Newspaper Page Text
T r mm J jo W. w.. Volimin ii (MM V" b NT, CIA., JIJXY 1S.. Numl)oi' 277. Ml 6 tl NOOGA . .11 fj 1 Till'1 I v t II ' I) IMtIM 1 II Ii . I li 1 I I Til) Til;. I'l'lil Mil j. HY niANC M. I'Al'L. Ti i ins of Siilisiilpllon. ( )ti e.pv Kin1 Niniit h I : mi " 1 H i 1 11' Ml I h - d'ni, " " 1 llivr molil lis . m, Hates lit AiIm i Using. Tim Hollars per h., "I i. n ... I. I'm-1 .ii !i In- H.-l li.-ll. I 1 l llis -I ' A - I f . rp DAILY gri kshav i: EVENING EDITION. iti;i k.ioi s Noric i Tlio I'uioii Prayer .Meeting l ii' ill., country, ull he, ln-l.l daily, during this week, ;it ( Ii.. t'liuri'li, ut ,'i 1'. ,M. l. il nut reproach ,, s, MS christian ooininunily, thui.uiit of a ti lut i . ti . . t three or r.nir thousand, only li uii fifty t,, one hun dte.l assemble daily fur 1 1i i 4 important I Iocs it -peak v .'II for either "in .. Hi mil m piety? ilrillin, .Inly I-!, i '.hi. 'Flu: Army ol Tennc-'cc. Tim country has been taken by .-iirpi or by the slip,- , I.. f II, . . I. .lull,, ii with li,.,. I, mi. I son, . . , , ,! ale .-..liiciihal .-.-. I .. render lliclllscU'CS .-llplclllcl V ridiculous hi inveigh ing :t i J l t nil ln:t, ..(' tin: causes uf which ihrv know absolutely nothing. They illicit Li believe t hut tin' country is ruined : i . I every thing inu-t now drift loosely along. We .autinn pei.-otis pur suing a course, which i- : 1 1 -1 1 ! : 1 1 -1 i In get ii. a .:iliii-, to In- mi their guard, or Ihry may r.' nl lli.'ir fully, mi. I iiri' in nival danger c.f Ji:i in.-r their motives very in IK-1 1 uii-cmi-trucd. We call tin' nit. nti f llii -i. persons ,i two furls. First, tin. President is n in. in uli. i is always able to i-i'inliT -nl if.taiti.iv iii-inis fir nil n.'l. IK: is in :i ln'tti r . site hi I., judge ..f tin' situation an.l the movements of the army than private indiv id uals are. Hi.' is govern, .1 l.y patriotic motives in such an emergency, because lir lia- a mm h higher slake in il than any privtlc iinlivi whalcicr. K no win,,' more iiii.l having a higher ielerc.t t.i ti.'t rihl, than any irrin whnsi' I -n -i n.-ss ii is n. i'ai.ainl nialii' .anii s. il is ii'.il.:i'ili. that In' is ii jnan uf iu..ri. i-nlari-.l aiul ruiiiiiivh. ii.-i i- irus than many i'f thi'si- ihtsuiis'. In ih,.- ,.( .iin j. ht, wi1 ivisli In mill ntk'nlinii t.i the I'a. l, that tin' li.'ii cral, by uliuinlii-n. i.- siipi.i-M'ilril, is uni t.f tin nii.t gallant an.l sin ri'.-sfnt nflii-i rs in lh (.''i'ai'y. Ilu liiji.ys llio cuiili'li u.-.. uf l'ri-i It n t lavis im.l (ii ii. l,i.., r u hi.-o i vv hi' ha wun his lviiiiwn, 'J'lm Ainiv i.f 'l'limi.-ro will l.i' ! safe in the haii'ls ol' siirli a man. I.'.-ikin tn the interest nf the euunlry, weean ee mi n-anft fur the terrible pas.-hill into w hi.-h s.inie have lii-heil tlienii.'lvi'S, ami we kimlly, but ealln slly, e.mlisel thein tu hoi. 1 en until they eanKiinw the reasons whieh havu iinpilleil the l'l-esiib iit l.i this nmve lmiit. Ill the meantime let them ki-.-peiml. We liiinw that (ien. .lohn-toii eiijn s liie lovf an l ('(intlilenee of the nrinv. ami we believe ih ser eillv. Wo believe him to lie able to ue.'oinplMi as inie li j as liny other man, of w hal he iiinb i t ahe.-. Hut his j poliey has been ib.tibte.l b many ah.l ,e iie.Mii.n, ' thoiiL'lMve are imt t'uily a.lvi.M'.l, it ua-- un.n ihir point that the Presnleut ami him-. If have .lilTunl ; so iviilely lis to neee.-silul.. a ehaii::.'. 'I'he p.iiiey of the eauipai;;n is as important to a su.v'esrfiil is sue as the irooit exeeiiliou of plan.. It i- the mi -ilonbteil r'.-ht of the I'nsi.leiil, as t'.iinmaiiiler iii Chief, to re'iilntu tliul poliey, innl ve biliele him competent to the task. Me woiil.l bo reereaiil to his hifrh ilnlies, if he j were to follow imv lieiieral lo ov.niih- or heiiiiali,.e 1 a well mature.) nmJ miIIIhI military poliey of the (ioverniuent, however popular w it li the people or the troops lie ini'ht be. lieneraN are ereatc.l to exeeiile the plmis of the War lltiiee, in.t to .lietate tlirm or curry out their iiiinpolhy. When there Is a ililleronee ill poliey, llic tlei.eral mu.-l : u.-.-imih to tl 10 Executive, else there conl.l be no harmony, no responsibility, no .-'ellleil policy. The I'..ui. hoad I i s a sti: u. The a. mt lur- nishe.l us ycstsr.lay of tlio railroa.l .i.-a-l. r .IM nut fully represent the extent of I he an 'nlent. The I,o- , i.iiive "Si ssiiink" while inch rway i-oiniii .lowii cxplo.ldl with tcrrilii force, uIhiiiI four mih . below Jonesboro. The hnineer. Joe llu.-kelh, ilr. Iicnnis anil Ur. Harris, in charge of the train, ami n negro woml-passer were, liillcl, nii'l one of the train guar.l, named Tanner, of the !l.'uli Tcnn., ami several others were badly wounded. The cnL'iiic, and live cars were totally wrecked. ivy. P.ri. lieu. Juli 11 C. Carter, ho li is recent ly been promoted tu that rank, is u.-.-it.'iicd to tin Wright's Ilri'ade. I'nioTcn oe Aceini "jts. A l. theiire;cnt writitiL', tl o'clock p. in., the j.u-s.'iijrcr trai i the .Macon . and Western railroad due here at II p. in., has not arrived. The, detention is caused by the burstiiiir. j or "blowing up" of the "Sunshine," an engine re cently buill ut .Mncon, near hovejoy's .sialiou yes terdiiymorninii;. The engine was carrying out Ibe freiHht' when tho explosion took place, and the en gineer, James Huskeiih, was instmilly killed, full pnrlii'iilars not yet received. It i- lhoii;;ht that the wreck will lo chaired oul of Ihe way to-day. No trains came through yesierd iy from M ait- pouiery, i.wiiio- to the rupture of I. b.ipoliii and tlpclikn, .Aln., by a laidins! party of llie enemy. The. evening pa.-sender train n the Ccoria railroad reiuriied lo this city laic yc.-t,rday eveiiiii),', after having proceeded aboit two ll'i'ies -beiovv i'ecaiui, wo, ,.: in. ,,.oii, .i o..,. il bri(.'iule of Yankee cavalry had cut the road about two miles this side uf Stone mountain, and had lorn up lib. mt one mile mid a half "t the track. A smoke could be seen iu that .lirection, believed to be caused by the burning of Ihe cross Iks. Whether the raiders will follow ihe truck down toward Covington, dt.-tro.yinu! it, or return to their main body, is a inatlcr of conjecture, forces have been sent to intercept thim. --.I;.. "if, VJlh. -.- - Irjf 'We learn from passengers who came down tlio Alabama- and Teiiiie-,ee. road train, this morning, tliat a raid of I-"" Yankee cavalry is advancin"; fr .m Ashvillo in the direction of t'ousa ll'iver bridoe. It is said that they divided into twu parliea one ni.iv iuo'in tlicIdifectioiiyfTallclcaanil tlio oth er towards Montevallo or the above mention ed bridge, (ien. Clandon is in pursuit of them with a fnrco .sullicicnt to hrin; tlicm to ",1'ief. Two Yankee spies in citiens' dress were arrested in .laeksuiiville two days since and upon their persons were found papers detail ing the plans ami objects of tin: raid. This put our authorities on the look out, and we may hope t ien. Clandon will 'n e them a warm reception. SVhm l!ij"iit,r - Ihe 1 lt. 1,01'tst.iNA. A gentleman just arrived from N'evv Orleans, says the Mobile Kegi-der, reports that the ( 'otifederates had and c.iinplutely broken the Yankees at .lira-hear City. It was reported in the city that the rebels were advancin;; mi 1 . .iml.l ,,.n v i I ! Won't lien, t'aiiby be wanted nearer In. me than at. Mobile? i IKL I.MSii, .11 l,v m;i ! I'lvslilrht l)aK, Kn. Ill Hie ..iil'alil.i - il,! of Ihe Si.lltli U'c Inn e been p. rmillcl to iiiuk,. i,,. f, e .poni cMracI of Ihe lile iiii, I i-lut i .li t ' Hi' lu-ily l. .i.eil ( luel .Mii;;isli'nle, n,i,, pmai, Idler ad h esse, I I,, ,im. f i iu I' 'cit uells. 1 1 11 ill ll , II rep. iv ii pcrus il : H iiibl iipoh this subjecl, I would remark, il i riohl here I feel mi iniicli coiilid, nee j , , deni. I b...icvc, from my ion ,, him, thai j his eye is looking far nut at sen, o,,.v scanning ' the leaping, .lii'hin waves, nun liinj t." line of the ' horri sou, in order to nu'ulu the ship eomunii, , in hi- ! de.-iiny, salcdy inlo purl, n harbor of seeuniv. And his hand i.. upon Ihe wheel, liir heart is lniuilde f.i wards liod, and his. eye oficji raised lo Heaven in j earnest prayer lhat il will sculler the , clouds oieiheadl It is a uraiul sneelaldc lo Lis,,,,, I "ik and i y in liealih, willi so liim an nim, ! Mil-'in,- a he. ul ! Tlio dcMili,,,. ,,ir, ,v - iiiieiiiin , eaii-o Ihe aim lo shake, the cc lo v m j d. i, bill only alieiivaiils lii renew Ihe liiunic-- ..I the one aiel Ihe sickliness of Ihe olher. i He is more mi-undoi-i I ihau any man ,.,,-r j saw - oflcn lli..ii;.il cold and scllish, he is the iciy I reverse ; oflcn ima-iNcd lo Im vimlielivo and pivju diced, he soltcns Ihe si mutest tl lideneies of i i,. naline iu these- re.s I., ,y , operalions of calm I and dcliheralc judlllenl ; believe. I lo lie f..;nl o ', power, he i.s linn, I in i t s excn.i,.c, ami look.- in il 1 u.-c lo Ihe limii.s , I, lined li.r him by ihe , .(j.iij,.u : and the laws; is said lo reward his liiends and! punish his 1 1 1 i. . I cneinicsj in in dare approach ' him and claim ii public beiil'lit for him.-. If becaii.e he h..s been his liinid, and his enemies ,.m. ,,hv , b. cali-c they make llicu. -el ves llis enemies. .'s he i c.innoi saiisly all, nil iini mil j,!tili-'l. A 4 man's in lore -f . i.t . 0 . , 1 1 n an. 1 .1, . ai rn d out or su-laiocl by Ihe I'i'e ill Ihe exeeiiliou iiii- or,i,i .Nalional .pie and iuierc-i,-, every m. in is not wholly cut Those who ale discontented, see Ihe 'e Ihroii-h llic lacli s of mortified sell ml and allribiilc lo him ol'lcnliim s motives iilu LU;1 .-ii.. ii- idenl oily their own, ju-t as he w I III w me, III). Ill d: Ulik.'lines.s In all he inecl.'. lallope, lluil is educaled liur.ipi I k- and letters, have wril Ien him , man: even the enemies of hU country man who is ollidin;; "the i'realc.-t ', the iiii ii i own as a i i . see in him 1 rebellion il w oi ii ev ,-r saw, nii'l an nuts lie is Kit Mm,' il .won derfully Hill," but it bel in.- only to io.el'ily In d. line llis li ne (,'r, illness nil. I lonnard to him .i.ii.-e for hal he has douo, for his I'umiie.-s, his palrioli-in, hi.- iii .dcsty, liis courage ami his v ii hu ,-; bul j;ieatc-t of all, his palienl einluraiu'e and dc vole, I, uiieomplaiiiin' siilleiinos .' lint ihal man's inner life cannot be ivrilteu. could it, then hi.- ;;ical m ss and inerils would be known, l-'roin him, il will never be know. He sels up no plea in his ow n behalf, and his heart keeps its own sorrows and secrets ! As liis soldierly step carries him throii-h the Capital S.piare, from his residence lo his oHiee, hi- fratne creel, his head well up, a c phie sii ur ,r to him would linlie-ilatin-ly irouoioiee him lo b one who relies upon hi- own firmness mid hi.- own integrity, and who fears no scrutiny however etos and si urchin;;. Hut to look close upon him, lo Ihal .piicl lile always so linn, but always Mailiii.u', the sternly, bright heainin of llic eve, Ihe mode I srcsiure, ii would not be hard to 1,11 lhat he Has a , kiii, i neiirieu, .-im pie niimieu man, wlm w ail. isl en lo llie sorrows ol others, aye, ami relieic lliein I t but would never t, II Ins on n. I must mention lo yu a liule in, i,,nl which occurred, us peihaps Ihe best illustration of my nlca of Ihe I'ichiIciiI, wliicli I could iie you : Vpon horseback, .Mr. Davis is lie- per-oniiicaii..ii of a .- .flier, lie rides remurkablv well, and si em- a- nor,e nun nie. were in.iecl , mule lor each olh. r. HiirniL' heri. Ian s recent raid -mi aiieniiit on Ihe pari of the enemy to throw nil iuiuicii-e cavalry lore,: into Kiehim inl, iu the rear of Cencral I, co, Ihe President was more llian usually active, in the saddle ami at work, ri'liiijr, workino and or jinuijiii day and uiht; of cour.-e, under sueh circiiuislanees, such a man, tilling his hili place and de.-liliy, willi all his soldierly Inuring, w i- In, I only aiiol.ncl of inlcr. -l. but dcepes! anxiety, line -uiis at the outer lines of forlilicalions -souie dis tance from Iho eilv had opened upon Sheridan, and as their thunders were pealing out upon the air, tlio President dasliis lo Ihe I'mut, hi.- eye fall of lire, hi- I, curing imlicatin,' nil the enthusiasm of a .-d in I, i"l duly, calm and i. - lal i.. h ixcrcise. Hut his passage is stopped, his way im- if-ii d by an Ulilol'lilliale eiliineiit . li ik, hIi.-sc vvaoli eai ryill oul supplies to the ! pal Inn nt lial l.dioii, had bell eheelied upon ll bridp' break ino; beneath his team. The cannon are crii-lon away, ami the poor clerk looks up I'rom his lahoi -1. 1 lind liini-elf ulieo-t face lo faee with Ihe Pn.-i deal, whose ea.Jlir p.ltll iu delens,; of his In-loved Capital is thus headed Up. '1 hu eye of tho Chief ii already Hashing back Ihe proud echoes of Ihe j;ihis, ill his hands n . -Is ihe desi'mv of the people, the moment is full of tale and ils results. 'I he clerk sees il all, knows, hears, d els it all, and is almost overw helmed ; bin the tcnipe.-t above, within, .'Hid around llic l're.-id. nl docs not ehan'o il,r iu ; quickly but kindly he directs the r fellow what to do, oivin- the nmsl accurate and be.-t instructions, promptly miidin and ilirceliiio: the team is released, the bridge ero.-si d, a .-mile beains upon the face of Mr. l'av i.-, who has heard the .,'ralcfuflliaiiks of his employee, iis he dashes forward to save, tlm eilv. Itepoi t ol men Admitted into llo-pil a at l.iillin, Ca., July Ulli, Iwtil. The foil. nviu named soldiers were adiiiilicd int.. Ilo.-pitaJ- at this Po-t to -lay : I V loo-A IIOS CITA I,, Piiviite .1 P Aubny, eo I, I'd Ky. Iiiiiri Hon in. sen vi Private .Al II Campbell, eo II, I'.i'.lh (in. I-hain llernden, co C, 47tll (til. C f .Martou, co (1, llidi (la. s. e. MooiiK in si' Private Win .M .McKac. eo I 2!0h Ala. Seabron Carucll, co (I. 2;M Aln. .1 11 Carroll, co I, '-'d (la Civ. .la- V, Allmoii, eo 11, L'uih Ala. W II hockev, eo C, Uilh lia. John .McMillan, eo D, I2tli l,:i. I'lM IIDSI'ITAI.. Private W M Scsiicpr, eo (1, (old (la. IIIIJI AT CATOOSA IIOSIUTAI.. I'rivale W I. Waller, eo f , 'Jiith Ton n. I'lIM) AT Dllil'.CTIO.S IIOSCITAI,. Private It X Cantrell, eo (i, .',th (in. lloti'r C. fosri:ii, Im Sur.. iu eh;'c llo-pitals. The following is froia u Kiiroiciin loiter which Hp.uui in llic ILuIliIi CoiiIl b rille : I'.ut vou niiiv n-k. how doe- lauopc look 'upon all ibis carnage '.' N it willi inditlcrcncc, c I laiiily. . 'I'he weak uml tiaod policy i f l.ord Itiis.-ell, and ihe iiiiforlunatc, resolution of the f.iuporur of the I I',,ili to .-llb..,.li,.t li'ir ..stioii oli ,lR,ti..o j to tliat of til cut Hritain, have placed lhe.-e Iwo : llovi ruinents in a position hostile to the claims uf j the Coiil'ederales : but the sympathy ut the people, of fnhuid nt least, is heartily with the South. Witnc.-s a little incident that occurred u few days no ui the ereat uuiiiuil race for the Wlaks," A crowd was u.-sciubled, .such as only the "i inks" or the "Derby" can lirin together. "The first race I for Ihe day," (1 ,iiote from the Index) "was set for half pa.-t one o'clock, and just beforu that time ihe j iiL'ent of ihe Telegraph Compaiiy I po.-ted up, ill full View of the a-.-enibled lllllililudc, the followiii ' nniiounecmca'. : i j Xi.iv Viiiik, .May IS. Lee reniains at Spottsyl j vaiiia. CoiilcdiTiites attacked Hutler, ititliciini. I j considerable loss, eoinpelliti' hint to retire to his i limes. Sei;;,d has also been defeated by I lie Con i I fid. rates, tiold n:'. Immediately a buzz of excitement l'.-.ti lhroiis.'h the people us they read the words of the me.-.-a'c, j and ut I. u'ih the rin' broke out int.. a tremendous ( . , beer : and the news spreading; iiuiotiL' the crowd.- sceiee. 1 to tuiiso as much jy as ever did the v ietory i of n popular "favorite." l.iltle incidents like thi.-, and they are of freipn nt ' I oc.urrcnee, .-how iiiiiuUtaknhly how the tide of Knoli.-h ..pinion sets, mid that, t-.o, unions all 'lad. s and . ',.i.-.-es ot society. j As I n 1 1 1 : n t or Tin: Coi.n lfvtuioii livTri.i:. ' i S.inictiims the sadness which gem rally prevails i ! among the Wounded ami dying is hatlidied by a ludicrous incident. An Irishman who had been l.itallv wound, d was advised by the surgeon to give 1 his rite t.- to a person 11. ar by. He pulled . .tit his ; i razor, and asked, comically, "if he vv. aid scud that home to the old vv oulan." "cs," sael ihe dcle gate. Next came nut his gl,i.-.-es, and then -17 'i . ! t which one dollar wn- -ilver. All th, -ethiiiL's lie I wauled sent, bill when ihe delegate went to take i lb, tu, be a-kcl him to "wait a bit. T'he-e doctors , I are n..t alivavs riejit. Ves, he,t,.r be afier seeing i j vv bother I'm g .'uil' to die or Hot." )',i;l. .- ' All l!hl:iiiil is ul, pi'i'siuit '.oirriliml uml itt j ilioiiuiit 111 llic i..-,i.r,.ti,,n i,f an iu ( wliicli till' 1,'ill.lnll Tlllll'h iIciiiiiiiiith us inn: Dl'lllll lined ...lia-llv ilisilnys ul iiipI e'ruvlty : linn liiivot-viT Ium'ii soon in wiir. i HW fiiii- l;l, lint 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 V Wi'l'kl lll'n, tllO IlllSMillllH till' II llllll.diilio; lli, 1 ,' I ! i. tC-I, t!lll(ll'luill. llll'lll clli's hy liiliili.,lio (Ii,) tuwil III' N1111 lIcH.III';!,. Ainilll uillly III' till! t0VUIh ll'nilc u. i'c killcil, ami a number uf Ikhihch ilcslruy i'.. W in I'vnf Niirli a tliirtL' lu'iinl ul' in tint 11 1 1 1 1 ii Im id tlii l'lllio.( I l-l.lllUiy'.' l.'l il'M I111111.1110 .lolin Hull, Sint!i;lu!H Iiiivo liccn inii'le in I'ai'liiiini'iii, iriii'l,iiiniiiff tlio iloo.l an 'iiiliu.;i. iio;iin:,t liiiinaiiil v, ami olio mil In l.of.l in a i I tn Imvu iii'.j that u Hrilish lli'id s.i.inl. Im .scut In tin. Haiti,, in or.lof to liii'Vciit tlm iv "iinciico of such ci'iii'ltiis. I. veil l,..'i Ii'iism'I li:i.i ill .l ilillcl ilillilics nil III'' siilijoi'l, US II Cl'illlll lint tu ,u (lassilil over w ilii low iai')iitir'ii(ai'v Kii'cchi.K innl mnvs iirii'.ii:ti. ci ilicisiin. Tin! wlmli! noiitiniunl in I'.i.'t, llii'iiioh,,u(, (hu conn 1 iy is as I'ivkIi ami w ui'ni a.-, il the jvnii't j f (In) hoinlianliiioiit nl' 11 Inun hllml Willi nun nlmliuils luul icaclii'il i.n;.isii cars mr uu nrsi i . Of y ''ni l- mis Ibis, s it not, ( I ( 'iiiifiMh'i'atc reililor. Surely Iho ro has I on mi, ill an ovonl as the on lesliin ami thcso ii'iiil(! Is it iiussiiihi lhat limy Imw on a calm niiiiiiiici' lent "I t li.a.' lo'iinl ,if it. can Im ioiioianl, lloll 1, 1st the dm. Ilsl.o.. lino unmcti ami i I,.,.,, '.-, c, ;'...i..-.. .- -f - , llmii' sli'i'p bv .Jio! ,,!' Hiimlry Yankee shells, cniiiino they scarcely know whoiico I ami throw n limy scar, vly know why. I lias ii md Icon luoilcil across the wilt or j linw lliis lire has heeit kop.t up Iroin day In ' day lor the sjiace ,.1'a I w elyciiinnl h, wilhoul j tlio diL'Ole-t liopo ol iroiliiitinj; a himIi! ch.iii;;,. in the iniiilary sitiiatiou ' Ves, the Kriii'di a.iiic ccrliiiiily knnw cnmili of thoao things, uml enoiioh of many similar enormities ier,eli'ali.'il on (.'onfcilorale soil, to havu prcvi nlo.l the I'nissian ilciniinslra I ion tVnin iniii'i'ssino tlieni like u new apoca-lyi'-o ,d' inlnini'itiity. Cut the ti utli in, we are not class, I in Hnropo with civilized mi tinos; we are hurhui inns, w hose wrongs n( lecl our trans Allanlio hretliren very much as the lales of the lorrihlo Massacres which take place in tlio heart of Africa. To the majority of Kiijjli.-di renders of newspapers, w e are whal the Nova .cmhlans are to us; ami even the few w hit are somewhat bettor iiifnniicl il i "-rent ifjustice to our position in tin' :!;!. ..I civilization, t'onscipieiillv, they an: really sinuets i hen they assert tliul the ad. of the Prussian ( lencral itruupivceilonteil; , they don't take us into account at all they i would almost as smiii think of lnukitij; for ,rcccd..ils in the wars ,,f the I'atnanches or Sioux. It w ill lie uur liiisincss to teach them tlierwiso hereafter -lit presoit, we need not ,e tisiulilcd by their iniscoi ceplions. (io,l intends .h it we shnuld fio,t the hatlle in which we are engaged, not o.ily without aid hut w ithout sympathy, and the ";lory, when we shall have aehieyed our end, will ho all the ore i tor I. .v our no in 1 n n,l t,b vsie-.l ieobi. ',;,,...,,, ',tl;,li ui,,,,, 1.1 (.I'll. S. I. .(en. Stephen lb Ice lias recently been tin poiiile l I, iiiitenant-l lencral in the Co ileilei iilc Slams army, ami placed in eoniiu.iud i f the .Mi.-sissippi liepanment. In eonnecti' n with Ihi- am neeiuent, a hriel military bi- ooraphy , f this ollieer will provo interesting, lie i i a native of South 'amlina, and a rrrad ualo of West l'oint, where betook his diplo ma in l-o I: was a classmate of (lens. .). K. H. V ii..-'. I i! ill,.,,;.r,. W li l..,l,.,. and lloiace Ilandall. Ilo rntiinioncnnl lntt i military career as 'J.l lieutenant of the dth ; art illoi y, innl vviis siihseiUe:.tly iifomoted to a 1 t lieutenancy ol' the 1st rooiinoiit of reg ulars. So, n allot' his native. Statu seceded I from the old 1'iiion, he i'e-ic,'iiod his posilion 1 and repaired to South Carolina, where ho en- lereil the army as captain, cuuly in Alareli, lsi',1. lie serve.! with ISeaiireard in the ta k i 1 1 r o I'nt t Suinlcr, and alter the strife was j Inlly inaooiirated, and a hostile arniy on tin: o the old Ihiininioti. ho repaired to 'ir I "inia willi a bnllery uf liobt artillery, and there, with the legion uf Hampton, limine. 1 eoiispiciinu-ly and honorably in many of the sanguinary enoa"vinouK lie was soon hon ored willi the rank of Major, next lit. Colo nel, and then Colonel, lie commanded a battery on the Toluoiae for some; was in the battle of Seven Tines, and the seven days' fiht around Iviehmond; was next assigned to duty as Colonel of the Itb Virginia caval ry, and siibseiuenlly lo a battery of artillery tlint oaine.l distinction in the second battle of .Manassas and at Shiirp.-bur. When a commander was needed for the defences of Vicksliiirjj; in the fall of ISti2, President la- is scut him to defend the stronghold of Mis sissippi, having conferred upon him the rank of lirigadier (ieneral. lie commanded at the battle of Cliiekasiiw P.ayou, Vicks I u where, in hceember, lSli'J, he whip ied Sheiniati and Mnrgau Smith, win) iimught.i lar-g-rj fureo against, his heroic lit tle band. At tlie battle uf linker's Creek ho uuniinuinied a brigade of ( leorgiiuis, and du ring the siege of Viokshtil'g held that por tion of Stevenson's line so fnriniislv assault ed on the l'dlli and iTJd i.f May. Shortly af ter Iho .surrender (ien. ien was appointed to tho rank i f Major (ieneral, and assigned lo tiie e inand of all the cavalry in tlm Mis- sis-ippi I hoiartiiioiit. Another i it'll. I" I ! 1 1 1 1 ' isliifr Star. an -attachcil lliig. ( to Ma- liune s siileiuliu mivisioii --is last winning tnu fcpu'tttioti of being one of tho most dashing i and .-iiccessful ollicers of tho war. It acorns j in t)C Ills nrrtonu ul ii n ro to ;BI.l ..(..;. ot lo,.(!,. I ml Is, and to bo always on hand when a vie- I tory is wmi, At Lake Ciiy, Florida, with ,"11110011 he repulsed 1,'Jhh of the enemy. At j ( llustce, he routed II.ikhi ankees under j (Ien. Seymour with 1,'ihH I'lorida troops. At I Cold Harbor, with two brigades of Mahone's divi-ion, he recapture I the works lost by j lireckini t'lge, ami ilrovo lroin them a largo body of the enemy. In tho recent engage ments between Mahone's division and Han cock's cops, on the Weldon railroad line, bis exploits were e.iiul to any performances of the w;ir. It was his brigade that moved upon the enemy's rear, capturing it large ntiajl,. r of pri-uners. And, at Reams' sta tion, l'iniiegaii, with (11 men, held (Ieneral Wil-oii's divisions of cavalry in check for four hours, until fit. Leo came up when fintii'gan ehaig.'d "1,11110 Yankees on the left, and Lee on the right, which resulted in tho rout and dispersion of their vaunted cavalry. In tiiis charge, tho i'lorida brigade captured seven pieces of artillery. There is no liner lirigadier in our army than the hero of Olus tee. where he eoinimuidod 11 ilirinimi with di-tingiii.-hed ability. Clutrlvllsritle ( I',i.) ( 'lii uiti.'li'. S o riiKits T m tvi i tv. Mr. .J. 11. Merri- ! weather, of Mt. Meigs, cxhioitcd in our ollico ye.-terday some sicci:ncns of work done by j his son, a lad ,d M years, which shows him j tn posses- rare mechanical genius. Among the articles was n miniature hoc and axe, and some lino cambric needles, the latter articles being the lir-t we have known made in this country. His father informs us that he has made all "I his working tools, and the facili ties he had are only such as could be (oui ,1 in a country blacksmith shun. .Ifni... ; y . I 'l lic lleiiculi anil llir H asps. A worlhy ileucnii in a t,.w n h' M.iino was ruiiiai'kiililii for tlm Cicilily uilh which lie I iilolii H,:l'iptili'. nil all mvasi 'lis. The ilc j vim' wor.l w as ever ui his .,;m ni, ,,, nil I lie triviuf, as w ell us i in 1 mi 'i a ut ucciu cues Jul lll'n liiini In"! (lira i.ii l'"i' 1 1 11. . I i 1 1 ihe niiioiiao(i . ii,,. Iiii,!,., hat was lirllcr, linwnwr, llic exemplary man nlways nia'ln llis iilol;ilinlis I ho sl.iiul.n'il of uclinii, Imiihiy ho was i.o,i"i' iiininuiiiL' willi Ins Inrcl m ill, wliu was 1 coil fn'linvit ! in In . 'wall 'iinlalions, w hen ih in in li'om his placi! rii in hi tiling oil', the ilea . I'ooiiino his ant uly I-Will io-t iu to CM'lljm a W ,i:,i'... l,r i . " hilt is the m.itlrf.' hiii r 1 1 V lln; ili'acmi. " Wii-oi-., "u.r, ihe hu'. mi, H illy. i "1'i'oh:'' sai.l Iho ilr. in, .11, li! w icke.l ,v j w hen i in man 1 1 i:r ..iii'i h, I ml tin- rililcnis urc ! us hulil as il I l"ii," ami, taking I ho w m k mail's j swath Iiii inoyml hut a Moji, when a swarm ol'luisk iiisi'ids m.. . ali.ol his oar ami ho wns lori'dl to ivhviil; with imiiiy I I'liiilnl I Mm;' ami hi ..vut ills li'iirc. "Al.:" sllnllli d III I,,. "llic prudciil mail f.i' , hidclll hiuiseil ; Inn tl, . .-.ii mu liiiiiish. il.'' w ill a clu: th tin: evil, pie pa-, on eUc, ami and I in The "anal deacon liad f un in m k i ii rr aniili. uiii.n.s ol'ilu: I bis .Clod w ritin(, t ' ii. 'id.' tuie in a iii'iwiii 'illi w hat a o 'loiiieralinii of idc the path ol j ,y I I v - I Ailant.i I Yankees spread I hem -olios mi I civili.alinii ! r,'ti:i',lnir;; is assail, m ses Samuel liimil: ihe us-aiilt up o is com t net c. i liy . I , ruin -. li Miei imiu. - , The (li'ecian ciiief - -the dew i,li prnphet and I the American Indian constitute the violation J of the drainalio unities: iu this modern pin-t; I i, llttnliY. ill In, t o y sol i! seal on any such u 1 1 1 "1 1 '.' Will I'aine discount a lime with Hindi a trio of eni..r,oi s '.' Mow wniihl it read "The on-al American war was lirni.dit to a Micces dnl tei iiiiiiiiiinii l,y l lys (es Samuel ( iraut and 'fecumseh Sherniiiii .'" N'o lii.storian Would lend him.-i'lf to such a muck hem ic chronicle. The record would have to proceed: " The chiefs of iho move ment were A I. rahani and 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 : 1 1 a He brew and a ( 'ai'ihaovnian- -w ho w ere com pelled to call into their eoiin-cls that indoiui- table liritoti, the The cavalry w ,:s iimofil Kant.,'1 riyssi-s, It s.'i l,:l. rated ill, am I'm. 'iiimaodc I by a (i.'rniaii i fun' ilm-iill as much bewildered at having T, coiiiseh for a eolleaoiie, as Abrali.iin would stiller from a confusion of ideas nt the presence of Han nibal, icw'ouiii im hie a menagerie the great, extinct Smith American Meg; rium and Mr. Ibi.-vve cage or that great f Maetvl of (ieofigy, a-sociaii'.l in a booth with the Kentucky ( iiaut. - - 7io,o-m. (Iu.) .'!n tinii-l. A correspondent w ith ( Irani 's nrinv says the fourth Michigan regiment left to-day f"r home, its three years term of enlistment having expired, ll lias 1,,-d three colonels and a large proportion of its lield iiud stall' ollicers in hatlli.s. (Inly about one hundred of the oiiginal regiment go h"ine. According to (Ien, 1 1 inter, the Virginia Valley ni'iiander, the freed negroes in leui- isiana are badly providi d for iind awlully cboaleil by their new friends. They are de frauded of at least oiic-halfof their wages bv -,'V'i" l I. " .'V " - lo"'.'l"V OM.l'l wnlcb tho IMS vtlly" tM'trr rentifos- at too rale of li ve tliou-aud per cut. It appears thai lord l.vou has applie 1 to Secretaiy Seward lor the ree;i.-o of llie lirit ish Kteainer ( li eyhoiiml, whidi w as inpturcd by a yankeo vessel, one hundred ami twenty five miles nut of Wilmington, on tlm high seas, and out of tin; juii -dictioii claimed by the I'nited Stairs. The application also re quests tho release of .Mr. I'.dwai'd A. Pollard, of llichmond. Ir. Kirkbridge, iu his report ol the insane Asylums of Pennsylvania, notes the enor y e- mous iiiorvasc nl I. 'male oalionts wliose in sanity is caused by I In; ...-s ol relaiivi war. jM "My dear hearers," : aid a pn acher, dis coursing mi tin! awful subject of death, "there's nothing do-lrnys so many lives as death. Suine pimple arc killed by accident, and so nie are lost at sea, and smiie an: de voured by wild beasts; but, my dear hearers, it is a solemn truth lhat nothing kills -o many as death. Aye, death has been at w ork ever since : in entered tin' w orld, and has destroyed millions ami millions of the human family." w in . a i : vi nt: a i M-1W horse power and llirc-h A r for -ale, ill a el. IliU' ll wheat hiiic, and any ll piolilil ii i;i!i,-, I;C Store. very tow pi Tliel'o iia- engaged to be (lira one hav ing llic I r ble. bl.lllle of j.v'M 1 vv icl by this 'I lo run '0, ca J. i:c.i. i. i,i I'lm i is iiii; IIXI'KI.SS OI'TIt i: AT (.1(11 i i. T II I K followiii.' li.-t of licichl al lie; llMUe..- flf- lice ill Ihi ".V. k Ihe rid, f Ibe owners. Till I ICS will pi, a-c e, out delay, in no fiu'lher li-k w lor iho same vi be lakcll. I. II. I, (Ul AX, A :; A llriiwn, I package; .Mis.s W I. I.r.nvn, I p ie age: VV Al III. nil. .11, I inuniu: 11 vv , 0 .1,, 1 paeli age; U Ciovvell, I kimp- ieli; tip I' Duke, I box: f II lire 11, I ,ack; .1 Ihnl-oii. bell: H H Holland, bell; ,1 11 Harper, bugs and I bid.; W li II1111I, bug: T K Hicks, bundle; I, H Inviii. pared; Mrs f 1 Mar-hall, earc l; Mrs V. Mid-Hcluooks, I box: Ur .1 U Mill, r, 1 parcel: I' ll llietlencr, snoi.i b.ud; .1 V Hvvnbery, box: In- .M li ichard.-oii, p I; I ag, ; C P ilcddiiig, care W .M Plant. .11, package: W liof.iii.oii. caic.I .1 ford, box; ) Al Willi.,111-.-011, package: .M ll Dobbins, v: boxes. jyll COMIODIiKATI'i IIIIM'.V UAMI.I), F Ol! sale, 11 desirable loi in this eilv. eoaiaitiin; two small residence.- and oilier ne :ir-v houses an excellent well and .'anion. Apply I f. Mlf lll'.NKK, jvl.'l---lf at the brass I-'oundt TO t'OTTOX XI. Its. TIIH Planter's Waichoii.-c belonging lo Ihe un dersigned, in the city of (llillni. has been partially taken for ho-pital puipo-es, and on this iliieoant, I think Ihe owners of c"ltoii stored iu the above named warehouse, hud better shin it, or I move it to some place where it vv .iild be more safe. The proprietor uivcs this notice, becoi-e the pub lic necessities have put il oat of hi power to lake thai care of the cotton that the owners might think he could do. lie therefore gives this notice to auve himself I ruin nny liability in the pictui-es. As u i warehouse man, I vv i.-ll to close ui v wan-house lies? by Ibe l.-t of Sejd. i.iber llc.xl; therefore llmsc h:iv ing cti. m stored in my .vaieh ui-c, will plca-e collie, liav charges and take or -hip it away, a.- I they y think be-t, on or bd-.,,- the I - j teinbef next. I jy'.i-tf W. A. SCAM ot :i:tt. S(H.I)ll.Ki' I l.AIM. We have on hand a bd of blank form of tiiicales innl iitliilaviis for the ' claims of .l.ooa-cl soldier.-. Pi I sheet. Persons at a di-lance no I Ciin procure them by iiddressing i lliroiigh lite mails. lion ot tlie f.fiv . ills per e.lii, - sn. h blaiika Ihe Ui in i.on ic: " I Ol XI). P.l Xlibf. whic'.i -ocm : !' at Kilr.-n.n ib.-pital. I A i, .me niie toiiud near I hear Ciei k. The oh nir can lie:, ..f .Mr-'. Tucker al Hear Creek. 111., ,,,o'iliL. jv i.i II Y AIITIIOHLTY. I'l'llMC ACTS OK INK I'll si riiiiyicss ol Ihe onleili riUe Stall's, 1'assed ul Ihe I'oiulli session, which Wli.H lleoaii im.l held nl the eilv ,,f Hieliiiuuiil, in the Shite "t b on Mini, lav, Ihe sevcntli iy lie c. inbei', A. I)., Hi.;, and ended on Thill sduv, the cichieealh day ol February, 1m;.. Cine. XXVIII. An Act hi amend "All Acl to iiuthiiiize the appointment, ol H,r,.t uf the Ireasiiiy I lepiul ment west of the .Mississippi," Upplnled .laiiiiuiy 'Ji, Isiil. , r,o,,;,,s ,,. (,, iu,, of .iii,,.;. ... " ....i.t. That the Milarv of said uncut of the Tic.isuiy llepaiiaienl .shall be finii' llunisand dol I.ii s per anuiiiii. . pi, iie.l l ebriiaiy II, s.,. Cnye. XMX. An Act hi prM,le cninpciisalmn lor oiheeis who luiiv lierelnloi e hum peiloinn d .stall duly unilcr orders of their superior oillicei s. Th. ,, ,, I ',,,,, r,lt, Slut, .in,, ;. , ii ,o , ,,, , That when liny ollieer or privuteuf any legally eonslilul. inililiiiy oririiiiiutioii uuiv Imv e hcreliifoie, liy inder ol Ins proper .superior ollieer, perforiiicil nny stall duty iippi'oirialc In such command, he shall lie cntillcd to receive pay bo Ibe time he was so eiurac,eil in the diseliioe of such duties : I'rin ideil, Tllllt tlicre whs not then pie.-i iii lit fur dol v imv ollicei' duly uppoiiited lor llic 1 1 1 .-1 1 1 . 1 1 o,. ul' llie Mime. Applnlcl I'l'lil lllll v II, l-u;. An Aci lo eslablisli n VfM'iniiifr nnry, ' pinv-'d Apnl Is, s;;i. Tl. ,..,, ('out',, I,,, it, Still. mt Am,,, ' "'', Thill the mt cntillcd "An Acl lo es-labli-h a volunteer navy," upprnvcil April Is, I -i., I, be so iiniciidcd Hint 'the rresident he, and he' is hereby iiiillmricil, to issue the commissions uml warrants eoiiicmplaled by hiiic! net, under 'suidi reonlatioiis as he may prescribe, tn applicants lor service iu Ihe volunteer luivv, when satislied llu.t said ii.plicauls will furnish' a suitable vessel for ..aid service, uml to reeeuu inlo Ihe volunleer nu y said vessel lyul Imr oiheei s MI m, within or bei onil Ihe C'oiil'ederiite Slnles. Sec. 'i. That llie I'lesiilent be, and hu is hereby aullinrized toiippuiiit iissisliint pnviiiiislers for the ohnileer navy, who shall receive, when on iluiv at sea, tiftecn dollars per mouth. Hut no person under I'orly live yenrsof iij;,., and liable to perforin iniiilary duly, shall receive such appointment. Approved Felji uui v II, Isiil. linve. XXXI in Act to im t h. ii ize the issue of ccrtilicates t.,r interest on the " liflccn iiiillinii loan." Tin ( 'oO,-'... I;',, I '!,',, , i;it, Still, x uf Allltli- ,'1 l,i , ,,i. 1 1 Thai the Secretary nf the 'Treasury lie, anil lie isiieiciiy, In cuusc ecrtiti cat'es to be issued, iu such form us he shall devise, tnr the interest which has iiceriicd, or which shall accrue, oil the registered sioek issued under an tlniriiv of the net of t'ebiiuo y the twenty-eighth, ciuhlecn hundred and sixty one, entitled " An act to raise money tnr the support of Ihe (loveiiiiuent, and to provide for llic defence of the Confederate Stales of America." The said ccliliciiles shall la: I i pi cparcd and signed by the reni-ler of thctieusu . ( rv, in favor ol Ihe persons, rc-jieclivclv, in whose Haunt ill the same I 'n,""'s "n" f,Ui stock shall be slanding on the , ,' ,, I books of the Ireiisin v, or their order, ut the ilcsi.' 1 dliigmi, the I lero- ,,.. , . 'i,., ,, t, ,,' . V, .-V... .., ,,,, IW ,1,. i Irca-urer, iissisliint ticasiirers uml depositiiries le : eal-sl at the places where suiil interest i.s pnvable. The said certilieiites'shull he coimtersigned hv the treiisurer, iissi-tmit treasurer, or depusitury', bv , vv bom they shull be delivered ; und shall be recciv i able iu iiiviueiit of export duly on cotton, in the j same manner us the coupons of the bonds issued ! iindei -uid net of fehriiury twenty-eighth, clghtticn i hundred uiul -ivty-oiie, now arc. j Approved Kebriuiiy 11, l-lll. Ch vc. in e Th, , ,. ,,, i XXXII. - An Acl for Ihe relic! of lux payers 'iliiin cases. ('..lull; ,t the t'ii,it,,l,i:il, Stut, .i i.i Anfii- niul, That when cotton or illier iiroiierl v -llhji t to taxation in iiioney shull liuve luceu'l mirneii or oiiierwise oestroyeii oy uuiiioritv ot the liovcriiiiienl, before the cxiiiiution of the time tixed by law for the piiymenl of tlu'tux thereon, j die tax paver iiiuy apply to the distiict cullectur, I thereof tu tliu Statu collector, who niuv, il suiisiid of such doliuelion bv (lovernuienl liutluu itv, re I mil the said tux. If the tax in imv such cum: shall have been paid in advance, it shall he refunded bv me Mine coiiecior. llie lux-payer shall in every such case have the right of appeal to llie .Secretary of the Treasury. Si:,:. -1. Thill in all cases where Ihe crop out of which Ihe tax iu kind is to he paid, has been taken or destroyed by the cueinv, the district collector may n nut the tax, in whole or iu part, according I. ihe extent of the loss sustained by the tax-nav-cr: I'loi idc I, thai the facts in each case shall be reported to the State collector, and their remission shall not be valid until approved by liim : And provided further, That in case the loss be susliiin ed prim to assessment, the assessor, on siilisfacto- i.v pi I Iheicof, may make ilciliictiun tliciel'.ir in pi i, piu Hon in the loss. Approved febiiiiuy 1'!, 1'i'il. Cuvc. xwiii. -Aii Act lo uincnd un act entitled "An Act to organize iniiilary courts to intend the at inv of the Contedcrnle States in the Held, and lo (feline the powers uf said courts. The I '.unless of Ihe Confederate Slates of Anicr ica iloeinici. Thnl the act entitled, " An net to or U.lllie liiililill y courts to alien, I Ihe llllnv of (lie Coiil'c h i ale Slates in the lu hl, an, I ,, deliae Ihe power of suiil courts," he so niiiendcd us to an llioiizc the President to cslabli.-b one in Norlli Alabiona. vvlech shull sil at such times uml places as said coiitt may direct, uml shull have nil Ihe powers uml jurisdiction given to suid luilitnrv courts by suid act ; hut the judges thereof shull uivc ten days' notice of the limes and places of holding said courts before the same m e held : Pro vided, however, Thai suiil eniirt shall cense toex-i-l utter one year from Ihe passage of this act, un less Iniioer continued by Congre-s Approved fcbriiury b"., IH.. (live. XXXIV. An Acl to e-tablisli ccltaiii ionics therein iiaincd. The Congre: s of the Confederate Slates of A Ind ira do enact, That the following nunied post routes be, and the same ure hereby cstuhlishcil, nainelv : from Ihe town of t'liirkesv tile, by way of blue Creek and I'leuv chuiil, to Dalonegii. Also, from Alliens, by way of .lug fiicloiy, in Jackson conn I v, uiul (J. W. Smith's Store, in Wultou county, to Auburn, in liwiunelte county. Also, lioiu Doug lass, in Colloe county, lo forest, in I'lcrich eniin ly. Also, lroin Diiwsoiivillc, in Dawson county, lie way of I'erdy'.s, T'yra's, lliubcn's and N. II. (los.-'s to Prince filwanl. Also, from Slnlion Xiunber Nine, on the Atlantic and (!ulf Itailroiid, bv vniv ot Central Valley, Trader's Hill anil Hon' ai dsv illc, to Haldwiii. Kroin Station Nunibcr five Atlantic M lull' railroad, via Middlctovvu Store A 10111 Count , io e.....i. i.a .. ..ii the above routes situate in the State of tieorgin. Also, the following in the State of North 1 uroli ua : from (libsonville depot on Ihe North Caroli na railroad, to bong's Mills, in the county of Kan dolph. Abo, the following iu the Stale ol'Tc.xas : from Itiiriiet, by wny of henno, lo Snnsabii. Also, the I'olhnvimr ' in the State of Mississippi: from tlrceiisboro' to Slurkvillc, in Oktibbeha county. Also, the tollowing route ui hoiitli I uroltnn nun Ninth Carolina, to-vvit : from Nichols Depot, S. (' , via Alien s lliulge unit High Hill, in SoutlU ni olinii, and llolmesv ille Mid bite House, to bees v illc, in Norlli Curolinu. Also, the following in , Ihe Slate of Louisiana : from Alexandria to Nib ! lett's llhilf. on Sabine liver. Also, iu llie State of j I'lorida: from Orange Luke, on (he St. John's, j in Siuid Point, nt the head of Indian river. Approved febniury PI, 1-til. Cu vc. XXXV. - An Act to increase the commuta tion value of hospital rutions. The Congress, if the Confederate Slates of Amer ica do enact, That the commutation value of ru tions of the sick and wounded, and of all employ ees in hospitals, be h.xeil ut such rales, not lo ex ceed two mid n half dollal s, as the War shall designate. Approved February V., I-iil. etiiry of Cn vc. XXXVI All Act to authorize the purchase ami publication of a digest of the laws ol the Confederate Stittes. The Congress of the (ionfcdui'Me States of Amer ica ilo enact. Thai the committee on printing "-', and is hcrehv authorized and directed, to have pi niteil, tor me 01 voiigi ess, m... - I copies of ibe alplianeticnl unit aniiiyncui uieai oi I Ihe lw.s ol in... i.oiucuerme eimi--. ."r"o' "1 W. W. Lester und Win. J. Ilioinwel coinpr.sing i all the laws passed bv the Congress ot the touted- i ei ale States to the close of the present sc-sion. m;c. 2. That the sum of lour thousand dollars be, mid the same is hereby appropriated, put ol imv iiionev m the treasury not ntnrrn - )' "" lo ial,.,!, to eo npeiisate W. W. U'sler and W Ul. J- !,,,, ell. coiupilcis of snia digesl. for the use of Coiigi es"s : Provided, The in.- Hind eoiupilers agree lo aeeepl said sum in full ol itil iilioni iiguiiisl ,e (ioveiiunent fertile u-c of san'i Work. Appiovcl fidii'uaiy I:'., Mil. fit yr. XX.W II -A Act suspend the privilcgd ol the will o habeas foipu sin ccrluu, cumcs. W III.IIKVS, I he ( on-Ill, n, on f , t',,1,1,.,1,.,.,,,,. States ol Ainei ic.'i luoMdes, i aiticle lirst, srctimi nine, piii'ugriipli Ihi'ee, that t. privile. ,,f t. writ ol habeas .eorpn- .-hall n,,i he huspendeil. unless when in case of rebellion or invasion Iho public safely may reiiiiu it ;" uml vv hcrens,' the power ol suspending tho priv ilege ,,f sin, W.ti U!t leeogiuzcd ill suid itrlicle lirst, is vcsled solely in the Coiiuress, vv hich is Ihe exelushc judge of thu iiecessilv ol'siieli suspciisioii ; mid whercus, iu the opinion of the Congress, the public safety rcipiircs the suspension of said mil in the cxi.-ling ruse of the im ii-ion of these States by the unities of the I'nited Stales; und vv hereiis,' Ihe President has Uskcd I'm Ibe slispn- I the writ, it hulieiin cor pus, und mli. unci I' uf conditions of pub lic dangcs vv Inch K-iidcr ihe suspension of Ihe writ ii incastire pioper for the public dutcnce, ugninut iiivnsinii it u 1 1 iiisiirreclion ; Now, therefore, Th" Congress of the Coiifeihi ute Slates of Aiiieiicu do enact, That during the present inva sion uf ihe Ciinfeilerale Stales, Ibe privilege of the win ol lumens cm pus lie, ami llie same is hulcliv j suspended; bul so, h sii.-pensioii shall apply only j hi Ihe ease- of persons ai rested or detained by or ' tier of Ibe Piesiilenl, Sen, tin v of War, or the j general ollieer . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 u ihe Trans Mississippi .'iiuiaiv l 'cpa i 1 1 1 ic 1 1 1 , nv llie aullioiilv ami under (hi Ind ..I Ibe Pii siilcntl ll is hereby declnred that Ihe purpose of ( 'niigress in li.e passage of this act is lo provide mole ell'ecliiallv for Hie public hafety. lev Misiieinlnic lhe will of iiiibens em, uis in -first.- (I lieiisioi, r Inn,,, liable ell'orts nr coiiilmint - lo.-ubvcil Ihe ( ,'ov eriiinciil of the 1 null derate Slates. 'S,''oiul. Of i -piraeics I" overthrow- Ibe (iov- '','' '."' '-""-piracies t the law ltd au thorities ol the t'oiileil, rale Slates. Thud. (If enn, billing to as-i-t i'. onemv, or of coiiiiinnucaliiig intelligence t.. the en,.,,,, ',,r giv ing bun in, I and coiiilnrt. ' fourlli. 01 eiiiispiracics, prepai atioii, and at tempts to incite serv ilc in-uricciion. f illh. Of desertions or cue, itiiaging desei lions, ol harboring deserters, and of attempts tn avoid' military soi vice : Provided, Thai in eases of pal pnble wrong and oppie.-.-ion bv imv suboidiiiuie ollieer, upon nnyparlv u Im does not legullv owe tnibtiiiy service, Ins -upeiinr ollieer shull 'uruiit lirompt reliel, tu the oppressed pane, uml the sn bordinute shall be disini-s,-i f,,,,,, , , t;,.,.. Sixth. -Of spies uiul other emissaries: of the enemy. Seventh.- Of holding cm respondent-,, or inter course with the enemy, without iiecessilv, ami wilhoul the permission',,!' the Confederate States. fighth. - (II unliivv fid trading with the eneiiiv, and other ollences against the laws of the Con federate Slates, enacted to promote their success in Ihe war Niiilh. - Of conspiracies or nlleinpts to liberate pri-oiicrs of war held by the Confclci nie Stales. Tenth. - Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations lo aid the cneinv. f leveiiih. Of persons advising or inciting oth ers hi llbamb.n Ibe Confederate cause, ot to resist the C.-ledctete States, or to adhere lo the eneinv. Twelfth.- Ol unlawfully burning, destroying ur injuring;, or attempting to burn, destroy or iiiure imv bridge or railroad, or telegraphic line of coin miinicalion, or other properly, with the intent of Hiding the enemy. Thirteenth.--Of I i-eusoiiable designs lo impair the military power of the (fnv eminent, by destroy ing or attempting to destroy, the vessels or arm's, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, ol -other propertv of tlm Confedeiute Slates. See. The Presiilout shall cause proper ollicers to investigate the cases of all persons so arretted or detained, in order Hint they may be discharged if improperly detained, unless they can be speedily tl ii'd ill Ibe due c.uir-e of law. Si-.e. :!. That dining the suspension iiloresaid, no military oi olher ollieer shall be compelled, iu answer to und writ ot habeas corpus, to appear in person, or to return the hodv of any person or persons detained by liini by the until, irity of the President. Sccrctarv of War, or the general otlicer eonunanding the T'raus Mi issippi Department ; but upon the cerlilicate, under oath, nt' (he ollieer, having ehiirge of nny one so detained, lhat sacli person is detuined by him as a prisoner, for uuy rf thn wvmrm hfrein before soeeilied. iiudi-r the llll I IiomI V nto I e.-altl, liolilel pi oeeeolii.s iiuuci llie writ of habeas corpus -hall immediately cease nml remain suspended so long as this act shall contin ue in force. Si;e. !. This act shall continue in force for nine ty duvs allei the next meeting of Congress, ami no longvr. Approved IVbriiury !.', 1 HI. ('nil1. XV.X1N. An Acl to aid nny Slnie in com muiiiciitnig willi, and pel feeling records con cerning its troops. The Congri'ssol ihe CoiifedernleSliitesof Anier icii do enact, That upon the application of tho (inventor of nny of the Confederate States, thu Secretary of Wnr be, uml he is hereby iiuthorired, to grunt passports nod tiiuisporlutioii to unv ofli cer of such Siute duly commissioned iiceording to the luvv of said State, lo communicate with its troops for such purposes, und ut such limes and places as shall lie approved bv the Secretary of 'iir, uml such ollieer shall be uilowed to purchase for himself supplies from the coininissiiiy stores, mi the suine terms with ollicers of similar rank in the service ot the t'onfedci nte States, uml iiceord ing to Ihe regulations wliicli govern tlieni : Provi ded, Such supplies shall not exceed those which u colonel of the Confederate Stales is allowed to purchase: Provided, That the-e agents shall be charged with. the duty of obtaining ftom the otli eers ill command of companies, tinul statements of deceased soldiers to be tiled in the Second Audi tor's olhce, lo facilitate the .settlement of such claims. Approved I'ebi nary hi, I .;. Cii vr. XL. -An Act making allowances lo ollicers ot the navy of the Confederate States, under eer tain circumstances, nml to anieiid tin net enti tled " An act to prov idc tor the organization of the navy," approved March sixteenth, eighteen biituli ed and si xt v one. The Congress of llie Confederate Slates of Amer ica do enact, 'l hat the commissioned and warran ted ollicers of Ihi' navy of the Confederate States, on duly, ure hereby allowed rations, 'iiurters and fuel, or commiihilion therefor, us are now, orinity hereafter be allowed ollicers of the army, viz : To admirals, the same a generals; to vice iidmiruls, the suine us lieutenant generals ; to rear iidiniriils the same us major-generals ; to commodores nnd captains, the same as brigadier generals and Colo iiels ; to commanders and fust-lieutenants, the same lis lieiitcnant-coluncls nod majors ; to second lieutenants and lieutenants for thu war, the same as captains and chaplains; to masters und passed midshipmen, the same us lieutenants; and to olli cers ot the medical, pay, and engineer corps, to naval constructors, and to boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and sailinakeis, the same us to the foregoing olli .-ers of the line of Ihe navy with w houi Ihcv have ji--nnil;ited rank. Si.c; I nai an iihtihist , w nig grades shall have the same privilege ofpui- ebaning cotiunissarv and ipiartermaster's stores, ,, , : I I n I ... ..a: IIS lile MOM, ,,i io,, iivo.t.itl ui, ,,,,. .! tj,,,- ccrsof the umiy. Approved Pcbruary Hi, IS''. I. ('nil'. X I.I I. An Act to increase the compensa tion of certain ollicers nl llie Treasury. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer ica do enact, That hereafter the following salaries ami compensation shall be paid to the several olli cers nml clerks lu-rcinulter iniined, ia-tend of the sums now authorized by luvv : The treiisurer of the Confederate States four thousuml dollars; the assistant treasurer ut Charleston, four thous uml dollars. The Secretary of 'he Treasury may divide depositaries of the' treasury into classes, Ihe commissions on winch shall be limited as fol lows: In the lirst class, not lo exceed four Hi, nn- and dollars; in the -c, I class, not to exceed two thousand live nindr. d dollars; and in the Ihiid eluss, not to exceed fifteen hundred dollars a veur, according to the character of the duties ic iinired of them, and subject to the other condi tions now imposed by luvv. f ach clerk .employed in the i.llice of nny assistant trea-nrcr or deposito ry shall receive n salary, tube lived by the Mm-i-c tarv of ihe Treasure, I not exceeding littecii hun dred dollars.) ' Sic. 'I. That the increase of salaries uilowed lo the clerks nod etnplov ees of the Treasury Depart ment, ut lticliinom!, be, and the same is hereby extended, upon the same conditions, to the clerks and employees of the -a'd Department, at Colum bia, South Carolina Approved febiuurvj(,,l-r.-h VIIC1" XI'.W Fill ! 11)1.. ,iv i, ii he rill icretotore Known as ins- uiuko A Hall, w ill hereafter bo A. 'I'. Finney A C' The cash system will hercattcr be mtle.xih.y nd- hcrcl to except upon government -urk. Theullnilioii of QMartruiater is cull, d to -sir stock of Horse Shoes, lh.rse i-hoe .Nails nnd Nad Hod ,,f which we have a large supply cn-lantly onlnmd. A. X. FINN h V & ' " (intlin, July 4 lm. 1