which sunk ere ho ciiuld roimh her, ami nftci' picking up u few of the swimmers, lie contrived to reach the lleer lioiiinl, whert! ho found ('apt. Seiomt-s, twehe other ollicer,-. uml iihoiit twcnty-eighl nu 11. iit.iiiiisu ui' Sinn; or nn; 1 0,111:111:11.1 n: 1 ni;w. Xiuncroiis acts of gallantry are related as hav ing ooi'iirretl on linurd tho Alahauiii, during tho tight, 0110 or two of which are worth recording re enrding. Mr. (i inley, tho captain's coxswain was struck hy a .-hut, which shattered the lower purl of his uriii, leaving it hanging hy tlesh and skin: he deliherntely took out his knife, cut off the piece of his liinh, untl continued serving his gun. A II inch shell which fell on the deck wus taken I HH mill tKn.i.. vli..U. Ln mjhu ly tiiu Hi''". .1 'I'." aidjjuj. ALu. th, 1 1,1 already known to the Alabama tiuu I10111 his huv i ing jumped into a heavy sou nnd saved tho life ol'u uiuu who huil fiillcn overboard. A luun unmcil lleiirno wus loading a gun, when a shot struck the ramrod uml broke it iu twa. He lookud up untl ubiucd them for not waiting to have tho shot properly in for them. lino man was sent forward to clear tho jibhonm rigging, which had boon damaged; ho received a most painful wound, which was mortal, iiotuilh sluiiding which ho completed tlio Work and return oil to the deck, where another shot cut. him in two. Another mini, though mortally wounded, refused t admit that ho had been struck, and continued to do his work until he foil dead on deck. I'ltr.xril Ri;i'oi;ts-. f'ritin tin I'ari Miniitcni-, Jinn: II I . Tho I'linfeilcrato steamer Alabama, carrying out tho design it had announced several davs before ! bund, left Cherbourg roads yesterday at II) n. 111., and advanced ngauist the bederul oorvetlo Kenr sngc, which hovered in tho olliing at a ilisiunco of about fifteen miles. The ironclad frigate (.'ourou ne left her moorings simultaneously wilh the Aln- 1 butna, and acomnpanieil her livo miles, iu order to provent hostilities Iroiu taking place in french wa ters. Tho action commenced at 1 1 o'clock, far be yond that limit. The liring wns gallantly kept up 011 both side lor two hour, after which the Aluliaiiia was compelled hy tho severe injuries she hud sus tained to inuko for Cherbourg. The Kcrsuge iinuiedintcly gave chase; but a few moments Inter the Aluhuiuu sunk. It was then 0110 w'clook. Tho Kearsago saved seventy two of tho crow and returned to Cherbourg, where she anchor ed in the course of tho afternoon. Ten Confederate uml throe Kctlcrul wounded wisro landed mid taken to Cherbourg. Nino more of tho Alabama's crow wero brought buck to Cherbourg by a pilot boat. Tho steam tug Vur was scut from Cherbourg by tho Prefect Maratiuie to afford assistance to tho Alabama as soon as sho appeared lo bo iu danger, but only arrived after all tho survivors hud been picked up. CAITAIN SISMVILS A I'I'K AIHNl'i; WHAT 111; S A 1 1 IN Slid HAMI'TOM. (Sontlniiiiiiton, iiio; 20ti, t'oci-cnyMoiicutc 11 the Loiitlitt .Vein,. ) Captain Seinnies is a thin, wiry built niun, with a stern uml determined uir. II" is uhotit fifty yours of age, with 11 sinnll, rod, pointed face, und a benrd and moustache in tho American style. Ho had on a very old naval ollicer's cap and an Lnglish naval lieutenant's jacket. Ho declined to see any slrang- Lia at bij butct. 111., tilot lit.utt.oi.iit ie u lino lent: ing young man. In answer to iiieslioiis Captain Scnimcs saitl that ho left nil property ho possessed, and upwards of sixty clironoinetiirs which ho had taken from captured I'ederal merchantmen, in Cher bourg, previous to going out lo light the Kearsago. He says that ho was completely deceived ns to tho strength nnd armament of tho Federal ship. What ho recollected of the Kcrsuge was that she was nn ortlin"- sloop-of war. It lie had known thai -he was I iin 11 ot .01. ami inucli more heavily arnict! than tho '.'" tin. 1, iie W ill I not have fought, as it was mad ness lo 1I0 so. He said that the light between tho Alahiuia and Kearsage has taught another lesson in naval warfare, that of tho usclessncss olordinury ships-of-war like thu Alabama encounter ing an iron clad and heavily armed ship like tho Kearsage. He doej not know tho extent of the damage ho did to tho enemy's ship; all he knows is that ho bus lust his own. Growing Civil ani On the first advance of tho Yankee ainiy from Memphis, it is said that lien. Forrest sent a flag of truce to ask upon what plan the war wus to bo wajed if tho black flag was meant to be raised and tho Yankee battle cry was to be "Fort Pillow" and "Xo Quar ter," ho had no objection to meet the Yan kee tiener.l on such an issue, but he desired to know it before hand. The reply was that tho Fedeiul General had given strict orders to respect private properly on tho march, ami that he preferred to conduct the campaign on tho humane and civilized principles of modern warfare, lie only reiiiired that his negro soldit rs, if ca turetl, should bj treated as prisoners of war. Thus Gca. Forrest has taught one Yankee General the language of moderation and hu manity, lie has dune it by forcible deeds and tho terror of his name. MuLtk i-yt'ey awl Adid'liaer. TKLIKi ItVIMI IC HEPOIITS OF THE PHKS3 ASSOCIATION. I nl, 1, il .1-T'.i'lin:. to In' .1. Tim: i-in 1;. Ill.l I HUH nl' III" I " lllsllli t "f U 'gill. t 11IIJI I h-lk III Hi- Dill.' il. 'I' 1 .Or sitii , nn- Nm l (.en. .loll it n( nn lelievcil by (.en llooil. I'D re will A ilit it'sts ol' (.111. .lohiiston. An, ami, .Inly IS,- Tho tinny and public m n surprised lint morning with tho iinuoiinceii cut of a i lunge "f commander, (ion. Johnston being re lieved and (it'll. Hood receiving; ct ' ill II. it II' I . 'Hie following i- iii 0. ,1, illusion's farewell ad dress lo Ihe Hoops: 1 1 1 : A i iji A 111 1. us, Ainu ui.-;i', duly IS lsi',. Iii ohcdit'iii'ti to orders of thu War lieparl incut, I turn over lo (ion. Hood the coiiiiiiuihI of llio Army und Ilcpurlineiil of Tennessee. 1 cannot have this nohlo army without cxpivs sing my iiiliiiiiiitioii of tho high mililary ipialiiics it has displayed. A long mid iirduous Ciiitipuigti has iiiude con-.ic-tious every sohliorly virtue cndiiruneo of toil, obe dience to or iel's, and biilliant courage. The no- j In sC - I my bus never atlackcd, bill to ho repulsed, and se verely punished. You, soldiers, huvo never argued but from your courage, and never counted your foes. Nu longer your leader, r will still watch your ca reer nnd will rejoice iu ymir victories. To one and nil I oiler assurances of my friend ship, ami bid nil f lli t.' t mil lite farewell. (Signed ,1. l'l. JollNHTOX, (Icneral. (it'll. II. ind's Address. (in.a.-suiiiing ciiiiiiiiaud, (ien'l Hood issued the following addicss : lli:Aiiyi.Aiiri:iis Aiimv nr Tk.wkssi;!:, .Inly I 1 1 1 , I si: . SiiIiIIi c : lo obedience to ordt is from the War llepiirliui-nt, I insiiine to-day tin mioand of this army and tlcpurtinent, I feel tlm weight of the responsibility so suddenly nml unexpectedly devolving 11 1 ii hi me by this position, und .-hall betid nil my energies, uml employ nil my skill, to meet ils Hipiiroincnls. I look wilh eonfuleiioo to your patriolitui, to .-tuinl by me, I rely npon 'oiir power lo wrest your country from the grasp of the iiivntlor entitling yourselves to Ihe proud dMinc tioii of being called the deliverers of an opprcsstd people. Ki'spcclfully, (Signed.) ,1. li. HiMili, .(iciicrul. Toh'gi'iiphi" communication wilh Montgomery was su-peiidcd liisl night near Notasiilga, il is sup posed by a p.uiy of thceiiemy reported tt- be at ladeg.i. Saturday. N" tram arrived lo-day from West I'oint. The main lore" of the enemy crossed the Challu hooi heo between l-haio's ford and Itoswoll und nro slowly pii-hing forivai .1. Ciivalry skirmishing took place this morning at llti' lihcad eight miles from this place. The Last Kuiil. I 01 ItTII OOI I'l'ATI'iN OP JAI'KSOX. Kl"lll tile l.l.'ks.ill Mississippi:,!!. HUll. A week ago Ibis tiioroing tho enemy wore re poind as having crossed ltig llluck, und wore marching direct for Jackson. At the time, (reneral Adams had no troops available Hen. liholsoii not having arrived from above nr Colonels Scott and Powers from below. Tho way appearing clear for the enemy, the evacuation of Jackson was ordered, nod the p,iiil4ioii bridge at. Pearl riicr removed ul daylight Monday morning, lien. Aduins then pro ceeded Inward Clinlon, for the purpose of making a lecoiiU'iissance, and found that Col. Scott had ju-t urrived. 'irders were at once given to hold tin; enemy in check, and if possible arrest his progress until (ihnlson could bo lieard from, lint after llic 1 t gallant resistance, in which the enemy were repoaledly charged, Scott was forced to give way, mid the enemy proceeded to dackson. When with in a few miles of tiir.n, they were mot by a dun tnittec of wilh a (lag of truce, (ienerals Sloi-uui nnd llcnnis were found to be in coinmund of ihe expedition ; und they assured the truce puny (toil 1 f'f-nii Tu-miertv "f every deserit'lion "li'iold t 0"t lie 'li-li"'!""t 11"' elleloy t""K po.v-essioll ot -srcKnn about two o'clock Tuesday evening. Colonels Scott nnd Powers e. imped that night I livo null's north of the city, and (leu. tiholson ar- 1 rivcil iluriiig the night, tin U cdncsdary morning pickets were sent forward, nnd tho enemy wore found occupying the north lino of breastworks at Jackson, Affairs remained iu that situation until ubiiut I'oiT o'clock, P. AI., when tlio enemy were discovered moving on tho Clinton road. (ten. An inns then ordered his command to udvutice by the country roud west of tho iiiuin Clinton roud with the view of intercepting tho enemy before ho reached Clinton. This he did at tho ilanett place, about livo o'clock. Col. Hani's regi'rent was the lirst to meet tho enemy, and charging him prompt ly, inflicted a loss of about twenty killed nnd wounded, lly the time this charge was completed, Kotclitrs buttery hud turned to the right through a corn held, und taking position on u hill, opened on the enemy. It was replied to at onco by two guns. Lieut. Frank Johnston's section moved siibscipient- ly to Ihe right, taking a position near the Steam" .Mill, thus securing an enliliiding lire. Ono of our regiments dismounted, and iidvaiiced between the two sections; but Scott's skirmishers having pressed the enemy hack, and it being now about sundown, the contest was not renewed until next, tnorning, at sunrise. The lines of buttle, which, on thu previ ous evening obli'picd in n southwesterly direction to tho Clinton road, now becainu parallel. Suffice it lo suy that tho enemy succeed in pussing his trains, the protection of which on his part, and the possession on ours, seemed to be tho object of the light. The enemy lost on the field about twenty killed and seventy-live wounded, and we captured uhoiit thirty prisoners. Our loss wns not so greul, not exceeding four killed und twenty wounded. Our forces followed tho enemy townrd Clinton, and overtaking them about two miles this side, sev eral bold but incficcluul attempts wero madu to enpluro a section ot artillery, in which Col. Lowry's regiment sullcrcd severely, (ion. tiholson was struck tn ice by lniniiie bulls in the left shoulder und itrtn. tied, trhnlsoii's men wcro so much ex hausted from forced innrc'uoc iiml short rations, that (Jon. Adains ordered them to give up tho pursuit. Colonels Scott and Powers still hoyercd on their front und flanks. I lien. Cholson was nioviiig in uno'licr direction, under superior orders, nnd did not reocivo tbo dis patch to join tieu. Adams until the night of tho .'Id. I Ho came down to Canton with a force of not excoed- I I.,.. 1, 11 11 , 1 i-eil .,,,.1 lil'tU etl'eellv.l ,,,,,,, ,,,! ., hundred of these wero detailed to take charge of tho wagon train and disabled horses. This loft hi in eight hundred and lilTy men, deducting from which every fourth iiinn horse holder, when dismounted, ami his total lighting force did not exceed six hun dred and forty. All told, (Icn. Adains did not hnvo I ei.eceiung one iiiousiiuii ugniing men uniter Ins j command, whilst the l'orco of tho enemy consisted j of two brigades nf infantry, six hundred oavulry.nnd ! eight pieces, of artillery, in all numbering two thoii 1 sand one hundred. Tho enemy sustained a loss of about two hundred and litly killed, wounded und j prisoners, und was forced to leavo without, accoin I plishing the objects of his mission. Our loss does J uot exceed one hundred, but among the fallen wc j reeogiii.c noble names either of whom was worth a I legion of federals. Jlad (leu. Adains live hundred I additional Iriops, tho whole party would have been i captured. Col. Wood, Lieut. Col. Aluorutuil, and Aluj. Peyton, had been ordered up, but were de tained at Cnlciiian'f Cross Heads, in Jefferson coun ty, whore thoy encountered and defeated a greatly superior force of the enemy. Take it altogether, the result is as satisfactory as tho circumstances warranted us lo expect. Wu have heard uf some faltering on tho part of sonic of (Iholson's conimand, but wo attribute it, if true, to tho wearied condition of tho men ami hor ses, and the incpiality uf numbers. Thcro is as good righting material in this brigade as can lie found anywhere, und tbcvnnly roiuiro a fair show- ing to ilenionsiralo tins tact. 1 Colonels Scott and Powers sustained their rcpu j tatioii for dash nnd daring, ami have added bright laurels lo their already fair tamo. Thoy purmed j tho enemy to Edwards' Depot. .-ti,Tho N'cw York World speaks of Lincoln nnd Andy Johnson as "tho rail-splitting buftnon" nnd "the boorish tailor." Ueros aro not to bo L-ot rid f excel, t by roii-h means. I hey aro scab s from a fu-h. to be scraped off, like ! Tii' The yankeu War Iiepartiueut h is aiilh-r i.ed the euipl.iyniolit til" in'Croes, a- an 1,-t it lltos .,r dialled white iuu iii Marylud. i'i In- ( ,uiii,io 11. 1 liliv days 1 !' aliiin-t cumin. i-.impa 0 marked by in "to ' i f illl' illllll WIS CUT :ht the rebellion to U inl in its career, lie lns ! I lie I I''-' li'.l'li'l , tl Itlllllit Vi -' ' I' T -illely lies ill lite I," litiiiiiv thill their t' 1 !,., e tlliullilulitlieol 1 1 1. e a ev I'U' Virginia, und h "le i f tlm Ciiiifitilora- lias 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 lit. tin-Ill In ihe ill 'linel til-till ai lod,;iilel,l thut ll ey can no ":;.mt Iio ! l i lesi-l hini in irgiuia, will 1 t'ir I'le-eiice, ill that Slate, uf every 111:111 th ii the ('. ii'i"l' i',ey can muster. It is a r .it 1.1 1. iv" .l ino thai, but it is imt eiiuiigii; P.r i' ! i"l, -Is ni'iiiig on llic necessi ty iiiudi- 1 ' I Lin I., iii, mt's iipei'iitiniis, tire in Hi 1 1 ,. iin.. it; hi uf llieir pow-,to-l while they admit thut li n e nn 11 in irgiuiu, it ,is th ni ne men, tin y will be uid Ii -11 nit a great while l l.t. ge aci't'St iuii til I'ui'ci! tu nu corn- pund'uigl addition CIS t'l I'l'M'-tllil' they must ha , ius-ible liial, able to le-i d lunger. Willi Lee ,s iti-iii v. lll'l tu 1, ill's, il ii I tu resist so lui ib!o that tlii'V will be able that tlie siiiiiini!! will pass away, nml Ulchuiuml still be beyunil our grn-p. An I iliev nit! niakiiig such addition 1; in . I he c, t'l's ,,f iiivision, lately II., i'. in ii ;'.niii, ami tiiieariinci'S ih.ii in ie nu n from Ihe Suiilhwest Ill' lit ti In 11 I nml that the halt 1, brought (o at I'd 'iitituie fur days und will keep fur the sili'imi; Iin IniM r.iil li;;t, ( il'alit ; - ii' ' lll'lll ilh I, h. I, tl'l-sli may nwhi I 1 Ic -tan till s bill kept for s .I thai even ll 11 pa I, olid il is not likely vi -it ol the rn-siiieiit to the ar- 11 1 V will h" li'iiiiful in f irciiio tv tui'lher ad viince. We 1I0 nut believe that (iranl will fail. We do nut believe that nur hope for the fall ol Kifliiiiuii I inii-a he ri'liiupiished: lint apparent I v it innl he n.iin tii'tei rcil; und liniie su maiiv limes I . t " -ri'i- I may sicken the heart of heart ' I a mil i liitle il will the , . ,1,1,1, -A'.e ) Tin: Ni .1; in-. 'I' he Cin lumleiit who has seet'ut tun plan it with negro einiiati I l.u NiilllehuW 'r taliuii, ami fa T. I.ii-m "hel lb re 1 one i f the stnries about hi? negroes ; Tln.iigl easli wiigi it iimv be woi-kiii"- fur liberal in I t'l '.tilv iin l 'I'-tnii'ls that all ilr i , 11 bv him will be deluded v , il il pji'inil le i tu du su, he extra ratiuiis 1 li-uiii hi- w il'i wid ilrnw I wu lie. '1 uty, ' Ul vunr ul lln 111, 1 I l lll'ee t I!1HS il S llllll'll IIS IS ns mm li .:. is pussible to de 1 1 nh', ;i s waste what he eiin e iiiueli pains t" learn my eni- Ho t inuiicy fur future needs, imt e,,t, I ink: pl.iyee-. tu -:;ve but if ponnitti them ui ill'l ' nt ularly. I empliiv"! It 1,1 Unlitm I- r ',','," I tu ti 1 s,u, the iiiapirily ol op il.eit' .-JO ier 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 reg; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' il with the uhlest man . :t ! b iv i 1 1 o; Ij'iiii tu draw ((' c.eei '-. lb' look il liuUlllls nf pork, iiiid 1 i 'TV I Mo" e tiinl pre-eiili .1 liiui- "il ui ' rogailiir internal. t he but liiui -f! 1', ;n 1 ie,: deelar ol Ill pl'iipui'tiiili; aw a;;;iin al the ad mi one lo feed il he had liothin lelt I-U- sup" r . This impiuv 'nleii'-e is uiie ul the must seri ous hindrances I" liio advancement and ele vation uf till! Il'-1!'' 1. .nd the m i., es are ruining; themselves ami giiini.'i;: Ihe 1 tempt and execration of the whole muiM t 1 leiii'ii what mir Sntilheru men cuiild hae l"M tlciii for imtliiti";. . Www. I'u 1 1 '-'Pi! v. - I Ie was a truly brave fellow that, I -" me id '!' nn iiiiiii capable uf insulting yon v, liu is mean nijniio-h to at- tempt It. vantage, .11 have the decided ad is! by the in-iiit, he ae it lli v uf his mil ice, yon, by liim unworthy of yours." l-'u knowledges .ui v. . your nrg lei I. iruv. Such a f.ian inaivi.' a lietter soldier i in del'. ui of any jus ! cause, than tho loud rer eve,- heard of. .4B. it bwag ,V- lltir: 'inia. I' SI leri'iiiu s retreat tlirougli his ini-i't'eaiits, eailiireil 111 e n;i!-, , v ei-o j-uinuinrilv "X e.iii !! eoiiimit nu outrage ul. '.I in turn a v. I o--l' III: A!'..o AltTKIN, littll-l-IV, li., . I iiiy 1 -III, I si; I. j IN' a- r-l.unv v. i:ii ".u.'.'ia I- it I'l Orders, Xo. '"d.ii-l "II.. 1 l.j.i.ii'i.-r.- Army of Tennessee, .Inly I eh. si',." , ,Vl. ,hiy' n.-siniieil coni mand of l!ii- I'. . ,-t. .h n M. ' Howard, is nil- Hoi 'd as .y Ad ill. II I. and trill be obevi'd and respected a -1 1 i 1 . A. U'. r LliWLI.L, t'.il.oel LTih T. 'on, -.-to l;t".'iiuoiit, .l.v I '-' 0 Cou'ilg I'ost B-" Hit ( OM.IU'.SS. CAPTAIN .M. W. ( I.I SKLV, Vau-hnii's bri glide, t'li.:,:l having I.e. II 1 tO'dielS of tie 1,1';. dii: i.,11, A y of Tennessee, by a large number of tlm 1 'oiigi -si 111 1 liislriot of Ton. Ic 1" till Ihe vacancy iu Hit; i-ioii'd by tho ilea th of llic iin. ,i.V I'd tdo , is il e:itl li' "111 Co . I invl I .M. I'll A PROCLAMATION in is 11 .11 ; II KKIS, (.Vi:iOK 01 i i:nm: esi:i;. To the Sin-rill's, ( the Male of Tent cotniiiiiii'l ot' ti'....j duly or iu lio.jni.i Vm.:ti:s, n Coiigre-iooiil I li-1 Ciisiolit-d by tin- ,ie. ytlll ale therelol'.' i nu cleclion on T i i i of August, eiuiilei u the vol ing pia.-.- in in the coups ot' tiie r.iiud i.ilo-r en il oilicers of ' e, nnd Pi, the oilicers iii I10111 said State, cither till .,f Congress in the 1 1th of 1' inn .-- e, has been oc t.f Hon. I lux ill M. Cm nn, iin llided to open mill hold ll V, the eighteenth (hu ll. led and sixiy four, at nil ir leMieetive counties, und it . anil at such tithcr points i.ti be on duty, oi' in bos ot imi, iu piii'siiancc of an II Ii ns iciiuc.s' pilal, on 1 icllllc.ssee Mthiiel act ul Ciuc'iv em;l. . holding I'of li le-., 'ell. ill he C. " "PI' I " An Act Iu prtividc for pi ."eittativcs 111 the Con ite States ill the Slate of Mav 1st, I - :; . and an act .i.e. d June '.'th, 1 --1; 1, for nl iieancv, ui.d due return .ling to law. Ill testilllo- gross i.t 111 Tcillll ssi .',' uinendutorv III. 1 the pill po-e of li thereof make to ny w liercot', I, ISil M 0. II.VKUIS, (iovcrnor of I'l'lilli'--' .-. Iiif.'c lli'l elllito set 111V blind I -- 1 ami cnii-.-'l '!" gi-.-ai .--ill of the Slate to be ullixcd, 1 1 1 it tin- lib tlav of do, ic, A. I)., Nil. ISIIAM (i. H.VKKIS. lly the Cm , .ru.. 1 : ,1. K. K. K '.v, Seetetarv of State. T. p ip, i s copy Proclamation tilt Matcli Factory Tho und. 1- re now prepared to (ill orders for 'I IMiiilOl! rRICTION IVIATCHES TRY TIIK.M; 'liny aio Add"'. ruatt'hes. Kl il iv Kill Nsi, lirilliu, June I ! I'l li! - l li .1. II. .1' ..011 id Ion II. loo II -' M 1 'I Ik- i" lir. 1 1. 1, 11 r.tlV, in 1 li'ii.n'il '. ' Iilis Auction Sales i;v J. II. JOHNSON Sc CO. t mnii'.M it; ii ,iniMit 1 iii: ISih insl., and I'ouliiiiini.' I.'ii,!,', I., i.t. unhl Miles aro ci.tu h ied. I '"1, i 1 1 It'iiiv Cu'ters, Seytllf Pill le, Mill IC . ' I n ; II , V it III i! Irons, Cotleo Mill-, 11,0 e (' , l'. .11 .il l , V,,,I I'm.i ('lli-el ', llug.'V Hoi. . Auger", V . ...i ,1 . A ii. limn-', Slllnlhil.;. I I "II . ii iiei A!..ii.,i : llilll" I III . I' h Pill he . Itazor', ll.'i..r Simp , li :- aii-l C.v. , Iblll.oe. .-'!.. m ,' I,,., I and iiianv oile r .n:;. ; - "I H.ud, ,u, M, I, i ,. ,., ten and hoieekei p,.r u. , ,1 ()u: om:. ( inn: m i . iimv is your time lo . upply y.. iu .l,e . ti "ii, ..en prices. Sales to Colulneuec ill 111 n'' 11., . (.. t itl.lii , Ale I rr. Ci'inin, July I I Id, C A L ICO AT VV!j; W;vs i v -.vt. We have on hand tw only pi. ', : .1 . i , n , i , , r , olle calico, Wbieh we W III .- 11 'al I.K. II I' 1X11,1, I'l.l: H l.ll. Kl.'l'KKKiR lll.ACK ALI'AC , AT i iiti'.i' noi.i Aits :r.i; t ni). i:tha K i x I : ruLNcn i.i; r h-i.tat. at runt rv-i i i. iios.i, iis ii.i t. bltOW.V SPANISH LINliN, AT TIVIiM i; noi l, i: i'l i! v MACOX SIllKTIXii iV Til II imi.T, T l l i: IM) I, !!S I'l.l! V !. V'H WIHI' LI.LKCIlI.Ni; i;y Tin; ;m.T, ,T Fil l: ltoi.i, viis ri;s; i:i. Conic and supply you: -e-. , . J. II. .iul.. u. a t u. (Irillit), July I., lit Te UvxUivuirj;'.v Vnvy, LOI.'ATKI) AT tiKli'l'lX, ti A. UK exelmngini.' 1 1 ( 1 1. 1,1 i',V W All 1-1 .,f a II I I- i v and svki i'" it i: tti.i;- at ,,id ,,. - rr "id CASTIXUS nt old priees, nrili -i will give lb" highest cn.-hpr:cc ,,r,, Id I A -TI ii.-. jeS If. T. WKIiS'l CI!. A Ci . I'ok si,i:. V large nssortnu nt of lio.-li-h civile; paper, blue and while, in ,n ini i ; i,- n. -ml pur chasers. Price reasoiiiible. Applv I-. ii . II .M.!'i:i'K. jll2'J ltei)d,,- . Kei.el lllliee. (.'illoi, lia. (iKOKdK 1 1 1. (i.V, (I'OllMKlll.V of M lit! I'll I ., 'II ', 1, ) ATTORNEY AT LAW, liicimoMt. v. All claims ngainsi the ( ',,ul. .b r:Oe liovci ,.n,, iil, Il'ljllstoil mid Collected. fCif l'urlicular atteuti-.ti paid I" S-I In r, chiims. j7 tf. I'OK 11 1 Iii'.. ACO.MPh'TKNT and "p. . ,. n. ,-d . ..!,. w.,.,,.r and iroiier, who i- ;tl , :i''.(ii;ui,t. I oiih gener;ii housework, und i- a i iy l.ur ,,iui li.- -. Apply at this olli.'c. jiun-l.. if Hook Keepers Alteilli.ui. TIlLKi: are several bun. In d .... ,.( !......t belonging ., lip, :,,l,l,ii -' 1:1,,:,, v . , out ill (iriflill. Parties having tin in it ill pi, ,,' i.'lliru tlioin to his old rooms, and ubli -e, jc'.l-lni. I., li. ,- I l.U A !; T. I lit. VI IS1.WKS. We have "0 hand a t tin ' olh,-,- a 1 u -,i i,lt ,. the Plunks used by ,-heriiK ( 1, il ,u, I ' -i -li,', ,", i, ; ill this Slate. I'l iiulifully print, I . n loo .. (.., per.whi'-h W" Will sell at the - u,,,- i.i', - le.'.v t liiilg od I'm- the blank paper al' iio. mi.i: ( JJI'SIIKL- 1 . r in... , i.i.m i. mi; JJ i'lliS, l-r III" li-" "I tie- .M. .1. :,l l. - partnicllt of the A nu v of T.-i ii.--, .-. v ,1 ,, y $111 pur bushel. 'I'liveltd tolne in llui. I..,. T'he Vfssel' e,.nlailiii;g .-.Hue u ;i! be r.iiiia. 1 ::.i mediately tn " uf l p ,-' ". I-", l "I ll . Il't.";i"' t'"' A'!'' II' "HI. jit I IU l ' ..'Ul 'I' ii w;d ii w.:: We will pay tho luglie t to ii 1 i r... 1 ' "' I cotlutl of linen rags, ,,- git,; in i . i. ii I ' lie Oi line Lnglish letlel and cop I ' ' ii."! I" Apply ul tho Ll.l.l.l. ul IK I. J